#also headcanon jfk is bi
sd2006 · 2 years
Finally watched Clone High and you'll never guess who my favourite character is!
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It's Gandhi!
Na it's JFK! But Gandhi is close second though, he has a special place in my heart as a fellow ADD/ADHD person.
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Clone high headcanons??
My brain is mush lets go!
Abe:Hes super fucking tall, like 6'4 at LEAST. hes bi- Listens to weezer religiously, got topher into it.Thanks to the lovely POBart I am a mullet Abe truther, he grows his hair out and ppl either love it or hate it lmao also hes transmasc. I make the rules. He's trans.
Joan: Above average height, but not super tall. she's like 5'6 or 5'7. Is constantly redoing her roots. Idk I dont really like joan all that much so I don't have many ideas 4 her
Cleo:5'5Lesbian-she struggled with hard core comphet and Frida is the first girl she's been able to actually have a meaningful relationship with, without forcing herself.Struggles with alot of self worth issues. She grew up valuing her body over her mind and it really fucked her up. She is pretty smart though.Likes Doja Cat, Lizzo,and Meghan thee stallion
Jfk:6'1Hes pretty openly pan in 2023, would only fool around with guys in 2002. Has Addison desease like irl jfk. He gets called Jack by ppl hes close with.
Harriet:I have mixed feelings abt Harriet tbh, like I WANT to love her but she pissed me off in show a couple times. Unpopular opinion, I actually don't mind any of the new clones designs. She dyes her hair ALOT, loves bright colors. She feels pretty uncomfortable with having to live up to her clone mother. She loves art and acting and feels like she's letting people down because of it.Shes straight or maybe bi, she doesn't really know.
Frida: Short lady!! 5'1 Irl frida was bi but she doesn't really care for guys. she's a lesbian. Always has a sketch book with her:) Thinks cleo is just so cool and really respects all her interests. She even lets her do her makeup. Loves her tall gf
Confucius:Mommy issues fr. Hes like 6'2. Really loves all kinds of fashion. Has a raccoon tail in his hair. Blue+Black mullet cus he's silly. Chronically online. Tries to be an influencer but is kinda bad at it lolIs. besties with jfk
Topher:4'9 at MOST. hes so short Hes ALSO transmasc. and gay. Hes got a bit of internalized trans and homophobia. (sorry transfem topher lovers)Has a couple prominent white hairs. His hair is THICK and curly. He kinda hates it until his friends( mainly abe) make him feel more content with it. Hes a brony lol. Listens to weezer unironicly cus of Abe. He also loves hyperpop and Weird Al. Caitlyn actually adopted him, and really sees him as her son.
fucking HATES being called Chris or Christopher.also he has pretty bad hygiene other than leaning over the tub to wash his hair every other day.
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jfkonfucius · 5 months
you have any sexuality hcs of the clone high characters?
i hc Confucius as pansexual and genderfluid (thanks to you /lh)
I don't take these headcanons too seriously (realistically I know 90% r straight) but yea !!
(Also I love all kinds of headcanons so if you hc something different I still probably think it's awesome)
Joan: bi/pan | JFK: bi/pan | Confucius: bi/pan | Cleo: lesbian | Frida: lesbian | Harriet: bi/pan | Topher: gay (alternatively, straight in the transfem egg headcanon) | Abe: straight | Gandhi: aromantic+straight | Scudworth: bi/pan | Mr. B: bi/pan | Candide: lesbian+asexual
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l0b0t0myb0ner · 1 year
Got any clone high headcanons? Also HI!!!
oh boy do i!!!
(also a lot of the ships i include may be controversial, but theyre not problematic and gross so u dont have to worry about that :3).
jfk: hes pan. “if theres a hole, theres a goal!” -jfk, probably /hj. he genuinely felt something for joan when they dated, but he knew that she wasnt gonna stay for long. also hes a mullet-haver. sry i dont make the rules!! hes dating abe (im right about this. i am and im not arguing.)
joan: genuinely the only character in the entire show that i think is 100% only into men. i know that might get me into some drama but idc! shes only shown attraction to men!!! but also to counterpoint that, i think he’s genderfluid and doesn’t care about pronouns. she felt something for jfk, but that feeling was Horny. she really only wanted to date jfk for the sex. which, if you look at season 2, is pretty much canon. he has a fat crush on abe, still, but when jfk gets with him, she decides that she’s done with crushes and dating for a while.
