#ok hi its me from february and we know his name now so im just gonna update the tags lmao
arielluva · 2 years
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me when i saw the image of this character when it released and then forgot about it until like 45 minutes ago
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marinazone · 6 months
What's been bugging my brain recently
Boy oh boy where do I start. Well I suppose I'll start with a little bit of context. Hi! My name is Hunter (if you never knew my real moniker, not many do even if i tell them); and I have been in a disastrous...what could only be described as love illness, since February 28th. Before i explain why (if you dont already know) allow me to provide my full experience with love. When i was in 12th grade i was used as rebound for a girl named Nicole after her boyfriend had broken up with her. It was the first time i had ever gotten to feel love, the expectations of what i should expect were to be established from then forward. We talked a lot asked eachother how we were doing shared similar interests that kinda shit. It was cool, the sex was lukewarm at best but it felt nice to feel appreciated. Thats when her emotional manipulation began. She would be in low points that i attributed to depression. I always told her "go get help for your depression, itll only get worse" all of which she militantly ignored to the point where she told me she was being physically abused by her family. Naturally, stupid me, believed her and grew more and more attached and protective and i didnt find out til after we split up that she was full of horse shit. It was during this point that she would take opportunities when she was "moody" to punch me across the face. Why did i take that shit? I dont know! I guess i was too fucking scared to lose someone i was attached too. Two years passed and i realize she started to ditch me to hang with some dude named Paul and was cheating on me for months. I finally asked firmly if she was and she admitted it, playing sap. I was devestate for about three months afterward. I had planned to kill myself numerous times but always remembered how much my friends would miss me. It was during this time around 2013 that i took up a habit of walking a mile to a nearby bridge on a "private walk" over an artificial lake to just gaze into and get lost in what seemed like infinite thought. I eventually got over her, but only after deleting all contact with her.
Second is someone online i will just call Saber. A very basic ass relationship. No emotional fulfillment for me and only sexting. He was a bit different in abuse in that it was more a financial abuse than anything else. He relied on me to pay for his ffxiv game and subscription and shit cause he didnt live in NA and i didnt see a cent back. The separation was far more a fade then burning out. We just stopped talking and i stopped giving once i realized i was being used
And the third ex is actually criminally dangerous so i will avoid any details at all about them! Just know theyre in jail still i think and they dont know my address
So we arrive more recently, I dont want to use exact names as im still in contact with them and are (presumably) friends and i do not wish to expose information given in confidence. I will just be using first initials as follow: A, B, T, and W.
So it began with a message I'd received from B (all this was when i was freyacrescentshangover on here). He messaged me because we were into the same shit and asked if i wanted to rp. I figured sure! Why not! Well he was pretty chill and nice and i would eventually tell him i had a crush on him. He said "its cool we have similar fetishes but lets just stay friends for now ok?"
It didnt upset me to much. Then W entered my life and boy is she a treat (not sarcastic, mostly). She contacted me for much the same reason. We were into similar shit. We'd spend a lot of time back and forthing this stuff and getting to know eachother and then i finally told her i had a crush on her and her answer is something to keep in mind for later. She didnt say yes, but she didnt say no. She told me things such as ne being cute and how she enjoyed how we had similar kinks and said she'd be down to be more flirty sometimes. I had no fucking idea what this meant (No offense W) so I was more just in a state of confusion where our relationship was. As for why i admired her? She was passionate. Her interests were so emblazoned on her soul that is was visceral just being in a conversation (still is to an extent). Yet she's also so cool and mysterious. It felt like she was someone i had to learn about, someone that i could listen to their passions for hours in complete awe and admiration. Thats still what i admire about her to this day i suppose, but ill get onto that more in a bit.
This was also around the same time i had developed a crush on A. A is super cool and chill even to this day. Never afraid to be herself or says what she feels and that is truely admirable. She'd contacted me because, once again, we were into similar fetishes. We did the old exchange weird stuff and talk until i noticed she, by complete fucking cosmic coincidence, lived in the same town as me. You guessed it! Got a crush on her. This rejection breaks the mold a bit though in that she reciprocated the feelings but felt she was in to many relationships and couldnt provide me the emotional support i needed. Didnt bother me too much.
Well, that is until a couple months later A and her wife formed triad with W. It felt so.....bad if im being honest. I feel guilty to say it and i am really happy for them still! But there's always been a part of me since then that sorta felt......jealous? Short changed? I dont know, its hard to find a word for it. Its like when you taste something super fucking sour but you like expected it to be sweet. My self worth sorta plummeted from it all. Like i just wasnt enough for them..
Cut to later and i met T. Shes super sweet and funny and boy i got a crush on her too! She got into contact with me because......you guessed it! Similar fetishes! It feels like im just gifted with a power that lets people confide their weird fetishes with me. When i told her she told me essentially "Same fetishes dont like you that way".
Now we cut from 3 years ago to a month ago. I get feelings spurring up again for T and W (Probably A too but after how this goes I dont wanna be crushed ever again). I tell T first i have a crush on her. She says something similar to before but elaborates that romantic feelings are very hard for her to obtain. Then I tell W again. She says "We have similar fetishes and thats cool but i dont like you that way". For some fucking reason, this was an emotionally devastating breaking point for me and im not sure why. i got over T in like two days. W on the other hand? Were a month strong in and I still cant stop being depressed about it all. What happened here? What went different here? Was it because of the awkward response id receive years ago? Was it the jealousy-like feelings i still harbored? Is it just because i wanted to hear more about her and her interests and passions hidden under that cool (and sexy) exterior like i had before? I dont know. Probably never will. Likely a combination of all those though.
So here I am, on this weird precipice of loneliness, ready to die any second because my self worth doesnt seem to improve no matter what I do (and ive been doing a ton lately). Will I be able to work up the courage to take another final shot at A? Probably not, my body can't take another hit like that. Atleast not so soon. Will I ever get over W? Im not sure. The last time i felt this bad was with Nicole and I had to cut all contact with her to feel better, but the thought of doing that with W makes me even more sick. Maybe I'm just SOL and my emotional and mental stability doomsday clock is finally reaching midnight (sure hope not! I have Marinas to bully!).
Apart from all this, with how spurred i feel and such. I find it harder and harder to get out of bed every day. To do the things i like keeping myself healthy. Eating. Showering. To live. And yet I move.
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roseriot2191 · 1 year
Entry 1/Introductions
so i really havent used tumblr before really so im not sure if this is the best place for what im doing but regardless im posting it here
~welcome to my blog~
the purpose is to document my life as a whole but its also my senior year so even more reason to record it!
this blog will be my safe space to spill anything, the good and the bad, of my upcoming life. in all honesty im not sure how well ill keep up with posts or how much effort ill end up putting into them but i will try to update at least once a week for sure.
ok so now onto me :)
hello again! im rose, i use he/they pronouns and i am 17. for anyone wonder, which i dont know why but i guess i can just state it to get it out of the way, im a cis queer guy. i use queer as my label because i very much dislike labels for myself lmao. im attracted to men way more often than not but if the right person for me isnt a guy the im not going to let gender/sex get in the way of love and im not sure pansexual really fits the way i feel. queerness ill say is a part of me but not something i identify with as much as i did in middle school. ill make a separate post about this perhaps. (ill mention that my name isnt actually rose irl and its just my pen name for the blog. i have no reason to be secretive really besides to hide my identity from friends, family and people who think they might know me, especially with the topics i might write about, but also i didnt put too much effort into disconnection rose and myself so if youre one of my irl friends, hi :p ) i am a high school student, but i am mostly taking college classes at a community college. im a photo major! photography is a recent thing that i started basically the same time i started college. i sorta took a leap into photo classes and decided that i might as well major in it since ive always been a creative person and since my high school was paying for my tuition. honestly college has been really fun but its school and sometimes i get burnt out really easily which sucks. ill probably talk about this more some other time. i havent really decided on a style of photography that i prefer yet but this fall ill start a portraiture lighting class as well as a color theory class, both im really excited for.
recently ive found myself changing or perhaps growing into a more typical "teenager" recently. this growth is a drastic change from who i was as a kid and that sort of scares me but i think i like the idea of who i can become. i started taking an interest in cars which sort of came out of know where. it might be because i got my license last december and have been driving a lot more but its also rooted in my ex too. (at the begging of this summer i got into a relationship with this guy who was my first everything, and we also ended it in july which hurt hella but again this is a topic for another post later) he was a total car guy and it was something we were bonding over. he would teach/talk about cars and i listened and started to take an actual interest. we went to a few car shows and it was honestly a prefect date/hangout for us because he liked cars of course but i also got to bring my camera and take photos. definitely something i miss doing. my first car was a 2004 honda pilot. it was a manual and i tried learning how to drive it and i got the gist but ended up selling it and getting an automatic 2006 honda pilot lol. this car ive had since february and its lowkey dying now which pisses me. my grandpa was the one who ended up buying it for me which i appreciate very much dont get me wrong but he bought it off these sketchy guys and didnt get it checked out right away for any problems and now im paying extra money in repairs. currently im trying to save for something more "extra" like a mustang or a bmw or honestly an older honda like a prelude or accord, though on my salary as a host in a small restaurant i have barely $4.5k saved and i started work about the same time i got the 06 pilot. i know these cars are a bit on the pricey side but im giving myself till new years to save for something and if i dont find anything by then, ill keep my money in savings for college after i graduate. (that is with the hopes my 06 pilot lasts me through that long :,) )
so yeah. i work as a host at a restaurant. its my first job and i honestly really like it. i get paid $16.50 an hour and i get tipped out by the waitresses on top of that. on average i make about $500 in a pay period which is two weeks. i wish i had more hours but also i dont. i usually use work as an excuse to procrastinate or completely ignore school work which is really self destructive because i convince myself that im productive but in reality i need to be more focused on school. my work ethic is pretty good though i think. i always say yes if someone needs a cover or if i need to come in ealry/on a day off. after the break up i took a bunch of extra shifts and started taking caterings for longer hours and to keep me busy. in the past 2 pay periods i clocked about 50 hours each and made $850 each. this has again been really nice for savings but not for my summer classes. this pay period i had a double catering and i should clock in about 40 ish hours. ill have one more pay period after this one before i will talk to my manager about scheduling me only friday-sunday and see about scheduling me caterings more rather than hosting since i make more that way. theyre pretty good about accommodating hours/days which is really cool but my manager always complains. i feel bad but also i really shouldnt because i need to do better in school first and i already do so much more than what i get paid for honestly so she really doesnt have any reason to say anything. (especially since we just hired 3 new girls after the summer hires left) all my coworkers love me but also everyone shit talks eachother behind their backs so i always wonder if they say anything about me lol. if they are then they should put that energy somewhere else because how are you guys gonna shit talk a 17 year old when you all are 25+???
my music taste is the opposite in regards to changing drastically. i find myself returning to the music i grew up with and even expanding with similar artists. for a quick family overview my step dad who raised me since i was three was/is a tattoo artist and very much in the punk scene. my mom was in the artistic performance and alternative scene. both these adults raised a very punk baby with all the classics and now like i said, after not really interested or listening to music often for awhile, im back to my roots. this is very comforting however when me and my ex were dating he was a big influence in the reintroduction. so do i corrilate some music to him? yes. does it hurt? im not sure. its very confusing but i listen to it on blast regardless and will most likely have hearing problems by the time im 30 T~T a lot of what ive been listening to on repeat is radiohead which was "our band" and i still think it is. im a very sentimental person and cant/wont diconnect these feelings probably ever. i do this a lot. this time though i havent had the urge to stop listening which is a reliefe because i enjoy the music but also because i think itd hurt me if i found hate or sadness in the music rather than the love and bond we once shared through these songs. something ive been considering is posting a song with every post or at the very least at the end of the week. maybe even a playlist at the end of the month? not sure yet. i think music tatse is something that changes with me all the time so its something worth recording here. oh also i def will post cd hauls here too! i have a small collection started but definetely wanna get more.
lets see i dont read often but my favorite books are alice in wonderland, the warden's daughter, they both die at the end, coraline and currently i am reading solitaire by alice oseman. ive read her heartstopper series and have taken a serious interest in tori's story. for my favorite shows i binge watch shows so often and then forget about them just as fast as i watch them lol. i really like soul eater, downtown, daria, the midnight gospel, the walking dead, initial d, madoka magica, and some others i cant think of right now.
hmm~ i cant really think about anything else to write at the moment, plus ive been typing for awhile and should get to bed, so i think ill end it here.
i dont really expect anyone to read this blog in all honesty but its something i wanna do for myself and if a few people take interest or relate to anything i talk about i think thats enough :)
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harmcityherald · 1 year
I used to queue a song every day at 3pm. it wasn't laborious or anything but I grew out of doing that. I use queue now to schedule posts like its my favorite artist yea happy october birthday only its February so I put it where it belongs. or those wonderful on this day its crab with a knife birthday and such. mostly if you see me posting I am here, present, accountable for all my mistakes. please come tell me about them. You would be surprised how good a listener I am. also if something I post or reblog needs backhanding Im always up for coherent debate. what Im not here for are political attacks, name calling, being a nazi, terf, bigot, you know the list. Im not here to have a dialogue with fascists. you will notice I always say don't be afraid to talk to me if you are a republican. we can have a coherent debate. I don't think all republicans are bad Im literally surrounded by them. just don't be any of the above. nazi, terf, bigot, fascist. hell, you can even be a cop. Im guilty of attacking one kust for being in my notes. I was in the wrong. regular guy just wants to scroll tumblr probably in secret in his patrol car. he didn't deserve what I did and I won't point tto him because that guy deserves to scroll for whatever he likes too. was he a bad cop? how the fuck do I know? I was in a bad place at the time anyway and his likes triggered my paranoia. look, I tried to be a cop. I know some cops who are good guys. not all cops are bad like not all women are bad drivers just to use a worn out analogy. you can posture as if you are king shit antifa and acab all day but Im here to tell you when I have had to call them I am thankful they are there. call me a bootlicker if that makes your dick hard but Im here to tell you I been a fucking rebel since around 73. that's when my angst started. The best rebels don't hide from police. my rebellion is in my VOTE. now having said all that I truly believe that the police were instructed by 'higher ups' to cause the ferver of the blm riots. it was an election cycle and boy did they show their asses. Im not saying the anger at lets say the death of George Floyd was misplaced in any way. what I am saying is after Trayvon Martin I could almost see a effort to intentionally stir up these things. So I may be right or wrong about that, its not my place to say. but it is my place to wonder and to always try to think critically always. 18 year old me wanted to be a cop. I wanted to be on the brand spanking new profilers unit of the fbi. I wanted to take serial killers off the street. you can thank my great uncle for implanting that desire. They put him to death and 13 year old me said I will pull that lever myself. So I can never believe that all cops are bastards. there was me and there was Serpico. blows your little catch phrase up. same with the defund the police bit. ok maybe they don't need 30,000$ robot dogs. I get it. we should fund better things. I get all of that. But.....you take away the police force and 6 dudes on the block break down your door for whatever it is they gonna kill you for, you really think you and your ar15 are all you'll need. trust me, it ain't. some of you all want the 24/7 purge going on. what we've needed from way back is POLICE REFORM. not abolishment. and thats where I fall on that spectrum. police brutality? oh it absolutely exists in great numbers. I will even give you that most police are corrupt in some way. shit there may only be one guy on any given force that is a real on the level good cop. we need to train them more. pay them more and hold them accountable more. thats a long way off with a supreme court packed with nazis. and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. its packed with nazis. you guys think im crazy but look at the other side of the world and nazis fighting there and everywhere. they call themselves many things, the media calls them 'far right' my dude they are fucking nazis.
wait a minute. how did I go from my queue to fuck nazis in 7 seconds flat?
anyway you may not agree with me on a lot. Here I am.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 52 - Kami's avatar plan & Momotaro Dentetsu!? The aim behind the huge spread of conspiracy theories, and related Youtube videos.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression.  Joe san, Tasai san, welcome.
