#also happy start of the franziska week!
pinceauarcenciel · 2 years
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Moon & Stars princesses FranMaya 🌔 ✨
The mood was fitting so I saved it for welcoming the new year~ Happy 2023! 🎆
※ Fanart: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) © Shu Takumi/ Capcom
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karmas-chameleon · 5 months
Chapter 11!
In a single day, my life had changed - my cramped living space replaced with a spacious manor, my lonely nights banished to the past for good. The next day was spent moving my things from my apartment to my new room, which was fortunately helped by Manfred's staff. They spoke English perfectly, I'd learned, and seemed happy (or at least not terribly annoyed) to haul my chair, computer, and a few dozen plushies from the car to my bedroom.
In two days, I'd started to settle in. The rest of that week and the week after could only be described as idyllic. By day, Manfred and I would work - or, he'd work and I'd keep him company in the office - and by night we'd relax together and read a book, or talk, or simply exist in each other's presence. I couldn't have asked for more.
But the coming weekend offered a change of the usual routine. Manfred's younger daughter was visiting from Germany, so on Friday night we made a stop at the airport before heading home. It was a considerable detour, and by the time the car came up to baggage claim, I was already half asleep. I jolted awake as we stopped, and wondered groggily what I was supposed to do. I could help put bags away, if they weren't too heavy. Or I could offer to move into the middle of the backseat. I was always the one who had to sit in the middle when there were too many people.
Before I could ask any sort of questions, the car had emptied around me. The chauffeur was helping with bags, and Manfred left to embrace the one who brought them. I smiled at the pair. Franziska looked so like her father - it was mostly the hair, perhaps, but there was something else. Her expression had a certain natural severity to it that seemed to only melt away for a lucky few, like Manfred. I hoped I'd be in the same category, but given my first experiences with the father, I doubted the daughter would instantly like me. Still, a close relationship with Manfred seemed like it gave me a foot in the door.
As the car doors opened and I saw her get in the front seat, I was prepared to introduce myself. But she and Manfred were already deep into some kind of conversation, so I kept silent. We drove off back to the estate, and I waited for a gap in which to insert myself.
It never came. Every time I thought I had the perfect moment to speak, either Franziska or Manfred would say something. It wasn't even something I could add to, as they'd been speaking in German the entire time, and I couldn't understand a word. Though if they were talking about anything law or prosecution related, it would've been just as unintelligible to me.
Eventually, I lay my head back down and closed my eyes again. And eventually, we stopped in front of the manor. The chauffeur and Manfred both went for the bags, the former taking a suitcase and the latter a lighter bit of luggage. Finally, that left me alone with Franziska, with no one to interrupt us.
“Hi,” I said with a slightly nervous wave. “I’m, uh, Manfred's…assistant? And also his-”
“I've heard.” She turned to me with a clipped voice and a sharp glare. “Papa first mentions your name to me a month ago, and now you've already moved in?”
“I, well, um-” I stammered, trying to come up with something to counter the accusatory look she shot me. But she wasn't wrong. I'd only met Manfred a little over a month ago, and I'd only gotten in his good graces a week later. “I…I guess so, yeah. It's been a busy month.”
I saw Franziska’s hand twitch, grasping at thin air next to her waist which she then stared at. Failing to make anything come into existence by glaring, she turned on her heel and stomped off into the manor.
Despite my better judgment, I followed her in. It wasn't my first time facing a grumpy von Karma, and given the number of them, I knew it might not be the last. At least I had experience with making her father warm to me, unintentional as it was. All I had to do was be myself - kind, and willing to forgive a bit of prickliness.
I went upstairs to look at Franziska's room. The door had been closed every time I walked past it, and I was nearly as curious about her bedroom as I had been about Manfred's. What sort of decorations would a woman just a year younger than myself pick? Of course, I knew that comparing the two of us was pointless; I doubted I had much in common with a rich child prodigy prosecutor, aside from gender and approximate age.
I poked my head in to see bags being unpacked and clothes laid out on a bed the same size as mine. It was a different bed entirely, though, not as plain as mine had been when I moved in, but not nearly as childish as it became when I covered it in plushies. It had a baby blue comforter with a checkered pattern, and a single pillow with lacy edges. 
Stepping inside the room, I saw the rest of the decor: books, family pictures, posters of horses, horse figurines on the dresser - I did a double take when I realized that one of them wasn't a horse, but a colorful little pony, her mane and tail carefully brushed - and then my eyes finally came to Franziska, who was helping unpack a smaller bag.
She held a whip. For horses, I had to assume. I'd seen them around the estate grounds, though I was never brave enough to approach them. I expected her to leave the room then, to go outside to see them, but she didn't. She continued to unpack, whip in hand.
Before I could ask if my assistance was needed, the three had finished, and Manfred ushered me and Franziska down to the dining room. Our dinner was later than normal given the little detour to the airport, and I was starving. As I headed for my usual seat, Franziska got to it first, and I settled for the opposite side of the table with Manfred between us.
“So, have you two had a chance to talk yet?” he asked with a smile.
“Uh, only a little,” I replied.
“Well, you'll have all weekend ahead of you. Try to make the most of it.” He glanced back and forth between us. “Miss Martin, I realize you're not the type to make friends quickly. That's not a trait that runs in the von Karma family either, truthfully. But there's nothing to fear, for either of you.”
I could think of at least one thing to fear, as I saw Franziska still holding onto her whip behind the table. And I could've sworn I saw her grip it tighter the moment Manfred looked away from her. I simply nodded to him, trying to reassure the both of us that all would be well.
Dinner came out, and we ate quietly. I finished first, and attempted to excuse myself to get ready for bed early. As I pushed away from the table, Franziska stood as well, though it didn't seem that she was done eating.
“Hold on. Given that you've seen my bedroom, I think I deserve a look at yours. Doesn't that sound fair?”
I hesitated for just a moment, before smiling and nodding. Half of the reason for heading to bed early was my tiredness, but the other half was just to get away from an awkward dinner and try to formulate a plan to get to know Franziska better. But her mood seemed to have improved already, and if I had a chance to show her some of the things in my room, maybe we'd find something we had in common.
I led her upstairs, and turned down the hall to my bedroom. It could've been a bit neater; all my stuffed animals were in a disorganized heap covering half of my bed, and my pajamas lay beside them. But everything was there, all my interests on display. We walked in and I turned to Franziska.
“So you took her room, too,” she said quietly.
“Huh? Whose room-”
I was silenced as she raised her arm and used the whip she'd carried for so long, letting out a loud crack in the air beside me. It was like Manfred's finger snapping, but orders of magnitude worse - and using a whip for that purpose felt like cheating to me, somehow.
“Fool! This room once belonged to my mother,” she hissed, fixing me with an icy glare. “And now you take it, in your foolish attempt to usurp her?”
I stared at her, paralyzed half by fear and half by confusion. This was her mother's room? Wouldn't her mother have shared Manfred's bed? Or did wealthy families simply spread out to fill their vast number of bedrooms like gas molecules in a closed container? It didn't make sense. None of it did.
“...I-I’m sorry. I didn't know this was your mom's room, I just- I don't know. I'm not trying to replace her or anything, I…sorry.”
“Not trying to replace her? Good. You'd be incredibly foolish if you were.” Franziska raised her whip and another crack echoed in the room. “Mrs. von Karma chose death.”
I raised my hand to my mouth, horrified to hear such a thing even though I suspected the woman's fate. “Dead? I'm…I'm so sorry.”
“Don't apologize to me like I should be mourning, fool! My mother is alive.”
“She- wait, what?” I blinked at her, a great deal more confused than afraid.
“My mother lives,” Franziska said slowly, “but the name of ‘Mrs. von Karma’ is long dead. Do you understand?”
“So…she got divorced?”
Another loud whip crack and a fierce glare made me suspect that I wasn't quite correct.
“She dishonored the family name, so Papa took it from her. That, and everything else. She deserved far worse. And if you aim to replace her, and use my Papa for his wealth,” she cracked her whip once more, “if you dare hurt him, you know what you'll face.”
I had a good idea what I'd be facing - her aim with that whip was perfect, striking the same tiny bit of air each time, and if she truly wanted to hit me with it, there would be nothing stopping her. But it seemed she hadn't yet realized that she had nothing to fear.
“I’m not going to hurt him, trust me. If I do, you can punish me however you like. But I promise, I…I…” The word stuck in my throat. I hadn't ever said it, not even to him. “I…like him. A lot. And I'm not using him for anything.”
“Not using him? And yet you're sleeping in his home.”
“Well, he offered that first, to be fair. I never asked.”
“Fool. He only offered you anything because you tricked him with- with your-” She pointed at me, and I could see her trying to compose an argument that I used some sort of feminine wiles to beguile Manfred. But it was clear to both of us that I had no wiles to speak of, feminine or otherwise. “...Hmph. You must have done something underhanded, I'm sure of it.”
I sighed. No amount of arguing could change her mind, that much was clear. She was as stubborn as her father. But that gave me an idea: even if she wouldn't listen to me, there was one person I knew she'd trust.
“Look, you may not believe me, and I get that. You don't even know me, and I just showed up here out of nowhere. But what about your dad? You know his judgment better than I do. Has he ever made a mistake like this before? Do you think he's the type?”
“The type? To make…mistakes? No. Never. But- that's- he-”
As she stumbled over her words, I could practically see her brain short circuiting. Her father doesn't make mistakes. And yet, there I was. It didn't add up.
I wondered how she'd make it work. If her brain were truly a short-circuiting machine, it should have been designed to fail safely. But the human brain rarely acted like a reliable machine. More often, a disconnect like this would result in yet more frustration. The machine would overheat.
She glared at me, and gripped her whip tightly. “Now you're trying to trick me, are you? I won't let you take anything more from the von Karma name than you already have. In fact, I should reclaim this very room while I'm here.”
“You're…taking my room?” I sighed again as she nodded. “Can I at least move my plushies?”
“I consider this a crime scene, and those, evidence.” She looked at my bed, and then pointed at my pajamas. “You can take your clothing. I'll allow that.”
“Thanks,” I grumbled, retrieving my pink polka-dotted pajamas and trudging out of the room.
I headed all the way across the second floor to Manfred's room. I hoped for a little advice, possibly on where I could sleep. His room was empty, though a light from the adjacent bathroom indicated his presence. I heard the sound of water running, then he came out to see me, dressed in a long blue nightgown.
“Hey Manfred, do you have, like, a spare spare bedroom?”
He looked perplexed. “What do you need another bed for? And what happened with Franziska? I thought I heard noises coming from your room.”
“Yeah, that was her whip. And it's her room now. She's commandeered it, or something.”
“...Ah.” Manfred frowned and walked to his side of the bed, sitting and gesturing for me to join him. “I'd hoped you two would be fast friends, you know. You're nearly the same age, and I know you have your differences, but I don't see what would prevent-”
“She thinks I don't actually like you,” I blurted out. “That's it. I…think so, at least.”
“Hmm?” He raised a brow.
“I don't know. She just said a bunch of stuff about her- about your ex-wife, I guess. About me being like her, or replacing her, or…I don't know, really.”
“...I see.” He sighed, and stood from the bed only to close the door and return. “How much did Franziska tell you about her?”
“About her mom? Not a lot. Just that she's still alive…I think. I'm honestly not sure on that one either.”
“She is alive, as far as I'm aware. I prefer not to think about her, if it can be helped.”
“Oh. Uh, do you want me to-”
“No, I should explain matters completely. Now that the subject has been raised, you deserve the entire truth.” Manfred took a deep breath, and looked up at the ceiling, letting it out slowly. “This began long ago, you know. We were married when we were both children, in all but legal terms. Our families had determined it was to be so, and so it would be.”
“You mean, like…an arranged marriage? Do people do that still?”
“Not often, where I was raised. But the von Karmas have always been set apart from other families, even noble ones. They have perfect children, who grow up to have perfect spouses, and sire perfect heirs. Nothing can be left to the frivolous whims of the human psyche.”
“And…your ex was perfect?”
“My father certainly thought so. And how could I object?”
His face looked weary, even for the late night. I could picture him objecting to anyone or anything he wanted, in the courtroom. I could even try and picture him as a young man, born halfway through a century I'd barely seen. But somehow I couldn't picture that young man bellowing a full-throated ‘objection’ at his father. Not even for something as important as marriage.
“So you got married to someone you didn't…didn't really love,” I said quietly.
“Indeed. Some say that those put together by familial pressure rather than love grow into it, eventually. That love, or at least some kind of positive emotion, will come from such an arrangement. I never found that myself.” He looked over at his dresser, at the framed pictures sitting atop it. “We did what we had to in order to produce our perfect heirs, and nothing more.”
He turned back to me with a slight smile. “After everything, I can't say I regret that. The children she gave me are indeed perfect. Passing on the family name is merely a happy bonus.”
