#also does anyone ever wonder what those two do know that they're in the kingdom?
There's always something about this ending in the film that gets me choked up whenever I rewatch it.
Just seeing the two brothers together as they jump around the platforms in their new home in the Mushroom kingdom, laughing, goofing off, and having a good time.
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Then, in the very last shot, we see them jump into the warp pipe, waving back to the other Toads, and then they seemingly look back directly at us, the audience, almost as if they're saying "Thanks for watching the movie, we'll see ya soon", that sort of thing as they disappear.
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It's makes it more emotional since it's the very last shot we see before the title card comes up, and it gets me EVERY, DAMN, TIME.
I guess I miss them too much at this point 😢
That and I'm never going to hear Mr. Blue Sky the same way ever again after watching this film. XD
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Courtesy of Duke Aventry, we seem to have one more Story Time.
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Yeah, Aventry mentioned her. He seemed to have strong feelings for her.
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But then the Dweller of Woe came, killed everyone in the mansion, and turned the town into a hellpit. I assume this is going to be the story of how that happened.
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Sounds like Ewilda was the actual power on the throne while the Duke was just her enforcer. No wonder he slid so easily into that same position for Roro.
Does he have a name? Or is he just Duke Aventry?
Or. Wait. Is that his name? I've been taking it for a surname but is his name just... Aventry?
Or. Shit. Is Duke his actual name? I thought it was a title but a duchy would imply the existence of a larger kingdom to which it belongs and we don't have anything like that. There are no kings... pretty much anywhere, in fact. Ours is a world of isolated city-states with no significant form of large government of any kind.
I think Duke is his name.
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Oh, they knew about that? Huh. I kinda figured the first impression anyone on Wraith Island had of the Fleshmancer was when the Dweller suddenly emerged and ruined everything.
But it sounds more like there was an actual war going on between the Fleshmancer's forces and Wraith Island for a while. Like they were leading the charge in keeping the horrors at bay or something.
Where were we while all of this was going on?
Oh. Wait. Dead, probably. This might have been in the decades between Moraine returning as sole survivor to Mooncradle and now.
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Ominous. Arrival of the Dweller? Is that a thing they would have had warning of, or....
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Okay, so that's where we were. Killing everyone. SURE. THAT'S FINE.
Solar warrior sealed away Torment and then forgot everything and couldn't be arsed to even write anything down. Solar warrior randomly killing everyone on Wraith Island. And. Just. Erlina.
Why do Solar Warriors suck so bad? No offense, Zale.
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Okay but why tho. Like. Erlina, I get. She did the only thing that made sense given the hopeless situation she was in. But what could this guy possibly think he was accomplishing by scorching the island at random? Was he looking for Woe?
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Uh. Yeah. We're awesome. I'm more impressed that Aventry was able to hold his own and not die horribly.
This does explain why he was able to offer those tips to Zale way back when, though. He had experience fighting a fully realized Solar Warrior in the past so he could see where the gaps in Zale's style lie.
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I'm still impressed that he was able to hold his own like that. He really didn't seem that tough when Zale and I were double-teaming him. I mean, there were two of us plus Serai so that might not be fair. But also, we were very green at the time.
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Two has a gender
I don't think any of them have had genders identified until now. Huh.
Also, that is clearly the, uh... the thing... the mabobber thing....
Fleshmancer plants these seeds and they grow into Dwellers. I don't remember what they're called, but that's it. That's the seed for Woe.
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Oh, nope, it's crystallized curse mojo.
"One day" here having the definition of "for fucking ever hahahaha sucker". Unfortunately, this curse meant to shield Woe from solar magic ultimately peeled away like it was nothing when faced with the might of the Eclipse, because our bullshit > immortal alchemist bullshit.
Torment made the right decision by opting to use the goddamn earth as a physical obstruction instead.
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Honestly, no blame for Duke Aventry. He was in a bad spot and the Acolytes preyed on that vulnerability. Seems to be their M.O. They did the same thing to Erlina.
Like proper cultists, they hunt among the disenfranchised and the hopeless.
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That's how Roro's swamp came to be. And, presumably, where she got all those bodies for her workshop.
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You know, I never thought too highly of the Acolytes but that's because my main interactions with them up to this point have been:
Acolyte: *whining noise* Don't do that thing! Me: LOL Stop me fucko. Acolyte: *body pile*
For me, my favorite punching bags have just been goobers who show up to offer me stress relief. This story's offering me a whole new side to them. These guys are pretty capable manipulators and effectors of political upheaval.
They just aren't very tough in a fight.
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And now we've set his spirit free, destroyed the Dweller of Woe, and driven the Acolytes from Clockwork Castle for good measure. I'm glad that our Order was able to put right all of his hardships.
...that, uh... that we caused....
I don't feel good about this one.
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pixelated-whump · 11 months
@ailesswhumptober Day Twenty-Four - Hunted Down / Too Exhausted to Keep Running
TWs: Misgendering, Deadnaming, and Transphobia
Contents: Usual disclaimer that they're all freaks and mature at different rates, I'm super fucking tired leave me alone
Characters are Varyll (Elf, Age 120, 5'10, albino, He/Xe pronouns), Rabies Ratbite (Kobold, Age 6, 2ft, gold eyes, blue and white scales, He/It pronouns), and Screecher (Kenku, Age 12, 5'1, purple eyes, pink legs and beak, pale grey and purple feathers, He/Him pronouns)
Also posted on Ao3!
Varyll is fucking exhausted.
Paranoia has kept xem awake for far too long. Xe hasn’t really had much time to rest, and any of that downtime has been spent away from civilization.
