#also apologies for any errors im still getting to grips with this and i didn't get anyone to read this for me first
diagonal-queen · 1 year
Hey, I wasnt able to find rules for requests so Im assuming this is fine. May I have angst to fluff (comfort) for Sigma? Sigma got anxious or something happend and reader comforts him. Like gives him kisses and hugs and cookies, just the sweet stuff yk. He deserves it💕
i think sigma really does need some comfort after that elevator stunt...T-T also no this doesn't violate any of my rules at all! they can be found in my pinned post 🌸
Home Is Where the Heart Is
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♡ pairing: Sigma x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: After a gruelling few weeks of work, Sigma is worn out and the only way he'll feel better is with your comfort.
♡ wc: 1.2k
♡ cw: Sigma has an anxiety attack.
note: This MIGHT be the last thing I post in a little while, because plague has befallen me (covid) and I fear I may be playing a game with death (my head hurts). Very sorry friends :< Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Sensing the moods of others was essentially second nature to you by now. It was an ever-growing skill, disproportionately rocketing when you met and fell in love with Sigma (and became acquainted with his strange coworkers). You mostly used this ability when you needed to adjust your behaviour in the casino to maintain your boyfriend's professional reputation, but it had its other uses.
You understood that as the manager of a luxury casino, Sigma had his work laid out for him every waking hour of the day. There was seldom a period where he wasn't insanely busy. Though he was a strong man, you could tell when it weighed on him. Today was one of those days, in terrible transparency.
Sitting on your shared bed and scrolling your phone, you hadn't expected him to be back so soon. You'd returned after spending some free time in the casino with the assumption that you'd have a couple hours to yourself, which is why you were surprised when you saw Sigma burst through the door before slamming it behind him. Leaning against it and combing a hand through his hair, he let out a long, languid sigh.
You sat up, the movement causing his eyes to flicker towards you before widening.
"I didn't know you were in here," he gasped. You tilted your head.
"Are you alright?"
"...I..." Sigma straightened and wrung his hands together. "...it's fine."
"Hey, c'mon, it's clearly not. What happened, babe?" You asked, standing up and approaching him. "You look so worried."
Sigma didn't seem to want to meet your eyes, instead staring a hole into the ground with a concerned expression. He was clearly still focused on whatever had just happened outside.
"...Sigma?" You frowned, before blinking in realisation. You took him by the shoulders. "Look at me, Sigma." His silver eyes finally flickered up towards you, almost as if he were ashamed of his panic. "Come over here."
You took his hand and led him to your bed, where you two sat side by side. "Take a breath, and then talk to me, alright?"
Sigma slowly inhaled. "...it's the casino. And the Decay. Things are just really getting busy right now- which is fine, it's fine, but, uh...they're not going the way I anticipated. On top of that, I'm having more and more customer service issues, which distracts me from my other work, and then when I actually get to said other work I barely have time to complete it- let alone have any time to spend with you, and it's just..." He trailed off as his voice cracked.
You had actually noticed that Sigma had much less free time recently. He went to bed later and got out of bed earlier, and you had started feeling rather lonely. You knew that Sigma was busy and you didn't blame him, but at the same time you felt bad for not bringing it up with him. It seemed he could really have used your company.
"Sigma..." you started, "...c'mere." You pulled him into your arms and felt him return the hug instantly. He squeezed at your torso as if he hadn't felt your touch in ages.
"I'm sorry-"
"Take your time, Sigma," you encouraged him softly, as you carded your fingers through his hair. You felt his grip on you tighten, but he said nothing. His form was shaking slightly, and his breaths wavered as he appeared to be resisting the urge to cry.
You pat the back of his head as your other arm trailed down to his back to give it a comforting rub. His body was tense, you noticed. Sigma's fingers curled into your back as he let out a long sigh and buried his head into the crook of your neck.
"It's okay, honey," you said. "I've got you."
Sigma made a small noise, almost like a sob, before he pulled away from the embrace.
"...thank you for this," he told you, a tear finally spilling down his cheek. "Sometimes I just...all of this is overwhelming. I feel like I can't do anything."
"The both of us know, realistically, that that's not true, Sigma," you ran your thumbs over his knuckles. "There's nobody more dedicated to this casino than you. That's why you're the only person capable of managing it."
"...that's true, yes," he nodded, slowly. "Still, I can't help but feel like a fraud. I'm scared of the day that I'll be found out as someone...completely unremarkable."
"You're not unremarkable at all! You're such a special person, not just to me. Where would anyone in this place be without you? Where would the rest of the Decay be without you?" You asked, giving his hands a small shake. "You might feel like you're a nobody, but there's not another person who feels the same. Especially not me."
