#still a hard concept to wrap my mind around tbh
afterglowkatie · 18 days
close to you | k.m./c.f.
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katie mccabe x caitlin foord x child!reader | 2.9k | how your mammy's jersey's came to be on your wall and you asking caitlin to add hers next to your mammy's
ˏˋ°•*⁀ this is part of my new little starfish universe. this was the idea that started the thoughts of this whole universe tbh. i always thought this would be a cute little concept so i hope you all love it like i do
You didn’t like the dark, so your mammy got you a nightlight and made sure it was turned on and working every time before she went to bed. But she’d always wake up to you there in her bed.
You didn’t like the silence of the night, or the occasional creeks of the house, so your mammy got a little echo dot for your room. Connecting it with the house so she could make sure soft music was playing to drown out the noises of the house. But she’d still always wake up to you in her bed the next morning.
You were convinced that something scary was in your wardrobe or under your bed, so your mammy would check every night before she went to bed. But she’d always wake up to you crying out for her. When she took the doors off your wardrobe and added fairy lights to keep the dark areas light and when she still woke up to you either crying out for her or in her bed, she didn’t know what else to do.
Katie didn’t know when she let you sleeping in her bed become a habit but she knew that it was one that would be tough to break. She liked having you close, knowing you were safe if you were in her arms, but she knew that you had to try sleeping in your own bed before you were both too dependent on each other.
Having tried everything Katie could think of, she almost gave up temporarily on trying to get you to stay in your own room overnight. Almost, until you basically gave her the answer that she had needed.
Another morning you’d woken up in your mammy’s arms after sneaking into her bed during the night again, ‘Good morning my little starfish,’ Katie brushed your baby hairs out of your face, smiling down at you.
‘Mornin’ mammy,’ Your voice, small and soft, only just having woken up, you cuddled more into your mammy. Though you clung onto her when you felt Katie start to move you off of her. Your mammy laughed a little, you’d always do this thinking that you were able to keep her down and stop her from moving. You might be little but you always had this determination.
‘I like being close to you mammy,’ Your words continued to play in Katie’s mind while she continued to do your hair, until an idea finally appeared, her final attempt at getting you to stay in your own room overnight.
‘Which one’s would you like, starfish?’ Your mammy had laid out a few of her Ireland jerseys and some of her Arsenal jerseys in front of you.
It was a hard decision, because you liked all that had mammy’s name and number on them and all of them had that on them. Eventually you had decided on one Ireland and one Arsenal, the Arsenal jersey being from the recent season since they’d also given you your own mini Arsenal kit so that one you chose would match that.
The next day when you’d come home from spending the day with Beth, Viv and Myle, you hugged your mammy tightly, ‘Starfish, I’ve got a surprise for you,’
‘What is it mammy?’ Katie carried you to your bedroom, covering your eyes before you both entered the room. Your eyes widened when you saw your newly decorated walls with mammy’s jerseys, ‘Looks so cool,’ You wiggled out of Katie’s arms and climbed onto your bed to get a closer look.
‘Gotta be careful starfish, can look but don’t touch them,’ Katie was quick to say when she noticed your little hand reaching up to touch the frames that the jerseys were in, ‘Now, even while you sleep, I’ll always be close to you,’ Your mammy kneeled on the bed behind you, wrapping her arms around you.
‘I love you mammy,’ 
‘I love you starfish,’
Your mammy’s jerseys on the wall was the perfect solution to you sleeping in your own bed, though every now and then when you’d have a bad dream you’d still sneak in or cry out for her. But for most nights since you loved sleeping in your own room. 
The jerseys you had on your wall were quite important to you. Every night since their addition, you’d say goodnight to each one and look up at them while falling asleep. It gave you a sense of comfort that helped you each day and only because they are your mammy’s and she gave you that sense of comfort and safety normally each day.
It was always you and mammy and mammy’s friends. ‘It takes a village’ well your village was arsenal, you were being raised there. There wasn’t a day where your little self wasn’t running around with the arsenal girls. You didn’t have favourites but you did have those that you’d gravitate towards. 
Laia, Kyra and Vic would always keep up with your energy and pull you in to cause mischief around the training grounds. Beth, and Viv, had Myle and that was an instant win in your eyes. Caitlin, well Caitlin was your mammy’s best friend who was always around and then became your mammy’s best friend who was always at your house and now also stayed there.
Katie was worried about how you’d react to her relationship with Caitlin and how it might change the dynamic in the house, but she honestly had nothing to worry about. You’d been around Caitlin enough beforehand that she was a familiar presence in your life. 
Some moments were a bit rocky, but you and Caitlin eventually found your dynamic and Caitlin quickly became your ‘Caity’ as you called her. At first your mammy thought you’d learnt her name and started to call her that instead of mammy, ‘No mammy, Caity,’ You pointed towards Caitlin, ‘My Caity,’ You smiled and so did both Katie and Caitlin. Caitlin had become someone in your life, close to what your mammy was to you. 
Caitlin became part of your daily routine, part of your night routine. Both your mammy and your Caity would squeeze into your little bed with you, read you a little book before you’d say goodnight to them both along with the jerseys of course. After a little while, it felt like something was missing. You couldn’t figure it out, but you felt a bit of unease when they’d both leave you for the night. 
Though you continued to go about your days, that feeling that something was missing was easy to ignore during the day but at night it always crept back to the forefront of your mind. It wasn’t until you were skipping along following your mammy around the pitch after a match when you were looking around at some of the signs that the fans were holding.
‘...can I have your jersey?’ Was what you read on the sign. It felt like everything in your mind cleared and it all made sense. You were missing Caitlin’s jersey on your wall. When they’d both leave your room, you’d still be left with your mammy’s presence but you didn’t have Caitlin’s.
‘Mammy, I’m gonna go to Caity,’ You tugged on your mammy’s shirt so she’d let you go off by yourself over towards where Caitlin was interacting with fans.
‘Alright starfish, be safe and go straight there,’ You laughed loudly when your mammy picked you up and threw you in the air before catching you again, ‘Tell Caity I love her,’ A kiss on your forehead and you were set back on the ground making your way to Caitlin.
The fans made your appearance known to Caitlin before you did, turning around to watch you skip your way across the pitch to her. Smiling wide and instantly scooping you up into your arms, resting you on her hip, ‘My favourite little starfish,’ 
You smiled wide at Caitlin and gave a little wave to the fans that you were near. You liked the fans, they’d give you bracelets and want you to sign their things and they were always nice to you so you’d always be nice back to them. 
‘Caity,’ You turned your attention back to Caitlin, grabbing onto the front of her jersey a little, ‘Can I have this? I’ve got mammy’s but I need yours please,’ You gave her your best pout in the hopes it would persuade her to say yes in case she’d say no, even though she couldn’t say no to you, ‘Don’t tell mammy though!’ Your eyebrows furrowed together, a big frown on your face and the fans that overheard and saw the interaction promised to keep it to themselves.
Even though Caitlin would almost give you anything you wanted, she was still a little confused as to why you wanted her jersey, ‘Why do you want mine, starfish?’ Caitlin was still holding you on her hip, your head laying on her shoulder. You were getting tired, match days were always a big day for you, and cuddling more into Caitlin so she’d taken you both away from the fans and down the tunnel a little bit while you waited for Katie to join the two of you.
‘When you and mammy say goodnight, mammy still stays but you’re gone and I need both you and mammy with me,’ Caitlin was the one to help Katie put her jersey’s on your wall while listening to the story that led up to why Katie was doing this, so Caitlin wasn’t unfamiliar and connected what you were talking about. Your eyes had closed not long after you spoke, Caitlin’s never left you. Her eyes lighting up in a way that they only really do when she looks at you, though it was definitely a different kind of shine they held when looking at you. 
‘What’s got you so smiley?’ Katie smiled when she caught the sight of you and Caitlin, wrapping her arm around Caitlin’s waist and giving you a light kiss on your forehead not wanting to wake you up.
‘Just thinking of how much I love starfish,’ Caitlin spoke so softly and her eyes didn’t leave you. Letting out a soft, content sigh before looking at Katie, ‘And how much I love you,’ 
‘Such a charmer,’ Katie chuckled softly, a soft kiss shared between them before continuing to walk down to grab their things and yours as well, ‘I love both you and starfish too,’ 
A few days after that match it was just you and Caitlin at home while your mammy was out for the day. You were bouncing around holding the jersey that you’d asked Caitlin for the other day, the frames were all picked out and you couldn’t be more excited, ‘Got to pick a aus-aust,’ Your eyebrows scrunched together, if there was any word that would be your enemy it would be australia. Letting out a little huff you remembered what you’d learnt from Kyra when she noticed you struggling the first time saying it, ‘A straya one now!’ 
Caitlin let out a little laugh while muttering under her breath, ‘Spending too much time with Kyra,’ The attempt at mimicking their accents would never not be amusing on top of your already mixed accent, ‘What about this one starfish?’ Caitlin was holding up her jersey from the world cup, the match against Ireland.
You recognised the flag on the jersey, lifting your hand to hover your finger over it, ‘Mammy lost,’ As soon as you said that, Caitlin was instantly worried that she’d chosen the wrong one to suggest. Even though she thought it would be the perfect one since it was still connected to your mammy but also since you’re Irish and Caitlin’s Australian that it could display the connection between the two of you, ‘But Caity won. I love it, thank you Caity,’ You beamed, grabbing out for the jersey while jumping on top of Caitlin and wrapping your little arms around her.
Having both Caitlin’s Arsenal and Australia jersey’s in your arms, they were one step away from officially being placed on your wall. It took Caitlin a bit longer than it did Katie to put the jersey’s on the wall, being Caitlin’s only helper was you and your little arms wouldn’t reach. But you helped by getting distracted with everything in your room and talking Caitlin’s ear off with whatever new facts you’d learnt recently.
‘There we go!’ Caitlin took a step back, proud that she had managed to finally hang the jersey’s so they were level and not on a slight lean.
The first time you saw it all put together, nothing else could take your eyes away from it. In your heart you could feel that everything felt right now, the piece that was missing was finally found and put into place. You jumped up on your bed and lifted your hand up towards the frames, ‘Be careful starfish, you can look but don’t touch them. Want to keep you safe,’ Looking back at Caitlin, you smiled. Those were the same words your mammy said when she’d just put her jersey’s up. Caitlin was your Caity and you just knew she was going to be that for forever and you couldn’t be more happy to have her in your life.
‘Caity,’ You looked up at Caitlin’s jersey’s, ‘Mammy,’ Looking back at your mammy’s, ‘My Caity and my mammy,’ Caitlin smiled wide while looking at you, she didn’t know what she’d done to deserve to have this role in your life but she would always cherish it. In Caitlin’s eyes you were perfect. 
‘My starfish,’ You laughed loudly when Caitlin came up behind you and scooped you up into her arms, tickling your sides a little, ‘Forever going to be my little starfish,’ 
‘Even when I’m big and stronger than you and mammy?’ You held up your arm and tried to ‘flex’ just like you’d seen your mammy and Kyra do so many times around training, they’d even tried to teach you how to.
Caitlin laughed, you really were just a tiny Katie, ‘You could be a thousand times stronger than us and you’d still be our little starfish,’ Your nose scrunched up when Caitlin tapped it lightly.
‘I can’t wait for mammy to see,’ As if on cue you heard the jingle of keys in the front door and knew it was your mammy, ‘Mammy! C’mon Caity,’ You slid off Caitlin’s lap, grabbing a hold of her hand, dragging her to where your mammy had just walked through the door.
Like always your mammy knelt down and held out her arms for you to run into, picking you up and spinning you around. It was the same every time and every time it would make you giggle, ‘I missed my little starfish,’ Your mammy kissed your forehead gently, ‘And I missed you too,’ Katie, still holding you in her arms, leaned over towards Caitlin, giving her a little kiss. Even with it being a short kiss, they both still felt your little hands pushing at their faces.
‘No, no time for that,’ They both smiled and laughed, Caitlin knew you were excited to show your mammy the newest additions to your room. You were excited, you know your mammy would be happy to see. Caitlin was important in your life and you knew she was important to your mammy, ‘I got a surprise for you mammy,’ 
‘Oh? A surprise for me?’ Katie raised her eyebrows, holding you out a little so she could properly look at you. You gave her an enthusiastic head nod with a small ‘mhm’, gripping onto your mammy’s shirt, ‘Well I guess I can’t keep you waiting, unless,’ Katie dragged out her words, teasing you. You let out a small huff, ‘Just kidding starfish,’ 
‘Caity, cover mammy’s eyes!’ You exclaimed once your mammy placed you back on the ground. Katie rolled her eyes when she felt Caitlin cover them, you took hold of your mammy’s hand and led her to your bedroom, ‘1…2…3…now Caity!’
Following your instructions, Caitlin removed her hands, a soft and quick kiss on Katie’s cheek, ‘You’re going to love this,’ And Caitlin was right. There weren’t any words that could express just how much Katie loved the sight in front of her.
Katie loved the relationship you and Caitlin had grown to have, how you also saw Caitlin as an important part of your life. Your mammy listened to you, her eyes a little glossy but all from how much happiness she was feeling, while you told her exactly why you’d asked Caitlin for her jerseys. How the arsenal one matches both yours and your mammy’s, you did ask if you could have an arsenal jersey with your name and Caitlin’s number so you could wear that to the matches sometimes. 
Your mammy listened to every word you had to say and at the end she gave you the biggest hug you’d ever had before. Looking over Katie’s shoulder you signalled for Caitlin to join. Caitlin joined the two of you, wrapping her arms around you both, kissing both of your foreheads. The three of you were wrapped up in each other's embrace and in each other's love. There was no doubt that you weren’t loved.
‘My mammy, my Caity,’ You whispered out, cuddling further into the two of them. 
Katie and Caitlin looked at each other, then back at you, ‘Our little starfish,’
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 4 months
Omg, imagine like, you and wanda together, in college, you have this test you have to study for, but your really struggling, but wanda decides to be a nice mommy and sits you on her lap as you have your stuff infront of you, shes trying to teach your dumb slutty brain but its not working so she pulls her strap out and makes you cockwarm it and says something like ”if you get a question right, youll be allowed to move, but only for a little” and like keeps your hips steady as the both of you study. You do this until you feel like you know everythign and she decides to give you a reward by pounding you into the table and makes you cum as many times as you want 😋
- 🕸️ (im trying to study right now, why is math so hard? 😔 my dumb mutt brain just cant understand it)
Oh i would NOT be able to study after that omg that would backfire bc I would just be all fuzzy brained and begging her to fuck me...
I am thinking THOUGHTS tho about this concept
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"Focus, baby."
The words are mumbled against your neck as Wanda softly kisses it, her arms wrapped around your hips, holding you still. You fight the urge to grind down, her strap buried inside you, your arousal leaking around it.
You whine slightly, her vanilla scent pulling you further into that fuzzy headspace you find yourself in whenever she's around you. You attempt to focus, numbers seemingly floating off the page as you grip your pencil.
"Answer the question, sweetheart. If you get it right, Mommy will let you fuck yourself on her strap for a few seconds." Wanda says, and you feel her smiling against your neck.
Nodding, you try and ignore her as her tongue begins making a trail up your neck. Your pencil shakes in your grasp as you begin to work out the problem, mind bouncing between the math in front of you, and the woman holding you.
You're acutely aware of the thick strap moving slightly inside you as Wanda adjusts her grip, and you breathe in deeply. You're almost done with the problem, just a few... more... numbers.
"Got it!" You exclaim, twisting to look at Wanda as she studies the problem in front of her.