So when xe makes it to a tavern in a city xe can’t be bothered to remember the name of, xe’s on the verge of passing out from sheer exhaustion.
Varyll knows xe can’t trust anyone, not now, not ever. But xe also knows xe can’t stay awake forever, as much as xe’d like to.
Xe’d normally use a spell to disguise xyr form, but xe’s too tired, so xe sticks with simply hiding xyr face with a mask and a hood. It’s simple, but effective.
Xe watches two armored soldiers enter the tavern, and xe can tell that they’re looking for xem. They look like soldiers from xyr kingdom, so xe listens closely as they begin to speak to the entire fucking tavern.
“We are soldiers from the kingdom of Askalia, we’re looking for Princess Viola, though she may not be using that name. She is an albino elf, so she should be easy to find. If you have any leads, please let us know.”
Whispers erupt around the tavern, and Varyll barely keeps xemself from flinching at the use of xyr deadname. Xe adjusts xyr mask and pulls xyr hood further down, trying to hide xyr appearance.
Varyll overhears a conversation from two adventurers, both sitting at a table next to xem.
“You hear that? A fuckin’ princess is missing,” A blue Kobold says, leaning back in its chair. “How in the Nine Hells do they lose royalty?”
A pale greyish-purple Kenku leans a little closer to his companion. “From what I’ve heard, she’s a runaway.”
The Kobold scoffs, taking a sip of a drink that it looks way too young to be drinking. “Who would run away from being one of the highest people in power? It just doesn’t make sense.”
Varyll has personally had enough of the gossip and gets up to leave, though xe wonders if xe even should. Those guards are sure to recognize xem if xe gets too close, but xe can’t stay here, the barkeep might rat xem out.
Regardless, xe is too tired to even think logically at this point, so xe leaves the tavern, shivering from the cold. Xe should be used to it by now, but xe isn’t.
Xe looks around, trying to scan xyr surroundings for any signs of those soldiers. When xe breathes a soft sigh of relief, someone grabs xyr wrist.
Xe freezes, not daring to turn. “Excuse me, do you have any leads on the whereabouts of Princess Viola?”
Varyll shakes xyr head. Xe turns, and the soldier holding xyr wrist doesn’t let go. “It seems you’re a liar, then.”
The other soldier grabs her sword, grabbing xyr other wrist. “You’re coming with us, Princess Viola.”
Varyll grunts, trying to pull away from the soldiers, but xe’s too tired, too weak. So, xe screams. Loudly.
As xe does, those two adventurers xe saw earlier exit the tavern, and the Kobold, who is no taller than two feet, draws a shortsword. “Hey! Let ‘em go!”
The Kenku draws a longsword, and while he doesn’t say anything, he delivers a threatening glare.
One of the soldiers points his sword at the two adventurers. “We are under the orders of King Curralcia to bring her back to Askalia. We ask that you... citizens... step back.”
They’re distracted. Varyll’s eyes glow ever-so-slightly as xe casts Sacred Flame on the female soldier. She stumbles backwards, and Varyll punches the other one in the nose, scrambling away from the soldiers and behind the adventurers, preparing xemself in case xe has to fight any more than xe already has.
The Kobold charges forwards with a “battle cry”, if you can even call it that. Honestly, it just sounds funny. It barely looks threatening, but it also starts beating one of the soldiers’ faces in with the hilt of its shortsword, so maybe it has some skill.
Meanwhile, the Kenku starts slashing at the other while Varyll watches, slightly dumbfounded. Why would these two save xem? Neither of them have a reason to, as far as xe knows.
When one of the soldiers stops burning, she lifts her companion and takes off, swearing under her breath. The two adventurers give each other a high five, smirks on both of their faces.
The Kobold turns to look at xem. “What did those two jackasses want with you, anyways?”
The Kenku stares for a moment, eyes widening in realization. “Are you...”
“Varyll,” Xe interrupts, rather curtly. “I don’t use that name anymore for a reason.”
The Kobold tilts its head, and the Kenku whispers something to it, which he has to crouch down to do. It’s almost comical.
A look of realization crosses the Kobold’s face. “Oh. Wait, so... you’re the princess?!”
The Elf rolls xyr eyes. “I’d correct you and say prince, but I have no desire to return home. They can’t make me go back.”
“But...” Varyll can almost hear the gears turning in its head. “Why would you leave?”
“Did you not hear them blatantly deadname and misgender me?” Xe asks, getting frustrated.
The Kenku speaks before things can get even more awkward between the three. “I’m Screecher, and this is Rabies,” He explains, examining Varyll closely. “You... look like you need sleep.”
“Yes, I do,” Xe sighs, rubbing a hand over xyr tired face and ignoring their odd names.
Screecher grabs xyr hand gently, leading xem back to the tavern. “We rented a room! You and Rabies can sleep, and I’ll keep watch.”
“I suppose I’m in no position to argue,” Varyll sighs, letting him lead xem into the tavern and to a room upstairs.
Rabies plops down on a bed before xem, and Varyll takes off xyr hooded robe and mask. Xe lays down, and pretty much knocks out right after.
Maybe these two aren’t so bad.
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deerydear · 10 months
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I feel like I've partaken in this behaviour, but I refuse to capitulate to this fucking yawning, stretching fungal infection that is "an autistic self-diagnosis based on internet memes".
I hate it.
Make up a list of all the things that you do that are "autistic things", what do you do with that list when you're done compiling it?
What's the point?
...or is the point to be on a never-ending scavenger-hunt?
One way of entertaining yourself?
