#also i hope u enjoy the design i gave you
pizzaloops · 1 year
(This blog is getting good since i last asked. Good job!! Also would having anon markers be ok?)
Peppino has a good point. If this is a time loop then everything in the tower would have the same idea, kill the guy thats wanted in the whole building. BUT revisiting old allies could work
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"That… might work. But-a how will I explain everything and make it believable?! Gustavo will be… 'busy' for a while, and Gerome… I don't know. He is helpful… But I have no clue where he is!"
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explorevenus · 2 months
baby steps ♡ yandere!leon kennedy x reader
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nsfw (18+) - minors dni or i will call ur mom. and also the cops
word count: 5k
description: moving to raccoon city with leon, your long-term boyfriend and childhood sweetheart, doesn't go as planned. while you consider moving back home to lick your wounds, leon conspires to keep you right by his side, where you were always meant to be.
tags/warnings: yandere!leon kennedy, specifically rookie cop leon, squishy soft dom leon, manipulation and generally toxic behavior, baby trapping (via tampering w condoms), daddy kink, praise kink, pet names, no use of y/n, fingering, p in v, creampie, cockwarming, mention of vomiting
a/n: this piece was commissioned by #1 Soft Dom Rookie Leon Truther and My Feral Puppy Wife @nexysworld ,, pls pls check out her work, she's so very talented and sweet and i am lucky to call her a friend ;w; <33
hopefully if u made it this far u read the tags and know what ur in for, but out of an abundance of caution i would like to reiterate that this is a yandere!leon fic and therefore contains dark themes a la dubious/uninformed consent and unhealthy relationship dynamics. if that's a no-no for u, pls kindly move on and take care of urself !!
my masterlist ♡
my ao3 ♡
fic under the cut, thanks so much for reading and i hope u enjoy ;w;
-venus ♡
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Leon had it all figured out from the day he met you, the first day of kindergarten. The two of you were going to be just like the movies, just like the storybooks– you would grow up as friends, blossom into lovers, marry young and start a family, and everything would be exactly as it should be. He would have fulfilled his purpose, and you would have fulfilled yours. All would be right in the universe.
And he wasn’t exactly far off, for a long time. You were attached at the hip through elementary school, somehow managed to stay friends through middle school and after an awkward, smitten kiss shared in the empty auditorium, you began dating in high school. It was perfect, he thought. He didn’t even have to pull that many strings.
You went to prom, got drunk for the first time, learned to drive, all in each other’s company. You had each other’s virginity. You’d seen, touched and savored every inch of each other. There was almost nothing you didn’t share.
It wasn’t too long after graduation that Leon applied to begin training at the police academy, just like he’d always dreamed of. It was a solid profession with plenty of benefits for both of you and it would give him the opportunity to help people, ticking off all the boxes of what he wanted for himself. It was perfect, it was safe.
No one was surprised when he soared through the police academy with impeccable marks. You were such a little angel when he graduated, showering him with kisses and sweets and letting him pound you into the mattress for a whole weekend to celebrate. And when his application in Raccoon City was accepted, you did exactly as he hoped you would and you followed right along with him.
Of course you would follow right along. You didn’t know what life without Leon meant. You couldn’t even conceptualize what that would feel like and you had no intention of finding out, but that was fine by him. He was happy to be your rock, your guidance, your big, strong boyfriend who would hold your hand and follow you through everything. 
With Leon, you would never be alone. You would never be far from home. After all this time, he was your home, exactly as your lives were designed.
For the first few months of living in Raccoon City, the two of you shared a cozy apartment. It was a little worse for wear, but it was cute, and it was a fun way to start your adventure into young adulthood together. He was happy to handle all of the spiders and quadruple check the locks every night if it made you feel safer, if it gave you an excuse to come crying to him like a beautiful angel whenever you were frightened.
Bumps in the night, creaks of the pipes, the skittering of the upstairs neighbor’s little dog, they all sent you folding into his arms, shaking like a leaf, crying for him to protect you. He was your knight, and God were you his perfect little princess. The apple of his eye, the one and only object of his affection. No, not his affection, his obsession.
You were all he thought about, day and night, for more than half of his 21 years of living. Everything he did, every breath he took was with you in mind. You were the only living manifestation of complete and total perfection, every inch of you crafted with care and divinity. Your lives fit together like puzzle pieces– hell, your bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. You were meant for each other.
It wasn’t long after you moved that the job you had lined up fell through, and you were left reeling. Moving away from home just to fall flat on your face was a massive blow to your self esteem, especially considering your parents practically screamed a hole through the phone at you about it. The next few days were spent sulking around the apartment, trying to pick up the pieces and choose a completely different path for yourself.
And there was Leon to hold you while you cried. To make dinner every night and dote on you endlessly, to pamper you with gifts and to insist over and over that he could make rent on his own, that he didn’t mind if you needed a little more time to wallow before finding a job… and to console you when your search for employment would prove fruitless once again.
He was there to tell you it wasn’t your fault, that the job market was just rough right now and that no matter what, he would be there to take care of you.
Weeks stretched into months and you still felt like you were spinning out, even with Leon by your side. Every single day was beginning to feel the same and you didn’t know what to do, all you knew was that you couldn’t imagine living the rest of your life like this. Something had to give and Raccoon City clearly wasn’t it.
Leon came home with a big smile on his face, just like any other day, but today was extra special. He’d finally had his one year review at the police station, and he was getting a sizable raise. He couldn’t wait to tell you he was gonna get you out of this shitty apartment and into somewhere nicer. He couldn’t wait to sneak his way down to the jeweler in search of a ring. The storybook life he had laid out for you was coming to fruition right before his eyes.
But you were quiet over dinner, and you looked exhausted. You wouldn’t even meet his eyes as you picked at your plate.
He was just about to ask you what was wrong when you finally spoke up, “I-I think I need to move back home with my parents.”
Silence. He felt like he had been shot.
“It’s just that… I know you said you’re happy to take care of bills and everything, but I just feel terrible every day being a burden and I think I need a chance to figure things out and get back up on my feet. I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life anymore.”
His expression fell and his heart ached, any and all excitement he had about his situation now gone in an instant. All the money in the world meant nothing to him if he couldn’t share it with you, and to see you so lost and scared made him feel like he fucking failed you, his poor, sweet princess who looked to him for purpose and protection and partnership. 
Leon wasn’t stupid. He knew that allowing you to move back in with your parents could potentially be a death sentence to your relationship. When people aren’t around each other anymore, it’s only natural that they drift apart, and Leon could not let that happen. It wasn’t even an option in his brain. Something had to be done and something had to be done now, before your lease was up in a few months, before push came to shove and you would finally have to make your choice.
He wasn’t even really sure where he got the idea. It wasn’t something he’d ever considered before, mostly because he didn’t think he’d ever be put in this position.
A few nights after that conversation, Leon couldn’t sleep. It was well past two in the morning and you were peacefully asleep beside him while he stared at the ceiling, entirely lost in thought. He witnessed the worst and darkest of humanity at work every single day, but nothing scared him as deeply as the idea of losing you. 
Eventually he got out of bed as carefully as he could manage, not wanting to wake you with his troubles. He only planned to get some water and maybe a minute or two of fresh air to clear his mind, but what he didn’t plan to get was some inspiration. 
You had asked him to stop at the store on his way home from work to pick up a few things you needed, and the bag was still sitting on the counter. He took it upon himself to grab a few things he needed, too, and among the items left in the bag was an unopened box of condoms. At first his eyes skimmed over it without much interest, but it wasn’t long before he froze where he stood and turned to look at the bag again.
Leon wasn’t sure what came over him. He didn’t really feel like himself, it was like he was watching his next moves from a third person perspective, hovering above, detached. For a moment he even wondered if he was sleepwalking, or if this was a dream. He stared down at the box in his hand, carefully opened it, and pierced a hole in the center of each and every one. He tucked the packets back into the box and brought it with him on his way back to the bedroom, stashing it in the usual spot in the bedside table.
On his side, of course.
He tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn’t help but just watch you. You were so pretty, so peaceful when you were dreaming, such a nice contrast to the stress and insecurity over finding your life’s purpose that plagued you in your waking hours.
But Leon already knew your life’s purpose. He reached out, gently brushing your messy hair away from your sleepy face so he could admire you more fully, and all he could think about was how much happier you’d look with a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly. Maybe an unexpected nudge in the right direction would set you back on the correct path and make you come to your senses about moving back in with your parents.
You huffed out a sleepy little breath from between your plush lips, stirring in the bed and peeking open your eyes to look at him. It was clear you weren’t fully conscious yet, but you were trying, squirming closer to him to tuck yourself into his chest.
“W’time is it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes.
He smiled fondly, petting your hair and pressing a kiss to the crown of your head as you cuddled up to him like a sweet little baby bear, and he tried to pretend he hadn’t accidentally made himself hard as fuck thinking about knocking you up just to get you to stay with him. Somewhere deep down, he knew it was gross, he knew it was wrong, he knew it could violate your trust in so many ways.
But Leon was nothing if not a yearner, a hopeless romantic who couldn’t bear the thought of life without you by his side. He’d done everything right by you and you were still straying away from him, and that just wouldn’t do. It’s an act of desperation, he thought to himself, justifying his actions into the ground, I just want her so badly I’m not thinking straight, all pleas for forgiveness he would store for later use.
“It’s late, baby,” He mumbled into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo. “I’m sorry if I woke you up.”
You just shook your head and tightened your arms around him, clearly on the verge of dozing off again. Perhaps if the circumstances were different, he would have just let you, but he wouldn’t be awake in the first place if it weren’t for the extreme sense of urgency he felt.
His broad, warm hands engulfed you, one cradling the back of your head while the other rubbed your lower back, tapering off to paw at your hip. Your shirt– well, his shirt– had ridden up nearly to your waist, baring your cute panties, your soft belly and your plush thighs to his gaze. He swiped the pad of his thumb along your hip, imagining your bone structure spreading open to make room for his growing baby.
Leon didn’t take the time to talk himself out of it before his fingertips were sneaking down between your legs, slipping beneath your panties and finding your clit with practiced ease. The sensation was enough to jerk you awake again, a quiet mewl tumbling from your lips as you rocked into his hand, so sleepy and out of it and just so very cute.
“Leon?” Your voice was thick with sleep, but airy and light with sudden onset desire. That was all he needed to know he had you right where he wanted you.
“Shh, shh, you’re alright,” He cooed softly, following up the soothing whispers with a few gentle nibbles and bites to the shell of your ear, knowing that such attention always melted you into a puddle. “You’re alright, pretty baby, I just wanna play with you. Can daddy play with his sweet angel?”
You squirmed in his hold for a second, pondering his proposition while barely awake, but it wasn’t long before you were nodding into his shoulder and peppering his collarbone with wet kisses in return. It never took much to convince you when he spoke to you like that, so adoring and saccharine. 
“That’s my good girl,” He mused, invigorated by your consent. Almost instantaneously he became more heavy-handed with his touches, fingertips massaging firm, purposeful circles around your clit, occasionally dipping down to collect your growing arousal and bring it back with him. “You’re all mine, you know that? Never gonna let anyone else have my baby.”
Poor you. Clueless of his intentions, you interpreted that sentence in a much different way than he really meant it. But, ignorance is bliss, and what you felt right now was nothing short of blissful.
You poked your head up just to catch his lips with your own in a wanton grasp for more intimacy, a signal of your agreement, like you were giving yourself to him. He knew it was wrong that you didn’t fully realize what you were agreeing to, but again, he compartmentalized that, deciding that was a problem for his future self. What mattered right now was securing your place at his side for the rest of your lives.
He could feel the way your hips were stuttering, he could feel how short your breaths were becoming against his lips, and he knew you were getting close. Grunting into your mouth, he forced his hand further down your panties and sank two thick fingers into your hole, stretching you open for him. The intrusion was quite a bit less gentle than you were used to from him, drawing a shocked whimper from you, but you soon began to relax once more when he curled up into your sweet spot, sending you boneless. 
“D-Daddy,” You whined, nails biting into his shoulders. “Hurts… Slow, slower…”
A shiver rolled over his body, that of immediate guilt. He knew he was being a little rough with you, and he certainly didn’t want to hurt you, but…
“Fuck, I can’t help it,” He groaned, “Been thinking about this pussy all night, princess, I need you like air…”
You could hear the desperation in his tone, and even more you could feel it in the way he touched you like he was starving, like he was stranded in the desert and you were an oasis. Softened by this– and entirely hypnotized by his praise– you resigned to the feeling, allowing him to play with your body as he pleased. He was rutting into nothing without even thinking about it, his cock woefully hard and straining against the front of his grey sweatpants.
He wanted to prepare you properly, he really did, but he was so revved up and needy, he didn’t want to risk blowing his load anywhere but inside you. That wasn’t an option. Hands shaking, he pulled away from you just long enough to kick his sweatpants off and reach for one of those condoms, silently resenting the fact that he had to wear one at all, but he had an appearance to keep up. 
He tore the package open haphazardly with his teeth and rolled the condom on, shuddering deeply. His grasp was tight on your thigh as he pulled it up and over his hip, his other hand pushing your dainty purple panties aside to guide his cock into the heavenly, pillowy walls of your ethereal cunt.
Fuck, you were so fucking tight, clenching around him, whimpering and whining and writhing like a perfect little puppy in heat. Leon’s teeth sank into your shoulder as he bottomed out in you, and he almost could have sworn he felt the tip of the condom rip open even wider. The image alone had him moaning like an animal, pinning your quivering body to his own while he rolled his hips, fucking you deep and hard and slow, savoring every single stroke of your slippery walls around his aching cock. Every meeting of your hips was joined by obscene squelching with the way you were practically sucking him in.
“G-God, fuck,” Leon growled, his face contorted with pleasure. You and Leon had always had what you considered to be an active and healthy sex life, but you’d never seen him quite so beside himself with raw lust. Whatever drove him in that moment was primal, and you could feel it in his every movement, his every breath, see it in the wild look in his eyes.
His pupils were like dinner plates as he gazed down at you, stamping your forehead with kisses and feeling over every inch of your body. “Look at you, just look at you… Such a perfect little dolly for daddy to love on forever and ever, huh? Oh, my princess…”
You were lightheaded with arousal, every nerve ending in your body lighting up with white hot pleasure. You could barely even form a sentence, just nodding along as he moaned out his praise and letting him manhandle you like a ragdoll. Perhaps his words had more than a modicum of truth to them.
“F-Feels so… so… fuck, daddy, feels so good,” You babbled mindlessly, head falling back to the pillows beneath you. He was overwhelming your senses, taking over every corner of your mushy brain. The room was dark and you were still a bit delirious with sleep and to that effect, nothing existed in your world right now but daddy, daddy, daddy…
He laughed softly, pressing a kiss to the spot on your shoulder he’d so harshly bitten earlier, the pace of his thrusts not faltering for a second. “Yeah? I’ll bet it does, judging by the look on you,” He teased, nipping at your throat. “So pretty when you’re all fucked out.”