"Good job, darling." She turns towards you, green eyes shining. You glance down, her lips inches from yours. You want to taste her. Leaning in, you press your lips against her soft ones, a moan escaping her as she slides her lips against yours.
"Go on," She mumbles into the kiss, "Fuck yourself for me."
You whimper, relief flooding you as she helps you move your hips. You fuck yourself slowly, pleasure igniting deep inside you as you move yourself up and down on her strap. You can feel your wetness smearing over your inner thighs and on Wanda's lap, but can't bring yourself to care too much.
God, it feels so... fucking... good...
You still at the command, breaths shaky as you fight the urge to move your hips. The strap is once against buried inside you, and your pleasure dims to a low simmer.
Wanda's lips are back on your neck, and you groan at the sensation. She chuckles, "Next problem baby. We're going to keep playing this little game until you've finished all your work."
I need someone to do this to me ugh it would keep me motivated and also fuzzy brained so its a two-for-one deal tbh
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cr4yolaas · 3 months
blue spring — guilt
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prev: downward spiral | masterlist | next: wonder
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when she returns to class beside him, he does his best to pretend he isn't shocked to see her. he can see the remnants of her lost sleep beneath her eyelids, and the slowed tempo of her movements only further proves her exhaustion. he wants to say something, he just doesn't know what. more importantly, he can't stop staring at her.
"yachi got you this," she mumbles. she places a sandwich, wrapped up in paper with a floral design, in front of him. he notices she has her own, and he fights the urge to smile at the concept of them sharing a meal.
he thanks her quietly before the lecture starts. the exam is tomorrow, and while they were initially planning on having a session this afternoon to go over the content in preparation, he isn't sure if it's right to ask her about it. instead, he watches her spin her pen around in her hand while her notes remain empty. he assumes it's because she already understands the lesson, and he wouldn't be surprised if he was right. there's a thick silence between them. he can't tell if it's suffocating or comfortable, but he hopes and prays its the latter.
he tries desperately to pay attention to his professor. there's graphs and writing all over the board, and his notes should be full, but they aren't. he can't stop looking at her. her eyes catch onto his, and a soft bout of red seeps onto his face. he's about to apologize before she whispers, "i'm sorry for last night."
the lecture at the front of the class is now white noise to him. he reassures her that he doesn't mind, but the guilt is still clear on her face. "it's alright," he begins. "if anything, i understand it."
it takes a moment for her to comprehend his words before she recalls blurry tales from her friends regarding his hunger for volleyball and his abrasive nature. she doesn't think the image they painted in her head so long ago quite matches with who she's talking to right now. in fact, it's much calmer. and nicer. and sweeter.
she chooses not to respond, instead biting the inside of her cheek and pretending to pay attention to the lesson. he tries to follow suit, but it's hard when he finds himself so, so, so horribly magnetized to her.
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𝜗𝜚 a much shorter chapter ... i didn't want to go too in-depth to show how yn's world somewhat stops when she's in this trance of endless work
𝜗𝜚 she has definitely forgotten about the math and physics exams. she's way too stressed to be an academic weapon rn
𝜗𝜚 yachi felt insanely bad for their argument. she's not unfamiliar with yn's fits of like anger and stress and she knows it's better not to bother her but she just really wants the best for her friend
𝜗𝜚 tsukishima hasn't been in the house for a while LMAO he's too busy studying and going to work
𝜗𝜚 i feel like it's a little late to mention this and tbh idk if this interferes with my own plot but tsukki works at the museum and he gets paid quite a bit (his boss loves how nerdy he is). hence his fancy car from the last chapter
𝜗𝜚 bokuto loves his mentally deranged friends he's just a little worried for all of them and doesn't know how to show it properly
𝜗𝜚 also i promise yn won't leave kags on read after he spilled his heart out to her LOL she's just. struggling rn.
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taglist: @mfcherry @eggyrocks @scxrcherr @yuminako @girlkissersco @diorzs @causenessus @kyo-kyo1 @k0z3me @shironagi @lovingvi @bunninio @hisfuture @lilchubbyyy @gsyche @ghostreader0307
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urauntiefaye · 10 months
Faye, are you still opening your requests? If still, i want to share my thoughts, I want you to write it into a oneshot😙. (Yk i love my man jo👀)
scenario/storyline Jo's jealous sex when he saw me perform a duet with a sexy concept with Myung Jaehyun (BoNeDo) on the MAMA stage🌚
Jaehyun and I are one year apart, and I'm the same age as Jo in this plot✨. Ugh, I'm curious about your writing from my hard thoughts (Aka I want to know your version). Your oneshot about jealous Lee-Han is really good huhu🥺. It really feels hard smut when you make the Lee-Han version, especially without protection👁️👄👁️ (I'm quite surprised that someone requested that abt lee-han😭)
Slow it Down: Jo One Shot(🔞)
Title: Slow it Down
CW: choking, mention of Jaehyun from Boynextdoor, DomJo, fem/afab, unprotected sex, spanking like once, let me know if I missed anything.
WC: 446
A/N: I tried man, I hope you like it 😭, ngl I feel like I might have rushed this, I’m working on another Jo fic though that might take me forever to write tbh.
To say that Jo was pissed would be an understatement, he was beyond pissed, after seeing your little dance with Jaehyun during Mama had really set him off. Now he knew that you would be doing a duet with him, but he did not know that the duet would involve you practically grinding your body on Jaehyun. Your hands were tied above your head, your legs pushed up against your chest as Jo relentlessly thrusted into you. “J-jo, slow down, to’much~” you pathetically moan out only to have Jo respond by landing a harsh slap to your already sore ass. His hips never once slowing down, instead picking up the pace even more which you didn’t even think was possible.“He touched what’s mine” Jo grunted out between harsh, sharp thrust. Your moans echoed through out the room following the squelching sound of his dick ramming into your tight wet hole. He wrapped his hand around your throat adding slight pressure, his possessive nature started to take over. He leaned closer to you, his chest flushed against yours his lips barely just brushing against yours as he made you look him in the eyes ``no one touches what’s mine”. His words made you clench around him, mind going blank as the pleasure became overwhelming. You soon became a blubbering mess, trying to plead with him but not a single word came out. Jo could tell that you were close from how your legs started to quiver, his slim fingers darted your clit and rubbed quick circles. His actions caused you to arch your back, your breath hitched in the back of your throat. “Cum baby, cum on dick~” he groaned out, His hips practically jackhammering into you as he was also close to cumming, your body not being able to keep up, shaking in pure ecstasy as your walls spammed out of control around his cock. Both you and Jo lost in the pleasure you didn’t know that he had already come to you, the thick seed leaking out making more of a mess between your legs. He didn’t let up his thrust however, instead becoming more desperate, “f-fuck, such a filthy whore, taking all of my cum” he groaned into your ear, your body convulsing even more as another orgasm washed over your body. Jo rammed his hips into your more, after one last powerful thrust he emptied himself inside you, your pussy taking every last drop. He rubbed your sides as he peppered soft kisses around your face, stilling all movements but not pulling out. Despite both you being sweaty messes you choose to stay in each other’s arms soon falling asleep while cockwarmimg.
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tomaytow · 2 years
omg im having brainrot about venti and how do u think he would cuddle windblume? would he be big spoon or small spoon? lmk ur thoughts!
i am so sorry it took me a while to respond bUT OOO
i hope you’re still having a venti brainrot because i’m still having a brainrot abt him (24/7,, check my dms with tala aka tumblr user blooming-cecilia LOL i flood her with venti stuff a lot)
cuddling venti hcs, you want? i’ll give it to you. let me just ransack my mind for a bit;
- imagine just laying supine on the bed and venti just. crawls on top of you and buries his head on your chest. venti likes listening to your heartbeat and he also likes it when you stroke or pat his head. go on. run your fingers through his hair. he’ll probably sigh, pleased, and if you stop – he’ll definitely tell you to do it again (do it again! why should you not?) if you’re feeling playful and decide to stop, there are chances he’ll put your hand back to where it belongs.
- imagine sleeping so deeply that nothing ever wakes you. a venti comes to join you for bed, and when he sees you hugging a pillow, he won’t hesitate to replace said pillow with himself. venti will either nuzzle his face on the crook of your neck, or he’ll let your head rest on his chest. hm. he likes smelling your shampoo, by the way, because it makes him feel so much at home.
- ((akshsjbsjsjsjb the idea of venti just content with windblume… it’s so nice…))
- in the idol au, i discussed a similar concept where you try to make venti jealous by cuddling a plushie instead of him. it didn’t end well cuz venti couldn’t take it (archons, he’s just so silly-) and threw it across the room, before glomping you. why is the plushie getting more love than him??? he’s your boyfriend!!
- during the morning, it’s hard to get up because of venti’s hold around your waist. you’ll have to wake him up so he can let go of you. (but bear in mind, though: that venti’s very clingy—an understatement, tbh—and he loves you very much. i think waking him up just made it worse because he’ll hold you tighter. he refuses to let go.) there is no e s c a p e.
- cuddle him and he’ll cuddle you back. it has more passion and vigor it’s overwhelming. he’ll giggle a lot. cuddling is his favorite past times with you.
- you expect me to not think abt needy venti???? wrong. needy venti is for the soul. imagine him just sitting on the couch and has his arms raised. hands closing and opening in a grabby motion. he pouts at you, “windblume. cuddle.”
- he wants your attention, your affections, so it’s not so surprising when you’re on the phone with someone and you feel arms squeezing your waist… and kisses on your cheeks…
- don’t get me started on possessive venti during cuddle sessions cuz even though you both look cute & wholesome on the outside, who’s not to say that venti’s mind is only filled with mine, and only mine… mine always
- the anemo archon “i’ll be your alternate jacket / hoodie / sweater!” barbatos, then proceeds to BEAR HUG you
- AJAHAJWBDKJDKKDLNDNP i just remembered abt his wings 🥺🥺 venti will definitely wrap his wings around you for more warmth……they’re so soft and comfortable and fluffy
- imagine you just both sitting together and one of his wings guide you close to him
- during rainy days / winter season, cuddles with venti will increase (if venti’s being a lil trickster, he’ll insert his cold hand under your shirt)
- “windblume, i’m cold. i think i deserve some cuddling, don’t you think?”
- personal hc: venti can’t choose which position he likes, but he has a soft spot for digging and hiding his face on your neck… he wants to be in his haven; his paradise; your arms around him, his arms around you. or just you, really. you’re home to him.
- after a long day, venti just drapes all over you. there are no words exchanged but you can understand what’s happening. he’s recharging. praise him, will you? comfort him? give him little kiths… or if you can, sing him songs? (yes. when venti’s upset, he calms down when he just presses himself closer to you)
- venti’s hugs are just the best. there are times where things are hard and it’ll always be resolved with proper communication and really— just a tight hug will suffice.
- when you’re both curled with one another, venti rubs your fingers with his thumb tenderly. hand holding with venti is always nice because you can feel that he really loves you, even in simple gestures.
- look at venti whenever you guys cuddle. yep. the soft gaze. the small smile. ah, yes. he loves you very much.
as for the big spoon and little spoon… venti can be both. he can be the big spoon or the small spoon.
that’s what’s perfect about him.
he doesn’t care.
as long as he’s cuddling you, he’s satisfied.
at first i only thought him as a small spoon because i want to give him the comfort that he deserves uNTIL I REALIZED THAT BIG SPOON VENTI IS GOOD, TOO. i mean. wouldn’t you want to be spooned by the anemo archon???
((tho… i’m in a huge big spoon venti mood rn…….. time to feed myself))
so yeah!!! it depends on the mood.
but you know. venti prefers it more when he sees you.
there’s easy access to the lips—easy access to the eyes. easy access to the face. he loves seeing you.
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ac-liveblogs · 4 months
Manshine City vs Bastard Munchen Part 2 "Oops I stopped Reading For Two Weeks" Edition
Last time: Nagi stood underneath Reo's window with a boombox and asked him to take him back. Reo, who swore he didn't need Nagi and was going to do this for HIMSELF, flings himself out the window.
I do like that Isagi is trying to master-mind the field 'oooh I can predict your every move!', theoretically Kaiser is doing the exact same thing, and they still fail to account for each other and completely fuck up their Pro Strats. I swear, Kaiser is just if the Isagi That Plays Soccer existed off the field as well as on it.
GOD Reo's inner monologue. "We split up once... we followed different paths..." ONE it's been like a month absolute tops TWO I maintain that Reo and Nagi exist in a totally different genre than the rest of the cast.
(Tbh I'm a little disappointed the Reo-Nagi drama seems to have resolved so easily, though there might still be tension outside of the field. I doubt Nagi's going to try and split up with Reo again at this point. Gotta wrap up these character arcs and move on, save the real meat for Episode Nagi in 4 years. Which is a shame, because given how batshit things were back in Blue Lock Reo absolutely Losing It was one of the things I was looking forward to most. What, he can't be too crazy in the insane soccer manga?)
Kaiser and Isagi, you two are my only hope... I need a murder attempt, c'mon...
I don't know enough about soccer to say if a two-stage volley is an 'insane, godly move' but I think a 5-stage anything has got to be pretty impressive. Who knew Nagi could be bothered to count that high. (I know Nagi didn't actually punt Isagi in the face but it sure looked like it, I was taken aback for a second.)
I love the way Nagi's 'ego' manifests on the pitch too, it's great. Gets really hyped up for a little bit of a game, gets super intense, trashtalks like a champ, I am a GOD routine, scores an absolutely insane fucking goal, goes 'yep that's all I wanted' and powers down mid-game. It's not over yet but he did what he came for! He's just like me forreal
"If not for the simple fact that Nagi doesn't know how to play this game, he would be unstoppable!!!" - Reo Mikage, probably
Agi... Reo... guys... chill
Chris' absolute lack of class is the funniest thing about him. This match is being televised, don't go calling your opponent a slut again.
Isagi "I have every tool I need to beat Kaiser except actually being better at this game than him!" Yoichi
Noa's just watching his team burn around him like "hmm. Excellent."
Chigiri throwing his hat into the 'dumb eye power' ring with a truly outstanding entry.
I know Kunigami is in this game, it just really doesn't feel like Kunigami is in this game. The match is losing track of Chigiri as well, I got a little surprised when he popped back up. I know the lack of synergy is on purpose due to the 'every man's either out for himself or the guy he's mentally ill about' aspect/'build your team around the striker' philosophy, but it does make the teams feel really uneven when the only characters that tend to matter are the Strikers + whoever's supporting them at the moment. It wasn't so bad when they were playing with limited teams, but right now half the teams feel like total space filler.
(The whole 'guaranteed shot' thing feels a bit... insulting to the concept of goalies/defense players too. I don't know much about soccer but it does feel like a major dick move LOL. To be fair, Gagamaru is not a goalie. Does Bastard Munchen not have a goalie better at goal-keeping than 'guy with hard head that doesn't play this role normally'.)
But yeah seriously Kunigami went to an ambiguous soccer torture camp to get his whole personality destroyed and for what. This? He doesn't even get to pretend to be the biggest threat on the field for even one game. Give that man a refund. Or at least some free therapy.
"go... the world's most random shot... even i don't know where it's going!!!" that is NOT impressive that's what i do every time I kick a ball. maybe i should be a pro soccer player. i could beat noel noa
Isagi has some nerve being shocked that Yukimiya is sabotaging him because ~they're on the same team~ yeah okay whatever dude and what was your end-goal here again
man, these matches just keep getting longer and longer despite the fact that they're aiming for way less goals...
