#also i booke for 4pm but its saying 1am
slut-kiss-g1rl · 2 years
cbat test soon :(((
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focsle · 2 years
Skimming another whaleman’s log, this time the master of the Natchez, Mr. Worthin [also spelled Worthen] Hall. I want to go through it more earnestly when it’s not 1am. But there’s already much in it that’s engaging.
For a time, his wife Polly and their 2-3 year old daughter Mary were on board. A month into the voyage, Mary fell overboard:
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“at a bout 6pm the ship a going about 3 knots Mary fell over bord I jumped after her and soon had her in my armes and as soon as she could git her breth she clung about my neck in frount of me which forsed me to stand strate in the water which made it dretful hard work and before the boat got to me I was nearly exorsted so that I had sunk but they got hold of me and got me into the boat Mary didnot appear to be mutch fritened but said whilst I was a swimin that mary was over bord all in the water and when she got on bord said not a word about changing her cloths but said Father must have some dry cloths and pitied her poor Dear Father verry mutch I was bad all night and now day ends more better
4 months later, after making a provision stop at Maui, he wrote: “At 4pm got clear of Maui but left my Hart and soul there”. It wasn’t uncommon for captains who brought their families aboard to leave them at Hawaii for the whaling season while they went North, as it was considered a much safer and comfortable alternative to having them aboard. But it was a parting that both parties were rarely happy with, and that sorrow finds its way between the daily reports of Hall’s log.
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“The Wednesday May the 5 1852 Light wind from the W South about to E S E and pleasant the B 29 75 the Chrn 38. Oh my Dear Wife how I want to see you and the Babe what a fool a man must be to go and leave a Wife and Daughter for the sake of Monney that he cannot live but a shorte time to injoy at the moste but man will be fool enought to die a thousand times whilst alive just to try to git someting to live upon just as he is agoing to die but never mind my Dear somboddy will be glad to have it and if they will waite patiently a short time they may have it so good by my Dear Wife and Dear sweet little Daughter. Lat 52º50’ Long 156º40’”
This was his 10th voyage at 48 years old, and the first that his wife accompanied him on for a portion.
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“It is verry lonely since leaving Maui not to any boddy to sweating [sweeten] Father’s brecfast and no Wife to speak to oh Dear Wife I hope to see you once more and then oh Dear I dare not say we will never part again I have sed it too oftimes allreddy well never mind we shal soon be where we shal never part if the good book is true”
It appears that after this [quite successful] voyage he does indeed retire from being a whaling captain. And lives a few decades longer than he’s anticipating in these current entries.
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bike42 · 1 year
Dublin 8/31/2023
Uneventful trip over the pond. We had a late morning departure from Madison which always feels good with the opportunity to workout, shower and have a leisurely breakfast at home before a long day of travel. Ryan dropped us off at MSN, which no doubt will cause us confusion when we return in October and try to remember where we left our car!
Quick flight to Detroit. I got an upgrade from Delta Plus to First Class which means I sat next to a chatty stranger versus JT (he also got a late upgrade after we were on the plane). Anyway, my seat mate was an ER doc working on setting up an Opioid Addiction clinic, which was interesting. He said he never drinks caffeine but he polished off a large frappe as he was sitting down and he talked my ear off. When we landed he rushed off the plane without even saying goodbye, and the women across the aisle said to me “did you know that guy?”
Three hours in Detroit - we had lunch at the Sky Club and walked the concourses. There we ran into Dave who we used to regularly see at our neighborhood gym (before we built the gym in our house). He and his wife were heading to Scotland and we’re on both the flight from MSN to Detroit and now boarding the flight to Amsterdam.
We left Detroit about 4pm EST, with an estimated 6 hour flight time to Amsterdam. I didn’t see any movies that interested me, so I just read my book until the meal was served (pretty good pasta dish and a glass of red wine). By then the flight tracker said 4 hours to go, so I put in my ear plugs and eyeshade and tried to pretend it was night time. I did sleep, and soon they were waking us up for a quick egg and cheese sandwich before we landed. It was dark when we landed in Amsterdam (and raining), about 5 am local time. We had just over two hours there. The gate area for our Dublin flight wasn’t even open, so we ventured to find the KLM lounge. Even though we’d been there two years ago on our way to Tanzania, it took us awhile to find it. But that was a nice quiet respite. Had some yogurt, cappuccino and a chocolate croissant. Also took advantage of the lounge to brush my teeth and comb my hair. Tried really hard to NOT think that it was 1am at home. Took my morning vitamins and tried to convince my body that it’s Thursday and we had the day ahead of us!
We walked to our gate and saw that it was the type where you board a bus and they drive you out to your plane. It wasn’t just raining - it was pouring! Last a Sunday we went to REI to buy JT a new rain jacket, and I talked him into an Arc’Terex Gortex jacket just like mine - he pulled that out of his pack and gave it its first test (I had mine over a year before I actually wore it in the rain). Full KLM flight to Dublin. We shouldn’t have been hungry, but we gobbled down the egg salad sandwiches on yummy bread that they served us on our 75 minute flight to Dublin.
We arrived in Dublin to thick clouds but not actual rain. We cleared immigration and we’re glad to find our bags on the carrousel (we broke Jeff’s stretch of lost/delayed baggage when traveling through Amsterdam!). We opted for taxi versus bus into town - about 30 minutes. Our taxi driver, Darren, was friendly and pointed out sights and gave us lots of tips about what to do and see - worth the extra expense!
We arrived at our hotel for the next 4 nights - Trinity Townhouse. Not surprising that our room wasn’t ready at 10am (wishful thinking!). We left our bags with them and walked through the Grafton Street shopping area and the grounds of nearby Trinity College. We were dead on our feet, so we staggered back to the hotel and sat/dozed in the lobby and our room was ready by noon. We got settled, napped and read for the afternoon, then showered and were on the street by 5pm. We headed a few blocks to a place our taxi driver had recommended: O’Donoghues Pub - where the Dumbliners were formed. They were serving ham and cheese sandwiches and a vegetable soup tonight perfect light meal to go with our Guinness. I’d heard that Guinness over here was much better than what we drink in the states, but I didn’t taste a difference. Maybe it’s just my unrefined pallet? More research needed!
After dinner, we walked down to the river then along the river towards the Temple Bar area. It was a beautiful night in the 60s and lots of people were out walking and biking. Back in the room by 8pm. Hope to sleep well and wake up refreshed tomorrow!
