#also alcohol and food and uh. idk what else is a trigger.
November 2023
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aeipcthys · 3 years
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╰ ❛   💉 — › amber stevens west. cis-female. she/her.  ╯ have  you  met  hallie jackson  yet  ?  this thirty three year old  virgo  has  been  living  in the seattle  area  for  five minutes.  she  makes  a  living  as  a forensic linguist, which  is best suited for their confident, industrious,  critical,  and defensive personality. idk yet  is  one of  their  favorite  songs.
trigger warnings: death mention
full character page tbd
Full Name: hallie marie jackson
Nickname(s): hal
Age: 33
Date of Birth: august 29, 1988
Hometown: all over 
Current Location: seattle, washington
Ethnicity: mixed (african-american, german, english, dutch) 
Nationality: american
Gender: cisgender female
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Orientation: uh
Status: single 
Religion: raised catholic
Political Affiliation: liberal
Occupation: forensic linguist (if any of you ask her any questions about being a forensic linguist i will sue, this is for show only)
Living Arrangements: renting an apartment (long term airbnb type thing)
Language(s) Spoken: english, french, italian, spanish, some russian
Accent: american
Face Claim: amber stevens west
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Height: 5'4
Build: slim
Tattoos: yes
Piercings: ears, her small attempt at rebellion was a nose ring when she was a teenager
Clothing Style: usually well dressed, stylish 
Physical Ailments: none.
Allergies: latex
Sleeping Habits: used to be such a night owl, but the kid forced her to adapt
Eating Habits: she tries to buy local, organic, fresh ingredients that kind of stuff...mostly because she feels like she should, but it also makes her feel good (but she will also go to town on a bag of marshmallows she keeps on a high shelf in her kitchen at 3 am when things are ~rough~)
Exercise Habits: a runner, listens to audiobooks while she runs...
Emotional Stability: honestly she’s pretty good 
Sociability: pretty easily adapts to her environment, but when she’s not feeling it she is not feeling it, you know
Body Temperature: why do i still include this one i never answer it
Addictions: none.
Drug Use: no, her mother definitely instilled a lot of fear in her ok
Alcohol Use: yes
Label: the prodigy - a very clever, hard working person ; someone who always wants to be the best ; an overachiever and perfectionist.
Positive Traits: confident, industrious, intelligent, practical
Negative Traits: critical, defensive, over thinker, overly independent 
Fears: tbd.
Hobbies: she’s a nerd but a cool nerd, homegirl likes learning but also doing anything with kai 
Habits: the marshmallows, leg shaking/tapping thing when she’s stressed or anxious
Weather: beginning of spring vibes where things feel warmer and everything is in full bloom
Colour: more pale shades, like lilac 
Music: she doesn’t listen to a lot of music but she likes a lot of old stuff her mother used to play when she was a kid
Movies: she will spoil any movie you watch. somehow she always figures out what’s going on, within like the first 20-30 minutes you love her and you hate her for it!!!!
Sport: soccer
Beverage: cappuccino 
Food: she’s lived all over, so it’s always changed depending on where she was
Animal: never had a pet, but thinks most animals are very cute 
Father: a man who is now bones
Mother: diane jackson
Sibling(s): only child
Children: kai thomas jackson (almost 3 years old :’)) 
Pet(s): none. kai would like a puppy.
Family’s Financial Status: $$$
Zodiac Sign: virgo
MBTI: estj
Anything Else:
maybe someday i will write something better than this but for now here are the highlights 
hallie jackson was born to diane jackson, the product of a short-lived romance with a man unknown to hallie for most of her life. she was named after hallie beachem brooks for all she did to advance literacy and educational opportunities for people of color.
her mother was second in command to an ambassador, so she moved around a lot as a child. the us, france, italy, et cetera et cetera
hallie grew up as an only child with access to just about anything she wanted. she was a relatively well-adjusted child for not having much stability. she loved her life, getting to see so many different places and learn about different cultures. it’s what first inspired her love of language. now she knows a lot of them!! 
