#also gege’s comment on that chapter 💀
galaxynajma · 1 year
The best way to mourn Gojo satoru is to accept the fact that he’s dead and not coming back
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evillex11 · 3 months
might get flamed 4 this but comments like “gege is just killing everybody now, gege needs to stop cooking, gege doesn't know what he's doing, etc.) r getting annoying ngl like they're posting that on every chapter no matter what happens 😭 and it's fine to criticize something obviously that can't be avoided but these empty comments that provide no actual/meaningful input into the criticism is just so redundant 💀
+1. these kinds of comments kinda encourage the disrespect gege receives... cuz they leave these kinds of comments everywhere to the point where it's pretty icky. and not much ppl bat an eye cuz some might think it's all lighthearted or normal when rlly, it's getting a bit too far. like there's ppl who r genuinely saying he deserves to get sick n stuff?? bc he kiiled ur favorite character?? bc u don't like the manga??? 😭wtaf
+2. y'all have something to say when a character “has plot armor” and y'all still yap when a character doesn't... so rlly there's no winning 💀and I, personally, don't think jjk is meant to be one of those “defeat evil with the power of friendship” shows,,, mind you, they are going up against a supernatural being who's named the king of curses and is known to be impossible to beat—of course that 17 year old ain't gonna beat his ass just cuz everyone's counting on them??? nor will that adult who's never encountered a being that strong before. it feels kinda corny saying this but the outcomes of the battles in jjk are a bit more realistic ... “gege's just killing everybody now” obviously they're going to die???? they're going against a power beyond them what do you expect 😭 i get that it's a fictional show but the characters are still humans ... even with their cursed techniques and weapons, they're not always gonna survive ... not every plan or tactic of theirs r gonna work or turn out the way they expected
+ they're at a war with something rlly powerful so ofc they're gonna fire every shot they have which, in this case, are their comrades
+ it has been addressed by the show/series itself that jujutsu tech lacks the manpower to protect everybody, this is literally part of geto's reasoning for his actions—he knows he and/or his fellow sorcerers r bound to end up with a pile of their colleagues' bodies bc there arent much sorcerers in the world esp ones that could survive for a v long time. if a character is aware of this, that means gege is as well bc he literally wrote him to think about that
+3. if u hate the writing so much JUST DROP IT 🤯 crazy idea, never been thought of before, I know !! but some comments rlly are not necessary.... just stop reading if u can't take it anymore... no one is forcing you to read it. and if u feel compelled to cuz u already read so much, then don't leave harmful comments towards gege?? it's so easy to stfu and be a decent person on the internet 😭 you're contributing nothing by leaving comments like that under someone's work. if u hate how it's going so much then go make an au and satisfy urself. it's just so unnecessary
+4. idek if gege gets paid enough to deal with reader's bs ... people need to remember these mangakas are also people with real lives who are just trying to live and get by. some authors rlly get dehumanized just bc of the art they make
idc if I get called a dickrider,, as an artist myself I'm just so annoyed I'm sawry 😓😓 drawing and writing takes a lot of work.. I get concerned abt gege's well-being when the quality drops a little in the manga. maybe they're seeing something that I'm not, that's why they leave comments like that. maybe I got something wrong too, I'd like to be enlightened if that's the case /gen
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11queensupreme11 · 2 years
have you been to twitter recently. ppl are accusing gege of things and they're even bringing up the mei mei and lil bro scenes from a long time ago..💀 reminds me of something that happened in one of your other fics
stop i get pissed just thinking back on it 💀🤚
ooooooh my god they're so annoying 😭 ppl are seriously accusing gege of incest because of what he put in his fictional works?? not only that but did you see them attacking myamura too???
context: one of my fic series has dark content in it and I explicitly warned my readers about the kind of stuff to expect. Fast-forward some chapters later, I get readers accusing me of supporting that shit and even complaining about the dark stuff... THAT I ALREADY WARNED THEM ABOUT. SO MANY TIMES.
What's worse is that I cross-post on wattpad and wattpad has a feature that allows you to comment on every paragraph. When I went back to my warnings, I noticed that the ppl complaining about the dark stuff had commented on my list of warnings in the past.