I would analyze my own reason for this behaviour so:
The teachers in school say I'm so smart when I sit around and analyze things and explain them, rather than being one of those ROWDY, RAMBUNCTIOUS CHILDREN WHO CAN'T SIT STILL!
I'm not autistic.
It's just rewards-based training. It's a habit that became ingrained.
I wondered what would be the fruit of a brainwashed society.
The rebel critics of yesteryear would always talk about this subject... and yet, the people don't wake up, because now they can gaze at their own navels instead of looking up and around themselves. Why?
"because I'm autistic. I have trouble socializing, and understanding social cues."
I already discussed this in the previous blog-entry that I linked at the beginning... but what if it's simply something that can be worked out through trial and error?
I don't think I could ever generalize all autism, but I know people who are just like me... who would rather lose themselves in a label, than have to work for something they want.
"Oh, I'm special. Just give it to me. I don't want to change. I don't want to adjust. I want to be a very special little boy. I want to be an infant, forever."
Same thing the anti-sjw critics were mocking, ten years ago.
I remember feeling as if I were "supposed" to be against the anti-sjws,, "because So-and-So said that they're big meany buttheads... and also they're homotransmisogynoiracist SHITLORDS who want to take away your rights.....
Fascists start off with debate, then escalate! Do not debate with fascists!"
Except anyone's a fascist, nowadays. Your dog is a fascist. Your mom is fascist. That's why the police came for them. Same old tricks of yesterday, but you thought you were too clever to be fooled by it, didn't you? That's how they got you.
"It will be different, this time.... because I am involved."
It's all a big propaganda war, on all fucking sides. Cockroaches are always looking for scraps. Hungry dogs are looking for unattended plates of food.
Do you sit and dine with the Unclean?
Wasn't this planned as a party banquet?
Matthew 13:24:
"Another parable He put forth to them, saying:
'The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.
So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’
He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’
The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’
But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, 'First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.' ’ ”
Luke 18:9:
To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable:
“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God.
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Matthew 18:21
Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”
“No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!"
“Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him. In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him millions of dollars. He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt.
“But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’
Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.
“But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars. He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.
“His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time. ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded. But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full.
“When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset. They went to the king and told him everything that had happened. Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt.
“That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart.”
Matthew 13:1
Later that same day Jesus left the house and sat beside the lake. A large crowd soon gathered around him, so he got into a boat. Then he sat there and taught as the people stood on the shore. He told many stories in the form of parables, such as this one:
A farmer went out to plant some seeds. As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them.
Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died.
Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants.
Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand."
His disciples came and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?”
He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. That is why I use these parables,
For they look, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand.
This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah that says,
‘When you hear what I say, you will not understand. When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’
“But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.
“Now listen to the explanation of the parable about the farmer planting seeds:
The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts.
The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word.
The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced.
The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
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Unexpected Places (Pt. 04 of 11)
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless X Reader/Bjorn X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: As a princess, you've lived in a golden cage all your life, always a piece on someone else's game. But everything changed when the Norsemen came crushing down on Wessex, like waves in a violent storm. Their king spared your life and decided to take you with him to his kingdom, in what felt more like a rescue than a kidnapping. There, you were not only confronted with a completely different culture and lifestyle, but also with two of his sons. The oldest one has his eyes set on you, but it's the youngest one, Ivar, who gets who claimed your attention since the first sight. And he seems to have an unnamed interest in you. Of course you hoped whatever that was would pass, but when unexpected feelings start to flow a different way, things begin to change.
<- Previous part (03)
Next part (05) ->
{Vikings Masterlist}
Fit For a Princess
You're listening to the chattering between Aslaug and Helga, looking at pieces of jewelry at the market place. You say something every now and then, but you can't shake away Ivar's stare. On the last days, two weeks or so, he's right there, sitting across from you on every meal, eyes burning through you. Hvitserk said he's studying you, still expecting you to snap, to decide you had enough of all this and want to go back home. To Wessex, where your older brother now rules. And Ragnar already said he'd take you back if you wanted, so there's that.
But leaving Kattegat hasn't even crossed your mind, not before and not now. How could you trade all you have here, and slide back into the invisible chains you had on? It wouldn't be just stupid, it would be the death of you. You're finally understanding who you are, the things you like, the kind of people you like. In England, you had to play a specific role, because everything was political. Here, you're just who you are. And you do what you want to do. This is true freedom.
“I really like this one,” Helga says, as your eyes wander through the many rings, earrings, and necklaces. “I'd like those two as well.” She continues as you pace around, further away from both women, turning the corner and then walking to another store. The pieces they have here are all made of metal, delicately bent into beautiful shapes. You caress a bracelet with the tip of your fingers, wondering if it'd look good on you.
“Don't waste your time with these cheap things.” The voice, that you now recognize immediately, makes you turn around. Ivar comes from among the people, only stopping when he's standing next to you.
But despite his attention being on the jewelry, your eyes are on him. “You're tall.” It comes out suddenly, because he never stood beside you like this, so you couldn't have noticed.
“Well, you're tiny.” Ivar glances at you, playing with one of the rings. “Anyway, you shouldn't be looking at these things. They won't suit you very well.”
Giving the old man an apologetic look, you randomly pick a bracelet. You don't get why Ivar is being rude, but, judging by what Hvitserk had told you, his brother isn't one to hold back. He says what he thinks, it doesn't matter how mean it may sound to others. You're still trying to figure out if this level of brutal honesty is good or bad. “I really like this one.” Searching on the small bag attached to your dress, you take four coins, way more than what the bracelet is worth, handing it over to the man and putting the bracelet on. The silver color is beautiful, and the drawings carved on it remind you of the pattern you saw on one of the boats that brought you here.
