#also for some reason I only enjoy drawing on Roblox
dogtoling · 9 months
🧠+🍀 for engel
also including doodle i did on roblox for absolutely no reason because why not i like him
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OK CUTE THIS IS AWESOME... ROBLOX??? i feel like i have a warped perception of what roblox is. THANKS!
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
um hard question. To be honest i just like giving characters Problems. So the fact that he's uncomfortably relatable in a lot of aspects is a big plus. I also greatly enjoy his design. he's also very fun to write whenever I do that once in a blue moon. but just for the sake of picking ONE THING that i like the MOST... have you seen his face(s)
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literally do it for him. Like what can i even say. He's also the Only OC pushing me out of my comfort zone with drawing clothes, because my go-to is making every outfit all-black and giving everybody black t-shirts when I don't feel like figuring that out, and he outright dislikes wearing black so I actually cry and scream every time I have to give him a fit. But like it's doing something for my mental wardrobe so that's something.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
This one i did actually answer already on a previous ask - so I'm skipping over that beginning part and talking about how we got here instead! He was kind of a nothing OC at first, and usually, or at least way back when, whenever I'd have nothing OCs I'd redesign them a million times, they'd rot, and then at some point I'd pick them up by the scruff and just... randomly assign them somewhere until the position just magically works and they become something. Engel turned from a nothing OC into an actual OC when I decided he was going to be Peppermint's best friend (who was also kind of a nothing OC at the time, she was someone i drew somewhat regularly but who had NO LORE), and going from the I honestly don't really remember how I ended up coming up with Deep Sea Dead Zone. Probably the exact process of assigning OCs around until it feels correct.
here's an ancient drawing of early deep sea dead zone and possibly the first time I drew them. I don't even know what species engel is supposed to be here. Potentially an Angel Octopus again, which was the species he was initially designed after... this picture even has Tali who is now their producer or whatever. (The shark.)
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loveartkelis · 1 year
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My warrior cats oc Kuran! (Later Kuranclaw) based on when I played a role play in Roblox. He’s an apprentice at this age, he hasn’t gotten his other scars yet.
He’s a cat that came from the city who was cast out of his family with a scar on his face after accidentally leading a pack of dogs and hiding while they killed some of their family members. He runs away and meets some other dogs who didn’t seem want to kill him. He grows a positive outlook on dogs (out of hatred for his family and to secretly cope with the horror of witnessing dogs kill some of his family) and gets raised by the dogs and learns to understand their language.
He develops dog-like mannerisms and completely buries his trauma of dogs but as he grew alongside the dogs, they tried to hide the fact that they ate cats, the only reason they didn’t eat him was because they actually saw he was cast out because of the other cats and understood how it felt. He finds out but he reacts the opposite and forces himself to eat cats as well. He fools himself into enjoying it.
A while later, he’s much more clever and sly, but still caring. He learns not to hesitate to kill, becomes a formidable hunter, and has enhanced senses due to his life with dogs. While out patrolling the city borters, Kuran decides to try to kill and eat a cat who happened to be from Windclan but due to the cat’s fighting skills, a piece of his ear is ripped off and becomes a fatal ear wound that causes his left ear to become slightly drooped. The cat escapes and he heads back home.
When he returns, he finds his dog family dead from the dogs that killed his original family. The dogs return and they attempt to kill him, but he narrowly fights and escapes with a wounded shoulder, scarred back and back paw.
At that point he’s a rogue apprentice who wanders into the forest but finds a clan of cats. Windclan. He felt the urge to eat and kill them, anger as he remembered his original family. Instead, he sits and watches the cats to observe how they treated each other to understand how to be around cats. After studying them, he joins the clan.
Many cats were skeptical and cold to him. He smelt of dog, he acted like one, and didn’t know how to communicate. He’s was also a bit standoff-ish and reserved, almost unsettling. Ironically, the same clan cat he tried to eat was in the clan and he struggles to hide his secret, trying to keep her (the clan cat) in check from spilling his dark secrets, despite it being purely on survival.
There’s more after but I’ll explain/try to draw more scenes and character art!
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keefwho · 27 days
August 27 - 2024 Tuesday
I had a lot on my mind when I woke up so I skipped my workout and cleaning. I didn't know what to make for breakfast so I stuck with a packet of soup. I wasn't planning on streaming because of my mood but I knew with how badly I need commissions to get done on time, I needed the focus. It was business as usual and some frustrating conversation.
After work I was finally able to get to the post office to mail out DS's birthday present. It was annoying though because I had to wait for the post lady's break to be over and then this absolute douchebag had me and 2 others waiting in line while he yelled at her about some nonsense that he wouldn't let her explain. I also stopped by mom's store to get drinks for the weekend and a muffin. For lunch I made a pack of ramen and one of those little cases of peanut butter crackers.