K: (To Tasai) You're wearing that.
T: I really like this, I wear it to all sorts of places.
K: Really?
T: Yes. Girls tell me I'm cool when I wear it, it made me feel kinda cocky. Haha
J: You should be!
K: When I saw this (on Tasai) I didn't realise what it was, I didn't remember it. Haha, like was this really ours?
T: When I first heard about this, I heard that Kaoru had made it with great detail, haha.
K: Well, speaking of Dir en grey, we've decided to release a new single.
K: At this point it will be in Spring.
J: I see. I can't wait for it.
K: The song will be called 'Oboro'
J: How are you progressing with it?
K: Uh, at the moment we are just starting the mixing..we are at the start of February now.
J: So, like, you can see the finish line already?
K: Hm, well....yeh. We've all finished our parts.
J: Ah, I see. The members' performances are all over.
T: Uh, at the end of year announcement, the talk about the avatars, with Kaoru playing really high up, haha.
Kami: Um...um, are you gonna make a music video for it?
K: Eh?
Kami: You will make a music video, right?
J: Oh, a music video?
Kami: Yeah. Will you make it as an avatar video?
K: Well..we havn't really thought about it yet.
Kami: I am really interested in that, I really liked that idea.
J, T: Ehhh.
K: Thank you.
Kami: I kinda want you to make another one.
K: Oh, for the new song too?
Kami: Yeah, I really want you to make one for the new song.
T: Ah, but you said you havn't thought about that this time?
K: Not at this point, no.
Kami: Why don't you let me do it?
J: Haha
K: Eh? Let Kami make it?
J: Kami, do you have any talent for that type of thing?
Kami: Well, I mean, I reckon I could do it.
T: He reckons he could?
Kami: In my own godly way...I'd like to have a go.
J, T: Ohhh.
Kami: Thats right.
K: Will it work?
T: Haha
J: Yeh, because don't they usually do this type of thing in the workshop?
K: This is a brand new development, right?
T: Yeh, Im pretty surprised too.
Kami: I understand that, but I do think it would be good...like to have it reviewed in the workshop.
T: Ahh, like he wants to raise his reputation.
J: Yeh, but its quite ???*1. Kami, do you have confidence?
Kami:Yes, I do.
J, T: Ohh.
T: He's amazing.
J: Kaoru, he said he's confident?
Kami: Um, it might turn out kinda fun style though.
T: Fun style?
K: Fun style...we don't really have that image though.
J: Right.
K: Well...I'll have to ask the other members.
T, J: Yeh.
Kami: Kaoru, you are the leader, so there's no need to do that.
K: No no no. Its precisely because Im the leader that I have to ask.
J: Haha, yeh, just telling them out of the blue that the god from your own youtube channel will be making an avatar video..they would say thats not a leader!
Kami: No, but say something skillful.
K: Well, I'll just ask them.
T: I'm sorry to say this Kaoru, but I kinda wanna see this happen.
J: Really?!
Kami: A video produced by Kami..what do you think, Joe?
J: Well, it could be scary...
T: Haha.
J: Its not really about something incredible happening, its more like what is gonna come out of the limits of this god.
K: I personally don't have any problem with it, but as for Dir en grey, thats a group decision.
J: Well, yes.
K: It depends on that.
J: So, we'll hand the issue over to you for now to get the other members' approval.
K: Yeh.
Kami: Im being quite brave here, but I also have another request. I've had another idea.
J: You are being brash, aren't you?!
T: He is asking a lot today.
Kami: I thought it might liven up the show a bit.
J: Ahh, ok, go ahead...
Kami: Should we all play Momotaro Dentetsu together?
J, K, T: Momotetsu??
T: Ah, thats a good idea, I'm all for that!
Kami: Lets do it.
T: I really like Momotetsu..
K: Everyone's playing it recently, aren't they?
T: Yeah, its really popular at the moment.
J: I'm sorry, I reacted when he said the name..but I actually don't know what Momotetsu is...
T: Well, its a board game..
K: A board game style video game.
J: Oh right. What is 'tetsu'...like trains?
K: Yes.
T: Do you know Monopoly?
J: Yes, I know that.
T: Its like a train version of Monopoly.
J: Ahh, ok. Well, lets do it! Thats ok. How would we do it?
K: Well, we can think about that later.
J: Yes, ok..but that means its a posibility?
K: Will Kami play too?
Kami: Oh, yes! Thank you!
J: He sounds so happy, haha.
T: Kami, how will you join in with the game?
Kami:.....Yeh, how will I?
J: Yes, you tell us.
Kami:....how would I? I'd have to get some one to do it for me.
K, T: Haha
J: Like a representative of Kami?
Kami: Yeah.
T: Another person that we've never met will come, right? haha. Kami won't have met them, it will be a total stranger.
J: Dubious, right?
K: Ahh, but I havn't played Momotetsu in ages.
T: Ah, in the newest version you get stronger privileges, and its like you can make deliveries freely*2
J: So we are looking towards actually doing this, for now.
K: Well, yeah, its ok. We've got the start of two new plans.
J: Yep, one is a Kami produced avatar video for the new single.
K: Its not really 'produced by' though, more like 'made by'.
T: Making it on his own
J: Yeah, he's making it on his own for us.
K: Its more reassuring that way.
J: Haha, like, not in a collaboration?
K: I approve it of that.
Kami: Im making it on my own, but I don't have any money, so I want to get the money for it from you.
K: No, I can't do that.
J, T: Hahaha
J: He said he wanted to do it himself. He asked you if he could do it! If you want to do it yourself, you have to deal with the cost yourself.
K: This show has zero production cost anyway.
J: Haha, is that right? Thats tough.
T: We finally got a decent mic stand.
K: Yeah, but its kinda been reformed.
J: The mic stand fell over before didn't it? 
K: ???*3
Kami: I don't have any money!
K: Well, it doesn't have to be that high quality.
J: Yeah.
K: He doesn't need a camera though.
J: No. So there are two conditions as for making an avatar vid: one is that Kaoru has to get the permission from the other members, and the other is that Kami has to cover the production costs himself.
*On screen note: Permission was gained from all members in the following days*)
T: Yeah. ????*4, like to show he's made it all himself.
K: Yeh, because if we paid for it, we'd have to approve the whole thing.
J: Oh, yeh, like an official check?
K: Yeah.
J: That would be a bit different. What do you think Kami?
Kami: If I make it, can I sell it?
T: Haha, 'If I make it can I sell it'??
K: No, you cannot. That is that is the biggest rule.
Kami: Oh, please let me sell it!!!
K: That totally depends on how good it is.
J: Right, you might allow it if it was outstanding.
T: Haha
K: Ok, Joe, lets look at today's topic.
J: Yes, 'A monthly income of ¥1million. Chaging tune during game commentary. What is the aim of the massive spread of conspiracy theories, and related Youtube videos?' Well, there is a lot of news surrounding the American Presidential election last year, but a huge amount of conspiracy theories and fake information is spreading even amongst Trump supporters in Japan. Within this are big ones like, 'Trump will unleash martial law, and mass arrests of traitors will begin', 'Nancy Pelosi has been arrested', etc etc. There are even theories that are circulating only in Japan, and which are spreading through Youtube videos and round up sites. Within those, there is one user who brings up such material in the middle of game commentary videos, and can make up to ¥1million per month. The posibility that they are doing it for the advertising revenue cannot be denied. Well, its like, is it ok to spread lies in return for money?... this news questions the 'freedom of expression'.
K: Well, conspiracy theories have been around for ages, havn't they?
J: They always have, yes.
K: But since covid started...there have been...like, a load of theories coming up about it, right?
J: Yeah.
K: I kinda get the sense that a lot of conspiracy  theories about covid have grown to be seen as almost the truth.
T, J: I see.
K: You don't even know whats a conspiracy theory or whats real news now.
J: Well, yeah. In relation to covid, I also don't know what is actually correct. In some sense, there are certain voices that are louder than others, and if you mix in these conspiracy theories, you get this kind of....well, like with these protests in relation to the American election, or even without that, these theories do spread.
K: You kind of watch them in a funny sense to start, but then it feels like they gradually loose power.
J, T: Yeh.
K: There are people who will end up believing them though.
Kami: Um, that game commentator who is talking about conspiracy theories in order to make a profit, I don't like that. I want him to try harder, like, don't be influenced by money.
T: No no no. Kami has been talking about money a lot, haha
J: Yeh, like, 'Can I sell it?' He's only telling other people not to be influenced by money.
Kami: Yeah, gods are influenced by money...gods are. I kinda understand how this guy feels. I can't help it.
J: You can't help it?
Kami: Yep.
J: You can't help it for money?
Kami: Yeah, I take it back, its ok to be influenced by money.
J, K, T: Hahaha
J: Kami, you're weak!
T: That was a quick turnaround.
J: I was pretty shocked that this guy can make ¥1million per month though.
K: Well, if his view count grows...
J: Yeah. 
K: Those numbers would be impossible for this show.
J: Haha, yeah, everyone please help us out with that. Even if we aimed to make ¥1million, conspiracy theories take up a lot of time, right?
T: Yeh, but how about we feature some conspiracy theories?
J: If we will get like this guy, right?
Kami: Ah, lets go with some conspiracy theories!
J, T: Haha
K: There are probably people out there really putting thought into making new conspiracy theories, aren't there?
J, T: Yeah.
K: It sounds pretty difficult. Like, what type of conspiracies would fly?
J, T: Right.
J: ???*5
K: Like Kami's?
J: Kami's conspiracy theories, haha. But it is difficult. Hm, eventually we'll have a 'Freedom of Expression conspiracy theories edition'.
T: Well, lets do more of this kind of stuff.
J: Tokyo Sports loves this kind of thing, doesn't it?
T: Yeah.
J: Do your sales go up when you feature this stuff?
T: Well, not really with conspiracy theories, but we sell at lot when we write about UFOs and stuff. People are really curious about things that are 'unknown'. They really are.
J: Hm.
K: Ok, on that note, lets finish here. Thank you very much.
*1,3,4,5 Couldn't catch/figure out
*2 I've never played Momotetsu so Im not sure if im understanding the explanation right. 
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yoichichi · 4 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: ok this is for my baby, my shawty, my luv xoxo, my bitch, my world, my EVERYTHING 😩 @plutowrites her request was sent in private so imma keep it that way ❣️ please enjoy baby 💓
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a/n: ok so I know you got boyfie kenma but this is who I’d match you with excluding that scary mf 😌😙 sooo say hello to boyfie #2 & #3
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Tsukishima Kei
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I just knew eventually we’d come to this Pluto 😪 let’s address the mental illness that is being with Tsukishima 😪 IM JUST KIDDING PLS
Ok but no fr everything you’re looking for in a relationship? ^ this guy got
Tsuki is so funny idc
He’ll constantly be whispering snarky remarks in your ear about people around you and just absolutely dog on them and it’s SO funny
And sometimes he’ll just look at you after Hinata said something stupid like 😒 and ITS SO HARD TO NOT BURST INTO TEARS
Like this boy is gonna have you in stitches
And he’s so smart with it too like he’s so witty
He’s also the kind of guy where if you’re dying after he said smth he’s gonna look you up and down with a smirk cause he’s proud of himself LMAO
He’s also not clingey but a lowkey simp
Like he’d never in his fucking life admit to being a simp
But the speed at which he flips his phone when he thinks he might have a notif from you
And the way he will listen to the SAME song on rpt in those mf headphones if it reminds him of you
Cause he’s using his phone to text his mom or smth and sees the home screen and is just 🤭😳😏 ~tsukiii
And Tsukis just
“Give me my phone, you can walk home.”
Tsukishima is so decisive too I-
You’d be taking like 3 seconds too long to decide and he’d decide for you LMAO
Or you’d just give him a ~look like 😳🥺 and he’d just know and he’d roll his eyes and figure it out LMAO
Pls you’ll be somewhere and won’t know what you want to eat and you’re getting nervous cause your guys turn to order is coming up and he’d just order something for you he’d know you’d like and after just pull you into his side and kiss the top of your head
“You’re such an idiot.”
you’re VERY lucky he’s good at making good decisions LMAO
Ok he is going to be squishing your cheeks literally all the time????
Like you do anything and he’s grabbing your cheeks with one hand and moving your head back and forth while he talks to you in the mocking baby voice ya know?
“Oh you think you’re so smart baby~”
He’s mean but like, it’s ok cause it’s him and it’s h-hot 😦🤢 and he loves you obviously 🙄
 bitch you said banter that borderlines mean? This bout to be your favorite song^ all he DOES is bully
It’s his love language at this point
Your name in his phone is baby 🧡
But he says it’s just your name LMAO
Until you call his phone so he can find it and you see your contact name
Pls bully him about it he deserves it
It does not matter that you’re tall he will call you tiny literally any chance it makes sense
Can you reach things on the top shelf?
Does he care?
And he will grab it for you and be like
You’re too tiny I got it 🙄✋🏼 LMAO
Okok you mentioned you have eczema
One of Tsukis ways of showing he really does love you is taking care of you
He notices you’re getting low on your cream?
He already went to the store to get some for you
You’re having a flare up and feeling a little insecure?
He’s kissing your temple and whispering how beautiful you look today in your ear, hoping you’ll think about the way his hand is running up and down your arm and how he’s breathing down your neck, and the way the skin behind your ear is burning now from the second kiss he placed, rather than the way you’re eczema is making you feel
He’s a little more affectionate in public that day than he normally would choose to be
It’s subtle, things like intertwining your fingers and kissing your hand before pulling you in his direction rather than the way he’d usually hold your pinky and lightly tug you his way
Or coming up right behind you to look at something you’re showing him, towering over you with his chest against your back
“That’s awesome.” He says it sarcastically but still leans down to press a kiss to your cheek
“C’mon let’s get what we actually came for stupid.”
Even when he’s driving you guys there and back his right hand is resting on your thigh instead of the wheel, only moving to adjust the radio
He notices and his solution to bad thoughts is “think of me instead then bitch”
He keeps literally any and everything you’ve EVER made him
You met in highschool and now live together while you’re in college?
He still has those first things you made him in highschool in a little scrapbook album he made after a couple years of being together
Ok he eats the treats you bake in moderation in front of you ,,, but you’ve come across him more than once getting a midnight snack
Crumbs around his mouth and all LMAOOO
ok while he wouldn’t understand the basketball obsession completely he WILL put on a Raptors jersey and sit and watch every game with you and love your reactions
He’s even recorded games for you if you were too busy to watch it and then when you have the time to watch it he IS WEARING HIS JERSEY AND TURNING IT ON ALREADY AND YOURE JUST 🥺🤲🏼
But he’s just 😒 don’t make a big deal out of it
He takes things you’ve baked him to lunch every day bye
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Jean Kirschtein
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I was reading and I was using my brain HARD I almost said Eren but I don’t think he’d be making smart decisions for y’all... and that mf is too indecisive y’all would really get nothing done LMAO
Apparently I just really love you and Jean
Literally the most reliable and attentive mf
He’s a MASTER at being a simp without being too clingy
Always buying things you need from the store (he’s a lil bit of a rich boy too cmon now)
He remembers ALL of your favorite snacks and drinks
And when they change he makes a mental note of it
Literally a quarter of his brain is a roladex of your favorite Haribo gummy’s it’s ridiculous LMAO
He absolutely refuses to share things you bake him with literally anyone
God forbid Sasha gets a whiff, he swears he’ll fist fight her
He thinks it’s so special cause you made it for ~him so why tf should someone else get a taste 🤨☝🏼
He’s not even a lowkey simp at this point
The way he’d spoil you pls...