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bethsteaclub · 4 years
My First GB
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Some of you have asked me to write about my first time having sex but that was really boring and by the books. He was my first bf in high school and the first guy to ask me out. We were in the same edgy anime, punk rock friend group at school. We didn’t really click but I was a huge nerd in high school and was very flattered to get asked out at all. I had a fairly big glow up the last few year. High school me was a dork and I looked and acted the part. He was my first partner and it was nothing to write home about.
So instead I’m going to tell you about my first gang bang. Which actually wasn’t too long after my first time It was about 3 months later. First I should say this experience was when I was a minor and it was with adults. At the time and now looking back it was mutual and I don’t hold too many bad feelings about the experience. That being said it was adults taking advantage of me when I lacked the experience and knowledge I do now. This might upset some of you but now I am over it and have met and hooked up with some of these men as recently as a year ago. So I am over the issues it all brings.
Ok, so I was about 15/16 years old and staying over night at my friends house for her birthday. There was 5 of us including my friend staying over for the party. I drew the short straw and had to sleep on the ground which was very uncomfortable for me. Around 1am after they had gone to bed I decided I was going to go downstairs and get some water. My friend also told me if I can’t fall asleep on the ground I can sleep on the couch downstairs.
When I get down there my friends dad had some of his friends over and they had ben drinking. I ran into him in the kitchen and he asked me how the party was and if I couldn’t sleep. Your basic small talk. I know some of you are probably wondering what I was wearing. Well it was nothing special at all. Basic underwear and pyjama bottoms and a loose t-shirt. Plus bed head. I wasn’t looking like any kind of snack I assure you of that.
Following our small talk he asks me if I can carry out some beers for him since he had to carry a bunch. I helped him out and go to the back patio where his friends are. There was 5 all together including my friends dad. They had been drinking and chatting for hours by that point and they were clearly tipsy but still very much ok. I know this is a normal night for them in the summer. Sitting out there chatting and drinking is how they like to spend their time.
I go out and I can tell most of them are thinking “Why is she here?”. My friends dad tells them I was helping carry some beers out and one of them asks me to sit with them. The others overall seem reluctant but he and my friends dad insisted so I did. Nothing was too weird after I joined them. They just chatted with each other about this and that till my friends dad offered me beer. It was the middle of summer and it was really hot outside even at night. I considered water but I wanted to drink with them. I had stolen alcohol from my parents and others before but never had an adult offer it to me till this point. I wasn’t sure but decided to have some. They started to ask me questions about school and life.
I can now looking back and see where they started to condition and lead me into what happened. My friends dad got closer and more touchy and he was saying how I’m more “mature” than the other girls. Through their questions I let out that I had a bf not long before then and that he was my first time. They teased me in a fun playful way about it and made me feel comfortable about telling them all that.  He also at the same time worked in how hot it is outside eventually leading to how I must be hot. He asked me if was wearing anything under my pyjamas. When I told him I was wearing underwear, he told me how I would feel more comfortable if I took off my pyjamas bottoms and that my t-shirt is long enough to cover me up. Which the rest of them also agreed with. I told him how it would be weird to take it off in front of them and how I don’t think my t-shirt is actually long enough.
Through the alcohol and them not making me feel weird about it I went around the side of the house and took it off. Looking back they made sure I didn’t go inside to do it and made sure I was still outside so I wouldn’t get cold feet and back out. When I took my bottoms off I noticed how my t-shirt really wasn’t long enough. It barely went past my butt, but it was too late. I was already standing there outside holding my pyjamas bottoms in my hand. I walk around the corner as confident as I could tugging my t-shirt down as much as I could. They cheered when they saw me and I lifted my pyjamas bottoms in my hand over my head and shook it in celebration with them. When I went to sit down I was embarrassed by how short my t-shirt was but they didn’t seem to notice or say anything about how short it was. They focused mostly on complementing me. They told me how nice my skin is and how pretty I am and how mature I am. How other girls my age wouldn’t hangout with them like that. All while my friends dad keeps giving me more beer and gets more handsy with me. Having been a nerd that no guys had an interest in had me over the moon. I was extremely flattered.
Before I knew it I was making out with my friends dad. When I say making out I mean MAKING OUT! None of that teen crap. Full on adult French kissing with his tongue down my throat and his hands all over me. He pulled me right into him and started to try and lift me up onto his lap facing him. I become more aware of myself when he tries to do that and I remember how short my tshirt is and how there’s a bunch of them watching this. He tells me not to worry about them and pulls me onto his lap anyways. Now I’m sitting on his lap facing him with my pantie butt out in the open for them all to see. All while we kiss and he grabs at my body. I feel someone other than him touch my butt and I break out of my trance. He tells me how I should kiss the others too. How it’s rude for him to hog me.
Before I know it I’m getting pushed off his lap and I’m standing with 2 of the others who suddenly take my t-shirt off. I wasn’t wearing a bra so my boobs where out in the air now. When I realized I went to cover them with my hands but one of them were already on me kissing me. While I was busy with that one of them pulled my underwear down. I could then feel them all grabbing at me and they turned my head this way and that to kiss me. I was dizzy and had spit all over my face when it all suddenly stopped and my friends dad told me how they want to continue but it’s up to me if they do. How if I want to be a good sport I would let them continue and not tell anyone. I was drunk, dizzy and extremely horny from what they had already done to me. I had no idea what was coming so I said yes. Then began the next 4 hours which now looking back really set the tone for the rest of my life.
My friends dad pushed me onto the table, turned me around, picked me up and placed me on the table. He then took off the panties which have been at my feet this whole time. He then revealed his penis. Which for my today wouldn’t be much of a big deal. But to me back then it was a whole other thing entirely. It was nothing like the virgin teen dick I had 3 months prior. This was an experienced adult dick. A dick that fathered 3 children. I was not ready but I was in for the crash course. He slammed it into me with no remorse whatsoever. I can’t imagine the face I made but I’m sure I made many like it over the year. I groaned so intently and let out all my breath as he entered me. I had groaned loud enough that one of the others suddenly placed their hand over my mouth. But the experience was too intense for me to hold back or worry about that. I kept moaning and groaning. He came hard only my stomach. Before he could even finish one of the others dragged me off the table and pushed me to my knees so I could give him a blow job.
