#also I turned anons off again because I don't want to deal with potential hate for this even though I think I'm being pretty reasonable
backslashdelta · 2 years
Hi! Could you explain your thoughts more on Klaine, I believe you said they’re (your thoughts) are complicated?
Hey anon! I’ll be honest, I don’t want to get too into the specifics, but I can explain my feelings a bit broadly, and hopefully this will answer your question.
I want to start off by saying that Klaine is a very well-developed relationship, especially for Glee, so there is a lot to consider there. I really like their story, I think they’re both interesting as individual characters, and their relationship with each other is also interesting. They’re in my top 3 ships, I’ve written fic and made gifsets about them, I just generally have a lot of love for them.
All that being said, because they have so much development and screen time, that also leaves more opportunities to find problems with their individual characters and their relationship. And I think we all know that the writing on Glee wasn’t always the best, so there were issues there, but there were also issues between Kurt and Blaine just by virtue of them being human and having flaws and those flaws sometimes clashing. That actually makes them more interesting to me, because complex and nuanced characters and relationships just give you so much more to think about, so I’m certainly not saying that I wanted their relationship to be picture perfect, nor am I saying that any relationship should be picture perfect, because everybody is going to have issues sometimes.
However. With Klaine in particular, I personally think that they were different enough to be ultimately incompatible – or at least, not compatible enough to make it worth being with each other. I think the effort they would need to put in to make their relationship work isn’t worth what they’d get out of it after all that time, they would spend most of their time being unhappy, and I don’t think they should have been endgame. And to be clear I think that this is on both sides; it’s no secret that Kurt is my favourite, but I’m not trying to put all the blame on Blaine here, I think there are reasons on both sides that make it ultimately not the best relationship for either of them.
Now, obviously canon disagrees with me, because they got therapy and they grew and learned to be happy together and got married and were having a child together five years later. They love each other and that is, canonically, enough for them to be able to make it work and it’s worth it. I’m not really interested in that argument because this isn’t about what is or isn’t canon, this is about my personal interpretation of and feelings about what’s presented on screen. I’m not here to tell people they’re wrong for thinking Klaine are meant for each other or anything, and like I said earlier, I love the ship, I’m a content creator and Klaine is the focus of a lot of the things I’ve made, so I’m not trying to say they’re a terrible ship. I just have complicated feelings about them because of how much screen time they have and what was shown to us of their relationship, and that’s not something that really becomes and issue for any of my other main ships since they aren’t canon and don’t have anywhere near the amount of screen time.
Another thing I suppose is that in general I’m not a huge fan of the “high school sweethearts” trope. I find it unrealistic. Obviously it does happen sometimes in real life, but I just think it would have been a more interesting story (to me personally, not necessarily objectively) for them to be each others’ first in so many ways, but then as they grow up they aren’t a good match anymore, and they move on to new people who are a good match. But at the same time, I also recognize that this is not real life, it is a television show, and sometimes you want to keep your characters together and have a happy ending, or you just plain don’t want to bring in new characters for something like that, or whatever other million reasons they could have for ending it the way they did. So, again, I’m not trying to tell anybody that I’m correct, it’s just how I personally feel about it.
I just have really strong, really conflicting feelings about them, and if I started getting into all of the details I would never post this answer, and even if I did I’d probably get hate for it and I don’t really want to deal with that. It’s actually the reason I got into fandom; I finished watching Glee, and I was so pissed off about Klaine that I started reading Klaine fanfiction to try to fix the issues that I had with them. And of course that led me to the larger fandom community, and I started writing, and well, here we are. So, maybe that will give you a hint as to just how strong those complicated feelings I have are!
#hiding the rest under a cut because I want to draw as little attention as possible lol#this really is just personal opinion I'm not trying to convince anyone they're wrong I'm just sharing my thoughts because I was asked#and so I'd like to ask that nobody tries to convince ME that I'M wrong either please#this is fiction and we are all entitled to our own interpretations and this is mine#the way I interpret this show brings me a lot of joy and that matters to me more than interpreting it the 'right' way#especially since there is no one true 'right' interpretation#anyway I guess I should tag this#it's not really anti but I would like to be safe so:#anti klaine#normally I would tag something like this with the characters but I don't really want it showing up in either of the tags#and it's not anti either of them it's just saying I don't think they should be together so I don't think it warrants anti character tags#so I guess I'll just not use any character tags. please let me know if you think I should for filtering purposes#glee#ask#mine#anonymous#my opinions#also I turned anons off again because I don't want to deal with potential hate for this even though I think I'm being pretty reasonable#if you genuinely want to have a discussion in good faith you can send me a non-anonymous ask#but I won't be engaging with anyone who is trying to change my mind#simply because I participate in fandom because it brings me joy and that conversation would not#this is a lot of disclaimers I'm sorry#but also when I originally started drafting this answer I had two paragraphs straight of just disclaimers so. I think I did pretty well
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dreamteamemojis · 1 year
How-To Tumblr for Dtblr :]
So, I've seen a few newer blogs start arriving from people who have never used this site/app before and I just thought this might be helpful to get started because it's quite a bit different from Twitter.
To start, the dtblr community has dwindled since last year so there are literally only about 500 of us left I'd say and thats being generous and including lurkers. Speaking of that, lurking is a great way to learn how to use this site! Follow a few blogs or lurk in the main tags for a while to get vibe of how people use this app. When you find a blog you like, see who they are reblogging from and check out their blogs, its a good way to find people to follow since people like to keep their follow lists private.
Making your blog! First things first, get a pfp and a basic bio at least or people will assume you are a bot and block you if you follow them.
On tumblr we have Main Blogs and Side Blogs. Everyone has one Main Blog, and you can add a bunch of side blogs, people use them to keep their fandoms separate and to save urls (don't hoard too many urls on blogs you dont use, it kinda sucks and is technically not allowed, but around 5-10 isnt so bad). A lot of people also might use side blogs because they dont want to get blocked by someone they are following or liking from that is in a different fandom. Like, if you wanted to follow blogs from other mcyt communities, I would stongly recommend making a dtblr side blog instead of a main, because you will most likely get blocked. There are a couple of differences between Main and Side blogs though, here is a link to the main tumblr help post about them but a couple quick things here-
-Main blogs are where you (and everyone else if you don't turn it off!) can see your likes and follows. Everything that you like or follow will show up under your Main blogs url, so keep that in mind.
