#also he was by all accounts a very stable and happy child and young adult. the shit didn't even start until he was 17
llycaons · 1 year
xl went through so much insane suffering, things like being stabbed until he barely resembles a human form and being locked in a coffin for literally a hundred years, but I think making him immortal and ever-healing and showing how much he learned from his experiences AND ending his story with so much closure and close relationships makes his tragedies a lot easier to bear than wwx's. like, emotionally
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sailordiavolo · 3 years
I'm curious, how do you think nero would react to meeting Alice, if she is his mom?
(very long post)
well, i may have to take a few liberties in answering this, so i shall establish some assumptions. 1) we assume alice is his mom (obvi) 2) we assume she is alive 3) we assume that she left him in fortuna as a way to protect him and 4) we assume that alice became a devil hunter. oh and 5) they meet post-canon, aka after the events of dmc5.
also, conclusions i draw from this will be somewhat based on how i would react, if put in these circumstances, i.e. if i were in nero’s shoes. i don’t know if that might make it strange or not, because sometimes i think i have abnormal reactions to emotional things happening.
another thing i would like to point out, is that as someone who hasn’t actually read the manga, my understanding of alice comes from second-hand accounts, and information i could glean from the wiki, and of a few panels i’ve seen. that being said, let’s get into this, shall we?
before covering nero’s reaction, i’ll touch on how i think alice might be as a person, or at least her feelings towards being a mother, and possibly towards nero himself. i’ll also talk about nero’s thoughts towards what he thinks his mother might be like, prior to finding out.
from what little i know about alice, she was a little girl who was used by arkham as a tool to lure out the sons of sparda. (i think if lady/mary hadn’t turned against him, that role would’ve went to her tbh). i think it’s safe to say she was groomed by arkham, who probably also put her up to seducing dante (and vergil too). it just gets worse the more you think about it, really. i think she was forced to (or made to feel like she needed to) grow up prematurely. the powers she has were probably given to her via some weird demonic ritual, (assuming she’s human). what i’m getting at here, is that she definitely has a lot of trauma from all this, all of which would affect how she’d react to having a baby.
i won’t go so far as to diagnose her, but some things i thought she might struggle with include intense self-hatred and very low self esteem, very quickly going from feelings of independence to codependency, intense trust issues especially with authority figures, nightmares or night terrors, vivid daydreaming as a coping mechanism, being prone to delusion, going from feeling emotionless to having too much emotions, and not wanting to be perceived versus wanting to be the centre of attention.
that’s a lot actually, but basically i imagine alice as an adult to be someone who has a lot of trauma to sift through and unpack, and not really knowing how to handle it most of the time, especially since she’s doing it all on her own. barely keeping it together, but powering through it simply because she has just enough reasons to keep living.
alice as a mother
i don’t think there’s any question that alice, had she been nero’s mother, would’ve loved him dearly. in fact, i think he would remain a strong reason for her to keep going. however, she keeps herself away from him. this is because she wants him to have something better, something safer than what she can give him. she doesn’t know how to be a mother really, especially given how young she was when she had him.
i think alice would actually feel unworthy of being in nero’s life, feeling guilty for abandoning him, despite these reasons. she has considered many times going to see him, especially when she’s older and a little more stable, but she can’t bring herself to do it. and then she mulls over all the things she struggles to do for herself, and uses that as a reason to justify in her mind why she shouldn’t be seeing him. it continues like that for a long time.
nero, on the other hand, has always longed for a mother. i don’t think this is any secret. when he was being bullied or was suffering as a child, he would fantasise about his mother, and how she would come to whisk him away. although it never happened, nero probably has a set image that he hopes his mother would be like. this may have been more specific when he was a child, but by the time he’s a more well-rounded adult with foster children of his own, he gains more perspective. i think the most important thing to him is that he had a mother who had loved him. a mother who would’ve taken him home, had she the resources. the idea of his mother discarding him really wounds him deep down, and i still don’t think he’s over it, even up to dmc5. that’s why the deadweight comment hit him so hard.
meeting each other
the first thing nero is going to be is overwhelmed, feeling all-too many emotions at once. if he ever met her, it would take him a long time to process it all completely. and it would be somewhat odd and awkward, too. alice doesn’t strike me as the most socially eloquent person. that and, alice doesn’t really come off as a mother. she certainly doesn’t dress like one. she doesn’t even seem that much older than nero, or so nero thinks. he just expected her to be older than that.
the first thing alice would feel the need to do is apologise. of course, she feels very emotionally raw & vulnerable in this situation, but she feels like she owes nero that much.
nero would start crying actually. like a baby. they both might. it would be very emotional for both of them and anyone else present. he would definitely warm up to alice a lot quicker than he did vergil.
nero of course, has so many questions for alice, who is at a point where she’s ready to answer them, i’d think. nero would ask all sorts of questions, like how she’s been living, etc. but he’d really wanna know about how she met vergil and how the hell that happened. alice sits with nero and tells him her story, maybe the first time she’s ever told it aloud to anyone in full. she asks about nero as well, sitting and catching up on all the years lost between them. being a foster father, nero is able to empathise with alice more as he listens.
i think they would bond very quickly after that. alice had been terrified that nero would spurn her, but he didn’t. alice has difficulty expressing emotions normally, and probably has her own way of expressing affection. but after meeting nero, she tries hard to make time to visit him.
if she were to become a devil hunter based in fortuna or something, i think she’d be very proud of nero, and nero would be totally amazed by alice’s strange powers.
also, i think nero wouldn’t know whether to call her mom or not. alice doesn’t know which she prefers either, but if nero does decide to call her mom, it secretly makes her happy.
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adventure-hearts · 4 years
Epilogue Celebration: “Couples”
The Epilogue is my favourite timeline for Sora x Yamato, so ofc I’m going to use this prompt as an excuse to talk about them. But how do you sum up a vision built on almost 20 years of headcanons and stories? Here is my modest attempt...
“State of The Art”
As of 2028, Sora and Yamato (40) have been together for around 10 years. The exact timeline of the relationship depends on which of them you ask; when they got back together at the end of the 2010s, they took a while to go from a no-strings-attached relationship to being an official couple. It took them even longer to decide to get married, since both were pretty wary of marriage. 
When, after a few years of dating, Yamato was assigned by JAXA to an astronaut training course in France, he asked Sora to come and live with him. Making things legal made immigration bureaucracy less complicated, so they just took the extra step and eloped. The only witnesses at their wedding were their Digimon partners (something Takeru cries over to this day)! They lived in France for a few years and had two kids, Hana (6) and Ren (3), who were born there. During this period, Yamato, who had a position at the European Space Agency, completed two space trips, while Sora worked at a big Parisian fashion house. 
In 2025, after Yamato’s international assignment ended, they relocated to Japan, and Sora decided to start her own fashion label, to great success. Since both make decent money, they now live in a lovely house with a garden and have a comfortable financial situation. This is where we find them at the time of the Epilogue.
Raising the Kids
Sora was initially scared of becoming a mother. Growing up with everyone treating her as a “mom friend” and feeling responsible for the well-being of others, in addition to the pressures of belonging to the Takenouchi family, she was hesitant to have a child unless she was sure she would not mess it up. Yamato, on the other hand, craved kids (being very fond of his nephew Théo) and secretly dreamed of having a child with Sora, but didn’t push the subject much until Sora decided for herself.
Sometime after Hana’s birth, after it was clear that they both were made for parenthood, they were happy to expand the family, but there were a few health issues during pregnancy and childbirth. Baby Ren was born premature from an emergency c-section, and they were told conceiving again was very unlikely. So, with some regret, the Takenouchi-Ishida family was complete.
Sora and Yamato are usually on the same page when it comes to raising Hana and Ren. They value their happiness and freedom above everything else, and living abroad influenced them and made them have a pretty modern approach to parenting. 
Yamato was raised with practically no rules or adult supervision, and Sora was the opposite, so they try to find a balance for their kids. It’s usually Sora who enforces rules, because Yamato is very easily manipulated by the kids who tend to get their way around him every time. By contrast, Yamato is the hands-on, overprotective dad who truly believes his children to be faultless and superior to all other kids, something Sora tries to balance a little to make sure the kids are polite and unspoiled.
It isn’t always easy to juggle work-family balance, but they have a lot of help and support from their parents, especially since they moved back to Japan. Hiroaki, in particular, is a keen baby sitter, but all four grandparents almost fight over who gets to watch the kids when Yamato and Sora are working!