abe: hes bisexual. he is and im right! his crush on joan was one of those things where you convince yourself to like someone but in reality you only think of them as a friend. he ACTUALLY has a crush on jfk but he doesnt realize that until joanfk break up (rivals to lovers moment?) after breaking up with cleo after prom, they don’t talk for a bit, but once cleo realizes she’s a lesbian she decides to befriend abe again, and the two of them plus frida form a cute little friend group and they gossip. also abe lets them give him makeovers cuz why not!
cleo: shes a lesbian. she never showed genuine attraction to a man until john dark, and even then, it was because he was actually joan in disguise. she only wanted to date these guys for power and popularity. so when frida enters the picture, cleo isnt sure how to feel. shes confused and weirded out and she doesnt know how to express those feelings. so she flirts. it starts off as a joke, like a “hey shawty bae we’re just besties but i’d kiss you” to an actual genuine crush. also she gets a better mom when shes unfrozen. because she deserves it.
gandhi: hes asexual and bi (fem pref). hes dating marie curie :) theyre cute :)!!! im not counting season 2 as canon for this, so he got unfrozen along with everyone else. he has this whole enemies thing with topher, but he doesnt consider topher his enemy. topher considers gandhi a rival but not the other way around. gandhi thinks topher should chill out a bit, but considers him as a friend.
i might expand on this later actually cuz right now im like burnt out and my brain is fried from staying up till 5am (oops.) anyways i have a BUNCH more if you want them :)
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rvstyartstar · 1 year
Hola! Amo como dibujas, si no te molesta puedo preguntar si tienes algunos headcanon de Clone high. Es que no he visto por otros lugares headcanon de esta serie.
gracias por tus amables palabras ♡!! Y por supuesto, no me importa compartir mi headcanon sobre estas tonterías. De hecho, agradezco que preguntes, aunque podría escribirlas en inglés porque mi español no es el mejor, así que espero que no te importe.
So let's begin with the headcanons (i might update this post from time to time)
•mr.b is everyone's therapist.
• joan talks to jesús about her clone mother and gets things off her chest with him, so yea they besties.
• Joan was both celo and jfk bi awakening.
•abe float through the air when he smells pie.
•confucius the type of friend to record the whole fight.
• topher yells at kids while playing video games.
• like one of my last posts I'd like to think that Vincent likes to practice facepainting on Julius's face bc he drew one time on his face in a sleepover and Julius thought the drawing was good and told him to practice more on it.
• jesús gets bushed into pool (or lakes) by others several times just to see if he can walk on water like his clone father.
• topher the type of guy to say " i wasn't even playing." When he gets caught in hide and seek.
• Frida and Vincent are drawing buddies + as an artist i think they would draw/Paint their crushs (especially frida with cleo).
• Catherine and Julius are still friends after breaking up.
• abe "accidentally" calls any short person he hangs out with 'Gandhi' and immediately apologize about it.
• jfk is the type of person to say "well well well, what do we have here?".
•celo and Gandhi are the type of siblings to be "get out of my room!!" And gandhi standing right outside says "im not even in your room"
•confucius love language is giving gifts especially expensive ones.
• Harriet dyed her hair pink so she can match with confucius's blue hair.
• celo tries her lipstick on fridas face.
• jesús and Julius lifts Vincent so they can talk to him and hear him clearly/ or lift him to reach to things he wants but out of his reach.
• Julius and Vincent start dating eachother in season 2 because they promised they'd do it if they were 30 and still single, which they technically were, but eventually they actually quite liked the idea of it, and also Vincent and anne boelynn looks like a cute couple as well. Vincent has TWO HANDS.
And btw I'm a multi-shipper so if you see ship a character with another and in the next I ship them with another please don't get mad at me for it.
well that's all for now ig but thanks again for your questions pal♡!!