I tilted my head, slightly puzzled at how either of his daughters would manage that. “Passing on the- but-”
“We live in a modern world, Miss Martin, giving another your surname doesn't require a man to be involved whatsoever. And anyone would be fortunate to take on the name of a prodigious prosecutor like my Franziska.”
“Uh, r-right.”
A moment of silence passed between us, as the story seemed to come to an end. But that wasn't the entire story, of course. There was a beginning and a middle, but the very point of it all was absent. I looked into Manfred's eyes as he stared down at the floor.
“So, how'd it end?”
“It was all quite…sudden. We'd lived together for decades, even if we hardly spoke to each other. She had her own room and her own life, and the only way I'd hear of any of it is by checking our bank account to see what she'd last bought. It wasn't an ideal marriage, as I'm sure you've already realized.”
I nodded. He looked tired even talking about it - more than tired even, like he'd aged ten years in half as many minutes.
“I would've tolerated a great deal from her, you know. She could've spent as much as she wished, and I wouldn't have said a word so long as she didn't bankrupt me. She could do whatever she wished, so long as she continued to fill the role she was meant for.”
“What role?”
“Keeping up appearances. Not necessarily being perfect, but at least seeming so to the outside world.”
Manfred went silent again, and I didn't prod him further. He clearly didn't want to even think about whatever had happened. I simply sat by his side, unsure of what help I should offer. 
Then he mumbled something.
“What'd you say?” I asked.
“I said ‘infidelity’. That was what ended it. It wouldn't have been quite as awful if I was the first to know. Or one of the first, even. If I hadn't found out after it had gone on for years, and if it hadn't made me question if my newborn daughter was actually mine, and-” 
His voice, steadily rising, suddenly caught and turned to a gasp seething with rage. Then a deep, calming breath.
“...I took all that I could from her, then,” Manfred said quietly. “Not a trace left in the house. In the world. No more ‘Mrs. von Karma'. But I'm not surprised Franziska remembers. She’s seen the impact.”
“And she doesn't want that to happen again,” I nodded slowly. “I think I understand now. And, um…you know I'd never do that to you, right?”
“Of course. I can try to convince Franziska of that, if you'd like your bed back.”
“No, I don't think so.” I ran my hand along the bed’s comforter. “I want to sleep in your bed tonight. Could I?”
Manfred's eyes widened. “Are you certain? I promise that Franziska won't use her whip on you, not when I'm in the room.”
I leaned onto him and put my hand over his. “I’m sure. If you've never been able to share a bed with someone who loves you-” I hesitated for a moment, my cheeks reddening as I processed what I'd just said. “...Th-then I think you should. Tonight. Maybe.”
“Hmm, when you put it that way…” He pulled away from me and cupped my cheek with a wide smile on his face. “I think I agree with you. Why don't you get ready for bed? You can use my bathroom.”
After a quick kiss, I took my pajamas and went into the adjacent room to change. A minute later, I was back out and getting comfortable in bed. Manfred was beside me with his lamp illuminating the room alone, and when I ceased wiggling under the sheets, it clicked off. He lay down facing me - even in the darkness, I thought I could see his smile.
“Goodnight, Manny.”
“Goodnight…my love.”
I closed my eyes. Even when I fell asleep, I knew I'd still be smiling.
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quailfence · 6 months
For the ask game:
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Ship: Kay/Sebastian/Klavier
Ask game
For anyone who hasn’t played Stardew: Some of my answers may make more sense if you’re aware that the player character (the Farmer) is meant to be a self-insert and can marry several different characters
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Penny for marriage candidates/romancable characters, for non-romancables uhhh
Least Favorite character: Pierre maybe? I don’t hate him like a lot of other people but I also don’t find him very interesting
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Farmer/Penny, Abigail/Sam/Sebastian, Penny/Maru, Emily/Sandy, Farmer/Emily
Character I find most attractive: Caroline or Sandy
Character I would marry: Penny, she’s my favorite of the marriage candidates and is probably the one I’m most likely to marry IRL
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Abigail
A random thought: I’m really excited to see what’s new in the 1.6 update! I’ve already played through three in-game weeks on the new farm
An unpopular opinion: I actually enjoy the fishing minigame.
My canon OTP: Player/Penny (for or Kent/Jodi
Non-canon OTP: Abigail/Sam/Sebastian
Most badass character: Tempted to say the Farmer themself but if that’s a copier then Mr. Qi
Pairing I am not a fan of: Sorry Shane fans but he’s my least favorite of the marriage candidates - I don’t hate him I just. Am not very interested in him
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Demetrius - While his in-game dialogue is alright in and of itself, his behavior in cutscenes plus not mentioning his stepson, Sebastian, at all combine to make him unsympathetic and a bit off-putting. (Honestly, just fixing the “not mentioning Sebastian” thing would be fine - the idea of them having a complex or even somewhat hostile relationship is fine with me, but I wish the game either delved into it a bit more or dropped it entirely).
Favourite friendship: Abigail & Sam & Sebastian
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: You talking about shipping them made me think about shipping them. (I should probably mention that I haven’t played investigations or Apollo Justice, so all my knowledge of them both as individual characters and as a ship comes via fandom)
my thoughts: Not one of my main ships but it’s nice and cute
What makes me happy about them: I’m having a hard time putting this into words but like… Kay and Klavier are both pretty confident and energetic, and while Sebastian isn’t as confident and energetic he still (would) get(s) along with them, and they encourage him to open up and try new things, and maybe some of their conference ends up rubbing off on him
What makes me sad about them: that they’ve all had to deal with different flavors of Family Bullshit TM
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: N/A
Things I look for in fanfic: N/A
My kinks: N/A
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Sebastian: Franziska. Kay: Also Franziska. Klavier: Ema, Simon, or Nahyuta. Not as into Klavier/Apollo but I don’t mind it either
My happily ever after for them: Even if they don’t settle down together they still keep in touch for the rest of their lives
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squadron-goals · 1 year
Finally off to Flanders
During summer 1917 Berthold sustained another serious injury, he was shot though the right calf.
15 August 1917
Now I have to start all over again. In Flanders, the English have so far dominated the air, so good fighter pilots are even more necessary than infantry. It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to my people of the Jasta 14 and go to Flanders alone. My new squadron first needs thorough flying training, I want to use the whole of August to practice. Already the English offensive begins to fizzle out like the French enterprise on the Aisne. At last my fight for a better organisation of the airmen is showing some success, since I have recently got the commander of the Flanders Army on my side: At my suggestion, four squadrons are always united into so-called fighter groups and these are placed under the leadership of old, proven fighter pilots.
20 August 1917
Today I received a picture and a few friendly lines from Prince Eitel Friedrich. A few weeks ago, when I was still with 14, I got to know the prince as a simple, natural person with a strict sense of duty. I had been to dinner with him one Sunday. There was only soup and a piece of meat with vegetables. No feasting and material ostentation, which might be a privilege for wretched parvenus, but downright Spartan-like, old Prussian simplicity! When I think of this, I realise that we Germans should be happy and grateful to have at the head of our empire a Hohenzollern dynasty that has not only led throughout the centuries, but also preserved a genuinely German way of life.
6 October 1917
My Jasta 18 has now become the core troupe. In September, it had already achieved 32 aerial victories. There is now no pilot without his own victory. This is not my doing, I merely trained them and led them to the enemy, showed them how to attack. The attack itself, the killing of the enemy, the main thing, is the achivement of the pilots. Their brilliant fulfilment shows what an outstanding spirit there is in the entire Jasta, in each individual! I quickly settled in at 18. Two old good friends are faithfully at my side: Seppl Veltjens and old Mr Dingel. If Seppl stays alive, he will achieve great successes. He is like a young hunting dog: he still hasn't got the hang of it, even though he has already made quite a nice number of kills. He still lacks the eyes and the calm, cold calculation in difficult moments. But I will teach him what is missing. Old Mr Dingel and Father Turck are loyal, they never let our Jasta down and, even if they don't shoot any more themselves, they often help more with their decent attitude. They are the guarantors that an impeccable tone, a decent conception and a right aviation spirit always remain alive in the Jasta. Every busy day of flying tires me out, so I can't devote as much time as I used to to the organization and the comradeship. Now it is the 4th time that the Jasta has cleaned up in the English bomb squadron which was considered unassailable! Apart from my opponent, 2 others have been brought down. It is my 28th! The mechanics are beaming. When we come back from a flight and there isn't a single enemy smashed up, they make a very reproachful face. The good guys!
Another severe injury!
On 10 October Berthold shot down his 29th opponent. In the process, he was shot in the upper right arm from the side, shattering the bone. He still managed to land safely, but had to be rescued unconscious from the machine. The serious injury could not be treated in the field hospital; Berthold was sent to a hospital in Berlin, where his sister Franziska was a head nurse. His wound is severe: the right upper arm is completely shattered, broken like an oak that has been struck by the deathblow. He has to spend 4 month in the hospital. On his insistance he returned to the front, where he lead the newly formed Jagdgeschwader 2. His arm was still not properly healed, painfull and lame. Still, on 28 Mai 1918 he shot down another victory. On 10 August 1918 he shot down his 44th victory but during the fight his plane is so damaged that he crashes. Badly injured again, with his right arm broken once more, he is taken to a field hospital from which he soon escapes. But soon wound fever sets in and he has to admit to himself that the war is over for him. He returns home.
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chocopink · 4 years
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Starting this of with day 1 of narumitsu week : family
I did want to draw Miles and Phoenix with Trucy, but I’m only up to the third game so I’m happy with this!
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cherrysweather · 3 years
hihi i just found your blog and i LOVED your recent miles and franziska post !!!! could i request miles with a gamer!s/o ?? preferably fem but gender neutral works too !! they could like horror or even just splatoon , its up to you !!
Hello Anon! I'm happy to hear that you liked it, it means a lot to me, thanks! ;^;
I never played splatoon so I made this a little more generally, I hope it doesn't bother you too much ;^; And I wrote female pronouns since you preferred them! I hope you'll like this post too! -3-
Miles Edgeworth x F!Gamer!S/O:
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He never played a videogame in his life and barely knows how a joystick works;
Whenever he visits her and she's playing, he always sits near her and observes in silence, trying to figure out which button triggered a certain action;
If the game has it, he spends the majority of the time between tutorials and "training mode" to gain some confidence with the various keys;
As soon as he recognizes the horror vibes, he just walks a w a y because he will get scared at the slightest jumpscare;
However, if she's scared too, he keeps her company but distracts himself from the images on the screen;
(The only time he paid attention, he had troubles sleeping for at least one week);
She buys a second joystick to teach him how to play the games that attract him the most;
He adores puzzles and investigations games;
So each time she's stuck at some point in a game with puzzles, he's the first one she calls to ask pieces of advice or directly ask him to solve it;
He also bought the beat-up game of the Steel Samurai to play with it in two!;
When she spends some time at his place knowing that he has to finish paperwork, she brings with her a console to spend some time with it as she waits for him to finish;
He's often the one to bring her something to drink and eat since she frequently forgets it;
She also tends to stay awake until late to play, so he got the habit of calling her whenever he's done with his own work or when he notices the late hour to remind her that she needs to sleep;
He interests himself in her tastes in games so that he can gift her the ones she wants the most;
And also tries to play them with her as much as he can if she asks him;
Even if he sucks at it.
"Miileesss! Please, heelp!" she called from her seat, stretching her back and taking off her headphones
"I'm here, no need to scream" he flipped another page of his book and read it before looking up "You can't finish this level?"
"Yes! I have to unlock this door to defeat the boss in there but I don't know where to start" she huffed, passing her joystick to him "Care to help?"
"I can try" he closed his book and approached where she was, taking her joystick
"If you want to kill the boss too, you can" she placed her headphones on his head, smiling noticing his already focused expression
"I'm not sure I'm capable of that" he looked at her, giving back her joystick "Try, if you fail to beat it, I can try that, too" he smiled to himself at her shocked face, not understanding how he was able to do such things so quickly
"I'm sure you're capable of it too if you try! Thanks love" she kissed his cheek and hugged his neck, moving from her chair to his lap and forcing him to remain with her
"I was reading-"
"You were; I'll finish here and then we can play something together before sleeping?"
He sighed deeply, surrendering to her but making them both comfortable with one another "Hurry up then, at least two levels of the Steel Samurai" he randomly pressed some buttons to mess her play, distracting her with some touches on her arms
"I'll never finish if you continue!"
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eagletdoesthings · 3 years
I’m happy to say my rush of motivation has not left me in the last week! I’ve been getting into Fate/Zero and I’m meaning to get started on some fanart for that soon, so maybe you’ll be seeing some of that in the near future. Today’s headcanon is actually something I just recently thought of, but I thought it was funny enough that I’m keeping it forever.
