#also andrias is just like passed out in the castle right. he will definitely see and maybe talk with marcy ... right
veromdraws · 2 years
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"let's... not talk about it..."
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borkthemork · 3 years
Okay, so I noticed something during the shots we had in the trailer.
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Marcy’s suspended body is a similar shot in both the intro and the clips. Marcy is in a tank, and her hair appears to be consistent with the hairstyle she had back in True Colors.
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In the Yunan and Olivia escape, she has very long hair and has gotten out of the resuscitation suit to something armor-esque, but it looks like her legs aren’t working or haven’t been used.
So I believe the very dark shot of Marcy’s reveal in the tank is actually at the end of The New Normal as a parallel to Amphibia’s Season One premiere.
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Look at the way the castle is framed. There is rain, lightning, every shot in the castle is mainly dark, decrepit, mysterious just like how it’s framed with Toad Tower back in Best Fronds. It is very much a parallel to Sasha’s introduction into the Amphibia storyline.
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And when Andrias talks to himself, you could see that he first conceals Marcy’s chambers, and then reveals it to the audience.
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It makes sense to do this at The New Normal since the Amphibia Season One premiere showcased Anne getting used to her new normal, and now she’s once again doing it with the Plantars on Earth. Also, they needed a way to make a dramatic reveal of Marcy in-narrative rather than the intro, so this is the best way to handle it.
Now, if supposedly one month has passed since Anne’s Earth arc, then I want you guys to remember something very, very specific.
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Fully-fleshed out flashbacks usually come from 22-minute specials. We got this with Reunion, we got this with True Colors, and Matt even explained that this format they use actually helps highlight specific characters and who would be the main focus of the episode, while also creating parallels to some aspect of the flashback in the rest of the scenes ahead.
So Yunan and Olivia’s episode of exploring the castle and rescuing Marcy is not just one episode segment.
It’s a 22-minute special in Olivia’s and Yunan’s perspectives.
And we could already see a parallel from the flashback to the flashforward in the episode too. Look at Marcy’s crutches. She has broken her leg the first time she came to Amphibia, and we could assume that this scene is not only an evaluation of Marcy’s wonder and weariness of being alone in a new world, but a commentary of Marcy and Olivia’s relationship when they first met each other.
It was probably formal. Since Olivia is an advisor I could definitely see Olivia making promises to help Marcy jump start her life in Newtopia, and Marcy felt appreciated that someone like her would want to do that for her.
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Now go to this scene. Marcy cannot use her legs at the moment. We don’t know if they’re broken or if they’ve been unused for a long time, but Marcy still needs a pair of crutches to maneuver around during the rescue.
And I find this very poignant if we think about it. Marcy’s relationships with Yunan and Olivia weren’t just formal or acquaintance-like, Yunan and Olivia (both shown in the Theme-song Takeover and the current episode shots) actually genuinely care for her and her safety. They possibly met out of circumstance and formalness, but now that’s not the case anymore.
What happened with Marcy is that she confided in the wrong person. She had a support system right there in front of her but Andrias kept her from seeing that by making the biggest actions of gratitude and reward, making her believe that he knows what she wants and knows what she needs.
So here we have Yunan and Olivia being Marcy’s crutches during her escape.
She is afraid, hurt from what happened with King Andrias, and now these two newts she’d grown to care for are now supporting her with each step, supporting her as they make their escape out of the castle.
She has found her support system. A real support system.
And Olivia’s promise to help Marcy had been fulfilled, to the very end.
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frogboy0 · 3 years
Amphibia season 2 rewatch + notes :)
So here is my season 2 Amphibia analysis stew as promised! I hope you enjoy! I had more than a fee break through regarding theories and what not!!!
S2: E1 Handy Anne 
Anne is having some pretty bad memories about all the shit that went down at Toad Tower with Sasha, I feel bad for her :( they're all only 13,,, 
Anne: The house… Everything I worked so hard to protect 
The second time (I think) we officially see Anne's eyes glowing blue! The first time was in season 1 but it was only for half a second and frankly, when I first saw it, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me or it was some animation eerie BUUUUT!!