Ivar rolls his eyes exaggeratedly, sighing. “You are such a kind princess.” Dropping the ring, he starts walking side by side with you when you set in motion through the market. You weren't expecting that.
“King Ecbert was king of Wessex. This isn't Wessex.”
“(Y/N)! Wait for us.” Aslaug calls and you stop, giving her a look and a nod before turning to face Ivar, who towers over you.
“Therefore, I'm not a princess anymore.” Shrugging your shoulders, you give him a small smile.
“That's a shame, isn't it?” He lowers his voice, leaning closer.
“Not really.” Shrugging your shoulders, you give a little step back, putting a strand of hair behind your ears before giving him a little wave, walking back to where both women are.
After they're done shopping, as you walk back home, the clouds push themselves apart just enough for the sunlight to appear. That makes you stop, taking in the warmth on your skin, but it soon disappears.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Hvitserk calls, coming from the beach with his father, Ubbe and Bjorn, who's walking behind them. “We're going to meet some traders. Wanna come?”
“Why not?” You mumble, elbowing Hvitserk when he's close enough.
“Go put on some pants then. We're riding there.”
“Oh.” It's so absurd it's stupid, how you can't seem to do the simple things people know by heart here. “I'm not very good at riding.” Whispering, you tell him, not wanting anyone else to listen.
“I'll help you out.” He nods, tilting his head to where Bjorn is. “Without cracking your head open in the process.”
Smiling you nod before heading inside to change out of the dress. You're just about to head out when Aslaug tells you to grab a cloak in case it rains later, so you have to make another trip to your room. But soon enough you meet Hvitserk and the others again, reading the horses.
“Which one is mine?”
“Over here.” Hviserk guides to a beautiful white horse. “Give me your leg.” He says, and for a moment you furrow your eyebrows, but soon enough you understand what he means. Raising your leg, Hvitserk grabs your calf and you push yourself up, successfully mounting on the horse with his help. It feels funny to be this tall. You have ridden before, but most of the time you used a carriage. There was no need for a princess to ride on the back of a horse at Wessex. It's wild though, and you've grown to love wild things. “Keep your feet like this on the stirrups at all times. Don't put of your feet all the way in or it might get stuck if you fall. If you touch her with your ankles, she'll move forward. Pull the halters and she'll stop. The same thing goes to pull her left or right, but since we'll ride together she'll just follow the other horses.”
“Got it.”
“Your ass might hurt at the end of the day, so be prepared.” He warns before jumping to the back of his horse. “If it'll help you feel more steady, you can hold on the saddle, but trust me, you'll get the hang of it once you lose the fear of falling.”
“Have you ever fallen from a horse before?” As you speak, the small group starts moving, and your mare does the same, keeping their pace, slow at first until everyone starts galloping, and all air leaves your lungs. You hold tightly to the saddle, scared at first, but you remember what Hvitserk just told you. If you let the fear of falling win, you'll never learn to ride properly, and you'll never enjoy it. Slowly, you let go of the saddle, holding only on the halters, making sure it's loose so she'll feel free to run.
And the sensation is amazing. The wind makes your hair whip your face over and over, and you lightly shake your head to get rid of it. Glancing at Hvitserk, you mirror his position, a smile creeping over your lips. The landscape, green, blue, and gray, passes by in a blur, and you try to take it all in. It's beautiful, breathtaking. Almost literally, because when you finally stop, you're struggling to catch your breath.
“You ok?”
“Yeah.” You answer, and Hvitserk nods before moving to stand next to his father and brother. You see a small troop approaching, riding up the hill.
“You're quite good at this,” Bjorn says, guiding his horse away from his siblings and near you. “A few more lessons you'll be riding like a true Viking.”
“I really like it. Its... Thrilling.” You're finally calming down, and your thighs ache a little bit.
“Wanna see the traders coming?” Turning his horse around, he gestures at a cliff, not too many miles away. “We could go up there, it'll give us a nice view.”
“Isn't it a little high?”
“The horses are used to it. C'mon.” Without waiting for your answer, he starts galloping away.
Glancing at Hvitserk, you hold the halter tightly to keep the mare from moving. “You think I should?”
“Sure, it has a nice view. But if you feel like the trail there is too much you come back here, alright? The horses are used to it but you're not.”
“Alright.” Touching the mare with your ankles, you loose the halter and she immediately moves, following Bjorn's horse. It doesn't take much until you're deep inside the woods, the horses now trotting. Bjorn keeps silent, giving you a few glances since you're slightly behind him.
“That way.” He says, and you just let your ride follow his. The smooth ground soon starts changing, with more rocks, and becomes unravel. When you see a steep slope, with apparently nothing to hold on to, you pull the halters, making the mare stop.
“I think it's too craggy.” You speak up, getting Bjorn's attention. “I don't want to fall on my first try.”
“She's used to this kind of inclination. You'll be fine.”
Considering it and also what Hvitserk said, you decide to leave the cliff viewing for another day, when you feel more secure on the horse. “I think I'll pass, Bjorn. Maybe another cliff where I can go on foot.”
“Don't be a pussy. It's not that craggy.” Then, he kicks his horse hard and it sets in motion. It doesn't surprise you, but when the mare moves as well, following him, you're startled, and in the sudden change, you let the halter fall.
