#also glad the bunny didn't end up looking like shit even though i was using a reference
arielluva · 2 years
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me when i saw the image of this character when it released and then forgot about it until like 45 minutes ago
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holybibly · 19 days
Hi. I just wanted to say thank you so much for being kind and gentle even when you don't agree with someone's opinion. I just sent someone an anonymous ask about my personal views on shipping idols with eachother and my point was skewed in the post. They took it the wrong way and thought I was being homophobic. One of their followers commented on the post and started being really vulgar towards the anon (me) and the person I asked was being passive aggressive towards the end of their response to me. Anyways now I'm crying becuse I didn't mean to upset anyone and said in my post I was not commenting on anything they did at all. I really looked up to their blog and nowi don't feel welcome there. I sent them a second post trying to clear up my original points.
Sorry for trauma dumping I'm just glad your blog is a safe place for everyone and you treat everyone with respect. I'm a new atiny and this community just makes me feel really safe. (It was an SKZ blog)
Thank you for caring about people even if they aren't your bunnies!
Oh baby, I'm so sorry that happened to you, I hope you're feeling better now.
I don't think it really matters whether you're my bunny or not. Even though I only write for Ateez, I've been in the K-pop community for a long time and I've been in a lot of fandoms and experienced a lot of things. By the way, if anyone doesn't know, the group that introduced me to K-pop was Shinee, and I've been around for so long that I was there for the debut of EXO and most of the other groups.
I would also like to say that I try to describe the members in as much detail as possible so that even those fans who are not familiar with our boys can enjoy reading my work. I welcome all fandoms to my bunny kingdom.
As for my disagreements on some issues. I always emphasise that I am expressing my personal opinion and it is absolutely fine if someone disagrees with it. The same goes for my ffs, I am personally open to a huge amount of different perverted shit, and my list of warnings is quite extensive and detailed, so I am always surprised when someone writes to say that it was unpleasant or that I should add more warnings, turning the fanfic into one continuous red flag.
If you do not like it or feel uncomfortable - do not read it, you are consciously exposing yourself to something that will make you uncomfortable and disgusted after reading it.
It also annoys me a little that in a world that defends "one's own opinion", we are criticised and insulted for having the courage to disagree with the general opinion. And even if you are supposedly homophobic, that is your right, but you should not insult someone for it. There are different people, cultures, upbringings and religious beliefs, we have to be able to accept different points of view.
Let me tell you a personal story. One of my best friends is an ardent homophobe, but at the same time I know that she was brought up in a very strict religious family and it is quite difficult for her to perceive the world outside the traditional biblical canon. But this does not prevent me from communicating with her, I respect her opinion and try not to bring up the subject in our communication. We can communicate with people who are completely different from us and who have different views of the world around us. But for some reason, if your opinion is different, the crowd jumps on you with insults. I am so disgusted by this.
So I want to create a safe and maximally tolerant community where we can be who we really are, and even if we don't agree with someone's opinion, we can always express our thoughts in a gentle and respectful way.
Please, bunnies, be aware that I will not tolerate rudeness or disrespect on the blog, either towards me or my bunnies.
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stevenbasic · 8 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 381: Photoshoot for Channel 5
“Wow you’re all so gorgeous,” Alicia Ray, new morning anchor at Channel 5 said as the small crowd of girls rearranged themselves at her photographer's direction. Since some of these photos were going to be used over the next couple of days, they’d decided to do this photoshoot in the waiting room of the old clinic, and wait for this weekend for the reveal of the new construction. “Your boyfriends are all so lucky!”
“Pffft… ‘boyfriends’?” Randi Mongillo chuckled, “that’s rich.” For today she’d dressed in a smart, simple black dress that showed off her nice legs, knowing there’d be cameras. She’d helped organize all this, the press for the grand opening, and would be half-glad when it was all over. 
“Oh, no boyfriends?” Alicia asked, dropping an extra dash of incredulity into her voice. Despite her new job as an anchor, she was here at this medical building on a regular reporting assignment. In the end the higher-ups had wanted her to cover this personally, even though it was obviously beneath her. Honestly, as far as she was concerned, it should have gone to Aly or Julie or some other reporter. Though she knew she had to focus on the assignment, there was also another reason for her to be here. After they were finished with this photo shoot for the stills they needed, and she’d done a couple quick interviews and some filler for the B-roll, she had an appointment in the clinic. She’d be getting her treatment, her next injection of this stuff that was making her prettier, more charismatic, more magnetic on cam behind the news desk. She knew she had it to thank for her recent advancements at the station, the squad of girls she was assembling like Aly and Julie and Marta, and for the whispers she was hearing of further promotions. Her imminent rise into the upper atmosphere of national news, she’d been told, could be meteoric if she played her cards smart. 
(Wait meteors go down, right?)
“Some of us had boyfriends before coming to work here,” answered Josie, also dressed up for the day and not wearing her typical scrubs. “Like, Stephanie,” she began, “Whatever happened to that guy you were dating from the gym?”
“Yeah I ended that shit, told him to find another place to work out,” responded the shapely blond gym bunny. She’d been posed to sit on the arm of a chair here in the office waiting room, to show off her muscular calves. 
“And Amelia, you were dating, like, three guys, right?”
The platinum blond beauty, statuesque in a plunging green dress that would have been mini on a girl six inches shorter, shrugged. She continued looking at her nails. 
“And Julia, didn't you dump Mark?” Angie asked. Not invited to the shoot, she was here anyway in her black, ribbed sweater; she’d removed the weird shoulder pads. She’d been the one to pick up Dr. J’s suit from the tailor, so she figured she deserved to be included. “I did the same with AJ.”
“Doctor Ja-…uh, this job is enough work for all of us haha,” Josie told Alicia, “We don’t need outside boyfriends that need us to take care of them, too.”
“Shanette has Scottie?” asked Bobbi, from behind the reception desk. The photographer, a sweaty little guy in his twenties, was snapping some stills of her and Brittni. She could tell that he thought she was cute.  
“Yeah they’re dating?” added Brittni. 
“Yeah I don’t know if I’d call it ‘dating’ anymore,” Shanette chimed in. “He’s adorable, but more like, I dunno. He’s like practice, like a substitute for…oh, here he is now!”
‘OOOOoooooOOOoooo!!’ cooed the whole crowd of them, the waiting-room full of staff members who’d been asked to the photoshoot (and Angie). 
“Who’s this handsome man?”
“Look at you!”
“Dr. J you look so nice!!”
The man, a short man in a suit and tie, came into the room where his patients usually sat and waited before their appointments. He tried to get his bearings. Most of the chairs had been pushed off to the side. There was camera equipment, some portable, stand-up lights, and a gaggle of gorgeous women.
