#also holy shit leeds has some good food
lemonpeter · 3 years
STARKER: by Peter B. Parker
Chapter 10: Doppelgänger
A/N: hello and welcome back to this clusterfuck of a fic! i, bloo, sincerely apologize for the delay in the posting of this chapter. real life took over for a bit, i started coming out of my winter depression session and feeling better led to me doing more things irl, and thus fandom took a seat on the back burner for a couple of hot secs.
bri has been SO patient with me and she is the best and the sweetest for dealing with my ADD ass. <3 we love bri.
we also love y’all, and appreciate you so much! hopefully updates will become more regular again.
thanks for sticking with us, bloo and bri <3
(Bri here: real life has been wild for both of us lol bloo is wonderful 💕 also it feels like I’m gushing about myself since I’m the one posting but I promise that note was copied from what bloo wrote on the doc-)
Warnings: Peter is Not Okay, angst, whump, g*n mention, wound mention, guilt, victim blaming, g*slighting (lemme know if I need to add)
Masterlist ao3
“Did Tony just get- shot?” Ned asked incredulously, eyes wide with disbelief. “Peter shot him?”
“I mean...yes? I think? But wait, look- Peter’s acting like he doesn’t know what’s going on. Did he not do that?” Paige rushed the words out, gazing intently at the screen for a moment. Then she turned and looked first at Ned, then at the other agents in the room. “We didn’t do that, did we?” When everyone hurriedly shook their heads with wide eyes, the teen included, she sighed and took off her glasses to run her hands down her face. “So he’s shooting people now?”
Another heavy sigh sounded from a few feet away. Fury closed his eye, taking a deep breath before cutting his gaze to an agent who was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed as he stared at the monitor. “Grayson.” The man stood up straight, blinking with a sheepish expression on his face and he looked over at the director. “Contact May Parker. Now.”
The agent frowned and hesitated before ultimately deciding to speak up. “But… Sir, didn’t she ask that we not-”
Fury was quick to interrupt, his tone biting. “I’m sure she would like to be notified that her nephew has turned homicidal,” the bald man spat, rolling his eye in irritation. “Now like I said- contact May Parker and let her know that there have been some…developments.”
Even if it wasn’t intentional, the violence was still Peter’s doing. Which didn’t seem like a good sign.
He let out a heavy breath. “Tell her that a car will be outside her apartment waiting for her within the next two hours.”
The already tense atmosphere of the room only grew as Fury never looked away from the man, keeping their gazes locked as he dared the agent to question his authority for a second time.
“Of course, Director Fury.” Eyes on the ground, Grayson quickly turned and walked through the doorway, the other occupants turning back to their tasks.
Everyone’s eyes were trained on the screens as they watched Peter all but drag Tony into the penthouse from the elevator. The older man didn’t look good in any sense of the word, not even close. He was pale, sweaty, with rattled breathing and an ever-growing bloodstain covering his chest. And Peter’s panic was clearly visible on his face.
After a few moments, Ned spoke up, discomfort lacing his tone. “I- Someone please tell me he’s not about to do what I think he is…”
“Holy shit,” Paige breathed. Her hand placed itself over her mouth that was dropped open.
Noises of shock echoed throughout the space, and Ned averted his eyes, swallowing with difficulty.
Agent Hill spoke up for the first time since the scene had unravelled. “I don’t think Peter’s controlling this thing, not anymore.”
Fury turned to look at her, gaze narrowed. “What do you mean? The illusion is obviously running, and I’m assuming that means the glasses are receiving input from him. Right Leeds?”
Ned, still unable to keep his eyes on the monitors, nodded slowly. “Yes, sir. Th-That’s correct.”
It was Hill’s turn to nod, then. “Yes, that’s true, but not what I meant. I don’t think he is consciously influencing the illusions anymore. Or at least not completely.”
Paige hummed softly, head hanging as she leaned down over one of the desks. The dark ringlets of her hair fell around her like a curtain, obscuring her face. “I agree. He seems to still be in control of some aspects, like location. And he was able to, uh, place the sutures. Successfully stopping Mr. Stark from bleeding out. But he wasn’t able to heal him indirectly, even though he obviously tried.”
“What...but then how? Why are things happening if Peter isn’t the one doing the um, influencing?” Ned turned back to the screens, specifically the one full of lines and lines of green characters. He wasn’t ready to look at the others yet. “I’m constantly checking the logs and the security, there have been no breaches. Um. Other than us, that is.” He looked back up, waiting for a response from one of the others, eyes searching Paige’s hopefully, but none came.
