#also he got a top op at some point maybe during forces when he was captured by eggman i think that'd be funny
antirepurp · 1 year
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hasn't thought before he's acted for 17 years and has no plans on changing that
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chekov-in-a-dress · 6 months
hello! sova headcannons (besides that he's a blonde bottom man who must be tormented)? also, thoughts on sova x chamber as a ship, if you have any?
(no pressure to answer immediately or at all. asks are for fun!)
Hello Hi Yes I am ALWAYS down to talk about this man so thank you very much for asking! ♥
Firstly, you have good taste my friend this man deserves to be topped and tortured.
So let's go through some basic background headcanons first, shall we.
Sova's parents either died when he was too young to properly remember them or when he was around 5-7, leaving him to be raised by his babushka
If his parents died later, I like the idea of Sova's mum having been either a soldier or an athlete (archery/shooting ofc) and being the one who got Sova his first bow / taught him how to shoot which is one of the reasons why he continued to practice and ultimately became a sniper since it makes him feel connected to his mother
His childhood is rather uneventful, maybe they're tight on money / struggling at times since they're living off what babushka can earn on the side and whatever pension they're receiving thanks to his parents so he learns at an early age how to forage/hunt to make ends meet
Joins the military as early as they allow because he figures this way he can get a stable income and support his babka at home as well, plus he'd be following in his mom's footsteps
He excels in the military, quickly being recognised for his exceptional aim and ends up in some kind of special forces where he gets to hone his skills further until he's established a reputation for himself
I like to think that it's during this time when he first meets Brimstone, maybe a joined OP with US special forces and they become fast friends, sprinkle a little mentorship in there, possibly Brim saving Sova's life disregarding his own safety
Which is why later when Brimstone is given the first order to form a special team, Sova is one of the first people he recruits and, of course, Sova instantly agrees
His feeling like he owes Brimstone only adds to his habit of overworking himself for the Val protocol because he will NOT disappoint Brim
He's a good little soldier, you tell him to jump he asks how high
Oh god I have so many headcanons for my sweet son, I could go on forever BUT you didn't ask for a novel so here's just a few random ones
Due to his military background he's one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in the protocol and takes over training the other, less experienced agents
He definitely has a soft spot for the younger agents, especially Gekko, Neon, KJ etc.
He pushes himself extra hard, insisting on running more simulations / practicing more than the others because he has to keep up with his Radiant/genius/augmented squad mates and preserve the only edge he has in this fight
Maybe he doesn't always wear his cybernetic eye because it sometimes overloads his brain/overstimulates him
NOW before I ramble on forever... you asked me about Chamber/Sova and let me tell you YES. Yes Good. I absolutely love Somber ♥ ( I wrote a little Somber OS at some point and I have at least five wips for them if only the writer's block didn't beat my ass all the time)
Not only do I personally think Chamber is hot and I want to see him play my babygirl like a fiddle but there's like so much potential. Because Chamber's easy, flirty nature is so different from Sova's, especially if you headcanon Sova as not having a whole lot of experience in the romantic/sexual department, which, chef's kiss tbh.
Plus, Chamber's more... grey-ish morality, his 'am I really on your team or are you just part of my plan' attitude, clashes so nicely with Sova who clearly follows a very rigid moral code.
I really love the idea of Chamber having a fun time getting under Sova's skin and the poor owl not having a single clue how to deal with it???
Don't get me started on Chamber using his indefinite resources to spoil Sova and Sova being so uncomfortable with all the fancy gifts...
Also guns. Let's talk about guns. Because I see Chamber's Tour de Force and I can't help but think 'what if he allows Sova to use it, or they get into a situation where Sova is forced to use it to protect them'?? How exactly do Chamber's powers work? Does he FEEL it when someone else touches his guns???? Is it an erogenous zone
I mean Chamber clearly respects Sova's skills (how could you not) and I just see him as the kind of man who sees something/someone he wants and then stops at nothing until it's HIS. Featuring Sova who is both confused by the blatant flirting and totally NOT down to indulge Chamber.
You can also go with the trope of Chamber being purely interested in getting Sova into bed playboy style while Sova is the 'i don't do one night stands if i date someone it's bc i'm serious aboutt hem' kinda guy. Chamber who is used to getting what he wants is both frustrated and determined to win him over to the point where he doesn't even realise he's developing actual feelings until it's too late~~ whoops~ (damn i wanna write that lowkey)
Thanks again for asking lmao if you want you can join the bottom Sova server on discord where you can read through several dozen weird AU ideas or headcanons we came up with for Chamber/Sova amongst other ships lmaoo
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yuexuan · 2 years
[Review] 绝处逢生
Title: 绝处逢生 Thrive in Catastrophe
Author: 焦糖冬瓜
Length: 98 chapters + 2 extras
Rating: E
Tag: future, zombie apocalypse, sci-fi
Summary [taken from novel updates]:
This story is about a rookie researcher, who was forcefully dragged away from his restful life, compelled into facing various killers and zombies, always having to risk his life at the brink of death, and finally becoming an advanced researcher that is acclaimed by all. And throughout his adventure, he met an alluring(?) killing machine, who he started to have fantasies on after they had an accidental kiss…
Xiao Yan: Did I fall for him? But he’s a man!
Maya: Who knows…. maybe it’s the other way round?
Novel | Novel[translated]
Comments **contains spoilers**:
Set in the future where a global zombie outbreak caused by the Comet Virus forced people to live underground, the story follows the development of the MC (Xiao Yan) from a noob researcher to one of the world’s top scientists. Along the way, Xiao Yan made close friends and met ML (Heine), the leader of the Special Force, a group of humans who had been intentionally injected with the Comet Virus. Members of the Special Force possessed inhuman combat and healing abilities, but were bound by a strict age limit due to their body succumbing eventually to the Virus. Xiao Yan tried to seek the solution to the issue. What he never expected was to uncover a heinous plan by a terrorist group who aspired to reach immortality, and to become embroiled in their plan. 
Xiao Yan wanting to laze around and avoid troubles at the start of the novel is very relatable lol. That said, it was later revealed that Xiao Yan’s brain can think at a speed that far exceeds most normal people and even other researchers, hence he was employed to work on complex problems related to the Comet Virus and arsenal development. Eventually, Xiao Yan became quite OP and developed the protagonist (read: heartthrob) halo. 
I like how despite being incredibly smart, Xiao Yan nevertheless trained hard so that he would not become a burden to the Special Force. 
I also really like the supporting characters. Each of them have their own flares and quirks. On a side note, I was really rooting for Mark and Liv (hopefully I got her English name correctly lol) and loved moments when they were written fighting side-by-side. Wished there were more instances of them interacting together! 
The worldbuilding is fascinating and has inspired some of the plot points  I used in my fics - e.g. things such as spies with double-agendas, zombie evolution, and the literal exploitation of human brains plus their subconscious mind. And yes, it is because of this novel that I learned about the ‘brain in the vat’ scenario~ 
Also, did I mention that there is quite a bit of smut? ;) 
Some notes:
As previously mentioned, Xiao Yan is a heartthrob, which meant that everyone either want to fuck Xiao Yan, or they want to protect him. Xiao Yan was never really in any sort of danger, despite the author constantly dangling the threat of his brain being taken by the enemy. Unfortunately, it took away a lot of the suspense from the plot.
I personally don’t find this problematic BUT just as a fair warning, there is a lot of dubcon/noncon, even for the main pairing. Xiao Yan was straight initially, until Heine forced himself upon Xiao Yan, both physically and mentally (during the times when Xiao Yan slept with his terminal connected). Violence between the main pairing is frequent, especially at the start, so be warned. 
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
Hey, so I'm absolutely feral about your "Kix is the bad Batch's honorary medic" idea. Like, I think about it constantly and I want to pick your brain about it. When did he start working with them? During the mission to Anaxis or some point before or after? Is he primarily there for Echo or is it more of an all consuming compulsion to mother hen the Batch because "those boys have never eaten a vegetable in their life and their ship is a flying OSHA violation"? Does he have any particular feelings towards Tech, given Tech's refusal to wear more than the absolute minimum amount of armor?
to be honest... now I’m more curious what’s YOUR take on "Kix is the bad Batch's honorary medic" than writing my side of things! Let’s compare notes later?
(as the text turned out to be longer than I expected, the full answer is under the cut/read more)
Their relationship started after Echo joined Clone Force 99. The Batch didn't know full scope of his issues when the transfer was made. The medics at med-bay were complaining, once again, The Bad Batch don't have a team medic, and their files are a mess but Hunter just shrugged it off - they always been that way so why NOW would it make any difference?
Everything was fine and dandy for a mission or two then, one day, Echo got sick... like... hardcore - started with a stomachache/nausea ended with him loosing consciousness.
Clone Force 99 collectively freaked out - they ALWAYS have problems with getting treatment. Afraid Echo would end up without any assistance, Hunter ordered to hunt Kix down, spec-ops style, as he remember he saw someone from 501st at the cafeteria during breakfast.
Why Kix? well... he was the only medic that the team kind-of, sort-of remembered (not a name, though, just the armor markings and... it’s mostly Crosshair’s memories, as he literally threw hands with the guy few weeks prior). Also Hunter was sure Kix wouldn’t let his old friend die so maybe he would be less aloof when they ask for help. Echo, Hunter reasoned, would be less stressed once he wakes up and sees a familiar color scheme of his alma matter legion.
So after a quite a bit of search, they found their target and basically abducted Kix from under the shower.
Since Echo's issues weren't combat-related and Kix lost access to his files with the transfer to different unit, the medic had to get authorization from Hunter to view them. Since the sergeant barely, if ever, grands access to medical files, he gave the medic blanket access to Clone Force 99 files by accident...
As the medic was waiting for Echo to wake up, he started going through the files out of curiosity. With every page he grew more confused how the kriff they were even approved to go on any mission (SPOILER: it’s Tech’s handiwork):
Except for Echo they all have incomplete/ outdated vaccinations (Wrecker being the worse offender)
the status of their medical supplies was big red PENDING (so Force only knows if they even have a scrap of a bandage on the ship)
except for Echo they were missing health check-ups (however as it turned out they are pretty good condition as they hunt animals and gathered resources/vegetables/fruits when they run out of rations. something they do pretty frequently as often have no time to resupply between missions)
they had incomplete/ outdated trainings (i.e.: mostly those that have to be taken annually like First Aid)
except for Echo pending annual dentist check-ups, ophthalmologist check-ups (Crosshair being the worst offender), missed/ unfinished rehabilitation sessions (mostly Wrecker) and such
except for Echo backlog of unapproved sick leaves
... among other issues and problems
... as it turned out, their issue with med-bay boils down to a vicious cycle - since they lack team medic, they have incomplete paperwork on top of Tech who just hacks into the system and leaves a mess in his wake.
Since they have issues with documents, they encounter problems with getting help as system boots out their requests. At the end of the day they have to beg for help, forcing clone medics to treat them out of circulation which produces more various issues... so the clone medics hate to work with them because of that and ALSO Clone Force 99 are TERRIBLE patients (Crosshair and Tech being the worst offenders - but on a different sides of the spectrum).
So Echo was *this close* from not getting proper help and TBH if they went to any other medic who didn’t know the ARC trooper personally, they could easily be turned away if a guy didn’t feel like jumping through the hoops to help a team of freaks.
Once Kix’s CT-number authorization was plastered all over their files, the system recognized/categorized him as a substitute/temporary medic - it means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but gives Kix easier access in the future as he can evoke the status again much easier (which is more helpful in case... Hunter was unable to consent for the file access in the future)
As for Tech’s armor - he wasn’t scolded for not wearing proper gear.
Kix (with the rest of medics at 501st) learned it hard way with Ahsoka - if someone is desperate enough to make a fashion statement by wearing a tube top to a battle - nothing will change their minds. They have to learn it hard way... and Kix would be ready with bandages and bacta patches when the lesson happens.
Tech, however, did get a slightly more vicious tirade from the rest of the Batch (who also had one, intertwined into a First Aid training they’re missing) for not connecting the dots that the issues they have with every med bay is correlated to mess they have with their files - the framework was a mess because, as it turned out, Tech was trying to circumvent the system to compensate lack of team medic and only made the matter worse!
The utter negligence almost cost Echo his life!
So that’s all I have, I hope it quenches your thirst! or at best... didn’t turn out to be underwhelming!
I hope to read your side of things!
Addendum: Since Kix got more involved with The Batch’s medical affairs, they often shared certain medical events/dates with 501st - they took parts in the same trainings courses, had the same dates for annual check-ups, vaccinations, etc. So they ended up waiting in the same lines as 501st. Thus, the Legion and the Squad started to slowly get to know each other better.
Also Anakin, to be honest, the more he saw the spec-ops, the more he considered absorption of Clone Force 99 into 501st structure.
@ct-crosshair​ ask was in regards to -> this post
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. RE: Pom Theory. If this ends up happening, it'll be framed as "she made the CHOICE to eat it! agency!" but? its just to save her skin from bigger punishment, which isn't exactly romantic, but more so it reinforces persephone is dependent on hades and his power/status as king, which says a MAN and his power is more important than even an OP fertility goddess. It ends up looking more regressive than even the old myths, which had the power of women winning over the power of men, not whatever LO is.
2. maybe its just me, but im really uncomfortable that most of the baddies in LO are (1) a demonized queer god so the male lead's myth canon crimes are pinned on him instead, (2) a loving mother who is turned abusive so the male lead's "love" is better by default (3) a poor nymph who is POC-coded and is hated for the fact she's not the "right" race/class, and even to an extent the only non-binary character who is took away poor hades' ability to breed. it just rubs me the wrong way.
3. Okay I'm not caught up on LO (no fast pass) - but here's my prediction for the following chapters based on info ive seen:
Now, I don't know how true this is, but according to FS spoilers Persephone is wearing Hades' pomegranate pin (or has the actual pomegranate on her person?) And shes being referred to by the house servants as "my lady" which is leading some readers to believe Hades and Persephone either already got married off screen or are faking it for the trial (for perks).
I think whats going to happen during the trial (cause apparently we're getting back to that plot point now) - is Zeus is going to threaten punishment (Prometheus style) and either 1 of 2 things will happen.
1. All the other gods go against this despite Zeus being the king of the gods and they overthrow his decision and Persephone goes free (and maybe there will be a small consequence on her end) and that is the tipping point for RS' to enable the "Apollo / Leto is going to overthrow Zeus plotline. Everyone hates Zeus anyway, but Apollo is no better. Zeus is the lesser of two evils. So he stays as king of the gods."
2. As suggested by some other anons, Persephone eats the pomegranate during the trial (or maybe Hades sneaks it too her and she accidentally and unknowingly eats it) as Zeus threatens punishment / threatens Demeter or something and in doing so this enables Persephone to claim she is of "queen of the underworld" and she utilizes this newfound power to get out of punishment because blah blah underworld rules.
But the story cant be over yet, (because HxP is endgame. And no one wants to see only filter of them rushing into marriage) so there's a 3rd option.
Persephone eats the pomegranate and/or she and Hades claim their married and the "underworld rules, no punishment" thing goes through and its only later revealed that this isnt the case - meaning that Persephone and Hades "marriage" in this case isnt sanctified (cause Hera or something) so that way RS can have Hades and Persephone be married but also not because its way too early for them to get married (in universe its been like 3 weeks tops) and this way Hades and Persephone get away with no consequences and if readers are mad that Hades and Persephone "got married too quickly" RS can pull the rug back and be all 'but their not actually married, it didn't count' so H + P can still date and stuff before they Really get married (because drama purposes). 
4. if LO seriously has hxp get married not out of love, but rather to keep her out of jail because of sovereign immunity, isnt that just undermining the whole point of it claiming it's about her choice, especially after we're getting the conflicted messages from persephone herself that she wants to be on her own yet also being queen? so which one is it? also it would just reinforce her dependance on hades to the highest degree, not with just power and status, but also her own life. that's awful!
5. ngl i would lose my shit if rachel literally made hxp get married/engaged off screen just as some AHA moment to save her ass from jail when its like???? thats EXACTLY what the readers wanted to see for YEARS now and she'd just have it as some aside they dont even get to see?? thatd honestly be hilarious. i hope it happens now just to see how the fans would react they dont even get to see the actual romance they paid and waited years for.
In conclusion, Please say sike rn Rachel. Please. 