This time we KNOW it was on purpose, it wasn't quick and it even gave a little 'shing!' sound effect! 
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I love seeing how the blue heart stone is evoking itself in Anne through passionate, emotionally driven situations like right now!!
I think Anne worked so hard to protect the house and the Planters this episode is not only because this is just how Anne Is but also because she probably felt a little more than helpless during Toad Tower, she couldn't help or protect Sasha and was helpless to just watch her best friend just fall to her death (before getting saved by Grime of course but still).
Also Hop Pop says it takes 2 weeks to get to Newtopia, obviously they had a lot of stops and interruptions on the way but if they DIDN'T, it would've been 2 weeks. But that got me thinking…
If Sasha and Grime are going to Wartwood in season 3, do you think we'll get some episodes with just them and their travels there? I think it would be cool to have more Sasha and Grime episodes!!! 
S2: E1 Fort in the Road 
Hop Pop is so cute, I can't even get mad at him and all his rules,,, 
Okay so that ancient technology with all the old frog structures are apparently called "The Ruins of Despair" and they've been around longer than any written history 
I wonder if they had another name before that or of they were renamed by King Andrias (who we know is like over 1,000 years old) as a way to scare people into not looking or checking out the ruins since they are super important ancient tech
Sprig: Forget the rules! This place has everything! Cool atmosphere, implied historical significance!
Oh if only you knew my sweet baby boy,,, 
I wonder if there are more buildings that make robots around Amphibia as well.
Anne: You know, there was a time I would pick out the bug bits [of the crickets and cream ice cream] THAT TIME HAS PASSED!! 
I can't believe Anne just,,, eats bugs now. That habit is gonna be hard to break. 
We know Sasha wasn't eating bugs if the food they had at Toad Tower was anything to go off of, so I wonder if Marcy was eating bugs. If she was, it was probably super fancy ones like beetles (are beetles considered a delicacy in Amphibia? I dunno) since she was living with King Andrias
Whatever, her and Anne could potentially bond over eating bugs then. Sasha thinks it's DISGUSTING 
S1: E4 Toadcatcher
I mean, I know we talk about Marcy's self destructive tendencies but I think we gloss over Sasha's. She does NOT want to think about what happened in Toad Tower, she literally throws herself into her training to the point of obsession to AVOID thinking about it. 
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Also, omg Sasha has Suspicion Island downloaded on her phone too, I wonder if she and Anne would talk about the show a lot with each other.
And Grime letting himself go and basically leaving everything to Sasha was a pretty dick move. I mean, I know he basically lost everything and has the emotional competence of a meatball but COME ON. Sasha has to fend for herself and Grime WHILE repressing the SHIT out of her trauma, but I get it honestly. They aren't close yet, I know. 
But I think it's amazing how much their relationship has grown. Like, the end of season 2 Grime would NEVER do that to Sasha. 
Grime 'You hate the sword don't you, I knew I should've gotten a gift receipt!' Would rather die than see his daughter repress her emotions like that and not be there for her. 
Their relationship has just come so far y'all,,,
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(Also doesn't the Newtonian flag kinda look like The Night? Or is it just me,,,?)
Yunan just cartwheeled out of the bar, she just,,, does that
God I'm in love.
Yunan taught Marcy how to make GREAT entrances and exits, you CAN'T convince me otherwise 
(Yes I am a supporter of General Yunan and Lady Olivia being together AND adopting Marcy FIGHT ME-)
And all those dramatic poses Yunan does when she introduces herself, she definitely learned those from Marcy, there's not a doubt in my mind. 