went to graduate school to get her advanced degree in linguistics at harvard 
while in boston, she met tommy donovan at a local bar, betty’s, frequented by firefighters and first responders 
the two flirted, started a little fling. a couple months in, tommy called it off. it wasn’t long after that hallie found out she was pregnant :O 
hallie considered going back to tell tommy, even made it to the bar where she knew he’d be, but when she saw him flirting with another woman, hallie lost her confidence and left. 
months later, gave birth to kai thomas jackson. he became the absolute light of her life. 
having grown up without a father herself, she felt like kai would be fine without a father too. after all, she turned out jut fine. they moved to DC to be closer to her mother, and for a couple of years, they had a nice, vibrant, normal life. 
sometimes she felt the guilt. like when kai took his first steps or when he said his first word. but they had such a good life together, and hallie wasn’t sure that thomas would even be interested in being a father. hallie’s number one priority was protecting kai. always.
her view shifted about a month ago when her mother had received word that hallie’s birth father had passed away. hallie never even knew him, yet there was this aching in the pit of her stomach when she heard the news. she didn’t know why she felt such grief over someone she never knew, but she couldn’t deny that it existed. 
hallie started thinking about kai. was she really protecting him? what if, years from now, he's in her position? he didn’t deserve to feel that aching kind of pain. he deserved to know his father. at least, he deserved a chance. the final push came one evening when they were reading his favorite book before bedtime. kai asked why the little baby bear in the story had two parents and he only had one. everything in her broke in that moment, knowing that it wasn’t because of circumstance but because of her. 
the next day, hallie started trying to track tommy down. she found him in seattle, deciding to take a temporary gig with a local field office as an excuse to move her and kai out. 
in seattle bitch!!! 
hey tommy what’s up 
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ayyyflueg · 4 years
Tagged by @toast-gh0st , thank you for thinking of me! ☺
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked Before
1 - What is the colour of your hairbrush? 
Mostly black with a holographic handle.
2 - A food you never eat?
I don't care much for uncooked onion. And coleslaw. I'm a Taurus, so, I eat. 💁
3- Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Too HOT big time I am always hot
4-What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Drinking wine and watching talk shows with my dog and my mom.
5-What is your favourite candy bar? 
I think all American candy tastes like pure shit now, and there are reasons for that. I suppose Milka?
6-Have you ever been to a professional sports event? 
I have. First one I remember, I wanted to to SPECIFICALLY to see Coolio. I also remember a baseball game one of my ex's dragged me to.
7-What is the last thing you said out loud?
"Oh shit you're right"
8-What is your favourite ice cream? 
Used to be Ben and Jerry's chocolate brownie whatever, but it's definitely, like, coffee or pistachio now. Adult tastebuds are weird.
9-What was the last thing you had to drink? 
Franzia Crisp White from a Walgreens big gulp type cup
10-Do you like your wallet?
Not really. It does wallet things though.
11-What was the last thing you ate? 
Baked potato
12-Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? 
Lol. No.
13-The Last sporting event you watched?
I watched a video of baseball players pretending to be curlers.
14-What is your favourite flavour of popcorn?
Oh, man. I LOVE overbuttered movoe theatre popcorn. I also love that Chicago type popcorn, I think. With the cheese and caramel.
15-Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
My friend Matt.
16-Ever go camping?
For sure
17-Do you take vitamins?
Supposed to.
18-Do you go to church every Sunday?
I'm spiritual in my own right. So, no. Lol.
19-Do you have a tan? 
I'm mulatto
20-Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? 
That's tough. I can eat pizza forever but Chinese food is the bomb. I might have to go with pizza.
21-Do you drink your soda with a straw? 
Only if it comes with one
22-What color socks do you usually wear?
I dont wear socks tbh. I mean I do when I'm going out with real shoes on my feet but I hate anything on my feet. Country bumpkin.
23-Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
Literally always.
24-What terrifies you? 
A lot. I have bad anxiety and panic attacks so the stupidest shit triggers me but idk what it stems from exactly. Just one big mess.