In the afternoon I finished a drawing I didn't care for too much just to get it out there and then I got stuck working on my pony world for 2 hours trying to fix something that I had to give up on. I finished the world though so I'm ready to post it whenever. Maybe on Friday. I couldn't do requests today because both people are in different time zones.
Just a little after I was done, DS and I chilled and watched some con cosplay videos. We saw her brother which was hilarious. We also peaked at that Alabama brawl situation and rode Living with the Land in Roblox. In bed we puzzled and talked about her potential Japan plans in the future. In regards to that, I'm just scared. I had it on my mind a bit today because of how easy it is for me to latch onto a thought and start imagining the worst. I knew I was doing that though. Even after a day to process this, I already know most of what I was thinking was blown out of proportion and I think my fear is much closer to something reasonable now. Things are just scary but I know I'll do my best to get through it. You can't have courage without fear after all.
I keep telling myself that on nights like this, I wasn't being me really and I'll do better tomorrow. But I was me, I am what I did. I am someone who doesn't have it in my sometimes and makes weird decisions. I'd like to make less weird decisions but I'm only human. I wish I could have enjoyed today more, or had the mental capacity to do some perspective taking like I wanted to today. I decided that tomorrow I think I wanna do 2 days straight in VRchat alone as a sort of little self exploration situation. I'm afraid of what I might miss out on in 2 days and worried about seeing it all the way through. I hope it's not a bad decision.
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getsillyyyy · 4 months
Redoing this because I don't like my first one
Hello! You can call me pinkz, pinky, or Benny! My favorite activities are drawing, listening to music, roleplaying, and staring at my wall(/j)
I absolutely LOVE talking about my ocs because they are just so silly! My favorite ocs right ATM probably has to be Randy and or noodles!
I love when people info dump on their ocs and let me info dump about mine! It makes me SO happy and I will be kicking my feet and giggling the entire time
If someone's oc is rotting in my brain for long enough I'll draw them 🥱
I'm a yapper if you couldn't tell ‼️ I won't shut up about something unless I run out of things to say to it (which is why I over explain things) I also have ADD/ADHD
I'm always up for anything unless it's actually fucking weird- you know what I'm talking about!
Favorite movies:
House of 1000 corpses
The fnaf movie(it's fnaf)
Rick and morty
American dad
Super jail
Occasionally Steven Universe
Animal jam
Creepy pasta (I've been in this one the longest and I don't plan to leave any time soon! Most of my ocs are based on here but they do hop fandoms. After some stuff happened none of them are considered creepy pastas)
Slender verse(my favorite is everymanhybrid‼️I need to finish it, I'm only in like 9 (?) episodes- idk I need to go look)
Super jail(my favorite character has to be Alice! I don't mention this one a lot 🥱)
Sally face(this is a fandom I keep getting pulled back into. I've had more.. Questionable experiences in this one back in 2021-2022
Bands I enjoy listening to that I can remember by name is ICP and Slipknot! Other than that it's pretty scattered. I'll listen to anything that isn't jazz/classical music or sad music (only one song but it's because in my eyes it's good and doesn't seem that sad)
people who infantilize characters. (Seriously, you're annoying if you do this. One of my ocs were infantilized A lot by other people because they had arm sleeves and couldn't talk properly. There's no reason to do this to people with disabilities man. He was raised by an animal cult, HE'S NOT GOING TO SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH AND BE A FUNCTIONAL MEMBER IN SOCIETY. It's gotten so bad I made it cannon he's babied and she HATES it. I'm ranting 😭 mb, (summary) It's just really annoying and makes me want to pull my hair out)
People scared of women with body hair, emos, or scene (I'm not changing my characters because you don't like it :3 I didn't ask for your advice so respectively keep it to yourself)
people into Alfred's play house. (I heard it's a bad fandom with a lot of romanticized SA, I don't want those type of people interacting with me or my content.)
That should be all for my little introduction post. Bye bye!!
Anyone else who is problematic!
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f2ucharacters · 10 months
If you're still looking for questions for an AMA:
What fandoms are you in/what media do you enjoy?
When did you start drawing?
How long does it usually take for you to finish each of these drawings?
What are some typical sources of inspiration for you?
Is there a reason why you draw fat representation when so many other artists don't? And thank you for doing so!
What are some of your favorite songs? Do you listen to music while you draw?
If you had to make a current hobby into a job, which would you choose?
If you could make a video game, how would you design it? What would the game be about?
Why did you decide to make a blog for posting free to use designs?
