#also I know that tiktok puts the names of the creators in a watermark thing on the video
lillotus17 · 4 months
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P.S. if you haven't already, you should definitely check out @artysse (credited) on TIKTOK! If you already have, then you know that it's and ENHA Fan Art Account of Spider ENHA! It's really fucking awesome! Go show some love!
NOT PROOF READ: Apologies for any grammatical errors, my loves!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Y/N and ENHA maknaes have shorter backgrounds compared to hyung line since their spider-men/woman journerys are just beginning. Also note that maknae line don't have their spider powers (yet) because they develop it in series.
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NAME: Choi Yeonjun
SUPER POWER(S): Prescience (Nightmares), Neurotoxin Secretion, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes and Increased Stamina, Wall Crawling, Agility, Fast Healing/Regeneration, Precognitive Spider Senses
SUIT(S): Yeonjun's suit is black with red detailing. His suit's mask covers all of his head.
Funded an expedition to the Aokigahara Forest in Japan.
He was in search of a spider and requested the skill and knowledge of a well-known and very pregnant researcher and archaeologist.
When his lead archaeologist found the spider, he killed everyone one the research site.
The spider he was searching for had DNA that could gift anyone with extraordinary powers.
After attaining powers from the spider, he began to suffer the consequences from stealing it.
Resulting is nightmares, among other things.
He hsa the same nightmare over and over again.
He dreams about this death.
He dreams of three boys, all of them with spider powers just like him.
They show up to his house, steal his spider, and kill him.
Power hungry, also among other things, he begins to search for them in an attempt to kill them before that can kill him.
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NAME: Choi Soobin
Close work friend of Y/N.
Has a younger brother named Beomgyu who is a scientist at Oscorp.
Takes care of Y/N and always has her back.
Taking care of his sister-in-law Ryujin while his brother is away on a business trip.
NAME: Shin Ryujin
Married to Choi Beomgyu and is Choi Soobin's sister-in-law.
Is 8-9 months pregnant.
Her husband is on a business trip so her brother-in-law Soobin is staying with her until he come back.
Was attending school but took a gap year due to her pregnancy.
NAME: Choi Beomgyu
OCCUPATION: Oscorp Genetic and Biochemistry Scientist
Has an older brother named Soobin.
Married to Shin Ryujin. They are expecting their firstborn soon, a boy.
Has a high IQ. He's an intern at Oscorp and is hoping to secure a permanent position following his early graduation from university.
Away on a business trip for Oscorp.
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TAGLIST (OPEN): @praliliaaa @clara12o @llvrhee
comment if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
A/N: I apologize for the painfully slow updates everyone! I have a lot on my plate and I'm taking summer courses!
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green-graveyard · 2 years
reposting+byler fanart
In the byler fandom theres a recurring problem of reposting art and its been getting worse and its been frustrating me for a while now (especially since im an artist in the fandom) so i decided to make a post about it lol
im aware that theres lots of new young st fans, or if anyone simply didnt know,, what is reposting?
- reposting is basically just taking another users creation (whether its a simple word post, art, fic ex.) and posting it to another site
So whats the problem with reposting?
- the problem is that most times, the thing that is being reposted is posted without proper credit, or reposted when the creator doesnt want it to be reposted
why is this a problem in the byler fandom?
- reposting has been a problem in the fandom since forever (like most fandoms) however theres been a much bigger rise due to tik tok and pinterest, and ive never seen THIS much reposting (especially for just one ship) in a fandom before
- theres been an increase in popularity in tiktoks with a caption similar to something like "byler fanarts to make your day better!!" and then tons of different art by different artists being reposted- ALL WITHOUT CREDIT, AND ART THAT ARTISTS HAVE EXPLICITLY STATED THAT THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE REPOSTED
- there are TONS of pinterest accounts deticated to just reposting art from tumblr or instagram onto there (almost always without credit and permission)
all of this is bad because itll just increase the chain effect of reposting
all those fanarts reposted onto pinterest? theyre gonna be reposted onto tiktok, which people will resave to repost to yet ANOTHER app
- recently ive been seeing 'putting byler art into AI videos on tiktok AND THIS IS THE WORST POSSIBLE THING YOU CAN DO,, this basically means you STOLE an artists art, REPOSTED it without permission or credit, and then put it into a system WITHOUT the artists permission, that will take their art and steal their artstyle and hardwork
-another problem is "rating byler fanart" slideshows ive seen on tiktok too,,, thats so rude and disrespectful to artists. dont take artists for granted, without fanart the fandom would be in shambles,, rating peoples art and making rude remarks isnt cool, especially when youre stealing from them in the first place
also ive been seeing ways that people are "crediting" artists and:
-no, just because there is a signature or watermark on the art doesnt mean you can repost it
-no, putting "credit to artists" in the description isnt proper credit
- no, just because you DO credit them properly mean you are allowed to repost the art in the first place
- no, saying "oh i just found it on safari i dont know who the artists are :((" isnt a good excuse, artists spend hours on their work you can at least spend five minutes looking up who drew it
So, how do you repost art correctly?