No one had an answer to that question.
Tony may have been the one who got shot, but there was a hole in the middle of Peter’s chest, too. Raw, tender, cavernous...aching with every single breath that he took.
And he couldn’t close it up, like he had done Tony’s, because the piece of him that was meant to be there was just...gone.
And he had no idea how to get it back.
Something was glaringly and obviously wrong, but Peter didn’t know what exactly it was, or what he was supposed to do. Despite having tried his hardest to fix things, nothing was getting better. It was all just...getting worse. (He was getting worse-)
He knew that something was missing. It felt like a huge part of him had been ripped from his life, leaving a gaping void that couldn’t be filled.
And things were only getting worse, still.
Especially between him and Tony.
Peter had thought that things were okay as Tony recovered from his...injury. Not perfect, but okay. Good. Improving. Sure, his husband had been quiet and subdued for the past few days. But he thought that was reasonable and to be expected, the man was in pain. (He was in pain, too, though. Tony didn’t seem to notice. Or care.)
But even now that the older man was mostly healed, there was still a strange tension between them. Distance.
And Peter had no fucking idea what to do about it. Because Tony refused to tell him what was wrong.
Deep down, Peter knew. He knew that everything was wrong, that the whole situation was wrong, that there was no part of their world that was even remotely okay. But if he acknowledged that fact, what was the point? Of any of it? What did he have then, without this, without Tony? Absolutely nothing. So he just wouldn’t acknowledge it.
He’d tried everything he could think of. He’d been attentive to Tony’s every need during his recovery, keeping him supplied with food and water, providing entertainment in the form of working together on various projects and watching TV or reading together, never letting the man out of his sight for more than a few minutes at a time.
He’d even tried to initiate sex, once it seemed Tony was feeling better, so that they could be close to each other in such an intimate way in hopes that it woud fix things. Nothing too strenuous on his husband’s part, of course. Peter had simply wanted to make the older man feel good, bring him some pleasure and show him just how much he meant to his lover.
And Tony had turned him down each time, always pushing him away softly with that clouded, far away look in his eyes. The one that had been there ever since he’d brought up his feelings about what had happened with May.
Now that the older man was better, now that he was healed and had more energy and things could possibly go better, Peter was still too scared to try. He didn’t want to be rejected again. He didn’t know if he could handle it.
He didn’t understand Tony’s refusal in the first place. This world was supposed to be whatever he wanted. And what he wanted was for his husband to want him again, for his husband to love him, touch him, smile at him the way that he used to. And that obviously was not what was happening.
Why did it feel like Tony had more control over things than he did? Sure, the teen intended for his partner to have some semblance of autonomy, in that he could take care of himself and his basic needs, but Peter consciously gave him that autonomy. But now…
Now it seemed like Tony was able to actually think for himself on some level, which would explain why he was able to remember the incident with May despite Peter’s best attempts, and why he seemed hesitant to bring it up to Peter.
And he could see it in Tony’s eyes, the way he didn’t quite know what to make of what little information he did have.
Peter didn’t want to add to the confusion, or cause any more frustration. He didn’t want to stress Tony out.
But he couldn’t tell him the truth, either.
There was nothing he could do.
Peter gazed into the bathroom, hands gripping the door frame as he watched Tony.
The older man was standing under the spray of the shower. His hand gingerly rubbed at his chest with a washcloth, head back and eyes closed so as to not look at the mottled knot of scar tissue there.
Peter wanted so badly to join him, his husband, to stand there wrapped in his arms and surrounded by the warmth of the water.
But Tony didn’t want him.
Not anymore.
The two of them were merely coexisting at this point. It was like they weren’t married anymore, not really, like they had slipped back into that painful distance from before, when Tony was still Mr. Stark and Peter was just that fucking kid.
Tony hadn’t touched him since the accident.
“That’s a pretty nasty scar he’s got there, huh? I know you tried to stitch him up but damn. No awards for your suture technique, that’s for sure.”
Peter turned around so fast that he was sure he nearly snapped his neck. That was- That was his voice.
But he knew he hadn’t said anything.
Craning his neck and peering around the large bedroom with wide eyes, Peter held his breath as he listened intently. The sounds of Tony showering could be heard from the open bathroom door. He couldn’t hear anything else, but he could have sworn... “H-hello?” The teen kept turning his head, eyes wide as he looked for any sign of someone else in the room with him.