Do you like Thai tea? (I love Thai tea, had to ask)
HI thank you for asking!!! i always take questions because they are fun. here are my answers
i like homestuck, object shows, minecraft & roblox (if those count), things with dragons, and generally post-apocalyptic stuff i think
i've been drawing for most of my life, but i only started digital art in like 2017, so my go-to answer is 6 years (...it's almost 7 years and that's scary O_O)
it depends, but surprisingly, i take less than an hour on most of them. i make them all in batches of 20 or 25, and ibis paint also records the time i spend idling on the canvas, so i couldn't tell you the actual time.
it depends. sometimes it's character designs i like, sometimes a random idea hits me and i have to sketch it out real quick, sometimes i see a cool moodboard or image or something.
i just wanted to. i think some people just dont wanna get over the initial hurdle of learning to draw body types with fat, cuz after you learn it, its not that difficult.
i usually watch videos when i draw! but sometimes i will listen to music (it is usually by patricia taxxon, because she uses bandcamp). i don't really have a favorite song, but one i've been listening to lately is this (https://patriciataxxon.bandcamp.com/track/gdgegdgcdedhecetchcohthototo-2), and my favorite album is either _SNDWRK/gh or sixteen sketchbooks ago
gardening. i like plants and i like working outside
actually, i've had this idea for an RPG with my roblox OCs for a while now, but i'm too lazy to make it 😔 i've always liked the idea of making choose-your-own adventure type RPGs with like a ton of endings, where in each replay you can find something different about the game. this is mostly cause i like writing, but i don't like committing to ideas, so sometimes i just wanna add all the ideas at once. i don't know how to code though, so i've thought about using RPGmaker
I LOVE DESIGNING!!! i have been doing it since i started drawing. when i was in elementary i would draw wacky little monster designs. but i dont my designs for anything, and informally, i've always been saying that people can use my characters and ideas for whatever. so i just decided to make it official, lol. this blog is kinda like an advertisement
I LOVE THAI TEA especially thai bubble tea
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strawberrymolklover · 2 years
Things to do when bored because seriously
Hi guys, this is my first ever post and I’ve been hella bored since school has officially ended for me (like what? a month now but whatevs I’m still bored) and I’ve looked everywhere for things to actually do when I’m bored but nothing really *piques* my interests. I guess this is up to you guys if you want to do it or not, I am simply here to give my ideas on what I do to pass time and some generic things, but I’ll try to spice things up. Enjoy : D
1. Go to pinterest and make a vision board of your dream life (You could add the house/job/type of love/pets/car/places to travel/frienship groups that you would want).
2. If you’re desperate like me and want to move out, you can also create a vision board of your dream home in pinterest (add the furniture you like and what you would  want to include in your future home such as cool rooms like a secret library or a movie theatre).
3. Go on roblox - like seriously, it’s so fun. Even better with friends, huddle up on skype or discord and game all night, or day. Or play by yourself. Some good recs are Project Lazarus (A zombie shooting game), Hide and Seek (Deadass what the name says), Speed draw! (A drawing competition game) and Speed run 4 (Basically what the name says).
4. Download wattpad and read some weird fanfic, I haven’t touched Wattpad in a long time but I know it has some weird fanfics there, and I bet you’ll laugh so hard. I haven’t done this but go ahead and write “weird fanfics” and it’ll come up an example of funny fics might be with the weirdest people like “Tom holland and Jeffree Starr” (that’s acc terrifying). I remember one being “Trump and Obama fanfic”.
5. Go on Virtual Piano and play some tunes -  Even if you’re not a pro at playing the piano just try to find the right note of the song and play the melody, or press a bunch of notes lol. It’s fun and honeslty you feel like a musician lmao.
6. Write a letter to your future self. Do it rn. It’s honestly such a good thing to do, not only do you waste time but it’s literally a time capsule where you open it in like 5 years or longer. You’ll look back and think of how much times have changed, plus it’s really meaningful. You can write about certain topics like about how much have you think you’ve changed in 5 years time and guess about how you look like in the letter, or If you got your dream job in 5 years. Or did you meet the love of your life by then? It’s up to you.
7. Take time to actually watch something fun. Please do. Either it be a documentary or a movie or a gameplay on youtube - do it. Idk if it’s just me but I don’t like watching videos, especially movies for some reason. I just like to skip parts because I want to get straight into the action and watch the plot but if you actually find the right video to watch then automatically you’re hooked. Go buy tickets to that movie you wanted to watch in theaters or watch the show you wanted too all along on Netflix. Or binge watch some old childhood shows. Some recs I can give is Heartstopper (LGTBQ+ show), The walking dead game (Zombies duhh), Brooklyn 99 (Detectives + comedy in a nutshell) and Wild babies (Wild life docuseries) and Totally spies (Childhood cartoons).
8. Make a face mask - I don’t really like putting on face masks (I don’t like the wet and cold texture on my face) but there are a lot of pros of making one and lathering it up on your face. You can get rid of your acne and pimples, it rejuvinates your skin and makes your face look shinier. Go on google and search for a real face mask that you can DIY.
9. Make a list of countries you wanna visit and make an itinerary of it. Wanna travel soon? Good time to do this when you’re bored, am I right? Look into countries like Spain, South Africa, Vietnam or Colombia and go into detail about the things you want to do there and even plan out the hotels and activities you’ll do and go to. Put in gorgeous pictures of the place or some video links to remind you of countries you need to go to ASAP hehe. 