Sigma sniffed, before bowing his head with a smile. "You always know what to say, don't you?"
"I wouldn't say...normally. But when it comes to you, I just...I dunno. There's nothing that stops me from wanting to help you," you explained, feeling your face grow warm at the admission. Sigma seemed mildly surprised, before his face also turned red, probably more so than yours.
"You..." he began. "That's..."
"...something I got from you, I think," you finished, with a chuckle. Sigma tilted his head at you, eyes glistening.
"...you...mean that?" he whispered. You nodded, and his face broke into the sweetest smile. "...Y/N..."
"...nothing. I love you." Sigma caressed your cheek and kissed you softly.
"I love you too, babe," you beamed, before raising your eyebrows. "Oh, here's an idea! We should have dinner together."
"Room service!" You suggested, in excitement. "We can chill out and spend the evening here together. You need a night off, Sigma."
"I don't think that'd be very beneficial to my workload, Y/N..." he muttered, rubbing his eyes. "...though I don't know even if I'd be able to get it done in this state, anyway."
"That's what I'm saying!" you insisted, standing up and approaching the phone on the wall. "I'll order for you while you get changed. What do you want? We can get dessert too- I'll get you some cookies. The real nice ones with salt sprinkled on the top, I know you like those."
Sigma watched speechlessly as you blabbered on during the process of making the call. It wasn't until you looked at him and insisted again that he change out of his work clothes that he nodded and stood up. Once he entered your shared wardrobe and closed the door behind him, he stood idle for a moment listening to your muffled voice on the phone, happily listing off your order that, if he weren't the manager, likely would have come with a hefty bill.
He let out an amused smile and loosened his tie, realising how much he was truly looking forward to the next few hours. There really was nobody quite like you to calm his anxiety and worries, and because of that he truly did consider you to be his respite. His home.
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i loosely based this off a real scenario. and no, i wasn't in reader's position, i was in sigma's position lmao
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kaleidoscopeminds · 4 years
I’m going blind from this sweet craving
This came about because I wanted to write some Cake and my brain just went bakery!!! au!!!! Anyway this is very self-indulgent and driven by my own baking obsession. Please enjoy 6k of me talking about cake (literally) and a cheeky bit of side mashton because I couldn’t resist. For the club because everything I do is for the club <3
Warnings: horribly tooth rotting fluff, too many baking metaphors
Title from Cake by the Ocean by DNCE because I think I’m funny
Luke places the last piece of broken Oreo carefully atop the whirl of buttercream and wipes his hands on his apron, reviewing the set of cupcakes in front of him. He knows he’s hypercritical of his own work; he gets called a perfectionist by Michael at any opportunity (and not in a complimentary way), but he still maintains that it’s the only way to be to make anything good.
 He deems this double dozen of the Oreo chocolate as close to perfect as he’s going to manage this morning and slides them next to the strawberries and cream set with mini meringue topping he just finished. He goes to the walk-in refrigerator and pulls out the layer cake that he made before he left yesterday, and then crosses over to dry storage to wheel out the trolley containing the carefully wrapped crates of bread that Ashton, their bread supplier, had dropped off about an hour ago. 
He pulls the trays of croissants, pain au chocolat and pain aux raisins out of the oven deftly, and slides them onto a cooling rack to leave for a couple of minutes, before he can transfer them to the cabinet in the front of the bakery, and checks the clock. It’s 6:40, so he’s just on time to get everything stacked up in the front if he has a bit of help. 
He hears the door at the front of the cafe slam, handle jangling ominously as it closes again and Luke smiles to himself, grabbing the trays of cupcakes and heading out into the front, opening the swing door with his hip.
“Hi Mikey,” Luke calls over as Michael struggles out of his jacket, pushing his glasses up onto his nose and grumbling incoherently.
“I’m not late,” Michael starts, attempting to pull his apron out of his backpack and hang up his jacket on the hook at the same time.
Luke doesn’t say anything, just turns his head to look deliberately at the large clock hanging over the coffee machine behind the counter and raises his eyebrows, smiling slightly.
“Well, barely,” Michael responds defensively. “You’re not the boss of me, Luke Hemmings.”
Luke laughs, “Unfortunately for you, I am. Supervising baker remember?” He opens up the display cabinet and slides the cakes carefully into place.
“Promotions gone to your overly large blonde head already, I see,” Michael says, struggling with his apron ties where they’ve got tangled around his belt.