-Main blogs are what you send Asks off anon from, you cannot send asks using your Side blogs url, so again, keep that in mind.
-When you block someone, it will only block them from your Main blog, you have to manually type in their url to block them from your Side blog. You can also ip block Anons who are being shitty or harassing you.
Lots of people will have Pinned Posts that you can basically use a longer bio (I recommend making them non-rebloggable). You don't have to make one and it's not weird if you don't, but you have the option. Lots of people have 'Blinkies' in their pinned, you can make them here if you want.
Tips for your settings!
-Hide your Likes and Follows!!! Even if you come from Twitter and you think it's not a big deal, it's kinda seen as really weird here to leave them visible and it makes you stand out and people weary of you, plus you should enjoy the privacy!
-Under Account, turn off 'show top posts'. You can also choose whether or not you want to allow Anon asks from there. if you are getting hate, I recommend turning them off for a while.
-I recommend going to Dashboard Preferences and turning Off 'best stuff first', and then turning On'shorten long posts' and 'snooze Tumblr live' (you will have to snooze tumblr live every 7 days but trust me basically everyone does it).
-This is actually pretty important, go to Account settings and turn OFF 'let people blaze my posts'. That feature allows other users, without your permission, to pay to have your post boosted as an ad basically to a certain amount of random people. this can even be done with your asks, and it has the potential to cause harassment and I strongly recommend turning it off.
-Under Account setting and Content you see, that is where you will be able to filter out tags that you do not want to see. For neg I would recommend, #neg #negativity, #discourse etc. If you don't want to see certain ships you can filter those. For stuff like spiders, I would do a couple variations of #spiders, #tw spiders, #spiders tw #arachnaphobia, etc. because there are a lot of different ways people will end up tagging stuff like that. This is also where you can change your Mature Content setting. They default to Hide, so set those as you prefer. You can Hide, Blur, or Show.
This is a link to the x-kit extension, it has a lot of customizable settings for tumblr, but it can only be used on desktop and requires a little more knowledge about using the site but its here if you want it.
I think those are the most important things, other settings can be left up to your personal preference (try out the color palettes to find your favorite!!)
-Tags and Tagging are super useful on Tumblr! This post has a very good rundown of how Dtblr uses Tags to filter content for the community, pls learn these they will help you a bunch!!!
-When you make a post, the first 5 tags are the most important, they will show up in the tracked tags. So make sure you use community/main tags first if you want your posts to be seen, this is most useful for artists or gif makers etc.
-When you reblog a post, the tags are just for adding commentary and organizing your blog, you dont have to worry about your tags from a reblogged post ending up in the main tag searches. Talking in the tags is very fun and a great way for even shy people (me) to interact with the community. They are used a lot more than Replies, it tends to be mostly mutuals that use Replies on each other's posts, but it wouldn't exactly be weird if you did choose to comment in the Replies.
-You can use custom tags for your blog! Lots of people come up with custom tags for their asks, their personal posts, just pick your favorite variation of gnf, gogy, gogs, georgie, and many more to organize your george gifs! and its also pretty common to see someone post a . (just a lone period or comma) and then just rant in the tags. people do that if they want to vent or something but dont want it to be reblogged. - if someone reblogs a post and tags it with 'prev' they are referring to the tags of the person they reblogged the post from, the 'previous' tags. (tumblr recently nuked this feature with the new update but you might still see people doing it, its just super hard to find the source now)
-#709 and #404 are common tags that people will use on posts from outside of dtblr to stay covert/subtle so as to not get mass blocked when referencing our ccs. #709 refers to Dream and #404 to George.
-Tagging posts as #nsfw has the potential to get your blog restricted. I recommend using #nsft (not safe for tumblr) or #not sfw instead.
Liking and Reblogging- Tumblr does not have an algorithm, liking posts is basically just bookmarking them. If you want to support writers/authors/gif makers etc. PLEASE reblog their posts, it is the only way for them to gain visibility. You can even make sideblogs specifically for reblogging art or fanfiction if you wanted to.
We don't make call-out posts here. If you have a problem with a user, block them, end of story.
And we do NOT interact with Anti or Critblr posts. Critblr is tumblrs Leaktwt, do not interact with them, follow them, reblog from them, or bring attention to them, you will be blocked by the majority of the community if you do. We are very small, and interacting with anti posts will do absolutely nothing but bring us all mass harassment and invite them to start interacting with us. Pls do not screenshot their posts and share those either especially with the url visible. If you feel the need to have discussions with antis, do so on twitter. Please ask before screenshotting and uploading someone's post to twitter. A lot of us are not comfortable with it at all, and some of us are okay with it as long as you leave out the url but please ask because we generally dont want our stuff on that platform where CCs could potentially see it.
And I think thats all I've got i think, so I hope this post helps you guys with getting started on Tumblr! :]
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kitakami-specter · 3 months
yes, yes, hello rotomblr, i'm back once more. did you miss me? loathe as i am to interact with humans, there are plenty that seem rather... helpless. beyond that, someone of great importance has insisted upon me being more... social. sigh.
my team, of course: Matron - Hisuian Zoroark. Female. Malware - Rotom. Male. Mischief - Dragapult. Male. Malice - Froslass. Female. Myriad - Basculegion. Nonbinary. Macabre - Chandelure. Female.
i'm something of a hybrid, given that i died and ended up in this half-state between Hisuian Zorua and a facsimile of humanity. that said, the human part of me is dead.
