#also i lied this list wasnt exhaustive
dino-nugget7 · 1 year
TW: This post is going to be about my experiences as a teacher. This is going to include discussions of covid, child abuse, workplace negligence, and sucidality.
Well, got back on this lovely little hellsite for the first time in about 2 years yesterday. I left here around the time that I had decided to leave teaching. I talked a bit back then about how horrifically oppressive the school system is to students (which is still something I'm pissed about) But I wasn't ready to talk about a lot of the other aspects of the system that disturbed me. I thought I had bipolar disorder because I went through a severe depression and the meds I was put on to cope with that put me through a manic episode which was in some ways scarier than the depressive episode. I haven't had an episode in either direction since leaving. I mention this so you understand how fucked my situation was even if you don't read any farther. I do hope someone reads farther though even though its gonna be a depressing read because I need people to know how horrific it is to work in education, especially rural education.
So here's an exhaustive list of every fucked up aspect of my time as a teacher:
1. Within the first few weeks of being a teacher, a student confided in me about being beaten at home. Of course, I reported it and a few days later the caseworker assigned to that student informed my colleagues and I that the state did find evidence of violence against the student but that it was leaving the student in the home "because the student was 17 and had a history of drug use so there would be no foster families willing to take him." The student was beaten again to the point of ending up in the hospital and the state locked up his stepfather for a few months but left him in the home again with his mother who had let said abuse happen. This is not the worst case of a student experiencing violence at home and not being removed after we reported it that I witnessed. Just the first. I was powerless to help any of them because the safety net they were supposed to have outside of us when horrific shit happens, just...wasn't there.
2. As discussed before I left, I realized that even though I happened to have liked school when I was in, its fucked up how micromanaged every second of the day is for students and how they have no say over what they are learning about. Its fucked up that they are trained to be blindly obedient and forced to stay in spaces and interact with people that cause them suffering.
3. This is pretty specific to the fact that I was in a student self-paced rural alternative school but I was the only science and health teacher both years, the math teacher my first year and the art teacher my second. In a class period with 16 students, it was common for students to be working on 7 different courses. Which would have been fine, I had experience in college running that class structure, but I had no textbooks, no lab materials unless I bought them, very few math and art supplies, and I had to make all of my lesson materials and all 20 curricula from scratch because the curricula I had been handed by my predecessor had been written in 1993 and never updated. Between teaching, meetings, grading, curricula building, classroom upkeep and lab setup I was there every day from 5 am to 7pm at least and often also came in for a few hours on Saturdays.
4. When Covid hit and we all went remote, I spent every day staring at my own face on a webcam for 7 hours because none of the students showed up at all to any of their classes despite us calling the parents we could reach every day and sending emails every day. A few students completed a couple of assignments early on over email but even that didn't happen after a while. I didn't blame them, I know a lot of them were trapped in hell being stuck at home and the rest considered school hell but it fucks with your psyche to spend 35 hours a week forced to stare at yourself on a screen on the slimmest chance someone will show up for 2 months straight.
5. On the last day of school my first year, a parent called and yelled at me about her daughter not getting a science credit and having a 10% in my class. She claimed I never reached out. I pointed out that her daughter refused to do work in my class long before lockdown despite every effort on my part, which she(the parent) knew about based on previous conferences we'd had about this very behavior and forwarded her every email I sent her over the course of lockdown with work she could have done and links to my class zoom meeting if she'd wanted face-to-face help and pointed out every phone call we made. She went to my principal to demand an extension for her daughter into the summer which my principal granted so I got to spend Even More Time staring at my own face because Surprise surprise, her daughter still didn't show up or complete any assignments but I didn't recieve further berating from that parent about it at least.
6. When we went back to in person teaching I was the only adult in the building who took the mask mandate seriously so my classroom was the only one where students were wearing masks at all and I had to fight them tooth and nail about it because my roommate's son was immunocompromised and could not afford to get sick but because I was the only teacher fighting that battle, it got harder and harder instead of easier and a lot of students I had built good relationships with the previous year started to hate me for being so strict and I had to go get that test where they shoved a swab all the way up into your sinus cavity every single week until the vaccine came out. When I opened up to my colleagues about the stress this was causing me and why I cared so much (which I really didn't feel like I should have had to justify in the first place), they told me to "relax about it, kids aren't even the ones dying," entirely ignoring that I was in direct contact with a kid who could have, in fact, died from it. This was the straw that caused me to put in my resignation.
7. All of the above put me in a mental state where I had to call a suicide hotline and take an emergency few days off work because I couldn't physically get myself out of bed. I got put on those meds that made me manic but they take a few weeks to kick in at all and I contractually could not take that long off and couldn't have afforded to do so anyways so still in full-blown suicidal depression, my first day back was Parent Teacher Conference Night, which is exhausting and terrible at the best of times. My principal knew I was mentally unwell and had told me if I needed any accommodation as I readjusted to let her know so I asked if I could sit out conferences or at the very least have someone else in the room with me since the school was so small that every teacher had every student. She said no, that it was a privacy issue (which was untrue because we did whole-staff parent meetings All The Time for students with particularly concerning behaviors and because again we all taught everyone and had daily staff meetings about student progress and concerns so we all knew everything about everyone but even so she could have been the one to sit with me) I pointed all of this out and she told me, "Well being a teacher isn't about you, you have to put the students above yourself." When I had been doing that nonstop for two years to the point that I was in the mental hole I was in. I was in such a fucked up place that a lot of the parents noticed it and tried to check in on me as I started falling asleep or forgot what I was saying midsentence.
8. When I did my exit interview at the end of the year my principal told me that I was a great teacher and she hoped I'd return to the field someday even if it was in a different setting because students deserved someone who was constantly the voice in the room advocating for them even when their own parents and other teachers stopped doing so. This was the first meeting I ever had where I was told I was a good teacher rather than being constantly told what i should be improving on as I drowned trying to even lay a foundation for myself.
Despite everything it still breaks my heart to realize it will never be healthy for me to go back to teaching even if I was in a district with better supports because of how much trauma I've been left with and because of how jaded about the entire system i am. I loved the teaching part of my job. I loved those moments where students showed me projects they were proud of and when they finally understood concepts that had them stuck. I loved empowering students to make positive decisions and to come out of their shells in my class. I loved when I managed to create lessons that hit that learn something-have fun sweet spot. I loved when I was able to let students incorporate their real interests into what we were learning or even let them be the experts on a topic. I still have art students gave me. I know despite it grinding me down to a husk of myself, I was good teacher and I could have eventually been an excellent one. Its true that Teaching is more than a job, its a calling. But I'm no use to anyone dead.
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neopoint · 2 years
Don’t agree with proshippers but it’s like. Worth noting that the anon you reblogged from surprisedentistry did say explicitly they are not into that shit they just think other people shouldn’t be harassed for it. Which like I don’t agree with them but I do think it doesn’t help our case to accuse everyone that disagrees with us of being pedophiles when there are legitimately people that think it’s a censorship fiction reality thing and aren’t actually writing or consuming any of the objectionable shit and those people are actually quite possible to talk to and get on the right side, you know?