1. Check the artists bio/description, if it says something along the lines of "reposts allowed" then continue, if it says something like "ask for permission before reposting" that means going to the art you want to repost and asking them if its okay to repost and name the where you want to repost it to! if there is nothing in the bio about reposting DONT REPOST IT OR SIMPLY JUST ASK, never assume
2. if you have the artists permission to repost, then repost the image, and in the description (or anywhere else that is clearly visible to viewers) state the artist's username and the app you reposted it from (ex, art credits to @/artist on *app*)
and if that seems like too much work to go thru to repost someones art,, then simply dont repost at all. artists get the most credit and recognition by posting things themselves. them letting you repost their art? theyre doing YOU a favour. artists spend hours on their pieces, and YOU refusing to give them credit is rude and disrespectful, and just blantant art theft
and no, "if theyre putting it online, expect it to get stolen" isnt a good excuse either,,, people dont park their cars in parking lots and expect it to get stolen,, and the same should go for art too
-if you dont know who drew it or if you are allowed to repost it, DONT REPOST
-artists take hours drawing things that make YOUR fandom expierence better, dont take it for granted, take the time to credit properly
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harmonizewithechoes · 3 years
(Video by @renegadescienceteacher on tiktok)
This video is making me Feel things that I can barely put words to
I of course had to grab some pen and paper and map out multiple generations after this. 10 generations ago is 512 people. 15 generations ago is 16,000 people. And if you go back 25 generations?
That’s 16,777,216 people. Over 16 MILLION people who lived and loved and had babies that had lived and loved and had babies that lived and loved and had babies and so on and so forth until you were born and made it to where we could all exist at the same time right now.
If any one of those people had had a different life that didn’t involve having kids you would not be here today. That is an absolutely wild concept to think about. Even if I don’t know the names of more than around 20 or so people- even though I have no idea who past that is connected to me- each and every single one of those people was important to me because they made it so that I could exist today.
If they were important enough to still be impacting the world today, long after the world has forgotten their names, then maybe I have some importance as well?
#idk though#the jury is still out on that one#importance of any kind? me? I refuse to accept it#no but thinking about the people who lived and died before me so that I could be here now is making me super emotional#and I really don’t know how to describe it#also how many of those people overlap with my friends? that would be a cool thing to find out even though we’ll never truly know#how many generations would I have to go back to have someone in common with my favorite actor? or favorite author?#it’s wild#I’ve thought about it before but never in this much detail#also I know that tiktok puts the names of the creators in a watermark thing on the video#but sometimes they’re hard to read so I like to be sure to give credit#this is the 4th video in a row on tt that had the message “you’re more important than you realize”’’#and they were all about very different things#still a hard concept to wrap my mind around tbh#it’s just easier to think that my life has no impact and that it makes no difference whether I’m here or not#it makes the ‘easy way out’ a more viable option for one day in the future if things go really sideways and I can’t see the point anymore#if I believe my life has some kind of value that makes it infinitely harder to leave#and my depression riddled brain loves to keep that option in my back pocket at all times#I’m fine btw! I’m not in an unsafe mindset or anything#I’ve just been so depressed for so long that my brain is kind of hardwired to think about the ‘easy way out’ when things are difficult#or even when I’m mildly inconvenienced 🙄
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Reels by Instagram Is Just a Big Ad for TikTok
What is Reels by Instagram? Well it's basically just TikTok, the extremely popular short video sharing app that Trump recently declared a "national emergency" in an executive order. And I mean that literally: many of the Reels currently hosted on Instagram are just ripped directly from TikTok
Reels by Instagram is Facebook's attempt at stealing TikTok's valor before the latter app is legislated out of existence in the United States amid paranoia about its parent companies, Bytedance. This is Facebook's general approach to competition—to absorb it completely. According to Mark Zuckerberg during last month's congressional hearing, this was part of the motivation for acquiring Instagram at the time, another app it tried to clone before it just bought it. You might also remember Snapchat had a brief moment in the sun as possibly viable social media competitor, until Facebook copied its features with Instagram Stories and crushed its dreams.
There are some Reels that have made me laugh. They all have one thing in common: the TikTok watermark, indicating that they have been downloaded and reuploaded to Reels. Sometimes these Reels are reuploads from the original creators. Sometimes it's not clear who is reuploading them. Although the Reels that are marked as "featured" by Instagram are all original content, many verified members of the platform are also reuploading videos from TikTok rather than making their own content for Reels. In essence, Reels by Instagram is being treated by its users as an upload mirror for TikTok.
That's great for TikTok, and a form of sharing that TikTok was designed to encourage. For Instagram, it's not a great look, showing how redundant and derivative Reels is.
The way that TikTok allows users to share videos is convenient for both the creators, and the people who make threads of their favorite TikToks on Twitter. users can download TikToks to their phone, though the videos will contain a prominent watermark of TikTok's logo, as well as an end card featuring the name of the creator's account. This is perfect for building an audience off of TikTok if you're a creator, and for making sure you credit people if you're not a creator. It's easy to see why there are so many TikToks on Reels; TikTok has made it as easy as possible to reupload content without losing the original attribution, or TikTok's branding. Essentially, every TikTok that goes viral off platform, including on Reels, is a great ad for TikTok.
Instagram has made its own push to have content creators make use of the platform. When you scroll through Reels, which looks and feels unmistakably like TikTok, there are some Reels that have been marked as "featured," indicating that Instagram is pushing them to the top of the feed. Unfortunately, the featured Reels that are put in my feed by the platform are stilted and unfunny. Unlike TikTok's anarchic teenage mess of content, Reels already feels like it's been taken over by career minded influencers for whom spontaneity is a dirty word.
