#also doesnt help that apparently the rest of the students here ALSO dont have access to materials to work properly
elegyofthemoon · 1 year
ngl tho if they dont have my schedule by the end of the day (bc they still havent given me one yesterday) i might explode 🤭
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legion1993 · 5 years
Forever begins with a battle and graduation!
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AN: my 3rd entry for the lovely @icantlivewithyou for her 800 followers challenge! i hope part 2 satisfies your rollercoaster story cravings! this also contains some research from the final movie/internet... plus im not sure but i might not be done with this yet... sorry about another rollercoaster of emotion and what not...
Prompt #18 “we can get through this, it doesn’t need to end like this.”
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Summery: nothing...
Masterlist     part 1
this day, this the first last day of school, now made your first first day look like a piece of cake... this was the start of the great battle of hogwarts... 
Now being newly engaged should never turn into a war with your in-laws right... wrong... that wasnt the case with Draco’s father... apparently getting engaged was never apart of the plan for Draco. 
Lucius: “draco, are you seriously gonna marry this brat... you can’t tarnish the family name just for the sake of marrying your soulmate... i wasnt supposed to marry your mother but yet we are what we are... now are you gonna really embarass us in front of the dark lord...”
Draco standing by your side both of you with the wands ready froze when he said the dark lord...
Draco: “he who must not be named is coming here...”
Lucius: “thats right he is actually dealling with your headmaster as we speak... i came here to grab you and make you come with us and help us destroy this pathetic school and rebuild it just for pure blooded wizards... but if your not with us then you shall die as well...”
Mcgonigal: “lift your wands students cast every single attack spell you know... older students help the younger ones... keep the school safe... Yn, Draco, Harry, ron & Hermione let me and the other professors deal with these bozos you 5 please go help the headmaster and anyone whose with him...”
you your fiance and your friends all popped off to the boarder to see the power struggle between Dumbldore and Voldemort... Harry let off a loud whistle this was when the air filled with light and the order appeared along side you guys...
YN: “welcome thank you all for coming as quickly as you did... we are under attack people need help inside, we need help here... can you guys pick and choose who goes where and can some people also check the rest of the grounds... this is a strict destroy all death eaters thing... we want none of them to be here at all send them all to azkaban...”
the order divided themselves... some going to the school, the rest staying with you guys... 
Lupin: “what do we do?”
Draco: “we learned this in Defense against the dark arts, we have to disrupt the streams... the one thing thats forbidden to do...”
thats when it happened... thats when you all watched as the stream was broken by Voldemort changing his spell, this caught everyone especially Dumbledore off guard... for as quickly as dumbledore cast the spell, it hit Dumbledore and he fell down in death... 
the lot of you watching this sent his body to the ministry with a fire message saying ‘Voldemort is responsible, Hogwarts is under attack. please send help.’
you lot now were the only things standing between Voldemort and the school...
Voldemort: “ I know that you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me and hope to win. I want to kill you. I once had the great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I once did not want to spill magical blood but that will quickly change if i dont get what i want. Give me Harry Potter, and they shall not be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave the school untouched.”
YN: “has anyone ever told you that you talk too much...”
Draco: “i’ll never join your side baldy...”
Harry: “we will stand and fight to protect our friends, our family, our home, our school, to keep the light of good magic alive... for its within us that we call forth the magic within, its in everyone of us... we all have it, we all have access to it, we can use it to keep our hearts and spirits our light from never going out... now leave our school and never return or so help me we will all kill you... you kill our headmaster you want me, well then Tom lets finish this the way we started it together...”
Harry stepped forward and with his wand at the ready, when everyone went to follow him, he stopped you and turned to face everyone... 
Harry: “i have to end this, it has to be me... i’m sorry but this started because i lived, because he didnt kill me. i wont let him kill everyone whose standing here just because he wants to kill me... please stay here and be ready in case i fail...”
Harry went in duel stance across from voldemort.. you huddled into Draco, you were scared this was the freakiest thing you had ever seen... 
harry had been speculating for a while now about the Elder Wand, now with that residing in the hands of Voldemort as a show that he was the one who killed Dumbledore now Harry would get to see if his assumptions were correct...
Harry: “Expelliarmus...”