Holding on the sell, you can only watch as Bjorn's horse easily climbs the slope, at a fast pace, and yours do the same. But when it suddenly turns left, around a huge rock, you lose your balance, and since there's nothing to hold on to, both your feet escape the stirrups, and you're pulled to the ground hard. Losing your breath, a sting on your ankle makes you yelp as you roll down the slope, only stopping once the ground is flat again. Rolling on your back, you take deep breaths, trying not to move the left leg since the pain is spreading through your foot and calf. “Damn it!” You exclaim, removing the hair from your face.
“(Y/N)!” It takes only a few seconds until you see Bjorn kneeling by your side. “Are you alright?”
“I just fell from a horse and rolled down a hill!” You speak fast, the pain on your back making itself aware. “Of course I'm not fine!”
“Let me take you–” He says as he starts to pull you up.
“No.” You cut him off, slapping his hands away. Bjorn has done enough for today. If he wasn't trying to be a freaking show-off, this wouldn't have happened. “Go get–”
“(Y/N)?” You hear his voice and breathes out relief. “I heard a yell.”
“Over here. Lying on the ground.” Annoyed, you cover your eyes with both hands. “Can you please see if my ankle is broken?”
“What happened?” He asks in a low voice, and you uncover your eyes to see him jumping to the ground, kneeling next to your stretched out leg.
“Bjorn made his horse bolt up the slope and mine followed.” You explain, giving him a hard glance, groaning when Hvitserk lifts your leg to remove your boot. “Easy there!”
“Sorry.” He mumbles. “But calm down, it's not broken, just sprained.”
“Shit.” Taking a deep breath, you sit up taking off the other boot as well and throwing it at Bjorn. “You can't keep yourself from getting me hurt, can you?”
“Me? Everything you had to do was hold on. The horse–”
“I'm not a Viking!” Bursting out, you look up at him. “I'm not some shieldmaiden, I'm still trying to fit in here and learn things. You can't expect me to follow your pace.”
“I just–”
“Bjorn, you should get back. Help father with the traders, I'll take her back to Kattegat.” Hvitserk interrupts him, and Bjorn leaves after a grunt, saying something you couldn't understand.
“And he thinks he has the right to be pissed!” Lying back down, you groan. “I think this is a sign to stay away from him. Every time he's in the situation, I get hurt.”
“Alright, c'mon.” Hvitserk pulls your arm until you're seated again. “You need to put some ice on this ankle, let's go.” Hvitserk takes your mare first, tying her up with his horse before mounting and pulling you up to ride with him.
Despite the slow pace he keeps, your back still hurts. Resting your head on his back, you sigh. “Why are you so quiet?” You ask after a while.
“I'm thinking about the right words to tell this to mother. She won't be happy.” He answers, a hand resting on his thigh as the other holds the halter. “She's not very fond of Bjorn already.”
“It was partially my fault too, I think. I let the halter slip and had nothing to hold on to.”
“You're know Bjorn likes you, right?” Hvitserk suddenly says, and you pinch your eyebrows together. This thought hasn't crossed your mind. “That's probably why he did that. That's how he... Gets a woman's attention.”
“Would you do the kindness of telling him it's not working?” Muttering, you rest both your arms on his back folding them as if his shoulders were a table. “Actually, I've been meaning to tell you... I met Ivar at the market place today.”
“...And?” He asks after a few seconds of silence.
“Nothing, just... It was nothing, really.” It's hard to understand exactly what you want to tell Hvitserk. You just can't seem to put your feelings or thoughts together. “I was looking at these things and he said they wouldn't suit me.” Stretching out your arm, you show him the bracelet. “I bought this there.”
“That's nice. But cheap.” Rolling your eyes, you remember Ivar said pretty much the same thing.
“He also said I'm kind. But that was probably in a mocking tone, so...” You get into Kattegat, and Hvitserk greets some people. “I don't know.”
“I believe it's safe to assume Ivar doesn't hate you.” Hvitserk slows down the horse when a group of kids run by. “If he did, he wouldn't put himself on your way like that... Or look at you the way he does.”
“And how does he look at me?” The words come out slowly because you're not sure if you want to know.
“The only thing I can say for sure is that he never looked at a woman like that.” You finally get to Ragnar's house, and Hvitserk asks a man to help you down. Once you're safe on the ground, he jumps off, telling the man to take the horses. “And I mean it in a good way.”
He puts a hand around your waist, helping as you jump on the right foot until the table in the main hall. “Do you think he–”
“What happened this time?” Aslaug asks, her voice already giving out that she's not happy.
“Twisted ankle. She fell from the horse.”
“Take her to her room, Hvitserk.” The Queen mutters, saying something to the girls who were following her. “And carry her this time if that isn't too much to ask.”
“Alright.” He replies, picking you up with a hand on the small of your back and another under your legs, quickly finding the way to your chambers.
Giggling, you give him a look “I love when your mother–”
“Careful with the teasing this time. I might just drop you to the floor and I don't care if your a princess who fell off a horse.” The fake angry tone makes you laugh again.
“My bad, Prince Hvitserk.” You snap back, rolling your eyes.
Aslaug has her maids help you bathe first, cleaning the dirt that is attached to your face and hair before lying you on the bed again and applying a piece of fabric with cold water on your ankle, keeping it elevated with some pillows. She isn't happy to know the whole story, despite you assuring her it's alright now. You could've died, she said, breaking your neck. But it's useless to worry about what could've happened. The best thing to do now is to focus on the ankle, which she said will be better in a few days, and let the whole incident go.
Later that night, you give little jumps to the main hall to eat something. It's just Ubbe and Bjorn, seated on a table at the corner. Nodding at them, not wanting to chat with Bjorn at the moment, you sit at the edge of the table in the middle, your back turned at both men, taking the jar and pouring yourself something to drink.
