#also i finally drew scars on his wrists!!! i DO headcanon him with those but i try to keep designs simple in my Goofs Style lmao
krysmcscience · 17 days
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I will be the first to admit I'm not the best at drawing animal or furry characters, but I wanted to get something scribbled down in my Non-Goof style, anyway. Plus, I've been enjoying the many reference pages folks were posting of their own designs for the Lamb and Narinder, so, uh. Here's mine, I guess! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do not comment on how long narinder's tail is or i swear to the lamb i will make it even longer next time >:]
#fanart#cult of the lamb#cotl#cotl lamb#cotl narinder#narilamb#tagging the ship because Your Honor They're Married#teeny tiny lamb and big boi narinder is my weakness leave me alone DX#i gave narinder a stupidly long tail because my own cat has a stupidly long tail and i make fun of him for it all the time#this is important to me for A Reason - which is that i enjoy adding even more reasons for people to make fun of narinder#he is my special boi and my poor little meow meow and thus i must violently shake him like he's the world's shittiest maraca#why else would i give him a long majestic cloak but then just have him wear a stupid turtleneck tunic under it and no fukken pants#there is no way that asshole has any sense of fashion - he has been out of touch with it and reality for at least one (1) millennium#anyway narinder's cloak can definitely be pulled closed to look like his standard in-game attire#also shh the lamb has plenty of wool to cover them and thus doesn't need any Censor Leaves#do NOT cite them for public indecency because that is racial discrimination against sheep and thus It Is W R O N G#btw i know i draw the lamb kinda cutesy-feminine but i promise you their gender is an eldritch void#VOID I SAY#what's in their pants? a knife#the time knife specifically (that's the eldritch part)#it might look like narinder has yaoi hands here but that's just because he's Bein' Spooky#i swear i headcanon him with normal size hands XD#also i finally drew scars on his wrists!!! i DO headcanon him with those but i try to keep designs simple in my Goofs Style lmao#once again i should be asleep
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
Can I have some Micheal headcanons pretty please 🤸‍♂️
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number one headcanon: he can and will be a fan of system of the down bc it’s literally autism metal with specific critique of the us government. Literally him but metal
because of this drawing will made, i like to think he and will’s favorite movie as younger kids was monty python and the holy grail!! the way will drew the man being eaten is pretty similar to the black knight from the movie after he loses his limbs
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idk it has the type of stupid humor i think they’d love, plus all the fantasy elements.
i feel like they would also both pretend to gag and throw up whenever the house of virgins scenes started because ewwwwww girls have cooties 😝 and they watch it when they’re older but instead of gagging like little kids they make fun of the clear over exaggerations and stereotypes. neither of them could imagine any of the women in their lives being like that
i think mike can draw a little bit. he’s by no means Will Byers but i think he’s been doing little sketches in the margins of his notebooks his whole life so he was bound to learn how to draw some things. he can’t do crazy dynamic stuff, but he’s got a stupid cartoon orc he draws all over the place and he tried to copy different comic book art styles for fun sometimes so he’s got a unique little doodle style. when he gets really into one of his worlds while writing and can’t think of a way to describe a certain thing, he tries to do a mini sketch of it at the top right of the notebook paper so he can envision it a little more easily
SPEAKING OF he totally spent like 30 minutes trying to master the skater S to impress will (he’s known how to do it for months and hasn’t told mike)
he color codes his class materials and gets pissed when anyone disagrees with the colors he assigned to each class. lucas said english was yellow and he didn’t talk to him for like 3 days (they still passed notes during chemistry when lucas needed help with the math or mike couldn’t remember a chemical formula)
he has physical files he keeps of his friends, like reference notes and concerns and reminders, and they all sit under his bed. if you ask him this is Completely Normal behavior
when he and will move out to the city, he finds out he loves the ballroom scene. he never participates because he would trip and fall if he tried to do anything those people do but he adopts the flashiness into his style a little bit, kinda like how he sucked a little bit of eddie into his new look. like kirby. anyway i think he flares things up a little when he moves out to the city with bracelets and long shirts with flares at the wrists and his rhinestone belt over jeans and boots he got for $5 and they have a two inch heel to make him even taller. i don’t know anything about fashion but i think he adopts some ballroom flair into his look in the 90’s
he gets the heart+crown tattooed over the scar he got trying to sacrifice himself to save will
hates beer but drinks it as a teenager anyway if it’s an option, but as he gets older and into his more “fuck it we ball” attitude he learns that he REALLY likes mimosas and just any kind of wine
shockingly good at table tennis. He should not be good at table tennis the way he plays but he Is and it’s Weird
he can do the thing with your finger where you bend it to make it looks like it’s broken and he used it as a kid to make dustin feel a little better about his own stuff
HAAAAAATES shrimp. Absolutely despises it.