Your back was arching up off the bed, your eyes rolling back and your walls pulsing around him. Addicted to eliciting pleasured reactions from you, Leon wedged one hand between your two bodies, flattening his palm on your lower belly before pressing down.
Stars. You saw stars. A broken, high-pitched cry ripped from your throat, and you didn’t even have the capacity to hope the neighbors didn’t think you were being murdered, because you didn’t care. You could feel every rigid inch of him inside you, dragging over every nerve, his cock stuffed so deep that you swore you could feel him in your throat. Toes curling and your nails raking down his naked back, tears were beginning to prick at your eyes– you were close.
That was a good thing, though, considering he was too, and he could only hope the wet heat of your release would mask the feeling of his own. Leon sealed his lips over your own once more, swallowing your broken, needy cries as he fucked you to completion, letting his hand fall a little bit lower until his fingertips were on your clit again.
Your body twitched at the stimulation, thighs clamping down tight around his hips as you sobbed into his mouth and soaked his cock with your gushing sex. “Daddy,” You wept, clinging to him for dear life as he fucked you through your high, his own spilling out in sync. “Daddy, daddy, daddy…”
“Shh, I’ve got you, baby, I’m right here,” He cooed, taking your bottom lip playfully between his teeth before pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose. “Just stay put, you’re doing so good for me, angel…”
His hips continued to piston forward as he hoped to force as much of his cum into you as he could manage, while still maintaining the believable illusion of protection. He intended to put every last one of those tampered-with condoms to use, though he wondered silently to himself if you might give up and just let him take you raw once you were to inevitably find out you’re pregnant.
You were a weeping, shivering mess in his arms, thighs clenching and twitching around him as he shushed you and babied you, petting your hair away from your tear-stained face and stamping you with delicate kisses, still stuffing his cum into you with shallow thrusts. He couldn’t wait to see you blossom right before his eyes. He couldn’t wait for you to realize your purpose was right here with him. He couldn’t wait to have you to himself for the rest of your days, his princess.
Leon remained sheathed deep within you, even as he softened, wanting to make sure you stayed plugged up well. But, he also couldn’t resist the warmth and wetness of you, how comforting it felt to be enveloped by you.
“You just stay put right there, okay, princess?” He reiterated quietly, lips brushing over your brow in a loving kiss. “Want you to keep daddy warm for the rest of the night. Can you do that for me?”
As if he even had to ask. You would have done practically anything for him when reduced to such a bleary, agreeable state of mind. He knew you all too well.
You just nodded like a bobblehead, dreamy, doe eyes staring up at him through teary lashes, hanging off his every word like gospel. He tucked you in even closer to his chest, cradling you with such adoration, his hips rocking forward every now and then just to get a reaction out of you, and to remind himself this was real.
He wasn’t at all surprised that you were able to fall asleep like that, stuffed full of cum and sated like a good little princess deserved to be. In a perfect world, you would never have to move again, just stay there in his lap forever and soak up every drop of him you could take. 
In the coming weeks, that box of condoms wouldn’t last long. The only thought on his mind day in and day out was bending you over every surface in the apartment, and you thought nothing of it. Of course you noticed his sudden, insatiable lust for you, but you assumed it was a symptom of knowing his beloved girlfriend was just a few short months away from potentially leaving. He was only grasping at every inch of you he could commit to memory, right?
In all fairness to you, you weren’t exactly that far off.
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Your tired eyes pried open at the familiar feeling of Leon rutting up against you, gripping at your hips like you would disappear if he didn’t. The morning sun was just barely beginning to peek through the windows and the bed was warm, it was a lovely way to wake up, one you would never get tired of.
Or at least you never thought you would. You loved Leon— and his sexual prowess— very dearly, but you also loved being able to sleep through an entire night without interruption, and you hadn’t been getting much of that over the past several weeks.
“Mnh… Leon, babe,” You grumbled, burying your face back into your pillow. “Not today. I’m exhausted.”
He was taken aback by this at first, and then his expression fell with disappointment. Leon had gotten so used to breeding you dumb every morning before work that he wasn’t confident he could go back to functioning without it. Regardless, Leon knew that continuing his attempt to seduce you while you were this grouchy would be a death sentence, so he opted to take the path of least resistance. 
After the moment or two it took for him to process that decision, Leon’s touches quickly shifted from provocative to soothing– he was no longer grasping at your hips but wrapping you up in his arms, pressing gentle kisses to your temple and cheekbone as if to regain your good favor.
You hummed contentedly, relaxing back into his embrace. Leon always warmed up like a heater in the night, and you were more than happy to bask in it. His muscular frame was like a weighted blanket and his presence alone was usually enough to knock you out like a light, but for some reason, you were struggling to fall back asleep. Every second felt like five minutes and despite your best efforts– and your complete and utter exhaustion– sleep refused to reclaim you.
Biting back the urge to blame Leon for waking you up in the first place, you huffed out a breath and rolled over in his arms, hoping the change in position might be just what you needed.
Wrong. Very, very wrong. Something about the movement made you dizzy, nauseous, your stomach twisting into knots. You wanted to say something, but you weren’t even sure what to say. It came on so suddenly that it caught you off guard and you weren’t even fully confident you would be able to get up at first.
You whined his name quietly, nuzzling into his chest and wrenching your eyes shut in an attempt to reorient yourself, your arms closing around your middle instinctively.
“You alright? What’s the matter?” Your sweet boyfriend asked quietly, brows furrowing with concern. He could feel your body trembling against his own, your back rising and falling with short, shallow breaths.
Now it was your throat tightening, too, and the second your mouth started to flood with saliva, you knew what was about to happen. Leon didn’t stop you when you writhed out of his embrace and stumbled out of bed, depending on muscle memory alone to get yourself to the bathroom with how woozy and ill you felt.
You just barely made it to the toilet in time to vomit. The cold tile felt nice on your knees, but the impact, not as much. It wasn’t long before Leon materialized at your side with a glass of water and a cold washcloth to hold over your forehead, rubbing your back and already silently conspiring to call out of work and give his poor, sick angel the princess treatment all day.
You collapsed back into his chest with a deep shudder, reaching for the water in a desperate attempt to wash the taste of bile from your mouth. He ended up grabbing it for you, raising it to your cracked lips and helping you take slow, measured drinks.
“There you go, pup,” He hummed, rocking you gently in his lap, his poor little darling princess. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.”
Your eyes fluttered closed, a sense of relief washing over you at last. Maybe you just caught a bug, or ate something your body didn’t agree with, or your stress and exhaustion were finally catching up to you. Surely you would feel better within a few days.
“I’m okay,” You whispered, reaching for his hand and squeezing it affectionately. “Thanks for taking care of me.”
Leon smiled, a burst of warmth spreading through his chest. You couldn’t possibly imagine what that meant to him, considering he chose to interpret it in whatever way felt most validating. After all, no one could take care of you like Leon could, and they wouldn’t have the chance to try, anyway. Not over his dead body.
Stooping down to kiss the crown of your head, Leon’s every word was thick with syrupy sweetness, “My baby, I would be so lost if I didn’t. Taking care of you is like breathing to me.”
And he meant every part of it. He didn’t just mean it, he showed it. He showed it when he held your hair back, and he showed it when you realized you couldn’t even remember when you’d had your last period. He showed it when you sent him to the drugstore in the middle of the night for pregnancy tests, and he showed it when you broke down crying at the results, wondering how this could have happened.
His favorite part was showing it when you tearfully called your parents and told them you were staying in Raccoon City, not because you had found a job, but because you were pregnant.
“I can’t believe they’re choosing to react like this, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. They should be happy for you, and it’s awful that they’re anything but happy for you,” He said, voice low and soothing, tone purposeful. “I’ve got you, princess. I’ve got you. I’m gonna take good care of you and this baby, and we’re gonna be happy. Alright?”
Leon tipped your chin up with his knuckle, making you look at him. Your cheeks were red and your eyes were puffy with tears, droplets still clinging to your little dolly eyelashes.
It was hard not to believe him when he spoke with such conviction, when he looked at you with those rich blue eyes that bled from an endless well of love. The pad of his thumb skimmed over your pouty bottom lip as you unknowingly submitted to his grand design.
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hannieehaee · 4 months
so about the dk thing... hold my beer, luna! I have some things for you:
- him being the biggest advocate for princess treatment™ 24/7, but becoming mean one specific night out of stress (due to work or anything you want), the outcome can be angsty or smutty >> this one can be a little tricky, because I swear I never saw seokmin mad...
- seokmin with an extremely shy s/o who makes him endeared every time, especially if she struggles when asking for any type of ffection
- dk in his mingyu era... also known as the scenario where seokmin gets constantly teased by his s/o about everything he does (which I can see happening, since he's such a sweet soul), but there's a turn 🤨☝️: dk gets his bite back by domming the f out of her 🫶
this is the result of being extremely dk obsessed.
I don't know if any of these were able to spark anything in your pretty brain, but I love anything you write anyway so...
kisses ♡
18+ / mdi
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content: mean!seokmin, sub-ish reader, afab reader, smut, established relationship, angst, fluff, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 2813
a/n: thank u for the suggestions anonie i loved them 🫡 i decided to do the first one hehe (mostly bc i live for princess treatment in fics but thats a subject for another day) hope u enjoy, fellow dk obsessed individual <3
if there was an award for best boyfriend, seokmin would easily get first place.
he was always known to be the sweetest, most caring boy around. he had even gotten teased in front of millions over the extremely long texts he had a tendency to send to showcase how deeply he cared for the people in his life. seokmin just happened to be an overly affectionate guy, but who could blame him when he had so much love to give?
however, no one had truly scratched the surface of his affections. no one, but you. you bore the brunt of the most passionate and emotional aspects of his love. there was no one in this world seokmin knew how to love better than you. it was almost as if being your boyfriend had been the one task he had been sent to do on this earth. and he did it damn well.
to sum it up, you were his everything. seokmin had always craved romantic love; to have someone who he could give all his affections to without any type of filter or judgement. you happily received his love and gave yours right back, making you one of the most envied couples around due to the love that very clearly radiated out of the two of you.
every single one of your days was met by endless affection from your boyfriend, affections which he adored to give to you. you never had to ask for anything from seokmin. he just always knew the perfect ways in which to take care of you, always insisting on tending to your every need. however, everyone has off days. even seokmin.
the day had started like any other. you'd gone to sleep in each other's arms, waking up equally as tangled up as the previous night. seokmin woke up first, quickly getting ready before kissing you goodbye with the promise of coming back in time to have a dinner with you. the prospect always made him giddy. his whole life he'd always wanted a domestic routine to share with the love of his life day by day and now it was his reality.
like always, he departed home with a smile on his face, knowing he was about to arrive to his dream job that he shared with his best friends only to go back home at the end of the day and fall into your arms all over again. life was good; far too good to seokmin.
it seemed like those were the last few good moments seokmin was meant to have that day, as absolutely everything went wrong after that.
it first began with him embarrassingly tripping on his way out of the car that had driven him to the company, cutting up one of his favorite designer tops (one that had been a limited edition by the way!!). only a few people had seen, so the fall on its own hadnt been too embarrassing. however, as he fell he also happened to drop and smash his phone screen. upon trying to turn his phone back on, he failed, now being stuck with a useless phone for the rest of the day (or even all the way until he had a chance to get it fixed).
the shitty day did not end there. it was just starting.
the next awful predicament occurred just as he walked into the practice room. he hadnt known it until stepping foot inside, but he had just walked into a fight. a few of the members had been fighting about some stupid and unimportant thing, which made at least half of them far too irritable for their own good. on days in which members were irritated at each other, their coordination had a tendency to lack, which only caused more irritation. members snapped at each other throughout the day, making the hours of practice almost unbearable for seokmin. on top of that, he had developed a huge headache just an hour into leaving home. he was also nursing an old ankle injury he had neglected to get treated, which was now acting up due to his fall earlier that day.
his ankle injury led to a few performance team members snapping at him due to his lack in performance. he knew in his heart of hearts that it was just a stressful day for them all (and that his own attitude had been snappy thus far), but he couldnt bring himself to reason this, making him snap right back at his members. even upon going out to eat with his manager he bumped into some rude fans who had been a bit careless with his personal space, except this time he coupdnt react since he knew itd become a scandal.
halfway through his day seokmin realized how rude and unlike himself he had been acting. usually he'd be the mediator in any arguments among members, but today he had even joined in and worsened the situation. he also never really minded if fans were a little overexcited upon meeting him, simply chalking it up to the shock they felt at seeing him. except this time he found himself feeling annoyed? at it. this was very unlike him, but his mood simply continued to worsen throughout the day.
by the time he was heading back home, the final nail was hammered into the coffin. the van that usually drove him back and forth had broken down, causing seokmin, his driver and manager to have to stop on the side of a busy street to check on the issue. seokmin, of course, had to stay inside the van and not make his presence known, knowing he'd easily be recognized in the busy street. this was a fact that irritated him too for some reason.
by the end of it, it had taken over an hour to get the problem fixed, and he had no access to his phone to contact you and let you know that he'd be arriving home way later than usual.
that was the moment in which you entered his mind again. the thought of you instantly made him sigh in relief, knowing that soon enough he'd get to fall asleep in your arms and wake up to a better day.
it was 10:47 when he finally arrived back to your shared home, two hours after the usual time in which he'd reunite with you every day. upon walking in he was met with something he had not wanted to deal with after such an stressful day. you were there to greet him as per usual, but did not seem too happy to see him.
you opened your mouth before he could say anything.
"seokmin, what the hell? i called you twelve times. i even asked the members to call you and no response? what was so important that you ignored me all day?", you seemed very frustrated as you said it, clearly oblivious to the terrible day he'd just had.
"baby– "
"you said you'd be here for dinner by 8! what was so important you couldnt even give me a heads up? we rarely ever get to have dinner together. i spent hours cooking and getting ready and you just ditch me, and for what?", you continued to ramble, giving him no space to answer.
now, any other day seokmin wouldve maybe assumed that your outburst mightve been due to you having a bad day of your own. but today he was just too angry. there was no space in his mind for him to rationalize your lack of sympathy to him in this moment. despite knowing there was no way for you to know that his day had sucked, he also reasoned that you were not even giving him a chance to explain himself. this fact on its own finally did him in. you were going to be unreasonable? fine, then he was going to be mean. all frustrations from the day suddenly came together and manifested into the angry words that were about to leave his mouth.
"and– "
"god, can you please shut up?", he suddenly interrupted you with a tone so icy he even surprised himself, but he kept going regardless, "ive had such a horrible day, i dont appreciate coming home to your nagging. do you even care that maybe i had a reason for being late? i dont have to be here at eight on the dot every single night. nor do i have to keep you updated all day. god, please just leave me alone for today. i cant deal with you on top of everything else."
upon finishing his rambles, seokmin was out of breath. he hadnt said much, but the venom behind his words was enough to render him speechless. the moment the words left his mouth he felt the utmost regret. your face had gone from shocked to dejected to simply sad as he spoke. his went from frustrated to angry to regretful. the two of you stared at each other for a few seconds before seokmin tried to go and rectify himself.
