#also hello to max fewtrell in both of these
alonsoings · 4 months
everyone always talks about how tiny lando was as a kid, and we need to start including logan in that every picture i see of him from karting he is 🤏 this big compared to the other kids
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like that’s my son
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Missing Journal
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles reads Y/N’s journal and finds out she has a crush on an F1 driver.
Warning: the usual spellings and grammatical errors, inaccuracies of pretty much anything involving F1
A/N: kinda based off season 1 episode 3 of Austin and Ally. However, instead of reading the journal about Y/N’s crush and thinking it’s about him when it’s actually someone else, Charles would read it and think it’s about someone else when in reality it’s about him. Does that’s make sense? Cool. Also, i always put Hispanic/Latina because I don't know what you prefer to be called and because this does exclude Spain, Haiti, Brazil, and other Latin American countries that don't speak Spanish.
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Y/N and Charles have been friends for a long time, but so have Y/N and Lando. Y/N moved from the states to Monaco and became neighbors with Charles, ultimately becoming friends, but she also participated in Junior Karting with Lando, befriending Lando and Max Fewtrell.
It is safe to say Y/N has been friends with the three of them for a very long time and she is so grateful because she always felt like she didn't belong since she isn't European like them. But she has Logan as well, even if they aren't super close. She splits time between Charles and Lando. If Lando thinks McLaren is going to do soemthing interesting, he invites Y/N to Woking. Something interesting happening at Ferrari? Charles is bringing Y/N to Maranello. Y/N loves travelling (the Sagittarius in me) so it works out perfectly.
One day, Y/N's apartment was flooded because of poor plumbing and Charles offered her a place to stay. When her apartment was clear, both of them decided it was better if they were roommates since she was the better cook and that brings us to today.
Y/N was sleeping in her room peacefully when she felt someone shake her awake and she saw Charles standing over her.
"If you are going to kill me, can i at least eat first?" Y/N asked sleepily.
"Y/N, wake up, they changed our flight to Imola." Charles said and Y/N sat up in her bed.
"What do you mean they changed our flight? Don't we fly priavte?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, but Fred wants us to be in Imola earlier so we have more time to go over strategies so get dressed, sweetie, we need to go to the runway." Charles said. Y/N's heart fluttered at Charles's nickname for her. She tries to think nothing of it because he is a Libra after all, he is very affectionate towards her and Carlos as well. She got out of bed.
"Okay fine, but get out." Y/N said, pushing Charles out of her room to get dressed. She packed a dufflebag with 5/6 outfits, pajamas, anything she really needed for a 5 or 6 day trip more or less.
"Whatever you say, love, I'll buy us something to eat on the way there." Charles said outside her door. The last thing Y/N packed was her journal, she likes writing down everything about her travels since she writes travel articles for Hello Monaco (don't know if there is a traveling section, lets pretend). But she also writes about her love life or lackthereof. Y/N washed her face and got dressed in her comfortable clothes. When she left her room, she sw Charles on the couch with his small luggage.
"Alright, lets go. Are we stopping by the bakery?" Y/N asked.
"Of course. I'll wait outside while you order the pastries, I'll give you money." Charles said.
"Thanks, lets go." They left the apartment and got into Charles's car. Charles parked outside the bakery and Y/N got out of the car, ordered pastries, getting herself a warm cookie croissant (THEY ARE SO GOOD, my mom needs to buy more from the market) and whatever Charles gets. She gets back in the car and Charles starts driving away.
"Can you feed me, honey?" Charles asked. Y/N broke off a piece of the pain au chocolat and fed it to Charles, his tongue and lips touching her two fingers holding the piece of pastry. She felt butterflies in her stomach and decided to just hold the oain au chocolat and have him bite it but... "No, no, i can't drive like that, just feed me like you did before." Charles said and thats exactly what Y/N did.
Now of course Charles knew it wasn't necessary for Y/N to feed him like that, but he loves the intimacy of this gesture. So having her feed him like they were boyfriend and girlfriend even though they are not was great thing in Charles's book. Especially considering his feelings for the Hispanic/Latina queen by his side. Y/N finished feeding Charles the pastry and licked her fingers that were covered in chocolate because no one wastes chocolate here. They were playing music in his car, just vibing, singing along, Y/N finished her cookie croissant, and they were just talking until they made it to the airport runway where their private jet was, with Carlos waiting by the jet.
"Por fin! Por qué se demoraron tanto?" Carlos asked.
"Güey, relájate, teníamos hambre, queríamos comer en el camino." Y/N said, getting her dufflebug out of Charles's car, Charles gets his suitcase out too.
"I don't like it when you call me güey." Carlos said.
"I picked up Mexican slang from Pato that time he was in Woking with Lando. I miss Pato, i gotta text him." Y/N said, entering the jet with Charles and Carlos trailing behind. She sits down. "I'll never get used to this, I grew up lower middle class."
"Well your friends are F1 drivers and we invite you everywhere." Charles said.
"And I thank you for that, honestly. My boss loves my hotel reviews, thanks for paying for my room by the way." Y/N said.
"Of course, it's no big deal." Charles said.
"What i don't get is why we have to fly if the drive is just 5 and a half hours." Y/N said.
"But by plane it is an hour." Carlos said. "That mean we have more time to relax, work on strategies, go clubbing." Carlos says.
"We are not clubbing before media day." Charles warned him.