whenever he revisits hawkins he lays a flower down on the field for bob, barb, and eddie and tells them he hopes they’re doing okay wherever they are. sometimes he holds eddie’s flower a little longer and thanks him for all his help and talks about his latest dnd campaign or date plans with will (he likes to think eddie would be proud that he finally accepted it and even managed to win will’s heart back)
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reki with tourette’s headcanons
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[ID: it’s reki from sk8 the infinity wearing a yellow sweatshirt with his hands on his hips. he’s wearing a red bracelet on his right wrist and he’s smiling. behind him is a touette’s syndrome awareness flag. end ID.]
so. @zukkaclawthorne got me hooked on reki with ts and now imma post headcanons i wrote oops
okay so first—that little skateboard he plays with??? stim toy, actually.
he likes the sound the wheels make—that whirrrrrr sound. it makes his arms flappy :)
he also finds the rolling motion soothing and relaxing and it always calms him down—it takes his mind to a happy place
he rocks back and forth and shakes his legs a lot. that also contributed to why he was terrible at skateboarding the first few times he tried—because his body would be like “time to rock back and forth!” and it would mess him up
neck twitches for days :)
no but for real—neck twitching is one of his worst tics because sometimes—if he’s in a bad mood or if he’s sad or anxious—it gets harsh and violent and really strains his neck.
so, langa gives him neck / upper back neck massages to help with the pain
he went through this phase for a couple of months where whenever his neck would twitch, he would snap his fingers two times.
he has a lot of hand tics which can be stressful when he makes skateboards because sometimes he’ll be in the groove and then suddenly he’ll mess something up
speaking of messing things up, he has a tendency to dig the bottom of his palm into his forehead whenever he feels like he does something stupid—he doesn’t even realize it until someone points it out.
he feels like even more of a failure of a skater because of his tics because they can hold him back and make the course more dangerous.
if his blinking tic resurfaces, sometimes the blinking gets so intense that he literally cannot see for anywhere between five seconds and a minute depending on how bad it is. that is how he got some of his worst scars.
or sometimes he’ll make a really aggressive hand motion and it throws him off balance on the skateboard due to the intensity
anyways back to hand tics: he points a lot and does symbols like the “rock on” sign or certain numbers (for some reason, the most common number for reki to throw up is four—though sometimes he throws up whatever number he hears) he also grunts a lot as a tic so he sounds angry even when he is’t.
sometimes, his hand tics really hurt and his hands become shaky and his fingers start to feel the way his heart feels when he’s anxious. langa helps in different ways—he holds reki’s hand, he gives him something to fidget with to try to distract him (sometimes it’s his own fingers—he’ll just set them in reki’s palm and be like “let me carry some of the pain”—no, reki didn’t totally cry when he said that what)
sometimes, reki sticks pencils in his ears. his teachers have been trying to stop it since he was young, but he always did it anyways—he couldn’t help it.
his hair is also long enough for him to chew on. yes, he chews on the tips of his hair because i say so. sometimes, to stop him from doing that (and from swallowing his own hair), langa will try to make him laugh so it falls out of his mouth and then he’ll scoot close and tuck the hair behind reki’s ears… once they start dating, he kisses him too. but also that’s one reason why he wears the headband—to try to keep his hair out of his face so he doesn’t chew on it.
reki’s favorite form of stimming (other than his skateboard toy, that is) is stress balls. he’s got a couple of stress balls in his room or backpack—even one with string attached so he can carry it around his wrist. he just really likes the texture of them.
after his second race against adam, cherry and joe were so proud of him and also impressed and worried dads that they bought reki a big stress ball, like, the size of a stuffed animal. it was a blue cat. he uses it all the time.
speaking of fricking adam, we all know he would so use reki’s tics against him during a race. like, when he grabbed his wrist and “danced” with him, he would mock reki’s tics or say creepy things about how his verbal tics are music and his motor tics are him dancing along and it makes him so uncomfortable and like even more shaken
oh and adam purposely does things to trigger his tics, like when i mentioned that number tic??? yeah, adam will purposefully say numbers to make reki do the hand gestures
one time, reki wanted to tell langa that he loved him but got nervous so he signed it in sign language instead. but, since reki’s tics are occasionally hand gestures, langa thought that it was just a tic and mentally was like “i wish that was for me…” and reki is like “i wish he knew it was real…” and joe, cherry, shadow, and miya are all facepalming and groaning at their obliviousness
reki prefers taking hand written notes to electronic notes because he draws / doodles to stim and he can’t really doodle well on a laptop. so, he’ll doodle in class all of the time
sometimes, his pictures / notes turn out pretty bad / illegible depending on how bad his tics are, but that doesn’t phase reki. it used to when he was younger, but it doesn’t bother him at all anymore. in fact, he thinks it adds personality
during class, he’ll draw pictures for langa and slid them on his desk. they’re usually really random things like the teacher or the back of someone’s head or squiggly lines or whatever he sees outside. more often than not, it’s abstract art. langa loves these drawings and he keeps them all on his desk in his room.
