#also brandon fraser is in this?
lonelylonelyghost · 8 months
OK, why the hell was I not aware of Doom Patrol until like literally 2 days ago??
I'm on episode 7 now and it's so good???
The general premise is quite familiar to any lover of superhero stuff. Basically due to some circumstances several people somehow attain unusual powers and are gathered in the huge-ass house (the energy bills must be insane) by a mysterious Chief. And then weird shit starts happening.
I think in regards to general set-up it's a bit similar to Umbrella Academy, but in smaller details and characterizations it's a completely different thing.
The characters? - They are actually good people. Flawed, yeah, definitely, some of them did pretty messed up stuff in the past, but they're constantly trying to do better, be better. Deeply human, despite their supernatural abilities. I know that complete irredeemable assholes are quite popular with the public nowadays, but for me personally I like characters that have kindness in them, someone I could actually root for, and with at least some semblance of a moral compass.
The dynamic? Great! Everyone there is with their distinct quirks and loads of trauma, somehow culminating into a messed up but highly entertaining to watch found family. Also, at least for now - no romance within the group! Yey! Praise the gods, honestly, because you've no idea how annoyed I would be otherwise (a lot of media is ruined forever by adding a completely unnecessary romance subplots imo. Hollywood can't grasp the concept of love like 99% of the time). But with the way it's going and what kind of dynamic people there have with each other, any romance between them seems highly unlikely.
Humor? Oh yes! I'm too lazy to look for specific quotes, but because the characters are so different from each other, from their personalities and experiences to time periods, their interactions and reactions to the same events are hilarious.
The meta from The Narrator aka Mr Nobody is also top tear. I quite like meta things in media in general, and it's not easy to do it well, but here it's executed just right. The interesting thing about this running commentary on the events happening is that despite the seemingly omniscient perspective it's clear that The Narrator is biased and you can't really take his every word and opinion as absolute reality.
Also, one thing that I personally appreciate - even though there is a fair amount of graphic violence and gore, it's actually manageable and not crossing the "violence just for the shock value" line. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some on-screen dismemberment every once in a while, but not when it starts to get gross. No way near the level of the Boys (please don't kill me, I like their memes).
Overall, this particular mix of scifi and magic, tragedy, comedy, heartfelt moments and good plot managed to resonate with my brain's wavelength. So here we go. Enjoy
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My favorite flavor of absolute bonkers happening all the time
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Kinda of a downer and you don't have to answer this but your post about how one of the austen heroines could die giving birth made me think of how the heroes would grieve. Do you think they would remarry and such?
I don't mind. It's important to remember that in this era (and sometimes even in Western countries today), people aren't only marrying for love. If Mr. Darcy ended up widowed with a daughter, he might think the "right" and responsible thing to do is to marry so there is a mother in the house to look after the child. And having a mistress of the manor was a real job which was even more important when you had children.
I've written this. (it's sad obviously)
Now we know with Georgiana that Darcy is wealthy enough to basically replace a mother with staff (like Mrs. Annesley), but say an Edward Ferrars with five children might require either a wife or a female relation (who basically gets room and board) to manage the house and help with the children's education.
To give an example from a novel, in Wives & Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell, Molly's mother dies when she's very young. Her father is a country surgeon and not that wealthy. He ends up hiring a governess, both to teach Molly and to keep the house respectable (it's heavily implied he wouldn't have if his wife lived). However, when Molly reaches 17 and he realizes she's going to have suitors, he decides to remarry mostly so she has a chaperone. There is another widower in the novel who has only sons, he doesn't remarry and depends on his female relations to entertain.
As for the Jane Austen heroes...
Colonel Brandon and Captain Wentworth both have the kind of romantic personality that would lead me to think that they wouldn't remarry. They also are probably both wealthy enough to cover the lack of a wife with staff. Maybe Sophia Croft could help too ❤️ (Colonel Brandon has some family mentioned too).
Charles Bingley and Henry Tilney I can easily see remarrying, after an appropriate grieving period.
Edmund Bertram got over Mary, I bet he would remarry after Fanny. Just throw him someone wife-shaped (is my disdain for him coming through?) Also, given Fanny's weak state of health, he may be our most likely candidate. Reginald de Courcy would be like Edmund.
As for Edward Ferrars, he is pretty devoted to Elinor, but it depends when she dies. Life is long and can be lonely. I do see grieving taking him longer than the others.