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oceisastar · 2 years
kaveh soft dom guy back again for more (you're feeding into my delusions)
mmmnm i don't know if it's because i'm ace or what, but any smut that is mean/degrading is an instant turn-off for me:// not my style whatsoever!! and it's disappointing how of the few domtop reader posts there are that barely any are just,,, gentle and loving or smth.
plus plus the fact that there is very little tender content relating to some heavy kinks or wtv. like tentacles. tentacles r so hot but i'm turned off 9/10 times bc it's either outright noncon, dubcon, or just downright mean:>
ofc i don't mean to shame anybody into that, but just like piss lol. some ppl are turned on by it just as it's an instant boner killer to others :shrug:
but enough nonsensical rambling: what about soft body worship w like kaveh or cyno or whoever else<33 just running your hands up and down their sides, mindful of the room's temperature and with a blanket in reach. when gooseflesh begins to follow your questing fingers, you tuck the blanket around him.
and just when he least expects it—all warm and cozy, but undeniably horny out of his right mind—, you flip the two of you so that he's straddling your thigh, blanket still tucked tight around him.
"ride me," you murmur, hands trailing up his quivering thighs,,, but your strap isn't on, and he looks at you with a pout. you grin. "ride my thigh, honey."
you swear you feel his cunt clench atop your tensed thigh, but your own thoughts are soon lost to the hazy high of sweet moans and whimpers fluttering past kiss-bitten lips.
hehe i may become a regular in your thirst boxes<3 if u don't mind, what characters are your favs? or just any you'd like a thirst for
tw mention of trauma and issues related to consent //
hi again!
no same tbh. I go into the genshin smut tag being like la la la and then I see the reader degrading / humiliating the character in every single fic and I’m like 😐 it makes me uncomfortable! it’s an instant turn-off.
I’m not gonna get too into it but I have a very complicated relationship w physical touch / sex so seeing such a strong oversaturation of violence / aggressive control / shame in sex is really discouraging tbh. bc then it’s like do people even exist who would be kind and gentle and respect my boundaries?? then there’s the whole commentary on sexism and cisheteronormativity blah blah.
yeah unfortunately most kink content on the internet has major issues related to consent which is :/ it’s just not good because of how common it is. like on tumblr ppl generally are good abt tagging their stuff but media literally anywhere else has such an issue w it. I’m into lots of stuff but consuming content where it’s not centered around shame / degradation / humiliation is very hard to find, which is unfortunate.
I think kink definitely has its uses and can be major catharsis, especially in relation to trauma, but there needs to be a balance and variety in the intensity and type of dynamic in which kink is practiced / enacted (animated or real content).
omg I swear are you a poet?? your writing is so beautiful! kaveh is so sweet and soft that’s so tender 🥺 I love the concept of wrapping him up and making him so cozy. just cupping his face as his eyes water from how much pleasure he’s feeling.
my fave character is kaeya :)) he’s my baby boy and I really adore him. I’m so soft for him and he’s very special to me. transmasc Kaeya is canon as far as I’m concerned. idk if u write for women (understandable if u don’t!) but I also really love kujou sara and candace. women w strong integrity / morals are so <3
you can pop by again:) just don’t burn yourself out!
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miqojak · 9 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Tagged by: @dragonsongmakhali and @thefreelanceangel (thanks! I get around to tagged things eventually, lmao)
This isn't in any particular order, they're just in whatever order they came to mind! I'll also note that I've never really understood the concept of 'being in a fandom'? I just...like the thing? So I guess this is more like "A handful of my all time favorite characters, many of whom went on to inspire me to write similar OCs whether I realized it at the time or not." Anyways, I wax verbose on this, so...buckle up, and thanks ahead of time if you decide to read it all!
I'll go through my recent notifications to tag some folks who've interacted lately (also thanks, I've been very ill and out of it for what feels like months now...) @ashenbun, @the-sycophant, @eorzeanflowers, @iron-sparrow, @briar-ffxiv, @merlwybs-wife, @sundered-souls, @superbolided, @ahollowgrave
1. Harley Quinn, Batman
What's not to love? She's quirky, she's (incredibly) smart, she's bi, and she's just one of many female characters I love for being flawed, but better for it! She's dealing with mental illness, and feels like only this one person understands her - and having been wrapped around a narcissist's finger before? I get it. You don't realize they're a piece of shit until...one day you do, or one day your friends get through to you that this is unhealthy, and you're not really yourself around this person. I love that she gets to be her own character these days, and live her own life, and do what she wants to do (when she figures that out) - I actually love that she works more and more with the Batfam in recent material because...she was never a villain. She's always been chaotic neutral! She changed who she was for the Joker, and was always miserable and mistreated no matter how hard she tried to be exactly who and what he wanted (a mewling servant) - and more often than not, even when she did what she thought he wanted, he still punished and humiliated her (like when she almost killed Batman). Bruce has LONG been on Harley's side, and long tried to talk some sense into her...but I think they'd been 'at odds' for too long for his words to get through to her, and it took the initial mutual compassion (and eventual love) shared between her and Pamela for someone's 'get the fuck out' speech to finally sink in. And now she's a fully realized character/woman with her own goals, her own personality, her own style... and if people don't like that she can do crime AND do good stuff alongside the Batfam? They can fuck off - at least, I imagine she'd say that, tbh. It's her choice - she never wanted what the Joker wanted. She just wanted him to notice her. Now she can act on her whims, and live in the moment and live up to her fullest potential! (Plus, while I'm not Jewish, I love that she is! At least in most iterations that I've seen.)
I think 'hurt people hurt people' is another good tagline for her - because the instant she's shown real compassion...be it from Bruce-outside-the-suit, or Poison Ivy? You can see her heart. You can see the sweet, and loving person she is under all the performing...or 'masking', you might say. The tragic clown doesn't need your laughter... they need your compassion. They need you to listen.
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2. Mackayla Lane, The Fever Series (I've read this series at least 6 times, and recommend you read it, too!)
Mackayla is a self-centered, pink-loving, girly-girl who doesn't think heavy thoughts - she likes to sunbathe, paint her nails, and enjoy lazy southern days by the pool, when she's not working part time as a bartender. Until her sister is murdered on a trip abroad, and in her fervor to find out what happened - and why it feels like nothing is being done about it - she picks up and goes to Ireland in search of clues her own damn self...and finds out about this whole hidden legacy of the Sidhe, Sidhe-Seers, and why/how she and her sister are tied into this world. It's such an emotional journey! She evolves into someone different a few times throughout this journey of grief, self-discovery, and...eventually, love. She learns to be more introspective, to be more aware of those around her, to look deeper in herself for strength, so as to never be a damsel in distress again - she fights furiously for a sister we never get to see alive. (and I love a good story about a character central to the plot who is dead before the story even begins, tbh.) She goes from someone I'd roll my eyes at, to someone I'd look up to, instead. She learns to be fierce, but not to lose her compassion in doing so. She learns to fight for not just herself, but others. She suffers, and it breaks her for a time - but she comes out of it stronger for it. She doesn't let it hold her down, anymore - she can't afford to, doesn't want to...she wants to fight back.
I love character development, and she's got it in spades...and that's not even touching on all the OTHER amazing characters around her in this series. Also, if you like a spicy slow-burn, this is it. 'Begrudging allies to lovers' is how I'd term it, I suppose. (I still long for a high production value show of this series...especially bc it would appeal to all kinds of people - it even goes post-apocalyptic later on! But not for the usual reasons.)
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3. Margo Hanson, The Magicians (The show, not the books, for once)
Feminist icon without being 'cringe' about it - and has a line I love, later on, about how her father told her she could be anything she wanted...until she wanted to be those things. Suddenly, the world wanted her to pick - you can't be strong AND womanly; 'you can't have both,' they told her. And she said 'Fuck You', and did it anyways. She is impossibly strong, but even she feels deeply on the inside. She rarely, if ever, lets it show how heavy the weight of the world is...she just shoulders on, and does the things no one else will do. She stands up for what's right, and now and then she fucks things up, too...because she's only human. But she's never apologetic about who she is. She lives out loud, owns her body, owns her opinions, and the rest of the world better get the fuck out of her way, because she's got a witty one-liner...and a gun.
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He's an alcoholic/addict, he's a wet rag, and he's basically the world's best occultist... whether you love him or hate him. (I love bisexuals getting the spotlight in media, so it's nice that he's that, too!) He's a rat bastard who's just trying to get by in a world that's chewed him up and spit him out time and time again - he drinks the pain away, he chases death, and...despite his best efforts, he lives. Because anytime he actually comes close to death, he realizes that it's all worth fighting for, actually - even if he always falls off the path again. Notably, neither he nor Harley Quinn were really supposed to be longstanding characters...and now they're both fully fleshed out people, and a couple of my favorites! I like that he's complex, mentally ill, and still tries to do what's right, most of the time. But the world pushes his hand, and something's got to give, and unfortunately it's usually the people around him who end up paying the price...which doesn't mean that he doesn't carry that guilt for the rest of his life, mind you. But the world itself was saved! ...though he'll never not regret the harm it causes the few people he lets close, and how it then causes so many others to avoid him like the plague, as they assume he's just a shit who will sacrifice his friends at the drop of a hat. He's the reluctant savior. The...anti-hero? I'm not even sure that's right, because he does want to do good. He just... does some fucked up things to achieve that good, because there's often genuinely no other way - and no one else has the fortitude or the know-how to do it but him. So he'll carry that load, so others don't have to. He'll smoke it away, drink it away...anything he has to, to quiet the guilt, and shame of saving the world from the shadows...never being thanked for it, because he doesn't fly around in spandex, or drive a fancy animal-themed car.
4. John Constantine, Hellblazer/DC Comics (An anti-hero I love, a rare bi-disaster MAN in media, and my favorite occultist/wizardy person in fiction, I think...besides Margo.)
Also, his Hellblazer comics are very politically left leaning and he shits on Tories and racists and homophobia, etc. He might hide his pain in ways that make him seem like a piece of shit, but at heart he knows what's right, and that his fellow man deserves better. (Also, it's implied that he slept with/dated King Shark...you go, king.)
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5. Dracula, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Castlevania (first the game, then the show) I was obsessed with the book even as a kid, and when I saw the most iconic scene in a video game ever, I was in love with his Castlevania counterpart, too.
Not much else to add to this one - I just think he's cool! I love vampires! I love Mina, as well, for all the strength she shows in the face of almost-certain-doom...but I love a good villain, and Dracula is the perfect villain. Also, it turns out the whole book might just have been one big, gay metaphor from a man in the closet! That's pretty cool to find out, after all these years. I do love the backstory from the film of him being SO IN LOVE with his wife that he cursed God and just...became a vampire. Because 'I fought in your crusades and you let the woman I love kill herself? Fuck you, I'm just never going to die. Now I'll kill all your beloved humans!' Castlevania's backstory is similar enough that I enjoy both iterations of it - a man driven to madness by love, and loss...and in Castlevania, it's not even his FAULT he keeps getting summoned back, which is where this scene below even comes from, which kinda cracks me up. He specifically points out what pieces of shit humans are...they say they hate him, but it's humans who always summon him back to do THEIR dirty work.
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6. Taimi, Guild Wars 2
When you first meet her, she's a bobble headed child prodigy, even among the incredibly intelligent race of Asura, with big hair and an even bigger pink bow on her head - who has a terminal illness, and a physical disability from it that makes it hard for her to walk...but it never stops her. Not even once. Commander might be a badass, but they'd be nothing without Taimi's vast intelligence saving the world time and again - and you almost have to watch her die! She loses her favorite mech, which is both a walking apparatus and her best friend, and goes on to lose her best friend/love interest...and the pain never breaks her. She's a literal child, a teen/young adult by current story - and the endurance and compassion and strength she shows are just...making me emotional to even write about. And while she's still alive in story at present (and they've aged her up over time!)... we discussed with her not that long ago in story how she is dying - and she feels the pressure to get as much done as she can before that day. But one day, she won't be with us anymore...and despite all the people that Commander has lost? I'll never be ready to lose my little rat-daughter.
Go play Guild Wars 2.
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7. Jaina, World of Warcraft
You meet her as a young woman, in Warcraft - an idealist who believes in peace, and stands against the open, and blatant racism against the Orcs, and the Horde. She strives for this peace so hard that she allows her own father to be executed - and for years, she stands with the Horde, and speaks on their behalf and fights for peace...until those same people go out of their way to not just screw her over, but almost kill one of the only family members she has who accepts her, and steal an ancient artifact that could basically just wipe out the Alliance much like the bomb that was used to wipe out the whole city she was in charge of. She suffers from the guilt of not trying harder to help Arthas. She suffers so...so much guilt, for so many things. She isn't perfect, and she has acted out of hurt, and rage at times - but she grows, and learns, and becomes this whole person comprised of beautiful flaws and complexities. I know what it's like to have your friends betray you, and want to burn it all down. I know what it's like, to need years to come to terms with that hurt. I know the pain of years and years of guilt and self-loathing and 'what-if's'. Jaina has become an amazing woman who has helped people, hurt people, and learned both difficult, and beautiful lessons along the way, to become an ultimately better person who still believes in the rights of all people...just with less of that youthful naivete that got her so hurt and blindsided.
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8. Ahsoka, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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I put off watching Clone Wars, and thought I wouldn't like how they worked Ahsoka in...and boy was I ever wrong. Finally, at long last, there's a female character who is given as thorough a Jedi treatment as Luke, or Anakin...if not better! I love analyzing the 'family lineage' of which Jedi mentors which, and it's a bit funny how Qui-Gon was a rule-breaker paired with Obi-Wan-the-rule-lover...and then he ended up with a padawan even more about going against the grain, because Qui-Gon was supposed to have 'raised' Anakin, himself - then Anakin ends up with a Padawan in an attempt to teach him about how to move on from loss...because all padawans grow up and move on with their lives, one day - but he ended up with someone just as hard-headed and outspoken and out-going as him, and he got a taste of what it was like to be his master! All that said, Ahsoka grows and develops and learns hard lessons, and...grows up as a child soldier in a war the Jedi never should have been a part of, anyways - and (spoilers) when she goes on to be wrongfully accused of a crime by the Jedi Council...they try to walk it back later by saying 'oh this was clearly a test by the Force and you've passed, hooray promotion'. Ahsoka is having none of it. It's hypocrisy. It's a lie. They can't put their own pride aside, and admit that they were wrong! And why would she want to be a part of an organization like that? That's not a promotion at all. Now she'd be just like them, and that leaves a sour taste in her mouth. (Not to mention other hypocritical things she notices throughout the series.) She goes on to learn to live in balance - not all emotions are bad. It's not about complete eradication of emotion, but learning which ones to cultivate, and which ones to set aside and think on. She learns what the elder (extremist) Jedi will not - balance. She becomes better than all those who came before...even Yoda, who is in her Jedi-family-lineage; he admits that the Jedi are blinded by their arrogance, but he's among them! I love everything about her story...so far, at least. I've got yet more catching up to do with Rebels and the Ahsoka show.
9. Asajj Ventress, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Honestly, I like her for a lot of the reasons I like Ahsoka - they're like two sides of a coin, and I think she even says this to Ahsoka later in the series. But Asajj suffered immensely early in life, and lost two father figures (even if one of them was her kidnapper) - to include a Jedi Knight who was briefly her Master, before he was slain in battle. She was picked up by Count Dooku, and had her pain and hate stoked like a fire...and in time he betrayed her, as well. And still...she went on to be resilient, strong, smart, and a master in her own fields of stealth and assassination. She learned hard lessons, and learned to think for herself - she learned that she didn't need any of those men who had come before, in her life...she only needed herself. Her own wits. Her own strength. Her own intelligence. Much like Ahsoka, she broke away from what others tried to mold her into, and became her own woman... whether people liked who she became, or not.
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She's a badass. Watch Clone Wars. Read her books.
10. Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Does this one need a reason? She's an imperfect badass, too! She's a lot like Mac, mentioned earlier - she's girly, but not always. Sometimes it concerns her what people might think of that - being feminine, but strong - but she learns to embrace her strength and ferocity and role in the supernatural world... although not without bucking against the system just like Ahsoka and Ventress do - she makes it her own. She plays by her rules, not the Council's, not her Watcher's...and when she does so selfishly, and screws up, she learns a hard lesson about the wisdom and input of your friends and family, and considering how your choices affect those around you. She decides she will not be a dog on a leash for the Council (maybe she was some inspiration for Ahsoka...) - she's here to do two things: look fly, and kick monster ass. Oh yeah - and empower other young women to do the same.
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Honorable mentions for Spike (from Buffy), Lucifer (from the self-titled show), Aurene (GW2), Eliot Waugh (The Magicians), Catra (SPOP)
You'll no doubt note that pretty much all the women on the list are people who suffered immensely/were wronged and eventually grew stronger for that, and overcame both the situation and their own flaws...I love a bitch who can overcome both her own flaws, and the world itself being against her!
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bejoomi · 1 year
post-next gen plotting!!
hi everyone WOOOOO congrats to all the next gen participants that got signed!! and great work to the admins for everything what a fun event. for those that didn’t read the post (SPOILERS!!) nayoung just signed a contract to sr media, and joomi did not get a contract offer at all.
both muses are ultimately happy with these results!! i think i’m going to do my standard “here’s what’s up with the gang” thing to cover their post-next gen thoughts for ease of plotting.
speaking of plotting, since next gen consumed my life for the past few months, most of the threads i have on both muses are either not super relevant anymore or i’ve lost muse for. because of that, i’ll be dropping all threads unless previously discussed. i’m sorry to do this tbh 😭 but i’d really love to get fresh stuff going! especially trainee threads for nayoung, though i’m still wrapping my head around the new system atm asdfasdgdsg so! like this post to plot, no matter who you are, and i’d be happy to plot w you all again 💗 let me put what’s up with the muses again below!
joomi had this weird moment where he was actually nervous waiting for the last runner up’s name to be called on next gen. early on the show, he had wicked bad imposter syndrome and felt like he didn’t deserve to be there, and he also never wanted to be a kpop idol; he didn’t WANT to be there. over time he grew to just want to do his best, but even by the finale he didn’t want to win or get a contract because he knew there was a 99% chance he’d turn it down. and yet still?? he kind of wanted to be that last runner up, which is confusing to him too. maybe he just wanted to know he was good enough to at least get the offer? but he’s mainly just relieved, and is even happy to go back to working at lotte world again even though he hated it. next on his agenda is ditching the asshole lead singer of his band and starting a new one where HE will be lead singer this time, though, so we can definitely plot around that! and i will probably write a solo. hopefully.
nayoung is mostly happy. of course, she wishes she would’ve made the top 3, and she thought if she would get a contract she surely suited lime entertainment best, but beggars can’t be choosers, so you bet she signed that contract right away. she may not think sr media’s concepts suit her the best but personally, she’s a high performance gal and will have decent acting going forward too, so i totally get it. regardless, she’s eager to get started as a trainee again and is thankful for the opportunity!! she’ll work super hard. i think she’s still kind of in shock right now tbh i’m trying to get in touch with her in my head and she’s just like o__o whatever that means SDSDGSDGGD but she has a tendency to fight with other girls because she sees them as a threat or something, but next gen taught her a lot about how to be a team player, so i think she’ll be keeping that in mind going forward and try to be nicer. but it’ll be fun for her to fight people too, i’m sure it’ll happen from time to time, especially since there aren’t cameras around anymore :^)
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practicingbushiho · 1 year
Sorry, but I have to get this off of my chest-- because being told that I am romanticizing something that I chose for myself in order to offer some perspective to minds that tend to hyperfocus on labor vs capital is to me, pretty insulting. But I will do a read more, to spare those of you who don't want to see me grandstand about art and the creation of media, something that is extremely important to me on principle whether or not it is divorced from out current economic hellscape.
To me it seems strange that people can't seem to wrap their heads around the ideology that there are some artists who, contracted for manga publication or no, work more happily or productively in long crunches that sometimes result in sickness or hospitalizations, and it's easy for the media to sensationalize that to promote a talking point about unfair labor practice and in recent events I can understand why people would kneejerk about that.
People deserve to rest when they feel they want to or need to; but the thing is, that everyone has a different threshold and opinion about what that means to them. I think creatives should be able to have more control over that, obviously! I do not like the idea that the average manga ka has to produce 20 pages a week; even with assistants, that is extremely taxing! I am not claiming that the act of overwork is inherently good or bad by virtue of its conceptual existence by default, which may be why I was dismissed-- we have to see overwork as bad because it kills people unequivocally, but I have KNOWN artists that died young but still gave me the impression that they would NOT have taken it another way.
So, to be CLEAR, what I was SAYING is that I myself have DEFINITELY gotten sick from overworking on art, but it's not so cut and dried! I didn't do those things for an employer or for poor pay, and mental/artistic labor does not function in the same ways as overworking on hard labor, or overworking for bad benefits or poor capital-- I VERY transparently criticize Capitalism wholesale for PRESSURING people into overwork but I cannot stress enough that for some artists they don't SEE IT as being pressured into overwork, because for some artists we feel a great deal of emotional distress when we feel like we can't do something (or that we are not allowed to)!!
The sickness I sit through when I overwork with art is sickness that I accept because I am doing work that I am happy with and proud of. I am NOT implying everyone that does art needs to feel this way. Most people never even get an opportunity to produce a serial comic, and if they do get that opportunity, for some artists the overwork can feel like performing an act of gratitude in their personal and artistic lives, and it is not romanticization to make your own choices about the amount of time you spend actively working-- especially if you are making the distinction that it is a choice you are actively making.
It becomes a problem when you feel FORCED to by an outside force, that is true of ANY labor! That isn't up for debate! But to say that overwork would (or even should tbh) just disappear for artists the second they are given more breaks is naive-- because even on days where I'm not working on client projects I am STILL DRAWING for hours, and I am not the only one by a WIDE margin! And that is considered to be overwork! And when I burn out, which is an inevitable fate you will experience as an artist no matter what your workload is, I take my few days to recover before going back at it!
and if you can't grasp that concept because you are knee jerking on the labor vs benefits element of the discourse, then praxis can't be achieved, and I will disengage. People shouldn't have black and white stances about these subjects, and saying so shouldn't be a point of contention, alas
A public forum is no place to have a contrary opinion about labor and work ethics, but with art and making comics/animating/time intensive mediums in particular I will merely accept that most people who weigh in on these things usually are not themselves contracted working comic artists full time, or they do not comprehend the idea that sometimes the compulsion to tell a story just outweighs to health risks for some of us. Shrug.
Guess I'll just romanticize it for myself. That is my choice. I think every artist should at least be able to choose how they feel about it. Because one day for me, I will die; but I will die feeling like I was doing something instead of just rotting and waiting for my life to change or resolve itself in some way. That is my right just as it is anyone else's to NOT want to work 50 hours a week on art lol
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harmonizewithechoes · 3 years
(Video by @renegadescienceteacher on tiktok)
This video is making me Feel things that I can barely put words to
I of course had to grab some pen and paper and map out multiple generations after this. 10 generations ago is 512 people. 15 generations ago is 16,000 people. And if you go back 25 generations?
That’s 16,777,216 people. Over 16 MILLION people who lived and loved and had babies that had lived and loved and had babies that lived and loved and had babies and so on and so forth until you were born and made it to where we could all exist at the same time right now.
If any one of those people had had a different life that didn’t involve having kids you would not be here today. That is an absolutely wild concept to think about. Even if I don’t know the names of more than around 20 or so people- even though I have no idea who past that is connected to me- each and every single one of those people was important to me because they made it so that I could exist today.
If they were important enough to still be impacting the world today, long after the world has forgotten their names, then maybe I have some importance as well?
#idk though#the jury is still out on that one#importance of any kind? me? I refuse to accept it#no but thinking about the people who lived and died before me so that I could be here now is making me super emotional#and I really don’t know how to describe it#also how many of those people overlap with my friends? that would be a cool thing to find out even though we’ll never truly know#how many generations would I have to go back to have someone in common with my favorite actor? or favorite author?#it’s wild#I’ve thought about it before but never in this much detail#also I know that tiktok puts the names of the creators in a watermark thing on the video#but sometimes they’re hard to read so I like to be sure to give credit#this is the 4th video in a row on tt that had the message “you’re more important than you realize”’’#and they were all about very different things#still a hard concept to wrap my mind around tbh#it’s just easier to think that my life has no impact and that it makes no difference whether I’m here or not#it makes the ‘easy way out’ a more viable option for one day in the future if things go really sideways and I can’t see the point anymore#if I believe my life has some kind of value that makes it infinitely harder to leave#and my depression riddled brain loves to keep that option in my back pocket at all times#I’m fine btw! I’m not in an unsafe mindset or anything#I’ve just been so depressed for so long that my brain is kind of hardwired to think about the ‘easy way out’ when things are difficult#or even when I’m mildly inconvenienced 🙄
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chippedaxe · 3 years
Hi, how are you? You literally write so well. Can i pls request Karl trying to get the female reader pregnant maybe? Like they were both talking about it and they say that they're reader and Karl literally just gets to work lmao also dom! Karl pls?
Title: Baby Making
Warnings: NSFW (Minors DNI), cursing, breeding, pregnancy mentions, no protection, sub reader, pet names?, hair pulling, praising, soft sex
Pronouns: She/her Afab
Synopsis: The reader gets bred by Karl Jacobs.
Word count: 1.5k
Note: I don’t know a lot about pregnancy tbh, I’ve never been pregnant before.
- idk if this story actually makes sense, I didn't proof read (or edit)
*I'm good ty for asking (and ty for the compliment) ! Altho i wrote this when my fingers were cold :(
You sat across the room from your loving boyfriend, twiddling your thumbs together as you tried to think about what to say next. You had no idea how to bring this concept up with him, you felt as if he wouldn’t be ready and would shut you down and you were worried as fuck. Karl leaned back in his chair and sighed “I know something’s on your mind, you wanna spit it out baby?” he asked you with a hushed voice.
“Y- yes actually, I’ve been wanting to bring this up with you for some time now but uh.. I just could never find the right words..” you lowered your head and tried to figure it all out “Oh uh- this isn’t gonna be something bad is it? I promise I’ll be better- If this is about my reluctance towards my chores than I swear I’ll drop it!” he exclaimed “No- no!” you couldn’t help letting out a little laugh at his silliness.
“Karl darling, I love you so so much.. And I was thinking..” you glanced away from him. “You were thinking what, sweetheart?” Karl got up from his chair and walked over to you, grabbing your hands and forcing you to look him in the eyes “Oh don’t look at me like that Karl!” your face heated up and you pushed him away gently. “Like what?” he smiled at you and you smiled back, many thoughts rushing through your head as you knew exactly what you wanted.
“I want a family with you.” you had finally blurted it out, lost in Karl’s eyes as you stared back at him. “You want what?” Karl was taken back “I want a baby- is that too much? I can wait if you’re not ready..” you started to apologize “I didn’t mean to make you-” he stopped your talking by shutting you up with a kiss “Of course I want that! I’d love to have little me’s running around- I just never would’ve thought that you’d.. You know..” he blushed a bit.
“You never thought I’d what?” you teased “I never thought you’d actually bring it up! I thought the thought of pregnancy would terrify you!” Karl explained “It did at first but then I saw how happy other couples were with their children and I just knew that was what I wanted..” you reached out and cupped Karl’s face “You mean the family we saw yesterday at the supermarket? I thought the same thing..” Karl leaned in and kissed your face all over.
“No matter what gender our baby is- I want them to have a gender neutral name” Karl explained “Of course if you had a specific name in mind then I wouldn’t care but-” he shrugged “Anything is fine with me, I love you” you wrapped your arms around him and brought him into a tight hug. “So- we should get started then, huh?” Karl whispered in your ear, you didn’t have much time to process what he’d actually said until you replied with “Yeah- we should.”
Your clothes were torn off in a matter of seconds, underwear thrown somewhere on the floor and your bra nowhere to be seen. “Oh wow!” you gasped as Karl towered over you “This okay? You want me to go slower?” Karl asked you but you shook your head “I love this new energy in you!” you smiled up at him “yeah, you do?” he leaned down and placed a quick kiss on your lips. You leaned your head back onto the pillows and then smiled in delight as you watched Karl slip his shirt off, tossing it behind him and then working his way to getting his belt undone.
Karl unbuckled his belt and began to pull at it, keeping eye contact with you every moment as he got undressed. You lowered your eyes and watched him take off his belt, noticing a very noticeable bulge growing in his pants. Karl straddled your body, legs on either side of you as he began to kiss your body. He nipped and sucked on the soft parts of your skin, hands rubbing up your sides and groping your soft mounds of flesh.
You squirmed a bit, writhing in pleasure and pure bliss. Karl kissed down your neck, biting it gently every so often just to keep your attention. Karl’s hands groped your breasts, fingers pinching your soft nipples “ah..” you gasped. Karl licked them, leaving his warm saliva on your nipples and watching them harden as the air grew colder.
"Oh this is new.." you smiled "Gotta get used to this, hun" Karl winked back at you. Your hand flew to his head, fingers running through his brown locks, tugging a bit on accident when your fingers found a knot in his hair "ah-" Karl let out a soft moan. "Oh you like that, do you?" you grinned as you repeated your action and pulled his head back away from your chest.
Karl bit his lip as he stared at you, admiring your face and body with his eyes. "Oh you're so gorgeous, darling" he jumped on top of you and pressed his lips against yours, teeth grazing against your lip as he was desperate to get his tongue in your mouth "mm-calm down!" you gasped as his desperation. He had never been so hungry for you in his whole life.
Karl grabbed your hips, sliding his hands down to squeeze and grope at your thighs. His tongue glided around the inside of your mouth, the sensation making you groan and clench your thighs together. Karl slapped your leg at your reaction, causing you to jolt a bit and open them back up again. Karl pulled away for a moment "Keep them open, love" he told you before going back in for another kiss full of heat and passion.
Your hands found themselves sliding up Karl's chest and feeling his warm skin. You pulled your head off Karl to breathe, huffing and puffing while trying to catch your breath "Breathless already? But we've only just begun, Darling do you need a break?" Karl rubbed your back gently and looked you in the eyes.
"I'm fine, baby- just finding it hard to keep up with your fast pace!" you admitted "I can get a bit carried away- should I slow down?" he asked again "no way! And if you ask again then I'm gonna slap you!" you joked around "And what if I want you to?" he smirked. You met his smart remark with a slap, stunning him for a moment "oh you sure are strong, darling- I hope our child is as tough as you.." he leaned in.
"I hope they're as caring as you, my love" you caressed his cheek and nuzzled his face. Karl started to massage your thighs gently as you two longingly gazed at each other, his hand somehow finding its way between your legs and rubbing your clit gently. "mm.." you hummed in pleasure, feeling yourself melt away in his touch. "This feel good, hun?" Karl asked "very." you gave him a quick kiss.
You slid your legs open a little wider so Karl could slide in between them "Think you're ready for me, darling?" Karl asked "Always ready for you, my love.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him again. You nipped at Karl's bottom lip in surprise as he suddenly thrust inside of you "Oh I'm so sorry, dear!" you apologized "Don't worry, just kiss it better" he smiled and kissed you again.