reki also started drawing pictures for the rest of the sk8 crew and gives it to them during races. when he gave everyone their first doodle, he was like “i’m not the best artist ever and sometimes my tics mess up the doodle, but i thought of you while i drew it so i want you to have it”
(shadow didn’t shed a couple of unwilling dad tears when he got home that night what)
anyways, they all keep them. every single one. miya puts them in their school binder so they don’t feel as alone / isolated at school.
although shadow and miya give reki a lot of crap / teasing about not being as good as everyone else, the second they hear anyone comment about “the weird red head that makes noises” and comments on his ts in a negative way, oh, they will stop you.
sometimes, reki whispers words he hears under his breath as a tic (echolalia, baby~) and when he overhears people saying stuff about “that redhead that always follows snow around” or about him not being good enough or how he’s an idiot to face adam, he ends up muttering that too. and it’s not a one and done kind of thing—like. he does it for days. it makes him so upset (and i already hc him, with depression so it just makes it worse)
having tics while having injuries is not a good combination—especially if it’s with a broken arm. the crew made sure to keep an eye of reki’s comfort / pain level after adam broke his arm and literally tried to kill him in their final race. joe let reki squeeze his hand whenever he felt the urge to tic and cherry would ask him how much pain he was in after he ticced and depending on how bad it would be, would make joe or shadow fetch a heating pad or an icepack for reki.
joe also taught reki about the magical thing called physical therapy tape and helped him put it on his shoulders, neck, and back one time. it was his idea to use the tape on reki’s fingers when he was injured to make him feel better (because it literally makes my fingers feel better)
also langa kisses each of reki’s fingers and knuckles, slowly and tenderly, soft so he doesn’t hurt him or trigger a tic. a way of showing that he loves him not despite his tics, but even with his tics and that he loves him and his tics.
cherry isn’t always the best at showing he cares, so he’ll wear a ts ribbon sometimes in a way to show support (and it makes reki beam)
shadow once gave reki a flower shaped stress ball because there were “extra at work” (not true—he went looking for one)
miya didn’t really know much about ts at first and asked why reki made those noises and made weird movements all the time and langa explained so then that night when miya got home, they did research on ts so they could understand it better. later, they told reki that whenever they called him a slime, they meant it purely about skateboarding and it had nothing to do with his tics—even that his tics didn’t make him less of a skater
all his life, reki had been the different one: the one no one wanted on the team because sometimes his tics messed him up, the one who was asked to leave classes during tests because his tics were too distracting and made him take the test in the hall, when sometimes he’d get too overwhelmed by how close people were in the halls or at races and would have panic attacks, how he rocked in his chair and adjusted his position seventeen times an hour and sat on his feet while the other kids didn’t, how he shook his legs more aggressively than others, how he couldn’t skate as well as everyone else because of his tics and because he wasn’t good enough
which is probably part of the depression that weighs on his shoulders
the first time reki had a panic attack during a race due to closeness and overstimulating noises (and this is the first one after the sk8 crew happened) langa was racing and wasn’t there to help, so shadow kind of panicked and like picked him up under the armpits and carried him away from the crowd since reki could barely process anything other than panic and the sound and feeling of static and they sat in shadow’s car for the rest of the race and once he felt better, he gave shadow a huge hug and shadow returned it.
one time it happened and cherry was nearby and he saw the signs before it got bad (remembered from the previous time / his own experiences) and helped talk reki down before it got bad (he has a soothing voice)
usually, though, when / if it happens (because reki usually feels safe there), langa is the one who helps
but it got so much worse after skating against adam the first time because he no longer felt safe and suddenly everyone cheering adam’s name even after witnessing what he did to reki was too much but langa was racing adam so langa wasn’t there and this time it was joe who kneeled in front of him and started talking just loud enough for reki to hear and he was like “you’re safe—we won’t let anyone hurt you. we won’t let him hurt langa. you’re safe. i’m here and so is cherry and shadow and miya and langa will be waiting for you at the end of the race…”
it happens again at the next race he goes to—and this time it’s miya who notices and they tug on langa’s sleeve and is like “i think you need to take reki somewhere else” and langa does :)
okay i’ll end on a positive ts note or two—langa asks reki to add the ts ribbon to the design on his skateboard
shadow finds chewelry at the store one day when he’s shopping and buys it for reki (and gets a matching one for langa!)
once reki came back after his mental health break, the first thing joe said to him was, and this is nonnegotiable “reki! i missed you and your tics!”
miya once overheard reki muttering to himself about his annoying tics were, so they intervened and was like “your tics aren’t annoying. they’re you and anyone who think s they’re annoying is an idiot”
and for the first time in his life, reki doesn’t feel alone and isolated and so different from everyone (at least, he’s working on that last one) and he’s finally found a group of people who want him on their team and a boyfriend who always supports him and makes him feel less isolated, tics and all <3
i uhh I have a lot of feelings,,,
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erumai-maadu · 3 years
maybe you can write some headcanons for the medic neji au?