“Up here.”
And up there he was. Crouched on the ceiling, a position Peter frequently found himself in, was... well, Peter. Another Peter.
He was smirking, something sinister and unsettling glinting in his dark eyes as he gazed down upon his counterpart. “For someone with a sixth sense, it’s really sad that I had to give myself away for you to notice me. So much for that Peter-tingle. You really are losing it, Spider-Boy. Pathetic.” His grin only grew as the words left his mouth.
Peter gaped up at him, heart pounding. What the fuck was going on? He blinked a few times as he tried to take control of the illusion, alter whatever was happening. It wasn’t working. Just like when Tony had been shot. “Who are-“
The other Peter was quick to cut off his questioning. His eyes flashed. “Don’t act like you don’t know. You know exactly who I am.” The double dropped from the ceiling, standing right across from Peter.
It was like looking into a mirror. The doppelgänger was a spitting image of Peter, save for the dark look in his eyes and the cocky smirk pulling at his lips.
“I-I don’t know.” Peter shook his head, soft yet frantic. He was still desperately trying to influence the situation, hands shaking as he clenched them at his sides.”
Not-Peter shook his head in return, laughing as he copied the action. But the sound was cold and harsh, no joy in it at all. “I’m you, you fucking coward. It’s as simple as that. All of this is you! Stop pretending you don’t know what’s going on.”
Peter didn’t want to believe it. This…fake him was cruel. He could never be like that. He never wanted to be anything like that.
The doppelganger scoffed. “You’re no fucking saint, Peter, no matter how much you’d like to convince Tony that you are. He’s catching on, isn’t he? Starting to realize that things aren’t as perfect as you’ve been making them out to be?”
“That’s n-not true,” Peter stuttered as he tried to control his breathing. “You don’t know anything about Tony. Don’t bring him into this-”
“How are things with Tony, by the way?” The doppelganger’s lip curled up at the pained expression that took over Peter’s face. “Ohhh, that bad huh? I can’t say I’m surprised…” He let himself trail off. “It really is sad, you know, Peter? Call me redundant but I feel it needs to be said again, so bare with me. You’re pathetic.”
“Stop,” Peter ground out, hands clenched into fists at his sides. His eyes were clenched shut, but when he heard the other move, his lids flew open instinctively. “You aren’t- You aren’t real.”
A harsh bark of a laugh seemed to echo throughout the room. “I’m as real as anyone you’ve been interacting with these days.”
“That’s not true,” Peter said softly, denying what he knew deep down was, in fact, the truth.
Not-Peter scoffed, taking a step towards his double. He shook his head softly in admonishment. “You really are pathetic.” He’d made it more than obvious how much joy the word brought him, with the way it all but oozed from his lips. “Like I was saying, this whole thing is tragic, it really is, Peter. You know that there is no way that Tony Stark could have ever wanted you, in any sense of the word. Definitely not like this, this weird relationship you’ve conjured up as a byproduct of your unaddressed daddy issues. That’s why you ran away, like the little fucking coward that you are. You ran, so that you could hide out and construct this sick little fantasy world of yours.
“And how’s that working out for you…kid? It’ll tell you: you shot your husband because he was starting to question you, and of course you couldn’t have that. How dare Tony be anything other than the obedient little puppet you want him to be.”
“That’s not true,” Peter choked out, chest constricting. “I- I didn’t do that, it wasn’t me! I tried- I tried to stop it, I tried to undo it but it wouldn’t work so I had to- I had to f-fix him-”
The double cut him off again, as if he had never spoken at all. “I guess you’re right in that sense, so I’ll give you that. I know it wasn’t you. Because it was me.” He paused, hand moving up to his chin as he pretended to think, waxing philosophical. “But then again, I am you, so-”
“You aren’t me,” Peter argued one last time, knowing it wasn’t true. His voice was weak because he knew the truth. Even if he didn’t want to believe it, refused to believe it. “And I would never hurt Tony.”
“No? Not even after he abandoned you?” The fake Peter was taunting him, voice dripping with condescension. “Because you were having some pretty contradictory thoughts that are leading me to believe otherwise. Remember how angry you were?”
Of course he remembered. The teen had been so hurt and betrayed and he knew it was irrational. But Peter was certain that he wouldn’t- he would never actually hurt Tony. He couldn’t.
But how else did he get shot, if Peter was the one in control?