Today’s headcanon (10):
Both Miles Edgeworth and Franziska von Karma think the other one of them is straight.
Why this makes so much sense to me (you can skip this if you just here for the fun headcanon):
Edgeworth is kind of misogynistic and doesn’t really take lesbianism into consideration most of the time. Also he probably assumes the reason Franziska has never dated a man is because she hates men, but is still attracted to them deep down. Cause heteronormativity.
Franziska thinks Edgeworth is straight mostly just because of heteronormativity. The only times when she probably ever really thinks about someone’s sexual or romantic orientation is with certain women who she unconsciously kind of has a crush on. (She’s kind of in denial of her own lesbianism, too, and likes to say “I’m straight, but would never date a man.” Which makes little sense but it kind of does in her mind I guess.)
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lunawritesaa · 4 years
headcanons for how apollo and franziska would celebrate valentines day with their s/o?
characters: apollo justice, franziska von karma
a/n: gn pronouns
comments: this is kind of a more “first valentine’s together” and i got very carried away so enjoy~
genre: fluff
[requests are closed, rules are pinned]
{apollo justice}
Apollo was one of those people who would always get super sad around Valentine’s Day because seeing all of the hearts and love made him feel lonely.
But you can bet that the second the day rolls around after he enters a relationship with you he is all over it.
Because of his sheer lack of experience with dating and romance in general, he goes really cliché with how he plans Valentine’s Day with you.
Flowers, chocolate, candy, teddy bears. If it’s been in one of those cheesy romcom movies, Apollo’s bought it.
He’s always wanted to have a partner that he could celebrate this day with so he really, really wants to make it as special of a day as possible. He’s been thinking about how he’s wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with a partner for years.
After he comes home from buying this surplus of gifts for you he just stares at it all and wonders if maybe he went a bit overboard.
He quickly dismisses these thoughts by telling himself that you deserve each and every one of these presents. And yes, you do deserve all of them.
Eventually the day rolls around and Apollo is both a bundle of nerves and excitement. He for one is super happy to have you in his life to finally have someone to celebrate the day with. But he’s also nervous that maybe he bought too many things and oh god what if you don’t like them-
The entire day he’s just constantly thinking about you and how much he loves you. The work day cannot go by fast enough; he honestly just wants to clock out and get ready for the dinner he’s planned for you.
Speaking of dinner, you better believe that Apollo will be cooking for you. He’s been practicing all week for this.
When he’s finally done with his shift (and by that I mean Phoenix noticed how visibly anxious he was and let him go early) he bikes home faster than he ever has in his life.
The second he’s home he instantly starts with the final preparations in order for the night to be perfect: starts the meal, takes a quick shower, and makes sure all his gifts for you are fine.
He accidentally starts the meal a bit too early and it’s done a little bit before you arrive causing him to nearly blow a gasket.
But before he can freak out about it too much his doorbell rings.
Apollo does a quick once over of his apartment, making sure everything looks nice before greeting you at the door.
You look beautiful, as always, and he can’t help but stare as his face turns a bright shade of pink. Cute...
When you walk in you’re greeted with the, ahem, huge pile of stuff that he got you. He’s very bashful about it and doesn’t want to mess anything up.
A huge wave of relief washes over him when you tell him how much you love everything he got you. And please, tell him you like everything he got you.
If you got him a little something he will turn red again and insist that you didn’t have to!! Like he didn’t buy you a million things.
He’s very appreciative and will treasure whatever you got him for years.
Dinner goes smoothly as well! All of his preparations paid off and his cooking is rather good. He’s never thought of himself as a good cook but now...
Afterwards the rest of night is mostly spent cuddling up together on the couch. Apollo has this childlike grin on his face.
A lot of “I love you’s” come out of his mouth and each one is as sincere as the last.
He’ll still go overboard next year though.
{franziska von karma}
Franziska does not really know how to celebrate Valentine’s Day. To be quite honest with you, she’s never really seen the purpose in celebrating it anyway.
Because of that, she never paid the day any special attention.
But as she sees the stores beginning to stock Valentine’s candy and treats you cross her mind and she wonders if maybe this year she should care about it. The day is meant to express your love to your partner and you are her partner after all.
To say that she’s out of her element would be an understatement.
In true von Karma fashion, once she sets her sight on something that she wishes to do she will not settle for anything less than perfection. She will make this the best damn Valentine’s day that you will ever have.
She’s also really good at hiding her true emotions and intentions too. You can ask her several times “do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day” and she will always respond with “hmph, I don’t see a point in celebrating trivial holidays”
Don’t lie Franziska, we all know you’re planning something extravagant behind your back.
Anyway, she really tries to make it seem like she has no intention of doing anything with you. Mostly so you don’t expect anything and then she can surprise you with the best date ever.
Franziska’s natural instinct when it comes to what to do for a day that she has no idea what “normal people” would do for it is to research it. A lot.
She soon learns the entire history of Valentine’s Day to a tee and can tell you who started it, why, when and how the day gained popularity.
But that’s not all! She also looks into traditional dates for the occasion and what most people would do for their significant other to make the day special.
Just because she’s looking into what normal people do doesn’t mean she is going to pick something normal to do. No, she’s making this special and the best. Nothing short of perfection.
When the day eventually comes, she starts off the day by greeting you at your home with a bouquet of flowers. Traditional, yet the flowers are very fancy and beautiful. They reminded her of you but she does not muster up the courage to tell you this.  
She tells you to clear your schedule, not that you really had one anyway, because she is taking you out on a date. For the whole day.
Starts by taking you to a local market to mostly just browse the selection. The two of you walk hand and hand through the stands and occasionally buy some little baked good or pastry that you wanted to try.
Franziska will pay for all of it. No, you cannot stop her. No, she will not let you pay. She is treating you today. No matter how much you beg her to let you buy something she will not listen to you.
Afterwards the two of you sit at a picnic area nearby and enjoy the food that you got for a nice little lunch!
Once you’re done with lunch she takes you to her next date location: a strip of shops downtown. Which was not that far from the market.
The two of you do some shopping, mostly window shopping as you walk past the little stores.
You take her into the one fashion and accessory store to buy her a new bow that you think would look adorable on her!! She’s super blushy and flustered as you get her to try on new bows but she is very appreciative of the gift.
And she will wear the bow with pride every day and if anybody says anything negative about it they will get a mouthful of her whip.
The last and final destination of her date is just a nice stroll on the beach.
She takes you out near the shore and sort of just... talks. She talks so sincerely, mostly about how thankful she is for you and how much she loves that you’re a part of her life.
That’s when she gives you her main gift of the day, which is a small necklace with both of your initials on it. She won’t look at you as she hands it to you, and her cheeks are flushed a light pink.
But she will help you put it on, a small smile on her face once it’s put into place. It looks beautiful on you.
Her heart flutters every time she sees you wearing the necklace, and it never fails to remind her of the amazing day that was your first Valentine’s day together.
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elisabethsdoppler · 4 years
noah & elisabeth modern au
part 2/?
a/n: this is kind of just world building & character study, but since this is an au, i think it’s necessary. i have to adapt a lot of their storylines and families to work in a modern setting, so this clears a lot of confusion up! <3
about 2 months into their relationship, they met each other’s parents
charlotte is only elisabeth’s mom, not her daughter
charlotte and noah hit it off
franziska was wary at first because of the age difference, but when she tried to give noah the shovel talk he would explain how much he cared for eli and how he would never hurt her
peter hates noah
like HATES hates
no one is good enough for eli in his opinion, and the age difference makes him uncomfortable
he would eventually warm up to noah, but it took years
bernadette would get along with noah quite well though!
charlotte and peter got divorced about a year after charlotte found out about the affair
they’re still friends though, and they have a monthly family dinner with eli and franziska
noah and magnus are honorary family members (not to peter, but charlotte is the head of the family and she likes both noah and magnus)
noah and magnus join family dinner!
noah doesn’t see his dad very often
silja died in childbirth with agnes, but he takes elisabeth to her grave and introduces them in that way
noah visits his mom’s grave every week, and eli comes with him every second week
she understands that people sometimes need space to grieve
noah hasn’t seen his dad in around 10 years, but eli really wants to meet him so noah reaches out
bartosz is so happy to hear from noah
the three of them have dinner together, and bartosz remembers a bit of the sign language silja taught him
he refers to noah as hanno which makes noah tense up
after his mom died, his dad tried his best, but hanno and agnes were eventually put in foster care
they ended up living in a church orphanage
hanno started going by noah because the kids there would make fun of his name sounding like hannah
when he was little sometimes silja would refer to him as noah, so he started going by that
anyways back to the dinner!
it would be really awkward at first
because eli knows how noah feels about his father, but also really wants them to get along
bartosz and elisabeth have a lot in common, so the conversation flows nicely
sometimes noah translates, but bartosz knows enough to communicate, and when he doesn’t know how to say something he writes it down
bartosz apologizes to noah at the end of dinner
he says that silja’s death wrecked him emotionally, but that was no excuse for being a bad father
noah nods, and when him and eli leave he and bartosz shake hands and noah asks if he would like to come over to his apartment to have dinner with him and eli next week
bartosz almost cries
he knows noah isn’t ready to hug him, but he and eli hug!
noah and eli hold hands the whole way home, and eli makes sure that he feels alright
noah just smiles softly and signs how grateful he was to have her in his life
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bopinion · 4 years
Tumblr media
2021 / 10
Aperçu of the Week:
"Tolerance should really be only a passing sentiment; it must lead to recognition. To tolerate is to offend." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Bad News of the Week:
While in the animal world the female is usually larger and stronger, quite appropriate to her function in the preservation of the species, the male is often distinguished only by a magnificent plumage and questionable talent for courtship dance - if he is not eaten after mating. Only the seahorse and the penguins have heard that raising the offspring can also be the task of the male.
And with humans? Oh yes, the human being... (sigh). Last Monday was "International Women's Day". In the GDR, that was still a holiday at the time. But there, equality was very progressive, if only to increase the workforce potential, including all-day care in "state-owned" daycare centers. And in the progressive West? Let's put it this way: I was already born when women could only start a job or make major purchases with the consent of their husbands.
The current worksites: This year's "Equal Pay Day" was last Wednesday - until then, women have been working for free on an annualized basis compared to a man's identical job. And after years of waiting for more women to be appointed to board positions through a "moral commitment," it looks like a law is coming after all. At the same time, Germany's Minister for Women and Families, Franziska Giffey, fears that Corona could set back equality "by decades."
In the U.S., this fear is already a reality. The latest indication: last week, Alabama introduced an uncompromising ban on abortion - even in cases of rape. Want to bet that wouldn't be the case with penguins or seahorses in power? Yes, dear fellow men: equality and self-determination come from the same pot. Namely that of fundamental human rights. And they do not only exist with a Y-chromosome.
Good News of the Week:
The death of George Floyd last year was a turning point. You could literally watch a person being killed thanks to social media coverage. The victim didn't fight back, pleaded for his life, and died. The perpetrator didn't give a damn. That's what I found the worst: here was no slavering fanatic in an adrenaline rush going about his gruesome work, but a law enforcer in all calm and composure. Everything is quite normal. “Do Black Lives Matter? Not for me, my colleagues or most of my society.”
In the wake of this tragedy, we Europeans have learned a lot about latent racism, not only in the USA. Those who went out on the streets in this country carried a sign with "Black lives matter" in front of them, but had other worries in their hearts: Did I deliberately not stand in line with the obviously Arabic young man at the checkout yesterday in the supermarket, but with the supposedly Bio-German blonde? Why did I revile little Mario a "spaghetti" back then in the schoolyard? Why do I even look a second time when an obvious transvestite, a veiled woman or a wheelchair user pass on the other street? Where does racism actually begin?
Minneapolis awarded the family of George Floyd a record $27 million in pain and suffering damages the day before yesterday. As if pain could be cured with money. But at least it recognizes that even a black life has value. That's a promise that the upcoming trial of Floyd's killer and his accomplices, or their clear convictions, have yet to deliver. His death was not in vain; he made a big difference. In the conscience of many people for sure, in the institutions and in court hopefully.
Personal happy Moment of the Week:
Last Wednesday my parents (over 80 and with pre-existing conditions) got their first vaccination. So far they have come through the pandemic in one piece, because they were very careful and cautious. But it is a comforting feeling to know that they are now also (partly) infectiously protected - especially now, when the numbers are going up again and the mutant B.1.1.7 is on the rise.
As I write this...
...I am waiting for the (last?) winter storm, which is supposed to bring snow and gusts up to 90 km/h tonight.
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colourful-void · 4 years
some assorted thoughts on investigations and stuff!!!
- kay holy f-ck i adore you with my entire heart please you are the greatest being to walk to planet 
- kay’s trying to start a sapphic crime poly
- theres a suprising amount of critique of the justice system which is very good!