With Mr. Knightley, he just doesn't really leave Highbury (lack of opportunity) and he lived as a bachelor for like, 38 years? So I feel like he's unlikely to remarry if Emma dies. Also, he can invite John and Isabella to live with him.
And Darcy. Firstly, I can see Lady Catherine pushing very hard for him to marry Anne if she's still alive and unmarried. Secondly, he's such a catch that he will definitely have women trying and he does engage in society (keeps a house in London ect.) so he has opportunity. However, he is picky and it took him 28 years to be so bewitched by a woman... I could see it taking him a while to remarry, but not because of grief but because it takes him a while to meet someone else he likes well enough to marry.
Also, just as a note, Jane Austen has very few remarried people in her novels, contrary to what was statistically likely at the time. Mr. Henry Dashwood and Mr. Fraser (Mary Crawford's friend's husband) are exceptions to the general rule. General Tilney, Sir Walter, and Mr. Elliot are some of the very few widowers and only the last one is trying to remarry. There are several widows and as far as I know none of them remarry.
There is speculation that Lady Lucas is a second wife, since Charlotte is 27 and has a 7ish year old brother (The famous Lucas Wine Boy). However, with about 20 years of fertility, this age spread is certainly possible with a single wife.
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vera-gemini · 1 year
My friends’ reactions to All Quiet On The Western Front (1979) characters
I’m French so I had to translate them, sorry (we were also drunk)
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Himmelstoss :
“It’s Bilbo Baggins with a mustache !”
“His mustache is homophobic”
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Paul Baümer :
“Of course he’s a twink !” 
“Totally a twink. Pretty eyes” 
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Albert Kropp : 
“He looks like the Lady Of The Camellias” (the heroine of an eponymous book written by Alexandre Dumas fils - she has tuberculosis)
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Franz Kemmerich : 
“He is at the top of his class, no ? I just know it”
“When you see his face, you know he’s going to be the first to die”
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Kat : 
“He looks like a mobster”
“No, more like a farmer... who grows potatoes...”
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Haie Westhus :
“He has the cheekbones of an heterosexual man. Don’t ask me why.”
“He’s got the vibe of a military man”
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Tjaden : 
“He looks like my communist friends from high school... we drink alcohol together, he’s a good guy.”
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Detering : 
“Very cute, very pretty... he’s totally a bottom.”
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Peter Leer : 
“First of all, this is NOT an heterosexual man.”
“Why does he looks like Emmanuel Macron ?”
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Joseph Behm : 
“He looks like Brandon Fraser, no ? Whatever, he seems nice.”
“Is he sleeping ? Good night then”
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Friedrich Müller :
“I know he smokes weed”
“He’s gay. I know it because he looks like my gay colleague who makes YouTube videos.”
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Books of 2023 - May
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How is it June already? I read a lot this month but I've felt very wishy-washy about almost everything I've read. I don't think I chose the books I read very well and ended up with a lot of mediocre reads. Most were interesting enough at the time but not memorable over the long term.
If On A Winter's Night A Traveller by Italo Calvino - interesting but ended up feeling very one note... I also hated the unnecessary amounts of weird sex, my inner Victorian lady sensibilities were scandalised 😉
Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson - second chance read due to watching too much Shardcast, it was fine but this book was not for me and a lot of the content irritated me
Poems by Christina Rossetti - Rossetti is my new favourite poet, although I didn't read the religious poetry section because that tends to annoy me
The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson - an okay Sanderson book. I'm exhausted by the fixation on magical combat from Sanderson and this book suffered in placed because of that, but it was a fast and entertaining (if a bit forgettable) read.
Turning Darkness Into Light by Marie Brennan - my standout of the month, I loved this book and I think more people need to read Brennan's Lady Trent books. My only concern was Audrey, she felt like a less interesting version of Isabella, rather than her own character.
Maps to Nowhere by Marie Brennan - short stories are not usually my thing but this was interesting, as usual a few stood out more than others. If you're looking at reading a sample from Brennan I would recommend Once A Goddess and Nine Sketches, in Charcoal and Blood
Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie - an entertaining read from Christie, unfortunately I'd worked out who was the murderer in the first third, but I had fun!
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling - I needed something easy and familiar to read while I was exhausted from setting, overseeing, and marking mock exams at school
Lysistrata, The Acharnians, and The Clouds by Aristophanes - I've combined these because I didn't like them, but I've learnt I don't like Greek comedy. I just don't like dirty jokes. The events surrounding these plays was so much better than the plays themselves!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling - see above.