Luke laughs again and goes over to Michael, untangling him and turning him round to tie his apron for him. “Go and drink your coffee Mikey, I made one for you about 10 minutes ago, should still be hot. I’ll get the rest of the stuff out to the front.”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Michael says genuinely, quickly walking behind the counter and finding the insulated travel mug Luke had filled with a latte earlier that morning. He pulls off the lid and Luke watches him practically inhale it, smiling fondly as he makes his way back into the kitchen.
“Remind me again why I always seem to be making coffee for you when you’re the trained barista?” Luke calls out as he carefully lifts the 4 layered cake onto a stand and carries it back out to the front.
“Ooh that looks fucking good what’s in that?” Michael asks, eyes lighting up at the sight of the cake in Luke’s careful grip. “And it's because you won’t admit it but you’re in love with me too,” He adds, putting his coffee down so he can take the cake off Luke to put on top of the cabinet.
“Chocolate hazelnut with Nutella and praline,” Luke replies with a smile. “Sorry to disappoint you Michael but we would never work, I couldn’t be with someone who hates mornings,” He says solemnly as he returns to the kitchen, lightly checking the pastries to make sure they’re cool enough before tipping them onto another tray.
“You’re going to be on your own for a while then!” Luke hears Michael call, and he laughs as he comes back through the swing door. “No one likes mornings,” Michael continues crabbily, downing the rest of his coffee in one gulp. 
“You know who does like mornings?” Luke asks as he passes over the tray to Michael. “Our lovely bread baker.”
Michael blushes and ducks his head at the mention of Ashton. “Why don’t you ask him out then,” He grumbles, lining the pastries up neatly with the tongs in his hand. 
“Not my type.” Luke wiggles his eyebrows at Michael. “Plus I think he might be more interested in barista types than cake-making types.”
“Shut up Luke,” Michael groans back. “I’ve told you before, he barely knows who I am. I only see the man for about 5 minutes every day when he comes to pick up the crates.”
“And yet every morning. I have to tell him that ‘No Michael’s not here yet, sorry,’” Luke smirks. “Honestly Mikey, you’re missing out not being here at half past five, lots of Ashton content.”
“Yes but that would involve, you know, being here at half past five,” Michael replies sarcastically. “Did Em make any tarts for today?” He asks. 
“Yeah they look great, she’s done a new orange curd one with chocolate pastry which I’m excited to try.” Luke accepts the change of subject and goes back towards the kitchen. “Do you want to come and grab your boyfriend’s bread? Think that’ll be the last of it then.”
Michael glares at Luke and pretends to trip him up as he walks past, then follows him into the back.
“You’re such a dickhead sometimes you know that,” Michael says grumpily, pulling out the loaves of bread and stacking them on the counter.
Luke laughs, it’s too easy to get a rise out of Michael, particularly first thing in the morning and especially when it comes to Ashton. He opens the fridge again and as always sends a silent thank you to the angel that is Em, their evening baker, and the only reason they’re able to produce enough goods for the cafe. It honestly changed his life when his boss decided to employ an extra baker, now he can actually leave when the cafe closes; she picks up anything that Luke doesn’t manage to finish, as well as shaping the pastries to chill overnight and producing a few dozen tarts for the next day. He checks the new orange curd tarts and their customer favourite, the strawberry ones (perfect as always), and slides them off the shelves. 
“You were literally declaring your love for me not 10 minutes ago I believe,” Luke says, checking the fridge to make sure he’s not missed anything. 
He turns around frowning at the lack of a bitchy response, but Michael’s distracted by something in one of the crates. 
“You okay there?” Luke questions.
“Yes,” Michael mumbles, blushing furiously, attempting to pull the crate out of Luke’s view. Luke quickly walks over, interest piqued, and grabs the crate out of Michael’s hands, ignoring his noise of protest. 
In the bottom of the crate there’s one of Michael’s favourite chocolate chip hot cross buns, but instead of a cross on top there’s a carefully shaped ‘M’. Luke laughs delightedly.
“He barely knows who you are, hm?” Luke teases.
“Its..” Michael coughs embarrassed. “It’s probably just a friendly thing.”
Luke rolls his eyes. “Come off it Mikey, that’s the most obvious display of affection in enriched dough form that I’ve ever seen. Where’s my L eh? Nowhere to be seen.” 
“Shut up,” Michael says, but he reaches into the crate and pulls out the bun, wrapping it in some baking paper with utmost care, before walking out into the front of the cafe. 
“You’re meant to be stocking the actual breads!” Luke calls after him, grabbing the tarts and following Michael out. 