Relationship Dynamics
Sora and Yamato are very passionate and devoted to each other (after all, they’ve been in love since they were teenagers, even though it took them a long while to get together), but they also have a somehow atypical relationship.  They aren’t openly demonstrative in public. They were the last of the group to start a family. They don’t share a last name (because Sora is an only child and heir to an important iemoto family, like her mom, she didn’t change her name after marriage; a recent law allows Yamato to keep his birth name, but the kids are Takenouchi). They eloped instead of having a big wedding. They have demanding careers that involve traveling abroad and off-planet. They happen to both be former Chosen Children (although Sora “retired” from Digimon business in 2010).
This means that they are pretty independent, and they are used to spending time away from each other. The saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” is key here! Yamato and Sora make sure to treasure every second they do spend together and enjoy it to the max. Friends joke they are weird, but behind closed doors they are constantly on the honeymoon phase, because they don’t really have time to get bored with each other.
Supporting each other’s careers is an important aspect of the marriage. They are both passionate about their jobs. Sora made it clear, from the start, that she would not be willing to get married or have kids if that meant sacrificing her dream of becoming a fashion designer or that she wouldn’t accept anything other than an egalitarian partnership with her husband and co-parent. Luckily, Yamato is a good housekeeper and sharing chores hasn’t been much of a problem here (though she still struggles with some of the habits he acquired living with his Dad). Sora is also very understanding of Yamato’s dangerous job and can handle it better than most (though of course she worries!).
Although Sora moved across countries for the sake of Yamato’s job, and has to take care of the kids alone when he was off in space (which required her to postpone her career plans for some time), Yamato was also the main person who supported her decision start her own fashion house in Japan. Nowadays, he’s usually the one who misses work to stay home with the kids while Sora works weekends and late nights, running her growing fashion empire.
Yamato has only been on one space travel since the kids were born (he spent eight months away from home in 2026) and now has a very flexible schedule that lets him spent lots of time at home. This coincided with the period when Sora was building her brand and achieving success, and so was more busy than ever. They try to arrange their schedules so they don’t spend more than two weeks apart and Sora devotedly schedules “dates” so they have quality time together. But both know it’s inevitable that he will be called again, especially if a threat appears or if world governments decide to invest in a Mars mission, so this work-family balance may face some challenges in the near future.
For them, emotional distance can be more of a problem than physical distance. They tend to avoid discussing problems and fears when they aren’t together, and so sometimes they feel a little isolated with their feelings. Sora often feels very overwhelmed with her many responsibilities (running a successful label alongside with helping her aging mother with the Ikebana school), but is too proud to ask for anyone’s help, and can feel disgruntled when she feels Yamato isn’t paying enough attention to her. Meanwhile, when Yamato has an important work-assignment in his hands, he throws himself headfirst and can become distant. He often feels guilty for neglecting his wife and kids and worries about not being present enough, because his fear is that history will repeat itself. 
Rest assured, though, because marital problems are a rarity. Years have helped them communicate better and they know each other inside out; this a mutually satisfying, supportive, and harmonious marriage all around.
Random Couple Headcanons for the other Chosen
Miyako & Ken - Happily married eternal lovebirds; the kind that don’t shy away from embarrassing their kids in public.
Mimi - Surprisingly uninterested in serious romantic relationships, she decided to have a baby on her own.
Takeru - Went through the marriage, baby, and divorce phase while still in his mid-twenties. His ex-wife is a French Chosen Child who lives in Japan, and who has since remarried. They have a very friendly relationship for the sake of their son and share 50/50 custody. Since his divorce, Takeru enjoys the single life to the max, without any desire for a serious relationship with anyone except maybe one woman.
Taichi - Recently went through a litigious divorce and is having trouble with his ex-wife. He’s been trying to make sure his son isn’t affected by this, and has been relying a lot on his sister and his closest friends for moral support. 
Koushirou - Married a fellow researcher and is by all accounts very happy.
Jou - Happily married his high-school sweetheart, who is also a doctor.
Iori - His wife was one of Miyako’s former co-workers and her protegée, and she now stays home and manages the family. They married very young because they didn’t see a point in waiting to have a committed and stable family.
Hikari - Married an older man who died suddenly of cancer a few years back. She lives with her parents who help her raise her little boy. Has a lot of suitors.
Daisuke - Never married, but had a son with an ex-girlfriend when he was pretty young. He’s currently engaged to a handsome, wealthy American restaurateur named Dave.
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bytheangell · 5 years
i am so in love with time travel fics so if it's not too much trouble can you please write something re: sad!past!magnus (maybe TID-era, or anything really) somehow winding up in the present day, and finding out that he's gonna be ok, he's gonna be so happy with his husband and children (if you want to include the book!malec kids here) and family, and the world might not be perfect but it's going to be better than he thought it could be
Believe in All the Possibilities (Read on AO3)Magnus just wants a carefree night of music, perhaps a bit of dancing, and most definitely more drinking than would be strictly advisable in his current emotional state. Maybe, if he still feels awful enough by the end of the night, he can end up in a den of questionable moral offerings on the shadier side of London. Who knows where the night might take him?
Instead he finds himself staring across the room at Camille, dancing far too close to be publicly decent with her current conquest. That’s all they are, he reminds himself, but it doesn’t help, not when he was in her arms not that long ago (had it been weeks? months? what’s time to an immortal, anyway?). Not when she’s the reason he’s drinking his heartbreak drink alone at the bar in the first place. He watches her for a while, losing track of time (has it been minutes? hours? time matters so little these days…). It’s the amount of time it takes to drink two bottles of whiskey, he can measure it that way. He thinks he might just continue for the rest of the night until Camille meets his eyes, winks at him, and then pushes her suitor against a wall to shove her tongue down his throat and run her hands down the length of his body and-
He needs to leave. 
Magnus pays his tab and walks out of the party, doing his best not to look back. He almost manages it but steals one last glance, not sure if he’s more or less hurt by the realization that she isn’t even watching him for his reaction, now entirely lost in the arms of her new lover. It isn’t a comfort to remind himself that he probably means nothing to her because that’s only a reminder that he meant nothing to her, too. 
He doesn’t have a place in mind when he opens a portal. He’s only just polished up with Henry a more stable way of opening portals for Shadowhunters to use, with runes drawn intricately around where they wish to form it to channel the magic needed. The one he opens now, fueled only by his own raw power, could be considered a prototype at best. It’s unstable and unpredictable without the runes to ground it, but hell, he’s feeling more than a little unstable and unpredictable himself. 
Magnus knows, deep down, that this is a mistake. The first rule to using a portal is to have a clear picture of where you’re going, but instead he steps into it with only one thought in mind: Take me somewhere I can be happy. I just want to feel okay again.
London vanishes behind him, and everything goes black. 
By all accounts he should be dead. Or in limbo. Or some horrifying combination of both.
Instead, Magnus finds himself blinking his eyes open from darkness to take in the scene around him of a city that is most definitely not London. There are street lamps lit along the– no, not lamps. The light coming from them isn’t fire. They’re electric. In fact, electric lights seem to be everywhere, despite the lightbulb barely being functional in the richest of areas testing out electricity in 1878. 
But that’s not the strangest thing. Magnus takes a few tentative steps towards the street only to jump backwards at the speed of the… well, he isn’t sure what the horrifyingly fast cart that passed him is exactly, but he knows that one more step forward and he would’ve been underneath it. Sobering up much faster than he’d like, Magnus starts to realize that however improbable the idea is, he has to face the facts that add up around him. He appears to be in the future - at the very least an alternate timeline, one far more advanced than his own. Regardless, either should be impossible. 
And the most distressing realization (as if all of that isn’t enough) is that since he has no idea how he managed to get here, he isn’t entirely sure how to get himself back. 
If he even can. 
…if he even wants to. 
After all, the past holds little for him outside of disappointments and broken promises. He can hardly find joy in his work at the moment, the one thing he’s consistently turned to as a source of pride and solace, so why bother going back to a life destined for solitude and misery? 
But first things first: he needs to figure out exactly where he is. It takes a bit of poking around and more than a few heavy American accents telling him in no uncertain terms not to so much as look at  them, before he gets the answers he’s looking for. It’s New York in the late 2010s, a little over a hundred years ahead of where he came from. 
But why here? Why now? 