“Okay well here we are!” announced the shapely news reporter, as she stepped towards the man, “Now we can get started. Hello Doctor, I’m Alicia Ray. I don’t think we’ve met.” She extended her hand.
Wow her grip is strong, Dr J noted, shaking the news lady’s hand. This woman, taller than him by a foot, was gorgeous in heavy makeup and a red sheath of a dress that hugged her buxom figure. Though he hadn’t seen her as a patient himself, he knew she’d been a study subject here, recognizing her name from charts and her face from the late-night news. Whether her appearance was natural for her or the “supplements” were doing her a world of good, everything about this woman - from her dark mane of hair to her shapely legs - was striking. There was something else about her, too, that brought Melissa to mind and suddenly he found himself looking about the room and wondering. Where is she? I thought she’d be here. His level of anxiety began to grow.
After a few barks at her squirrel of a photographer, Alicia had the photoshoot in full swing. The bunch of them, grouped together, posing.
“CHEESE!” Josie called.
“Say ‘Cheese’ Doctor J,” someone else directed.
The bunch of them were giggling, laughing. Alicia had them all in a good mood - aside from the doctor, who still looked a little nervous. Shanette had been licking her fingers, and continued to try fixing his hair. Shoes were changed, tops adjusted, hair fluffed, and lipstick reapplied. The estrogen levels in the room seemed to be climbing by the minute and Dr J - along with the wobegon, gangly photographer - was just trying to keep his head above water, swimming in it. 
“C’mon ladies, stick ‘em out,” Alicia sang, as more flashes went off, “if there’s one thing our male viewers like it’s BOOBS.”
Laughter filled the room and Dr J was suddenly hit by a face-full of Lakshmi’s chest. “Oh, I am sorry Doctor!” she exclaimed, making Josie hold back a giggle and Amelia let loose a full-on snort. 
“Patrick remember, your job is on the line,” Alicia suddenly snapped, as the photographer struggled with one of his reflector umbrellas, “There are at least five girl interns who could take your place, probably do a better job.”
“Yes yes okay Ali-....ma’am,” he answered.
Brittni and Bobbi giggled. 
“Is Melissa coming?” Dr. J finally asked, as the news reporter was taking a moment to straighten his tie.
“Maybe in a bit,” Alicia replied, stepping back to get out of the shot, “we’re doing a whole separate piece on her, so I already have a lot of her stills. But getting her in a group shot would be nice. Okay, everyone - ready? Pose!
“Cheese!!” sang Josie
Dr. J stood as straight as he could, but between Amelia and Shanette he felt like a dwarf.
The flashes went off. Again. Again and again. Girls were rearranged, Dr. J now made to sit in front of them all. Someone had said they should put him on Lakshmi’s lap, and everyone laughed. More flashes. At Alicia’s command, the photographer began showing the early pics, the results of his efforts, to her and the other girls on a connected tablet.
“Omigod, Dr. J, look at you!” Josie squealed, “it’s like you’re so different than the rest of us here now!”
“Yeah you’re so small,” Julia beamed, “So little and silly.”
”You’re like our goofy little play-man,” said Marisela, dressed in a bursting blouse which showed off cleavage and her tattoos. She’d been pretty quiet, up to this point. 
“ooooo you could be our little mascot!” Josie suggested.
“Oh yea! That’d be so cool!”
“Haha our little man-mascot!”
“Our ‘man-scot’!”
More laughter, which both made his skin crawl and his cock thicken. 
“Would you like that?” Randi asked, voice smoky, cocking her head. 
Some girls began laughing. Some were more reflective, thinking of the possibility. 
“No, seriously,” Randi cut back in, placing her hand on her boss’ shoulder but speaking to the group, “What if we used him like a mascot? Like, bring him around with us when we do these appearances they want us to do, show him off?” She was ‘Director of Social Media’ and her wheels were turning. 
“You mean at, like, these new satellite clinics they want to open? That we’re going to be traveling to? Maybe we can take him with us?!?”
“Yeah they want me to go to the Far Horizons opening in Cleveland. I wouldn't mind some company,” Josie said. 
“I’m going to Duluth.”
“They bought me a ticket to fucking Omaha,” drawled Amelia, checking the meticulously manicured nails of her right hand. She herself had already been considering bringing him on-cam with her, in one of her daily streams. The tips would be amazing; she knew her viewers would love to see him dwarfed. They’d already started asking for it. 
“I do not know if Melissa would like that, come to think of it,” Lakshmi offered, “him traveling without her?”
“Yeah you’re right Kiki,” Stephanie answered, “She’s gone pretty mama-bear these days.”
This whole time Dr. J had been stammering, trying to break into the conversation, but it was to no avail and he couldn't work up the nerve to raise his voice. This whole ‘mascot’ idea was dehumanizing enough (they couldn’t be serious, right?) but…huh?? Far Horizons was turning into a - what? - a chain? A franchise? This was the first he was hearing about ANY of this. What was happening?? He had to talk to Sheryl and find out what was going on.
In the meantime the girls continued to talk over him, leaving him to stutter in his disbelief. 
“After Amelia’s clip went viral he is kinda famous,” Randi posited, “We could use that, actually make him into a mascot.”
“Let’s talk to Lexi,” Josie suggested, “She’s our Marketing department, right?”
“I think they’re hiring her three new girls for her…”
“We could use his pictures in our new ads…”
“These are all great ideas, ladies!” Alicia Ray lauded, privately considering how she could use it, use this shrunken little twerp of a doctor to Channel 5’s - and her own - advantage. A private photoshoot maybe? A private, exclusive, interview, by her? That might do the trick. Especially if she had the right camera angles, him sitting alongside her. Or, maybe even better, she thought, if I got him to sit on my lap as we talked.
“We’re trying to expand? Hire even more girls?” Shanette offered, “That’d bring them in. They’d want the job just to see him.”
“Imagine how many clients we could get into the Evolution clinics in the new wing?” Stephanie suggested. She was being moved to the physical training department as a manager, and would be excited to be busy. Nothing helps motivate a girl to get big in the gym better than seeing a four-foot-eight twerp of a man walk in. 
Suddenly, the door to the main hallway opened up, and Aubrey stepped in. She’d been asked to be in the photoshoot but had declined out of shyness. Something about the look on her face made everyone stop, and turn towards her.