7. ok so what i dont get is LO made a point that swallowing a fertility goddess makes you super OP, so like??? shouldnt zeus be able to easily take persephone out?? like thats what i dont get, because apparently fertility goddesses are SO powerful yet are so easily overpowered for??? which tbh i have to imagine is just to make persephone seem more ~powerful~ by default, because she can't look powerful on her own or have rachel depict it, she needs every other woman torn down to prop her up. v cool.
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op-sheepy · 3 years
One Piece Manga spoilers ahead...
Got a message from someone expressing disappointment that the recent OP manga chapters dashes their headcanons that the Heart Pirates are medically trained... or at least competent enough at it... I can see how the latest chapters could somehow change this perception which is a totally valid interpretation. (Likely to be canon too though it could all be interpreted some other way with our favorite headcanons intact.. :D)
Of course, bringing my attention to this could only mean that they wanted to be convinced otherwise. Using my favorite fandom tools of some recontextualization, selective interpretation, and some basic relevant medical tidbits (my friend preferred calling it me 'bulsh*tting' my headcanons into the realm of possibility, which fair) I did manage to convince them (it helps that they really wanted it to be true lol) and they've convinced me to share here. Remember to take the following with a grain of salt and to not take anything mentioned that's medically related seriously or as an absolute fact that would automatically reflect in real life. I mean, it's a manga and we're definitely stretching things here... Anyways, here goes...
Let me start off with this panel:
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Now it's been years since I've had any use for BLS but still the first thing that struck me when I saw this was, 'That is not how one does chest compressions...'
You can do a quick search for proper hand placement for CPR and it will tell you that the heel of one hand is at the center of the chest with the other hand on top of the first hand, fingers interlocked. Now, I'm not really that good at making out details from manga panels but the hand placement does not look correct at all.
My first instinct was to make another WIP fic where their captain drills them and they review this (which I did do lol). And then made my assumptions if I go with the premise that the crew is doing their best to their knowledge.
This would bring up the following points:
As mentioned, the hands do not look correct for chest compressions.
Water is spouting from Luffy's mouth like a fountain suggesting that the pressure being exerted on the chest is pushing the water out.
The purpose of chest compressions in CPR is not to expel water but to emulate the heart beating and maintain circulation. (so the Oxygen can get to your brain continuously)
The incorrect hand placement would then suggest that Bolero Hat guy is not trying to maintain circulation but instead trying to expel the liquid from the lungs. Sort of like a lung massage. This is somewhat confirmed in a succeeding panel with them with someone trying to affirm whether they've gotten rid of all the water.
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Basically, they are clearing the airway. Which they would only do if they've established that Luffy's circulation is fine and that the obstruction is the immediate issue that needs to be addressed.
Now, during drowning, generally, aspirated water should end up in the stomach because of laryngospasm (vocal cords spasming). For some reason, maybe force of will (because he did look like he was still screaming while he was drowning) or his strange anatomy (because he is rubber), the water somehow ended up in his lungs. We assume this because Luffy with water in his stomach looks like this:
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Not as relevant but we can also assume that his rubber powers affect the displacement of liquids within the different membranes inside his body.. because otherwise, the next image wouldn't be possible (Bolero hat guy would have had better luck performing some modified thoracentesis with a spigot)
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If you're still following my rambling, what we've pretty much established is that whatever the Hearts were doing it wasn't necessarily the chest compressions done in CPR or rather, it has maybe passed that (also note the lack of defibrillator use which should be available in that submarine).
Right after clearing his lungs of water, they move on to the next thing they need to address which is his lack of consciousness ('Open your eyes, man!') because from the image above the 'sh---h' sound coming from Luffy suggests that he is already breathing.
For alteration of consciousness, the treatment would depend on the underlying cause. Here the presumption was the lack of Oxygen (or whatever gas is being breathed in One Piece).
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This is pretty much the scene that shows them seemingly not knowing what to do but given the circumstances, I thought it was understandable. Also, Luffy's physiology is pretty unique. I doubt squeezing the lungs would have been viable as a method of removing the fluid (it would have been postural drainage, some modified Heimlich, or straight up inserting a tube) had he not been made of stretchy rubber. Any further intervention without the accompanying knowledge could be more detrimental. Here is a picture of our other resident genius doctor saying as much regarding administering medication he doesn't know enough about.
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Since no return to consciousness was imminent and there was no doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the team is left to determine the next step by themselves. (Look at them looking for their captain who happens to be their doctor...)
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'I don't know what more to do for him,' suggests that they've already performed all necessary procedures based on the circumstance and Luffy's unique anatomy.
If we dissect the scene further, their panicked suggestions could only come from people who have some passing medical knowledge.
Someone suggests giving him some pills and someone quickly rebuffs by suggesting giving him an injection instead. Between the oral route and intravenous injection for drug administration after drowning, the latter should be the preference (to maintain the airway and because of possible injury to any part of the airway). But they probably have prior experience on the difficulty of getting a normal needle through Luffy's rubber skin.
It also suggests that they have a specific medication in mind to give him as they are arguing route.
Someone notes that Luffy is pale. As we are assuming that they've established the lack of a possible cardiac arrest, they should be looking into addressing any other possible underlying cause. It could be blood loss, poor peripheral circulation, anemia, hypoglycemia, hypotension, etc.
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Ultimately, though, the team was successful in reviving him. Given that Luffy pretty much recovers from eating excessive amounts of food, he'll be fine and will probably be rejoining the battle good as new. The same could not be said for the Polar Tang's food supply.
TL;DR: The Hearts did a good enough job. Their captain would still drill them but he'd still be proud. And now they really need to win that battle because they'll be out of food.
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I’m Always Curious Part Twenty Eight
Previous Part | Next Part |  Masterlist Notes: I hope everyone’s having a good week 💕
Sooo….. How are we doing…………….
Warnings: ....Less angst than last week? I think? I mean by my gauge anyway y’all might disagree
Also cursing and mentions of canon-typical violence Summary: “I don’t want to sound insensitive or glib, Kat, but this better be fucking good.” 
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Can we talk? I had taken my time in answering Una’s message.
Maybe it was a little petty of me, but it was the first time she’d reached out to me in months, and I was tired. Despite the fact that the armistice between the Federation and the Klingons was in effect ahead of the Peace Accord in Paris, my work had yet to be completed. I’d been selected and summoned back to the Academy by Starfleet High Command to work closely with a number of other Comms specialists and the Klingons to draw up a treaty that would be beneficial to both sides, and would help to ensure that the armistice held. Are you going to hang up again? Was my answer, finally. Her response stunned me - but then, Una typically found a way to catch me off-guard. It would be difficult for me to hang up on you in person. 
-- I had this inexplicable urge to hug her, if only to ensure that we were both there, both real and solid, but I knew that Una was not a hugger. Instead I nodded to her as she slid into the booth seat across from mine. I’d taken up brief residence in one of the vacated mess hall spaces in the Academy while I’d waited for her. “How much time have you got?” She asked. “About an hour. It’s technically lunch break.” “We can get something to eat.” “I’m not hungry.” “...How are you?” She asked after a moment. “I’m not sure you deserve that answer.” I didn’t mean to snap, but— seeing Una in person, seemingly unchanged after what I had gone through - after Somonia, after the war, and after she had been so harsh to me, I was not in a mood to be warm and cuddly. Una nodded a little, unflinching. “I do deserve that,” She conceded, “I was...Processing. I should not have said that to you, it was a blatant disregard for your feelings. I’m sorry.” “...Well,” I bristled a little, “Thank you for that.” I glanced out of the window for a moment, gathering myself before asking, “So, why are you on Earth?” “There was a hitch in installing the new Holographic Communications System, it had to be brought in to space dock.” “Crew’s in one piece?” “Yes.” “Are you the only one down here?” “...Yes.” I lowered my gaze to my hands again. “Why did you want to meet with me?” I asked. Una stood and walked around to my side of the booth, sliding in to sit beside me. I didn’t turn to look at her, and she didn’t push for me to. “When...Spock told me that you were alive,” She said softly, “When he brought the timeline to me, the evidence… There was some little part of me that almost hoped he’d made it all up-- Not because I wanted you to be gone,” She hurried to explain, “But because I… Could not fathom the fact that we had left you behind. And seeing your medical file, reading the briefing that you gave Command-- the hell that you went through. If we’d turned back when Cornwell contacted us--” “You couldn’t have known--” “That shouldn’t have stopped us,” Una insisted, “We should’ve gone back, should’ve...Made sure.” I glanced over at Una to find her staring ahead of us, shoulders and jaw tight. “It was hard, watching the crew learn that you were gone. You were missed, you were needed, but seeing the news spread that you were alive, that you’d been drafted into service for the war so soon after you were found— And that we were constantly being told to stay out of the war on top of it … I was angry. I focused that anger in the wrong place when we spoke,” She admitted, turning to meet my eye, “I have regretted that every single day.” I felt tears prickling at my eyes and I lowered my eyes to the gold fabric of her uniform, clenching my jaw. “I’m not apologizing for not telling you,” I shook my head, "I’m sure Cornwell was monitoring my communications, and I don’t know what the repercussions would’ve been-- for either party.” “Considering the Admiral’s tendency to run a tight ship, as it were, I understand. I think you did the right thing...Commander,” Una tipped her head forward as she addressed me by my new rank. I rolled my eyes a little, a small smile creeping onto my face. It had been a battlefield promotion for the sake of my ability to command a small vessel during the Battle of Xisad, one of the last battles fought during the war. Cornwell had promoted me herself. “You know I had to take the Bridge Officer’s test when I got back?” I told Una, slouching down in my seat a little bit, “Just to make it official. They told me that if I didn’t, my rank would revert. I almost let it go.” “Why didn’t you?” “Durling.” “Eli Durling?” I nodded, humming, “Bastard goaded me, said I wouldn’t pass first try, so it wasn’t worth bothering.”
Una smiled. “Stubborn as stone,” She shook her head. “Don’t start,” I began to laugh, and it soon overtook the two of us. As it settled, I gathered my courage to ask the question that had been sitting on the tip of my tongue since Una had told me she was the only one on Earth. “Where is he?” “He’s on Starbase five at the moment. Visiting someone.” “Is he alright?” “Yes.” “And he...He knows?” Una frowned, nodding a little. “Of course he knows,” She confirmed, “You haven’t spoken to him?” “No. He hasn’t reached out and I...I didn’t, I wasn’t sure,” I admitted. I suddenly felt jittery-- sharp, and sensitive. It was like I’d taken a gulp of the worst kind of Koutovian tea. “So--” I cleared my throat, “When do you leave?” “In a few hours, most likely. Starfleet’s set us another mission. Do you know where you’ll be stationed next?” “No. I don’t know how long we’ll be working on the treaty and Command doesn’t want to set me to another post prematurely.” “I understand.” I could see the disappointment in Una’s eyes, but rather than say anything, she just tipped her chin up a little bit. “Do you think you’ll leave Communications for Helm now?” She prodded, and I snorted. We both knew the answer to that. 
-- Tilly and I nearly knocked one another over with the force of our embrace. I squeezed her as tight as I could, grinning from ear to ear, wholly uncaring that the transporter room crew and the Cornwell were nearby. “I have to check on where you’re staying, but um-- I’ll come and find you and show you and-- excuse me, Admiral,” Tilly ducked around Cornwell before hurting out of the transporter bay.
The Admiral arched a brow at the sight of me before gesturing for me to follow her. I fell into step beside her, glancing around. The Discovery hadn’t changed since my last stint on it, of course, but it was surreal to be back on the ship that I thought had been destroyed. But as nice as it was to be on a starship with no threat of war, I was not in the best mood. Treaty completed, peace talks aside, Peace Accord signed, I had been afforded leave. Shortly after that leave had been granted, I'd received a message from Admiral Cornwell. 
“I don’t want to sound insensitive or glib, Kat, but this better be fucking good.” “You’re not in uniform.” “No. I’m not, because technically, officially, I am not here,” I reminded Cornwell as I cast her a sidelong glance, “Were those not your exact words?” “They were.” “Well, then if I am still technically, officially on leave,” I gestured to my civvies, “Then why would I be in uniform?” “You’re in a fine mood.” “Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you pulled me off of leave for an assignment?” I retorted. “The Discovery has been tasked with chasing down signals that have appeared in varying points throughout the galaxy.” I frowned. “I thought that the Enterprise had been tasked with that directive.” “It had, but it experienced catastrophic system-wide failures. The Discovery took over the mission.” “And I’m here because…?” “There is a colony on the way to the next point that’s in need of monitoring. Starfleet is not interfering, but we’re keeping an eye on them. We need you--” “A Tag and Run?” I asked, stunned, “You’ve really pulled me off of leave for a Tag and Run? Why not pull Durling?” “I have. He’ll be here in a few hours to oversee the op. I’ve business to attend to elsewhere.” “Of course you do.” “Commander, I may’ve tolerated a certain amount of this disposition in the midst of the war, but please trust that I have no such patience for it right now.” I fought the urge to snap back and roll my eyes. “I thought that Tag and Runs were only sanctioned outside of the war in the most extreme cases.” “Trust when I tell you that this is extreme, and sanctioned by Starfleet.” Cornwell stopped at the turbolift, turning to face me. “There’s something else that I ought to make you aware of.” “Oh, there’s more?” “I need you to keep your head.” I looked over her face, at the slight grimace on her lips, and that sharp, jittery feeling bubbled back up in my stomach. “...Kat, what--” “Admiral, a question.” I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help but turn at the sound of his voice-- my body was moving before I even fully registered it, half turned from Cornwell, half turned toward Pike. It almost didn’t register, at first, that it really was him. I hadn’t seen him anywhere but my mind’s eye, my dreams, for the longest time. He looked… Well. Almost just as I remembered. There were maybe a few more streaks of grey around his temples, but I didn’t get a good enough look. My brain finally caught up with my body, took in his bewildered expression - the narrowed eyes, his parted lips, the scrunch of his brow - and I turned my head away, eyes set on the turbolift panel. “...You couldn’t have mentioned this before I beamed aboard?” I asked Cornwell quietly. “I wasn’t sure if another ship would be in range. False hope would’ve been cruel,” Cornwell's voice was no louder than mine, her eyes set on the Captain.  I turned my head a little as the turbolift doors opened and Tilly stepped out. “Oh! Wow, just who I was looking for--” She glanced between the three of us, taking in the tense silence, “I...Am sorry to interrupt, but, um, your lodgings are ready, Commander.” “Thank you,” I mumbled. “Commander?” Pike’s repetition was hushed, almost awed. I turned my head toward him a little, unable to meet his eye. He’d missed so much-- and what the hell had I missed? “If you’ll excuse me,” I answered tightly, stepping onto the turbolift with Tilly. “See if you can find a uniform,” Cornwell watched me, “And try to give Durling less lip.” “No guarantees,” I retorted before the doors slid shut. -- 
“That seemed… Tense. Like cage-fight-with-a-Mugato-tense,” Tilly commented over the hum of the turbolift. She was right - it felt it, too. I couldn’t get that look Pike had given me out of my mind. It was buzzing through me; it was a stone in my stomach; it was behind my eyelids when I blinked. “Speaking from experience?” I tried to tease as we stepped off. “Ah-ha,” Tilly shook her head, “No.” I gave her a small shrug, following her down the hall, “Pike used to be Captain of the Enterprise.” “Right.” “And I haven’t seen him since…” “Since he thought you were dead,” It dawned on Tilly, “Oh… Oh that’s worse than a Mugato.” “It’s like two Mugatos.” “Well, here we go,” She stepped aside to let me in, “You’re gonna have a roomie, but it won’t be me.” “Who’s it going to be?” I asked as I stepped inside. “Well, it’ll be me, and if you don’t like that, you can sleep in the frickin’ cargo hold.” I froze again at the sound of that dry, almost raspy voice. “Jett?” I asked, stunned. “Is that a yes or a no to the cargo hold?” She added, standing from her bed, “I mean you don’t actually have a choice, but it only seems polite to ask.” I flexed my hands before I asked, “Can I-- Are you-- Can I hug you?” “Once,” Jett conceded, “But make it a quick one.” I didn’t approach her too fast, didn’t hug her too tightly, just patted her shoulder twice and took a step back. “What, um…” I asked lightly, throat growing tight, “What happened?” “It’s a long story-- And you haven’t even heard it yet,” Jett frowned, watching me step back to what would be my temporary bed and lower myself down onto it, putting my head in my hands. “Hey,” Tilly sat down beside me, resting a hand on my shoulder and rubbing it, “What is it?” I couldn’t answer. I just shook my head a little as I took deep breaths, trying to slow my pounding heart, trying to steady my breathing. “Are you mouthing ‘pie’? I should get her a snack?” I heard Jett ask Tilly-- which made me laugh through the few tears that were leaking from my eyes. “Pike,” I mumbled, “She’s mouthing Pike.” I could understand why the two were trying to be careful with me. I surely seemed panicked by what should’ve been amazing news. And it was amazing. I was overjoyed, relieved that Jett was alright, but-- between the mission, Tilly, Pike, and Jett, I was overwhelmed. And Pike had looked right at me -- Right at me. He’d seemed so startled, like I was a figure that had stepped out of a dream-- or a nightmare: unknowable, unplaceable, but strangely familiar and to be dissected. Maybe that was one small consolation. While Cornwell hadn’t warned me, she'd been remiss in warning him, too.