Murder is Easy by Agatha Christie - another entertaining read from Christie, I didn't guess the murderer this time! But I was less interested in the characters, so swings and roundabouts. I listened to this one with the Hugh Fraser audiobooks and his narration was fantastic, so I'd recommend trying out the audiobooks if you're interested in Christie
The Bright Ages by Gabrielle and Perry - abysmal historical practice made this unreadable
Waverley by Sir Walter Scott - right book, wrong time situation. I will be coming back to this one!
Currently reading:
The Metamorphoses by Ovid
Witches: James I and the English Witch-Hunts by Tracy Borman
The Farthest Short by Ursula K. Le Guin
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Yayyyyy personal question for little one and Steve 🥰🥰
Aphrodite, peaches and dimples pleaseeeeeee.
Aphrodite- favorite actress/actor
Little One: "You are adorable, so jot that down. For actors I love and adore Matthew Lillard. We didn't get to see many movies living with Pierce but occasionally we were treated and one of my favorites was Scooby-Doo. Now Sara, Natasha, Wanda and I have movie dates for scary movies which I still get to see him. During the summer the guys set up the projector and play movies outside. I really like when we see Brandon Fraser and Rachel Weitz on screen.
Steve: "He isn't an actor but some of my personal favorite films are Don Bluth cartoons like Secret of NIMH and The Land Before Time. Also Disney, I will always throughly enjoy any Disney cartoon. Brad Pitt in Legend Of The Falls is classic."
Little One: "Oh I thought of another! Chris Evans is pretty good... kinda looks like Steve with those blue eyes."
Peaches- do you have a skincare routine?
Little One: "Yes, it's one of those things I enjoy doing just for me. I'm still trying to get used to doing that. My favorite is this lotion that is made by this little store in town. Most nights I put it on after the shower and it makes my skin so soft."
Steve: "Little One has introduced me to honey sugar scrubs. It's nice, smells really good and very relaxing when she rubs it on my face. I never knew I could enjoy being pampered like that by my mate, but now it's something I look forward to when she deems it's time."
Dimples- most attractive feature on a person's face?
Steve: "Hmm, mouth. And how they use it. If they are spouting off bullshit to hurt others, fuck no. But giving a quick smile or biting their lip seductively, that's attractive." Smirks. "Little One doesn't know how much it turns me on when she bares her teeth at me when we're messing around."
Little One: "Eyes... they are so expressive and often show who you truly are. I have seen eyes filled with love and passion, sadness mixed with despair, anger making them brim with rage as well as the cold dead ones where their soul is just missing. Each one has its own beauty. Except those last ones... they just scream danger and the Little Wolf wants to either attack or run."
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Ask Alpha Steve and Little One personal questions
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iamburdened · 2 years
Top Gun Maverick got itself an Oscar. Everything Everywhere All At Once won 7(!) including best film, actor (the cutest hollywood could offer) and actress (and supporting actress for scream queen Jamie Lee). Brandon Fraser got his Oscar. I also saw Pedro Pascal in the latest TLOU episode looking cute and happy.
This was a fucking great night.
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
3, 8, 9?
3. 3 movies I can watch for the rest of my life and not get bored of
That would be Encanto (of course), The Truman Show and The Mummy (the one with Brandon Fraser, not that Cruise shit)
8 Any reacquiring dreams?
I googled that word and I'm not so sure how it works with dreams but I think this is meant to ask if there are any dreams I wanna pick up again??? Well then that would be publishing my novel that is collecting dust right now
9 tell a story about your childhood
I was trying to think of something interesting or at least funny but then I remembered the picture I took a while ago. What you need to know is, that my mother made books for my brother and I where she collected stuff from our childhood (a strand of hair from our first haircut and stuff like that) and also wrote down interesting and fun stuff that happened or that we said.
So I'm gonna share this gem with you from when I was 3 1/2 years old:
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"We are taking a look at 9:30pm to see if the kids are asleep. Melanie sits naked on her bed and draws a human on her leg with a sharpie. Her only comment:" I'm not cold at all!"
A few days earlier, at bed time. "I always want to be a good girl." I (my mother) say: "But you are!" "No!" says Melanie with a raised finger "Half of me is always evil."
So yeah.... Take that as you will
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quartings · 2 years
Hot Take: Under most Hollywood definitions, there's no such thing as an "Alternate Dimension Variant".