The people who are making their own content specifically for Reels have taken up premium space in my mind. It's with those creators that the entire platform rests. In order for Reels to thrive, it has to create its own identity, not just be another place where creators post their videos after they already posted them to TikTok. There isn't enough to differentiate between the platforms for me to want to check out Reels on my own. I check Instagram a couple times a day, and I know that if it weren't for my boss reminding me that Reels exists, I would have just forgotten about it.
Reels by Instagram Is Just a Big Ad for TikTok syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
0 notes
jerometbean · 4 years
VideoTik Review + OTO Details + BEST Bonuses + Pros & Cons
In this VideoTik Review, I’ll cover what it actually does, who is it for, how much it costs, pros & cons, what bonuses you’ll get and what are all the OTO or Upsells, pricing & discount details. so that you can have more clarity about VideoTik and if it’s right for you or not.
First set of people find out and create an account about a social media site and start consuming.
Second group of people are seeing the potential behind the latest media trend and getting in early to gain a big chance.
Now you might think you ‘re never missing an opportunity-in which case-great!
But you still skipped the Instagram Train in 2004, right?
Don’t worry-I also skipped it.
But this time, we are far ahead of a new source of traffic that is, as of now, underutilized.
Today I want to give you an opportunity to become a creator-without making anything from scratch. And doing so will put you out there ahead of 99.99 per cent of marketers, opening up a whole new traffic source for leads and buyers.
This source of traffic has helped many new affiliate marketers kick-start making recurring commissions easy. Everything by recommending items to people who view their videos organically.
And why is this traffic source good? Well because it has:
More than 800 million daily users (again-the total number is in billions!). A hungry audience ready to purchase ecom and digital goods, and a 51 percent population of 25 + year-olds who spend an hour per day on this platform.
The traffic source i am talking about is “TikTok“. YES!
Millions and millions of people marketing their products and services on TikTok.
Quick tip: Here is a quick guide to market your business on TikTok
Stay on this page to learn how you can tap into tiktok without shooting videos on yourself.
Because i am gonna do “VideoTik review” to let you know the powerful features and benefits of this new TikTok video creation software.
VideoTik Review – Overview
Product NameVideoTikProduct CreatorsNeil Napier & AbhiLaunch Date & Time2020-May-27, 11:00 AM EDTPrice Range$29BonusYes, Best Bonuses AvailableRefund 30-Day Money Back GuaranteeOfficial sitehttps://www.getvideotik.com/Product TypeTikTok Video CreatorTrainingThere Under Help SectionCustomer SupportExcellentSkillsAll levelsRecommendedHighly Recommended!
VideoTik Review – What Is It?
“VideoTik” is a viral and trending video curation and creation app that lets you create interactive videos within few minutes. VideoTik doesn’t requires any camera, mic or studio setup.
VideoTik lets everyone tap into a buyer pool of 800 million plus. People can use VideoTik to build AI powered videos, without putting their faces on camera. And they can move these posts into TikTok using our built-in scheduler and publisher.
[+] Use an instant video builder takes away the need to be on camera [+] Create viral videos similar to the ones getting millions of views and thousands of leads – every month [+] Put your website, lead magnets and offers in front of engaged buyers [+] Start getting free traffic immediately
VideoTik Review – How It Works?
Use your VideoTik username and password to login
Create/curate trending or viral videos from scratch without having anything but with VideoTik.
VideoTik has many options to customize the videos. You can put text overlay, convert into square or landscape video, you can convert a text script into voice over and so much.
VideoTik has the option to export your videos into your local computer. You can use these videos wherever you want.
The good thing about this software is, you can actually schedule your video uploads right from the VideoTik dashboard.
Schedule your videos a week before and even a month before. I love this feature so much.
VideoTik Demo
VideoTik Review – The Features I Like Personally
 ♥ The Video Creator
Helps create A.I. powered viral videos that are primed to engage and lock people in.
 ♥ Cloud Video Rendering
All our created videos will be rendered from the cloud. So, we can close the app if we want. No need to stay on the app.
 ♥ The Resizer
Helps turn these any videos you have into TikTok™ compliant vertical video format
 ♥ The Video Scheduler
Helps schedule years’ worth of content, ready to go out from your mobile app. Yes, VideoTik gives you a unique mobile app.
VideoTik Review – Who Should Try This?
In seconds from now … you can begin to tap into endless floods of daily free traffic & profit. More than 800 million active users (and growing) each time you add a new video to your fingertips. Check out the many ways you can benefit from a single, two or three videos …
Imagine how much affiliate commission you can bank daily when you consistently attract 1000s of views. Just add your link in the TikTok about description.
Transform the TikTok followers into subscribers to YouTube. YouTube can’t wait to pay you … Because they’re popular, popular videos make money. You needn’t lift a finger.
Do you have your own products or services … Sell your own offers, products. It takes minutes and costs nothing.
Use VideoTik to send daily traffic… to any CPA offer you like.
Just one sale can make you more in commission than many make working all week. 100s Per Sale
Influencer? Business owners are lining up to pay you to mention their product.
What You Can Do With VideoTik?
⊕ Send people to your optin page to build your list ⊕ Build a huge social following that you can sell stuff to every single day ⊕ Build awesome pre-launch buzz for your next product or service ⊕ Grow and sell your channel for big bucks ⊕ Profit like a boss with advertising revenue, sponsorships, social mentions, affiliate promotions, cpa offers, direct sales… or collect huge paychecks creating videos for clients ⊕ Promoting affiliate products ⊕ Selling own products ⊕ Starting an ecom store ⊕ Even build your own tiktok™ channel (new!) ⊕ Sending followers to subscribe on youtube ⊕ Sending followers to engage on instagram
VideoTik Review – What You Will Get Inside?