"fuck, baby ... im so sorry, i dont know where that came from. i– i didnt mean any of that. i had a horrible day and– "
"is that it? it seemed like something you'd already thought about", it was now your turn to be angry, it seemed.
"no, baby, i swear! i was just trying to ... trying to be mean. i was trying to hurt your feelings. im so sorry. everything went wrong today and i was just so angry all day. i couldnt even call you because i broke my phone. see!", he pulled his phone out to show you, taking the opportunity to get closer to you, "i know its no justification, but i did not mean a single word i said. i love our nightly routine. i love coming home to you every day more than anything. please dont doubt that. i shouldntve taken out my anger on you. it will never happen again. please, please forgive me?", his endless ramble finally came to an end, puppy eyes staring into yours as he hoped you saw the sincerity in them.
halfway through his speech he had managed to make you give into him and let him hold you as he spoke. this simple act made him glad.
"minnie ... im sorry you had a bad day. but you should never speak to me like that. i love you, but i wont tolerate that. if something bothers you, you have to tell me, not blow up on me like– "
"no! nothing about you ever bothers me! i adore absolutely everything about our relationship and our routine. im so sorry. i shouldve told you when i came home that my day had put me in a mood instead of snapping at you like that."
you chuckled, "i cant really blame you. i threw accusations at you the moment you walked in. im sorry. can we call it even?"
"yes, angel. of course. im sorry i spoiled the dinner. wish i couldve seen how pretty you dressed up for me," he pouted at you.
"it's okay, minnie. there's always tomorrow. are you still feeling angry? did your ramble help you at least?", he winced at the mention of the disrespectful words he had just spoken mere minutes ago, but you seemed already unaffected by them.
to be quite honest, seokmin still felt peeved off at his day. from his fall, to his phone, to his members being mean and unreasonable, to then having his car fail and keep him from you, to then finally getting home and picking a fight with you, it was safe to say he was still dissatisfied. he needed something to relieve his stress, but he didnt want to put that onto you again.
"honestly? i still feel frustrated. it was just such a shitty day, i ... i dont know," he sighed, "i kinda feel like breaking something."
"how about me?", you sounded so genuine as you asked.
"yeah. you could use me to destress. right, minnie?", there wasnt even any lust behind your words. he could tell that it was simply you trying to help out your stressed boyfriend.
"d– do you mean be mean to you?"
you nodded, leaning closer to him as you smiled.
"yes, minnie. would that help? taking your frustrations out on me?"
he groaned with no response, choosing instead to pull you into a greedy and wanton kiss.
his hands were immediately rough as they desperately kneaded at every curve in your body, so harsh in their movements he was already sure he'd leave a bruise or two in his wake.
suddenly he pulled away to inquire at you.
"wait, baby. are you sure? i don't want to hurt you."
"you won't. you never would. do your worst, seokmin," and with that, you pulled him back to you to continue kissing.
surprisingly enough, the simple kissing on its own had begun to alleviate his mood a bit. being able to feel your whines as he fondled your body as he saw fit was already making him forget about his shitty day.
it didnt take long for him to drag you to your shared room and throw you on the bed, immediately going to rip your skimpy pajamas off so that he could have a full view of the body he was about to ram into the bed.
"oh, angel. you're so fucking beautiful ... gonna be so fucking mean to you, angel, im sorry," except he wasnt sorry. and both his tone of voice and devilish grin let you know of that fact.
you lay limp for him to take action, something which made him groan internally, knowing you were putting yourself fully at his disposition. he took advantage of this, choosing to undress himself and finally begin to hover over you.
immediately he flipped you around roughly, forcing you onto your elbow and knees as you gasped at the sudden movement. he fondled you some more and made it so you'd arch your back for him as much as physically possible.
he had no need to prepare neither you nor himself, as he was hard the moment you asked him to use you, and you were practically dripping at his rough attitude.
"baby, gonna fuck you now, yeah? let me know if it's too much."
you gave him the green light, leading him to immediately ramming into you with no further warning.
"f– fuck!"
"oh, fuck. feel so fucking good, beautiful. gonna fuck you so good ... gonna atone for every shitty thing that happened today ...", with that he began slamming into you with no mercy, drinking in every single scream you let out. he knew his neighbors might mind, but he didnt care for that right now. all he wanted was for you to crumble under him.
"you're such a good toy for me, angel. my pretty girl, letting me use her– fuck! ... however i see fit."
"m– minnie!"
"i know, beautiful, i know. such a pretty toy ..."
his movements only became harsher as he grew closer and closer to his end. he knew yours was coming too, based on the heightened pitch of your moans and the way you tried to push yourself back on him despite the sheer strength of his thrusts. it was impossible for him not to fall in love with how good you were for him. it was also impossible for him to be actually mean to you, choosing instead to praise you as your orgasm came to be.
"c– cum for me, beautiful. let me fill up your pretty cunt ..."
"yes, minnie! yours, all yours ..."
he didnt need more than that to fill you up, ramming against you one last time as he winced at the loud sound of his hips slamming against your ass. he swore he almost lost consciousness at the inexplicable pleasure he felt from cumming so deep inside you, hearing you slump over due to lack of energy.
your orgasms subsided together, leading seokmin to do quick work of your clean up and settling with you in the still half-messy bed, rushing to hold you in his arms, which was what he'd wanted since leaving home that morning.
"feel better?", you broke the silence.
"yeah, thanks angel," he grinned at you, giving you a quick peck.
"you weren't even mean to me!", you whined.
"it was hard, okay? i love you!"
"yeah, whatever ..."
"say it back!"
"ill think about it."
"baby!", this time he unglued your bodies, hovering over you as he tried to give you his, "you dont be mean!"
you giggled at him, giving in upon his sudden attack of kisses all over your face, "fine! i love you!"
he finally stopped, opting to cuddle into your side once more, "that's what i thought."
a/n: sorry the smut was too short idk how to write seokmin as mean 💔
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coleslawleviathan · 4 months
okay so. i challenged myself to try and draw some snakes and try to capture the features i want to stand out for them. i wanted to see if i could make them all look distinct but where its obvious they look extremely similar.
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heres the main lineup but i want to get into design elements for them as well as some personal headcanons.
FIRST! bibo.
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okay so. i'm going to toot my own horn here. i think his beard looks so fire and i did a good job. i imagine this design is around the portable ops era... not much else to say because most of the interesting stuff (at least to me) comes from the differences the others have from him.
V!!! I LOVE YOU V!!!!!!!!!!
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for venom snake, i made him look like big boss but Something's Off. in the game people often (notably huey and the boss' ai) don't recognize him as big boss for a few seconds. an imperfect replica because you cannot get that close with plastic surgery. i made the fat distribution on his neck a bit different from bibo's because i imagine the way that the human body configures itself is hard to change. if you noticed the little snake-tongue-shaped-hair-doohickeys, he is the only one with a slightly different shape. it's a genetic thing, you wouldn't get it. just thought that was silly. his hair texture is different, too. can u tell i like him a lot. also, my favorite detail might be his different nose shape. they never got bibo's nose right i guess. in mgsv, he actually has a bit of a downturned nose, and i honestly don't think i captured that enough.
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SNAVID! the most obvious difference here is his nose. he broke it as a kid lol. i love headcanons. there's not as much to say about him as with venom, but i can say that he is incredibly handsome and i like him. i think he is cute. was he free yesterday? if so i would like to have dinner yesterday with him yesterday. well... i will say that out of this specific lineup i think he looks the most like good old dad. which is awful and i feel bad for him.
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i gave him his canonical sharp nose and high cheekbones! i based a lot of his features off how he looked as a kid so he really has little shit vibes about him. he also has thinner eyebrows, and i headcanon that he does them himself lol. he has less sideburny sideburns than his brother. his eyelids are also smaller. he also does look kinda like kaz so its plausible that he tricked dave! yippee! i also like drawing his hair. its such a great hairstyle. it reminds me of a lion's mane.
N E WAYS... i hope you enjoyed me rambling about giving these goobers a more realistic design for future reference. i like talking about this kind of stuff. life is so much better without same face syndrome.
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fug0th · 7 months
Its that time yet again boys, it's time for a new cosplay! This time I even made a full length build video to go with it!
This time it's Zora Salazar from Epithet Erased!
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Huge thanks to my roommate for taking the pictures
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In total this outfit took 106 hours to make, I dyed all the fabric in this outfit by hand, 3d modeled the gauntlets, guns, buttons, and all the other parts that couldn't be made with fabric. The lining is machine embroidered while the strips on the arms are hand embroidered. And now to highlight all the little details that aren't normally visible. For starters the lining of the poncho
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Making this outfit I knew I wanted it to tell a story. I had the idea of making the lining of the poncho look like it was an old blanket that zora turned into a poncho. I asked jello what zora's favorite color was and he told me it was sunset yellow. So with that in mind I tore the lining up and sewed in some sunset yellow patches that I made using some fabric scraps. I also wanted zora's entire outfit to be able to change colors in the sun to reflect her sun powers.
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For instance look at the color difference in the poncho between inside and outside. While all of the details change colors the sun is the most noticable. I also added a lot of details in like weathering. My favorite example of this is on the gauntlets and guns
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And last but not least for details I want to mention is the scarf, spurs and hat.
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The scarf took approximately 4 hours to cover both sides with the gold flower and leaf design. The spurs where a mix or filiment printing for the base and resin printing for the spike and caps. While not a true wolf I thought zora fit the maned wolf best due to their reputation for smelling, solitary hunting, and long legs. I also gave zora's outfit an overall sunflower motif for obvious reasons.
Anyways thank you so much for reading, I hope u enjoyed the cosplay!
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ellabsprincess · 1 year
if you’re still taking smut suggestions…begging u to write abby & ellie with a remote control vibe that they love to tease you with…they have you put it in before one of your dates and then are just merciless throughout the night… turning it on when you’re right about to order a meal, making you squirm when you’re at checkout, just getting you all hot and bothered and right on edge so they can take you home and fuck you with their straps the rest of the night… <3<3<3 - 🐚
when i tell you this ask had me RUNNING LAPS- please submit any other ellabsxreader ideas you have because this is PERFECTION
also i'm so sorry that this took so long 😫 so many things came up and i just couldn't find much time to work on it :(
i hope you enjoy baby!!
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"teasing" (ellabsxreader)
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word count: 3.5k
warnings: 18+, modern au, dom!ellie, dom!abby, sub!reader, reader is a crybaby, girly reader, use of a vibrator, slight exhibitionism, strap ons, strap sucking, cunnilingus, face sitting, established relationship, aftercare
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swear it's just right for you, like this pussy designed for you
"damn baby i don't know if i can let you go out of the house looking like that," abby said, her hands wandering on your waist and hips as her lips kissed down your neck, making you giggle softly.
it was date night with your girlfriends, and they had decided to take you out to a fancy restaurant in a sky-scraping building that overlooked the city. of course, you wanted to look your best for the occasion, so you had brought out your tiniest black dress that you knew drove both of them crazy. the dress hugged your body in all the right places, and gave your girlfriends the perfect view of your black lace panties when you bent over.
staring at yourself in the mirror, you watched as abby began to kiss down your collarbone. she looked delicious in a form-fitting suit that made her ass look good enough to bite. but before she could reach your cleavage, you stopped her.
"abs if we keep going like this we're gonna miss our reservation," you reminded her, to which she responded with a pout. rolling your eyes at her neediness, you called out toward the bathroom. "ellie, are you almost ready?"
right on cue, your other girlfriend emerged from the bathroom, her hair done in her signature top-knot and dressed in a suit that dipped low enough to show off the tops of her perky breasts. the three of you were near salivating over each other, all dressed in your best attire for the date and all already impatient to rip one another's clothes off.
"alright, let's go!" you exclaimed, your heels clacking on the bedroom floor as you grabbed your handbag and started to head towards the door. but before you could make it more than a few steps, a familiar muscular forearm stopped your movements.
"just one minute princess, ellie and i have a surprise for you," a mischievous and nefarious glint was clear in abby's eye. "ellie baby, be a dear and grab her present."
ellie winked at you before walking to the large dresser on the side of your room, and opening one of the top drawers. she grabbed a black box that she brought over to you and abby. she opened it to reveal a small pink vibrator.
"you see baby, it's remote controlled, so abby and i have complete control over it. it's gonna stay inside that pretty pussy our whole date, okay? are you comfortable with that sweetheart?" ellie and abby were both dominant in your dynamic, but you were ultimately the one with the power. they never wanted to push you too far, and always checked in to ensure your comfort.
you were nearly squirming with enthusiasm. you were already worked up from seeing your girlfriends in their outfits, and you were desperate for any sort of stimulation, although you knew you would just be teased and edged the entire date.
"i'm more than okay with that," you assured ellie breathlessly.
"good girl," abby praised in your ear. she reached down underneath your daringly short dress to pull aside your panties and give ellie access to insert the vibe. it slid in easily from your arousal, and you could already feel yourself clenching slightly around the device. after it was secured, abby fixed your panties and your dress, and gave your ass a quick pat.
"alright, let's head out," ellie said, doing little to hide her anticipation.
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the view from the restaurant was so breathtaking you nearly forgot about the game your girlfriends were playing with you. you were mesmerized by the city and all of the twinkling, glowing lights below you when you were startled with the vibe coming to life inside you. you nearly knocked over your drink out of surprise, as the toy was not only vibrating inside you, but an appendage of the toy was also placed directly on your clit and was stimulating you perfectly.
you looked over at abby, the clear culprit as she smirked behind her phone. after a few seconds, the vibe was still.
"oh that's just a taste, baby, just wait."
the date actually proceeded as normal, and just consisted of you, ellie, and abby chatting and enjoying the view, that is until your waiter returned to take your orders. as abby spoke to the waiter, asking for the specials to prolong the interaction, of course, she handed her phone to ellie, and you felt the vibe whir to life again, except on a much higher setting. you barely kept a moan in as you noticeably shifted and adjusted in your seat. the waiter glanced over at you, but said nothing.
as ellie ordered, of course taking her sweet time and basking in the moment, abby took control, and the toy started pulsing inside you. your thighs clenched together as you gritted your teeth, already feeling your arousal drip down your thighs.
finally, it was your turn to order, and the vibrations increased in intensity. you quickly rambled out your meal choice, sounding breathless. the waiter stayed polite and professional, but had an obviously concerned tone as they assured the three of you that your food would be out soon.
as soon as the waiter turned and walked briskly away, the vibe stopped.
"princess, is something wrong? you seem flushed and out of breath." abby teased, her voiced laced with sarcasm and faux pity.