“Um, guys,” she announced, her voice shaking with worry, “A bunch of men in suits just came in. They have a bunch of papers. They say they’re lawyers...”
thanks to ElephantPorn for the images of our team in the group photo, and RiF for editing work
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
My Highlights of Wrestlemania 39
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The time for sign pointing is over yet again
It's time for the stars to seal themselves in Hollywood. Thanks to family arrangements and travel I am doing this as both days at once, and unfortunately that means some results I was already spoiled on, but let's see how the show went on the positives side
Spoilers for the PPV Days 1 AND 2
So I am gonna split them in Day 1 and 2 just so it's easier to follow, but like we did for EC and Battle in the Valley's joint fixture we'll keep the conclusion across both events.
Day 1
The stage looked great
Cena using his entrance to bring some Make a Wish kids on stage
Hollywood crowd still pulling out the 'Lets Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chants XD
At the very least you have to respect the hustle of Titus O'Neil, he always gets to show up for Wrestlemania
Valhalla's attire looked menacing
Gable hit a Chaos Theory on Strowman!
It's nice to see Otis return to a similar amount of over-ness he had back when he was in that Mandy storyline
Richochet's Springboard Shooting Star Press
I...Don't think I can quantify Seth's attire, at first it looked like Drag Queen Jafar, then ended up being Scarlet Witch's secret lovechild with Jeff Jarrett. I guess the pink could be Bret Hart too
At the least Logan Paul didn't win
Becky, Lita and Trish's comic book entrance at least had some 90s comic book aesthetic to it. Trish out with the classic cloak and cowboy hat too
Lita had a much better showing than last time, mainly thanks to Iyo Sky's selling
Trish did really well too, much less ring rust on her
The Mysterios promo package was great
Dom with the prison-style entrance, and the Halloween Havoc Mask. You can see that he at least tried to grow out a tache to match Eddie's too
Rey though coming out to Eddie's music with the Low-Rider, no Hydraulics though
The black tones of Rey's attire better blends against the McDonalds colors too, but the mask does look odd but I get that it's meant to be Muta-coded
Rey giving Dom the belt XD
Dom throwing Aaliyah's drink at her for the heeeeaaat
That counter with Rey facesmashing the bottom turnbuckle was meaty!
LWO at least arrived to help after being formed
Rey won! I'm glad he did because he's been overdue a win, shame it required minor interference a la Bad Bunny (which I'm sure will lead to a Backlash match) and was sponsored by a cereal, but I think we were all certain that Dom would win. Make no mistake Dom has improved resoundingly, he will bounce back, but that's a testament to how well feuding with Rey has elevated him
The DDT counter to the Riptide was clean
At least Rhea won
Starting the main event with Jey vs Sami
Olé chants for Zayn
Zayn kicking out of the 1D
I will say it's funny how WWE purists will lose their shit over consecutive finisher kickouts, just...funny, ain't it? Almost like another company did it and got criticized for it by these same people...
Sami and Owens at least won, because they had to win, even if it is a consolation prize
Day 2
At least Brock/Omos went first because Brock likes going home early
They also at least let Liv get a pop by entering first in the showcase
Probably should've known that Endeavor was buying WWE with Brock and Ronda winning back to back after barely doing anything
Man we talk about GUNTHER's chops but Drew had some bass in his too
The staredown after Drew broke Sheamus' pin was great, I mean he should've expected it but the look of betrayal
It was a really good finish to the match as well
I wonder if the other Kabuki dancers are NXT women
Bianca's gear is good too, always gotta give it props since she makes it herself
I'm not a huge fan of the host setup but Miz and Snoop did bounce off of each other really well
Props to Snoop and Miz for adlibbing as well after Shane's injury
Doing the Brood AND Metalingus was a good decision
Edge and Finn had colour-coded weapons XD
The microphones embedded in the turnbuckle posts have been detrimental for most of the event (since that's when the wrestlers try to whisper to one another) but the sound they picked up from around the Cell did at least pay off there
I saw the gash of the aftermath and yeah jayzus Finn. Probably shouldn't have kept going but still you are one tough bastard
Pyros working for Rey this time in his entrance, and really nice that he personally congratulated each of the other class members, the hug with Stacy as well because WCW familiarity
Mania in Philly is a good choice still, gotta build a Rocky-esque storyline there
Negative 1 is a faction leader, an AEW wrestler and has been in Wrestlemania XD
Cesaro even got a mention (sure it was the list of people Roman beat but still)
And hey it only took about 15 minutes from Cody's entrance to them locking up
Paul texting for the Usos clear as day to motion their arrival was smartly positioned not front and center but in view to be noticed
Gotta talk about the absolute idiocy of Cody Rhodes for a moment too, because it's fucking hilarious how he spent all this time getting Sami and Owens to work together so that he could eliminate the Usos as interferences but had nothing reserved for a the ref bump, Heyman or Solo Sikoa - the guy who cost Drew the title in Clash at the Castle - and it bit him in the ass not once, not twice, not even three times, but FIVE TIMES. He literally just had to watch every Reigns title match from the last year (all 5 of them) to see all this coming
The fucking rubber duck too XD That just sums it all up doesn't it?
Well it could've been a lot worse, sometimes you just have to laugh. Night 1 was much better than Night 2, much better wrestling across more matches, the choices of winners weren't all bad across the board (even I had Cody not leaving as champ, but I was thinking he'd win by DQ like Dusty did) I think really it's just the odd choice of the Street Profits since that'd be face v face for the tag titles, but yeah it was alright, had its ups and downs, but since this is more about the positives we'll just leave it at that.
Match of the Night(s): IC match was close but I think I gotta give it to the Night 1 Main Event, just because it was more storyline-charged Best Attire: Seth, it was ridiculous and loud but dammit that's the point Best Entrance: Dominik Mysterio, the presentation and the silliness befitting to his character made it perfect Best Performance: Sami Zayn, Rhea was close but again Sami had to carry the wrestling goods and the greater storyline Best Spot: Snoop Dogg's People's Elbow Ricochet's springboard Shooting Star Press to the Outside of the Ring
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adjryonicusd · 2 years
Next Morning (F, PG-13, subtle caretaking)
Dan kept smiling, but he also kept wondering what he was doing here. It was crowded, the music was loud, and there was cigar smoke in the air. It was easy to think of many places he'd rather be. For example, he'd rather be on the sidewalk right outside the door, in the night air, chatting with the bouncers in peace. But Sarah seemed interested in him, he was very interested in her, and she hadn't outgrown college even though she'd graduated from an ivy 5 years ago. Dan's friends were probably having a quiet night in. He and Sarah were with her friends. Dan had a hard time understanding them. The core of the group seemed to be people she went to college with. Trust fund kids turned venture capitalists and executives before turning 30. The rest seemed to be people they'd met professionally here in the city. And they drank. Like frat boys. Or salarymen. Every night of the week.