Like at some point you’re like Jean I- I only need so many necklaces
Yeah he’ll just move on to the next thing
Ok this a lil saucey but he’s definitely the type to buy you lingerie he wants to see on you
And if you’re feeling nervous or insecure he’s gonna be all over you and saying all kinds of things in your ear since you’re too shy to make eye contact
Your face is buried in his chest and he’s just running his hands down your sides and whispering little things in your ear like how pretty you are for him and how good you are for trying this on for him
He would love to bake with you as a date 🥺🤲🏼
I don’t think he’d be that great ... but he tries!!
And he gets to spend time with you, even if you are laughing at him 🖤
Another one who’s a decision maker
He’s gonna ask you more than tsuki would LMAO but ultimately he’s taking charge in the relationship
He just loves you so much pls
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Baby I hope I did this justice 😪🤲🏼 I’m literally in love with you they better watch out... 🔪🧍🏻‍♀️......
Requests are open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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cogneartive · 5 years
The Great Peter Infodump of March 2020
yo @brackets-and-woolly-hats @mijaco-geo and @mike-nesmith-for-mayor I have recently been informed that yall would really like me to infodump about Peter and I want to thank yall because I think if I held it in any longer I would explode
Also thanks to the coolcherrycream articles and various interviews that I learnt all these from in the 5-ish months I’ve been thinking about the monkees for
But before I start going hnngggg Peter I would like to warn you that despite my tone this is going to contain some heavy stuff. We’re talking brief mentions of blood, and suicide and death so be careful about that
This is gonna get hella long so *cracks knuckles* let’s begin
let’s start from the very beginning: a very good place to start
Friday, 13th February one bb was born and he would always say that Friday the 13th was a lucky day for years onwards
He was born with a lot of diversity in his parentage
He’s Irish and German-Jewish on his mother’s side and Norwegian on his dad’s side
Speaking of Jewishness (is that a word???) I rememeber an article saying that he used to randomly say Hebrew words in interviews and I think he taught Mike how to say something too?? I dont know
Peter was a very friendly boy even when he was just a toddler cus he would drag any new friend he had home
Anyway, he was born in Washington DC
Once on Christmas he went missing and his mum and grams panicked and looked all over the house for him
Turns out he was just waiting at lampost in the snow because he wanted to make sure that Santa would bring him a present
Speaking of Grams, when he was 3 (i think im doing this from memory) he was at a post office with his mother when she came in.
He got uber excited and shouted “THAT’S MY GRAMS. HER NAME IS CAIT!”
And so everyone turned to look at her and he squealed
He would also often ride on the top part double deck buses and whenever the bus slowed down, he would wave to nearby people and say “HI MY NAME’S PETER WHAT’S YOUR?” to which those people who wave back and sometimes answer him. I mean, wouldn’t you?
Also he started to play with pianos when he was 3 and also he liked dancing so that’s cute
One of his first memories was of being at the hospital where his brother Nick (who they called Nicky and that’s what I’m going to call him) was born
Soon after Nicky was born they moved to Germany Yeet. He was 4 and the time and Nicky was like 18 months or smth
Right so I dont know why people dont talk about this part of his childhood because like,,,it’s interesting??
In Germany they had two maids
They had to put sugar in every food so that Peter and Nicky would actually eat the strange German food
He became very fluent in German and would help his mother with translations
He was also fluent in French for some reason
Someone made a statue of his 4 year old head and it became a famous minor art piece that featured in calendars
It probably now sits in his house because I saw in in the background of the short documentary that his son, Ivan Ivanoli made about him which you sould check btw
Anyway, when Peter was 5 he made his first official best friend Ule who was two years older than him
Once when he was playing hide and seek with Nicky he ran at full force at a closed glass door that he thought was open, shattering it, and getting a shard into his arm. Reasonably he screamed
Apparently, he was hurt a major artery and would have bled to death if not for someone being in the house to call a doctor
Once he was out and about wandering around, as you would do if you were Peter when he was stopped by some official looking guy from going back into his own house.
It’s important to note that Peter looked very much like a German boy and would ONLY talk in German outside. God knows why he did this.  Reasonably, the dude thought he was lying and he had to call for his mum
Anyway, in Germany school starts when you’re five but his birthday was in the middle of the school year so his parents sent him in early which set him up for some outcasted child syndrome later
And then the moved back to America yeet
So he moved back into America but it didn’t stop there. No. They had to move around like a 100 different times and as someone who went to a total of 4 different schools (so far oh no) that sets you up with outcasted child syndrome. What also sets you up with outcasted child syndrome is if you’re an undiagnosed neurodivergent which Peter seemed to think he was when he was in his 50s (either ADHD or autism) so uhh keep that in mind
So he was in school and as mentioned earlier he was a year younger than his peers so that’s fun
He was very very clever. Often he would finish his work first and his (4th grade) teacher would make do some reading or creative writing. She encouraged him to do creative writing because she saw some talent in there
Not only was he acadmically gifted, but he was also musically gifted. Playing not only the piano (which he got lessons for) but also the guitar, the banjo, the bass, and the french horn which he got an award for when he was in highschool playing in a band made out of college students for some reason
Speaking of awards, he was once given an award for maths
This giftedness would later set him up for Gifted Child Burnout he had in college
Also he changed schools like a total of 13 times so that’s fun
He went to a private school but apparentl, according to his parents, he hated it (but he remembered liking it???)
Also, he made a lot of jokes in class
Remember Nicky? Yeah, Nicky would often write songs for him to sing and stuff (Nicky would later write songs for Peter’s solo album and a bunch of other stuff what a great brother we stan)
The family had some kind of barn once where he would do puppet shows his siblings
Anyway, school life was all fine and dandy until 5th grade hit and he changed schools and everyone lost interest in him because he was one year younger
Also his dad was apparently very disconnected with him. Needless to say, Peter felt like his father didn’t like him
Once when he was 9, he told his father that he noticed that when the clouds were around at night, it would be warmer during the day to which his father shouted at him saying that “he has no proof of that” and that he shouldn’t say anything without proof
This of course led him to feel like no one wanted to listen to what he wanted to say
poor baby
I think his father would have been the reason why Peter would later say in an interview that he hated “loud abusiveness” the most
He would also later say that a combination of his dad and feeling like he was weird and different would lead him to his drinking problem
So umm we dont stan his dad ok
Once when he was 13 he picked up a loaded shotgun and put it against his head. But he decided that he didn’t want to do it at the last second.
Overall, life from 5th grade till highschool was terrible for him
He didn’t have any friends in his school
So when he moved to a new school in Conneticut where he was surrounded with people of the same age, he was really happy all the way until college where he flunked out twice
Hippie Time (Honestly this part is just me talking about him and Stephen Stills because Steter Stirk changed me)
And so Peter became a hippie in Greenwich Village
In the Village, he became a sort of entertainer. Not just singing and playing, he was also a comedian. 
And then he kept hearing about this dude who looked like him from other people.
This dude turned out to be Stephen who was also hearing the same kind of talk for about the same amount of time
Pete and Stephen VIBED im not kidding they started to play with each other and also Stephen’s room mate who was also there
Also it turns out that they liked to talk about the same things so that’s neat
Peter went to Venuzuela apparently and when he came back the Monkee thing happened yeet
Once when Stephen was waiting to move into his new house Peter was all like “hey dude live with me”
For a while they also lived in the same house when he was Monkee and if that doesn’t fuel any ship fics I dont know what will
Im serious the ship is here and its real I saw fics and fanart
Dont ask about Stirk
They played with the colour tv and would “pick apart each other’s brains” umm
Also Peter’s favourite band was buffalo springfield and we stan a friend who would say your band was their favourite band
And I think this is where my knowledge starts to fade because I haven’t really heard any cool facts from here on afterwards
Last Final Cool Facts
He was a teacher for quite a while and taught about Maths, basketball (despite not liking any sport except swimming) and Easter Philosophy,,,yes easter philosphy the man was into that kinda stuff
Also he was a big reader. Always having a smoll book in his pocket that he would read while on set with the Monkees. But he was particularly a non fic kinda guy
He would write poetry on the back of scripts
In the 2000s he said that his sister thought he might have ADD
Also autism but when asked about it he’d be all P E R H A P S
which is very unhelpful Peter pls give us a straight answer
I mean he cant give us straight answers because he was the gayest monkee (he fricked a dude once but he didn’t like it)
Hey look I ended on a gay note yeet. Thanks for reading this mess
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autisticmob · 5 years
HELLO everyone i am now ten days out from my tiddy surgery so i think while everything is still fresh-ish in my mind I should get a rough timeline of how things went for me, just so anyone having similar stuff done in the future can have it as reference?? 
so under the cut is how shit went down, warning we are gonna be tmi about it for Max Information Dissemination, i will be talking about IV placement, Needles, Bleeding, Bruising, Bathroom Stuff In General, etc. so like. Be Warned.
OKAY SO what did i have done and how did i get it:
- i got a bilateral breast reduction with a “T,” “keyhole,” or “anchor-shaped” incision. this procedure, unlike double-incision top surgery, does not detach your nipples at all, but it DOES leave a decent hunk of breast tissue behind to avoid the nip graft. this connecting tissue keeps your nip attached and supplied with enough blood to survive. that means with this one, theres basically a limit to how much they can take off, and it depends on how big you are to start off with. 
- i went with the T-incisions because as a NB person, I wanted to sidestep the “gender-confirming surgery” route with my insurance. technically, I believe it would have been covered if i had gone through the process of talking to a therapist and getting a note that the surgery WOULD help confirm my gender, but i suspect it would have taken much longer, and I was afraid that my doctor and community resources would not have ended up approving me FOR the surgery since I don’t exactly fit the typical trans narrative. and luckily for me i had Massive, Spine-Bending G Cup Tiddies to contend with. so every doc that took a look at me said “yeah, you need those taken care of for medical reasons.” so i thought hey, let’s see how far this will get me!
- i talked to my primary care doc about my back pain and mentioned i’d like to look into a breast reduction, and she referred me to a local surgeon who could do the procedure. at the time i was still entertaining the idea of double-incision, but as it turned out, this surgeon just didnt do that. but i knew for certain my insurance would cover him, his results were good, and he was local, so i said yes to the T-incisions, which he said would likely get me down from a G to at least a C. it wasnt my ideal scenario admittedly, but frankly the back pain was getting to be too much, and i needed it to be addressed sooner rather than later.
- i had a consultation with the surgeon in early december, and they took pictures and measurements to send to my insurance so they could confirm the tits WERE in fact Too Bomb To Live. Doc said that it varies between insurance companies, but most will have a minimum amount of tissue that needs to be taken off, in grams, from each breast. he was like, “your insurance needs at least 1000g total removed, which’ll leave you on the small side, is that cool?” and i was like “My Man, take AS MUCH as you possibly can, im sick of these” and he was like “cool, makes my job easy then.” 
- it took my insurance like 1.5 to 2 months to get back to me, but late january the surgery place called me and we set a date for february 5th, 2020!!
- before i went into surgery, the hospital made me go over my medical history with them over the phone, informed me of all the risks, and gave me a special scrub kit to shower with at home for the last 2 days before the surgery
- fun fact this soap will make your whole bathroom and body smell strongly and exactly like a hospital and it is gross as hell if you hate hospital smell
- i also had to go to my primary care doc to get the OK that i was healthy enough to go under general anesthesia, and also get some blood tests and a urinalysis done. i fucked up the urinalysis tho (which is a whole other story) so i had to redo that the morning of the surgery when i got to the hospital anyway. 
- when i scheduled my surgery they also gave me a list of things i had to NOT DO before i went in. this included stuff like avoiding herbal medications and non-prescription supplements and not drinking any alcohol for like 2 weeks prior to surgery, and not eating anything after midnight the night before surgery.
- then it was SURGERY DAY!!!
- i went in with uhhh a LOT of anxiety about what everything would entail, ngl. i knew i had to do it because staring down the barrel of life with tiddies forever was way scarier than surgery, but yknow whenever you go under general anesthesia they legally do have to let you know that you could die and thats just a lot to consider, PLUS the whole thing involves just, really mangling your torso so like. its a lot! its okay to be scared!
- both my parents went with me for moral support which i appreciated a lot, but i didnt actually see them much since they had to spend a lot of it in the waiting room.
- when i went back with the doc they had me Wash The Tiddy Off with some antiseptic and change into a gown. i got some grippy socks out of the deal which is probably not a universal experience, but this hospital did it so shoutout to them for the socks i guess
- then they asked me all my medical history stuff again and checked me for any like, rashes or open sores or anything. i had some Tit Zits but they did not seem to be worried about that.
- then the surgeon came in and drew lines on me for the incisions. bro when i saw how high up my nips were gonna be i was losing my damn mind. this is one of the really exciting parts, because you finally get to really visualize what your end size is gonna be!! 
- once he was satisfied with how everything looked, they started really Prepping Me For Surgery.
- they hooked me up to a blood pressure cuff, a heart monitor, and some compression leg thingies that would inflate and deflate intermittently around my calves to help me not get blood clots. this felt weird but tbh also like kind of a nice massage
- then the iv placement. bro im not lying when i tell you this is the worst part. the nurse numbed me with some lidocaine before placing the needle and let me tell you that shit HURTED. lidocaine Stings and Burns when it hits and this was arguably the most painful part. but the good news about that is it means nothing else after that is all that bad. and i got THREE lidocaine shots because these two nurses could NOT find my blood anywhere. they finally called in their ringer (an EMT named kirk, s/o to kirk) who got that sucker in my arm with NO numbing and NO pain in like, 2 fucking seconds. i pray you all have a kirk. kirk knows where your fucking blood is and hes not gonna fuck around getting to it because he JUST wrestled a drunk dude into an ambulance like an hour ago and compared to that this is nothing. kirk had sleeveless scrubs. im obsessed. anyway.
- then they put a plastic, inflatable, heated blanket over me? it was between two regular blankets so it wasnt as uncomfortable as you might imagine, but it was strange. warm tho so that was nice.
- THEN they wheeled my bed down to surgery. i was having so much anxiety at this point it was like... dreamlike. getting wheeled into the OR was just surreal. i was like, no thoughts head empty, just taking everything in.
- once i got there the surgical team was very cool about keeping me calm tho. they were playing their like, pump-up music and one of the guys was like “hey fyi about halfway thru the surgery we will be turning the lights off and having a rave, just in the interest of full disclosure. promise not to leave any glowsticks in there tho” and i was like what no i would LOVE glowstick tiddies
- i had to kinda roll from my bed onto the operating table, which was significantly harder and smaller. that kinda made things feel real, so i got a little more anxious at that point.
- to help me calm down they had me breathe in some straightup oxygen thru a mask while they hooked my iv to the fluids and such, and the guy was like “WHOA you got some lungs on you dude” and i was like yeah thanks im recovering from hyperventilating
- then they let the anesthesia into the iv, letting me know the whole time what was happening, talking to me until i was just OUT, which was not a lot of conversation time because i was out in like 5 seconds or less. they didnt make me count down or anything, but i promise you it was nigh instantaneous.
- it really was instantaneous. i know everyone says that but it really is the truth, it feels like the whole thing takes seconds. like one moment youre laying there in the OR feeling the drugs Hit, and the next youre waking up in the little wake-up room feelin kinda groggy with a nurse talking to you, and youre still druggy so youre just rambling to her about how fucked your voice sounds right now and as soon as shes contented that youre basically lucid they start wheeling you to your room where youll ACTUALLY stay while you recover.