Aw Grime still has something left to fight for, it's his and Sasha's friendship I'M-
Did Sasha and Grime really come up with the idea of leading a rebellion to take over the capital from a fucking adrenaline rish after fighting Yunan? That's HILARIOUS
S2: E5 Wax Museum 
I honestly didn't think I'd make an analysis of the Gravity Falls parody (even though it is SUPER FUNNY) but I nearly forgot this is where we see the Skip Man!!!! 
So Mr. Ponds (again, fucking HILARIOUS) told Anne while she was in that wax tube thing that he found it in Newtopia! 
Now this could mean 2 things depending on WHEN he actually found it. 
1- It's Marcy's and she dropped it somewhere and he found it which I doubt considering I don't think Marcy would have a Skip Man if Anne's PARENTS had one 
2- This is what a I believe more. This was from King Andrias somehow. That maybe from all his weird, crazy, colonizer multiple universes thing he has going on, must have dropped or left or something with that Skip Man for Mr. Ponds to just find it lying around in Newtopia 
I dunno how important the Skip Man is to the overall plot line but I DO know that this means there are OTHER ways of getting to other worlds besides the Calamity Box then, or at least showing us that we could transport things to other worlds. 
S2: E6 Marcy at the Gates 
Oh wow, I didn't even know Marcy was warped right inside the Newtopian city walls when she got transported here, I figured she teleported right outside or at least a couple miles away. Buuuut thinking about it now it makes sense, there's no way Newtopia would just let in any ol' rando, especially not some creature they've never seen before. 
Hop Pop: Marcy, how would you like to be adopted? 
Okay okay GREEN EYES GREEN EYES!!! Marcy's eyes (as we all know) turned green in this episode! 
Since the gem of wit (what Marcy has) is green, it makes sense that her eyes would turn green in this scene! Her last line just before they turned green was: 
Hop Pop: Who knew those ants were so bouncy!
Marcy: I did! Because I studied them!! 
Marcy studies, she learns, and applies her knowledge like, all the time. And she did so here as well, she was not only proving her agency to Anne, she was protecting her skill of knowledge to ALL of them! To show them ALL how much she's learned here in Amphibia! 
I believe the next time we see her eyes glow in season 3, it will be in a situation with a similar case. To show everyone her knowledge or her applying said knowledge in things (and those things are most likely life or death situations)
I LOVE how they introduced King Andrias at the very end with him looking down and watching over the group from his castle and then saying how all the pieces are coming together along with the flipwort board!!! Such a great way of showing how he was the big baddie this entire time!!
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S2: E7 Scavenger Hunt 
Okay I was right, Marcy DOES eat bugs like Anne does, if her saying that Burg makes the 'best beetle burgers in all of Newtopia' was anything to go off of
Sorry Sasha, I guess you're alone in the whole not eating bugs thing. 
But I'm still wondering what types of bugs qualify as a sort of delicacy in Amphibia because now we know it's not beetles if they're in plain ol' burgers (or maybe they COULD be if you prepare them right?)
Listen LISTEN, I HATE King Andrias for all his killing a 13 year old (especially MARCY!!) And not to mention all his COLONIZING but,,, 
I think it's the cutest thing EVER that instead of just giving Marcy a message, he makes it into a puzzle for her to solve because! Marcy! Loves! Puzzles! 
(But I do know he only does this not because he cares but because he wants to make her think that he does. That he does care for her and cares enough to set things up in ways that she likes. That he is only using her for her skills and brain. And because he is GROSS AND MEAN AND-) 
Anne's ability to form such close knit bonds so easily and not to mention quickly (And half the time by accident) is something that I touched upon in the Season 1 analysis stew with Sasha!
I said that Sasha felt lesser in terms of relationships when compared to Anne. Because Anne can make these amazing relationships where people are willing to risk their lives for her, because Anne has this wonderful support system and Sasha doesn't (or, at least not at the time).
Sasha didn't have anyone to help hold her at Toad Tower but Anne did. Sasha didn't want to drag down one of the only people she actually cared about. She wants to PROTECT Anne, not see her hurt, suffering and struggling to hold her up. 