I could still feel my friends dads dick inside my pussy but I was already giving a sloppy blowjob. The 5 of them had their way with me, either with my pussy or my mouth or both at the same time. That is until one of them wanted to take my anal virginity and but wanted to do it right. He took me to the bathroom to give me my first enema. Which is something I do almost daily now. I can’t speak for what he did exactly because I was very much not in my head at that point but I do remember it working well enough and him fucking my ass in the tub with my top half slouched out of the tub. I also remember not being a fan of anal when he did do that. My little butt was not ready for an adult dick in there and for sure not someone so aggressive. Once he had carefully taken my anal virginity he took me back to the other who were annoyed with him for hogging me. On the other hand they were very happy with what he had done to my ass. They then continued to double penetrate me and fuck me silly till a little after 6am. They then all left and my friends dad cleaned me up in the shower got me dressed and gave me one of his wife’s birth control pills. I fell asleep on the couch to get woken up by my friends dad about an hour later. No one had gotten up like he expected yet and he was horny again.
He pounded me into the couch. I was not in the best condition when my friends woke up. I was loopy to say the least due to no sleep, still being very drunk and well…all the fucking. My friends dad dropped me back home with the others thinking I wasn’t feeling well. He made sure to tell me its our secret. I left in and didn’t wake up till about 4pm that day. It all felt like a dream when I did finally wake up but I could still feel them on and in my body. I didn’t like it and felt gross but also at the same time it made me really wet. Following that time I was with my friends dad 2 more times and 2 of the others a few times as well. I was never with all 5 of them at the same time again. Thats the best way I can put what happened to me that night. It was a lot of firsts for me and I still think about it all the time.
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whipplefilter · 7 years
Um... im new here and i was wondering if you could write a sally/ lightning fanfiction?
I surely can, anon!
“I just wanted tonight to be memorable.” 
“What’s so special about tonight?”
Lightning laughs nervously. He hadn’t thought about needing a reason. “We don’t get to see each other that much. I guess I just wanted to make something of the time, you know? So we can look back and think, that’s what we did that weekend. I don’t want it to just be like, oh, we existed.”
Sally looks ever so slightly disappointed by this explanation. But that vanishes quickly enough. “That makes sense,” she says. “But you know, all you have to do to make a weekend memorable is show up. You don’t need to bring a magic carpet. Where’s this coming from, anyway?”
Maybe it’s the nature of canyons to make you honest, or maybe it’s the sunset. Whatever the case, Lightning says, “I feel like there’s no possible way I could give you everything I want you to have.”
“But I figure I gotta try.”
Commune and Conquer
And see, there’s something you have to understand. This was all before the flash flood.
They’re already lost. Which wouldn’t normally be an issue–you know, file that under ‘we’re not here to make good time, we’re hear to have a good time’–except they’re not actually having a good time, because Lightning is lost and Sally didn’t want to go camping in the first place.
“I thought you were gonna take this time to unwind,” says Sally. She trails behind him obligingly, the epitome of cool. There’s a 50/50 chance she knows exactly where they are, and she’s just not telling him.
Lightning sighs. “This is unwinding! That’s what camping is for. You know, unplug, conquer nature.”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to conquer nature. ‘Commune with,’ maybe,” Sally points out. “Where’d you get that from, anyway? A book? Please don’t tell me this whole obsession is just because you read some book.”
“Instagram,” Lightning admits. “Cruz showed me a– Oh hey, I think that’s our road!”
It was not their road.
“I didn’t say I thought your sense of direction was bad! I just think you’re too used to always knowing where you’re going, so you forget to think about it.”
“Were you like, a Girl Scout back in LA or something? Is this whole ‘I don’t want to go camping’ thing some kind of reverse-psychology–”
“Have I ever told you how attractive I find paranoia? Because wow–”
“See, now I can’t tell if you’re actually upset with me or not.”
Sally laughs. “Stickers, relax. That’s what camping is for, right? Besides, we’re still lost, so we’re not actually camping yet. This is just. You know. Driving.”
“I think I’m allowed to shout if there’s a tractor in the middle of the forest. It snuck up on us! Besides, what’s it even doing out here?!”
They’ve departed the forest. Now the canyon walls tower, blazing orange against the sharp blue of the sky. It’s narrow, comfortingly so–like the walls of a building, or even a cathedral. The stone, too, is a comfort beneath them after the unpredictability of the woodsy humus, and Lightning would be lying if he said that deep mud of any kind didn’t trigger memories of a certain school bus of death.
“This is nice, right?” Lightning glances at Sally.
Sally doesn’t need to voice her agreement. Of course it is.
“And we wouldn’t have been able to make it down here if we wanted to get back home tonight,” Lightning reasons.
Sally’s not willing to go that far. “Oh, I think there are probably more direct routes down here. You know, secret shortcuts–well-marked by signs and printed on your map. No, don’t give me that face– Stop! Stop, you know it makes me– I’m trying to– Stop!” Lightning nuzzles her fender. Sally stifles a ticklish giggle. “I’m trying to get you to loosen up!”
“Okay, mission accomplished.” He smiles as he brushes down her side, a light and unpredictable feather’s touch. Sally bats him away with her rear tire and plants a kiss on his lucky sticker.
“Shall we stake out our stargazing position?”
“Oh, good idea. Better beat the crowds. Looks like there’s gonna be a lot of competition for those prime spots.”
“Do you wanna build a campfire?”
“Oh. I, uh. I don’t know how.”
“Me neither.”
They sip treats from home as the sun goes down. It slips out of the slot canyon first, burnishes its flat top and all the sky above. The clouds are thick, dark bottoms bruising as the last of the sunlight turns their tops almost phosphorescent.
“You think it’ll rain?”
“I hope not.”
“If it does, will it make you wish you had a roof over your head?”
“You really aren’t enjoying this, are you? We didn’t have to come. I just thought–”
“Lightning. We went over this! Remember relaxing? Besides, if I didn’t want to do this with you, I can guarantee you I wouldn’t have come. Who exactly do you think you’re dating?”
“But you don’t even like camping.”
“Sure,” Sally allows. “But you’d never been. And it’s one night–it’s not a big deal. Plus, this really is beautiful. I mean that. I guess I just worry that–”
“That, what?”
“That you won’t like camping, either. I know you have this idea of it in your head, but–”
“I just wanted–”
“I don’t want you to be disappointed. I just– I always want–”
“–tonight to be memorable. Because I–”
“–for what’s out here in the world to be as good as it looks in your head. Because that’s so you, you know? And I–”
“–love you.”
“Hey. What you said earlier. What’s so special about tonight?”
Lightning laughs nervously. He hadn’t thought about needing a reason. “We don’t get to see each other that much. I guess I just wanted to make something of the time, you know? So we can look back and think, that’s what we did that weekend. I don’t want it to just be like, oh, we existed.”
Sally looks ever so slightly disappointed by this explanation. But that vanishes quickly enough. “That makes sense,” she says. “But you know, all you have to do to make a weekend memorable is show up. You don’t need to bring a magic carpet. Where’s this coming from, anyway?”