- goign back to gourd lake was rad, loved the setting for that one
- seriously that was one of the best opening chapters
- will lang come back i hope so he was rad
- i dont think ill see franziska again but if i did i would be very happy
- theres a character with the same name as me and i despise them so that’s fun
- oh hey it’s frank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ray ur a f-cking creep
- alright so ray works for edgeworth’s dads agency which did not change names i guess unlike phoenix/mia’s office.
- ray ffs stop speaking in vague terms i still don’t know who ur reporting to. r u trying to insinuate that it’s edgeworth dad cause i got bad news for you there...
- hey was that reporter lady’s first mentor lotta???
- de killer u bastard its actually rlly cool to see him again for plot resolution and stuff
- justine has some stuff going on but she looks SO COOL!!
- so your name is sebastian you little sh-t
- sebastian is actually the coolest and he is a jerk!! please understand i am very excited for this character but also he is terrible
- honestly the prison case is so cool so far
- i guess theres just a chess motif now, okay.
- animalsssss!!!!!
- edgeworth backstory is ever expanding and i must know all of it
- i gotta go to bed now but i’ll be watching more tomorrow and we’ll see how things go!!! i’m hoping ill be on apollo justice by next week!
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
one more ahaha but the cherry blossom scene at the end of catch up game ch 3 because i'm still thinking nonstop about it all the time 👀👉👈
ABSOLUTELY I CAN also for anyone reading this go look at Mika’s art which inspired this scene. It’s the tumblr version so you can reblog it too, which you should do, even if you don’t read my long rambling,
okay once again rambling below...
Traditionally, Larry Butz arrived at any social gathering anywhere from half an hour to three hours later than the time he was told, so all things considered, he was actually early. Phoenix wasted no time informing him of the latest betrayal among their small elementary school friend group.
this is a direct callout to one of my friends from high school, where we started seriously considering telling her that any social event we were planning started an hour earlier than it actually did so that she’d make it there on time. We never did in case this turned out to be the time she actually made it on time, but still.
“Larry, remember that one time we were trying to make that gigantic hopscotch game, and we ran out of chalk?” He pointed an accusatory finger at Edgeworth, who sighed. “It turns out, Edgeworth hid it all along!”
Larry blinked, then shrugged. “Oh yeah, right, that. Well, I kind of had an idea…”
“Wh — You hid this from me too?! D-Death! The death penalty for the both of you!”
“Why does this all sound so familiar,” Edgeworth commented under his breath.
I think this part is mostly there so Larry actually does something because I couldn’t find any real way to fit him into this fic...? Anyways the dialogue there with Phoenix threatening the death penalty on Miles and Larry is pretty much directly lifted from the end of Turnabout Goodbyes, which is why Miles comments on it sounding familiar. 
They continued on in that vein for some time, dredging up old elementary school memories. Phoenix proclaimed to be the only innocent member of that group, before Edgeworth brought up a set of very nice gel pens Phoenix reportedly stole from him. Phoenix and Edgeworth got caught up in their argument, and barely even noticed when Larry wandered away, joining Maggey and Gumshoe at the fishing pond while Franziska critiqued them.
This sort of familiar banter was normal. As Edgeworth teased in that same way he had ever since Phoenix first faced him in court, he had to wonder if he’d just imagined the way Edgeworth had been looking at him during the party. Maybe everything was fine, after all.
Not pictured: Phoenix and Miles leaning in closer to each other as they argue. too close. Larry tries to comment but neither of them hear him. Eventually he just walks away because he’s sick of third-wheeling with these two. It’s my firm belief that if there weren’t the court benches in the way that they need to slam, these two would slowly walk closer and closer to each other as they argue because they. uh. want to “intimidate” each other. that’s why they’re nose to nose like that. the whole courtroom is suddenly very uncomfortable.
Haha anyways also I think these two would pick the dumbest things to argue about all the time? Never seriously arguing, the just like bickering because they don’t know how to hold conversations about their feelings.
“You still haven’t explained exactly what happened to my gel pen set,” Edgeworth accused, as they circled around the argument for the third time.
Phoenix threw his hands up in the air. “I just forgot to return it! I didn’t know you were so bothered by it. You should have brought it up!”
“Back then? You were so sensitive. If I brought up that you might have upset me in the least, you would have burst into tears.”
“I wasn’t that sensitive.”
Edgeworth sighed. “Wright, you cried when I got a question wrong on a spelling test, because you thought I would be sad about it.”
“And you were!” Phoenix retorted. “You cried for like an hour!”
“Because when you started crying, I thought it was something I had to be ashamed of!”
More bickering, pretty much! Also I do think Phoenix cried A Lot and was super sensitive up until the whole Dahlia trial which traumatized him pretty badly... 
Anyways the REAL story behind this incident which I am making up just now is probably that Miles was on the verge of crying because of Getting Something Wrong -- which I totally get, I absolutely almost cried over spelling tests as a baby -- and Phoenix picked up on this and realized his best friend was sad and started crying, which made Miles start to fully cry, and it just became a mess.
Meanwhile Larry with the 3/10 on his spelling test was just like “I don’t get what you guys are so upset about a 9/10 is great” which just makes them cry even more.
(Then Gregory probably found out about this incident and sat Miles down and gave him a speech about “everyone makes mistakes and it’s okay to not be perfect all the time, this is a learning opportunity and it shows you what you need to work on!”
That sentiment didn’t last very long.)
Wow I’m getting off topic, moving on --
Phoenix crossed his arms. “I remember this whole thing very differently than you do. You cried first.”
“I never cried in fourth grade.”
Phoenix leaned in and whispered into his ear, “Origami.”
“Do not bring that up!” Edgeworth hissed as Phoenix reared back, laughing.
I don’t know if you need to lean in super close and whisper that in his ear though Phoenix, that might be a bit unnecessary. Miles got lucky here in that his Eternal Shame over not being able to fold an origami crane in fourth grade overrode whatever reaction he undoubtedly would have had about Phoenix’s face being very close to his face.
Anyways this banter is here in the fic mostly because I really wanted to show them being all comfortable and happy with each other. That was a major thing I wanted to push as much as possible in these earlier chapters, that they do care about each other a lot even before we enter the more outright romantic territory.
“Regardless, I am certain you took my gel pen set, so don’t try to blame faulty memory on that one. I bet you carelessly used them all up, didn’t you?”
“Hardly! I wouldn’t even touch it after you left. It reminded me of you.”
Some of the fight left Edgeworth’s stance. “Really?”
“Well… yeah.” He wasn’t sure why the admission suddenly felt like a confession of an entirely different sort.
aw man Phoenix you brought feelings into your banter NOW what are you going to do.
I’m preeetty sure I have books that I lent to my friends in fourth grade that they never gave back so it’s of course not an inherently romantic thing, they probably just forgot it was mine and obviously aren’t going to bring it back now ten years later, but for Phoenix in this case it was probably more like “I borrowed these gel pens from Miles and then keep forgetting to give them back but was going to after winter break, and then he left, so I need to hold onto them until he comes back”. Miles was taken from his life so suddenly it probably had a huge effect on him, especially since he had few friends at the time and Miles made such a big impact on him.
The two of them sat underneath the tree in a sudden, serene quiet. They’d both discarded their suit jackets at some point, down to their dress shirts and waistcoats. Phoenix pretended not to notice the way Edgeworth’s eyes darted across the line of his shoulders and lingered longer than they should have.
I don’t ever really pay much attention to what people are wearing or what they look like at any particular time when I’m writing, but in this case I took extra care to make sure they were in the same outfits as in the art that inspired this!
Maybe I’ll ramble a bit more about that! Pretty much the “theme” of narumitsu week this year was “cherry blossoms”, so I wanted to find some way to incorporate them into this fic somewhere somehow. I decided to have that as a focus on Free Day because I enjoy having structure and wasn’t sure what to have for the day.
Some of this scene, mainly the picnic, is inspired by that one official art here. The first iteration of this chapter had everyone in it (with the obvious exceptions of Diego and Mia) but then I took out Maya and Pearl for reasons I explained when I was talking about the scene in chapter 6 where I decided to cut a lot of Maya’s scenes out of this fic... even though I love her a lot.
And of course when I thought about cherry blossoms and narumitsu I thought about Mika’s art, yes I am linking it again, which I believe she posted about a month or so before I started planning and I was Thinking About It Constantly. It’s gorgeous and since there was the perfect opportunity to use it here I just couldn’t resist and here we are.
Back to the paragraph: Miles attempted to subtly check Phoenix out. It was not subtle.
“Do you still have those gel pens?” Edgeworth asked, softer. “I think you owe me them, after everything.”
“Oh, shut up,” said Phoenix, but it was difficult to have a heated argument right now, for some unknown reason. “If I still have them, they’re in a box somewhere. Plus, they ought to have dried up by now.”
“I doubt it.” A faint smile was beginning to crawl on Edgeworth’s face. “Those gel pens were state of the art.”
“Sure they were,” Phoenix dismissed. “And, what, you’re going to use them? Sign your fancy prosecutor documents in bright pink?”
“What makes you think I don’t do that already?”
“You wouldn’t — oh, wait, of course you’d have customized ink in the same colour as your entire wardrobe, who am I even talking to…”
“Mhm.” Edgeworth brushed his bangs from his eyes, a motion that Phoenix’s brain decided to fixate on for some reason. “But really, you went to all the trouble of keeping the set, and you never used any of them?”
(Miles voice) “oh so you kept something as trivial as that for so long because they reminded you of me? Tell me more. Why do you want a reminder of me. What exactly do you think of me, Wright,”
hm pretty much as soon as Phoenix brought Feelings into this conversation the atmosphere kind of changed and you can now imagine Miles staring with the most adoring expression at Phoenix while Phoenix is ignoring this with such intensity that it doesn’t even show up in his narration. But he also watches the way Miles brushes his bangs from his eyes, so he’s not much better.
And thinking about it now this scene really went on for too long about gel pens hahaha... 
“Objection!” Phoenix declared. “I used the blue one to write you letters at first.”
“Ah, of course you did. I never got any of those… How many did you send?”
“I don’t even want to know…”
Edgeworth hummed and looked off into the distance, where Gumshoe was demonstrating how to cast a line. “Your level of dedication is something else,” he said, as if to himself.
“Well, yeah. You were my only non-Larry friend. You were…” Phoenix swallowed. “You were important to me, you know? You saved me.”
“You keep bringing that up. You’ve more than returned the favor, you know that, don’t you?”
“I’m inclined to disagree.”
I don’t have a consistent headcanon about whether Miles got or read the letters, in this fic presumably von Karma intercepted them and got rid of them... and then presumably Miles ignored any that were sent to him as an adult.
Also these two are going to have ridiculous arguments about who saved who until they’re on their deathbeds, I’m sure.
Edgeworth turned back towards him as if to retort, but stopped halfway, his eyes widening slightly as he stared at Phoenix.
“... Something on my face?” Phoenix asked, trying to quell the feeling of some sort of anxiety that bubbled up when Edgeworth stared at him like that.
insert mikacherryblossomart.png
Miles turns away for one second and then suddenly oh no he’s even more gorgeous now
Edgeworth was silent for some time. Then, very softly, he said, “You have cherry blossom petals in your hair.”
“What? Do I?” He reached a hand up to brush them out, but Edgeworth stopped him by grabbing his wrist, freezing Phoenix.
“With your hair, you’ll never get them out like that.” With his spare hand, Edgeworth began to pick each individual petal from his hair. “You look so — silly, Wright.”
Partially a callback to the beginning of chapter 3, when they were kids:
“Y-Your hair,” Miles managed to say through stifled laughter. “One of the flowers fell into it.”
Phoenix hands shot up into his hair. “Really?”
“You look so silly, Phoenix.” When Phoenix failed to find the flower, Miles reached out. “Here, let me.” 
 Phoenix remained still as Miles reached up to the top of his head and picked the flower out of his hair. “Your hair’s really soft,” Miles said quietly, before handing it over to Phoenix. “Here you go.”
because Miles apparently remembered that it was difficult for Phoenix to get the petals from his hair the first time, and also, wanted an excuse to touch Phoenix’s hair again.
But also the dialogue and interactions are ONCE AGAIN INSPIRED BY MIKA based on this reply to my reply to the art on twitter. look at that you can go and retweet the art on twitter too!
Overall this gives us an accurate Thoughts to Speech translator for Miles:
Miles: You have cherry blossom petals in your hair and it is going to kill me.
Phoenix: What? Do I?
Miles: No, wait, don’t brush them out, I want to touch your hair because it is soft and this is the perfect excuse. You look so captivating.
if Miles had said that out loud though it would probably have killed both of them.
Phoenix let out an awkward, low laugh, starting somewhere deep within his chest. “R-Really.”