And that is exactly how Marcy feels, or at least in a way. Marcy can't make relationships in the way Anne can. That's why she even tried her luck at the Calamity Box in the first place. Because moving is scary, because she will be away from her only friends, the only people who cared for HER, because she has trouble making friends and would NEVER be able to make any in a new school with new people and NO support system. 
Marcy isn't like Anne. Sasha isn't like Anne. That's why Anne is the heart, that's why she's the emotional connection they need in their logical worlds.
I think Marcy, like she said in this episode, is jealous of Anne's friend-making ability. And Sasha, I think she just feels… inferior (but I guess that's jealousy as well) something she HATES feeling. 
Matt Bradly himself even said that Marcy and Sasha have SEVERELY doubted Anne's abilities when they were still back on Earth. 
But Amphibia changed that. 
S2: E7 The Planters Check In 
Kinda fucked up that Anne didn't help Marcy (And Andrias too I guess) with trying to find information on the Calamity Box.
Like, I know she can't translate ancient texts like Andrias and Marcy could but staying for some moral support could've been nice and also considering she just LEFT Marcy, who she hasn't seen for MONTHS, for days at a time to go hang out with the Planters. 
But I know this is a regular thing for their friendship (plus Sasha) to leave Marcy to do the work for school like with group projects.
Anne: Just like group projects back home! 
And damn, that royal Newtopia credit card can single handedly destroy Amphibia's entire economy.
So frogs can stick to things, newts can swim up and down streams like, super fast (just like amphibians in the real world) so what can toads do that are unique to them? Should I Google real life toads or did toads do something in Amphibia that I missed?? 
S2: E10 The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers 
Aw wait, Marcy has plants?? That's?? So?? CUTE!!!! 
Hop Pop is gonna have some me-time while Lady Olivia is gonna be in the kitchen drinking wine,,, these parents omg,,, 
Hop Pop is a tired dad/grandpa and Olivia is a wine mom confirmed
I think it's so cute how Anne and Marcy are like the older kids while Sprig and Polly are just like Anne's younger siblings, just AGDKDKAJA 
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In the Heat of the Swamp
And not to mention she was knocked out in a rocking chair holding a margarita WITH SLIPPERS ON
Marcy: You know, some cultures believe that mirrors can ward off malevolent spirits Marcy: OR SUMMON THEM! (Maniacal laughter*
Marcy, you're too gosh darn cute to be scary even if you tried 
Some of those spirit things came out of the coffins in the crypt, maybe they're the souls/spirits/ghosts of whoever died in those coffins? 
Well if they are my next question is why are those bodies even down there in the first place and were those spirit things SUPPOSED to exist/be there?
Also, why are there moss men in the garden? And why are they chained up?
I think the moss men were created there, probably made by King Andrias or whoever to replace the robot army (that they didn't have for a while since their ancient technology was all gunked up at the time).
It also REALLY worries me that one of the tunnels in the basement (or let's be honest, the dungeon) leads to MARCY'S ROOM!! LIKE??? WHY???? 
Why do the reflection of the mirrors cause those spirit things to turn physical? Will this be important in the future? I think we all should remember this.
S2: E10 Day at the Aquarium 
Ooooo!!! Let's take a look at this book, shall we?? 
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Okay so on the left page, we see the 3 gems with their corresponding main attribute. The green is brains/wits, the blue is heart/passion, the pink is a fist/strength, yadda yadda yadda all stuff we know already
BUT what I found the most interesting is on the right page! There it shows small, simple pictures of the 3 temples which I found super cool!
But even cooler was the thing on the bottom left!! It looks kinda like a capsule, but it plays music apparently? My mind automatically jumped to the Skip Man but I doubt that it's supposed to be that. 
Maybe it's something that has to do with the actual Calamity Box instead? Like, we know it technically is a music box too, maybe it's a device INSIDE of it that plays music and does something else as well?