I tipped my chin up from my hands, looking between Jett and Tilly and giving them a weak, watery smile. “I won’t lie, though, pie sounds amazing right now.” "Sure! We can do that,” Tilly said quickly, more than happy to put a baked band-aid over this hurt, “Jett, you coming?” Reno shrugged, “I could eat.”
Tag list: @angels-pie​ ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta​  ; @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ ; @how-am-i-serpose-to-know​ ; @onlyhereforthefandomandgiggles​ ; @inmyowncorner​  ; @tardis-23​ ; @2manyfandoms-solittletime​ ; @paintballkid711​ ; @katrynec​​ ; @hypnobananaangelfish​​ ; @elen-aranel​ ; @blueeyesatnight​
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mantra4ia · 3 years
NBC Debris, episodes 1-9: overview of high hopes and adjusted expectations
*Mild spoilers ahead*
I'm rooting for this show guys, really I am. The premise and the two main characters / actors are interesting, or at least try very hard to be. But this series has been slow off the ground despite my excitement during preseason teasers and here's why, in my view.
An intercontinental alliance gives room / potential for some interesting spy craft, I just wish it was slightly more artful, less heavy handed.
Alien debris having potential to do good things is also a fantastic promise to expand on. George Jones talked about some terraforming level stuff (whether it goes right or wrong is another story), let's see more of that. Are tech giants fighting over the intellectual property rights to debris-based advances? How are money and favor between industry and the government changing hands (apart from a very literal briefcase full of cash on the black market when we first meet Influx)? How do different pieces of debris interact with one another, maybe it changes some of their properties in unpredictable ways.
Bryan and Finola have good amorphous lead chemistry. We aren't being force-fed where it is going to go, but we know it's a compelling relationship where they're both relying on each other to get through challenging emotional hurdles (marine special ops, family tragedy). And we see them together, riffing off each other from the beginning, and it works as both a personal and professional partnership.
Strongest debris-scifi-based episode was definitely 1x04 "In Universe" with the chlorine- respiration-based biome. To me it's the best of the season so far.
Strongest character episode so far is maybe 1x09 "Do You Know Icarus?" or 1x06 "Supernova"
Episodic structure hampers the ramp of tension building. You don't get big payoff because you get short plot points. Yes there's the recurring "ball of light" and Influx references, but those are more phantom thread teasers than a long game of steadily developing insights.
No fully developed villain or antagonist to make the stakes seem tangible and priorities urgent or simmering: is it Influx, Maddox, Ferris, casually mentioned foreign government espionage, the guy who played Michael on The Vampire Diaries? I don't know, and worst of all nor do I really care because I don't feel their immenent threat or ideological purpose. I am more worried about the debris body count, but debris is a problem / quandary, not a viable adversary at this point. We've got a multi-front conflict, and 45 minutes with underwhelming writing complexity to try and meet the task. It's a struggle.
The ABCD action-based plot. I have to do this sequence in order to beat this level. Where's the character building?
Speaking of which, while I like Bryan and Finola's dynamic opposite each other, I can't say the same about their development as individual characters. Their depth and relationship to others has so far been terrible due to superficial telegraphing which tells us rather than a writing structure that shows us why we're supposed to care about them, their lives, or their relationships to others, like Finola and DeDe and George as a family unit, or Bryan and Maddox. Seeing an old family video of sisters dancing to a favorite song does nothing for me when I haven't seen them interact on anything more than a long distance phone call. Can we maybe get a flashback of them at George's memorial so that we can get a sense of how devastated the family was or see the consequences of DeDe's substance abuse habit as a crutch during an emotionally chaotic time in her life? No. We get hearsay. Maddox is supposedly so worthy of Bryan's trust, pulled him from the brink of a dark emotional abyss (1x07), but we get no sense of that bond off the clock like Bryan checking in on Maddox's family, or any sort of personal connection. Just a cold professional relationship with a few one liners.
Telegraphing to ambiguity ratio: certain things the audience gets explained to us, like alternate universes visible in the molecular imperfections of glass or how they damaged George's hippocampus and impaired his memory (like they're just throwing out words to sound sci-fi impressive), and yet some basic details that would help build this world lore and make it believable are left up to off-screen imagination? Come on now, we all know the season one is for world building. Hop to it! Debris falls from the sky, worldwide, and you're telling me no one knows about it and it doesn't impact public life / culture in any way, it doesn't make the news cycle, nothing? You're an Orbital agent, and you're able to fly around in laboratory equipped jets and land in whichever airspace you please, and no one bats an eye? Terrorists are using debris against civilians, and we don't see government restrictions, curfew, lockdowns, etc, we don't get any minor glimpses into ramifications on ordinary life? No, because the focus is always trained on our "field agents" but not the playing field. It's mundane, small stuff questions that keep us grounded, which is a refreshing and needed balance in sci-fi, but apart from a conversation about stale Peeps I don't see attention to daily details of life as we know it.
We are literally told in the pilot by a title card (talk about expedient) that "three years ago images were captured of a wrecked alien spacecraft moving through the solar system" and for 6 months debris has been falling. Has it smashed through any cities causing panic? How is it spun by the media, or how is Orbital keeping it out of public attention? Is there a political power struggle over research access, and what do those higher up agency meetings look like? Where and how is the recovered debris being cataloged and stored when it is not used in active research? Who has clearance to it, what is that clearance called/what does it entail, which government retains agency of debris pieces, or does that depend on where Orbital recovers it? This is like first-five-episode-arc lore building and we are nine hit or miss episodes into the season! I need this show to level up if it's taking the route of being clever and cerebral, which it appears to aim at by focusing on the scientific part of sci-fi. If it's goal is to be a small scale, partner ride along weekly mystery with heavy synthetic sound cues, then it needs to pick a tone that takes itself less seriously.
The dialogue is so lackluster and expository. Please get some of the writer's room to focus on making it sharper, quicker, smarter.
The science of debris: George Jones, as some genius mind behind Orbital tech, isn't believable. We don't get to see any part of his professional life in Orbital in the three year lead up to when we meet our characters, he doesn't even have any dialogue when Finola first finds him captive. We have "science-aesthetic" scribbles on a chalkboard and Finola's word that George is a workaholic research savant. It doesn't ring true and by extension some of the "rules" of this Orbital technology seem murky (not as in we learn alongside the characters, but as in the concept seems under developed). George's biggest contribution thus far is a levity critique of Bryan's driving speed. At this point he's a plot device to further Fin's journey, as is DeDe. That's base.
Lack of interest in supporting ensemble: why should I care about Maddox's family crisis, or DeDe's addiction or George's suicide after he was shut out of his own research at Orbital, etc? Again this ties back to previous points of show don't tell, and build a world, maybe use some flashbacks. Make it personal — why is George's research (apart from a generalized better world) so singularly important to him that it breaks his family, what compelled Brian to transition from military service to Orbital? How are different factions within Orbital — like the research team and the field agents — getting along, who's at the very bottom of the barrel or on the very top of the hierarchy?
I want this show to succeed, but I don't get a clear read on what genre they want to be or more importantly what the characters want. Please increase the focus on dialogue, get the basics of want-obstacle-action done right, and then the debris and the conflict it creates can have a bigger impact.
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me...
Ch. 6
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunately have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: None really, some angst maybe? Language is a given..
Word Count: 2969
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
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Jensen POV:
Jensen absent-mindedly stepped out of the shower, his mind was on what happened between y/n and himself only about 15 minutes ago. 
Closing his eyes he could still feel his lips on hers... 
Part of him is screaming at him, wondering what the hell he was doing... He’d just left Danneel yesterday... 
Another part of him though, another part says he deserves this, that's there's nothing wrong with what he feels when he’s with her... 
He never felt this way with Dannel... 
A pounding on the door jerks him from his thoughts... 
Must be Jared... 
Jensen threw on his pans and walked to the door, opening it without really giving a shit who was standing on the other side..
"So I see you had company last night." Jared said, stopping Jensen in his tracks, midway of pulling his shirt over his head.. 
"How did you know that?" He asked, whipping his head around to give Jared the most intimidating stare he could muster.
He didn’t know how he possibly knew someone was here with him.. Y/n left almost an hour ago…
 "I saw Y/n sneaking out of your room this morning." Jared said, crossing his arms over his chest,  and staring at Jensen right back.  Leaned up against the door frame. 
"She was 'sneaking' out of my room. Nothing happened alright!" Jensen said, quickly becoming irritated.. 
"Jensen, what are you doing man? You were just at the bar with me last night crying about Danneel, and now you got a girl in your hotel room? Man this is not a good way to move on." Jared looked concerned, but Jensen was really getting tired of people telling him what to do.. 
From Danneel telling him that his failed marriage was his fault... 
Jared telling him how he’s handling his personal life is wrong... 
Fans jumping down his throat on social media when he hasn't even done anything wrong…
He was almost at his limit, and he hadn’t even got to the Gold Panel yet..
"Look my marriage was over with Danneel a long damn time ago! About three in the morning I realized something, I deserve better than what that bitch has done to me for the last 10 years! Wanna know how long it's been sense I've had sex Jared?! Do you?! It was the night the twins were conceived! She was either fucking someone else, or never there while I suffered! Not her me!" 
Jensen stopped himself, and sat heavily down on the bed, he was yelling at Jared, he didn’t know why the fuck he was, but here he was a craying, yelling mess, and Jared God bless him, just took it, patiently waiting until Jensen had gotten it all out of his system. 
Until I let out that last little revelation anyway, that one seemed to throw him...
"Damn man, I'm sorry, I didn't know things were that bad." Jared said, looking a little softer than at Jensen than he had five minutes ago. Taking a seat on the bed next to Jensen, but Jensen just stood up and walked over to the little couch where his bag was laying open, looking for his watch.
He didn’t want someone to feel sorry for him or pity him, he just wanted people to let him move on..
"Last night I went to talk to y/n. To apologize for running off the stage the way I did. We went down to get coffee. She touched my hand, and it was like electricity hit me. My heart started racing, I got nervous. I haven't felt like that in years.” Shaking his head he turned around to face Jared who was still watching him closely sitting at the foot of the hotel bed. 
“You know what she did man? Cause I was a mess last night when I went to talk to her. She came back to my room, and layed next to me all night so I didn't have to be alone, and I could get some sleep.. Never tried to have sex with me. Never said anything. Was just there.”
“When we got up this morning I asked her if she wanted to get to know each other. See where this goes. I feel something for her man. Something I haven't ever felt. I deserve this, and I don't care who likes it, or doesn’t agree with it."
The room was silent as Jared and Jensen stared at each other. He needs Jared to back him up. He was swinging blind here. He needed my best friend. He needed his brother…
Jared looked at him closely, he looked like he was a mess still, he looked tired, dark circles around his eyes showed that what little sleep he’d gotten with Y/n last night really hadn’t been enough, he was still reeling, and Jared knew that, but he was also a grown man, and he knew that there was nothing he could say that was going to change his mind, so he decided he’d just be here for him when he needed him, because that’s what Jensen had always done for him.
"Okay, just go slow man don't rush it. You're still working through a lot of emotions."
"I need this Jared. I need her."
Your POV:
"Ahh!!! I can't believe it!!!!" Y/f/ln sequels as you walk down the hall toward the room that's been set up for the panel. 
"Shh!! Keep your voice down!!" You scold as a group of 'Deans and Sams' walk by the two of you. Looking around nervously to make sure no one had heard her little outburst.
"Hey, he said don't be ashamed of him." She said with narrow eyes at you. 
"I'm not ashamed!!! I just don't want to be jumped by some crazy jealous superfan." You tell her as the two of you take your sets center stage third row. 
You were glad you were close to the stage. Jensen was really nervous about this panel. It was a solo panel, and the first one since news broke of his divorce yesterday.
Jared was supposed to be doing this panel with him, but things got messed up and Jared ended up having to make up ops while Jensen did the panel alone.
 He really wanted you to be here so you were glad he would be able to see you from the stage.
"Okay you got a point." She said, looking around at some of the people filtering in to find their seats. "Do you think the two of you are officially a thing now?" 
"No." You said flatly. "We haven't labeled anything. He just made it very clear this morning though it is his long run goal though. That's why we're getting to know each. He wants to see where this will go." You tell her for what feels like the thousandth time.
To your relief the music started, and it was time for the panel. 
You really we're ready to discuss Jensen, or how you felt about him. You just wanted this panel to be over. You just wanted the end of the day to get here, so that you could go back to his room. 
Make sure he is okay. 
You knew that he was not looking forward to this panel. You could hear the fear in his voice when he asked you if you were gonna be here at the panels.
You watched as Jensen jogged out on the stage. Stopping to irritate Richard and Rob at the top of the stares before tuning to the audience. 
"Good morning Dallas!" He says into the microphone, and people cheer around the room. 
"I wanna get something out of the way before I take any questions...." 
The room fell creepy silent. Everyone was hanging on his every word, and you held your breath right alone with them... 
"Danneel and I are no longer together, and we are getting a divorce. The rumors are true on that, but I will NOT be answering ANY questions about Danneel and myself, or the divorce. Please respect my privacy while I work this out okay." 
When he was finished speaking the audience applauded with a few people yelling.
"We love you Jensen."  
The rest of the panel went off with a hitch as he took questions. His eye trained you between each question. 
You didn't understand why or how, but you've already fallen head over hills for this guy. You only could pray he feels the same.
You knew that if the two of you started a steady relationship, rumors would be everyone, and so would some backlash, but you didn’t care about that, your main focus was Jensen.. 
He needed you… 
Right now that’s all that matters.
After what felt like an eternity the day was finally coming to a close... 
It was the last panel of the day, and down to the last question... 
Jensen looked absolutely exhausted... 
You decided not to do a photo op. with all the attention Jensen and yourself were currently getting on social media, both good and bad, it just felt like the right decision to stay away from anything else that could be put on the internet.. 
You definitely didn’t want to give Danneel any more material...
That morning before you left him for the day, Jensen had given you a spare key to his room, and asked you to just move your things over during the day so that you can just stay with him. You figured since everyone would be busy doing the ops, you could move your things over without too many people noticing what you were doing.. 
You had put your number into his phone, and were texting back and forth every chance you got during all the insanity that is a con, and it was hard not to smile every time you saw his name appear on your phone screen.. 
As soon as the panel was over you were headed up to his room, planning to get a shower before he got there. Jensen said, it was going to take about an hour for him to get to the room once the panel was over. So you had a little time..
As everyone was standing up to make their way toward the door y/f/n stopped you. 
"Hey can we talk a second before you go to meet Jensen." She asked, looking a little guilty. 
Sitting back down in your seat your stomach was a little uneasy, you hoped she hadn’t blabbed about Jensen and yourself to someone.. Because you’d probably kill her. 
"You know that guy I've been talking to for about a month now, Alex? Well things are getting pretty serious, and he's asked me to move in with him." 
You sit there in silence for a moment. 
Not necessarily shocked, you could see they were getting pretty close, you knew it was coming.
What your biggest fear was is where the fuck are you gonna live now...
"I've decided to just give you the apartment." She said, handing you her key. 
You took it not knowing what to say at first. 
"Are you sure you want to do this? When are you going to get your stuff?" You asked, she looked down at her converse, looking even more guilty. 
