#also all my love for everyone who loves gay!newt
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comment i got on my newt/teresa fic lmaoo
to those who don't get it why i find that amusing: while i appreciate fandom culture around headcanoning a certain sexuality for a character and deriving joy from it, it amuses me that
1) people seem to think a fictional character's sexuality needs to be policed in fanfiction, the medium where fans make up fictional content on fictional characters bc they derive joy from it 2) that people talk of newt being gay as though it was canon, when it in fact was one (1) tweet trashner made for clout, and the newtmas fanbase is the one he's continually trying to milk for money and attention bc that's the only thing he's got left to do for publicity since his publisher dropped him for sexual harassment allegations.
before i hit post, i want to highlight that luckily, this isn't a mentality i've seen around in the maze runner fandom for a long time, or that i feel is rampant. i just have Thoughts TM about this, and getting a comment like that prompted me to spell them out again.
loads of love to the tmr fandom for being one of the loveliest places on the internet. <3
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moonlitkilljoy · 1 year
so. the line of tape. it's existence makes me lose my marbles to no end, but probably not in the way you'd expect. it's the fact that even with this clear divide they STILL spill over into the others space. i've see a lot of people talk about it as if it's this clear divide in the lab that hermann and newt steer clear from but that just isnt the case!
if it was, you'd expect the lab to look something like this layout
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but look at the actual movie
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it looks like more akin to something like this
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newt's samples, tables, and stands for his dissection tools spill over the line right into hermann's space. there's definitely room on his side of the lab for everything, he's just. spread out across the entire lab instead. AND it seems like this is what the lab usually looks like, hermann only makes to point out the entrails on his side and not the rest of newts things, it's a shared space— not a divided one. what i'm saying is that even though hermann makes a big deal out of his side of the lab versus newts side vis-à-vis the intestines, he definitely doesn't care that much about separating himself from newt OR his space from newts space in general. the way i see it, they argue and bicker a lot but ultimately they find comfort in the others presence, hermann just doesn't want to deal with potentially-hazardous kaiju intestines right by his things ^^;
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lowkeyrobin · 6 days
i heard you need more maze runner ideas so boom
can we get a newt x trans reader? like something with reassurance when reader is like “im not a real ____” its fine if not :D
ooo sure! ; I can definitely try but it's not gonna be perfect LMAO ; since newt is canonically gay kinda idrk anymore cause trashner... I went with a transmasc reader so 🙏 ; anyways thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; this is just a short little drabble idk, hopefully it's good ; also I apologize to everyone who's sent requests that I haven't posted yet, I'm just very burnt out but I'm hoping to get more out soon 💔
NEWT ; yeah? yeah
summary ; youre trans, and have a hard time even accepting yourself
warnings ; language, self-hate, slight transphobia
disclaimers ; reader has short hair because of dysphoria (sorry any long haired transguys/transmascs) ; pet name (love)
word count ; 501
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You stand on the ledge of one of the Last City's walls with Newt, Gally and Thomas, overlooking the whole city. You fidget with your fingers, your body leaned up against the yellow railing. You run a hand over your freshly cut hair, feeling the slight breeze run through it.
You're unable to look out at the WCKD building, finding more serenity by looking at all the bright lights that dazzled against the dark sky. You feel a solemn type of peace as you look out across the city, although your close friend is still trapped behind those walls so many hundreds of feet away.
You look down, then loop your legs on the outside of the second horizontal rail, letting them dangle over the edge while you sit on that second rail. Your arms rest over the top rail, providing you safety next to your boyfriend.
As Gally and Thomas depart, leaving you two to catch up, Newt rests a hand on your back between your shoulders. He leans against the railing as well, looking at your dazed expression.
"You okay, love?"
You softly nod, looking up at the WCKD tower again.
"You sure?" He asks, "I know something else is on your mind, not just Minho"
You shrug, still silent.
He lightly sighs, trying to get you to look at him.
"You know you can talk to me, right?"
You nod again, giving him a little glance. The breeze sends a slight shiver up your spine, causing your cheeks, nose and lips to grow a little cold.
"Please talk to me, I'm here for you"
You shrug and look back down at your fidgeting fingers. "I dunno," you mumble. You pick at your nails, then begin to bite at them.
He gives you a knowing look, pleading you to open up. He reaches for your hand, pulling it away from your mouth.
"I don't feel like... normal. I know I'm not normal, but, like, I don't feel like a real boy. I'm not a real boy, but, like... I dunno." You shrug, your feet lightly kicking as they dangle from the ledge.
Newt softly places your hand back down on the railing and steps back. He wraps you in a hug from behind, resting his head on your left shoulder. "You are a real boy, okay? Gender is just a construct, you can be whatever you want to be, and I'll always be here to support you. You're my boyfriend, Y/n/n, alright? Is there anything I can do for you, or that you need from me?"
You shook your head no, leaning back into him as a sign of comfort and thanks.
"Why don't we catch up to Tommy and Gally, yeah?"
You nod, carefully untangling yourself from the railing as he awaits at the little entranceway behind you. He grabs your hand as you approach, sending you a soft smile as you quickly walk to catch up to your friends.
"I'm here for you, yeah?"
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
heyyy i love your writing and your imagines i was thinking a headcanon of the tmr boys with fem reader of how clingy they are with their girlfriends and maybe including smut
Absolutely, I can. Though, no Newt here as he is confirmed to be gay by James Dashner and I am uncomfortable and don't agree with changing that (I have made this clear on my blog too and there is more information regarding this in my masterlist lol.)
But for all the other boys- absolutely.
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SUMMARY: See above. Established relationships.
WARNINGS: Sexual themes and spicey content, inappropriate language, possessiveness and clingy behaviour.
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Thomas moves fast, he always has done ever since he arrived, so he isn't exactly clingy.
It doesn't help when he becomes a Runner.
But he is observant.
With his rapid incline of a controversial nature, spending time with you is less frequent than he would want it to be. But he's always got his eye on you whenever he's in the Glade.
Recklessness is not foreign to him and he gets shit done.
But when he is with you, he always stands close, hand hooked on your belt straps, hands interlocked, your head resting on his shoulder.