"yeah baby, do you need something?" ellie chimed.
i want your straps, you thought, but you simply brushed away their sarcasm, and the conversation picked up from where it had been interrupted by the waiter. you were in constant anticipation of the vibrator to turn on once again, and yet you were consistently disappointed. abby's phone was left untouched and face-down on the table as your food was brought out, and the night continued.
the food was delicious, and the three of you devoured your entrees and desserts. the restaurant was expensive, but the food was definitely worth the price. still you were left unsatisfied, as you had to keep clenching your thighs together, your soaked panties sticking to you uncomfortably and a noticeable wetness still present on your inner thighs. of course, ellie and abby noticed your desperation, taking action one final time as the waiter returned with your bill.
the vibe powered on once again, the highest setting yet, as abby was agonizingly slow reaching into her wallet, and pulling out her card. you were biting your lip so hard you thought you might draw blood as the waiter turned to leave. ellie felt like teasing you just a bit longer, and grabbed the waiter's attention at the last minute, chatting them up about the wonderful experience you three had had that night.
"okay, well, i have to get back to my other tables, but you three have a great night!" the waiter ended the conversation and you could feel the tension leave your shoulders, the vibe finally going still once again.
the mood had noticeably shifted, and the three of you wanted to get home as quickly as possible, and fuck out all of the pent-up tension from the night. rising on shaky legs, abby and ellie both put one arm around your waist to assist you, guiding you in the long journey back to the parking garage.
you were so aroused and frustrated from being on-edge that you were letting out quiet whimpers that were driving ellie and abby crazy.
"fucking hell princess, can't wait to get you home. gonna fuck you with my strap so good. you wanna cum all over my cock, baby?" abby said lowly in your ear. you could only whine and nod pathetically.
you were almost to the car, about to climb in the front passenger seat when ellie stopped you. "come on baby, get in the back with me."
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"fuck yes yes yes ellie right there! don't fucking stop ohmygod," you were babbling and moaning as ellie's long fingers quickly pumped in and out of you. as soon as abby had started the car and begun to drive away, ellie was ripping your panties off, removing the vibe, and fucking you with her pretty fingers.
"taking me so well baby, god you're so fucking wet," squelching noises filled in the car, along with your whines and ellie's praises. you looked to the driver's seat to find abby with a death grip on the steering wheel, impatient and desperate to fill you with her strap.
"oh god i'm gonna cum, please ellie let me cum."
"that's it, cum on my fingers baby, you earned it, such a good girl."
you let out a high pitched moan and gushed on ellie's fingers, soaking her hand. she took her fingers out of you and slipped them into her mouth, sucking on them pornographically, moaning at the taste of you. she leaned in and your lips met, her tongue finding your mouth hungrily.
"so pretty when you cum, sweetheart. you feeling better?"
"uh huh" you nodded quickly.
"good. but don't even think for a second that's the last time you're gonna cum tonight."
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"that's it, take my fucking cock baby."
abby's strap was pounding into you, the sound of your wetness as well as her thighs hitting your ass filling the room as you moaned into ellie's sweet pussy.
it was a sight to behold.
abby's thick, girthy strap buried inside you as she fucked you from behind. ellie's legs were spread before you, her inner thighs littered with hickeys and evidence of your sticky kisses. you circled her puffy clit with your tongue, flicking and teasing her as she moaned above you. she let out quiet gasps of pleasure as you moved your tongue to her hole, filling her and fucking her to the same rhythm of abby's strap.
you were looking up at ellie with pure need, your eyes big and almost innocent as they filled with tears of pleasure. you were so overwhelmed from your pleasure, and so happy to be between her thighs, and it was sending her over the edge as she gripped your hair roughly to fuck your tongue even deeper inside her.
"that's it ellie, be rough with our little princess," abby demanded breathlessly behind you. "she loves being our little plaything, don't you sweetheart?"
you could only whine pathetically and nod as much as ellie's grip allowed you, and abby let out a chuckle as she sped up her pace. you were so submissive to both her and ellie, and seeing the red handprints on your ass coupled with how ellie was manhandling you as you ate her pussy desperately was making abby lose control. the base of her thick and girthy strap was rubbing against her clit just right, and all she wanted to do was cum.
"oh fuck baby, i'm gonna cum all over your face. gonna make a mess of you," you could feel how close ellie was just from how she was clenching around your tongue, so you brought a shaky hand up to her neglected clit. your pleasure made it hard to focus, but even your messy circles were enough as ellie came with a loud moan, gushing on your face. she quickly moved your face away from her to get a good luck at her work, and god she nearly came again. your eyes were blown out, and the lower half of your face was soaked. you weren't able to speak coherently as abby's strap railed into you, making your tits bounce rhythmically.
"oh poor baby, you just wanna cum, don't you?" you nodded as tears finally began to fall. ellie pouted sympathetically, moving to wipe them away before kissing you hungrily, tasting her sweet juices on your swollen lips. "abby, should we let our pretty girl cum?"
abby was breathless, but managed to answer ellie, "well she was such a good girl.....at dinner with that vibe.....and she's taking my strap like...a good slut right now.....so i think she does."
"hear that baby?" ellie leaned down to your ear. you nodded, and she chuckled. "good, now come on abby's cock."
you didn't need to be told twice. abby was hitting your g-spot repeatedly, and you felt that rubber band inside you was about to snap. with a few more thrusts, and encouragements from ellie and abby, you finally reached your release. you collapsed down onto the bed, your legs trembling and your entire body feeling weak from the strength of your orgasm.
you almost didn't hear abby grunting and moaning loudly behind you, reaching her orgasm in the last few thrusts of her strap.
you felt her pull out, your pussy clenching at the empty feeling. you heard the distinct sound of her strap and harness hitting the floor before you felt two pairs of hands caressing your back.
"shh baby, you did so good for us, just relax."
"took my strap so well princess, did such a good job."
after laying on the bed and catching your breath, you opened your eyes, and sat up, finding your girlfriends tending to you, and making sure you were okay after the intense session.
"how are you feeling baby?" ellie asked.
"so fucking good," you laughed, "i just need a minute cause....wow."
your girlfriends chucked in synchronization.
"do you wanna call it a night or.."
"oh no, i wanna keep going! i just need a break since that orgasm was really intense, fucking hell."
abby smiled. "i know you hate when we tease you, but god the way you look and feel when you finally cum after a night of edging...jesus christ baby. your pussy was gripping my cock so hard i thought i wasn't gonna be able to pull out," she laughed, stroking your hair before placing a kiss on your cheek and meeting your eyes with a fond and blissful look on her face.
you were about to fire off a cheeky response when you felt the bed dip next to you. in your post-orgasmic haze, you hadn't noticed that ellie had left to grab three glasses of water. taking a cold glass from her hand, you took a sip, the ordinary water tasting like sweet nectar after the night's activities.
time passed by quickly as you became more grounded in your surroundings, abby's strong hands massaging your back as ellie's puffy lips left soft kisses all over your face. finally, you felt yourself return to normal, no longer feeling uncontrollably floaty from your orgasm.
"there's our girl," abby said, turning your head to face hers. "ready to keep going?" you nodded enthusiastically. "words, princess."
"yes, i'm ready to keep going!"
"good. now come sit that pretty pussy on my face. ellie, grab your strap and fuck our girl's throat."
your eyes lit up in excitement, ellie practically leaping off the bed to find her strap as abby shifted to lay flat on her back, her face near the end of the bed so ellie could stand while you sucked her strap.
as you heard the unmistakable sounds of ellie fixing her harness in the corner of the room, you placed your thighs around abby's head, but not lowering yourself quite yet.
"did i say hover? fucking sit, princess." abby demanded hungrily.
your insecurities and worries about weight simply flew away the moment you sat down and felt abby's tongue on you. abby was a definite munch, and loved to spend hours between your or ellie's thighs, but her skill level still manages to surprise you every time. you as her tongue circles your engorged clit, her large hands find your hips and ass, stroking and groping at your already sore flesh. it's a perfect mix of pain and pleasure, and you're in heaven, moaning and grinding above her.
ellie suddenly appears before you, her thick, long, purple strap standing at attention, and at perfect level with your mouth. she steps closer, grabbing your face in her hands, and stroking your cheeks. you look up at her with pleading eyes to find her returning your look with dominance evident on her face.
"we both know what you want, but i want to hear you beg for it," ellie says with a coy smile.
you pout before responding desperately, "please ellie let me suck your cock. i'll be so good, just need to feel you down my throat. please ellie, please!"
satisfied, she moves her strap near your mouth, and you welcome it initially with small kisses and kitten licks, teasing slightly before slowly taking the girth in your mouth. ellie and abby both love big straps, so it's always a stretch when you take one of them in your mouth, but you love the challenge and the feeling of helplessness it gives you.
abby takes your clit into her mouth, causing you to moan as ellie simultaneously pushes her length deeper into your mouth. it's almost entirely inside your mouth and throat, the tip hitting your throat and almost making you gag, but you breathe through it, moaning and whining as drool slowly begins to fall out of your mouth.
you feel utterly desirable, and completely worshipped by your girlfriends in the moment. abby is almost making out with your pussy, messily licking and kissing as she can't get enough of your taste. ellie is above you, looking down at you adoringly as you struggle to take her cock, your lips stretched around it's girth. you look like a slutty wreck, and ellie thinks you've never looked more beautiful.
abby's manhandling you, forcing you to grind on her face as her tongue is tracing toe-curling patterns on your clit. you're so sensitive from your last orgasm that you already feel yourself getting close, your moans around ellie's strap increasing in pitch.
ellie knows from that change in pitch that you're getting closer, so she increases the speed of her thrusts into your mouth, knowing that feeling overwhelmed and helpless will only intensify your pleasure. tears are falling from your eyes as you start to gag. but you don't even care, as abby's tongue is fucking in and out of you as she rubs her face against your pussy, her nose creating blissful pressure on your clit.
you're their perfect little fucktoy. abby's hands forcing you to ride her face as she makes out with your pussy while ellie fucks your throat and you gag around her length. your brain is almost foggy from the pleasure, and you swear you almost black out as you finally cum on abby's face.
abby eventually slows her movements, grunting as she licks up your essence, not ready to give up the taste of you. ellie carefully pulls her strap out your mouth, carefully touching your face and your stretched out lips. finally had enough of your taste, abby helps you down from her face as ellie moves to take her strap off.
you immediately collapse back on the bed, your legs shaking and feeling like jelly as you touch your face, enjoying the soreness of your lips and jaw.
"how's our princess feeling?" abby asks, genuinly concerned.
"like i'm in heaven."
abby laughs at your blissed-out answer, climbing up on the bed to lay next to you, pulling you into her wide arms and placing feather-light kisses in your hair.
once out of her harness, ellie joins the body of you, laying on your other side and kissing your face as she holds your hands to ground you. your girlfriends can sense that you are drifting off, so they reluctantly shake you awake to clean you up before bed.
"do you wanna take a bath or a shower baby?" ellie asks softly.
"no, just wanna lay here with you guys," you whine.
"well, we still have to clean you up. abby, do you wanna grab some washcloths?"
abby carefully passes you from her arms to ellie's embrace before heading to the bathroom. your girlfriends work to clean you up as best as they can in your rag-doll state, exhausted from the night. they clean your face and body with a washcloth, wiping away the sweat and cum before dressing you in one of abby's oversize t-shirts and a pair of ellie's boxers. they lay you back down on the sheets, placing your favorite blanket over you.
they clean themselves up hastily and change into pajamas before climbing into bed with you, each taking one side of you. exchanging a quick yet love-filled and passionate kiss, they snuggle into bed.
"i love you guys"
"love you princess, love you els"
"love you baby, love you abs"
they would worry about showering and changing the sheets in the morning.
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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moonsofmachinery · 6 months
u should do sunstone (peb x suns)!!!!!!!!! tyyy!!!!
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Sunstone (request 1/2)
I have come to the realization that I am very bad at drawing 'romantic' scenes, as they usually end up coming off as strangely platonic or incredibly neurodivergent-coded.
I do hope you enjoy this and the next one though, my back hurts so much.
(Also, Something in this image looks inexplicably awkward and I'm not sure what! My apologies!) (At least this gave me an excuse to draw my srs design again, their ref will be done soon btw!)
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pedgito · 2 years
hi my darling! i would love to see eddie making u cum fast n hard and easing u through the orgasm. in a mood for attention + horneeeeeeeeee
hope u are doing well + staying healthy!!
author’s note: i love needy but attentive eddie so much so i hope you enjoy this as much as i did :(
cw: 18+ (minors dni), fem!reader, oral (f receiving), teasing/touchy eddie, eddie is the sweetest boyfriend in the world, he also loves getting his hair braided, fluff, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, aftercare, if i missed anything lmk.
word count: 3.2k
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Eddie was a pleaser, albeit his lack of suaveness added to his charm. He fumbled over his words constantly, stuttered when he was nervous and around you—which was almost always. He laughed at the best and worst times—he could make a tense moment easier to get through and he chuckled through the silly ones. It was one of the reasons you fell for him so quickly.
But, if there was one thing about him that you didn’t initially expect—it was the greediness. His want, his insatiable need to make you feel good all the time. It started off small—holding your hand when you grabbed for his wrist instead, not wanting to be too touchy in public, but Eddie loved it. It was a hard switch at first, allowing yourself to have the things you wanted—even a simple touch. But, Eddie changed that part of you so quickly, you weren’t sure why it ever existed in the first place.
Eddie wasn’t always eager, he did enjoy the slow build up—he could kiss you for hours, slow presses of your lips, soft and delicate as his tongue swiped against your bottom lip, driving you crazy. He’d kiss down your face, your neck, your entire body, reaching every last surface of skin possible to taste you. If he was feeling particularly playful, he’d nip at your side—bury his face into the curve of your waist and squeeze until your squealed, the soft tickle of his curls as the dragged against your skin, his blunt fingernails bringing you to near tears as he kept on until you were begging—only then would he let up. 
He liked slipping you over his lap, thighs spread out as your knees pressed into the mattress—you’d talk for hours on end, his fingers drawing absent patterns into your jeans, or your skin sometimes, if things got far enough. He liked to draw on you often, scribbling tiny designs on your wrists and hands as you laid on his chest, fingers dangling near his face. Eddie was a better listener than most, even when he didn’t have much to offer in return—small little noises of acknowledgement as he worked or closed his eyes even, just listening to your voice. It’s only when he throws the information back at you that you realize that he was listening and it wasn’t all for show, Eddie cared about you immensely.
As much as he liked to show that in public, it was very apparent when you were alone—but in all fairness, that care was reciprocated equally. You didn’t realize how much Eddie liked to be taken care of until he’s cross legged on the floor of his trailer one night, fresh out of the shower and popping another movie into the VHS player. He doesn’t say anything, but he looks up at you, almost pleading. 
“Again?” You ask with a faint laugh, holding your hand out.
Eddie hands you the brush and hair tie without word, smiling as you gave in, combing through his hair gently. It surprised you how well Eddie actually took care of his hair—assuming he was a water and three in one shampoo type of guy, which you were so far off about. He had all the necessary supplies, deep conditioning on the weekends and even let you do hair masks once a month; it was sweet and it made you happy, so Eddie obliged. He also really enjoyed having hair braided—he’d never been able to teach himself properly to do it on himself, but he was an expert when it came to the latter.