"Well... he moved it out today for me. I called and asked the front desk to unlock, and lock the door for him. I'm sorry. I made sure my half of rent and utilities are paid up for the month. Kinda to give you a heads start." 
You couldn't be mad at her. She looked so pathetic, and besides you were glad that those two were finally moving forward with a relationship they’d been dancing around for a while now..
Grabbing her pulling you pull her into a hug.
"Thank you for everything you've done this past year." You tell her, and she hugged you back, both of you trying to not cry in that moment.
"Furniture and everything is still there. Just my clothes, and personal stuff will be gone, and we can still have lunch twice a week." She said, relieved you weren't angry with her.
The two of you hear heavy footsteps coming up from behind you, she looks over your shoulder, and gives you a knowing smile..
"Looks like I need to get going, See you in the morning." With that she practically runs to the exit. 
Turning you see Jensen headed up the aisle toward you. A little concerned look on his face as he watched your retreating friend.. 
"Hey everything okay?" He said, pulling you to him when you stood up from your seat, not caring who was around or who saw. 
He had been separated from you all day, you could tell he was past done with people period, and their rumors and theories.. 
"Yeah everything is fine I'll tell you later." You say, leaning your head against his shoulder for a moment.. 
You felt safe here... 
Even though the two of you were getting some weird looks from Misha, Rob, Richard, and the rest of the band...
"Did you get everything moved over to my room?" He asked, pushing a stand of loose hair behind your ear.
"Yeah everything is there. That's what I was doing during the photo op." You tell him, trying to make a good excuse as to why you weren't there today. Besides it wasn’t a lie, and you had a valid reason for not wanting to do ops, or anyone seeing you moving your crap to his room. 
"Okay, I'll only be about 30 minutes. Just got some loose ends to tie up before tomorrow." He said, bending down and giving you a peak on the lips, making everyone in the room jaw drop before heading to the stage where they were all waiting for him..
Jensen's POV:
"So... you two officially a thing now?" Misha asked, batting his eyes at Jensen like an idiot. Jensen fought against the eye roll he wanted so desperately to give him, and just settled for a bitchface.
"That's got to be some sort of a record." Misha continued, propping himself up on one of the chairs Jensen and Jared were just sitting on. 
This time Jensen rolled his eyes at him.  Misha could be such a douche when he wanted to be. That or he was just being a little touchy still. 
"No, not officially." Jensen said in the most nonchalant way possible, trying to just brush it off. Although Jensen knew that was the reason for this 'Meeting' they wanted an answer to what was going on with him, and he couldn’t blow them off any longer he knew that...
"I talked to Andrew, and I'm going to be taking a week off before I head to Vancouver. As most of you know, I got some personal stuff I got to work through before I head back to Vancouver." 
Jensen there with his hands in his pockets, bracing himself for the onslaught of questions he knew were coming.. 
"What happened man?" Rob asked, seeming genuinely concerned. 
"A long progression of things that eventually led up to me catching her with another man yesterday." Jensen said, keeping more of the personal stuff to himself. Just using short answers, it was easier that way... 
Anger had taken the place of hurt. He was trying to control his emotions, but everything she had done to him over the years had made him hard. He didn't even notice most of the crap she was pulling at the time. Looks like hind sight really is 20/20.
"You know we're all here for you man. Whatever you need." Richard said, clapping his hand over Jensen’s shoulder, and giving him what was supposed to be a reassuring squeeze. 
Jensen knew they all were hoping he’d go into more detail, but there were a lot of things he wasn’t ready to talk about just yet, hell some of it he was still working out for himself..
The rest of the meeting went on as expected, questions about new scripts and things that normally went on for shooting schedule’s having to be rearranged.
Jensen’s mind wasn’t really on any of it.. He just wanted to get done so that he could get back to Y/n, who was waiting in his room...
She already had a hold on him. 
Jensen was no idiot, and knew that being involved with someone already didn’t exactly look good, and that It wasn't the 'normal' thing to do; but he just couldn’t shake the way she makes him feel. 
There's so much in his life right now that's uncertain. 
The custody arrangement with his kids, who's gonna get the house in Austin, all the little details that come with a divorce. 
He doesn't want to think about having to do this alone, because he wasn’t sure he could live through it... That's why he wants SOO bad for this to work out with Y/n. 
He needs a win. 
For years now he’d been on the receiving end of an abusive relationship, and didn't even realize it until last night when he had someone wrapped in my arms that didn't act like they'd catch some incurable disease if he touched them. 
That’s what got him to thinking about the past 10 years... All the signs that he refused to see that because so obvious. 
He’d been miserable for years, and not he had a chance to be happy with someone, someone that seemed to actually give a shit, and he wasn’t about to walk away from that opportunity, no matter what other people thought, for once in his life, he was going to think about himself. 
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
Binge Tag: @sarahbaker2010​
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Old wounds' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Old wounds"
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"I came back for you....I had to do it because you're the one I owe my life !"
Chapter Summary : It's time for Yirina, Park, Zasha, Garrett & Price to get things done with Stone for good but the old complex in Cuba is going to open some bad wounds.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3800
It was it....tonight is going to be the night where Stone's life is going to end for real, he will have no chance to escape and we can't allow him to do that, everything we have done for the past two weeks against him....it will be tonight that everything will be decided and for everyone....me, Park, Zasha, Garrett, Price and his SAS men, letting Stone live another day wasn't an option at all, Stone is going to die but....during all this operation, I will have to face something else : the fact that we're going to fight to the same place where Lazar died, it will be an big struggle that I'm going to do.
And that fight inside of me was starting right after we got off the meeting point to join the complex, travelling to it by walk through the jungle. As we said, me, Park, Zasha, Price & some his mens were coming us while Garrett was taking another direction with the other SAS soldiers. Us were going to infiltrate the complex by the same way we used three years ago by the north while the others will take the attack by the south, let's hope it will not end in an disaster, it's the only thing I want.
After long minutes of walk inside the jungle, taking care of looking around us to check for any traps, we arrived near the complex, the same point that we used to wait last time with Park & Lazar that was in an abandoned building and by luck, nothing has pretty changed in here, including the old point of view that was allowing us to get an closer look on the main target : the abandoned hotel where Stone was obligated to hide.
"This place is looking like an fortress !" Price exclaimed as he was overlooking the hotel with his binoculars, he was right about, the place was even more protected than the last time with more sandbags and mounted MGs around the place. "This bastard isn't going to give up easily." He added, removing his binoculars from his eyes to look at us.
"Stone was aware that we were on him since weeks so he found himself means to defend his life." I said, remembering the conversation he got with Sonya Kuzmin in that phonebooth in West-Berlin an week ago, he knew of it. "I'm even sure that he's probably waiting for us to come."
"Maybe but we can't back down and we will not do this." Park affirmed, crossing her arms towards me, biting her left part of her bottom lips. "I'm not going to let Stone breath in the morning." She continued, taking an look on her MP5 at her feets.
"No one want this, Helen." Price told her, his binoculars in hands, having turned himself to look at her fully. "SAS wasn't going to let an rogue element continue to make our name dirty." He breathed as he was seeing Park's face trying to keep straight. "We're doing this for you, for William."
"William ?" Zasha stepped in, curious to hear that and frankly, I wouldn't want them to ask about this because it was an hot topic to talk about.
"It's...was Park's brother, an man I have in command, Smirnov." Price replied, not sure of telling them this as he was still looking to Park.
"Zed." I whispered, putting my left hand on their shoulder slowly.  "You don't need to know about this." I said discreetly to them.
"I....I....okay." They expressed, understanding that talking about this was not an good idea, especially right now moments before we could actually act. "Do we go in force or in an discreet way ?" They asked, looking at Price.
"In force." Park was the one to respond to them, scratching the back of her head, looking at the hotel. "Even if we're making this in silence, Stone could know that we're here, it's better that we're showing him directly that."
"Stone was one of us and he know exactly how we're working so by going in force, he will be confused as going like that isn't the SAS style." Price proclaimed, his eyes on Zasha before he took his binoculars again to check the place up. "My men know exactly how it's going to work, sometimes we have to go off-grid to get things done."
"Get our hands dirty to keep the world clean...." I breathed as it was like the main thing that was highlighting the world of spies and black ops and everyone in here knows about it. "It's been like that everyday." I added to my statement as I look to my glovesless left hand, observing the burn mark that I had since years.
"How did this happened ?" Price asked, having seen my hand like that.
"That ?" I showed to him slowly my hand "I don't know...my memories never told me why I have this." I answered before I look at Zasha. "Do you know something about this ?"
"Uhm....no, you were never willing to talk about this to me or anyone else." Zasha shook their head as I hoped to have an answer from them, they were the one who really helped me to get some memories back but this mark is going to stay an mystery until I know. "I just know that you already had it when I joined you in the KGB."
"Okay." I slowly nodded to them, taking back my own MP5 in hands, an surplus from Park, she's been giving me an lot of things...clothes, guns, means...."Well, do you think we can start to move ?"
"I'll check the other team status." Price told as he was getting his binoculars back to his jacket before taking his radio in hands. "Roach, what's your status ?" He started.
"All good sir, awaiting for your orders to move on." We could heard this Roach talk through the radio.
"Good, we're going in force so be ready to act up at my command." Price ordered before the radio went off, putting it back on his jacket. "Okay, I think we can go now."
"Wait." I stopped everyone as I was looking at the church tower that was overlooking the entire complex. "We might need some snipers to help us." I suggested before I got my eyes on Zasha. "Zed, you remember my lessons in sniper rifles ?"
"Yes, I'm remembering them well." They said, realizing my words as they start to look outside, pointing on the church. "You want me to go on top of this church tower to cover everyone ? I'm in !"
"That's an good idea I didn't thought." Price said, sounding amazed as he turned around to look at one of his men. "Soap ?"
"Yes, sir ?" The man with an strange looking hair got up, an sniper rifle....an LW3 Tundra if I can see right.
"You're taking Smirnov with you on that church tower, give them an sniper rifle and also....don't make an hard fall." Price ordered him and he saluted him before he gesture Zasha to follow him.
"Hard fall ?" I demanded, an bit lost on that...maybe it was an joke....
"Soap managed to survive from the fall he did from an church tower in an old mission, he's really tough to say....an good kid." Price explained to me as he was taking his MP5 on the ground, checking the mag of it before looking at this men "Okay, it's time to get the work done !" He exclaimed and with that, we left the point of view to get out.
All of the stress of going back inside that place was filling me as we were getting out of the building, Zasha and this Soap taking the lead to get in the church in advance before we start to get inside the church too with everyone awaiting for Price's orders to attack. Me....Park, we were pretty nervous about all of this but it was too late to step back and we will never do this like Park said, we're here to stop Stone and we will stop him.
Then, in an instant, Price talked through his radio, signaling the beginning of the attack before we charged throught the door that was leading on the main street that was also leading to the hotel, the same one when Adler and his team got inside the complex last time. We did really surprised Stone's men that was keeping this street from up close and our surprise allowed us to get rid of them all but it wasn't the time to rest already as the gunshots were replacing the silence of the place.
Right after we cleared the street that we had to run to the place in front of the hotel before getting to cover as we were greeted by the multiple mounted MGs around the location : two located at windows and the main one was protecting the entrance to be approached and because of them, we couldn't advance even if we were killing the numerous Stone's men and the corrupted Tropas soldiers around.
"Shit, these MGs is blocking us !" Price yelled as we were all in cover, me reloading my MP5 as Park was making some suppressing fire towards the MG blocking the front door.
"We're not going to pass with them." I exclaimed before suddenly, I heard an loud gunshot and I peak my head to find out that the user of the mounted MGs on the right window that was shooting at everything on us fall back, hit by an sniper rifle but it wasn't finished as seconds later, it was the left one that was out and then, the  one keeping the entrance was hit too. "Who did this ?" I asked, looking at the church tower.
"That was Smirnov, miss." Soap replied through my radio, we were all equipped with radio but Price was the only one that could contact the other team as for us, we were only able to make contact with those on our side.
"Damn, nice shots, Zasha, seems that my training was worth it." I said proudly, firying some bullets towards the few remaining Tropas soldiers still trying to shoot at us.
"Thanks, Yirina, means an lot." They told me on the radio, sounding good.
"Okay, this was the last one of them, we're going to enter the hotel." Price got out of his cover as I was doing the same with Park, aiming our guns towards the entrance. "Part of the team is securing the surroundings. Soap, Smirnov, you're making sure to keep an eye on the roof." He added as we were getting closer to the entrance.
"Yirina, take the lead, I'm behind you." Park suggested and I nodded to her as I start to move on the front, entering the hotel first and by the odds, the entrance wasn't watched by anyone and the gunshots were still audible all around the hotel but then, I heard an explosion and when I look on the ceilling just on top of me, I could see it crack. "Yirina !" Park yelled as I was realizing that the ceilling was going to fall on me and I quickly jumped away before an part of the ceilling fall down and landed right in front of the door, blocking it....I was the only one who got inside. "Shit, Yirina, you're alright ?" She asked on my radio.
"Yes, I'm good." I answered, going up on my feets as I was looking at the debris that was blocking the entrance. "Stone has trapped the place down, I should get move."
"No, it's too risky." Park protested, worried about having me alone in that hotel. "Wait for us."
"I can't, Park." I defended myself, looking around to find an way to get inside the hotel more further to find Stone. "Since Stone's men are fighting the other team, it's going to be good." I breathed, taking my MP5 back on the ground. "I will find Stone, try to find another entrance with Price."
"Okay....okay...take care." Park whispered on my radio before it went off, leaving me alone inside that hotel as they were going to find another way in.
Without wasting any more moments, I decided to move on, taking the same path I used with Park & Lazar years ago as it was the only one available for me with some things that changed  over the years, starting that there were no one that tried to greet me with bullets, not even Stone himself but as I was arriving near an closed door, it was suddenly force opened by an masked man, more looking like an Perseus soldier that was charging me.
I managed to avoid him quickly, putting myself aside before I decide to attempt to kick him with my feet until he succeed in grabbing my leg but this was my plan all along as I make him believe that he was controlling me. He did make me go on the ground not before I was able to put my legs between his arms that did take my leg and taking him with me. Then, once the two of us were on the ground, I hit with my right feet on his head, breaking his neck and killing him.
But before I could got up again, an soldier....this time, an Tropas one was arriving in the room and as he was going to shoot me dead, he was the one who fall down first, having been shot by someone else in the room....but when I looked around, it was only me here alive and no one else...until I looked next to me at my right....seeing Lazar himself....in the same outfit the day he died...
"You're looking like shit." He said to me as he was offering his hand to me....it was an vision and it was so strange....my struggle inside of me is making me hallucinate "Come on, Yirina, take my hand." He added before I resign myself, getting up by that vision, still shocked and confused about it to say, speechless.
"Laz' ?" I breathed, thinking that he was there alive, well with me...
"Do not let yourself down, you got this...do this for me...for Park." He exclaimed before he suddenly vanish from my sight....and the Tropas soldier body too, he wasn't real too, it was just me and that Perseus soldier in that room. I was so stunned by that....having an vision of Lazar here....shit.
"Yirina ?" I could heard Zasha's voice through the radio, breaking me of my thoughts.
"Yea...yes, I'm here !" I regained consciouness of the situation, taking my radio quickly, looking at the door that was broken.
"We've got eyes on Stone, he's on the roof !" They told me as I remember that this room was just next to some staircase that was probably leading to the roof. "Do we take the shot ?" They asked me.
"No, you don't....it's Park who is going to do this." I replied, recalling the promise that Park express to me an time ago. "Keep an eye on him, don't do anything, I'm trying to go on the roof." I said before I got my radio off, taking back my MP5 that was on the ground again before I walk away with great attention.
Like I remembered, there were just an staircase that was going up and to gain time instead of walking throught all of the ground floor, I decided to take them and to go up, trying to get to the roof but unfortunately, the door leading to the roof was blocked by things that I couldn't move by myself without making an big noise, meaning that I will have to find another way to get on top and crossing the last floor entirely.
Thanks to the other team making an lot of noises outside, there were only an few men that were standing in my way to get to the roof, killing them discreetly or if I wasn't able too, making sure that they weren't going to tell that I was here and finally, I found an way to get on the roof, the same way we used to run to the roof. It was during that walk that I could see the fight between the SAS and Stone's men and the SAS were gaining the advantage, seeing Garrett from afar as he was executing an soldier on the ground.
