#also also i'll probably work more on the Spice i posted a snippet from last night
koolkat9 · 10 months
WIP Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @balladofthewhitehorse
Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I did this before so I'll put the ones I already posted under the cut because again, perhaps people asking about them will get me motivated to write.
I do have some new outlines to share because where I work we got slow periods where a lot of us will do something like word searches or in my case writing...so...
NedCan "Dancer" AU - It's actually a NedCan stripper AU (but I wrote this when I had free time at work so...I didn't want people being suspicious). It would be a long fic though and I only have the prologue/first chapter outlined.
CuCan Cottage - CuCan obviously
GerEng Hot Day - GerEng obviously
Art + Lud Stuffies - GerEng + stuffed animals
Everyone Boosting Lud's Spirits - Nations Free AU - An ensemble fic with some German Bros and GerEng.
Royal Red Bros - Mattie Playing in Mud - England + Canada
GerEng - Future - Nations Free AU - GerEng
GerEng Tongue Piercing - GerEng
GerEng Feeing Birds - GerEng
Matt Ficking of to the Woods -> Allie Finds him - Scotland + Canada
NedCan - Nude Painting - NedCan
Art Motorcycle - GerEng
Arthur Meeting Lud’s Dogs - Obviously GerEng 
Count Your Blessings (Chapter 3) - England + Canada 
GerFruk Arthur Sick fic - GerFruk
Got a Secret Can You Keep it? - GerEng (nsfw)
Day 6 - Folklore || Pining - FACE Fam + Fruk (this was originally going to be something for Fruk week but I couldn’t get myself to finish it in time since it is very long, but I do plan on returning to it)
Cardverse Fic - GerEng is the main focus, but there will also be Itapan, probably some platonic Al and Art, platonic Arthur and Yao, Scotfra, and so much more. Don’t know when it will be posted since I want to finish one of my other multichapter fics before jumping onto another. 
German Bros - Germany + Prussia (originally planned as a Father’s Day fic but I ran out of time. Probably won’t get posted until Father’s Day 2024)
Untitled - EngUkr (I think this was supposed to be a birthday fic, but then I ran out of time and just haven’t finished it yet)
GerEng Hurt/Comfort Hospital - GerEng, England + America 
Pruk Spice - Pruk (nsfw)
 Subspace - GerEng (nsfw)
Top England x Bottom BFT - BFT x England (nsfw. Based on a prompt on the hetalia kink meme)
ONLY OUTLINE (Break because this is where it gets long)
FACE Fam Sick Fic - FACE Fam + Fruk
Omega Ludwig being taken care of at a meeting (inspired by a convo on my spicy blog)
Ludwig’s Birth + Gil’s Anxiety - little Germany + Prussia (and Germania, though it’s more like he’s there in spirit with him possibly actually being present)
Francis Caring for Matt’s Hair - France + Canada
GerEng + Peter Sick fic - Obviously GerEng + Peter
Fruk Death Fic - Fruk (I promise it’s only temporary Character Death)
Arthur and Kiku taking Matt to a convention - England + Japan + Canada
FACE Fam Matt is Injured in Hockey - FACE Fam + Fruk
CuCan Beach Prompt - CuCan
CuCan Winter Prompt - CuCan
GerEng laying in Bed all day because Arthur is depressed and mentally drained - GerEng + an appearance by Ludwig’s dogs possibly
Canmano First Meeting - Canmano + a little bit of Ameliet
Art + Matt WW1
Arthur Getting Merlin - England + the kitten I gave him named Merlin
GerEng exercise Buddies - GerEng
Fruk Kiss Prompt - Fruk
Royal Red Bros Storm - England + little Canada
Matt Comforting Arthur after a Nightmare - England + little Canada
Lud Picking up Arthur after he fell asleep in a weird position - GerEng
Ludwig Cleaning Arthur’s Wounds After a Bar Fight
NyoCanUkr smut - Nyo Canada x Ukraine (nsfw)
Pet Play GerEng - GerEng
EngUkr Spice - EngUkr
CanCu Omegaverse - CuCan (nsfw. Based on prompt from Hetalia Kink Meme)
GerEng Thunder Storm - GerEng + Aster (Lud’s dog)
Matthew + Fran and Fran’s Fear of Planes - France + Canada
GerEng Late Night - GerEng
I forgot the tag let's see...what other writers do I know...