⇒ Tiktok™ viral video builder ⇒ Tiktok™ video resize feature ⇒ Tiktok™ auto-publisher – ios + android apps included (ios awaiting approval) ⇒ Create 100 tiktok™ videos per day ⇒ Multi-user license – use on multiple devices ⇒ Create high definition videos ⇒ Download the videos to own computer ⇒ Add your own logo & watermark ⇒ Create stories vertical videos for tiktok ⇒ Access to image library with 50,000+ images ⇒ Access to video library with 10,000+ video-clips ⇒ Access to music library with 1,000+ background music ⇒ Access to 100+ fonts ⇒ Access to 5000+ quotes to use ⇒ Upload your own images, video-clips & music ⇒ Text-to-speech features ⇒ Cloud-based app – works on all computers & devices ⇒ 100% approved & evergreen software ⇒ Dedicated support and regular updates ⇒ Detailed training included
VideoTik OTO Details
OTO 1: VideoTik Unlimited ($67 Onetime)
Make your income potential unlimited with VideoTik unlimited … Without the baggage of monthly payments.
♣ Unlimited Videos: Creating as many videos as you wish. There is no limit for every day, weekly or monthly. If you do want to use the commercial license to make unlimited videos for yourself and others, this is great.
♣ Unlimited Publishing: Scheduling and posting as many videos as you like. Again-there is no limit on how much content you might bring into it. Remember better content = more followers = more leads and more money! So, this should be part of your TikTok dominance strategy.
♣ Unlimited Social Channels: One of the best aspects about content creation is being able to repurpose content through various social media platforms. Not many software allow for that. VideoTik is something special. VideoTik helps you republish content that is compliant with Facebook , YouTube and yes-even Instagram.
♣ Priority Support: If you are upgrading to the unlimited package today , we know that you are serious about it and will need priority assistance. We will tag you in our support desk based on your purchase, and as soon as your ticket comes in our dedicated support agents will put it in the front of the queue and get you priority support.
♣ Create FULL HD 1080p Videos: No longer waiting for days to render your videos… With VideoTik Unlimited you can simply create and edit your videos in FULL HD 1080p, and create them, ready to download and publish in just one click. Or just schedule them into our limitless scheduler ..
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: You get access to our underground video training with the VideoTik Unlimited edition, which shows you a easy method, step-by – step finding clients and selling them viral video production services, resources!
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a Professional Video Marketing & Publication Business website with a price list, features pages, about-us page, contact-us page, Certified PayPal checkout page and more ready and set up for you in three simple steps.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on TikTok but want to look professional? VideoTik Unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer Contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and professional and charge more!
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive VIEW-ONLY privileges for your clients so you can give them access to VideoTik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the campaigns you run for them, and charge more.
♣ 100+ Facebook Ad Templates: VideoTik Unlimited comes with 100 proven and profitable Facebook ad templates along with ad copy to help you start running FB ads quickly, bringing in 10X ROI from cheap ads.
♣ Access to 1 Million New Quotes: Would you like to create quote videos but worried about using the same boring quotes that nobody wants to share? With VideoTik Unlimited you get a library of updated quotes of more than 1,000,000 (million) quotes. This means you can make as many quote videos as you want and need not worry about sharing the same quote again and again.
Access to 50,000 NEW Images To Use: Concerned about repeating pictures, or not uploading enough new ones? You get access to 50,000 NEW images with VideoTik Unlimited, all copyright-free and you don’t even have to pay a single dime extra.
♣ Access to 10,000 NEW Videos To Use: Need to work on more videos? VideoTik Unlimited comes with a massive 10,000 video clip library that you can use just the way you want. No limits, no captures, nothing holds you off.
♣ Sub-User & Team Member Account: With the 5X team members and sub-user license from VideoTik, you can build 5 NEW sub-accounts that can be used by your team members , staff or colleagues, allowing them complete access to your own VideoTik account. Let your team do everything they can for you.
♣ Virtual Assistance Account: It is not a great idea to do everything by yourself. VideoTik Unlimited comes with the Virtual Assistance account feature, which allows you to share your account and also build 1 VA sub account to use your VideoTik Unlimited application.
♣ Connect Unlimited Dropbox Accounts: You can now connect as many Dropbox accounts as you want using VideoTik Unlimited, and publish or back up all of your videos and access them from anywhere in the globe on your smartphone or any laptop.
♣ Outsourcers & Developers License: VideoTik Unlimited comes with an Outsourcing and Developer license. That means you can hire clients and charge for making and publishing videos, attracting customers and designing their social media marketing plans for your company and letting your employee / team member do all of the work. There’s no limit on how many customers you get, no limit on how you’re recruiting customers and absolutely no limit on how much you can charge.
♣ Video Traffic Generation Training: Training with VideoTik Video Traffic Generation will take you by the hand and show you step-by – step, topic-by-topic, and tool-by-tool what you really need to know to dominate video marketing as easily as possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest possible time.
OTO 2: VideoTik Site Builder ($197 Onetime)
♣ Create UNLIMTIED TikTok Video-Websites every single day: There is no cap to how many times you can use the videotik website creator, how many video websites you can make every day and how many computers you can use this to. You can create an unlimited number of tiktok video websites with videotik site builder pro, without any limitation whatsoever. No catch.