You kissed him a lot, you couldn't help it, his face was too adorable to be left unkissed! Karl's cock stretched against your walls, your vagina squeezing around him "ah- that feel's so good.." you grasped onto his shoulders and yelped when Karl suddenly pushed himself in deeper. His cock head was prodding deep inside of you, the sensation making you squirm "feel's weird- and good" you exclaimed.
"Where? Here?" he asked as he kept rubbing up against that certain spot, making you wiggle around on the bed "Darling. Stay still" Karl sighed and pinned you down. Your hands came off of Karl, now gripping onto the blankets to try and keep you from moving around too much.
"Love- I think I'm gonna cum. Are you ready for this?" Karl placed a hand over yours, looking deep into your eyes "Y-yes- I'm ready!" you nodded your head. Karl burst his load inside of you, his hot seed coating the inside of your vagina and leaking out a bit down your legs "oops- looks like we're gonna have to fill you up again, what do you say?" Karl smiled sweetly. You groaned and leaned back on the bed "Round 2 it is." you replied as you got comfortable, you were gonna be here a while.
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elysianslove · 4 years
what would the jjk characters’ reactions be if their girlfriend walked in on them jerking off 👀 or other way around, they walked in on their gf masturbating to them JSHSJSHSH
DJHSDJS THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS. it’s whore knee hours 😼 
nsfw under the cut, my loves! it’s really filthy. also, all characters are aged up if they aren’t already 18+. if there are mistakes in this im sorry vdhsdjs
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walking in on him; probably screams or something tbh. he’s not used to doing it ever since you two got into a relationship and have been sexually active, but the past few weeks and you’ve just been so busy, and yuuji’s so needy 🥺 but he doesn’t wanna bother you 🥺 so he takes matters into his own hands literally and just settles back in bed, sweatpants down his hips, shirt lifted up to reveal his entire chest, and hard cock in his hand. he’s actually rushing through it because it somehow feels wrong and he just wants to rid himself of all this sexual frustration. he’s diligently and roughly stroking himself, and it’s really obscene: the noises his hand is making, the way his hips can’t seem to stop thrusting up, the loud grunts and gasps and whines that can’t stop leaving his lips. and just before he tips over the edge, as he feels his stomach tighten, he hears the door open and your cheerful voice greet him. he screams. like yells out, but he’s also? cumming? weirdly enough? he’s too dazed as he comes down from his high to mind your teasing smile, with his heart beating to loud in his chest, and he welcomes your pretty mouth kissing up the trail of cum he’d left on his chest.
walking in on you; gets really flustered but really cocky at the same time? when he came home tired and walked into the bathroom to wash up he hadn’t been expecting your body in the bathtub, touching yourself, moaning out his name. you’ve clearly been doing this for a couple of minutes because of the speed of your fingers and oh my god are you fingering yourself? he’d been quiet when coming into the bathroom, only announcing his arrival at the front door, and it doesn’t seem like you notice his presence. he watches as your back arches, hips pushing leniently into the curve of your fingers, and you let out a frustrated whine. no, sob. you cry out his name against desperately and yuuji doesn’t think he’s ever been this horny. the initial shyness and shock has long since worn off and all he wants to do is bury his fingers in your soaking cunt instead. when you cry out again, in frustration, and pull your fingers out, he immediately kneels by the bathtub, meeting your eyes with his as he feigns a pout at you and says, “aw, can my poor baby only cum on my fingers?” he’s pleased to see you’re not even a little shy about it when you frown deeply and nod desperately. 
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walking in on him; is not in the least bit shameful, just spreads his legs wider, throws his head back to let out another moan and says as he smirks up at you, “you’re more than welcome to join.” he’s not shy about masturbation, and he’ll even talk to you about it. this mf probably loves mutual masturbation as is. but anyway. you’d probably just left for the store, for ten minutes, and you come back and his head’s thrown back on the couch, cock in his hands as the sweatpants he wears have been pushed down to just beneath his balls. he’s being loud, like he’s giving you a show, and as soon as you enter the living room, he lets out a particularly loud grunt, thrusting his hips up. you’re not even sure if he’s dramatizing it or if it really feels that good. he’s doing it slow too, taking his time, thumbing the slit of his pretty cock and smearing the precum all over the pink head. he really is giving you a show, and god are you eating that shit up. he stares you down as he squeezes and strokes, and then, he says, “if your mouth’s gonna hang open like that, might as well put it to use and stuff it.” vdhjsdsjds gojo brainrot. 
walking in on you; is so, so, so teasing about it. if you’re doing it to give him a taste of his own medicine, expect to regret it when your ass is tainted with his handprint and you’re full of his cum. but if you really are innocent about it, he’ll tease you endlessly, saying things like, “pretty baby couldn’t wait for me?” and “so eager,” and “so needy,” with a grin and a tut. he lowkey highkey loves it when he comes home and walks in on your bedroom to see your legs spread out for him so nicely, your fingers stuffing your messy cunt, your nipples all perked up and your body covered in a sheen layer of sweat from the exertion. he watches for minutes on end, and when you finally notice him, and you squeak in surprise and attempt to cover yourself, he grins and shakes his head, grabbing a chair and placing it right across from you so he has a perfect view of your spread legs and says, “i wanna watch you cum.” he’s so. shameless about it omg. if you take too long though he’ll just swat your hand away and eat you out till you can’t feel your legs <3
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walking in on him; i don’t think he masturbates, like, ever. if he’s ever horny he will just grab you, pull you aside, and fuck you. like he’s not ashamed about it. even if it’s in public, he will find some way to put his dick inside you. but! let’s say you introduce the concept to him and it’s a day where you’d just left him alone for a few hours, so he decides there’s no harm in trying. he hadn’t expected it to feel this good. granted, it’s not your mouth or cunt, but he’s still fully in control of his pleasure. he kinda gets lost in the feel of it all that he doesn’t notice you coming back home. you stay so silent, and watch the whole thing as he throws his head back and cums all over his hand and stomach, and he does it all while saying your name and if that isn’t an ego boost idk what is. he gets so embarrassed, but displays it in a different way. he just gets angry at you basically, for catching him, and when you laugh at his reaction. last 😃 straw 😃 good luck walking tmrw <3
walking in on you; oh shit okay. listen. he will absolutely get mad. like wtf only i am supposed to give you pleasure??? if he walks in on you, like yuuji, desperately trying to fuck yourself with your fingers and finding no way to reach your orgasm, he won’t do shit. he’ll just stand there with his arms crossed as you fail to reach your orgasm for the nth time and it’s literally just humiliating at this point. you’re sobbing and your cunt’s a mess, your entire tight and trembling with the build up of arousal. you can tell he’s aroused too. you can see it actually, but he makes no move to satisfy himself, and you honestly think that seeing you like this is doing it for him. the breaking point for him would probably be hearing your broken voice just sob out a mixture of a chant of his name and please, just desperate and wanting. and then, oh boy does he give it to you. makes you orgasm so many times, makes you see stars all night, just as a reminder of who you really belong to. what a sadist i love him lol
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walking in on him; he probably does it every once in a while because he’s a teenage boy?? (still aged up here). but he only does it to relieve himself, not for anything other than that, no ulterior motive. just to rid himself of, well, his horniness. probably the type to do it in the shower because he does not like any evidence that he ever did it. he’s hunched up underneath the water, the steady flow of it hitting his back, while he has one hand steady on the wall before him, and another wrapped tightly around his cock. he’s panting and gasping, and oh, megumi would make the prettiest sounds when he cums i just know it. probably looks gorgeous too. he doesn’t hear you come into the shower because he’s so close, shit, this feels so good — and then he feels your hands come around his waist, spinning him around and his hand’s still moving but his body’s gone into absolute shock. he hears you whisper, “let me see you, baby” and he just absolutely loses it. his face scrunches up, heat blossomed on his chest and cheeks as his hand moves rapidly on his cock, milking himself and spilling all over your stomach. when he’s well spent his head falls into the crook of your neck, and he’s just letting out tiny little gasps when you say, “you’re so pretty when you cum,” and god, is he in love with you. 
walking in on you; so. shy!!!!! omg!!!! you’re probably on your bed, on your stomach, ass in the air as you rub your clit. your thighs are smeared with your arousal and your hand and palm are outright drenched and megumi feels his mouth dry, his pants suddenly way too tight. you don’t notice him for a while, and he’s just too in shock to move, until you tilt your head and catch him staring. you lock eyes with him, then sink a finger into your pussy, your eyes rolling back and your mouth falling open into a silent gasp at the intrusion. megumi’s gone crazy like his brain’s malfunctioned. but that wasn’t even the worst of it. when you start to fuck yourself with your fingers, and then bring a second one inside, you moan out his name and he just succumbs to all his desires, walking slowly over to you and lightly massaging and caressing your thighs and ass, watching up close as you continue to fuck yourself. then, gently, he takes your wrist in his grasp and pulls your fingers out, lightly brushing against your soaked folds as he hums, then says, “let me.”
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walking in on him; he’s actually really open about it? like he just doesn’t care. he will get a little flustered if you catch him in the moment, but that’s only for a few seconds. like he’s just doing his thing, stroking his dick and reveling in the flood of dopamine that’s overwhelming his brain, squeezing the base, tightening his fingers around the tip, urging more precum out. when you walk in, he freezes momentarily, his hand flying to the base of his cock and just shuddering lightly as he holds back his orgasm. and then he just sighs, leaning back again and stroking rougher, encouraging you to come closer with a simple look in his eyes. your mouth is almost immediately around the tip of his dick, and he just holds you there as he strokes himself, watching as you suck on just the tip. you’re a sight for sore eyes like this, and when you meet his eyes, his eyes fly up, accidentally shoving his dick further in your tight, warm mouth and cumming down your throat. he doesn’t even give himself another second to catch his breath before he’s pushing you down onto the bed, kissing you so deeply, his cock already hardening again.
walking in on you; the same way he’s so nonchalant about himself masturbating, he doesn’t mind if you do it too. it’s understandable how sometimes you just want me time, and he tells himself if he were to ever catch you he wouldn’t really react in any way. he is wrong 😃👍🏼. just like he’d pushed your mouth around his dick when you’d once caught him, he immediately rushes to you, one hand wrapped around your thigh, the other guiding your fingers deeper inside of you as his mouth latches onto your clit. his mouth??? his mouth!!! sinful!!! he eats you out like a starved man. the idea is so filthy though, like you’re fingering yourself and he’s fondling your breasts and teasing your nipples, his mouth and lips sucking so harshly on your clit and you’re so fucking wet you’re soaking the bed beneath you. the orgasm that hits you is mind blowing, and imagine your surprise when you pull your fingers out, expecting him to pull his mouth away as well, but he just replaces your fingers with his own, pushing you down harsher on the bed and continuing to pleasure your oversensitive body oof.
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end note; um n e ways 😏 if you guys want other characters with this lemme know bc brain: fried :D
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pairing: mob!tom holland x reader
request: okok i have a mob!tom idea... what about tom having to work until veeeryyyy late at night cause he’s like drowning in paperwork and all that mob crap i wouldn’t know about... and when he finally stops he comes to your room to find you asleep and he’s like instantly relieved to see his princess after all that stress (can involve some smutty smut or else what’s the point). by anonymous
warnings: smut but it’s soft
word count: 1.7k
notes: ok i love this concept + this has been a wip for a while now and i’m honestly not sure how i like it, i kinda struggled for some reason but i hope you enjoy. this wasn’t rly what i wanted to post first and i’m kinda nervous tbh but here you go! just a short, sweet smut to get back in the groove <3
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There was something reassuring and almost soothing to Tom about coming home to you after a long day at work. His days were sometimes filled with blood, betrayal, violence, frustrations, and nothing good––but none of that would matter when he stepped into the comfort of your bedroom, the warmth of your embrace, basked in the light of your presence. 
He would often feel the tension rolling off of his shoulders as soon as he set his eyes on you, the light of his life. No matter how dark his days would get, how brutal his job forced him to become, you would always bring him back to you, with your words, your company. 
Tonight, was luckily not bloody, but rather boring and exhausting. Tom spent hours in a room with dozens of other men, bosses, associates of other mobs writing up agreements, making deals, negotiations over territories, clubs, money. He was done with them all the minute he stepped foot at the designated meetup location and even texted you throughout the meeting to get through it. As soon as everything was done he was the first one out of the door. 
You often tried to stay up and wait for him on long nights like these, but sometimes, you couldn’t overcome the fatigue, and Tom couldn’t blame you. As he stepped into your bedroom quietly, he perked up when he noticed the light was still on but smiled softly when he noticed your figure curled up on the bed. You were dressed in your pajamas, since it was technically early in the morning now, but you were lying on top of the covers, meaning you had tried to stay up but ultimately failed. 
Tom slowly closed the door, careful not to make too much noise and put his cufflinks away first, in the dish on the dresser, then he went into the walk-in closet and put his shoes away before undressing down to his boxers. It wasn’t until he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up before bed that you woke up, the sound of running water stirring you awake. 
“Tommy?” Your voice was sleepy and saccharine, luring him to bed like a siren. “Is that you?” 
“Yeah baby, I’m here.” He dried off and shut off the bathroom light before making his way over to your side. He bent down and brought a hand to your cheek, gently holding your face as he looked at you with tired eyes. 
You cleared your throat, your eyes blinking up at him slowly. “Did you just get here?” 
He nodded, his thumb caressing your cheek, this close to lulling you back to sleep. “Meeting went on for ages. They just would not stop talking.” You knew he was honestly irritated, but the frown on his face and the furrow between his brows was nothing but cute to you and you couldn’t help but let out a quiet breath of laughter, making him smile down at you. 
“Get in bed with me?” 
“Of course.” He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and climbed over you, pulling the covers out from under you and tucking the both of you in. You turned in his arms and placed a hand on his neck, looking up at him fondly. He looked at you for a moment before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours gently, leaving a few small pecks that got longer and longer until you were pulling each other closer, desperate to feel one another. You were breathing slowly and deeply, in sync, your arms wrapped around each other tightly.
You rubbed your thighs together, suddenly remembering how needy you had gotten when he was gone before you had fallen asleep. You took a deep breath and sighed at the feeling and Tom quirked a brow, immediately recognizing the sound. 
He pulled away slightly and brought his hand back up to your cheek, taking note of the glint in your gaze. “I know that look in your eye, darling.” He smirked softly. “Someone feeling a bit needy?” 
“Please.” You pouted, mind too tired to let out full sentences and Tom was quick to indulge you.
His hand trailed down between your legs and raised his brows when he felt the wetness on your panties. “See you kept busy while I was gone, hm darling?” You nodded innocently and he growled, capturing your lips with his, his voice hot and heavy with need as he whispered against your mouth. “Yeah? You touched your pretty pussy thinking about me while I was away? Such a naughty little thing.” He quickly slipped your panties off and out of the way and bit his lip at how you purred and arched under his touch, your body practically melting from the touch it was desperately aching for. 
You rolled your hips as his fingers swiped between your folds, spreading your mess around almost lovingly. Tom slipped a finger inside you and kissed down to your neck, making sure to leave a few bold marks just the way he liked. You felt him smirk against your skin before his tongue swiped against it, a second finger making its way into you. It didn’t take long for him to find and tease your spot with his fingertips––the feeling making you gasp and writhe under him, your hands desperately reaching to grab his hair in one and his arm in the other.
He pumped his digits in and out of you at a teasing pace until your skin felt hot and you could barely breathe, until he could see from the look in your eye and the way your lips parted, unable to let words pass through them, that you needed more. Soon enough, his fingers were quickly pounding into you, the sound of your wetness against his hand almost deafening in the quiet room. 