@needcake @redds-art828 @averyblair and I can't think of anyone else. Anyone who wants to jump onto this. Go right ahead. Consider this your tag. (No pressure to anyone though)
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druidgroves · 2 years
the trouble with trouble
fandom: shepherds of haven, property of @shepherds-of-haven summary: Briony relays the events of this conversation with Trouble to Yelena because they’re besties. For all of Yelena’s directness, the idea of voicing her romantic feelings is proving to be pretty difficult. notes: they’re both idiots and i adore them.
Yelena listened to Briony recount her recent conversation with Trouble. She didn’t say a word the entire time, which kind of unnerved Briony. She simply listened from the seat of her desk, only moving to steeple her fingers together and press them to her mouth, eyebrows furrowed. When the strongwoman concluded, she looked at her friend, waiting for some sort of answer or reaction.
Yelena sighed.
“So you see my problem.”
Briony flopped back on Yelena’s bed where she had been sitting, running a hand down her face, “If that conversation frustrated me, I can only imagine how you feel, Lena.”
“I just–” The mage stood up, the aggravation within proving too much as she started pacing around her room. “I can’t–He–”
“Take your time,” Briony said. Yelena clenched her hands before throwing them up in the air and groaning, flopping down on the bed next to Briony.
“I’m in love with an idiot,” the mage finally relented, covering her face with her hands.
“At least you know he likes you?” Briony offered, trying to be helpful.
“Then why does he keep insisting we’re just friends?” Yelena asked, peeking at the other woman through her fingers.
“He confused me quite a bit with the whole thing, but I think he knows there’s something between the two of you, he just doesn’t know how to act on it because you’re ‘such good friends,’” Briony said. “You might have to make the first move here, Lena.”
Yelena took her hands away from her face, looking at Briony like she was mad.
“And say something stupid to screw it all up? Absolutely not.”
Briony looked back at her, sitting up on the bed to give her an incredulous look, “You cannot seriously be telling me that you, of all people, are incapable of being straightforward with your intentions.”
“I thought I had been up until now!” Yelena said, shooting up defensively.
“What exactly have you said to him?”
Yelena bit the inside of her cheek. “Well, I mean, I haven’t–I haven’t really said anything…I mean, there was that first time he took me to that tavern, the barkeep asked if we were friends or friends and I said we were getting there, but…I thought I was being pretty obvious, at least physically! I’ve practically sat in his lap during breakfast before, we’ve shared drinks and hells, we’ve even kissed each other on the cheek, I–”
Briony cut her off with a raise of her hand, “You do realize this is Trouble we’re talking about, right? At this point, the only way he’s going to realize you like him back is if you paint it on the walls of the compound.”
“He’d probably think it was a vandal.”
“Honestly, yeah, probably.”
Yelena sighed, bringing her legs up to hug to her chest. Briony put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“This is so stupid. I…I’ve never felt like this for someone before. It all feels so…juvenile,” Yelena said, deflating a little. “I don’t wanna mess anything up.”
She felt like a kid again, talking about childish crushes that only went as far as Zori and her giggling and running away when they were near. She’d never had any sort of serious relationship. She was a traveler, a wanderer, only going where her caravan jobs took her, so any relations she had were always kept to short trysts with other caravan guards. The possibility of anything long term just hadn’t been in the cards until now and that scared her. There was the probability, no matter how small, that she had been completely misreading Trouble the entire time and if she said anything it would become awkward between them. The anxious thought was enough to eat her alive.
“I just really, really like him, Briony,” she said after a moment of silence. “He’s funny and kind and passionate and thoughtful. When he looks at me sometimes I feel like I’m floating. Watching him shoot a target a mile away is honestly incredible, not to mention attractive as hell. He’s been one of the few people to stand up to anyone spewing anti-Diminished nonsense at me, went as far as getting in a tavern brawl because of it, which, admittedly, was also kind of attractive. Not to mention the way he looks after he’s done training��”
“Okay, okay, I get the picture,” Briony said with a small laugh. “You’re both crazy for each other but don’t have the guts to tell each other. I hate to break it to you, but eventually one of you is going to have to make a move, or the entire compound is going to become exhausted by the both of you.”
“I know, I know,” Yelena sighed, pulling at the ends of her raven black hair. “It’s all so nerve-wracking. I don’t want to make things different between us by saying anything, but I might explode if I don’t.”
She reached over to throw her arms over Briony, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Thanks for telling me about what he said, even if it was confusing and a bit frustrating for you,” Yelena laughed.