“Stop it,” Peter snapped, voice full of vitriol. Then he instantly recoiled, stomach sinking. That wasn’t him. The angry, frustrated feelings that he kept having weren’t him. They couldn’t be. He couldn’t act like that, that’s how he got here in the first place, it was everything he was trying to fix.
It was how Tony had gotten hurt.
Maybe he hadn’t been holding the gun, but he’d been the one that caused it to happen.
Peter became aware that the sounds of the shower had stopped when he finally shifted his focus away from the double and back to his husband. Partner. Whoever they were now. He heard footsteps approaching and didn’t have enough time to try and make the doppelgänger disappear.
“Pete?” Tony asked softly, rubbing his hair dry with the towel in his hands. Another was wrapped around his waist, leaving his chest bare. (Peter’s eyes were immediately drawn to the scar.) “Were you just...waiting out here for me?”
His eyes were on the double, unaware that it wasn’t actually Peter, not catching on to the fact that there were two of them yet.
“Of course I was,” not-Peter said, eyes blown wide as he attempted to look innocent, to look like Peter. “It’s not like there’s anything else I could be doing.”
Tony’s eyebrows furrowed. “What? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” When he had first emerged from the bathroom, his tone had been light, more so than it had been since his injury. It had sparked something hopeful inside Peter, and now his heart ached to hear the rough, distrustful edge come back.
“Oh, I mean,” the doppelganger continued with his act, though Peter could see the mirth shining in his eyes. “I just meant that, y’know, there’s nothing else I would rather be doing. Otherwise I would be doing it, since I am control-”
Peter was across the room before he was conscious of the movement, backing the interloper up against the wall and pressing his forearm up to his throat. “Shut the fuck up,” the teen growled desperately, voice breaking. “You ruined everything-”
The double struggled in Peter’s hold, face turning slightly red. His voice was raspy and choked off when he spoke. His nails dug into the skin of Peter’s arm. “Which means you ruined it yourself, you fucking coward! Go ahead, tell him. Tell Tony-”
“Peter? Tell me what? Who is- Peter, what the hell is going on?”
“Shut up!” Peter’s fist jerked back before it flew forward, connecting with the nose of the body in front of him. He heard Tony gasp and call out his name, but he ignored the man in favor of swinging his arm forward again. “I hate you! Why won’t you go away? I hate you!”
Despite the blood pouring out of his nose and rolling in crimson rivulets down his face, not-Peter grinned, the red smearing in sharp contrast on the white of his teeth. “We all knew you hated yourself, Peter, that’s not news.”
When Peter moved like he was going to strike again, Tony decided to actually intervene, even though he still had no idea what was going on. “Hey, Peter- Peter, baby, come here, let him go. This isn’t you baby-”
The teen let out a panicked gasp, melting into the other man’s embrace. “But it is,” he cried, brokenly. “It is me Tony, I-”
Tony hushed him, holding Peter close. He still didn’t know what was going on, but he needed to try and keep Peter calm. And from fighting the other one. “I know this isn’t you. You wouldn’t hurt anyone,” he said softly. Although he wasn’t sure he believed himself. He was so lost with everything going on, he didn’t know what to believe.
The other Peter just stayed leaning against the wall, arms crossed. “You don’t even know, Tony.” The name was said like an insult. “You don’t get any of this, do you?”
“Shut up,” Peter whispered, all the fight leaving his body as he was held. “Just stop. You need to go away.” Why couldn’t he just make the imposter disappear? He was in control.
At least, he was supposed to be.
A grotesquely sinister expression took over the doppelganger’s face. His eyes were bright, burning, as his gaze locked with Peter’s.
The expression set the teen’s already frayed nerves on edge. He froze in Tony’s arms, heart pounding. Why was he looking at him like that? And why was that look so familiar? Where had he seen-
“It’s pretty easy to fool people when they’re already fooling themselves, Peter.”
The reaction was almost instantaneous.
“No, no, no, no,” Peter muttered to himself, voice shaking. His hands moved to his head, pulling at his hair, and when he opened his eyes for a moment, it wasn’t his own face staring back at him.
It was Beck.
“You’re not real,” he whispered, choking on his breath. “Y-you’re not-”
“Peter, baby, you’ve gotta calm-”
“N-not real-”
“Peter, sweetie, could you take the rolls out of the oven?”
“Sure thing, mama.” He opened his eyes, glancing back before going to do as she said. That was better.
“And where’s that husband of yours, he’s joining us for dinner, right?”