Pelipper Mail+Unmail+Malice: On Musharna Mail+Malice: On Magic Anons: Off Sentient/Sapient Pokemon: Allowed Legendary/Mythical Pokemon: Allowed OOC Info under the cut
heavy sigh. flops in. hello it's me again i'm the mod, @/anxiousazure i run @/kitakami-zorua-kin @/sinnohs-eve and @/unovan-artist (though that one is dead due to. lack of inspiration lmao). my friends have (affectionately) bullied me into making another blog. this is specter, who was on @/kitakami-zorua-kin blog for the march muse mixup madness. it is an asshole. it is also dead. this blog tackles some darker topics because of that. this is in fact an AU of my own OC.
content warnings: talk of death, hatred of humanity, trauma, drownings, anger issues, ghosts and spiritual happenings, generally specter being turned into a hisuian zorua when it was eight after drowning.
specter's blog is linked with @giratinasemissary as specter has been adopted by that blogrunner. it is being (somewhat begrudgingly) parented. it has a lot of feelings about that even though it would sooner perish again than admit anything of the sort.
specter is both dead and a minor, anything i deem inappropriate will be deleted, i am an adult but don't want to deal with that. i mod have really bad social anxiety so if i havent answered or interacted. i am simply scared. specter pretends not to care but i do not i am very easily intimidated and my brain will continuously go "but what if there's an unspoken Rule you're breaking" and paralyze me.
specter does worship giratina. there will be a lot of ghost lore here because i'm me and can't stop making worldbuilding headcanons.
specter is in fact an OC sibling to Kieran and Carmine except he died when he was eight and that has had. terrible impacts on everybody. good news: no one lied about ogerpon when she turned up for the festival. bad news: its because they're too terrified of losing another family member to consider potentially alienating each other, especially since specter actively hates them.
reminder, again: specter is a jerk. i am so sorry for whatever it says to you, even if a lot of it will just be human (derogatory)
uhhh the pfp is the same piccrew i always use, it is here. anyways here's an actual hand-drawn image of specter and matron
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So... I was kinda disappointed with Buck Begins... NOT ENTIRELY. Just...
Major spoilers ahead. You should definitely watch the episode before reading my complaints... because I have a lot of them, and you shouldn't have the negative thoughts going into it...
But I'm gonna start with the good stuff.
The Buckley Siblings are everything to me. I love their relationship, and watching Buck grow up with Maddie protecting him? *chef's kiss* Perfection.
Buck being a daredevil because it was the only time that he got positive attention from his parents as a child? Absolutely heartbreaking and I hate his parents for *so much* for that.
Maddie doing whatever she could to help her baby brother, even when she was terrified and probably knew how bad it was going to get? I love her with my whole heart.
And I absolutely love the way they highlighted their relationship and how important Maddie is to Buck.
The moment when the team comes in to help Buck and save him and the other person? Cinematic excellence, I applaud them for that scene. His team loves him and will always have his back, and he *knows* that now.
And now for my grievances and where I think they missed the target...
It focused on Maddie too much for a "Buck Begins" episode. I get that she's a huge part of his life and that she would be in the childhood flashbacks, but even once Buck was out on his own, all we got to see were the postcards (with handwriting that did not look At All like Buck's handwriting, might I add) and the one scene of Buck bartending in Peru where he decided to move to LA and become a firefighter.
We already basically got a Maddie Begins episode, when Doug came back and kidnapped her. I didn't need another one. (I love Maddie and I loved the flashbacks, but... it just should have focused more on Buck. It was his episode, after all.)
We should have gotten to actually *see* what Buck did with his life before he made it to LA. They could have shown Maddie receiving a postcard, then done a montage with a shot of Buck writing one of the postcards. That montage focused more on Maddie than it did on Buck, which kind of frustrated me.
And then in present day? They made such a big deal about the family secret, and it just fizzled out. Like it didn't matter anymore. And I honestly don't see them doing much more with it, unless (God forbid) in a later season the Madney baby gets leukemia or something and Buck is a perfect match to save his niece. (Actually I could see them doing that and I would definitely cry. That would maybe give them a pass with this plot thread.)
Then with the factory fire? Idk, it didn't feel intense enough for me. NOT that I wanted Buck to horribly suffer more, but... Eddie being buried alive in his episode was So Much More Intense. Chimney's episode happened while he was literally bleeding nearly to death. I was hoping for more.
And maybe it has something to do with the lack of reaction from the entire team when the building exploded. Not only did we not see Eddie panic, even briefly, about Buck being trapped, we didn't see Bobby or Chimney of Hen panic either! Bobby sees Buck as a son, this is basically canon now. And Chimney and Hen see him as their little brother.
The exploding ladder truck and the tsunami both felt way more intense for Buck than the factory fire in this episode.
And then to top it off, NOBODY GAVE BUCK A HUG AFTER THR FACTORY FIRE! And Eddie and Chimney weren't even there by the ambulance! Like, what the fuck? Yes, Bobby, Athena, and Hen told him what he needed to hear, but they all should have been there! Supporting him! Where were they???
Also, they missed the perfect opportunity to casually make Buck canonically bisexual. Instead of meeting a girl who taught him how to surf, he could have met a guy. Then things didn't work out, just like they didn't with the girl.
UGH, these writers! They're either *really* amazing or *really* miss the important stuff... there was so much potential, and they just wasted it!
Anyway, enough of my ranting. I did enjoy the episode, but it was definitely not the best Begins episode in my opinion.
What are your thoughts? I clearly have too many.
-Quarantine Anon
So I just finished watching. Spoilers beneath the cut
So here’s what I knew going into this- everyone was going wild with theories and ideas and great fics of what was going to play out. Which is great. But I do think it got hyped up because of that.
The flashbacks to the Buckley childhood hurt so much. Margaret seemed to take it out on Evan so much because in her eyes- he failed her by not saving Daniel. BEGONE, Margaret! You can’t put that on your child if your own plan was to use the child to save a sibling and then deem him not deserving of love because of nature and genetics. But Maddie and Buck? I love a pair of siblings while being in agony over the hells they’ve walked through.
The use of ‘So Far’ and the team helping him? Poetic cinema. I felt so many emotions and had a bit of a cry.