Dan tried his very best to be sociable, but Sarah's friends were baffling to him. They were educated, and had great jobs that might have been interesting, maybe. But they only ever talked about the same inanity kids talk about in high school. Repeating funny memes, mainly. Dan struggled to land a conversational foothold, but in the end he didn't care very much. He made the effort for Sarah. He was here for her. Waiting for the night to be over so maybe they could have a few minutes alone.
As he stood there confined in the crowd, trying to look like he was enjoying it, she made her way over to him for the first time in half an hour. She was beaming at him, and seemed moderately drunk. "Hey!" she yelled over the noise. "Hey," he leaned in so he wouldn't have to shout. "Why don't you ask me to get out of here? I don't get it. Do you even like me?" she asked, sounding genuinely exasperated. In spite of the tone and phrasing, this was the best thing Dan had heard in some time. He glared back at her, frowned a little bit, and examined her face for several long seconds. She kept smiling and swaying to the music.
Dan reached out and she took his hand, her eyes glinting. He moved in the direction of the door, parting the crowd for their escape. Sarah's best friend Philip called out, "Bye Sarah!" She turned her head and looked at Phil. "I think he wants to hit that!" Phil added helpfully. Sarah flipped him off with her free hand held high, and made a face to match. Dan shoved the door and they tumbled into the chilly late night. They paused at the curb in front of the club, to adjust to the quiet and look at each other for a minute. Sarah was still smiling. She was almost never not smiling, at least that Dan had seen. She was sloshing side to side just a little.
"I'm sorry about my friends. I know you don't like them," she offered bluntly, not fully articulating all the words. She sniffed twice. Dan frowned slightly, "It's not that I don't like them. I don't know how to talk to them. They seem interesting, but they never say anything." They began walking east under the dim lights on the empty sidewalk. Her apartment was seven blocks away. Dan was glad for the time. Sarah replied, "I know. But they do talk about stuff one on one. They're really smart; this is just how they spend their down time. They don't talk about work and shit when we're all hanging out." Sarah was the most down to earth of her peers, and swore a bit, but she swore more when she'd had a few.
"Ok," Dan replied, without judgment, he hoped. Sarah gave another deep sniffle and wriggled her nose around like a bunny. He continued, "Why do you keep saying 'they' instead of 'we'?" She made a face and hummed, "Mmm, I mean they're my friends, and I love them. We went through a lot together in college, and we kind of followed each other around after. That's why most of us are here." She sniffled again and rubbed at her nose rapidly with her fingers. "But I know they're ridiculous," she confessed. "They spend like a thousand dollars a night on alcohol, and they take turns picking up the whole tab. It's this flashy game to them. They're trying to play the part." Big sniffle, exhale into the cold air. "But it's ridiculous. I can tell you don't like that shit."
Dan was touched she paid enough attention to him to tell anything at all. He tried to be gracious and reassuring, "I don't mind what your friends do with their time." She was sniffling wetly and rubbing rapidly at her nose again. Dan noticed the mannerism. "Are you ok?" he asked, looking over at her. "Huh?" she asked, unable to guess what he meant. "You keep sniffling and rubbing your nose like it's a clitoris," he deadpanned. Sarah busted out laughing at the top of her voice in the deserted street. She never missed a chance to laugh, but that one had caught her off guard. "What the fuck!" she leaned way over and gave him a light, tipsy shove on the arm. "Do you notice everything?" she asked. "It's hard to miss," he replied with an extra satisfied smile.
"I'm fine, I'm just fucking allergic to everything," she moaned, reaching into her purse. She produced a tissue and brought it to her nose. She didn't blow. Instead she held the tissue in the same way and rubbed it around vigorously. It appeared rubbing her nose was her thing. Still pinching it closed with the tissue, she looked sidelong at Dan and pouted, "See? Nod like a clid. Mmkay?" She giggled like a tipsy person walking home with someone, and gave two more deep sniffles.
Now that she'd brought it to his attention, Dan thought maybe he had seen her sniffling and using tissues more than most people. He hadn't thought anything of it. "I never realized you had bad allergies. Is it a problem for you?" he asked, both curious and concerned. She shot back, "Yes! It fuckin' sucks!" She dabbed at her nose holding the tissue in one hand. "It's awful. I take Benadryl all the time and it helps a little. But I'm pretty much always like this. All the time. If I go in a house with a cat, I'll literally be sick for days." She did the double sniff again. Her "literally" came out "lirarary".
"I had no idea. I guess I just thought you came down with colds a lot," Dan replied with a touch of concern. She chuckled. "Oh I get those too. I'm a mess," she sighed. Dan thought and mused, "I don't think I've seen you sneeze, though." She laughed, "Oh don't worry. You will. I only sneeze in the morning." Somehow Dan didn't feel prepared to get into what that was supposed to mean, on any level. Besides, they were in front of her building now. He had his back to a wall, and she was standing in front of him, having a great time by all appearances.
She stepped forward and took both his hands. She pulled them up and pressed both of their hands against his chest. He was pretty sure she liked him now. She sniffed and then let out a quiet hum. Was she waiting for him, or was he waiting for her? She compromised by standing on her toes. A signal even Dan couldn't miss. They both went in for the kiss at the same time. This wasn't their first kiss, but to Dan it felt like the first one that might actually go somewhere.
After making out for a couple of minutes, she drew back slightly and said, "You can come up, if you promise things won't get too out of hand tonight." It wasn't even a question. Dan just barely cracked a smile, and nodded up and down. "Ok, good", she snapped back, sounding happy. She led him by the hand to the entrance, then let them into the lobby. They continued making out on the elevator, partly because it might have been awkward otherwise. A minute later, Sarah led Dan into her one-bedroom for the first time of many to follow. They took turns using the bathroom.
In her bedroom, Sarah stood in front of him, waiting. Sniffling at regular intervals. They began to remove each other's clothing as gracefully as could be expected. Sarah confirmed that Dan was moderately fit, and competent to pitch a tent. Dan confirmed that Sarah was approximately a pear, with a small upper body, and unusually full, deceptively labeled A cups. Each was so pleased, that they couldn't but hope the other wasn't disappointed. Their hands eagerly assisted their eyes in comprehending one another, and Sarah shortly retreated to the bed before Dan got too far ahead of the class. Taking in the picture of her bed, adorned by her, adorned by a rather deliberate black silk chemise, Dan guessed out loud, "This isn't what you normally wear out."
"No Daniel it is not," she emphasized. And only wanting to scold him a tiny bit, added, "I wore one last time too."