He likes to make sure he knows you're taken, but he isn't possessive.
He doesn't have time to be possessive but he doesn't need to be. You can take care of yourself.
And he trusts you.
Though when someone does flirt with you, he is known to grab your hand and lead you away.
Making out in the Deadheads is a common occurrence.
Thomas doesn't want to take anything too far so you normally end up taking the lead in more intimate encounters.
Unless he's jealous.
He can be needy and bold after seeing another Glader looking at you, finally gaining some dominance and turning you into putty in his hands.
These moments are normally few and far between because people know better, but you do enjoy seeing this side to him, though you'd never admit it.
Oh, God. Where to start?
Like Thomas, Minho is busy and probably one of the most stressed out people in the Glade.
He could literally die every day he goes to work.
So, yeah, stressful.
Which means that his moments with you are precious and he takes every opportunity he can to be around you.
If the Doors are closed, Minho is with you.
People are weirded out when he isn't.
"Where's your guard dog?"
His love language is absolutely physical touch.
He would absolutely always be touching you. His hand on your waist, standing behind you and hugging you, pulling you closer to him whenever he deems necessary.
Possessiveness is almost second nature to him. Anyone that so much as looks at you for too long ends up on Minho's radar.
Minho is big on making sure you're comfortable, but he is also more forceful and dominant.
He's easy to rile up. In more ways than one.
He has his ways of making sure everyone- and I mean everyone -knows who you picked.
And why.
The Gladers are haunted by the load noises coming from his hut during the night.
He often leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest area and the bruises on your wrists often raise eyebrows throughout the Glade.
Not that anyone has the balls to comment, though.
Personally, I can't see Gally being a clingy dude.
He wants to be the tough guy that people fear, and always hanging off of his girlfriend is going to kill that vibe.
That doesn't mean he isn't possessive, though.
He'd definitely get into fights and scraps because someone decided to flirt with you.
There's been several times that he's kicked the ever-living shit out of someone because they wouldn't respect your boundaries.
He tends to observe from a distance, and somehow always appears whenever someone pushes it.
It's like he appears out of thin air to bestow the wrath of a thousand suns onto whatever poor soul happens to have your attention for a second.
He might not be clingy in the public eye, but in private is a different story.
He loves cuddling.
Like the man has a problem.
He loves feeling your skin and having you in his arms. He becomes like a puppy desperate for attention whenever the two of you are alone.
You adore seeing this side to him.
He is a secret simp.
And God forbid you break up and tell someone.
You wouldn't. But still.
Even when it comes to sex, he becomes a gentle giant in your presence.
He cares for your needs and wants before he even considers his own satisfaction.
The other boys often wonder why you picked him and what you see in the glorified bully.
But you know why.
And that's all that matters.
In short, yes, Frypan is clingy.
The lovable cook isn't scared to show how much everyone means to him, and you are no exception
He spends every second of every day talking to you or thinking about you.
The day you started dating everyone was complaining that dinner wasn't cooked in time.
He often sneaks away from the kitchen to visit you at your job.
This causes problems on both parts and Alby has shouted at you multiple times for it.
He's such a sweet heart and loves making you little meals and sweet foods for you to sneakily eat whilst at work
You get the best of Frypan's meals. He makes sure to give you the best bits.
He can be insecure.
Fry doesn't think he's attractive and has some self-esteem issues, especially when he compares himself to Minho and the other Runners.
He knows you love him though. He has no doubt about that.
Similar to Gally, he basically worships you in the bedroom.
He doesn't even care about his own pleasure as long as his girl is happy.
Since he's completely inexperienced (they all are, I know) he's eager to learn and listen to you and your body more than anything.
He would do anything for you.
He's a precious love-struck boy who is also hilarious and well meaning.
You couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.
Alby is obviously not clingy.
He's always preoccupied, but he's also just not that kind of person.
Of course, he looks after you and goes easier on you than the other Gladers, but you barely see him until you're going to bed together.
He doesn't need to be concerned either.
You're dating the leader- the only person in the entire Glade that everyone listens to.
The Gladers don't dare try anything with you.
Most of them don't even talk to you.
It's safer that way.
On the one occasion that someone did flirt with you, they were put in the Slammer for a week.
Newt found it funny.
Alby isn't really a passionate person either.
But when you get him going?
There's no stopping him.
He's in charge. Always. And he knows how to get what he wants.
He'll have your legs shaking and gasping for air before he's even taken any clothes off.
Being with the big boss has its perks, I guess.
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Some more headcanons for my boys. Keep the requests coming, I love seeing you guys enjoy my writing- it brings me so much joy.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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jtownraindancer · 8 months
top 5 burn characters go
Good gods Anon this is evil. Only five!??? 😭💕
I spent like three days trying to make up my mind on this, and I'm still not satisfied, but as of the moment, in no particular order:
The Best Boys
Mr. William Guppy of Kenge & Carboy, Bleak House
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He's awkward, he's manipulative, he has no real social skills to speak of, and he's in love. I actually really disliked this character when I first read the book circa 2011, but as Burn seems wont to do, I ended up being completely won over in the end. ^_^; His Guppy is expressive, less a comic relief and almost sympathetic. I mentioned in a conversation with @synthapostate about how Guppy is technically an antagonist, but he's played in such a way that you really can't see it (unlike the book). Also the camera is half in love with Burn this entire series, and it makes it very, very easy to fall in love with this dorky, curly-haired puppy of a man.
Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, Pacific Rim & Pacific Rim: Uprising
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I could write sonnets about Hermann for how much I've come to love him. 😅 He's one of the Characters of All Time for me. From his passion, his stubborn resilience, and his sharp humor, to his unwavering loyalty for those he cares for and his ability to care so deeply, how could I not irrevocably fall for him? (Also singlehandedly the cause of the 2023 Burn Binge.) Hermann found his way into my heart from the very beginning, but I never realized how at home he had made himself until the day I turned around and he was patiently waiting for me to see him. I think I fell for him and Newt in the same fell swoop, and my love for both of them is unwavering.