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i see where the confusion is coming from because i worded the tag wrong (should have been "they" and not "you" in reference to the anon) which is my bad, i agree that anon specifically was not a pedophile and i wouldn't accuse someone of that for no reason. but even besides that one person, i've seen the same stupid arguments rehashed hundreds of time from people who ARE explicitly into drawn/written cp and self-identify as shit like l*licons/sh*tacons so that's who i mean when i'm specifically referring to pedophiles, i'm aware that not every "proshipper" is actually one
also wrt to making them realize the problem it would be nice if people who aren't even consuming or creating such content would be more receptive to talking about the problem but quite frankly they usually aren't, people make posts about it over and over but they simply do not care. i've tried to argue with some of these people on twitter many times in hopes of them having some sort of common sense and it usually ends with them accusing me of being a puritan teenager (i'm 23). it's nice to try and by all means if you have the energy to do so then you should, but it gets exhausting when you're yelling at a brick wall especially about such a sensitive topic.
and in all honestly knowing that someone is into things like that but choosing to defend them anyways is already kind of reprehensible imo even if you aren't a degenerate yourself, i've had to taper off a years-long friendship with someone who is close friends with an open pedophile (and i mean OPEN, like their carrd had a list of interests that included sh*ta/l*li and depictions of child r*pe). i KNOW my friend wasnt a pedophile themselves but it was extremely disturbing and distressing to me that they were okay with this and openly associating with an account/person that posted such content, and i think its fair to not want to interact with someone for that reason.
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ablazenqueen · 3 years
sorry i didnt get back you to you yesterday evening. but guess what?!!
i went to bed on time!!! im literally so proud of myself. like i legit passed out- i was so exhausted.
other news, im halfway through kieta hatsukoi and it's just- so flippin adorable.
usually i hate the miscommunication trope. it just usually bothers me so much. but this wasnt that. this was purposeful and careful and came from a genuinely good place. and i love that so much.
also- Aoki and Hashimoto are officially my comfort idiots one and two and i adore them with everyone atom of my body.
like this is probably the gay in me- but can i just keep hashimoto? can i keep her and hug her and love her and protect her and just- UGHHHHH!
not but. these characters are just so adorable and sweet and loveable and yeah yeah, i might be blazing through these too quickly, but i can always rewatch and overanalyse after.
let me just enjoy the adorableness.
'also, Ida is just such a sweet, genuine, beautifully written character.
lots of love,
a well rested gabi. <3
<3 <3 <3
Aww Gabi, I’m so proud of you! I was really hoping that was the case, that you were catching up on sleep!
Dude, you’re already breezing through two of my recs??? At this point, I’m going to have to start making a second list, you’re going to run out of things to watch! Keep me posted, there are definitely a few more recommendations I can give once you’re out.
Right? Aren’t they precious? Kieta Hatsukoi is just such a feel-good show!
And Iisten, I say this all the time - very, VERY few tropes are actually “bad”. Some are just much harder to execute well than others. Miscommunication is one of those. It works well for comedies, but in dramas and romances, we tend to find it annoying because it only shows us that a couple isn’t in tune with each other. Kieta Hatsukoi gets away with it because a) the initial miscommunication was meant with the best of intentions and Aoki’s assumption that it couldn’t hurt anyone but himself, b) all subsequent miscommunications come from a place of personal insecurity and/or the characters trying to support each other in what they think the others want, c) it is used primarily for comedy. And when it’s used for angst? The miscommunication never comes in the form of lies and deceit. Their intentions are always good, they always want to help each other, so yeah, it’s hard to get mad at that.
Oh my god, all four of our mains though! Their group dynamic means everything to me!
And you talk about Hashimoto but friend, as a bisexual, seeing Aoki fall in love with Hashimoto then with Ida? Highkey relate. Boy really said, “My type? Ah yes, Kindness Incarnate™.” The universe replied, “And their gender?” And Aoki said, “Yes.” Me too, honey, me too.
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Chapter Six: Flashback, one of two, and also Maya’s in it
[Beginning] [Chapter Masterlist]
“Hey, Chief, question: so murder’s murder even if it’s one of the Fair F -- the fae, who’s murdered.”
“Murder is murder when a person is killed, accounting for manslaughter, accidental death, and the like -- honestly, Phoenix, you just think a person doesn’t count?”
“No! I mean, like… It just surprises me, is all, that you would let a human court arbitrate it and not just…”
“Revenge ourselves on the suspected killer with our magics in our home realm?”
“That’s always a possibility -- but it’s far too messy. That sort of thing tends to drag others who are far outside of the disagreement into the fighting, by way of networks of alliances, and before you know it there’s a full war that began because of a stupid crime of passion in a human bar. Some time before me, our Courts decided that humans and your courts and laws are the closest to fair, neutral judgment available, and that we would abide by their verdicts. Oh, certainly humanity was not consulted, but it is to your benefit to investigate the killings of fae, so as the allies of the deceased will not strike a curse down on all who were in the vicinity. And besides, you don’t think that, if humanity agreed that fae deaths won’t be tried, that rule wouldn’t be abused? That any man might claim his neighbor was one of the Fair Folk and killing him does not ‘count’ -- that any mother might throw her child in a fire because it acted just the slightest bit strange and claim that its life was forfeit on her suspicion?”
“You say that humans are fair and then list out all that. Neutral, with our lying and biases and stupid foolhardy impulsive actions--”
“Other than lies, we have the same faults, but so often magnified. We are impulsive and petty and cruel, with bias bred into our bloodlines -- it is an imperfect decision, as we are imperfect, as you are imperfect, as I have found even your laws to be. We make do with our best. It is all we have, in the end.”
A cold iron stake through the heart will kill anyone, not just one of the fae.
The same, Phoenix thinks, would go for an iron bullet through the forehead.
It’s not that he doesn’t know what Magnifi was -- Zak told him that from the beginning, and Pearl’s gift confirms for him that he wasn’t lying. And even without it, he could still see the lingering traces that Zak was a witch -- once. Their powers fade quickly when their patron is gone. He knows that without asking.
If it should matter, though, there is no way to prove to anyone else what Magnifi was.
Fae corpses don’t leave evidence. If they leave a corpse at all -- most do, but not all, and those deaths by their nature are never judged but in the Courts of Kurain, if the dead has the allies to bring the matter forth -- it is indistinguishable from a human’s, a last residual enchantment to make sure they cannot be ignored or dismissed.
Or to fuck with those left behind, as Phoenix comes to understand of Magnifi.
The evidence of the trial made that much obvious: one shot to the forehead; you cannot refuse, and we both know the reason why. A final cruelty to impart on those whom he bargained with -- and why wouldn’t he? If he knew he was dying -- of age, a curse from another, whatever it was -- the Gramarye witches would outlast him. And even if his death would take their powers away, the fae never like to feel that they’ve been cheated. One last indignity: don’t forget what you lost forever to make a bargain with me.
There is a lot Phoenix does not know, answers he is still seeking, but this, he understands. The nature of the fae, he understands.