"Fine, que pesado." Carlos said and Y/N giggled.
The flight itself was bearable, Y/N fell asleep and Charles was watching her with a smile on his face.
"You should tell her you like her, mate. Because this" Carlos says gesturing to what Charles was doing. "Its getting creepy and concerning."
"When the moment is right i will tell her." Charles said.
"Okay then." Carlos said, putting his headphones.
When the jet landed, a chauffer took them from the airport to their hotel. When they arrived at the hotel lobby, Y/N saw Lando and Oscar on the couch, Lando was on his phone while Oscar talked to Logan.
"Lando!" Y/N shouted, running to where Lando was.
"Y/N!" Lando exclaimed, standing up from the couch to hug his best girl friend. "How was your flight? Are you hungry?"
"Nah, I'm fine, I had a cookie croissant before the flight so i should be good." Y/N said.
"Nonsense, you should have a proper breakfast. Osc, you wanna go out for breakfast?" Lando asked the Australian.
"Yeah sure." Oscar said. "Lets get our keys and we'll head out." As soon as everyone got their keys, they went to their rooms which are all on the same floor, WAGS obviously roomed with their partners, Y/N had her own room and she place her dufflebag there. She knocked on Lando's door and he opened up.
"Should i change." Y/N asked.
"Nah, you're fine. You ready to go Osc?" Lando asked Oscar, who was talking to Logan
"Yeah, lets go, catch you later, Logan." Oscar said goodbye.
"I'll talk to you later my fellow American!" Y/N exclaimed as she left with Lando and Oscar. Charles was observing their interaction.
"Jealous?" Carlos asked right behind Charles startling him.
"You scared me, mate. But i am not jealous." Charles said.
"You might want to unclench your fist then." Carlos tapped on Charles's fist and he releases.
On their free day, Y/N was writing down the name of the restaurant/cafe they went to, reviewed the food, the atmosphere, how much the food was.
"Y/N, do you have to review everything?" Lando asked.
"Yes, how was your food?" Y/N asked.
"It was good." Lando said.
"Do you think it is worth the price?" Y/N asked.
"I say yes but I think if you were wokring class, definitely not." Lando said.
"Thank you. What about you, Osc?" Y/N asked.
"I mean I've had better in Monza, but its still good." Oscar replied and Y/N wrote it down.
"You gentlemen have been great help." Y/N said.
"Will you be in the Ferrari hospitality this time or will you be coming over to McLaren?" Lando asked.
"I can't say yet. I'll probably arrive at the paddock with Charles, hang around his hospitality halfway during the break inbetween free practices and then go over to you before the second free parctice starts." Y/N said.
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You coming to media day or are you going to be sightseeing?" Oscar asked.
"The hospitality gives me free food so I'm going to media day because i don't like sightseeing by myself." Y/N said.
"You just want me to pay." Lando said.
"You have the money to pay for me! I don't see the problem." Y/N said.
"She’s been like this since I joined F1.” Lando told Oscar.
“I do the same with Charles, don’t start.” Y/N said.
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(This scene was written before I found out what happened in Imola)
It was media day and Y/N was repping McLaren at the paddock, it made Charles feel a certain way.
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“Stopping staring.” Carlos said.
“I can’t help it, they’re acting like a couple and I don’t like it.” Charles said.
“At least she’s not wearing his number.” Carlos tried to cheer him up, Charles was going to answer him when Y/N came up to him.
“Have you guys seen my journal?” Y/N asked.
“How does it look like?” Charles asked.
“It’s a mini blue notebook with my name in rhinestones, my friend decorated it for me.” Y/N said,
“We haven’t seen it, love.” Charles said.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?” Y/N asked worriedly.
“Relax, it’s just a book.” Carlos said.
“It is NOT just a book, it is my diary and work journal all rolled into one, i write ALL my personal stuff in there, if anyone else reads it, I WILL DIE.” Y/N said.
“Maybe you should start taking notes on your phone.” Carlos said.
“Like I’m going to listen to a colonizer.” Y/N snapped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I mean you do come from colonizers but i should call you that, it’s not your fault.”
“Ya relájate. We’ll look for it.” Carlos said.
“Thank you! I was basically in every hospitality today so I gotta ask around.” Y/N mentioned.
“Why were you in every hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Well i run an F1 TikTok account too so I was just hospitalities. I hope no one has read it.” Y/N said before running off.
“Do you think she’s overreacting?” Carlos asked.
“Her mom said she was born a drama Queen.” Charles said shrugging. “I’m gonna go talk with Max.” Charles said, leaving Carlos, Charles entered the Red Bull hospitality.
“Hey Charles, where’s Y/N? I found her notebook.” Max said,
“That’s great! Where did you find it?” Charles asked.
“She left it on the couch when she was talking to Checo. Do you know why she was going mental about this?” Max asked, giving the notebook to Charles.
“Apparently there’s a lot of personal stuff written in here.” Charles said and that’s when he got an idea.
“No.” Max said immediately.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Charles said.
“You are not reading it.” Max said.
“Why not?” Charles asked.
“Because Y/N would probably murder you.” Max said.
“What Y/N doesn’t know, won’t kill me.” Charles said opening Y/N's journal.
"You act as if you were married. Well, what does it say?" Max asked, looking over Charles's shoulder to read what it says.
"Apparently Y/N has a crush on someone on the grid." Charles says. He kept reading. "And that guy is not me, looks like she has a crush on Lando." Charles sighed, closing the book.