Peter bit his lip. He hadn’t even noticed that Tony wasn’t there. “He should be back soon, just had to step out for work.” There, that sounded convincing enough.
“Such a hard worker, that Tony,” May chirped, a grin pulling at her lips as she sliced tomatoes for the salad. “You really lucked out, Petey.”
It was a sweet thing to say. It was exactly what he thought about Tony. But it sure as hell wasn’t anything that May would say. However, Peter just let the genuine affection in her tone relax him, letting out a soft sigh. “I really did, Aunt May. I really did.” He smiled at her and then to himself as he got the rolls from the oven and set the pan on the counter.
Ben snorted, taking a sip of his beer. “Stark’s the lucky one, May-Flower. Pete’s quite the catch. Takes after ‘is uncle.” At Richard’s eye roll, he laughed again. The sound filled Peter’s chest with a fuzzy warmth. “Fine. And his father. Parker men ain’t nothing to mess with.”
“Uh huh, right.” May laughed. “I agree with you on one thing, though. Parker men are definitely something else, that’s for sure,” she teased.
Peter laughed along with them, but it was all beginning to feel uncomfortable on some level. He felt just as empty as he knew the rest of his guests were.
His doppelgänger’s words kept racing through his mind. Beck’s words. (“If you were good enough, maybe Tony would-“)
But he pushed them away, steeling himself and blinking blearily for a few seconds. His gaze locked on the food spread out over the counter. None of that mattered.
He was at dinner with his family. They were all there, happy and healthy. Together, the way it should be. There was nothing that he needed to be worried about.
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kyloxox · 7 years
I Think I Love Her (plus size reader x Peter Parker)
The reader stand up for a girl who is getting bullied. Peter realizes it's finally his time to confess his feeling to the reader.
Notes; I know Liz isn't actually like this but it just worked for the story. Also gif isn't mine credits to owner. Hope you enjoy. 
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Y/n’s Pov
I had been standing by my locker with my friend Ned Leeds and my friend and kind of crush Peter Parker. I always liked Peter from when we first met and he was super sweet to me. He always tried to fight out the people who would comment about my size, but then slowly realized I could handle my self.
We were talking about our next Spanish quiz when I noticed Liz Allan, my least favorite person, walk up to some girl that was standing a few lockers behind us. My mind left the conversation with my friends as I started to listen in on what Liz was saying.
“You seriously need to start losing some weight if you want to wear clothes like these.” I turned my head around to look at the poor girl Liz was talking to. I watched as the girl turned red from embarrassment.
“Y/n? Y/n?” Peter tried to get my attention.
“We just asked you if you wanted to go to Peter’s tonight to finish the lego death star.”
“Oh yea, sure whatever.” I continued to listen to Liz talking to the girl.
“You know what would help? Trying to make your self throw up.” I heard enough and started to walk over there, but Peter grabbed my shoulder.
“What are you doing?” Peter frantically whispered in my ear.
“Showing that bitch some over due justice.” I continued to walk past him.
“Y/n, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I turned around to look at Peter.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” I then turned around to see Liz and her friends gone, but the girl still standing there tears staining her cheeks. I walked up to her. “Hey don’t listen to what Liz has to say she’s just a bitch. She wouldn’t know the first thing about beauty.“ Kaidy looked up at me and smiled “And hey I think Charles does know beauty when he sees it.” I motioned over to Charles who was walking up to both of us. He began to talk to Kaidy and ask her on a date, when I began to walk away.
I walked up to Peter and Ned “My work here is down.” I smiled triumphantly.
“Wow what we do without you y/n?” Peter rolled his eyes.
“Oh don’t act all bitchy cause I was going to talk to your little crush, telling her she’s a bitch. Honestly I don’t get what you see in her.”
“I don’t like her.” Peter mumbled, as you rolled your eyes and left your locker to go to class. ’‘I like you.” He mumbled to himself.
It was lunch and me, Peter and Ned were getting our lunch when I heard Liz talking to Kaidy again.
“So I heard Charles asked you out, he probably only did that because he pities you. I mean he probably could like you if you lost a few pounds.” 
I balled my fists up and closed my eyes taking a breath, trying not to punch the shit out of Liz. We all got your food and walked back to our table. As got back to the table I slammed my tray on the table.
“What the hell has gotten into you?” Ned asked.
I faked a smile “Nothing.”
I watched as Kaidy walked away from Liz not listening to her which made you happy. I then saw Liz walk up to Kaidy again and sit next to her at her lunch table.