Dr. Owen Harper, Torchwood
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I've been in love with this bastard since 2013; I've been repressing that adoration for 10 years. I- I don't really remember the exact moment that my opinion of Owen shifted from extreme dislike to him carving a permanent place in my very being, but there it is. He's sarcastic, an incorrigible flirt, and has one of the biggest, kindest hearts I've ever come across in fiction. At the time, I was pre-Med, and I aspired to be half as compassionate a doctor as him. After Exit Wounds, I gave up Torchwood (I couldn't, not with Tosh gone too.), but I've slowly been dipping my toes back in via Burn's reading of some of the books & the Big Finish audios. It's been 10 years, yet I think I'm more in love with this bastard than I ever was before. (And okay, I admit, he might be my favorite-favorite ^_^;)
Sgt. Detective William Blore, And Then There Were None
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Bill, Bill, Bill... He's a crooked cop, he's tired of everyone's nonsense, he's filled with regret, he's probably gay. Detective Blore is yet another classic lit character that I first met back in the late 20-aughts, early 2010s who I really didn't care for. Then 2023 rolls around, and not only did I come to love him in this adaptation, but I've ended up going on an Agatha Christie bender because of it. Burn made me... well love would be too strong a word, but I definitely rank Blore as "a poor little meow meow."
Major Edmund Hewlett, TURN
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How could this list be at all complete without including my beloved major? (Just picking a gif for this made me realise how badly I've missed him. 🥺) Edmund is... How do I explain how much I adore this guy? How do I possibly pin down the levels of pride I have in his journey, in his growth, explain the way my heart aches at the twists and turns that will tear him apart and build him back even stronger? How do I possibly do justice in conveying how damn aspirational he is, how merciful, how delightful? I can't, really. He's a force of nature that one must experience for themselves. (And I need to resume my rewatch methinks~)
(or the characters who have been spinning in my brain nonstop like rotisserie chickens and absolutely deserve mention)
Ben Jarvis, Cheat
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I... I have entire essays I want to write about this guy. I have theories I want to discuss, but as most of them are... I can't. Yet. Maybe soon? I- Anyway. Ben was a huge surprise, and definitely nowhere close to what I was expecting when I finally got around to watching this show. I would be lying to say it wasn't a pleasant surprise, and I absolutely love how Burn was able to do a lot of solo work this series, with a lot of focus on body language and his uncanny knack for killer expressions.
Jacko Argyle, Ordeal By Innocence
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This... This beautiful little shit ♡ One of the first Burn movies I actively chose to seek out, my second in his Agatha Christie adaptations, and my first dive into gif making. And Jacko-! Oh, Jacko... You stole my heart then broke it in only a few, few precious moments of screentime and backstory. He haunts the entire film, he haunts me still, and I'm so glad I had the chance to meet him.
Martin, Up There
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(Oh look yet another one of my gifs 😅)
Martin is absolutely one of my favourite characters, especially for his absolute growth during the film. He crawls out of his downward spiral, he finds himself again, and ultimately discovers that there can be life after death. He just- He's grumpy, he's beautifully sarcastic, he's depressed, he's loved, and he just- Seriously I love him. Martin feels like a friend who I haven't seen in an age, and it's always a good day to bump into him again.
Reverend Benedict Marley, Lark Rise to Candleford
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I almost forgot my favourite clergyman??? D:
Benedict Marley came into my life just to shake my very foundations, send me on an existential journey of self discovery, and waited for me at the end of it all with a soft smile and encouraging words. He only had one episode in the show, but his story was so easily woven and understood, his humility humbled me, and in ways that make me almost afraid to admit aloud- I felt seen in a way that I ever so rarely am. I connected to him; I understand him. He has depths that I could hardly explain in a single paragraph, but I can say that- out of all these characters- my feelings are birthed more out of a very deep respect and admiration.
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I can't say this list will stay the same- I'm far from through with Burn's portfolio- but for his on-screen roles, these guys firmly remain top-tier for me. :)
(If you'd like to hear about his voice work instead, please let me know; I could go on for Hours about some of those lads. ♡)
Thanks for the ask Anon, and if you haven't seen any of these yet, I definitely recommend them!
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 1 - How did you first get into Torchwood?
fdhkf ok ok so basically. i do not remember exactly what happened. this happens to me often like i can never remember what i came across that first got me into the media. with torchwood i at least know it was the fact that everyone was bi, but i dont rmr if i saw a post about it, or if i was fucking around on tvtropes or something - i legit cannot remember. i remember seeing a gifset of gay torchwood kisses p early on, but i dont think that was like the inciting incident? that mighta come about when i was doing research into the alleged fruitiness FHSJDFKDS. i do know i've been aware of jack as a character for at least a decade, like i'd heard of the harkness test + i was aware that he was 'that slutty doctor who guy', and also, coincidentally, in the fandom i was in in 2015, someone wrote a crossover fic where my fav slept with jack and ianto and i read it 😭 had no idea who they were, i hopefully at least googled them but fhsdjkf. but anyway i was like 'ooh a show with an all bisexual cast? color me intrigued.' i'd never touched dw either, i had friends who liked it when i was in middle school but i always saw it as kinda dorky fhsdkj (namely cuz my friends were dorks), but yeah, i was reeled in by the concept of sci-fi bisexuals. but not fully! it was in like 'yeah ill put that on my watchlist and get around to it in 2 yrs' territory
but then, as im looking into it, i realize owen's played by burn gorman, who i only knew from pac rim, which i'd fixated on briefly in 2018, riiiight before pru came out. my pr fixation p much revolved entirely around newt; i liked newmann, but i didn't get super into it. hermann himself was kind of an afterthought, i wasn't big on him at the time. anyway i saw owen and recognized hermann's actor, and my initial reaction was like "WHAT DO U MEAN HERMANN FUCKING GOTTLIEB'S IN THE SLUTTY BISEXUAL SHOW??? THIS I MUST SEE! HERMANN GOTTLIEB KISS MEN REAL NOT CLICKBAIT?!?!?!!??" and that was literally the thing that made me watch it. LAWL and the first few eps were so damn jarring bc i continued to just associate owen with hermann initially. and worse yet, ive now developed a hefty crush on burn himself lmao, i think he's gorg and ive watched a lot of his stuff, but before i got into torchwood i only knew him from PR and i didnt find hermann attractive or even rlly compelling in the slightest (this has changed significantly; im in my hermann era as a pr fan. newt who). so it was also a lot of "WTF WHY IS HE HOT??? HUH???? DUDE NO WAY." it's since lost its novelty, but it was very jarring + amusing to me at first, trying to reconcile owen n hermann. its like if u ran into ur frumpy weird professor at leather night and he was the twink of ur dreams FDSKJFHDSKJFDSK
yeah so then i watched the show and it fucking smacked me over the head with a shovel bc its so fucking bad but its so fucking good. and very quickly my view of owen went from "wait a mf second why is not-hermann kind of 🫦 hiii mean slutty hermann hiii" to "wait. oh hes fucked up. oh hes sad. oh no i love him" to him being my third favorite character of all time. fff. but more on that tomorrow! hehehehe
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dumb-bi-thomas · 9 months
hey, no hate, i was just wondering why you hate newtmas? i’m not saying there’s anything at all wrong with that, i was just wanting to hear why. have a good day/night ! :)
hi, no problem! Hmmm I guess it really boils down to "it's too popular for its own good". Especially because I was the most involved in the fandom during 2015-2018, and there would be SO much ne*wtm*as content. And a thing shippers would do, because at the time we were all self-described "fangirls" and we were all 16 years old, was butcher Newt's character down to "uwu my soft gay baby". Which is a thing that I saw done mostly by n*ewtm*as shippers, by virtue of them being so numerous. It seemed like angst and more complex character development was more common in thominho or minewt ships by comparison.
