#also i got a few likes on my first doodle posted here! and some reblogs! and a new follower! yippie! I'm so happy!
dulltoned · 6 months
I know I mostly just ask random thoughts about brozone and how unbelievably angsty they are but
What about any headcannons about brozone? Individually or as brozone as a whole?
(Also happy holidays!!)
Oh, that's a fun question. I genuinely haven't put too much conscious thought into it but I have a few that I can share off the top of my head.
There's at least one headcanon involving Branch in there for all of them but I might follow up with more headcanon posts somewhere down the line. (Excuse the funny little doodles, I wanted to see if I could make decent headers and I did... okay.)
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-> He doesn't like being alone. He didn't spend the twenty-some years after BroZone broke up just on his own in the Neverglades but instead hopping around from place to place looking for new experiences and new people to meet. He'd always go back to the Neverglade Trail, though. Just in case someone needed him.
-> It was still really lonely but he never thought too much about his brothers or the Troll Tree. He's an expert at denial and avoidance.
-> He's pushy with Branch because he wants to try and help Branch be more open and direct with him but he doesn't really know how to sit down and have a serious conversation about it.
-> He's not stupid. He can be unobservant and a bit full of himself but he has a good head on his shoulders.
-> He and Branch bond over survivalist tips.
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-> He was worried he was going to be a bad father. He still had a lot of stuff he was working on when he and Brandy had their first kid and he was old enough that he really didn't remember his dad. He certainly didn't want to emulate John Dory. He knew they'd be okay the second he saw his son in Brandy's arms for the first time.
-> Brandy helped him get over the toxic mindset BroZone gave him and while he can still struggle sometimes he's never been happier.
-> Amazing cook. His food is amazing. Cooking, baking, it's all divine.
-> He cooks for Branch a lot when he visits. At first it's because he couldn't get the image of his baby brother out of his head but then it was because Branch had confessed that no one really cooked for him before and he just couldn't have that.
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-> Clay chose the admin building as his room back when he was still desperate to be anything other than the fun boy. He regrets it.
-> He and Viva have bonded a lot about their family traumas, especially over how much they missed their siblings. He never wanted to stay away as long as he had but after they found refuge in the Golf Course he never got the courage to leave Viva behind to go find his brothers.
-> Clay's hair just naturally changed color with age. It wasn't stress-induced or anything, it just happened. Like how some blonds change to brunette when they get older.
-> He really likes crossword puzzles and sudoku. It has nothing to do with his desire to distance himself from his fun persona. He's just a nerd.
-> He really enjoys Branch's input. Branch is an incredibly handy, if not a bit paranoid, realist who isn't afraid to share his opinions. It's really helpful when it comes to safety measures or even trying to avoid complicated emotions.
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-> Floyd may be alive but he doesn't recover fast. The effects of the diamond vacuum (exhaustion, weakness in the limbs, a chill in his bones, dizziness, etc.) linger with him for years afterward and he finds it incredibly frustrating.
-> Floyd is such a smug little shit. He will give you shit and tease you to hell and back and then give you the most innocent smile immediately after.
-> He moves into Pop Village after he's rescued. It reminds him a lot of the Troll Tree when he was a kid and it's bittersweet.
-> He finds out about Branch's puzzle tradition and the two of them start doing daily puzzles together.
-> Floyd's pod is in the clearing where Branch's bunker is.
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Surprisingly I don't really know what to put for Branch here but I think I'll reblog this later with additions for Branch and Poppy.
I hope you enjoy the holidays, thanks for the fun question.
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albafan11 · 4 months
Making friends on Tumblr is my absolute favorite thing. One of my most beloved friends I made on here is someone I admired and was intimidated by for months before I saw that they wrote books. I wrote them random asks like 'where would you rather live? In an apartment above a bookstore in the city or in a cabin in the countryside'. Then I worked up the courage to ask if I could read any of their books, and they sent me a link to their Google docks. I read that book in 14 hours. I stayed up all night reading it. After a few hours, maybe, I got so tired that I just started live reacting to the book in their dms. And now I've seen their tits and they've seen mine. We are straight up crushing on each other! It's been what? A year? Two maybe???
Another of my dearest friends on here I made by following one big ish blog. They were friends with this amazing artist on here and reblogged a bunch of his art. I saw that art and thought it was amazing so I started following the guy. Then he posted his kofi link so ppl could commission doodles from him and I thought fuck yeah and sent him some money. I forgot to put in my tumblr name however and it instead used the last name I had used on kofi instead by auto filling. So he had no idea who wanted a doodle and he had to make a post like 'hey who's fookof and what do ya want me to draw for ya' so I had to dm him. Yada Yada Yada now we're real good friends. I mean we have each other's addresses and stuff lol.
And then there's my friend I made over ao3 by commenting on their post all the time. I saw they made a tumblr, and I immediately reached out to say hey and who I was on ao3 lmao.
I also made a friend only talking about this one character from an interactive fiction game called The Passenger (Jonny, my beloved). We talk about other things now, but that's how it started!
Another friend I made by watching the livestream of a big blog I follow. They streamed over YouTube, and the link they shared was accidentally the link to join the stream instead of just watching it. Anyways he suddenly popped up, and I thought he had a lovely smile. He shared his tumblr name and I went and followed him immediately. I then wrote him an ask that said something along the line of 'You have a lovely smile, it's so contagious 😊 ' and he shared his twitch account! I watched a ton of his streams and talking with him in the comments, I fell asleep listening to his voice! It was lovely. And then we joked about giving out our addresses so he could send me girl scout cookies and I could send him danish candy. And then we did!! It was great!
Another very, very dear friend of mine that I love AND HAVE ACTUALLY MET! TWICE! (Although first time doesn't really count since we weren't friends there.) We met irl first through a school program thing where I visited his country with my class. We exchanged tumblrs, and I followed him and then did not interact for like 3 years lol before, I finally reached out to apologize for something I did when we met. And then we started talking more! And now he's my absolute best internet friend!! We made ocs together and have so many au's lol. I think about our characters all the time, they're my blorbos, haha.
Idk what I wanted to say with this post. I just wanted to talk about my beloved friends. I love making friends over tumblr y'all are amazing.
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aloneditee · 11 months
Sephiran the Strange
I thought of some more dumb headcannons for Sephiran. and also was inspired by the absolute geniuses in the reblog tags of my previous post which u can read here. And also read the reblog comments and tags for more sephiran shenanigans.
WARNING: This installment has spoilers and also mentions of violence.
Sephiran is a chronic info dumper to anyone that will listen (almost always Zelgius btw). One time I doodled Sephiran rambling to Zelgius about his discovery of normal lizards and how much they resemble dragons except lizards are adorable and (relatively) harmless little guys. This guy would have a blast when he discovers the absolute creatures that reside Australia (lots of lizards and snakes lol). Becuase he is old and travels a lot he will have lots of stories to talk your ear off about.
Adding onto this he is particularly fond of talking about Sanaki and her strange behaviour to anyone that will listen and I know this because of that one feh event. The BK winter festival party thing. you know the one.
Along the same vein he also tells Sanaki a story that he makes up himself before she goes to sleep. The story is based off real events probably but he changes up the lore a bit to make it way cooler or less scary.
He has to come up with creative ways to get out of going to dinner with duke Tanas (Oliver is a freak but that dialogue in RD made him sound like he was trying to flirt with Sephiran and understandably Sephiran responded with "judgement cannot come soon enough"). The excuses get less and less believable and more unhinged as time goes on but Oliver is none the wiser.
A lot of people mentioned Sephiran being a vegetarian. I would like to add during group dinners (and dates) he gives his meat servings to Zelgius.
There have probably been a few attempts to assassinate the Prime Minister during his time (and probably during RD when he got kicked out of the Senate too). Everyone in the Senate is really fucking confused on how he keeps surviving these near-death experiences as if he literally revives (spoilers: he is immortal).
He also messes with his assassins too. When he wakes back up he would politely greet them and ask them how their day was and they're just standing there like. fuck. what the fuck. how.
He can play the harp and piano. This isn't peculiar behaviour but I need you all to know he plays instruments.
He can't hold in his laughter especially if he's laughing at you not with you. Not everyone can have perfect social etiquette. Yous remember the ending of PoR right...
I am not the first nor the last to mention the fact that Sephiran ended up in jail twice throughout the duology. I have a feeling the first time in PoR was not his first rodeo either.
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smallpapers · 1 year
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Updated profile pic!
Thanks to everyone for your support through the past year <3 I can't believe TOH has ended...
Some updates/ personal notes under the cut!! Like, its really personal its almost narcissistic!
PRONOUNS: I go by she/they now!!! I've always had a lowkey gender crisis (fueled by an existential crisis really) so I am FINALLY trying this out. Feel free to refer to me with they/them pronouns :) (I guess I should have seen something coming when I made my first proper OC over a decade ago as an aro ace agender lol)
TOH ENDING: I'm really sad that the owl house is over...but I'm so glad I got to meet so many cool people in the TOH fandom!!! I even had the pleasure of sending a few friends stickers as a small token of appreciation. I'm like super grateful for all the encouragement and notes! I don't talk much here but I do read the reblog tags :) The brainrot was so serious that it made me draw basically everyday the past year (even if its a small doodle) and i really feel like i grew as an artist, and I honed my skills although I still have a long way to go! I can see improvement in my framing and colouring skills :) I think I might do some funny compilation video in the near future...