He always pulled your hair up or braided it back before sex, a small little intimacy that you didn’t know you needed. But, Eddie loved seeing your face—it was a crime for something so beautiful to be obscured or hidden from view, especially with how pretty you looked when you came—or so he always told you. 
You slipped your fingers through his hair, the small lean of his head as he fell into your touch, letting you pull and twist until you had the hair braided toward the crown of his head, pulling the rest up into a loose bun that sat near the top. Eddie tilted his head back, looking up at you with his wide eyes, lips pursing up into a pucker as he waited quietly. You smiled knowingly, leaning down to meet his lips in a chaste kiss. 
But, it was all a trap—Eddie had his hands around your waist the moment you leaned over, carefully sliding you to the floor beside him, your body thudding to the floor gently as he chuckled, “Are you feeling up to it tonight?”
“Are you?” You asked playfully, pressing your finger into his side until he jolts away, “You passed out last night after sex—like, immediately. I couldn’t even get you dressed, I just tucked you in and left.”
“It was a long campaign,” Eddie says in defense, “I didn’t think I’d be that exhausted—but I swear, I’m ready to go—I could go for hours, actually.”
You made a face of disbelief, not really believing him, “Don’t talk a big game if you can’t follow through.”
Eddie smiled deviously, shifting to his knees as he picked you up with an eagerness, hurling your body over his shoulder in one quick, solid movement, making the swift descent toward his unmade bed.
He was absolutely going to follow through.
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“You’re almost there,” Eddie pants, thighs squeezed between his hands as he pushes your legs up and apart, face buried in your cunt as you cry out, his tongue licking the swell of your clit furiously, bringing you right to the peak, before abruptly pulling back. Eddie knew your body almost as well as you; he wasn’t going to let you come that easy, not yet, “need to hear you beg for it, baby.”
Eddie didn’t like to edge you as much as he enjoyed it for himself—it was like torture for you, feeling so overwhelmed and hot, overtaken and desperate, all for it to be ripped away at the last second. But, he loved hearing you, seeing you, the small pout in your lips as he pulled back.
“Ask nicely,” Eddie tuts, smug grin covering his face, “you know your manners, sweetheart.”
And it seems contradictory to his usual attitude, so eager to please, but you fall for it every time; putty in his hands as he leans forward, just a breath away from touching you.
“Fuck, please,” You reply desperately, “—we haven’t even fucked yet and you’re already being—“
“A what?” Eddie asks teasingly, leaning over to nip at your thigh, teeth tugging gently at the flesh. “Say it.”
“You’re being mean,” You say petulantly, “it’s not fair, Eddie.”
Eddie shakes head slightly, “Not mean—just selfish, sweetheart—love hearing that sweet little voice of yours when you beg to come.”
You sigh softly, knowing that Eddie wouldn’t give you what you wanted until gave him what he wanted in return, it was a fair game of give and take.
So you turn it on, embarrassing yourself with how needy you sound, “Please, Eddie—will you let me come?”
“I know you’re trying to be coy,” Eddie snarks back, “but it’s still working for me.” And of course it is.
You shove his head gently, pulling at the curls near the crown of his head until he’s looking at you, eyes attentive, mouth slack.
“I’m serious,” You tell me, voice soft and pleading, “I need it—it’s not one of those nights. I just wanna feel good, please?”
Eddie nods eagerly, lips grazing against your folds lightly, tongue pressing flat against the seam of your cunt, hot and wet against his tongue at the taste of your slick—he’d never get enough.
Eddie isn’t about wasting time either, giving you exactly what you asked for—it builds up quickly, intensely, his hands joining his mouth in a perfect synonymous pattern pleasure, working every last nerve-ending until you were practically screaming his name, gasping on a choked breath as you orgasm hits you hard, blindsiding you completely. You can’t even keep your eyes open, head falling back as you moaned openly through the rapid waves of pleasure, cunt spasming as Eddie continued, working you through the end of your orgasm—but the feeling still lingers, like the speed and intensity of it didn’t allow you feel it at its full potential, leaving you wanting even more.
Eddie noticed your discomfort, face pinched up in frustration as you panted, cursing out a soft, “Fuck.”
“Not enough?” Eddie asks with a small hint of assumption, pulling to his knees slightly, thighs spread out as he tucked his own under yours. He rubs at the top of them soothingly, squeezing at the bare skin, “That one seemed rough—you think you can handle another?”
You nod dumbly, shifting up on your hands until you’re leaned up slightly, shirt scrunched up your stomach, cunt aching and swollen as it shifted against nothing, almost like Eddie was holding your thighs apart for a reason—an unfair one, at that.
Again, he was insatiable—sometimes downright annoying, if he wanted to be. But, you couldn’t stand it, not tonight—like his long day from yesterday, you felt the sentiment fully. You needed it, wanting to pass out from coming so hard, vision whiting out, body going numb—it was an out of body experience that you couldn’t quite describe, but you yearned for it on days like this, the distraction was more than welcomed.
“Not gonna fuck you,” He settles, slipping his hand past the band of his boxers to take his growing cock in hand, feeling the twitch as he takes hold, having not touched himself the entire night, “not yet, baby.”
“Eddie,” You plead, lip pulled down in a subtle pout, impatiently reaching for the waistband of his boxers, only to be stopped by his fingers wrapping around your wrist, holding you back, “please—I need it.”
“I know,” He chuckles softly, using the control his has on your hand to guide it over his dick, fingers grazing the outline of his hand as your fingers mold over his as he ruts into his own hand—it feels incredibly intimate, his eyes never really leaving your face, only glancing toward your joined hands briefly when he squeezed a little too hard, pulling a deep, guttural groan from his chest, “god—I fuckin’ know, sweetheart.”
But, you really can’t help it anymore—growing more impatient as the moment passes, pulling eagerly at the fabric covering himself and Eddie’s kind enough, so he gives in, allowing you to pull his underwear down far enough to where it’s tucked under his balls, settled halfway down his thighs, giving you a full, unobstructed view of his dick, something you’d never get tired of. 
He squeezed at the base, face scrunched up in concentration as he keens his hips forward, angry tip of his cock pressing into your folds gently, the pooled wetness soaking him quickly and he smiles at the soft moan you release when he drags the line of his cock up the seam of your cunt.
“Fuck, you weren’t joking,” Eddie breathes out, the tip of his dick pressing against your clit in a way that has you gasping out into the quiet air, spurring him further, dragging it against you teasingly until you’re practically gasping for air, still sensitive from your previous orgasm, “she wants it so bad.”
And frankly, you could come at the idea of Eddie always treating your pleasure, your body, like it was its only sentient being, apart from you—but right now, you were just frustrated.
You shake your head furiously, “Switch,” You tell him, not giving him much room to argue, but still he does, return a short laugh and a head shake, letting you know he wasn’t quite done—unfortunately for him, he was, “Eddie, switch—now.”
“But, sweetheart—wuh,” Eddie isn’t prepared for the sudden shift, yanking him down until you can change the dynamic, shoving him against the mattress, tearing off the last article of clothing covering your body, hands placed firmly on his chest as you hover over, allowing him a short duration to adjust, “—Woah, okay—“
You shush him softly, reaching between your bodies to grasp his cock, heavy and warm in your hands, as you like him up at your entrance, his wide eyes watching intently, disappearing into your cunt as you sink down slowly, a soft nudge at your hips as his hands take hold, thumbs dipping into the fold where your thighs met your pelvis, guiding you down carefully.
“S’good,” He comments, “so fucking good, baby.”
Eddie was pussy drunk and rambling most of the time, so caught up in the moment that he didn’t even remember half of the shit he said, but it was more than welcomed in the moment, his raw and shot tone driving a deep hit of pleasure to your core, the soft grip of his rough, calloused hands as he held on, feeling like you were his only source of grounding himself. 
“And you wanted to wait,” You chide, whining softly at the sharp thrust of his hips as he fits fully inside of you, settled to the base, the full stretch as you adjusted to him, molded to him like he was made for you, “and now you get to sit,” Your fingers drag up to pull at his chain, guitar lick hanging over his chest, guiding him upright, “and watch.”
Eddie nods shakily, shifting back slightly on his hands to lean away, giving you the room to move, but allowing him the perfect view of you—your breasts, your body, your face, the ungodly sight of you sinking down on his cock, again and again. He couldn’t believe this was his life now—and that he had you. 
“Take it, babe,” He groans lowly, thighs spreading wide to give you support, the slow bounce of your hips as you start to move, it was just the nudge you needed to give in, “fucking take it.”
Your head falls back, hips bouncing at a slow, gentle rhythm. Your hands settle against his shoulder at first, allowing you some stability as you move, but giving you every reason to touch, feeling the muscle tense with every downward stroke, ass slapping against his thighs noisily. Eddie moans quietly, trying not to tip off how ruined he already was, but you hear it—you always do, like your ears were trained for it.
It spurs you, his hand traveling up the length of your body, over your thighs, up your stomach, grazing over the soft mound of your breasts until his hand falls against the curve where your shoulder meets your neck, the pad of his thumb rubbing soft, gentle circles into the skin. He’s itching for it, he wants to touch you, devour you, but he’s holding off, for his own sake rather than yours—because the moment he gives in, he’s done.
The pace picks up gradually, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body from exertion and Eddie’s lack of cool air flowing through his room, but you didn’t mind—it smelt like weed and sex and cigarettes, everything that reminded you of him, and a small hint of bergamot from his cologne. Eddie’s still being quiet, struggling, eyebrows pulled tight, his mouth hung open in a low moan. 
“Fuck, stop holding back,” You complain lightly, “I wanna hear you, Eddie.”
Eddie nods slowly, eyes brimming with lust, their normal brown shadowed by a dark need to please, to be everything that you want him to be.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” He apologizes, “it’s a little embarrassing.”
You shake your head, pulling a needy whine from his throat as you raise your hips sharply, slamming back down with fervor, his hands grip at your waist instinctively, holding you tight.
“It’s not,” You tell him seriously, hands threading through his curls, pulling tight until his head was taut and angled up at you, his mouth open in a soft pant, “I want to hear all of it.”
Eddie nods again, less focused—his pulling you against him now, aiding in his desperate attempt to fuck you until you couldn’t speak; it was working, unfortunately, your voice catching in your throat as he changed the dynamic, shifting onto his shins as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist securely, giving you no choice but to hold on to him, trust him. 
“Oh—“ You gasp loudly, allowing Eddie to push the hair that had fallen from it’s loose braid away from your face, soft eyes boring into his pensive ones, focused and determined—if it weren’t for the stray curl that fell over his forehead, you’d feel intimidated, but it softened his features immensely, “Eddie, I can’t—“
“You almost there?” He asks hotly, hot breath fanning over your chest.
“No—can’t, can’t come—it’s,” You grunt softly in frustration, feeling his hand move swiftly toward your clit, but it’s like you’re stuck, “it’s like I’m too distracted—I don’t know—“
“Hey,” He coos, pulling your face down to look at him—he’s checking in, eyes searching your frustrated expression, “close your eyes for me, baby.”
“But, I like looking at you.” You pout, earning a soft, stern look in return. You smile faintly, allowing your eyes to fall shut against your own will.
“Just focus,” He tells you softly, voice falling off on a soft groan, the dull slap of skin against skin as he fucks into you, the soft squelch of your slick and his, his thumb rubbing slow, deliberate circles against your clit. It’s right there—right fuck there and it hurts almost, but you need it, “I got you.”
You nod weakly, mouth falling open in a strained gasp as Eddie applies more pressure, switches the angle of hips slightly, leaving you defenseless and pliant to his orders, the delicate touches and focused hands.
You didn’t even realize your orgasm was hitting you until Eddie stalls, coming almost exactly when you do, spilling himself deep inside of you—it’s just as quick and hard as the first one, but hits even deeper, like a full body ache as you scream out on a choked whine, the soft praises of Eddie’s voice as he follows through, sounding just as wrecked. His hand never falters, working you through the waves of aftershocks, your body rocking against his touch helplessly, feeling every nerve in your body seize at the over-stimulation until you can’t breathe, falling tiredly into Eddie’s hold.
He laughs softly, face buried in the warm crook of your neck, the outline of a smile pushing against your skin as you breathe deep, trying to bring yourself back down. 
“Still with me?” Eddie asks after a while, rubbing his fingers against the soft skin of your back, soothing you more than he’d ever understand. 
“Yeah,” you reply softly, “sort of.”
Eddie chuckles again, pulling back to look at you, head cradled in his hands. 
“Shower first, sleep later,” Eddie instructs, nodding toward the small bathroom down the hall, “I’ll help.”
“But, you already showered.” You tell him, eyebrows pulled up in confusion. “Why would you—“
“Someone’s gotta hold you up,” Eddie says teasingly, “I can still feel your legs shaking.”
On cue, you feel the strained muscles quiver, legs feeling like jello around his hips. Eddie gives you a pointed look, waiting for you to give up your inherent stubbornness and let him take care of you properly.
“Fine,” You say with a soft sigh, failing to hide your smile as he digs his fingers into your side, biting at the soft flesh of your stomach playfully, “—Eddie, cut it out.” 
“Not a chance, sweetheart.” He tells you, leaning up to press a soft kiss to your lips, whispering a quiet admission of love against them. 
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sixosix · 11 months
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tags second chance, angst and fluff, time-skips, DARK HUMOR, lovers to exes to lovers again, profanity
written for art @aanobrain, who i made a bloodpact with saying that if i were to write this they’d write me xiao, so here we are. hope u like it art
a/n wc 4K kaveh lore spoilers but i didn’t follow the canon timeline. kaveh meets al-haitham BEFORE the palace of alcazarzaray. also this has two parts
next part
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kaveh first saw you when he was presenting his nth draft proposal to his fellow group members.
it’s stressful, it’s a mess, kaveh is lost, and so, so tired. this group is certainly the worst one he’s had yet, but he’s too far deep to back out now.
tamara sighs deeply, like a tired mother, and kaveh’s temper flares, “i understand your need to express your love for aesthetics, but don’t you think that it’s unwise to sacrifice practicality?”
kaveh’s jaw ticks. “sacrifice? i’ve already explained that i’ve thought of every detail to consider. give me something to work on, actual criticism, without just slandering my ideals.”
tamara enjoys insulting his beliefs because she is nothing like kaveh. or maybe it’s because he is nothing like her.
it always is like this. snobs treat his proposals—bursting at the seams with unique ideas yet never neglecting quality—like a joke, and they never get past getting called drafts. he never gets past calling any of his first proposals a success.
“the outside world wouldn’t be as lenient as we had been to your designs, you know,” another of them says. one of his mentors. “tamara is right. we don’t have to get too detailed. here, listen, what if you just change up the strange curve of this wall? and this pillar you…”
outside world, kaveh thinks bitterly. he had already dealt enough with the outside world, but keeping him cornered against a wall he had been building against them was far worse than that.
yet he can’t say this. he’s said enough already. if tamara’s face were to get any redder, he’d lose the opportunity for the materials collectively funded by these people.
kaveh sighs, defeated. “i know. i’m sorry i snapped. i’ll take in your suggestions. what did you say must be removed first?”
