#also also ID for all of the comic panel screenshots are in the ALT text
nightwings-robin · 1 year
I kind of hate the over-correction some Jason Todd fans have done from making Jason the "Angry Robin" into the "uwu soft boy Robin" instead. Jason is neither of those things.
like no I don't want Jason to be known as the Angry Robin when literally ALL of the Robins have been angry at some point. but I also don't want to see him be sanitized either, you know? there were times when Jason was angry and violent and I hate it when some fans deny that anger. (not all Jason fans do this of course but I have seen far too many fans try to claim he actually never did anything questionable before he died. but also, none of the questionable things he did should be used as justification for his murder, which I have seen fans and writers alike do.)
Jason was multi-faceted as Robin. sometimes he really was excessively violent and sometimes he was sweet and goofy.
here he is strangling Poison Ivy in Detective Comics #534 in 1984:
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(granted, this example is pre-crisis Jason so he's not canon anymore but still, my point stands.)
then there's that time he tried to choke Two-Face to death in Batman (1940) #411 in 1987. (for context, Two-Face killed Jason's father, Willis Todd.)
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he really does seem okay with killing Two-Face here and Batman had to pull Jason off and give him a lecture in the Batcave. the point is that he did very much have angry and violent outbursts as Robin. he did very much have some violent tendencies that shouldn't be overlooked.
but he was also innocent and cute at times too! he literally ordered milk while at a bar in Detective Comics #570 in 1987:
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he's pretty goofy in this whole issue actually, it's quite funny!
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and there's this cute panel in Batman (1940) #385 from 1985:
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he also wasn't always irrational and reckless like a lot of modern comics and fans tend to portray him as. I've seen so many adaptations portray him as jumping into trouble without thinking of the consequences first but that wasn't really always the case.
there were times, such as in Batman (1940) #370 from 1984, when Jason was shown to be level headed and decided not to go after some criminals without Batman's help:
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don't get me wrong, there totally were times when he was impatient and didn't wait for Bruce but my point is that it wasn't ALL the time.
also some of the times when he was excessively violent was when he was trying to protect someone, like in Batman (1940) #422 in 1988:
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(for context, the guy Jason is punching had just hit and threatened to stab a woman implied to be a sex worker.)
I understand not wanted Jason to be known as the "Angry Robin" but that doesn't mean we should ignore the times when he actually was angry. I don't want Jason to be known as the reckless, angry Robin who never followed orders but I also don't think pure, innocent, sweetie pie fits him either.
the point I'm trying to make is that there is no "Angry Robin." they were ALL angry at times but that was never the main character trait for any of them. just please stop boiling characters down to one or two traits when those weren't even their main traits to begin with.
these characters have nuance! Jason has nuance! he can be a character who chokes and strangles bad guys while also caring about school and studying. he can be a character who isn't bothered by the death of criminals while also making puns and jokes. the same character can do all of these things! he's multi-faceted!
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illym · 4 months
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Bridget is so damn cute here. So is Axl.
ID in alt text
Cleaned & original comics under the cut, along with my pains translating.
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Why are they all slanted........ Or maybe I'm just bonkers. I tried fixing this one, but I think it's even worse now. I'm giving up. This one posted itself when I was adding an extra screenshot... What a shockingly painful comic.
Anyway, you see that character there, in the fourth panel?
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This character took me like two weeks to find. Holy crap. I first saw it in a different comics title. No OCR reader could pick it up, none of my friends who know Japanese characters could figure out what it was... I was starting to wonder if it was the author's personal created character [ like when someone in English says 'fantabulous' or something else, where it's only really understood by someone who can pick up context clues ] and would make the comic untranslatable, but then I saw it here AGAIN.
I knew they were different authors, so it was obviously a character that should be commonly known enough to be known by character recognition software. But I tried three different OCRs, all of my friends...
Finally, I went ahead and asked a friend of a friend's grandmother (native born Japanese) to please tell me what the character was. She did (and also translated the sentences I gave to her as examples of its usage which was extremely kind of her). The character is...
[ ロ ]. [ ロ ].
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They look completely different. Man if it wasn't satisfying to finally figure out. Actually, looking at the stroke order on wikipedia, I can see how the version in the comic came to be... But man if it isn't still evil.