Maybe it’s the nature of canyons to make you honest, or maybe it’s the sunset. Whatever the case, Lightning says, “I feel like there’s no possible way I could give you everything I want you to have.”
“But I figure I gotta try.”
“So, how’s the crew chiefing going?”
“You know what you said about the directions, and like–I’m so used to knowing where I’m going I forget I don’t know where I am? Kinda like that.”
Sally edges closer. She’s running her heater, her metal pleasantly warm. “I’m sure you’re doing fine,” she says.
“She’s really good.”
“And how’s Cruz spending her vacation?”
Lightning rolls his eyes. “Roadtripping down to Peru with Danny, then backpacking Macchu Picchu.”
Sally whistles. “Kids these days.”
“But… this is nice, too, right?”
“How’s the Cone?”
“We were just there. Less than thirteen hours ago.”
“It’s only been thirteen hours?!”
“Hey, don’t undersell that. Do you remember that one time–”
“Yes, of course! Mack should never have agreed to that. It was so–”
“Well, you can’t help Mack being a hopeless romantic.” Sally eyes him playfully. “Think about it. That was one breakfast. Then you turned back around and you were off again. And even that was memorable.”
“Remember that time your distributor changed their carpet brand? You were so mad you–”
“They didn’t match anymore! What’s the point of being newly refurbished if nothing matches?”
“I mean, it’s been a decade. Maybe it’s time to re-newly refurbish! Put some iPod docks in, hang some mason jars–”
Sally is falling asleep against him. “You’re okay, right?” she asks drowsily.
“Um, yes?” Lightning answers.
“That’s something I wonder about, you know,” Sally continues, the words muffled by Lightning’s body and the haziness of slumber. “Like, did he not call because he’s busy, or did he not call because there’s actually something he wants to talk about.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Mmm, it does. I know you.”
Lightning looks up at the sky–full clouds. So much for sleeping under the Milky Way. But he supposes it doesn’t matter much, since when you’re asleep you can’t do much stargazing anyway. The whole concept is flawed. “Would you be happier if I were home? If I weren’t–”
She’s supposed to be asleep. It’s a question he wants to ask but is afraid to know the answer to, and she’s supposed to be asleep. But she’s not–not quite. “I would never ask you to do that,” she says. “We’ll get there when we get there.”
Then she’s asleep.
“Don’t try to read the map,” she mumbles, some minutes later, when her breath is slow and warm and comforting over his hood. But that, too, Lightning figures, makes a lot of sense.
“I know,” he says. And he gives her an experimental jostle, to make sure she’s really asleep this time. “I just feel like I can’t ask you to marry me unless I know for sure that I can give– That I am–”
He is. He knows this. Because he knows Sally, and he knows what they are together and he knows exactly how much he loves her. How much she loves him. He knows all of this.
But if there’s anything that can throw that all out the window (if they had windows right now, Lightning thinks morosely. Its cold out here, and unlike Sally, he doesn’t have a heater)–
If there’s anything that can throw that all out the window, it’s a proposal.
Even though it’s just four words.
Lightning has decided he does not like camping. He’s also decided that if he ever gets the urge to sleep outside, there’s a perfectly good impound lot back in town.
Oh, and it’s started to rain.
Cruz has one of Hamilton’s ringtones set to the sound of rain. Not her wake-up alarm–her 4PM alarm. The one that reminds her to take time to meditate.
How rain helps meditation, Lightning’s not sure, because all he’s really known it to do is cancel races and turn tracks green, which is a holy pain when it’s a race you know you have to lead early, or not at all. Rain also makes mud. Which again, Lightning still hasn’t quite recovered from–
He feels water under his tires.
Not puddles, but water, moving, water in rivulets. Then water in an even sheet, moving westward through the canyon.
Moving fast.
“Oh no. Sally–” Lightning jostles her tire urgently. “Sally–!”
Already, the water’s up to his hubcaps. And he can hear it now–the rest of it. It sounds markedly less meditative than rain.
“What'sit?” Sally yawns.
The water rushing around her does the talking for him. Lightning’s engine roars to life, the sound dancing against the surface of the water, and so does Sally’s.
9AM (again)
“I knowed you was gonna take Holley’s advice!” Mater crows. Then he recites, “For optimal and most expedient intelligence, always conduct your interrogations in the heat of battle.”
“Battle?!” Lightning exclaims, incredulous. But it’s an actual question. He feels half-dead and very, very damp; it’s entirely possible he missed a crucial part of this conversation.
“Your battle against nature!” Sarge supplies.
“You don’t conquer nature,” Fillmore objects. “You comm–”
Sally sneezes.
Mater leans into Lightning conspiratorially. “Now I personally’ve never thought much about proposals bein’ like interrogations, but now that I done some of that thinking I do see the resemblance! That flash flood was a nice touch!”
Lightning blanches.
“So what’d you say?” Ramone asks Sally.
Sally settles her towel more evenly down her back. “Um. I said yes.”
Red honks and Lizzie, begrudgingly, dispenses quite a bit of cash.
“When!! Is the wedding!!” Luigi asks. It’s more of a shout than an inquiry. He bites his lip to keep from exclaiming more.
Sally looks at Lightning, and Lighting looks at Sally, and the say, in unison, “We’re not in any rush to decide.”
“So you’re one of those couples,” Sarge grumbles. Which Fillmore meets with, “Of course, as an institution, marriage is really only–”
Luigi frowns. “Guido, he say he cannot take this kind of suspense for much longer. Luigi agrees.”
9PM (finally)
They are safe and sound in a very cozy cone.
“You know,” Sally says off-handedly.
“Mm,” says Lightning, when she doesn’t continue.
“Flash flooding. That’s pretty dramatic. But I don’t know if I actually remember much of it? Blind panic isn’t, I dunno. It’s not all that specific.”
“We can do it again if you wanna reinforce the trauma,” says Lightning. Sally smacks his nearest headlight.
“Oh, shush,” she says. Then, after a moment, she adds, “I’ll remember this part, though.”
The radio’s abuzz with a song neither of them know; it’s set so low Lightning can still hear the streamers on Sally’s fan as they slap against themselves. She strokes one of his tires with her own.
“I’ll remember this exactly.”
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evenbechnet · 8 years
Please reblog and add more as the day goes!
12am - no one’s talking
1am - Ronan lost her poetry book ):
2am - 8am - ????? favorite tag ever: my heart just fell into my ass, even for S4 discourse again, froghelm - save us from misery. how many animals? they keep escalating, infinite, make a whole barn hard a zoo. the good nit penut butter dog gif. President Jonas decrees that the dog not nut??