I think it's also because a lot of n*ewtm*as shippers came from seeing the movies, as Newt's character and his relationship with Thomas are different and a bit softer. Meanwhile, I was a real fan who had read the books, so how dare these stupid fangirls base their ship on the movies! (< sarcasm) All in all, I was fed up with how much people loved n*ewtm*as while minewt shippers like me were fighting for our lives (my heart goes out to everyone who ships a rarer pair... benho and nalby shippers you are my brethens), especially since ship wars were more prevalent at the time.
So my distaste for that ship was forged back then and I never really got over it lol... Although now I think people have grown up and calmed down, they no longer treat Newt as a "uwu pure cinnamon roll" and they love n*ewtm*as while keeping the characters in character. The ship wars have died down too. But I still hold that spark of outrage in my chest like "what about minewt??"
I've always loved Thominewt though.
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unnecessaryligatures · 11 months
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Happy 10-year anniversary, Pacific Rim! This movie and the fandom were both so formative for me. This fandom was the first majority-queer space I was in, which would end up being vital for me when I realized I was trans nearly 10 years later. At the time, seeing my autistic-ADHD self represented in Newt and Hermann helped me accept a huge part of who I am. Shatterdome Seattle (which I attended in 2015) was the first in-person fandom event I went to. My social anxiety was terrible so I managed to talk to no one, but (from top left) I made my own kaiju, saw Pacific Rim in a theater for the first time, and got my lovely KEYS key ring by @so-i-did-this-thing that I have used ever since. My Cherno Alpha print by @geniusbee still has pride of place in my apartment.
Now more than ever, I am so grateful to Guillermo del Toro for creating a film about found family and resilience against what seems like insurmountable odds. I needed that then, and I am so thankful for it now.
This fandom also gave me the fic that has consistently had my highest hits-to-kudos ratio (Today Your Barista Is: Hella Fucking Gay). Thanks, everyone XD
Also I drew some art of Newt and Hermann I guess.
Thank you for all the memories!
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sunattacksthemoon · 1 year
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[whispering ominously from the pitch black darkness] yeah, it better be
also if you still wanna,, 8 and 27 for the ask game <3
the amount of times I’ve been vaguely threatened over this rosekiller oneshot😭😭
8. How many languages do you know?
Okay so my first language is English but later on in middle school I took Latin. I wanted to be a pharmacist for like a hot minute so don’t judge. But I hated the teacher so much that I switched to German. I loved my teacher and I’m pretty good with memorizing things so I did really well. I struggled with pronouncing things cause I have a bit of a stutter so I don’t really know how to speak it but I can read and write. I still can (kinda) but if someone was talking to me in German I won’t be able to understand them. But yeah🤷
27. Who was your favourite childhood crush?
listen I’m pansexual and I have literally no type so I just like everyone. but I genuinely can’t think of anything. like you know how people talk about their gay awakening. literally never had one I just knew people were pretty🤷. But looking back I did really like Newt from the maze runner. or like Mulan, idk I remember also being interested in David Bowie in labyrinth. OH! Sky and Sophie from Mama Mia!!!! The scene were their singing lay all your love on me still makes me blush ngl.
the ask game
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I like the idea that Remus and Regulus had always gotten along. They just understood each other. They vibed. They were chill, and Remus was the only Marauder who was normal about Jegulus.
Then the Prank rolls around and suddenly there are no 'Marauders' anymore. James pulls a dumb bitch move and, in the most out of character thing he's ever done, chooses Sirius. Oh sure, he's LIVID with Sirius, but he chooses Padfoot anyways.
Peter, despite being a simp for James, sides with Remus, because he sides with the person who can protect him, and he was introduced to the Marauders by Remus beating the everloving shit out of a bully who was picking on Peter and he is now slightly scared of the werewolf.
So Remus and Peter are alone, and even the TEACHERS are beginning to feud over the whole situation. Minnie and Pomfrey love Remus like their own child, and Sprout is 110% willing to join that group, even though she has no idea what's going on, and don't even get me started on Newt Scamander (CoMC Teacher at the time)
Around this time, the Slytherin group was starting to get tired of Snape being an asshole and an idiot, so he kinda got booted, because god knows Reggie knows Remus is a werewolf and he does NOT tolerate people trying out out his friends, be that saying that Lucius is gay as the sky is blue (It's pretty obvious but still) or saying that Barty is intersex, he won't put up with it.
Keep in mind, at this time, Remus is absolutely DROWNING in guilt and self loathing. Like, for Peter, every day is a 24 hour attempt to talk him down from the roof.