They knew what was gonna come. But had the audacity to act shocked and bitch at me for the stuff they were already warned about 💀 Even worse, they had so many chances to stop?? They read my warnings, if they didn't like it, they should've stopped reading ugh. Some of these guys continued to even read the sequel books??? like i thought they hated it??? pls stop omg???
On twitter I see ppl doing the same thing rn.
Even though Myamura translated Sukuna saying that he plans on killing Yorozu/Tsumiki to break Megumi, ppl somehow deluded themselves into thinking that they're gonna do some "freaky" stuff in the next chapter 💀
Sukuna literally said he was gonna kill her. Not fuck her. And they weren't even flirting in the last panel so wtf
There's no incest because Tsumiki and Megumi aren't related so pls stop calling it incest because ur just lowering the seriousness of that word (and I know some Americans have the tendency to do that with other serious words too smh)
And when they get called out, they're like "you can't blame us because gege has a history of writing problematic stuff all the time like mei mei and her brother, the maki and mai kiss, etc!!! it's gross!! he clearly likes it!!"
those instances happened like... almost 100 chapters ago. Why are you still reading if you don't wanna see problematic content??? We're literally on ch 216 rn, you ppl had SO many chances to stop reading. Pls stop pretending to be "moral" about fictional content that you deem problematic and continue to read said problematic content while also complaining about that problematic content.
They clearly enjoy the manga if they're still reading it and keeping up with the leaks 🤭 idk why they gotta pretend to hate stuff about it in order to look "moral"
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jgnico · 1 year
the 'lost fight = bum" thing with powerscalers is SOOOO ANNOYING. Rn with Kashimo, and I saw similar w gojo when 236 dropped where dudebros saying shit like "he got low diff'd trash character" in the comments of stuff not even about powerscaling. Powerscalers act like it's illegal to enjoy a character after they lose a fight. The way they switch up on characters over exclusively loss/wins is such a painfully shallow and bland way to approach the story (and kind of ironic considering how strength is treated in the narrative...)💀
The thing that annoys me the most is that they refuse to think of anything happening in the story that leads to a character losing. Like even ignoring the elephant in the room of Kashimo because Gege practically gave us nothing when it comes to scaling his released form (I would have liked something, but I can also accept that him losing the way he did speaks more toward Sukuna's ability than it does Kashimo's), you have characters like Jogo that they'll call weak, when in reality he's incredibly powerful but had the misfortune of fighting the two strongest characters in the verse as his only showing. Does that mean he couldn't have mopped the floor with most of the characters in the series at the time? Absolutely not, but you'd never get that from the vacuum that most powerscalers seem to operate in.
As someone who enjoys deep diving into fights and the details of the power system, I find it incredibly boring and annoying to not consider any external factors when talking about a fight. There's so many seemingly little things that can lead to a character winning a fight that they shouldn't have from a purely ability-based perspective. Did they prep beforehand? How does their ability interact with their opponents? Are they getting help from another character or a tool? Are they being buffed or nerfed by anything prior to the fight? Are they injured? Were they caught by surprise? Etc, etc.
Take Toji, for example, who powerscalers love to hold up as a powerhouse probably more than he deserves. (Which isn't me saying he's weak, he isn't, but I feel like some people do overestimate him in terms of ability, despite how much the power ceiling has been raised since Shibuya.) Toji planned so much for his mission to kill Riko and his fight against Gojo. He used other sorcerers to wear Gojo out for three days straight before he felt comfortable to step in and still used cursed tools and curses on top of it. Does that mean he couldn't have done anything if Gojo was fresh at the time of their fight? No, but it certainly made it easier. Toji doesn't blow through Gojo as easy as he does without prep, but people will look at their fight without any additional info and use that as a definitive scale of where Toji is compared to everyone else in the verse.
I don't know, I have a lot (and I mean, a LOT) of issues with how a majority of the fandom talks about JJK that isn't just the issue of powerscaling, but at a point it becomes me beating my head against a wall with nothing to show for it but a headache. Like, if anyone wanted to read me rant for a couple thousand words, bring up the fandoms general perception of Sukuna being a bum despite the heaps of info that we have to the contrary. Even the most recent chapter highlighted how ridiculous he is in terms of strength and understanding of cursed energy and sheer ability, but people are still saying he only won because of Mahoraga.