With dozens of new multiverse-themed things coming out nowadays, I'd like to look at current definitions of what a "variant" is in media, and break down how well those explanations hold up under their own logic.
Interestingly, Rick and Morty has used two different definitions. The first one being "If they have the same DNA as you, they're a variant" which sounds good on paper, but gets a bit tough under scrutiny. What if there's a universe where a character was born as identical twins? Do they both count as variants of the same non-twin character? If it's a sci-fi universe and that character gets cloned, does the clone also get lumped in as a variant of the character or does the clone have to be grouped in with a different set of "clone variants"?
Not to mention that most multiverse things love to have non-human variants, so their DNA would naturally be different from the human ones, and so that rule doesn't hold up.
The second one is that "relevant variants have the same brain patterns", which works better for Rick and Morty, but also limits what you can do with variants in a difficult way. Because it's such a loose term that instantly excludes variants with the same name, appearance, and most personality traits just because they may be a little more or a little less intelligent than other variants.
Films like Multiverse of Madness and a certain ...other popular movie I choose to not address, also establish that variants have some sort of arbitrary psychic connection between each other. Which would be somewhat fine if both films tried playing around with the concept a bit more and didn't just have the same actors playing every variant of themselves barely interacting for a chance for the protagonists to self-reflect. Because having the same actor play every version of themselves once again brings the DNA issue into contention.
Example: Let's say we're watching a multiverse movie character named Joe Schmoe played by Danny Devito. There's also a fish named Joe Schmoe from an animated fish universe, also voiced by Danny Devito. There's another human named Joe Schmoe played by Brandon Fraser with the same upbringing and personality as the first Joe. And lastly, there's another human character called Jim Schmim played by Danny Devito but with a very different personality and different upbringing. Which of the latter 3 are variants of Joe? Are all of them? And if so, why?
Bonus 1: I know it's for ease of storytelling, but I think it'd be cool if the protagonist of a multiverse story had a different name from most of their variants. Like if the main character named say, Max, was told "We have to get you to all the other alternate Jeffs!" and they'd be like "Who the hell is Jeff??"
Bonus 2: A concept I feel doesn't get explored nearly enough was "universes where a character never existed". Variants are fun and all, but sometimes what you need is for a character to have a good ol' "It's a Wonderful Life"-style slap in the face.
And honestly? My favorite take on the concept of variants actually comes from the Loki series. In that show, Loki variants range greatly between gender, race, age, species, personality, even names, etc. The only thing that defines them as variants of the same individual is the fact that they all have to play the same "role" in their lives, as dictated by He Who Remains (and on a meta level, the writing team). It's implied that all Lokis are supposed to have a troubled childhood as outcasts, a rivalry with their brother Thor, become a villain that leads the Avengers to assemble, and eventually die at the hands of Thanos. Any divergence from that puts them under persecution by the TVA. There is no such thing as a true variant on a physical, mental, psychic, or casting level. What truly ties characters together is the role they play in their own lives and their own stories.
This allows the variants to get really diverse and creative while also having a visible and interesting story reason to tie them all together. Spiderverse and No Way Home also use something similar but less explicit, with all the spider-people being tied together by the spider theme and the "with great power comes great responsibility" moral that they've learned.
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wyrmfedgrave · 9 months
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1 & 2. Best scientific chart of diamond movements, underground sponge sea & the Earth's various 'levels.'
3 & 4. Easier charts for the movement of water from the border between the Inner & Outer mantles to the crust's surface. Plus, where the H20 diamond sample came from.
1906: The Earth (is) Not Hollow.
Jules Verne once wrote of a gigantic ocean - under the ground! Now, modern science has proven him to be mostly right!!
Usually, scientists use seismic waves & ground penetrating radar to study the geology found deep within our planet's bowels.
This time, a small diamond chip from Brazil has revealed the existence of an 'ocean' beneath our feet!
But, this 'water' is mostly absorbed inside of spongy rocks in the border between the Earth's Inner & Upper mantles.
These 'spongy' rocks are ringwoodite, a compound that's only stable 500 kilometers straight down - where the pressure is 150,000 times stronger than at sea level!!
With millions of tons of H20 available down there, it's thought the water is destabilizing the planet's upper rock layers! Which could affect surface volcanoes!!
Water is known to influence a stone's strength & its melting temps. But, it also wears down the thick rock plates beneath Earth's continents!