So instead of siding with Snape, Regulus replaces him with Remus. At first, everyone is kinda iffy on this, the Marauders don't exactly get along with them, but they kinda grow to 'tolerate' it. (Read: They like it and they love him)
Like, all these pureblooded reluctant Death Eaters, and a gay werewolf. It makes no sense, but it happened. Flash forwards to the beginning of year seven, Euphemia Potter takes James and Sirius to Platform 9 3/4. Remus hasn't spoken to either of them for months, to the point where they were slightly concerned.
Sirius feels bad, James feels bad, Remus wants to not exist anymore in a violent way, and Peter just wants everyone to get along. Euphemia is confused as to why Remus is just towering over against a wall instead of coming to say hi to the other Marauders, weren't they super close? Of course, she has no idea what happened, because James won't tell her The Secret.
Effie: Why is Remus standing alone?
James: It's a long story.
Effie: You and Sirius should go say hello, at least!
James: I don't wish to die today, mum.
Effie: He's your friend, and he clearly needs to talk to someone. Go check on him.
James: Mum, I promise, he does not want us to talk to him.
Effie: Then I will. *Walks away*
So Effie talks to Remus and gets more of the story. Not all, but more. She now understands the basic plot. Sirius fucked up bad, Snape also fucked up bad, James made a bad choice but it isn't his fault, Snape and Remus got hurt. Badly.
And it is at this point, when Sirius and James (Who now is targeting Lucius because Snape has blackmail) are both looking at Remus, that Regulus appears. He arrives alone, as per usual, and the first thing he does is rush over to Remus. Sirius goes completely slackjawed and has the goddamn audacity to be offended that Remus moved on so fast, despite the fact that he did not and is actually barely coping enough to talk or even just eat on a semi-regular basis.
Quickly, Remus and Regulus are joined by Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier and Lucius.
And the only thing Sirius and James hear over the chaos of the station as the group passes them is "So Lucy..." Trailing off as they walk away. And Remus said it. Remus is close enough to these people to call Lucius 'I hate everyone and everything other than my hair' Malfoy by Lucy.
I don't know, I just like the idea of the Slytherins adopting Remus after The Prank.
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diazzvso · 1 year
okay, so time for a proper introduction post !
(dni list is at the bottom)
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My name is devin, i have many nicknames so feel free to call me pretty much whatever you’d like, i’m not very picky. Anyways, i’m mexican, ftm (pronouns are he/him), and so painfully gay.
My main interest right now is thg/tbosas and scream.
Here are some of my show and movie interests.
The walking dead, proud and also sad to say i’ve been apart of the fandom since season two. proud because the experience was something else, sad because…the experience was something else😭. I love all of them so much but my top favorite characters are Michonne, Abraham, Rosita, and Gabriel.
The maze runner, god i got into that series the beginning of 2022 and let me tell you…those movies were all i could think about until late july. I’ve also started reading the books (i finally got the full series for my birthday!!) and while i’m still on book one, i know things from the other books and i’m so excited but scared at the same time. I ship newtmas, die hard newtmas stan, i cannot lie. My fav characters are Newt, Minho, Brenda, and Teresa.
The black phone, there will always be a special place in my heart for that movie.
Jane the virgin, DUDE IT’S SO…i’m currently rewatching it and i’m in season three. Abuela and Petra are my favs, i cannot lie. Also it’s kinda helping my spanish so at least there’s that.
Orange is the new black. I’m on season two and my god😭
Now my other interests…
Sharks. Sharks have been my fav thing since fifth grade. My favorite sharks are great whites, lemon sharks, and nurse sharks. I’m still learning, of course everyone is always learning but what i mean is i’m still somehow new to the scene. I actually plan on going to university for marine biology.
I love to paint, my brain and body like to make it difficult but i do love it. I’m currently working on a painting for my mother. It was supposed to be a wedding gift, but now it’s going to be a very late one. At least i’ve taken my time on it though.
Music, music is part of my life line istg. I love Novo Amor, Tom rosenthal, I prevail, ICP, lana del rey, AC/DC, Queen, Frankie Valli and the four seasons, and tomo. I grew up with “older parents” so there will always be love for 60’s-80’s music. Of course there are others, but yk.
Despite my firm belief that tiktok is a hellish place to be, it’s like i live there. I have an editing account, he’s been through many phases. Of course, what i edit most as of right now is the black phone - especially vance. Editing takes up so much of my time, but that’s going to change once i start this damn factory job.
Pro-shippers are an immediate no, and anyone who “thirsts” or defends the grabber. Along with that, if you’re sexualizing children and such, consider that a very hard no, as well.
Homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. are not welcome here and never will be. I want my account to be as safe as possible. I will not tolerate any of the above toward myself or others.
I don’t care too much on how old you are, unless you’re pushing thirty five or are thirteen and under. I’m seventeen.
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character sketches? Yes!! I’m pretty happy with some of these, so voila!
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This is Felix (he/him), he can manipulate shadows, and can turn them solid for short periods of time. He’s very gay and totally doesn’t have a crush on someone in his group 👀
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This is Nyla (she/her) she can communicate with animals. She has a Gecko named Newt (she/her) and they gossip with each other in gecko language. Newt is very sassy for a geck.
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This is J (he/him) he can manipulate electricity. His character design came out more anime than I was expecting but it’s plot relevant so I can’t change it lol. Also Felix totally doesn’t have a crush on him haha, unless?
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Axl (he/him+) he is a shapeshifter. He has “restless cells” which basically means that his dna is constantly shifting, the only thing that doesn’t change is his eye color. He also becomes more comfortable with his gender and all pronouns as the story goes on (for angst lol)
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This is Dex (they/them) and this is one of the worst drawings of them I’ve ever done lol. They don’t have a power, they’re a hacker who gets wrapped up in the plot almost coincidentally 👀
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This is Star (she/her) she can sense and manipulate emotions and emotional reactions. She didn’t know about it for too long and it grew gradually more unstable as she grew up until “the incident” mwahaha lol
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This is Kane (he/him) aka best boy, aka everybody’s favorite antagonist (idk what he classifies as other than antagonist. Morally? He has morals. Just… he’s the bad guy or at least half of it lol but I love him so so much) he can control animals. He can’t communicate with them like Nyla can, and she can’t make them do anything they don’t want to. But Kane can nudge their instincts. These pretty ladies are his hyenas. (Please look up striped hyenas, they look unreal. So pretty.) he also has a young wolf and a vulture lol.