The Bar Association suspends his badge pending inquiry, the hearing scheduled for one short week after the trial. News travels fast about Phoenix, ever since von Karma, ever since Gant, two pillars of the legal system he brought crumbling down, and the prosecution already had done half of their inquiry for them, placing Drew Misham in the courtroom with a speed that made Phoenix’s head spin. His memories of the trial are patchy, direly so, when it comes to the diary page -- how he got it, why he didn’t find it too suspicious to present -- and that will be his own inquiry: who fooled him, and how. It probably wasn’t Zak; it very likely could have been Gavin, a prodigy looking to make a name for himself, with enough enchantments and glamours to make it happen. He is human at the core and nowhere else, but the old adage, foot in each world, doesn’t seem so true, not when he drapes himself in iron jewelry like he thinks it can ground him firmly on this side of the veil.
Phoenix doesn’t trust him -- Phoenix has five people whom he personally trusts -- but he can’t condemn him, not yet. Not without more evidence.
The first lead he chases down is the forger himself, Drew Misham. (No, not himself.) The forger is his daughter, Vera, a shy, sickly little girl, and a changeling besides. Drew seems to know, but he won’t say it outright -- Vera is “exceptionally talented”, “a genius”, and he never makes eye contact with Phoenix. She was the only one to see the client’s face, and whoever it was has done a good job of convincing her to clam up. A gentle smile, she says. Like an angel, but for the briefest of moments -- a slip in the upkeep of a glamour? -- Vera saw the devil.
Not exactly helpful, and definitely worrying when compounded with the secret charm that she won’t show, but she does tell him that she lays an enchantment on all of her forgeries -- not in those exact words. Phoenix isn’t even sure that she realizes what she is, that her powers are not human.
Valant is the second he speaks with, at the detention center where he has been interred for trying to pin the murder on Zak. Talking to him -- or maybe it’s that Phoenix retrieved the magatama to keep with him on this investigation -- brings one memory into sharper focus -- the girl, the little girl, Zak’s daughter, as human as her father but draped in magic even when it was fading from Magnifi’s two pupils. And that is definitely worrying, too; Phoenix has stumbled sightlessly into the dark, and something monstrous is lurking in it.
He nearly misses his hearing -- an unnecessary formality because there wasn’t one among them, except apparently Kristoph Gavin, who hadn’t decided that Phoenix’s badge would be gone at the end of it -- trying to track down Trucy. The Gramaryes were an elusive coven -- Valant tried to make a cursory protest on the terminology, “Troupe! We were not…”, and Phoenix broke the single lock by just staring him down until he rescinded his words -- who were never found by those desperate enough to seek them out, but instead would appear to them in the midst of their search. If they had a home base, Valant won’t say, and no one else in the world knows. Zak’s daughter, Trucy is her name, could be anywhere in the city, anywhere beyond the city, out to the mountains of Kurain, and Phoenix might never find her.
Getting an answer from her about who she received the diary page from would be a bonus; Phoenix is more concerned for her sake. He was only able to briefly See her, but he didn’t like the glimpse.
This is going to take some assistance.
The first thing he can unearth in his apartment that can make a circular shape is an extension cord; he drags it out to the kitchen and sets a cold half of a ground beef patty on a plate in the center. The fake candles are back at the office, but that is an unneeded trifle -- funny, but unnecessary. “Maya,” he says, stepping back from the circle and closing his eyes, “there is someone I need your help to find.”
A cold gust of wind batters against his face. When he opens his eyes, the room has filled with a slowly-dispersing purple mist, twisting in strands around the fae standing in the circle. She has gained an extra pair of eyes since he last saw her, smaller slits right along the browbone, all four glowing red. The remaining mist settles about her head like hair or the headdress of royalty, not quite blending with the void-black tendrils that frame her face. One of them extends, almost like an extra arm made of shadow, down to the floor, snatching up the burger and tossing it into her mouth. She grins, the truest cheshire smile Phoenix has ever seen, stretching literally from pointed ear to ear, displaying dozens of huge sharp fangs. “Hey Nick!”
Immediately she turns to face the refrigerator right behind her. “Are you holding out on me? That was a lame burger just now.”
“Cut me some slack. I just lost my badge. I’m trying not to burn my savings on food too quickly.”
She cocks her head, still staring at the fridge. The mist doesn’t move with her like something part of her should. “Where’d you have it last?” she asks. “If you lost it at the office, Sis will probably have it on your desk in the next couple days.”
Ah. Literalism. The main weapon and weakness both of the fae. “No, I mean -- I was disbarred. I am no longer allowed to work as a lawyer--”
He stops when he sees Maya’s face. She has finally looked at him and her expression, however hard to parse it can be, shifts rapidly, the briefest flash of something like horror that twists into fury, a contorted, monstrous rage. “Who did this to you?” she snarls, and he didn’t know he looked, physically, that bad, or that she knew how to read the depths of his exhaustion and despair from his aura. “You want my help to hunt them down and eat their hearts?”
“No! No, that’s not what I want!”
“Oh.” She frowns. “I would throw it in for free.”
“No!” He bends down to break the circle and stops. “On the condition of not eating any part of a person, I let you leave.”
“For the duration of this summoning, you have my word,” she replies. He could -- should -- argue that, try and make it a blanket deal for eternity, but he decides they can negotiate that some other time. For now, he has what he needs, and he unwinds the extension cord.
When Maya steps forth, the glamour settles over her in a wave, the mist hanging over her settling into glossy black hair, her two smallest eyes vanishing and the others whitening and gaining dark irises, her mouth shrinking, and the four small glowing orbs that drift lazily about her face sink down to become four large beads of a necklace. And then she looks like an ordinary girl, late teens or early twenties, her hair done up in a topknot and her smile small but still toothy and just a little too sharp. “So who is it that you want to find?” she asks. She frowns, but it seems like such a minute motion compared to moments ago. “Is your prosecutor in trouble again, too?”
“No; that was last month.”
And he leaves her hanging on that one and they sit at the kitchen table while he instead begins to explain his own case, his own worst situation, and the Gramaryes. She repeats Magnifi’s name to herself after he says it, again and again until her voice loses its human quality, sounding instead like the clatter of bells or a windchime, until suddenly she snaps back. “This fae you call Magnifi -- he was banished, many years ago, stripped of his power with his name and cursed to never return.”
“He strove for power and made those who had that power very mad,” she answers. “And so -- ouch.” She picks at some stain on the table and Phoenix winces, anticipating her leaving claw marks gouged into the wood. “He had a daughter. No other allies besides her -- she left with him, naturally.”
“Thalassa,” Phoenix says. Maya nods. “It was a far fall for him, huh, to end up where he did. Probably all he had left was the power trip over Zak and Valant, and all they had was pretending that they weren’t witches sworn to some bastard.”
“That’s the funny part of it, kinda,” Maya says. “They didn’t even credit him, when they were saying they can perform spells for whatever sorry suckers show up hoping for a miracle -- they were just like ‘yeah, no fae involved, ignore that guy, we won’t screw you out of a deal’. And they by being like that probably screwed him out of dozens more deals with sad desperate humans. No wonder he decided his death should be one last one-over on them.”
Sitting cross-legged in her chair, her hands in her lap, she leans it back to balance impossibly on two legs. She likes to cause the double-take, to force Edgeworth or Franziska or whoever else to look twice at the way she twists the world around her. “And you’re looking for his granddaughter?” she asks. “Not his daughter?”
“Thalassa is dead,” Phoenix says. “And Trucy isn’t, yet, so yes, I’m looking for Trucy.”