9am - is it snowing for everyone?
10am - talking about fics, baby face fic is a cliffhanger why, fic recs again
11am - why do anons keep asking about ‘do we still think Even is SS4 main’, NO I HAVEN’T CHANGED MY MIND SINCE THE LAST TIME I THOUGHT THAT AKA 60 SECS AGO
12pm - more anons - the teaser at bye was not goodbye to Evak, please. more Sana vs Even for S4 discourse
1pm - comparing Isak in previous seasons before he was a main and how Sana and Even fit that mold. they have unexplained stories to tell. the ‘alt er love’ thing. show us Even’s wardrobe better Pope Marlon!!! Froghelm pics. Farmyard skam pics. Even for S4 talk... again. I mean? When you’re so sure of something you start to question why you’re so sure of it. 27 days since S3 ended!!!! 27! Friday the 13th trailer dropping theory is fucking everyone over. JUST!!! DROP!!!! THE TRAILER!!!! CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!! 28 days, so.... 8/2 = 4, yup, we’re losing our minds. Also, 13th: 1 + 3 = 4 IT’S HAPPENING Y’ALL, IT’S TOMORROW! Henrik, Marlon, we need clues.
2pm - everyone learning Norwegian on duolingo. languages talk! love proclamations in Norwegian <3 Daria and Dani talking about 1D songs. Zaa comes up with ‘Through the Dark’ lyrics to fuck everyone up. This suddenly becomes Evak playlist talk.
4pm - talk about people who can’t for their own sake be coherent? like, try and read and interpret the whole thing before you say shit and look like a complete dumbass. logic is really not that hard
5pm -  travelling talk, Cee Cee and Dani getting trashcans all over the world, #feedCeeCee2k17, bets on when S4′s trailer is dropping, #whoisRhae2k17, rh(mik)ae(l), rha(juli)e, (rha)even, obam(rh)a(e), is(rh)a(e)k, jon(rh)a(e)s, SHE COULD LITERALLY BE ANYONE, SHE’S PART OF THE ILLUMIN(RH)A(E)TI!!! CONFIRMED. 
Mikael has been the penetrhaetor the whole time, he starter the Yakuza fight and made the help Syria sign. #Mikaelfors4 is the real deal. fuck Mikael as Even’s ex, he was actually William’s ex!!! Chris P wanted to fuck him up so that’s why he changed schools and that’s how he met Even. mystery solved.
6pm - why are we still on tumblr? RONAN BLOCK AND DELETE THE NASTIES! Cee Cee is writing some shit fanfic about horror movie approach for Even on s4, someone shut her UP LMFAO. professor Nipples is actually Mikael, that’s why we never see their face and why they pretended not to know what a hijab is (so they wouldn’t give out their disguise).
yo. some dark Mikael conspiracy theories are going down.
7pm - quick talk and cute canons about how Even is all passive-aggressive to anyone who insults his boyfriend, except he can’t be passive aggressive to the boyfriend himself. cuteness over, back to worshiping the occult word of Mikael and the Mikaelgruppa. #WeAreAllMikael. let’s use our power to summon s4′s trailer. Mikaelmageddon is well on its way.
m̦̻̱̣͍͙̭̜̿̊͗͌̄͗̈́͗̓͘ͅͅì̖̘̯̝͔̥͕̦͉͛̊̈́̎̓͑̓̾͠ͅk̖͇͔̪̠͈̩̥̥̟̀̌͌̇̂̊̔̈́̈́͠ą̡͓̪̪͉̱̮͈̹͗̓́̓̍͆̿̒̇̎ȩ̧̼̠̞̩̱̣̥͗̌͒͆̄̓͌͐̅͘ͅl̢̨̛̲̭̼͎̺̼̹̟͆̿̅̌̂̐͊̽̚ ̧̠̘̞̳̳̮͓̗̐̂́̃͐͋͗̈́̌͝ͅw̧̝̺͎͓̳͚̙̖̆̎̂̏̓́͑͋̕͝ͅi̙̘̼͙̖͚̗͖̣̘͊͊̾͋̾͋́̀̚͠l̢̡̲̺̫̫̯̩͉̣̀͊̍̈͆́̽͛͠͠ļ̛̤̣̖̣͓̮̣̬̞͋͑̈̾̌͌̈́̚̚ ̢̢͕̩̦̰͖̥͍̣̇̂͂̒̓̇́͘͠͝r̢̨̳͚̤̹̠̦͈̄̂͆͂͛̈́͆͋͛͝ͅį̧̧̛̟͈̭̗̻͙̤̅́̀̍͊́̃̕͠ṣ̪̯̟̙̼̤̼͍̰͑͛̀̾̽̌̿̇̏͠ë̫̮͍̻̯̫̥͎̤́͒̆͛̇̇̇̍̏͜͝ ̧̹͚̲̲̩̠̮͔̬̀̓͌̌̓̊̍͗̔͝a̢̛͖̼̺̙̙̩̱̞̺͆͛́͆͗͑͆͗̚g̛̻͖̣͔͉̪͙͙̗͌͌̇̈́̈́̓̊̚̚ͅa̢͈̹̙̥͖̤͉̮̪͑̾̇͌̅̐̿̀̓̽ǐ̢̹͈̺̼̝̻̺̬̗̿̿͆̇̽́̔͌̀n̨̯͈̮̖̟̫͔͔̟̓̿̇̿͒̿̑̚̕͠
8pm - more talk about Mikael (honestly how long will this go for), some real cute and pure Even gifs, Daf comes in and then leaves to sleep more
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justyourcolor · 4 years
75 Hard Challenge
I want to start out with this- 
The reality of human trafficking’s in out history AND present of not only America but the entire world is true and its bad. We have to do better for our children and out the evil that is being waved right under our nose. Hollywood is involved. The government is involved. Scientists are involved. Politicians are involved. Some of our very own neighbors are involved. Some of our very own friends are involved. Some of our very own family members are involved, and its time we stop making excuses to ignore the hard truth. The truth that we need to stand up for our human rights at a length greater than anything we have seen before. I will fight for our freedom, I hope you will too. Until the day comes, never stop talking about the children and adults being kidnapped and sacrificed for a greater evil. Refuse the normality of pedophilia. Refuse the normality of government brutality. I agree with the term law and order, but we have not seen any order in our law recently. Demand better for your country no matter where you are. Demand better for our children, and our future. We are only in this earthly world for so long so why not do everything we can to rebuke the evil from being in control. I am Christian so I promote finding love within Jesus and truth within the bible, overall I promote being a good person who follows a set of morals and virtue no matter what you believe in. Nourish the world around you. Nourish your mental, physical, and spiritual health so you may project that light and love onto the world around you. This is not just hope, its happening. Whether you see it or not a change is on the horizon. Its up to the people to decide if they will demand good or if they will continue to allow evil to rise in power. This is our world. We must do whatever it takes to protect our people. Color has no meaning, its culture that is trying to be eradicated and I say we FIGHT for our individuality of culture and work to live together and help each other prosper regardless of our differences. Work together as humans to out the evil that again is right under our nose and partook by even the ones we love and maybe even idolize. A famous saying us, “Lucifer was the most beautiful angel, who promised the most beautiful things.” The Devil himself is after the soul of not only America but the whole human race. This senseless division is proof of that. Be stronger than evil. Promote morality and virtue living. This was longer than expected, but I needed to say it. Get your soul right and I hope to see you in the battle of freedom, I’ll know you by the light that shines in your soul.