Since the SAS were advancing, I preferred to get along and to go to the roof....until I realized that I did arrived at the same place where I saw Lazar for the last time. By seeing it again, I found myself to have an vision of that day, seeing myself, Park & Lazar on the ground but then, something hit me by behind on my back, making me fall on my fours, still alive as I could see the feets of someone coming in front of me
"Fucking hell, is that Grigoriev herself ?" That voice, it was Stone himself, having seen me arrive or was awaiting for someone else. I looked up to see that he wasn't wearing an hood, seeing the man like in my first memory I had of him, holding an pipe before he hit me in the chest with his feets, putting myself on the ground. "That's for fucking with me !"
"Harry Stone !" I whispered, looking at him in the eyes, with him that got an smile on his face.
"Who do you think it was, you stupid bitch ?" He said, mixed between anger and happiness to see me like this. "Maybe that Freya is going to kill me but damn, I really want to kill you !"
"Fuck you, Stone." I scoffed before he decide to kick me right in the face, causing some blood to get out of my mouth, feeling the taste of it inside.
"Stubborn to the end, Grigoriev !" He then threw away his pipe to take out an pistol in his hand. "Let me get you up." He moved to get me up in an hard way, making sure that I was going to suffer enough, putting his pistol cannon right behind my neck. "You're not going to need this." He told me as he was removing my bulletproof vest that was covering my jacket before he got me at gunpoint, standing up to face the way the only way usable to get here.
"Yirina !" I was able to hear Park's voice coming near and not through my radio.
"Oh, let the show begin." Stone whispered to himself, holding me still with his gun before Park arrived with Price, some blood on their clothes...wasn't theirs, I believed.
"Stone !" Price was the one who saw me & Stone here, aiming his MP5 towards him.
"You son of an bitch, let her go !" Park ordered furiously, her MP5 aiming Stone's head but she couldn't take the shot, fearing that Stone will have time to retribute against me.
"Of course, I will...your majesty !" Stone joked around until Stone put his hands in front of my eyes and then, I could hear some struggle coming from Park and then, Stone removed his hands, allowing me to see Park also hold at gunpoint by someone else as Price was the only one with an gun in hand. He didn't want to prevent Park from this. "Drop the gun, Price, you're alone !"
"In your dreams, Harry." Price refused, mixed between looking at me & Stone and Park. "You know it's the end for you."
"Maybe....maybe not." Stone told him, getting his pistol cannon right aimed at my front right shoulder. "By god, I just realized....Park & Grigoriev working together....what the odds !"
"What are you talking about, Stone ?" Park demanded, trying to free herself from the man that was holding her.
"Oh....she didn't tell you ?" He started, moving his gun slowly on my shoulder. "Oh yeah, that's right, the CIA fucked up her brain and hearing Freya say that she can come back home....she wasn't able to tell you." He added, his head looking to Park.
"What...." I breathed, trying to understand what Stone was saying.
"You didn't remember London, Grigoriev ?" He asked me as I was confused as hell about it. "You didn't remember....what happened that day in 1973 ?" He continued as Park's eyes with me & Price goes wide, slowly realizing his words.
"Are you meaning....? What are you saying, Stone ?" Price questioned.
"I mean that....Grigoriev was there that day....yes....Grigoriev was there the day I killed your brother, Park." He started to laugh as for me, I was feeling so....weak and alone now....I was realizing that....this burn mark on my left hand, I got it in 1973....in London, during the death of Park's brother....no..."Oh, I could remember that she did tipped off William about me and honestly, seeing her running to save your brother....it was an perfect occasion to kill her too." He added, saying that I was the one who was trying to give Park's brother intels about Stone's true allegiances, like Price told me the day I met him. "Unfortunately, she lived."
"No...." I whispered in an very low voice that only myself could hear. By that horrible revelation, I couldn't look at Park in the eyes, fearing that she was hating me now....but no.....I don't want to think of it.
"You know what it would be marked on your grave, Grigoriev ?" He demanded to me as Park & Price were looking at us, stunned and me....shocked and ready to cry out loudly. "It will be saying : Was always there at the wrong time, at the wrong place !" He stated....In me, I just wanted to get free...to get away without any pain by realizing that me & Park were linked by an the death of her brother....until I got an idea.
"No.." I said this time loudly, starting to move my hands. "How about Yippee-Ki-Yay, motherfucker!" I then moved my hands fully to get them on his pistol but I wasn't going to try to move it away from me. I got my fingers on the trigger and then....I shot two times through my shoulder, knowing that his chest was just behind it and that the second bullet was going to hit him.
And it did, the second bullet make him move away from me as I was falling on my knees, feeling weak again, seeing with narrowed eyes, Park managing to get free from the man that was holding her until Price emptied his mag on this man. Feeling the blood in mouth and shooting myself two times in the shoulder, it wasn't going to make me feel better and then, I fell on my back, looking at the dark skies of Cuba as I could see Park & Price quickly walking towards me but I wasn't willing to smile anymore even at Park's sight until I grinned an little and I closed my eyes, trying to think about her positively, hearing her voice.....
"Don't worry, Yiri....it's going to be okay....you will be safe with me !"
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temperancejones · 3 years
Some Kind of Curse- Chapter One
Upon Steve and Kris’ arrival at their base about half an hour later, they were both dragged to the medic, where they also got grilled by their Captain waiting for them there, who was red with anger that Anton Hesse was killed on the extraction mission. Steve and Kris tried to explain what had happened, and how their mission had somehow been compromised, but the Captain wouldn’t have any of it. Of course, they were immediately taken off the mission, as they were now emotionally compromised and a conflict of interest due to both of them and their father getting dragged into this mess and ordered to return to O’ahu for a family emergency. They were forbidden to investigate this case further and were told that if they were caught impeding on the Navy’s investigation and mission, they would be facing a court martial. And then, the Captain left as soon as he got there, mumbling something about how he was sorry for their loss.
Still unable to comprehend everything that had just happened, Steve and Kris let the medics look them over and patch up Kris’ bullet wound. Thankfully, the bullet ricocheted off of Kris’ TAC vest and lodged itself in her deltoid muscle. The bullet was easily removed, and by the looks of it, the wound should heal on its own in a few weeks, but unfortunately for her, her left arm is put in a sling and she is given direct orders to keep it as still as possible to allow the muscle to heal properly. Once the medics give them both approval to leave, they are escorted out of the med bay, where they are immediately taken to their quarters and given ten minutes to gather their things. Steve quickly fills both of their duffle bags, thanks to Kris only having one working arm right now. The twins are then quickly escorted to the Humvees and brought to the nearest airbase, where a cargo plane is being held for them to board so they can get home as soon as possible.
Steve and Kris keep their heads down and find themselves unable to find the right words to say to each other during their entire trip back home, so they were silent for pretty much the entire fifteen-hour trip. The trip took two separate planes to finally get them to Hickam airbase on the beautiful, sunny island of O’ahu, which was once their home many years ago. If the McGarretts’ visit back home for the first time in almost seventeen years was under better circumstances, they would almost feel relieved to be back on the island. But, of course, what they were feeling was quite the opposite- their visit to the island was to bury their father, and then take care of all of the legal issues before getting shipped back out overseas for their next mission, as if nothing had ever happened. Being ordered off the mission that resulted in their father’s death was definitely a low blow to both Steve and Kris, but they both knew that they couldn’t risk their careers for some petty revenge on Victor Hesse. So, like the good little soldiers they are, they will do what needs to be done here, and then get buried in another op as always. Hell, maybe they will even switch gears and go back to intelligence or something to make sure that their brains are constantly occupied so they can forget that they don’t have parents anymore.
Just as the plane touches down to the tarmac of the Air Force base and the pilot takes over control of the plane, the co-pilot turns around and looks at Kris. “Ma’am, I have an incoming call from the Governor of Hawaii. If you put on the spare headset, I will patch you in.” he says to her, gesturing to the headset dangling above Kris’ head. She tries to put on the headset herself, but with one hand, she has no luck. Steve reaches over and puts it on his sister’s head, chuckling a little bit at her frustration. Feeling a little angry at her inability to do such a simple task, Kris nods to the co-pilot to connect her to the call while the plane taxis around the airstrip. A woman’s voice patches through the headset, which Kris assumes is the governor. She hasn’t been keeping track of who is in office at home anymore, as her and Steve have been away for far too long to care at this point.
“Commander, this is Governor Pat Jameson. I just wanted to start by saying I’m so sorry for your loss.” The Governor says to Kris, which makes her heart speed up a little bit- she forgot how painful it was to hear people say I’m sorry for your loss to her. Its something she has detested since the day her mother died. Were people truly sorry for her loss? Or did they just want to make sure that Kris, Steve and their little sister Mary, who was only ten at the time of their mothers death, were getting enough attention, as all eyes were on the honorable John McGarrett, who was simply inconsolable… more than words could ever describe. Her father’s pained cry from the front door was a sound that was forever ingrained into Kris’ brain, and is something that will haunt her forever, along with the singular gunshot that murdered her father less than twenty-four hours ago.
Snapping out of her dreadful thoughts, Kris sits upright in her seat, putting on her Commander façade once again. She clears her throat and speaks into the microphone. “Thank you, Ma’am. What may I do for you?”
“I’d like to talk with you and your brother in person, can we meet at Pearl Harbour in two hours? That will be at about 1300.” Governor Jameson requests hopefully.
Kris takes a moment to wonder why on earth the Governor of Hawaii would want to talk in person with both her and Steve, especially when they have way too much stuff to do in preparation for their father’s funeral. But, A conversation with the governor should be relatively harmless, so Kris agrees to it, and ends the call with the governor. Kris immediately tells Steve about their meeting with the governor, which makes him scowl a little bit, silently wondering why the governor would want to see them as well.
The plane stops shortly after the call ends, and they quickly disembark, where they are met with Captain Twill, a short, stocky man who welcomes them home and shows them to their loaner car for their visit to the island, making sure that they can get around and take care of everything they need to. Thanking the Captain, Steve and Kris hop into the black SUV and head to Arizona hall, which is the lodging hotel for all Navy, Military and Air Force members on Hawaii. It takes them about half an hour to get to the hotel and get checked in, which leaves them an hour and a half to prepare for their meeting with the Governor.
Still not talking much, Kris and Steve take turns showering to wash off the grime on them from their mission in Korea and look presentable for the Governor. When Steve gets out of the shower, Kris is already putting on her dress blues, thankful that they didn’t get wrinkled from her abrupt trip home with them. Steve, who is already in his dress pants and has his shirt on, just unbuttoned, notices that Kris is struggling with the buttons, as they are impossible to do up one-handed, and chuckles at her from the door of the bathroom.
“Need a hand?” Steve asks, smirking a little bit.
“What I really need is a stiff drink, but yes, a hand please. I’m not going to meet the governor with a uniform that is half buttoned up.” Kris sighs. Steve does up his shirt and walks over to his sister, and does hers up for her, and fixes her collar. Kris thanks him, and sits down on the edge of the bed, sighing.
Steve sits next to her, fixing his own collar now, making sure it’s perfect. “This really isn’t how I wanted to come home for the first time since we left, y’know?” Kris confesses. Steve nods and rubs his eyes. “you and me both. I just can’t believe we never got to see him-“, Steve starts to say, but his voice breaks, and he chokes back a sob. He’s right, though. They haven’t really been on good terms with their father since he shipped them away to private school and the Naval Academy on the mainland when they were sixteen. Kris always wondered why their father had pushed all of his children away so much after the death of their mother- but that’s something she might never know now. Kris leans into her brother’s side and puts her head on his shoulder in a silent form of comfort. Steve wraps an arm around her shoulder and pulls her in tighter for a side hug. He places a kiss on the top of her head- something that he hasn’t done in years, as Kris hates it when they show emotion to one another around fellow troops or even on base, since people assume things about them, which piss her off to no extent. Kris has spent most of her career trying to stay out of Steve’s shadow, as most people in the Navy and Military think it’s outrageous to have a female such as herself on the front lines with the men, even though she is more qualified and trained than most of the soldiers she works with. Kris broke a lot of barriers during her career in the Navy- she became the United States’ first female SEAL and was one of the first women to be on the front lines in general while the States troops were stationed in the middle east. So, with a reputation like that, she definitely doesn’t want people to think that the only reason she got accepted to all of those high-profile posts and ops was because of her brother, who was on them as well. Kris worked just as hard in training to walk alongside Steve during her career so far.
The twins sit like that for a few minutes, just allowing each other to silently mourn their father, a man they felt like they barely knew, but still loved him very much, despite not seeing him for half of their lives. Steve is the first one to break their silence again.
“So, what needs to be done for the funeral?” He asks, which immediately ruins Kris’ rare calm state of mind she had maintained from hugging her brother.
Kris lets out a loud exhale and rubs her face, now sitting upright again, and off of Steve. “A lot. We need to call Duke and get an update on everything. I’m assuming HPD is investigating this as a homicide, which is going to fuck us over, probably. But we need to make funeral arrangements and try to get him buried either at punchbowl or with mom and grandma. Duke should be able to help, I think. Hopefully we can push the funeral to tomorrow and get it over with.” Kris begins to ramble, suddenly remembering everything that she helped dad with for her mother’s funeral all those years ago.
Steve sighs. “Okay, so after we meet the Governor, we can swing by HPD and talk to Duke and get this shit over with… which leads me to my next question… what do you want to do about Hesse?” Steve explains, and then asks his sister seriously, with a little glimmer of hope in his eyes.
Kris furrows her brows and looks back at Steve, trying to read his face to understand what he means, hoping that he isn’t talking about risking his career with this. They both know that if they go down this road, there will be no turning back; they will either get away with disobeying a direct order or get court martialed for doing such an absurd thing, and then get dishonorably discharged. “Please don’t tell me that you’re seriously thinking about doing this, are you?” Kris asks, already knowing the answer. Steve is going to be a stubborn McGarrett about finding Hesse- of course he’s thinking about doing this.
Steve nods. “I was thinking about it the entire trip home, and in the shower. Some things just don’t add up to me. Dad called us Tiger and Champ. I think it means something, but I don’t know what. I want to find out, and I want Hesse to pay for what he did. That son of a bitch needs to go down.” Steve explains, which immediately makes Kris’ mind race.
Kris thinks about it for a few moments, wondering why these oddities never occurred to her; She was probably too busy being anxious about the upcoming funeral for her father. She has always hated funerals- they offered no closure whatsoever and were very upsetting to attend. “Tiger and Champ… Champ as in that old toolbox we got him for Father’s Day when we were little to work on the Marquis? And that stupid tiger I made him in grade six art class?” Kris speculates, just throwing her first thoughts out there to Steve.
“The one he kept on his desk, in the den, right? And the toolbox! Yes, it was in the garage, but I don’t ever remember grabbing tools from it?” Steve then adds on, snapping his fingers for dramatic effect, which ignites a spark of sheer curiosity between the twins. Now they both know that they have to follow up on these breadcrumbs their father left for them, even if it means their careers in the Navy will end because of it. They need the closure and answers as to why anyone, especially Hesse, would target an innocent man and murder him in cold blood. Damn it, Kris thinks to herself. This is going to change a lot of things in their lives if they go through with the investigation on the toolbox and the tiger, but she genuinely believes that it will be completely worth it.
Kris looks at the wall and nods, trying to anticipate everything that’s going to happen in the next few days. Kris can’t help but think that if her and Steve hadn’t been hunting down the Hesse brothers, then maybe, just maybe, their father might still be alive right now, and they could still have a longer career in the Navy. But everything happens for a reason, Kris decides, and says “fuck it, let’s get this bastard”, to Steve, which make him grin at his sister.
For the next hour, Steve and Kris grab a bite to eat at the restaurant connected to their hotel, and head over to pearl harbour, where they wait to meet with Governor Jameson. They arrive half an hour early, and decide to head to the edge of the pier to pay respects to their grandfather, as well as the other lives lost at the pearl harbour attack, who are still entombed in the ocean, only a few hundred feet away from where Steve and Kris stand now. Knowing that their grandfather, the original Steve McGarrett, was an honourable man who fought until the very last moment of his life to protect this country, is something that Steve and Kris hold dear to their hearts; they both have his service number tattooed on their forearms, reminding them constantly of his sacrifice. Maybe now they will have to get something for their father tattooed on them too as a reminder.