10.  Make a survival plan for fictional events, like a zombie apocolypse or an alien invasion. I am obsessed with zombie apocolypses (Mainly because of TWDG lol) so it’s fun to think of ways to escape and the gear you might wear, how you’d escape with your group of friends and what you might bring along with you. E.g if I was in a zombie apocalypse i’d wear leather jackets, bring a pocket knife, my transport would be a bicycle etc. If you want to, make up a mini story about the fictional event and how you would survive!
Alright, that’s all that I have because that’s all that I’ve done during my holiday, no fr LMAO. Hopefully that’s a bit different than your usual ‘things to do when you’re bored’ list, well not quite, I do have some already known things on the list but i’d recommend you to do it. Ik you guys might think that some things on the list are boring but for me I had lots of fun doing it, so hopefully they are to you lot. Have fun not being bored, toodles :P 
- Strawberrymolklover <3
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sometipsygnostalgic · 5 years
It’s been a long decade
This time 10 years ago, I was 14, sneaking onto my brother’s computer, waiting for the new year with @alphahas and a bunch of others on the Roblox forums. 
That doesn’t begin to express how much my life has changed this decade, but for some reason, it’s one of the most memorable parts. 
In 2010 - I gained my first drop of internet fame making DBZ-themed Roblox clothing, dropped out of school for 3 months leading up to the summer holidays, bingeread all the Twilight books, decided that my education was more important than my feelings about getting bullied, went back into school, got my first Xbox and Laptop, and began playing on Xbox Live 6 hours a day. 
In 2011 - I ditched Twilight for Discworld, made some new school friends for the first time in my life, played a LOT of Left 4 Dead 2 with my sister, got my heart broken by Modern Warfare 3, and at the end of the year, I moved in with my dad and his fiance for the first time - moving from a shitty, overcrowded, unclean house into a strict environment  where yes I do have to shower every day, and yes I do eat proper food with actual utensils rather than used paper plates.  
In 2012 - My dad and his fiance split up and kicked me back down to my mother’s house just before my GCSEs began, and I was obviously very unhappy about this, so I decided to bingewatch Adventure Time across the 3 weeks they took place. Fortunately my GCSEs survived the fallout. I became inspired to draw Adventure Time art, massively improved my digital art style within the space of a couple months, and opened my first tumblr blog dedicated to analysing Adventure Time. 
In 2013 - My blog kicked off, I was making plenty of friends during my A-levels, and I was deeply enjoying school for the first time ever. On top of this, my dad finally got a place of his own and invited me to live with him. I’m still living with him now and the quality of life is much better, everything is much cleaner, we have actual heating, I’m actually clean, I had a stable food source, I cannot describe how much the change benefitted my life.  Even if he is an unstable moody bastard. Oh, also, I read Homestuck.  
In 2014 - I got really fit at the start of the year going to gym 3 times a week, then I studied AMERICAN POLITICS in A-level (which 2 years later I’d deeply regret). I did better in my A-levels this year than the previous year, so evened out to B’s all round. It might have been better if my good sociology teacher didn’t get sacked for accidentally sabotaging every health and social care student...  Applied for university and got a placement in the best uni in Wales. Started Uni. Had tons of money for first time. Got fat very quickly, RIP my weight. Got depressed and lonely in Halls. Hated politics classmates. At the end of the year I deleted my Adventure Time blog, and.... started getting really into Homestuck. 
In 2015 - Opened up this blog (hello it’s been 5 fucking years!!!), slouched off in university, became a massive Terezi stan, drew lots of Homestuck comics. I ate a tons of Quiche as well. It was okay. I’m going to be honest, other than this blog taking off not a lot of interesting things happened to me in 2015.  However, Undertale came out this year, so that was cool.  
In 2016 - Found Dad increasingly difficult to live with as he was getting frustrated with... everything about me, for some reason. It sucked. Brexit happened, the US election happened, Homestuck Act 7 happened, Hiveswap went off the map. I don’t remember much about this year and I’m glad for it because I was not happy. I think this is when I joined the Homestuck Reddit though/ 
In 2017 - Graduated University!!!! Volunteered in a charity shop for a few months whilst looking for a job, did 5 weeks of crappy work experience in a job centre. What else happened this year? I’m sure it was a lot of things but really I can’t remember. Got myself a Nintendo Switch. Became a permanent member of the Homestuck Discord. 
In 2018 - I secured myself a job! Hooray!!!! This alleviated the tensions with my dad, because he was happy that I was finally working. We’ve been on good terms since. As irritating as working in customer service for 8 hours a day can be, I liked that I was doing something all the time and the year could be a memorable one for that reason, rather than fading away like the previous 3 years had. The year was capped off by Deltarune, and being given a fuckton of wine by work contractors. 