I always  get stuck on technological distractions, so my goal today is to limit my screen time to strictly phone calls and emails between the hours of 11am and 4pm to ensure I am doing my most prosperous work in the afternoon. Today I will be doing 100 squats, fasting until 1am, studying my bible and the history of America, and writing for a minimum of 30 minutes. All without the distraction of my cell-phone! My ringer will be on so I don't miss any important calls, but social media specifically is off limits after I hit post on this update. 
I want to say while the beginning of this challenge is going pretty slow, change is a slow turning wheel and if I am mean to myself for not changing over night I will surely give up again. This is day 3 of not waking up on time or starting my day how I intended the night before, but I am getting things done and doing the damn thing. All without coffee too! Be proud of yourself for the little accomplishments, and seek for more. You are capable! You are strong! And let me tell you, you are beautiful! Be kind fellow humans, we never know what other people are going through. This life is all about perspective and while it is impossible to see through the eyes of others, be cautious of the horrors and hurt they may have seen. Be a light of nourishment to those around you. It doesn't make you weak to be kind, in fact I’d argue the fact that it makes you so strong to have witnessed how evil the word can be and be kind anyway. Work on yourself not only for yourself but for others.
I also have a vocabulary book from a few years ago that I never invested time into, so I'm going to commit some new words into memory to expand my ability to communicate. I intend on learning Spanish as my second language eventually, but to keep my success realistic I want to emit consistency into my routine before attempting a new language. Set yourself up for success!! You are so capable. You are so worthy. YOU can do anything, and so much more than you know.
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artsvark · 7 years
Desmond Dube joins cast of Fugard's King Kong
Desmond Dube (centre) joins the cast of KING KONG -THE MUSICAL from 2 January. Photo credit: Daniel Rutland Manners
Multiple award-winning actor and popular TV and film star Desmond Dube joins the cast of the Fugard Theatre’s hit production of King Kong – The Musical.
From 2 January 2018 he steps in to the central role of Pop in the production, which is currently playing at the Fugard Theatre in Cape Town until 18 February 2018.
Presented by Eric Abraham and the Fugard Theatre, this production of the historic musical King Kong has received five-star reviews and rapturous responses such as “a knock-out success”, “simply magnificent”, “a tribute to South Africa’s performance arts legacy” and “a theatrical treat”.
Dube joins the cast fresh from the success of an international tour and Johannesburg run of The Market Theatre’s production of The Suitcase, adapted and directed by James Ngcobo from the short story by Es’kia Mphahlele.
He was last seen on the Fugard stage in Mongiwekhaya’s I See You, which was presented by The Market Theatre, Johannesburg and the Royal Court, London in association with the Fugard Theatre, Cape Town. For this role he won the Naledi Theatre Award for Best Actor and was nominated for a Fleur du Cap Best Actor award.
Dube needs no introduction to South African audiences as a much-loved actor and presenter on TV and film. This includes an incredible seven series of Dube on Mondays, No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, Suburban Bliss, Joburg Blues and Dube Reloaded. On the big screen he has performed in films such as Hotel Rwanda, Love & Broken Bones, The Long Run, Millinium Menace, Hopeville and Mandela’s Gun. He is also well-known on TV as the face of Clientele Insurance.
His extensive list of theatre credits include Janice Honeyman’s Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood, Julius Caesar (Nelson Mandela Theatre); You Fool How Can The Skyfall (Windybrow Theatre); Who Really Freed Nelson?, Jozi Jozi (The Market & The Baxter Theatres); Street Sisters (Stadsscchouwburg, Amsterdam); Scribble (The Baxter Theatre); Survival (The Johannesburg Theatre); Protest (The South African State Theatre) and NONGOGO (The Soweto & The Market & The Canadian Stage Theatres).
Dube’s many other awards include a Naledi Theatre Award for Best Supporting Actor (Nongogo), FNB Vita Award for Supporting Actor (Scribble) and an Avanti Award for Best actor in A Comedy Series (Joburg Blues).
King Kong tells the story of heavyweight fifties boxing champion Ezekiel Dlamini whose self-appointed ring name was “King Kong” to the wildly exhilarating music of Todd Matshikiza.
“We are delighted to welcome Desmond Dube back to the Fugard Theatre stage, where he last captivated audiences in his award-winning performance in I See You,” says Daniel Galloway, the Executive Director of the Fugard Theatre. “It is a limited season to catch this incredible star on our stage.”
Dube joins Andile Gumbi (The Lion King, isiBaya) as King Kong and Edith Plaatjies (District Six: Kanala; Orpheus in Africa; Blood Brothers) as shebeen queen Joyce.
The Fugard Theatre’s King Kong is directed by Jonathan Munby who directed the Fugard Theatre’s production of A Human Being Died That Night with Noma Dumezweni (the only double Olivier award-winning Southern African actor) amongst many other international productions including the recent production of Shakespeare’s King Lear for the Chichester Festival in the UK starring Sir Ian McKellen.
The original production featured music by Todd Matshikiza, lyrics and original book by Pat Williams and book by Harry Bloom.
The revised book (with additional lyrics) is by Academy award-nominated screenwriter and playwright William Nicholson (Shadowlands, Gladiator, Les Miserables, Sarafina, Long Walk to Freedom). South African choreographer star and recent French Legion D’Honneur recipient Gregory Maqoma choreographs KING KONG to the irresistible original music of the late great South African composer Todd Matshikiza.
The Fugard Theatre’s production sees Musical Direction by Charl-Johan Lingenfelder (West Side Story, Funny Girl, Cabaret) and Sipumzo Trueman Lucwaba with additional music and arrangements by Charl-Johan Lingenfelder.