Now we know why. Obviously, the matter still bears the need of more study...
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1 thru 3. Some of the adaptations now available in DVD &/or streaming...
4. A geology book on the true 'levels' beneath our surface. Note how they incorporated Verne's title into the cover.
1. Of the movies, most folk prefer the 1959 version of "Journey."
In it, the movie makers threw out the giants & mastodons, added more dinosaur action & threw in the city of Atlantis for good measure!!
2. I'd say that the 2008 adaptation is pretty good itself. It's effects are solid, though the floating stones are a bit too much!
Brandon Fraser steals the movie as it's main hero - which is fine with me. Plus, the film's humorous take works quite well.
All in all, an entertaining time...
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Study in Canada: International Student Guide
Canada is a coveted destination for students aspiring to pursue higher education abroad. Not only is it home to some of the best universities in the world but also the tuition fee is more affordable when compared to other countries like the US or UK. Besides, Canada ranks number one in the world when it comes to quality of life.
Here we’ll help you draw up a budget to fulfil your dream of studying in Canada.
Canada College Fees:
According to the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) tuition can range from CAD 1,800 per year to approximately CAD 20,000 per year for an undergraduate degree; CAD 2,500 per year to approximately CAD 18,000 per year for a Master’s in Canada and approximately CAD 2,500 to CAD 17,000 per year for PhD from Canada. But the cost will vary depending on the city, province, and university that you pick.
CMEC also found that living expenses for one year averaged around CAD 12,000. But this will again change depending on the city and province you live in.
Affordable University:
Among the affordable universities in Canada for international students are University of Brandon, Simon Fraser University, University of Guelph, Concordia University, University of Calgary, University of Saskatchewan, University of Alberta, University of Northern British Columbia, University of Winnipeg, Newfoundland and Labrador’s University, etc.
Canada University Fees:
Tuition fees will vary of course. For instance, for international students it ranged from CAD 2,000 to 22,000 for 2021–2022 session depending on the subject. Most Canadian university websites include mechanisms to calculate the approximate fees.
Canada student visa fees:
To study in Canada you will need a study permit, which will cost you 150 dollars. It is a document which the government issues that allows foreign nationals to study at designated learning institutions (DLIs) in the country.
Minimum Bank Balance:
When you apply for a study visa, you will need to provide documents to show that you have enough money to pay for your tuition fees; living expenses and return flight.
According to canada.ca the minimum bank balance for Canada student visa excluding the tuition fee is CAD 10,000 per year.
Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC amount for Canada):
A GIC is a Canadian investment that has a guaranteed rate of return for a fixed period of time. As per the Citizen Immigration Canada (CIC), students applying to Canadian colleges are required to invest CAD 10,000 in the form of GIC with Canadian banks.
Canada student visa requirement:
Valid passport
Attested copies of Class 10, 12 and degree certificates
Academic references — 2
Employer references — 2
Statement of purpose
Certificates of extracurricular achievements
An acceptance letter from your education institution
Proof of payment
Proof of funds
Passport size photographs
Study Permit and visa
English Proficiency
Game Plan:
Now start drawing up a plan. Begin with the course and college/university you want to pursue, find out which province and city it is in. Make a list of all the expenditures, starting with tuition, visa, cost of living, tickets, GIC etc.
Then decide whether you need to apply for a scholarship or a bank loan or you could perhaps try some other university, which offers better ways to save money. And Career2Life — Study abroad consultants in Delhi is always here to help you out if you need. You can always choose to let us help you pick the right college that suits you and also fits your budget.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
The Times Women Don’t Know Their Hearts
I was thinking about my proposal analysis and it occured to me that there are two instances in Jane Austen’s novels where women don’t know how to respond to a proposal, and in both, cases, the problem is actually the influence of other women.
Emma has already been trying to turn Harriet off the Martins and on to “real gentlemen” by the time Harriet gets the proposal from Robert Martin. She ends up not knowing her own mind:
She [Harriet] was so surprized she did not know what to do. Yes, quite a proposal of marriage; and a very good letter, at least she thought so. And he wrote as if he really loved her very much—but she did not know—and so, she was come as fast as she could to ask Miss Woodhouse what she should do.—” Emma was half-ashamed of her friend for seeming so pleased and so doubtful.