I set out to write hcs and wrote a shitty lil nejiten thing instead, have fun. Also when I say shitty, I mean shitty, this isn’t proofread at all.
Neji really needed some new friends. Preferably ones with some self-preservation instincts.
Ever since Neji had started learning medical ninjutsu from Lady Tsunade, his teammates seemed to be getting injured more often than usual. Or perhaps it seemed that way to him because he was the one stuck healing them now.
Now that he actually had to heal the idiot, he understood why the hospital staff got so annoyed with Lee every time he visited. He drove his body to limits that no human should, and then broke those limits and still went higher. Honestly, it was truly a wonder that he wasn’t dead yet.
And then there was Tenten. He thought she was better than Lee, but no, she was just a reckless gremlin with an affinity for sharp objects. Which, of course, meant that she was constantly coming to him with various cuts and scrapes, sometimes even stab wounds, from practice gone wrong.
How had the roles reversed like this? Back in their genin days, Tenten had been the responsible one on the team, the straight man to Gai-sensei, Lee, and Neji’s antics. Now, it was Neji who had to take care of his three idiots, and all because he’d gone and learned medical ninjutsu.
A finger gently poked his cheek, startling him out of his musings.
“Whatcha thinkin’ so hard about?” Tenten asked from where she sat beside him, her shoulder warm against his. 
“The abuse of my medical talents.” He glared at her, getting a sunny smile in response. “I knew Lee was reckless, but I expected better from you, Tenten.” He gestured at the new scar at the base of her thumb, where she had accidentally cut down to the bone while messing with a newly modified kunai.
“Aww, you’re worried about me. How cute.” Tenten smirked at him, reaching over and poking his cheek again.
Neji grabbed her hand before she could make contact and lowered their joined hands so they lay on Tenten’s thigh. Her hand was rough and calloused, evidence of her hard training. Her life was her weapons, and it showed in the various scars littered on her hands.
Eyes focused on her new scar, the one he had healed only minutes before this,  he waited a beat before gently tracing the scar under her thumb and delighting in the tiny hitch in Tenten’s breath. Encouraged, he moved to trace the lines of her palm.
“You are right.” He let out a long sigh. “I do worry about you, Tenten,” he admitted as he drew mindless patterns down to her wrist and then back up again, enjoying the warmth of her skin against his. “And it is not because I think you cannot handle yourself. You are the strongest person I know.”
He returned to the new scar, now stroking over it with his thumb. “But you are reckless. And that makes me scared. I do not want to lose you, Tenten.” He looked up to see her sigh and lean back against the trunk of the tree they were sitting under.
“Why do you care so much Neji?”
In lieu of answering, Neji brought Tenten’s hand up and pressed a gentle kiss to her palm. He heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled against her hand, moving up to slowly kiss each of her fingertips, and then finally trail over to the base of her thumb, where he pressed his lips to that new scar.
Pulling back, he laced his fingers with hers and looked up to gauge her reaction.
Tenten’s eyes were blown wide with visible shock, her jaw slightly slack and a pretty pink blush dusting her cheeks. She stared in silence for a few seconds, searching his expression for something.
Finally, she seemed to find what she was looking for and Tenten relaxed, a tiny smile tugging at her lips. She leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. Neji pressed a kiss to the top of her head, mumbling his answer into her hair. 
“I care because I love you, Tenten.”
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A Little Game
Request: Can you write an imagine for spin the bottle with Felix please 😭❤ the headcanon was so perfect I died🥵😍😍😍 But Felix is more like the violent ruthless second in command so everyone is S H O C K E D when you two actually kiss. (And maybe the other lost girls, if there are any, are even scared of Felix) He doesn't talk much but later approaches you and maybe some smut happens????🤷‍♀️❤❤❤
Pairings: Felix x reader
Warnings: smut ;) 
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The night was like any other, lost boys cheered and danced wildly around the roaring flames of the camp fire, the heat of it so strong I could feel it tickle my face. Shouts of happiness and cheers of joy filled my ear as I sat silently on a cold log, watching the boys have their fun while I was at a distance. I was never one for dancing, I would always freeze up or grow embarrassed, worrying about weather I was doing it wrong or if the boys would all start laughing at me.
The sharp sound of a whistle cut through the air, causing everyone to come to a halt.
"Boys." The mischievous, familiar voice of the leader spoke up, "how about we play a game?"
All the boys growled in excitement, cheering and hollering at the thought.
"Truth or dare!"
"Capture the flag!"
“Seven minutes in Haven!”
“Hide and Seek!”
They all started to bombard the brown haired boy with suggestions, desperately trying to come up with a good game to play.