"I haven't finished reading it." Max says, taking Y/N's journal to keep reading. "Okay, she could be talking about anyone, it doesn't necessarily mean she likes Lando." Max said, reading over the journal entry.
"Really? 'We've known each other since we were kids', Lando and Y/N have done karting together. 'I could easily get lost in his eyes, his accent is adorable, we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not', who else could it be, Max?" Charles asked.
"Okay well everyone on the grid has an accent to Y/N except of Logan. I have seen Lando lead Y/N places with his hand on her lower back. Maybe you are right, Y/N has a crush on Lando." Max said.
"Oh well, I lost my chance, let me just give Y/N her journal, I'll see tomorrow before free practice." Charles said.
"I thought we were going to play videoames later tonight." Max said.
"Not anymore mate, I have to talk to Pierre and pout about losing the love of my life to a child." Charles said.
"He's only 2 years younger than you." Max said.
"He is a child!" Charles shouted before leaving the Red Bull hospitality with Y/N's journal in hand. We was walking around the paddock when he spotted Y/N on the phone.
"Si mami, estoy comiendo bien, te lo juro. Mami, luego te marco, mi amigo Charles quiere hablar conmigo, te quiero mucho, bye." Y/N hung up the phone and put it in her bag. "What's up?"
"Oh I found your journal." Charles handed Y/N the journal and she took it happily.
"Thank you so much, you're the best, where did you find it?" Y/N asked.
"Oh in Red Bull, Max found it on the couch." Charles said.
"I'll thank him when i see him. Are you doing anything tonight? I wanted to visit the Aryton Senna statue and since I know you're a fan.." Y/N was cut off by Charles
"Sorry, I'll be with Pierre since Kika couldn't come." Charles said
"Oh, well maybe after free practice tomorrow?" Y/N asked hopefully.
"I don't think so, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Y/N." Charles said leaving Y/N in the paddock and she walked to the McLaren hospitality where Lando and Oscar were playing Uno with some of the mechanics.
"Hey, Y/N, when we finish this round, we'll leave." Lando said.
"Yeah, thats fine." Y/N said and she sat on the couch. Once the game was over, Lando drove her back to the hotel.
"Did you find your journal?" Lando asked.
"I did, Charles and Max found it." Y/N said.
"Then how come you don't sound thrilled that you have your journal back?" Lando asked.
"Because Charles was acting weird, like he said he didn't want to see the Aryton Senna statue." Y/N said.
"But Leclerc is a big fan of him." Lando commented.
"Thats what i said!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Leave him, maybe tomorrow will be better." Lando commented.
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Unfortunately, that was not the case, her Friday and Saturday were spent in the McLaren hospitality, she was now watching qualifying on the TV (Q3) and she saw something awful happen, Lando and Charles were fighting for P3, their wheels were touching and everything and it got so bad that now Charles’s front wing and Lando’s rear wing were damaged when Q3 finished. Y/N ran to Lando’s garage to see what happened.
“Bro, what the hell were you two doing?” Y/N asked.
“You should be asking that to Leclerc, I don’t know what is wrong with him, he’s been on my tail for all of quali.” Lando said.
“Don’t worry, I will.” Y/N said storming the Ferrari hospitality and she spotted Carlos. “Cabrón, where’s the other cabrón?”
“He’s in the driver room.” Carlos answered and Y/N bursted into the driver room, Charles was shirtless.
“What the hell, Y/N?!?” Charles asked, putting his shirt back on and Y/N locks the door.
“We need to talk.” Y/N said.
“There is nothing to talk about.” Charles said.
“The hell there is! You’ve been acting weird since Thursday, you haven’t invited me to the Ferrari hospitality, you didn’t want to come with me to see the Aryton Senna statue, it’s like you changed when…” that’s when Y/N realizes what must have happened. “You read my journal!” Y/N yelled, she picked up a pillow and started hitting him. “How fucking dare you!”
“How dare I? How dare you?” Charles asked, blocking her hits.
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked, halting her action,
“You heard me! I Can’t believe you like Lando. Lando? He is so immature!” Charles shouted.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Y/N asked.
“Your journal entry! ‘we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not’, you spend so much time with Lando, who else could you be writing about?” Charles asked and Y/N just stared at him.
“Mas menso no puedes ser! It’s you, Charles! I like you, you ridiculously oblivious moron!” Y/N exclaimed and now it was Charles’s turn to stare.
“You like me?” Charles asked shyly.
“I love you! We were neighbors, we are roommates, we spend so much time together that I developed feelings for you. Now please say something.” Y/N said,
“I like you too. When I thought you liked Lando i went crazy.” Charles admitted.
“That’s why you were acting like that in quali! Lando was kinda mad,” Y/N said,
“Yeah, sorry about that. But now that I know you like me…you coming to the Ferrari hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Of course I will.” Y/N said.
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It was the Grand Prix and Y/N was in the garage with the red headphones one watching from the monitors.
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It was a tough race but Charles made P1 and Y/N couldn’t be any prouder. When Charles “parked” the car at his spot, he saw Y/N standing with Free and the rest of the team so he got out from the car and kissed Y/N. They pulled away and smiled.
“Sorry, I got caught up in the moment.” Charles said, laughing.
“Does this mean we’re dating.” Y/N asked all giggly after her first kiss with Charles.