Michael just raises his middle finger at him as he gently slides the wrapped bun into his backpack, still blushing. 
Luke laughs and goes to fetch them himself, stacking them in the baskets at the side of the counter, ready to be sold or to be sliced for their toasties.
“Right I’m gonna start on tomorrow’s cake, let me know when you need a hand.” Luke says, turning to Michael who’s absentmindedly filling up the coffee grinder with beans and not looking like he’s heard Luke in the slightest.
“Earth to Michael, come in Michael.” Luke nudges Michael’s arm with his elbow and Michael looks up with a start.
“Oh yeah, sorry. That’s fine,” Michael replies quickly.
“Are you going to be okay out here on your own?” Luke jokes. “You look like you could burn yourself on steam or tip grounds everywhere at any minute.” 
“Yes Luke,” Michael replies testily. “Now go and make some cake and let me do my job, I’ll call you when it gets busy.”
This is the way it works with the two of them in the morning, Luke getting a head start on his batters while Michael deals with the dribs and drabs of the early customers. When it gets to 8am and the little cafe starts getting really busy, Luke will step out to the front to help, and they will work seamlessly together; Michael tamping coffee and steaming milk expertly, whilst Luke takes orders and fills bags with breakfast pastries and muffins. After the rush dies down, Luke will retreat back into the kitchen and start the doughs for the next days’ croissants, until lunch time and he’ll be back out to give Michael a hand with slicing bread and toasting sandwiches. 
He enjoys the buzz of service with Michael, moving round each other with a well practised air and smiling at customers, his favourite bit is getting glimpses of the joy they get from something that he’s created. He’s most comfortable in the kitchen though; in the sweetly calming clouds of icing sugar and the reassuring warmth of the ovens, most at ease on his own with slightly sticky hands, flour perpetually dusting all of his clothes and with a speaker quietly playing his favourite songs into the vanilla scented air.
“Luke!” He hears Michael’s voice float through the door, just as he’s closing the oven door on 3 sandwich pans of fresh raspberry filled sponge. 
“Coming!” He responds, setting his timer for 30 minutes, and pinning it to the top of his apron, before washing his hands and heading out of the door to join Michael. He sees there’s a queue building up and quickly steps behind the counter and smiles at the next customer as Michael pours milk into 3 flat whites in quick succession, a perfect leaf in milk foam appearing in each of them with an artful flick of his wrist.
“Hi, what can I get you?” He smiles at the man who’s just approached the counter.
“A small black Americano to take away, and make it quickly, I’ve already been here 15 minutes and some of us have actual jobs to work you know,” an older man in a suit barks at him, not looking up from his phone. 
“So sorry for the delay Sir, we’re very busy as you can see. Can I take a name for that?” Luke grits his teeth but maintains the smile on his face with some effort.
“It’s Richard,” the man says pompously. “And maybe you should employ more staff if you’re this busy.”
“We’ll take your feedback on board,” Luke replies, his smile coming forced. He writes the man's order, and “Dick” in tiny writing underneath on a cup before turning round and putting it on top of the coffee machine, rolling his eyes at Michael as he does so. Michael smirks in return, pressing his lips together to quell a laugh and slotting the portafilter into place under the grinder.
“That’ll be £2.00 please.”  
“Actually I think I’d like to speak to the manager about the poor service before I pay,” The man says brusquely.
“She’s not here at the moment unfortunately,” Luke responds, not bothering to maintain the smile.
“Well then I’d like to speak to the most senior person here,” The man continues.
“You’re looking at him,” Luke replies coolly, crossing his arms. He’s never been good at dealing with difficult customers, which is why he prefers being in his quiet domain in the kitchen, but he’s dealt with men like this before, all talk but no action when pushed. 
“I think you’re being incredibly rude, you’ve made me wait a ridiculous amount of time for a coffee which is priced extortionately, and now you’re going to be disrespectful to my face,” The man snaps.
“Maybe if people like you just paid and left then nobody would have to wait as long.” A calm voice comes from behind the man.
Luke looks around the rapidly reddening man in front of him to see the source of the voice and sees a man around his age in a suit, with a pair of headphones slung around his neck. Luke tries not to stare but the man is gorgeous, all deep brown eyes the colour of rich dark chocolate ganache, and swooping dark hair, his eyebrows raised and plump lips pursed slightly.
The older man starts spluttering angrily, “And who do you think you are to say something like that to me?”
The younger man just shrugs and continues to look at him calmly, not bothering to elaborate. Luke takes the opportunity to hold out the card machine towards the older man.
“£2.00 please,” He repeats.