- your throat will Hurt afterwards, but even more than that, you will be producing So Much Mucus. my surgery took about 2 hours and during that time, all my muscles were paralyzed by the anesthesia, including my lungs, so i was on a breathing tube. my throat, understandably, hated this, and started producing Gallons Of Fucking Mucus to protect itself. it then continued to do this for the next two days or so. the nurses were encouraging me to breathe deep and cough Hard to combat this, and avoid getting pneumonia, so i did. but THAT hurt the tiddies. it was really a vicious cycle. but its necessary because god if i had to have pneumonia on top of all the other recovery shit?? god. 0/10 wouldnt recommend. so it might hurt but dont worry your tiddies wont bust open or anything.
- i spent basically the rest of the day still hooked up to all the machines i listed earlier, PLUS a thing that would beep at me if my heart rate went too high, which it did a lot because i have anxiety, but luckily the nurses didnt seem too concerned. it really kept my breathing on track though because if i didnt breathe deep enough my heart would shoot up super fast and it’d beep and god that was just annoying and im pretty sure that was The Point. you kinda have to get used to breathing again, and the beeping trained me.
- they gave me like a bunch of crackers and a huge mug of water to work on at my leisure. i actually had lunch pretty quick after waking up? i know a lot of people have nausea issues from anesthesia but i didnt experience any of that. i DID move like a fucking sloth while i was eating tho. the pain meds and general grogginess of recovery slowed my whole body down sooooo much. my mom was actually like “are you okay??? like neurologically??????” and i was, totally, i was just. on slo-mo.
- anyway i didnt have to get catheterized for this procedure thankfully but they DID make me measure my pee every time i went to the bathroom. like i had to pee in a little bucket attached to the toilet and the nurse had to come check it every time and i felt really weird about that. so idk just be prepared for that i guess lmao
- also idk if it was the pain meds or the anesthesia itself but post-op, i couldnt shit for like a week. the constipation is real so get u some fucking laxatives asap when you get home, this is not a joke lmao
- they also had me put on a belt every time i got up so the nurse could hold onto me in case i decided to fucking biff it. they got me up a couple times throughout the day/night to walk up and down the hallway outside and get my body used to being upright again
- oh speaking of i never got to lie down completely flat, they had my bed locked at like a 30 degree angle minimum to help with... something. im not quite sure what, but im not gonna question it
- when i got up the next morning they had a couple nurses come in and help me un-bandage so i could shower and finally look at what the tiddies looked like for the first time!! and it was exciting but i didnt cry like i expected lmao i think i was too drained and too distracted by the bleeding
- the bleeding wasnt too bad actually, just little beads kinda coming out of parts of the incisions between the stitches. but once i got in the shower obviously stuff started getting diluted in the water and it looked like a lot more than there actually was, so dont be alarmed by that! 
- SHOWERING: its a little complicated. youre not supposed to soak the incisions, and youre not supposed to apply direct water pressure or actually touch them at this point. so what i had to do was get a washcloth wet and soapy (with antibacterial soap, i think it was hand soap honestly. hand soap’s what ive been using at home so........) and then just kinda. squeeze it at your collarbone and let it drip down over everything kinda minimally. its kind of a process but it works fine. washing your hair and like, tbh literally everything else is gonna be hard. reaching over your head is hard and scary at this point. i will admit my hair care Suffered the first week. 
- then i got bandaged back up and they got me back into my own clothes and ready to go home! they also put a bra on me over the bandages in my new size. i was only there for about 24 hours total, since i didnt really have any complications. 
- on the ride home i had to make sure the cross-chest part of the seat belt was NOT touching me. if whoevers driving you hits a pothole, your soul WILL exit your body tits-first for a moment. im sorry if you live somewhere like here in nebraska where the roads are garbage but its not gonna be fun.
- i live at home with my mom and sister and if you live alone, id try to have a friend basically move in for the first week. you will need Help with things. basic things. you’ll mostly want to sleep because of the pain meds but those made me pretty dizzy so it was cool having my mom around in case i like. fell on the way to the bathroom and died or anything like that.
- changing bandages is really kind of a 2-person affair too, and youll have to do it at least once a day post-shower, so keep that in mind. 
- the bleeding is like, not that bad after that first day honestly. i never had to change the bandages more than just the once per day. 
- basically from here the procedure is just to take it easy, get up every few hours and walk around a little to keep the blood clots at bay, and enjoy yr new silhouette basically
- worst thing about recovery honestly? im a stomach/side sleeper, and i cant manage anything other than laying flat on my back with my arms at my sides right now, and thats just like.... idk i really cant sleep like that. its not comfy. ive had to set up kind of a pillow fort around me to keep me from rolling over in my sleep bc im afraid i might hurt myself accidentally like that, but idk how well-founded that fear is.
- i will say as someone who did have back problems before this, the difference is IMMEDIATE. i literally had better posture like Day 1. im still a little hunched over because the stitches create a bit of tension in your chest, but like literally it was instantaneous. god. once i got healed to a point that i could like, kinda relax and not be so fucking tense all the time? back pain has basically just been GONE. 
- other fun things to notice: i had some pretty significant stretch marks before, and now they are running in a completely different direction. i crossed my arms over my chest the other day and they actually touched my torso for the first time in like, well over a decade. if i close my eyes and try to grab my tiddy from muscle memory, i stop like a full 3 inches from where my tit actually starts now. the size i am now, just like, freeballing it? this is how i looked when i wore a binder before. if i wore a binder now i imagine id be completely flat, and honestly if i layer up at this point you cant really tell that i have anything more than the average chubby dude’s moobs, which as a kinda chubby person is totally fine. 
its a trip relearning what i look like and what im supposed to feel like but its just. such a fucking improvement over where i was. absolutely no regrets, regardless of how hard recovery has felt at times. anyway i hope this information is at least interesting and maybe helpful to anybody considering anything similar!!
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: An Ending (Almost) (Chapter 39)
A/N: One more chapter bois!!! Honestly, I love Tommy so much holy jeezus, hopefully, I can remember how to do comedy in the sequel again oop! Anyway, leave me some comments. Also, I love Tommy and Ted and my heart legit can't take how much I love them
summary: Its the last day of finals, and the last day of school. What could go wrong?
words: 3158
warnings: Swearing, negative thoughts, kissing, violence
Edited by: @theyreallidiots  (Seriously please go give them some love, they're amazing and I love them with everything I have)
Ao3 Link
Finals Day 3...
“Tommy, right?” Tommy glanced up, his eyes adjusting to the figure standing in front of him. He blinked, realizing how exhausted he was. The library was quiet, huddled in a corner with all his materials and supplies, Tommy was studying.
“Hmm?” He hummed, he didn't really have it in him to speak. The figure chuckled sitting down next to him, Tommy shifted giving him some room. He could see his face better now: his hair was dark and long, it fell to his shoulders in a wavy formation. His face...was boring. Not in a bad way but there wasn't anything special about him. He was cute, sure, but that's about it. Tommy recognizes him from his English class, he sits in the back, he doesn't talk much. He extended his hand towards Tommy. “English class,” Tommy said.
“Yeah” He chuckled again, Tommy hated the way it sounded as if no matter what Tommy said, he would smile and play along. “I’m David,” Tommy nodded shaking his hand, he didn't really have time for this and hoped the conversation would end soon. “I..uh recognized you...from class” He rubbed the nape of his neck, avoiding Tommy’s eyes. His lips curled into a sweet smile or at least an attempt. “You're like...really smart” He complimented. Tommy pressed his lips together swallowing an exasperated sigh.
“Thank you...I’m sorry, I'm really bus-”
“Oh yeah! Totally, sorry...don't let me disturb you” He gestured to Tommy's work. Tommy eyed him but went back to his papers, he tried to work but he could feel Davids intense stare. He put his pencil down looking back up at him. “Sorry, it's just…” David looked him over, his eyes twinkling, his lips in a half-smile. “You’re...really cute” He pushed his hair behind his ears
Tommy’s heart sunk, he was being flirted with, never had he hated a feeling so much. He shut his eyes, taking a deep breath. He looked back up at David, his smile as fake as he could make it.
“Thanks! My boyfriend sure thinks so” He chirped, and there it was. David's face fell, his smile disappearing becoming confusion. His eyebrows furrowing, he let out a small laugh.
“He's very lucky, and where might he be?” David looked around expectantly. Seriously? Tommy thought you're still going? He didn't really know how to respond, once his free period was over, he had a final and he really didn't have time for...whatever this was. It was almost selfish of him to wish Ted was here.
“I...I don't know” Tommy admitted. He was probably studying with Charlotte and Emma right now, seeing as they had free periods as well but he couldn't be sure. They used to know where the other was because they were usually together. And sure, some might say that's a bad thing but...it worked for them. And they loved it. They loved each other, Tommy loved him. “You know what? I have to go” But this time, he wasn't running away from someone, he was running towards them. He collected his things, not giving David another look and rushed down the hall and out of school. He was really hoping Ted would be at the coffee shop they always went to, and lo and behold.
Ted sat behind Charlotte fiddling with her while Emma lay strewn across Charlotte's lap reciting something. Tommy could almost laugh had he not been so nervous. Ted looked up noticing him, his eyes actually grew, the pupil dilates when it sees something it likes. Or at least that's what Tommy remembered from class, his mind was a little preoccupied right now. Ted stood, much to Charlotte's disappointment, well, until she saw who he was standing for. Tommy wasted no time, he took Ted’s face and kissed him. Ted was clearly taken aback but melted into the kiss nonetheless, realizing how desperate he was for this moment. Tommy giggled happily, wrapping his own arms around Ted's neck. Charlotte tried really hard but her heart was so full, she squealed Emma tried to stifle it but she was just as happy. Ted pulled away eyeing his friends, they quickly returned to their work shrugging. Tommy cupped Ted’s face pulling him back towards him.
“Hi” He smiled, his heart, much like Charlotte’s, was full. Ted shook his head trying to swallow a smile, he smothered Tommy in more kisses hugging him right after. “I’m so sorry dearest” Tommy whispered in his ear.  “How do I make it up to you?” He asked pulling away, Ted shook his head once more.
“You don't ha-” he paused, an idea popped into his head. “Sing with me” He marveled, Tommy laughed slightly. Ted stood his ground however, he didn't budge.
“Oh! You're serious?” Tommy’s eyes grew wide, Ted nodded.
“My parents wanted me to sing at the wedding...and I want you to sing with me” Ted admitted, Tommy forced a squeal squeezing his hands. To be honest? He didn't know if he would be here for the wedding. He wanted to, so badly but his parents were pretty adamant about him leaving as soon as he could. Ted bit his lips, still smiling. “What?”  Ted could tell.
“Nothing! I'd love to” he lied, well he would love to but...would he be able to? But no more, he was going to be here for Ted. As long as he could, he just had to convince his parents to let him stay a little bit into summer and it would be fine. “What are we singing?” He asked, his heart still racing from excitement to be back in Ted's arms.
“Bill Dorris!” The name echoed the auditorium. Ted always felt like this ritual was stupid and would cause low self-esteem for the students but watching Bill, shocked, rushing up to stage to accept the award, Ted felt nothing but pride. He definitely showed it by cheering the loudest. “Congratulations to Mister Dorris for winning the ‘Best Academic Student’ award”. The principal handed the boy the award, Bill was almost crying behind his glasses. He quickly returned to his friends, receiving an abundance of hugs and ruffling of the hair.
“Nicely done, dude” Paul complimented, Bill, smiled up at him. The principal called back attention. They turned to him and shushed.
“Next, as requested by Mr. Hidgens, our drama teacher-” Ted shouted out a single cheer, receiving weird looks but he didn't care. “Thank you, Ted” The principal shook his head at the boy, the school laughed. “As most of you know, the drama finals consist of singing a song, what those students didn't know is that those were auditions” The group stopped smiling and turned to one another, Tommy hid a smile. Those who were interested in the musical but were not apart of the class were asked to audition months ago, just as Tommy had done, his heart sank realizing he would have to pull out. “So, I'm here to formally announce the cast of Starship for next year! The cast is as follows” The list was something so many students had not expected to hear, but they were on the edge of their seats.
“Bug: Ted
Commander Up: Sam
Taz/Bugginton: Emma
Tootsie Noodles/Pincer: Tommy
Mega-Girl: Deb
February: Charlotte
Junior/Veeto Mosquito: Paul
Specs/Neato Mosquito: Alice
Roach/Krayonder: Bill
Overqueen/Sweetheart mosquito:  David
The Caller Bug/mister bug: Paul”
Ted’s jaw dropped hearing his name first, Paul was pretty shocked playing so many roles but excited nonetheless. Emma was delighted to hear her name called and getting a kiss on the cheek from Paul was pretty exciting. Charlotte looked to Ted and they shared a knowing look. Guess their chemistry was undeniable, on stage of course. Jackie hugged her, proud of her achievements. Paul shared a look with his sister, nodding at her for finally gaining enough courage to audition. Tommy bit back his lip, trying not to cry. He smiled and nodded at every single one of his friends, and kissed his boyfriend lovingly, but his stomach churned sadly. Bill nodded appropriately and congratulated his friends. David looked up and winked at Tommy who didn't reciprocate anything. Deb smothered her girlfriend in kisses, Alice returned the action. Sam smirked to himself but ultimately was just excited to perform again. They all were, junior year was going to be fun.
“Ok, kiss, marry, kill” Ted started pointing his fork at Paul. The teen returned the gesture, mocking his friend. “The try guys” He decided, Paul scrunched his eyebrows. Tommy rolls his eyes, returning to his conversation with Bill. The girls sit in their usual spots discussing other things.
“There are four try guys dumbass” Paul noted, Ted smiled coyly.
“Yeah, so double up loser” Ted replied, Paul, shrugged stuffing more salad into his mouth. “Alright, I'll go first. Mmm...id...kill Ned” Paul mocked a gasp, Bill stifled a laugh “Kiss...Zach and marry Eugene and Keith” Tommy turned to him, a smile placed on his face, but curiosity and confusion riddled his face. Ted turned to him, kissing him on the forehead. “Polyamorous baby” He joked, Tommy playfully pushed him off awaiting Paul's answer.
“Ok lame, I’d kiss Zach and Ned, marry Keith and...kill Eugene” He decided, Ted can't even fathom his response. “What? Don't hate me cause im right” Paul defended, Bill turned now facing them.
“Even I know you don't kill Eugene, Paul” Bill commented. Ted gave him a high five, posing a confident ‘told you so’ face to Paul.
“I’d marry Zach” Tommy joined in, munching carefully on his carrots. Ted smiled at him, the tug at his stomach in delight. “That's all, the rest can do as they please” He finished, Ted chuckled softly nodding.
“Ok moving on” Paul continued, he waited for the rest to turn to him but to no avail. “Ted?” He asked impatiently.
“What?” He focused back on Paul, the teen smirked.
“You've never played tuber simulator?” Paul teased, Ted laughed sensibly. Bill and Tommy shared a quick glance.
“Hey, have you seen Joe?” Ted inquired carefully, playing out his part to perfection. Paul raised a brow.
“Whos Joe?” Paul gave in, no one matching the name.
“Joe mama!” Ted cheered victoriously. Paul turned to Emma instantly.
“Just kill me” He requested. Emme stroked his cheek lovingly, turning back to Charlotte and Jackie.
“You look wonderful, bubbles” Jackie complimented tying up the back of Charlotte's dress. She let her hair down, turning back to her girlfriend.
“I love you!” Charlotte quipped wrapping her arms around Jackie's neck. Jackie giggled kissing Charlotte, moving to her cheek. Charlotte pulled away “Sorry J, I gotta finish getting ready”. Jackie groaned, falling back onto the bed. She finished her braids and slipped her jean jacket on.