Those questions are answered when he backs up quickly to narrowly avoid two children who turn the corner and nearly run directly into him, followed by the voice of someone calling out after them. No, not someone - that’s his voice. 
“Max! Rafe! This isn’t a game tonight, okay? Something’s wrong and I need to test the wards before you can go inside.”
Magnus glamours himself immediately, pressing up against the side of the building to let them pass while  listening in on the middle of a conversation this future version of himself is holding with a very tall, very attractive Shadowhunter. 
“-I don’t know, Alexander. But something feels off with my magic, like I can sense too much of it? I can’t explain it, but I just want to make sure nothing’s wrong before you and the boys come up.” And then he’s gone, vanishing into the apartment building while the man named Alexander waits on the sidewalk with two children, one warlock and one shadowhunter. Magnus knows because of the runes and blue skin he can see just beyond their glamours; glamours which are good enough to fool mundanes but not strong enough to block out skilled warlocks who are looking hard enough. The children must be keeping their own glamours up rather than relying on ones put on by the two adults. Impressive, especially for children so young. 
The warlock boy starts to poke small jolts of magic into the Shadowhunter boy, who looks about two seconds away from stabbing the warlock boy in the arm with his stele if he doesn’t stop. Magnus has the sudden impulse to give away his own hidden position to stop them but Alexander is already on top of it.  
“Max! No magic on the street, you know that. Rafael, please, if you break another stele this month Izzy’s going to kill both of us. Just stand still for two minutes while Papa checks the wards.” 
“Alright, Dad,” the children say in unison.
And that’s when Magnus realizes. These aren’t just people his future self is working with, or bringing here for a social visit. These are his children. And Alexander is… well, if Dad and Papa weren’t enough, one glance down at the wedding ring on the Shadowhunter’s finger is all the answer he needs there, too. Magnus can sense the magic there, his magic there, laced with more protection charms than should reasonably be contained in an object so small. 
The future version of himself comes back downstairs looking more confused than ever, and just for confirmation Magnus’ eyes immediately drop to the matching wedding band on his hand, standing out in its simplicity compared to the rings surrounding it. I’m married. And more than that, married to a mortal. A Shadowhunter. “Everything’s fine. C’mon kids, grab your things before we drop you back off at the Institute with Aunt Isabelle and Uncle Simon for the weekend.” 
Magnus follows behind as they go upstairs, the wards letting him pass without incident as they’re keyed to his own magic, after all. He’s careful to stay out of the way as he remains hidden from view, listening to the sounds of laughter as the children pack clothing into a bag and his future self enjoys a glass of wine with his husband, eavesdropping on their conversation while he looks around the room at children’s artwork and smiling family photos, feeling the warmth that radiates from this nontraditional family. 
“Once we get back to Alicante I have three meetings, one with Consul Penhallow,” his future self sighs. “Remind me again why I let you talk me into the High Warlock position?” 
Alexander laughs. “Talk you into it? As I remember, the moment you heard Alicante was getting one you practically demanded to be the one to, how did you put it?, ‘put the Clave in their place once and for all’?” 
Magnus nearly chokes on the air he’s breathing. High Warlock is one thing, it’s an honor he’s always dreamed of. But High Warlock of Alicante? It sounds absolutely absurd and he can hardly comprehend the idea of it. Downworlders are barely allowed to exist in the same rooms as Shadowhunters, let alone exist as any sort of authority in their sacred country. He’s broken from his thoughts by his future self speaking again. 
“Yes, well, I also remember the job coming with the clear perk of moving to Alicante with my husband the Inquisitor, so-” 
Magnus watches them smile at one another, leaning in to kiss. It’s a short one, quickly interrupted by a flying pillow and the laughter of children. Soon both wine glasses are magicked away and both his future self and Alexander are each grabbing a child, spinning them before pinning them to the ground, tickling them into submission. 
Suddenly Magnus realizes why he’s here, why now. 
This is what he wanted. This is where he’s happy. 
There is so much love in the room it’s practically palpable. He’s married to someone he clearly trusts, someone he doesn’t believe will hurt him or leave him, because he knows himself. He knows how impossible the idea of finding someone like that feels right now, and how important this Alexander must be for him to go against everything he’s resolutely resigned to in his own mind and allow him into his life in such a monumental way. And a family… as impossible as marriage seems to him, the idea of a family isn’t even up for consideration. This sort of life - settling down, unconditional love, contentment, happiness - it isn’t meant for him. It never has been, and he never thought it would be. 
Until now. 
When his future self opens a portal to the Institute they’re going to drop the children off at Magnus instinctively follows close behind, still glamoured, coming out of the other side and into the New York Institute just as it closes, like it knows to wait for him. The children immediately run into the arms of another Shadowhunter, a woman this time, and then the man beside her. A vampire, who is casually coexisting in the inner sanctum of the Shadowhunters and friendly with his future children. 
“Simon!” The young Shadowhunter boy, Rafe, nearly shouts. “I got my speed rune, I bet I can beat you in a race now!” 
The vampire - Simon - laughs. “Oh yeah? We’ll have to see about that…” 
Magnus almost feels guilty for intruding on these moments. He knows they’re not for him, not yet, but he can’t help himself when Alexander and his future self say goodbye shortly after and he’s ducking quickly behind them into another portal, this time coming out somewhere entirely unfamiliar at first. It takes a few moments before the scenery around him registers. 
He recognizes the demon towers, can feel the strength of the angelic power around him from both the concentrated amount of Shadowhunters and the adamas veins that run beneath the city. He’s immediately uncomfortable, an instinctive sense of unease coming from so much as stepping foot upon the City of Glass… but not his future self. 
He watches his future self visibly relax the moment he steps foot out of the portal and onto the ground of the park below. Can anyone portal into the middle of Alicante at will now or is it just him, Magnus wonders idly. Exactly how much have things changed? 
…exactly how much of that is, potentially, because of him? 
Magnus follows his future self and Alexander down a path he realizes was picked deliberately for the portal to open up at. The pair take their time wandering down it, hand in hand, talking and catching up on each other’s days. Alexander mentions Catarina and Magnus feels his heart swell at the knowledge that they’re still friends, even now. Maybe everyone doesn’t leave him in the end after all. 
When his future self and Alexander finally reach a building that’s most likely their home Magnus decides not to follow them inside. He’s seen enough: enough to know that he may never stop watching this version of his life if he doesn’t leave soon, and more than enough to know that running away from the life he has now is no longer what he wants, not when he has this to look forward to in the end.  It might not be what he thought he wanted out of life, but maybe it’s exactly what he needs.
Magnus feels a lightness in him he didn’t imagine himself capable of just an hour ago. Hope, the smallest seed of it, rests firmly within him after the sights he witnessed tonight. He just has to let it grow, nurture the idea that things may seem bleak now but they won’t be forever. He has proof of that now, a reason to believe that he’s more than just someone to be used and discarded. That one day he’ll find a love powerful enough to see him marrying a Shadowhunter, taking on a job title he never could’ve imagined existing let alone holding personally, and raising a family to come home to at the end of the day. Loved. Accepted. Content. 
Before he came here he simply wanted to dull the ache and numb himself to any feelings at all; now he finds himself overwhelmed by too many emotions to count, and he couldn’t be more grateful for it. 
This may all be his one day, but first he has to get here. Once he’s certain he’s alone he conjures a portal of his own, picturing London and a life that’s only as meaningful as he chooses to make it.His life no longer feels like an inevitable sentence to play out but rather a glowing future that’s his for the taking. ‘Take me home’ he thinks with surprising fondness as he takes his first step towards that light.
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linettiewizowski · 4 years
So I saw this one post from someone on their opinion of the love square. And I really wanted to point out a few things but their replies are turned off.... So I'm answering it here anyways.
(This rant is very long, not kidding, if ya feel like reading what's basically a big ass PowerPoint then go right ahead)
- Being a child does NOT give you a pass to stalk, be possessive over, steal from, invade the boundaries, invade the personal space, of someone you have a crush on.
That is wrong. Children should not be allowed to carry on such innapropriate, behavior. No one should.
- Children need guidance and protection. They cannot always learn or handle things on their own....that should be obvious with Marinette and especially Adrien.
°I don't think Tom & Sabine ever expected Marinette to be a stalker....so they would never think to teach her otherwise.
- Yes I know she does realize what she's doing is wrong.....but then she just continues anyways. (Or maybe it only seems like she didn't stop because the episodes are out of order? But even then she STILL acts like this in newer episodes so I'm still sticking to what I said.)