In 2019 - A lot of terrible videogames came out earlier this year but it was mitigated by the release of DMC5, which must be cherished by all. I was put on short-time in January after the first Reckoning, then I got my full hours back in March when given a new role. Then our main client went into administration, and the OMEGA-Reckoning happened and everybody else in my tier lost their jobs with me as the sole survivor. We had no wine this year either, which is the saddest thing honestly. Later in the year I started taking up driving lessons, and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to drive by spring, though my instructor thinks that is too optimistic. I’ve found driving tough because of how my brain works; I can only concentrate on one thing at a time, so when I’m doing something right I’m usually doing something else wrong.   
What am I doing today - Sitting here playing Persona Q2 and humming the new Pokemon OP to myself because it is catchy. I will probably open the champaigne soon. 
From 10 years ago I’ve grown significantly. It’s almost like I experienced my teen years later, because I was so stunted from how I lived. I feel like it’s only now I’m reaching the maturity level, and degree of self respect, to call myself an adult. I’ve always struggled with relating to people offline as well, but... I’m growing okay with that. Who needs other people anyway? They just bring in drama. If I’m comfortable being by myself, there’s nothing wrong with that.  
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robloxapkpro-blog · 4 years
Roblox Mod APK (Unlimited Money) Download
Roblox Mod APK (Unlimited Money) Download
Is it accurate to say that you are looking for Roblox mod apk boundless robux? Roblox is one of the most played and adventured game on the planet. Roblox apk assumes an extraordinary job in drawing in individuals to play this game. It is one of the well known games on the planet. This game is much the same as a world inside the game, which allows the player to player and make what he/she needs. This ongoing interaction lets the clients play with one another in the virtual world. Roblox Corporation is the organizer and proprietor of the Roblox game. You can introduce this game in Android/IOS, tablet and Windows 7/8/10 without any problem. There are a huge number of games on the planet yet Roblox is One of the best.
Roblox is included in most downloaded games on the planet in Playstore. It has in excess of 100 million downloads on just Playstore. This game is has a little similarity to the Minecraft game. It is allowed to play, however you need to utilize the cash to open additional highlights and to get Robux/cash. Try not to stress; you don't need to pay any cash on the off chance that you need boundless Robux/cash. I simply discovered roblox mod apk, and I had composed a total and simple strategy to get boundless cash/Robux. Simply read this article till the end, and you will get a total strategy to get boundless Money/Robux.
What is Roblox Apk:-
Roblox is an online multiplayer computer game and game making framework which encourages individuals to make their own game and furthermore play the games which are made by different clients. The engineer of this game is Roblox Corporation. The underlying discharge date of this game was in 2005. Clients can play this game on Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, iOS, and Android telephones and tablets. It has in excess of 100 million downloads in Playstore.
What is Roblox Mod Apk:-
Roblox mod apk is much the same as the Official Roblox Game, yet there are some additional highlights in this mod that you can purchase items inside the game totally free. You can likewise get boundless Robux. There is a worked in auto capacity of hostile to boycott, which causes you not to get restricted from the game.
Highlights of Roblox Apk:-
Here are some detail highlights of Roblox apk. Essentially download apk and make the most of its highlights.
Detail of Roblox Apk:-
Roblox is one of the most adventured and activity games on the planet. This game has a positive rating and has a great many downloads in Playstore. You can likewise encounter it by downloading Roblox apk mod. There is Roblox mod apk most recent variant. Simply download most recent form of 2020. This game is failing to get exhausted while playing.
Tremendous Community:-
There are numerous purposes for the network, and that is the reason this is viewed as the biggest gaming network on the planet. This developing game has a large number of month to month clients. Essentially interface with them and begin playing. There is an irregular playing choice and play with companions as well.
Express your Creativity Level:-
Roblox apk lets clients show their innovativeness level and aptitudes. There are few games that let clients show their innovativeness level. This game is additionally remembered for this rundown. It's an ideal opportunity to show your innovativeness towards games like Minecraft and Roblox. These are the reasons which make the Roblox game novel from every single other round of the world.
The primary concern that players consider is the illustrations of the game. The designs of Roblox are great. The illustrations of Roblox is very like Minecraft. In the event that you at any point played Minecraft game previously, at that point you will discover closeness in illustrations of Minecraft and Roblox. Another favorable position of this game is that it tends to be played in old cell phones absent really any slacking.
Game Controls:-
Roblox has simple game control. You can control developments utilizing your fingers. Players utilize their fingers on the versatile's screen to control their characters. Another uplifting news about this game is that you can tweak the controls. You can change the spot of controls anyplace on the screen. Roblox has a multiplayer highlight moreover. You can make your own reality with companions and play with them.
Roblox Apk Unlimited Robux:-
There are numerous splendid points of interest of utilizing Roblox mod apk. In the wake of introducing this apk into your android telephone, you get boundless cash to purchase anything, and you get boundless Robux. There is a splendid component in this apk that you can utilize it without establishing your telephone. You should require a cell phone and web for utilizing Roblox Mod Apk. There is another beneficial thing about this apk that there is a worked in against boycott framework that causes you to shield your record safe from getting prohibited.