Once they are both finished paying their respects, Steve and Kris continue to stand at the pier and begin to devise an action plan to continue their investigation and start to track down Victor Hesse again. They talk in hushed voices, to make sure that they can’t be heard, and ultimately decide that they will go to the house tomorrow once HPD leaves the scene to recover the tiger and the champ toolbox and see where it goes from there. What matters most right now is arranging the funeral for their father, which should hopefully be tomorrow morning if they can pull the right strings with HPD today. Steve and Kris get so caught up in their plans that they almost forget that they’re supposed to be meeting the Governor any minute now, so when she gets their attention by saying “Commanders?” loudly over the wind, they almost jump in surprise. Thankfully, they keep their cool and turn around to face the voice that called them.
Governor Pat Jameson is a tall, blonde, older woman, who immediately gives off the impression that she will not be messed with. Kris likes that. Steve doesn’t really look impressed.
“Governor,” Steve says flatly, now facing the woman, who is approaching them still. Governor Jameson’s short blonde hair is blowing in the wind from the ocean, as is her business skirt and fitted suit jacket, but she doesn’t let that phase her. She walks up to the two Commanders and outstretches her hand for them to shake. Once greetings are passed around, Governor Jameson thanks Steve and Kris for meeting with her and invites them to walk along the pier with her. Still wondering what the Governor could possibly want, Steve and Kris look at each other, and then agree, following Governor Jameson’s lead.
This should be an interesting conversation, Kris thinks to herself as she slides off her hat, which is about to blow off in the wind. Here goes nothing.
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/233640136-some-kind-of-curse-hawaii-five-0
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25176232/chapters/61334512
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demivampirew · 4 years
Keep Calm and go to London chapter 17
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Synopsis: This is the story of (y/n), a successful actress,  musician, musical producer and songwriter. After battling depression and  breaking up a long relationship, she seeks for a change of air,  escaping LA for a while going to visit some friends in London and there  she meets Henry. -Disclaimer: some chapters are mostly smut.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (smut)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (smut)
Chapter 8 (smut/roleplay)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (smut)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (smut)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (smut/ s&m)
Triggers:   Crying; talking about depression, low self-steem and body image issues; talking about toxic relationships.
Tag list:  Here’s the incredible people who showed me support (thank  you    so  much for that) and people who asked me to tag them too  ☺️   (I    think  I will write a few chapters of this story, if you want me to  tag     you, tell me ☺️   ) @cavillanche @mary-ann84 @henry-owns-these-tatas @yespolkadotkitty @dancingwendigo   constip8merm8     penwieldingdreamer iloveyouyen  littlefreya  wondersofdreaming    alyxkbrl solariumss  sweetybuzz25 @thethirstyarchive @agniavateira   @honeyloverogers @hell1129-blog   @lunedelorient​  @michelle-1185​  
Henry was playing games while you played with Kal, making the little bear follow you around the house. It surprise you the amound of energy that the puppy had. While running, you got caught in the the door knob of one bedroom and ripped the t-shirt you were wearing, living a little hole in it. You cursed because that was one of your boyfriend's t-shirts. You were in trouble, for sure. You put your best sad kitty face and went to Henry to tell him about the t-shirt. He was sitting on the couch with his laptop and closed it after you sat next to him, pointing out that you have something to confess. He put his whole attention on you as you showed him his peace of clothing and apologized, assuring him that you'd tried to fix it. He looked at you with a cute smile and told you that was ok. He was not mad at you at all, "it's just a t-shirt" he said and gave you a kiss on the cheeks to make you feel better and proved to you that he wasn't angry at all. You hugged him and kissed him. He was the best. - I'm still sorry, though. I know you love this t-shirt.- you apologized once again. - It's kind of special.- he admitted. - Where did you bought it? I can replace it, I'll buy you the exact same one if I find it. - I didn't bought it; it was a gift. - From Charlie? Maybe I could send him a direct message in Instagram and ask him where he bought it. I will ask you his phone number, but we haven't officially met yet so he might find it weird if I text him. - No, it wasn't Charlie.- he answered and then took a deep breath before speaking again.- An ex-girlfriend gave it to me for a birthday. - Oh, I see.- you replied and went silent for a moment. - Was it Lucy? You questioned curiously. He raise an eyebrow and looked at you. - No, not her. - he said with a suspious tone. - Tara, Gina? -you asked again. -Sorry, I'm really curious - you said smiling - Tara. - he informed you - Wait, how do you know my exs's names? I never said her names to you? - he pointed out and you blushed of embarresment. "shit" you thought. - Have you been googling me by any chance? - I had to make sure you were not a serial killer - you joked, making an "ops" face. - I'm curious. I wanted to know how were the girls that you dated before me. - That's ok. I must admit that I googled you as well. - And what did you found out about me? - you were dying to know - That you have more money than me; that you're on the top 20 of Forbes lists of most influencial people; that people adore you on the internet. Basically, that you're ten times more amazing that I thought. Oh, I also found out that you have a college degree from Harvard. - Yep. While it cost me a lot. I practically did not sleep for like 5 years - you joked. It was kind of true, though. - Did you not expected you girlfriend to be the kind of person who goes to college? - I didn't imagine that giving all the work that you've done in your long career you'd had found to study for a degree. - he explained - I'm awesome - you said proudly - Giving my impressive career and my high grades in highschool, I was accepted at Harvard. I had to arrenge a few things to make the time, but I reached my goal. So, now you're in front of a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. - My baby is smart, damn! - he replied proudly. You gave him the brightest smile. - I found out that you were enganged once.- you continue the topic discused before. - Yes. It didn't work out, though. - Yes, I figured that out. Otherwise, it'd be an interesting situation the one that we're in right now. - Yes, it'd be for sure- he admited while laughing for your comment. - Do you missed them? - you questioned. He gave you a look, trying to see what you expected of him by those weird questions. - Come on, I know that you have a past. I have one too. I won't judge you. I just want to know how you feel about them. Do you still care for them? - Yes. - he admited.- But I don't do it in a romantic way. They were people important to me. Now they're part of my past, but I still want them to be happy. Sometimes I missed them a bit, more nostalgia for the good memories than anything, but I wouldn't go back with any of them, especially since I've met you. Now, I only have eyes for you. - he assured you, kissing your hand. - I understand.- you say smiling.- I still miss Jared sometimes. Like you said, I don't want to be with him at all and I only have eyes for you, but he was a great part of my life. He was the first man I've been with and, until you showed up in my life, he was the only one. - you confessed. You've talked before about having intimacy with few men, but never actually told him that was actually only one man before him. He looked at you surprise. - You are telling me that you only been intimate with two men and I'm one of them? -he asked you, speechless. - Yes. Before Jared I was afraid of being intimate with someone because I've always had body image issues. I didn't felt comfortable with my body and didn't want anybody to see me naked. When I started to date him, I wasn't ready to sleep with him and he respected that. He actually waited a whole year for me to finally be ready to have sex. I think that was another reason why even though it was clear he was not a good boyfriend, I stood with him. I always remembered that he promised to be patient and wait and not force me and he kept his word. After our first breakup, I was in that angry stage of "I hate all men", then soon enough I went to the "I don't hate men, but I don't have time to date either" I concentrated in study and work. Then, when I got back together with him, at first we'd had sex all the time, because despite the fact that I took care of my own pleasure during my time alone, I enjoyed to be intimate with another person that I cared about. But soon enough, things started to go South for us, and we barely had sex or was boring sex and I did most of the work. On one occasion, after a month of not doing it because he was working in his latest album, I put on a sexy lingerie and try to seduce him and he completely ignored me, like I wasn't even there. That broke me. By that point, I was already having body issues again, but that finally got to me and, until I met you, never again felt confident with my body or felt sexy. Knowing that a man like you was interested on me, made me feel great and then my confident side came back to me. - you explain, smiling at him. He kissed your hand again. - You know, I used to like him. I've met him twice and seemed like a nice guy. Now, I kind of want to punch him for hurting you. - He didn't do it un purpose, though. I know, so typical of me to deffend him, but that's true. I've known him for a long time. We were friends before and went through difficult times together until one day our friendship turned into something else. But now, I think those hard times we went through and that we've been surporting each other is the reason why he wanted to be with me. Why everytime we fought and I said that I was leaving he'd beg me to stay... because he knew that not matter what, he could count on me to be there for him. He clearly lost all the love and desire that he once felt for me, on the last period of our relationship I was just his support system; the one person he could count to help him when he need it. He's not a bad guy, but he was selfish. He concentrated on his needs and did not think on what I need it or what was the best for me. When I was diagnosed with major depression last year and was on those periods in which I would cry for entire days, for the first time in our entire relationship, he cancel a few plans to stay with me and hold me while I cried. But he didn't do it for love, no; he did it because he felt guilty. At that moment, he realized that he probably should have let me go, but he couldn't do that. As much as he'd love to have his single life back, he wanted me to be there for him, but he also knew that as soon as I walked out of the door, he would never see me again. So he kept me, unhappy and miserable until I finally realized myself from that toxic life I was living. - you finished and looked at your boyfriend's eyes. Henry was stroking your face and your hair. He looked worried and sad for hearing all you went through. - Your ex girlfriends were lucky. - you told him smiling - They had you. - I'm not perfect. I made mistakes as well, but I always try to look after their needs as well as mine. - That sounds like perfect to me. Perfection is not about not making mistakes, but recognize that you make them and try to correct them. Is not bad to look after your needs, we all need that, it's part of loving yourself, but, in a relationship, you have to care for your partner's needs as well. So yeah, you're the perfect boyfriend.- you assured him and he smiled. - I've seen photos of them and I must admit they're pretty, at least base on looks. The blonde one, Tara, if it wasn't weird, I'd totally high-five you for getting that chick. Even I must admit that she's hot. Although, I'm hotter than her.- you smile devilishly. - One houndred percent, baby. - he agreed. - They must have been really special to you. All of them. I saw the pictures. You'd take them with you to premieres and be by their sides, looking at them with proud. You'd post pictures or videos of them, and even if you're not longer together, you never deleted those things. That proved that they were special to you. I'm really jealous of them. - you admited - Not jealous because they were with you, like I said before, I know you have your past and that's ok, the important is that you're mine now. I'm jealous because I would have loved to be with someone that did those things for me. I'd had been great if my ex took me with him to an event or came with me to one of my premieres or award shows. Or took my hand in public. When I won my last two Oscars, he was there, but he didn't sat with me. I had to hug a friend to celebrate the fact that I won. You didn't get mad at them and ignored them for suggesting going out and getting caught by paparazzi. You would not tell them that you could spend time with them or have sex due to the lack of time and the hang out with your friends and former lovers instead. Why I could not have their luck once? Just once I'd love to know how it feels to be with someone who would proudly walk with me, go out with me or take me to places, happy to know that I'm by his side. Just one time I'd like to know who it feels not to be scared that your partner is going to be mad if someone for being seen together or acted as if he'd ashame and embarrased if people knew we're together, as if he could do so much better than you... just once I'd like to know how that feels. - you said and could not stop the tears. The tears covered your eyes and cheeks. The lump in your throat hurt badly. Henry grabbed your shoulders and pulled you closer, making you rest your head on his chest as he stroked your face and hair. He knew that you needed to let go of your tears in order to feel better. He promesed you would heal. He'd make sure that your future is bright and full of smiles instead of tears.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
HC Modern AU: Uesugi-Takeda force in Quarantine
Hey, there loves! So here is the other half of our lovable warlords spending time in quarantine! Hope yall enjoy it! and I hope everyone is staying safe!^o^ Also just side note i’ll start back up with writing everyones matchups on Monday! <3
The two of you were sitting together playing videogames when the news broke
Yuki got a text from Sasuke saying he should check the news!
You finished your game before switching over to the tv mode; on your flatscreen.
OOOOH shit, Yukimura low key freaks out and thinks this is the start of the zombie apocalypse (maybe you shouldn’t have introduced him to black ops zombie mode)
“hey, dummy, we better hit the shops before they get cleared out.”
Is shook when he arrives at the shop, and all the shelves are empty, like WTF
The two of you spend most of your time together, snuggled on the couch playing videogames, or watching YouTube videos.
Yukimura is a definite fitness fanatic so he spent a good 10 minutes pouting when he got a notification on his phone saying all gyms would be closed
That okay, at least I can go jogging around the……………*TV playing in the background* “during the lockdown period all jogging, running, walking dogs and cycling is forbidden, and anyone found outside on foot will be locked up.”
Cue Yuki low key having a small breakdown about losing his gains. You kiss his forehead and put on your favorite YouTube fitness video
“Just cause the gym is closed doesn’t mean you can work out, dummy.”
The two of you will often do some small exercises in the garden together to soak in that vitamin D and keep fit!
Yuki will spend half his time phoning Shingen pestering him about his health
You usually drag Yuki to the coach and big spoon cuddle him while you run your fingers through his hair. He can’t help but worry about all his friends. You wrap your arms around him and bring him out of his panicked state. When he calms down, he switches with you and now gently holds you, nuzzling into your neck, leaving a few small kisses. “Dummy, I’m supposed to be the one reassuring you that everything is okay.”
The two of you are cuddling surrounded by your army of fluffy bunnies when you see the news about the virus break
“some guy named Corona is waging war against the world? Never fear love, I will kill anything that tries to lay a finger on you.”
Explains to Kenshin, that it’s a virus and an invisible enemy
“I don’t care if it’s a biological war or a physical one, I’m gonna kill it.”
You giggle while snuggling closer to Kenshin, “silly bunny lord.”
Kenshin makes sure that the two of you are stocked up for the long hall.
He low key bought all the alcohol in the liquor stores, as well as all the plumps he could get his hands-on.
Came back, followed by a few more stray rabbits, guess we will just have to make them part of the family.
The two of you spend your time together playing all sorts of random board games, mainly strategy based ones to soothe his need to fight.
Connect to Yuki and the other via Call of Duty Black ops server. The two of you troll everyone of your friends for laughs. Also, if Kenshin can’t kill people in real life anymore, then killing people over a game is the next best thing
The two of you love cooking together, Kenshin will make his picked plums, and you will make some nutritious food for the two of you, cause you definitely can't live off of just pickled plums
It's no secret that the two of you love to cuddle up to each other, surrounded by your sweet little bun buns. Your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling anxious about the whole state of the world is to, lie together in your hammock. You usually rest your head on his chest while he soothingly pulls his fingers through your hair. The lulls you into a relaxing sleep while protecting you from all the dangers of the world seen or unseen
The second the news breaks you are beyond freaked out; you look up at Shingen with so much worry and fear in your eyes
This is a deadly virus for those with a compromised immune system and Shingen fits that description perfectly.
You make a point of it to do as much research as possible to make sure you are prepared for anything and everything
He juts smile at his worried little goddess, saying that if his beloved angel is at his side protecting him, then nothing will be able to harm him
You insist on doing the grocery and supply runs; you are sure to buy a year’s supply worth of alcohol and sweets.
Awww dang all the liquor stores are sold out! This must be Kenshin’s doing. DARN THAT GOD OF WAR. Well at least you have your and Shingen’s precious candy
You buy sooo, many gloves, hand sanitizers, and masks.
Sasuke is kind enough to organize Shingen his very own oxygen machine and bring the two of your some multivitamins to help fend off any threat
Loves to watch movies together on the couch. Shingen will spontaneously get up when the music starts to play from the musical that you are watching. He will grab your hand and pull you up, while positioning his hand around your waist. He will then turn your lounge into a makeshift dance floor for the whole duration of the song.
You guys love to do carpentry together. Often the two of you can be found in the garage making random things. You would make birdhouses and feeders, and Shingen would make furniture for your house.
The two of you also, connect to the Black ops server with all your friends to find out how everyone is. Shingen gets scolded for 20min over the game by Yuki for not answering the phone every time he calls. Scolds him, even more, when he hears Shingen munching on sweets. The two of you just laugh at the young man while continuing to stuff your faces with sugar
You can’t help but be worried about Shingen's health! You watch him closely and make sure he takes his vitamins and meds to keep his health up. 
Of course, Shingen will see you be a bit anxious and pepper your face with kisses. “The only medicine I need is the healing kiss of my goddess.”
He will then start to tickle you so that he can see that beautiful smile back on your face. He really loves that dazzling smile of yours.