I actually liked the postcards. I think if they had gone to film all of what he did, it would have gotten jammed packed. The bartender was stated in canon, so that felt worthy of a flashback (and oh wow, that was not the revelation I needed that I try to know cool things to impress cute people. Buck is not straight, I don’t care what anyone says). Plus, with Covid-19, I bet there would be some filming issues. Also, it felt the ups and downs in Buck’s postcards paralleled Maddie’s injuries from Doug. They were both lost thinking they were living, except they weren’t. It was all about survival. And the worst part is that sometimes, you will lull yourself into a sense that survival=living when that’s not the case. That’s what happened to the Buckleys I think.
We don’t know what’s to come, but the family secret might come up again in therapy. Which they better freaking continue and not drop like the Flash did.
On the factory fire- I think we hyped it up more than we expected. Eddie Begins and Chimney Begins were really serious episodes with their lives on the line. And I think about Buck talking about giving up after he gets out. He wasn’t going into this fire with a clear head. I think he saw himself as the replacement baby still who couldn’t ever live up, who couldn’t do things right. He wouldn’t leave despite ordered because that was showing Saleh he didn’t matter. To Buck, he did. He gets being left behind and in those situations, you’d rather someone else be happier and fine while you take the impact. Like the world would keep turning and everyone would be fine (eventually) after you left it.
The ladder truck and tsunami were physical pain. The factory fire was emotional pain. (which reminds me, I need to make a post about the element symbolism in Begins episodes)
If we didn’t see a hug in the episode, then we write the fic for it. Missing scenes can be created ;) Not to mention they’ve all still got work to get done on the scene. After events like that, I think everyone needed time to process it.
I get bisexual vibes off Buck big time in this episode. And I think there is repression and closeting that comes into play here. Your parents are constantly disappointed in you, so why disappoint them further? Bury it down deep and deeper who you really are. It was the attention-seeking that would work out for him. Also, bisexuality is more than one. You identify as bi and your partner uses she/her? Bi. Partner uses he/his? BI. Partner uses them/they? Still bi. (Also, how much do we know about the postcards he wrote. Maybe he didn’t give her the full story. There’s only so much room in a postcard and she was the one person in the world who still believed in him. Was he afraid to disappoint her?)
Overall, I did enjoy the episode. Eddie Begins always holds a special place in my heart as the first ever episode of 911 I saw enough of to get me interested in the show. The thing is that I can’t pit the Begins episodes against each other. They all show a journey in some way. 
Hopefully this was coherant enough and I’m sorry for my little bisexual rant.
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years
I'M REALLY SORRY I'M ABOUT TO RAMBLE IN YOUR ASKS BUT... Split PTs is such an angsty path but I can't get it out of my head now like. Who would side with who??? We all know where Akechi is going and if Ren is gonna accept Maruki's request 👀 but the others- based off their wishes, I'm kind of inclined to believe that Ryuji, Ann, Morgana, Makoto, and Futaba would side with Ren but with Yusuke and Haru doesn't it seem kind of hard to decide... because after learning the fact that your father figure in reality did a lot of shitty things, it seems kind of hard to accept a reality where they are prefectly "fine". Whereas in Futaba and Makoto's situation, their dead parents really didn't do anything wrong and there isn't as much of a guilty conscience present. I can't really see how Morgana would ever want to turn back into a cat, Ryuji seems a lot happier on the track team, and with Ann and Shiho it seems most people would absolutely prefer their friend to be without pain. And I feel like it's really hard for Yusuke and Haru because of all the people that also suffered under thier fathers??? While the other PTs wishes have less of an affected population I suppose. Not that I don't put my faith in the PTs empathy but especially if their leader is going to side with Maruki, I can't really see them having as great of a rebellion against his decision. Sumire.... is hard to say............. I seriously can't make a decision with her.................. But also, this is definitely just my opinion! I know there's a lot of things I just haven't delved into but I don't want to make a whole research paper on it LOL I think I just wanted to share my thoughts somewhere and maybe hear other people's thoughts
Anon you are reading my mind right now, I love everything about this. Like, first of all if half your friends hated you and the other half were sticking with you but didn’t actually agree it would certainly make the bad end be more obviously worse.
Because like,  accepting Maruki’s deal is actually a really shitty thing for Joker to do if you think about it. I mean, the rest of the PT with minimal prompting decide on their own that they don’t want to run from the truth anymore, then they beat themselves up because they felt like they failed Joker somehow, the found a new resolve to reclaim their futures such that by the end of the game several of them have committed to taking new steps forward they hadn’t considered in Vanilla so for Joker to say “no actually” and trap them all in the reality they’ve made it explicitly clear at this point they don’t want to be in is just a dick move, full stop. And he’s not even doing it for them because again none of them really want this
In other words: Convince yourself you’re noble but we both know it’s not so
So I think from there all of them have the potential to not side with Joker, but then again there’s also potential for all of them to put aside their own feelings and go with Joker because he’s their friend (though they might not be happy about it)
Ok now I’m imagining a thing where like you have to try and manipulate your friends into going against their own wishes to get them to side with you which. Ouch.
I think for the sake of fairness if we’re splitting the team right down the middle, I’d say Sumire joins Akechi because she literally just learned how much Kasumi cared about her and found a new resolve so I don’t see her wanting to betray Kasumi’s memory like that by running away again. Haru’s initial persona is “Milady” and that character’s crime is being a traitor so I think  all things being equal, just for thematic purposes Haru joins up with them too. That and she and Yusuke both rebelled against people who decided what was best for them before, so  that and the things you mentioned mean I can see Yusuke betraying you too. Finally, I think Morgana, being a creature from the Velevet Room wouldn’t actively choose Maruki’s reality.
I think you’re right that Ryuji, Ann, Futaba, and Makoto can at least rationalize that they’re helping other people like Shiho, the track team, Sojiro, and Cpt. Niijima and Sae so they might side with Joker
(Although again this is just if you want to break the teams evenly into 5v5 for a fight. This way the player still gets their navi, main healers, and two physical attackers.You can make an argument for any combination siding with/against Joker. It’s really interesting to think about)
Anyway I’m just rambling at this point other people are definitely free to chime in with their two scents.