They rolled around in their underthings, making out with care - like two people petitioning to suspend time for a night. Once, when Sarah's steadily dripping nose had made both their upper lips wet, she stretched for the nightstand and swiped a tissue in one motion. "Sorry," she giggled, and quickly wiped his nose and then hers. For a moment Dan wondered what sort of practice or premeditation made her do this in the courteous order. After they'd had their hands on each other's bulges for a while, Dan moved to slip under the band of her panties. She removed her own hand and broke off the kiss without opening her eyes. Gently holding his wandering wrist in place, she parted her lips and inhaled sharply. At first he worried he'd unwittingly gotten "too out of hand" already and alarmed her, but when she continued taking sharp breaths and flaring her nostrils he understood she was being overtaken by a sneeze.
After a few more hitches and one more big breath that caused Dan to flinch just a little, Sarah simply breathed all the way out with relief. Now eyes open and face to face, she made an amazed sighing sound and said, "Wow that was close." She sniffed wetly and swallowed, adding "Sorry about that." Dan smiled and shook his head a little. "Cuddle me," she strongly suggested.
Dan awoke to natural light, and the sound of Sarah sneezing behind his back on the other side of the bed - "Hhknx-che, ooooah." Dan thought she'd tried her best to be quiet, but it sounded like she was holding back a lot of force, and the feminine sigh at the end was probably an involuntary response to the effort. He closed his eyes again.
A drawn breath and then again, "Hhknx-chi, ooooah," shaking the bed just enough to be felt. This time Dan rolled and turned his head in her direction. She was sat up, hunched over slightly with her knees drawn. Her hands were in the prayer position, covering her nose, mouth, and chin. Without moving her hands she inhaled deeply, held it, then tensed her whole body as her head snapped forward - "Knnnx-che, haaah." She was engaged in her private struggle and didn't notice Dan.
Another big breath. She tried to hold it back from the start because if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to stifle it at all. "Knnxx-chi, haaaa." Her hands were still locked in position. Dan supposed that was part of keeping the sneezes quiet, although they weren't really that quiet. He looked past her to the window and noticed the air was swirling with dust, visible in the sunlight. "Hnnkxx-cha, mmmmm," pressing her face into her hands as she tensed up again. This time Dan lazily rolled over the rest of the way onto his other side. Noticing him, she placed her hands on her knees and faced him. She smiled weakly and sniffled. The underside of her nose was a bit pink and wet. She looked pretty, and a little tired.
"Heeeey," she sang-sung to him, "Did I wake you up?" Dan shrugged and deflected, "Nah, it's alright. I was half awake." She knew better, "I'm sorry. This is me," she smiled. "Yeah, that's why I'm here," he replied. She was already holding an index finger up and winding up for another one. She stifled again, but this time she didn't cover her face. Instead she planted both hands on her knees, scrunched her eyes closed, and tucked her head into her chest - "Hhhhhakkxx-cha, aaah." She didn't look at Dan. She tilted her head back a little and looked through the opposite wall with her tired eyes.
"Can I get you anything?" he asked. She shook her head back and forth without saying anything. She took a big breath in, then out. And then again. She seemed very occupied with this. Dan could only spectate while she drew in a long breath, closed her eyes, tilted her head back and finally spasmed forward again - "Haaaakknnx-chaaaaaah." Still holding in most of the power, but it sounded like it was getting harder to do. Dan half-joked, "I'm awake now, you don't have to do that."
Sarah, being in her own position, knew what he meant by "that" and she took it as an offer and not a joke. "Are you sure?" she hesitated. "Yeah, it's ok to sneeze. I sneeze sometimes," Dan assured her. She sniffled and wriggled her pink nose, then smiled and looked his face over with appreciation. "It's kind of embarrassing," she mulled as the next powerful sneeze began to overtake her.
She breathed deep breaths in and out. In and out, like the tide before a tsunami. Dan felt a tiny bit awkward watching her have a private argument with her own body, but he figured it had to end sometime and he didn't want to go yet. She was too overcome to be fully aware of him anyway. She leaned way back, filled her lungs, held it, and then let go - "HHHAAAAAHHHCHOOOO!!!" - the sneeze threw her forward and she buried her face in the blanket covering her thighs. She knew she had to let them fly for this fit to ever end, but she wasn't about to spray the room full of her fluid. "Shit," she muttered like an aftershock.
"Jesus," Dan observed. Sarah turned and smiled, showing her teeth. "Shut up!" she giggled. Dan tried not to laugh. He watched the look come over her face. Closing her eyes, drawing in sharp, erratic breaths, nostrils flaring involuntarily. This one came faster and she didn't have time to turn all the way away. Now that she was letting them out, they wouldn't stay back anymore. Big inhale and then, "AAAHHHYYEAAAHHCHOOO!!!!" She sprayed a huge cloud a little towards Dan's side of the bed. A clear, thin rivulet of snot ran from her nostril to her lip. There was no time to reach for a tissue yet. She drew in all her breath and immediately let loose - "HHHHAAAYYEEECHOOOO!!!! Ahh!!" - hurtling forward and smooshing her breasts into her knees. Another thick cloud sprayed towards the foot of the bed in spite of her original intentions.
By this time Dan was genuinely amazed. He'd never seen anyone have a sneezing fit this intense before. Being this close he could feel every one of these helpless, powerful sneezes pierce and startle him even though he could see them coming. He had an inexplicable urge to wrap his arms around her and hold her until she finished, but he didn't want to embarrass her any further. Instead he slid over a foot and rubbed the silky fabric over her lower back. She looked at him and smiled again. "I'm sorry," she pleaded. He just closed his eyes and shook his head back and forth. Knowing her own sneezing was getting the best of her attentions, she placed her hand on the bicep of this man she'd invited into her bed, and squeezed. The contact completed a circuit and Dan felt his morning erection give an extra throb. Sarah was having feelings over on her side of the bed as well.
"How long does this usually last?" asked Dan. Sarah squeezed his arm harder and began hitching suddenly. She shook her head, "I don't..." Another sharp breath, and then another, head back, eyes closing. "I don't know," she finished, nostrils flaring. Feeling the urge to hold her more strongly, Dan slid the rest of the way to her side, so she turned away from him - "HEYAAAACHOOO!!! - more rapid breathing - "Heee.. hee.." - it sounded so urgent. Still facing away, she recalled her hand, feeling like she needed to cover this one. "Heee.. " - it was so big - "HHHHHHEEEEAAAAAAASSHHOOOOOOOO!!!" - into her open hands - "HHAAYYEEACHOOO!! Uh! Shit!" She took deep breaths and quickly remembered to return her hand to Dan's thick arm. Dan could feel her hand was not completely dry. He didn't mind. She wasn't sick.