Step by step instructions to Download Roblox Mod Apk:-
Here comes the primary concern of how to download Roblox mod apk into your android telephone. Lamentably, Roblox apk mod isn't accessible for some other OS like IOS windows, and so on. This apk has additional highlights from the first one, and you can purchase Robux from boundless cash. Basically click on Download Robux Mod Apk most recent adaptation, and your document will be begun downloading.
Step by step instructions to introduce Roblox Mod Apk:-
Just, click on the downloaded document of Roblox Mod apk and it will ask you a few consents. Essentially, permit them and it will begin introducing apk into your android telephone. When the establishment is finished, click on Open, and your Game will begin stacking. Simply enter your record subtleties and Enjoy.
Step by step instructions to Download Roblox Mod Apk in PC/Laptop:-
The component of Roblox apk is only for android, however here you can likewise play on the PC. You need to download Bluestacks before utilizing this. You can essentially download it from the connection underneath. In the wake of downloading the arrangement document, just introduce it. Subsequent to introducing, simply open the Bluestacks. You will get a portable looking interface. Just download the apk document in Bluestacks and introduce the apk record into bluestacks and afterward open the game and appreciate it.
Individuals Also Ask:-
Is Roblox Mod Apk is protected to utilize?
It is protected to use for your android telephone. There is no awful impact on your telephone. You don't have to pull your telephone for utilizing this apk mod. It is anything but difficult to utilize.
Do you Need Some Money to utilize it?
No, you needn't bother with any cash to utilize it, even not a solitary penny. Rather, you will get boundless cash inside Roblox through which you can purchase boundless Robux and symbols.
Do You Need Extra Fast Internet?
No, you needn't bother with any additional quick web for this reason. Simply keep a similar web, which you use to play the first Roblox game. That is it.
Folks, I trust that you have preferred our article. We had revealed to you a simple strategy to get boundless cash/Robux without any problem. On the off chance that you despite everything had any disarray, basically remark down in the remark area. We will attempt to answer to you inside 12 hours.
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nyquiloid · 3 years
THE (IN)COMPLETE ACCURSED SAGA OF FRANK KNOWBODIE & FRIENDS LORE (2021) ft. childhoodfriends both beloved and [REDACTED] AKA my surface pen broke so now you have to listen to me talk about cursed creations from 10 years ago (sheesh)
I was at the tender age of 7 (probably), my elementary school class was lined up in the hallway for a bathroom break. A teacher asked who was still left in the bathroom, and many children responded “Nobody”. There, at that moment, a (less than) brilliant idea formed in my head, I would create a personification of Nobody. I was already familiar with imaginary friends, so this was not new for me. A friend caught on and the name Frank Nobody was coined, then later it was altered to Frank Knowbodie. At the time it was an innocent creation, a mere childhood skit, it had no idea what I had started, but it was too late, the fire was ignited and there was no turning back. 
The first year or so of Frank’s creation were slow, an imaginary friend to laugh and joke about occasionally, but as I grew older, the layers would pile. 
SECTION A: A Homeland and its inhabitants
Frank’s story begins in a territory called “No Mexico” in a city called “Knowwhere”. No Mexico is located between the border of New Mexico and Arizona, and is only visible to the citizens and certain people who just happen to be allowed to see it (and subsequently all of its citizens and creatures). As No Mexico is not widely visible, neither are its citizens and creatures, again only certain people are born with the ability to see them. 
Frank and his family were all born and raised in No Mexico, on a Ranch/Farm. They were one of the largest producers of Moosicorn Milk. I Don't want to have to explain what moosicorns are. Theres really not much else there, they lived on a Moosicorn ranch.
When Frank was around 9 years old (presumably) his parents moved to our city in Florida. The reason why was never explicitly stated or explained, and to this day I still don't know ( and IM the motherfucker that created this).
SECTION B: Frank’s Personality & Physical Traits
Frank was a dweeby kid who was prone to getting violently bullied by both my friends and I AND the other kids in my class no shit. 
Frank was slightly shy, but one you got to know him he was energetic and in some people’s words “annoying”, but it didn’t stop him from his hobbies/interests. He liked climbing trees, and he liked animals. He would frequently get injured via both of these things. 
He was a tall and lanky kid, (canonically he’s a few years older than us), he had a farmer’s tan and dark brown hair ( in my mind he was always Mexican, but my [REDACTED] Co-contributor at the time imagined him as white, but IM the one who created him so I get to say what he is and he’s CANONICALLY MEXICAN)
His favorite color was a sort of faded periwinkle blue. He also had a liking to rainbow/holographic colored things because that was the color of  moosicorn milk, and it reminded him of home. 
SECTION C: His Family
Frank had four sisters and one (or two?) brother (allegedly? I don't remember most of them) 
He had an older sister (name forgotten/unknown) She was married with a daughter (names unknown) aka Frank’s niece. 