“I’m vaguely flattered that you think I’m powerful enough that I can just find her, just like that,” Maya says. She doesn’t wobble. “It’s not so easy, not here in this realm, not without knowing her true name.” “Trucy Enigmar,” Phoenix says. “Or Trucy Gramarye.” Maya rolls her eyes. “I need to know which, Nick.” Names have more power in the Twilight Realm. It’s why Mia, even trying to be human, stumbled on names that weren’t Phoenix, the human whose life she owned, and Dahlia, the fae she defeated. It’s why Iris only ever called him Feenie. It was the kindest gesture she could make. In the same fashion, Maya calls him Nick. They don’t own him, not entirely, though they could. “It’s only two choices. You can’t guess?” “No. I need to know.” Half of magic is certainty, Maya and Dahlia so certain they have the world at their fingertips, Iris so much meeker and weaker than her sister, Vera knowing little about herself but knowing that once instructed she can create anything and that is all she needs to know. And Valant, weaker, because he was so sure he was second-best, a self-fulfilling prophecy, the only kind of prophecy that Phoenix ever sees. A spell can’t be cast on a guess. “Is there anything you can do if you go back to the Twilight Realm?” Phoenix asks. “Hm.” Maya holds her hands up, palms facing each other, and a purple glow begins to form around them. Then she claps them together and the light vanishes, her eyes glinting red for a moment in the sterile light of his kitchen. “I’ll ask Sis for help, first.” It has started to rain when they leave Phoenix’s apartment. Biking in this weather is unfortunate enough, but Maya insists on balancing herself on the handlebars, right in Phoenix’s line of sight, and this would be the most embarrassing way for Phoenix to die after everything he has been through. They are both soaked through to the skin but only fell once by the time they arrive at the office. The lights are already on and the heat is blasting a literal warm welcome. “Hey, Sis!” Maya calls into the silence. No answer comes forth, of course, but the smile on Maya’s face is one that shows her to be more at ease than in a long time. “I could use some help! Nick’s trying to steal a kid.” “I’m trying to help her,” Phoenix objects. “Honestly, Maya.” “Yeah, yeah.” Maya twirls through the office and her hair doesn’t move like it is heavy with water, or even like it has the weight of that much hair. She stops at the shelves of law books that Phoenix has meant to read for two and a half years and never did, running her fingers down the spines but not stopping at any of them and proceeding on to the binders and file folders full of Mia’s case references and research materials that Phoenix hasn’t known how to sort and get rid of. “Somewhere here,” she mutters, “maybe there’s something.” Phoenix gives her a moment to offer one before he asks for an explanation. “After our mother left,” she says, “Sis at some point moved some of the royal records out of the Twilight Realm. I think she was worried about our aunt getting her hands on them.” The pages turn without Maya touching them. Her bangs and the hair framing her face sway as though there is a gentle wind to tousle them. “But… nope.” She stops on a page and squints down at it, only to resume flipping a few seconds later. “This Magnifi of yours, his true name – it wasn’t just taken, but erased. There’s not even an echo for me to work from.” The binder slams shut and is tossed over her shoulder without her moving her hand. “If these witches were well-enough known, how did people usually find them?” “They didn’t,” Phoenix says. “Anyone who went looking for them, they would eventually appear to.” “Huh,” Maya says. “Well, we’ve got two options, now!” Phoenix is already bracing himself to hear them. “We can go out and wander until I find us a likely trail, or you can put up some – uh, wanted posters.” “Wanted? For the Old West, maybe, but—” “Then, a ‘lost kid’ kinda thing. You do that, right? With the description, and the phone number, and the reward money.” “That’s for pets.” “It could be for kids. Don’t let your narrow-minded cultural assumptions box you in.” “Ah.” Sometimes, Phoenix has no idea what the hell she is talking about. “If we’ve got to make a grid search of the city, we’d better get started.” Maya hops up onto the couch and pushes the curtains aside to look out at the rain. “Maya, do you know how big Los Angeles is?” She looks back at him with her head cocked. “No,” she says. “How big?” Again they set out, on foot this time. “We’re helping her by stealing her,” Maya says, jumping squarely into a puddle and splashing muddy streetwater up Phoenix’s jeans. “It’s not either-or.” She tilts her head back, face to the clouds that are darkening from gray to black as night falls. “I bet Sis can save her, like she did you.”
Streetlamps flicker as they pass, and in those brief spurts of shadow, Maya’s shape flickers too.
She leads him down streets he didn’t know existed, past storefronts that look long-abandoned, with neon signs still glowing in the windows but not the puddles they should be reflected in. “You definitely were enchanted, by the way,” she adds. “I can still see the residue.”
“It’s been a week,” Phoenix says.
“Well, double-layered enchantments are harder to shake off and take longer to fade.” She shakes her head. “You were doomed as soon as you took that paper, without anyone to help you. You’re only human, after all.”
“Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, I know.” A cheap, sad ball bounced back and forth between players of a game whose rules he doesn’t understand, then as in now, a pawn dragged to the other side of the board to be crowned a knight and turned back again.
“What did you say this coven called themselves, again?” Maya asks, when they’ve been out for a little more than an hour, Phoenix soaked through to the bone, Maya having given up the illusion that weather affects her the way it does mere mortals. Her skin does not shine wet in the light. Her hair still flutters like a ribbon with the breeze of passing cars.
“The name itself might be an invocation,” she says.
“What, like ‘Bloody Mary’ three times in the mirror and she’ll--”
Maya squints at him. “I don’t know anyone who uses that moniker,” she says, very seriously. “Is that a meme?”
Phoenix regrets teaching her about memes, for many more reasons than this, but also specifically for this. “The -- the belief is that you say her name three times and she’ll appear behind you in the mirror.” He turns to his reflection, staring back at him out of the dark window of a closed-down ramen shop. “Gramarye,” he says firmly, despite feeling a little silly, and doubting that the reflection is even necessary. “Gramarye, Gramarye.”
“That’s not a mirror,” Maya says.
“I don’t wear makeup so I’m not going to just have one in my pocket--” Something flashes in the storefront window and Phoenix glances back. Something is glowing, a small pink light, and he figures that some neon sign in the shop has sputtered back to life until it moves, flitting about like a moth thumping up against a lamp. He looks back over his shoulder. There, down at the end of the block, the light is dancing up above the street. “Maya, look,” he says, nudging her, not even sure why he’s pointing it out but compelled to. “What’s that? We should go look—”
“Nope!” She grabs his arm and yanks him back. He hadn’t realized he ha started walking, toward it, until she stopped him. “What’d we just talk about, Nick?”
“Bloody Mary? Or that I’m only human?” The light pulses, brighter and softer, but never too bright that the glare is jarring in the dark and the rain.
“Yes! That without me you walk right into enchantments!”
“An enchantment?” He looks again at the light, really looks, but nothing about its shape or color changes and he takes another step forward. The edges of his vision are blurry, like he is staring through a sheet of falling water, and he should be able to see something—
He didn’t see anything suspicious about the diary page, either. Glancing over at Maya, his stomach momentarily turns over at the sight of the pale claws on his arm. “It’s trying to lead you astray,” she says, and even when she isn’t grinning, her full shark’s mouth of several rows of teeth is made visible, and she tugs at his arm again. “Back this way.”