“How's your ankle?” Ubbe asks, and you look over your shoulder.
“It's fine. I'll be able to walk normally in a few days. But my back still hurts.” Completely ignoring Bjorn's existence, you turn away from them again.
Drumming your fingers on the table, you wait for the Queen's maids to bring your meal. When you feel someone moving behind your back, you assume it's them, and place your cup further away to open some space. But instead of the bowl with rabbit stew, a necklace is put down before you. And it's absolutely beautiful, with three blue stones surrounded by a golden metal, delicately molded around it. It's different from anything you've ever seen in Wessex. Taking it in your hands, you see Ivar dropping to the seat next to you, and you turn to look at him.
“What is it?” You ask, unable to hide the smile that comes to your lips.
“A necklace.” He simply says, and you roll your eyes at his tone. What a way to ruin the mood.
“Yeah, I noticed.” The smile slowly drops as your eyes go back to the piece, fingertips caressing one of the stones.
“This was made for a princess. Not those cheap things.” He gestures at your bracelet, and you giggle.
“Well, this is absolutely beautiful.” Glancing at him, you find he was already staring. “Is it for me?” You inquire in a lower voice, not wanting to make any assumptions that might embarrass you.
Ivar nods, lightly pushing your shoulder. “Turn around. Let me put it on.”
Doing as he says, you turn your back at him. Ivar takes the necklace and places it around your neck, and you hold your hair up so he can close it on the back. Once he's done, you let the hair fall before turning to face him, folding your left leg and carefully laying the wounded ankle on the bench between you and Ivar. “How does it look?”
You wait for an answer, but it doesn't come. Ivar's eyes were fixed on the necklace, but slowly, they come to meet yours. Tilting your head to the side a little, you feel heat spreading through your cheeks.
Shaking your head lightly and looking down, you take a deep breath. “Have you heard that I fell from a horse this afternoon?” You're glad you got your brain to function, changing the subject. “Twisted my ankle.”
Ivar's stare falls to your bare feet on the bench, the skirt of your dress pulled up to your knee. “Mother told me it was someone else's doing.” As he speaks, Ivar gives an angry stare at where his two brothers are, and it's obvious who he's looking at. “But I think you'll survive.” You feel his fingers caressing your skin, from your knee and down through your calf, so softly you wonder if he's really touching you.
“I will.” You assure him, biting back a smile.
“Ivar,” Ragnar calls, and it does take a while until you both look at where he's standing, near the thrones. “Your mother wants to speak with you.”
“What now?” He asks, annoyed.
“I don't know. Go ask her.” And he disappears.
“Guess I'll have to go.” He glances at you, grabbing the clutch.
But before he can push himself up, you grab his arm. Perhaps you shouldn't do it. Perhaps this whole thing is just some kind of joke he's pulling on you, but still, the necklace is beautiful and he was... Kind. So you lean closer to him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for the gift. It's very beautiful.”
Ivar is frozen, even after you let go of his arm. He stands there, blue eyes locked on yours. Slowly, painfully slow, a smile comes to his lips. And it feels different. True, genuine. “You're welcome, princess.” He whispers before pushing himself up to his feet and walking away.
You're still a little dazed when the rabbit stew comes, and you can do nothing but play with the spoon. But heavy footsteps get your attention, and when you look at your side, you catch a glimpse of a very angry Bjorn disappearing inside.
He saw everything. And it takes you by surprise to notice that, the moment you laid eyes on Ivar, you immediately forgot Bjorn and Ubbe were here. Everything just... Faded away, and there was nothing else, just you and him. And this is not the first time it happens.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon and I actually was skipping through the official City of Mizu episode and realized I missed Skeppy as a idol. So if you follow Skeppy you get to learn about different kinds of gems and what they can be used for, get trained on proper safety when mining, what to look for and avoid when mining, and they also get to go on supply runs that specifically require mining, though not many people follow Skeppy because mining is dangerous. Also I missed Charles personality a good bit so ima change it to where he's still quite, reserved and anxious, but is adventurous, curious, dedicated to his interests, and when given the chance or talking about his interests he gets very excited and talks a lot. Like a excited puppy. 
1: People can get kicked out of a idol following for many reasons, like disrespecting the idol and their peers, claiming some of the history their learning is fake, attacking anyone in the city (like stabbing, they just get chastised for fist fights), and breaking multiple rules of the city. And some people don't choose a idol, though its highly unlikely as those who don't know what idol to pick tend to pick Tommy or Tubbo. Those who choose not to choose a idol, tend to only work in farming, as its a easy job to learn. Its for these people that the idol-less council member was added, the council member also represent other cities and kingdoms that do still acknowledge and trade with Mizu. Most houses are actually built out of the side, like how we saw the idol rooms in the official episode, and their kind of scattered about, theres some halls filled with homes, but some halls have no homes. The halls with the homes tend to be the biggest/widest halls of the city, as to allow for room for the families living there, and also because theres sometimes stores in this area. Some halls also have multiple levels to allow for more room, these specific halls are referred to as Residential Complex, and only house homes in their multiple levels. While halls that hold only a few homes arent called anything special. Because outside affairs are very complex, most kingdoms and cities ignore Mizu, treating them with disgust and some times, people who have done supply runs that go into cities have reported having higher prices on what they want to buy, and disrespect from all citizens and police. But some kingdoms and cities respect them and trade with them without any tricks. The councils main agurement in this situation is that, the nice city is very far away, a weeks travel, but the mean city is close, only a 2 day walk away. They agure about what to do and what city to travel too for all supply runs. And another agurement that the council often has is what to do with visitors, they had visitors in the past that had destroyed and stole items in Mizu while causing disruptions, but some also brought their own culture and items and happily exchanged said culture and items. So their conflicted on if visitors should be welcomed or turned away. 