“I look like Rosa Diaz” Jackie smiled, admiring the new jacket she made. Charlotte smiled, wrapping her arms around her. She kissed her cheek from behind. “Hmm, can I do your hair?” Charlotte shook her head, tying her own hair up with a ribbon to match her dress. “Oh pretty, nevermind you've got it” Jackie kissed her cheek.
“I'm so excited for dinner!” Charlotte exclaimed putting her earrings in, Jackie helped her with her necklace. “Everyone back together! Tommy! Ted! Paul! Emma! Bill!” She turned to Jackie “You…”
“I love you, bubbles” Jackie kissed her, wrapping her up in a hug. Charlotte squealed as Jackie spun her around. “Oh! We gotta go” And so they did, saying goodbye to her mother and heading out the door.
“Ok stop stop stop” Tommy chided, he undid Ted’s tie fixing it neatly. Ted pouted kissing Tommy on the forehead, Tommy pulled him closer meeting his lips.
“Oh my god, I missed you” Ted sighed. Tommy chuckled wrapping his arms around his neck. Ted did the same around Tommy's hips. “Hey, after dinner tonight we should take a walk in the park” Ted proposed. Tommy giggled, his head landing on Ted’s chest. “What? I think it would be nice” Tommy looked back up at him.
“It would be pitch dark, and one of us would get killed,” Tommy said honestly, Ted smiled kissing him on the forehead. “I love you but that's just not plausible,” Tommy told the boy, Ted nodded agreeing. Tommy wished he could stay like this forever, and his face showed it. His eyes avoided Teds, his mouth quivered.
“Gumdrop?” Ted asked, the nickname rolling off his tongue easily. Tommy looked up and shook his head, he stood on his tiptoes kissing Ted softly, connecting their lips. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing, dearest” He patted Ted’s chest, pulling away and going to the mirror. Ted stood behind him wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. “Ted” Tommy giggled “I have to get ready” Ted moaned, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. Tommy’s heart sank, he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay like this forever.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but Jackie just dropped off Tommy’s skirt” Paul poked his head through the door, Ted pulled away beaming. “She said it was done last minute because she wanted to put some more stuff on it” Tommy smiled sadly, he squeezed Ted’s hand nodding a thank you to Paul. He took the skirt looking at it. “Ted, your dads wanna see you” Paul notified before leaving. Ted kissed Tommy on the cheek before leaving. He set the skirt down clutching his chest, he and Jackie had been making this one for a while. It was put on hold for finals and she finished it. But something changed, he didn't want to. He shoved the skirt away putting on an old suit he brought from his house. It fit comfortably, and fine. It was...fine.
“Hey, look at mister fancy pants” Chad declared as Ted emerged from his room. He did a little spin showing off his new suit, he was test running the outfit before the wedding. Tommy emerged after a moment in a suit, Ted furrowed his brows. Paul followed in wearing a suit as well. “Well look at the three of you” Chad took a picture.
“Yes, you all look very dashing” Henry admitted, he handed Chad a drink. Paul smiled, he was really missing home. He talked to his mom every day but he missed his room, his bed, the smell when he got up in the morning. The back and forth with his sister. He loved Ted, and Ted’s house and the professors but it wasn’t home. “I hope you enjoy your night out boys, you two-” Henry pointed to Paul and Ted “Home by eleven, got it?” They nodded, Tommy, intertwined his fingers with Ted.
“I'll make sure of it, doctor Hidgens” Tommy assured, Henry, nodded at the boy. He was excited to see him back, Ted had instantly become happier with him around and it had only been a day. “We should go, we need to pick up Bill” Tommy reminded, Ted and Paul, nodded. They said their goodbyes heading out the door.
“Emma you look… stunning” Paul breathed as his girlfriend walked through the door of the restaurant. He stood greeting her, kissing her cheek and pulling out a chair for her. She sat next to him, her dress flowing beautifully. “I love you” he confessed, the table silenced laughing. He was clearly head over heels for this girl.
“Thanks, babe” Emma stroked his cheek, kissing it softly. “So...we did it! Sophomore year is over!” She declared, the group cheered happily. She grabbed a menu, skimming through the options. The rest of the group did the same, except Tommy and Ted they shared a look. Emma noticed and looked at them “What’s up you two?” She asked the group looked up at her.
“Tommy just wants to say something” Ted admitted, Tommy swat his arm softly. “What? It’s true” He teased, he kissed his boyfriend's cheek encouragingly.
“Um well… I wasn't planning on telling you all right now, but it’s as good as any I suppose” He looked around the table, he didn't want to bring the mood down but he had to tell them. “I'm leaving next year,” The group burst into a chorus of complaints, Tommy squeezed Ted’s hand. “I'll be back for senior year… I think” I hope “I’m going to a boarding school in France… I don't really have a choice” He explained, Bill put a comforting hand on Ted’s shoulder. “Um… my parents are letting me stay for the wedding but then… I’m leaving as soon as possible” Tommy finished.
“I hate this” Charlotte decided, a murmur of agreement was heard “I hate this so much”
“Look I just wanted to tell you, that's all, can we please move on?” Tommy begged, after more arguing and frustration they agreed to move on. “Ok, how about the musical guys?” Tommy proposed excitement buzzed throughout.
“Ted! Congrats on the playing ‘Bug’!” Charlotte announced, Ted blushed hiding it with his menu “Guess we just are the perfect couple” She joked, the group chuckled. Tommy shot her a playful glare. “I’m kidding, I clearly have the better significant other” She kissed Jackie on the cheek.  
“Hey, congrats on Pincer” Bill told Tommy “I know you don't get to play him but it’s still pretty cool” Tommy smiled gratefully. It was pretty cool and he was definitely going to ask Chad about the decision, mostly because he didn't see it himself. Tommy wasn't the type to play a meaningful role, but he supposed that's what acting was. He should take it as a compliment having such a big range. He was excited to return senior year and audition for Falsettos.
The dinner continued, a wonderful way to close off the year. Sharing stories:
“So you and Charlotte kissed?” Tommy almost laughed, Ted nodded shoveling food in his mouth. Charlotte giggled, Jackie, eyed the pair. “I… I have so many questions”
“It was for practice!” Ted defended, Tommy laughed into his shoulder. “I… shut up,” He said burying his face into the food.
Gushing over each other:
“I just love you all so much!” Charlotte announced, Jackie kissed her lovingly on the cheek.
“Oh, ditto that feeling” Paul commented, Emma laughed. They all did that night, down to the last dessert they ate.
“Bud, no matter what, we support you” Ted assured, Bill, smiled at him gratefully. He wiped away his tears, feeling foolish. 
“Thank you guys...seriously” He confessed “I don't know how im supposed to tell my dad” 
“Your dad is the most supportive person. He wouldn't care if you decided to like...become a murderer as long as you were ok.” Ted joked, Bill chuckled followed by the rest of the group “He’ll love you even if you are aro and ace” Ted's voice became more serious, Bill stood going over to his friend. They shared a hug and it was perfect. 
Sadly...the night had to end
Then they went their separate ways. Emma got picked up by her mother, passing out as soon as she stepped into the car. Paul drove Bill home, dropping off Tommy at his house. Paul and Ted headed home sleeping as soon as they got home. Charlotte and Jackie had a sleepover, spending the night watching Barbie movies and playing with Maggie and Token. It was perfect, and the night went perfectly. It wrapped up a weird year that was, in the best way, weirdly perfect. There was a lot they still had to figure out but that's why they still had two years to go. Two years…
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 15th-February 21st, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from February 15th, 2020 to February 21st, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
If a company wanted to publish your comic or adapt it for animation or games, how willing would you be to change the story if requested to do so?
That's such a tough question just because it's such a goal for so many creators, and yet a potential threat to their creativity in a sense. As always, it will depend on what exactly would be changed in order for such a project to be given approval. If it has to do with censoring LGBTQ+ content, changing race for 'marketability' purposes and the like, or erasing a specific topic integral to the plot with relation to politics- then it's a no go. There are plenty enough watered down media that doesn't stretch itself with diversity those companies can have and the subtext they pepper in to stay relevant, def something i find irksome with todays media (its 2020 guys !!) But if it's maybe cutting a chapter that acts like filler, or adding a character ( so long as it is plot relevant) i could take that into consideration! I actually take some time to imagine what Ghost Junk would be in a diff form of media and usually in those scenarios, things change to fit the way its being presented! A video game will differ more than an anime adaptation for sure, so long as the original intent and impact is kept, i would definitely consider some change!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
If I ever had the opportunity to pass my work off to a whole other team for an adaptation, I think I would take great joy in leaving them completely to it - barring a few obvious issues like race changes, gender/sexuality changes, and... changing the entire story to the point where it's unrecognizable. I love seeing reinterpretations of my work, and I understand that every adaptation would need changes of some form. My words and art aren't gospel - I'm open to any change if it improves the whole product. Whatever it takes to translate the material in the best way, which keeps the original message intact, is all good by me.
Changes in the actual comic would be harder to make - and I'd be far less comfortable with them, to be honest - but I wouldn't fight them if they obviously made the story/characters stronger. I've already added in ideas and reorganized plot threads based on reader feedback - luckily the story still has some places where it can bend. So long as a publisher took my basic story seriously, and aimed to remold it rather than remake it - I'd be down for a discussion. Hopefully a reputable publisher would know how best to sell my work, and would aim to make it as good as possible while maintaining integrity - I would try to trust them
Comic stays mine, won‘t be changed beyound perhaps some professional line edits and polish. There’s a reason I didn’t shop it around as a graphic novel. I’d actually like that eitherway, would love to get myself a professional editor when I have the money. Adaptions can go nuts, provided the main characters stay true to their comic versions and the woman-loves-woman storyline stays in.
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
For the story to be told in another medium I would be pretty game for it to change the story a bit. Already now we are changing the story from how we made as a campaign. Makeing it more streamlined and more precise. I wanted originally that our comic could be a TV show. I come from a background of a character animator so that would make sense for me. So seeing it animated would be awesome! There would be some designs that needed to change to fit animation better.
Like Andree has this texture in his skin that needed to go away. But seeing it animated would be awesooome
Deo101 [Millennium]
I think if my Characters stay in Character, then I'm fine with changing pretty much any of the plot or world things. But the Character dynamics and who they are as people is what matters most to me, and I'm not sure I would be willing to sacrifice that. With some of my stories I'd be willing to completely let go of the reins, and with others I definitely want a tighter grip, too.
Agree with the thing about character dynamics. My stories always stem from the characters' relationships and how they evolve, so I'd like for the essence of that to stay. Otherwise I'm pretty loose about the plot itself. Because I have an education in game development, I would totally be down for my comic being adapted into a story driven game of some sort. I'd be okay with changing the story to favor the game mechanics, like putting certain magic abilities in the focus and turning certain scenes into gameplay (like when they're sneaking around or fighting). As long as my handful of core emotional moments come across, I'm pretty happy to change things.
I agree with the character dynamics too. I don't feel comfortable if they change the character backgrounds along with it as well for er what Krispy said for "Markability". That stuff won't fly with me. Comic stuff stay the same but for adaptations, I want to make sure it has similar story beats even if there's a change on few details. Tbh I could totally see er....a visual novel game happening in my comic since that's what my original intention was going for. still at the end I really don't intend my comic to transend other mediums since i'm planning to self publish the story someday lol.
I’d be pretty willing to change stuff, actually. I’d want to be pretty involved in whatever adaptation was being made in this hypothetical, but I know that more people can make for stronger work. On the other hand, too many cooks can make for some pretty watered down soup, which is why I’d want to have a large role in things so some of the core stuff doesn’t get changed. But as it is, I’m not married to any ideas that exist in my comic, and am pretty welcome to changes.
If the changes were to benefit the story than I wouldn't mind, if they were going to change everything to make it appealing to the masses than no. Definitely not if they want to mess with the characters since how they are play a major role in the comic. I've got a really specific story I'm trying to tell, so I'm very stingy on changes. If anything I'd be more open to a company making a spin-off or something not totally related to the main story, as long as it's not a complete bastardization. Other than free advertising and the brand name, I don't really see how getting published would benefit me anyway? I'm already in the process of rescanning and re-editing the first four chapters of my comic for self-publishing, if I really wanted to adapt it into an animation I would just do it myself. Along with teaching myself whatever else I needed to get as little help as possible. Sure, I have no experience but it's not like I can't learn, there are classes and free tutorials all over the internet. I've always wanted to get into animating. I can't imagine my comic being adapted into game, what would it even be? An anti-dating sim? An interactive novel? An Apollo drinking simulator?
Capitania do Azar
eli [a winged tale]
The dream is a studio ghibli adaption but that won’t be happening I would want to vet the studio/company proposing the adaption and ensure that we are a good fit. I echo what many of you have said about the integrity of the characters and heart of the story. There are a lot of secrets that will come to unravel as the comic progresses and I hope the publisher will be accepting of them. I will be happy to have a conversation on why these structural changes are there and why I think it’s important to allow them to reach a wider audience. That said, I am also eager to see how they would themselves interpret the story and I will give creative freedom to that. Again, it’s a dream and while I would love to direct my own film, I simply don’t have the resources to do it (at this time). https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3ODQ3MzIzMTM3NjY4MDA0?igshid=15bnlhamdu3tn&story_media_id=2149085305360952847
Capitania we should just have a super smash bros of all our comic characters
I think like a lot of people here have already said, Im not changing anyones race, gender identity or sexuality. Otherwise? I'd be really curious what someone else's perspectives could bring to my work if it ever got adapted. I have ideas for comics that are written like they could be movies too, but idk. Its fun trying to write thinking of other mediums
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Im pretty much in the same camp of make changes as it makes sense, but stay true to the core. In the case of a live action thing being made of my story, I would actually be super ok with a POC actor filling the role of any of the white presenting characters. Or actors with different body shapes that what I'd originally draw. More diversity in film is always good
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
outside of censorship, I would be fine with most story changes? with that said, good luck lol. there are very few scenes I think can be cut out of the story without supremely messing up later scenes. every magic ability on-screen is important in some way, a bunch of random background characters end up coming back & getting way more focus later on, etc. add filler, sure, but there's really not much you can cut out without messing up the entire story down the line.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I'm pretty open to the idea of changing some details to fit a different medium better. The big thing that I wouldn't want changed in Whispers of the Past (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366) is the characters' races. Since the story explores the idea of culture-shock and cultural identity, and the races/cultures are integral to world-building, it would be stupid the change the characters' appearances/races willy nilly. And besides, we don't want what happened to Eragon or Percy Jackson when they became movies. Congratulations on completely killing a franchise But yeah, as long as races and major plot details aren't changed too much, I'm really open to adjusting things. As an example, cutting out smexy times or making the language a bit friendlier to a wide audience, fine by me. But changing Kelan to a blacksmith instead of a farmer... Why???? I would need a good reason to do something like that. (I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, ERAGON! WHY WAS RORAN JOINING THE ARMY RANDOMLY, INSTEAD OF BECOMING A MILLER? ISN'T THE ARMY WORKING FOR THE EVIL KING WHO TAXES THEM HEAVILY? EXPLAIN THIS TO ME.) I'm actually pretty scared about the whole race thing. I mean, Hollywood also ruined The ]
if the adaptation is Bad I can always just, like, disown it lmao
Deo101 [Millennium]
clearly im the one with the ideas here B) soo
LMAO yea
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
If it was being published as a comic, I don’t think I’d be willing to change too much- though that would depend a great deal in what kind of change. Cleaning up some wonky dialogue? That would probably be fine. Censorship? Absolutely not. Changing my LGBTQ+ characters’ gender / orientation to appeal to the mainstream? Really absolutely not. If being adapted to a different medium, I’d be much more willing to change things around, but would still insist my minority characters not change their identities. But I understand that as far as plot goes, different mediums call for different approaches. I’m planning on writing my comics as novels someday, and will be taking a much different approach to them. The plots will definitely be altered a great deal to better fit being written in prose.(edited)
It honestly depends on what the changes were. There's a fair amount I'd change myself. A few core things I'd certainly not change though.