A BREAK/MINI-HIATUS: I am considering taking a small break from fandom. It might be a few weeks or maybe less, depending on how quickly I get out of this slump. I am guessing its a burn out from all the negative news regarding AI 'art' and being tussled round by the twitter algorithms. Also maybe because i did two epic pieces back to back... I have a lot of ideas and I really don't want to stop posting art online! I want to do sort of a post-WAD/pre-epilogue HW comic series, as well as a grom animatic :)
THANK YOU HUNTLOW ugh they mean so much to me... I know its silly because its a silly little fictional ship. But its really unlocked some creativity in me that I lost? Along with such a lovely community, it has really inspired me to keep drawing! Maybe its a right place at a right time thing, but after watching ASiaS, it gave me brainrot so much that it kicked my other bad habits out the window! I got to do so much cool stuff i always wanted to do including making an animatic, comics, being in a fan zine, epic pieces, making stickers... I can't believe they are canon now its been such a journey to watch this ship and the shippers blossom :)
THANK YOU!!!! If you've ever liked or reblogged any of my drawings, especially leaving funny tags, I just really want to say thank you <3 I really do cherish all the comments I get!!!! and if you've read this far, I'm super impressed!
That's all from me for now!!
<3 papers
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briebo-art · 1 year
Intro (+ Tag & Character directory)
Hi there! I'm Brie, a transfem artist and writer living in Aotearoa, and I like drawing anything related to my TTRPG characters, trans people, sci-fi, and fantasy stuff <3
Here are some examples!
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my old online name was "BenjiBo", which i don't go by anymore, but, any art before the beginning of 2023 will have that as a signature as a heads up :)
The main tag I use for all my art is "#bri art", which should include only singular posts and none of the reblogs I use for bumping.
i use tags for posts with my ocs, but I'll keep all that info below the cut.
all my art now has tags for if a recurring character of mine pops up in case anyone wants to look through and find all the things ive done with em, so ive got a little directory here that ill use for keeping up with that
Maxine (She/Her) | tag "bri oc: maxine"
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my original blorbo and first trans OC (if im not counting that one time i went feral over a headcanon with my elden ring character), she's gone through a bunch of name changes, which looked like Bridgette -> Brianne -> Maxine, so that's why my old art refers to her by a different name
currently planning a novella/short novel with her as the main character! chipping away at it in my free time :)
Anya (She/Her) | tag "bri oc: anya"
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another transfem oc, and my first proper pathfinder character. I wrote a whole short story about her realizing she's trans that you can find somewhere on my profile or here (It was the first story I've ever managed to finish, and that shows I think, I can write a lot better now but it's still a cute little thing) her hair changes colors with her emotions because i think its a fun thing to draw
Belladonna, or Bel for short (She/They) | tag "bri oc: bel"
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my tiefling ttrpg character, and, surprise! also trans. paired up with a friends OC, so there's a few quicker doodles i've done with them being gay. they're my high-femme OC who i put in all the outifts i'd like to wear, and one of my most favourite characters to draw. her tail emotes like a cats :)
that's all i have for now but i'll update this as i design and draw new characters, cheers
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future-boi · 7 months
Doctober 2023 Summary
Completed 24/31 prompts!
List of all the prompts I did for Doctober 2023 below
So happy to be done 🥳🥳🥳👏👏👏
1. Sunrise: Tbh I don’t feel any which way about this one and I think it’s because I created it to be a companion piece to Sunset. So its like lowkey half-assed but also far from it. I’m very happy with how that turned out so that’s something…
2. Desert
3. Gun Fight😜🤧☠️: Ah, the first meme post. I felt shaky posting this. Cherry, I hope you know I did it for/because of you
4. Light Blue😈: Ah yes, the first Hell Valley angst post. I’ve always been super proud of it and I’m really happy that others are still liking/reblogging to this day! Almost a month later
5. Alarm Clock😜☠️: AH YES, the first post to really give me anxiety about posting. I was like this ain’t a SIMPLE meme anymore, ITS GOT COMPLEXITY.
6. Ticking Time Bomb  
7. Family😇: This one was super wholesome and the first time in a long while drawing Jules and Verney!
8. Outatime😜💛: This one was a fun one! There was a moment where I wasn’t sure if I should do a background… I’m glad I still had fun with it, it took a lotta work hahaha
9. Zipline
10. Nuclear  
11. Briefcase😜☠️: We back doing goofy shit again… but I really liked this one and had a lotta fun with it. definitely up there with Rear View Mirror.
12. Train Tracks  
13. Photo Album😜: This one was fun and gave me a break from drawing (aside from the days I didn’t do anything…)
14. Coffee😇💛☠️: This one’s so wholesome. But Im biased af
15. Invention😜🤧: This is the first certified half-assed art piece LMAO im sorry to admit it but I gotta speak the truth
16. Stage
17. Einstein😜: This was really fun, I love poking fun at Biff but who doesn’t?
18. Letter  
19. Memory 😇😈: Didn’t like the linework on this one I think that’s why I was feeling so negative about it… or maybe the composition… overall, I think I can do better.
20. Rearview Mirror😜💛🔥☠️: This one’s definitely the funnest one I’ve worked on and still makes me giggle.
21. Improvement😇: I was stressing over trying to finish it so I don’t have the happiest memories of working on this one…
22. Constellation😇💛: This one’s special to me so I was gonna love it no matter what lmao. I really enjoyed working on it even though I wish I had more time.
23. Nostalgia😇💛: One of the faves and always will be. The vibes are on point.
24. Record Player😈: The return of Hell Valley angst
25. Café😇: I’m happy with the color palette. I want to revisit this one some other time cuz I feel like I could do more if I had more time. Not sure if I should categorize this under half assed attempt or not.
26. Anniversary😇🤧: Yeah this was another half assed one, sorry
27. Thunderstorm😈: Angst and Hell Valley are synonymous at this point. I really liked this one, especially how it transitions from colored to black and white
28. Metallic😜☠️: Nimona. That’s all I gotta say. Nah jk I wasn’t going to do this but the no pines timeline was really interesting to learn about… and by interesting, I mean scary. But hey, it gives us another angle to the bttf storyline.
29. 2023😇😜🤧: Talked about the musical. Drew a few doodles. Hair style reveal?
30. Sunset😇⚡: Gives all the warm fuzzies, how could you hate it? Very happy with my use of color here.
31. Free Day (Halloween)😈🎃☠️: We don’t talk about this one… It’s the number one rule of the club 😉
What the emojis mean:
🤧 Half Assed
😜 Funny/Meme
😇 Warm Fuzzies
😈 Angst
💛 Top 5
🔥 Funnest Prompt
🎃 Spookiest
⚡ Personal Fave
My goal for this prompt list challenge was to focus on quality over quantity. There’s a few half-assed art pieces that snuck in, but it could have been worse. By quality, I wanted clean line art, backgrounds, and if I have enough time, color!
What drove me to create art: Showing other people that are in this fandom (most notably ⚡@cheriboms). I’d love to interact with other mutuals on here. Shout outs: 💛@bttf-dork 💛@synthsays 💛@alex-a-fans. I feel like I’ve been doing that more towards the end of the challenge, but yall give me motivation! And sometimes, inspiration!
What I learned:
🤔 I can actually draw backgrounds if I actually try [wowowow who'da thunk] It’s much easier to draw a background from a reference rather than coming up with one on your own. So I need to keep that in mind whenever I feel discouraged.
🤔 I feel like my work is very dramatic. Like melodramatic fr. Or at least it can be... I blame watching those tv dramas with my mom when I was a kid. But then again, if you want to incite emotion out of an audience, you gotta know how to frame stuff and do all the fancy cinematography work. So you gotta be dramatic to an extent. I got really really bored with my ideas that weren’t telling a story(or rather a more interesting story…). And that effected my motivation.
🤔 Looking back at the list, I noticed that my top 5s are all either silly or wholesome and I’m glad and relieved about that. I said that I’m really dramatic and there’s quite a bit of angst in there, but ig I’m not THAT edgy (or maybe the prompts didn’t allow me to be🤔👀)
Things that I want to improve on: COLOR THEORY. Brush theory/line weight. I’ve been experimenting a tiny bit with this throughout the month, but I want to delve into it. Since I didn’t work on something for more than a day, I felt like I was throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.🤪I didn’t get to really study what colors work well and why and experiment with it.
A lot of the ones that I’m not very proud of could be chalked up to not having enough time to work on it/make it better, so that’s an interesting dilemma.
TL,DR; I talk too much. Gotta work faster smh git gud 🙄
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skarloeyspa · 2 years
Good Morning!
I'm actually a night owl. Anyway-
Hello!! I'm Capy (she/her but others are cool too) and I like the silly little engine show! I turned 19 this year...my head hurts a lot these days, and I'm a full-time uni student, so Thomas has been a bit of a coping mechanism for me lately!
I've been a bit of a lurker for my first few years on Tumblr, so I really don't know the first thing about Tumblr etiquette besides reblog = good...but I got back into Thomas and have no one to talk to about it so here I am!
In terms of what I'll post it really depends on my social anxiety and my school work, but I have a couple of humanized TTTE engines under my belt? I'd also like to explore Furness! Edward and CR! Scottish twins! My favourites are Edward, Scottish twins, Emily, Ryan (they did him so dirty...), Skarloey and Sir Handel!
I also just really like the Skarloey railway in general! I wish they did more with them in the CGI era, Duncan's episodes were *chef's kiss*. I don't know much in terms of real-life engines or railways, but I'd love to learn more to incorporate them into some headcanons I have...
That's it for now I think! Sorry for the long post aha. This is a side blog so I have a main, but that's just where I keep my interests over time and I'm MUCH quieter there. This is sort of my first time being public on a platform like Tumblr? So sorry if I do something wrong!!