He couldn't take it anymore though. He sat up alongside her and threw his big arms around her as best he could. She smiled at him as her body automatically relaxed and leaned into him. She pressed her lips onto his for a moment, then pulled back to look at his face again. "Hey," she greeted him. "God bless you!" he said with a big squeeze, and meaning it. "Thanks," she replied, still smiling, as though to a good friend, "I don't think I'm done though."
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woozi · 3 years
i agree how you described twt, sometimes everyone's just ready to fight it seems, i've genuinely had fun on both platforms at different times but now it's just too much on stan twt (no space for difference of opinion djsjdjj) it's good to know you're having fun as well :3 & omg i've seen few of my moots starting to give svt their attention after fallin flower dropped, everything abt it is <3333 the song, mv, choreo i love it.
hdjdjddkdjdj " virgos 😐 " also me in next breath "happy birthday mark :D i love you so much 🥺💕💗" any virgos reading this i really hope you enjoy your month to the fullest djjdjd <3. righttt?? you're correct abt mark's temper being very virgo djdjdkd.
your line screams hard-working people <3 jihoon, jaebeom, jeonghan the 3Js <3. isn't jaebeom also an infj? (i don't take mbtis seriously but at the same time it also makes me happy if it ends up matching someone i like djdjjd) chan & yugs 🥺 these two imo have the sweetest personality, like the one which makes you feel welcomed & they also have the cutest laugh 🥺.
i love jus2 <3 focus on me is one of my favorite kpop mvs of all time & also drunk on you??? i love this song so much, very sexy of them. the vibes, style and everything w/ their album, i want more songs like that. and for when i am feeling melancholy i need more songs like jjp's verse 2 😭💔 but i am also okay if they don't want to go back to these units bcoz everything so far they've been giving is just as great <33 ( maybe in future we'll get blessed w/ features 🥺)
honestly g7 as grp and individually have won me over with their music style, even if i don't like full album ik there will be 3-4 songs which will be exactly what i like to listen to, all of the music they've released individually i've liked it so much. there is this song of youngjae's, titled "i'm all ears" i had no idea of its existence until it popped up in my spotify i'm so glad it did, it's been in my playlist ever since. there was also a time when i was obsessed with jackson's 'on the rocks' djdjdk.
aww <3 the live performance video of 1° has mark as thumbnail so for long time i used to associate this song with him jdjddk. i think the only j*pe thing i'd miss is got7 studio live sessions 🥺. RIGHTJDKSKS aju nice's mv is very cute djjddk I love it, in reality its reverse tho, i see them and boom! 💖💛💗🤍💕💙
it was the year they won first bb*as award so that gave them the exposure, and no i don't follow them anymore. mixed feelings abt them, very negative feelings abt f*ndom fjdjdjd. i do miss what it used to feel like liking them sometimes. at that time i never thought i'll willingly drop them from my interest (i've stanned zayn since 2012 first him as grp member then solo. sometimes thinking abt it gives me a whiplash hddjks it's been 9 years, really thought it would be same with them too but it didn't happen)
i've had falling in love by yugs and in to you by jaebs on loop for days djdkdk i really love these two songs and also air by bammie <3 (i'm slow jams kinda person djdjdk :3)
(bam released the most fun album & title this year idc abt others, ribbon is one of the soty) also special mention of look so fine & running through the rain. yes! you do make sense they feel organic & very them.
exactly 😭 it's more believable when they drop stuff out of nowhere like encore 😭😭. the way youngjae posted his letter on twt too ddjjdkssk the announcement & release of encore is such a 'you just had to be there' situation the excitement, nervousness, confusion and everything 😭 sometimes i can't with them. also is the bibi with mark on ost, the same one you mentioned in last ask? the ost is really good <3, it must've been fun to see it happen (if its same bibi).
making a whole ass playlist just for me???? 😭😭😭🥺💗 yza you're so sweet nooooo 💖
and don't worry abt replying late jdjdkdjd i mean it, sometimes my friends text me after weeks and i'm am the same. it's really okay <3. i hope this week is treating you kindly, take care yza - 🪂
p.s ( just saw last post djjej) - it was me who manifested more bunny dino <3 manifesting even more <33
i was on stan twt during my younger years too and it was v fun and memorable to me ngl <3 idk what happened though.. it's evolved to be.. Something Else.. i still see a lot of good people there though 😭 and now that i'm in my Hag Era... idk it's just too fast for me now 😭 it's still my go-to place for updates though nothing can top twitter on that dept
and ms fallin flower.... i feel like everyone was blown away by it (based off of what i see carats when talk about it) and rightly so!! she SERVED. the looks too oh my god. it's another factor i look forward to and enjoy so much when i watch their performances!!