♣ Automatically Create TikTok-Based Video Websites: The process is extremely simple, and just select a few parameters, press a button, and you’ll be ready to rock and roll with traffic-inducing video websites! In just a minute, you can build 100s of those video websites.
♣ Create UNLIMITED TikTok Video Blogs: Yes! Create hundreds of videos in a easy way…and generate TONS of qualified, targeted traffic.
♣ Use Your Own Domain…And Your Own Branding: You can use your own domain name to remind visitors of your brand-important if you want to make a great first impression.
♣ Free Web-Hosting Included: This is one of the most exciting pieces … once you get access to the videotik website builder app, you get free webhosting instantly. Yes, that’s right-100 % free.
♣ Choose From A Massive Collection Of Over 100+ Video Website Designs: The experience of customization is simply unbeatable-choose from 100 eye-catching, professional designs for your automated video blogs! Customizable to 100 per cent.
♣ Hundreds Of Different Money-Making TikTok™ Videos To Choose From: You just have to select your niche, enter your keywords and the rest will be done by the app. You’ll have hundreds of various tiktok videos you can choose from.
OTO 3: VideoTik Agency ($197 Onetime)
With this package of videotik agencies build your own tiktok powered agency. Attract more customers to a brand new service, and instantly set you apart.
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a professional video marketing & publication business website with pricing list, features pages, about us page, contact-us page, professional paypal checkout page and more to make it super simple and easier for you to set up and get your video creation & publication business.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on tiktok but want to look professional? Videotik unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and legitimate and charge more.
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: With the videotik unlimited version, you get access to our underground video training showing you a simple process, step-by-step to find clients and to sell them viral video creation services. Easy stuff.
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive view-only access for your clients so you can give them access to videotik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the promotions you run for them, and charge more.
♣ Allow Clients to Schedule Appointments: Let customers book your appointments right from the app. This way, after you show them all the magic you can do with VideoTik, you can close them.
♣ Pricing Strategy: Let customers book consultations directly from the site. This way, after showing them all the magic you can create with VideoTik, you can close them.
What Other Marketers Say About VideoTik?
TikTok is the next Instagram and it’s about to blow up for marketers, eCommerce and alike. If you’re not taking advantage of the wild-wild-west of TikTok right now, you’re literally leaving the gold. Now is the time to get on TikTok and build a huge following and with VideoTik, you don’t really need to be doing a lot. Get this!
VideoTik takes the headache away from TikTok marketing. You can easily create funny and engaging videos in pretty much any niche, spend an hour and schedule a whole month worth of videos to be published on your TikTok and you’re done. Easy, painless and gives you a kickstart in finally getting started and generating traffic from TikTok.
This is a brilliant product. VideoTik makes it so much easy to leverage TikTok to finally start generating real buyers in pretty much any niche (800 million active users!). It’s easy to use, the video creator is perfect and tons of customization option and the scheduling feature the icing on the cake. Time saver and possibly the best way to generate traffic from TikTok easily.
VideoTik Review – Pros and Cons
  ♥  You don’t need to hire freelancers at $20 per hour
  ♥  Builtin Tiktok viral video builder
  ♥  Detailed training included
  ♥  Dedicated support and regular updates
  ♥  Commercial license
  ♥  Video creation resources included
  ♥  30-day money back. So it is risk free to try
  ♥  I don’t have any issues with this software till now.
VideoTik Bonuses
These are my custom bonuses for VideoTik You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet.
I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with VideoTik.
Please Note: The above mentioned are my exclusive bonuses to get best results using VideoTik. If you like my bonuses, you can purchase to VideoTik via my link. After that, send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 12 hours.([email protected])
VideoTik Review – F.A.Q
Q. Are there any monthly charges?
No … If you buy VideoTik today you’ll pay one price that will give you ongoing access to it. You won’t be paid for the order again.
Q. Do you have tutorials?
Yes we do … You will find all the video tutorials inside VideoTik which details how to use the software…
Q. Is this another loophole?
Absolutely not … tiktok represents perhaps the biggest traffic generation opportunity since the start of instagram. It’s very rare to come across real channels we can use for traffic. It’s even more unusual to be able to do this early on, using a script.
Which is Videotik. We are months ahead of everyone else, so you’ll be months ahead of everyone else by buying videotik today.
Q. I’m on a tight budget?
There are no additional costs required. You do not need domains, hosting or anything else.
Q. Is it really easy to use?
Hey! VideoTik is 100% Newbie Friendly … Designed very easy to navigate and easy to use. Just enter your keyword, and in minutes, the App will build you a traffic-rich video. To push it out into your TikTok channel, use our built-in scheduler and publisher along with our mobile app.
Q. Does VideoTik violate any TikTok™ ToS?
No … Videotik is fully compliant and connects with tiktok via a special customer-only app that we have created for you. If anything, we took special care to play by the rules of tiktok, making sure that the videos you create can be published in the correct format on tiktok.
Q. What if I experience a problem?
They have dedicated on-hand technical support 6 days a week. Support can be easily accessed from within your VideoTik dashboard.
Q. How much traffic can I drive?
The amount of traffic you can drive depends on the niche, the niche audience, and the keyword. Some videos immediately go viral, others take time and some do not. As long as you keep pushing out new videos, you’ll see traffic, and you’ll be seeing success. And yeah-it ‘s easy to do that 100 per cent.