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movietonight · 3 years
For the character ask game, could I please request Charles? Thank you ^_^
Yess thank you! I have a feeling each time I rewatch mash I have a new favourite character and this time it's that bastard (affectionate)
Favourite thing: from his first episode they make it so clear that he's on an equal level to Hawkeye and BJ not just surgically but intellectually in general (the snake prank) and just so complex. Also DOS my beloved obviously but I think that goes without saying. Last but not least he likes classical music <3 I listen to a lot of different genres but I have such a soft spot for classical music that every time he talks about it I'm just like yes bestie let's discuss composers or whatever <3
Least favourite thing: Well he is really posh and arrogant and bigoted and everything that comes with it (social darwinism and racism and classism etc etc). I absolutely can't stand posh people irl and I absolutely can't stand these attitudes but the thing is. It's just so very funny. I cannot excuse any of his views in any way and there's scenes I want to punch him so badly. But I love laughing about fictional posh people.
Favourite line: this is not a line but this is my answer and I can do what I want: the entire scene in run for the money where he listens to Honoria's tape
brOTP: Him and everyone I love when he gets along with people!! Those moments in Sons and Bowlers where he and Hawkeye actually have a deep conversation! In the same episode where he schemes with BJ together! The pranks! The hug in Temporary Duty! Oh and talking more literally Honoria of course. We know so little about her but she's my bestie
OTP: As I said before, I don't actively ship anything but I don't not ship anything. Enough people have lobbied for Charles/Donna on my dash that I have started to care about it and amended my hc from gayce (gay ace) to biace (bi ace) (I love portmanteau words). I have seen people lobby for Charles/Hawkeye which is something I had not considered while watching but as long as it gives me enough brain worms I'm in. I am legally obliged to mention the Charles/JFK joke I made.
nOTP: As I said I don't like how Charles/Margaret played out on the show but it could work if done differently I suppose. I am also not a big fan of the other two brief romantic encounters he had like nothing against Martine and Sooni but it just didn't work for me at all.
Random Headcanon: The reason why he so desperately wants to listen to Mahler's Kindertotenlieder in Friends and Enemies is because it's the anniversary of his brother's death
Unpopular Opinion: That is not a neutrotypical man
Song: the Mozart Clarinet Quintet as featured in GFA & Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
Favourite Picture:
He has a little halo :)
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thebreakfastgenie · 3 years
For the character ask game: Charles Emerson Winchester III? Thank u :3
omg!!!!! yes this is fun
favorite thing about them
Complexity!! He really grows and you really get a sense that underneath it all, he's a person with feelings. He does care, but sometimes he's annoyed that he cares, which is the best attitude. Also other favorite thing is he's just hilarious.
least favorite thing about them
The classism. "Do you actually deny the superiority of the highborn?" was so off-putting it made me not like him at first, but then he got character development and it became like. Funny snobbery.
favorite line
"I will not be there. I am turning myself in to the CHINESE." Just for the line delivery. But there are so may good ones honestly that just came to mind first. Oh also "They were alive when I put them there! You've killed them!"
Charles BJ Hawkeye and Margaret as a squad is Thee group dynamic of all time. Also just Charles and Hawkeye. Sons and Bowlers episode of all time.
Charles/Donna! They just really enjoyed each other's company and had great chemistry.
Can't get into Charles/Klinger. Nothing wrong with it, but it's not for me. Also Charles/Margaret although lately I think I would be open to them in the later seasons if the show hadn't tried to push them weirdly in season 6. That just put me off.
random headcanon
I think after the war Charles constantly says Hawkeye, BJ, and Potter were better surgeons than the people he works with but he can never let his get back to any of them. Oh also he went to Harvard at the same time as JFK but that's like. Canon. At least based on one version of the timeline.
unpopular opinion
Oh gosh I'm sure I have some but very head empty over here. Maybe an unpopular lack of headcanon because I feel like everyone headcanons him as some kind of queer but I don't really. Care? I like him with Donna but that doesn't mean he can't be bi or ace or whatever but I also don't definitively think he's not straight he just Is.
song i associate with them
The only thing I can think of is Uptown Girl efwieufhiuewhfe
favorite picture of them
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There is only One Picture.
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jfks-phat-cheeks · 4 years
Hello, Hello, Hello, Loves!
This is the request info, it shows what I do and how you can send in your requests! :)
About me page!