Silently, the tall, dark figure which loomed close to the king turned on his heels, bending down and fishing a shiny object out of the lush green bushes. He rolled it around in his large hand for a while, his jaggard scar seeming to pop of his face like inspiring words from a page in the glow of the fire, lighting up all of his sharp features like Christmas. The elf-like boy turned to him with a dark grin plastered on his face, taking what appeared to be a rum bottle out of the second in commands hand.
"How about spin the bottle," He suggested as the boys eagerly nodded in agreement, "what do you say lost girl? Will you be joining us?"
Without letting a word slip past my lips, I absentmindedly nodded whilst the boys sat in a circle, I got up to join without realizing what I had just gotten myself into. 
Not even a second had slipped by before the leader of the rowdy group of lost boys wrapped his fingers around the empty bottle of rum, itching to spin it and find out who it would land on. We all lent in closer, our curious eyes watching the shiny object spin around and around before gradually slowing to a halt, the neck pointing directly at Nick.
Everyone could see the colour visibly drain from the poor lost boys face as he eyed everyone around him, deciding who in his eyes would be the best person to kiss in this situation. That’s when those big, brown eyes scanned over me, his orbs drinking every inch of me up, making the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach grown more and more intense with each passing second. I felt the need to hide my already covered body from his eyes grasp, clutching my cloak in my hands and dragging it over my body even tighter as if it were a barrier, stopping him from having a peak. 
“Nick,” Pan clapped his hands, desperately wanting to see how this plays out, “Look’s like you’re up first.”
The lost boy reluctantly took hold of the bottle, flicking his wrist before it spun out of control on the floor in front of us, I could feel his hungry eyes on me. The boys had never tried anything with me before, they were more like protective brothers than they were boyfriend material, but they had also never seen a girl in years. 
However, there was one person that intrigued me, the mysterious second in command, he never had much to say, always hiding in Pan’s shadow. I couldn’t stop myself from wondering what this boy was really like, who he really was. It was as if Pan had trapped him in a bottle, never giving him enough time or space to do his own thing outside of his orders and chores other than fight, and trust me he was good at it. He had made a reputation for himself, and not a good one, he was known to be calm most of the time but when provoked all hell would break lose, and God help whoever pisssed him off. 
As my mind wondered, so did my eyes. Peering over at the ruthless teenager, I found him already looking in my direction, flashing me a menacing smirk before his icy eyes were once again glued to the moving bottle. Shivers ran up and down my spine at his action, did I do something to upset him?
“David!” A British voice sounded, snapping me out of my thoughts, “Looks like you’re up.”
The boys started to grow more and more excited, shouting and hollering as the two drew nearer to each other before their lips finally touched for a split second. They both recoiled back in disgust, Nick vigorously wiping lips as David continuously spat on the floor. 
“Now, who wants to go next?” Pan asked, everyone was silent not wanting to kiss one of their so called brothers.
“I’ll go.” A deep voice sounded from a short distance.
Heads sharply turned to the source of the voice, mouths dropped open and eyes popped out when they saw none other than the second in command reaching for the bottle. The only sound which flooded the island was that of the rum bottle spinning on its side and the silent shock of every living creature that walked upon this lands soil, even Pan, his best friend was at a loss for words.
Everyone’s eyes were still glued to the blonde giant as he watched the bottle spin round and round, his stormy blue eyes were fixated on it, as if it put him under some kind of spell. No one dared to even breath as the bottle began to come to a stop, eager to see who it would land on, but at the same time praying to whatever God there was out there that it wouldn’t land on them.  
Before I even realized what was happening, all eyes were on me. The curious look was evident on my face as the lost boys eyes darted from me to the bottle, I felt my blood run cold as my eyes glided towards the second in command.
I knew, deep down I knew Felix would never kiss me, I always had this feeling that he despised me which only made me want to find out more about him. But alas, the jumped up to his feet, stalking closer and closer towards me, I peered into those ice like orbs before he pulled me in. Our lips were introduced to each other as his hand snaked around my waist, it felt like some kind of invisible force was making my fingers tangle themselves in his hair, but I knew I had secretly been hoping for this. 
It’s funny, I didn’t expect it to be like this, his lips were warm and soft, welcoming my own with open arms. At first it was strange but after a couple seconds I felt safe for some reason, like I wanted to be there, 
He pulled away, I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to pull him back in for another one, but I couldn’t, instead I could feel every ounce of blood in my body rush to my cheeks.
The entire camp was engulfed in silence, no one knowing what to say next as their eyes were glued on the two of us.
“Hey guys!” A drunken Nibs stumbled out of the bushes, carrying a crate full to the brim with bottle and bottles of rum, “Look what I found!”
I let out an audible sigh as all the attention suddenly shifted from me to Nibs, my cheeks were still red from blushing as I felt Felix’s hot breath travel down the nape of my neck, sending shivers to run up and down my spine.