“Of course we’re dating, Mon ange. You are my girl, and now we are paddock official.” Charles said.
“So when are you taking me out on our first date?” Y/N asked.
“As soon as I’m done with the post race interview.” Charles said, kissing her one last time.
The End
It took forever to write but I hope y’all like it, thanks for your patience!
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norgeant · 2 months
sorry im just invading your asks to say IVE FOUND A FELLOW NORGEANT TRUTHER???? I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE???? HELLO HEY HI (sorry im going insane i think im obsessed with you now) anyways yes do you have lore on them? bc i have some but unfortunately not enough to keep me fuelled bc wdym they KARTED together and now they dont even interact in f1 anymore, i think my favourite moment of this whole season was when lando fist bumped logan in miami (aka the only time they've actually had a public interaction)(aka them hard launching their relationship ofc) anyways so sorry for this useless ramble have a lovely day/night 💕
Thank you for the first ask and YES HI !!! I was nervous it was just me and (from what I know) two others who even mention lando/logan and I didn't know how well this blog would go but I'm glad it's actually going pretty good!
The fist bump was iconic (in my heart) but it only last 2 seconds D: My favourite moment has to be the Williams and McLaren 2024 fan forum stage bc I'm basic and when I see them in the same veracity, the cogs in my head start turning (and if I find clips where they even chuckle at the same time I WILL be sharing it here)
Lore-wise, I don't have much tbh, I know they karted together sometimes, but usually even in events that they were both at, they would be in different classes/categories (KF, KFJ etc.). They were even under the same team in 2014, ricky flynn motorsport
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Their public drivers on the old rfm site (very cute) + max fewtrell
Which is funny bc at this point there's more max f and logan lore than lando and logan lore, like, they also went to drive in formula Renault in 2017 and for the SAME TEAM in 2018
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Makes me feel like it'd be goofy (positive) for lando to introduce his boyfriend to his best friend and they're just like "oh yeah, we go way back too, we just never interacted either"
The lack of braincells is lacking braincells (affectionate but makes sense for this strangely rare trio 😭)
Idk if max f has brought up logan on his streams before but there's bound to be something, right? Maybe I'll find more lore down the line but for now that's all I have :')
So ig my hw rn is finding that fan forum stage, rewatching the williams podcast in case they bring up lando, and having a quick search in max f's twitch clips
Anyways, don't apologise for rambling bc clearly I too am a rambler if it wasn't already obvious lol 🫶
Have a good day/night too and to whoever the heck is reading all this
Your local norgeant blog 💙🧡
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cx-boxbox · 2 months
☉ SHARK TANK: max f/lando or max f/oscar
hello sharks 🧍‍♂️*checks notes* *notes are just "ahhhhhhh"'s and keyboard smashes and explicitives*
i just love max's relationship with lando like the childhood best friends to lovers and max's pining and landos obliviousness. there are two like quotes or whatever that i relate to their relationship; the one is that tiktok trend where it shows the two guys and the one has text over him saying i wish you were a girl (the more i think about this the more im convinced im making it up but you get the gist) (the guy with the text would be lando in this scenario). and the second is max "gay but doesn't know he's in love with his best friend" fewtrell and lando "in love with his best friend but doesn't know he's gay" norris.
but then also max and oscar's relationship esp if it's like "we both hate to love lando cause he doesn't love us". either that or "we're sick of landos bullshit let's fuck about it" like in the feel it start to permeate series by peachbellini.
(alternatively we could have "oscar i cannot do this alone pls help me" like in plus one by limabima. (or something else with the three of them idk idk))
but a prompt if you wanted one; lando, max and oscar are drunk, oscar and lando are like "together but not together think they're being very discreet but they're not" and max gets annoyed cause he's jealous (of who? know one knows) and lando confronts him and hes all nonchalant and cool about it like yeah i wanna fuck you both but like a normal amount and only cause i'm drunk but then while fucking maybe he accidentally tells them how much he's wanted this with both of them for years??? idk basically they fuck nasty about it and it's all very fluffy
also question that you don't have to answer ofc but why haven't you written max f? is it as simple as you haven't felt the urge or inspiration? or do you just like landoscar and don't wanna mess with perfection?
this feels like my thesis statement i blacked out and when i came to, this was written
☉ SHARK TANK: make a case for why I should write a character, pairing, or trope that I haven’t yet!
Okay, WHAT a case. I feel like I'm back in middle school debate tournaments in the best way possible. Honestly, the only reason I haven't written them is because I'm terrible at branching out (see: my stab at lestappen).
But I love love love Lando/Max F because there's the whole childhood friends to lovers trope, the slight angst of Max dropping out of racing, and the fluff of him still being so supportive.
Also have you seen the clips of Lando falling asleep in Max's room?? Extremely important.
Anyway, I'm all for Lando being railed (and cuddled) by one or multiple people.
From this post.
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mwuaferrari · 2 years
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summary: Lando and Maia had been friends with benefits for a while. A relationship where she gave a lot and received little. Where he was focused on his work and was the only thing that had his attention. And where he realized too late what he had before he lost it.
pairing: lando norris x maia (reader)
words: 4.6K
warnings: Some bad words, a lot of angst, toxic relationships. Also, English is not my native language, so any spelling or writing error is the fault of the translator hehe.
notes: Attention with his friend Aurora, MAYBE she will appear in a following story with another driver;)
Lando and Maia had mutual friends, she was friends with Max Fewtrell so it was almost impossible that they didn't know about each other. They officially met at a party where Lando was DJing for fun. It was when he saw her in the crowd dancing with her friends, wearing an orange dress and moving freely as if there was no one else around her. 