The man scowls and taps his card against the machine. 
“You can wait at the end for your drink,” Luke says with a dry smile.
The man grunts but moves away to the side with a glare.
“Thanks,” Luke says quietly, smiling at the younger man as he approaches. 
The man’s lips spread into a genuine smile and Luke thinks they look even better that way if that were possible. “No worries, I think you were handling it fine, it was just an observation.” His voice is warm and deep, reminding Luke of a buttery caramel sauce. 
Luke bites his lip and tries not to blush. “What can I get for you?”
“Flat white, please,” The man says, still smiling at Luke.
“Name?” Luke attempts to hide his face behind the cup he’s just picked up.
“Calum,” He says. “But I think I’ll take that to have in if you don’t mind?” 
“Of course!” Luke says quickly, fumbling his pen slightly as he switches the paper cup for a ceramic one, peeling a sticky note so he can write Calum’s order. “Anything to eat?”
“I’m new here, what do you recommend?” Calum says, cocking his head slightly before looking over the display case. “It all looks amazing.”
Luke definitely blushes this time and clears his throat. “Well the pains au chocolat are quite good I think,” he says nervously.
“Let’s go with that then.” Calum smiles again and Luke thinks his legs might have melted into his shoes but he can’t seem to move them to check if that’s true or not. 
“Or if you wanted something sweeter you could go with one of the lemon muffins, or the strawberry cupc-”
“Luke,” Michael interrupts from behind him. “Please stop flirting with this nice man and get on with serving the other eight nice people we have waiting?” He begs.
If Luke thought he was blushing before it's nothing compared to the heat he feels in his face now. He turns to Michael and throws him daggers.
“The pain au chocolat sounds perfect.” Calum fishes out his wallet. “And your colleague’s right, I’m being a bit of a hypocrite after telling that twat to hurry up aren’t I?” He pushes a hand through his hair and smiles apologetically.
“No, you’re fine it’s no problem at all,” Luke manages to get out. “That’ll be £5.60.”
Luke lets Calum tap his card on the machine and then busies himself with pulling the pastry out and onto a plate which he places on a tray with a napkin, ready for Michael to put the coffee on when it's been made.
“Why don’t you go and sit down, Luke will bring it over in a few minutes if you’re not in too much of a rush?” Michael suggests, pressing the buttons on the coffee machine and sliding a cup underneath to catch the espresso starting to stream out. 
Calum looks bemusedly at Michael for a second before shrugging. “That’d be great, yeah. My office is just round the corner so I’ve got a few minutes. Thanks… Luke.” He says Luke’s name like he’s deciding how he likes the taste of it in his mouth, before quirking his lips once more, and heading to a table in the corner of the cafe.
“What are you doing?” Luke hisses at Michael as he takes the next customer’s order, writing quickly on another cup and fishing change out of the till when the woman hands over a five pound note. “You were just making a point about how busy we were!”
“I’m not telling you to go and sit down with him,” Michael whispers back, only just audible over the sound of the coffee grinder. “But he’s obviously into you, just take his coffee and flirt a bit and then come back and help me!”
Luke takes the most recent batch of completed coffees and distributes them to the waiting customers, smiling slightly when the rude man snatches it off him and storms out on his phone without even checking the name on the cup. He takes another order and passes it to Michael, just as Michael finishes off a flat white with a perfect heart.
“There,” He says in a pleased voice, setting it down next to the pain au chocolat on Calum’s tray. “Now off you go.”
Luke smiles at the woman he’s just served then glares at the tray and at Michael. “What have you put a heart on it for!” He yelps.
“It’s called flirting!” Michael starts steaming another jug of milk. 
“He’s going to think you like him not me!” Luke protests.
“Just go!” Michael hisses, finishing up another coffee and handing it to a waiting customer. “Hi, how are you?” He intercepts the next person waiting at the counter before Luke can do anything about it.
Luke huffs noisily and picks up the tray reluctantly. He wouldn’t go over at all, but Calum did help him with the arsehole customer so the least he can do is actually provide the service he came in for and give the man his coffee. He heads over to where Calum is sat, with his headphones on and jiggling his knee as he types something into his phone. He looks up at the sounds of Luke putting his plate down on the table and smiles gratefully. Luke then sets down the coffee next to the plate and tries to tamp down his instinct to run away immediately. Calum looks at the coffee and then up at Luke, eyes twinkling and a blush in his cheeks. 
“Hope you have a great day!” Luke squeaks out and speed walks back to the counter.
“So?” Michael asks as he fishes out a croissant and places it in a bag, tapping the end of the tongs on the glass.