Without thinking, I shot up out of my seat, needing a distraction from what had just happened. I zoomed towards the crate, telling myself that in this moment it was all I needed. I chugged and chugged and chugged, letting to cool liquid pour down my throat, the burn didn’t bother me, I needed a way to cool down and fast.
One by one the lost boys all followed my actions, picking up a bottle for themselves and drinking the night away, liveliness flooded the island once again as laughter filled the air and the boys began to dance around the fire. Sooner or later I found myself sat in a small circle of friends, laughing and drinking, just having a good time, when a certain boy invaded my thoughts. 
I would love to tell myself that I quickly forgot about the kiss, but the truth is I couldn’t get it out of my head. The way his lips drew in closer to meet my own caused the blush on my face to intensify, and the way he held me close made me feel -
I need to stop, what am I even thinking? This is Felix we’re on about here, the guy who is supposed to be one of my brothers, but he made me feel so... No.
“I think that’s enough for one night boys,” I spoke, slowly raising to me feet, “I’m off, night.”
A choir of voices followed after me, all sending me off with good residence and wishing me a good nights sleep.
My feet began to plant themselves in the ground, waving goodnight as I absentmindedly walked forwards and.....BAM! Just my luck.
“Sorry I wasn’t-” I started to splutter out an apology as fast as I could.
“It’s okay.” A husky voice replied, causing my blood to run hot with embarrassment, I shot up as if I were standing to attention.
“I-I’m just gonna go to sleep,” I said, practically running away from the situation I was currently in, “Night!”
When I arrived at my tent, I flopped down onto my bed, wanting nothing more then blissful sleep to take over my body, but a lass, it didn’t. I lay there in thought for what felt like an eternity when it actual fact it had been nothing more than a few mere minutes. The clock slowly ticked by as I tried my hardest to push all my thoughts aside, desperately wanting the blonde boy to leave my thoughts but I just couldn’t seem to help myself. 
I thought of his smile, his hair, his scar, his laugh, the way his eyes always seemed to light up with joy whenever Pan announced we would be having cake for dessert, the way the called my name in order to capture my attention.
“Y/n.” A deep voice called, my ears instantly perked up, I know who that voice belonged to.
Shock over took my body and before I knew it my tiny frame had rolled off the bed, was that really him? Or was that all in my head?
“Um... are you awake?” He sounded again, concern and slight disappointment coated his words.
“Just a second!” I spoke, hoping that the tall, blonde boy wouldn’t leave, I shot up, fiddling with my hair for what felt like an eternity, wanting to look presentable for him. 
I dashed towards the fabric door of my tiny house, pulling it aside to find Felix standing there. His dark cloak hung on his shoulders and wooden club was slung carelessly over his shoulders.
 “Hey.” I said, my voice coming out as nothing more than a weak whisper, “What’s up?”
“Um..” He began, his eyes darting everywhere but refusing to meet my own.
This is new, I had never seen the mighty second in command nervous before.
“Well.... I wanted to...” He awkwardly chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, he couldn’t get any words out. Before I knew it I was being pulled towards him by my collar, his fingers tightly gripping the fabric of my cloak before his lips smashed into mine once again.
I seemed to lose myself in him, wanting nothing more than to be right here with him, in this very moment. He pushed me back, walking inside my tent before guiding my small body down. My back hit the soft, welcoming covers as he crawled on top of me, my hands found themselves in his hair, just where they had longed to be all night.
He placed his knee in between my leg, genitally rubbing the area which needed some kind of friction the most. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop a small whimper sounding from my lips. I could feel him smirking as he deepened the kiss, leaning into me more and more as if he were trying to trap me, making sure I would be there with him for as long as I could.
His rough hands snaked all over my body, exploring, finding out the places I liked to be touched the most. In one swift movement my cloak was torn off my body in power hungry lust, leaving me completely exposed in front of him.
I could feel his ice cold eyes roll over my exposed skin, causing goose-bump to form all over my arms and legs.
“There’s no need to be nervous,” He said, his voice coming out as a mere whisper, “Yo’re beautiful.”
Light pink dust coated my cheeks as the words left his lips, there no way he could really think that, I must be sweaty from all of the training I had to do that day and I hadn’t had enough time to wash some of the dirt off my face. Yet the second in command couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off me, drinking up the sight of my body as if he were addicted.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He spoke before attaching his lips to my neck leaving a trail of sweet, slopping kisses all the way down to my collarbone.
Tiny pants and gasps slipped passed my rosy lips as the sucked and bit down on all the right places, ”Felix.”
As soon as his name was moaned into the night sky, something inside him snapped, as if the beast which lurked inside had just been let out of it’s cage.
He sat up, slipping off whatever clothes he had left on, leaving little to nothing to the imagination. He wasn’t lanky, which I expected him to be, toned muscles clung to his arms and back, I had to fight the urge to physically drool over him.
It was as if I were in a trance, completely captivated by his body, I didn’t even realize his hands reaching out towards me before his long fingers were suddenly wrapped around my neck. It was a slightly uncomfortable feeling, but not one I was apposed to.