He nuzzled against your cheek adoringly as if he wasn’t touching your most sensitive parts. His voice was as soft as his lips as they grazed against your skin. “Come on lovie, fall apart on my fingers. Wanna feel you make a mess in my palm.” He pressed his thumb against your bundle of nerves and your fingers dug further into him, your mouth dropping open as you finally reached your peak. 
Your back arched slowly and you swore you could feel every muscle in your body from your head to your toes as the pleasure spread through your core, your stomach, and down your thighs. The world went silent for a few seconds until you came to again, the feeling of Tom’s lips against your cheek and his fingers soothingly rubbing between your legs bringing you back.
You blinked slowly a few times before turning to look at him, a lazy smile on your face. You slid a hand up to his jaw and closed the distance between you, thanking him through a passionate kiss. You tried to pull him on top of you and he obliged, sliding between your legs without pulling away from your lips. He pressed his hips down against yours and you gasped into the kiss from the feeling of the fabric against your sensitive core. 
Tom sucked on your bottom lip and pulled away teasingly slowly to look in your eyes, one of his hands caressing your cheek, the other holding him up. “Are you sure you’re not too tired, love?” 
You shook your head immediately, “Just want you. Need you.” 
He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Well my girl always gets what she wants, doesn’t she?” You bit your lip and nodded up at him cheekily, prompting him to kiss you again, this time on the lips. He pulled his member out and lined up at your entrance, swallowing your moans as he slid into you. He bottomed out and ground his hips against yours, relishing in the gasp you let out. He took both of your hands and pinned them on either side of you head, his fingers interlocked with yours as he started to thrust into you, his eyes watching you fondly and lustfully.
You whined and looked up at him, “Missed you Tommy.” 
“Yeah baby?” He moved closer and let his lips graze yours. “Well I missed this tight cunt too.” You moaned loudly, your head tilting back and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you, leaning down to thrust deeper and slower, letting you feel every inch of him inside of you, all of his warmth on top of you. 
The two of you were holding on to each other, almost merging with how close you were––moaning and panting as you raced towards your highs. Your lips slotted together messily and desperately but still lovingly as you got closer and closer. 
“Can feel you clenching baby. Shit––You gonna come on my cock?” 
You wrapped your arms and legs around him tight and nodded, “Yes, please Tommy make me come––”
He slid his hand down to play with your clit the way you needed and groaned as his pace got sloppier, his thrusts deep and hard. “Fuck, come on darling, let go. Wanna feel you drip down my cock, that’s it––”
Your fingertips dug into his back and he buried his face into the crook of your neck as your back arched again, a sharp moan ripping from your throat as your body shuddered under his before he came undone soon after, biting your shoulder as he filled you up. 
You stayed like that, holding each other for a while before Tom started to get up slowly, kissing every inch of skin he could until he reached your lips, making you smile giddily. Though he wanted to stay in your arms forever if he could, he knew it was only right that he get up to clean you up. 
After gently dismissing your whines and pouts for him to stay in bed and kissing the back of your hand before promising to come back soon––it wasn’t long before he had tenderly cleaned you up with a soft washcloth and gotten back in bed with you.
He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you again, resuming the first position you’d been in when he’d first gotten home. You placed your head on his chest and looked up at him sleepily with a small smile which he returned. 
He pressed his lips against your forehead and swiped his thumb across your cheek, lulling you to sleep yet again. “You are the love, the light of my life.” 
You smiled and leaned up to kiss him softly. “And you’re my home.”
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Hot Springs (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)
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Word Count: 2,570
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: SMUT, bad language, public, my shit writing, Ushijima being a beautiful man
Summary: You couldn’t remember the last time you and Ushijima got to spend proper time together, so when he suggests going to the hot springs for a date how could you refuse? Although, you two are doing a bit more than just enjoying the hot water. 
GUYS! I know it’s been a fucking minute😫 I’m still trying to get my shit together for school lmao. BUT I’ve been working on this fic for a while tbh, I was just never motivated to finish it until recently. I apologize in advance if it’s trash😂 BUT, I do have a couple of things to go over. First of all, thank you guys so much for being patient with me the past couple of weeks, I’ve definitely missed putting content out to you guys, I’ve just been super busy with life and school. Second of all, I know I have requests sitting in my inbox, I will do them. Eventually. The only reason why I’m even posting something new is because this story was already in the works, so since it’s done I decided to post it (it’s probably garbage idk lol). Third of all, I love you guys so much  😘😘😘😘 it’s been such a joy writing for you all, and I hope I continue to put out content you guys enjoy! As always, this story is dedicated to @sunshinewitchz​ because she’s the biggest Wakatoshi simp I know, and I love her so much and her endless support. 
I hope you guys enjoy the story! Please let me know what you think of it😊😊
“- Would you like to go?” Ushijima’s deep voice filtered through your ears; although you only heard the last part, you had no idea what he had said beforehand.
 “Hmm?” you finally looked up at him, the paint brush in your hand stilled.
 A soft frown coated his lips, sometimes you were far too engrossed in your art projects. Usually he didn’t mind, today was different though. It had been two weeks since the last time he had seen you, both of you far too busy to make time to spend together.
 Of course, he would want your undivided attention, he missed you. 
 “I’m sorry Toshi, what were you saying?” you smiled sheepishly at him, carefully setting down the paintbrush, your eyes focused on him completely now.
 “The hot springs. Do you want to go?” He asked again, his eyes flickering over your face.
 Your lips pursed, your brain wracking through the dates to make sure you didn’t already have a prior commitment. “When?”
 He let out another sigh, Ushijima loved you deeply, but when painting was involved… well, you were in a completely different world to the point that it was hard to hold a conversation with you.
 But he also loved your passion for it, he loved how talented you were, how confident you were in your skills. It was proven time and time again whenever you produced your master pieces.
 Although, all your artwork in his eyes were masterpieces.
 You were the best masterpiece of all. Ushijima could stare at you for hours, he could watch you paint for hours, but right now, he wanted to be your sole focus.
 “Do you want to go to the hot springs with me tomorrow?” he asked once more.
 “Okay.” You smiled brightly at him, you didn’t have anything to do tomorrow, except to drop off a painting. Any chance you got to spend with Ushijima you would take. 
 “Okay.” he repeated, a soft smile coating his lips. “Finish up, we’ll go get food once you’re done.”
 You definitely loved Ushijima.
 “Ushijima-senpai! Y/n-senpai!” Goshiki exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here!?”
 “Your grandma asked for a commission piece! I’m just dropping it off now.” You smiled widely. “I didn’t know you would be here today!”
 “I-I’m just visiting.” he stuttered out, his eyes awkwardly flickering over to Ushijima who paid him no mind, his eyes scanning the outer exterior of the house.
 “I need to collect the money; do you know where she is?” You asked sweetly.
 “She’s out in the garden, please come in.” He said awkwardly, stepping aside. 
 “I won’t be long Toshi!” You said cheerfully, pardoning yourself before you entered the home, leaving Goshiki and Ushijima standing at the entrance.
 “This is nice wood, is it oak?” Ushijima asked suddenly, his eyes tracing over the large door.
 “I don’t know Senpai…”
 Silence once again surrounded them, but like you had said, the exchange didn’t take too long as you came walking up to the volleyball players cheerfully.
 “All set Toshi! Let’s head out yeah?” you smiled up at him.
 He nodded before taking your hand into his and waving goodbye at the male.
 “Bye Goshiki! See you around!” you called out behind your shoulder.
 Sometimes it was a wonder how you and Ushijima ended up together. The concept of “opposites attract” seemed to be in play for this. 
 Your bright and bubbly personality contrasted greatly with his. Ushijima’s blunt and rough exterior was the complete opposite of your gentle and easygoing one. 
 However, you guys shared one trait, and that was the undeniable confidence you guys had in your skills. Ushijima with volleyball, and you with art.
 But despite the contrasting personalities, your relationship worked, the love and respect you guys had for one another was always present.
 “That was really nice of that lady to give us our own spring. I didn’t even know that a place like this could have private ones!” You said happily as you guys walked towards the changing rooms.
 “Yeah.” Ushijima nodded briefly, “see you in a bit.”
 You grinned at him widely before skipping off into your own changing room. 
 You bummed softly to yourself as you began undressing. The showers felt incredible against your skin and you couldn’t help but sigh in content, a trip to the hot springs was something that you definitely needed after working so hard on your commissions.
 You carefully wrapped yourself in the towel and started heading towards the spring. The change in temperature caused a shiver to run through your body, shuddering gently as the steam curled around your damp shoulders. You breathed in the soft scent of earth, sighing softly as your body relaxed in the hot springs air. 
 Your eyes scanned over the area, before pausing on a figure that left your heart racing and your stomach flipping.
 Ushijima paid no attention to his surroundings; his stare was focused on the scenery before him. But that gave you plenty of time to drink in the tall male before you.
 He was truly the most beautiful person you’ve ever met before. His broad shoulders and rippling back muscles were completely exposed to your greedy eyes. 
 How you ended up with such a beautiful man was beyond your comprehension. 
 “What are you waiting for?” His deep voice filtered through the air, your gaze met his olive eyes and you felt your face flush immediately.
 “Just appreciating the view.” You said cheekily before dropping your towel and settling yourself down into the water.
 A long sigh escaped your lips as you submerged yourself completely. This was heaven; you couldn’t remember the last time you had been to the hot springs, and the fact that you got to spend it with the man you loved the most, it was definitely pure heaven.
 “The scenery is very nice here.” he agreed, eyes scanning over the area once more.
 You laughed softly at his statement, your hand gently pressing into the bulging muscle of his bicep. “I wasn’t talking about the scenery. I was talking about you Toshi.” 
 Ushijima felt his expression soften considerably as he looked down at you. You were resting your head against his arm, your eyes closed in absolute bliss.
 This time Ushijima decided  to scan over you, and fuck… you were the best thing he’s ever seen.
 His eyes drank in every inch of your beautiful face, his gaze trailing over the strands of wet hair clinging to your face, wrapping around your collarbone and then your shoulders and…
 He shamelessly stared at your exposed breasts. He could feel his heart rate beginning to pick up as he started to register in his mind that you… no both of you were extremely bare to one another.
 Ushijima couldn’t understand this sudden shyness that began to bubble up in his gut. He had seen you bare so many times before, he’s touched you so many times before, he’s had you in every way that he could think of; and yet… What was this sudden rush of arousal spiking through his blood right now?
 Your eyes fluttered open and met intense olive colored ones staring right back. You felt your mouth go dry, your stomach twisting in a way that was all too familiar.
 The only times Ushijima has ever looked at you like that was when…
 “What is it, Wakatoshi?” You teased slightly, the flush in your face was something that you could blame on the hot water, not the fact that your hunk of a boyfriend was blatantly staring at you like he wanted to devour you whole.
 “You’re beautiful.” he said simply, reaching out to tug on a strand of your wet hair. His strong, thick fingers gently began trailing against the skin of your throat, skimming across your collarbone. Despite the hot water, you couldn’t help but shiver at his gentle touch. 
 “I meant… is there something that you want Wakatoshi?” You asked, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you stared at him through your lashes.
 “You. Always you.” he answered simply; his large hand curving gently around your jaw, cupping your face carefully.
 Your stomach twisted pleasantly, an all too familiar burn bubbling deep within your gut, but also... your heart. Once again you were in awe of the man before you, the amount of love you held for him was far too much for your heart to contain, bubbling up and spilling over the longer you looked at him.
 “You have me.” you said quietly, carefully pressing yourself closer to him, your hands rested gently against the bare skin of his chest, strong and oh so broad.
 “Then kiss me.” he demanded, olive eyes burning into yours. Love and passion could clearly be seen in them.
 So, you did. Your hands grabbing at his strong jaw, forcing him to stoop down to your level so you could properly kiss him.
 Kissing Ushijima was possibly the best thing on the planet, his lips were full and strong as they moved against yours, unhurried, but incredibly needy and forceful. 
 His tongue licked against your mouth, hot and wet and deliciously perfect. You eagerly pressed yourself against his large body, melting against him completely. You were too hot, your body overheating immediately.
 It was from the hot springs, right? Not from the hunk of a man that was currently grabbing at your bare waist and yanking you tighter against him, right? 
 Your head spun dizzily, pleasure rippling through your body, a soft whimper tearing through your throat as you felt his growing member press tight against your thigh.
 Ushijima heard you, his grip on your body tightened slightly as he continued to devour your mouth. He began moving you, carefully backing you up further away from the deep end of the hot spring, and then your body was being lifted up until you were no longer in the hot water, rather, you were now sitting on the ledge of the hot springs.
 Goosebumps erupted across your skin, your nipples hardening into pebbles under Ushijima’s watchful eyes.
 From your perched position on the rocks you could easily kiss Ushijima and he could easily…
 “W-What are you doing?” you whimpered out, the back of your hand coming up to cover your mouth, your heart was racing, faced flush, as you stared at the tall male.
 His large hands were gripping your thighs, carefully moving them apart, his eyes gazing hungrily at your weeping cunt.
 “What does it look like I’m doing?” he asked slowly, and then he was stooping down until his face was between your legs… a hot, fat, tongue sliding up your slit.
 You gasped loudly, eyes fluttering shut, as you leaned back on one of your elbows, your hand covering your mouth shot out and tangled into his damp hair.
 Ushijima hummed slightly, tongue gently flickering against your throbbing clit. 
 He wanted to do this here? Now?
 A thick finger slid easily into your wet entrance, causing your thighs to tremble at the sudden intrusion.
 Apparently yes. Yes, he did.
 When you finally opened up your eyes, the scene before you was absolutely sinful. Your swollen lips parted in awe as you made eye contact with Ushijima.
 His pupils were dilated, the soft olive color completely gone. His wet hair clung to his face, you could see his tongue flickering in and out of his mouth as he continued to eat you out.
 How was he so fucking perfect?
 “Toshi… please.” you begged, pressure beginning to build up, you were so close, but you wanted him. You wanted his thick cock to stretch you out completely right now.
 “Is there something you want?” he asked, voice deep and thick with arousal. His plush lips were wet, coated in your slick.
 Oh fuck.
 How did he look so fucking good between your legs?
 “You. Please. No more foreplay, I want you inside me already, please.” you trembled, watching as he stood to full height.
 Your eyes greedily ran down his naked body. He was just so… so fucking big, in so many ways.
 The strong muscles of his arms, his chest, his stomach, stood proudly on display for you. But as your eyes traveled lower; you could almost drool over the sight of his erect cock, standing proud and ready to be engulfed in your tight heat.
 His fist enclosed over his hard member, pumping up and down his shaft a couple of times before he finally stepped between your trembling legs. Carefully rubbing the head of his cock against your soaked folds, your eyes fluttered at the touch.
 But then with a quick snap of his hips he entered you, bottoming out immediately. 
 His lips slammed down against yours, muffling the loud moan that was about to escape your lips.
 Fuck, you were so full. No matter how many times Ushijima had you, you could never quite get used to his large size. 
 It was almost too much. But he knew that, which was why he waited for a moment, allowing you the time to get used to thick intrusion.
 One of his large hands grabbed at your hip, the other was resting near your head against the ground.
 After a few moments, your legs wrapped around his thick waist, a silent invitation that he could start moving.
 Ushijima didn’t even hesitate, his hips snapping forward, his cock pressing into the deepest part of your tight heat.
 The pace of his thrusts was unhurried, as if he had all the time in the world to fuck you, despite the fact that you guys were at a hot spring.
 “Do you hear that?” he murmured; soft squelching could be heard from your lower region. You were absolutely soaked, drenching his thick cock as he slid in and out of you perfectly. 
 You gripped at his broad shoulders helplessly, soft whimpers escaping your lips as you trembled under his large body.