“Uh, I told him to have a good day then ran away before he could respond,“ Luke mutters, snatching the bag off Michael and handing it off to the customer in front of him. 
“Luke -” Michael starts.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Luke snaps. “Make coffee.”
“Okay boss,” Michael says, barely repressing a giggle. 
Luke spends the next 15 minutes regretting every life choice he’s ever made and resolutely not looking towards the corner Calum is sat in, focusing entirely on the rush of customers. At about 8:45 he sees out the corner of his eye that Calum has stood up, brushing a few crumbs off his knee and patting his pockets. Luke turns around and busies himself with writing the next order on a cup for Michael so that Calum can leave without making eye contact with him. When he deems that it’s been long enough, he turns back to the counter, but standing just off to the side is Calum, scuffing a hand up through the back of his hair and smiling shyly at Luke again.
“Just wanted to say, an inspired choice on the pain au chocolat.” He says. “Send my compliments to the chef,”
“Oh erm, thanks, I will.” Luke stutters out.
“Bye, Luke,” Calum says. “Maybe see you tomorrow, and... Hope you have a great day too.” His face breaks out into a wider smile that reminds Luke of the feeling of getting just the right consistency for macaron batter, or a perfectly smooth finish on a cake or the way good puff pastry flakes into the perfect fragments when you cut through a mille-feuille. Or something.
With that Calum slips his headphones back onto his head and leaves the cafe. 
“You are a useless sack of shit you know that,” Michael scoffs at him.
“Fuck off,” Luke mutters under his breath. “Two words. Ashton. Irwin.” Michael glares back at him.
They get through the last half hour of the rush as normal, Luke pausing only briefly to pull the sponges out of the oven, and he’s twitching more than ever to get back into the safety of his kitchen with some dough in his hands and the comforting whirr of his mixers.
“Okay I’m all good here, you can go,” Michael smiles at him shaking his head.
Luke basically runs through the doors into the back and inhales deeply. God, he needs to get a grip.
It continues like this over the next few weeks. Calum will come in most mornings, and sometimes he’s in a rush, smiling apologetically as he orders to take away. Most mornings though, he will appear earlier, choose something to eat on Luke’s recommendation and sits at the table in the corner for 20 minutes before complimenting what he’s eaten on his way out. Luke never speaks to him short of suggesting a new pastry or muffin (and maybe he’s also developing new options everyday just to be able to give Calum something else to praise), but he does spend quite a lot of time looking at Calum sitting in his corner, long fingers wrapping around his mug of coffee and mouth chewing thoughtfully on whatever Luke’s provided him with whilst he jiggles his knee to his music.
Luke swears that sometimes when he chances one of these looks over to him whilst he’s serving a customer, Calum is looking back at him, but his brown eyes always blink away as soon as Luke’s catch them. 
Predictably, Michael is absolutely insufferable about it.
“Loverboy’s looking at you again,” He smirks, checking the most recent order Luke has written for him.
“Shut up, Mikey,” Luke says petulantly. “He is not.”
“He’s always looking at you, Luke,” Michael laughs. “You’re actually driving me mad, please just ask him out or something, you two have the most obvious thing for each other ever. ”
“We do not, he doesn’t like me like that,” Luke protests. “He could be looking at you for all we know, you were the one who put a heart on his flat white,” he adds, sourly.
“You should see his face drop when he comes in here and you’re already in the back,” Michael responds knowingly. “He looks like someone’s pissed in his coffee every time you’re not here to stammer at him about what cakes you’ve made.” 
Luke’s face flames red and he turns his back on Michael deliberately to serve the next customer, as he hears Michael’s suppressed giggles behind him. Look, he knows Michael might have a point and that he could just talk to Calum, but Luke doesn’t really know how, unless he’s talking about pastry or ganache or sponges words just don’t come that easily to him. Especially when faced with someone who looks like Calum does. He sighs and closes his eyes briefly. When he opens them, as if summoned by Luke’s thoughts, there Calum is at the edge of the counter.
“Blueberry muffin was particularly good today,” He says quietly with his usual smile. “Have a good day, Luke.” He gives a small wave and exits the cafe. Luke opens his mouth to say something before he can leave, but nothing comes out so he just closes it again. He kicks the edge of the counter grumpily.
“I’m literally the worst ever,” He groans, spinning round and going through to the kitchen, swinging the door behind him, Michael’s laughs following him through. 