It made me feel as though I was completely and utterly dominated by him, I felt like I should do everything he told me, I wanted to do everything he told me.
His hard cock pressed against my leg and I could feel the smirk on my face grow as I teased him, stroking his length. I could see it in his face that if I carried on any more sweet grunts of ecstasy would come tumbling out of his mouth, the though of that only made my temptation intensify.
Felix bit his lip, letting out sighs of happiness as he threw his head back, incoherent whispered sounded from his mouth.
“Fuck.” The second in command whispered, grabbing my shoulder and quickly flipping me over so that I lay on top of him. His eager hands flew to my hair, slightly pushing me further and further down his body.
I smiled happily as I sank down to the place I wanted to be the most, taking his long member into my hand, I licked a long stripe all the way up from the base to the tip before taking as much of him as I could in my mouth. Sucking and swirling my tongue around the tip until my name frequently fell from his lips.
“Y/n,” That and the prominent sound of slurping was the only thing that filled the air.
I took his cock in between my teeth, slowly, but carefully pulling my head back as I peered into his cold, blue eyes.
When I was done I crawled back up, catching his lips on mine once more, like we had done so many times this night. I straddled him, grinding my wet pussy on his hard member before positioning him at my entrance.
A loud moan escaped my lips as I lowered myself onto him, it took no effort for him to fill me up completely.
Slowly, my hips started to grind as deep moans filled the room, his fingernails dug into the flesh on my thighs, only making me wetter. Once I had adjusted to up, I began to bounce up and down as I threw my head back in pleasure, his lips found themselves playing with my nipples, sucking and biting as I moaned into the night sky.
“Um, Felix.” Was the only thing I could say at this moment in time, no other words came to mind, only him.
My thrust grew sloppy and legs grew weak, I was tired but I couldn’t bring myself to stop, not when I was so close to tipping over the edge.
“Getting tired?” He breathy asked with a smirk on his lips.
My blushing face nodded in response, “I’m so close.” I moaned.
Without warning the second in command grabbed my arms, forcing me to stop. He positioned himself at my entrance, dipping his tip in and out of me before going in all the way hitting all the right places.
“Felix, Felix, Felix.” I said, wanting him, needing him, practically begging for my release.
It wasn’t long before all my juices were coating him, which triggered his own undoing. I could feel his seed slowly drip out of my as I lay down beside him.
Neither of us said anything for a while, just sitting in comfortable silence before I started to drift off into blissful sleep.
Yo, I know I said I would post every satarday (and I will!) shits been kinda wack😂, I did promise you guys an explanation and you will get one either today or tomorrow, I promise! ❤
I know its monday, don't worry I'm already writing more so you'll still get a story on Satarday! 🙃
This us also one of my longest stories!! I'm so proud! 🥰
I love you all and I'm so sorry!! 💚💗💓💞💕💘💝❣💔💖
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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Kat, Isaac Lahey is a difficult character to capture, even without the added complexities we’ve given him in this verse. You captured Isaac’s keen attention to detail, his wary, weary way of thinking in his Day in the Life section, you peeled away his layers as you outlined your future plans for him. We love the many mysteries you’ve tapped into and added on, befitting a boy so battered by a past he didn’t ask for. For all his sarcasm and snark, Isaac has a vibrant inner life, and we loved getting a glimpse of that through your application. Many people in the Quarter have been looking for this missing Harvest child, and we admins have been at the top of the list! We’re delighted to see what you bring to his portrayal, and even more, can’t wait to see him on our dash!
Kat, thank you very much for applying. As for Isaac…
                 ⚜ ~ WELCOME TO VIEUX NOYÉS!!! ~ ⚜
Wondering what to do next? Click here and let the good times roll!
⚜ Roleplayer:
⤜ Name/alias: Kat
⤜ Pronouns: she/her
⤜ Age: 23
⤜ Timezone: EST
⤜ Activity: 8-9
⤜ Best form of contact: here, but I also have a kik: loonymoonywoof
⤜ Any Triggers? N/A
⤜ How did you find Vieux Noyés? Rose told me about it :)
⤜ What drew you to the RP?  The beautiful lay-out, well thought-out and executed plot, rounded characters…the list could go on and on. Mostly because I think this the perfect place to grow in my writing surrounded by a great story and fellow writers/friends.
⤜ What is one subplot/element from the Plot page that you are particularly looking forward to seeing in this roleplay?
ALL OF IT! Of course, if I had to pick, I of course am interested in the politics of the wolves as Isaac is going to find himself a friend and an enemy whichever way he turns once what he is comes to light. Also, the witches who are looking for their revenge since the night Isaac  escaped being sacrificed for the Harvest that night, causing more problems than he even realized. All of these apply to the development of Isaac of course, but I really am interested in all the contending parts of this in-depth plot because once one domino falls, the rest are going to be affected.