 It was too much… the hot springs, his body, his kisses, the grunts that were coming from his lips, the fact that your boyfriend was fucking you in a public place…
 “I’m close.” you squeaked out, nails digging into his skin. The familiar burn, the ache for release; was coming up quickly.
 His deep thrusts began to speed up, his hips hammering into you.
 “Then cum.” he demanded, his hand reaching down to rub harshly at your swollen clit. 
 So, you did, gushing around him easily, your slick coating his hard member. He grunted loudly, immediately pulling himself out of you, his fist once again enclosing around his member as he hurriedly pumped himself, searching for release.
 Thick ropes of his warmth shot onto your lower belly, hot and heavy against your skin. 
 You watched tiredly as he brushed the wet hair away from his forehead, his eyes trailing over your bare body, a soft expression easily covering his face now. Carefully he pulled you back into the water, situating you on his lap easily as you rested your head against his strong chest.
 You sighed in content as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
 “I love you Wakatoshi.” you said quietly, you peered up at him, a sweet smile coating your lips.
 “I love you too.” he said eyes flickering down at you, a small smile appearing on his face.
 A trip to the hot springs was definitely a good idea. 
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duskholland · 4 years
Meet Your Match || Mob!Tom Smut
Summary ↠ It’s always awkward when your current boyfriend meets your ex, but it’s a whole new level when it transpires that your ex-boyfriend is the leader of Tom’s rival mob...
Warnings ↠ 18+, contains mature nsfw material. There are extended warnings beneath the cut, but this is quite heavy. 
Word count ↠ 5.9k
A/N ↠ Genuinely am shocked that this came out of my head tbh. It is very intense so please consult the warnings before you dive in ! The entire concept of the first half is very random and almost crack, but then the second half...phew. Sheesh. Thanks to V, mischiefandi, for suggesting I write in a hot Irish mobster as Y/N’s ex...love that for her, and I love you V. I hope you all enjoy this :)
This is a part of my mob!Tom series – a collection of oneshots set within the same universe. You don’t need to read the other parts for this to make sense! You can find the other parts in my masterlist.
18+ do not touch this if you are a minor. 
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extended warnings: lol. mob themes including gun mention and punching, a broken nose ft minor mentions of blood, a bit of a dodgy ex who makes some uncomfortable comments, alcohol, possessive!jealous!Tom, d/s dynamics, soft!dom!Tom, mean!dom!Tom, thigh riding, oral (f receiving), spitting, orgasm denial and edging, guided masturbation, rough sex, doggy-style, like two minor instances of spanking, he calls her slut once. im not here to fuck around this goes hard so if you aren’t into rough stuff this isn’t for you. also includes unprotected sex -- please practise safe sex (condoms provide barriers against STIs as well as unwanted pregnancy. pls be safe irl). i would like mob!tom to rail me thank u. enjoy.
--------- Meet Your Match ---------
You’d never given much thought to the possibility of Tom meeting one of your exes. Why would you, when being with him is infinitely more satisfying, loving, and enjoyable than it had ever been with one of them? 
But if you’d had to imagine it, you would’ve pictured it casually. Maybe you’d be out somewhere together - at a café, or a market, with Tom’s arm wrapped safely around you. You’d see your ex - whoever it may be - and there’d be an awkward encounter. The exchange of painful hellos and goodbyes, maybe some piercing stares, and pinched words. Then, you’d move on, and that would be that. 
Never, in your wildest dreams, would you have imagined you’d run into your ex-boyfriend whilst in attendance at a meeting of the London mobs. 
It’s a special event - a large, networking occasion, organised by Tom, as an opportunity for him to meet with his partners and rivals, as they come together to cordially bond over beer and discuss business plans. It’s hosted right in the centre of Piccadilly, in the elegant conference room of a luxurious hotel. You’re just starting to relax and settle in when you glance across the room and see him:
Aidan. Your ex-boyfriend. At… A meeting of the mobs of London? 
“What the fuck,” you mutter. You almost drop your glass of champagne as you narrow your eyes and stare. The conference room is vast, adorned with glittering chandeliers and large banquet tables, but it’s undeniable: Aidan is here. 
“Everything alright, love?” Tom’s by your side, one of his arms wrapped loosely around your shoulders. He’s in remarkably high spirits this evening. The event is fully underway, and judging by the snippets of conversation you’ve been hearing, Tom’s latest plans are coming into fruition - something about warehouses, and a shipment of class A drugs. But none of it matters now, because your mind is entirely elsewhere.
“No,” you state immediately. 
Tom cranes his neck, his eyes seeking you out. You manage to drag your gaze away from Aidan for a brief second.
“What is it?” He’s looking at you with those deep, warm brown eyes, and his gaze is so tender it makes your breath hitch. One of Tom’s fingers moves up to caress your cheek, and you find yourself shifting guiltily on your feet.
“Who, exactly, did you invite to this meeting?” You ask your boyfriend, speaking in hushed tones. Your eyes slip back to Aidan, and you feel yourself relax as you note he’s still deep in conversation with a few men. 
“Suppliers, rivals, allies… Anyone of importance, really.” Tom narrows his eyes, his thumb brushing over your chin as he looks at you closely. “Why?”
“Did you know that you’ve also invited my ex-boyfriend?”
Judging by the look of utter shock on Tom’s face, he had not, in fact, realised his fundamental truth.
“Who?” He asks immediately. His face shifts through several shades before settling on jealous, with his eyebrows bunched together. 
You turn around, resting one hand on the broad shoulder of Tom’s suit before using your other to point out across the crowd.
Tom squints his eyes, a small rumbling noise travelling up his throat. “Aidan?” He repeats, his voice flooded with confusion. You hum affirmatively. “Bloke with the blond hair? Irish?” Again, a hum. Tom releases a short, curt chuckle. “Angel, he’s not called Aidan.”
“What?” You exclaim. 
Tom releases a deep sigh. “That’s Gordy. He runs the Eastside.” 
You feel your jaw loosen. A fake name. “Gordy Byrne?”
“The one and only.”
You’ve been with Tom for a year. Over those long, fulfilling twelve months, you’ve picked up on several important key pieces of information about the London mob: it’s split into three factions, each sector run by a different figurehead. Tom and his family control the South-West, and they’re in constant disagreement with Gordy, of the East, and Monique, of the North. Each third is continuously testing the waters, trying to take over land, and supplies, and emerge as the solo Kingpin of London. The fragile alliance between the three families is constantly on the verge of disintegration. 
And Gordy is your ex, who you’d met three years ago at the same exclusive club you’d worked in when you’d met Tom. Your relationship had lasted eight months and ended on equal terms as you’d mutually agreed the spark had fizzled away. Despite the considerable span of your relationship, you’d had no suspicions that he’d been involved with the mob. The thought is incredibly jarring.
“Seems like you have a type,” Tom comments, his voice entirely too flippant. 
Before you can call him out on his apparent feelings of resentment, your evening takes a further turn as you realise Gordy has spotted you and is now working his way through the sea of people towards you. 
He looks just as you remember: 6’2, blond, green-eyed. His shoulders are stocky and broad, and his suit bulges with disguised muscles. He maintains that signature swagger you’d come to associate with him, his eyes glinting as he throws out a wild smile. Your eyes catch on the presence of a few new golden teeth fixed in his mouth, and then to the tattooed knuckles that hang by his side.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” Gordy greets, green eyes skimming across you appreciatively, “Who’d ‘a thought we’d meet again?”
All you can really do is let out a squeak of agreement, and pull away from Tom’s side to greet the man with a kiss on the cheek. The familiar scent of Gordy’s musky cologne drifts up your nose, and it makes your head spin.
“What are you doing here?” You ask as you pull away, looking at him incredulously. His pale cheeks wear a scruff of fuzz, highlighting the high arches of his cheekbones. 
“What are you doing here?” He returns, his Irish accent twanging. His eyes shift over to Tom, then back to you, and then they watch as Tom reaches out and carefully tangles his fingers with yours. “Wait…”
“Evening, mate,” Tom greets, voice a little clipped. You feel the grip on your hand tighten, and you let him reel you back into his side. You find home beneath Tom’s heavy arm as he repositions it across your shoulder, keeping you near. “I see you’ve already met my girlfriend.”
The air seems to flicker with tension.
“Interesting,” Gordy comments. He shifts his attention back to you, drawing the lines of your face with his curious eyes. “Didn’t take you for the type, Y/N. Would’ve stuck around if I’d thought you could handle this life.”
His words dig into you, and you find yourself clenching your teeth.
“You told me you worked in banking.”
“Oh, I do.” He runs his fingers down the front of his designer suit, winking. “The mob is quite a lucrative business.” He pauses, and something a little like guilt flashes over his face. “You know my real name, yeah? Gordy, not Aidan. Sorry about that. I hate the lies, but they’re for protection, y’know.”
You feel almost dizzy as you bring your glass of champagne to your lips and throw it back. The bubbles do little to soothe down your discomfort.
“Wow,” you manage. Your eyes shift up to Tom, who’s looking at Gordy with apprehension in his gaze. You understand why: for the past two months, Tom’s been engaged in a brutal turf-war with Gordy’s family over in the South-East. Men have died, shipments stolen. You know one of Tom’s primary motivations for the meeting tonight was to see if he could reach some kind of agreement with them, but the circumstances were tense enough as it was, before this. 
“Isn’t this fun,” Gordy comments. He’s eyeing up Tom now, a cocky smirk hanging from his plush lower lips. “Well, Thomas, it’d seem you and I have a lot more in common than we’d thought, eh? Maybe we’ll be able to come to an agreement.” 
Your stomach turns, and you feel Tom tighten his grip on your arm. He clears his throat, and when he speaks, his tone is so severe that it knocks the air from your lungs.
“Don’t talk about Y/N like that,” he warns darkly. “We will not be making any deals tonight, Gordy.”
You raise your eyebrows, trying to meet his eyes but finding that Tom ignores your attempts and instead keeps staring straight ahead at your ex-boyfriend, a determined frown hanging from his thin lips.
“Why’s that, Thomas?” He quips.
“I don’t like your attitude, I don’t like your policies, and I don’t like the way you’re looking at my girlfriend.” 
Gordy arches an eyebrow. His hand slips down slowly to rest on his hip, but not before his suit jacket has ridden up just enough to expose the sleek outline of his gun, hanging low in the holster on his belt.
“Is this how it’s going to be, Tom?” He asks, shifting his eyes back to you. “Eh? I bed your bird and suddenly business is off the table?”
You can feel the mood sour, and as much as you’d like to reach out and give Gordy a piece of your mind, you are painfully aware of the circumstances: you are standing in the lion’s den. Despite the meeting of Tom’s creation, you know that there’s no chance in hell that Gordy has walked into the evening alone. To initiate any sort of heated discussion whilst surrounded by London’s most notorious gangsters would be a disastrous move.
“Tom,” you murmur, recognising all too well the signs of anger that curl out across Tom’s face: his clenched jaw, the deep frown marks on his forehead, the tight line of his lips. “Let’s go.”
For a moment you think he’s going to follow you. Tom lets you shrug off his arm and take his hand, and his posture loosens as if he’s about to turn and walk across the room with you. But then, of course, Gordy just has to get in the last word.
“Oh, well, if you’re going, you won’t mind giving me a goodbye kiss, eh, Y/N?” He peers at you with mischievous eyes, his voice lilting lightly. “Just like old times?”
Tom’s moving before you can even attempt to stop him, and you hear a loud crack as his fist sweeps up and collides with Gordy’s nose. The man doubles over, groaning profusely, and your eyes widen as you take in the stream of blood that immediately begins to pour from his face.
“Tom!” You exclaim, your eyes wide and your hands shaking. Your boyfriend grabs at your fingers, squeezing your digits in his.
“He’s not allowed to disrespect you like that,” he mutters darkly. 
“I don’t need you to defend me, I can do it myself,” you hiss back. Your heart pounds in your chest, but you feel the hot lump of anger melt away as Tom looks at you through those brown, golden eyes, his mouth positioned into a guilty smile. 
Two men emerge from the crowd and flank Gordy’s side. You feel a deep swell of fear pool in the pit of your stomach, and instinctively your fingers move down towards your bag for the switch-blade you’d buried alongside your lipstick. But you find your actions stilling as Gordy clears his throat, rights himself and holds up a bloody hand.
“It’s fine,” Gordy tells his guards. He tilts his head in your direction. “I deserved it. No disrespect to the lady.” His beady green eyes move to Tom. “We can finish this discussion some other time, Thomas. Good evening to you both.” 
Before waiting to see if Gordy turns around and walks away, you tighten your grip on Tom’s hand and lead him out of the large conference room. It’s completely silent, and the groups of people seem to part like the sea as you escort your boyfriend from the scene, his lips brushing over the back of his bruised hand as he winces. You don’t say anything, not until you’re safely stowed away in the backseat of a large car, the doors locked, windows tinted, and driver separated by partition.
“Love, look, I’m sorry, but I-”
You cut Tom off by climbing from your seat and meeting his mouth with a deep, needy kiss. Your boyfriend releases a noise of surprise, and his hands shift up to grab at your waist as he pulls you onto his lap eagerly, pressing back against your lips with fervour. It’s messy, and you enjoy running your hands through strands of his unruly hair as he keeps you close, his fingers grasping at every area of your front and sides, mapping you out.
“What did I do to deserve that?” Tom murmurs, his curious eyes meeting yours. “Thought I was in trouble.” His hands cup your cheeks, and you give him a coy smile.
“You shouldn’t have punched him,” you tell him, biting your lip as his thumb brushes over the soft skin of your face. “I’m glad that you did, though. He was a dick.” 
Tom hums. “And also the enemy, love.”
Your eyebrows knit together, and you sit back on Tom’s wide thighs as you sigh. “I can’t believe he runs one of the other mobs,” you mutter. “I can’t believe I’ve dated two mobsters, and I didn’t even know.”
Tom’s smile doesn’t quite stretch to his eyes, but he still manages a short chuckle. “I hate the thought of you being with him,” he admits. His eyes stir with something darker, and his fingers dig into your waist. “I hate the thought of you being with anyone other than me.”
You bite your lower lip as you twirl the short strands at the nape of his neck around your fingers. “It was a long time ago,” you tell him. “Our relationship wasn’t anything of consequence.”
Your boyfriend chuckles, but he’s still got that hungry glint in his eyes. You feel a shiver roll down your spine as his gaze sweeps across your face, his hands shifting up to rest on the curves of your breasts. Your dress is thin, and the neckline meant you had to go without a bra. A soft gasp falls past your lips as Tom’s thumbs brush over the lines of your nipples, which prick in response to his touch.
“Is our relationship of consequence?” Tom asks, his voice dancing. He’s staring at your chest now, his smirk widening as you instinctively push further into his hands, enjoying the feeling of his large, warm palms groping at your breasts.
“Of course.” You swallow and bring your fingers away from his neck. With careful movements, you reach up and pull the straps of your dress from your shoulders, meeting Tom’s gaze as you roll down the front of the garment, exposing your bare chest to him. “I love you.”
Tom seeks out your neck with his lips, and you release a small gasp as he sucks firmly on the base of your throat, his fingers moving over your bare chest. You can feel his mouth pulling the blood to the surface of your skin, but the pain makes you cry out in pleasure as your fingers wrap around his suit jacket and fist at the expensive material hugging his back. He takes his time as he works his way up your neck, sucking and biting, and then soothing the throbbing marks with gentle laps of his tongue and soft, open-mouthed kisses. By the time he reaches your ear, you’re squirming in his lap.
“You are mine.”