His other older sister was named Carrie (I think??) At the time of creation she was attending a local Highschool. 
His third older sister (name also forgotten) Who was four (?) years older than us, and attended our PK-8 school. 
His fourth sister was a year younger than us and three years younger than frank. (I think her name was Molly or Maria, but I might be wrong) she was the most prominent sibling. She was more charismatic than Frank, and was allegedly popular in her grade, she was almost the polar opposite of Frank. She had a cat named Luna. 
He had a baby brother who was named John. Not much there.
I think there was mentions of an older brother in between Carrie and the oldest, but most likely only mentioned once. 
His parents were named Bob and Melinda (?) and they were, (allegedly) very rich via less-than-legal activity. Maybe this is why they moved to Florida?
SECTION D: His Pets 
Frank Knowbodie had a beloved childhood pet “dog” named Porky. 
Porky was a rather chubby looking thing brown with black spots, and had a fucked up face, making him look like a strange pig. 
Frank would bring Porky to school, which he could do only because the teachers couldn’t see him or his dog.  One day, Porky got through a fence at school and was flattened by a car, RIP. Fortunately, before Porky’s death, a neighbor of the Knowbodie’s had an equally pig like dog, which had puppies with Porky. this family allowed Frank to claim one of the pup’s which he named Piggy. 
Frank’s family also had several cats that they took in. Most belonged to Molly(?). The names were Stella, Luna, Orion, Starry, and Sunny. As you can see there was a theme. 
There was also the fact that the Knowbodies brought some of their prize moosicorn’s with them, though I'm not sure if you could call that a pet?
When Frank was 12 and we were 10, he was growing in popularity. He was a strange inconceivable entity to most, a concept at best. To my friends and I, he was very real. 
We would do our best to convince everyone that he was really there standing next to us. Eventually a surprising large amount of classmates caught on, albeit to bully/tease the ever-loving hell out of him, but at least they acknowledged him. This grew to the point that our beloved 5th grade teacher let us put a nametag for Frank on an empty desk in the back. Things were just beginning. 
Originally I was going to save this section for an entirely different post but hey while we’re at it. 
Sara’s lore reached even further than Frank’s. I would typically say Sara originated when I was 6 years old, but the reality is even further back. 
At the age of 4, an illiterate child, I used to draw little “comics” about a spy named Sara and her partner Flower. So at the age of 6, Sara, ex-child spy, became my imaginary friend. Sara was eccentric and hyper. She enjoyed sewing as many pockets on to her clothes as possible. When she got older, she dyed her hair so much, people didn’t know what the original color was (it was dark brown). 
Eventually I “brought her back” when Frank began to pick up steam. Sara was mad jealous of Frank, because he was stealing my attention as a friend. She would lash out to him at first, but over time, she began to like him. She eventually apologized for her previous actions and became one of his closest friends. 
Frank allegedly had a little bit of a crush on Sara, but it would be revealed later that Sara was not even into boys. 
So there, Sara No-name, ex-child spy lesbian who enjoyed sewing and committing crimes. To be honest I don't have much of an emotional connection to Sara as I do with Frank, even if she existed long before. 
(I am also going to mention another “imaginary” character named Crystal, she was the imaginary friend of one of my longtime best friends. I don't know her backstory and don’t really have the authority to mention much else besides the fact that she was another frequent character of our made up plot)
SECTION G: The comics “ a snippet” 
This part will have an entirely different post dedicated to it, there are as many layers to the lore of the comics are there are to Frank’s story. I will try to be as brief as possible. 
At the ages of 9 to11, I started to draw little mini comics on Index cards. They would be about little caricatures of my friends and I, and other little characters we made up. The line between these comic stories and reality often blurred when we were playing around. Frank was never explicitly depicted in the comics, but only because (by technical terms) he was unable to be perceived by most. Drawing him would give away a bit of the mystery and fun of it. Unfortunately any mention of him in the comics is lost to time, as most of the physical comic cards were destroyed or lost in the incident of 2018. 
There were hundreds of these little cards, and he was included (by mention or crudely drawn shapes to allude to his form) in roughly 10 of them maybe?
I was 11-12, at the peak of Frank Knowbodie fame and impact, I was very active online. Forums, blogs, YouTube, you name it. It was time to make Frank Knowbodie an internet persona. 
Tumblr account, a Roblox account, multiple emails, A twitter, a YouTube channel, A Google Plus (RIP) were all created and dedicated to Frank. Most of these are now defunct, save for maybe the Roblox and emails. 
I remember I would post on these accounts playing as Frank. If you used to follow my original tumblr you might remember a few of my posts. I remember going on Omegle and trying to get people to follow the Frank Knowbodie accounts and understand the stories. Most of these attempts fell through unfortunately (or fortunately) and the content is lost to time. 
Section I: The Disney World Incident
There were so many different little skits and situations we placed Frank & his companions in, I couldn't possible list them all, so I will mention one of the most prominent.