Edit: Gonna make some tags now cuz I wanna organize stuff ha
#capy's graffiti - doodles or shitposts that I make when I have brainrot or don't want to do work #pictures in the reception hall - more rendered art. Will be MUCH less frequent than shitposts because I am a uni student, but they do exist sometimes #stem major tries out media literacy - the one and only. Writing posts for when I get so much brainrot I start spewing letters. #how the hell do i organize this - DUMPSTER TAG. Other kind of brainrot but with a lot less nuance
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schnaf · 1 year
@loveyouhomex tagged me, thank you ♥
1. Why did you choose your url?
short version: i used it on another site before. long version: one time, when i was really bored at school, i doodled some animals and everything felt normal, but then i realized the animal i doodled wasn't a regular animal but a sheep - snail hybrid - a schnaf in german, if you will. a few days later, i decided to make a new account on my first (and up to that point only) fanfic site because after one year, i felt like i needed a new start. but it felt rather temporary - i left the old account after not that long either and i thought i'd stay on the new account even shorter. so i just picked a random name - the animal i came up with a few days before. joke's on me, it became my identity.
2. Any side blogs?
yeah, i have a football side blog where i posted pics i took at matches, i have a side blog for a former fandom but i lost interest in it as soon as i created the side blog so... sorry, no new side blogs for fandom, i'm a one blog mess once again ♥ also several shared blogs for projects and stuff
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
i deserve senior discount and stuff, it's been a bit over 11 years now
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i once used a word, then i used q, then i decided to just let people know EVERYTHING is on queue here. also if i'm actually online and posting... no i'm not ♥
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
a friend of mine had tumblr and she always sent me posts of cute animals and footballers and one day i was like "ah imma join the source" - again, it didn't feel like a big decision and i didn't think it'd last that long
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a screenshot from this video
gaon was insane for this. that's all.
7. Why did you choose your header?
it's from the hair cut mv and it's just such a peak scene....... THE VIBES THE COLORS the two pretty bois hehe. added bonus is gaon's "welcome" but well, couldn't put that into a gif.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
it's a sernando gifset 😭😭 a friend back then was like "oh there was a sernando moment right now" so i looked it up immediately and was like "you know what? imma make a gifset right away" and it still gets notes nowaday, even though it was such a short moment and rather low effort
9. How many mutuals do you have?
almost all the people i follow are mutuals, that's very nice ♥
10. How many followers do you have?
quite a bunch ♥
11. How many people do you follow?
a few less than follow me
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
have i ever not made a shit post
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
too often
14. Did you ever have a fight / argument with another blog?
👀 why would i, the most peaceful person on this webbed site, have an argument, let alone a fight, with someone on here. so yeah the answer is yes
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog posts’?
the good old "reblog this or you're a shitty person" stuff sucked, but it almost died out? it got a little revival through the polls tho. currently, there are those instructions how to be a good blogger and how to avoid looking like a bot and it's like reblog stuff!!!! and oof. i mean it's valid but it's pretty annoying. also i don't want people to reblog stuff bcs they feel like they have to - they should do it on their own will. for example, sometimes, i feel like network people only reblog each others post and compliment each other because they have to (or feel like they have to) and oof that's pretty annoying. but 🐸☕
16. Do you like tag games?
it may not look like it because it takes me such a long time to answer them, but there's a reason why i keep them in my likes and answer them even after a long time ♥ so yesss!
17. Do you like ask games?
same as above!
18. Which of your tumblr mutuals is tumblr famous?
you shouldn't be famous on tumblr
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i heard they're all on tumblr, that's pretty embarrassing, so... no ://
20. Tags
@jcamilov06, @blacks-phoenix, @sunshine304, @ker-sunshine, @eyes-of-simha, @xjungsu, @todaviia, @manuelmueller, @chipsyio and @jorzuela - do itttt ♥
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I posted 18 times in 2022
That's 18 more posts than 2021!
10 posts created (56%)
8 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#nonbinary artist - 11 posts
#artists on tumblr - 10 posts
#y0urb0yfriend - 8 posts
#no minors - 8 posts
#minors dni - 8 posts
#digital art - 6 posts
#digital artist - 6 posts
#oc art - 5 posts
#mc - 5 posts
#macey kane - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 27 characters
#your boyfriend (game/day 3)
My Top Posts in 2022:
This is Haeres, a demon lord of the shadows, having an affair with his servant Cresil (the one doing most of the seducing, Haeres usually is far too embarrassed to ever try seducing Cresil.)
Haeres is married to a lesbian demon lady named Hiroko, who only has eyes for her rather flirtatious servant Melros. The two agreed early on into their arranged marriage that this arrangement was for the best, having already asked their love interests first.
Context out of the way, here’s my demon lad rocking a new design, hopefully I can get into drawing them all more and sharing the art with you all.
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Now I know you might be wondering, why is this marked as mature?
That’s because the story is, 80% smut and 20% plot so, yeah these Ocs are used for only the horniest of reasons and as such can only be shared on a mature blog.
8 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Welcome to part 2 of my YB Art collection. Yes I’m posting this right after part 1, I have a lot of shit to post here and it’s my blog I do what I want.
Anyways here’s a redraw of a scene from the Your Boyfriend game.
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Here’s some outfits I made for my interpretation of Y/N
See the full post
10 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Late but MC and YB enjoying a sweet Valentine’s Day milkshake date together.
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I started this like, weeks ago and just forgot to finish it so, my bad.
17 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Highschool YB and MC.
Started as a doodle but then I got carried away.
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22 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here’s the man himself, the redesign I said I’d share.
He’s called Wybie, because Coraline was MC’s favorite movie in highschool.
He looks kinda like a scene kid I’m not sure how that happened but it’s fine because alt people are muah, chefs kiss, Easily the best fashion style, fight me.
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So what’s the difference between this Peter and in game Peter?
Quite a few things. For example, Wybie actually respects aromantic and asexual people. Don’t get me wrong he’s still a weirdo he just, you know, doesn’t invalidate your sexual or romantic orientation. Same with lesbians, even official blog Peter was weird about lesbians. Wybie is not. Your a lesbian, he respects that, but he’s your best friend and you can’t have a partner with him in your life, obviously. That being said he’s still very much a “I’m the only person in your life, regardless of if we’re friends or lovers” kinda yandere, though he can be, helped to be less obsessive of that but it’s a long road.
He also would rather die than use any violence on you, at all. None. Your his beloved, after all, only scum hurts their partners.
He’s mindful of your consent, as well. You don’t consent to something he’s not gonna do it. Well, aside from obviously the stalking, maybe taking a few things you no longer want or need but, sexual wise, nothing is done without permission.
If you don’t like any of this that’s fine, I’m not shaming anyone for still liking Peter. I just personally don’t like the way the game is going and so spite fueled me to make a version for myself and anyone else who feels betrayed by the game. Others have done this better, like @y0ur-beta-b0yfriend who is phenomenal honestly. I just wanted to try my hand out making a yb design is all.
24 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sinnabee · 2 years
Are you accepting commissions?
No, I'm not right now. tbh commissions stress me out a lot lol, and i kind of function on a "i can only get myself to work on this if i am personally invested in it" type basis, and people like to commission for fandoms that i'm not always in - which makes it super hard for me to work on! AHH. if i ever do open them up though, you'll see a post about it! :D
Update: I am! Currently they’re closed to the larger public, as I’m doing limited comms for some friends in discord servers first as a bit of a test run. (You might have seen me post a few things!!) But it’s been going well! I think once I’m through with these, I’ll open up comms for realsies. ^^ Keep an eye out for the post!
Can I repost your art on Instagram/Pinterest/Tiktok/Wherever?
Nope! (: Don’t even bother asking lol! Idk why you’d want to repost it at all tbh, i am not that popular, most of my art is sketches bUT IF you feel the need to, just know that I’m not cool with it! I don’t really want my art on platforms that I’m not also on, and even if I’ve got an account there, well. My brother in christ, if I wanted it there, I would have posted it!!! I don’t care if you give credit, or even link back to my blog. Just…don’t do it, pal. thanks.
Do you do drawing requests?
Yep! Not all the time - only every now and then, and I usually only allow for about 3 requests. I make a post every time I open them up, and it's usually updated (all the slots filled) within a few hours or so. If you don't see a recent post about requests being open, or see it on the pinned post announcements, then they aren't open atm. :)
Do you draw NSFW?
This is a new development - but lmao yeah I do! However, you almost certainly won’t be seeing it show up on my art blog here. For the most part, I try to limit myself to “suggestive” rather than straight up nsfw when I post art. That means I won’t really be taking requests (or comms) for NSFW, either, not to mention I’m only just getting a handle on drawing it.
That being said - PLEASE don't send me messages about NSFW things, or with NSFW content or images. I’m talking asks, mostly. That shit gets deleted fam. >:T That would include like, something super gore-y or needlessly gross, btw. I'd rather just avoid people trying to show me that stuff all together.
Please also don’t send me unsolicited NSFW, either. I love my followers! But receiving like - explicit excerpts or images from someone I don’t know, but that follows me, is very jarring.
Again, that being said - if you want to write or draw something based off of one of my more suggestive doodles, just let me know!!! I’d LOVE to know!!!Asking for permission and then writing and posting something to Ao3 or what have you is a totally different ball game than dm-ing me something unprompted/un-solicited.
Do you reblog NSFW?
Like I’ve said before - I have zero problem with NSFW. I’m not going to reblog explicit NSFW content here - if I ever had a need to, I guess I’d make a side blog for it? BUT
Every now and then I might reblog some suggestive content or something with some partial nudity. Whenever that happens, I’ll tag the post for people who want to avoid that content - typically with these tags!