Voldemort: “Avada Kedarva...”
as soon as he cast his spell, Harry gave all who were around him the same message he had given to Lupin but a few years before: this was about ending bloodshed, not creating it...
voldemorts spell looked like it was working when it collided with Harry’s, they clashed for a while till Harry’s spell actually made Avada Kedarva knock back on itself... it went back and hit Voldemort killing him as expelliarmus brought the elderwand straight to harry.
Harry shortly after that collapsed from exhaustion...
You and Draco popped back to the school, half the students were scattered, the staff numbers had lowered, Snape was standing in a verse off with Mcgonigal, that moment Draco’s father and mother spotted the 2 of you... coming and standing across from both of you, it was your turn...
Lucius: “look Narcissa i told you that our son was betraying the family name by marrying some half wit who has no right to call herself a pureblood...”
Narcissa: “thats a pure blood brat, she wreaks of mud blood... she is no good for our son we must stop him from making the wrong choice Lucius...”
Lucius: “lets kill the little brat, but also our son if he stands in our way...”
Narcissa: “after you my dear husband...”
Narcissa standing before you as Lucius did Draco... before the duel began you slowed time for a few seconds to talk to your fiance...
YN: “we can get through this, it doesnt need to end like this...”
Draco: “it wont end like this, it will end with us growing old together...”
YN: “lets end this quickly...”
Draco: “as a team...”
YN: “i love you...”
Draco: “i love you too...”
both of you unfreezing time waiting for the battle to start... you chose your spell, Draco chose his spell, Narcissa and Lucius obviously chosen their spells... everyone was ready...
YN: “it was a shame i was looking forward to having a set of in-laws who would treat me as if i were their own should anything happen to my family... but i guess Draco was right, you guys only want what you guys want, you don’t care about what Draco wants, you dont care about anyone else’s needs but yours and voldemorts... well i got news for you Voldemorts no more..”
they stopped dead in their tracks...
Narcissa: “what did you say to me you insignificant little brat?”
thats of course when Draco pipped up too...
Draco: “thats right, Harry finished it as he said he would... the Elder wand that Voldemort took from Dumbledore after he killed him sent Voldemorts killing curse meant for Harry back at him... now its time for you 2 to leave...”
you cast your spell while they were distracted... 
YN: “Diffindo”
aiming at Narcissa’s wand first, then again immediately after at Lucius’ cane...
the second you did that they both realized what happened... 
Lucius: “you insolent little children... we should...”
thats when the order stepped beside you both... Lupin leading the bunch, no one backing down even though the wands of Draco’s parents were broken.
Lupin: “i R.J Lupin under the authority of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix hereby place Narcissa & Lucius Malfoy under arrest under the charges of assault, murder, attempted murder and so on and so forth... not to mention child abuse and hereby sentence you both be taken immediately to the minstry to stand trial for what you both have done...”
Lupin stands beside you and Draco as the rest of the order comes along side Narcissa and Lucius taking them away... Lupin turns to you and Draco...
Lupin: “i must know YN how did you learn that spell? it was never apart of the cirriculum here...”
YN: “summer reading, RJ. it was a hobby of mine to learn spells i found to be quite eventually helpful. household spells, etc but this was one spell i never thought i’d actually use... outside of shredding documents and other important recyclables...”
Lupin: “the order and im sure the ministry will expect a visit in the next little while from you 2... being that you both were main party in this entire scheme with this being your parents mr Malfoy... i strongly caution you both to stay here at the school till the ministry and the order has deemed everything safe... then we will call you guys in...”
Draco: “RJ you were YN’s favorite teacher, you taught her what she needs to know... but today before the fighting started i made a statement to the school and to YN...”
you held out your hand and showed it to RJ and any other order member around... congratulations started flowing again... but the school was still badly damaged...
RJ: “well well well, i hoped that you both would figure it out on your own... i hope the order as well as the ministry get invited to your wedding. i guess you both will want time to figure out the particulars as well as finish your final year at hogwarts...”
you and Draco pulled out your wands and watched as all the professors and students did too... 
all together: “Reparo...”
this was how the school got rebuilt... magic from every witch and wizard on the property... that and the belief that anything is possible... though damage still remained on the property, no amount of any spell or charm could mend the loss that the school had suffered...
once the school was running again the professors and some of the teachers listed you and Draco as their protege’s meaning when you graduated you both would be professors here...
the year was not without its hardships but the biggest event of the school year was coming fast only 3 months to go...