He never stopped looking at her and he didn't mind looking like a psychopath, even when he was sitting at the bar he couldn't take his eyes off her, not even with her friend Max's comment about it. “You're already being weird. If you're not going to talk to her, please stop staring at her like that." 
So Maia felt a gaze on her and she surveyed the place for a few seconds until she found curious eyes a few meters away, barely visible among the crowd and the darkness of the place. 
Suddenly she began to walk towards them at a steady pace, and at that moment Lando thought that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. 
—Hey Max! It's been a long time since we saw each other.—The girl gave the man a warm hug. 
—Yes! I think the last time we saw each other was at that festival a few months ago. How have you been? This is my friend Lando, by the way. 
—I've been wonderful, actually. Thank you for asking— Without stopping smiling, she directs her gaze towards the brunette, who was in a kind of trance— Ah yes, Lando, your friend who is now a driver in Formula 1, or am I wrong? Hello, nice to meet you. 
Lando is still in shock until his friend elbows him in the ribs. 
—You're a Mclaren fan.
—No, it was a joke. You know, because of the color of your dress. It's the same color as my team, Mclaren, orange— After Lando's answer, Max hits his face with his hand, embarrassed. Then he walks away from them, getting a confused look from the other two. 
—Sorry, that was so stupid. You're so beautiful and I was just trying to flirt. 
Maia finally laughs. 
—Let me tell you, you're terrible at flirting, and I'm also more of a Ferrari fan type, I'm so sorry. But thanks for the compliment, you're cute too.
Just a couple of minutes later they were both in one of the on-site bathrooms, sloppy hands trailing over each other's bodies eagerly as they desperately kissed.
6 month later
“We had one thing going on, I swear that it was something ´cause I don't remember who I was before you painted all my nights in color I've searched for since”. 
Maia and Lando continued to see each other, but their relationship hadn't fully progressed. They had decided to remain a kind of friends with benefits. Neither of them were really looking for a relationship; Lando just wanted to focus on his Formula 1 career, she was scared of how well known he was and what it would do to her fans to see him with someone like her. But she was in love, finally she fell harder, while he looked less and less interested. 
—I should go, it's late.—Lando says as he play with her bra strap. 
—Why don't you stay?—she asks carefully, already knowing the answer but wanting to try to get him to stay anyway. 
—You know I can't, darling, tomorrow I have to travel and the next day the practices start and… 
—...And you have to rest, I know.—She stands up a little and leans on her elbow to look into his eyes. She raises her hand and begins to caress the curlers of his hair lovingly.—But you can rest here anyway. You can sleep with me, tomorrow we get up, I can make breakfast and... 
—No, I'm sorry.—He was already pulling away from her touch and getting up from the bed as he put on his clothes that were scattered around the room.
—What?— her voice muffled by her blankets. 
When he finishes getting dressed, he turns to her, curious that she didn't respond to him. She always insisted for a while, but now she had gone quiet, lying back down and pulling her blankets up until they were completely covered up to her head.
—Honey please, we've talked about this before.—he says in an obviously tired voice.—You knew the terms when we started, I have to do my best at my job, and I can't… 
—I know, just go. 
—Come on Maia, don't be mad.—Lando finally walks over to the bed again and tries to pull the blankets off of her. As he does, she quickly turns her back on him, trying to hide the tears that streamed down her cheeks. 
—I'm not mad Lando, it's fine. Go away, it's late— And she wasn't lying. She wasn't angry...she was sad. 
He stands there for a few seconds looking at her, then sighs heavily, takes his things and leaves the apartment. 
“can i ask you a question? (...) did you leave her house in the middle of the night?” 
Two days later Lando and his teammate Daniel meet in the Mclaren garage by chance while resting in the gap between practice 1 and 2. 
—And when will you bring your girlfriend to the paddock?—The dark-haired man asks as he finishes lacing up his shoes. 
—She's not my girlfriend, I've already told you thousands of times. And I also told you not to say it so loud... 
—Why? Don't you want people to know you have a girlfriend?— He teases him as he stands up and looks around the garage. 
—Bro, I don't understand why you make such a big deal, would it be so bad if you guys were officially a couple?
—You know that I want to concentrate on my career mainly. If I have a girlfriend, I am going to lose focus on what I really have to pay attention to. 
—Come on Lando, she's magnificent and she only brings positive things to your life. I don't know why you would think that being her boyfriend could negatively influence your work if all she does is give you love. Who is the person who is constantly supporting you in everything? Who is the one who is always believing in you when you don't? Don't let her go my friend, you would be very stupid if you let her go. Give yourself a chance.
When Daniel finishes speaking, a smile on his face as always, he gives Lando a friendly pat on the back and walks away from him. 
That's when the gears in Lando's little head begin to turn. It's true, you are his motivation to continue, to be the best. Maybe Daniel was right, maybe they could take the next step. But Lando had one thing clear: he had to start putting more of his part, because he was aware that he is the one who gives less in the relationship, and she did not deserve that. 
He spent Friday practicing, qualifying Saturday finishing P7. He finally made it to race day Sunday finishing 5th. He couldn't get Maia out of his head ever since, but it wasn't a distraction, it was a motivation. So after his celebrations in the paddock, Lando decides that he is going to send her a message. Upon unlocking his phone, he sees that he already has a message. 