At what point is it not worth it to argue with that? Cause there's always gonna be someone that's wrong and loud about it, but when that becomes the majority of fans about multiple aspects of the series, it starts to kill the enjoyment of the series for me. I don't like being in a state of seeing bullshit takes every time I try to engage with the fandom. It's tiring.
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11queensupreme11 · 2 years
Hakari vs Hajime
I saw the leaks for chapter 188 and I’m like... go Hajime, but Hakari, pls don’t die 💀
I don’t really care who wins or loses in this fight, I just want them both to LIVE 😭 But since this is Gege we’re talking about, one of them might die so here’s my guesses as to what might happen. 
If any of my made-up scenarios actually happen, I will squeal and call myself a seer. 
Guess 1
Hajime wins and kills Hakari 😢 
This might cement Hajime as the next big bad villain cuz so far, all we have is Sukuna and Kenjaku and something tells me we aren’t close to reaching a major fight with them. Having Hajime as the next “big bad” would be super cool in my opinion. 
Since he’s on the hunt for Sukuna, he’ll probably find Yuji (poor baby, can people pls leave this lil guy alone 🥺). Back in chapter 12, Gojo states “in due time, your (Yuji’s) body will learn Sukuna’s cursed technique!”
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I’m pretty sure this means that Yuji’s basically gonna pull a Deku and gain Sukuna’s technique and learn to use it on his own (I don’t know if Gege’s gonna make him actually master it perfectly though. There’s a difference between learning how to do something and becoming a master at it). 
So far, we haven’t seen Yuji use any of Sukuna’s powers (unless I forgot, oopsies), so having Hajime would be the perfect way to do it! I don’t think Hajime would get to really fight Sukuna cuz that might end up... really short, so Yuji vs Hajime would be more plausible. Will Yuji win??? Probably not! 😃 BUT he might gain Sukuna’s technique and use it against Hajime since a major fight like this would be the best place to give Yuji a power up rather than doing it during a small minor fight. It’ll be more impactful that way in my opinion. 
Guess 2
Hajime wins the fight, but doesn’t kill Hakari or Panda (or kills one of them but whatever, that doesn’t matter). 
I found a comment about this on YouTube and I really liked it. So basically they were saying that maybe Hajime decides to hold Hakari and Panda hostage rather than killing them outright to draw Yuji to him rather than having to find him himself. 
Panda’s a good boy so he won’t tell Hajime about Yuji. Hakari, however, has no personal ties with Yuji. He also knows that he and Sukuna have some sort of connection cuz during the preparation arc, Megumi and Yuji were literally talking about Yuji’s ties to Sukuna with Hakari and Kirara listening on in confusion. Hakari might give up info to Hajime by saying some shit like “all I know is that you should probably look for Itadori. He has some weird connection with Sukuna”.
During the perfect preparation arc, one of the team’s goals was to make a rule allowing for communication between players and to travel between colonies. I can see Hajime using his remaining 100 points to make a rule about communication and contacting Yuji to be like “yo I got your classmates. Get your ass over here so I beat you up or I’ll kill them” because he’s a straight-up menace 👹
Yuji goes there, then the scenario from “guess 2″ happens with him getting a power up while fighting Hajime.
Guess 3
Hakari wins and Hajime dies 😔
Idk what happens other than Hakari just goes on his merry way to Build A Bear to get Panda fixed and... yeah, that’s all I got for this scenario 😅
Also, I can’t really see Hakari killing Hajime?? To be honest, I think Hajime’s the stronger one between the two because most of his attacks against Hakari have been seriously lethal and had it not been for Hakari’s immortality, he really would’ve died quickly. Meanwhile, Hakari’s attacks (so far) have been either blocked by Hajime or they hit, but didn’t do much damage compared to Hajime’s more... brutal attacks
(Then again, Hakari’s gunning for Hajime’s points so I don’t think he’s trying to kill him. He might be holding back)
Guess 4
Neither of them wins cuz the fight gets interrupted or a rule to travel between colonies is made (if the latter happens, then Hajime might fuck off to go find Sukuna in the other colonies)
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