Luke is having what he thinks might be the most disastrous day ever. It’s after 5pm, the cafe has just closed and he would normally think about going home soon but Em’s got the day off and he’s not been able to make half of the stuff he needs to for tomorrow. Every ganache he’s attempted has split, he’s burnt one batch of cupcakes and under-cooked another so they’ve sunk in the centre, he’s crystallised his caramel so its unusable, and the chocolate he tempered for the triple chocolate layer cake he has planned has come out mottled and dull. He hates to admit it but the worst part of it was that he didn’t even see Calum this morning, he worked out the front much longer than he normally does in the hope of seeing the other man, but he never turned up. Michael had just raised his eyebrows and given him a knowing grin as he had slumped back into the kitchen at well past half-nine. He sighs at himself as he pushes a hand through his curly hair which he’s had to pull back into a tiny ponytail at the nape of his neck, and tips another set of cakes into the bin. 
He hears a knock on the back door of the kitchen, and the door opening. A curly brown head appears round the door frame. 
“Hi Luke, Is this a bad time?” Ashton says, surveying the disarray before him, bowls and utensils on every surface, half finished cakes and fillings littering the other available spaces. 
Luke huffs out a laugh and wipes his hands on his apron. “No you’re fine come on in, just having one of those days. Sorry for the state of it in here.”
Ashton smiles at him and steps into the kitchen, going to the store where he knows they keep the empty bread crates. “No worries at all mate! Oh I brought my flatmate with me, hope you don’t mind. Calum had the day off today and I roped him into helping me do the pick-ups.”
Luke’s mouth drops open as Calum Calum sidesteps into the kitchen and smiles at Luke embarrassed. “Uh, hi?”
Luke just gapes, spatula limp in one hand.
“Just going out the front for a sec, Cal, just need to check something with Michael!” Ashton calls quickly exiting the room. Luke thinks he spots a smirk on Ashton’s face and his eyes narrow in suspicion. 
“Uh, sorry for barging in on you like this,” Calum starts, standing awkwardly by the door still. “When Ash said he did deliveries for cafes in the local area I didn’t know he meant yours as well.”
“Missed you this morning,” Luke blurts out, then promptly feels himself turn red, again. Jesus Christ where did that come from? He wants to disappear like, immediately and wonders whether he could shut himself in the walk-in without Calum noticing.
A small pleased smile appears on Calum’s face and he blushes slightly. “I thought it might be a bit desperate to also turn up when I’m not even in the office. But I guess I’m here anyway.”
“Well I’m glad,” Luke says quietly, ducking his head and biting his lip. 
Calum’s eyes twinkle at him. “So this is where the magic happens?” He asks, examining his surroundings.
Luke groans. “Don’t look at it like his,” he begs. “I’m usually such an organised worker I promise, I’m just, having a few issues.” 
Calum smiles and comes over to stand next to Luke. Luke inhales sharply and thinks that Calum smells like the freshly baked bread in Ashton’s van but also something else, sweet and spicy, like a hot cinnamon and apple cake or a warm speculoos biscuit just out of the oven. 
“Can I help with anything while I’m here?” He asks softly, reaching out hesitantly and barely grazing Luke’s elbow. Luke focuses on trying to regulate his breaths which is proving almost impossible with Calum standing so close to him, the feeling of his warm hand through his sleeve and the sight of the concerned smile on his face.
“It’ll be okay I think,” he manages to get out breathily. “Thanks though, that’s very sweet of you.” 
“No, I think that’s you,” Calum says quietly, reddening a bit but looking up to meet Luke’s eyes. 
He reaches out and brushes a hand gently through an escaping curl on Luke’s face.
“You’ve got a bit of flour here.” He says quietly, tilting his head to one side and twisting Luke’s hair around his finger briefly. “And here,” Calum continues, skimming his fingers across Luke’s cheekbone. “Here too,” he murmurs, stepping even closer to Luke and dragging his fingertips under Luke’s chin and down the side of his neck, leaving them to rest curling slightly into the collar of Luke’s shirt and looking at Luke in the eyes. Luke’s not sure if he can breathe, lost in the gentle stroke of Calum’s hand and the swirling chocolate of his eyes, feeling the pink blush dusting across his skin, left in the wake of Calum’s touch. His eyes flicker down to Calum’s lips, and he sees them curve into a smile, before he leans forward slightly and catches Luke’s own lips in a soft kiss.
“Hm,” Calum murmurs as he pulls away slightly. “You taste sweet too.” 
Luke honestly thinks this might be the best moment of his life so far, and slides his hand over Calum’s shoulder to pull him back towards him, but just as he does he hears a scuffling sound from outside the swing door into the main cafe.