By Maia to Lando: Hey, congratulations on the race, you were great :)
By Maia to Lando: By the way, I want to talk to you about something. Let me know when you have time and I can call you X
By Lando to Maia: Hello sweetheart, thank you very much, I'm very happy… I was going to say exactly the same thing. I will be at the hotel at approximately 8pm, do you think I should call you at that time?
By Maia to Lando: 8pm is fine :) 
So as soon as Lando gets to his hotel room, he takes a shower as fast as he can. When he finished, he changed into comfortable clothes and took his phone to dial the girl. A couple of rings later Lando can hear Maia's voice through her cell phone. —Hi, how are you?—she starts. 
—Great, and you?— There were a few seconds of silence in which she didn't answer, so he spoke again— I miss you.
—Lando... I want to get straight to the point, I need to talk to you because I feel like if I keep this up, I'm going to explode.
Lando's heart shuddered at the sound of her overwhelmed voice. 
—What happen? Everything is alright? Did something happen to you?— He hastened to say. 
She took a few long seconds not knowing how to start. 
—Lando, I don't want to do this anymore. 
It took him a moment to absorb her words. 
—What do you mean? 
—”This", Lando. Us. I don’t want to keep doing this. This friends with benefits thing that we have.
 He gets up from his bed where he was sitting and starts to pace the room. This wasn't supposed to end here, he wanted to tell her that he was ready to make the first move, ask her if she was ready, and promise her that he was going to give more of his part. Give her everything she deserves
— I'm sorry, I would iked to tell you in person, but I don't think I can. 
—And may I know why you want us to end this? 
—Why? Lando, this is poisonous. See you just when you have time and then we have sex. You are worried about your work 90% of the time we spend together and I have always supported you. I have given you all of me. But the problem is that you don't give anything to me, and I don't deserve this. 
Lando swallows hard when she finishes speaking. He knew that everything she said is true, he was more than clear now. But he was ready to fix it, even if it was too late. 
—I, today I spoke with Daniel and now I know that…—He couldn't speak, he didn't know how to tell her that he didn't want to end this, that he wanted to have her forever with him and that he wanted to give her all the love she deserved.— Maia, please, just give me another chance, I... 
—Stop please, no…I can't. Let's leave this here. I wish you the best in your career and in your life, goodbye Lando. 
There was no answer. She had cut the call. Heart in his throat, he got back into his contacts and dialed his friend and teammate. 
—Hello boy, how are you?
—Daniel, I'm stupid.
Lando thought that from that moment it would only be possible to see her on social networks, and he did so. He constantly stalked her instagram account to see how she was doing, and he saw her happy and enjoying her life. 
Maybe this is for the best, he thought, maybe it's for the best that we're apart. 
On the other hand, Maia thought just the opposite. She missed him to death. She missed his voice. She missed running her hands through his hair. She missed talking to him about petty things. She even missed when he left her house late at night. 
She hadn't stopped seeing him at the races. Lando was having a rough patch and she just wanted to go, hug him, kiss him and give him all the words of support that she always gave him. But then she remembered how bad the relationship was and just doesn't feels right.
One day she decided to stop watching the races, hide his Instagram posts so she could forget about him. So she spent some time and she thought she was over it, until she got a call from Max Fewtrell. 
—Maia! How are you? 
—Hey! I'm fine, now I was tidying up my apartment a bit. How have you been?—She answered as she walked into her kitchen, sitting in one of the chairs. 
—Fine thanks. Hey, you know, in a week I'll be in your city, and as you may know I'll be on my birthday. So I'm going to have a party at a friend's house, a simple barbecue with some friends. Obviously you're invited, I'd really like you to go. 
—You know I never forget your birthday, and just send me the address and don't doubt that I'll be there.
—Cool! If you want you can take some friends with you if you like… But he will be there, I will fully understand if you don't want to go. But like I said before, I'd love for you to attend. 
—Don't worry Max, I'll go anyway. It's all okay now.— This was more to convince herself than her friend.—Thanks for letting me know, anyway. 
There were a few seconds of silence. "He". It obviously meant Lando. She would see him again. Would she be up for it? 
That week Maia tried to convince herself that everything would be okay. That she would see him again and that she was not going to fall back into his arms. 
Until the day, she thought that it would be best to text Max and tell him she was sick. He wouldn't believe her, that wouldn't work. 
—Maia, I know that face. You're not regretting it, are you?—Her friend Aurora watched her from the bed as she finished her makeup. 
Max had told her that she could bring friends, and Aurora would be the perfect friend to support her in situations like these. 
—Yes. I want to go, I really want to go. But I'm afraid. 
—Hey, I'll be with you, I won't leave you alone at any time. 
So it was. When they arrived at the place, both entered with their arms intertwined. Maia unconsciously started looking for Lando through all the crowd, but she couldn't find him. 
—Maia, nice to see you!—Max had approached both girls and gave the named one a big hug. 
—Happy birthday Max.— She told him seconds later slowly moving away from the hug.— I brought you this, I hope you like it. 
After a thanks for the gift and a brief introduction from Max and Aurora, the boy told them to make themselves at home and that whatever they needed, they should look for him. 
The party venue was a big house with an even bigger yard and a swimming pool. Outside was where most of the people were as they were having a barbecue and that was where there was an immensely long table. 