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This is Void (they/them) they can creates rifts in the fabric of space and time. They’re insanely overpowered, but there are reasons for that and they’re very restricted by the agency they work for with Kane (they’re work partners) Void is very gruff and logical. If asked they would say they hate everyone including Kane but, well… Kane is the closest they’ve ever gotten to another person their whole life. (And vice versa) also Kanes wolf loves them, and they cannot fathom why
So that’s it for now, these are all characters from my original story! I’ve been calling it “the exceptions” just because I can’t think of a good name for it, so that’s what I’ll tag it as for future posts about it. Feel free to ask about it, or any of these characters you’ll make my whole day lol
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thebloodgod · 2 years
SUP JUST HERE TO SAY YOUR TAGS MADE ME VIBRATE WITH JOY. I AM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED THE ART also my oc Zoatham and Newton look like they could be long lost brothers and I am very tempted to Spider-Man pointing meme the two of them. I’d love to hear more about Newt by the way, he looks like prime meow meow material and I am extremely intrigued by whatever his deal is
Newt and Z definitely have similarities. Family problems, god problems, round glasses, being gay, etc..
I have been sitting on this for days trying to think of how to summarize my guy Newt with very little success because I care about him so MUCH and his lore is a bit off the shits… so I'm just gonna try my best! Also you sent me this right after the session where everyone thought he died so I didn't want to present you with that bummer (he's fine. well, relatively.)
Alright here goes.
Newt was a pseudo-rich kid half elf with a family of rich assholes except for his parents who were cool but it's too bad they died in a house fire (allegedly) when he was 12.
After they died he lived with his shitty family who turned his sibling against him and he didn't fit in with the rich kids at rich kid school (partially because he was too busy trying to necromance-ize his parents) so he was all alone and that's just sorta been a Thing for him from then on.
He went to bard community college to get a law degree (and to be a slut because it's still a bard school) but then realized he wouldn't make much money or choose which cases to take with a community college law degree. So he snuck into Wimble which is like Wizard Harvard and sat in on some classes, forged some school records for himself, and snuck them into their records office- upgrading himself to this world's equivalent of a Harvard law degree.
After that, he worked his way up to being a somewhat successful lawyer, albeit a bit… uh… well, he had his face on billboards. His success didn't last very long because he is too curious for his own good and looked a bit too into the corruption of the local high-security prison where they lock up people for life. His sibling got into some shit and ended up framing Newt to get out of it and he then got thrown into that same prison without a trial. And that's where he met the rest of the party! wooo
Lots of crazy lore stuff happened but the main Newt points I can remember right now are:
He's hella cursed from all that untrained necromancy he did
He refuses to kill people because.. what the fuck? that's fucked up???
He is scared of dying but is more scared of the people he cares about dying and the one guy he made the strongest friendship with actively wants to die… and now they have hooked up, oop
He seems to be a god magnet for some reason even though he was just a lawyer
He got actively hunted, gaslit, and then snatched by a god called the Faceless and is currently trapped in their domain. They snatched him by wrapping bright red string around him and… pulling it tight so he shattered into bits of glass. so yeah everyone thought he was dead for a minute there
He used to be a big big liar but he's getting better
Newt tries to not trust people. He actively has to try, because he instinctively wants to trust them. because he, at his core, believes that everyone has something inside of them that makes them worthwhile. He refuses to give up on people. Basically he's a character who tries to be selfish but keeps fucking it up because he's an inherently good person.
I definitely missed some stuff but I'm gonna cut it off here for now before I accidentally write a book.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hi I’m honestly in love with your writing and the fact that you write for male readers is just *chefs kiss 🤌* could I please request a Newt x male reader, kinda like your other newt fic except Thomas takes a liking to the reader and it’s Newt that gets jealous, while reader is just oblivious because he hasn’t really talked to the greenie and is too busy doing medjack things.
Please don’t stress to get this finished I’ll wait forever if I have to.
All the love ❤️ - Static
Ooo I'm loving the Newt attention right now, I'm obviously a Minho fan (*cough* the over 25 fics I've written for him *cough*) but Newt is easily one of my favourite characters and I'm honoured to get the opportunity to write him.
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SUMMARY: See above. Timeline doesn't line up (or exist) but kinda movie based fic. Teresa ceases to exist because I couldn't work out how to make that work- there's enough going on.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, miscommunication trope, kind of oblivious reader, Thomas being a dumbass.
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Greenie Day is always fun. It's definitely your favourite day of the month. Apart from having a fresh face to watch the other Gladers tease, you also get to celebrate with the Bonfire night.
And today is no different. You have been blessed with Thomas. He seems slightly unstable and unsure of himself, but he is definitely handling things a lot better than most of he boys do.
He's cute, for sure, but a lot of boys here are. That doesn't really matter though, because you've set your heart on Newt.
You don't really know how it happened, but the second in command caught your attention almost immediately. He's one of the more grounded people in the Glade, and he's probably the most reliably.
And Minho drunkenly told you that Newt's gay. So, you might actually have a chance.
Though, you're one of the three Medjacks, so you're normally busy with work. The Glades really isn't a place for romance, and Newt is one of the few people that is actually busier than you.
And Newt probably doesn't even like you.
Honestly, Newt hadn't even really thought about it- until Thomas beats him to it.
"Who's that?" Thomas asks as him and Newt share a glass of Gally's special brew™, sitting in front of a log, using it as a backrest.
"Who's who?" Newt asks after taking a swig of his drink.
"Him," Thomas points at you from across the Glade as you talk to Jeff and Clint, laughing as you recall some of the dumbest injuries the Gladers have had. "Who's he?"
Newt's smile falters slightly. "(Y/N)." He simply answers. "Why you asking?"