The two of you can often be found curled up together on the bed while Shingen rubs soothing circles on your back, whispering reassuring words in your ears.
This friendly neighborhood ninja knew what was up long before the news broke, he had heard some rumors from his fellow professors at the university
He makes sure to have your shared apartment adequately stocked up of the event.
Sasuke bought the two of you matching black masks. To lighten the mood, the two of you put on the masks and any black clothes you could find and start playing ninja hide and seek.
Sasuke wins after you spent 20 minutes looking for him with no luck of finding him. He appeared out from the shadow of the curtains, snaked his arms around your waist, and pulled you to him while kissing peppering your hair, neck, and cheeks with small little kisses. You could help but giggle at your sweet, lovable ninja
The two of you spent most of your time playing board games, videogames and doing random science experiments for fun.
Cause Sasuke is a university professor busy with his Ph.D., he spends most of his time researching and writing. You loved spending time with him while he would sit on the bed, typing up his dissertation. You would cuddle up next to him and read. He would occasionally drop a small kiss on the top of your head as a silent thank you for supporting him and keeping him company.
You and Sasuke loved to you play videogames with your friends; it helps soothe both your anxiety to hear the sound of their voices over the speakers of your tv. Both of you couldn’t help but laugh at your caring friend scolding Shingen over the mic for everyone to hear
You and Sasuke loved to go outside at night, spread your softest fluffiest blanket on the grass and lie together while looking up at the night sky. You were shocked that the sight of the sky. You hadn’t seen such a clear night sky since being back in the past. You could see an ocean of bright beautiful stars. Sasuke told you it was due to the atmosphere not being as polluted as it usually is due to everyone being forced to stay at home. You couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia
Both of you could often be found cuddled up together under the night sky, savoring the bright new sky that the two of you had not seen in a long while.
When the news broke the two of you were shook, you did a bunch of research to see precisely what this virus is and how to minimize the risk of getting infected.
You guys would watch the news every morning to keep up to date with the happenings
Kennyo immediately called all his friends to make sure they were staying safe and well; he especially called Shingen to make his old friend was doing okay with his compromised immune system
Kennyo went on the food run cause he couldn’t bear the thought of having his beloved exposed to the risk of the outside world
He came back from the shopping run with both his arms full of stray cats.
This sofi boy couldn’t help but rescue the poor cats from the streets.
Both of you spend the afternoon building each cat its own little new bed while also naming each new members of your family. You guys spend hours together playing with the cats.
The two of you would make up hampers with blankets, masks, vitamins, and food. Kennyo will always be a soft monk at heart and can’t help but want to give back to his community. 
The two of you drive around for hours and deliver these hampers to the less fortunate.
Kennyo was sad that the church had been closed, especially being this close to Easter.
You discovered that many priests actually filmed their own YouTube videos online, which the two of you now watch together.
Even during the time of the virus, your spirits are still lifted, the two of you love celebrating Easter, so you have made it your personal mission to gather up all the art supplies in your house and make Easter decorations. The two of you even painted all the rocks in your garden to look like colorful Easter eggs.
Kennyo knows that you still have a bit of anxiety regarding the virus and the mass panic of the world. So, he will build a little blanket and pillow fort with you. Once the fort is built, he will pull you down to rest your head on his lap while he gently pulls his fingers through the long strands of your hair. The two of you spend hours in the little fort you built yourselves just chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Kennyo will occasionally bend down and surprise you with a kiss on the nose when he sees the small crease from between your eyebrows from your overthinking mind
I hope ya guys enjoy it! And are staying safe and well! don't forget to wash your hands and stay fit and healthy during this time!
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short-wooloo · 5 years
No, RWBY is not Game of Thrones now
I just...
I can’t even...
How do you...
What the fuck?
Now in response to Clover’s death, I’ve seen some people claiming that because of this RWBY is now or is becoming Game of Thrones.
Why?  What is it that makes RWBY now GoT?  The fact that a character died because that’s one of the things people remember Game of Thrones for?  Hate to break it to ya, but this is not the first time a character has died, and for that matter RWBY still is restrained with character deaths, Clover being somewhere between the 10th-13th death of a named character,  and on top of that most of the confirmed deaths in RWBY have happened near the end of a Volume, as does Clover’s, and the deaths that don’t occur near the end are typically minor characters only introduced just recently (Forest, that Hunter RNJR met in the village in Vol 4), compared to GoT, where at its height (seasons 2-5) characters would die at any point in a season, RWBY saves its important deaths for the end,
Do people think that this is bad writing like the final seasons of GoT?  That Clover’s death was solely for shock value?  I fail to see how it is, when something is done for shock value it is typically out of nowhere or something the audience could not see coming, done only for the purpose of shocking the audience, and so I ask, is it really “shocking” that a character who is a 5th member of a team (in a show that emphasizes teams of 4), who has a good luck based superpower-which is some major red flags, especially when you consider that despite Qrow having a bad luck power it has not yet proven fatal to himself, was stabbed in the back by a deranged serial killer?
Speaking of Tyrian, I think part of what made the kill so “shocking” is that in spite of all the hyping up he’s gotten, this is the first time Tyrian has killed a relevant character, especially when you compare him to our other violent, maniac, psychopath, Adam, who has been shown making a few kills (mostly of no-name goons, but also Sienna) and has permanently maimed one of the main characters, that and I think that a lot of people did not take Tyrian as seriously compared to Adam, as I said, they’re both violent psychotic, maniacs, but they’re madness is displayed differently, Adam’s is show through unfocused impotent rage and tantrums, whereas Tyrian’s is decidedly “goofy” (the guy took a minute during his escape to put a hat on), it may not be the intention, but this behavior coupled with a lack of clear body count/permanent impact on the main characters, could have caused viewers to not take him as seriously as they should have, forgetting that he is a deranged, fanatical serial killer, and what else would he do in a fight where he had an opening for a fatal blow?
Now some people might see the “team-up” between Qrow and Tyrian as “bad writing” or being out of character, and I supposed it would be...  If it was a team-up
Other’s have pointed this out better than I will now, but Qrow hardly teams up with Tyrian, rather he keeps attacking him, but the issue is from Clover, who keeps going for Qrow instead of the on-the-loose serial killer, thus forcing Qrow not to fight with Tyrian, but to fight an enemy Tyrian is also fighting, and as can be seen in the fight, Tyrian is manipulating the fight by throwing/pushing Qrow into Clover
Speaking of, Clover acted completely in-character during all of this, nothing previously indicated that he would side against Ironwood, Clover has always followed his orders and never questioned them regardless of whether they’re right or how he may feel about them, that’s not what the ACE-OPs do, and he is the leader and best of them so why would he?  Why would Ironwood choose someone who questions/goes against orders as leader his elite team when Ironwood has shown that he values loyalty and obedience?  Clover arrested RWBYJNROQ for being hunters without licenses (even though the adult responsible for them did) when all they did was protect people from Grimm, and was completely silent and compliant with ideas such as arresting Robyn and declaring martial law, and in the case of fighting Qrow, he had orders to arrest him, Clover doesn’t question orders regardless of how he feels, and this was a new order compared to be ordered to apprehend Tyrian, who was already arrested when the fight began, and Tyrian had only really hurt Mantle, which Clover had been ordered to abandon so I doubt it really mattered to him whether Tyrian was caught compared to Qrow who could threaten Atlas (Ironwood), and as his Amity Arena card says his loyalty is to Atlas, and as is clear by Ironwood and his chosen elite Mantle ranges from an annoyance to not mattering to them
Lastly we have Queerbaiting and Bury Your Gays, and other’s explain it better and I’m tired so lets speedrun this:
Neither is the case
Y’all just convinced yourself that Clover was Gay and that Fairgame was the endgame
Queerbaiting is marketing/teasing LGBTQ+ content/characters then pulling the rug out and saying PSYCH!  Clover was not marketed as LGBTQ+, you headcanoned him as such
Bury Your Gays is reducing/removing gay characters from a narrative, Clover is not confirmed to be Gay, Bi, etc, (yes, yes, I know some animators showed support for Fairgame, but animator’s do not determine the story) he certainly has a connection with Qrow but its not clear if its a friendship or a romantic one, it certainly could have grown to be romantic if given more time, but we’ll never know, and even if he was gay this would not be BYG because there are still plenty of LGBTQ+ characters and growing in RWBY, being gay does not give you invincibility, having a character be immune from harm because they’re gay is just as bad as killing off characters because they’re gay
On that note I’ll say this, even if they were romantic, or built-up to be, Clover still dies, because he still prioritizes following orders and ignored the psychopath he should have been fighting, sorry if I’m speaking ill of the dead here, but most of Clover’s death was his own fault
Here’s a little something about build-up, just because you have it doesn’t mean there will be pay-off, fiction has taught us that all build-up needs to have payoff, but that’s not how thing are, not everything gets a conclusion, romantic build-up can be cut short, people can die or lose interest in one another, maybe build-up with one person is a part of them realizing they’re interest in someone else, building-up to that
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sorabeebb · 4 years
After reading a lot of fics and imagines, I decided to write and post something about my Oc and Reno during the events of Before Crisis 😊
Hope you like it! And I’m sorry if Reno is out of character and if there’re mistakes, english isn’t my first language.
Pairing: Reno x Oc (Neila)
Warnings: swearing, blood,torture, mentions of dead.
Word count : 3024
The deafening sound that was being made by the chopper’s propeller didn’t give a chance to strike up a conversation. The long ride to the proximities of Nibelheim was spent in complete silence between the two Turks and the SOLDIER. It wasn’t uncommon during war times that the brute-strength from SOLDIER and the slyly approach, a Turk’s trait, were paired up when required. Although the built-up rivalry between the two sections could be almost touched. 
Tseng ,on one of the two pilot seats, never took part in these meaningless arguments. He thought both divides had their purposes to benefit Shinra interests. The Turks were more suitable for works which didn’t need a straight strike like  SOLDIERs were. Of course they had to deal with more or less undesirable tasks but Turks were more refined than that. 
However Reno at his left, on the other pilot seat was everything a Turk shouldn’t be. He had got a big mouth, usually tried to pick up fights with SOLDIERs, with obnoxious ways of doing missions but he was good accomplishing them nevertheless. Tseng had to give that to him. 
On the other hand was Neila, a second-class SOLDIER,  at the back of the chopper. Tseng had scouted her some years prior in Junon, dragging her out of that fortified  town straight to the SOLDIER tests. He had seen potential into that teenage girl, which soon was proved. She had a way with magic and an extraordinary stamina. Perhaps she didn’t demonstrate a powerful brute force or strength as most SOLDIERs did, but in reality she had got it after all those mako baths and trainings. Neila had trained her ass to where she was standing.
The ride could have been worse if the airscrew hadn’t plunged the snarky remarks of Reno about the unnecessary presence of a SOLDIER around. 
Tseng just became lost into some mission reports or files just after Reno had taken the helicopter off, , whilst Neila had brought some book with her to read at the back seats calmly.  
After almost six hours of riding, Tseng took control of the chopper. “The last sighting of Hideki was of him heading to the mountains. Some trail must have been left behind. Find him and recover the files he has stolen. Then put them back into the Shinra Manor” He repeated the main parts of their mission.. 
“Gotcha.” Reno confirmed, stepping to the doors, while Neila gave just a nod as acknowledge.
“Don’t get yourselves into fights. Discretion, Reno!” Tseng called the red-haired Turk out.” is a must.” He still didn’t understand why Veld had chosen him for this mission. Other Turks would have been more suitable for this task, but Veld suspected Avalanche had something to do with it. Furthermore, the stolen goods were important classified op about secret experiments, which had been made years ago. He guessed the third in command Turk was the best option at his boss’ eyes. 
Tseng would retreat to Rocket Town, something about another mission of his, where he would wait till Reno notified him theirs was complete.
Jumping off, Reno and Neila fell over the rocky floor. Fresh and clean air filled their nostrils rapidly. They had landed far from the village, in the mountain chains surrounding it. 
Neila tensed up the same moment her feet touched the field. An odd grieving feeling started to overwhelm her, with a rhythmic pounding, beating softly at the sides of her head. She assumed the lack of rest was the reason behind it.    
A sour grimace appeared upon Reno’s face. He hated the countryside with all of his being. He had grown up in the slums, used to the mako steam filling the air, and although he was the first one to say the slums were garbage, Midgar felt like home, and all that rural areas with its nature and clean air sickened him. 
“ Let’s finish this fucking shit as soon as possible “ Reno said, pocketing out a cigarette, and lighting it up. Both of them strode up the hills, scouting the fields for any signs of Hideki. 
“You know smoking is bad for your health, right?” Neila spoke once she kneeled down before some footsteps. The headache fading away with each step they took farther.
“ And what?” He retorted after her irritated. She had seen him smoking several times before, often hanging out after a long day at work. What has gotten into her now?  
“ Nothing, just that is bad, I doubt Veld approves his Turks ruining their health. “ She turned her head to look at him. 
“ Lucky for you,  Veld doesn’t have a say about it.” He puffed on his cigar slowly, as a silent challenge. 
“ It’s a bad addiction. Just saying.” She wasn’t that fond of  his harsh attitude, which intimidated and annoyed her. 
“ There are worse addictions. I’ll die first working than from smoking, sweetheart. But your concern touched me.” Sarcasm in his voice, irritating Neila more. “Besides, you’re one to talk.” A SOLDIER trying to lecture him about bad addictions. He felt the urge of laughing at the occurrence. 
“ Suit yourself then.” She gave up about having a civilised conversation with the Turk. “ These footsteps… Hideki must have climbed up to the top. What do you think?” 
Reno kneeled besides her frame,invading her personal space and inspecting the trail. “ What a dimwit.” His cerulean eyes following the tracks ahead them. 
“ Excuse me?” Neila frowned at his words, and stood up on her feet again, glaring at him amazed.  The warmth his figure let off had felt so good against her bare arms.
Reno started to stride up the path, leaving her behind. “ If he’s gonna steal from Shinra, at least he could have tried not to let a sloppy trail of footsteps. Not that I’m complaining though.” He wasn’t, he rather wanted to be back in Midgar soon, but he also liked some type of challenge, not something this… simple. 
“ If you say so… Well,this way we’ll finish the mission in a record time.” 
“ Don’t get your hopes up, sweetheart. These mountains are full of monsters who have been living between mako residues for years. It will be a miracle if Hideki has not been devoured by those freaks yet. “ 
“ That’s why I’ve been deployed too? Because there are mako-contaminated monsters roaming around?” Neila guessed.
Reno didn’t answer her, and just keep on going up to the peak of the mountain, following Hideki’s clues. 
“ Now that I think about it. Does Hideki have anything to do with Wutai?” Neila asked again with curiosity. Brilliant mako eyes searching for the named man around the caves and boulders in their path. 
“ If I tell ya, I’ll have to kill ya.” A cocky smirk curled up his lips, shooting a side glare to the SOLDIER, while he threw the cigarette and stepped on it.  
“ You wouldn’t, not that you could anyway.” A loud laugh burst from him, who bent forward slightly, pulling a hand on his chest. “ What’s so funny?” 
“ Oh, sweetheart, I would, but not before enjoying other things first.” He sent a playful wink towards her, hidden intentions not that well hidden. The attraction between them wasn’t a secret though. 
“ In your dreams Reno.” Neila answered back, folding her arms and rolling her eyes. 
“ Have already done that yo.” Playfulness splattered upon all his features, and enjoying the blushing and embarrassment creeping Neila up. 
They were reaching the top without any unpleasant encounters, yet. Maybe Reno was right,and Hideki had already been eaten up. 
“ I know you’re joking, cut it off.” She ended the talk, ashamed. She would be lying if she said she didn’t think about it before. Even if Reno was insufferable most of the time, he still was attractive with his flashy red hair, blue eyes and those red marks, and without saying his strange selection of customized uniform. And his personality was tempting too, although it pushed her buttons too many times. 
“Oh? You are ashamed now? A strong SOLDIER like you? “ He carried his ironic remarks on, making her still more uncomfortable. 
“ I’m gonna make you swallow that rod of yours unless you shut up.” He was driving her up the wall. 
“ I would like to see ya trying to do it. “ The joking end up abruptly when a cry out for help crossed the air. Both of them ran up the last steps till the top, being welcomed by a hideous scene. 