The day passed and passed and there was no sign of Lando. So Maia began to relax little by little. They both socialized with a couple of people, the atmosphere was great. 
—Hey girls, come and sit!— A man told them at one point. So they walked over to the table and sat down. Minutes later everyone was eating, laughing and talking to each other. 
—The star has arrived!—someone yelled. And that's when she heard his laugh. She would recognize him anywhere, anytime. 
—Sorry I'm late, I had some car trouble so I asked Charles to give me a ride.
Most of them turned to look at Lando, but she refused to do so. Lando for his part had not yet noticed her presence as he approached Max to give him a big hug. 
That's when Lando noticed her, she glanced at him as she continued to eat her food. The boy opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, wanting to say something but not finding the right words. Max across the table noticed this situation, so he quickly tried to fix it. 
He bumped a couple of fists as he searched for a free seat. Maia knew that the seat to the right of her was free, but she refused to believe that she was so unlucky that it would be the only one empty.
But yes, she was unlucky. 
—Henry, would you mind trading places with Lando?—he asked a random guy. 
—No Max, don't worry. Everything's fine.—Maia thrashed internally. Why did she say that? Maybe because she wanted to prove, and prove to herself, that everything was okay and that she was over it. Lando takes a seat and everyone goes back to their conversations before he arrives.
On her left side, her friend Aurora was peeking at her for any sign of discomfort. He gave her shoulder a quick squeeze to remind her that she was with her. 
The atmosphere continues as before with everyone talking to each other and Maia begins to let go as before Lando arrived. 
On the other hand, all Lando can do is look at her out of the corner of his eye. He had only given his food a couple of spoonfuls, had no appetite, not when she was inches away from him after months. 
Lando felt his hands itching to touch her, it only took five seconds of her touch to heal him completely. He couldn't stand it, his body screamed for it. He slowly brought his hand closer to her under the table. He started with small brushes and seeing no negative reactions from her part, he continued to do so. 
Maia felt it, of course she had, but she wanted it to appear unaffected, following her conversation with Aurora as if nothing was happening. In the next second, she felt his hand much firmer, now on her knee, where he gave a squeeze. That was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back of her sensations. 
She automatically jerked his hand away from her and Lando freaked out. She just gave him a "enough is enough" look, and she went back to some random conversation she was in. 
“Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight? When she said it was too much? Do you wish you could still touch her? It's just a question…" 
After everyone finished eating, they began to slowly stand up and spread throughout the house. Lando lost sight of Maia when she went to the bathroom and thought it was the perfect time to find her alone. But he couldn't, Aurora was always there with her. She was now literally waiting for her at the bathroom door, as if she were her own bodyguard. 
When Maia came out of the bathroom, they both headed downstairs under Lando's watchful eye. He quickly approached them. 
—And then I told her to follow me, and she didn't listen to me, so she stayed locked up and…
—Hello girls. Maia, can we talk for a second?—He cut them off, getting right to the point. Both girls were surprised by the sudden appearance of the brunette. 
—Hello, of course.— Maia replies nonchalantly without moving. Then Lando looks at Aurora out of the corner of his eye. 
—But in private. 
—Anything you want to say to me, you can say it here. 
—But it's about us, please... 
—Yes, ummm. About that…I wanted to tell you that you can go get your things at my apartment— Lando wanted to reply something about it but she immediately continued speaking— Next week I'll be traveling, so you can go and enter with the key I gave you. 
When she finished speaking, both girls looked at him waiting for an answer. 
—Okay.—He said simply.
—And when you go out, leave the key on the table, please.
So it was. A week later Lando headed for the apartment he had so often left late at night and where he had left her with a cruel sense of loneliness. 
When he entered the place, the smell of her filled his nostrils. He took a deep breath and began to gather his things quickly.
But before leaving, he left the key on the table, just as she had asked. And along with that, he left a Formula 1 VIP pass in an envelope along with a note. 
"Hey, the next race will be here in Monaco. I'll leave you this vip pass so you can go if you want. I know you always wanted to go and I never took you because I'm stupid. Max and other friends are going too, so you can go with them to feel comfortable.
PS: Don't feel obligated to go support me or anything, it's just so you can go have fun and watch the race :) Also, I know you're more of a Ferrari fan :) 
-have fun, Lando."
Race week 
Before qualifying, Max and three other friends came over to say hello to Lando and to give him good luck, but Maia wasn't with them. He didn't want to ask Max so as not to seem desperate, much less he was going to send her a message to harass her. 
After a tough lap battling the Alfa Romeo drivers, he was knocked out in the first round of qualifying, finishing 17th. He staggered out of his car, whispered a simple “sorry” to the people in the garage, and then headed off to his driver's room, waiting for the time to go to his hotel. 
After having a terrible night, the next day he arrived at the paddock with a zombie face and a mood worse than a zombie.
Until he saw her, she was wearing a flowing white dress, a small purse and his black converse. She was walking with Max's friends laughing at something he had said. 
—Lando, there you are, little star!
—Hey guys, good to see you.—He was just looking at her at that moment.
—I heard you got P17, I'm sorry. I hope today is a good race for you anyway, you can get to the pole if you put your mind to it and you know it.
And there she was. Lando's heart sped up when he heard her voice.
—Thank you Maia, I really appreciate it.
She saw Lando's face, he was defeated, and she knew that all he needed was a few words of support. 