#cw partial nudity
#cw nudity
#cw suggestive
#cw slightly NSFW
If you don’t want to see them, please go ahead and blacklist these tags! I know most of my followers are here for Sun and Moon content, so I’m giving y’all a way to avoid this stuff. ^^
Do you have a twitter?
yeah i have a twitter, and it's the same username as here, but i uuuuuh barely use it? lol. it doesn't really get updated much;;;; i MIGHT start using it more for sticker stuff tho, so we'll see. i won't STOP you from finding it (it ain't hard) but like, idk why you'd want to atm
Why do you love bees so much?
okay like have you. have you LOOKED at them??? they're just fat little boys. bumbling little lads. they buzz and they collect pollen and make honey and are just wonderful all around. how could i NOT love them. also at this point it's like, My Brand™ lol. I prefer to go by Sinna but you can't forget the bee. LOVE bees. :D
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coloredscribbli · 1 year
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I posted 1,268 times in 2022
That's 110 more posts than 2021!
209 posts created (16%)
1,059 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 429 of my posts in 2022
#colored chats - 80 posts
#inanimate insanity - 72 posts
#the colored shrine - 57 posts
#colored’s reblogs - 55 posts
#colored's reblogs - 29 posts (wh)
#colored’s doodles - 26 posts
#colored’s faves - 23 posts
#colored’s responses - 19 posts
#colored bliss - 15 posts
#oc tag: velvet scarf - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#when somebody triggers my misophonia i usually go into fight mode instead of flight mode & my family hates me 🥰 (when did i ever tag this)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The lineless roles of a (Chap)man capable of many styles!
[Tags as kin, ID, f/o and the like: OK!]
39 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
So, I get it. Robow is canon, Testy and Fan made her too. That’s fun and all, very very fun.
I’m more focused on something else, though. Specifically, the scene right before Silver accidentally commits arson. Mostly because of Candle’s expression before Silver pulls out the comically large match, which is as follows.
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She looks shocked, as if she never expected Silver to crack the code of an inner flame. Also worth noting that not even a few hours earlier, he had recklessly tried what he had seen last time when looking to unlock his flame.
So the fact he could supposedly put things together in the span of one day just doesn’t make sense.
But at the same time, I think there’s far more to our anxiety riddled friend than meets the eye.
Why? Look at what he’s triggered over the season besides from the inner flame stuff.
He’s led his team to both disarray and redemption, triggered self consciousness in the likes of Yinyang and also self confidence in likes of the Floor. Lifted others up, dragged others down… but look at what happened to who he’s brought down.
Yinyang, while originally severely affected by Silver’s plotting, has actually grown to respect and understand one another thanks to Candle’s guidance and a change of perspective. This doesn’t mean the pair are done yet, not by a long run.
Paintbrush was angered by his actions at first, but they opted to warn him of what’s to come. This led Silver to lift the floor up and secure the pre-rearrange Thinkers safety into this new swap. And Paintbrush, not expecting their actions to get through to him and lead to his advisor status, got shocked by this.
And now Clover. Silver’s words had stuck with Nickel, leading to him calling Clover out. Yet Silver seemed to be indifferent about Clover after his outburst, as he hasn’t been shown to interact with her further. Yet Silver’s actions had led up to Clover exiting the game not even a few minutes later.
So without a doubt, there’s more to come for Silver. There’s his true inner flame that has potential to shine through, ongoing situations such as Balloon maybe getting through to him… I get a feeling Silver may wind up on a Microphone level of development in one way or another. Just without a Taco-like backup
39 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
Things in II that I like:
- silver’s canon anxiety
- the implications that lifering has some kind of trauma, presumably to multitask
-TK’s likely empty nesting thingo
- goo being the autism creature
43 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
you dare assume the case is sleeping on the grass? lies, as you can see here she is very comfy and happy /lh
52 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Lineless swagging
[Tag as kin/id/me: OK!]
61 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Can't believe Tumblr said Pinkers supremacy.
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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damazcuz · 2 years
what do you think of reblogging versus just liking a post, does it matter? personally i find it annoying how much people talk about it. i don't think it's that much of a problem and ive been here a few years now
On the one hand as someone who writes and draws and then posts that stuff I do fully get it, it sucks to post something you worked on and get 1 reblog and 4 likes on it. especially when its like "oh the last silly thing i posted got 60 reblogs and 100 likes what happened?" is it time of day, did my quality of work go down, was it not funny enough, was it too personal, did i draw it poorly, etc etc. going back thru my last handful of art posts, it's like how do I figure out what gets people to see this let alone reblog it to show other people? and no matter how much you Know that notes and numbers don't add up to any greater meaning about the worth of what you do, it's also like "huh! i spent a lot of time and put heart into this and it got 0 notes… and then this doodle got 600+" it's like #THINK. as an aside, I KNOW for me it's partially because some of my fandoms are big right now and have a ton of people, (DE) and/or are universally well known and carry nostalgia weight to boot (portal) and others are very small and maybe the 12 people who reblogged that piece ARE the fandom (metro) so part of it FOR ME is metering my expectations for "the numbers" based on "how many people who DO see this will even know what it is?"
anyway so on one hand. i do understand it, and i do agree that reblogging is the lifeblood of this site and without it we're all just going to sit in silence and like posts from "funnytwittertweets" (which as another aside, i have blocked, and yet i constantly see their posts recommended to me, i can click to their blog and view it without issue, and even reblog their posts so what IS the truth on that tumblr? can we start a conspiracy theory about content farm bloggers?) yeah i DO think it's better to reblog things than to sit silently and stoically tapping the like button, and it is Frustrating to figure out sometimes Why some things can take off and get reblogged and others can't. for me.
ON THE OTHER HANDS! i also like things all the time that I may or may NOT reblog later, I use my likes as a reference for things. videos and audio posts i can't listen to or watch right now because I'm at work or otherwise in public and don't want to play sound. art that i want a closer look at first, things i want to reference or fact check first, or even just "huh im scrolling without glasses and cant really see it but i'll check this out tomorrow morning." OR most often, i'm on OP's blog and it's such a pain to reblog From their url.tumblr.com/post/12343245234523 page repeatedly, i'm just liking the posts so that i can go straight into likes later and reblog them easily from there. i have followers that do something similar (they'll like my post and then 2 weeks later it's on their blog because they queued it, I also used to use a queue and would queue things strictly from like likes because It's Easier on desktop.)
numbers also mean nothing and notes aren't real, and as a personal thing, i find "likes < reblogs and follows!" "do not like unless you also reblog!" banners and stuff to be like. annoyingly passive aggressive and i won't interact with art and stuff if that's on there -_- like cousin if i want to reblog it i'll do it, and it makes me feel like, obnoxiously guilty if i want to reblog but can't in that moment (due to can't see it/ need more time to look it over / prefer to reblog from my likes page) so i simply choose to Not engage. it's the mental illness sire.
um overall i think reblogging is better and it's important. i don't want tumblr to turn into 99 corporate accounts that post stolen content and we all hold up a thumbs up in silence. that would suck and can we talk about why tumblr still shows me stolentwittertweets posts on my "for you" page? can we talk about that now?
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teebarnes · 3 years
✨ | I'm Fallin' For You, Darling.
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Click [100 Followers Fic] for the rest of the 100 follower fics :)
Pairing: Chris Evans x female!reader
Summary: Both you and Chris have quite the relationship, it all started the day you gave him a marker.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning(s): Fluffffff, Angst for sure, talk of anxiety (not a lot but also a lot).
A/N: Thank you guys so much for 100 followers! It means the world, I hope you like this one as much as I do. (Sorry that's a lotta words).
⤑ Click here for my taglist so you can be notified when my new fics are posted.
Any Likes, Comments & Reblogs are super duper appreciated :))
When Chris Evans is nervous, there is only one thing that calms him down. And that one thing is you and the fact that you allow him to doodle on your hands all the time.
The premiere of Captain America: The Winter Soldier was the first time you saw Chris so nervous. Him constantly rubbing his hands together or bouncing his leg underneath the press table and the times when he'd fiddle with the hem of his shirts. These were things you noticed Chris did when he got nervous, and it seemed that you were the only one who witnessed them.
The third day into the film's press tour, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You knew what it felt like to be anxious, the feeling settling within the depths of your stomach or the constant avoidance of looking out to an audience. Sometimes you'd excuse yourself a few times throughout interviews just to catch your own breath.
The whole TCA: TWS cast sat along the stage of the comic-con panel. The hosts introduced you all, crowds cheering loudly when they saw everyone.
You took your seat next to Chris, who was already fiddling with his plastic water bottle that he'd been gripping so tightly on, you could already see the indents on the bottle. You smiled, looking out to the audience waving back to some of your fans that you could see holding signs up for you in the crowd. It was, in fact, times like these that your anxiety shot right out the window, replacing that anxiety with happiness and admiration of your fan base.
Five minutes into the panel talk and questions were directed to Scarlett and RDJ. You knew you wouldn't be talking anytime soon as, of course, like all other press tours, the interviews were heavily coordinated. So before you'd have the chance to speak, Sebastian, Anthony, and the Russo brother would go first. Sitting back in your chair, you took a sip of your water, your eyes following down to where Chris was bouncing his leg. Then, setting your water back onto the table, you pulled yourself and your chair closer to the table, reaching over across Joe Russo, who observed what you were doing.
"Could you pass me the marker, please, Joe?" you whispered to him; he smiled, nodding handing you the marker. "Thanks", you whispered again.
You returned to the comfort of your seat, Scarlett and RDJ still bantering. You look forward to the audience and give a tiny little smile to the fans who were waving at you. Your eyes looked down to your arm; you wrote a little message on your forearm, so he knew what the pen was for.
You scooted a bit closer to Chris just enough so you could hand him the pen. You lightly looked over to him; your hand went underneath the table and across to rest on Chris' lap. It was right there when his leg stopped bouncing. You held the pen in your hand, waiting for him to take it from you. Chris looked up turning his gaze to you; you gave him a smile nodding.
His eyes directed back down to where your arm was. He read the note you had written for him, 'Use my arm to doodle. It helps with anxiety :)'. He let out a smile, all the while letting out the breath he'd been holding in.