As always, if you understand Japanese and want to retranslate this comic, feel free to send me a message with the new translation and I'll update it and credit you.
Also, Axl is saying [ あだだだ ] in the second panel, but I can't figure out what it means.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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oh baby it's SNORPY and CHANDLO let's go!!!! they are fun to draw so there are a few of these. thanks again to @incorrectbugsnaxquotes for a few of the comic prompts!
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A drawing of Chandlo and Snorpy recreating that Guy With Huge Bahongas meme. that's about it]
[Image 2 ID: A drawing of Snorpy from the neck-up, missing his hat and glasses, looking sleepy and disoriented. An arrow pointing to him reads "can't hecking see".]
[Image 3 ID: A tiny doodle of Chandlo from behind, smiling and flexing, wearing a t-shirt with torn-off sleeves reading "I FLEX'D & THE SLEEVES CAME OFF". His snapback also reads "SWAG". An arrow pointing to him reads "Jay's fault".]
[Image 4 ID: A drawing of Snorpy, looking terrified and standing stiffly, holding a comically large machete in one hand with text reading "BECOME UNGOVERNABLE".]
[Image 5 ID: A drawing of Chandlo, holding a flashlight towards the camera and smiling placidly, saying "whatup, demons, it's me, ya boi". In the background, Snorpy, also holding a flashlight, is looking over at him anxiously.]
[Image 6 ID: A drawing of Chandlo and Snorpy recreating a screenshot from an Unraveled video. Chandlo is dancing with his arms at his sides, grinning widely, while Snorpy at his left is dancing significantly more stiffly, blushing and looking anxious. Text underneath them reads "*INTERPRETIVE DANCE WITH A FRIEND*".]
[Image 7 ID: Snorpy standing and looking over his shoulder with a neutral, tired expression, wearing no hat and a t-shirt reading "I SOLVED THE MYSTERY OF GRUMP PEAKS AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS T-SHIRT".]
[Image 8 ID: A drawing of Chandlo, sitting cross-legged on the floor, with Snorpy lying with his head in Chandlo's lap. Chandlo is smiling down at him warmly, propping himself up with one hand while patting Snorpy's hair with the other. Snorpy, with his hat off to the side and wearing one of Chandlo's slightly oversize jersey tanks, is laughing with one hand on his chest and the other wrapped around Chandlo's arm.]
[Image 9 ID: A two-panel comic of Chandlo and Snorpy sitting side-by-side, embracing. Chandlo is leaning back on one arm with Snorpy at his right side, who is turned to place an arm around him, both of them smiling. In the first panel Snorpy says, "You're the love of my life and my best friend. I would do anything for you". In the second, Chandlo, with a slightly worried smile, says, "I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule". Snorpy, looking nonplussed, replies, "Absolutely not."]
[Image 10 ID: A two-panel comic of Snorpy and Chandlo. In the first, Snorpy is standing with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression, saying, "Being gay is NOT a choice". In the second, he is clutching Chandlo's arm with both hands, eyes narrowed and saying, "It's a game and I'm winning". Chandlo simply turns his head to give Snorpy a kiss on the cheek.]
[Image 11 ID: A two-panel comic of Snorpy and Chandlo. In the first panel, Snorpy is wringing his hands and looking embarrassed and anxious, blushing furiously and seating, saying, "Just to make sure, are you asking me romantically or platonically?" The second panel cuts to Chandlo, down on one knee wearing a tuxedo-print t-shirt with the sleeves torn off, holding a giant bouquet in one hand and a box with an engagement ring in the other, looking incredulous as he responds, "Are you kidding me--"]
[Images 12-13 IDs: A seven-panel comic of Snorpy and Chandlo divided into two images, with the first three panels in one and the last four in the other. In the first panel, Snorpy, wearing a Grump Peaks t-shirt, is sitting on a couch next to Chandlo. Snorpy has his legs folded up, one hand resting on his knees and the other propping himself up on the couch, while Chandlo has one arm propping himself up and the other behind Snorpy over the back off the couch. A "DING!" sound effect goes off and Chandlo looks up with a grin, saying "Pizza's ready!!" The second panel shows him opening up the oven and looking at the pizza on the top rack, then the third shows him turning over his shoulder, looking agonized, and saying, "This is always the worst part." Panels four through six then show him grabbing the pizza tray out of the oven with his bare hands, screaming all the while, then tossing it on top of the stove. The final panel show shim turning back to Snorpy with a grin, giving a thumbs up, hands visibly burned. Snorpy, looking absolutely terrified, is backed up against the couch with one hand clutching his chest.]