°Adrien.......needs to be taken away to a safe & stable household. (Please let Emelie awaken soon, maybe she'll set things straight. Gabriel deserves a divorce & prison.) Even so, Gabriel does recognize such unhealthy behavior. Gabriel also would not at all expect his son to behave so innapropriately. I am purdy sure he thinks Adrien is "perfect." He even calls Adrien "perfection" in one episode. - It would not even cross his mind to teach his son proper etiquette concerning a crush.
>Ahem, Adrien's possessive, territorial, pushy, somewhat obsessive, Jealous, sometimes moody behavior concerning his feelings for Ladybug.
Constantly hitting on her, flirting with her, getting up in her space, when she has repeatedly showed him that she is NOT interested in him. Even when she revealed she had feelings for another boy he kept pushing.
- The episode where he thought he had right to be angry when she "stood him up" when - The way "Chat" said it & the way "Lady" reacted? Lady only saw it as a dinner between friends.....He then went on to set up an obviously romantic candlelight dinner.
- Once again, Ladybug has made it specifically clear, she is not interested.
Lady did not even fully agree to said dinner. She said she had plans.
Adri-Chat asked "If they end early, come join me?" Lady said "We'll see."
- That is not a yes, that is a maybe. He didn't even take HER plans into account, didn't even think "Well maybe her plans didn't end early." He just gets mad. And Lady should not have been made to feel guilty just because Adri-Chat cannot seem to take/understand a no & a maybe.
- Adri-Chat getting jealous when that one artist expressed his crush on Ladybug and going on to cross Lady's boundaries by lying about the reality of his & Lady's relationship.
(Yes I know, that dude was an adult and Lady-Mar actually a teen. But at that point in the show I'm pretty sure no one could guess the age of Lady & Chat (strangely) and like Spooderman no one thought them to be actual children.) Adri-Chat did that without thinking or even asking for Lady's input. Not cool at all.
- Acting all happy, triumphant when they regained their memories in Oblivio and Alya caught a pic of their amnesiac selves kissing.
What Adri-Chat says: "We're meant for eachother Milady, you're the only one who doesn't see it." (Okay sigh, this boy.)
1. That is a totally uncalled for, arrogant and presumptuous thing to say to Ladybug.
2. (Entirerly From Adri-Chat's perspective) Oblivio erases memories right? So Adri-Chat doesn't even consider the erasion of Lady's supposed crush on this other boy. Leading her to fall her HIM yes, but that's not the point.
Neither of them were in their right minds, as they had no memories. From HIS perspective Lady did not remember her crush on this other boy, if she did, she would not have fallen for Chat at the time of the memory erasion.
Adri-Chat does not at all think about that, all the while STILL ignoring her feelings for the other boy. Nope, he thinks this is some kind of encouragement to keep harassing her because "Maybe she'll choose me one day?" A.K.A. "Maybe she'll come around one day?" - (contemplating calling it sexual harassment because the characters of course do not get sexual, it being a kid's show) But his intent is to get her to date him....Hm. It is still harassment though.
>Ahem,hem. Marinette's obsessive, compulsive, possessive, territorial, jealous, fanatical, controlling, a LOT of times single minded, stalker behavior concerning her feelings for Adrien.
°Same drill - Not dating (Even if they were, still wrong just adding in)
°Adrien has not at all made his feelings clear on anyone (from Mari's perspective)
°Has not shown romantic interest in her.
°Adrien is not aware of her behavior at all. Not even when he spots all of the pictures of him in her room does he get it. (Being too naive is a very bad thing Adrien.)
°Marinette sometimes acts as if Adrien belongs to HER and no one else can have him. She goes to great, ridiculous and sometimes extreme heights just to keep girls she sees as rivals away from him.
She goes overboard, embarrasses herself, acts immature & compulsive. Sometimes she gets mean.
°Chloe & Lila being horrible is no excuse for her to treat Adrien like a possession, and also like he isn't an intelligent person who cannot notice obvious/strange things or protect himself.
(The plot is confusing yes, Adrien not noticing Mari is Ladybug, giving Chloe multiple chances/still being her friend, Being sympathetic to Lila.
While ALSO in some cases being close to connecting the dots to Mari being Lady, Condemning Chloe's outrageous behavior even in one instance totally putting his foot down, and being one of the only people to see through Lila's lies and side with/protect Marinette....though not exactly how he should.) Chalk it up to not that great writing = serious plotholes.
°Adrien can kiss, hang out with, travel with, talk to and date whoever he wants. Mari has NO right to manipulate situations where he can't do that. I.E Controlling behavior.
°Now, Kagami is not a bad person. (More than Half the fandom's treatment of her is very disappointing.) Yes I know, she can be harsh, standoffish and cold sometimes. But-
°She does not intend to be mean, she does not, nor does she want to bully anyone. She does not bully Marinette. She just wants Marinette to stop being indecisive and flighty because Kagami ALSO likes Adrien (and by the way she was raised) does not think people should be so indecisive & hesitant or they'll miss important chances for them to take in life.
°Kagami does not think Mari is right for Adrien no, but as soon as she thinks Adrien is interested in Mari? She immediately backs off & respects his wishes. She only engages again when Adrien shows interest in her again.
°Then later on in the show she even attempts to make friends with Mari genuinely because she wants to make friends.....(and Mari doesn't understand because of Kagami's awkwardness but is also simultaneously clouded by her feelings for Adrien.) Kagami actually feels hurt when she finds out that Marinette initially didn't like her.
Kagami is a GOOD girl.
°Now, what Marinette did to Kagami in Animaestro before that was very unacceptable.
Temporarily teaming up with Chloe to sabotage/publicly humiliate/embarrass Kagami to "not let her get Adrien" "not let her take Adrien away," mess with Adrien's perception of her.
- Jumping to outrageous conclusions out of paranoia, panic and fear. (My cute child needs to be sat down and sternly talked to about this.)
- Trying to manipulate & take away Adrien's choice to decide whether he wants Kagami or not.
(I think this probably marked the episode where Mari's unhealthy/toxic behavior starts to spiral as new episodes come out. (And these ARE out of order so wth is up with Mari's unhealthy escalation lately?)
- Using Tiki for personal, jealous purposes to humiliate Lila in front of Adrien. Acting so irrational and heated in front of 2 civillains(from her perspective) Mari?
- Invading Adrien's home/room, touching everything, lying on his bed....sniffing his things? 😧 Without his consent just to leave a present....when she could have just left it on the window sill, not barge into his room and NOT act very creepy.
- Everything she did & said when she thought that Adrien was one of the wax statues.
😮😬😖 Marinette, honey noooooOOOooo.
Toxic/Unhealthy behavior. It very much is.
Let's not pretend please.
This is not acceptable period. I very much side-eye another's perceptions on the matter when they say "I knew people like this" "They turned out alright."
Oh...did they? Or is this simply what YOU are saying and we, the internet people don't have the full story?
I Kill Bill squint my eyes at the opinions of people who so easily dismiss toxic/unhealthy behavior.
This is not simply a discussion on fictional characters btw, but on the behavior itself ECT. and the fact that this person brought in real people as an example.
(Btw Any teens reading this? Young adults? Please remember to use protection when having sex. Babies are a high stress responsibility that a person who is either still a kid or a very young adult should not be handling or have to handle. "Results may vary" and all that. Another person's experiences aren't guaranteed to be yours and we already have COUNTLESS evidence that having babies while young is NOT a good idea. Please & Thank you.)
In response to a little tidbit in that person's post.) Anyways.
- Being mature while in a relationship is very important. That much is apparent.
In the context of the show for these 2 teens they are in love with one another.
You cannot behave like all of THIS if you wish to maintain a relationship with someone.
This is not grounds for a healthy, safe, respectful relationship.
°Not respecting your friend or spouse, their choices, their boundaries, their space, their being makes you a borderline abusive person.
(Guys c'mon.) If Adrien & Marinette were real people? They would be very creepy, toxic kids. Hell we DO have some very toxic people, even children that act like this in real life. This is a no. All the no.
- Other ships in the show being unhealthy does not in no way invalidate or downplay the fact that Adrien & Marinette's behavior is unhealthy.
- There are many, many, many, many instances of their unhealthy behavior, not "just two." It's insulting that this person treats the fans who point this out as if we are some idiots who do not watch the show and therefore can not call out this obvious lie.