You looked back up and over to Sebastian, who was now talking; you felt the pen slip out from your grip, the marker clicked and the coldish ink embracing the surface of your skin.
One of Chris' hand rested firmly on your forearm to keep it from moving, and the other used to doodle. That was the first time in the history of you knowing Chris to be calm and content. No bouncing his leg or fidgeting. He was completely aware of everything instead of his growing anxiety.
It was after that moment Chris slowly began to fall in love. He never expected someone to notice his worries and do something about them. But, the way you sat there while he doodled on your arm didn't phase you at all, you wanted to support him, and you showed him that you did.
Years later, It became a force of habit, the tiny hugs you'd give Chris just to slide a marker into his pocket before going on stage. The small slight movements he'd make before he took your hand into his so he could draw.
You'd become someone who knew him better than he knew himself. The many dates he took you on lead to you moving in with him. The small moments you both had messing around on set and loving him in the silliest of moments meant eternity to the pair of you. You knew that you had fallen in love with Chris Evans, and so was he. You both just didn't realise that the moment would be a forever moment. If you hadn't offered him a marker that day, where would you be?
It was now the premiere of Avengers: End Game and the last press tour you'd have for a while. Today's interview consisted of a comic-con panel, the same panel you happily let Chris doodle on your arm five years ago.
You both sat together, his hand protectively on your thigh. You were speaking into the mic as a fan had just asked you a question about possibly seeing your character in the future of the MCU. Chris sat there attentive to your voice while he drew on the top of your hand. It was a little duck with a Boston Red Sox hat holding a heart.
Once you had finished answering the question and someone else began to speak, you looked back down to see what Chris was drawing. You squinted in wonder; looking back at Chris, you wondered why he was drawing this. Coincidentally, you had drawn a duck on him one day in between an interview—a duck holding a heart wearing a NASA cap. Chris looked at you with his cheesy smile. Oh! he was up to something, you thought. Chuckling, you watched him colour in the small heart with a red marker. He was, in truth, quite a good artist; you managed to take a photo of all his doodles over the years. But this one, this doodle was a bit different; it meant something more to you.
After you had both finished the panel, you were set on getting a new tattoo. Kissing Chris' lips, you told him that you'd see him at home. Chris had asked you where you were going, so you said you were going out to dinner with your mum in town, which was true you just left out the part of you going to get another tattoo. Your parents were in for the weekend for reasons unknown and wanted to see you before they left, so you had already planned to see them. He nodded, kissing you once more before departing ways.
You both were always so sentimental, and you knew as soon as you saw that duck in a red sox cap holding a heart on your hand that you wanted it to be a forever doodle. That day, when you had drawn a duck on him, he went and got it tatted on his hand the same day. The first tattoo visible on Chris' body, the only tattoo that wasn't hidden under his shirts. In contrast, most of your tattoos were on your arms and wrists; this was another tattoo among the few others you had on your hand, others being the original six symbol and some writing of your favourite quotes.
Before you knew it, you were sitting on the chair in your private tattoo artist's studio, getting the duck tattooed on you forever. The tattoo was a reminder of memories both you and him had experienced together.
The red sox hat, being where he took you on your first date five years ago. To a Red Sox game, of course. You didn't have anything to wear to represent the team, so Chris kindly offered you his Red Sox cap to wear; five years later, Chris had to purchase a new hat because you kept his one. Of course, he didn't mind; he loved to see you dressed in things that were his; the hat was one of them.
"I don't have anything to wear", you sadly pouted at Chris, looking at him in his Red Sox jersey and cap.
He looked down to you as you stood next to him, holding his hand softly, looking out to the stadium. He smiled, taking his cap off and placing it over your head.
"Now you do", he smiled, leading you down the stairs to your seats. You weren't really a fan of baseball. Still, once you had experienced your first game, oh man... it became a routine for both you and Chris to attend every game the Red Sox were playing at.
The duck, the furry little animal you had brought home a few months after you had first moved in with Chris two years ago. In all honesty, you wanted to get a turtle, but as soon as you saw that slight yellow fluff waddling around at the pet store, you wanted nothing more than to take it home with you. Chris couldn't say no to you, so the duck became your baby.
"y/n?" Chris came around the corner where you'd sat yourself talking to the little duck... Chris had been looking for you for almost fifteen minutes when he found you sitting there with the pet shop worker.
The excitement in your eyes told him that you had forgotten all about the turtle. You looked up at him smiling, patting the empty seat next to him. He sat watching you pet the small baby duck with your thumb lightly. "I'm naming him Alfie" you smiled brightly, looking back at Chris.
He took the duck out of your hands and chuckled, "Alfie, it is".
The red heart...
A reminder of how much you both loved each other. Something that had never gone away, the love both you and Chris had continued, it grew stronger over time, of course with a few hiccups here and there but never enough to break that love. But this, the tiny little heart being tattooed onto you, was one similar to the heart that homed your middle finger on a ring. The rose gold ring he gifted you when he asked you to be his girlfriend four years ago.
You rested your head on Chris' shoulder as both of you watched the office. A new series you'd been watching together, it was a few months after your first date with Chris, and you both were head over heels with each other.
"Hey y/n", he whispered.
"I'm fallin' for you darling."
You lifted your head from his shoulder, looking up at him, "You're what", you whispered softly, you heard what he said, but you just needed to hear it again.
He brought the small box out, opening it to reveal a rose gold band hearts making up the band. "I said I'm falling in love with you", he smiled before continuing ", Be my girlfriend?" he sweetly asked.
You chuckled, letting him slide the ring onto your middle finger. "Of course", you whispered back to him before cupping his face. You both looked at each other, you saw it, you saw the life you'd been wanting. It was with him.
"I love you".
Sitting at the dinner table with your parents, you briefly looked down at the now wrapped tattoo on your hand. You had thanked your tattoo artist for another fantastic job; the new ink was precisely how Chris drew it on you earlier today. Your parents were eating away and so were you.
"It's great to see you again, Hunny", your dad spoke.
You smiled, nodding. "I've missed you guys so much."
"What's on your agenda for this weekend?" you spoke again, taking a bite of your food. Your mum and dad took one look at each other before your mum stopped to talk.
"Your dad and I are going to old friends party", she smiled at you. "party", you chuckled. "Since when do you guys party".
"it's an engagement party, I mean... do you have some parties we could go to" your dad joked.
"First of all... no." you laughed, cringing at the image in your head of your parents dancing and drinking. "But that's nice. I hope you both have fun, wish whoever a congratulations for me" you smiled.
"Oh, we will", your mum outwardly said. You took a second to squint your eyes in curiosity to your mum's tone. "Mhkay".
It was the end of dinner, and you had parted ways with your parents, taking a Cab to the home you shared with Chris. "thank you, driver," you smiled, hopping out of the cab walking up to your driveway. You giggled, seeing Dodger patiently waiting for you at the front door. "Hey buddy", you smiled, opening up the door for him to jump all over you.
Closing the door behind you, kneeling down to cuddle your pup. Dodger wagged his tail giving you kisses. "Shhhhh", you chuckled lightly, "were you waiting for me, huh?" you watched Dodger roll around on the floor. You stood up, taking your shoes off, leaving your keys on the hook. "C'mon, baby", you whispered, gesturing for Dodger to follow. You both walked down the hall, Dodger by your side.
You could hear the snores coming from your room and knew Chris was already sleeping. You opened the door, looking down at Dodger "go keep my spot warm for me, please", you sweetly asked your pup, who did just that. You watched him gently jump up onto the bed and curl up on your side of the bed.
Walking further down the hall, you went to take a shower. Changing into the PJs you left on the warming rack in the bathroom, you followed back out to check on Alfie, who would be sleeping in your office. Once that was done, you head into your and Chris' room. You took off your slippers and ushered Dodger to sleep in his bed. You kissed his head before he left. "night, bubba".
You slide in next to Chris, who had his back to you. Covering yourself with the blanket, you slide one arm around his bare torso pulling yourself closer to him. He was so warm, and you loved it. Chris groaned, turning over. He smiled sleepily. "Hey hon, how was dinner?" "It was good", you kissed his lips, "That's good," he said, pulling you into his arms to cuddle.
"Hey babe"
"mhhh", he mumbled in a sleepy voice.
"I love you."
"I love you too".
The next day you were doing a panel with the marvel cast. Like any other day, you answered questions, so why did you feel this one would be different. You were a bit nervous today, like you had woken up wrong, or you were waiting for something to happen. You didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.
You were talking to your audience. It was a large panel today consisting of the MCU cast, if not all of them. Maybe that's why you were so nervous; the bigger the cast panel, the bigger audience to speak to. "Make eye contact and hand gestures y/n," you thought to yourself right before you begun to answer the fan's questions. You start to use your hands gesturing when a fan had asked you about your character's personality.
Chris smiled, watching you intently; fans noticed. But as you were gesturing, he noticed the tattoo. He had to double-take when he saw your hand, leaving a small on his face. After you finished your question, he leaned in. "I love your tattoo, babe", he whispered; his comment calmed your nerves a bit as you chuckled ", just following your lead."
You both lean back into your seats as Joe and Anthony Russo began the next half of the panel. You were already forty minutes through... only another forty to go.
Anthony spoke, "As you may know, this will be the last you'll see of your favourite actors and actresses for a while..." Joe turned to the entire panel. "So we put together a little something of your time over the last decade" Joe turns back to the audience. "So sit back and relax."
The panel turned their chairs to watch the big screen, the lights dimmed, and the video rolled. It was a decade gag-reel of everyone in the MCU; Chris had pulled your chair closer to his; he knew you were nervous, for what reason? He didn't know, and neither did you. He should've been the nervous one; he was about to do something in front of the entire audience he had been planning for months.