Thomas shrugs. "He's kinda attractive."
For some reason, a sharp feeling crosses through Newt's chests. He shuffles uncomfortably before getting up. "C'mon, I'll show you around."
Thomas scrambles to his feet, struggling to keep up with Newt as he effortlessly traverses through the crowd.
Newt pretty much introduces Thomas to everyone except you. And then he ends up in a fight with Gally.
Which is always a fun watch.
You remain oblivious as you continue on with your job in the day following. Normally, after Bonfire, your clientele consists of boys suffering from hangovers and embarrassment.
"Gally, if you're gonna throw up, go outside, there's only so many egg and garlic cures I can make in such a small space of time, yanno." You mumble, stirring the strong smelling solution.
"I'm not gonna throw up." The Builder grumbles as he hunches over the side of the bed.
"You'd think since you make this klunk you'd be able to handle it. Or were you just nursing your pride after being floored by a Greenie?" He glares at you as you pass him the drink.
"This klunk's gross."
"You do this to yourself."
"Hey," you look up as Thomas awkwardly knocks on the doorframe.
"Hey, Greenie, you need somethin'?" You say nonchalantly. Thomas is just another patient to you.
"Uh, just thought I'd come see what this job is about."
"You fancy being a Medjack?"
"Haven't you heard?" Gally scoffs. "Greenie here has his heart set on being a Runner." You raise your eyebrow at Gally. "Newt told me."
That's weird. It's not like Newt is the type to go around talking about everyone's business- to Gally nonetheless.
You scoff. "Well, good luck with that- you'll have to get Minho's approval. He's one hard nut to crack. Maybe aim lower for now."
"Or give up all together." Gally snickers to himself.
"Gally," you snap, "get out- you're just a whiney baby who overendulged- scram, shank."
Gally grumbles under him breath, but he does get up, even though he does nearly topple over in the process.
"You're uh, (Y/N), right?" Thomas asks once Gally is gone.
"Uh, yeah, who told you that?"
"Oh, I asked Newt. He didn't seem too pleased about it, though."
You brush off the comment, turning back to making more headache cures for the undeniable number of boys that'll be flooding into your tent soon.
"Well, you should be checking out some of the other jobs- people don't normally trail to be a Medjack very often. There's only three of us and it's harder to get in this kluck-hole than it is out in the Maze. You could be a Track-hoe or a Builder, or even a Slicer if you don't mind the blood."
"Yeah, but I want to be a Runner," you scoff, shaking your head to try and hide your smirk. Gally might be right about this one.
Thats a first.
"Oi, Greenie," Newt appears in the doorway, "the shuck are you doin'? Get your ass to the Bloodhouse, you're tryin' out as a Slicer today."
Thomas pushes his lips into a thin line, nodding at you. "See you around." You give him an awkward wave and he leaves.
"The Greenie's shuckin' weird." You laugh, but when Newt doesn't respond, you look over at him. He face looks like thunder. "You good, mate?"
'Mate' is something you only say to Newt, mainly because you secretly adore his accent but also to lightly tease him.
"Yeah," he clears his throat, "yeah, so, you think Tommy's a freak?"
"I wouldn't go that far- but I don't think we've ever had a Greenie with such a shuckin' death wish before." Newt remains silent. "You don't like him?"
"No," he sighs, "I do. The shank's got a spark- we need more of that. I just..." He trails off, making eye contact with you. "Doesn't matter. I'll catch you later."
Newt leaves as fast as his arrived, leaving you very confused and slightly lost. That's until Clint stumbles into the Med Hut with Jeff carrying him, clearly still intoxicated.
You'd been wondering where they'd been.
The next couple of days are... strange, to say to say the least. Thomas came in almost every morning to speak to you, which started causing some exchanging of glances between your colleagues.
You, however, paid no mind to it.
Newt, however, did.
"Who does the Greenie think he is?" Newt grumbles to Minho, who is mouthfuls deep in a portion of of Frypan's stew.
"This about your little crush again?" The Runner says after swallowing.
"What? I don't have a crush."
"Dude, you've been complaining about Thomas all week."
"So? I don't have a crush on the shuckin' Greenie."
"Wha- no," Minho snorts, rubbing his face in his hands at his friends own cock-blocking. "You're jealous."
"Of Thomas."
"You have a thing for (Y/N), and the Greenie likes him too- so you're jealous."
Newt blinks. "What? No, I don't have a shuckin' crush, okay? He's just distracting him from work, a'ight? And Thomas needs to get his ass to work figuring what job he's gonna do. This isn't about (Y/N) at all."
"You're full of klunk," Minho says after sarcastically nodding, waving his fork around.
"No, you're full of klunk," Minho sighs. "You've been talking to and about this boy since he got here, and suddenly a new guy shows up, who clearly likes your 'bestfriend'," he puts that in air quotes, "and suddenly you're moping around like a shuckin' baby. You're thick as pig klunk if you ain't figured out what's going on by now."
There's a short period of silence as Newt processes everything. Shit, maybe he is jealous. He'd always liked you a little bit more than the other Gladers, but he kind of thought it was just admiration.
But he was jealous when Thomas pointed you out.
It made his skin crawl and his body burn.
"Shit," he mumbles, his elbows resting on the table and his hands in his hair. "I think I do like him."
"There ya go- shuckin' finally." Minho barks a laugh.
"So, what do I do?"
Minho hesitates, before just shrugging. "You don't see me having many romantic prospects around here, do ya? Box hasn't sent my type up yet," he attempts to joke, which just earns a glare from the second in command. He clears his throat. "Look, if your jealousy is getting to you that bad, just claims what's yours."
"Minho," Newt groans, "don't talk about people like that."
"You know what I mean- just ask him out. Tell him how you feel and get you a boy."
"I don't know if-"
"Suck it up, shank- I don't risk my life everyday to come back here and deal with this klunk." Minho stands up. "Alby has you running this joint for a reason- figure your shit out."
And with that, Minho walks away, probably to talk to someone who isn't causing him a headache with romantic issues.
Newt decides to see what happens, play it by ear and stick to his job. After all, he's a busy dude and- oh my God, is Thomas talking to you again?