In AntiBunny http://AntiBunny.net/ for instance I could see some people missing the point of Penelope's character being a pacifist and wanting to make her some kind of badass, as if the only kind of strength there is comes from violence. I wouldn't remove the question of Pooky's gender, as in order to ask the question of "what is identity" I stripped Pooky of everything including even a mental construct of gender.
Some things I would change though. Likely I would cut the first two chapters and start at the 3rd when the plot actually gets moving. So demands for a faster flowing plot I could certainly meet. I'd probably cut few extra characters from the cast to streamline things a bit.
So yes for the purposes of streamlining things I'd make changes. I wouldn't make changes that would go against the entire point of the cahracters though.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Oh, a conversation in #general reminded me of something else regarding adapting Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R - If the comic is to be adapted with no changes at all, it'd be a legal nightmare. Off the top of my head, these are properties that have been directly stated in dialogue - - Yahtzee - Risk - Mario Kart - Settlers of Catan - Pokemon - Disney's Frozen I don't think you could technically get in trouble for any of those? It's not like anything copyrighted was shown on screen, it's just characters talking about things they've seen before. But a publisher would probably want to play it safe and avoid that. Also... the NFL might get mad at the publisher if the gang names in Cunoze City aren't changed? Like I don't ever say the team location, so technically full team names are never used... but again, it's probably best to play it safe.
I'd be pretty flexible with changes, but if I have to take out demons to appeal to the Evangelical Christian states of America then obvs that's not going to work out
(And you wouldn't think that'd be a Thing to this day, but apparently it's been sort of this unspoken rule in book publishing since the Satanic Panic of the 80's in the US)
Some changes I'd be okay with: Adjusting ages of characters to appeal to target demographics, removing scenes that are difficult to draw, tweaking characters to be either more or less horrible depending on their role in the story
I will be flexible to a point and the limit of this point is pretty align to my morals. If the editor tells me to include some weird things like "You must have a scene where this guy licks the curtains" I would also be like "What is the point of this scene."(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
“Your protagonist must fight a giant spider in the third act.”
Deo101 [Millennium]
I mean, if you bring up giant spiders in the first act... well...
Q (Wayfinders: Off Course)
Turn it around: if your protag must fight spiders in the third act, well, time to bring in the spiders in the first..?
The more I think of it, the more I realize that the most likely thing I'd be asked to change in AntiBunny is to either tone down the violence and grimdark for kids, or make it even raunchier to appeal to the "mature" (not mature at all) animation market (Seth McFarlane's audience).
My own comic keeps it rather PG-13, but there's not much market for animation in that field, at least in America. Seems like it's all either kid friendly stories where no one dies or if they do it's off screen (people get shot and stabbed in my comic) or there's the opposite with dropping F bombs every other line and filling it with sex jokes.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Hey, I mean, never say never. Off the top of my head, Futurama and the Samurai Jack revival were both western cartoons that I'd put solidly in PG-13 territory. Both shows were able to go adult when they needed to be, but they didn't take that as a blank check to go into "rated R" territory for the shock of it.
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timeisthewound · 5 years
Mick Mars MSN Chat Transcript
01-feb-2005 DishDiva says: Mick, welcome to MSN Live! Mick_Mars_Live says: Hi. DishDiva says: It's great to have you here for the first time! Christi4618 in Onstage_1 asks: What's is the feeling you get when you perform live. P.S. YOU ROCK SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mick_Mars_Live says: Thank you, the feeling I get is I go into a whole different world. Very euphoric. Dave_sth in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick,, Do you still have your Mirror Guitar and the Theater Of Pain Guitar?? They were awesome!! - Watton, Guadalajara Vincevixen in Onstage_1 asks: Are you ever going to write your own Biography, Diane Ontario, Canada. Love you forever. Mick_Mars_Live says: I don't have the mirror guitar anymore but I do have the Theatre of Pain guitar, I keep my guitars in the studio, they don't go on tour. Mick_Mars_Live says: Thank you for loving me, I need love right now. I am thinking about it, but you never know. motleycruefan88 in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick im a new Crue fan and im 16. Is there anything you can tell me about the new tour, what to expect? Mick_Mars_Live says: It's gonna be really crazy, over the top, Circus de Soleil, it's going to be loud and nothing you've ever seen. I promise. DishDiva says: What are you doing to prepare for the show? Mick_Mars_Live says: I'm learning songs I haven't played in 20 years. We're rehearsing and getting the show together and the costumes and acrobats and fire breathers together. That kind of stuff. Newtattoo222 in Onstage_1 asks: Which of your guitars means most to you and why? Mick_Mars_Live says: All of them mean something to me so that's a tough one to pin down. It's like girlfriends and past girlfriends and past wives. That's a tough question to answer my favorite right now Fender built me two Stratocasters and there's a black and a white one. marschick69 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you have rituals before a show? tommi from ok Mick_Mars_Live says: No, not really. I just play my guitar before to limber up my fingers, there's no meditation. I do sacrifice women though. (laughs) CrueCi_Fied in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick, what do you do to prepare yourself for being on the road for so long? Scott - Edmonton Mick_Mars_Live says: Some things you just do. It's what I do, it's what I love to do. I'm sure that you have a job, how do you get up every day. It's the same for me, it's what I love to do. It's my gig. punkett527641 in Onstage_1 asks: Are you glad to be back with the guys preforming again? Mick_Mars_Live says: Of course. The four of us, it's crazy when you have to go on. I call it more of a separation than a breakup, so it's all good. Shout1985 in Onstage_1 asks: Mick, what's your favorite Crue song? - Atlanta, Ga. Mick_Mars_Live says: Hmmm. To play or listen to? To play would be "Primal Scream." MentallyTwistedWolf in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick Been Waiting over 20 years to see you live! Are you gonna make it to Indy or Louisville before my twisted mind goes on permanent hiatus? Mick_Mars_Live says: Oh yeah! We'll be there. I think we'll be there in February. I believe. Moonstarchic2004 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, What got u into the music world, I have been a fan for a long time I will be going to my first Crue concert at Mci center in D.C. I cant wait. Luv Ya Mick_Mars_Live says: When I was 3 years old I went to a 4H fair and there was a country western band player, Skeeter Bond was playing and he came out with his big bright orange Stetson. I knew  inmediately what I wanted to do! crue887 in Onstage_1 asks: Whats up with that 20 minute solo? i read about it in an interview with nikki. - Craig, MA Mick_Mars_Live says: What 20 minute solo? I don't know if I know 20 minutes on the guitar. (laughs) Texangirl_21 in Onstage_1 asks: If you weren't in a rock band, what would you be doing? Amarillo, Tx Mick_Mars_Live says: Strippin'! (laughs) Newtattoo222 in Onstage_1 asks: Who would you like to play you in the movie of 'The Dirt' Mick_Mars_Live says: Colin Farrell because he's better looking than me. Paulyc75 in Onstage_1 asks: I'm so psyched!! I had to hide my 'Theatre of Pain' tape from my mother oh so many years ago!! Now I can't wait to take my pregnant wife to see the Crue!! Mick_Mars_Live says: Very cool. I'm flattered, thank you. Jamespain0 in Onstage_1 asks: With only 2 weeks away from your first show, are you feeling nervous, excited, worried? Mick_Mars_Live says: I always get concerned about the first few shows. Once they are over, then I'm thinking it's a piece of cake. MA_86 in Onstage_1 asks: What are your advice to someone (like me) who wants to start a band? You Rock, by the way = ). Gerda, Sweden Mick_Mars_Live says: I had to search for so long to find the right people. Just find some people until you feel it's right. Don't be afraid to tell them if it's not right and keep looking until it is right. Dave_sth in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick!! Are you playing this tour your horizontal slide guitars you used on the Feelgood tour? I hope you guys come to Mexico again!! - Dave, Mexico City Mick_Mars_Live says: No, I don't think I'll be using those this year. I do think we are playing Mexico but I'm not sure when. stereoguy75 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you like the new songs as much as the old? Mick_Mars_Live says: Yeah because they are becoming more current sounding. I'm not dating the old songs, but it's hard to keep up with the times and still sound like Motley Crue. Latexluv_2 in Onstage_1 asks: Could you tell us the meaning of the scorpion tattoo on your hand? Latexluv, Dallas, TX Mick_Mars_Live says: I like Scorpios. I like to feel the sting. Texangirl_21 in Onstage_1 asks: Was shooting the video "If I Die Tomorrow" rough for you? Amarillo, Tx Mick_Mars_Live says: It was a little bit hard for me because I just had gotten out of the hospital. It went pretty quick though, it was only about 8 or 9 hours. It was ok, a little rough in some spots, but it was ok. Nikkimars1 in Onstage_1 asks: Hey how do you like being on tour? DishDiva says: Something you look forward to? Mick_Mars_Live says: Always! Yeah, very fun. A lot of times people will come up to me and ask if I remember them, that's the hard part, you meet so many people it's hard to remember every one you meet. 9GUNNZ in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, glad you could be here, did you ever think Motley Crue would still be sitting high on top of the Rock -n- Roll mountain after 20+ years? Mick_Mars_Live says: I'm not trying to sound conceited because I'm not, but I had every intention. NikkiSixx_MotleyCrue1 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, how are you? How does your family feel about the Crue tour and do you read fan fiction? HJ, AZ Mick_Mars_Live says: I'm not married, but my mom and dad are thrilled I'm able to go on tour. DishDiva says: Were your parents always supportive of your career in music? Mick_Mars_Live says: No. They always totally supported me and the music world. They were regretful that they couldn't help me more. ♫♫♫t©hΦμρρe♫♫♫ in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Mick, how many guitars you have to bring on tour? Mick_Mars_Live says: Not very many, 6 or 8. nightbaby2007 in Onstage_1 asks: Mic how did you guys come up with the song if i die tomorrow?it is a cool song. Mick_Mars_Live says: Nikki came up with the song. He just went in and did it. It is a cool song, it's a fun song to play. ĸοЯŋ_ŁûvęЯ in Onstage_1 asks: Seeing you guys will be my first concert ever ill just have turned 18 and its the best birthday present ive ever had! THANK YOU!!!!YOU ROCK!!! Mick_Mars_Live says: That is great. Dave_sth in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Mick!! You rock my world!! Do you guys plan to play DANGER live on tour?? That song is a Classic!! - Dave ,Mexico City Mick_Mars_Live says: We're not playing that particular song but we are playing songs off that album. We haven't played them in such a long time. We'll play some really cool older stuff and some new stuff. It progresses, it's all good. Overglam in Onstage_1 asks: Are you ready to go to Europe to kick major ass! it's been a long time ! JoNixx from France Mick_Mars_Live says: Of course. I love Paris, that's my place! Yes we'll be there soon. AllisterFiend77 in Onstage_1 asks: What advice would you give to a beginning guitar player? Mick_Mars_Live says: I guess I would say (this is going to sound corny) but be true to your roots. Whatever you like best like rock, jazz, blues, stay with what you love because if you don't you'll regret it. MA_86 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi, Mick. You Rock! Your favourite song to listen to, then? Gerda, Sweden Mick_Mars_Live says: The Jimi Hendrix song "Angel." Vincevixen in Onstage_1 asks: I know Beck was a huge influence for you(great choice) any other influences that are that strong for you? Diane Ont, Canada Mick_Mars_Live says: Lots of people. Jimi Hendrix, Alvin Lee, Jimmy Page, Michel Bloomfield, Eric Clapton, a lot of people like that. I could name a million more, but I'll leave it like that. badboyrocker77 in Onstage_1 asks: hi mick my wife and i are taking our six year old daughter to your spokan show its her first and she loves the crue!! Mick_Mars_Live says: That's cool. I love new fans, especially young ones. Texangirl_21 in Onstage_1 asks: What was one of the best times you've had with Motley Crue over the years? Amarillo, Tx ClassicAndHardRockIsBest in Onstage_1 asks: What is one of your most memorable moments? Patrick from Waukegan, Illinois Mick_Mars_Live says: Let's see... Probably... I was in Sweden, we were playing there and the first night three Swedish girls took me home. It wasn't a sexual thing, we just had fun. gurneecrue in Onstage_1 asks: Mick, Do you still have the red corvette seen in "motley crue uncensored"?-Kent, Chicago Mick_Mars_Live says: Yes. Jamespain0 in Onstage_1 asks: Whats the hardest crue song to play and get right? James from London Mick_Mars_Live says: "Afraid" off the "Generation" album. There were so many electronics going on and it was hard to copy the synthesizers. I still have trouble with that song and that album too. DishDiva says: Mick, we have so many audience questions about where you guys will be on tour. Is there one place you are really looking forward to going? Mick_Mars_Live says: I think Argentina because I haven't been there before. I have a lot of favorite places, but I'm really looking forward to Argentina because we haven't been there before. DishDiva says: Mick, thanks for taking the time to stop by to talk with fans about the tour. DishDiva says: From all of your fans here on MSN, best of luck with the tour! Mick_Mars_Live says: Thank you for staying with us, thank you for being Motley fans, I can speak for the rest of the guys, we all love you and will see you on tour!
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sadb0ysims · 6 years
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THE SIMSELF TAG featuring yours truly and her wonderful assistant, antoinette
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? mia and thats all ur getting out of me
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? oh god we have some embarrassing ones but jordan and jords are nicknames of mine and u might be able to guess the other obvious ones dgjhfdj
3. BIRTHDAY? february 25th babey
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? OH uhh princess diaries by meg cabot probably
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? not to sure about those funky alien dudes but ehh yeah i believe in ghosts
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? i’d say michael morpurgo but that’s probably because his books were shoved down my throat at an early age DKJDFGJ if you can have a favourite poet i can answer this: atticus and lang leav
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? radio one probably!!
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? the purple one. like, starburst? purple. wine gum? purple
9. WHAT WORD WOULD YOU USE OFTEN TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING GREAT OR WONDERFUL? being the millenial i am probably Uh...li...litty
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? OH Hm i’d say ocean eyes by billie eilish
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  copycat by billie eilish!!
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? oh uhh i don’t watch films a lot and especially not if i’m feeling?? sad
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? never heard of them
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? OH jesus lets say. being forgotten or making no difference in the world
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? oh Jesus not a lot of these GJFDH over the past mm month or so i’d say i’ve grown a lot as a person in the fact that i have more respect for myself than i used to, and if i have an opinion on something i evaluate it and decide Do People Really Need To Know? (DPRNTK)
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? EASY my weird. defense mechanism thing. i’ve gotten a bit better in my opinion but the reason i’m usually in so much trouble is because as soon as i’m attacked, i act with anger? its some weird defensive wall that i put up and regret later because i’m not really thinking like a rational person. i just see that i’m being attacked and my first thought is to fight back
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? OH cats because i haven’t had one in ages. one of our cats was run over and the other was taken by our neighbours and now he doesn’t even remember us or respond to his name so thats really fun
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? SUMMER because my skin turns olive in the summer and right now. a bitch is pale! also school is so much nicer in the summer... the whole yeargroup feels like much more of a community because we all sit together outside n it’s just overall very fun and makes me nostalgic of year 7
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? bitch u really thought-
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? still in it but. because of a lot of things i was forced to grow up very fast. something i miss is having everyone in the house (my siblings are both a lot older than me so they’re never around) and not having to worry about fitting into certain stereotypes or WASHING MY HAIR!!!!!