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kellyvela · 5 years
That "might burn your family" tweet is indicative of what I know is going to happen in fandom: sure, people are indignant now about Dany but most people don't like to be rebels; they like to be co-signed by authority (the "I'm right b/c its canon" crowd"). And no matter how it was sugarcoated, GOT canon is that Dany is a mass-murderer. Those who are not stans will slowly but surely fall in line with this reading of her, not the least b/c they don't want to be wrong AGAIN when the books come out.
If you didn’t see it already, this is the HBO_UK tweet the anon refers: 
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You sound very hopeful Anon. I agree that, in general, most people don’t like to be wrong, and certainly they don’t want to be wrong again about the same issue. 
But this fandom is something else…
Certain part of it just decided to live in denial and delusion (oh the irony): “I would never post a pic of dead dany”, “dany belongs to her fans that really love her and not to the misogynist show/books creators” (copyright what?), “I would never read the Books if that is the final”, etc, etc, etc.
We also have the actress that played dany saying/doing things like these:
I stand by Daenerys.
Clarke revealed that she met Beyonce at an Oscars after-party hosted by the musician and her husband, Jay Z. There, she was approached by the host herself, who gushed about Daenerys Targaryen. Beyonce, however, like the rest of the world, was at that point ignorant about Daenerys’ dark turn in Season 8. “All I wanted to scream was ‘Please, please still like me even though my character turns into a mass-killing dictator! Please still think that I’m representing women in a really fabulous way,’ ” Clarke said of the encounter. [x]
About the backlash on the final season: “It was profoundly flattering. Is what it was, because when someone cares that much, that they’re ready to make such a noise about how they believe the characters should have been… should have been finished, and how the story should have been gone. That’s just enormously flattering, that just shows how much everybody loved it.”        
She is using Dany and Drogon images to promote her charity.  Dany is not bringing fire and blood for once, she is a cute little nurse bringing help to those in need.     
We also have certain group of “asoiaf experts“ so called BNF, that decided not to watch the Show years ago, because it’s “sacrilege“, only the books are canon (in this I agree), but they have created their own canon, the way they interprete and understand the Books, and their followers buy everything they say as “the canon”. They still believe in their 20 years old theories that include Dany is the hero, maybe she would have a brief “dark phase“ but then “enters Jon” and they gonna fall in love, make love, celebrate life, have a baby, defeat the big bad guys walk walkers and sacrifice themselves to save the humanity. Tyrion will be the third head of the dragon, etc.  
As you can see Anon, that very human sentiment to hate being wrong, sometimes includes the belief that you can’t be wrong. So all these people (fans/stans/experts/etc) will stand by their beliefs and theories till the very end (when the books are at last published and they read them). And even after that they would say that GRRM is wrong, just like right now they are saying D&D are wrong.  
Dark Dany is not new. It have been theorized for years, And according to Elio García, co-author of the World of Ice and Fire, GRRM himself complimented that Dark Dany essay: “(…) he referred very specifically to the Meereenese Blot website and the knot essays. He said he was told about them, read them, and was very pleased that someone was able to get his difficulties and his intentions perfectly.”
And for those that paid attention, it was clear that the Show was taking that route at least since season 2. Her conversation with the Spice King is very telling. There is also this conversation with Hizdahr Zo Loraq in season 5 that is very much the same conversation she had with Jon just before he killed her. 
The Battle of the Bastard’s script says: “She doesn’t have to look. She only allows the faintest hint of a smile. A smile that says: my tyranny is not ended, motherfucker. It’s only just begun.”
People also have season 7 and even after watching those seven episodes, they believed that GOT was going to have a happy ending, a Disney one, with Targaryen restoration, jonerice wedding, king and queen coronation, boat baby and all. 
But you are right, the sugarcoat was real. They change season 7 - episode 2 title from “The Mad King’s Daughter” to something more poetic/whitewashed: “Stormborn”: 
What I was impressed by was the little hints that we saw of potentially her (Daenerys) becoming like her father in those conversations ( her talking with Varys). You know, threatening to burn somebody alive, in any universes, it’s not great.
Bryan Cogman: She has dragons, an effective form of execution.
But knowing what her father was doing to people that line sticks in your ear and also when inviting him ( Jon) down and she wants him to immediately bend the knee
Bryan Cogman: Yeah, I mean, she sees this as her birthright… it’s plain and simple, you know, they took this from her, it’s hers.
And so much of the episode ( really the whole season) not just for Daenerys but for a lot of our characters is dealing with the legacy of their families and the generations that preceded them and dealing not only with how they feel about it and what they might share with some of those ancestors but how other people perceive you.
That legacy it’s kind of why I wanted to originally call it the Mad King’s daughter (I like Stormborn, I think is a great title actually), I really wanted to call it the Mad King’s daughter and actually it would have made more sense.
In the original edit there were more characters referring to her like this in pretty much every scene and I think some of that was lost in the final edit but in the original script and in the original edit ( which was longer) pretty much every character that wasn’t in the Daenerys‘s circle was referring to her as “the Mad King’s daughter is here” .
Considering this idea that she’s got a reputation before she has ever set foot there, because she has a brother’s reputation too, that first scene is definitely about her reconciling with that, wrestling with how much of that legacy is good for her brand and what isn’t and certainly that is a big part of the no-fire bombing strategy.
It’s like: you could come in here and torch the whole place and everyone would be horrified and what have you achieved? If you want to rule, you need to take a different approach.
But under that, and I think you picked up on something in that first scene, is that she’s got a real kind of need and desire to go in guns blazing and from an emotional point of view the scene has to set up this.
Game of Thrones’ Writer Bryan Cogman: In Conversation (Part 2)
The Mad King’s Daughter, she’s got a real kind of need and desire to go in guns blazing. 
Yeah, hero material you all.