“Are you seriously going to eat that? You need to lose weight as it is don’t eat that. And if you lose weight more guys will like you." I heard Liz tell Kaidy and that was my final straw.
I got up from the table and grabbed Peter’s smoothie.
"Hey!” Peter yelled as I took his smoothie.
“Just buy another one," I grumbled and started to walk away "cause trust me you aren’t getting this back.”
 I walked up to Liz and Kaidy “Hey guys what are you guys talking about?” Peter and Ned watched as you went up them.
“Oh y/n perfect we can get your opinion on this too. Don’t you think Kaidy here needs to lose some weight.”
I clenched my jaw “No I don’t think she needs to lose any weight, in fact I think she perfect." I smiled over to Kaidy.
"Well I mean that is coming from you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean.”
“Well I mean you are someone who could also lose some weight. I mean maybe it would help, with your insane crush on Peter. He would notice you more if you were skinny like me.”
“Why do you always have to be such a god damn bitch.”
“Why don’t you go back to your friends and not bother me anymore.”
“You know what you’re right Liz, bye!” I threw the smoothie into Liz’s face. Everyone then turned to me and started laughing at Liz. “You’re dead bitch!" I heard Liz yell. I turned around and put up my middle fingers. I then quickly walked out of the cafeteria only making one glance at Peter who was also looking at me already.
Peter’s Pov
We were sitting down at our table when I looked over at y/n. Her fists were clenched and he looked so pissed off. God she’s hot when she’s mad. Fuck Peter don’t think of your best friend like that. Her plum lips were in a straight line. I wonder what those lips would feel like to kiss. No Peter stop that’s weird. But I bet she tastes good like strawberries. No Peter stop don’t think of her like that. She’s just your friend and that’s all she’ll ever be.
I looked over a Ned who also realized something was off with y/n. He nudged my shoulder and I just shrugged my shoulders. Then got of nowhere she just got up from the table and I looked over to her.
I accidentally looked at her at the wrong moment as she got up from the table and her ass was basically in my face and I couldn’t help but stare. Then I quickly looked away as she started to grab my smoothie.
"Hey!” I yelled over to her.
“Just buy another one.” I rolled my eyes and watched as she walked over to Liz and the girl she had been picking on. God what did I ever see in Liz she’s so mean, but y/n still thinks I like her but I just use her as a cover so y/n doesn’t find out I like her. I mean she could never find out. I’m weak and a nerd compared to the other guys she’s dated. She always dated the super strong guy with muscles, I’m not like that. Then I saw y/n sit across from Liz. “Hey guys what are you guys talking about?” I heard y/n say
“Oh y/n perfect we can get your opinion on this too. Don’t you think Kaidy here needs to lose some weight.” I heard Liz say in her bitchy voice. God this is going to be a shit show.
“No I don’t think she needs to lose any weight, in fact I think she perfect.” Y/n is so nice she’s always sticking up for people and- “I mean maybe it would help, with your insane crush on Peter. He would notice you more if you were skinny like me.” I was brought out of my thoughts by what Liz said. Omg is that true does y/n have a crush on me. Holy shit this can’t be happening I have to tell her I like her too.. Right now Peter. Do it Peter.
I was about to get up when I saw y/n throw my smoothie in Liz’s face. I started laughing and watched her as she left the cafeteria. She caught my gaze and looked over at me and smiled. I got up from the table and followed her out the door. I walked towards the bathroom and watched as she just walked in. I waited out there for a little until she came out. As the door opened and she came out.
“Having fun stalker?” She asked. I chuckled.
“Shut up.” You both stood there awkwardly “What you did out there was pretty cool, I mean like totally badass. I’ve never seen you like that before.’' 
"Thanks. It’s just that what Liz was saying to that girl pissed me off.” You looked down at the floor. As I walked closer to her. Ok Peter this is your chance. I walked closer and closer till our bodies were almost touching.
“Y/n.” I whispered and she looked up from the ground, and into my eyes. I then in and captured her lips in a kiss. After a few seconds I pulled.
“Umm so is what Liz said was true? That you had a crush on me?” I asked.
She bite her lip and rolled her eyes “You know for being some math genius you seriously aren’t that smart.” I laughed at her response.
“And what Liz said wasn’t true you don’t need to lose any weight to gain my attention, you already have it.”
“Yea I know, I’m not going to listen to that bitch.” She said confidently. She’s so confident that’s why I love her. Wait did I just say love? Holy shit. I think I love her. 
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