Emma then clearly influences Harriet’s decision and it is implied that she also supplies her with the words of refusal. (One high point of Emma 1972 is that she actually begins to dictate Harriet’s response). So Harriet’s inability to know her own heart was Emma’s doing. It’s pretty clear by the end that if Harriet had not been led astray by Emma, she’d have accepted.
We also have Janet Ross in Mansfield Park (a friend of Mary’s):
Poor Janet has been sadly taken in, and yet there was nothing improper on her side: she did not run into the match inconsiderately; there was no want of foresight. She took three days to consider of his proposals, and during those three days asked the advice of everybody connected with her whose opinion was worth having, and especially applied to my late dear aunt, whose knowledge of the world made her judgment very generally and deservedly looked up to by all the young people of her acquaintance, and she was decidedly in favour of Mr. Fraser.
From Mary’s overall behaviour (the wish to marry for wealth and consequence), we can infer that the late Mrs. Crawford said from Mary’s words: “We were all delighted. She could not do otherwise than accept him, for he was rich, and she had nothing” What Mary doesn’t seem to grasp is that Janet must have known on some level before accepting the proposal that she wouldn’t have been happy with Mr. Fraser. Yet, she is able to be influenced and all her friends assured her it was a good idea so she went for it.
And then we have Anne Elliot, who does accept Wentworth’s first proposal, but then on the advice of Lady Russell (we know that Sir Walter didn’t have a huge hand in this), was convinced to break it off. This decision is a little trickier because in all honesty, I think Lady Russell was giving good advice. Like, maybe don’t marry a penniless sailor at 19, you might be a widowed mother in the next year... but it is ultimately a decision that Anne regrets. In hindsight, we know she would have been happier if she married him.
I also want to mention Maria Bertram, who raised by aunt Norris, has been taught to value wealth above her own happiness. We are not directly told that Mrs. Norris influenced the match, but she was instructed by Sir Thomas to conceal the engagement until he returned and then did the opposite, making it harder for Maria to call it off the marriage if that was her preference.
The only man who influences a marriage decision is Mr. Brandon Sr., who locks Eliza Brandon away until she agrees to marry his eldest son (Colonel Brandon's older brother). Jane Austen never really shows a heroine father manipulate their daughter/ward so directly, forcefully, and obviously. The closest is Sir Thomas with Fanny but even he isn't ruthless. The bigger danger for women in these novels is much more subtle influence.
I feel like the overall message here is that you need to be careful who you let influence your decisions. Or who you befriend. Anne is able to reject her father’s disapprobation, but she has more trouble with her mother figure. She forgets, perhaps, that Lady Russell is also a little too conscious of rank. Harriet and Janet both have friends who lead them down the wrong path. Fortunately Harriet gets back on track, but Janet ends up in a very unhappy marriage. 
And the worst part is, all of these influencers, Emma, Mrs. Crawford, and Lady Russell (and even Mrs. Norris), think they are doing the best thing for their friend. They cannot see their own folly.
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Despite how people may feel about The Whale, Brendan Fraser gave a fantastic performance and deserved his win. Hong Chau was also amazing in it.
Yeah I was happy for Brandon and have heard great things about Hong Chau in it (I also liked her in the menu). Idk I just wanted Colin to win one of the big ones; BAFTA was where I was really surprised he didn’t get the win.