Edgeworth’s eyes locked with Phoenix’s, and time seemed to freeze. There was a sudden thrum of tension in the air, as if Phoenix were in a play and he’d suddenly forgotten his lines, forgotten he was supposed to be in a play at all.
(chanting) “kiss kiss kiSS KISS KISS --”
But before either of them could break the sudden spell over them, a fishing hook whirred through the air, and —
“Ack, I — I think I got it stuck!”
but of course that needs to be interrupted at the worst possible time because this is fanfiction and this is how things work!
“In the tree?! How did you even manage to get it that far?”
“Don’t worry about it, Maggey, I can climb up the tree and get it unstuck, just hang on —”
“No, no, if I just give it a big yank—”
I broke the first rule of writing dialogue because I can’t really remember who’s supposed to be saying what. I think that Maya had a few lines here and then I didn’t change them since there were no dialogue tags...
Pretty much -- Maggey with her eternal luck tried to fish but released the line too early as she was swinging back so the line went back and got caught in the tree branches directly above Phoenix and Miles.
I think the dialogue progression goes Maggey -> Originally Maya but now either Larry or Franziska -> Gumshoe -> Maggey -> everyone going MAGGEY NO!!!
I remember going fishing with my grandpa once a long time ago and either I or my brother did get the fishing line stuck in a tree. would not recommend.
The branch above Phoenix and Edgeworth jostled, and pink petals burst all around them, fluttering down and catching in their hair and on their clothes. One petal even fell behind Edgeworth’s glasses.
They stared at each other for a moment, stunned, Edgeworth’s hand still loosely wrapped around Phoenix’s wrist, as Maggey shouted apologies from the distance.
There are no cherry blossom trees where I live so I have no idea if we’re even in the right season for this or if cherry blossom trees even behave this way - but I’m basing it off of... you know when it’s that point in fall where if you shake a tree branch leaves will just scatter everywhere? That. 
Also RIP to the other four who were just having a grand old time fishing and then turn around seeing these two sitting really close to each other almost holding hands about two seconds away from a kiss... which they’d just interrupted...
And then — the most incredible thing happened, and Edgeworth began to laugh.
Phoenix could have catalogued all the laughs he heard from Edgeworth: the usual, short laughs often mistaken for a scoff by those who didn’t know him as well as Phoenix did; the triumphant, smug, courtroom laughs when he thought he had Phoenix cornered; to the quiet, restrained ones in private that were more of a hum than anything else. This laugh was new.
This was a full-on fit of laughter bubbling deep in his chest and spilling from his mouth, which Edgeworth quickly covered with his free hand, with the additional bonus of covering his reddening face. It wasn’t something hidden or faked or triumphant, it was genuine, and open, and Phoenix could swear it was one of the most beautiful sounds he ever heard.
Miles here is going through an emotional rollercoaster having been two seconds away from finally kissing the love of his life only to be interrupted at the worst possible time, which is just so on brand for the two of them that he can’t help but start laughing hysterically. Plus Phoenix probably looks absolutely shocked suddenly covered in petals, which doesn’t help.
Then the next two paragraphs are brought on by Phoenix Pining and also me wanting Miles Edgeworth to laugh more... 
From my notes for this scene:
They stare at each other for a moment and laugh, and Miles’ laugh just utterly captivates Phoenix and makes him fall so completely in love immediately and oh no he is screwed he is utterly screwed.
So pretty much I had to encapsulate the “falling so completely in love immediately” part which I decided to do by focusing on Miles laughing. I wanted to draw a lot of attention to that which is why there are so many paragraphs dedicated to Miles laughing and Phoenix thinking about Miles laughing.
Trucy’s laughter always made the world feel a little brighter, and made Phoenix feel stronger. Edgeworth’s laugh did the opposite; it dislodged something inside of him, it weakened him, it made the whole world go soft and fuzzy around him. Instead of illuminating all the good in the world, it turned Phoenix’s world into one person.
More focus on Miles’ laughter but also... kind of drawing attention to Phoenix’s reaction to this being different from his reaction to other people he cares about laughing? Because feeling warm and happy when seeing someone you care about non-romantically laugh is normal, but then I wanted to make it clear that this is a different sort of feeling for Phoenix. 
Also Phoenix has to realize this is a different sort of feeling for him because otherwise he could brush it off like he’s probably dismissed all of his romantic feelings throughout the years as “oh I’m just glad my friend is happy, and I rarely ever hear Edgeworth laugh so him being relaxed enough to laugh like that makes me feel happy too,” but it’s not what he’d expect if he just sees Miles as a friend. And it’s described as weakening in the paragraph because right now the subject of his romantic feelings for Miles isn’t something that Phoenix can fully or easily accept right now (as chapter 5 would indicate).
Edgeworth’s fit of laughter subsided, and he shifted his hand so he could look at Phoenix again, the hints of a shy grin peeking out between his fingers, his hair and his shirt and his face adorned with a sweet, gentle pink. It was like looking at an entirely different person — or, no, the same person, but with all armor off, all guards lowered.
Miles is very embarrassed right now but kind of... in a good way...? Like again, almost kissed the love of his life then rudely interrupted at the last possible moment, plus Phoenix’s whole reaction to the thing gave Miles the impression that Phoenix wanted to kiss him as well, so he’s feeling a little giddy. Plus he was just laughing a lot when he normally doesn’t do that. Overall he’s not used to expressing his emotions so he’s embarrassed and a little shy about it...
The part about Miles’ “hair and shirt and face adorned with a sweet, gentle pink” refers to both the cherry blossom petals (in his hair and clinging to his shirt and a bit on his face) and also him blushing quite a bit.
It all feels a little out of character honestly haha because Miles isn’t really the type to be blushing hardcore like this and be a little shy, buuut in this case I let myself get away with it because he’s dealing with romantic feelings he hasn’t ever dealt with at this level before, and it’s also out of character just enough to really strike Phoenix in the heart. You can just imagine him staring at Miles with the most lovestruck expression on his face because he hasn’t seen this side of Miles before and he loves it.
Phoenix’s heart stuttered in his chest, and may have stopped entirely.
He was screwed.
He was completely and utterly screwed.
And even Phoenix can’t deny that he’s super in love at this point. 
I think I wrote this part, changed the words “screwed” to “doomed” right before posting, and then switched it back again for no particular reason. The Vibe just felt a little off but oh well.
Then the next chapter skips over the rest of this picnic but honestly Phoenix’s brain skipped over the rest of this picnic as well. Imagine the two of them just kind of standing around in a lovestruck daze for a while. I think Franziska had to physically drag Miles out of there. no one knows how Phoenix got home, not even Phoenix and least of all me!
But thank you Mika for requesting this!! And for drawing such incredible art for me to base the chapter around haha!!!
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
A Second Chance: Chapter 10
An Ace Attorney fanfic. Available to read on both AO3 and Fanfiction.net!
Summary: Miles learns the identity of his “dead” mother, and the aftermath of that revelation is a tricky one. Especially when his newfound little sister is trying to turn him into a spirit medium.
AKA Miles is a Fey. Miles also doesn’t really know how to family properly.
Chapter summary: Franziska Von Karma.
Comments make my day! :D
The Other Sister
She was making history. She was actually making history. People would recognize her on the streets and come up to ask her ‘how did you do it?’. She would laugh and say that she was never going to reveal her secret methods. Nick would be beyond jealous that he wasn’t the one to accomplish such a feat. 
...or maybe nobody would ever believe that she managed to get Miles Edgeworth to t-pose in the middle of his office. 
Maybe it would just be the stuff of legends. It would turn into a rumor, which would quickly dissolve into long-forgotten history.
Nevertheless, this was probably the proudest moment of her life.
“Is this really necessary?” Miles said through gritted teeth as Maya wound the tape measure around his torso. “It would be much easier if I just told you my measurements. I do have them written down-”
Maya pulled back and looked up at him sternly. 
“Yeah, but this isn’t for any of your fancy suits, is it?” She reprimanded with a twinkle in her eyes. “My friend Soma agreed to put a lot of work into this for free so the least you can do is give her the fresh measurements she needs.”
Miles groaned. “Fine, just get it over with quickly.”
Phoenix sniggered from Edgeworth’s fancy maroon couch.
The truth is that Soma in fact did not need specifically new measurements. She’d actually been pretty insistent to make sure that Miles didn’t go out of his way. But what’s the point of having a brother if you don’t get to have a little fun?
She called out the number to Phoenix (who lazily scribbled it down on a notepad) before turning back to Miles with a cheeky smirk.
“Now for the waist.”
Ah, the beautiful, beautiful color his cheeks went as he tensed and glared at her. The moment was short-lived, however, as he soon relaxed and relented. He begrudgingly lifted his arms higher in the glorious t-pose that Maya had put him in.
As soon as she’d had the brilliant idea of getting Edgeworth his own robe a few days before, she’d immediately rushed to the phone to call her friend Soma. Mystic Soma Sheen was a couple of years older than Maya but had been her best friend for many years while her sister was away. She also happened to be one of the most talented seamstresses in the village.
The Sheen family had always been very close to the main Fey family, and therefore Pearl had recently gone into the care of Soma and her mother, Elder Saima Sheen. After all the drama with her aunt, Maya trusted no-one else.
There was a loud knock at the door.
“Do not come in!” Edgeworth shouted desperately.
Poor guy, thought Maya as Miles began to vibrate with anxiousness. Maybe it was time to give him a break.
That being said, she had let him close the curtains, and she still hadn’t gotten revenge for how much he’d hurt her with his words the week before…
“Come in now!” She called happily, just as she moved the tape measure to below Edgeworth’s waist.
In barged Detective Gumshoe, huffing and puffing and leaving the door wide open. Judging by how flustered he looked, Miles was probably never going to forgive her for this betrayal. It was worth it.
Annoyingly for her though, Gumshoe didn’t seem to bat an eye at the questionable positions they were in right now.
“I thought I told you to wait, detective! You don’t take orders from her! Your salary will pay for thi-”
“Look, I’m sorry sir!” Gumshoe wheezed. “But I ran up here to warn you that-”
Click. Click. Click.
In that moment, all the color drained from Edgeworth’s face. He froze, mid-glare. Even Gumshoe cringed.
Phoenix sat up. “What?”
Miles barely managed to whisper “No…” (which Maya only caught because of how close she was to him) before what came the deafening sound of a whip hitting wood.
The second the owner of the voice came into view, her furious expression morphed into one of utter confusion.
Miles just looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Franziska, I-”
“Phoenix Wright.” The new arrival snarled, her voice dripping with venom. 
Her attention focused back onto Edgeworth and she must have realized the extremely questionable position Maya and Miles were standing in. 
“What are you doing?!”
Miles suddenly snapped out of the freeze-frame and pushed Maya away as quickly as he could. He then outstretched a hand to Franziska almost desperately.
“Franziska… I can explain-”
“Explain what, Miles Edgeworth?! You ignore my texts, you make me worry about you, and here you are GALLIVANTING with these FOOLS!”
As her anger increased, so did Edgeworth’s discomfort.
“Maya, Phoenix, detective, can you give us a moment?” He asked through gritted teeth, though without taking his eyes off Franziska.
Maya, who as much as she wanted to know what would happen, was more than happy to almost run out through the large wooden doors of Edgeworth’s office with Gumshoe hot on her heels. Phoenix seemed more hesitant and kept his own eyes on Miles in concern. Maya could have sworn he mouthed ‘You didn’t tell her?’ at him, before also creeping past the furious woman to join her, pulling the heavy doors shut behind him.
Once satisfied that the door had creaked shut and that they were alone, Miles dared to let out a small sigh. Franziska still stood tensely in front of the doorway, though now that the doors were shut there was no light reflecting off her back, making her appear all the more menacing.
“An explanation?” She demanded, bringing her arm closer to her chest in order to hold her whip with both hands.
Miles grimaced. “It’s a rather long story.”
Franziska crossed her arms defiantly and took a step forward. “Then start talking. Now.”
Miles had thought about telling Franziska so many times over the past few weeks, but was ashamed to admit that he’d been terrified to actually do so. There was no doubt that she’d be angry about it (more than usual) and the last thing he wanted was a big confrontation.
But by acting as a coward, that’s what he ended up with anyway.
“You recall the Hazakura Temple case?” He asked, thinking that it would be the best place to start.
“Hmm.” Franziska replied, but he knew her well enough to hear the faintest sliver of nervousness in her voice. That case had been far from normal and had left its scars on every person involved.
“Well,” he continued, “do you remember the name of the victim?”
“Of course I do!” She scoffed, before raising her whip threateningly. “Stop talking to me like a child, Miles Edgeworth! I know what you’re like, so just tell me!”
“Misty Fey was my mother.”
She gasped and stumbled backwards. Miles hung his head in shame.