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? oh god ok so i have a “best friend” but we don’t. agree on a lot of things and she takes everything i say 100% seriously so even though we’re not close i’d consider this group of boys from my school my best friends. and online ofc i have Many Many good friends which i would name but i dont wanna leave anyone out bc i talk to A Lot of people DGHDFJ
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? blue blue blue
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? blonde babey
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my brother
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? would say myself but sometimes i’m not even sure i can trust HER
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? i think about people loads because im a lonely romantic so. i’d say Love Interest and i think about myself a whole lot too like who does this bitch think she is
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? all the time i’m looking forward to things bc. not a whole lot happens in my life so if Love Interest looks at me a certain way i’ll look forward to going to school for the next couple weeks FDJGHFDJ
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? i think of the future way too much. she’s a dreamer
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? oh god uhhh i used to cry at in the night garden all the time when it ended bc i hated that iggle piggle sailed away on his boat DJHFD it was probably still my favourite though
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? i had a best friend who moved away after year seven and i feel like i could but. who knows we haven’t seen each other for years
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? sigh i think so like does it count if my tarot deck says not to do something because. i trust those tarot bitches with all my soul if i have one
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? don’t like the dark, i have a fear of holes, can’t sleep without the door open, can’t sleep when i can see in a mirror (fun fact theres a mirror in my room but it’s on a shelf which i can barely see at night like. i can see a glimpse. but knowing it’s there freaks me out so its flipped and has something covering it)
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? oh ummmm in front i guess because 1. i look horrible in photos other people have taken of me 2. technically being in front of it. you can still take selfies and 3. the people i know take pictures from really weird angles
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? we love a bit of vidya games but i love reading poetry because i’m a whore and also i like singing but that doesn’t mean im good at it!
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? UHHH god i really dont read uhh probably lullabies by lang leav
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? romeo and juliet (the blessed one featuring young leo dicaprio)
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i can play the guitar, the recorder, a bit of the piano
40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? GIRAFFES it’s really sad that they’re now endangered. if ur talkin domestic pets i love guinea pigs, cats and (i’ve never had them but rats
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? don’t. this’ll turn into a follow forever and i won’t get any clout bc it’s in such a long post !
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? OH hm. i thought as hard as my tiny brain could about this and i think teleportation would be interesting but if we can choose ANY superpower. is magic one? that’d b pretty wack
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? when i’m walking to school at half 7 in the morning and no one’s there and i can hear the trees lining the field rustling in the wind in the distance. it was rainng this morning and even though my whole ass was exposed from the wind and i was soaking it was really peaceful. also there’s a red kite that’s resident to our school field and i love to stand there in the morning and watch it sometimes
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? feeling included DGJHDJ doesn’t happen a whole lot
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i play a lot of sports because i’m in school obviously but i’m really good at rugby bc a bitch is Tactical and Nimble. i love hockey and badminton and stuff though
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? i LOVE smoothies and milkshakes and everything ugh. i’d be bold enough to say i love drinks more than i love food. like apple juice orange juice MIXED juice smoothies BROWN BAG MILKSHAKES! BITCH! THE STRAWBERRY ONE IS SO GOOD UGH
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? fuck yeah brother
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? UGH A LOT OF THINGS like. people biting their nails. people tapping their foot on my chair. people not listening when you’re explaining something THEY needed help with. tapping a pen on a desk or clicking it on and off
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? my mother is a vegetarian so i eat a lot of vegetarian meals. sometimes i get really put off meat but like. a bitch is 13 and doesn’t pay for her own meals so she doesn’t really get a say in what she eats
52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? always wanted to entertain people and be nationally recognised. take that as u will
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? TOO MANY let’s go... the arcana so i can marry the 1 (one) love of my life dr julian ilyushka devorak... chill in the hanged man’s realm...
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? i don’t worry about a lot not gonna lie to u
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? cheers i’ll drink to that broe
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? if the screeching sound i make to a slight tune counts as singing then. yes
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? not illegally but i’ve had days off sick where i wasn’t sick bc i couldn’t be asked
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? somewhere safe
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? yeah i have a dog and a cat but as i said m cat got taken by my neighbours and doesn’t even remember us so sjfhdjg
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? night owl but if i’m rested well enough i love being up early
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? no a bitch is 13
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? probably headphones bc i can’t lose them and the sound quality is better but i’m not a MONSTER so earphones. also headphones automatically make old people scoff at u and hate u more
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? whatever’s poetic enough to be On Brand
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? don’t really have one
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? the holier than thou attitude Often showcased on simblr by some. familiar faces
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? it doesn’t really make a difference
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? computer science (mainly for the people because right now we’re just making fucking. powerpoints) or english bc of the people again
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? yee a brother and a sister
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? christmas presents and some perfume & a purse for me
75. CAN YOU COOK? not well
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? attention DFJHGSDJ uhh being kind to people who deserve it and hard work paying off
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? patronization, people who believe their opinion is the only opinion and people who cause minor inconveniences for you for no reason
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? more female probably but i prefer guys
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? i say bisexual but no one’s ever been close enough to let me find out
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? UHHH i really can’t remember i know me and kyla were talking about something and i started crying JGFHDGJ
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? oh god umm probably smii7y but i also really like all his friends like. kryoz etc
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? would say tumblr but she’s gone ! right now i’m really feeling zepeto bc It May Be Tracking Me but it lets me take pics with all my online friends and i have some sort of weird following on there SDFHSDJ
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? i don’t think i’ll ever be able to fully confide in them, i really like my dad but there’s elements of him that don’t really float my boat. same with my mum but i’m less close with her
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? probably australian or. is it swiss? might be swiss.
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? with like 2 things skdghsd
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really but i believe in a higher power of some sort and a life after death. i believe there’s something out there that is listening but i prefer to think it’s the stars
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OF THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? i find the ocean really ineresting but man will always romanticise space
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? im a 13 year old white girl how ruthless can i be
95. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? nop but everyone else in my family can
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? i lie all the time but i am. SO terrible ASJDFHJ i would love to lie less but it’s so easy to slip into one
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? hell yea brother
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? kyla put ambivert so i looked that up and. yeah
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? did when i was younger but i guess tumblr is somewhat of a personal diary
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? “yes, but you should never forget about their past” thanks kyla
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? only monsters aren’t
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? i have my ears pierced. WILD i know
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? UGH FUCK DR JULIAN ILYUSHKA DEVORAK!! it’d be illegal for him to marry anyone but me though
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yep! i have a tattoo on my back. i plan on getting a lot more tattoos in the future, but i don’t want anymore in the near future
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? being outspoken and not. watching things pass by
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? of course
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? oof i really don’t know because of what’s happened to me i don’t know if i could knowing i could never protect them from everything. idk pregnancy seems very nice but once the kid gets annoying thats It for me
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? “i think everyone is smart in their own way” thanks kyla
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? i started laughing once in drama and i pissed myself a lil and i was like ehh thats fine i do that all the time and then i didnt stop pissing and someone was like ‘whats that wet on the floor? they were like mia have u pissed urslef i was like nOSDJF so i had to ask the teacher to leave. u coiuld see the piss down my leg
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? have u SEEN these bags. she’s seen hell 
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOUR CLOTHES? like varying tones of beige and then grey/black
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? of course
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? oh uhhh i feel like maybe when i was younger but i’ve. repressed that memory if i have it
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 13 years young
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? oh jesus something poetic and by atticus probably let’s see
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after spending more time searching for a quote than i did on literally this whole tag, i decided on this. and then i realised. it will always be ‘YOU ARE A SAD BOY’
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new-to-this123 · 6 years
Flash Through Life With: Montgomery De La Cruz
As per requeseted
Can you do one of Montgomery x reader age up when season 2 never happened and monty asks reader to marry him and whatnot then they have kids and like a really sweet happy ending. Thank you 💓
I Hope you like this.. i really got into it and it took me like 3 days to write. 
Montgomery X Reader
Warning: None
Word count: 2890
Wednesday October 1 2014
Oh my god!!! You will never guess what happened today!!!! I'm no longer single!!!! 15 and I finally have a boyfriend… I hope it lasts forever!!!!
You were standing at your locker putting your books away when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw the face of one of your best friends
“hey handsome” you looking into your best friends big brown eyes
“hello beautiful” he smiled
“Rosies after school? Me you and couple.milkshakes?” he asked
“you know me so well Montgomery!” you smiled
“that's only because I've known you like my whole life!”
You went on with your day going through all your classes. The final bell rang. You were at your locker putting away your books when Monty showed up.
“ready Freddy?” he smiled
“ready” you laughed walking towards his jeep. You sat in Rosies and ordered your milkshakes. You and monty talked about your day until they showed up. As you took a sip of your milkshake monty asked you a question you weren't sure you understood right.
“wanna be a couple?”
“what?” you answered wide eyed
“I like you, I want to be your boyfriend!”
You stared at your best friend now sure how to answer.
“so is that a yes or no?” he asked with a smile
“yes oh my god yes!”
Monty got out the booth and came and sat next to you. He grabbed your chin and lifted your head up and softly kissed your lips.
****end flashback****
Wednesday April 1 2015
Monty was coming over for a sleepover. It wasn't the first time he slept over, but this time was different. You had been dating for six months now and you were ready to lose your virginity to him. When he came over, he had no plans on having sex, since he respected that you wanted to wait. When you told him you were ready he was very nervous. He was gentle and very kind to you. He took it slow and made it feel special. You were how cuddled in bed wrapped up in his arms. He kissed your forehead.
“you know, I've never felt anything like this before. You make me want to be a better person.”
“awe thanks Monty. And ya Im new to these feelings everything is just so new.”
“I love you Y/N”
You smiled “I love you too Monty”
You leaned in and kissed his lips.
****end flashback****
Wednesday June 27 2018
BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!! Four years with my best friend and WERE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!! HE ASKED ME AT PROM!!!! how cute is that!!!!!!!
“honey Monty's here” your mom yelled at you from the bottom of the stairs.
“coming” you yelled walking out of your room in your Cinderella dress. As you got the the top of the stairs you saw your parents talking with monty. Monty looked up and saw you and his jaw dropped.
“wow babe you're beautiful!!” he exclaimed as you walked down the stairs.
“Thank you, you're looking pretty handsome yourself!” you smiled with blushy cheeks.
He put his hands on your waist and pulled you into a kiss.
“you guys are so cute! Let me take a picture” your mom said taking her phone out.
You and monty posed for a good ten minutes in the house, outside, where ever your mom wanted. A limousine drove up and all your friends came out!
“oh my gawd you two are too cute!!!!!!” Jessica yelled getting out the limo.
“everyone get together” your mom yelled holding her phone. You all posed for your mom and headed out to the prom.
You danced and hung out with your friends all night. Parents met up with their children later on in the evening for the banquet supper. After supper, principal Bolan came up on stage to announce the prom king and queen. He said a big speech congratulating all of the seniors.
“and finally the moment you've all been waiting for, for the class of 2018 prom king and queen are
Montgomery De La Cruz and
Y/N Y/L/N”
Everyone cheered and clapped. Your parents got up and started taking pictures of you and monty on stage with your crowns. Monty grabbed the mic from principal Bolan
“hey guys. Thanks for voting us your prom king and queen! Now I know today is suppose to be about all of us and all but there's something I've been wanting to do for a while now. And you all know we've been a couple for the last four years.” the whole crowd started woo-ing and clapping “y/n has made me a better person all around. I mean I've been scouted by the MLB, I graduated and I've managed to keep her happy for 4 years” he turned to face you “I love you so much Y/N and honestly I don't know what Id do without you.” he got down on one knee pulling out a ring and the whole room went silent “will you marry me? And be my forever?”
You looked at him on his knee and started crying. “yes yes YES” you said as he stood up and jumped into his arms!
“and your parents were so in on this” monty laughed as he out the ring on your finger.
****End flashback****
Wednesday July 24 2019
You were standing in your room looking at yourself.
“mom I'm so nervous” you said
“you'll be fine love.” she replied calmly.
“look at you!!!” Jessica said coming into your room in her bridesmaids dress. “you look like an angel!”
you laughed and finished your makeup.
You could hear the wedding March song play as your bridesmaids made their way down the aisle. It was finally your turn. Arms locked with both your parents, you made your way down the aisle crying happy tears. The minute monty saw you he started crying. You slowly walked up the aisle your dad letting you go In Front of Monty. You both stared at each other crying.
The priest went on with the ceremony talking
“Monty do you take Y/N to be your wife?”
“I do”
“Y/N do you take Monty to be your husband”
“I do”
You both put your rings on each other.
“you may now kiss the bride”
With that Monty wrapped his arms around you and kissed you!
“ITS OFFICIAL!!!! NOW SHES MINE BITCHES” monty yelled as he picked you up.and carried you away.
****end flashback****
Wednesday April 29 2020
After 12 hours of labor our babies have arrived!!! Jefferey Harris De La Cruz, named after my brother and dad and Jeremy Montgomery De La Cruz, because we both loved the name Jeremy and Monty begged to give our son his name.for middle name.
As soon as you guys got back from your honeymoon monty had to return to baseball. It saddened you but you were both enjoying the fact that he had been scouted by the mlb and was given the chance to do what he dreamed of!
You had been feeling nauseous for about two month or so before it clicked that you hadn't had your period in almost two month.
You drove to the store and bought a pregnancy test. It came out positive. You were so excited. You called up Monty.
“hey Mrs. De La Cruz how's it's going?”.your husband laughed
“I have great news for you!”
“so do I!!! We're in town for the next bit.. I'm coming home tonight!!”
“oh my god no way!!! OK well I'll go clean up a bit and make us supper”
”no no no you called to tell me.something”.
“I'll see you tonight and tell you then. I love you”
You cleaned the house up and made Monty's favorite supper, steak and potatoes. You had everything set up and ready to eat when he walked in. You both sat enjoyed your supper. when came time for dessert you had something special for.him. you walked towards him with a.box.
“these are for you babe” you said handing him the box. Opened it and started crying right away. You had made chocolate brownies and In the box you wrote “eat up mommy doesn't wanna be the only one with a belly”.
“oh my god Y/N are you serious??” he asked looking at you, happy tears in his eyes
“yes I am! I'm pregnant”
Monty never missed a doctors appointment. And was always there even if he had to fly from where he was.to fly back that night he never wanted to miss a thing. And when you found out you were having twins he was ecstatic!!!
“twin boys.two mini mes in the house.. You'll never get bored now baby! Running around little Jefferey and Jeremy”
“Jefferey and Jeremy?” you questioned
“well I figured out first son should be named after your brother. And Jeremy just sounds nice with Jeff. So Ya!”
You had tears in your eyes. “you know you're the best right!!!”
“That's not all how.about Jeremy Montgomery!” you looked at him and laughed.
“what??? It's gotta nice ring to it!! Please baby”
“fine fine Jefferey Harris and Jeremy Montgomery!” he picked you up and hugged you tight.
****end falshback****
Wednesday February 17 2021
They say people lose their sex drives once they hit adulthood. I call bullshit. I mean we're still young were both 22 but still. After having the twins Monty had to leave almost right away and didn't come home for close to a month. When he came.home we decided to have sex. Like any couple. And that's how I ended up here again 😂 ten months between having children. Today we welcomed Hannah Y/N De La Cruz.
Wednesday September 3 2025
Today my boys started kindergarten!!! They're getting so old… Oh my god. I cried so hard… still am.