“hold on,” one of his group mates speaks up. anis leans her chair over to another table, tapping the shoulder of someone kaveh is sure he’s never damn seen before. “hey, what do you think?”
you squint at kaveh’s work, unfazed by anis interrupting your studies. kaveh doesn’t want to, but he can’t look away. “i don’t understand some of it, but it’s nice. this building would look beautiful in the jungle.”
anis returns the front of her char’s legs on the floor. “ahh, you think?” she muses, handing the paper over to you. “well, an outside perspective is just as important.”
with a pen in your grip, you point at somewhere kaveh can’t quite see, blocked off by the back of the paper. it’s blocked off your face, too. “could use a bit more ornamental flora. too little over here if you’re going to already add it. life doesn’t just come from bright colors, but other forms of life as well.”
“spoken like a true amurta darshan.”
you huff proudly, lowering the paper and revealing your smile. kaveh stares, and stares.
knowing how to appreciate beauty as he does is a trait he has always admired. he secretly takes your suggestions to heart, planning to pull another all-nighter for a few sketches. this is the beauty of the akademiya; why he never gave up as soon as he was first brought down—he learns so much every day.
his heart races just at the thought of it. it’s been days since he felt this.
kaveh wonders if he’ll see you again and doesn’t get much time to think about it again when he’s pulled back to reality, back to yet another proposal that’s been erased so many times, it looks more like a smudge of ink than something kaveh would proudly call his.
kaveh sees you again in the house of daena hunched over a book with your face pinched, sitting next to someone, and he thinks that might’ve been when he fell in love.
but no, that can’t be right. that’s not how love works. it takes time, courage, long nights, restless mornings—this is just him a few feet away from someone whose words he admired.
this must be more like passing by a picture that caught his interest. this must be more fleeting, more like what he deserves, like how the yolk is shaped perfectly on his breakfast for the first time in weeks, how the weather is perfect for smooth construction without disaster, or how his mother did not at least cry too much in a day.
he had only been trying to pass by and continue annotating the book he promised himself to get back to, which happened to be slotted on the shelf in front of your table. it’s sheer luck. and he might’ve taken advantage of it.
the student next to you is speaking. cyno, kaveh recognizes belatedly. “do you get it? because wave could refer to the motion of your hands, but it could also refer to an ocean’s wave, or what is the result of the wind blowing over the surface of—”
you clutch your head. with your eyes off the books scattered across the desk, kaveh sees this as a sign to turn away, a small smile on his face as he listens to your voice. it’s pleasant, much more than the ones he hears all the time around him. “please, cyno, have some respect for your senior and have mercy on the bags under my eyes.”
“i am,” cyno says sternly. “i am cheering you up. perhaps it’s because you aren’t under-sand-ing my jokes.”
when kaveh risks a glance, you throw a crumbled paper onto cyno, which he catches with unblinking ease.
“don’t make me call tighnari here,” you threaten, holding a pen to his face.
“is he going to give me pun-ishment?”
kaveh gets his wits about him again and realizes that he had been picking more books than he needed, just in time to hear more of cyno, unfortunately.
“did you not understand? you see, the word punishment has pun in it, which is what i’m—”
“that’s it.” the sound of a chair sliding across the smooth floor echoes in the quiet halls. “you sit there alone. think about your actions; i’m going to get lunch without you.”
kaveh takes a step forward, you do so backward, and you catch each other’s eyes from the synchronized movement.
somehow, meeting your eyes makes his heart jump to his throat. he can’t tell if this is better or worse than when you were just at a different table and he didn’t have the chance to speak with you.
it becomes a moment too long: kaveh gets nervous, spinning around on his heels and pretending to look for more books. this is unlike him. his head aches trying to think about it.
once you leave, kaveh approaches cyno.
“cyno,” kaveh says with a smile.
“kaveh,” cyno acknowledges. “why were you just watching us? was there something wrong?”
kaveh’s blood drains from his face. “was it that obvious? was it?”
cyno nods. “you’re terrible at acting casual.”
kaveh sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “ugh—whatever. cyno, hey, listen. that person you were with…”
“y/n?” he tilts his head. “did you need anything?”
“no, no.” kaveh repeats your name in his head, and files it away for later. “do you want to get lunch?” he asks, which he later realizes is an unspoken invitation for a new side of cyno he wishes he didn’t know. the puns hurt his head more than frustrating clients.
kaveh sits by himself in lambad’s tavern, lazily rocking his glass back and forth.
he’s made friends. plenty. but he’s not sure if he can confide in them if he were to go to them in this state.
he thought could consider al-haitham as one, but that blew over on his own face some time ago. it was a mess. kaveh’s not sure which hurt more: when he felt his own spite with how he trembled in spitting al-haitham’s name, or the fact that someone he almost considered a best friend seemed unfazed at all when they both knew that they wouldn’t talk to each other the next day.
al-haitham removed his name from the thesis, and kaveh tore up the copy he had of it. but unlike al-haitham, kaveh couldn’t bear the guilt and pieced them back together.
now they haven’t spoken for a while.
and he sits here, frustrated to the point of near tears.
he’s never felt as lonely as he feels right now, burdened by the stress accumulated from all those years with no one to tell him that he’s doing something right, that he’s going in the right direction. it feels childish, but when he closes his eyes, he can vividly imagine someone patting his shoulder, telling him he’s proud to call him his son, or someone pulling him close, kissing his forehead, telling him that she’d come back for him.
kaveh picks up the glass and takes a long sip.
“are you even allowed to drink?” someone says, too close to him.
kaveh inhales sharply, unfortunately breathing his drink along with it. he chokes on it, and some dribbled past his lips as he turns to the sound of the familiar voice.
you quirk an eyebrow. kaveh wants to gape.
“it’s coffee, and i’m allowed,” kaveh mutters hoarsely, flustered. how long have you been there? were you just watching him?
“but you’re pretending it is alcohol?”
kaveh looks away. he was hoping that no one would notice his dramatics.
“it’s funny,” you tell him. kaveh wasn’t really hoping to appear funny in his sorry state.
you call for lambad and tell him you want your usual. when lambad returns, he hands you a half-full glass of what kaveh could smell as alcohol. maybe he should’ve done the same, but his goal was to feel awake enough to finish his due project, not intoxicated and slurring his words together.
“well?” you turn to him, your cheek against your palm as your arm rests against the counter. “are you gonna act like it and bemoan your regrets?”
students of the akademiya have started to become familiar with the fact that kaveh is a one-of-a-kind genius. names like light of kshahrewar started to circle the halls loud enough for kaveh to hear it from rumors and to his face when they asked to collaborate with him or when they ask for too much of his time.
he was expecting you to do the same. he wouldn’t even blame you if you tried because he wouldn’t hesitate to say yes. yes, yes, i want to.
there is no liquid courage here, just the presence of you and his muddled mind finding it far too comfortable.
“my mother remarried,” he says.
you blink, pausing mid-way through drinking your fill. “oh…?”
“i’m happy for her,” kaveh says, confident, firm.
“here’s to that.” you clink your glass against his.
you weren’t taking it as a happy statement. he doesn’t want sympathy, but he knows that whatever you’re thinking is the irrefutable truth. perhaps you were mourning with him because he, too, knows that there’s nothing content about him when he has to reassure himself out loud.
kaveh wants to ask so many questions. he wants to pull out the stacks of papers shoved in his briefcase, ask you what you think of it, listen to you tell him that you understand its beauty, but it’d be more beautiful if he weren’t so afraid and confined in someone else’s ideals. he needs to hear you say it because he knows you’d say the exact same thing as he wants.
instead, he sits quietly, watching you from the corner of his eyes, entranced.
and kaveh—he’s longing. or maybe he’s just starting to feel loneliness. 
“so, what happened between you and al-haitham’s group project?” you ask, wearing a smile that spells out you know exactly what you’re getting into.
“oh, don’t even get me started,” kaveh groans.
the night ends with his heart a little lighter than it was before. (this is still fleeting, right?)
it seems like after that, you’re just everywhere and always by his side. kaveh loves it. especially when he’s too caught up with the world and needs someone to distract him enough to remember that the world is splendid.
despite his desperate attempt at drowning himself in coffee in hopes of being able to remodel at least three rejected drafts, he doesn’t get anything done at all.
he knows that giving in and offering to help out everyone who asks him for it isn’t healthy. he knows it, and he sees the effects on his face, the paleness of his skin, and the mess of his hair.
when kaveh stares his paper down, he can almost see himself on it. not a reflection, but a shadow. it looks like a bird’s nest. he might as well get feathers to go with his hair and complete the look.
someone taps his shoulder, and kaveh somehow doesn’t feel like reacting accordingly. “kaveh, is that you? are you kaveh?” the stranger asks, all in one breath.
it takes him a few seconds. breathing in and out deeply. he turns around, hopes the eyebags on his face aren’t as heavy as they feel, and smiles.
“ah!” he recognizes the student. a few years younger than him. he can’t quite come up with a name right now. “thank goodness. they told me that you could help me with this, i knew you wouldn’t disappoint.”
“oh,” kaveh says, quiet.
if any of his friends were here, they’d glare him down, tell him that he’s going to bleed himself dry if he even thinks about saying anything aside from no. but they aren’t, and kaveh’s heart is bleeding out instead.
“what is it?”
you come stumbling in between him and the younger student, whose eyes bulge out of his eyes. he seems to be shaking, if kaveh were to look any closer.
without warning, you throw an arm over kaveh’s shoulder, leaning down to press your chest against his shoulder blade. kaveh’s breath hitches.
you tilt your head to appraise the cowering junior. “oh,” you say, as if not realizing he had been there all along. “daneh. did you need anything?”
“no. no, no, i don’t,” daneh splutters. “i’ll take my leave, i think— i think i should— please excuse me.”
while daneh runs off, kaveh tries to recall his breakfast and the procedure he did in his head to calm down and give himself the boldness to meet your eyes. what is happening to him?
dried fish fillet pan-fried until crispy, served in creamy, white sauce, sprinkled with mint—
“kaveh,” you say. your voice is too close to his ears, which he is sure is turning red.
—kaveh, kaveh, kaveh.
“y/n,” kaveh says, defeated, the grip on his quill faltering. “what was that about?”
he thinks he can feel a grin, and he badly wants to see what it would look like on your face. “i don’t remember telling you my name.”
curiosity wins. kaveh can’t help but smile along with you when he sees it. “you did it on purpose?” then, “cyno told me.”
“you asked around about me?”
“yes, i did,” he says, almost petulantly.
the way your mouth tips to one side more makes your beam come off more smug. “is that so?” you say, and kaveh feels like he’s bared himself to the world. “what’s this?”
kaveh follows where you’re pointing. it’s a mindless sketch he was practicing with; he doesn’t remember drawing half of it. “i was… oh, i don’t know, i just needed a break.”
“this is what you do on your break?” your fingers hover over the page as you trace the curved columns and drooping roof. “green. they look like leaves,” you tell him quietly.
kaveh’s smile turns softer at your sincere awe. “i know.” he wonders what’s going on in your head, then wonders if he’s worth knowing. “what do you think’s missing?”
“i’m no architect, but it could use a bit more of a… splash, you know? color. maybe some—”
“ornamental flora?” kaveh finishes for you. “you’re right. there’s no need to worry about this, though. i must have been on autopilot creating this.”
“straight to the bin it goes? what a shame. it’s stunning.” there’s a seat right there, yet you insist on being pressed against him, bent over, still too close to his ear. you talk about beauty, and kaveh asks himself if you’ve looked at yourself. “i suppose i don’t understand how geniuses work. you are one of a kind, light of kshahrewar.”
then he is suddenly so aware of your hand having trailed upwards, resting on his nape. as you move, your skin rubs absentmindedly on where the hair fades. he shivers.
he hates that title. he feels like he doesn’t deserve any praise he receives at all. yet when you say it—
“you blush a lot,” you point out. kaveh wants to dig a hole and lay there forever. “it’s cute. your expressiveness is charming.”
“don’t—just say that.” his face is so, so red.
al-haitham finds him alone at the same table that night, unable to focus on anything but his racing thoughts. something is wrong with him, he’s sure. he’ll have to pay tighnari a visit and retrace if he’d picked the wrong mushroom.
al-haitham—and kaveh doesn’t know how he’s managed to figure it out so easily—makes a face that would be the closest thing to a smile. “i like y/n,” al-haitham says, out of the blue.
“what,” kaveh says flatly, coiled up like a cat prepared to pounce.
“smart enough to pull you back down and smart enough to make you listen.”
“it’s—” kaveh wants to say it’s not like that, but he goes silent thinking about it. “fuck off. you wouldn’t get it.”
al-haitham tilts his head to the side. “you’re the one not ‘getting it’.”
thankfully, al-haitham leaves him be. they are still on awkward terms, after all.
“oh,” kaveh says intelligently one morning. oh, no.
tighnari’s ear twitches. “the star of the show is here, finally.”
“everyone,” kaveh starts solemnly as the door slams shut behind him. the wind blows, and kaveh’s hair flutters, looking like he came straight out of those films.
“how has dealing with your recent client been looking?” tighnari asks with a smile. cyno and al-haitham nod because they probably didn’t think of even asking that. it’s why tighnari is kaveh’s favorite.
but he is not here to talk about that.
kaveh slams his briefcase on the table, rattling their glasses. “i’m going to confess.”
al-haitham makes a face. “who are we confessing to?”
“not we, al-haitham. stay out of this,” kaveh says. al-haitham’s expression doesn’t change. “i’m going to confess, and it’s going to be so romantic. no one can say no.”
“i would say no.”
kaveh glares, snatching his glass. “al-haitham, just be quiet. the adults are talking. this isn’t about you.”
“you invited us out here,” al-haitham points out.
cyno tilts his head. “to y/n, right?”
“about time,” tighnari sighs.
“yes, to y/n. and what do you mean about—” kaveh huffs, getting red in the face, flustered. “hey, aren’t you guys going to stop me? tell me this is a bad idea and that i’m going to ruin this meaningful friendship i have with y/n?”
“everyone wants you to confess already,” al-haitham says, as if kaveh is stupid for not realizing that. maybe he is.
cyno hums thoughtfully. “if i stop you, i think y/n will murder me with bare hands.”
“oh,” kaveh says, pleased. whatever that means. “alright, then, thank you.” he downs the glass of water—it was al-haitham’s, most likely, judging by the incensed expression on his face—and grabs his briefcase again.
“where are you going— kaveh, hey, where do you think you’re—” tighnari smacks his hand on the table, yelling after kaveh, who’s already by the door.
kaveh’s confession is messy, quick, and probably not as romantic as he had hoped, stumbling over his words and feeling as brave as an infatuated schoolgirl.
“pinning me against the shelf like this is quite the move, kaveh,” you say, and kaveh snaps back to reality. “why are we hiding?”
“sorry,” he splutters, backing off a bit but not enough to have you far from touching him. “i don’t want—someone could see us.”