Well, it has to be important if this is the page we're shown, right? I'm sure we'll see more of it in season 3! 
Anne: Anytime I was feeling gloomy back home, the Aquarium would always make me feel better! 
Aw, now I'm thinking about when Anne was back home and going to the Aquarium and just being so amazed by all the fish and stuff there. That's so cute,,, 
I've watched before but it STILL pains me, the whole Marcy being SUPER hurt that Anne had just chosen the Planters instead of her but still let her go and even played it off like it was still the "most logical thing to do" as if like, 5 seconds ago she was saying the OPPOSITE 
(I'm just a Marcy kin y'all) 
The scene also reminds me sort of the whole thing with Sasha back at Toad Tower, how she let go of Anne. 
Both Marcy and Sasha let Anne go. They both chose Anne over honestly, themselves.
Sasha was ready to straight up DIE to keep Anne from straining or hurting herself. And Marcy was willing to let Anne go, something she was so unwilling to do with both her friends which is the reason they're in Amphibia in the FIRST PLACE, just for Anne. 
They both see how close Anne is with the Planters. They both know that she loves them and sees them as family and they… I think they honestly want what's best for Anne even if that thing isn't them. 
I think those 2 scenes mirror and play off each other very well. 
But honestly, the whole re-reunion with Anne and the Planters always makes me tear up,,, they care for each other so much,,,, 
Andrias: Always sad to see someone go, isn't it? I have a proposition for you, Marcy. And I think you'll find it VERY interesting 
Okay, wow manipulative jerk much? Andrias KNEW how much Marcy cared for her friends and KNEW that she was probably so SAD after watching Anne WILLINGLY choose the Planters over her. 
He knew she was in a vulnerable state, he knew that she would agree to ANY plan if it meant not having to leave her friends again. He knew she trusted him and he knew he could get her to be his little pawn. 
Me and my homies all hate him
S2: E13 Ivy on the Run 
Okay really quick, ANNE WAS ALSO IN MUAY THAI??? 
So far, Anne plays varsity tennis, rock climbs, AND also did Muay Thai. Fucking JOCK 
S2: E13 After the Rain 
Okay so at the end, Hop Pop finally shows the others the book with the giant 'P' on the cover that had information about the Calamity Box 
He said that it's been in his family for as long as he could remember (And he is around 68 years old so that's like 68+ years) 
But why would the Planters have information of the Calamity Box?
S2: E14 The First Temple 
So right off the bat, when handed the Calamity Box, Marcy had pressed a couple things on it and music started playing which then caused the gems to be able to pop out of the top. 
So there are OTHER things you can do with the box it seems and doing certain actions (besides opening it of course) can lead to different things happening and Marcy knows this!
This also means that Marcy knows OTHER things that the box can do, whatever she was doing in True Colours with opening the portal and saying something along the lines of "Okay, I just need to-!"
Marcy knows this box. She knows how to work it at least somewhat but that knowledge is still more than many characters combined. 
Also, remember what I was talking about in A Day at the Aquarium? With that capsule looking thing that plays music? Well I speculated that it was probably something INSIDE the music box and guess what the music box just did before popping out those sweet gems? 
Play music.
Now, I wanna say that maybe every time you do a different action on the Calamity Box, the box plays music but I can't be certain. Because during True Colours when Marcy had reopened the portal, no music was playing. 
Granted that could have been because she was further away or maybe even because they were playing some super cool, dramatic and suspenseful music. But I dunno. Maybe? 
Marcy: But don't worry because none of them were Marcy Wu!
Marcy: Head of the chess club, master RTS player, straight A student (except for gym because I was reading in class which only proves my point!) 
HHHHH Am I looking too deeply into this or did she get the introduction/monologue from Yunan? (Please let me be right. Please let me be right. Please let me be right. Please let me-)
"Only the worthy will have the wisdom to choose. Whether it's more important to win or have the humility to lose"
"A choice was made to save thy friends and, honestly, doesn't that make you a winner in the end?"