Set design is by Paul Wills (A Human Being Died that Night, Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet, West End – Wyndham’s Theatre – David Mamet’s American Buffalo); Costume design by Birrie le Roux (West Side Story, Orpheus in Africa, District Six: Kanala); Lighting Design by Tim Mitchell (A Human Being Died That Night; Royal Shakespeare Company’s King Lear with Antony Sher – Associate artist RSC/Chichester Festival Theatre) and Sound Design by Mark Malherbe (West Side Story, Funny Girl). The associate director is Mdu Kweyama.
The Fugard Theatre’s King Kong cast includes: Sanda Shandu as Lucky (Orpheus in Africa); Tshamano Sebe as Jack (Athol Fugard’s Painted Rocks at Revolver Creek; Master Harold and the Boys; Noem my Skollie); Ntambo Rapatla as Miriam (Menopause the Musical); Josslynn Hlenti as Petal (The Lion King; South African Idols) and Sabelo Radebe as Caswell (West Side Story; Peter Pan).
Also performing with the ensemble are Joel Zuma (Sophiatown; Kwela Bafana – The Musical); JT Medupe (Hansel and Gretel; Peter Rabbit); Athenkosi Mfamela (In The City of Paradise; Bash or Be Bashed); Shalom Zamisa (Voices of Hope; Sarafina); Sibusiso Mxosana (West Side Story; Funny Girl; A Spartacus of Africa); Aphiwe Menziwa (Passage; Inexba Lomphillisi); Namisa Mdlalose (Rent); Siphiwe Nkabinde (Exit/Exist; Music in the Air); Lungelwa Mdekazi (African Angels; Phantom of the Opera); Barileng Malebye (Sophiatown; Making Mandela; Dogma; Emotional Creature); Rushney Ferguson (District Six: Kanala); Given Mkhize (Sacredspace; In The End is My Beginning); Siyasanga Papu (Marikana the Musical;Rhythm City); Ziyanda Yako (The Colored Museum;Ingoma); Masego Mothibakgomo (Festival of The Lion King; Romeo ‘n Juliet Unplugged) and Jabulani Gambu (The Lion King; Clash of the Choirs).
A live 9-piece band, under the direction of Sipumzo Trueman Lucwaba, accompanies the action at every performance.King Kong runs at the Fugard Theatre until 18 February 2018 Tuesday to Saturdays at 8pm with a matinee at 3pm on Saturdays and on Sundays at 4pm.
Tickets cost from R130 to R280. Bookings can be made at Webtickets www.webtickets.co.za and through the Fugard Theatre Box office on 021 461 4554.
Harrington Street car park is located at the corner of Caledon and Harrington streets and is available for the use of theatre patrons. Visit the cosy ground-floor bar, which opens two hours before all scheduled show times and stays open until last rounds are called… often as late as 1am. And if the weather is fine the bar on the fantastic rooftop terrace is opened, with its panoramic views of the city. Both bars offer a range of wines from some of the Cape’s top estates.
Desmond Dube joins cast of Fugard’s King Kong was originally published on Artsvark
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themartinsguide · 8 years
Koh Phangan and Koh Tao
11-16 March 2017
We arrived in Koh Phangan determined to have a great time but also not completely blow out on the exercise front. Seizing a great opportunity to start as we meant to continue, we opted for a short 1-2km pack march to our “resort” in the blazing midday heat, as opposed to a very reasonable taxi ride (Koh Phangan actually proved to be one of the most expensive places for taxis). Arriving at the suggested location, as marked on Google Maps by Booking.com, we were surprised to find an empty paddock. Not too perturbed, as some previous addresses had been out by a few hundred metres, we searched for another 30 minutes in ever widening circles. However, it was nowhere to be found and after some group reflection at a local 7/11 we decided we had better reconfirm the address. Fortunately, a friendly local (who was very concerned that we may be suffering from heat stroke) provided us with his phone, and an internet search indicated that the Booking.com address was wrong, and that we had been searching fruitlessly approximately 2km from the actual location. At this point, and after some further group reflection (James’ comment “I always reconfirm the address” was not considered helpful by Hannah), a taxi was hailed, and 5 minutes later we reached the “resort”. The proprietor appeared very unconcerned when she was informed about the address being incorrect on Booking.com despite James’ dripping wet clothes, and Hannah’s death stare.
After a quick dip in the pool, some AC time for Hannah, and a Fanta for James (“it’s Fanta time” has become a thing), we were nicely re-energised for an afternoon’s shopping. Walking back into town (gluttons for punishment) we passed ‘The Mason’s Arms’ which appeared to have been lifted out of the English Home Counties and deposited by the side of a Thai street, complete with picnic tables, healthy dogs and expat families. We decided to give it a whirl, casually walking in and ordering two shandies. The English proprietor, upon hearing shandy and seeing a quizzical look on the Thai barwoman’s face, jumped straight in and whipped up the finest shandies we have drunk in the last 3 months (to be fair the only ones). So pleased with our discovery, we returned that evening for steak sammies, after kitting ourselves out with the required fluorescent clothing for the next day’s festivities.
The day of the Full Moon Party dawned bright, and we were up nice and early, raring to go. Reflecting that perhaps we would be in a bit of a state the next day we headed out for a dawn run around the bays of Koh Phangan Island. The run was surprisingly hilly, extremely warm (especially once the sun crested over the island’s mountains), but we viewed glimpses of 3 different bays we wouldn’t have otherwise seen. It did occur to us that perhaps rising at dawn, in order to run and savagely dehydrate ourselves, may not have been the ideal preparation for a nights partying. Oh well.
But then we had a day to kill, as the Full Moon Party didn’t appear to kick off properly until midnight, on the other side of the island. Showing great restraint (or so we thought), we waited until 4pm to crack a few beersies by the pool, clad in our matching outfits. Recognising that we are in no ways hip or cool, we had opted (after much encouragement by James) for matching Team Jannah singlets and neon yellow shorts (which the shop owner considered to be “one size fits all” simply because she had (somewhat haphazardly) cut off all the sizing tags… now that was a funny conversation). Although our outfits were the cause of some judgmental stares and querying gazes, it actually turned out to be a great conversation starter and by the end of night we had developed an unofficial fan club and some (i.e. James) might say, a cult following. It did make us look like massive douche bags when we stopped for our shandies at the Masons Arms (we loved this place) on our way to the Party.