“now, why are you afraid of that?” you grin, sly enough to make kaveh comprehend that you know exactly what he’s called you over here for. you do the—the thing again, where you trace shapes on his nape, and he shivers helplessly.
“i like you too much,” kaveh says, his face too red to be passed off as sunburnt.
suddenly, all the confidence he thought he had when he left the tavern dissipated. “you know what i mean. can you—no, will you… ugh, i’m not doing it right—”
you meet his gaze, and you don’t look away, the long silence starting to grow distressing for kaveh.
“kaveh,” you say softly, and that’s when kaveh’s expression crumbles. it could be because of how you said it, carving his name with your mouth so tenderly, but really, it’s because he feels like you wouldn’t look at him the same way ever again.
you cup his cheek, pulling him closer to you by his hips. “yes, yes.”
“wait,” kaveh says, “really?”
you bristle, tilting your head down. are you embarrassed? kaveh feels a thrill run down his spine. “yes. about time—we finally did something about the unbearable tension between us. so, if you’re willing to have me…”
“yes, yes,” kaveh says, to all of that. “god, yes.”
embarrassed, you bury your face on his shoulder. kaveh can’t hide how fast his heart is beating when you’re directly on top of it. when you’re in it. “but listen, kaveh, i don’t know if i can stay here in sumeru forever. and i know it will be hard. so if you aren’t—”
kaveh is too happy to think too hard about that.
“no,” kaveh says, “no, i still want to try. please, let’s try.”
“okay,” you breathe, smiling brightly. “kiss me already, will you?”
kaveh prays and prays and thanks their archon that this isn’t fleeting. don’t let it be, not when he has you, and he has already found out your lips meld perfectly with his.
lord sangemah bay commissions him.
in the first few minutes after dori told him that she could care less about what he wanted to do with the place, kaveh didn’t know what to do with himself. he wanted to do everything, but when all of it comes rushing at once, he’s frozen in place instead.
he takes a step in the direction of the house of daena, then another, and another, until he’s sprinting and his heart is racing enough to have a smile crack across his face.
he spends the night in there. he feels crazy; other students can sense madness in his eyes. they all leave him be, as if they know that once they ask, kaveh will never stop talking.
kaveh feels his wrist sore, but he can’t stop. he wouldn’t be able to if he even tried, not when he thinks of a sinking leaf for a roof, windows shaped like petals, and your words—
kaveh pauses, glancing at the clock that has definitely been spinning faster than he remembered.
it’s sunrise. he gets back to work.
“you’re grinning ear-to-ear,” you say, poking kaveh’s cheek. “you’re not telling me something.”
kaveh isn’t. but only on purpose. he takes your hand and uses it to kiss the back of your palm as he blinks up at you, the embodiment of innocence. “what are you talking about? i told you about it. dori commissioned me, and she said that i’ll be in charge of the approval of the design and the construction process…”
while kaveh explains all this, gesturing wildly with his hands, he trails off when realizing you had just been staring at him fondly. his heart skips a beat or two.
“why—why are you just staring like that?”
“it’s hard not to.”
he kisses you square on the mouth, the blueprint of the palace of alcazarzaray hidden beneath his palms, and he thinks he’s never been happier.
(and under the same stars, the withering slithers in, and everything crashes down faster than kaveh could even say please, no.)
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a/n art if you’re reading this i didn’t tell you but this is actually a second chance fic cus i remember you saying it’s one of your favorite tropes 🤧 but anyway ty for reading!
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thebestpumkin · 6 months
title - all that was necessary.
pairing - chuuya nakahara x reader
word count - 383
a/n at the bottom!
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"i can't sleep"
A single message was all that was necessary for a certain Port Mafia executive to be summoned up to your residence. You'd think he was harder to just call up, right? Well, the engine being parked in front of your apartment certainly said otherwise. You stayed there enjoying the comfort of your bed, because you knew he'd come to you. He always did.
A single message was all that was necessary for there to be a shadowy figure at your window sporting a lopsided grin. It was all that was necessary for there to be a gloved hand knocking on your window at the high hours of the morning.
And a single knock was all that was necessary for you, sporting a tired grin in return, to get up and open the window and pull Chuuya Nakahara into a kiss. Gentle as ever, with your hands cradling his face and his hands finding purchase on your back. A few moments passed before you pulled away, seeing the wonder and love in your gaze mirrored in his own. More shared grins.
"Did you make me come here at 3 in the morning just to kiss me by your window?" He whispered with a small chuckle. You gave a coy smile before pulling him in. "Get in here before someone sees you. They'll think you're breaking in or something." You whispered instead, the executive now standing in your bedroom. He laughed softly before pulling you into another kiss, just as loving and soft as the first. He pulled away and stared at you, pure adoration shining in his eyes. You nodded toward your bed, a silent signal to go cuddle up and sleep. He took your hand and led you to lay down with him.
He wriggled, finding a comfortable position for himself and let you rest your head on his chest. He began to slowly press gentle kisses to your hairline, the motion comforting, inviting, and so so soft. Your eyes drooped, exhaustion finally hitting all at once.
"I love you."
He murmured softly, burying his face into your hair.
"I love you too, my Chuuya."
You whisper in turn.
And that was all that was necessary to get the two tired lovers to doze off, happily in each other's arms.
pumkin speaks: it's me again! and here's a little something i wrote. pretty short, maybe a little shitty, but we live and we learn, right? any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and so would reblogs and likes! i really want to get back into my little groove of writing. i honestly adore chuuya, and ik a lot of yall do too. i hope this is good enough for u guys, since there's a lot of super talented writers under these tags. well, til next time (hopefully soon)!
also lookie! i found a little divider online! its adorable!! credits to r0se-designs
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forest-hashira · 2 months
also fuck it LEMME GET A DRABBLE TOO WHY NOT….. >:3 kenji + flying ehehehehe 🤓🤓 mwah mwah congrats once again <33
EEEEEEE TY LOGAN!!! kissing u on the forehead ily smmmmm 💜 the randomizer i used rlly said "hmmmmm. i know this is for logan. give her The Boy" AHAHA so i hope u enjoy ur lil romantic gojo drabble 🥺
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“Toru?” you called, stepping into the apartment you shared with your boyfriend; the lights in the entryway were off, and it seemed like only the kitchen was dimly lit. Odd, you thought, knowing he usually steered clear of the kitchen. You’d had a long day at work, though, and decided not to dwell on it. Instead, you toed off your shoes, tucking them away into their proper spot, and hanging your keys on their designated hook by the door before stepping further into the apartment.
Before you made it more than a few steps, though, Satoru was in front of you, a bright grin on his face and a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands. “Hey, sweetheart!” he greeted cheerfully, though he dialed back his enthusiasm a bit when he saw the exhaustion that weighed your body down. “Bad day?”
You gave a small shake of your head. “Just long.” You gladly accepted the flowers as he offered them to you, leaning in and closing your eyes for a moment as you gave them a sniff. “Thank you, baby. The flowers are nice.”
“I made dinner, too,” he told you with a smile, placing a hand lightly on your back and guiding you towards the dining room.
“You… cooked?” Satoru tried his best, you knew he did, but cooking was not his strong suit, which is why he was generally relegated to prep tasks when he helped you in the kitchen. Because you loved him, you’d eat at least a few bites of whatever it was he made, but you were already mentally running through your options for places to call and order something for delivery.
“No, I know better than that,” he replied with a small chuckle. “I’m not very good at cooking without supervision.”
As you stepped into the dining room, you saw that the table was set, with candles lit in the center, and this time it was your turn to laugh. The dinner your boyfriend had “made” for you was still in its little white takeout boxes, each box placed neatly in the center of a plate, with chopsticks and a glass of wine on either side – well, you thought it was wine at first, but them you noticed the bottle of sparkling grape juice Satoru had placed between your place settings.
“It looks delicious,” you said, looking up at him with a soft smile. “Thank you, Toru. I really appreciate it.”
Just then, your stomach decided it was the perfect time to make the most ungodly gurgling noise, making heat rush to your cheeks with embarrassment.
“Maybe you should stop appreciating it and start eating it,” Satoru teased, kissing your cheek and taking the flowers from your arms. “Sit, eat. I’ll put these in a vase and then join you.”
Finding no reason to argue, you did as he said, taking your seat at the table and picking up your glass, taking a small sip of the sparkling beverage as you turned to watch your partner move around the kitchen, looking over your small collection of vases before picking one, carefully trimming the stems of the flowers, then placing and arranging them in the vase once it had enough water in it.
You’d never felt luckier to have him in your life.
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for my 100 followers milestone event!
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m-jelly · 2 months
hey! hope ure doing well!
can i get a fic where reader is a very well know supermodel, is maybe even in VS, and is like considered very badass and iconic...and shes dating levi, and shes in rwality, compared to how others see her (alluring, confident, etc...) is actually just a sweetheart and is very shy and kind?
(also! absolutely adore ur account and work, truly! i hope u continue doing what u do, whenever u post something, it instantly brightens up my day, believe it or not💕 ur work is a huge comfort for me and im sure it also is for many others🫂 u deserve every last bit of recognition, jelly!)
Thank you so much anon. I've been feeling very negative these days, so it means a lot to know you're enjoying what I make.
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Behind the camera
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, being a couple, model reader, no body specific reader.
Levi is a fashion designer and you are his personal model.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Confidence rolled off you as you posed for the cameras. People commented that the clothes were just made for you, which they would be very right. Levi was the designer and every single thing on your body was made just for you.
You had started off as Levi's assistant, then he asked you to model his clothes because you inspired him and then he realised that you were so inspiring because he was madly in love with you. Levi confessed his love and you became a couple. Most would be shocked at Levi because it took you two about four months to become a couple.
Levi had moved fast, which wasn't like him. However, he knew he wanted you, he knew he loved you, he knew you were his forever and he wasn't just gonna let that slip through his fingers. Now you were a year into your love and he had already picked out a ring for your engagement, he just needed to set up a perfect day.
He made a few notes on your outfit and thought about something else he could dress you up in. He gave you a gentle smile as you posed in such an alluring way, it just drove him crazy with love. He could see you were enjoying yourself as you worked.
The photographer ended the shoot and showered you with praise. As soon as he started talking to you your true adorable nature came out. He shook your hand. "Thank you so much. It's been a joy working for you."
You felt your heart race. "R-Really? You're too kind. Umm. It was an honour to have you as a photographer. You're incredible. You make anything look beautiful." You fidgetted a little. "C-can I get you a drink or something to eat? You must be so tired."
He blushed at your words. "Oh, I'm okay, don't worry."
You hurried over to the small fridge. "I've got an ice cold water here or a diet coke?"
He chuckled. "A coke would do great."
You opened it and handed it over. "You should get some sugar in you too. Have a cookie."
"You are so sweet."
Levi made his way over to you and called your name. "Don't forget about yourself."
You gasped in shock. "Oh! You're right."
He opened a can for you and handed it over. "Drink this. You should also take a seat as well, okay?"
"Ah, but everyone..."
He ushered you to a comfy seat. "Focus on yourself, okay?" He knelt and slipped your heels off. "You're important." He massaged your feet. "It's a good job I'm very focused on you, otherwise you'd be very sick."
You hummed a laugh. "You care so much about me."
He leaned up and kissed you. "Of course. You're my world."
"You're mine. I wouldn't be doing this job if it weren't for you. I count my blessings every day."
He glided his hands up your leg. "Darling, you are more magical than you think." He smiled a little at you. "We're going out for dinner tonight. I'm going to take you to the place we went to on our first date."
You squeaked. "Yay! I love that place."
Levi took your hands and showered them with kisses. "I love it too. We'll make tonight special." Tonight was the night, he was going to ask you to marry him.
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collapsedglasshouses · 4 months
Sweater Weather || Nick Folio x Reader
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PAIRING: Nick Folio x Reader
WARNINGS: fluff, secretly dating trope kinda, mentions of previous sexual intercourse (idk if it needs to be a warning),
TAGLIST: @measuredingold @cncohshit
A/N: I had this idea because I wanted to write something cliché. I was a diehard marauders stan and got inspired by those "you have the wrong tie on"-stories. I hope you’ll enjoy the small one shot.
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“Fuck!” You exclaimed while almost sprinting out of your car and up to the front door of restaurant you had planned to meet up with the boys.
They wanted to discuss everything one final time before the tour started you had been running painfully late.
So, when you stumbled into the restaurant you shot the group a small greeting without really looking at them and quickly sat down between Folio and Noah.
The latter shot you a confused glance that you couldn’t quite read, so you just smiled at him softly.
“Uhm…” Ruffilo exclaimed, also looking at you like he had seen a ghost.
You blinked confused, trying to process why the group was looking at you strangely but Jolly finally helped you out of your misery.
“So, you end Folio finally did it?” He exclaimed in a jokingly tone.
Your mind started to race. Why did Jolly know? Did Nick tell them? You thought the two of you had agreed to not tell anyone about it. But on the other hand, it’s been three months since you started dating for real and…
“You’re wearing Folio's sweater." Noah quietly said to you, helping the storm in your head to calm down.
You looked down slowly at what you're wearing, when it hit you. The Logo on the front was undeniably from one of his sweaters, but because you were running so painfully late this morning you'd just grabbed a random sweater from the floor in your bedroom on your way out. Completely missing out on the fact it was Nick's.
It had been a dark grey crew neck, with a little white design on the front. A sweater looking really similar to one of your own and also one he wore quite frequently during the winter.
You blinked in disbelief. Out of all sweaters, you had of course taken exactly the one that the boys could clearly identify as Nick's.
You shot all of them a short glance, before looking back at the sweater and you began to stutter. "We… uhm-… I"
„For fuck sake, yes we are dating. Could you now stop staring at Y/n like they are an attraction."
To that Matt gave you a small smirk, "I'm happy for you, but if you ever fight on tour and make it our problem, I'll hunt you down."
The rest of course having heard, rambled in disbelief for a second, as they looked on the menu.
Nick placed a hand on your thigh, causing you to look at him.
"Is it okay, I told them?" Nick whispered on your ear. You slowly began to nod.
"It was actually kinda painful to not be able to touch you or kiss you around them." You answered him with a small and lovingly smile on your face.
"Let's change that." He exclaimed teasingly before pressing his lips to yours in a loving kiss.
"Okay, just because you are dating and we know it now, doesn’t mean you have to fuck in front of us." Noah jokingly exclaimed.
You pulled away for a second to shove your elbow into Noah's side just to peck Nick's lips again, who began to slightly laugh at your action.
Right before the waitress reached your table to get your orders, Matt spoke up again.
"So, I guess we can save some money by cancelling one of your hotel rooms on tour, right?"