You were at the store  school supply shopping with the Jefferey and Jeremy. They looked like Montgomery. Spitting image of him. But they were so different. One wanted red everything the other wanted blue everything. If Jefferey chose something Jeremy chose something different. Which made it fun and easy to tell all their things apart. They got home and were so excited.
“daddy guess what colour I am???”
“Hmmm Jeff you're blue and Jeremy you're red.”
The boys looked at each other.
“wow he's good!” Jeff said to Jeremy
The next day you all drove to school that morning to drop them off. You hugged yoir boys goodbye and started to cry as they walked towards the doors.
“oh baby it's OK they'll be fine” Monty said reassuringly
“I'm gonna miss them so much monty” you cried hugging him
“mommy you still have me!!” Hannah smiled showing off her teeth.
“I love you guys!” you said hugging your daughter and husband.
**** end flashback****
Wednesday September 2 2026
Now my house will forever be quiet. And lonesome. My baby girl started school. What will I do with myself now???? In this big house, with no one. 😭😭😭
“Hannah honey let's go school supply shopping for tomorrow.” you yelled up the stairs
“NO I wanna go with daddy!!!!” she was angry.
“Hannah daddy's not home he's working.”
“I want daddy!!!”
“how about I take you and we video chat him after?”
“can we video chat him while we're there?”
“deal now let's go your brothers are already in the car.”
You got the store and video chatted Monty.
Hannah had to have his approval on everything before she could decide if she wanted it. It was so cute. This little one had Monty wrapped around her finger since the day she was born.
Everyone went to bed early that night. When you woke up you could smell food. You panicked and hurried downstairs.
“what's going on” you asked expecting to see your boys getting Into trouble.
“you didn't think I was gonna a miss my princess first day of school did you??” Monty asked as he set the table up for breakfast.
You could hear footsteps running down the stairs.
“DADDY” all three of them yelled as they jumped on Monty.
You all are together as a family and went off to school.
You cried as you said your goodbues to your baby.
“the house is going to be so quiet without her.” you cried as Monty and you made your way back to the car.
“it's OK babe” he said hugging you
“you're never around and the kids are all In school full time.. I'll have the house to myself.. It's so big and quiet.”
“invite Jessica over have Day parties” he laughed.
“I wish I had you” you cried.
Monty hugged you tightly
****end flashback****
Wednesday October 4 2034
What an emotional day!!! My hubby retired from the mlb at 35!!!! He's considered a little old. 😂😂 but he played for years!!!! Now I get him all the time In our empty house!!! :)
“baby I've decided something” Monty said to you making you sit down on your leather couch.
“after this season of baseball, I'm gonna retire. Ive been gone for so long, I missed so much of our children's life, I know I can never makeup for it, but I'd like to start making memories with them While I can”
Monty played his season. One of his best seasons yet. And the team through him a huge party. He got a bunch of fan mail begging him not to retire.  But his mind was pretty made up. He even made a public announcement.
“I have chosen to retire from baseball because my children, aged 14 and 13, have gone all their life seeing me only part time. Or watching me on TV. I need to be a constant in their lives. I need to make as many memories as I can with them. And my wife, she needs me. She's been my number one supporter since forever! Now it's my turn to support her. She needs her partner in crime back. She can't parent by herself anymore. I need to be there for my family. And yes baseball will always hold a special place in my heart. I mean both my sons play baseball and they have since they could walk. So I won't be away from it. But I need.to be with my family. Thank you everyone for all your support throughout the years.”
****end flashback****
Wednesday June 23 2038
My boys have graduated!!!!!!! How have the years passed by so fast. It's not fair just yesterday they were little babies and today they are taking their girlfriends to prom. I'm a.crying mess as per usual.
“Jefferey, Jeremy, you're going to be late” Monty yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
“coming” Jefferey yelled
“calm down it's only prom” Jeremy yelled
Both boys walked down the stairs together. Jeff had chosen a black suit and a blue tie. Jeremy had chosen a black suit and a red tie. After all these years they always refused to be identical, they would always wear something in their favorite colour so people could.tell them apart.
Standing in from of you, you look at your two boys who were a mix of your brother and husband. You were so proud of the men they were becoming. They had both been accepted into Harvard for criminal justice.
There girlfriends arrived with their parents.
The couples posed alone and together, before taking off in the limo you and monty had rented for.them.
****end flashback****
WeDnesday june 29 2039
My baby has officially graduated from high school. Want will I do come.september and they're all gone?! My life has always revolved around them… now all I have is.monty… no babies. :(
Hannah walked Down the stairs in your graduation dress. She looked.just like you.
“oh my god. You look just like your mom the day we graduated. You're so beautiful!” Monty said tears in his eyes as he hugged his little.girl.
“oh dad! You're so emotional!!” she laughed
Hannahs girlfriends had all arrived. None of them wanted to go with boys. They wanted to go as best friends. The girls posed for the cameras for at least an hour before heading out for the night.
“I can't believe she's.leaving us for university” Monty said watching the limo drive off.
“she'll be with her brothers she'll be OK.” you laughed.
“three lawyers. How did we.manahe to let that happen?” monty joked.
****emd flashback****
Wednesday January 11 2040
Oh boy we just came.back from our first kidless vacation since our Honeymoon!!!! What a blast we had.. All inclusive for the win. We partied so much, I almost felt like a teenager again. Although monty and I ate pretty sure now that it's just him and I, Well be doing this kinda thing more.often I missed.traveling with him, alone. I think my life is about to take an even better turn!!  And I couldn't be happier.
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sunagakures · 6 years
i was tagged by @narutoslittlefox and @sunagakubae !!! thank u guys :’)
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people
Star Sign: aquarius
Height: 4′11
Gender: female
Birthday: february 6
Relationship status: its,,,, complicated
Who is your crush: :-)
Song that is stuck in your head: for some reason i feel it coming by the weeknd
Last movie: girl who the fuck knows!
Last TV show: riverdale maybe??
Why did you create this blog: bc naruto addiction came back up
What do you post / reblog: naruto,,,
Last thing you googled: idk how to check that lmao.... doesnt come up on ur history
Favorite song lyric:  ok i don’t listen to korean music much, but rm dropped a new mixtape and his song “seoul” has a part where it says 
“if love and hate are the same thing, i love you seoul
if love and hate are the same thing, i hate you seoul” and this has become my fave thing ever rn bc i relate so hard..... the way i interpret it for myself, i never want to leave this place and i fuckin hate that i have to ;/
What are you wearing: sweatpants and a shirt from my home university
Dream job: like an ambassador or smthn
Currently reading: reading? LMAOOOO
Top 3 universes: uhhhhhhhh idk the milky way???
Last time I cried and why: yesterday at the coffee shop THREE times for the first time in over 2 months because my friend and i were listening to some music and we got emotional since its about friendship and we’re all gonna leave in 2 months yikes
A picture of me: uuhhh fuck idk! go follow on on instagram and u will see lmao @ heysude
Ideas of a perfect date: cry together idk wsedrftgyh
A fact about my life: uhhhh idk i’m a vegetarian
What’s one thing you regret: i regret coming here bc i dont wanna leave ufihdsfahdskfj
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: i dont find many attractive... beyonce ig
Have you ever taken a picture naked: no
Have you ever had a crush: yea lmao never ended up well
Have you ever been in a fist fight: no
Have you ever snuck out of your house: my parents would beat my ass
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: i mean i’m sure?!
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun: yea in high school like a gotdamn fool
Have you ever been on a plane: yessss
Have you ever kissed a picture: i dont think so/?!?!!!
Have you ever touched a snake: yea
Have you ever felt like dying: no
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: yea
Phobia: uh??!?!?! i have no idea if i have one
Middle name: kaya
Are you a virgin: yea
What’s your sexual orientation: straight
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs: i’m a social drinker 
Someone you miss: someone? i miss my cats LMAO
Favorite ice cream: cookie dough
One insecurity: my nose
What my last text message says: on kakao i wrote “good morningggg”
Have you ever painted your room: well yea
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex: no
Have you ever slept naked: no
Have you ever been dumped: no
Have you ever stole money from a friend: no
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met: yea
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever made out with a stranger: close to but no LMAOOO
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere: huh??? yes i guess???? like to hang out??? what kind of question is this am i understanding wrong
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents: yea
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor: no
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex: yea
Have you ever seen someone die: no
Favorite Harry Potter spell: dont watch dont care
Have you ever hated the way you look: who hasn’t sduifhuidg
Have you ever witnessed a crime: yesssssss
Have you ever pole danced: AHAHHAHAHAHA no no
Have you ever been lost: in what context....... im sure i have but i always found my way back
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country: yea :’)
okay now i’m supposed to tags 20 ppl.... but uh.. ya girl has a midterm in less than 2 hours so i’m gonna just tag a few ppl and go study fsafuhisdf...
so i tag @slumshit @minhyshadowjutsu @bleedingrose152 @kazekage-libra @kirigakuree @thotkara @jojotaros @tsukichou @yuukomizore @will-je-suis andddd anyone else who wants to do this!!!!!!!!
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rap-taquito21 · 3 years
Hey im back with some bad news
Let me give you some context first...
all non "important" clinics in my city were temporarily closed for the pandemic, so I've been waiting to start my transition since February 2020.
put of desperation i contacted some trans people i know on twitter and i got the number of a doctor that could help me with the first part of the transition, in this case is mental counseling.
i mentioned this to my parents because I'm dirt poor and i need money to pay the doctor, mom didn't say shit, but my dad told me to get all the info I'm going to need for my legal name change... same day i already got all the info, i know where to go, who i need to talk to, what papers i need and the amount of time is going to be for every paper.
i try to give this info my parents, but they just ignore it.
ok now,
the other day i mentioned to my dad that the clinic that i want to go to start my physical transition was reopening after it being closed for the pandemic, i was really excited and i was showing him that one of my trans friends was doing an insta live of himself in the waiting line... well, my dad was completely silent the entire time i was speaking about it, but he usually doesn't speak unless he has something important to comment, so that was normal, but then he just stood up from the table and went to the kitchen and started doing the dishes, weird, but ok i guess, so i stood up, walked to him and continued talking, he again stopped and went to his room, put on shoes and said he was going out... rude, fine, ill wait for mom and talk to her about it, i don't need you.
mom comes from work and i show her the vid and tell her that i could finally go and start my treatment, but she looks at me and without thinking she says "i was talking with your dad and we believe that you should wait until you finish school to start doing changes" ... ok, i don't see why i would wait even more, but maybe you are thinking ahead or something and I'm just too excited to think about it myself , fine.
(hi adhd) i forgot about this conversations, the next day we were all together and i brought up the topic again, that i should call the clinic and see if they can reschedule my appointment and pray for it to not be school day, my mom looks at me and tell me (again) "we think you should wait, finish up school and when that's over you will have to figure it out yourself, get a job and do what ever you want with your money", my dad didn't even looked at me, he just stood up and locked himself in the bathroom.
So those are the bad news... they are giving me sort of a heads up that i have to get out of the house sooner than later, in total i have less than a year to get a job and find a low cost apartment, get my shit and get lost.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
now just so you know, every time I talk about this topic i get this L O O K from my mom, the you killed someone kinda look and a "dont you understand? you need to give us time to process this, this is really difficult for us" and fine, i don't doubt this is something touchy but ... come on, I'm not asking for a lot, am i? just use my name and pronouns, that's it.
let me add another thing, i came out by force to my mom, she threatened to hit me if i didn't tell her about my "secret", when i told her she cried and cried and cried, then she told me to never tell the rest of my family this, not even my dad, because "they are not going to understand this, they might treat you differently because of this, its for your safety"
then she outed me to my dad and never told me,
then they force me to go with a "psychologist" who in the first session we had told me that she had "cured a bunch of putitos before, i was an easy job" ... so you can imagine how those FIVE MONTHS were, she gave me some special drops to help the process, i still don't know what those were made out of and ofcourse praying, because that definitely turns people straight.
I've been out to them since 2017, its 2021, why would I wait more? what is so difficult to comprehend?
if i think of myself as a woman, i can't see myself finishing up school, i can't even see myself having breakfast tomorrow
but if i think of myself as a man, i got the job i dreamed of, i have a partner, i might even be a dad, i want to live.
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
anyway that's all
I'm getting out of this one
0 notes
racingtoaredlight · 3 years
Beans & Toast: The Crew Assembles
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“We can’t do this alone, Beansy.”
The Terroir was almost a distant memory, a scant few hours after its sinking.  The second Tommy picked up Beans, Toast and Fitzsimmons, they were planning their next moves.  And they couldn’t have found a better savior than the bastard du Pont scion.
Beans and Fitzsimmons knew the score.  Toast had a good idea.  Nobody was sure Tommy cared regardless, but he was more valuable now than the entire du Pont fortune.
Tommy steered with one hand while constantly on the phone with the other.  The other three couldn’t really do much more than watch and wait.  Toast was right, they couldn’t do this alone.  But who could they trust?  If a joint CIA-MI-6 covert prison ship can be infiltrated so precisely, how could Beans trust his own agency?
“Sir, I have something to tell you.”
The Dingo is aging gracefully.  A man at peace, especially given the precarious nature of his industry.  Once the head of the octopus controlling all the tentacles of his international crime empire, he’s learned to delegate in recent years.
Of all the quirks the Dingo possesses, one of his more charming quirks is his insistence of going undercover and mingling with legitimate business interests.  Specifically, he likes to attend leadership conferences, easily gaining access through his myriad shell corporations, leaving intelligence agencies none the wiser.  After all, why would an international crime lord attend a conference at the Mariott in Tulsa, Oklahoma in February?
But it was at this exact conference where the Dingo got the inspiration for succession planning.  He knew that his empire likely dies and splinters with him, but what about the next generation?
All those questions were answered quicker than he ever could have imagined.  The stoic architect dominating the underworld had softened of late.  He enjoyed having more time to follow his passions, no longer having to use the Geneva atelier for Patricio Nona, his favorite tailor, to conduct business.
As Nona measured a gun checked jacket draped over the Dingo’s shoulders, a strong, tall, beautiful woman with tightly cropped brown hair and an impeccably tailored suit walked into the office.
“Sir, everyone is in position.”
Meet the new boss, the same as the old boss.
“Con, have you heard from Tommy?”
She hadn’t.  Not since yesterday.  They both worried.  Even Ben du Pont texting Preston “I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU CONTACT ME AGAIN I’M GOING TO KILL YOU” didn’t amuse him enough to keep the worry away.
When all of the sudden Connie’s laptop bings.
ENCRYPTED MESSAGE FROM: 385719849083 TO: 87522365852
Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” blasts over the loudspeakers into the hot Texas air.  The acrid smell of cordite mixed with the savory aroma of smoked meat.
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Colonel Ribs was the founding CO of Meal Team 6.  The best of the best.  More gristle than a shitty brisket, who likes to brag he’s killed more people than the plague.  His phone rings.
“Preston!  Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long, long time.”
“Dad, are you sure we can trust this guy?
He didn’t really know how to respond.  They’re in dire need of some help, and even though this mission requires the absolute most level of trust and operational security, time was a luxury they didn’t have.
"Darlin’ if Ribs says this guy is legit, I think we gotta roll with him.  We can’t be vettin’ everyone, and Ribs’ word is as good as gold in my book.  They were in some sticky shit on a rescue mission in Central America, and Ribs says this guy’s as cold blooded a killer as it gets.  Check this out.”
Preston slides his laptop around.
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“Well ok then.”
ENCRYPTED MESSAGE FROM: 385719849083 TO: 87522365852
“I got just the guy, dad.”
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“Dad, what about Slowhand?”
“Con, I forgot all about him.
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ENCRYPTED MESSAGE FROM: 385719849083 TO: 98985266332
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0 notes