We had met a youthful chatty fellow on the ferry over to Koh Phangan, and as he was staying at what sounded like a party hostel we had made a pretty loose plan to meet up with him again. Turning up at the hostel early afternoon he was nowhere to be seen, but looking dope in our matching outfits, it was no worries as we blended in by tucking into a free dinner, painting ourselves in fluorescent paint, and knocking back a few strong drinks. Surprisingly no one else seemed ready to go, despite it being 7.30pm… Had we cooked the goose? Was it the wrong day?? Why was no-one drinking heavily???
It was the right day. It just transpired that all the youth had been at a Jungle Party the night before (not running at dawn), and were less motivated to drink and walk across the island mid-afternoon. Fortunately, the place quickly warmed up and within an hour we had met a number of people we would party with for the rest of the night (most of similar age - thrilling), met Team Jannah Fan No 1 (her idea, not ours… apparently we were some kind of “relationship goal” or whathaveyou), and decamped to a new bar for some Twister (Hannah) and pool (James). Come midnight, our group had coalesced into a semi-tight knit crew composed of:
Team Jannah; Team Jannah Fan No1 (Mary); Other James (Mary Fan No1); Johnny (swarthy Italian with great teeth); Jay (Welsh guy); Dan; and Creepy tall guy (name unknown).
The Full-Moon Party was as dominating and intense as we had expected, perhaps more so. The Haad Rin Beach stretches in a crescent for approximately 3 km, and along its length 15 separate bars had erected monster sound systems, pumping out a variety of music. In between each bar were stalls selling buckets of liquor for approximately $10NZD, each bucket consisting of a hip-flask of cheap Thai liquor (Sangsom is a particular winner), a bottle of Red Bull concentrate, and a splash of mixer. With most people wearing various combinations of fluorescent clothing and body paint, and each bar combining their music with a light show, the beach from end to end was a seething mass of people dancing and drinking. A pretty unique party atmosphere, but not one for the faint-hearted.
After a great night’s partying, and managing to keep our crew intact less Jay (sorry mate - we did look for you), at around 5am, having been on the go for about 22 hours, we were wilting rapidly. Having carefully planned our movement to the party, we had learnt nothing about how to get home. Unfortunately, the taxi area was not easily locatable in our state and after some aimless wandering we paused for some reflection (and so James could eat a sandwich). Mercifully, a share taxi pulled up, and offered us two seats at a somewhat inflated price, which James accepted over Hannah’s protestations of being ripped off (seriously - what position were we in to say no?). An enjoyable hour followed for James, loudly chatting to some Poles (one with a fractured collar bone) as he hung out the back of two taxis (we had to swap halfway). Hannah, feeling less cordial, was slumped in the sleepers sections of said taxis, desperately willing James to shut up. Still married, and pre sunrise (mercifully), we collapsed into bed.
The Mason’s Arms called us the next day (little else did). Bangers and mash for James and beef casserole for Hannah was just what the doctor ordered. Seriously, check it out when you’re next in Koh Phangan, it’s a game changer.
Having partied, exercised, and enjoyed some jolly good pub food it was time to head off to Koh Tao.
James had booked the accommodation on Koh Tao, so it was his fault we barely slept for the next three days. Located smack in the middle of Sairee Beach, which is the main backpacker town on Koh Tao, and accessed by a dingy staircase behind a pancake cart, it was an absolute sweat box. Perhaps this was a positive in its previous incarnation as a brothel, unless there is another reason for having a bikini clad Thai woman painted on the shower wall, but we were not huge fans. In the middle of the day the concrete box was uninhabitable, although at night if we opened the window and door (on to our balcony/pathway for drunk Nordic tourists), and angled both fans onto our prostrate bodies we could achieve a semblance of rest before waking in pools of sweat. Less the night of the power cut, when Hannah awoke James in a suffocating panic at 1am yelling, “the powers gone! I’m cooking! It’s a sauna in here!” The sauna like atmosphere was enhanced by the drunken crowds howling at the moon as the entire town was plunged into darkness.
Our exercise plans for Koh Tao had not been formed based on fragmented sleep, and semi-lucidity. However, feeling marginally more human as the days progressed away from the Full Moon Party we made good use of the close by and very well-equipped 'Koh Tao Gym and Fitness’, heading up twice for some treadmill sprints and weights work. A classic Koh Tao power cut once caught James out mid-sprint on the treadmill, sending him sprawling and cursing into the console cut.
We also managed to head out for an early morning mountain run, though we somewhat underestimating the steepness of the terrain. As we staggered into the viewpoint 45mins into it, we were met by a rather confused set of tourists who had been watching us shuffling up the steep road for the previous 15 minutes. James sparked up conversation with one sharp fellow, who felt it necessary to observe that it was quite humid and hot to be running. Unfortunately, our route home took us further up the mountain, but at the summit (thankfully) there was a roadside stall selling large bottles of chilled water. After checking directions with the stall owner we enjoyed a scramble down a washed out mountain path, with Hannah gallantly telling James “you better not break your ankle, because I’m not carrying you out.” We returned home safe and sound, but not quite done punishing ourselves…
It was a beautiful, still morning and we were feeling refreshed after a good breakfast, so we decided it was a perfect opportunity for 4 hours of kayaking. We set out for a secluded bay around the northern headlands on a calm sea, and in great moods. We arrived at Mango Bay, and found ourselves confronted by approximately 15 speedboats, each carrying up to 30 people, blaring techno music. The snorkelling was pleasant though, and we had a nice couple of hours lying on the beach. Ahhh the serenity… Perhaps it was the lack of any lunch, perhaps it was the strong wind whipping the sea into half a metre of chop, perhaps it was James’ helpful advice, perhaps it was the sunburn, perhaps it was fatigue from the mountain run… but the kayak home was not conducted in a great mood. Sea kayaking is now firmly consigned to the Martin’s possible divorce causing activity bin.
Despite the sweat box and kayak induced arguments, Koh Tao was a great success, as we went primarily to dive, and we weren’t let down. Going out with Mojo Divers at a grim 6am we were lucky enough to dive at Twins with no-one else there (Koh Tao is a busy dive spot). The visibility was amazing (15-20m), the water was glorious, the coral varied and colourful, and the schools of fish were pretty impressive. We saw one of Hannah’s beloved sea turtles (she is now claiming sea turtle magnet status), spotted sting-rays, a barracuda hunting through the schools of fish, and a great array of tropical fish. Returning back to shore after a second dive at White Rock, we were both in agreement that it was definitely one of our highlights so far.
The early mornings, moronically hot runs, late nights and broken sleeps were starting to wear us down though… it was time for a holiday within a holiday.
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