And even during season 8, after episode 2, Bryan Cogman made this really telling comparison between Sansa and Dany:
Sansa knows that of all the Starks that were ripped from Winterfell, she suffered the most to get it back. She’s the driving force for getting it back. Now she’s being told, “It’s not yours, and it’s not the Starks’ anymore. It belongs to Hitler’s daughter, the worst person in the world’s daughter, the daughter of the person who murdered your grandfather and uncle in the worst way possible. And guess what? Your brother, who you convinced to step up when he wanted to fuck off because of his death experience, bent the knee to her and is telling you that she’s your queen.” What part of Sansa’s reaction to any of this is irrational?
At the same time, if you’re Dany, this is the family that stole your family’s legacy. You grew up as a child living in constant fear that you were going to be murdered the next day. Then you’re married off to a warlord, and you’ve scraped and suffered and endured, and here you are. You’re going to help these people who destroyed your life and your family’s lives. Where’s the gratitude?
Even if he described both sides’ positions and sentiments, if you say one side’s reaction is not irrational, and then call the other side “Hitler’s daughter”, you know exactly who is the good guy and who is the evil one. 
D&D surely sugarcoated Dany, they were not calling her plainly “The Mad King’s Daughter”, but they were subtly telling us that she indeed was Aery’s pretty version: 
Jon: She’ll be a good queen. For all of us. She’s not her father.
Sansa: No, she’s much prettier.
—GOT season 8 - episode 1
In that “I stand by Daenerys” article, the interviewer recalled Kit Harington’s words about Jon killing Dany, during season 8 filming:
“I think it’s going to divide,” Harington says of the finale’s fan reaction. “But if you track her story all the way back, she does some terrible things. She crucifies people. She burns people alive. This has been building. So, we have to say to the audience: ‘You’re in denial about this woman as well. You knew something was wrong. You’re culpable, you cheered her on.’”
Harington adds he worries the final two episodes will be accused of being sexist, an ongoing criticism of GoT that has recently resurfaced perhaps more pointedly than ever before. “One of my worries with this is we have Cersei and Dany, two leading women, who fall,” he says. “The justification is: Just because they’re women, why should they be the goodies? They’re the most interesting characters in the show. And that’s what Thrones has always done. You can’t just say the strong women are going to end up the good people. Dany is not a good person. It’s going to open up discussion but there’s nothing done in this show that isn’t truthful to the characters. And when have you ever seen a woman play a dictator?”
After reading what Kit said, Dany stans gone rabid. They said things like HBO forced him to say those words and others simply insulted and hated him. Because, you know, he is wrong. D&D are also wrong. They are just a pair of white misogynist dudes that can’t stand women in power… SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
I mean, look at these headlines. Dany stans/targ lovers are now justifying genocide. They are making/selling/buying “Her Satanic Majestic” T-shirts. 
So there you have it Anon. Some of them decided to believe Dany will still be the hero in the Books, because she ended slavery you know, that’s not what villains do, if you think different, you are a slavery apologist, also misogynist, and surely a Stark stan, those fucking classists xenophobes…   
Some others just joined “Her Satanic Majesty” cult. Those ungrateful peasants deserved to be burned alive because they didn’t love Dany. it was their fault that Dany had to go in guns blazing on them. Burn them all! Dracarys! Fire and Blood! 
It would be a long ride Anon.  
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halekingsourwolf · 7 years
1/9 So this started as a joke & then it fit until it didn't & now I don't know what to do so I'm sending it to you. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, just take it as a fun (?) ramble. This'll probably be long, sorry. So I was in this conversation about how Teen Wolf missed out on having a big bad. The series long villain. And I made the joke "Well, they could've always stolen from Harry Potter, if they'd wanted to". And then I started thinking about it, if Teen Wolf *had* stolen
from Harry Potter how would that've worked out?
Hey anon! Since this is long, I’m gonna be breaking your ask down and responding to the individual pieces instead of trying to respond to it all at once at the end. Your parts will be bolded and mine won’t be.
First off, I think this is a really fun idea, I love thinking about how characters would fit in other situations. This will be extra tricky, though, since we’re trying to not only parallel characters but also individual season arcs to each of the books. I think what we’re going to end up with, probably, is a lot of elements that we can say connect (this situation is like that situation, this character is similar to that other character in some way) but might not really tie into a coherent narrative on its own. If we want to, we can look at it again later to see how TW could work if it broke more from its own structure and just became more of a loose Harry Potter AU, but for this one I’m mostly just going to focus on similarities and differences.
 Let’s see how we do!
One problem is how you would count the seasons. Are seasons 3A&B 1 season or 2? Either way it doesn't fit. You either end up with 6 seasons and 7 books or with 9 seasons and 7 books. So I took the first option, which leaves me 1 season short. But if TW *had* stolen from HP maybe they would've been more successfull *shrug*. So in the 1st book (very, very roughly summarised) the hero goes against the severely weakened big bad who (we later find 3/9 out) put the hero in this position in the 1st place. When applied to TW season 1 you get: Peter. (Sorry Peter fans, I like him too but for this ramble he's gonna be our big bad.)
There are definitely some fun parallels here. 
We start off with Scott, a slightly awkward and out of place teen, definitely more optimistic than Harry but also in a better place physically than Harry, until one day he’s attacked by a crazed, half-feral Alpha werewolf (just as Harry was attacked by Voldemort, albeit earlier) and is introduced to the supernatural world. This attack, we’ll eventually learn, starts our hero down the path toward becoming a Super Special Chosen One/”True Alpha.” If neither of them had been attacked, chosen, by the Big Bad, this wouldn’t have happened). Scott’s skeptical at first, to say the least, but he’s introduced to new mentors and learns how to start harnessing his new abilities.
Throughout this, Scott seems to have a mysterious connection to the unseen enemy, shown in flashes of headache and visions of what the Alpha is doing. Scott suspects his brooding mentor figure Derek as being the enemy, due to his harsh and closed off attitude, but eventually realizes Derek’s been doing his best to protect him (so yes, Derek’s Snape in this, at least for book one). Eventually they have a showdown with the Big Bad (Alpha Peter and Voldemort), burning him (molotov and physical contact) and seemingly destroying him for good.