Your head rested on Chris' shoulder, laughing with everyone else as the embarrassing footage rolled through. There was more footage of you and Chris than anyone else, but again, you were too clouded in worry. You didn't overthink about it.
Then there it was, a clip you didn't know existed—a video of you dancing with Scarlett and Jeremy on the infinity war set. You were being videoed from afar, but Chris comes into the frame making funny faces before pointing at you. You blushed a bit, laughing lightly.
"You see her", Past Chris spoke to the camera. "One day, I am going to marry her" he wiggles his finger over to your past self, who was still dancing around like an idiot. You swear your heart stopped, so ultimately, you started bouncing your leg. The video stopped, and the lights came back on. There were hushed voices; you knew they were looking your way, but you couldn't tell why.
You turned your chair, trying to avoid whoever was looking at you. Not noticing anything, nobody was talking. You had turned your head to look down to the end of the panel where The Russo brothers were. They were all looking in your direction, including the whole cast panel. You jumped slightly when Chris caught your leg mid-bounce; you turned to look at him, his eyes dazzling before you. Oh, that smile, you knew that smile all too well. Chris was smiling like a little kid.
Chris tapped you on your thigh, which caught your attention, so you looked down. This is it; this is the same feeling you felt when he first asked you to be his girlfriend. You burst into tears after reading the message on his arm; Chris' forearm rested in your lap while holding a black marker in his hand. You sniffed, looking softly at him. He was now in tears too. Taking the black marker from his grip, you clicked it; resting your hand on his forearm to steady yourself, you answered his question.
'Will you marry me, y/n?' the question written in his bold writing stared right back at you.
You always had your answer 'of course.'
You closed the lid on the pen, and Chris opened his hand; your engagement ring sat in the nook of his palm. He slides it onto your ring finger right next to your rose-gold one. You smile blinking through the tears, you turn to him, and Chris had already stood with his arms in the air.
The whole audience got up cheering; he leaned in, cupping your cheeks, both of you laughing through your kisses. He had lifted you into his arms, spinning you around. He set you back down; you wiped the tears from your face laughing while wearing your t-shirt. At that point, you knew everyone was in on your proposal; you turned to your cast members, who were all clapping.
"Give a round of applause for the future Mr and Mrs Evans!" Joe spoke.
You went around hugging everyone who had gotten up just to congratulate the pair of you. One by one, your friends embraced you in their arms.
"Congratulations", two-voice spoke from behind you, "oh my god, you idiots", you chuckled, pulling your parents into a big hug. Chris stood next to you as your dad pulled him into a hug. "Your fiancé sends her congratulations", he laughed, referencing the conversation you had with them last night.
Chris looked down at you, "They had texted me last night what you had said. I'm surprised you didn't catch on", he laughed. "I- I didn't know... I was curious after mum said it so suspiciously but didn't think," you mentally face-palmed yourself.
And like that, the panel was concluded. Everyone congratulating you and Chris before leaving. Chris had set up a little engagement party back at your house; everyone was enjoying their time having fun. You sat on Chris' lap still in shock, his arms wrapped around your waist "you didn't see that coming, did you?" he smirked, looking up at you.
"No... no, I didn't" you laughed sweetly. Your hand ran over Chris' forearm where it still had both his and your writing on it. "That was the best proposal ever" you looked at him, smiling, "I'm glad, darling" you both leaned into each other, lips connecting softly.
"I've fallen deeply in love with you, Mr Evans".
"I'm still falling for you".
Chris Evans Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12 @afraid-to-be-me @fairityretro
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meowlayn-art · 4 years
💜 💀Someone reposted my work on Pinterest, and I am NOT happy. 💀💜
So it has been brought to my attention by a dear fellow artist that someone uploaded my Lucifer piece on their Pinterest.  I wrote it on EVERY bio of EVERY social media I have : DO. NOT. REPOST. MY. ARTWORK. Anywhere. PERIOD. 
The person who uploaded the artwork told me they got that image from a different source than my social media (not an excuse, btw, and again, my watermark says ‘do not repost”) but funny enough, they do not remember where. (°◡°♡) And it was in good quality meaning someone either took it for Tumblr, or Twitter in the first place.
I already explained it in great length why it is extremely damaging to repost someone else’s artwork when I reblogged this very important post from @otonymous​.
But I guess it wasn’t enough. So here are a few lines and doodles, in attempt to explain why it is damaging for content creators to get our work stolen (and I very much insist on this word) and then reposted without our consent and knowledge, especially when some of us are relying on it as a direct or indirect source of income.
Shady argument #1 : “it’s free to use”
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This argument is often used and actually comes from a conversation I had with a (former) follower of mine on Instagram that reposted (and unfortunately, still repost) artwork found on Google and Pinterest (this is another case, and it wasn’t my own work, but sadly enough, it proves my point).
I won’t enter too much into details regarding copyright infringement laws (since every part of the globe has a different way to protect content creators: in the US you have the DMCA, in France and most european countries we have basically le “droit d’auteur” or “author’s rights”) but basically finding a content on the internet DOES NOT give you permission to reuse / repost this content elsewhere. NEVER HAD. Usually if you find artwork on Google Image or Pinterest that’s because other people stole them from social media / websites and put them on another platform.
Shady argument #2 : “the watermark”
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. It doesn’t work like that. (plus what type of monster would remover a watermark, uh ?)
This amazing tweet from GraphicFighter explains in very simple and educational words why reposting never benefits the artist (they even gives statistics), and why it is overall very bad for illustrators, watermark or not.
Not only because watermarks can be hard to read (especially if an alphabet / symbol system you don’t know), but also because almost no one bothers to click on our social media links when they exists – that’s basic web user behaviour.
So do you really thing they’ll have a look at the watermark and bother looking for the artist ? Nah.
  Shady argument #3 : “hey artist, it’s your fault”
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This one also comes from a conversation I had with someone who kept reposting artworks, and I quote their words :
the fact that the photos are freely available on Google means that they are open for use. If this is not the case, then the artists themselves have to limit it in some way, so this is the problem with them.
Needless to say, I nearly choked when I read this last sentence. It is 2020, aren’t we past always blaming the victims ?
In this day and age, Internet is the most efficient way for us to gain visibility and have a chance to get hired for jobs, so of course we post on the net. That doesn’t justify ANYONE reposting our content.  
As of today, I have seen ONCE (and only ONCE) an artist put a Pinterest pin creator on their website (a tool that helps you create a pin from whatever content from their website). That is their PERSONAL CHOICE, and one that enables them to have control and redirect directly to their website once someone see their work on Pinterest. I can with confidence say that this is an exception that proves the rules and that shouldn’t justify reposting other’s artists content without at least their consent.
So again, we artists, in the vast majority, DO NOT choose to have our content put OUTSIDE of our social media. We cannot track it to see if it wasn’t linked to something shady, we cannot make sure people see our websites, we basically DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OF OUR CONTENT ANYMORE. If you found it on the net, it is probably because some other people TOOK IT, and put them “in the open” on the internet without a care in the world so no, it is NOT and will never be an artist’s fault.
Don’t just assume every content creator is ok with reposts because a few content creators allow it with credit (and they do as they please, I am not here to judge them for that). 
If you really, really wish to ASK if you can repost someone’s artwork and want to contact the artist but don’t know how, you can google their name (if the watermark hasn’t been cropped), make the effort to look for them on social media, or even use Reverse image Search on Google Image.
If we, content creators, spend hours and hours on a piece that you enjoy, the very least you can do is spend a few minutes to look for our name.
And if you don’t manage to find the source of a specific content despite your efforts ? Do. NOT. Repost it. Anyway. Is it frustrating for you ? Yes, it might. But not as frustrating and devastating as it will be for the person from who you steal their work and often, their livelihoods from.
Reblog, retweet (without comments), reshare in your Instagram stories : show your favorite creators your love THE RIGHT WAY - a way for them to keep creating content and getting rewarded / paid for it.
Thank you.
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hufflautia · 4 years
Different Love Languages
✨COMMENTS+REBLOGS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED✨  They motivate me and make me supes happy, so please pretty please reblog and/or comment!! It doesnt even have to be a coherent comment, keysmash if you must! ok fanks go read now and enjoy <3
Summary: Hufflepuff is the type of person to express her love verbally but Slytherin is different; he hardly says “I love you” and Hufflepuff worries that maybe it’s because he doesn’t love her as much as she loves him. Our darling puff will realize that this is simply not the case. People just have different love languages. 
Hufflepuff loved Slytherin. She really did. In fact, she reminded him frequently. 
“I love you,” she chortled during breakfast when Slytherin had cast a spell to make the bacon strips float around in a dancing manner so that she would cheer up after reading depressing news from the Daily Prophet. Another time, she cooed the term of endearment as he held her tightly in his arms, swaying to the sound of music in the background. 
The thing was that Slytherin rarely said “I love you” in the entirety of their relationship. Instead of saying it back to her, he often replied by cupping her cheeks tenderly and leaning in for another kiss. Other times, he responded with a loving smile, his eyes glowing with warmth and infatuation.
It’s not that Hufflepuff thought Slytherin didn’t love her. She could definitely see it in the way that he looked at her, in those stolen glances when he thought she wasn’t looking. She could feel it when he held her close at night, his arms wrapped protectively around her. 
However, a part of her- the small shadow of doubt within her heart that told her that Slytherin didn’t care for her as much as she did for him- just wished for some kind of affirmation, a clear signal that said, “I love you.” 
One day, Hufflepuff and Slytherin sat side by side in Potions class, listening to Professor Slughorn drone on and on about Felix Felicis. She was absentmindedly staring at the board when Slytherin slid his notes in front of her so that she could see the doodle he drew on the side of his paper. 