In 6th grade, [REDACTED] asked a beloved friend and I to Disney world for a birthday gift, which we agreed and happily went along, with Frank trailing along as usual. 
Then... the incident. We were on splash mountain and forgot Frank on the ride. The thing was, he couldn’t ask to get out, as no one could see him. He was stuck on in infinite loop on the ride, for One Whole Year. He ate popcorn and snacks that others (that could see him) threw at him. That was the extent of it, and eventually he made his was off, and entered 7th grade with us. 
Section J: 7th grade, and Carter “a snippet”
7th grade is seen as a turning point for me and all of my friends at the time. My personal friend group turned from a trio to a quintet (kind of) to a duo and sometimes a trio again. Middle school drama caused a lot of divides, both willing and unwillingly, some of my friends and I grew apart in the years following 6th grade. But not to get too ahead of myself. 
[REDACTED] and I changed a great deal in the summer following 6th grade. I still lugged around my giant sketchbook with loads of comics and doodles when we returned in August. She on the other hand was... different, it was probably for the best, as her “true self” was revealed more and more. What does this have to do with Frank? Well she was the largest contributor to his story behind me, she started to reject our “childish” skits and games. It broke my heart a little, because I loved my stories, and I (we) were still 12, I didn’t want to grow up and stop making that kind of stuff. 
I remember one conversation, when another classmate mentioned/asked Frank, and she seemed very embarrassed and judgmental, as she nervously laughed and quickly made an impromptu joking story along the lines of “Oh, haha yeah he got expelled!” or something. She brushed it off so she wouldn’t have to face her past embarrassments while giving me a sideways glace. She was too good for it then, there was no creative fire to her story, she had a tone of voice, and look on her face that reminded me of all of my older cousins who judged and cringed at me for acting like a kid. 
So... Carter... Well in 7th grade, another beloved friend of mine had a faulty iPad. When she would tap or try to interact with it, it would let out a terrifying high-pitched shrill. So being an edgy little fuck, and also a 12 year old who loved storytelling, my friends and I called this phenomenon “Carter”. Carter was a tech-demon, who inhabited (mostly modern) technology and haunted people via the internet. 
Originally Carter’s appearance was a grey-skinned demon, with red eyes and “glitchy” wings. A pretty basic appearance for any preteen OC design. 
Later though, my older sister helped me tweak his design, he was primarily blue themed, no wings, but he had a tail with a more sci-fi ‘vibe’. 
Carter’s backstory changed over the years, but the general consensus was that  he died via some sort of technology/internet related incident in the late 90s-early 2000s . He was stuck between the human and demon world, cursed to roam eternity alone, and not visible to humans. He would go on to spook people through their devices for sport, until he traveled to my friend’s iPad, and met Frank& Friends. Frank & his family/friends are able to see him, because of some ancient deal between demons and the ancestors of the No Mexico citizens (It’s a stretch I KNOW, but all of this is pretty far fetched, and again, I was 12). Carter becomes close friends with Frank, and was very appreciative of him because he is the first person in years to show him kindness. At the time, I was a spiteful closeted kid, and I knew making Frank canonically have a crush on Carter would piss off [REDACTED], as I had suspicions that she was homophobic. (Spoiler, she was very subtlety homophobic in 8th grade and later in highschool it was kind of confirmed that she was) 
At the time I was first dipping into what would later develop into my current drawing style, and I loved to draw Carter and Frank. 
However, these drawings, and Carter’s creation, was a silent signal to the closing of Frank’s story, and my childhood as I knew it. 
SECTION K: The End of An Era, and the Impact of One Beloved Childhood Character. 
After 7th grade, my life got increasingly complicated. Friends moved on, I started to create new stories, my old comics collected dust under my bed, and Frank became a sweet memory of happier times. 
I had to move on (reluctantly), and “face reality” according to most people around me. Years past, I started highschool, and forced myself to grow up, giving up my “childish tendencies”. I doodled Frank maybe twice since I was 12, but never really looked back until now. I think at first Frank was a joke of course, but as I developed his story, he was more of a projection of my complex 11 year old thoughts and feelings. 
There was a time at 14 where I avoided mentioning him, I became what I hated, I was just like [REDACTED], I hated my younger self for acting like a kid and doing what made me happy. I threw away mass amounts of comics and trinkets I made, I was terrified of being seen as a awkward kid. I regret it now, I know know I was a young kid who was hurting so deeply from growing up, who was so scared of it. It was such a silly thing too, to hate myself for something so simple. 
I owe so much to Frank in a way. Him and his story paved a way for me today, to make my current stories and characters, more complex of course, but I still owe it all. I don't deny myself anymore, he taught me over the years that I don’t have to hide my true self, from [REDACTED] or anyone else.  As I enter senior year soon, I am so grateful for my past and the fun I has while it lasted. Its like that one stupid saying, although it’s a joke, there is a funny little truth to it. “Don’t kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes.”
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