(If we wanted to change things up a little at the series’ start to tie in more with HP, we could have Rafael McCall still living with Scott. Having the drunk and generally abusive father still around would pull in more parallels between Scott’s pre-magic home life and Harry’s, and once he learns to harness his abilities he could use them to shift and scare the man into shaping up or getting out.)
The 2nd book: the hero fights a phantom of the big bad, a girl gets possesed by said phantom & a big snake petrifies people. Ok, so that kinda fits. Peter is still the big bad. The only thing that would need to change in seasons 1 & 2 is that Peters resurrection *doesn't* work (that comes later). So no Peter in 4/9 season 3 (what did he do in 3A besides narrate the flashback? who would narrate it now? Cora? what did he do in 3B? show Scott how to enter Stiles mind & anything else?). 
This book/season is my favorite for parallels. 
Ginny/Lydia (both redheaded secondary characters at this point) get taken in by a shadow of the seemingly defeated Big Bad, who appears as an attractive, charismatic young man to gain their trust while insidiously taking over their minds and forcing them to do his bidding and try to resurrect him.
Meanwhile, various people in Beacon Hills are targeted and paralyzed by a snakelike creature, and the heroes make it their mission to discover the guilty party. CoS has a recurring location/theme of bathrooms, while TWs2 has a recurring theme of swimming pools. …I don’t know what to do with that, except that it popped into my head as vaguely parallel :P
There are also a few smaller parallels, like the ineffectual Dueling club Snape and Lockhart co-run, which could be paralleled to Derek’s training sessions with his new betas, and the slightly stalker-esque photographer who runs around after our heroes, snapping pictures. (Yes, poor Colin Creevey is being tied in to Matt here.)
Book 3: a person from the heros past who they think is a villain isnt, a animal is a human and later helps the big bad to life. So for 3A we have, Scotts dad and for 3B Malia? (I kinda get a laugh out of making Scotts dad Sirius, but making Malia Pettigrew? maybe if she had been a villain in TW but with how everyone hates 5/9 her now, ugh) So Peter doesn't show up in 3A&B. Allison doesn't die (yet). Kate doesn't come back. (In HP the dead *stay* dead.) I guess Malia could kidnap Derek but better to keep Mexico for the end of season 4. 
Well, you know I would have loved it if M ended up being a villain, or if there was something more complex to her story to explain all the things that don’t make sense. But... ok, that said, focusing on what actually happened in TW, we could potentially pull in Jennifer as Peter? Someone our group trusts, with a specific tie to one group member in particular, who ends up betraying them and kidnapping some of our heroes to be used in a dark ritual to gain power, there are definitely parallels there. Granted, that’s tying together books three and four, and that’s where this whole parallel starts to break down because I think there are definitely some elements from season three that fit better with book four, for example; not to mention that 3A and 3B are completely different stories with independent villains and climaxes, so trying to fit them both into PoA is just a recipe for confusion. I’m gonna put my focus on 3A, I think.
So we have Jennifer as Pettigrew, disguising herself as a friend until she’s revealed as the murderous Darach. We have our main characters’ loved ones waiting to be executed by dark magic (dementors), with Stiles, Allison, and Scott subbing in for Harry and Hermione to perform potentially dangerous magic (ice bath/time travel) to set them free.
I really want to tie Lupin in to someone but no one’s coming to mind unfortunately.
Which brings me to the next question... do I skip 3B (my favorite season) entirely, or do we try to parallel 3B to book 4? That would fix the six season/seven book problem. But for now I’m gonna stick with season 4/book 4 since that’s what you did. 
So book 4: A competition keeps the heros occupied while the big bad plots his resurrection with someone the hero thinks is on his side & in the end a "friend" dies. So deadpool (hitlist!) = turnament & Meredith is Moody? The season ends in Mexico were Peter with the help of a 6/9 Banshee, kidnapped Derek & *something* from Scott resurrects himself. Maybe Allsion dies. How would Peter resurrect with only Scott knowing? idk 
I’m going to jump in and mention that in the end of season four someone does die dramatically: Derek. And while he does revive afterward (...somehow), he leaves Beacon Hills, leaving the pack noticeably floundering and Stiles in particular moody and desperate to cling to the people he has left. So as far as s4=book 4, I think Derek holds up as a good parallel for that loss. (If we were doing 3B=book 4, Allison would be a good fit.)
The end of the season I think is the best parallel between this book and this season, since the hero is swept away to a new place unexpectedly and made part of a dark ritual. I know you mentioned not wanting Kate back, but she would make a good parallel for someone the group thought was dead (Barty Crouch Jr) who abducts the hero to complete the ritual.
Berserkers sub in for Death Eaters, and as for Peter’s resurrection... however nonsensical, Kate and Peter working together in s4 is canon. And Peter wanted Scott gone and to gain his Alpha power back (at least... I think? His motivation was so nonsensical in s4 but what else is new) so making a deal with Kate to make that happen ties together as well.
So then book 5 (here is where the stories stopped fitting & I couldn't make them either, if you have any ideas go plot): everyone but the hero thinks the big bad is still dead, the hero and the big bad are "connected", a evil teacher appears, there's a prophecy and another "ally" dies. TW season 5: doctors experiment on teenagers, Theo tries to 7/9 get Scott killed, Mason turns into a beast, Peter doesn't show up & a Nazi escapes. So yeah. I got nothing. With Peter as the big bad it could've been interesting. Nobody belives Scott that Peter is back, Peter and Scott share a pack bond, no idea about the prophecy or the teacher, Scotts dad dies? 
So just a reminder/heads up that I stopped watching the show after s4. What I know from the rest of the seasons come from other Tumblr users talking and gifs I’ve seen floating around. s5 was also another split season, meaning we can either choose one arc to parallel the book or try to blend them together into a muddy mess. The main parallel I can think of would be Stiles subbing in for Harry in this one, becoming moody and emotional after a traumatic loss (Derek), damaging his relationships with his closest friends.