3: He went through what Ranbob did, being held to high standards that he just couldn't meet. But unlike Ranbob, he spoke up about his problems and managed to get held to lesser standards and allowed time to recover. When he moved out he originally lived on his own in a forest, and because he was vulnerable to monsters he didn't know how to handle, he had to make many fast paced despite when cornered by monsters or when trying to save crops or his house. And since he was also the oldest child of a 6 child family, he had to constantly look after his siblings, giving him his father-like attitude and knowing how to help people in basically almost any situation. His siblings are (current ages) Nick-17, calm, information nerd, introverted and Benjamins favorite brother. Rock-10, a tiny gremlin that loved to mess with people, he often broke bones or broke items when playing due to his rough play style and broke rules, Benjamin was the only one who could calm him. Ion-16, a teen that is very adventurous and always wandering off, she always talked about traveling the world, the hardest one for Benjamin to keep track of. Stellar-13, in love with space, but other than that is a normal child, but she also has a fascination with monsters like enderman, often wondering where they come from, Benjamin doesnt have any strong opinions on her.  And finally, Juka-15, they are very invested in redstone, often experimenting on it and trying to make different things with it, often the stuff they make blows up, Benjamin admires Juka's persistence and love for redstone but also wishes they'd stop blowing up the damn kitchen. 
8: Totems do exist, their just so rare its not believed Techno managed to have and use one. So that part of the story got lost and left out over time. Pandoras vault has fallen, mostly because of a break out by Dream that destroyed most of it, and because it had fallen into disrepair. And they do have such advanced technology to make such a prison now, but they doubted the SMP had such technology and availability to do it in their time. And there is also a great lack of evidence (expect for the actual building, but even then people agure it was used for something else) supporting the existence of Pandoras Vault. 
Ran and Ranbob used to feel confused and hurt, not understanding why the world hated their home and why the world was so mean to them. Over time they learned why they where shunned, but still didn't completely understand. Eventually they grew used to it, and learned to avoid saying where they lived, unless they wanted to partake in a fight. They very very rarely say that they came from Mizu, as they had learned long ago from both classes and personal experience. But a few times it was revealed they lived in Mizu, they had to just endure it and move along, even though Ran really wanted to punch a fucker. They became friends when Charles went to him during the trip to the flower field, asking to join in on a game he was playing. Its a miracle the two didn't get a heart attack tbh.
10: He was not! Ranbob was too weak for Dream to access all of his powers. And Dreams constant hold of control and withholding food and all the essentials from him, made him even weaker. No one is aware of it, not even Ranbob. A mix of pissed, a weird sort of pride, and determination. The pride and determination is there because knowing Dream thinks that way of them, confirms that they're enough of a threat that Dream actually acknowledges them. And helps them believe that they could truly beat Dream if they tried. Though it also means Dream will try his damned best to kill them. 
13: Yeah he comes out on top, he still has some advantages over the others even without tatics, like his speed and he knows how to sneak around and use the area to his advantage pretty well. 
14: He seemed more finicky, more nervous and anxious. Constantly trying to seperate himself from the group when he tends to stay very close by. And more on edge/quick to snap at others.
 Ayy! Starting off with Skeppy and Charles, what a wonderful way to begin. How did Skeppy’s few followers mine? Were there mines under the sea floor? Did they travel out of Mizu to go find mines in the earth? 
1: Hm, interesting. The idol-less leader seems to have quite a bit on their shoulders, if they deal with all outside affairs. Were they specifically selected to learn their position? Since you said most of them farm, but all those politics and stuff seem kind of different from it. Does Ranbob remember any of the nice cities? Did either boy ever meet a former visitor that recognized them from back then?
3: Benjamin’s family sounds really cool. Does the gang ever get to meet them? If so, how do they get along with them?
8: Huh. Well, how about Woodland Mansions? What happened to those, to make totems so rare? So Pandora still stands today? Cool. Does the gang ever come across it? Where would it be located-or well, what areas would be around it? Is it used for anything else nowadays?
And that sucks. If this happens while the brothers are at odds with each other, do they still help each other out with it, since they’re being mocked about their home, or do they just ignore it, and such. How do their respective groups feel both about them being from Mizu, and how they’re treated for it, both before and after the two hauntings started to merge? Did it effect how they thought of them in anyway?
And that sounds cute. What game was it, and who won? 
10: Hmm. Was Dream aware he was causing Ranbob to become weaker, or was he that out of touch with human needs? Also, I think I remember way back then, you mentioned this part of Dream was the evil bits that survived his death.
What do you think would happen if they somehow managed to end up seeing the good parts, maybe with a similar artifact that Ranbob found in your supposed fluff?
13: Nice.
14: Oh, no. That’s not good.
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Okay, so a while ago I saw a (very true) post about how Deceit absolutely deserves to be carried princess style and then I spent two hours on pinterest looking at lolita style dresses that reminded me of him and as usual I am very obsessed with moceit and I may have accidentally fallen in love with the idea of prince Deceit and commoner Patton.
Deceit is a prince who is known throughout several lands for being very beautiful and has no shortage of suitors seeking his hand.
But he also has a reputation for being super harsh with said suitors and many a reknowned knight has been crushed by his harsh commentary
So it's sort of a thing, across the kingdom that he's incredibly gorgeous and highly desired, but no one seems to stand a chance because he's rejected everyone who's ever tried.