Only so I REALLY liked how they handled the first temple. How they were testing not just intelligence but EMOTIONAL intelligence as well (because intelligence comes in different forms!!!) The humility and the wisdom to step down, to willingly lose in order to make the right choice, to realize that the lives of your friends are more important than any temple or puzzle.
They also showed this in the actual temple trials. How in the second and third trial you NEED more than one person in order to solve it. Hell, even in the first trial, those floating ball things happen to whoever was holding the cube, ANYONE could've done it, people could've taken turns trying to solve it!
This temple tests intelligence, and it also tests humility and priorities and co-dependence.
Okay so I, like a ton of other people, have been thinking that the weird secret basement where The Night is was in that OTHER secret room that King Andrias and Marcy found during their research in Lost in Newtopia. 
The basement with The Night was in the Throne Room (And Andrias seems to be well aware of its existence) while the room that Andrias and Marcy found was in the Royal Library (And it looked like he didn't know about it, though it could've been a cover up but I don't think that, I think that's where they found info on the Calamity Box) 
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They're different rooms!! So I doubt Marcy knows ANYTHING about The Night OR about the secret room in the Throne Room. 
And speaking of The Night… Rewatching this made me realize that The Night has… gears and screws and bolts. And like,,, wires. (BUT there are less wires here than there were in the Season 3 intro). So… 
What the FUCK?? 
IS The Night a robot or at least was made with that ancient technology? Or maybe their life force is being kept alive by those metal parts and stuff?
King Andrias: The prophecy is being undone as we speak, my Lord. Soon, we will have our revenge
Okay so obviously we know the prophecy is where the holders of the 3 gems come together in an epic showdown and beat the shit out of the big baddies
But draining the stones force from the girls would mean they are unable to go all super saiyan which is what I'm assuming that was what Andrias meant when he talked about "undoing the prophecy"
Because making the girls unable to go super saiyan means they can't have the gems' powers and that means they can't try to stop the big baddies.
But we know that draining the stones' powers from the girls isn't needed to make the box take them home, if we look at Marcy during True Colours. She was able to open the portal without the blue gem's charge. 
Charging the stones was never important to get Anne, Sasha, and Marcy home, it was important because it was going to prevent a prophecy.
S2: E17 The Second Temple
"But empathy alone isn't enough. For what is heart without responsibility?"
I really like this!!! I LOVE how for every temple, it focuses on the main attribute but then there is a secondary thing that makes you TRULY worthy!
Like with the first temple, Marcy was smart yes, she could get through all those puzzles easy. But what made her worthy wasn't her brain, it was her ability to make the right call and step back, losing to save those she cares about. 
It's just like that with the second temple! Anne has the heart obviously, she's got grit and is passionate and not afraid to help and do what is right. But that alone isn't what made her so special. Her ability to own up to her actions, to take responsibility for them is what makes her so amazing! 
And not to mention this is something she learned to do while IN Amphibia! Anne wasn't really one to admit she did something wrong and was always quick to pass the blame, but she's grown and matured here. Same with Marcy! I doubt back home Marcy would have EVER willingly lost or willingly get a bad grade on ANYTHING for ANYONE! They've both grown in little ways and I love it! 
I also think it's super cool how the 3 trials for the heart stone were kinda like,,, low key. Like, you obviously couldn't KNOW it was the trials or you would obviously sacrifice your life for a stranger or to your warmth for your friends. They had to make sure that all your actions you were doing out of your own free will and your own morality. 
S2: E17 Barrel's Warhammer 
The whole thing with Sasha reassuring Percy and Braddock that if things get too wild, she'll stop the whole thing… But ended up NOT doing that… 
I think that Sasha meant what she said, I think she really does care for the two of them and really did wanna make sure they were okay and not you know, scared or eaten. 
But when push came to shove and Sasha was too focused on her goals and her own stuff, she didn't take into consideration their feelings. She was just too driven, too passionate, too CLOSE.