u know what? virgos 😐 indeed KJJKDFJKFDJKFDKJ i want to slander virgos today because it's their season and no one slanders them that often so <3 ABOUT MARK'S VIRGO TEMPER THOUGH... i know i've said i enjoy seeing it sm but whenever i think abt it i cant help but say that.. I Love His Temper <3 he doesn't get pissed off in a scary and douchebag-y way it seems so... contained?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT he punched an a/c though so that might not be the perfect word to describe him lmaoo <3
THE J TRINITY HFDJFJDJHDF BESTIE UR MIND IS SO!!!!!!!!!!! honestly... maybe it's the acts of service for me <3 JKDFKJFDKJFJKD i think this is just my eldest sister and savior syndrome speaking though kfjkdkjf ALSO OH MY GOD THE WAY U NOTICE THESE THINGS <3 THAT'S SO SEXIE OF U!!! and yes he used to be an infj!! there was an interview that's more recent wherein he mentioned that he's now an enfj though but i cant rmb which interview it's from :/ ALSO MOOD FKJJKGJGKF i dont believe in mbtis too but im just... a little obsessed w it for the fun of it all <3 and the way u described them </3 what if i tear up a little </3 I LOVE CHAN'S LAUGH SO MUCH BUT IM SO SOS O GLAD U BROUGHT UP YUGYEOM'S LAUGH??????????? IT'S NOT TALKED ABT ENOUGH LIKE...... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! one of my bird moots said he sounded like a schoolboy in choir 😭😭😭😭😭😭
GOD UR TASTE!!!!!!! what if i start falling in l*ve a little :/ what then :/ focus on me was ahead of it's time and people fucking slept on THEM i cannot fucking believe this. this has to be some kind of sick joke 😭 ALSO HAVE U SEEN THE CHOREO FOR SENSES!!!!!!1 INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! holy fuck!!!!!! sorry for the expletives but like.... holy SHIT they did THAT!!!!!!!! ALSO UR SO RIGHT </3 jjp verse 3 when... ALSO did u know i let go of the jjprojects url... thats the worst mistake of my life KDKJDSKJDSJK also agree wholeheartedly <3 i think they're all trying to find their footing this time around as soloists and im so proud of them for that!! i'll stand by my jus2 agenda though bc they're almost in the same company so maybe.. i might have hope left 😭
SO TRUE BESTIE!!! the same principle goes w svt for me as well <3 got7's such a flavorful group musically like... all of them have the capacity to go solo and they're still considered flops.. waht the fuck <3 ALSO OMG FJDKJFKFJD YOU'VE HEARD The Song!!!!!!!! maybe he'll be releasing something along those lines <3 esp now that he's supposedly coming w an album KJSJKDJSK on a similar note.. do u also listen to jamie (the other artist on the song) <3 NOO SHUT UP THIS CANNOT BE FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i was obsessed w on the rocks too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT WAS MY FAVORITE ON THE MIRRORS ALBUM HELLO??????????????????????????? im proposing to u rn
ok now i have to watch all the live vids again JKDSJKSJDKDSKJ ik keep saying 'ur so right', 'i agree', and 'so true bestie' but im gonna have to say this again bc i LOVE LOVE LOVE live sessions sm no matter the artist. i also just am a little partial to live bands in performances like that in general so JDJKKDSJDS
the way you're saying these cute things abt the svteenies.. </3 giving me heartache!!! i'd bully them though i can't coddle them anymore <3
not the fandom JKFDKJFDKJFDKJFKJF ok but i think it's mostly their younger fans tbh. it wasn't this bad before.. i also really liked bts during their debut days. their songs were really good!! i kind of lost interest though and couldn't really get into them although their songs slapped lol. my irls are still into them though so i still hear about them. 9 YEARS............................... wait oh my god it HAS BEEN a little over a decade since 1d was The Thing huh 😭 now i feel kinda old lmao. and i totally get that feeling </3 it really do be like that sometimes JKFDJKJKFD
you really ARE keeping up w the sevens oh my god how are you doing it!!!!!!!!!!! it's like getting svt content now at this point but more complicated bc u need to get the updates from different sources JDKJSDKJJSKD love ur song choices too <3
ALSO FULLY RELATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw bam's teasers... the aes was my cup of tea and THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't fucking get it out of my mind it's objectively one of the best things i've seen from kpop in 2021. i'm super impressed <3 love how abyss really supported bambam on this. they really went all in for him!!
I KNOW GKJDFJDK I GOT SUPER ???????/// DURING THE TIME EVERYONE THOUGHT THEY WERE DISBANDING LMAOOOO they pulled a move that's so unheard of though no one really expected That. i respect jaebeom so much for handling all the paperwork and shit behind the scenes it must've been HELL!! ALSO IT MEANT I CRIED FOR NOTHING THEN 😭😭😭 AND YES OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAME BIBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SHOCK I HAD WHEN I SAW THE LIST????????????????????????? thought i was gonna black out like,,, mark,,, AND BIBI??????????????? she's fucking phenomenal how is she just a YEAR older than me.. INSANE!!! ... and i also thought jackson was gonna have an ost for this movie.. idk why it wasn't released though i didnt look into it :/
i had a rough few days so i'm not yet finished with the playlist (my laptop's Dead i am still trying to revive her and uni's starting soon 😭) but for the mean time, here's another one that some people from caratblr previously asked for JDSJKSDJ these are mostly english songs though its not my k-playlist KJDSKJSDJK
i do hope this week gets better!!! and i hope that you'll have a fun one too <3 thank u for being so patient w me 🥺 i just get so many messages and find the need to recharge FDKJDFJK
ALSO I FELT LIKE IT WAS U!!!!!! OH MY GOD, i even searched my blog for the word manifest but for some reason your ask didn't come up in the search so i didnt mention u in the tags so i wont misattribute if it ends up not being u 😭 thank u for manifesting this chan for me he's my little... hop hop now ig... 😭
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truthisgoldenau · 4 years
for a moment there I accidentally had Pierce's photo under Marian's name oop
Time to officially confirm some AU canon LGBT stuff! Each character is their own pride flag but I'll add in other stuff that's canon in universe plus some bonus stuff at the bottom.
First up is Freddy Fazbear Jr! Gay all the way.
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He's definitely the "move I'm gay" type
Was honestly super freaked out to tell his dad but went with the bold approach of bringing home his first boyfriend and blatantly announcing their relationship as such as a challenge and was honestly surprised his dad wasn't bothered by it
He was around 13 at the time and so the twins and Fred were still in touch with Maddie's parents and brother. All three were incredibly supportive (and still would be)
He absolutely had a crush on Bonnie Burnette even though he had never talked to him. Since the twins and Bonnie went to the same high school he knew of Bonnie, thought he was a dreamboat, but because Bonnie was somehow in with the popular kids (it was the money 100%) Freddy didn't even bother
Frankie Fazbear! My ace son! (The ears are wrong blame the app lol)
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Honestly doesn't even know he's ace until much later
He's had crushes before but he's never been in a relationship (part of it is the attempt to communicate since he's mute sort of stops him)
He wasn't even sure it was worth mentioning to his dad so Fred never knew
This boy can hold so much love in his heart but he's not a very physical person that's all
Fred Fazbear Sr! YES. HE'S BI.
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Only Maddie even knew he was bi. That he knew of. Some people probably figured it out with his over the top always on personality.
Fred was constantly sure that Pierce picked up on it particularly after the Christmas mistletoe fiasco but if Pierce gave a shit he never said anything.
Frankly it was amazing that more people didn't pick up on it. He was over the top about everything until a point.
While he didn't overreact to his son very blatantly announcing he had a boyfriend, he was very proud of him. It was a very Fazbear family way to come out. Even though he got so distant, he was always proud of his boys.
Bonnie Burnette! Also bi!
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Being constantly surrounded by the popular crowd and always being the sort of stand out with purple hair and stupid purple bunny ears didn't do much to make Bonnie feel like he could even tell anyone he was bi.
Really the only reason he was even in the popular crowd was he was rich.
It made him less of a target for bullies at least cause the jocks wouldn't stand for anyone messing with him.
Knew Frankie from math class and honestly wished he could have talked to the quiet kid with bear ears as an alternative to the entirety of the popular group
Sort of in the background of the AU story very quietly develops a crush on Freddy and then thinks "oh God I like the troublemaker NO"
Chandler Cicily! Lesbian!