⚜ Desired Character: Isaac Lahey
⤜ Why do you want this character?
* Oh gosh. Better question is why do I not want Isaac Lahey. I have this problem where I am pulled towards the tragic characters and one word to describe Isaac would certainly be tragedy. I love the character development and growth that comes from how someone overcomes being dealt a bad hand in life. It’s not the tragedy that defines the character but how the react and move on from it. **Not to mention, I love Teen Wolf and the interesting spin on a familiar character looks like so much fun to explore! Like a new alleyway on a familiar road :)
⤜ What are your future plans for this character?
* I want Isaac to come to terms with his new phase of life. Everything so far has been an adjustment and this is just another one, but no doubt it will be the hardest of all. I feel like he will go through the stages of grief with his loss of magic, and in his initial time as an outcast he will be in the denial and anger stages because he thought he had finally found somewhere to belong in this world. I also plan to dive into Isaac’s relationships because due to his unlucky draw in life, he is more reserved and closed off. Not even in a romantic way, but purely just letting someone in to help him will be a challenge all on its own. Isaac has been struggling with the world since he was born so I think it will be interesting to have some sort of insight on his newfound struggle with himself - murderer, outcast, orphan, ex-witch, traitor, and most importantly: werewolf.
⤜ Put yourself in your character’s shoes. Give us a few lines to describe a day in the life of your character… Where do they live? Where and how do they spend their time?
Isaac has found himself on the outside looking in more often than not these days and so has devoted himself to mapping out the Bayou as much as he can. It’s a rather impossible feat but if - or mostly likely when - the witches find out his location, he wants to have some sort of advantage. And it gives him something to do as he tries to figure out his new life once more.
If he has to, he will risk an occasional visit to the French Market to stock up on supplies. More and more on these trips he finds himself lingering by Boudreaux’s, just watching them work and interact. Isaac had always liked tinkering with objects when he was younger and the works of the mechanics fascinate him but the place is too popular and any chance he had there would bring too much attention to him.
The rest of his time, and he tries not to stick to a routine too much, is spent at Bonnie’s. He doesn’t want to overstay his welcome or put her in danger due to the bounty on his head by the coven, but it is nice to have some sort of sanctuary in his nomad state. Also and chance to still be around magic….
⤜ Give us three headcanons regarding your character of choice.
* When initially meeting Isaac, especially as a young boy, many people thought him shy or timid because of his lack of speech. But really, behind those big blue eyes, he was just taking it all in and calculating the risks and rewards. He had to learn at a young age to read a situation and a person’s body language due to his father because if he didn’t, the next bruise or verbal assault was right around the corner. The habit followed him up until now, especially not knowing who to trust or where is safe.
* Scars are not something uncommon for the Lahey boys, but there is a particularly significant one. On the inside of Isaac’s left wrist is a small scar - a jagged white line. His brother has a matching one. One night when the boys were cleaning up some of their fathers broken bottles, little Isaac cut himself. After multiple attempts to shush him so their father wouldn’t hear, Camden cut himself the same way, showing it to Isaac and calming him the words: “It’s alright Isaac, see? Not so bad….we’re blood brothers now. We’ll get through this together.” Now every time Isaac sees that certain scar, he can’t help but remember that moment and wonder where his brother is now.
* In such a troubled household, it should be expected for the Lahey brothers to a bit more fearful of the world than others typically would be, but it had the opposite effect. Not many things rattle Isaac as he has already been through so much trauma but there is one thing that paralyzes the boy: water. Growing up he never really had the opportunity to learn how to swim except once and he would rather forget that memory. He was just eight, staring at the pool of water apprehensively when his father approached him and began to give him grief about being a coward and other unmentionable names to call a child. Next thing he knew he felt a hard shove on his back and was met with a mouthful of water as he tried to claw his way to the surface but nothing he did seemed to ease the sinking. Camden had to jump in and save him while his father merely shook his head in disapproval and walked away. And while Isaac can now stand to be near water and even go in, it can never be deeper than where he can stand or he begins to panic.
*  A dented and hammered silver coin hangs on a leather chord around his neck. It was a talisman of some sort that he found out belonged to his mom. He hasn’t taken it off since he found out and whenever he had free time with the coven he researched where it was from or what power was behind it, but he always came up empty. Just another unanswered mystery in the life of Isaac Lahey.
⤜ What are some plots you’d like to explore with your character?
* I feel like Isaac wouldn’t be given justice without some sort of origins plot due to his newfound position in life. All the signs are pointing to werewolf but the most obvious sign, a mark of his pack, is missing. Since his parents are dead and brother gone, he has no source on how his life came to be the way it is.
⤜ Para sample:
(Retained for privacy).
⤜ Would you like to be considered for another character if not accepted as your primary choice? Not at the moment.
⤜ Have you read the rules?: Yes
⤜ Anything else? Nope!
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