—Lando, we need you here, please.— Some Mclaren engineer called the boy from the garage. 
—Bye guys, see you later.—Lando said a quick goodbye as he fist bumped the men. When he got to Maia, he was dying to hug and kiss her, but for obvious reasons he opted for something simpler. 
He took one of her hands in his in an awkward move. But as they walked away, they both slowly let go, feeling every inch of each other's skin. 
Max, who had watched this interaction carefully, looked at Maia. 
—Everything is alright?—He asked her, to which she only responded with a nod of her head. 
They then walked around the paddock some more and went to their places before the race started. 
Maia's anxiety was at its peak as they were waiting for the lights to go out for the race to start. As soon as the race started, Lando quickly moved up to 2 positions. By lap 20 he was already in 10th place. In front of him was Max Verstappen, who wasn't having a good races lately like he usually does, so unfortunately on lap 30 he started slowing down little by little until he stopped his car at a side of the track. 
With a yellow flag as Verstappen's car was taken off the track, Lando took advantage of pitting to change his set of tyres. In front of him were 8 cars and he began to overtake them easily, receiving many compliments from the radio. 
When he overtook Carlos Sainz, he almost heard him in his head saying "qué cabrón". 
—Lando, you can do it kid, stay there.—He heard the radio ordering him. But that was not what really pushed him to go ahead and give his best. He remembered the words Maia had said to him a few hours ago. He remembered his face. He revived every inch of her skin that he hadn't seen in months but still remembered so adoringly. He remembered her voice and the softness of it of hers. 
Maia watched as Lando's car pushed against Lewis Hamilton's, fighting for first place. The next five laps were spent trading between first and second place. But in the last one Lando was leading. 
Everyone in the McLaren garage holding their breath as if that would make Lando win the race. 
—Come on Lando.— Maia whispered as she held her face in both hands. 
Lando saw Lewis behind, perilously close. But there was no need to worry anymore, he was the one who crossed the finish line first. He hadn't noticed until he saw how he passed the man in charge of moving the checkered flag. 
He had won the race.
—You are the champion of Monaco´s race, Lando! Congratulations, excellent work. P1 and P8 by Ricciardo. Good points for the team. 
Only screams of emotion began to come out of his mouth. He couldn't believe it. 
When parking the car in the predestined place for the champions, at his sides Hamilton and Leclerc. He got out of the car and outside the whole team received him with euphoria. 
He took off the uncomfortable helmet and received many hugs, friendly taps on the shoulder, congratulations from everyone. 
He searched her with his eyes. She was smiling at him from a part of the paddock, his countenance in the midst of all the euphoria. He walked briskly towards her as more and more congratulations from his friends and co-workers. 
They were alone in the place, as if everyone around them had suddenly fallen silent. He only cared about her and she only cared about him. Nothing more. 
When he got to her, he didn't have to say much. He took her face in both hands and kissed her. It was at that moment that he realized from her that he missed her lips more than he thought he did. 
She followed the kiss automatically by crossing her arms behind his head, and that was the signal that Lando needed to take her by the waist and lift her a few inches off the ground, without separating his lips of hers. 
When they separated, touching their foreheads still with their eyes closed, the sound in the background returned to his ears again. Even when Max and the others started harassing them, they didn't split up. 
Lando put her feet back on the ground and she hugged him, hiding her face in his chest. 
“Can I ask you a question, did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room, and every single one of your friends was making fun of you, but 15 seconds later they were clapping too? then what did you do?"
—I think I love you, Maia—he whispered into her ear loud enough for only her to hear amidst all the noise. 
Then she raised her head from his chest and looked into his eyes. She stroked the curls.
—I swear I'll do everything right this time. I will give you everything you deserve, what I never gave you. I promise you. 
And then she spoke.
—Hey, how about we start again? My name is Maia, are you Lando Norris from Mclaren?
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formulatrash · 2 years
Hello Hazel, I am here to inform you that, thanks to you, Max (Fewtrell) is now one of my blorbos. He just sneaked into my blorbo group without my approval and now he's in my top 10 blorbos already😩😂
listen I think that it's important to have blorbos in these trying times and if one of them is a funky little man who doesn't entirely have his life together then that's like, peak blorbo. projecting onto him? yes. feeling a strange and parasocial concern about his wellbeing*? also yes. is Max eating enough? has he been in a race car lately? had enough golf outings? does he know his hair looks nice today?
*I would say Lando Norris CEO of this but actually his level of wibbliness about Max is both extremely normal and not para-anything
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callumilott-archive · 4 years
hello :D 8 and 13 for the asks? you can answer them for junior series, whichever you prefer (tumblr user brendonheartly)
8 - If you had to choose two drivers for your team (current f1 drivers), who would you choose? for f1 i’d go with pierre definitely and maybe lando as his teammate? lando’s been developing really well so i think hes got serious potential in the future, and pierre’s a race winner (will i ever get tired of saying that? no). for f2, i’d go with callum and marcus because they’re both excellent and also i love them
13 - Who is the driver you dream of meeting? boring answer but the url gives it away sdkfjkg callum, of course. hes just such a genuinely nice guy, infectious enthusiasm and always cheerful and i’m very fond of him. not sure if id be able to actually say anything but i’d love to meet him in person one day. also, pierre, marcus, juri, juan, christian, max fewtrell, i’d love to meet any of them!!
thank u for asking!!
send me f1 asks
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