25-Look to your left, what do you see? 
The bathroom window
26-What chore do you hate?
27-What do you think of when you hear and Australian Accent? 
Steve Irwin duh
28-What’s your favourite soda? 
Mr. Pibb
29-Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? 
Drive thru
30-Favourite cut of beef? 
Oh, man. That depends. My best answer is anything but ribeye.
31-Who’s the last person you talked to? 
My mom
32-Last Song you listened to? 
Oh Sherrie by Steve Perry
33-Last Book you read?
I started this random book I ordered online and have hated it to the point of forgetting its name. Dancing girls or something? Just not my...type.
34-Favorite Day of the week?
35-Can you say the alphabet backwards?
The last time I tried, I was doing a field sobriety test.
36-How do you like your coffee? 
Strong and iced. Enough milk/cream to lighten the color and just a touch of sugar or honey. But STRONG mostly.
37-Favorite pair of shoes?
Right now its my docs
38-At what time do you normally go to bed? 
Between 8-12. Depends on the meds. And my fucked up stomach.
39-At what time do you normally get up?
10 am at the very latest. I'm a morning person.
40-What do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? 
41-How many blankets are on your bed? 
42-Describe your kitchen plates? 
Disposable lol. Helps with executive dysfunction.
43-Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? 
I mostly drink wine now; dry, bitter white wines. But if I'm "out" or whatever, Jameson, dirty martinis, whatever beer is the cheapest.
44- Do you play cards?
I do. I fucking kill it in spades.
45- What colour is your car?
 Uh like...grey/silver
46-Can you change a tire?
I can't but I intend to learn
47-What is your favourite state/providence?
Michigan. I'm a Michigan girl to the core.
48-Favourite job you’ve ever had?
Acting/performing. Its been, I think, two years since the last time I was on film. It KILLS me.
49-How did you get your biggest scar?
I had a thymectomy in 2001 and it looks like if you cut open my chest horizontally and then it scarred up along thr incision. It's hidden by my boobs though so that's cool.
50-What did you do today that made someone else happy? 
Checked on my family.
Phew! Props if you read that whole thing. Thanks again to @toast-gh0st and I tag whoever wants to participate or wants to know more. Stay safe, y'all. ❤🤘
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legowolas · 6 years
Forever and Always
Summary: Dottie and Whitney get married. That's about it.
Ships: Frostwood
Characters: Whitney Frost, Dottie Underwood, Peggy Carter, Angie Martinelli
Author's notes: Written for @lesbiansassemble 's 10k femslash challenge! Idk how well this is written, it was very last minute (I procrastinate a lot, also, I hated the original fic I wrote so I had to scrap it and rewrite it lmao), and this is my first time writing for these two, and they hardly have any screen time together, so I haven't really figured out what I want their dynamic to be yet, but I tried dksfsjfs
It starts just after the vows bc I hate feeling emotion writing emotional scenes. Dottie is all soft at the end bc she's tired and probably a little bit tipsy (on that topic, there might be a slight trigger warning for alcohol). Modern AU, but not the one I normally write in for Agent Carter.
Thanks to @goddesspeggycarter for betaing this!!
It was the day of Dottie’s wedding. Her, and her brand new wife, Whitney, had just taken their vows, and were having stuff thrown at them. Not the best wedding tradition, Dottie thought, but, hey, at least it was glitter.
Dottie spotted at least 3 people who were crying, they were weak (and probably drunk), she thought, as Whitney stood on her tip-toes to kiss Dottie’s cheek. Dottie grinned, fondly at the other woman, before kissing her forehead.
“Should we get some food now?” Whitney asked.
“Yes. Getting married really gets you in the mood for some fancy cuisine swimming in ketchup,” Dottie responded.
“You’re disgusting,” Whitney laughed, shaking her head.
“Oh, that’s a shame, cause now you’re stuck with me forever!”
Whitney couldn’t help the grin that crept along her face.
“Come on, let’s go get you your fancy cuisine swimming in ketchup.”