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kalisseo · 1 month
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explaining the redesigns!! instead of sleeping
2nd gen clones
Harriet: she's the one that changed the most, I was inspired by some of her concept art for her outfit (also her hair!! her hairstyle it's from a concept art), i liked the mix of a character with dark colors and a bubbly personality!! for this au, her main thing is ~contrast~, she wears a lot of black but she's a very happy person, she wants to honor her clone mother but at the same time wants to be her own person, enjoys dark and deep media but also loves dumb shows, etc!! also I wanted to give her a theater kid vibe, or at least someone a little bit weird, I hope i achieved that
(leg warmers are just there because they're cute)
Confucius: honestly i really like his oh design!! I think it fits him, at first i was inspired by his concept art but as you can see i kept more of his final design, I gave him that hairstyle because I think it looks cool!! lol, also the big ass headphones, he NEEDED them!! BUT I'm not very happy with his colors, i think I'll completely change him soon 😭😭
Topher: I love his og design too, i only gave him that black, uh, sweater,coat....??? it's because I think it fits him mf thinks he's soooo mysterious, and so I can differentiate him between au topher and og topher!! i changed his pants to match a little bit more the lot of black
1st gen clones
abe: the one who changed the most/j, tbh same with topher, I like his og design I think it fits him very well!! but I need to differentiate between au abe and og abe :P
cleo: same with topher and abe...I LOVE HER LH DESIGN SHE'S SO PRETTY BUUUTTTT I need to differentiate between au Cleo and og cleo... ALSO that kind of shirts are trendy rn, and they're so pretty!! so Cleo would def wear them, also the arm things that se wears in s2, beautiful, so I kept them, also she has a necklace with her initial!! (later she wears a F too...)
Joan: it annoys me a little that she doesn't look really goth she looks honestly idk what she looks like, but also i know dressing up as trade goth it's too complicated for a daily routine, so I gave her a more simple goth look! i didn't change much i think, the main thing it's her hair, it's inspired by her prom hairstyle because I think she looks very good in it!! I gave her long sleeves too, and a very dark green long skirt, she still has her boots but you can barely see them
where are frida and jfk??
good question!! they're dead/j
i think their designs are perfect the way they are, i think it fits them very well
i think it's funny that one of them is very simple and the other super complex
also i don't draw them enough to need to differentiate them, unlike cleo, abe and topher :P
and tbh, i don't know very well what to do with them in the au!! but I'll figure it out soon :)
anyways if u read all this I Love u and thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐕: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬?—𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐣𝐚𝐬/𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬
a/n: sorry for disappearing :,( I’ve had a pretty shitty life lately and writing has been helping me cope. things are less tense now and i’m able to update so i’m hoping u guys enjoy this MOMMY IS FEEDING YALL
timeline: ep. 3 (right smack in the Christmas scene) - ep. 4. 
also bc i feel like the relationship is sped up and rushed and we hate that
Part 1
Part 2  
Part 3
Part 4
This chapter: Part 5
Part 6
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
warnings: as always, not proofread, hornae warren and y/n, some cavity-causing fluff, billy being a dicky dick, 
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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Eddie: Y/N Augustine was not who I expected to show up that Christmas Eve, with two trays of the best smelling lasagna I’ve ever smelled in my life, and an apologetic smile.
Why did she look apologetic? I don’t know, maybe it had something to do with the fact that as soon as she walked in, Warren was behind her? They were, like, 3 hours late.
Karen: Y/N is always on time. Whatever it is, doesn’t matter. For someone as fashionable as her, she manages to always arrive on time in the most gorgeous outfits I’ve ever seen. 
She was still gorgeous that night, of course, but she was late, and she had a sort of...sleazy smile. Of course everyone assumed the same thing.
But 3 hours late? *she rolled her eyes* I mean, fuckin’. hell. 
Camilla: When I first talked to the Y/N Augustine, I remember almost dropping you *she laughs* I was a major fan of her work, and still am. I really wasn’t expecting her on the phone when she called a few months before.
I asked who she was, being so forward on the phone about asking for my vest size when I didn’t order anything. I explained who I was, and introduced myself as Billy Dunne’s wife, and that I didn’t order a vest from this woman.
She was silent on the phone for a while, and came back introducing herself saying her name casually as if she wasn’t an important person. She said that she had no idea who Billy was, and that she was only familiar with a Warren Rojas, who she owed an order.
I found myself wondering how Warren managed to get a fashion designer to owe him a piece of her work...*she shrugs*
After freaking out to myself while I got his vest size, I didn’t bother passing the phone to him. And why would I? I wasn’t going to pass the chance to talk to one of my idols. And she didn’t seem to mind either.
I believe we went from talking about California, to the beaches, the majestic golden hour that shined through our windowsills at the same time, to you, even. She heard you crying through the phone.
And when I finally met her in person that night on Christmas, she was as lovely and funny. She gave every one of us presents, including you, and bothered to make us homemade food. I was so happy for Warren, but there were so many gaps as to how they even met.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────• 
“How did it go. Really,” Camilla insisted with a pleading tone. “How did you two meet?”
“Oh boy,” Karen mused, drinking her beer.
Y/N gave her friend beside her a pointed glare. “We met at a yacht party.”
Eddie leaned forward. “S-So is your name really Flora? Were you born ‘Flora?…” 
“Flora...?” Camilla commented, lost, looking back and forth between Eddie and Y/N.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Graham: She was so sweet about it, when me and Eddie went back and forth trying to connect the dots, which made it even more embarrassing. 
I guess it didn’t really make sense to me at the time. Why and how someone proper and prim like her managed to wind up with Warren, the wild one of the group. 
If I really considered the times he came late for practice, or left early, or that whenever he left to “work” at the boats, I think I could’ve gotten to the conclusion that he was smitten for this woman a lot earlier. 
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“That’s pretty smart right there,” Eddie chuckled at Y/N’s recall of fooling Warren. “I am very impressed.”
Y/N shrugs humbly, obviously as a joke. Warren knew she would forever tell this tale for however long she lived. Meanwhile, he’s just glad to be part of it and getting her at the end of it.
It seems that in their almost month-long relationship, the two have managed a healthy and surprisingly well schedule to meet up. With Y/N’s new projects and the band’s practices, they meet three times a week. Sometimes four, or more, depending on Warren’s libido that Y/N’s compared to a rabbit’s.
Though, it’s not like she can’t complain.
Apart from that though, Warren never misses the chance to get her something. Mostly jewelry boxes, jewelry, and take-out food, and when she needed to run an errand, he’d come to her apartment with her much needed rolls of cloths that he paid for, despite sending him off with her money.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Y/N: When Warren and I first started dating, he was always the one coming to my place, never me visiting him over at Laurel Canyon. It was a little suspicious at first, so when I told him what I thought, y’know what he said?
He said, with the biggest grin on, “I wanna make a show out of it” and went to sleep after saying that. I never knew what he meant until that Christmas.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
That night, he did indeed showcase his lover to his friends. Every question asked by Camilla or Billy or Eddie about her career he knew the answers to. 
Where were you raised? Here in California up until she was 10, lived in France until she was 22 and moved back here to start Serenity. Sexiest French accent ever, even better when she’s muttering phrases under her breath stressfully.
Siblings? Two brothers, one older who hosts a foster home with his wife, one younger who just started a professional boxing career following their father’s footsteps. Three stepsisters who are all younger than her from her step-mom’s side, all of who are just now convinced their sister is famous for dating a rockstar drummer.
Favorite part about putting together designs? She finds satisfaction in piecing them together, and how she gets lost in sketching to the point that she doesn’t realize how long she’s been working.
Favorite song ever?  She’ll say something everyone else says: Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. It is a good song, but it’s not a favorite song ever, because in reality it’s something old, specifically, Stand By Me by Ben E. King. She doesn’t like admitting this to other people for fear of being called a sappy romantic.
She is, in fact, a sappy romantic, and Warren doesn’t miss the chance to taunt her about it. The bedside table full of romance books that he's tried to read, but for the love of everything good he cannot sit still and read.
What he doesn't mind doing, however, is sit still to watch another invest in her books with focused, determined brows, and the occasional squealing after reaching a certain point in the book.
He's got her memorized so well, even Y/N's surprised that the things and habits she's kept to herself, he notices like she leaves it out in the open under the sun.
At the thought, she rests her head on his shoulder with a proud grin. And Warren responds with a peck at the top of her head.
While listening to an ecstatic Eddie share a story, something against Y/N’s lower back began to grow.
She holds in every fiber in her body to refrain them from giggling.
“Shame on you.” She sarcastically spat in his ear.
He frowns down at her. “Huh?”
Y/N widens her eyes and makes a pointed glare down to his erection.
There was a short reaction of shock. “Shame me? Shame on you.” Warren took note of this. It’s happened way too many times now, and he’s lost awareness of what turns him on. “Thanks to you, I don’t have control over my body functions anymore.”
“I didn’t do anything!” She whisper shouted.
“You’re just way too hot and good,” he groaned. “I can't wait to get home."
Y/N sighed into his shoulder helplessly. Home. Their condo, together.
“I love the way you smell,” he whispered, as he always does whenever near her. But no matter how many times he’s sniffed her or said that, he still doesn’t know exactly what she smells like. He figured it was sweet, of course, but it didn’t shoot up his nose too strongly. It wasn’t fruity either, or so he figured she's just her own scent. Natural.
"Thanks." She smiled up at him. "It’s the French brand. It lasts longer on me.”
"No, I think it's just you."
She looks up at him through furrowed eyebrows. "Nobody can just smell nice naturally."
He shrugs. "Well, I dunno what smell it is." He twirls her hair. “It can’t be on a title of a perfume brand.”
She shook his chin playfully. “Pay attention to the conversation, playboy.” 
He can’t. How could he?
It’s only been a month, but a month of what Warren already knew was pure and genuine. Y/N could do no wrong to him, and vice versa. They were good for each other.
The soft, buttery gliding up and down on his arm is what Warren can determine with his eyes closed; the softness of Y/N's fingers. The arm wresting on her chest as she leans on his front—it was only natural for Y/N to caress.
And as a response, another peck to her head.
•─────⋅(cut to the documentary)⋅─────•
Daisy: I’ve never been a fashion fanatic, but Y/N’s work spoke to me. She was a true artist, y’know? She knew what she was doing, and she is really fucking good at it. She didn’t just throw it a bunch of cloth and called it a day, the woman directed her creativity to the art every single time. And I recognized that.
Imagine my surprise when I see her at a house party I was also invited to.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
Daisy arrives at the Dunnes’ place, already making a fool of herself by absentmindedly dropping the bottle of wine that she technically stole, but still.
Not to mention, she had an audience, their faces were clouded by the smoke she just blew out, and not to mention, it was dark.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” In her voice, Daisy can tell she spoke with a smile. “They have too much fun, they’ll need the fruit. Nutritional values.”
She emerged from the shadows with, indeed, a smile that warms the heart. But a recognizable face that she’s seen on televised interviews and small pictures of beside the designs she eyes enviously on the magazines.
“Holy shit...holy shit!” Her hands went up to the sides of her head. “Holy fucking shit! Hi! Oh my goodness...”
“Daisy Jones you’ve been in radios in everywhere I’ve been today,” she chuckled humbly. “I can ensure you I’m a bigger fan.”
“I’ve seen you in magazines for a lot longer. “ She shook her head in disbelief. “I love you so much.”
But before Y/N escorts her to the rest of the band, she pulls her into a hug.
•─────⋅(cut to the documentary)⋅─────•
Daisy: I’m not much of a hugger. I think, especially considering my relationship with my mother, I couldn’t handle physical touch. Most times I would just be forced into hugging people and I stand there, just like a stiff tree. But something about Y/N, even though I’d never met her before, made me feel so glad that I’m a person she would hug.
I felt really appreciated by this stranger.
While we spent most of the night talking us a group, eventually everyone else started to branch out and talk to others. Warren was clung to her like a lost puppy. God, *shaking her head* never thought a guy like Warren can be sappy. 
They just started dating and I could already see the connection between them. They mutually understood each other on such a level that everyone else around them can just do theirselves a favor and leave them alone.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
“My family might visit for the summer,” Y/N smiles against her hand. “I can’t wait. Lils and Hana and Ines are gonna try and talk to you. They’re English is so broken, it’s adorable.”
Warren smiles at her, even as he’s drunkly chugging at his drink. “You ever think about kids? I dunno, someday?” He panicked.
“Yeah. I think about kids.” Y/N vaguely answered to tease him.
He nods slowly. “Ye-Yeah. Me too.”
Y/N smiles innocently, scratching his headful of curls. “Want my kids?”
Warren gave her the deepest kiss as an answer.
taglist (aka beautiful people): @pinkdaiisies @mlwriting5 @teletubbysteroids @linatells @stanzie @arsonkween @rexorangecouny @lisbeth122605 @cultsanrio @thatoneawesomechicka @magicalmiserybore @sourholland @sunfairyy. @lilyhw1 @viridianflowers  @goldenjasssy @eonnyx @coldlamaspersonspy @navs-bhat @nicostars @darkestcinema​ @gr4cel4nd2​
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hydrxnessa · 5 months
woooo christmas oc art done !!!
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(i respect artfight artists who are able to do mass attacks with like more than 20 characters. goodness gracious. how do they do it.)
anyways !!! the year of 2023 draws to an end. and honestly i'm quite happy with this year! broke through 1k followers on both instagram and tumblr, 600 on twt (i still hate that site), so thank you so much !!
anyways incoming cheesy message
i didn't really expect much from this year starting from january. i was in the tmnt fandom but i wasn't really interacting w it much because .. god that place is a toxic cesspool. i never really interact with fandoms much anyway, just draw one piece of fanart and enjoy the franchises from a Very safe distance away. but you can't really gain friends from just lurking in fandom spaces, so usually i felt pretty lonely. but thats how its been for me for a while.
that is, until february rolled around. i already knew of the game Doors since it got released - i played it through multiple times with friends and that was kinda it. just another roblox horror game quickie. then, i believe it was melly's animations that somehow dragged me into the fandom? that and also there was an uprise in doors content because of the hotel+ update. and there i saw the rooms creatures, in which i was like Oh My Godf i NEED to draw A-120, they are soso silly. they are so squiggle. (ambush was also my bbgirl<3). i NEED to make my own designs for them
aaaand uuh yeah that basically kickstarted my doors phase. i began to start my own AU of doors senVerse, and people loved it. people on here were so kind and welcoming, saying that they loved my designs and were also inspired by me? like woah, usually i'm the one getting inspired from others. people were getting inspiration from me?? heck, even looked up to me? that's crazy, i would've NEVER thought i'd get here ngl. explain this year to last year me and she would've NEVER believed you. and that gave me motivation to continue my doors doodles.
i gained a lot of moots n friends from this fandom. and i MEAN a lot. heck i even made the decision to make a discord server and ohmygodf i do NOT regret that decision. i met and made cool friends and got closer to peeps on there, thanks for sticking around i love u guys<33
whether or not you followed me for doors content, stray, tmnt, heck even oc content, thank you so much for being here. thank you for liking, reblogging, commenting, or even sending me asks on my blog! i can't express my gratitude and appreciation enough in words. you've all helped me get through this year, so thankthankthank you, i love u all/p !!!!
i hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season as we come close to this year's end; merry christmas and have an amazing new year soon !!!
here's to a new year !! mwah !!!
-ness :3
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