- There being moments where Adrien & Marinette actually behave theirselves for once does not at all erase or invalidate every single one of their toxic moments.
- The show does not do a good job of writing scenes where getting into these characters heads that behaving this way is unacceptable, at all. No character development there.
(Them giving up on persuing eachother at the end of the season does not address the toxic behavior. That is just them being tired of not getting the results that they want from their crushes.)
- It's hard for me to debate as well. Calling the whole ship unhealthy/toxic? In real life, no way josay would this be okay, in the show? Marinette & Adrien at their core ARE good kids. And they DO sometimes realize their mistakes. But it really, truly isn't enough. There is either not much or no consequences to their innapropriate behavior at all.
(You might say Chat Blanc, but that was circumstance because they didn't reveal their identities to each other in full, not consequence for Mari's creepy room invasion, that was separate.)
It's so debatable. These unhealthy behaviors should NOT be encouraged and the Love Square shouldn't be shipped during them.
I'm just gonna say that I hope with all my might that the writers get it into their heads that this is NOT okay to market to children and that they CANNOT expect kids to understand or tell what toxic behavior is or that the innapropriate things Adri & Mari do are okay.
THAT is a large issue above all else here.
(Let's get some major character development please.)
- "Sometimes you have to sacrifice when you love someone."
This sounds way left field and is not at ALL what the fans who protest Adri & Mari's toxic behavior are talking about.
- "I think a lot of the criticism comes from people who just don't understand love. Maybe they've never been in love."
How absolutely patronizing, condescending, presumptuous in itself and very ignorant.
That's not even. How do I respond to that?
I am not repeating myself, I already wrote a whole darn essay. My answer to this is all of the above.
And lastly-
"But the love square is FAR from toxic.
Far, far, far from it."
...Hm. Hm Hm. Hm. Yes of course. 😐😐😐
Okey. I think I'm done here. It's literally been an hour gathering my thoughts, typing and editing this. Anybody who actually read all of this, feel free to comment? Note? I dunno, I'm new to Tumblr. Calling comments/replies "notes" is weird to me.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Anaconda, Andrew Bogut, and Apparently: HolyField ld 55132, 2 Yrs. 66 lbs of Mush Waiting for Love Manhattar Highly social, a big mushball, full of joy, cuddles & kisses The king of zoomies & play bows. A good wonderful boy TO BE KILLED 3/9/19 A volunteer writes: "Meet the most swoon-worthy boy at the Care Center! Wherever Holyfield goes, all eyes follow, and his lusciously thick coat and stunning markings are a Husky aficionado's dream come true. But this beautiful boy is more than just another pretty face, he's got a smart, lovable personality to compliment his good looks and a behavior assessment full of the highest praise. Comments like 'highly social', 'leans into petting' and 'attempts to lick face' speak to the kind of mushball he is at heart and he's been very friendly toward staff (and one lucky volunteer!) since his arrival. A good leash walker who appears house trained, Holyfield's happy to show off his come, sit and stay for treats, and hops in and out of his kennel with ease. Free in the yard, he likes to spend his time exploring, snuggling and letting off steam with the occasional zoomie. His play bows are the stuff of legend: bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and 100 percent ready for Instagram stardom. Holyfield isn't asking for a miracle, just an active family as soft and social as he is. With his looks and charm, I've no doubt he'll make sure they find him very soon." If you can foster or adopt this adorable, sweet fella, hurry and PM our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance. HOLYFIELD, ID# 55132, 2 yrs old, 65 lbs, Unaltered Male Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Gray / White I came to the shelter as an Agency, 2/17/2019 Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Medical Behavior Rating: 1. Green AT RISK MEMO: Holyfield is at risk, new hope only determination, for behavioral reasons. Due to Holyfield's bite history (See below for details) and sensitives to touch, Holyfield is recommended for placement with a new hope rescue partner that can provide the necessary behavior modification and reward based training. Medically, Holyfield seems healthy. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES- Date of assessment: 25-Feb-2019 LEASH WALKING Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None SOCIABILITY Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Jumps up on assessor, attempts to lick face, stays close by HANDLING Soft handling: Seeks contact Exuberant handling: Seeks contact Comments: Soft body, leans into petting AROUSAL Jog: Engages in play (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: Approaches (exuberant) Knock Comments: Jumps up Toy: No response Toy comments: None MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 17-Feb-2019 Summary: Tense ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Holyfield so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, he is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments: Due to Holyfield's bite history, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: Handling/touch sensitivity Bite history (human) Potential challenges comments: BITE HISTORY: Holyfield bit a child in his previous home when the child pulled his tail, showing he may not be comfortable with all forms of handling. MLD COMMENT: The child should have been taught NOT to pull their pets tail because it hurts the dog. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 27-Feb-2019 Progress Exam. S: BAR. O: Nasal d/c bilaterally; sniffling A: Early CIRDC. P: 1)Move to isolation. 2) Doxycycline- 100mg; Sig: 3 tabs q 24 hr x 14 d's. 3) Baytril- 136mg; 2 tabs PO q 24 hrs x 14 d's 19-Feb-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: 2 years. Microchip noted on Intake? no. Microchip Number (If Applicable): n/a. History : Brought in by police post aggressive episode in the home; surrender secondary to aggressive episode in household. Subjective: seeks head scratching; approaches for social interaction. Observed Behavior - approached an outreached hand. takes cheese from hand. easily placed muzzle; calm during entire exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen - no. Evidence of Trauma seen - no. BCS- 6/9. EENT: Eyes clear, ears- mild debris AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam:limited with muzzle. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: mi w/ 2 down. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat; area of alopecia on left lateral, caudal thorax (old healed wound). CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Assessment: apparently healthy. alopecia area on left lateral thorax-- old healed wound. Prognosis: good. Plan: find a home SURGERY: Okay for surgery 17-Feb-2019 LVT Intake. Microchip Scan: negative, placed. Evidence of Cruelty: no. Observed Behavior: tense and nervous Sex: intact male. Estimated Age: reported ~2y. Subjective: Stray, no history, seemingly healthy. Eyes: clear. Ears: clean. Oral Exam: mild staining. Heart: WNL Lungs: WNL. Abdomen: WNL. Skin: Left hind quarter - a skin laceration seen. Musculoskeletal: WNL BCS 5.5/9 Mentation: BARH. Preliminary Assessment: seemingly healthy. Plan: DVM intake *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** HOLYFIELD IS RATED NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY. To save his life, you MUST fill our applications with New Hope Partner Rescues. He cannot be reserved online or direct adopted at the shelter. PLEASE MESSAGE OUR PAGE or email us at [email protected] for assistance. HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other). New Hope Rescue Only Dog is not publicly adoptable. Prospective fosters or adopters need to fill out applications with New Hope Partner Rescues to save this dog
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grumpygayming · 6 years
So obviously you should do those questions for matt and wren bc you wnt to so once you get time you should do it
You & I are on the same page lmao, I was gonna answer these whether asked or not tbh. SO thank you for sending this & giving me an excuse to post them 😂🤗Are they physically affectionate?  Matt: Very much so, he loves little contact like hand holding or brushing their arms together while they’re out. And when his boyfriend drives he always puts his hand on his thigh, just because.Wren: The clingiest lil shit alive. He’s always hugging his partner from behind while they’re doing stuff and he whines about not getting enough attention if they’re in his general vicinity & not hugging him or anything (if they’re not busy of course).
🎶Do they have a type? Matt: Tall, long hair, some visible facial hair, & brown skin... Clearly he dates outside of that but in his ideal world if their personality aligned with his... that is who he’d be with.Wren: Anyone he deems cute and able to cuddle him, that’s his type.
😡What are their deal breakers? Matt: Dislikes kids, has no ambition, can’t communicate properly. It’s why he dates so little, he’s found at least everyone has one of these qualities and he has to work with them on it or just walk away.Wren: Non commitment (refusing to label things or admit to feelings), not being upfront. He’s had enough of it and if there’s even the slightest hint at either of those things he’s out.
↕️Are they sub, dom or switch? Matt: Definitely a switch.Wren: The subbiest sub to ever sub.
⏰How long do their relationships tend to last? Matt: A year+, his shortest relationship was 3 mos and that only ended because of extenuating circumstances, otherwise they probably would have went for the long haul and gotten married.Wren: Not long at all, Wren is a fan of flings and living in the moment so short term relationships are his game while he’s young.