Thanks for reading my VideoTik review. We will see you on the next review. Before that, make sure to get this software for a lowest price possible and claim my custom bonuses.
source https://spsreviews.com/videotik-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=videotik-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/05/videotik-review-oto-details-best.html
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gertrudejnieves · 4 years
VideoTik Review + OTO Details + BEST Bonuses + Pros & Cons
In this VideoTik Review, I’ll cover what it actually does, who is it for, how much it costs, pros & cons, what bonuses you’ll get and what are all the OTO or Upsells, pricing & discount details. so that you can have more clarity about VideoTik and if it’s right for you or not.
First set of people find out and create an account about a social media site and start consuming.
Second group of people are seeing the potential behind the latest media trend and getting in early to gain a big chance.
Now you might think you ‘re never missing an opportunity-in which case-great!
But you still skipped the Instagram Train in 2004, right?
Don’t worry-I also skipped it.
But this time, we are far ahead of a new source of traffic that is, as of now, underutilized.
Today I want to give you an opportunity to become a creator-without making anything from scratch. And doing so will put you out there ahead of 99.99 per cent of marketers, opening up a whole new traffic source for leads and buyers.
This source of traffic has helped many new affiliate marketers kick-start making recurring commissions easy. Everything by recommending items to people who view their videos organically.
And why is this traffic source good? Well because it has:
More than 800 million daily users (again-the total number is in billions!). A hungry audience ready to purchase ecom and digital goods, and a 51 percent population of 25 + year-olds who spend an hour per day on this platform.
The traffic source i am talking about is “TikTok“. YES!
Millions and millions of people marketing their products and services on TikTok.
Quick tip: Here is a quick guide to market your business on TikTok
Stay on this page to learn how you can tap into tiktok without shooting videos on yourself.
Because i am gonna do “VideoTik review” to let you know the powerful features and benefits of this new TikTok video creation software.
VideoTik Review – Overview
Product Name VideoTik Product Creators Neil Napier & Abhi Launch Date & Time 2020-May-27, 11:00 AM EDT Price Range $29 Bonus Yes, Best Bonuses Available Refund  30-Day Money Back Guarantee Official site https://www.getvideotik.com/ Product Type TikTok Video Creator Training There Under Help Section Customer Support Excellent Skills All levels Recommended Highly Recommended!
VideoTik Review – What Is It?
“VideoTik” is a viral and trending video curation and creation app that lets you create interactive videos within few minutes. VideoTik doesn’t requires any camera, mic or studio setup.
VideoTik lets everyone tap into a buyer pool of 800 million plus. People can use VideoTik to build AI powered videos, without putting their faces on camera. And they can move these posts into TikTok using our built-in scheduler and publisher.
[+] Use an instant video builder takes away the need to be on camera [+] Create viral videos similar to the ones getting millions of views and thousands of leads – every month [+] Put your website, lead magnets and offers in front of engaged buyers [+] Start getting free traffic immediately
VideoTik Review – How It Works?
Use your VideoTik username and password to login
Create/curate trending or viral videos from scratch without having anything but with VideoTik.
VideoTik has many options to customize the videos. You can put text overlay, convert into square or landscape video, you can convert a text script into voice over and so much.
VideoTik has the option to export your videos into your local computer. You can use these videos wherever you want.
The good thing about this software is, you can actually schedule your video uploads right from the VideoTik dashboard.
Schedule your videos a week before and even a month before. I love this feature so much.
VideoTik Demo
VideoTik Review – The Features I Like Personally
 ♥ The Video Creator
Helps create A.I. powered viral videos that are primed to engage and lock people in.
 ♥ Cloud Video Rendering
All our created videos will be rendered from the cloud. So, we can close the app if we want. No need to stay on the app.
 ♥ The Resizer
Helps turn these any videos you have into TikTok™ compliant vertical video format
 ♥ The Video Scheduler
Helps schedule years’ worth of content, ready to go out from your mobile app. Yes, VideoTik gives you a unique mobile app.
VideoTik Review – Who Should Try This?
In seconds from now … you can begin to tap into endless floods of daily free traffic & profit. More than 800 million active users (and growing) each time you add a new video to your fingertips. Check out the many ways you can benefit from a single, two or three videos …
Imagine how much affiliate commission you can bank daily when you consistently attract 1000s of views. Just add your link in the TikTok about description.
Transform the TikTok followers into subscribers to YouTube. YouTube can’t wait to pay you … Because they’re popular, popular videos make money. You needn’t lift a finger.
Do you have your own products or services … Sell your own offers, products. It takes minutes and costs nothing.
Use VideoTik to send daily traffic… to any CPA offer you like.
Just one sale can make you more in commission than many make working all week. 100s Per Sale
Influencer? Business owners are lining up to pay you to mention their product.
What You Can Do With VideoTik?
⊕ Send people to your optin page to build your list ⊕ Build a huge social following that you can sell stuff to every single day ⊕ Build awesome pre-launch buzz for your next product or service ⊕ Grow and sell your channel for big bucks ⊕ Profit like a boss with advertising revenue, sponsorships, social mentions, affiliate promotions, cpa offers, direct sales… or collect huge paychecks creating videos for clients ⊕ Promoting affiliate products ⊕ Selling own products ⊕ Starting an ecom store ⊕ Even build your own tiktok™ channel (new!) ⊕ Sending followers to subscribe on youtube ⊕ Sending followers to engage on instagram
VideoTik Review – What You Will Get Inside?