YN: “okay class its like Professor Mcgonigal always says if you listen to your pet, it will tell you things you could only ever dream about... before we end this lesson can anyone tell me why you must have a calm mind and a gentle wave of your wand when casting any type of transfiguration, spell or charm...”
a number of 3rd year students raised their hands, but you picked a young girl who was just staring at her cat...
YN: “how bout you staring at your little white cat... come on up here please...”
the girl came up to stand in front of you...
YN: “whats your name dear?”
Alice: “Alice...”
YN: “well alice do you know why you must keep a calm mind and a gentle wave when casting any type of charm transfiguration or spell...”
Alice: “cause it will help the spell to go as casted, or as its meant to be cast... it will also help your mind to push back the negativity...”
YN: “very good...”
you look toward the back of the room and see Draco leaning against the wall... you take in a nice deep breath and then turn back to the class...
YN: “for tomorrow i would like you all to bring in an object that means alot to you we will be transfiguring something we love into something we hold most dear to us... class dismissed... Alice would you talk with me for a moment or 2...”
Alice was one of your ravenclaws... you were surprised with how much she reminded you of you... you transfigured your cat back into a cat and she went immediately to the back of the class and jumped straight into Draco’s arms... 
YN: “Alice, i just wanted to say, your doing very well with everything in your studies but i want to check in and see how your doing with preparing for your finals...”
Alice: “YN if i can level with you they are alot tougher to study for than i thought they would have been...”
YN: “do you have any study buddies that you can kinda put your heads together and bounce study ideas off of ...”
Alice: “not really alot of the ravenclaws dont even acknowledge that i exist...”
thats when Draco was in earshot, he was approaching the front of the room anyway so he chimed in...
Draco: “then look for children not from your house, that are in your classes that you can partner with to study... or we could even help you go over it... i mean thats if you cant find anyone but from what YN has told me, you are one of the brightest kids she has ever taught...”
You were very impressed with how well Draco handled himself... he was amazed that even though you only had 3 months left of being students at Hogwarts it would only be a matter of time before you both were back as professors...
YN: “exactly... and its true Alice, compared to alot of the others, you are one of my brightest students... now run along you mustn’t keep professor Snape waiting...”
Alice gave you a hug and fist bumped Draco as she ran out the door her cat trailing behind her..
Draco had put your cat on one of the nearby tables before he wrapped his arms round your waist...
Draco: “now i can greet my gorgeous fiance properly... hi...”
YN: “hi...”
thats when he kissed you, you were practically sitting on your desk at this point... but when the kiss broke he leaned his forehead against yours...
Draco: “ugh i wish it was skip day... cause we would go on a outing a stroll through hogsmede... get into some mischief...”
YN: “i know love but its not... unfortunately we have Defense against the dark arts now...”
Draco: “ugh why do they still feel the need to teach defensive spells and charms if you know who is gone...”
you shrugged but then both of you got a fire message... ‘meet outside the great hall in 2 minutes its urgent...’
both you and draco along with your cat left the room immediately for the landing outside the great hall... this was the confusing thing there wasnt really anything or anyone there...
your cat however thought differently... for she started hissing and growling at something... 
Draco: “i hear footsteps... be wand ready just in case...”
there were footsteps now getting louder and louder... thats when Harry, Ron and Hermione all came bounding down the stairs...
Hermione: “thank god you guys got the fire message.”
YN: “ya we did whats wrong...”
Harry: “Defense against the dark arts is cancelled today... there was a strange attack we think you both should see this...”
you Draco Harry Ron and Hermione all go to the scene of the new crime... 
this scene looked similar to the year 2 incident with the chamber of secrets and such... save for one thing.. there was blood coming off the victim... the sight horrified you, it almost made you and Draco toss your lunch... 
as i said similar to the chamber of secrets incident except alot worse... there was also a blood written message on the wall as well...
‘the chamber of secrets isnt finished with you yet hogwarts... there are far worse secrets in each common area... figure out this riddle and you will have solved the greatest mystery hogwarts has ever known since the creation of the school...’
you guys spent the next little bit in every spare second between studying for finals and such trying to figure this out... you were in the library on your spare combing through every single word of that riddle... 
it was several hours later that you finally figured something out... you discovered a truth... 