There was their target, surrounded by a group of what looked like a four mutated praying mantis. Mako influence for sure. A leg and an arm had been ripped off from his body, blood gathering on the rocky land beside him. 
The bugs must have come across the man shortly before them. Unless they finished the monsters off, Hideki would be eaten and no options of getting information from him would be possible. 
Jumping out to action, Reno took his electric rod out, and Neila her sword. Although the mantis weren’t that many, the mako running through their organisms, made them stronger, and a  pain in the ass. 
If Neila remembered right from previous encounters, Mantis’ weak point was ice magic. “ Reno, back off!” She yelled out, while she gently caressed the green materia placed inside her left bracelet’s gauge.
The Turk was about to retort at her, but with his characteristic speed, he retreated back after noticing her intentions. 
The ice magic flew straight across the battlefield, hitting and freezing three of them. 
Now getting rid of the mantis should be a piece of cake.  With three frozen-up, the remaining  one didn’t stand a single chance. 
Lightning trails were drawn around the frozen monsters, followed by unpleasant cries in pain, which would have caused your ears to start bleeding.In the blink of an eye, Reno had wipe those things out with just one strike. 
“Man, I hate the bug-type monsters, I really do.” Neila murmured after taking care of the last one at Hideki’s foot. Her standard SOLDIER sword deeply impaled in its thorax, and some type of purplish blood splashed on her uniform.  
“ Well now, now… What do we have here?” Reno walked slowly, watching the almost limbless man laying down in agony. The facade he had showed previously around her, was replaced by a sadistic and cruel one, sending goosebumps down her spine. 
The SOLDIER wasn’t unaware of the inhuman things the Turks did, but she had never got the opportunity to witness one yet. 
Realization shone in the dark eyes of Hideki. “ A-a Turk!” stuttering, he dragged himself as far as he was able from Reno. “ Please! I didn’t do anything!” 
“ Of course you would say that, wouldn’t ya?”  Reno stepped onto Hideki’s stomach, pinning him down with force, not letting him more room to scape, or keep dragging on. “Now about the files you’ve stolen...Do you still have them on you or did you already give them away?
“ Reno, he’s lost too much blood. He won't…” Neila tried to say watching carefully the blood ponds. 
“ Please have mercy! I didn’t give nothing away! “ The man yelled, air leaving his lungs in short breaths. He didn’t have much time left. 
“Oh? So you still have them. “ Reno checked inside Hideki’s backpack, finding some type of old books and folders. “Who’s your contact?” 
Neila was speechless with the scene in front of her. Their target was crying and shouting due to an unbearable pain, his blood still blooming from his open cuts and lost limbs. And Reno was interrogating him not caring about his poor and bloody status. 
She had also done unnamed acts in her missions during the war time, but her work never consisted in torturing like this. 
“I don’t have a contact!” 
Reno chuckled before positioning his electric rod upon the man’s throat, as a silent threat. “ I’ll ask again idiot. Who’s your contact?” 
“Please!” an electric wave went across the injured body, more screams of pain could be heard, but soon were vanished amongst the rocky walls of the tallest mountains.
“Did ya change your mind? Or should I keep playing with you? Long time I don’t electrocute someone, I’ll be sure of making the most of it.” The Turk was smiling pleased with the sight of the man shouting. 
“Fujito! It’s Fujito!” Hideki answered. Fear could be read on his face. 
“Where?”  Reno pressed more the bar against his skin. 
“In the nearness of Wutai! Please I don’t know more, let me go!” 
A sigh escaped Reno’s mouth while he was dialing Tseng, who picked up instantly. He told Tseng all the information obtained, and after a brief minutes and a nod, Reno pocketed back his phone. 
Tseng must have given him directions.
“ Not that you would be able to reach that far… “ With a last look at Hideki, Reno stepped off of him, and walked back down the slope. “Come on sweetheart, we still have work to finish with. “ A gesture with his left hand told her it was the time to continue. 
Neila ran behind him, words caught in her throat, unable to bring them up. Some things couldn’t be approved, but work was work, and they had to do it. 
The flirtatious and cocky facade had been back on Reno’s face during the long rambling to Nibelheim. Several encounters with monsters slowed their descent.  Even though the mission had started rather earlier in the morning, when the sun hadn’t risen down yet, it was almost nightfall when they reached the village.
“ I guess we’ll have to leave things for today, don’t ya think?” 
“ Probably.” The headache had returned with every step they took. Not that it wouldn’t let her fight or keep with the mission, but it was getting tiresome now.
“I’ll notify Tseng, go ahead babe.” Reno stood outside the inn while Neila entered to ask for the room keys. The owner would be kinder to her in her second class SOLDIER uniform than to Reno with his characteristic and recognisable black suit.  
“ It was about time a SOLDIER was sent here to clean up the surroundings crawling with beasts.” The owner greeted her with a smile. 
“ Yeah, well… “ Shyness taking the best of her. She was awful at talking with strangers. 
“ Shinra booked two chambers, I guess those are yours. “ Veld must have taken care of it. The girl nodded, uncomfortable. “ Here you are. If you’re gonna clean the place, you’re gonna need a place to rest.” the keys were put on the wooden counter. 
“Thank you.” Taking the keys, she was ready to head up to the chambers, but Reno shuffled himself inside the inn, greeting the owner, whose face changed to a grimace of disgust.   
The Turks weren’t well welcomed here either. 
“ I’m exhausted sweetheart, we should go to bed. “ his arm over her shoulders, guiding her upstairs. 
“ Your key.” Neila offered the object to Reno. “ And please, hands off of me.” 
“ You’re hurting me.” A false expression of pain crossed Reno face, while he grab the key, but still refused to let her go. “ Acting all tough as if you don’t want it.” mockery present in his tone. 
“ That’s because…” 
“Don’t you dare lying to me. I’m not blind, nor I’m a fool. We’ve been toying with each other for a while.” He cut her off after a chuckle. Reno was starting to get tired of this shit. Fooling around was okay for a bit, but not for that long.  
“ And? You’ve got a problem with it?” swallowing the shyness, she was able to answer him. She wasn’t used to flirting , let alone a straightforward confrontation like this. For Bahamut, she had never had anything with anyone. When she was still a teenager Tseng had brought  her along to Midgar as a SOLDIER candidate. All of that romantic stuff was new for her. 
“ Don’t ya think it’s enough?” Reno had dragged her in front of him,holding her still with his hands on her shoulders, and leaned forward, blue eyes focused on hers. 
“ I doubt the corridor is the best place to discuss anything Reno.” tearing apart her gaze to the side.
“ You’re a tease.”  Reno might have been a sadistic, and might have done inexcusable things during his career, but forcing a woman was out of the question. There were some boundaries that couldn’t be crossed. 
“ It’s just that… I’ve never…” She whispered, ashamed. 
“ Ya know that I know, don’t ya?”  He had thought she wouldn’t have been that idiot to believe  that he hadn’t caught that she was inexperienced. He was a Turk for Bahamut's shake, he had been trained to pick up into people’s traits. Besides, her clumsy acts and nervous reactions at his flirting, demonstrated her innocence, anyone with two eyes would have caught it in a jiffy.    
The surprise in her features said otherwise. He let out an exasperated sigh, and released her shoulders, letting her free of his grip.It wasn’t that he was going to give up, but until she had made up her mind, he wouldn’t make a move “ It’s late and we still have a long day tomorrow. A comfy bed is waiting for us so… see ya tomorrow’s morning sweetheart. “ Giving her one of his signature smiles and shuffled to his assigned chamber.
Neila bit her lip, thoughts racing across her mind, but walked behind him and tugged his clothed arm, turning him to face her. 
His mouth slightly opened of surprise at the sudden movement she had done. This time Neila was the one leaning forward to him, her eyes sparkling with resolution.
Well, it looked like she had already made her mind up. In the blink of an eye, Reno shortened the distance till their lips meet into a sweet and naive kiss briefly.
 Once they broke apart, the smug smirk made its way back to Reno’s lips. “ See? It wasn’t that difficult.” 
“ You can’t have you mouth shut, can you?” blush drawing onto her cheeks, but her eyes were glittering more than normal. 
Reno let out a laugh, and bit his tongue to avoid saying a snarky remark before leaning down to meet her lips back again, this time into a more passionate and long kiss. After all, they’ve been playing around for weeks, it was about time.    
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aaronhart93 · 4 years
after work || zara & aaron
Discord text thread featuring: Aaron & @x-heartbreaker​​
When: early morning March 11, 2020
Mentions: -​
Description: Aaron takes Zara home after he finds her getting attacked outside of work
Trigger Warnings: injuries, assault, stalker/pervy dude
In the early morning hours, Zara’s shift is finally over. She’s been back and forth between serving in the vip section and bar tending, depending on what’s available on any given day, she picks up as many shifts as humanly possible. That leaves her tired but she continues to push through it. Tonight in the vip section, Ryan is present, just like most nights she’s working there. He’s not someone Zara would have looked twice at but she learned his name early on, as part of the customer experience really, she learned it made her better tips. It’s another night of turning down his advances but smiling through it like the trooper she is. When she cleans up her section and closes down for the night, she’s relieved that she isn’t required to smile anymore and she heads down to wait for her cab home. That’s when he appears again, offering her a ride home, which she politely declines. Before she can even turn her attention back to the street, her body is nearly thrown against the side brick wall of the building in the alleyway between the club and the building next door. The impact of her back hitting the wall and of his body pressing into hers knocks the breath out of her. When she regains her senses her hands are pinned above her head and all she can smell is the alcohol of his breath while his mouth is on her neck. Why isn’t her adrenaline kicking in, it’s like she’s frozen. His other hand his unbuttoning his pants but Zara is busy turning her head away to avoid his mouth getting anywhere near hers. “Get off of me!”
Aaron wasn’t typically at his bars like this so late. He had people for that, and he was already busy enough during the week. He needed to sleep at some point. There were a lot of assumptions about Aaron — some true, some not so true. But no one could say that he didn’t work hard. Tonight, he was entertaining some high profile people and wanted to make sure that everything went smoothly. He introduced himself, and even had a couple of drinks with the group. On the house, of course. Aaron knew that if he charmed the pants off of these people that it would be great for business. When the group finally left, Aaron decided to make his exit and head home to his kid and partners. He looked at the time. It was 4am and he certainly wasn’t sober enough to get in his car and drive himself back to the pent. He needed to just stop driving in the city in general...but he just loved his car. He called for his car service as he made his way out of the back entrance. He shoved his hands in his designer coat then heard someone scream. He turned towards the back alley when he saw one of his staff members being attacked by a patron. “Shit.” He mumbled to himself before making a split second decision to run up to the pair to pull the male off of Zara. He grabbed his clothing by the shoulder and socked him in the face which made him fall to the ground. “Fuck. Are you okay?”
There isn’t much that surprises Zara these days, not after what she’s been through in the foster system, but somehow this has caught her off guard. She never would have expected that this guy would even have enough balls to try something like this. Is that why somehow she couldn’t fight back? She was already looking for a reason to blame herself, as she always did. Soon the pressure of his body is a weight lifted off of hers and it’s only then that she’s able to try and catch her breath. The throbbing pain in the back of her head is kicking in and she knows there’s got to be some damage there from the force of it hitting the bricks but she isn’t prepared to feel it yet. Immediately she recognizes Aaron and is flooded with embarrassment. “I....” she can’t lie just yet and say that she’s fine but she also doesn’t want to speak not being fine into reality. “Thanks.”
his attention shifted from Zara to the man who was now rolling on the ground beneath him. Aaron delivered a kick to his stomach. Just for good measure. He didn’t really need to hit him again. He just wanted to make sure that he got the message. Don’t fuck with Aaron Hart and the people he cares about. Not to mention, the alcohol running through him made him think he was tougher than he actually was. He physically put himself in front of Zara and the man, who was a regular at the club and whom Aaron was sure never to allow back again. “You fucked up, man. Get lost.” He told him sternly, which must have prompted him to get up off onto his feet and scurry off. The businessman finally turned back to the woman. He wasn’t sure if he should touch her or what? Did she want a hug? A comforting hand on her shoulder? “What a dick.” Aaron looked at her nervously. She seemed....almost frozen. He took his jacket off and offered it to her, holding it out so that he could help her get into it. “Should we get you checked out? My driver can take us to the hospital.” He suggested.
this entire situation felt like more of an outer body experience than anything. it was almost like she was standing outside of her body and watching it happen without being able to stop it. she winced hearing the contact of Aaron's foot with the mans stomach, not that she didn't think it was deserved. And when he was eventually struggling to stand, the brunette still clenched her eyes shut almost just waiting for what could possibly come next. Thankfully it was retreating footsteps. Eventually she opened her eyes again, reminding herself to breathe. "im sorry i didn't mean to cause a scene." it took her a moment but she slid the jacket over her shoulders, the fact that she was physically shaking not even apparent in her mind. "ill be fine" hospital bills were not something she could even think about right now. "are you ok?"
Aaron was genuinely confused as to how and why Zara thought that she needed to apologize. She was the one being attacked after all. If anything, Aaron should have been sorry for not having some established safety precautions for the staff members getting out of work extra late. He’d need to work on that. It was number one on his to do list this upcoming week. “I’m fine.” He insisted, shaking his head. The adrenaline was actually still pumping through him. He wasn’t even cold without his coat. “And don’t be sorry. I promise that nothing like that is going to happen again. Okay?” He promised the other. He was confused as to why she didn’t want to go get checked out. Was it the money? Or did she not want to spend all night in the ER? “Can I are least call my doctor so he can talk to you to make sure you don’t need to be seen?” He suggested as he got a notification telling him that his ride was parked by the back door. “Let me take you home at least.” He practically pleaded with her.
The look on his face was telling her that she wasn't saying the right thing, but her mind felt like it was in so many places, yet blank all at once. She was lucky if she could even form a coherent sentence. Didn't she have mace in her purse just for this reason? Zara glanced down at her purse that was still zipped so that didn't do her any good, did it? Even though she was prepared, clearly she wasn't. And now that's boggling her mind. She didn't feel like herself. She could have done better, no doubt. She'd kicked plenty of ass in the past, what happened this time? Shaking her head she looked at him, she knew he was speaking but she hardly listened, so she just agreed when she heard the okay "okay." Reaching up she felt the back of her head, "it's just a bump." except that when she moved her hand, there was very clearly blood on her fingers that she wiped on the dark material of her black skirt. "okay. i guess i didn't have much luck getting a cab..."
"Okay." Aaron nodded once, relieved that she had at least agreed to let Aaron take her home. He was kicking himself for letting this happen to any employee. Maybe if he were paying better attention than this wouldn't have happened. The businessman lead Zara into the car, opening the door for her to let her crawl in first. Once he was in the car, he got on the phone with a doctor. That was the best thing about being rich - your staff was on call for you literally 24/7 because that's what they were paid to do. Zara's apartment wasn't far. Good thing because Aaron was getting nervous; she needed to get ice on the bump as soon as possible. "Do you want me to come up with you? Make sure you get settled okay." He asked, once the driver pulled over to the side. He didn't want to just assume, but he wanted to make sure that Zara got inside okay.February 27, 2021
ZaraBOT — 02/27/2021
shocked is still not an accurate depiction of what Zara felt. She’s mad at herself for not seeing this coming and not being more prepared. Why hadn’t she said anything sooner when she noticed this guy in almost every place she was, work and out of work.  The next thing on her mind was the fear that this might not be the last she saw of him. But beyond that once in the car she was glad to be sitting down, Zara didn’t realize her legs were shaking. On top of that her head was throbbing but before she knew it they were in front of her shabby apartment building. “If you want to, I’m sure I’ll be ok,” though her voice didn’t sound sure. She didn’t want to seem ungrateful for the help but her shithole apartment was also kind of an embarrassment. Her entire apartment could probably fit in his one bathroom.
The businessman was unsure how to respond to this. He was a guy, and she'd just been attacked by one. Should he have called one of her friends to get her or something? Aaron could see that Zara was visible upset and shaken up. Should he hold her? He was no equipped for this. The millionaire got out of the car and opened the door for her to let her out. "I could walk you up? I won't come in if you don't want me to...I just want to make sure you get up there okay." He suggested, putting a hand on her shoulder without even realizing it and guiding her slowly towards the front doors of her apartment building.
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