I think this was the kinda thing that probably happened a lot back home. Sasha obviously cares for Anne and Marcy and always wants to make sure they're okay but sometimes her care and protection can get too much, that sometimes she just does in the wrong way and ends up hurting them. 
And not to mention that she has probably done the same thing with them as she did with Percy and Braddock. I wonder how many times Sasha had reassured Anne and Marcy that if things, no matter the situation, were too much or scary or risky or anything, she would stop and they could go do something else.
But it didn't happen. Sasha would get so caught up in it and just… not do it, she would go against her word because whatever they're doing was almost done it not that much or whatever ither reason she would say. And Anne and Marcy would just keep going even though they didn't want to because Sasha is the leader, because Sasha is their friend. 
I don't think Sasha is a bad person, I don't think any of the girls are bad people. I just think they all are just flawed.
And also like, 13. What 13 year old is morally the best honestly?? Middle schoolers are the WORST and middle school judt fucking sucks for EVERYONE 
S2: E18 The Third Temple 
"You've definatly got skill no doubt, but it's time you learned what strength is all about"
*one epic fight scene later* 
"Congrats, bruh! You finally what it takes to go the distance. For what is true strength without persistence?"
The third temple is about strength, no doubt about that obviously. But the most important attribute that accompanies true strength besides how much you could dead lift is, you guessed it, persistence!
Sasha has shown time and time again how much determination and grit she has. Hell, even in Barrel's Warhammer I even said how she can get so driven by her goals that it kinda becomes her downfall.
Because like intelligence comes humitly and empathy comes responsibility, strength needs persistence. The need to keep going, to keep pursuing even when all else is against you.
That's how we knew by the end of THIS episode that there is NO WAY Sasha was gonna go through with the rebellion. Because Grime said himself that there was "nothing stopping this rebellion now"
But there was, it's Sasha.
Because strength comes persistence. And if Sasha believes is happening shouldn't be happening, there is no WAY IN HELL THAT IT'S GONNA HAPPEN! NOT ON HER WATCH! 
S2: 19 The Dinner 
Nothing to really say about this episode besides that it's ONE OF MY FAVORITES (besides any Marcy centric episodes and True Colours)
Also I think it's ADORABLE how the girls are all wearing clothes that kinda show where they were transported to.
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Sasha has army from Toad Tower. Marcy has teal/aquamarine robes with even a pink sea shell on the collar, which is literally what everyone wears in Newtopia. And Anne has a cute, simple outfit with flowers to show Wortwood. 
It's just cute :)
S2: 20 True Colours 
I honestly didn't think I'd have anything to talk about for this episode that hasn't been said 1000000x better by other people on this site but I think I got something!
The Calamity Box doesn't send people home by just opening it again like how the girls did when they firdt got transported to Amphibia.
Granted, I'm sure someone has said that already and I already did touch upon it but I'm saying it again.
The Calamity Box doesn't need to be completly or even partly charged to transport people. 
The gems use is to take away the power from the holders, to prevent them from going all super saiyan not to charge the box for it to work.
We know this because even with all the gemstones charged when Sasha opened the box, nothing happened. And at the end, Marcy was able to open a portal with the blue stone not fully charged. 
Marcy KNOWS how to open the portals and I bet she learned how to when her and Andrias found that secert library wing and info on the box. 
When Andrias takes the box, he presses a couple things on the top which is the thing that sets forth that giant laser on top of the palace that blows up Toad Tower.
This box can do a LOT more than we ever thought…
Overall Notes and Season 3 predictions
Okay so first of all, I hate Andrias but DAMNIT HIS VILLAN BUILD UP WAS SOOOOO GOOD!!! 
I mean starting with his very first sort of appearance, where we see him watching over the others from his castle window. And it's all dark and he moves his flipwort pieces and stuff!! AAAA!!