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Would absolutely describe her sexuality as "girls"
She's starting to discover it during the AU (even if it's not a topic that comes up but that's why there's this post about stuff lmao).
She's the baby of the group since she's 16 when the story starts and relationships aren't important to her yet
But the crew still support her when later she's like "maybe I just wanna bake things for a cute girl and let her put flowers in my hair is that too much to ask" (Marian always chimes in with "mood")
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Marian Mengele! An absolute bi icon!
Listen, her one goal in life may be to find her lost childhood friend, but that doesn't mean she's solely interested in this one Irish redhead
That said she's definitely only dated redheads
She's not afraid to be open about her orientation. It doesn't bother her. She's seen as weird already what can it hurt.
That said she falls for Finn so goddamn fast when she finds him that she questions herself and then is like "no wait I'm definitely not straight"
She's very upfront with Finn about it. There's no reason to hide this from him (or anyone) and if they're a thing she wants him to know.
Finn being the wonderful human being still loves her and it doesn't bother him. Why should it? He's just happy to be with someone who loves him.
Chetana might be Chandler's fake big sister but Marian is like fake mama when it comes to Chandler finally coming out.
God bless Finn for being the kind of person to sit and let Marian braid his hair with flowers because that's one of Marian's favorite things to do when her partner has longer hair and Finn's never really bothered with keeping his hair short THESE TWO ARE ICONIC I love them
Pierce Graves! A shitty pansexual icon
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First off he absolutely knew that Fred wasn't 100% straight he had no idea how it wasn't immediately obvious to everyone
That said Pierce literally did not give a shit who knew about his sexuality
As shitty as his whole personality was he could turn on the charm easily
His parents definitely knew but he was already a punk ass rebellious teen at the time so they have him the "be careful, don't get anyone pregnant" talk and worried from afar. If it bothered them, Pierce never knew because they made sure that he could still count on them (even though at the time Pierce didn't really talk to them much about anything)
Fred absolutely knew though I mean they were good friends
He's not a romantic. He's never really had a meaningful relationship because he's not that type of person. To be honest, there's a piece of him that saw relationships that worked and wondered how that would feel but he knew that wasn't for him. He figured that out way early on when he asked his granddad why he didn't have a grandma and Mortimer Graves didn't sugarcoat the answer. "She wasn't happy with me. I gave her the choice. She could stay and be miserable with my lack of a decent personality even though I was already struggling to not be such an ass or she could go and find someone who actually made her happy. She chose happiness, and while it sucks that she drifted out of my life and your dad's, she's better off."
Pierce could frankly always tell that he was more like his granddad and as much as he sometimes wanted to know if he could even out up with a meaningful relationship, he avoided it. Better to not hurt anyone and wonder than to become the catalyst for someone else to overcome, right?
Fritz Smith! Gay!
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The shy bumbling mechanic of the early 90s Freddy's ? Gay? It's more likely than you think
He was still far in the closet in the 90s He was young, living at home still because he had just gotten out of school, and while his parents weren't super conservative, he also didn't know how they'd take it
Found a friend in the day guard Mike Schmidt early on. Mike was looking for a roommate since his last one had moved out and Fritz jumped at the chance
They are like totally boyfriends by the time they cameo in the story though
Mike Schmidt! Another gay icon!
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Mostly invited Fritz to live at his apartment because he felt bad that this poor shy mechanic was getting constantly harangued about the animatronics having problems
Was glad to let Fritz complain about it and even cry it was very stressful but Fritz needed the money
Mike liked him. It would be hard not to really. Fritz was a sweetheart.
Mike didn't ask him out till much later though he wasn't quite sure that Fritz was gay and didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Luckily it didn't and as it turns out they worked well in a relationship.
Fritz's parents had to take some time to get used to it when finally Fritz got the nerve to tell them but as soon as they did there was no end of support from them
Mike's parents were the opposite which was mainly why he already lived by himself but oh well he got a cute boyfriend and cool parents-in-law later it was kind of a win
Daniel Hartford-Dunn! Gay!
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Presenting Maddie's older brother!
outside universe fact, he's loosely based in my actual cousin who lives in California with his husband.
He's 7 years older than Maddie was. Despite that, they were still close. Maddie's parents wanted more kids but struggled to get the two they had.
He's an accountant for a corporation and his boyfriend (and later his husband) is a pilot.
Last time he saw his nephews in person was at Maddie's funeral. He misses them terribly but over the years less and less contact came from his brother in law
Sometime in 2006 though he ends up getting a call from his nephews and there's this great reunion.
He's just. This chill older guy. Who loves his family. And doesn't care what people think.
Since I can't put anymore photos, here's the bonus content!
-as mentioned last night Dr. Phillip Guy is on the ace spectrum. I don't have anymore details about that at the moment unfortunately.
-Charlie Emily is a lesbian. The Emily twins were born in 1980. They haven't appeared in the AU yet even as cameos but they exist. Considering in AU canon the Emily family is alive and well in Hurricane, Utah without an Afton to be found, Charlie's dating her childhood friend Jessica at around the time the AU events are happening.
-Sammy Emily is trans and bi. Both Henry and his wife (who I know I at one point named but don't remember what it is anymore) love their two daughters to pieces.
That said I'll make a post at a later point introducing the Emily family because so far I've only officially given the design for Henry and not the rest.
In line with canon, Spring Bonnie/Springtrap can be counted as gay.
While Fred kept the shows at the diner pretty simple and straightforward, there was definitely this subtle underlying idea that Spring Bonnie and Fredbear were a content gay couple although if asked it was easy to present them as friends. At least, that was during '81-'82
Fred also had Henry help him program in a special one time only song called Springtime for his and Maddie's anniversary in 1983, which was of course a love song. Fred always thought of that as being mostly for his wife, and partially as a turning point thematically for the two characters.
Henry was on board with this. They still kept it subtle, but there were clear moments where it was pretty much certain that the only way to interpret Spring Bonnie and Fredbear was as a couple. It was either so subtle that no one was bothered or Spring Bonnie's chosen voice was so ambiguously non-binary that no one thought it was odd.
Fred had plans for it to become more "canon" but never got to implement them since Spring Bonnie got damaged before he could.
Springtrap, being sentient and able to later interpret his emotions, is very confused about how he as a machine was meant to feel about this character he knew but the more sentient he becomes the more aware he is that he misses Fredbear and that he loved him. It's the cause of a lot of internal conflict for him. But he can be counted in the category of LGBT characters in the AU.
Happy pride month ya'll! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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