Characters I Write For:
💚=general hc ❤️=reader insert hc 💖=ships
Joan Of Arc💚❤️💖
Abe Lincoln 💚❤️
Mahatma Gandhi💚❤️💖
Cleopatra “Cleo” Smith💚❤️💖
Vincent van Gogh💚❤️💖
Ponce “Poncey” de Léon💚❤️💖
Jesús Christo💚❤️💖
Julius Caesar💚❤️💖
(Probably will add more later,,,)
The rules change with the type of headcanon that you want, so below it is split into two self explanatory categories. Pretty much everything goes unless specifically said.
Reader Insert Headcanons: For this you need to choose a character (from the list) and give me an insert/prompt. Ex. “Can I have Van Gogh with an artist reader?” Or “Can I get Gandhi with a prompt 23?”
I will NOT write any sort of race changing of ANY KIND or detailed nswf. They are teens. Not adults. Not happening. And absolutely no triggering topics, (r*pe Headcanons) and horrible stuff like that.
General Character Headcanons: All you really need to do is send me an ask, containing a character from the show (there is a list of all the characters I write for) with something you would want to see them as. Ex. “Can i get some Headcanons of bi jfk?” Or “Can we get some Joan and Cleo friendship headcanons?”
I will NOT write any sort of race changing of ANY KIND or detailed nswf. They are teens. Not adults. Not happening. And absolutely no triggering topics, (r*pe Headcanons) and horrible stuff like that.
The rules for this are pretty basic. For those of you who dont know what a Ship is, is that you send in the form below and i will ship you (or an oc) with a character from the show!
Must have gender/pronouns and sexuality (or what gender you want to be shipped with)!! This is one of the most important parts!! After that, just some basic appearance things if you feel comfortable. What is really helpful is personality stuff! (Feel free to give hogwarts houses, and mbti’s but a little bit of other things about you would be handy!) Other stuff that would be nice is like, what you want from a relationship and things like your love language. (Not really required but would be very handy!)
(Example of what this would look like): “Hello! I’d like to request a ship. I am non-binary(they/them), and toric! I am 5’7 and have long brown hair. I also have a scar along my thigh from an accident. I am a hufflepuff and ISFJ. Im very protective of my friends and family. I’m definitely the parent friend, and always make sure others are okay. What I want in a relationship is someone i can rely on and to listen to me. Someone who will sit with me and just enjoy life. I think my love language is touch and verbal! Thanks!”
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mashpotatoe · 4 years
Omg I am in love with your clone high art!! May i ask if you have any clone high headcanons 👀 also cartmark is awesome not cringe shhh 🏳️‍🌈
all in one ask damn... mostly just sexuality/gender hcs for now no drug dealing anime obsessed thomas jeffersons just Yet ;) anyways jfk is trans and bi NDJDJS i like lesbian cleo a lot ngl love how she just uses men for profit ❤️ but whatevs bisexual cleopatra also priceless... erm *tucks hair behind ear* ace gandhi because im allowed to :) and joan screams bi energy.
i feel like im forgetting someone........................... nah mustve not been that important *shrug
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trashunlimited · 4 years
Do you have any Clone high headcanons?
jfk is bi but doesn't realize it(kinda obvious but eh)
jfk was also in love with ponce but didn't realize it, because again, thinks he's straight
me and @glampyra essentially made this entire jfk character arc involving their clone ocs of the kennedy siblings and jackie. he learns to drink respect women juice, and after rosemary(she was the sister that got a lobotomy) is revealed to be disabled, he has to rethink his stance on the special ed kids and breaks up with cleo because she thinks rosemary is a freak. what i'm saying is, jfk has a good heart deep down and with enough growth can become himbo supreme
abe obsessively watches any movie/miniseries/etc.. on abraham lincoln
i also had the idea of him dressing as a vampire hunter because of that movie where lincoln is a vampire hunter
ghandi can't watch anything on the real ghandi because it just makes him feel bad
joan likes watching silent movies on the real joan of arc, stuff like that once lost movie "the passion of joan of arc" on her trial and execution
jfk describes the real jfk as a "macho womanizing stud who conquered the moon", so he incorrectly believes jfk was alive during the moon landing of 1969. nobody tell him the truth, it'll just make him have an existential crisis.
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