⇒ Tiktok™ viral video builder ⇒ Tiktok™ video resize feature ⇒ Tiktok™ auto-publisher – ios + android apps included (ios awaiting approval) ⇒ Create 100 tiktok™ videos per day ⇒ Multi-user license – use on multiple devices ⇒ Create high definition videos ⇒ Download the videos to own computer ⇒ Add your own logo & watermark ⇒ Create stories vertical videos for tiktok ⇒ Access to image library with 50,000+ images ⇒ Access to video library with 10,000+ video-clips ⇒ Access to music library with 1,000+ background music ⇒ Access to 100+ fonts ⇒ Access to 5000+ quotes to use ⇒ Upload your own images, video-clips & music ⇒ Text-to-speech features ⇒ Cloud-based app – works on all computers & devices ⇒ 100% approved & evergreen software ⇒ Dedicated support and regular updates ⇒ Detailed training included
VideoTik OTO Details
OTO 1: VideoTik Unlimited ($67 Onetime)
Make your income potential unlimited with VideoTik unlimited … Without the baggage of monthly payments.
♣ Unlimited Videos: Creating as many videos as you wish. There is no limit for every day, weekly or monthly. If you do want to use the commercial license to make unlimited videos for yourself and others, this is great.
♣ Unlimited Publishing: Scheduling and posting as many videos as you like. Again-there is no limit on how much content you might bring into it. Remember better content = more followers = more leads and more money! So, this should be part of your TikTok dominance strategy.
♣ Unlimited Social Channels: One of the best aspects about content creation is being able to repurpose content through various social media platforms. Not many software allow for that. VideoTik is something special. VideoTik helps you republish content that is compliant with Facebook , YouTube and yes-even Instagram.
♣ Priority Support: If you are upgrading to the unlimited package today , we know that you are serious about it and will need priority assistance. We will tag you in our support desk based on your purchase, and as soon as your ticket comes in our dedicated support agents will put it in the front of the queue and get you priority support.
♣ Create FULL HD 1080p Videos: No longer waiting for days to render your videos… With VideoTik Unlimited you can simply create and edit your videos in FULL HD 1080p, and create them, ready to download and publish in just one click. Or just schedule them into our limitless scheduler ..
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: You get access to our underground video training with the VideoTik Unlimited edition, which shows you a easy method, step-by – step finding clients and selling them viral video production services, resources!
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a Professional Video Marketing & Publication Business website with a price list, features pages, about-us page, contact-us page, Certified PayPal checkout page and more ready and set up for you in three simple steps.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on TikTok but want to look professional? VideoTik Unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer Contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and professional and charge more!
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive VIEW-ONLY privileges for your clients so you can give them access to VideoTik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the campaigns you run for them, and charge more.
♣ 100+ Facebook Ad Templates: VideoTik Unlimited comes with 100 proven and profitable Facebook ad templates along with ad copy to help you start running FB ads quickly, bringing in 10X ROI from cheap ads.
♣ Access to 1 Million New Quotes: Would you like to create quote videos but worried about using the same boring quotes that nobody wants to share? With VideoTik Unlimited you get a library of updated quotes of more than 1,000,000 (million) quotes. This means you can make as many quote videos as you want and need not worry about sharing the same quote again and again.
Access to 50,000 NEW Images To Use: Concerned about repeating pictures, or not uploading enough new ones? You get access to 50,000 NEW images with VideoTik Unlimited, all copyright-free and you don’t even have to pay a single dime extra.
♣ Access to 10,000 NEW Videos To Use: Need to work on more videos? VideoTik Unlimited comes with a massive 10,000 video clip library that you can use just the way you want. No limits, no captures, nothing holds you off.
♣ Sub-User & Team Member Account: With the 5X team members and sub-user license from VideoTik, you can build 5 NEW sub-accounts that can be used by your team members , staff or colleagues, allowing them complete access to your own VideoTik account. Let your team do everything they can for you.
♣ Virtual Assistance Account: It is not a great idea to do everything by yourself. VideoTik Unlimited comes with the Virtual Assistance account feature, which allows you to share your account and also build 1 VA sub account to use your VideoTik Unlimited application.
♣ Connect Unlimited Dropbox Accounts: You can now connect as many Dropbox accounts as you want using VideoTik Unlimited, and publish or back up all of your videos and access them from anywhere in the globe on your smartphone or any laptop.
♣ Outsourcers & Developers License: VideoTik Unlimited comes with an Outsourcing and Developer license. That means you can hire clients and charge for making and publishing videos, attracting customers and designing their social media marketing plans for your company and letting your employee / team member do all of the work. There’s no limit on how many customers you get, no limit on how you’re recruiting customers and absolutely no limit on how much you can charge.
♣ Video Traffic Generation Training: Training with VideoTik Video Traffic Generation will take you by the hand and show you step-by – step, topic-by-topic, and tool-by-tool what you really need to know to dominate video marketing as easily as possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest possible time.
OTO 2: VideoTik Site Builder ($197 Onetime)
♣ Create UNLIMTIED TikTok Video-Websites every single day: There is no cap to how many times you can use the videotik website creator, how many video websites you can make every day and how many computers you can use this to. You can create an unlimited number of tiktok video websites with videotik site builder pro, without any limitation whatsoever. No catch.
♣ Automatically Create TikTok-Based Video Websites: The process is extremely simple, and just select a few parameters, press a button, and you’ll be ready to rock and roll with traffic-inducing video websites! In just a minute, you can build 100s of those video websites.
♣ Create UNLIMITED TikTok Video Blogs: Yes! Create hundreds of videos in a easy way…and generate TONS of qualified, targeted traffic.