“Mikey is that you?” Luke asks suspiciously, stepping away from Calum slightly and turning towards the door. Calum steps back too, but loops an arm loosely around Luke’s waist, fingers playing with the ties of his apron. 
“No,” a voice comes through the door.
“Get in here,” Luke says bossily, “You too Ashton I know you’re out there.”
The two of them appear in the doorway, Michael having the good grace to look a little ashamed but Ashton doesn’t even bother, a huge shit eating grin on his face.
“What is going on here?” Luke demands, narrowing his eyes at the pair of them. He’s trying to stay stern but it's proving very difficult when he can feel Calum’s hands skim along his side and him gently nose his shoulder blade as he huffs out a giggle behind him. 
“What I think is going on is that you, Lukey, and dearest Cal Pal might have been having a moment?” Ashton smirks at the two of them.
“I don’t know how you two are involved in this but I know you are and I want you to explain yourselves,” Luke says petulantly. He then looks at Ashton and Michael closer and catches sight of their hands clasped, hidden slightly behind Ashton. 
“What is going on here?!” Luke repeats again, gesturing at their hands. He sees Michael (and Ashton come to think of it) every day, how has he missed this? Probably because he’s been lost in thoughts of Calum for the last 3 weeks he reasons with himself.
Michael blushes to the roots of his hair and pulls away from Ashton slightly but Ashton just tugs him into his body, curving his hand around Michael's hip and pressing a kiss into his neck before releasing him. 
“Well Michael and I started talking the other week, and we found out that by some miracle that the Calum that happened to be coming in everyday to stare at Luke for 20 minutes and leave, was the same Calum who lives in my flat and won’t stop talking about the gorgeous cake maker who works at the cafe round the corner from his office.” Ashton says, laughing, as Calum makes a wounded noise of protest and hides his face in Luke’s shoulder. “And this very Luke that Calum wouldn’t stop talking about happened to be the Luke that I deliver bread to every morning and apparently won’t stop throwing longing glances at Calum from the other side of the counter when he thinks he’s not looking.”
Luke squeaks, and feels Calum giggle behind him, both arms coming round his waist and dropping his chin onto Luke’s shoulder.
“And you two thought you would mastermind a plan then I suppose,” Calum says amusedly. 
“Why aren’t you more annoyed by this,” Luke gripes, turning his head to try to glare at Calum but managing only to brush his nose against his cheek. 
“Because I got what I wanted out of it, regardless of the method,” Calum says sweetly, and Luke blushes again.
“That doesn’t explain.. This!” Luke gestures at Michael and Ashton, he doesn’t know quite why his brain has fixated on this development when he has Calum basically draped along his back but what has happened in the last 10 minutes has been too much for his brain to handle.
“Well we had to come up with a plan so I asked Ashton if he wanted to go for food,” Michael finally pipes up, a small pleased smile on his face.
“You did?” Luke asks in what he acknowledges is probably quite a rude way but this was a turn of events he was not expecting.
“Well maybe watching you pine so disgustingly made me want to do something about it,” Michael retorts, but there’s no heat in it. 
“I knew the hot cross bun would work,” Ashton says solemnly, and Michael jabs him in the ribs with his elbow.
“Okay, I’ve decided that’s enough of the two of you,” Calum says. “Go and scheme elsewhere now please.”
Ashton laughs and salutes them before tugging Michael out of the back door.
“I honestly can’t believe this,” Luke begins, “they think they can just meddle in our business and force us into the same room together and that we’ll just kiss and they can pat themselves on the back for a job well done?” 
Calum is quiet beside him and Luke turns to look at him. “Well?”
Calum smiles at him, that one that makes Luke feel like he’s floating in sweet mallow clouds and tips his head slightly to the side. “I mean I’m sorry Luke but that’s exactly how it happened, so yes I suppose they can.”
Luke begins to make a noise of protest but Calum just grabs the front of his apron and pulls him back towards him. 
“You can carry this on later, but can we stop talking about Michael and Ashton for one second? I was sort of busy before they came in,”  Calum whispers over Luke’s lips.
“Yeah okay,” Luke responds, leaning into Calum and catching his lips back against his own. 
Calum pulls away after a couple of minutes and brushes another rogue curl out of Luke’s face. “So about that help you turned down earlier, I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ll start cleaning some of these things up and you can get on and do what you do best.” Calum leans in and gives him one last peck before heading over to the sink and starting to run the tap.
Luke smiles, slightly dazed and runs his fingers over his lips, thinking Calum tastes pretty sweet himself, a little bit like the warm vanilla air in his kitchen and a lot like home.
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