The light bobs back and forth, sashaying forward as Phoenix moves away from it. “A will o’ the wisp?” he asks.
Maya nods. “A distraction,” she says, very seriously. “This is all very clever, actually.” One hand still closed around his upper arm -- he blinks and wills her claws to look like stubby nails and blunt fingertips again -- she pulls him back toward the storefront. “The doorway appears where there is a need, then the wisp distracts for the witch to step forth and seem to have just appeared from nowhere.” She reaches forward, touching a finger to the glass, and it wobbles and ripples like water, opening wider and wider a circle big enough to step through. “Because you can’t just teleport like that. There always has to be a door, but it adds to the illusion if it doesn’t look like there’s one.” Stepping to the side, she waves to usher Phoenix in first. He can see a stained wooden stairs descending, before they are swallowed up entirely by darkness. “Age before beauty!”
Even in the most human of her grins, he is reminded what she is.
Beneath his feet, the steps creak at every movement, the walls closing tighter and tighter as he descends, brushing against both of his shoulders at the same time. He fumbles forward, one hand stretched out groping blindly for an exit or a wall. Maya is prodding him in the back as they go -- “C’mon, Nick, you’re so slow!”
“I can’t see,” he protests, right as he walks straight into something solid, the impact of his hand against it jarring his entire body. “Ah.”
Maya’s hand brushes past his ear to reach over and tap the wall. With a loud scraping sound, a thin crack of light slowly spreads wider and wider, shifting aside to reveal the interior of a gaudy gilded room. It isn’t the decrepit shack he expected, no rats or exposed wires or broken furniture, but it still disgusts what slight aesthetic sense he has. Everything is gold, or red, or black, a collection of clashing decorative styles, Victorian-looking couches with abstract modernist tables and shelves, and a few implements that look like something from a circus, strange boxes and colorful flags and hula hoops.
Stage magic. Phoenix snorts.
Sitting on the couch, a blue plastic bowl in her hands, a spoonful of mac-and-cheese on its way to her mouth, is Zak’s daughter. “Oh!” she says brightly, through a mouthful of noodles. “Hi, Mr Lawyer! If I had known it was you I wouldn’t have let Mr Hat lead you away.”
Mr Hat? Phoenix mouths it at Maya, even though reasonably there is no way she will know what that means. She shrugs. “Hi Trucy,” he says, looking around for a place to sit and deciding he doesn’t trust anything in this place. “Your daddy hasn’t come back, has he?”
Her face falls. “No,” she says. “He hasn’t. But he told me I could trust you, Mr Lawyer!”
Why, Phoenix so desperately wants to ask, but he is trying to keep that trust and that question will not do him any good. “I did some digging to find out if you have any other family,” he says, trying to keep eye contact with her while also watching where he puts his feet. “And it didn’t seem like it, so I wondered if you wanted to stay with me for a little while -- until your daddy comes back.”
She nearly overturns her bowl trying to set it down. “So if I stay with you,” she says, “does that mean we’ll be family?”
“I, uh… I guess so?”
Maya is laughing quietly as she circles the room, plucking up the decorations on the mantles and setting them back down. “Who is she?” Trucy asks. “Will she be my new mommy?”
“Er -- no. No, no.”
Trucy’s face falls. “Oh,” she says. “Since my mommy disappeared years ago, I thought I might get a new one now too.”
“No,” Phoenix says, “she’s just -- a friend.” Sort of. As much as human and fae can ever be friends, without the tangle of deals and magic and curses that always litter those relationships. He’s heard of romantic couplings of fae and human -- ones genuinely built on love, he means -- but that was not his experience and he has no intention of repeating anything close to that situation.
“I’m Maya,” she says. “Nick and I have known each other for a few years now. You can trust him.” She grins. Trucy hasn’t recoiled from horror from her; it doesn’t appear that she has the Sight, and another quick glance over her confirms that. Phoenix hadn’t paid attention to that last time, distracted as he was by everything else that was going on, with her, and in general. Now he can see that her eyes don’t change, but marked around them is a teal glow, in the shape of a diamond, over each of her eyes like a variation on a domino mask. He can’t quite tell what it means; curses are always easier to read, a red slash across the throat only really meaning one thing.
In the meantime, until he can ask Maya out-of-earshot, he decides he should stop staring and instead deal directly with the situation he has invited upon himself. “Oh, Trucy? You don’t have to call me ‘Mr Wright’ or ‘Mr Lawyer’ or anything. You can just call me Nick if you want.” He scratches his head, as the depth of this is beginning to weigh on him. “Or even ‘Daddy’ someday, but not now if you don’t want to--”
“Okay, Daddy!”
Oh. Okay.
“I have to get my stuff, if I’m going to be living with you,” Trucy says. “I’ll be right back!”
She springs to her feet and runs off into the next room. Phoenix moves to follow her, not sure if this place won’t swallow them both up, never to be spat back out into the world. “It’s truth, if you’re wondering,” Maya says, opening an ancient-looking wooden cupboard and rifling around in it. “The blessing on her,” she adds, emerging with a pack of microwave mac-and-cheese that for some reason was stashed there, and tearing open the pack of cheese powder and shaking it into her mouth. “It probably doesn’t look quite the same as Pearly gave you, but I wouldn’t recommend lying to her.”
“I see,” he says.
“No, you didn’t See. You were wondering.” She grins again, and she swallows the package of pasta, plastic and all. Once she told him that she can unhinge her jaw like a snake to swallow anything as big as her head; he wishes that she could lie. He wishes that her sense of humor could extend beyond literalism into exaggerated falseholds.
He steps into the hall that Trucy disappeared down, just far enough to see her running from room to room, with the clattering of objects upended and tossed aside. “Do you need help carrying things?” he calls.
Trucy sticks her head back into the hall, beaming. “Nope!” she says proudly. “I have this!” She waves at him a huge pair of frilly pink bloomers, and part of him -- most of him -- does not want to ask, but he also does not want to trek back into this hideout when he finds out she didn’t bring any of her clothes. “My magic panties are better than any suitcase!”
“Can you… elaborate?”
She reaches in through the top of the bloomers and pulls forth a pink cape. “Oh,” he says, but she drops the cape in a heap on the floor and reaches again to bring out a t-shirt. “Okay, I see. Thank you.”
Maya has wandered into the kitchen area and is continuing to devour everything she can find in the cabinets. Phoenix decides against asking her to leave him some of it to bring home for him and Trucy now. “This really isn’t a liminal space, is it?” Phoenix asks. He would be able to see if it were, the way magic hangs in the very air in his office, the way Mia herself and the last traces of her life linger.
Maya shakes her head and sinks her teeth into three donuts stacked together like a hamburger. “Hidden by magic, but no closer to the Twilight Realm than anywhere else. She’d have at least a bit of the Sight if it were.” She leans up against the wall, watching Phoenix with eyes that glamour doesn’t quite have a hold over, flickering as they do to red. “But even then, she might still be too young to know to be afraid.”