“What do you mean?” She asked him hesitantly. “What do you-”
“You know what I mean.” Miles confirmed quietly, refusing to look up. He didn’t want to see the emotions on her face- she didn’t show them often, but he knew when she was. Call it… ha, call it brother instinct.
“Gregory Edgeworth-” Franziska began, and he could tell that she was pacing around now.
“-was my father.” He completed. He still didn’t look up. “In the same way that Misty Fey was my mother.”
“Impossible!” She screamed. “That’s- that’s impossible!”
And then she went quiet. Miles only looked up out of curiosity. 
She had her back to him, and her fists were clenched. She’d long dropped her trademark whip, and it lay sprawled out on the polished wooden floor.
“When did you find out?”
He could have lied to save her feelings, but he would never lie to her. If she ever found out at least, he would have to suffer the consequences in the most painful way possible. “A few weeks ago.”
She let out some sort of grunt of frustration, but all Miles saw was her shoulders tense. 
“I pity you, Little Brother.” She whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. “You have to carry three legacies on your frail shoulders.”
“What do you mean?” He knew exactly what she meant, but he needed to hear her say it. To try and gauge exactly how she felt.
“The Von Karma legacy, the… Edgeworth legacy, and now the Fey legacy.”
He slowly moved around his desk to sit at his chair. He just… needed to sit down. She must have heard his movement and finally turned to look at him over her shoulder. From what he could see, her eyes were sparkling with passion and pain.
“I don’t believe that’s true.” He said. “I think that two of those roles have already been taken on. You are the Von Karma legacy, my dear, and Maya is the Fey’s.”
Upon hearing Maya’s name, Franziska whirled around and stormed up to his desk.
“She is your sister.” She stated.
“Your little sister.” 
“Is that why she is here?”
“In a sense… yes.”
She slammed her fists on the desk, and he cringed. “So you are spending time with these fools, and you didn’t even think of telling me? ME?!”
“I needed to spend time with my little sister.” He chose his words carefully, but it still felt extremely... wrong saying it to Franziska. 
Her clenched fists were still lingering on the desk. He put his hands over his, covering them completely. “Surely my big sister can understand that?”
This seemed to melt her, and he felt her hands relax under his. Her shoulders began to shake, and the tears began to finally well up in her eyes.
To anyone listening, it would have just been an odd thing to say. But to the two of them, it was more than words. It moved mountains.
“You’re not… you’re not abandoning me?”
“Never, Franziska.”
Not even after your father killed mine, he didn’t say, but he knew that she heard it nonetheless.
“Fool.” She said, wiping any stray tears from her eyes. “Foolish fool.”
Maya must have been rubbing off on him because he instinctively expected a hug ambush to be the next thing to happen. He should have known better though, because instead his sister turned on her heel, gritted her teeth, and picked up her whip as she made for the door.
As she pulled them open, Maya came tumbling forwards and onto the floor with a yelp. Phoenix stood rather guiltily only a few steps behind her. Gumshoe was nowhere in sight.
Franziska looked at them, of course knowing what they had been doing, and glared.
“Make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish.”
And the clicks of her heels faded as she walked away.
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 11
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count:  5k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Jonas and Annalise both shot up awake at the same time in different times both having a dream about the moment that was supposed to be the happiest moment of their lives that was actually just the moments that would cause the disasters that would destroy Winden. One of the two in 2053 and the other teen in 2020. Their movements mimicked each other as the two turned to get out of his bed and pull out a letter. His addressed to him to open when his father died. Hers addressed to open now. They both sighed and walked down the stairs into the main areas of the empty Kahnwald house. Annalise’s stairs were silent to cause Jonas’s stairs to creak twice as loud. As if they were both ghosts in this once happy and lively home. They both took a moment to look at the calendar in the kitchen and walked out to walk amongst the living.
Joans walked around his old town gathering supplies before going back down into the bunker to start his work back up. He found the appropriate tape for that day and placed it into the player to listen to it. 
A woman’s voice rang out, “My name is Claudia Tiedemann. I am one of the few survivors of the apocalypse of June 27, 2020. Almost three months have passed since the catastrophe. It’s still unclear what exactly led to the events in Winden. But the God Particle… If we can stabilize it, maybe it is a way back. Back to the past. Maybe we can save them. All of them.”
Annalise walked down the roads. She walked down to the store to grab something to eat before heading her way back into the woods not too far from the Kahnwald’s or Tiedemann’s. She laid down on her and Jonas’s rock looking up at the leaves above her. She quietly wondered if any of them were the same from that day as she quietly hummed the old song she would sing to Jonas and Mikkel. 
The radio on throughout Winden called, “Wake up, late risers! It’s the first week of summer vacation and it is perfect beach weather.” Across Hannah’s walls were newspaper articles about her son and the rest of the missing people. Several of them with pictures of Annalise as well. “Local News. Over six months after the mysterious disappearance of five teenagers, a senior citizen and a local police officer from the town of Winden, despite one of them being found, there are still no clues as to their whereabouts or the circumstances. A federal police task force will now assist with the investigation.”
Hannah marked off the date on the calendar and looked at the old christmas photo of her small little family. Her tear stained face reeking of how she felt on the inside.
“How do you feel today,” The doctor asked Regina, unaware of Bartosz spying on the conversation, “Still having joint trouble? Nausea? To be honest, your lab results worry me. We should treat you in the hospital again.”
Regina shook her head, “No. Absolutely not. I want to stay here.”
“Fine,” The doctor nodded, “We’ll wait for the next MRI results. We may have to switch from hormone treatment back to chemo.”
Bartosz looked down at his phone to see a text from his girlfriend asking him to go to the bridge.
Clausen stood on top of the podium to give his speech. He was the new head of the Winden task force. Today he was taking over the missing persons cases. He was ready to reopen all the cases and review everything about them until he could solve it. He informed that some people had received summons for renewed interrogation in regards to the cases. He also made a statement that they were going to start trying to push more answers from Annalise as well. 
This received some backlash from many of the people in the town annoyed that not only would they send only one person to help, but the government decided to keep Charlotte on the case as well. 
Magnus looked at Franziska as they sat next to the lake, “Does your mom talk at home? About the investigation, I mean.”
“Not to us,” she replied.
Magnus shook his head, “We sit around and wait. And nothing happens. We know as little as we did eight months ago. Sometimes I think it’d be better if they were dead.”
Franziska rubbed the boy’s shoulder, “Don’t say that.” Slowly, the two teen’s lips met for a passionate kiss. It wasn’t long before that got interrupted by a text tone for the girl. She looked back at Magnus and told him, “I have to go.” She stood up to walk away.
“Where to,” Magnus asked.
“To pick up Elisabeth at a friend’s,” Franziska told him, “I’ll call you later, okay?”
Sensing that Franziska was lying, he waited a moment before following her.
Katharina walked through the woods. Her backpack ready with a map and flashlight. She knew the caves had something to do with all of this even though the police swore with Annalise that this wasn’t the care. Annalise had made a comment that she simply had run away due to stress and came back. She also claimed that Jonas would be back soon, though they went their separate ways so she had no idea where he was presently. Yet it’s been a full month and he still wasn’t back. Katharina prepared herself for her cave journey before walking inside.
Jonas trekked up to the power plant’s broken gate. He walked over to the wall to look at the sign, then made his way to the church. He passed the graves of many of the past residents of Winden there. He knelt down to place the picture of his family on his father’s grave then turned to look at Martha’s.
Martha rode her bike down to the bridge. She parked her bike and hiked down to see Bartosz already sitting there waiting for her. She sat down near him and looked at him.
“I’ve been trying to reach you for days,” Bartosz commented. 
Martha shook her head, “A lot was going on.” She watched as he turned away from her and she tried to say, “I wanted to talk to you. I’ve wanted to for a long time.”
“Save your breath,” Bartosz told her without even looking at her. He sighed and looked over to the girl, “It’s probably better that way.” Martha huffed and looked away from the boy causing him to turn, “So… that’s it then.” Martha slightly nodded, then looked down. Bartosz’s anger erupted, “Because of him? Because of Jonas?!”
“What?!” Martha growled back at him. She tried to fight back tears, “What’s that got to do with it? We hardly ever see each other. I don’t know… You’ve changed! I… What about her then? Annalise? She’s back for a month and you're willing to just throw it all away for her?” Martha shook her head and turned back to him, “I feel like you’re hiding something. I don’t know what’s up with you!”
Bartosz argued, “What’s up with me? What the fuck? My mom is dying! And… there’s stuff I can’t tell you.”
“Why not,” Martha accused.
Bartosz swallowed hard, “I just can’t. Okay? If you knew the crap I’m going through...”
Martha’s anger spewed out, “The crap you’re going through?! In case you forgot, my father and brother disappeared. My ex best friend is the only lead, she is lying to everyone, and won’t speak to any of us because of some stupid thing I said that she is claiming made her disappear for seven months! My mom is crazy and couldn’t care less about me! And you want to tell me about your crap?!” She quickly turned away as Bartosz shrunk down. She panted angrily, ran her fingers through her hair then repeated, “It’s better this way.” She stood up and stormed away.
Bartosz sat there wringing his hands anxiously. He watched her go before receiving a text telling him simply, ‘This evening.’
Aleksander stood in front of all his employees and gave a somber speech. He thanked them all for their loyalty and explained that the plant would be decommissioned in six days. After the speech, he followed his nuclear engineer. They put on their yellow hazard suit and walked inside.
The engineer explained, “Everything has been prepared for transport as planned.”
Aleksander asked, “And the demolition plans?”
“Everything at the ground level will be left and become part of the greenfield,” the other man explained, “The radiation of the barrels will be traced to the pool’s previous use.”
Hannah placed down the box with Aleksander’s once gun and passport inside. She took out the pistol and pointed it under her chin when she was interrupted by a set of keys opening the door. She quickly hid the gun and stood up to look to who that could have been. “Hello,” she called out. When she saw a bearded hooded man walk in, she asked him, “Who are you? What do you want? Why do you have a key?”
“It’s my key,” Stranger Jonas told his concerned mother. He slowly took off his hood so that she could get a better look at him.
Hannah, still not understanding, asked, “What do you mean, it’s yours?”
Jonas tried to calm his mother, “I know it sounds like it makes no sense, but hear me out.” He placed his bag down and walked towards her, “Do you remember the yellow bike? The bike you and dad gave me on my eighth birthday. I rode it into the ditch the very first day. I gashed my arm open. Here.” He rolled up his sleeves so that she could see his scar. 
Hannah panted. She couldn’t believe someone could play such a cruel trick on her. “Get out,” she commanded.
Jonas looked down trying to find what else he could do to convince her. “Here,” he tried again, “Dad was making pancakes here. He dropped the pan and spilled the hot oil here.” He motioned down to the stain on the wood then said, “I vanished from your life six months ago. You found me over 33 years ago. I knew it was you right away. It was raining, remember? Grandpa and you wanted to take me along in the car. You said it was still acid rain because of Chernobyl. I was wearing my yellow coat.” He took a step closer to her, “Momma. It’s me.” He held his hand out to her.
Hannah sobbed realizing he was telling her the truth. She put her hand on his arm and looked up at him, “Jonas?” She gently touched his beard in disbelief that her son would grow one, “But that’s impossible.” She cupped his face as she cried. She moved his hair away and watched him relax at her touch. She pulled him into a hug. 
Franziska walked to her drop spot for Bernette and put the information in before leaving to go get Elisabeth. Katharina squatted down in the cave and marked more places on her map before continuing forward. 
In 1921, Noah comforted his younger self from killing the older man. He told the boy that everything would be revealed in due time and that some things needed to stay hidden away for then so that later they could come into the light. 
“How do we know what’s right and what’s wrong,” the younger boy asked through gritted teeth and tears, “What is good and what is evil?”
Noah replied, “By heeding our inner voice. By not following anyone else but ourselves. Our true nature reveals itself not only in our deeds but also in their purpose. I am you. I am your voice. Never forget that. Everything is connected. You. Me. The past. And the future.” 
In 2053, Jonas walked through the forest of hanging bodies. Soon he heard gunshots and a man shouting. Jonas looked and ran towards the yelling. There was a crowd standing there at the execution. Nuclear gear carelessly tossed to the side as the man yelled. “Who are you,” he yelled, “You are hiding it! There, behind the wall! We saw it! We followed the signal. Till the dead zone. You’re hiding God! You mustn’t hide God. He’s not yours alone!”
Elisabeth nodded her head at the team. They pulled tightening the rope around his neck as he plead. She slowly turned away and looked into the small crowd. She signed and her translator Silja spoke, “No one can enter the dead zone. Any attempt will be punished by death. Those are the rules. We are the future! Sic mundus creatus est.”
The crowd repeated, “Sic mundus creatus est.” Then they departed leaving Jonas alone with Elisabeth and Silja.