His tongue teases the lobe of your ear as his hands move all across your bare back, caressing your skin gently with his palms. The cold metal of his silver rings bites to touch, but you shiver in enjoyment.
“Yours,” you agree. Tom shifts from your neck to look at you straight on, his eyes full of dark, heady lust.
“Mine,” he repeats. His mouth is on yours, and you let him prise apart your lips with his tongue. His hands fist at your hair and he pulls you closer roughly, and your teeth collide as he kisses you sloppily, groaning into your mouth. It’s messy - with noses bashing and his digits tugging at your strands and your lips moving everywhere, slick with spit - but you feel him gather you up in his arms as he holds you. He owns you.
You make-out until the car arrives home, at which point your lips are tender and puffy and your entire body throbs with persistent arousal. Tom’s eager with his affection, but you can feel the underlying pulse of fear coasting through his veins; you want so desperately to placate it: to let him know that he has nothing to worry about - that you are his now, and probably always will be. Tom’s not alone in his discomfort - you, too, feel jilted and unbalanced after running into a ghost from your past. You need Tom desperately, in more ways that one. You need him to look after you - to hold you, be firm with you, and show you your place within your relationship. You need him to be your dom, and you crave the release of submitting to him entirely - with your mind, body and heart.  
“You can do anything you want to me tonight,” you tell him. You’re standing at the foot of the bed, Tom sitting up against the headboard. His suit jacket lays off to the side, tie hanging loose around his neck and his top two buttons undone. You’ve made a mess of his hair, but he looks so fucking pretty with his chestnut curls all tousled and his lips bright pink and inflamed. 
“That’s funny,” Tom comments, eyes glinting as he tilts his head to the side, “I thought I could already do that.” 
His words send a shiver down your spine, and you find yourself biting your lower lip as your face fills up with heat.
“Do you want me to take off my dress?” Your fingers toy with the straps, which are all rolled up and uneven thanks to the hastiness in which you’d scrambled from the car.
“No.” Tom sits up, and he pats his thigh invitingly. “Take off your panties and come up here.”
You tease him a little bit, enjoying the way his gaze weighs down your figure. You’re slow to push your dress up to your waist, and you make a show of hooking your index fingers beneath the band to reveal lacy panties. You tug at the material until it falls to pool at your feet, and then you delicately step away from them and approach your boyfriend. You have a sudden thought that it’s as if you are the prey, walking straight into danger, but you welcome it: Tom’s looking at you, his expression hard but excited and his eyes swimming with darkness, and it makes your throat dry up. 
“Such a gorgeous girl, aren’t you?”
The material of Tom’s slacks feels coarse against your centre as you straddle his left thigh. His hands press at your waist, pushing your cunt straight against his leg, and the contact makes you moan softly.
“You look so pretty with your neck all marked up.” Tom presses a light kiss to one of your hickeys, and you gasp as a line of pain ripples out across your skin. “You look like you’re mine.”
“I am.”
“I know.” Tom strokes his hand through your hair, eyes watching you carefully. “I’m just going to remind you.”
“And how exactly do you plan on doing that?” You ask, your voice wavering.
He hums, the noise suspended with confidence. “You’ll see.” His hands dig into your waist a little firmer, and he starts to guide your movements. “Work yourself against my thigh, darling. Make a nice wet spot for me.”
His words make you moan, and you’re quick to comply. You recognise the dark glint in his eyes and the layers to his voice - he’s slipping away into his harder, more dominative side, just as you find yourself eager to oblige him. You grind yourself down over his thigh, and his trousers are rough against your flushed centre. The friction burns beautifully. A few moans slip past your lips, and your eyes squeeze shut as his hands press over you, digging into your waist, guiding you. Tom is very much in control, and as the seconds slip past, you give into it.
“Tell me how it feels,” he murmurs, rich voice drifting into your ears. You bite your lip, your hole clenching around nothing as you swivel your hips and feel the pressure to your hot bud.
“Feels really good,” you admit, voice a whimper. “Love it when you let me touch you.” 
Tom takes your chin between two fingers, looking at you with a hard stare. He pulls your face to him, his tongue licking a wide stripe over your lips. As you try to push forward for a kiss, he just moves away, a teasing smirk on his lips. “No,” he says softly, “You’ll take what I give you, and you won’t be greedy about it. I don’t want to have to punish you, babygirl.”
You nod quickly, the movement hurried and messy. It’s getting hard to think of anything other than the fact you’ve made his trousers slick with your arousal. The burn between your legs is gradually swelling to a crescendo.
“Sorry,” you whisper. Your fingers find purchase on his shoulder, and you find your forehead dropping down to rest there too as your breathing hitches.
“Are you close, darling?” He’s very soft and gentle, and it makes you whimper out a small noise of agreement. Tom chuckles, pulling at your hair as he brings your face back up, his hands bearing down on your hips to halt your movements. “Lie down for me, please.”
You scramble from his lap, your centre pulsing as it leaves his thigh. Your eyes catch on the way you’ve left a large, wet mark on his trousers, and you watch with wide eyes as Tom stands from the bed. He walks around to the foot of the mattress, his figure commanding your complete attention. 
“I’ve been thinking about what I’d like to do to you,” he says, speaking quietly. His nimble fingers work down the buttons of his shirt, popping them quickly. Once his shirt is discarded, Tom works on his slacks. As the metallic sounds of his belt clicking fill the air, he smirks at you. “Are you going to be good for me?”
“Yes,” you say immediately. You squeal as Tom grabs at your ankles and pulls you to the edge of the bed. He kneels on the floor, hauling you closer until your thighs are over his shoulders and his face is near your heat. Your dress scrunches up at your waist, and you whimper as his hands press your legs apart. “I’ll always be good for you.”
“Is that right?” Tom asks, index finger running lightly over the inside of one of your thighs. He looks up at you, eyes hooded and blown wide with lust.
“Prove it to me,” he instructs. “If you think you’re about to cum, you need to tell me.” Tom’s gaze darkens. “If you disobey me, you won’t enjoy what happens.” With tender lips, he presses a kiss to your inner thigh, looking at you with a gentle smile. When he speaks again, his voice is lighter, “Is this okay, darling?”
You nod.
As two of Tom’s fingers spread your puffy outer lips, you stammer out a broken, “Yes, I understand.”
“Good girl.”
He dives in quickly, and the press of his warm tongue against your pulsing pussy makes you cry out. You’re already feeling hot and bothered from the time you spent rutting against the coarse material of his trousers, and the pressure soothes you. He’s too far away to touch, so you curl your hands into fists and pull at the silky bed linen, eyelids fluttering shut as his tongue caresses you, over and over.
Tom makes out sloppily with your cunt, two of his slender fingers pulling up to push into your heat. He fills you easily, taking the edge off your desire as his tongue flicks over your clit, unrelenting, hard. He’s eager for it, holding nothing back as he coaxes you quickly towards a high, moaning and grunting into your centre. The vibrations drive you mad, and your mind spins off as he holds you in place.
“S-Shit,” you stammer, back arching. As much as you don’t want to say it, Tom’s already pushing you towards climax. As he curls his slender digits up against you, his tips brush against your g-spot, and it has you seeing stars. “I’m gonna cum, Tom.”
All movements stop. Tom’s mouth pulls back from your cunt, and his fingers still inside you. Your walls clench around him, but he relaxes them, halting all stimulation of your sensitive pussy as you whimper.
“Good,” he coos. Your eyes seek him out, and you moan as you see his chin slick with your juices. “You taste divine, sweetheart.” His free hand strokes over your inner thigh, calming you with gentle circles and caresses. “We’ll do this a few more times, I think. I want you dripping onto the sheets. I want you to forget about everything apart from me, and how desperate you are for me.” His teeth nip at your thigh, and you squirm.
True to his word, Tom works you up, over and over again. Each time he brings you to the edge of a high, he pulls back at the last moment, leaving you teetering on the edge for a painful second before your climax goes ebbing away from your reach. The time it takes to build up to each edge narrows considerably with each completion, and you find yourself growing desperate for more. Your skin is hot and prickles, your forehead breaking into a sweat. The muscles in your legs ache from the exertion of almost spasming into climax, time and time again, and your throat hurts from your eager, desperate moans. He’s a demon, his deep brown eyes watching you closely, sharp ears picking up each noise and sound, and he seems intent on drawing this out for as long as possible.
“I think that’s enough,” Tom finally says. Your sigh of relief is so loud and pronounced that it makes him chuckle. “What, you didn’t like that?” His hand comes down over your inner thigh, slapping softly. As the pain ripples across your skin, you whimper. “Don’t lie to me, angel. I know you love it when I’ve got my head between your legs.” His large hands slip under your thighs, and he pushes you up the bed, slipping up over you. With his body suspended above you and a hand either side of your head, Tom raises his eyebrows. “Open,” he instructs.
What he does next makes your eyes roll back. You open your mouth immediately, and he chuckles darkly. One hand holds your jaw, and you watch as Tom purses his lips, eyes you intently, and then spits directly into your mouth. The taste of your cunt spreads out across your tongue, and your hole clenches around nothing as you moan loudly.
“Swallow,” he says. You close your mouth and do just that, and then you stick out your tongue for him to see. “Good,” he coos. Tom kisses you suddenly, the action hard as he sucks on your tongue. When he pulls back, he kisses your nose. “Pretty girl, aren’t you? My pretty girl.”
His lips skate all across your face, dusting you in warm kisses of reward. 
“I love you,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. The gratitude you feel towards him for knowing exactly what you need is boundless, consuming. 
“And I love you.” You share a tender moment of understanding as Tom brushes his hand over your face, and in the look you exchange, you know that he feels as you do: appreciation towards your partner, for reading you and obliging you. He hums softly, slipping away from you after a final kiss to pull off his boxers. “Take off your dress for me, love. Give me a show.”
You’re shaky on your feet, but you manage to stand in front of the bed. Tom sits up against the headboard, working his hand over his erect length as he watches you. You tease him, just like you know he enjoys, taking your time as you roll the sleeves down and unzip the back. The material goes tumbling to the floor, pooling at your feet, and then you’re entirely naked - wearing only his hickeys, and his spit between your legs. 
“Beautiful,” he says, eyes glinting. “You’re an angel, aren’t you?” When you shrug bashfully, he nods. “My angel. C’mere.” You move to him, but he stops you before you can reach for his cock. “I want you to lie down here and show me how you get off.”
“But I want--” 
He shuts you up with a hard stare. “Do you really want to finish that sentence?” When you’re quiet, he hums. You can’t stop staring at the way his hands slide over his length. Your mouth waters at the thought of letting your tongue wander over his leaking tip, collecting the beads of salty precum. “Do this for me, and then I’ll let you have what you want.”
You part your legs, your thighs aching. As you dip your hand between your legs, you whimper to feel your slick mixed with Tom’s spit. Your skin is soaked, and as you nimbly press two fingers into your hole, you find it looser, already stretched from Tom’s exploration earlier. You can feel his eyes on you, watching your hand move as you slowly fuck yourself with your fingers, getting pleasure from the knuckle of your thumb as it brushes up against your clit.
As you begin to whimper, Tom swoops in with his final lesson of the evening. He reaches down, wrapping his hand around yours, guiding your movements. He sets the pace and the angle, speeding up your thrusts. The sound of your wetness sloshing around makes you cry out loudly as he edges you perfectly, like he knows your body better than you. 
“You see this,” he mutters, voice husky. “I give you pleasure. It doesn’t matter if it’s my tongue in your cunt, or my fingers, or my cock. This cunt?” He curls your fingers, and they brush up against your g-spot, making you cry out. “This cunt is mine. You are mine.”
You almost lose it right there, the deep husky tones of his dominant voice sending you spinning, but then Tom pulls away. As your walls flutter weakly around nothing, he pats at your hip.
“Hands and knees, darling.”
Your arms shake as you roll over, adopting the position. Again, Tom stands at the foot of the bed, pulling you back until you’re spread open for him. You feel his cock, dragging through your slick folds, teasing your tender clit until your hips jerk forwards. Your bud aches almost painfully, your body pulled tight with an overwhelming need to climax.
“Please,” you beg desperately, dropping your head between your arms. “Please, please.”
Tom’s hand smooths over the curve of your ass, silver ring biting coolly against you, “Does my darling want to feel my cock?” 
“Yes, please.”
“Hmm.” Easily, he slips the tip of his cock past your entrance. “I suppose you deserve it,” he teases. “Been such a good little slut for me, haven’t you?”
When Tom finally fucks into you, the moan you release is almost pornographic. He’s been teasing you, over and over, drawing you close to orgasm only to jerk it away from you each time, but now that he’s got his length buried up to the hilt inside you, you know it’s been worth it. Nothing compares to the relief you feel as you realise you’ll be allowed to finish soon, your walls squeezing his cock. 
The pace is punishing, and everything blurs together. His hands on your hips, holding you in place, pulling you back rhythmically to meet with his thrusts. As his slick cock pounds into you over and over, his flushed tip nudges against your g-spot. The stimulation makes your eyes tear up, and a few hot tears skate across your cheeks as you whimper and cling to the sheets.
“Fuck, princess, you’re fucking perfect for me, aren’t you?” A hand falls over your bum, and you moan. “So tight and warm. Feels so snug around me, lovie. So perfect.” Tom’s voice comes out firm, but it wavers, and you can imagine the grimace of pleasure on his face. “Always take me so well.” His hand moves to the top of your back, and he pushes you into the bed. Your face buries into the sheets as the angle adjusts, and you gasp loudly as the adjustment means he can rail you harder. 
“S-Shit,” you moan. “Love your cock, Tommy. Pl-Please.”
“What do you need?”
You whimper, the power of his thrusts fucking you further into the mattress. “W’nna cum.”
“You can play with your clit then.”
Tears fly down your cheeks, and it feels overwhelming as you nudge a hand between your legs to fondle your bud. Tom’s hands hold your hips, keeping you nice and open for him, and you’re glad for the heavy pressure on your skin. It keeps you anchored down.
“Are you close?” He asks, grunting heavily as he feels your walls squeeze him.
“I think you deserve to cum, don’t you?” He pauses briefly, cursing lowly, pace faltering. “Let go, darling. Let me feel you squeezing me. I want to feel what I do to you.”
The action of his deep, fast thrusts mixes with your fingers on your clit, and you cum with a  loud, quivering scream. Tom holds you down, fucking into you as you spasm and writhe in the sheets, and after a few, mind-numbing moments of pleasure, you feel him follow you with a grunt. His hot speed paints your walls, his noises of heady enjoyment mixing with yours, and it just prolongs your climax.
When you calm down, Tom carefully pulls out from you. You whimper at the loss, feeling a little out of it as he turns you over, pushes you up into the centre of the bed and pulls you on top of him. Your head settles in the crook of his neck, his hands palming over your back as he kisses the top of your head, over and over again.
“So good for me,” he mumbles. Your legs tangle together. You can feel his cum spilling from your hole, dripping down onto him, but he doesn’t seem to care. “My best girl. I love you so much.” 
You hum quietly, rubbing your hand over the top of his arm as you whimper. “Love you too,” you manage, voice hoarse. 
Tom’s hands cup your face, and he gently coaxes you up until he can meet with your eyes. His fingers brush away the teary residue from your cheeks, and he kisses you softly.
“Mine,” he mumbles against you, smiling into your lips as you hum in agreement. One of your hands folds into his curls, and you feel your heart stirring contentedly in your chest.
lol. hope you enjoyyyyed :) 
I’m intending to do some mob!Tom blurbs next week for mob!Monday, so if you have any concepts you’d like to see, please send them to my ask box!
ask box is open for your thoughts!! I’m dying to know what you think of this... 👀
masterlist linked in bio!
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