YN: “of course thats it... secrets in each common area... meaning there is a secret hidden in the common room of each house...” 
once you established a meaning, you gathered with the others and planned to corral each of the heads of houses and see if you guys with their permission figure out the riddle.
that is exactly what happened. for in each common room, revealed to be a series of underground tunnels leading to yet another hidden room. within this room stood a pedestal on this pedestal sat a small hole it looked to be fitting a ring... 
on the pedestal scribed an inscription: in the name of magic we the 4 bare the product of friendship and love, we the 4 give our product of love.
great another riddle... now you were getting annoyed... after careful consideration it was clear that only 4 of you could go on, Ron decided to stay back for he could help much more at the school. 
you, Draco, Hermione and Harry placed the ring on the pedestal that opened a stair case, this led into the room of requirement... this was where you guys had a huge part of your encounters with dark magic over the years at hogwarts... 
you guys exited the room of requirement feeling astranged... 
YN: “it was just a series of tunnels... damn it... oh well come on guys lets leave this be we have finals starting next week then graduation to prepare for... leave this alone for now.. we may have to reconveine with this at a later date but right now its not our biggest priority...”
everyone could agree on that... the next 2 weeks were spent in numerous study sessions... ones that usually ended with you, draco, harry, hermione and ron passed out in the library... this was how it went on, but the day before the finals, you guys decided to take a mental health day... 
Draco: “well technically it is now skip day... have you gotten your dress and such yet?”
you had completely forgot about that...
YN: “oh shit no i havent... can we see if mcgonigal will let us leave...”
thats when you guys heard a voice pipe up from behind...
Minerva: “Draco, YN where do you think you would be going?”
YN: “professor i forgot to get my dress for graduation... please i need to have this next few hours to go into town and find one please... ill even take my fiance with me...”
Minerva popped out 2 off school passes for both you and Draco... both of you heading upstairs to get out of your uniforms meeting outside the revolving stairs... 
Draco: “alright love lets go...”
you guys popped over to london square, the most popular spot for many a folk to shop and spend quality time... you and draco strolled hand in hand through many a shop looking for something that catches both of your eyes... 
it was about 2 hours later when you both entered one of the expensive shops on the stretch... 
Associate: “welcome may we help you?”
YN: “yes i need an evening gown... and im pretty sure my man here needs a suit..”
associate: “of course... let me show you both where you are to look... do you have kind of an idea of what your looking for...”
You and draco shook your heads...
Draco: “we will know once we see it...”
Draco began looking at suits, you however were going through dress by dress nothing was catching your eye, till you found one... it happened to be your size, you pulled it down and waved over the associate... 
Associate: “would you like to try this on miss?”
YN: “yes please... Draco love wait by the mirror for me ill be right back...”
Draco waited by the mirror having found his suit which he got one size up incase of emergency... magical sewing and heming gotta love it... you were in the dressing room getting into the dress with the help of the associate...
Associate: “that looks so good on you, it also fits you perfectly... how does it feel?”
YN: “it feels amazing! i love it! lets go show my man!”
you and the associate walked out of the room and into the main space... Draco’s eyes landed on you immediately, his eyes saying everything... 
Draco: “damn babe you look hot... like hot hot... we will take this dress and this suit...”
Associate: “of course just come to the counter when your ready...”
you and draco used magic waited a few moments for the camera’s to magically show you going to the dressing room, a 8 minute interval of Draco pacing round before you coming back out holding the dress... 
you and draco came back to the front of the store, the associate smiled as Draco handed her a check he had written out while waiting for you... you both walked out of the store now having your attire for grad you were all set...
finals were a piece of cake... packing your stuff up not so much... lots of memories and stuff... but thats okay you would be back here soon you hoped...
graduation day arrived fairly quickly... this was when the bathrooms were never clear the day when the castle was a bustle and mustle with lights, music, speeches etc... 
you and Draco both decided to use the shared prefect bathroom... to kind of have some alone time plus to talk, kind of make a plan for after graduation...
draco: “so after this we are going back to the apartment... like we did for christmas break except for permenant...”
YN: “yep... we also have to finish moving in all our shit and tell my parents about the engagement...”
Draco recalled christmas where you guys hadnt broken the news yet to your family... 
Draco: “yes umm right we need to do that... well that will be a first for both of us...”
you put the bottom half of your dress on no problem but doing up the top half was tricky... so you yelled back to draco...
YN: “babe if i come out holding myself in place can you do up the top of my dress...”
Draco: “of course give me 2 seconds i just have to finish doing up my belt...”
you attached the built in bra on your halter to your boobs... holding it there you waited for Draco to say he was ready... 