“Where were you,” they questioned the boy, “There’s nothing out there. The passage is our only hope. The faithless are dead. The prophecy will come true, the passage will open and we will be led into paradise.”
“The faithless are dead,” Jonas asked back, “Everyone is dead, my family, my friends. Everyone dies in six days, in my time! I don’t need your damn paradise! I just want to go home!” He looked at Elisabeth, “What did they want behind the wall?”
Silja signed to Elisabeth what Jonas had said and awaited for her response. 
Jonas, however, did not have the time to wait, so he turned and left.
In 2020, Elisabeth looked up at her father, “Why did mom keep all of Great Granddad’s things? He’s been dead for years.”
Peter signed back, “I think because it’s the only thing that reminds her of her family. Some things are hard to let go of.”
“It’s a shame I never met Grandpa and Grandma,” Elisabeth told her dad, “Does Mom remember them?”
Peter explained, “Your mother was still little when they died. Come on.” Peter walked more into the shop to look. He turned to see Elisabeth had pulled out a picture of her mother and great grandfather from 1986. Peter chuckled. 
Annalise looked at the time. She bit her lip and started to sneak back towards the Kahnwald house only to be given pause by Bartosz. He spotted her and walked over to her. He stood in front of the girl and said, “Hey.”
“Hey,” She commented back trying to look past him. She then turned to him and gave a small smile, “Is there something I can do for you?”
Bartosz stared at her. Frustration rose in him, “I wish you would just stop fucking lying. Could you do that?”
Annalise started to walk past him, “Honestly, Bartosz. I really don’t know what you mean. I’ve told everyone the truth. Jonas and I ran away after the fight. We found a cheap cabin right outside of a different town not too far from here that we rented while we tried to find a permanent place. We got separated about a month ago. I came back after a week of waiting for him like we planned. He will be back soon. I don-”
WHACK! Bartosz’s fist hit the tree, “Anna! We both know that’s bullshit!” He grabbed her wrist, “We both know about what’s going on here. Please talk to me. You are the only one who I can talk to. Please.”
Annalise tried to wiggle away, “Bartosz, you’re hurting me. Let go. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I know about Noah,” Bartosz growled into her ear, pulling her close to him. “I’m part of it too. Just talk to me.”
Annalise pulled away and told him, “I have no idea what you’re talking about! I told everyone what happened and honestly I’m only still here to make sure Hannah doesn’t kill herself and to wait for Jonas to get back so we can both go back home!”
“We both know that isn’t what’s happening,” Bartosz told her.
Annalise turned back to him, “You’re right Bartosz! Jonas left me and he’s never coming back! I should damn well just run off with you! Is that what you want to fucking hear?!” She had tears in her eyes. She grit her teeth as she tried to keep the tears inside. She stormed up to him, “Do you want to run away with me Bartosz?! Leave your dying mother behind and I leave behind a grieving mother on the edge of putting a gun to her head?! Is that what you want?”
Bartosz felt tears building up inside him as well. He looked down and whispered down to her while caressing her cheek, “That isn’t fair. I know you’re scared, but don’t take it out on me.”
“You don’t know the first thing about me,” She hissed and turned away as she felt the tears start to fall.
Bartosz watched her leave and whispered, “I know I love you at least.” He let his tears fall watching her knowing it would probably be best to try and give her space. She knew she could always come to him now and that he would never judge her. He watched her go not realizing that this moment could have possibly been the last he would see her again.
Martha knocked on her brother’s room door. “Mom,” she called into the empty room. She looked around. There on the floor and walls were papers, trails of what her mother was thinking. Martha sat down onto the ground and opened a box to pull out a file. There in front of her was the investigation file. That was when Martha got the thought into her head that maybe it was their turn to start snooping around.
Katharina continued searching in the caves hoping to find her answers. She had no idea if she was going to get them but she had hope that she would. She needed to find her son and husband. She needed to make things right.
“It’s remarkable people don’t crack, given the futility of their own existence,” Adam told Noah, “An endless cycle of life and death. Where is the origin of all this suffering?” He paused then asked, “Did you tell Bartosz?”
Noah turned away from the painting of The Fall of the Damned and nodded to the man.
“And he didn’t get at all suspicious,” Adam asked sitting crossed legged in a chair. He spoke to himself after seeing Noah shake his head, “He has always been naive by nature.” He took a large breath and walked up to Noah, “The apocalypse has to happen. Are you having doubts?” He watched Noah shake his head then asked, “What do you do with an old forest so new trees can grow?”
Noah replied, “You burn it down.”
“There isn’t much time left,” Adam told the man. “The missing pages… you must find them.”
Noah nodded before being interrupted by an older Franziska, “Adam? They’re waiting for you.”
Adam turned back to Noah and said, “Six more days.” He turned and walked out.
In 2020, Magnus turned hearing a rustle near him. He looked to see Bernette going to the drop site and replacing an envelope with another one. She looked around not noticing the boy and walked back to her trailer. Magnus trailed after her. He opened the door and walked in.
“I’m on my break,” Bernette told the person who walked in. When she turned, she was surprised to see a young man there, who looked just as surprised himself. She strolled over to him, “Oh, well… Blow job 40 euros, anal 85. Kinky stuff costs extra, but I need to eat first.” She opened up a ramen cup. Then turned to the young man, “Well, get undressed.”
Magnus panicked. He took a few breaths in before dashing back out of the trailer.
Bernette, confused, walked towards her window and watched as Magnus rushed home.
“You can say I exist infinitely,” Jonas explained to his mother as the sun slowly made its way down to sleep and Annalise climbed her way up the side of the house to sneak into Jonas’s room once more, “I’m here now. And I’m in every second between my birth and my death. I’m always Jonas. I’m the same. And yet not the same.” Hannah looked at the older version of her son as he continued, “Like you’re not the same person who came through that door an hour ago.”
Hannah asked him, “But where is Jonas? Where is my Jonas?”
The Stranger Jonas sighed, “He’s in the future.”
“In the future,” Hannah repeated back as a question.
The older version of her son nodded, “Yeah. He can’t come back. I tried to destroy the passage, but I only closed it. That’s why he’s still there.”
Hannah shook her head and sighed, “Why are you here?”
Annalise walked down the stairs right at that moment causing both of them to stare at her for a moment before resuming the conversation. He said, “To put an end to it all. Once and for all.”
Annalise smiled gently and asked, “Ada- Jonas?” She gently shepherded him up from his chair, “It’s really you.” She collapsed in his arms. She pulled him close to her and took in a deep breath to inhale all of him. Her fingers curled into his back pulling his shirt into her fists. She buried her face in him trying not to let him go. As if she were to let him go that he would be lost to time once again.
He smiled tenderly down at her. His beloved so close to him made him feel truly home. He pet her head gently. He placed a soft kiss against the top of her head as he whispered, “I am Lise. It’s so good to see you again.” He held her close treasuring this moment. It was near ecstasy for her to be so close to him again after so long.
She slowly pulled away and placed a warm kiss against his cheek. “You should get to bed,” Annalise scolded him, “Take a shower then head to bed. You sorely need it.” I can tell just how weary you are.”
Jonas nodded with his eyes half lidded looking at her, “Alright.” He dreamily smiled before going upstairs to do just as he was told.
Elisabeth tried to keep herself occupied as her father went through the boxes. She used this time to start trying to look through books. While looking through one, she found a picture. Surprised she brought it to her father and pointed out the man saying, “That’s him! That’s that man.”
“Which man,” Peter asked his daughter.
Elisabeth explained, “The man with the watch. That’s Noah!”
“Noah,” Peter asked his daughter. He looked down at the picture and stared. There staring back at him was just as his daughter had described before and he knew that it was true. There was Noah.
Back at Sic Mundus, Noah stared at a trifold of pictures of everyone important in the loop. The Doppler’s, the Kahnwalds, the Nielsen’s, the Tiedemann’s, and David and Annalise Dahlhiem. He turned and walked away with his briefcase off to do more of his work.
“Watch out for the tiniest deviations in their statements,” Clausen told Charlotte, “Every detail is important.”
Charlotte turned hearing her phone vibrate. She picked it up seeing a message from Peter telling her, ‘I’ve found Noah. Come to the Bunker.’
 Clausen looked at the woman and asked, “Something wrong?”
“I have to go,” Charlotte tried to rush out.
Clausen interrupted and commented, “I don’t have a driver’s license. I assume it’s okay if I ride with you tomorrow?”
Charlotte turned to him, “Yes.” She walked out to go meet up with her husband.
In 2053, Jonas walked around the desolate forest. He hiked to the bunker. He turned on his spherical light and lowered himself inside. He studied his map then grabbed his Geiger counter before heading out.
Annalise, in 2019, crept into Jonas’s father’s studio. It was actually the first time she had ever been up here. She searched for something where she could toss the letter that she needed to burn. It wasn’t long before she found the metal bucket. But there was something strange. A covered painting. Something inside of her called to it. As if it were meant for her to pull the sheet. The girl grasped the cloth and pulled it away to reveal, looking back at her, a smiling girl. The resemblance was uncanny. Annalise fell to the floor. Her breathing hitched inside of her chest. Tears fell from her eyes seeing her happy naive face staring back at her. She was so full of love. Annalise scrunched her face, she had never met Jonas’s father had she? Much less when she was the age she was in the painting. The pieces slowly came together. She breathed heavily. “Mikkel,” she whispered. She started to sob. Annalise quickly snapped herself out of it. She grabbed the bucket, lit the letter on fire, and dropped it into the bucket watching it burn.
Martha scattered the papers and documents around trying to find any clue she could. Magnus slowly opened the door to see his sister on the floor acting erratically. Martha looked up to defend herself, “Mom didn’t lock it.”
Magnus took a breath and asked, “What’s that?”
“Dad’s stuff,” Martha replied, “Police documents and maps of the cave. That’s why Mom goes there every day. I think she’s looking for this.” Martha handed Magnus the file.
Magnus studied it, “A door. In the caves?”
Martha nodded, “It goes to the nuclear power plant. They all know something we’re not supposed to know. Mom, Bartosz, The police, Annalise.” She sighed shaking her head, “Each with their own shitty secret.”
Angry, Magnus started to breath heavily trying to process that maybe that thing Martha said at the very beginning, the day Mikkel went missing, was true.
Bartosz trekked to the caves alone. He stood there waiting for Noah only for the man to approach from behind him, coming from deep inside the cave.
“Are you ready,” Noah asked the boy.
Bartosz nodded and followed the man into the cave, but not before turning back to take a look at Winden again.
Woller walked out of his sister’s trailer and complemented, “Thanks for the coffee.” He pulled out an envelope with money and handed it to her in exchange to the keys of the large shipping truck parked next to her trailer. 
“I’m glad to get rid of that thing,” she commented nodding towards the truck. 
Woller was just about to leave. He didn’t like that this was how he and his sister were communicating. He looked at her and said, “Call Mom again. Okay?”
Bernette nodded and allowed herself to hug her brother before he left with a simple exchanged ‘bye.’
Charlotte drove to the cabin and climbed down into the bunker. When she got there her husband turned and showed her a very old photograph.
Peter pointed, “That is Noah.” Charlotte looked up at him surprised, then took the picture to study it more closely. Peter continued, “Elisabeth found it at the store. It was in a book. She said that’s the man who gave her the watch.”
Charlotte turned it over to see the date on it was January 8, 1921. She read aloud, “Sic Mundus Creatus Est.”
“Charlotte, who are these people,” Peter asked her, “Why did your grandfather have this?”
Charlotte shook her head, “I don’t know.”
Peter scoffed before Charlotte added it to the evidence on the walls of the bunker. They turned to each other in disbelief. 
Franziska tried to call Magnus again as Elisabeth napped with her head on her older sister’s lap. He kept rejecting her calls. 
Hannah sat on the edge of Jonas’s bed as Annalise walked in. She turned to the girl and motioned to her older son’s scars. Annalise made no inclination of change in mood. Her face looked empty and devoid of any feelings once so ever. The two switched places as Hannah walked down stairs to go to sleep herself.
Regina slept in her bed in the house as her husband poured the concrete over the waste. He stared at it as Clausen stared at his board of missing persons.
The young Noah walked out of Sic Mundus and the young Jonas walked through the trees trying to get to the plant to sneak inside. There he found a tunnel which he crawled through and followed the signal to where the pool once was. 
Feeling the shifting of weight on the bed, the older Jonas jerked awake. He quickly and effectively grabbed Annalise and tossed her under him. His breathing fast and heavy until the hasy mist of sleep dissipated from him to reveal who it was. Seeing her face calmed him. He gently cupped her face and smiled through tears. “You really shouldn’t sneak up on people like that,” he commented rolling over to lay down once more.
Annalise turned onto her side so that way they were face to face as they spoke, “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I just…” She swallowed, “You are so injured my love.” Tears fell from her eyes onto his pillow. 