Newt spots you sitting with Thomas. You look almost bored, probably thinking about some kind of medical solutions instead of listening to whatever nonsense Thomas is spewing.
But for some reason, this sparks a new wave of jealousy in him. Maybe Minho's right- about needing to talk to you, not claiming you.
You're a person, after all.
Standing up, he storms over to you.
"Hey," he taps your shoulder, pulling you out of your trance, "I need to talk to you." He jolts his head in a general direction away from the small group you're in.
"Oh, sure," you scramble up, following Newt as he walks away. You can practically see the steam coming off his head.
You walk a fair few metres away, ending up at the edge of the Deadheads.
"Newt, is everything okay-?"
"I like you!" He snaps, turning around and starting you.
"I like you, okay? I like you and all your dumb medical facts and the way you help Chuck when he's freaking out. I like you, like I have a crush on you and it's freaking me the shuck out! A-and watching you flirt with the Greenie is driving me nuts!"
"I wasn't flirting with-"
"I just- Minho told me to tell you and that's what I'm going. Make of it what you will but-"
There's something about the normally calm Newt losing his cool over you that is weirdly attractive. Not only is your long-time crush confessing to you, but he's actually possessive over it. Should that be attractive? Probably not, but it still is to you.
Newt is mid-speech when you step forward, grabbing his face with both your hands and pulling him towards you. Your lips connect and Newt completely freezes.
You pull away from the blond as he doesn't react. He looks at you for a second, panic taking over you. You go to speak but no sounds come out as he starts to grin.
Pulling you back in, he kisses you again, this time actually responding properly.
The kiss lasts a couple of seconds before you separate.
"Will you please be my boyfriend, (Y/N)?" He asks you.
You smile. "'Course I shuckin' will."
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Another Newt request: done. I'm slowly getting there, and I have a couple of Gally requests to get through, but dw we'll be back to our regularly scheduled Minho content first.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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does anyone have any Words Of Advice And Also Wisdom on renting nests from strangers?
I’ve never done it before (the only person whose lair I’ve nested in besides my own is my friend Krista, who’s in ice) but I’m going to need a shadow nest (probably, it’s hard to match eyes with this pair) when Doppler finally gets off cooldown. The only thing I’ll know is that I’ll try to go with a thread organised for this already instead of making a seeking thread myself, bc organised threads/groups seem more controlled and like. safe. But I’m anxious as Heck letting two of my dragons out of my lair and into a complete stranger’s
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vrisrezis · 3 years
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Again until I get more non ososan rqs yall are getting self indulgent GARBAGE here is my girl who deserves better <//3 I just want her to be happy with somebody who loves her!
Slight sashanne shipping in here ;p
- first of all imma go with the idea you’re in her little friend group so you guys can go on double dates with Anne and Sasha <3 but that would take place after amphibia LAWL
- thing is, with dating Marcy!!! She’s soooo nervous but excited at the same time! Like she obviously has that habit of rambling on, but this is even moreso with you because she gets so nervous and excited around you!
- he loves playing video games with you too! (And when you’re in amphibia, yknow.. other games like flipwart… she lets you win on purpose and has to explain that and Andrias just smirks knowingly)
- yknow for somebody that’s very nervous she is very physical, seriously! She can often be found grabbing onto your hand, hugging you, she’s always trying to touch you in some way physically!
- she also obviously has abandonment issues but doesn’t always act upon them or talk about them with you? Like she gets really sad whenever you go off on a mission and it’s very noticeable so Andrias usually likes to distract her with flipwart or a new mission of her own but yknow
- she just has a hard time opening up about these things sometimes which causes a lot of bottling up emotions and all that
- lotsa sleepovers like all the time LOL
- also she gets really happy whenever you interact with those close to her and show a close relationship, she gets really happy whenever you get along with Anne or Sasha! Because they’re like her family honestly!
- likes nuzzling you <//3
- cheek kisses too! Loves em!
- usually the two of you go on missions together, naturally you worry about your clumsy gf
- but when you guys meet Anne again it’s a whole lotta fun! Though admittedly Marcy finds herself jealous of Anne because she’s able to get so close and form a good bond with you! She’s always been jealous of Anne’s ability to bond with others, sometimes she feels like you’re closer to Anne..
- but hey some reassurance and hugs go a long way!
- better when Sasha comes back at least, cause Sasha easily distracts Anne’s gay ass
- she does this thing where she just squished your cheeks together and is like “babe. Listen to me.”
- during missions are like the only time she’s not clingy or touching you tbh
- also that one ep where Marcy and everyone else had to dress up . You bet her dumbass just kept blushing and staring at you in your nice outfit, any compliments sent her way and she’s dying!!
- she’s definitely an amity 2.0 btw, her entire face just gets all red when you compliment her, she lets out a nervous giggle and gives you a smile as she tries to come up with some compliment for you
- true colors spoilers as well as s3 spoilers but ;(
- she grabbed onto your hands with those tears in her eyes as she confessed her heart and soul out to you, the truth, her betrayal. She felt so heartbroken when you pulled away, you had never done that before. It hurt her more than words could explain to have you do that.
- but with everything that went down that day, you wished you could’ve helped Marcy in that moment, helped her from getting stabbed by that monster you trusted.
- you wanted to help her, but that big oaf was too strong for you to even get close.
- she felt so horrible about what happened though
- you, along with two gay newts try to help Marcy, but she was just so happy to see you again. She didn’t even think about what happened for a moment in your drunken state, being overly affectionate, telling you how much she loved you. How she’s kinda jealous of Anne sometimes, how she really really wants you all to herself sometimes but that’s so selfish of her.. isn’t it?
- what she did was selfish, but you sympathized with her ;(
- you still had a lot of thinking to do though. You weren’t gonna break up with her.. but you needed some time to yourself
- but you quickly realized you’d get that time.. and not in the way you wanted.. as Marcy soon became Darcy, you watched in horror as you could do nothing. You felt horrible, her eyes bore into yours, a horrified look on both of her faces, hers screaming ‘help me’ and yours screaming ‘I wish I could. I’m so sorry’
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