Dottie poured an amount of ketchup that was not socially acceptable to be on anything onto her caviar. Whitney wrinkled her nose. “I still don’t know why you do that.”
Dottie shrugged. “Tastes good.”
Whitney was a lesbian, and therefore had no knowledge of cooking (A/N: if ur a lesbian and a really good cook pls don’t come after me you’re valid), but even she knew that ketchup was not supposed to go in caviar. She rolled her eyes.
“So, how does it feel being married?” Peggy chirped, looking over at the two women.
Whitney smiled. “Good… to be honest, as a child, I never saw myself getting married. Of course, that could just be because, you know, I thought that I would have to marry a man, but now, this is the best day of my life.”
Dottie leaned over, to give her a kiss on the nose. “What she said.”
Peggy grinned at them. “I’m glad you're having a good day. Truth be told, before you came into the picture, we thought Dottie would never settle down.”
“Oh, I’m not settling down. I’ve just got a partner in crime now, right, Whitney?”
Whitney nodded, but looked slightly apologetic, anyway. “I’ll try and make sure she doesn’t do anything too illegal.”
Dottie looked betrayed, and Peggy laughed. “The effort is appreciated. Alright, I’ve got to make sure Howard, Angie, and Jack don’t get too drunk and destroy something, you two have a good day!” she said, getting up.
“You too, Peggy.”
“Bye, Peg!”
Dottie turned to Whitney. “Wanna go dance?”
“We can’t just leave, there are probably more people who wanna talk to us.”
“It's our wedding, we can do whatever we want.”
Whitney’s face lit up. “It’s true!”
“And besides, I’m sure there’s some people at the dance floor too.”
“You’re right, let’s go.”
They danced for a few minutes, Whitney’s head resting on Dottie’s chest, idly trash talking everyone’s outfits, when…
“Dot!” they heard a voice slur, before Angie crashed into Dottie, for a hug, clearly drunk.
“Dot, you, you, you’re married,” she cried, laying hear head on Dottie’s shoulder. She looked amused, but uncomfortable, and Whitney was laughing her head off.
“I sure am,” Dottie remarked, attempting to detach Angie.
Somehow, even drunk, Angie managed to take the hint, and stumbled over to Whitney instead, who wasn’t as averse to physical contact.
“You are so pretty,” Angie pointed out, holding Whitney's face. “Thank you for being such a great girlfriend- no, wife!! You’re her wife!” She paused for a few seconds, as if she forgot what she was going to say. “For, for being a good wife to Dottie,” she lowered her voice, “she’s actually just a softie.”
“Hey!” Dottie exclaimed, blushing a little.
“Oh, I, I think Peg’s lookin’ for me, I think, think I gotta go,” she stumbled off, into the crowd of people.
“Well, she seems…”
“Drunk?” Dottie offered.
It was around 10:30. Everyone else had left - well, except Jarvis, who was combing through the party for anything anyone might have forgot - and the newlyweds were picking at leftovers, at the table. They’d rented the venue for the next morning, too, so they didn’t have to worry about clean-up while they were tired.
Dottie happily snuggled deeper into Whitney's arms, who was finishing up the leftover cake (come on, there was only one piece left, anyway).
“Whitney?” she asked, her voice sounding sleepy, and her lids looking heavy.
“How many babies do you want?”
“How many do you want?”
“Uh… a lot.”
“The more we have, the more formidable our forces will be, if we ever need to battle.”
Whitney laughed, petting Dottie’s hair.
“I like it when you laugh. Actually, no, I like it when you do everything.”
“Well, that’s why you married me, isn’t it?”
“I suppose. Do you… do you like me too?”
Whitney adjusted her position a little, so she could face her wife.
“I like you more than I can even measure. And I spent a lot of my time doing math.
“Oh… that’s good.”
“Come on, let’s go home. I’ll ask Jarvis to give us a ride.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
They fell asleep that night knowing that the future held only more love, maybe some babies, and tax benefits.
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