He nodded, “Yes, but it’s all to end this. I’ve seen far worse than what those scars tell you.” His thumb traced her cheek as he spoke quietly to her. He tried to soothe her tears away. He joined their hands together. He pulled them up to his rough and battered lips so that he could kiss her soft smooth knuckles before linking their fingers together. He kissed her forehead and confessed, “I am so sorry for everything. If I were only wiser, we wouldn’t be tangled into this knot and you would never feel any of this pain.”
A small smile fought its way onto her face as she tried to comfort him as well, “My dearest, it is alright. I know you will fix this. You will always be with me,” She kissed his cheek, “Please never let me go.”
The younger Jonas found it. He slipped into the yellow radiation suit and stared at it. They were right. There in front of his was the God particle. He turned and looked at all the documents surrounding it before turning his attention back to the black throbbing tendril-filled swirling sphere.
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carbootsoul · 4 years
i was tagged by @katarahairloopies!!! thank u :mwah:
name: leo! @/zeitgeistofnow on ao3, @lazypigeon & @timetohope on here, altho i’m considering uh switching back to not having an art blog :/ i have to think abt it.
fandom(s): ace attorney is my main one rn bc i’m replaying the games with a friend of mine and it’s reminding me how invested i am in the characters!! a lot of my recent fic is atla stuff, altho i’ve been distancing myself from the fandom bc i’ve kinda exhausted my interest in it. finally i’ve been reading a lot of mp100 fic but i don’t think i’ll ever write for it. i just love how dumb all the characters r (with the dubious exception of ritsu)
where you post: ao3!! tbh i always get suprised when people say they write/read fic on any other platform like i haven’t messed around w wattpad or ff.net since middle school... catch up........
most popular oneshot: going just by “one chapter” as the definition of a oneshot, the firestarters, bc it’s fluffy and modern au :) i wouldn’t necessarily call it a oneshot tho bc to me a oneshot shows like, one scene? so like by my definition and your sweet sweet sun makes me crazy (i wanna lay you down and see how you amaze me is my most popular!! (also @ kit u thought UR fic titles were unnecessarily long??? i’ve hit the ao3 LIMIT for characters in titles. it’s about the aesthetic
most popular multichapter fic: sdkjflakjlkj it’s two crowned kings; and one that stood alone, which is a w359 fic i wrote back in late 2017. it’s literally the last fic i haven’t orphaned from when i actually wrote podcast fic (i have 4 other podcast fics but they were all borne out of nostalgia and written after i stopped participating in the fandom). i rewrote all but the last chapter? the last two? about a year ago and i fucked up halfway through so like chapter 6 and 7 are repeated and there’s something missing but i’m too lazy to fix it. no one’s going to read it now anyway :) it WAS the top minlace fic for a little while tho which i take great pride in.
favorite story you’ve written so far: oh that’s a hard question akfsldkfj i honestly like most of them!! and i write a LOT so there’s a lot to choose from. tonight, we are young is def one of my favorites- it was fun to write and i got to explore the ways zuko and yue r similar, which i LOVE to do outside of a zukka/yukka view. you can lean on my arm as you break my heart  is one that i’m really proud of? the whole “cooking as an expression of bato’s love” is definitely some of my favorites. a lot of my ace attorney fics would be categoried as my favorites if i hadn’t improved, too, if that makes sense. like they’re no long my favorites because i can see where my writing is shitty and it bothers me, but if i had written them a month ago they’d be my favorite.
fic you were nervous to post: figures 1-5: killing gods def!! it’s a lot more purple-prose-y than most of my fics and it was also written before i’d kinda like emersed myself in the atla fandom so i didn’t have as good a grasp on the general understanding of zuko’s character as i do now. tbh it’s one i’m rly happy w tho!! i have a few people leave really nice comments on it and rereading them makes me really happy. also it was the start of me hating the position of fire lord and being at least passively anti-it in my fics.
how you choose your titles: they’re almost all song lyrics!! only 14 of my 50 words AREN’T song lyrics and about half of those are from before i started writing ace attorney fic lol. sometimes i go into a fic with a song in mind for the vibes and then i usually go with lyrics from that (like in ‘cuz we’re the greatest /they’ll hang us in the louvre), but otherwise i usually pick an artist i’ve been listening to and go through their songs until i find a lyric that fits. sometimes the lyric doesn’t even really fit the fic and i just chose it at random or because i searching up the word “fly” in my spotify library or whatever. honestly i like coming up with titles? i know a lot of fic writers hate it but being able to just use song lyrics is v soothing for me and while i know that most people won’t search out a song just bc it’s a fic title like.. seeing that the title of a fic is a hozier lyric does affect how i read it and i kinda like that.
do you outline? i outline my long form/multichaptered fics with varying strictness. usually anything over ~8k will have some kind of outline. sometimes i go into it with every single scene planned out, sometimes it’s just notes on the side of the google doc that say “it's about MORE family. about how it's not betraying your existing family to find more” and “scenes i want to include: [...]” and “vampires... ngl kinda hot.” i’m trying to outline super strictly less bc i’ve found it’s less fun? but i do try to keep a plot arc in mind. since most of my fics are more character-driven than plot-driven, that usually just means keeping track of what character development i want to happen or what is motiviating the characters. 
complete: um everything posted on ao3 i guess. also the MULTITUDE of orphaned fics out there asksfjldkj i always click ‘leave my pseud on’ so if u look up my username you see all of my fics and then a. lot of other ones.
in progress: - a fic titled ‘dad phoenix’ that is actually just a no DL-6 au with defense attorney miles edgeworth and single dad bartender phoenix where neither of them want to date for A While but phoenix gets wrapped up in one of miles’s cases. it’s about family. it’s about writing teenagers. it’s about the background franmaya which is ALWAYS what i’m here for in wrightworth fics - a franmaya werewolf/vampire au because i’m ~gay~ and love rivals to lovers and also franziska and maya both being angry their older brothers r dating each other. - my secret santa fic!! which i can’t talk about much but it does feature toph and zuko and also piandao and jeong jeong???? idk where they came from but they are Part Of The Fic Now also i forgot iroh existed for half the fic and wrote piandao as zuko’s father figure and now i’m in too deep. - a 5+1 bakoda fic (maybe a bato/hakoda/kay fic??? i need to decide. that’s part of why this fic is still incomplete bc i can’t decide which relationship dynamic i prefer) that’s 5 times bato said he loves hakoda and one time hakoda said it back. possibly i have already written him saying i love u back and i need to change the title a little. - retail au klapollo where klavier works at an overpriced boutique and apollo comes in to buy earrings for nahyuta’s birthday. klavier gives him a punch card (one that the store doesn’t actually offer anymore as a bid to get apollo to come back) and all of apollo’s family come in to use the punch card and also give klavier variations on the shovel talk/find out if he’s actually into apollo. - a LOT of atla fics that i don’t think i’ll ever finish :(
coming soon/not yet started:  - i want to write some blackmadhi bc they’re.. cute..... and it’s a good excuse to also write athena and i love her - my stuff for yueki week!!! i have NOT prepped enough but hopefully i’ll remember in time! i wrote the prompts in a way that kinda set up stuff i’ve already wanted to write (don’t look at me lol) so hopefully i’ll get at least two or three fics finished in time. - i want to rewrite the wrightworth fic i have about them not getting married bc it was interesting and i like what i wrote about but i think i could have written it better and made it more interesting. rewriting fics is hard tho bc i’m never sure if it makes sense to just edit in the new work or to repost it? and then if u repost it do u delete the old one? conflicting so i might just not
do you accept prompts? totally!!! a disclaimer tho i’m not super into writing atla stuff anymore (most of the atla stuff i’m still writing is  something i made a commitment to finish) so if your prompt is an atla one i probably won’t do it :/ basically anything else is fair game tho!! podcasts/aa/sa/uh i don’t remember anything else but like if you search a fandom on my blog and come up with more than two posts about it chances r i’d be happy to write fic for it!
upcoming work that you’re most excited about: oh huh i mean probably the no dl-6 au!!! it’s the longest ace attorney fic i’ve written already and since it’s wrightworth it’ll get more attention than any franmaya fic i write. my standards r so high now tho after getting to much feedback from atla fans... love u all... obviously i have no choice but to pressure my atla mutuals into playing ace attorney. pls ask abt it bc i WIll Give You A Sales Pitch about why you’d like it in relation to atla
tagging: i’m not rly tagging anyone!!! @deadflora if you still consider urself a fic writer also consider urself tagged! also any of my other mutuals who write fic i just can’t think of anyone rn
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening to you, sunshine! 💌✨🐤 how has your day gone?? hopefully it was good, that's what you deserve after all!! i was able to get some tasks done today, and luckily it was actually enjoyable! 💫 (1/9)
"all of you anons out there asked such funny and sweet things today,, i got a good kick out of them hehe,, the one about shinobu and kira made me laugh for a good 6 minutes (even if i'm not the biggest kira fan hehe) and the one asking for autographs made me giggle a bit,, i'm not sure why people would want my autograph, but whatever makes them happy i guess! (though with how amazing you are,, i wouldn't be surprised if people want your autograph 😘)(2/9)
also, to the one anon who was worried about how i am after the incident,, i assure you, i'm doing okay,, sure, it was very scary, but i've been through worse situations in the past,, don't worry about me!! and to the old follower anon, thank you for for being so kind!! of course you're invited to the wedding sweetie! 💕 (3/9)
oh, and i was not at all expecting such a positive response to that little post of mine,, i assure you i am not that photogenic or pretty 😅 just a lucky shot i guess?? ah boh,, darling you are to good to me, no? and the same goes for all of those other anons out there 💞💞 you truly know how to flatter me morgy dear!! (4/9)
now then,, my day was pretty nice i suppose, nothing special!! i finally got to practice my dancing again, which felt nice after having to lie down for so long,, and i got to cook again too!! ooh, and i helped my papa start the process of making plum wine!! i had to help crush up lots and lots of plums and grapes,, and we're gonna ferment it for a total of 2 months, before bottling and aging half of the bottles for 6 more months,, (5/9)
though the winemaking process is very long, it will be so worth it in the end!! 🌹plum wine has a nice, not overly sweet, full bodied and mellow flavor,, my mamma loves to use it in so many recipes!! plum wine has to be one of my favorite wines, maybe because i grew up with it,, my nonna used it in cakes, spritzers, and occasionally sauces! ahhh it really does take me back,, perhaps we can share a bottle sometime? that sounds like a lovely idea to me~ 💘 (6/9)
my gardener neighbor is gone for two weeks, and tasked me with taking care of his garden and his 5 pet bunnies,, awaaaa they're so cute!! i've been giving them little nicknames to remember them, my favorite bunny is a dark grey one,, i named him chippy since his one ear has a tiny chip in it hehe,, and i must say, his garden is very impressive in person!! its huge and full of vegetables/fruits! (7/9)
he said that when he returns, he would pay me and give me some of his produce, but i'd honestly do it for free, it's very fun and i would love to make it a long term job! 🌺 ah, and one last thing that i'm sure you'll be very happy to hear dolcezza,, i'm starting to get into ace attorney !! so far from what i've seen, i absolutely adore edgeworth and franziska,, and phoenix too hehe! i really love it even though i haven't dug too deep yet, and i'm very excited to see more! 😊 (8/9)
mamma mia,, i apologize for those little rambles of mine,, i know they tend to annoy some people 😖 oh my, it's 2:57 as i finish this,, time to get some sleep i suppose?? well then, until tomorrow my love! buonanotte, e sogni d'oro~!! 💗💗💗💗💗 - much love as always, waifu xoxo 😊😘😍🌺💕💞💌💋💘✨ ps: i'll make it a promise to visit countries with you amore 💖 (9/9)"
Darling no matter how many times u try uno reversing me i'll keep saying this: UR the wig snatching one here and tbh i'd say that was no lucky shot bc from what other pics u posted i can confirm that u are indeed vogue worthy😩✌️
On another one i think i tasted plum wine before?? Here we have another type of traditional plum (and other fruits sometimes such as pears) drink thats v e r y strong shxhxhx but either way we will def share a bottle (AND travel countries) someday 👁️👁️ and i swear ur way too kind for ur own good dear, constantly helpin out ppl like dat ahxhxhdh we S T A N sis (u can be just too cute with all those nicknames u give to animals and such)
ALSO HOLY SHIT IM SO HAPPY U GOT INTO ACE ATTORNEY SGAGSXGXGXGXXH ITS DEADASS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVE GAMES BRUH😤😤😤 i will do my best not to spoil shit since my dumbass finished the entire series back in june and i can get v e r y hyped but like... amazing taste darling my chaotic edgeworth simp ass approves (also franziska is best girl everyone who hates on her has a small pp)
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