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*Credit: Beastflaps*  
Hufflepuff bit her lip to suppress a laugh and squeezed his hand 3 times.  
Unfamiliar with the motion, Slytherin asked what the squeezes meant.
“It means I love you,” she whispered. Her voice was soft so that Professor Slughorn didn’t overhear their conversation.  
Nevertheless, Slytherin heard every word. A smile tugged at his lips and he immediately squeezed it back. He didn’t just stop there; he repeated the gesture about 6 times- and Potions class hadn’t even ended yet. 
From that day forward, Slytherin constantly told her I love you. Sometimes he squeezed her hand randomly- before he left for Quidditch practice, during breakfast when she passed him a plate of toast, and after he walked her back to the dormitory. 
Aside from that, he would occasionally tap out the gesture with his finger. 
Tap tap tap. 
Hufflepuff looked up from her book and made eye contact with Slytherin from across the room. She knew what it meant. She always did. 
Slytherin said I love you all the time now, more often than Hufflepuff’s verbal “I love you”. 
She realized that he had a different love language from her, and that was ok. It was the love itself that mattered. 
On their wedding day, as the officiant performed the ceremony, Hufflepuff looked up at Slytherin with adoration. “I love you,” she whispered. 
He smiled warmly at her and squeezed her hand four times. 
I love you too. 
Based on a true story! If you can’t see the link that I attached, here it is: 
MASTERLIST ~(˘▾˘~) (click my profile to see the pinned post, aka my masterlist, if you cant see the link) 
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Author’s note: YAYAY HI!!! DID YOU LIKE THAT?? 
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probably yall @ me rn lmaoaoao
You might be wondering why i wrote this one-shot. There was no special occasion this time, I just got a bonk of inspiration one day. also i felt bad for reblogging my ice skating oneshot so much (i did it to respond to other peoples reblogs) and i sent an ask to my favorite fanfic writer, asking her about what happens if i reblog my own work and if it pushes my fanfic up the algorithm, and she answered my question but also said that she usually deletes her reblogs bc her followers would probably get annoyed if they kept seeing the same work over and over again. i felt bad bc i had just done that, and i didnt want yall to constantly see the same fanfic all the time, so i wanted to give u something new. also i was thinking back on that person who said that my writing was sporadic (they werent trying to be mean). Sporadic basically means spaced out and occuring at different intervals. i felt bad bc my writing is definitely spread out by one month for some reason. im not sure what this means for next month bc i never write 2 fanfics in one month. does this mean that i wont write a fanfic for november? hopefully not. ok that sounds sad, im sure it doesnt but who knows bc the college process thingies is killing me 
I wrote out the general details of the story at 1 am one night when i was trying to sleep lmaoao heres a screenshot: 
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This is basically how I write for most of my fanfics at first, it consists of the general info along with some specific details.
At first, the one-shot was gonna be a drabble (aka a story that’s only 100 words long) but when I finished writing it, I went to wordcounter to check the number of words and it was 500! i was like oop ok im just gonna call it a oneshot then. i wrote part of the story on sunday morning and then i went to exercise in the park with my sister. afterwards, i wanted to keep working on it but then i became swamped with college stuff so i stopped. i started writing again today (its monday, but im posting it on tuesday, aka today for you- or maybe not if ur not reading this on the day that i posted it) and i surprisingly finished- but that was probably a bad idea to be writing the oneshot during this week because i have a lot of exams, but lets look at the bright side, i finished the story!
I didn’t think of the idea completely on my own. I actually read the reddit story (found it in a thread on insta) a few years ago, and I don’t know why but I was thinking about it that night and I decided to make a one-shot out of it! Isn’t it such a sweet story (the actual story, not this)?? It would be kinda nice if I reached out to the person and said, hey i wrote a story based on you and ur husband! 
Anyways, I just made a meme: 
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i didnt actually get up, i just opened the notes app on my phone in the dark and wrote the details down. 
this isn’t related but i made a meme about the ice skating oneshot:
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I’m gonna cut the authors note short (i usually write a lot. its funny when u go back and see my authors note in chapter 1 of the slytherpuff series, bc its so so short. wowza, times have rlly changed!) bc i think i have at least 2 exams tomorrow. this is gonna be me when i post this one-shot in the morning: 
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bc i have to wake up early and i am most definitely not a morning person:/ OH GOD OK I HAVE TO STUDY NOW- 
Love you all, thank you for reading! TOODELOOOOOOO
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list!
Tags: @slytherpuff-shenanigans @faex-misfit @coloring-bud @in-love-with-remus-lupin @kokichismango​ @make-my-daisy @weasleytwinswheezes​ @qiaopao​ @ohhellomate​ @spicyweebgirl​ @rants-from-a-sixteen-year-old​ @strikeamatchandsetthisdumpablaze  @dramionetreesap @dragonsandbread  @hufflepuffxdreams @may-bereblog  @blue-drarry-drarry-blue @violetflame14 @thecubitus @stressed-and-book-obsessed @shadowsingeraxolotl @leslier775 @witch-bitch-life @sydthekidd98 @heynehir @superwholock-5642 @qixnsriess @luciousmafloy @diggorycullen @mminerva15 @dorkpunzel03 @littleemotionalpanda @korra4321  @thunderstorms22 @another-witch  @akaihiya @earlgreyisgreat @paintpencilink  @blueberry-9-pancakes  @pancakes-and-sugar @wxnderwell @dwight-y0u-sunflower-slut  @cozy-queen-of-hats @alexanderandjohnlams  @dumbbitch85 @vl--d @hufflebitchwitch @st4rlady @mvlpksvthisht @indigosimon1998  @farmgirlfinna @aflowersmentality @annie-mcl @markedsweetly  @evilprone @cocoqueenstheword  @suckerfordylansstuff @artworks-by-anushka @mochaxboba @simpering-simpleton @doalokiandrun @determinedpines @grandcyclecreation @jxmpsuitx @sunnniiee @adreameratdawn @theoriginaljohnwatsonsblog @queenofwordsandnerds @missmarrinette @thewitcheswords  @totheqarden @dwight-y0u-ign0rant-slut @softbeanofexistentialcrisis @sunflowers-and-ice-cream @notnotruthie @hulda156 @manicpixiedreamtarot @insertlongnamehere @hiimjusthere16 @pbutterhead @draco22malfoy @luc1dre4m @luciferswife16 @trashpannda @betacaroteno-lanudo @rosiekisses @captiniminnie  @seadragonblues @dontmindmeimjustabox @the-little-sinnamon-roll @nyanan-1233 @writertwiddle @crakencc @hirandomstuffhere @luvtyeong @hard-to-get-by-just-upon-smile @alverniaphi @artistdiary00  @saraleo95 @iknow-im-cute  @casteel08 @tell-that-to-my-feather @charleii @kittenninja21 @uniquealienhandsathlete @jikook-gcf @fantasyprincess101 @beccalovesbooksstuff @akerlizzie @foulwitchqueen @shipping-book-keeper @stephanie00s @kaylenthegreat @justanotherperson @karkinos-mortis @history-geek101 @multi-fandom-nutjob @star33dust @normalisoverated666 @narritydream @notsowiseravenclaw @brightestwitchofthisgeneration @angelinac-0407 @greenxsimplicity @im-jellyfish @ninjone335 @majorfangirl37 @furiousskeletonpaperweasel @alorathebear @guavalicious @bumblebirbs @miyukihiyori  @just--another--hufflepuff @sunlightsoshi @nath-the-scorpio @littlewolfie1999 @carocats1206 @the-ugly-duck0 @okiguessimawitchnow @eu-apenas-eu2 @prettyblueskylark @x-whatsupdoc-x @sophiexteresa @ravenflowersposts @buttertheflame  @sha3thehunter @drop-dead-gorgeous-221 @elegantcroissantplaidpony @moon-personality-art  @snowsong7664 @dracosvftie @dragon-slayer-fairy1 @croctusjuice @silverhetdanes @blackcoffeesaveme @sheeple @smitssharon02 @emilymikaelarichardwrites @marauderssequels @alias290 @nerdwithlasers @justanxiousme @willow-salix  @shadowsinger11  @adoras-jacket @butterflyhotwings  @mae-25  @eta-argus @pullingatthreads @quakemebacktothe50s @protectorofsk8topia @slytheretta @the-only-ones-posts @royalelusts @belle-grace @foggyfestivalpeachwobbler @oncergleekpotterhead @lovermrjokerr @hannanshi @pjo-kotlc-love @iluvmesumfictionalcharacters @anezkavangogh @d0uxs @unkownknowledge @sydvicious07 @arianatorpotterhead  @questionsbecameourocean @shirushii @vickeyunicorn @e-bendy @pufflehuff929 @herdabella @hothousesun @abundleofbigsad @naldabixxx @justmeandmylovelylife @ailenepuff @youseeitslikethis @marvelenthusiast10 @zepotterhead @veraanders @asterinatlas @petrichor-lemonade @introvertedrae @ofpoetryandpaint @theblackwolf21 @queleque @praiseourlordduck @beardedhumanoid @canteven @jadefox05 @theoriginalsherlockholmesblog @bucinjisung @autumnmoon21  @no1-importan @tumlbr-trasher @fanfic-reposter @muthersdaughter  @queenofallthingssweet @giorgiadambrosioo @hufflepufflepukwudgie3897 @trin303 @potatolover19 @kristy-the-ravenclaw07 @alexamalec @grouem-kid @dead-in-head @verylovelystars  @dorkhead @whataboutno @dabestwolf @dwbehappy @nathanduil @rose-alicious @game-moni @game-moni @theroomofrefreshments @maxwellsgang @yoongifiess @clearcookiefriendpsychic @rellasworld  @joshirlangford @glitterykidlightmug @girl-of-the-thunder @im-a-solanum-lycopersicum @capt-sparrow  @maisen98 @ploutus @clementines-x @pizzaforallfangirls @nomad-of-the-realms @magsexual @stardustzainy  @diddi153 @geekz145 @pymmoon @dawinehouse @thewavesfadetogrey @ishiroookamii @rwanchoices @flyme--tothemoon @hedgepuffgirl @shosty-induced-migraine @porksoba @urfaveslytherin @minty-malfoy @tea-addictxd @darlingme @untitled-2424 @badass-like-damon @jmoriartyfandeath13 @lavendersbluedream @obsessedwithrandomthings  @moon-personality-art @froggy-failure @drop-dead-gorgeous-221  @violayaxley @wisewordsmouse @apumpkinpuff   @butteredflower  @hummingbird-hufflepuff @bumbblebeeeeee  @incorrect-youtubers  @peanut-in-the-goal @flvrqnce @sadistic-maniac @kyralexor @reflecter23 @roxy3457 @staymoarmyzen @coolpetsmcubandit @coconutoceans @fangirlgeekandfreak @mttviolet @wordowords @foxieberry @prince-of-thedarkness @wwebeckyfan @sunshinyyb @kindawannadietbh @ajdqueen  @boilyourteeth @mouthfacereborn @idrawandthatsaboutit  @trentalexanders @i-love-books-and-kpop @skylee-skz @turbulentbluebird5 @there-is-no-punch-line @nowheredreamer @vulnerabilizaste @i-cannot-do-aesthetics @i-miukimiuki @https28 @accio-dopamine @jewish-lesbo119 @pinqgchuu @hmilkwhoney @kaffiny72 @bojelina @fixstationed @bibearwannabe @chasingjacksonpotter @nikkijovanic  @neonuzumaki @slytherbullshit @kendall-engel @stressy-depressy @acciocrzychick @flower-child-bitch @strawberrypanda99  @n3rdywu1f @ihavenocontrolofmylifeeither  @zuko28 @tarot6467 @firewhisky-kisses @hufflepuffgirly @slytherpuffbaby @misssunflowersandsangria @velvetstrawberry @the-darling-badger @cottagecoreslytherin  @jpow345 @jess-harrywars @sirenofthe7seas @unknownbitchsthings @ganjeolhiddaeng @pinksmol @evolnura @pink1babez @hufflepuffwritess @simpforkpop @auburn-rachel @johannamariemst @deathandblue @blazeuzu23 @iamahufflepuff @ana-bolism97 @joyfulcollectordreamlandme-blog @happy-puff @toomanybandstocare @megand2017 @inkedintothepaper @natyukie-blog @tonythestank @plantelacasiopea @poony-madfoot @paradoxglacier @emmaa-t @truly-insatiable @pancakelover @lauxtbs @verifiefangirl-mainblog @i-have-a-bad-feeling @accio-incorrect-quotes @lacuna-bumble @lady-snow-white1 @schlongbottom @colettedelaurel @rayanicaraynbow @duskmemo @sweetinvisiblewriter @galaxythreads  @xi-fan @lucia5 @thesarahcat @poojxshxh @coldsweetharmony  @chunwest @absentmindeduniverse @wornoutexcuses @ki-kaii @bohemian-oddity @princessstoopid @uhhhem @lewispoolerpayton @swagangelhorsepickle @starrysonic @malfoys-demigod @incorrigible-romantic @sleepdeprivedgurl @dont-hyuck @badb0y-malf0y @thatonebislytherin  @1d-killed-me @kaslec  @kodeinekissss @uwuplsh  @worldsbestdilfbecky @lupins-cardigan @zuzxbby @harrypotterimagines @oliverwoodsismybf @seviravir @much-cute-dolls-uwu @sara-is-boredd @sakura96bella @autumnpleaves @bloodyxheaven  @gay-disaster826 @xxkitsurikaxx @light-in-mygalaxy @in-love-with-remus-lupin @xo-angel-ox @selenapotter-blog @wolfpack-arts-industries99 
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margarethx · 3 years
I have some slightly controversial take about Sam Wilson fandom here, so maybe don’t reblog this post... Comment if you want, but I really don’t want to start arguing with anyone. I just need to vent and will probably delete the whole rant later.
I know that Sam’s fans complain a lot about the treatment he gets in the fandom... I still do that from time to time and I probably will continue doing it in the future. But I’m starting to feel very, very tired with the people who act like their love for Sam can only be expressed through:
1) criticizing other people’s content,
2) hatered/dislike for Bucky or Sambucky,
3) complaining about other people in the fandom.
It’s so weird. We criticize the people who make Bucky-centric content with barely any mention of Sam and tag it with his name, because it’s annoying, but at the same time there is quite a big number of fans, whose posts in Sam Wilson tag are basically:
“omg he never gets recognition”, “MCU fandom hates Sam”, “Everything is about Bucky, where is Sam?!” “some of you only like sam when he’s with bucky :/”
And... sure. There’s a lot of truth to these statements. But saying that over and over again won’t fix the problem, especially if you yourself don’t do ANYTHING to remedy the situation. You’re flooding the tag too... Just in a different way. A few months ago I had this habit that I liked to follow people who wrote posts like these. Because I had this assumption that: if you complain about Sam being treated badly you probably love him a lot, so we should get along. I love him too!
But I realized that a lot of those people literally complain for the sake of complaining and than don’t even try to post Sam-centric content on their own. Why not??? You don’t have to be an amazing creator to make a good post. It’s not just about realistic fanart and 30k words fanfic with a complicated plot. You might write some weird HCs about Sam instead. Or a joke. Incorrect quotes. Ideas for fics you’ll never finish, but might inspire other people. Doodles that took 2 minutes of drawing. Edited photos. Favourite screenshots. Prompts. Learn to make poor-quality gifs of Sam’s cool fightigh style. Write a short scene analysis. Or ask other people how they analyse some scenes to start a discussion. Link some edits from YouTube.
And if you cannot think of a single thing to make on your own? Well. You can always promote art made by other people. Go through the tag and reblog things you loved. Find a good blog and search throught their archives to find older content. You can compile a post with fic recommendations so other people read what you enjoyed and see how good the content about Sam might be. Or recommend your favourite creators in general. Send encouraging asks to artists who you love so they feel motivated.
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But these people do none of that. I can scroll throught their blog for 10 minutes and everything about Sam Wilson I see is complaining that people like Bucky more. Or that Sambucky is popular. (As if all the best Sambucky stories aren’t just fans expressing their love towards Sam through Bucky’s eyes...) I’m not trying to say that you have to be a creator to criticize the fandom, but it’s weird when you only yell at others for not posting enough about Sam when you didn’t post anything about him either unless it’s complaining. Kind of ironic...
Also! If you don’t promote other people’s content they get discoraged from posting. It’s a fact. I have probably over 80 different half-made and finished drawings with Sam Wilson on my tablet, but I have zero incentive to post any of them, because every attempt in the past ended with these posts getting 4 notes. Or 10 at best. So why bother? I can look at them alone. And I don’t remember these people who complained about the lack of Sam content supporting my Sam-centric art with nice comments.
You cannot expect the fandom to mass-produce content for you if you don’t encourage it. I got no feedback, so now I just sort of... write or draw for myself, because I enjoy it and have no incentive to publish any of that when no one’s interested. Instead I just make writing prompts or analysis of tfatws, because there’s a bigger chance I’ll have an interesting disussion with other fans in the comments or I’ll inspire other creators to make more art by posting that. I enjoy both of those things very much, but one evokes a reaction I want and the other just... doesn’t. (It’s not even about validation... even if it’s nice to get compliments. It’s just: “when other people are clearly not interested, why make the art public at all?”.)
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Like I said. I’m not going to call out any specific person here. But there were a few people who harshly criticized me in asks or in private messages for “pretending to love Sam” just because I like Sambucky too. But if you scroll through my blog you’ll find that at least 95% of the posts are about Sam. And if you scroll through theirs it’s 3 posts - all of them about fandom not loving Sam enough. (I just checked.)
But I guess I’m a “disgrace to the fandom”, because I acknowledge that Sam might have a love interest while you said you hate Bucky, so... Apparently your love for Sam Wilson is more real if you despise more popular characters he interacts with. ...Be honest with yourselves. Some of you just like to whine and complain, but prefer to disguise it behind love for Sam, so it sounds justified.
And yes. There should be more content that is only about Sam. Or about Sam’s non-romantic relationships. Sure. But if my two choices are: “get a Sambucky fic about Bucky loving Sam very much” or “get a post where someone cries about Sam not being loved enough for the 10th time”... then pardon me for preferring the first option.
If any of you spent half the energy you waste on complaining on making a single post about your supposed love for Sam the tag would be much more full of good content. But it seems like making actual content requires more effort and talent, so you just stay there whining that other people don’t provide you with what you want and demand. And give zero encouragement and promotion to those who do the work.
So continue doing that if you wish. But I won’t waste all my energy on making my weekly “this fandom fucking sucks” post. I prefer promoting cool art other users made (now or years ago) and creating my own posts that might not be always 100% about only Sam... but are still focused on him. Because I like this fictional little guy. I’m not going to let this weird purity tests ruin my enjoyment. If the pretty drawing of Sam has Bucky on the other side of the canvas I still have a cool drawing of Sam to admire. So it’s a win for me.
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[Reminder: please don’t reblog this. I really just need to vent. Comments are okay, I can discuss this. I just don’t want some peope to see that and go yell at me all over again. I was already harassed for allowing Bucky or Steve on my mostly Sam-Wilson-centric blog...]
[Also... if you think this is hypocritical of me to complain about complaining... Maybe. I don’t think it’s comparable here, but whatever.]
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