And then in episode 7 where they get the message/puzzle from him via arrow and Hop Pop screams, "AH! SOMEONE'S TRYING TO KILL US!" Like YES HE IS GUYS!!! 
And Marcy is autistic, OBVIOUSLY! As someone who is autistic as well, I see a LOT of my own habits and tendencies in her! Her avoidance of eye contact, hyperfocusing or The Zone, her hyperfixations, her need of constant stimuli, RAPTOR ARMS!!!! 
And who could forget...
Anne: Who says there has to be one [sleepover] queen? 
Marcy: everyone. That's kinda how the whole system works, Anne 
I just love her guys,,,, can you tell she's my favorite? 
Alright before I get too sidetracked with talling about Marcy, let me get into what I think may be in store for season 3! 
Okay so first of all, the Season will start sorta slow, not TOO much plot driven things will happen in probably the first couple episodes. 
And I doubt we'll be seeing anything of Marcy until maybe episode 4 or 5 honestly. 
I think the first episode will start with Anne and the Planters trying to hide from the world, maybe they're getting waaaay too much attention and need to lay low. 
Then it'll end with them making it to Anne's house and the second episode will start from there. 
The next 2 or 3 episodes from there will be with the Boonchuy's and the Planter's getting used to each other, maybe with a TINY TINY cut to what Sasha and Grime are doing. 
Speaking of Sasha and Grime, I think that they escape the King and get the FUCK out of Newtopia, leaving Lady Olivia and General Yunan behind with the agreement they will be more like leaks or the inside you know?
Sasha and Grime will definatly then start to head back to Wortwood, but this traveling could take place over the course of a couple episodes but I predict they may get there in around episode 5 or 6, maybe 7.
But anyway, I think Anne may think about everything that went down in True Colours, maybe while explaining to her parents what happened and they'll all start to think about what the FUCK did she do back there with the whole turning blue thing. 
Which would then lead to Anne trying to learn how to control it. 
Anne will probably be taking the Planters out to show them her world, with disguises of course. But it won't last long as it seems that the news or the government are gonna be after them. 
And those 2 mechanic girls, I think they'll be helping Polly rebuild Frobo. 
And the girl with the blue hair looks kinda young, I think she's a practicing doctor or something. I bet she'll be like a doctor who's gonna check Anne out to figure out how she turned blue (with very little answers of course) 
And back on Amphibia, Marcy's probablt gonna be in that tube for a while and the next time we see her will probably be her waking up from it. (Which could be anywhere from episodes 5 to maybe even 8) 
I DO think that she's the one controlling that robot thing that was chasing them in the Season 3 intro, there was a camera. But I have no idea why she would be so there's some holes in the theory… 
Also, I really don't think The Night is gonna be controlling Marcy. I think her brain is way too valuable to just,,, control. It'll be taking away her only "use" so to speak (I don't think Marcy is only food for how smart she is, just to be clear). Plus, if The Night was gonna control someone, you would think it was be the big beef cake Andrias. 
So I think she doesn't really remember what happened during True Colours (with Andrias' betrayal) and is just getting manipulated again by Andrias
So when Sasha and Grime get back to Wortwood, they're gonna lead a rebellion with the frogs, toads and the newts, officially uniting them all against their king.
Anne is gonna be on Earth, dealing with the things that are getting sent there by King Andrias (And potentially Marcy?) While learning to control her blue power thing.
And Marcy is gonna be helped by Anne and Sasha I think. Like reminded of all the shit that went down and then the 3 of them are gonna take down Andrias TOGETHER!!! :D
And I'm HOPING to get a super saiyan for Sasha and Marcy!!! 
I dunno how Sasha will unlock her's but I think Marcy May be able to unlock her power when she finally realizes how fucked up Andrias is. Like taking back control of her feelings and refusing to be manipulated any longer by finally remembering what happened during True Colours.
Anyway, this is just my take and may not even happen but I'm still excited for season 3 nonetheless!
I hope you enjoyed my Amphibia Season 2 stew!!!
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