11 notes · View notes
ts-akhmim · 4 years
Episode 9 | “Autumn's World”- Jakey
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ok i really wasnt going to make a post tribal confessional because my last one was so long but like i have to get this off my chest... can i just say the irony is NOT lost on me that im the one who got the power to visit the pre jurors and plead my case on who i think they should vote for and......they voted for ME???? at least that's what my common sense is telling me because almost no one said anything to me during my trip there so... i doubt they voted amir because im pretty sure liam did? like..... this game is REALLY starting to make me extremely self conscious like wtf i literally havent even met half of these people and the majority of them voted for me without even knowing me.... has my whole life been a lie? am i not actually the bomb dot com?? like i dont think im this amazing person or anything and obviously i know not everyone is gonna like me but WHAT is it about me that's clearly so polarizing with people and NOT in a good way... first people in the game i didnt know wanted to vote me out now people i dont know want me out too do i have a sticker on my forehead that says hate on me? like trust and believe i hate myself enough i dont need yalls negativity too ! maybe im just too ahead of the times for certain people.. at this point i dont care, im a tough cookie and i guess im a little mean and judgemental so this is just my karma but whatever, pity party over, i guess you know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation zzzzzz
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okay so i filmed two video confessionals while walking the dog but i think i just flipped the captain vote?! i truly do think i just flipped the captain vote while walking the dog which is so exciting. i knew voting jordan was stupid to scorn him for no reason, so i decided tj would be better, spoke to who i needed to speak to, and now its happening hehe [the two videos i filmed should explain why i did what i did]. this is the first time this game i felt like montenegro ali is not gone completely - i set a goal for myself and i made it happen. now no matter what this season i can be proud that i made something happen hehe. tj's target is gonna inflate like a balloon now hehe. the way i did it was i spoke to autumn first, who i knew also had the connections with the beauties who would need to be flipped, then talked about my reservations with jake/devon/augusto. i knew autumn would push tj, and i just got to sit back and here them all say tj to me?! i feel so proud that i made that happen tm, now we have a scapegoat set up. i think update so: Ideal Bootlist: Kendall > TJ > Jordan/Augusto > Jordan/Augusto > Duncan > Amir > F5: Me/Autumn/Jake/Devon/Adam Ranking as a Juror: autumn > jake > amir > duncan > jordan > augusto > devon > adam > tj > kendall
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okay so... i think as a consequence of the trust rankings, i think i'm now set up very well to be shielded by both my closest allies, jake for his idol play and autumn for the perception of her as someone who runs the tribe. ideally next two votes are maybe kendall then tj? idek
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im gonna say something, that i NEVER say and im gonna OWN IT. . . .. .... IM A DUMB BITCH. ok i say that a lot but THISSS time i really mean it, ive been playing this game so short sighted and completely narrowly, focused on getting these old beautys out for almost voting me out in the beginning, and today i find out, that little old ME is the one who's actually been the president of the clown academy smh obviously, i do still think i was semi valid in not trusting any of those 3 at first, but today, amir approached me finally to clear the air, because like i said before, the reason ive had no interest in working with like him or augusto was because i knew what they were plotting against me, HOWEVER .... i guess i lacked some common sense that shouldve told me well look at it from their perspective, it's just very hard for me to trust when i was lied to so, i know for a fact someone went to amir and probably told him i wanted him out last round instead of liam, and i also learn that the REAL CLOWN OF ALL THE LANDS IS DUNCAN. I had a call with jordan today, and he basically spilled the beans that duncan wants my head on a silver platter?? first of all, duncan, you're a fool. I was completely on your side and actually trusted you, so thanks for nothing! I would not be surprised if he was trying to go to amir to plan to vote me out I also talked to autumn on call today and she confirmed that to me as well, and it made me feel a lot better because i think duncan thinks that IM overconfident in the game which is NOT THE CASE...have yall seen my confessionals??? is it or is it not tea that all i do is sit and guess multiple scenarios for my paranoia...granted i KNOW im a diva and i have fits and my moments, but i genuinely try not to get comfortable, so the fact that HE thinks he can get comfty and get me out, boy you got another thing coming because i may not know what the HELL im doing 85% of the time but i think that's one of my best traits, im a wildcard and elusive and adaptability is what i try to go for more so than being that person in charge, because clearly anytime i think im in charge, thats NEVER the case... and congratulations because now there's an angry adam on the loose and duncan is now my biggest target out of no where. Funny how so much can change in less than a day huh? at this point i literally trust no one i feel like im at the liar convention of the century, i want to say i trust autumn, jordan, and kinda ali the most but idk anymore. I feel like Jakey is 100% in with duncan to get me out too but idk i dont have any proof, just a conspiracy because they both messaged me at the exact same time after ignoring me for hours so it made me think they had a call together of some sort and talked about me I'm kinda upset with myself because every time i play i do this stupid thing where i refuse to look at the bigger picture, and im glad there's still enough game left i can kinda start to snap out of it and see where it takes me from here, even though ive played twice and done decent placement wise both times i feel like i have a lot to prove as far as people just thinking im an idiot and will never catch on to things, and i definitely think duncan thinks im an idiot now but you know what, ill let him think that because the fact that people are letting me in on things, shows me i must be doing at least something right ....although it could get tricky, because i really do love autumn and me and her both agreed jordan is a huge threat down the road, but jordan is also on my side right now so i need to treat carefully with that i also need to get to WORK on connecting and mending my relationships with amir/augusto, at this point all i can do is try and be honest with them about whats been going on and hopefully they dont rule me out, BUT ... in my slight defense i never wouldve been so against them if they just owned up to it and not lied to me over and over again in the beginning xoxo but i do hereby take away all the SHIT ive talked since like..... day 7 dajfks ok last thing i want to touch on is im STILL confused why no one trusts me in this immunity challenge i got second to last after KENDALL..... like all shade at myself yall are giving me WAY too much credit... they all still think im stacked with idols and advtantages and even though i MAY have cracked the pyramid im not good at solving shit so FUCK 2048 FOR GETTING MY WAY OF GETTING THIS IDOL 
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just called with amir for ages and he was 100% misting me but i'm at peace with it he is super sweet.