Enter Patton
We all love Patton as a baker. I also tend to like him as gardener, and he's seeking a job at the palace
So he's the new garden hand, he tends to the palace gardens, he's incredibly good with the plants, often to the point of irritating the people who work along side him
(His special trick is that he talks to the plants. They appreciate his jokes and regard him as a friend)
And maybe Deceit is taking a stroll in the palace gardens, he's admiring the lovely flowers and he hears Patton chattering away, joking around with the plants as he's watering them, as one does.
The jokes are ridiculous, ofcourse. As is the the fact that the man is talking to plants.
But also...kind of funny?
And then he turns a corner and actually catches sight of Patton, and...well.
He's not incredibly handsome.
He definitely isn't staring
He wouldn't even think to notice that his shirt sleeves have been rolled up
Or that his ands and forearms look incredibly strong, presumably from hours working in the garden (he wouldn't know; he's a prince, his keeps his hands nice and soft and covered in gloves in all times if he can help it, thank you)
The way Patton's hair is falling in eyes a little bit and the fact that he has a bit of dirt in his nose is kind of endearing was exactly the kind of thing he might have sent a desperate suitor packing for
(Look, it's nothing personal, he just doesn't particularly want to get married and no one ever gave him the option to just...not have suitors. So instead he has to find other excuses to be rid of them)
Anyway, so here's Deceit, not staring at the garden hand busy at work, and trying to come up with a suitably clever remark to make the boy look up from his work
Why is that something he wants, you ask? How dare you question the prince.
Anyway, so as Deceit is standing here trying to think of something cool to say and wondering why it's so hard all of a sudden
Patton makes a funny joke, and Deceit laughs
Which is frankly, mortifying, but it does get Patton's notice
It's a very cute laugh. And it's definitely not a laugh that Patton has heard before
Seriously, about three people working at the palace laugh at his jokes and he knows what they sound like
So he turns around, and he's face to face with the prince and...wow
Patton has heard the rumors, he knows, as a fact, that the prince is handsome
And he's seen Deceit from what's considered a respectable distance, considering the disparity in their social status
But this is his first time really seeing him, and the rumours do not do Deceit justice.
He's the prettiest man Patton has ever laid eyes upon
He's quite a bit taller than Patton, but he looks so...sweet, and delicate, with his fine clothes, and the way his face has gone all pink from being caught watching the gardener
Patton knows, he's fully aware that if a member of the royal family comes across him while he's working, he's supposed to bow respectfully, and greet them by their title, and not say anything else until they ask him a question
Instead, he decides to risk his job and his head by outright grinning at the one of the most feared nobles in the land, and ask him what he thinks of the the flowers that he's been hard at work planting
Look, he couldn't help it okay!
It's not his fault, you try looking into those eyes and still being able to remember protocol!
Deceit is taken aback, obviously
Not only is his behaviour wildly inappropriate, no one's ever talked to him in such a casual manner before!
...No one has ever talked to him like this before
He might actually kind of like it
Patton's accent is not what he's used to hearing, and he knows he's meant to scoff at the frank manner of speech, and all the slang that he doesn't understand
But he doesn't want to
It's kind of cute, he decides, and it's doing things to his insides that he wasn't aware was possible
And even if Patton's voice is a little rough around the edges, the way he's gazing at the young prince is anything but
And even when he decides to be cheeky and overstep his bounds even further by suggesting that prettiest flower in the garden certainly hadn't been planted by him, or anyone else for that matter-
It's certainly not the first time Deceit's received a compliment like that, but the way Patton says it, while biting back a grin, as if he knows he shouldn't but he couldn't help himself anyways-
It's different, it's so very different to every other time he's heard it
And as for Pattton, if he thought Deceit's laugh was cute, he's far gone by the time the prince opens his mouth
His voice is just so lovely and smooth, and gosh, he just sounds like royalty, Patton is convinced that he'd do anything Deceit asked of him in a heartbeat, and it's not just because he literally works for the royal family
They end up talking for far too long, about the garden, about the weather, and how the weather is affecting the garden, until someone calls for Patton and he's forced to scurry away, and Deceit looks at his watch and realises that he's incredibly late for a meeting with another tiresome noble come to win him over (things do not go well for that guy)
When Patton is asked about why he took so long on one area of the garden, he tries to come up with a convincing excuse
Ultimately, it doesn't really matter how convincing his excuse is, because it doesn't change the fact that he is bringht pink and keeps quietly giggling to himself throughout the course of the evening
Eventually, a few of his friends manage to coax the truth out of his
They are (not unfairly) terrified when Patton shyly admits that he's been spending talking to the prince
They're even more horrified when Patton tells them he flirted with the guy
"I couldn't help it! He was just so cute, I spoke without thinking!"
"This isn't funny, Pat, you know it'll only end badly"
Patton does know, very well.
It doesn't change the fact that he goes to bed thinking about the prince all day.
(And possibly all night)
(At this point he doesn't knownif he can ever stop thinking about the prince)
Meanwhile, if Deceit thought his noble suitors were irritating before, now that he's talked to Patton, they've become downright unbearable
He can't stop replaying the casual way that Patton greeted him, as if he either didn't know or really, really, didn't care that society considered him to be far lower than the noble
It was kind of hot
It was incredibly hot
The lord currently attempting to sweet talk him is dismissed in record time and Deceit resolves to start going walking more frequently
Okay, wow, that ended up way longer than I thought it might, and I somehow still have more ideas. Should I continue this?
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