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laura-ann-review · 2 years
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I remember George of the Jungle 2 but for the life of me, it's also erased from my memory..so..let's pretend this is the first time watching it. Okay, I don't like the animated opening credits. The first one didn't have it, so why did the second one need it? I love how they openly admitted how cheap they are for Brandon Fraser. 😂 Oh God no! CGI that definitely looks like it should've stayed in 2003. Dude, that hasn't aged well at all. Hold up!? Did they dumb down Ursla!? Like I get in the first one she was mostly lusted up and didn't really do much but when she did, she had her head on her shoulders. This Ursla just seems like a stereotyped blonde bimbo. Gah! As much as I loved the first George of the Jungle, this one feels very gimmicky and feeling like they were trying to reignite the lighting in the bottle from the first one but nope..nope..less than 10mins in and I'm like "I regret watching this now." Is this basically like the first movie expect George wants to knowingly leave the jungle? Cause both are about the mum not wanting Ursla and George to be together and Lyle trying to be the King of the story. There's not much difference between the two with the storyline, well expect for Ape being in Vegas acting human rather than Ape in jungle acting as smart Ape. One thing I didn't understand is why did George need to kiss Ursula's friends to unhypnotise and she was totally okay with it!? This sequel totally didn't have the spark like the first one did. #georgeofthejungle2 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cot2ycwPVlN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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breaknewsnow · 2 years
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queens-of-my-life · 2 years
The Golden Globes are tomorrow and even though no ones cares here are my predictions and hopes about who will win:
Best Drama: I'm rooting for either Elvis or The Fabelmans (even though I think Elvis should have been nominated in the Musical/Comedy category)
Best Lead Actress Drama: I think and hope it will be Cate Blanchett
Best Lead Actor Drama: I think it will be Brandon Fraser. Unfortunately I haven't been able to see his performance yet. I think Austin Butler would also deserve it (but again I think he and Elvis should be in the musical/comedy category)
Best Musical/Comedy: I've seen all the movies except Babylon. I'm rooting for Everything Everywhere or The Banshees
Best Lead Actress Musical/Comedy: Really hoping for Michelle Yeoh
Best Lead Actor Musical Comedy: Crossing my fingers for Ralph Fiennes or Colin Farrell
Best Supporting Actress: Hoping for Kerry Condon
Best Supporting Actor: I think it should go to Brandon Gleeson
Best Series Drama: SEVERANCE 🤞
Best Lead Actor Drama Series: Adam Scott 🤞
Best Series Musical Comedy: I'm hoping for Hacks but I think it will be Abbott (or maybe even The Bear, even though that should be in the Drama category imo)
Best Lead Actress Comedy/Musical Series: Crossing my fingers for Jean Smart but I think it will be Quinta Brunson (and let's be honest she deserves it as well)
Best Lead Actor Musical/Comedy Series: Bill Hader 🤞
Best Limited Series: I'm rooting for The White Lotus but I'm sure it will go to Dahmer
Best Actor Limited Series: Evan Peters 🤞
Best Supporting Actress Limited Series: Please let Jennifer Coolige win 🙏
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coghive · 2 years
Centricity Publishing Re-Signs Songwriter Kyle Williams Following Back-To-Back No. 1 Songs
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Centricity Publishing, an independent publishing company based in Franklin, TN, announces the re-signing of hit-making songwriter and producer Kyle Williams to a long-term agreement. First signed to Centricity Publishing in 2018, Williams has gone on to write songs that have been recorded by artists in genres ranging from pop to Christian to alternative, and has songs featured in network television shows, national ad campaigns and multiple feature films. Originally from Oklahoma and now residing in Nashville, Williams is a multi-genre songwriter and producer, a multi-instrumentalist, and lead guitarist for the band We Are Messengers. He also releases his own solo artistry under the monikers Willyecho and Kyle and the clouds. His six No. 1 radio singles include writing and production credits on this year’s hits “See Me Through It” by Brandon Heath and “The Goodness” by TobyMac (feat. Blessing Offor). Williams’ additional No. 1 songs include “Light It Up” by Terrian, “Enough” by Social Club Misfits, “You Are Loved” by Stars Go Dim and “This World Is Not My Home” by Branan Murphy. He has also co-written and produced three Top 5 singles for We Are Messengers, “This Is Jesus,” “Love” and “Power,” and has production and songwriting credits with Cochren & Co., Tasha Layton, Jonny Diaz and Jason Gray. The 2021 EP Genesis of Terrian by Gotee Records’ artist, Terrian, was fully produced and co-written by Williams. “I’ve always felt like the folks at Centricity were family from the beginning,” says Williams. “I’m truly excited to further this relationship and my career.” “We absolutely love working with Kyle,” says Chad Segura, Centricity Publishing’s Vice President. “Whether he’s wearing the hat of songwriter, producer or artist, or some combo of the three, he always delivers at a ridiculously high level. We’re so honored to partner with him and can’t wait to see what this next chapter holds in store for us all.” Along with his success in the Christian genre, Kyle has collaborated with Rob Thomas (of Matchbox Twenty), Marc Broussard, Cassadee Pope, Heather Morgan, Sam Tinnesz, Erika Ender, Fraser Churchill, and many others. In 2019, Kyle was on NBC’s Songland and won the episode with Aloe Blacc as the guest judge. Not only did Blacc record and release the song Kyle co-wrote and performed on the show, “Getting Started,” it also ended up in the end credits in the blockbuster movie, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw. Kyle’s had many other synch placements with various songs, including ABC’s How To Get Away with Murder, NBC’s Chicago Fire, and UFC and Fox Sports promos. Read the full article
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