[Image 14 ID: A drawing of Chandlo and Snorpy recreating a meme from a Japanese weather report. Chandlo, wearing a varsity jacket over his tank top and holding an umbrella, is standing with one arm around Snorpy, who is wearing a ribbed sweater and blushing as he covers his face with one hand. The Journalist's hand is visible holding up a microphone, and Chandlo says, "Being in the snow with my lover like this immerses me in a special feeling, bro."]
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Making Writblr More Accessible
Hello, all! I'm Nico, your local disabled writer. Specifically, I am (loudly) autistic, as well as coming to terms with the chronic pain that's been following me for a few months. I am also an advocate for accessibility in writblr, because it is unfortunately lacking.
I am not the leader of knowing what accessibility looks like, of course--for instance, while I do wear glasses, my vision is not nearly as affected as anyone considered legally blind and I do not know everything there is to know about being accessible for that. I don't know what it's like to be disabled in ways I'm not, but I do know a lot about accessibility due to spending time in disabled communities, and I want to share that knowledge.
I'll split this into images & GIFs, fonts, blogs, community, and "in conclusion". I'll mostly just talk about blatant inaccessibility, but the community section will discuss community attitudes and behaviours as well.
(The rest of the post will be under a keep reading, for length reasons.)
Images & GIFs.
An undescribed image or GIF is an inaccessible image or GIF. There are blind and visually impaired tumblr users who rely on screen readers, but screen readers cannot read images.
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[ID: a photo of Grumpy Cat lying down and looking at the camera. She is white and brown. /end ID.]
There are two ways to do IDs; adding them in the alt text, and adding them in the body of the post. I did both with this image.
An image description should be as short and useful as possible, so the person who needs it gets a good idea of what is in the image but is not overloaded with pointless information. (E.g., I did not describe Grumpy Cat's exact ear shape.) You also should not use tumblr's small text for your ID; more on that in "fonts".
Some images are more complicated than others, and will require a longer ID. You still want to follow the same general rules, though. Keep it simple, but make sure you put in all the important info.
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[ID: a two-panel Grumpy Cat meme. In the first panel, an orange tabby cat is smiling and the text reads "smiles are contagious!".
In the second panel, Grumpy Cat is looking over at the first panel, and the text reads "don't worry, I'm vaccinated." /end ID.]
This is an example of a slightly more complicated image.
You want to describe memes, screenshotted tags, picrews, WIP intro powerpoints, GIFs... basically anything that is not normal text. Additionally, you should tag for GIFs ("#gif tw" and "#gif warning") as the sudden flashing and/or movement can risk triggering epileptic seizures.
This overlaps with both the "images & GIFs" section and "blogs" section, so I figured I might as well make it it's own thing.
Some fonts are more accessible than others, both in regards to size and design. This link right here leads to an article about what makes a font more readable, as well as a list of accessible fonts.
Generally, you want a larger font for your blog's desktop layout, as they're easier to read. You also want to use tumblr's regular font when posting; this small text is very difficult to read for many people with vision issues. [Translation: "this small text is very difficult to read for many people with vision issues." /end translation.] Personally, as someone with glasses partly for headaches, attempting to read small text always sets one off. (That's why you shouldn't use it for IDs, either.)
Some dyslexia-friendly and readable fonts include: Arial, Comic Sans, Dyslexie, Helvetica, and Century Gothic, though there are many others. When in doubt of a font's accessibility, look it up!
I've had personal inaccessibility difficulties with both previous elements, but this one is really the one that frequently bites me. When designing their desktop blog appearances, people often just consider what looks cool to them, as opposed to what's accessible.
Blog accessibility is important in writblr in particular because when you put any writing or intros under a keep reading, it will redirect to your blog directly. This means your blog layout should be accessible for people with sensory issues, dyslexia, and low vision.