Beyond that... yeah, I’m getting nothing.
So onward to book 6: the hero learns how to take the bid bads plot armour, a good guy may be a bad guy afterall & the mentor dies. TW season 6A&B: the wildhunt takes everyones memories, a 8/9 Nazi-werelion (omg) eats peoples brains, an anchient god of fear turns people into stone & Deucalion dies. (This show, I swear). So how would the new season 6A&B work? What is Peters plot armour (Hocruxes)? Does Deaton die? Who is Snape in this scenario? idk but I wish I did. What that season could've been. 
Again, I’m going off very minimal information from these seasons. The mentor dying could be Deucalion (though... again, I can’t really deal with the fact that everyone’s so cool with him now after what he did in 3A. At least Derek wasn’t around and didn’t have to deal with everyone being buddy-buddy with Erica and Boyd’s murderer. *sigh* Pushing aside my issues, I am...)
The weird fear creature could be Dementors, though they didn’t really play a role in book six (here, again, we have the issue of trying to parallel specific books to seasons instead of tying in general themes). For book six.. maybe the liquid Dumbledore drinks that’s protecting Gaunt’s ring? It makes him fearful, pulls up some bad memories from his past, and more or less paralyzes him, weakening him while he drinks it.
Since Peter’s not actually a villain at this point in the season, it’s hard to pull up a parallel to the Horcruxes for him.
Which leaves book 7: the hero (& friends) find & destroy plot armour, get some info about the mentors life & all ends in a big battle not everyone survives. This would be TW fictional 9/9 season 7 (or TV movie?): Scott finally defeats Peter (& Stiles& Derek finally kiss, ofc). There you have it, well partly. I hope this was a fun read for you. Sorry, if I bothered you with it.
Overall I found this analysis really interesting, but I do think we were battling through the problem of balance between making our own story using TW elements and HP themes, or just pulling in parallels from the existing content, which makes it hard to build a coherent story.
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valeriemperez · 7 years
"I want to see Iris get the chance to feel like she’s contributing. We still need to pick up on her wanting her life to matter, so I hope that’s in part what 3.19 is about." - YES, I want that too! Oh and before people come for me saying Iris is the hero for Barry. I don't mean she has to constantly save him but that she's just as much a hero to him as he is to her. Iris West matters and she is a hero in her own right and I want to see them explore that :). Here's hoping.
I figured you meant that. :) We know Iris is a hero period, and she doesn’t have to be one for anyone else, but I’d like to see her get some action again. 3.11 was perfect and I want more of that.
I don’t know if it’s true or not? However, I saw a tweet that said Gypsy, Abra Kadabra and Eddie would be in the Flash S3 finale…
Sounds like someone got that from IMDB, but there’s no way to confirm it yet because the finale hasn’t been written yet - let alone filmed.
Who is Suzanne Gomez?
She does PR for the CW, and she’s also friends with Candice. Which makes it a little hard to judge if this tweet is referencing another interview Candice did to promote the show, or just their regular morning chat lol. Most likely PR, though.
I don’t think we will actually see Future Barry kill Iris. For all we know, the “future” we saw could be a vision. Savitar likes to play psychological games after all. And as I said, the future hasn’t happened yet. Or it won’t even happen at all.
Right, I don’t think Iris will ever get killed in real time. We’ve repeatedly been told Savitar deals in psychological torture, and that we don’t know if Iris is really the “one who falls,” so I don’t think anyone will be killing her in real time.
I maintain that HR’s face changing technology will come back into play, so the Iris we keep seeing “die” may not even be her.
@lindaspark said:
OkaY but what if its future broken Barry who lost iris working for savitar but he’s just a pawn to mess them up more? that would be such a good twist. I could literally see the scene; future Barry kidnaps iris and iris just outs him and tells him to go for it; he takes a plunge towards her but stop himself and falls to his knees and whispers ‘i can’t’ she then looks at him and recognises his eyes ‘i can’t watch you leave me again not even for his [savitar] sake’ basically savitar hasn’t even appeared he’s a stronger force in the background
You’re trying to get me in trouble!!!! But this would be so tragic. So Barry isn’t Savitar but another person controlled by him, and then he breaks it because he loves Iris too much and can’t hurt her? (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I hope this reaction 2 days in a row doesn’t scare you off speculation! Speculation is not about what one likes and what one doesn’t. It’s saying based on these clues I think this might happen. If you don’t agree with it, speculate back and say why you don’t think it’s plausible. And then they speculate back. And then together you make a theory. It’s ok to not like the possible outcome of the speculation (I don’t in this case!), but don’t punish someone for trying to deduce things?
I agree with your speculation method! In my opinion the other theories with the most “evidence” behind them at the moment are: Eddie, Wally, or take Savitar at face value and Barry is about to meet him for the first time.
So I’m very happy to speculate on those theories or on any other possibilities that people are more interested in seeing come true.
I’m not down for the idea at all, but there’s no reason to get mad at you? You’re not somehow creating this storyline, you’re connected some dots and saying there’s a possibility. And that’s the thing. There are possible hints in the narrative (just like there are for other characters being Sav too). Pretending they’re not there serves no one. We speculate about every little thing, sometimes we’re right, sometimes wrong.
Exactly. :) A lot of the hints for Barry work for Eddie, too. And for Wally. And could be stretched to fit someone else entirely. Basically, as long as it’s someone who has intimate knowledge of Barry and cause to be really freakin’ mad at him is plausible.
Anon, Iris and/or WA gets hate no matter what happens. You give them Future Flash Barry that could potentially kill Iris, they’ll complain. You have Iris sneeze on Barry, they’ll complain. People say WA “just don’t look right” together and how Iris is just a dumb “barista/journalist” and he needed someone smarter. At this point, I don’t give two shits about what they think. They’ll always assume the worst with her and WA, whom they’ve called toxic from the very beginning.
For sure, but there’s also things the writers could do that would turn off legitimate fans. That’s what I think some people are more afraid of, they don’t want to stop shipping the couple.
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