💍Would they ever get married? Matt: Yes, he wants that so badly not only for himself but for his son too. He wants his conventional family, with a picket fence, and a dog more than anything. It represents stability to him which he hasn’t had much of his entire adult life and he needs for his son to see what a stable, healthy family structure looks like.Wren: He can’t see it right now but he would love to get married before thirty if the opportunity arose. Otherwise he’s perfectly happy dating for the time being.
🏷️Do they give their partners cute nicknames? Matt: Yes!!! Silas has many, Matty’s favorites for him are Snugglebutt & Flapjack. In secret he calls him Dummy though, affectionately about 90% of the time.Wren: He’s pretty basic and sticks to babe/baby. He doesn’t stick around long enough for personalized nicknames most of the time.
💋Are they more sensual or sexual? Matt: More sensual, for sure. Wren: Sexual, completely.
📖What is their favorite outside of the bedroom activity to do with their partner?Matt: When the weather permits or they’re visiting his home town in Hawaii, walks on the beach. He’s also a fan of dates to coffee shops they haven’t been to before and ordering drinks specific to the shop.  Wren: He’s super simple and loves watching reality TV with his partners, especially if they’re into it too. And after each episode He likes to critique everyone over wine and takeout. 
  🛏What is their favorite bedroom activity to do with their partner? Matt: He really loves getting lingerie and showing it off, what follows after is fine and dandy but he really enjoys the process of getting dressed up and then seeing his boyfriend’s reaction.Wren: [Redacted bc Wren is gross]
💚Are they prone to jealousy? Matt: Not really, if he feels the emotion he’ll acknowledge it, try to figure out what the root of it is and move on. Wren: Yes, very much so. He’ll try to push it aside but he hates feeling like he’s coming in 2nd to his partner(s). [He will eventually grow out of this but he’s currently learning how to deal with it.]
😘Does their demeanor change when in a relationship? Matt:Outwardly he seems a lot grumpier... which isn’t entirely wrong. When he’s still getting used to a new partner it throws him a bit off of his usual balance and it irritates him. He also hates sharing personal details... like the fact that he is even dating someone so when the time comes to be public he seems irritated and angry for quite awhile. Wren: He is giddy as hell and everything is a ray of sunshine when he has a partner. He loves romantic love and wants everyone else to have it and love it too. This lasts for basically as long as he’s with his partner too.
 👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private? Matt: Hand holding but he gets flustered about anything more than that or maybe kisses on the cheek in public. Whereas in private he’ll gladly sit on his boyfriends lap and give him all the kisses he could want.Wren: He loves pda, so much. All of the kisses in public and hand holding, all of it, he wants everyone to know he’s taken and in love. In private.... he’s even more intense about this.
💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship? Matt: He’s not really open to causal threesomes, however, if the circumstances for a polyamorous relationship arose and he approved of the third party he would be willing to give it an honest shot.Wren: He loves the thought of threesomes and poly relationships. He’s not sure how he’d actually fare with multiple partners who were also involved with each other but the idea of having different types of love with different people and caring for them in his own way is so appealing to him.
💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with? Matt: 85% of the human population. He’s really particular and needs to get to know a person before even considering them as a potential partner. If he couldn’t befriend them, he wouldn’t date them. So, anyone who is guilt trippy, cannot be held accountable for their actions, dodges adult conversations, etc. could not be someone he would date. Wren: Not really, he’s fairly open, so long as they like animals and can deal with him yelling at the TV during movies they’ve got a chance.
💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship? Matt: This is bad but...... Never? He’ll always have this slight sense of uncertainty and be prepared to have to detach and leave. It’s a side effect of the relationship that he got his son out of. He may be comfortable with his partner but security isn’t something he’s been accustomed to and it’ll take a long time for that to be the case.Wren: He doesn’t stay long enough for security but comfort comes easy for him. So long as they don’t seem violent he can be comfortable int he span of a couple weeks.
🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first? Matt: He’s usually the one to do so. Once he’s sure he wants to act on them he’ll let the other person know how he feels and let them know exactly why.Wren: He will but he much prefers the other person making him feel wanted and confessing their feelings first.
❌Would they ever cheat on their partner?Matt: Never, ever, ever. He would sooner break things off than cheat and ruin their sense of trust in any relationships after theirs.Wren: He would say no but if he were stuck in what felt like a loveless relationship he would be the first to step outside of it for some from of happiness/a simulation of true love & affection. 
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children? Matt: He’s already got a son but he wants more later on. Kids are a rough topic for him at the moment since he miscarried in September and he’s still recovering from it. Wren: He needs at least one daughter so that he can honor Maxine Shaw and name his child after her. So, yes, he wants kids.
🐶Are they a cuddler?Matt: Very much so, not necessarily for the sake of cuddling but because he’s cold all the time, he leeches body heat off of his partner.Wren: Yes! He loves the contact and being held brings him such comfort.
🔮Do they believe in soul mates? Matt: Not necessarily. He thinks people can be compatible for each other and work well together but the concept of one singular soul mate or “the one” is absolutely ridiculous to him.Wren: Yes, however, he believes you can have multiple soul mates depending on the time and space you’re in. Your soul mate may change, hence why he’s not in any rush to settle down.
⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? Matt: Super protective. He’s ready to fight over anyone disrespecting his boyfriend or hurting his feelings. He’s not afraid to actually stand up for him and get involved either. (Though, online stuff is different. If on the twittersphere someone is being a dick his go to response is: “Baby, they aren’t important. Ignore them.”)Wren: Extremely. If someone even looks at his partner wrong he’s ready to take his earrings off and beat their ass.
🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love? Matt: All they way to Canada. Any further and they can fuck right off. Jokes aside, so long as it won’t negatively impact his son or his own mental health he will move mountains for his partner.Wren: It truly depends on how long they’ve been together and how committed they are.
❤️ Do they fall in love easily? Matt: Not even close, he’s so guarded that he’ll even second guess his feelings when they start getting more intense.Wren: Yes, too easily for his own good.
📺 Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family? Matt: Not even. His parents and childhood best friend get details & information but with newer friends (even of years) he will give them the bare minimum. Even then it’s a stretch, he waited a whole month to even tell his friends his ex-boyfriend’s name.Wren: Yep, as said before... he loves love. He feels like sharing all the cute little details of his relationships may inspire his friends/family to get out there themselves. 
♦️Are they concerned with the social status of their partner? Matt: Nope, so long as they are doing things with their life and self improving he doesn’t care about their social status at all. Wren: Ashamedly so, if they don’t have some kind of impressive title or a reputation in their field chances are he’s not going to get very far into a relationship with them. Though, they could become a regular on his hook-up list.
💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?Matt: No, he’s gotten so used to sleeping alone that now sharing a bed with his boyfriend is a major adjustment. He does enjoy cuddling but he finds it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep now.Wren: Yep, he loves the contact and having someone else there makes it much easier for him to relax and fall asleep.
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ringcicatrix · 3 years
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Fruity Headcanon Prompts @timemarked said:
🍎  :    how stable is my muse’s mental health?  have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and  /  or conditions?  do they or should they attend therapy?  
For Ryou: his mental health is holding up surprisingly OK, despite everything he’s been through. I wouldn’t say it’s amazing, he definitely has (undiagnosed) depression and anxiety and a whole ton of impostor syndrome issues, but he keeps himself together as best he can. He also likely has some degree of PTSD from when he got the ring, and has repressed those memories in an attempt to protect himself from thinking about the events that night.
He probably would benefit a lot from therapy, but he can’t see himself going- how could he explain anything to do with the ring to a therapist? He knows he can’t describe the blackouts or the spirit honestly, and he’s not certain how well he’d be able to lie about it, so it’s simpler to just... not.
For Bakura, it’s... bad. It’s real bad. He experienced a severe trauma at a young age, and then because he was completely and utterly alone, he never had any chance to develop proper coping strategies. Add in him coming into contact with a god of darkness and evil, and it’s just... bad. His mental health is not good.
He’s never been diagnosed with anything because he’s a 3000 year old spirit from ancient Egypt, but at the very least he certainly has PTSD because of what happened in Kul Elna. As for therapy: he should, but he never will for a massive list of reasons. The top of those is a simple one, though- he doesn’t have any issues with the way he is. So long as he can accomplish his goals, that’s the only thing that matters.
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
CW for death / massacres under the cut
So, for both Ryou and Bakura, this is a rather heavy topic. It’s hard to discuss either of their childhoods without talking about death, because it’s been a very present factor in both of their lives.