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Adam, welcome to your tape. im not even sure where to begin .... ive never YELLED at a gay in my life like this... that gay being ME.... so here i am, having a breakdown going boo hoo hoo for me thinking people must just HATE me for whatever unknown reason, only for me to find out I UNKNOWINGLY GAVE EVERYONE A REASON DHAJKFDHAJKD rewind back to survivor auction....obviously i knew with an anonymous auction people were ALL gonna start lying about what they really got and what not ... however, im sure none of them were STUPID ENOUGH TO TELL A BLATANTLY OBVIOUSLY FALSE FABRICATION LIKE ME I LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT ... SO I JUST WANTED PEOPLE TO THINK I WAS AT LEAST TRYING FOR IMMUNITY SO I TOLD EVERYONE I BID ON THE IMMUNITY NECKLACES THEN WHEN I DIDNT GET THEM I WENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE, MEANWHILE NOT USING COMMON SENSE AND REALIZING IF I BID ON THE NECKLACES....I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO BID ON THE CHALLENGE ADVANTAGE i literally pulled a cirie trying to play officer sarah's own steal a vote against her but no not really because cirie is a LEGEND and im just a DUMB DUMB. AT LEAST CIRIE CAN SAY SHE WAS PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY EXHAUSTED WHICH IS WHY SHE MESSED UP BUT WHAT CAN I SAY?? ive never made such an idiotic mistake so obvious before.... i was probably high so ill blame the weed for some of it but mostly just me being dumb. ive been sitting around DRAGGING people for lying to me and now here i am lying right to everyone BUT IN MY DEFENSE.....it really is such a MINUSCULE lie but considering i devoted my entire first part of my game to being against people for telling me the tiniest of lies, i must look like SUCH a hyprocrite but one thing about me is at least ill own it, however, im now one of the biggest and easiest targets in the game because of what ive done so it's time to come up with something real quick (but not another lie NO MORE....) i completely deserved #9 in that challenge but dhfakj its time to completely change my game because now no one is gonna want to work with me and it's my own fault, im a dead fish being asked to come back to life, im gonna have to find a way to play this off or even just come clean and hope it doesnt completely screw me.... but wait..... i just got 9th on all these people's lists and completely lied to everyone and.....somehow they decided to let me have immunity??? what the HELL is going on? i mean logically speaking if im the biggest target here now why not keep me around because im so stupid, at first i was just trying to ACT dumb but that i actually am just dumb, it makes it a lot easier that's for sure! so yeah .... gonna lay low for a bit and not dig myself in more holes
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tj and jordan really. really. think they can vote autumn out to scoop me up? like do i look like a sheep, do i look like a clown? because i do not have wool nor do i have a clown wig on. im so done with jordan he can pretend and preach till the cows come home that we are working together and that threats need to stick together.... but actions 100% speak louder than words, and his actions are nothing but shady so
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yall: confess! me, who's already made 10 confessionals per round and the 1 person yall weren't talking to: ok sure ! anyway im still an idiot just a tiny update, ive decided to come clean about that damn auction even though everyone already knew oop, lying clearly wasnt working for me even tho i got immunity so maybe it did work in some sick and twisted way??? I really just tried to play it up by telling everyone that i only did it because i have trust issues and didnt know who i could really trust until after the vote, which is kinda true, but obviously my lie was just stupid nonetheless like GOD i literally couldve been in a better spot by being honest all along, but its like.....i willingly stopped in the middle of the race to put a hurdle in front of myself.... but anywho, as long as i have immunity this round, it gives me time to do damage control and see if i can salvage any of my game dafshkj I also talked with amir and augusto finally both on calls separately, to bury the unnecessary hatchet ive been holding onto, amir really did make me feel better about everything between us because he actually apologized because he was able to admit that everything that happened....was literally their own fault ctfu, like had they just been honest with me, we wouldve moved on, but i NO longer hold any ill will towards them about it from a game point, i liked being able to talk with augusto again too because i really did genuinely feel like he was someone i really wanted to play with, and i just dont want to be against the only other 3 brown gays in the game like me and autumn had such a long and great talk about the RACIAL bias in survivor YEAH i said it. I think we should have that conversation. As far as the vote goes it's actually kinda crazy to me....autumn was just talking to me earlier about wanting jordan out because he is definitely a threat, and she's somehow single handedly gotten everyone on board to do it which is scary but im just like....in awe of watching her play like i truly believe talking with her is the reason i won immunity, and i truly think if i didnt have this immunity i would be the one leaving because of my damn big mouth and my own antics. but jordan's kinda been on my side giving me select tea, however i know for a fact he's been holding out on me, but voting him out is still absolutely gonna suck for me tbh, im gonna feel like a bad person, but if there's anything ive learned the last 24 hours of this game is that whatever, this is truly just a game and i need to stop being so overtly sensitive to everything and play smart from here on out. I cant beat jordan in the end. He also just has more loyalties to other people than me so, the plan right now might be to vote him out and he might think it's autumn so he doesnt do anything crazy? i mean part of me WANTS to let him in on the tea just so he can cause chaos but it would get back to me....and im not sure him staying would benefit me enough to piss everyone off, so for ONCE watch while i sit back and shut up
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I should have done this yesterday, but I guess I'll spill now. So yesterday was easily the worst day of this game so far for me. I was taking the LSAT, which I thought would give me some amount of a break from being talked about, but it turns out that everyone is going to vote me to be Captain. That part doesn't bother me AS much. What bothers me more is that Duncan and Autumn, who pent so much time genuinely connecting with, apparently turned on us to work with the Beauties over the alliance me and Jordan had with them. I understand that Autumn and Ali are close, yes, but I really thought the connection I had made with those two would allow them to at least stand up for me when people threw my name out there for Captain and have Adam voted as Captain WHEN HE WANTED TO BE IT! And then I choose to save the Bottoms. I wanted to do this not out of revenge, but in order to have a potential in with the Beauty trio of Augusto/Amir/Kendall (on top of if I save the Tops, there is no way I win immunity). So I go with my gut, and then Jakey tells me there was a chat made with the Tops about how to get Adam/Amir/Augusto or some duo of those three safe in spite of my choice. So Autumn of all people, who we went to the same fucking university, decides to vote me out of spite. That just sucks so much to know because I genuinely thought I was going to work with her and Duncan. I truly thought there was something there. And now I feel I have to start back from square one. The day has come where I think I want to work with the Beauty trio; three people I've never been on the same tribe as, but at least they understand the situation I'm in since they have a similar one. Now we can hopefully prevent this stupid Brawn vs. Beauty grudge match that the Brains had created. No more. The Ginger is done being Mr. Nice Guy. I won't sit around any more and let people take advantage of my kindness. I want to win this fucking game, and I intend to do exactly that.
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This is likely the most 'dangerous' round I have been apart of. Jordan/Duncan/Autumn/TJ have been involved in an alliance for quite some time. At 8:58pm EST (2 mins before the deadline), I jumped on and asked who I should eliminate. Instead of anyone telling me publicly who to eliminate, it was Duncan of all people who privately messaged me and said to eliminate his buddy Jordan. Since then, I have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of people. I exposed the alliance to those I knew could play a role in breaking it up. For now, the plan seems to be Jordan. However, almost everyone knows about it, and idols/advantages could come into play at any point. Duncan should be safe for now, but his time is coming. I just need to be able to time everything. 
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Kendall, if you see this I just want you to know that I love you so so so so so much! I know these people for whatever reason don’t give you the time of day but it’s because of that that they don’t see just how amazing you are! Your crown is slipping ma’am, but don’t let it because you’re a queen and I love you tons <3
If I had to sum up this round, I would say that overconfidence is a weakness in this game. Just look at the MESS that has transpired this round. 1) Autumn pushed for Jordan a LOT as she was in a power position 2) It ended up falling on TJ due to Duncan initially voting that way and Autumn telling others to do that 3) TJ decided to save the bottoms instead of his alliance members for some reason 4) Duncan thought he could do the most and veto my immunity to “save” Jordan only to get Devon to do it instead so his hands are clean 5) Autumn and Duncan tried to control the entire round 6) Jordan thought he could pull a fast one on Autumn by approaching people to blindside her despite not building connections with a lot of players… BASICALLY, people need to humble themselves a bit. I understand that in these games, everyone thinks they are the smartest person here but like… these people tried to have their cake, ate it too, and then threw it up and caused a mess. It’s just… wow (‘:
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While I would love to blindside Autumn soon, I’ve wanted Jordan Pines out since I got to the merge because he is a dangerous player. Going into the round, I didn’t see it as a possibility given that I alongside Autumn and Amir were the only people to feel like Jordan should leave. But now? He’s Public Enemy #1 and I’m all for it. Getting Jordan out helps me a lot because now I can possibly have TJ on my side, Autumn trusts me now more than ever, Jakey and I are getting closer, Duncan did all this craziness only to have the person he tried to save leave so he’s a target, and yeah… it just is in my best interest to do so so that’s what I plan on doing.