♣ Use Your Own Domain…And Your Own Branding: You can use your own domain name to remind visitors of your brand-important if you want to make a great first impression.
♣ Free Web-Hosting Included: This is one of the most exciting pieces … once you get access to the videotik website builder app, you get free webhosting instantly. Yes, that’s right-100 % free.
♣ Choose From A Massive Collection Of Over 100+ Video Website Designs: The experience of customization is simply unbeatable-choose from 100 eye-catching, professional designs for your automated video blogs! Customizable to 100 per cent.
♣ Hundreds Of Different Money-Making TikTok™ Videos To Choose From: You just have to select your niche, enter your keywords and the rest will be done by the app. You’ll have hundreds of various tiktok videos you can choose from.
OTO 3: VideoTik Agency ($197 Onetime)
With this package of videotik agencies build your own tiktok powered agency. Attract more customers to a brand new service, and instantly set you apart.
♣ Ready Made Agency Website with Paypal Checkout: You get a professional video marketing & publication business website with pricing list, features pages, about us page, contact-us page, professional paypal checkout page and more to make it super simple and easier for you to set up and get your video creation & publication business.
♣ Done-For-You Client Contracts: Want to sell your clients videos and marketing on tiktok but want to look professional? Videotik unlimited gives you access to legitimate “Customer contracts” that you can use when selling videos to local customers, look genuine and legitimate and charge more.
♣ Step-by-Step Video Selling Training: With the videotik unlimited version, you get access to our underground video training showing you a simple process, step-by-step to find clients and to sell them viral video creation services. Easy stuff.
♣ Clients Access Account Features: Create exclusive view-only access for your clients so you can give them access to videotik, giving them the ability to view all the videos you make and all the promotions you run for them, and charge more.
♣ Allow Clients to Schedule Appointments: Let customers book your appointments right from the app. This way, after you show them all the magic you can do with VideoTik, you can close them.
♣ Pricing Strategy: Let customers book consultations directly from the site. This way, after showing them all the magic you can create with VideoTik, you can close them.
What Other Marketers Say About VideoTik?
TikTok is the next Instagram and it’s about to blow up for marketers, eCommerce and alike. If you’re not taking advantage of the wild-wild-west of TikTok right now, you’re literally leaving the gold. Now is the time to get on TikTok and build a huge following and with VideoTik, you don’t really need to be doing a lot. Get this!
VideoTik takes the headache away from TikTok marketing. You can easily create funny and engaging videos in pretty much any niche, spend an hour and schedule a whole month worth of videos to be published on your TikTok and you’re done. Easy, painless and gives you a kickstart in finally getting started and generating traffic from TikTok.
This is a brilliant product. VideoTik makes it so much easy to leverage TikTok to finally start generating real buyers in pretty much any niche (800 million active users!). It’s easy to use, the video creator is perfect and tons of customization option and the scheduling feature the icing on the cake. Time saver and possibly the best way to generate traffic from TikTok easily.
VideoTik Review – Pros and Cons
  ♥  You don’t need to hire freelancers at $20 per hour
  ♥  Builtin Tiktok viral video builder
  ♥  Detailed training included
  ♥  Dedicated support and regular updates
  ♥  Commercial license
  ♥  Video creation resources included
  ♥  30-day money back. So it is risk free to try
  ♥  I don’t have any issues with this software till now.
VideoTik Bonuses
These are my custom bonuses for VideoTik You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet.
I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with VideoTik.
Please Note: The above mentioned are my exclusive bonuses to get best results using VideoTik. If you like my bonuses, you can purchase to VideoTik via my link. After that, send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 12 hours.([email protected])
VideoTik Review – F.A.Q
Q. Are there any monthly charges?
No … If you buy VideoTik today you’ll pay one price that will give you ongoing access to it. You won’t be paid for the order again.
Q. Do you have tutorials?
Yes we do … You will find all the video tutorials inside VideoTik which details how to use the software…
Q. Is this another loophole?
Absolutely not … tiktok represents perhaps the biggest traffic generation opportunity since the start of instagram. It’s very rare to come across real channels we can use for traffic. It’s even more unusual to be able to do this early on, using a script.
Which is Videotik. We are months ahead of everyone else, so you’ll be months ahead of everyone else by buying videotik today.
Q. I’m on a tight budget?
There are no additional costs required. You do not need domains, hosting or anything else.
Q. Is it really easy to use?
Hey! VideoTik is 100% Newbie Friendly … Designed very easy to navigate and easy to use. Just enter your keyword, and in minutes, the App will build you a traffic-rich video. To push it out into your TikTok channel, use our built-in scheduler and publisher along with our mobile app.
Q. Does VideoTik violate any TikTok™ ToS?
No … Videotik is fully compliant and connects with tiktok via a special customer-only app that we have created for you. If anything, we took special care to play by the rules of tiktok, making sure that the videos you create can be published in the correct format on tiktok.
Q. What if I experience a problem?
They have dedicated on-hand technical support 6 days a week. Support can be easily accessed from within your VideoTik dashboard.
Q. How much traffic can I drive?
The amount of traffic you can drive depends on the niche, the niche audience, and the keyword. Some videos immediately go viral, others take time and some do not. As long as you keep pushing out new videos, you’ll see traffic, and you’ll be seeing success. And yeah-it ‘s easy to do that 100 per cent.
Thanks for reading my VideoTik review. We will see you on the next review. Before that, make sure to get this software for a lowest price possible and claim my custom bonuses.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/videotik-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=videotik-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/619256163106766848
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