To start with Ryou: I think he would describe his childhood as ‘fine’. Though it was far from perfect or desired, he figures things always could’ve been worse, and he’s managed to pull through it all despite everything. His mother and sister died when he was still a child in a car accident, and he spent much time traveling the world with his father, who was in search of the Millennium Ring- but even with all that, and his father growing quite distant after Ryou got the ring, he still doesn’t feel it right to complain. Things could always be worse, and he survived, so it’s fine.
He had to start to mature around the time he got the ring, really- when he was roughly 8/9 years old. He’d always been a fairly quiet kid, fairly reserved and calm, but at that point he no longer had a choice in things. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be alone at home, and he was blacking out and losing his memories at points, so he had to force himself to grow up in order to account for things.
When it comes to those sorts of feelings of nostalgia, Ryou is... uncertain. Part of him certainly wishes he could go back, but it’s not for any sort of fondness for youth? Rather, he just feels kinda bitter about all of the time that was stolen from him, the memories he doesn’t have and the friends who were hurt and his father that was driven away. He’s just... frustrated. 
For Bakura: he knows his childhood was horrible, and he’d describe it as such. When he was about 5 years old he saw his entire village massacred by the Pharaoh’s orders, leaving him orphaned and alone and deeply traumatized. He knows that the days before the massacre were happy, every so often he’s still able to remember fragments of what it was like- a smile from someone he thinks may have been his mother, the smell of fresh bread, the laughs of other village kids as they played in the streets- but it’s been so long and he’s been so angry that they’re hard to remember.
His childhood explains everything about him, because everything that he is all comes back to that one event. The massacre of Kul Elna destroyed everything for him- his home, his family, his happiness, and his innocence. From that point onwards he swore to survive, and he swore to the souls of the restless dead that he would get their revenge. 
He feels no desire to return to his childhood- if he was to describe it, he’d say it was absolute shit. He was completely alone, with no way to get food beyond stealing and nobody wanting to take in an orphaned kid like him. He had to steal to survive, and there was no joy to anything back then. Just constant dread and fear and wondering if someone was going to catch him this time, or if the Pharaoh’s men would find him and finish the job, extinguishing the last light of Kul Elna. When he learned he could summon his Ka, Diabound, that helped- but he’d still have no desire to be a child again. He’s driven by vengeance now, and being a child wouldn’t accomplish shit.
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mildredbrignoni · 6 years
Hippie Chic
Moxie of a Latina storyteller 
Nobody matters more to a child's self esteem than her parents and their approval. As a Latina growing up with immigrants parents who's first language was Spanish, I was responsible for the accuracy of translating, interpreting, and understanding official financial and government documents sent to my parents.
It was not until I was 12 or 13 years old when one of my parents decided to go back to school. My heart breaks at this memory. Finally, my mother gets her high school diploma, and a college degree. My mother once told me she was encouraged by watching me study late nights, which then afforded me a degree from University California Berkeley. I remind myself from time to time that - anything worth fighting for will require focus, dedication and patience. Alas, I stand here today because of my parent's cultural identity and immigrant sacrifices.
If you thought I was going to suggest that hard work was responsible for my success, I would argue that hard work is clear to everybody with a dream. Nobody will ever be so lucky to have been handed a Pulitzer Prize. Not even nepotism can guarantee you nor your child will ever win a science award. Thus, hard work doesn't fit the formula. In other words, it goes to show that everybody has a dream, but few will be rewarded with realizing those dreams, unless you use every arsenal of your intellect, and as a matter of fact street smarts. 
Even those of us that chose to go through life with making occasional bad choices, learns that the pain of failing, then coming out the other side is completely worth the journey.
At 20 years old, I decided to follow my career in film so I moved to NYC. I grew up a beach kid, but the ability to navigate the mean streets of New York posed a challenge I couldn’t refuse.  I had no idea how difficult this would prove. When financial times got tough during cold winter months, my parents suggested to try doing something else to pay the bills, or keep figuring out how to make it happen because as they said ‘ you chose this path, and we aren’t going to help you.’ Tough love but right on point. See, they gave up their own dreams so I could fully enjoy mine. So I got my life together by teaching aerobics at health clubs in some of the fanciest gyms NYC had to offer. Apparently I was a good motivator because I was asked to appear on FX morning time fitness, a few movies playing myself as a fitness instructor and several city fitness outdoor expos, leading thousands to my routines. I even designed the costumes for a few. Seems pretty funny to me now that my side hustle brought not only additional income, but pride!
The success of this alternative profession also brought confusion. As people in the gym knew my passion was costume design, I finally got my break when a friend asked to replace him on the first Latino sketch comedy show on HBO because he was unavailable. I was forced to choose either fitness or film/television. Soon I would have several movies, commercials and fashion credits under my belt. Financially, I was doing pretty good but I hadn’t figured out how to invest my money well. I asked my parents for advice, but their responses couldn't be so different. My dad was mortified and embarrassed that I had that much in my bank account and he would only ever earn that in one year. My mother, on the other hand, sighed and froze in silence. She then slowly said 'I'm so proud of you, but I don't know how to help because your father took care of the money.'..suggesting I go to the bank and ask them for help. At that time I felt sorry for them, but also for myself for not having the support of parents to lean on. I thought most other young adults Americans had that luxury. I was 27 and had broken the glass ceiling in my parents eyes. I, on the other hand made terrible financial decisions alone. Spending my earnings on dinners, shoes and living off of it for the next year until it was all gone. And, with this money now spent, I was left to think creatively as to how I would get myself stable again. I thought hard about what I had that most other young professionals didn’t.  I asked myself - was I talented? Yes, but so is everybody else.  Was I different?  Yes, but so was everybody else.  What did I have that others didn’t?  No net.  Meaning I didn’t have a fall back plan.  I was now accepting that I had failed to see consequence again. That now, I was going to have to rely on all my marketing tools I used for my movie's costume marketing budget. Finally, I would pivot my design talents to marketing myself as I always had in positioning those luxury designers to celebrities on film. Now I would point to myself as the brand. 
I became a walking and talking marketing expert on fashion for film.  Taking it a step beyond what other stylist and designers had previously attempted, I designed promotional cards that looked like a mini magazines.  It was unique - like me.  I had been able to channel my work on alternative forms of fashion product placement, and made myself known as a fashion marketer and designer.  Even at the expense of being copied, I let the competition do it because to them - I had the good idea, and I was a cool/ relevant. This was flattering. My parents did not understand why I had to spend my money to sell myself and instead cried out that I should get a real job. The reality for me was that I was not about to give up because I was worth my own investment. It would eventually pay off in more ways than money.
Shame-I never told anyone about this until now publicly acknowledging it because I had thought about how being the representative of an immigrant cultural identity crisis is difficult and it may not be received as grateful.  I do not feel sorry for myself now. However, unless you are a first generation American, here in the states, you may have a hard time understanding how much the status of one's own, or generational immigration status puts on ones self worth. It encapsulates ones burden to the family, and adds an enormous pressure to not make any mistakes.
It wasn’t because I felt sorry for myself that I got myself out of the disaster I put myself in, nor was it because I lacked the skill to make it better. it was moxie that took me to new levels of my hustle by insisting I too was relevant.  
They say the banks were given a get out of jail free card in the housing collapse of 2008 because they were too big to allow to fail, and I say an entrepreneur is too little to fail.  The critical situation for most of us entrepreneurs is that we have a responsibility to stay relevant. It forces us to choose whether our creativity and ideas merits another's financial support, or stay as lean startups. We ask ourselves constantly - what is it going to take to break out of debt and into financial freedom? Are we the person we are meant to be? Should we keep going in hopes that someone will believe in our ideas? Of course, but only the strong survive. We just have to wait our turn. Everybody's number comes, but we just have to be ready for it to be called. 
My Reco - Do things that keep your ideas and creativity fresh. Read, watch movies, and share... (as I am ). Don't beat yourself up all the time ( that’s a hard one) by letting your circumstance control you and give up.  Find strength in group chats, or meditation.  Tap into resources that help your self esteem. I am religiously devoted to practicing yoga because I find it makes me a balanced happy hip hippie chic.
And, If you need a good cry, cry! Don't feel bad for being emotional. Allow yourself a limited time too. I do not listen to others if they tell me to stop crying. They may not know how they would handle it if they were in your position, or they don’t like confrontation of truth. This is your truth - expressed through the manifestation of your physical expression.  And sometimes truth is painful to tap into. 