Draco: “back out slowly babe once you feel my hands on your back thats when you stop...”
you started backing out, that step count was about 10 before you felt Draco’s hands on your back... he did up your mid back first, then slowly planted kisses along your neckline doing your halter the rest of the way up. 
standing in the mirror side by side you both looked at eachother... but the one thing you were yet to do was help Draco with his tie... Draco had waited for you before doing that so he could see that you were dressed first... 
Draco: “babe this will be the night of nights... we are finally graduating... then our forever starts...”
YN: “you know we wont be leaving hogwarts permenantly if the professors decide to give us teaching positions here...”
Draco: “i know love, but at least we wont have to worry about anyone or anything coming after us...”
this was true, you guys didnt have to worry about anything... as you helped Draco finish getting ready his eyes had not left your own this was why you hoped your family were gonna accept Draco the same way the school now did... 
you and draco now fully dressed, stood side by side... 
YN: “do you think we are gonna have any trouble tonight...”
Draco: “we better not i mean it would be nice if we didnt...”
YN: “then we should get going the ceremonies are gonna start soon... we don’t want to be late for our own graduation!”
you and Draco walked out hand in hand towards the great hall. this was to be one of the finest hours in hogwarts history... or at least the history concerning your time at hogwarts.
you both emerged at the stairs before the hall... everyones eyes turned towards you both... your eyes on the people below as you both decended the stairs with grace and poise. 
Hermione Harry and ron greet you at the bottom.. 
Hermione: “girl that dress is gorgeous...”
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you had to agree, Draco certainly had no objections to your dress, mind you, you had no objections to his suit either!
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YN: “thanks ive only owned it for a few hours.”
Harry: “we will be called in in a few moments McGonigal is just making a few introductory announcements...”
waiting a few moments you guys heard the following statement.
Minerva: “now students i present to you Hogwarts graduating class of 2019!”
hand in hand in rows of 2 you all entered... sitting in the seats at the front of the hall...
Minerva: “well done students, i am so very proud of you all, now i invite YN YLN to deliver the final address for the class of 2019!”
you got up and went up to the podium... 
YN: “well guys we made it, through life challenges arise, its through those challenges that we grow, individually and together. with this crazy crew of people i couldnt be happier to be saying we made it guys, we made it through. this year brought many hardships and troubles... at the start of the school year, we arrived only to find that hogwarts was being attacked... we lost the greatest headmaster this school had ever seen that day, but the bonds formed then stay with us for the rest of our lives. today marks the beginning of the rest of our lives, today we graduate to find our futures set before us in many many ways. for me im gonna finish moving out of my parents place into my own place... then soon i shall be getting married to a man who makes my heart soar! we will be as happy in our future as we are now. but to the rest of my friends here i just want to say thank you, for the support and for the way you all stepped forward to support me when everyone else thought i would fail. learning is meant to be challenging, learning is also meant to be fun... today marks the beginning of the rest of our lives, if you have a plan i encourage you to follow it, if you have a dream i encourage you to chase it, if you have no plan or dream i encourage you to follow the little curves that life throws at you... lets live for today like its the last day of our lives!”
the room errupted with cheering and praise as you invited the minister of magic up...
cornielius: “very well put YN... now to the class of 2019 i present your diplomas... but before i send you your diplomas i have a few things to award... if YN, Draco Malfoy, and Harry potter could come up here please!”
you were already half way back to your seat, but decided to walk back up the stage with Harry and Draco.. you all stood before the minister and ever so poiltely smiled...
Cornielius: “there is sometimes one in every class but this year there are 3. this first position is for my Harry James Potter, harry my boy i am extending to you a full position at the ministry with me!”
Harry held out his hands and recieved a piece of paper with the terms and conditions of his employment. 
Cornielius: “Draco Malfoy i extend to you the position of teaching defense against the dark arts next year at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry...”
Draco held his hands out to recieve his teaching certificate...
Cornielius: “YN in all my years as minister ive never seen anyone stand up for what they believe in so strongly, which is why as of right now you also are gonna be teaching at Hogwarts too... Minerva needs someone to take over her class while she becomes headmistress of hogwarts.”
a teaching certificate came into your hands as well.. then the minister waved his hands and diplomas flew into the entire graduating classes hands... the party after that was a blast, if only you could remember half of it... 
~ps... wont be able to put out part three for 10 days im away with my family! but feel freee to reblog and share with your friends. also hit me up in messages if you wanna chat!~
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