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[ID: a screenshot of my blog's desktop layout. It is eggdesign's "iconic" theme, customized. The background is a plain light blue, the posts are white with dark blue font, each post has a yellow border, and the font is arial. /end ID.]
I customized blog's layout to accommodate my own autism-born sensory hypersensitivity and mild visual impairment (needing glasses). The colours are contrasting, which is important for readability, but not overly saturated, which is important for sensory issues. The font is at the normal size with no embellishments.
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[ID: @.wherearetheplants' desktop blog layout. Is is the default tumblr theme. The background is plain beige, the posts are white with black font, and the title and bio are brown. /end ID.]
@wherearetheplants is a good example of a well-contrasting but not cluttered or oversaturated blog theme!! (& check him out, he's cool.)
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[ID: @.inaccessible-blog-example's first layout. The background is bright green with bright pink accents, and the only post contains one paragraph in small text and one in curvy text. /end ID.]
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[ID: @.inaccessible-blog-example's second layout. All the colours are very similar shades of purple, and the only post contains one paragraph in small text and one paragraph in curvy text. /end ID.]
These are two examples of what an inaccessible blog theme may look like; I know I personally would not be able to read anything on either of them for longer than maybe two minutes.
If you want disabled people to feel welcome here, not only should you strive for basic accessibility, but you should also actually think about your internal biases and assumptions and whether you're actually considering disabled people in your day-to-day interaction with the writblr community.
Are you giving disabled & mentally ill traits (psychosis, low empathy, canes, scars, DID, etc) to exclusively villain characters? Are you using words like "narcissist", "psychopath", and "psychotic" as an insult? Are you equating being disabled with being pitiable, inspiring, tragic, or dangerous in how you talk about and portray us? Are you uplifting disabled voices? Are you calling out ableism when you see it, and backing up disabled people who do so? Are you thinking about and deconstructing your personal biases against disabled people?
Asking yourself those questions is important. Examining your behaviour is important. For writblr to be truly accessible, the abled people involved must be willing to take the time to actually alter ableist and saneist behaviours.
In Conclusion
Two final notes:
One. I love writblr. This long-as-hell post is a labor of love, because even though this community has issues, I genuinely love it. I would not be making this post if I thought it was pointless. I think a lot of people aren't being malicious, they just genuinely don't know about these things.
Two. I'm not perfect, and I don't expect anyone to be. We all fuck up, including disabled people ourselves. That doesn't make you a bad person or a bad ally--what matters is that you try, and that when you do make a mistake, you own up to it and try to fix it the best you can.
I hope this was helpful, and if anyone has other comments, feel free to add on.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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oh baby it is WIGGLE WEDNESDAY (note: still do not know when these are going to queue up). also, Gramble is here! these two have a fun dynamic and Wiggle especially is easy to put in Absurd Situations so there is a lot of good art of her. thanks again to @incorrectbugsnaxquotes for many inadvertent inspirations!
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: Two small doodles of Wiggle. On the left is a shoulders-up drawing of Wiggle, smiling and waving with her left hand, with stars around her and text reading "the Wiggle of prosperity". On the right is Wiggle on her side, kicking one leg out and playing her banjo, with text reading "Happy WIGGLE WEDNESDAY (it's monday".]
[Image 2 ID: A drawing of Wiggle recreating the Sonic "alone on a friday night?" meme. She is on her side with her legs crossed, propped up on one arm with the other gesturing up, saying, "Alone on a Friday night? Thank you for practicing social distancing".]
[Image 3 ID: A drawing of Wiggle recreating a screenshot from Brian David Gilbert's "Unraveled". She is standing in front of a board with multiple slips of paper reading, top-to-bottom and left-to-right, "THE 10 DEFINITIVE PURPOSES OF MUSIC", "1. CREATE or CONTROL EMOTION", "2. REMEMBER OR SHARE INFORMATION", "3. ENTERTAINMENT", "4. JINGLES", "5. MARK TIME IN A GROUP", "6. [mostly cut off and unreadable]", "7. AMBIANCE", "8. CREATE OR MAINTAIN SOCIAL GROUPS", "9. [mostly cut off and unreadable] ". Wiggle is standing to the right, pointing up at #3, one hand on her hip and expression serious, saying, "Bangers only."]