“I couldn’t not tell you,” Briony grinned as she let go. “At the very least I needed to tell someone or I’d go insane. You can do me a favor by bucking up and telling him you want to be more than friends so that I don’t have to listen to either of you lament the other.”
Yelena rolled her eyes, elbowing Briony in the arm with a smile.
“You’ll be the first person to know if I do,” she laughed.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
20 26 39!
Ooooh these are so great, thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
Mwahaha, I literally just posted an almost 10k words chapter and you're still hungry?? Okay, so here are the first paragraphs of this Fitzpatrick story I'm working on (it's his POV):
He's a man of rules. Always have. There's nothing more satisfying than the certitude that things will happen exactly as planned. Wake up every morning at 7:15 precisely. Always wash his hands twice. Never talk shop on an empty stomach. Little things that provide anchoring in life. That's probably what drew him to accountancy in the first place. Rigid columns of numbers, irremovable rules carved in the granite of modern treasury.
Something which may sound boring to many people. But when others see complications he sees appeal. Opportunities. He likes his world obeying a set of rules. And that's when people start deviating from these that troubles come.
Take what's happening with the Boland case for example. But -- later on that.
Because today is not about work. Today is a day off. Today, it's been exactly ten years since Mary died.
  26. Standalone or series, and why?
I feel like I already answered a similar question a few weeks ago but I'm too lazy to look for my original post right now so I'll answer again, hopefully with new elements.
I started writing with series (I assume series means long fics here? Or are we talking about AO3 series which are a collection of fics? Am I questioning this too far? Does that even answer the question?) and as much as I like having space to develop a plot, have a wider range of characters and interactions, sow hidden clues everywhere, finish every chapter with a cliffhanger, I... am getting tired of it.
I mean, I generally love it at the beginning, but then at some point, once I've finished plotting the whole thing, I guess that the idea of having to write it is just stressful more than anything? Take the chapter from It's All Coming Back To Me that I posted last night for instance. I imagined its last scene (dialogue included) mid-January (I remember it distinctly because it was during a weekend I spent in London, I was walking along the Thames when... Nevermind). Mid-January!!!!! 😱😱😱
It was five months ago, and the thing is, during those five months, my brain has discovered new fic interests so it's really hard to pull my mind back at writing this fic because it's like, "Oh come on, I've finished planning this story already!". Like, I'm super happy with the chapter I posted, and I'll never abandon an unfinished story, but I don't know, it's been months since I've known exactly what happens in this fic, and all I have to do is write it now but my brain is more excited with newer projects (also I didn't plan to finish this story widely after S3 aired, and I generally like to stick to canon, which makes this story actually obsolete? Idk). The point is, I'm not spitting on this story at all, I still love it a lot and I enjoyed writing this chapter, and I'll enjoy writing the last one. It's just getting harder to get back in the right mindset as I'm dragging it along.
So no more long series for me at the moment, I think.
On the other hand, standalone stories... I started writing some one-shots while S3 aired, as a catharsis. And I very much enjoyed it. But if you look closely, you'll notice that I got growingly incapable of not adding a second chapter to them. That's exactly what happened with Take A Dip tbh. And I think that currently, this is my jam. I love that diptych structure with a cliffhanger in the middle, I think that the duality really allows for some contrast! You can switch POV to bring a different reading on the event (Don't Steal From Me, Something You Love) shift the mood and spice things up (Moose Hunting), or bring a resolution to all the threads that were pulled in the first chapter (what will happen in Take A Dip). And obviously, this is the perfect structure for mirrors and parallels which, as you may know, I'm a slut for! 😂😂😂😂
Obviously I'm not going to write only two-chapters stories from now on. The Fitzpatrick one will probs be a long one-shot, a la Four Seasons In One Day (am I just challenging myself with citing all my fics in one ask??), while the CXG crossover, which WILL be out someday, will probably be a collection of loosely related chapters.
But that's the kind of thing I currently tend to. Although who knows, maybe six months from now I'll be all about 20-chapters monster fics haha!!
  39. Do you base your characters on real people or not? If so, tell us about one.
Mhhhh, not really, I guess? I mean I already base my characters on a TV show, so... And as for the (very few) OCs I wrote, I don't think I did either. Maybe I based them on other characters from other universes, but I'm not sure that I'd feel comfortable with basing anything I write on real people. Not yet, at least. I think that I wouldn't feel free to do whatever I want with such characters, it would be too... involving? Idk if that makes sense, though.
  Ask me writing things!!
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