Ask - If more money were the solution to an immigrant entrepreneur to survive business, then - why aren't more people and companies helping us to reach the level of success by becoming a patron of our e-commerce sites, buying our organic produce at farmers markets and hiring us on film sets? As much as people are pinching pennies as gas prices go up, the Chinese tariff sanctions are exploding, we entrepreneurs need to be rewarded, however we also have a duty to reward our immigrant communities with reciprocity.  Ask the very people that love us most- maybe not our parents, but friends, government programs and those in your culture.  Suggest that it is important to help us. We then have to love ourselves more by surrounding ourselves with believers and people that will tell us that your idea kinda sucks, and should fix it. Does my idea need help? 
While most of you may not agree, we are only as strong our supporters.  I learned early to not give up because eventually someone will give you a chance.  Even if my parents didn’t understand, they were probably just afraid of my failing because they couldn’t help me.  But - I had to fail then, and I fail now. I always got up because I always listened to my intuition and stayed focus.  I maybe a digital nomad, writer, costume designer, social strategist and other slashes I haven’t realized yet, but it didn’t detour my focus, it means I can hustle.  I can do these skills myself now and oversee my team, or not hire a team at all.  People have criticized me for having too many slashes in my title. I say, I am an excellent designer, marketer, writer, idea maker and strategist not right for everybody, but that makes me a great storyteller.  I just added more skills to my arsenal.  
Creating opportunity - Still working towards the goal, I am making new ones, because I have to brave if not for myself but for my culture. I step out again, and again with new ideas in technology and marketing, and still find myself hippie chic costume designer and wannabe filmmaker because I already lived through the hardest critics - my culture. 
A Latina is supposed to be brave, but it is a dichotomy We are taught to be safe and do what our husbands want us to do. When I go for another / (slash) in my title it's because I can do it better than someone else, because I pick and choose what my cultural wants to self identify with. I am not afraid to be too small to fail. I have couch surfed, travelled through scary boarders by bus while criminals in Central America were attempting to steal my American passport, and I am still standing.
The past - I listened to those words that my parents spoke years ago when I decided to take a challenge with foreseen consequences.  It was painful but worth it. I make no apologies to anyone including my culture. Because of my fierceness, I am a SoCal native/ New Yorker /Digital Nomad / Hippie Chic with an exceptional education, stand out delivery for creativity and my personal growth are all attributes of my Latina-ness.  
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Andrew Bogut, and Animals: Scooby Friendly, fun, affectionate, playful boy. Respectful & relaxed w/adults, children & other dogs. Very housetrained, crate trained, wel behaved home alone, knows many commands! please pick me so I can live! id 37463, @ 8 Yrs Young, 81 lbs of Happy, Neutered & Waiting w/Hope, Manhattan ACC TO BE KILLED - 8/23/2018 Friendly, fun, affectionate and playful, Scooby is a good sweet boy. At the shelter he has been super social, easy in and easy out of his kennel when going on, or coming back from walks, and everyone adores him. In his former life he lived with adults, kids and another dog and was relaxed and respectful of everyone. He had a sterling resume too – house and crate trained, well behaved home alone, and he knew a slew of commands. Scooby is an big, active dog though, and he really needed a lot more exercise than he probably was getting in a busy family situation, and he could also have benefited from some training on the all-important calming commands like “down stay” and “place” so that he could learn to channel his energy and remain calm in the face of distractions that made him anxious. We have to wonder if he was constantly crated, because a dog of his stature and energy really needed to get out of doors to run and play! Now this poor kid is back behind bars, and he’s waiting – hoping – that someone will see what a good boy he is and save his life. Scooby has a heart of gold. There’s not a bad bone in his whole body. He just needed an experienced foster or adopter who would be his pack leader and provide him with guidance, structure and training. If you can foster or adopt Scooby, hurry and PRIVATE MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance. He’s competing with 15 other dogs for a home today so time is of the essence. SCOOBY, ID # 37463, 8 Yrs. Old, 82.2 lbs. Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Brown / White, Neutered Male Owner Surrender Reason: Not good with Kids Shelter Assessment Rating: New Hope Rescue Only Intake Behavior Rating: 2. Blue AT RISK MEMO: Scooby is at risk for both medical and behavior reasons. Scooby has been diagnosed with Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex, which is contagious to other dogs and will require treatment with antibiotics likely for 14 days. Scooby has been sociable whilst at the care center, but does have a known bite history. For this reason, we are seeking placement only with a New Hope partner able to better assess Scooby's behaviors and placement needs. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 08/22: During his time at the Care Center, Scooby has been social with staff members and has allowed all handling. He is easily leashed and walks well down the hallway, and does not pay much attention to other dogs when going for a walk. He appears to be somewhat housebroken and will investigate his surroundings while occasionally checking in with the handler. Scooby returns to his kennel with ease. OWNER SURRENDER NOTES – BASIC INFORMATION: Scooby is an approximately 8 year old mixed breed dog. He previously lived with 2 adults, 2 children, and 1 dog. He is described as outgoing and plays somewhat rough. He is described as respectful and relaxed around children and he will play somewhat rough. Scooby was socialized with a large female dog and is described as respectful and relaxed. He is described as respectful with cats. Scooby is said to guard his food and will growl when attempting to touch his food or go near him when he is eating his food. He has a previous bite history. He bit the previous owner's daughter while she was placing him inside of his crate, he jumped up at her arm and caused bruising. He is partially housetrained and has a high energy level. Scooby is described as somewhat hard to control and isn't bothered with loud noises or fireworks. He will growl and snap when attempting to touch his food, he isn't bothered with being given a bath, being held or restrained or having his nails trimmed. He has never had any medical issues. For a New Family to Know: Scooby is described as friendly, affectionate, playful, pushy and excitable. He enjoys playing with balls and stuffed animals, was being fed Iams dry food once a day and is considered very house trained. He well behaved when left home alone, he does well in crates for at least 8 hours and was being walked once a day. He pulls lightly on leash and when off leash he will wander but come when he is called. SHELTER ASSESSMENT – DATE OF ASSESSMENT, 8/19/2018 Look:: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor's hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 1. Dog assumes play position and joins the game. Or dog indicates play with huffing, soft 'popping' of the body, etc. Dog might jump on Assessor once play begins. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 5. Dog snaps or bites the Assess-a-Hand. Summary:: Scooby approached the assessor with a soft body. He was social during the assessment and allowed all handling. When the assess-a-hand touched the toy he was in possession of, he growled and snapped. MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial:: 8/8/2018. Summary:: Allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Scooby so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. In the care center, he displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to Scooby's bite history, we recommend an adult only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Scooby's bite history, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Resource guarding,Multiple-bite history/risk of future aggression Potential challenges comments:: Resource guarding: On his behavior assessment, Scooby growled and snapped when the assess-a-hand touched the toy he was in possession of. Resource guarding behavior has also been noted in his previous home environment, growling and snapping over food. For this reason, we advise against ever removing items from Scooby's possession without safely trading for an item or greater or equal value. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is highly recommended to aid in safely managing/modifying this behavior in a new home environment. Multiple-bite history/risk of future aggression: Scooby has bitten two people. One of the bites involved a child trying to place Scooby behind a gate and broke skin. The other bite, the circumstances and severity of are not known. Guidance from a professional trainer/behaviorist is recommended to assess behavior after decompression in a new home environment. Force-free, reward based training is advised when introducing or exposing Scooby to new and unfamiliar situations. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 8/08/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~8yrs based on PE. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative by LVT on intake. MC placed on intake. History : surrendered by O due to bite to 8yr old child in home. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, allowed all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: dc 1/5; pd 1/5 -- did not fully assess due to muzzle in place PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: neutered male. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat; several macules along the ventrum CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: grossly normal. Assessment dental disease overweight Prognosis: excellent Plan: DOH hold weight management and dental care once placed SURGERY: already neutered 17/08/2018 SO BAR, barking at kennel front. EENT -- sniffling and sneezing with serous nasal discharge during rounds observation. A CIRDC P doxycycline 100mg talbet -- give 3.75 tablet PO q24h x 14 days cerenia 60mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q24h x 4 days * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * SCOOBY IS RESCUE ONLY! You must PRIVATE MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance with fostering or adopting him. He cannot be reserved on the ACC ARL online list, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309
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