[Image 4 ID: A 2-panel comic of Wiggle, recreating screenshots from Brian David Gilbert's "Unraveled". In the first panel, Wiggle is drawn from the waist-up, smiling cheekily at the camera, holding a mug in one hand while the other is on her hip, saying, "There's Red Bull in this mug." In the second, she is drawn from the knees-up, motion-blurred as she kicks high in the air with a manic grin, screaming "HIYA!"]
[Image 5 ID: A three-panel comic of Wiggle and Gramble. In the first panel, Wiggle is bent over whispering into a phone, looking worried, saying, "Darling, I need you to come pick me up right now." The journalist, represented by a little doodle of them from behind in a speech bubble, responds, "...why?" In the second panel, Wiggle is looking back over her shoulder at Gramble in the background, standing on a stepstool to grumpily wash dishes in a sink, as Wiggle whispers, "Gramble is passive-aggressively doing the dishes he asked me to do six hours ago." In the third panel, she's turned back to the phone, looking utterly terrified and whispering grimly, "This house isn't safe anymore."]
[Image 6 ID: Drawing of Wiggle in a lunge, one hand on her hip, the other gesturing around her. She is wearing an oversized baby carrier labeled "#1 BOYF CARRIER" in which Gramble sits with all his limbs limp, looking confused and slightly flustered. There are stars all around Wiggle along with cursive text reading, "fashion, bitch".]
[Image 7 ID: A doodle of Gramble sitting on Wiggle's shoulders, screaming "TOO HIGH TOO HIGH AAAAA" and rearing back in a panic, knocking her sunglasses away in the process. Wiggle, who has Gramble's panic-grip right over her eyes, is visibly grimacing.]
[Image 8 ID: A single-panel comic of Gramble and Wiggle. Gramble is sitting on the ground cross-legged, looking worried and saying, "I know you're deflectin' by makin' jokes about how hot you are--" Wiggle, kneeling next to him and clutching him tight with both arms, visibly ugly-crying, screams back, "IT'S NOT A JOKE. I'M A LEGIT SNACK".]
[Image 9 ID: Wiggle posing like a supermodel in a massive sunhat and tall platform heels with ankle straps. To her right is Gramble looking up starstruck and blushing, hands folded in front of his chest, with text next to him reading, "tall wonan."]
[Image 10 ID: A two-panel comic of Wiggle and Gramble. In the first, Wiggle is standing with one hand on her hip and the other on her chest, looking dismissively over her shoulder and saying, "Oh, come on, I wasn't that drunk." Gramble, standing next to her and looking up worriedly, responds, "You tried to color my face with a highlighter because you said I was important". In the second panel, Wiggle, clutching a flustered Gramble's head with both arms, retorts, "That's because you are."]
[Image 11 ID: A drawing of Wiggle and Gramble recreating that one meme with the tall woman. Wiggle is standing and speaking into a microphone in her right hand, while Gramble is stanced up to her left, staring up at her.]
[Image 12 ID: A drawing of Wambus, Wiggle and Gramble recreating a meme. Wambus is seen from the back in the far-left foreground of the image, while Wiggle, glaring sternly, is holding an anxious Gramble on her hip on her left side, pointing at Wambus with two fingers with her right hand.]
[Image 13 ID: A drawing of Gramble sitting on the ground with his hands on some kind of scratching post, rearing his head back to expose all his te Gramble eth.]
[Image 14 ID: A single-panel comic of Gramble and the Journalist. Gramble is sitting at a table with a striped tablecloth, head resting in one hand, looking lovestruck and saying, "Remember when Wiggle made that romantic dinner for me?" The Journalist, face obscured by steam from a hot drink, is walking over to the table placing one mug labeled "Do the Wiggle" down while holding another labeled "8 AM DEAD LINE". They respond simply, "...she microwaved you a pizza."]
[Image 15 ID: A three-panel comic of Wiggle and Gramble. In the first panel, they are sitting side-by-side on a bench, Gramble looking anxious, Wiggle looking flirtatious as she says, "Has anyone ever told you they love you?" In the second panel, Gramble, looking anxiously back, asks, "...Do my parents count?" In the final panel, Wiggle, leaning away slightly and looking worried, replies, "...yes.", to which Gramble, head in hands and looking miserable, says, "Then no."]
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