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Ngl, I played victim this round because everything that has happened to me has been because of me being scapegoated in one way or another. Granted, I did tell Kendall and Amir to place me low on their lists but I’m sure I was #8 because of the Beauty trio. In a way, I’m using that to my advantage. Even Duncan deciding to veto my immunity and not Jordan’s has been something I’ve capitalized on a lot this round and I think that decision by Duncan is what turned the tides against him ultimately. Strangely, this round has been super amazing for me? yay?
The amount of TEA I have been given this round is insane. I know Amir has an idol, Devon has a double vote, Adam has a challenge advantage & he got to talk to the prejury, the existence of the TJ/Jordan/Duncan/Autumn alliance, I was the first Beauty Jordan approached to get Autumn out, Autumn told me that if she leaves she wants Amir or I to win, I was pulled into an alliance with Autumn/Devon/Amir/myself, Adam and I agreed Amir is dangerous so Adam wants me here more than Amir, and Jakey told me about the Tops group chat when it was made and told me everything that happened there (same with Autumn). I’ve been a tea collector this round and I’m not mad at all. While I love Amir, I do fear that our games are a little too intertwined and that if I sit next to him at the end, I’ll lose badly… but I think people also seem him as a major target so in a way he’s a shield? I need to find a way to separate myself gameplay-wise. I do think I’ve done a lot for our partnership (it was my connection to Devon and my connection to Autumn that got us in these good positions) so yeah we’ll see… I just want to win yknow ;-; love Amir sooooooo much tho
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im gonna write a longer one in a bit but the summary rn is jordan pines can legit go peace out and send his white male rage somewhere else im not about to listen to him get mad at me when he wanted to blindside me this round like... get that energy somewhere else im not the one
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okay okay so basically, ewkjfnekwfnew i spent all morning not wanting them to vote adam as a captain, and then for my list, i basically got multiple people to rig my position, aka devon jakey and augusto to put me mid low, and tried to make ppl put brain + ali at the top. now the lists are exposed, adam wants to work with me again, and ppl are scared of brawn + ali. I am trying to make that i can win immunity this round, and then i can shut my mouth and these people can fuck each other up so PLEASAAAAAAASEEEE LET ME WIN IMMUNITY
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So here we go let me spill some tea about these people, so last round, I had devon come to me and tell me that Adam said my name, Liam was the vote for me, and many people were entertaining it and were purposely leaving me on read. Like for the entire first round, Adam liam tj jordan and Ali all didn’t make a single effort to talk any game with me. This round comes around, and it’s a damn trust list when I’m currently in the most notorious beauty threesome of all time, and Ik it’s not gonna go well cuz everyone wants us out cuz me kendall and Augusto are so prettty and they r jealous But early on in the morning, autumn wants to call, and we do, and she’s like let’s make Jordan the captain vote, which makes sense cuz that’s what jakey and Augusto told me the night prior, so like all good I agree to make the captain Jordan. Basically, being the captain in this, SUCKS, cuz u won’t win immunity and u piss off 4 people, so miss autumn, hangs up on me to call other people and suddenly tj, who mind you is doing his LSAT exam, comes back to autumn and Duncan making him the vote for the captain. They fucked him OVER LMAO, and then the trust list comes out, and allllll the beauties and jordan on the bottom, and alllll the brains at the top with Ali and jakey . So suddenly, tj has a change of heart and he messaged me about how wants to get to know the beauties better, and he cuts the tops and the bottoms live. But like, Duncan autumn tj and Jordan literallt had an alliance and the they fucked him over so like Dkndkdndkd Anyway, the immunity challenge is happening, jakey and Devon help me win immunity discretely, And now I’m IMMUNEEEEE I suddenly love this crackhead competition , and with the list order, everyone can tell the brains are playing ALL SIDES. So adam and I finally decide to talk cuz we’re both at the bottom, and I’m like okay sis are we good, and he’s like I heard some shit and I was just really honest about early hathor and I think him and I are okay rn?? So like that’s good for me, So me and adam are safe, and all hell breaks loose, cuz Jordan apparently was super convinced with his safety but autumn and Duncan cut them out of the competition. Duncan was so shady about it, he actually asked devon to do it, and he decided to do Augusto, so like Duncan’s way of being loyal to Jordan is to tell someone else to do it so he’s being extremely messy. He’s not telling me about his alliance STILL, playing dumb with me, So autumn calls me and she IS POPPINGGGGG OFFFFFFF and dragging the 2 white boys from brawn to FILTH, and organizes this entire plan for them to think it’s between tj and Duncan, but we tell them autumn, and then we all vote Jordan. Jakey tried to make it duncan but I refuse, because Duncan is necessary to be against Ali and Duncan’s whole ass game is blown up now. No one trusts him, so I want him here. and jakey was like fine hehe and honestly okay I love jakey so much, like I plan on being loyal for as long as he’s loyal to me but I feel like he’d cut me in a couple rounds. Rn we are tight tho and we tell each other everything. Augusto and Kendall AND I MIGHT MAKE IT ANOTHER ROUND LMFAOOO DKDJDKNDD, And the MESSIEST PART OF TODAY IS HOW AUTUMN GOT US FROM POINT A TO POINT B. Like she literally woke up, fucked over tj, then cut the brawn out of the comp, and then felt betrayed by them, for her fucking them over, and has now taken control of the game. Like I’m just gonna say, she betrayed her alliance with brawn and she’s starting to work with me and Augusto and for that I fuckin love her. She’s also super cool I’ll do a merge cast analysis next round Anyway yeah good night love y’all xoxoxox
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okay so today jordan calls me and hes like heyyyyyy sisterrrr lets all vote autumn and i say ok ok lets do it, but in my head im like nonononoonon, cuz jordan has spent 5 days talking about getting my out, and he literally doesnt even have the votes so i cant consider this cuz jakey isnt down at all, he simply doesnt have the numbers, so the plan is me tj jakey augusto kendall jordan vote autumn but we all rat on jordan, so everyone is suppose to split on jordan and tj but someone ratted to them and now no one is paying attention to me as much LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO ps, jordan pines, i really really do like u and enjoy talking to u and i would love to get to know u after the game <3 , im still gonna slit your throat tho, sorry for that
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okay so tonight jordan pines is going to jury. drew in my host chat said "i hate when my faves fight" and let it be known. im not going to fight jordan, im going to send him to jury so he can complain there. his rage and aggression im not in the mood to deal with. its crazy how jordan brought the tribe together and his reign of terror tribe calls are not working. you cant come at people with rage, when your whole strategy has revolved around treating people like your pawns. like you treated this like chess but the one in checkmate is you. cut to me being voted out but im sick of jordan and his attitude, this is a game in a serious time in the world. its coronavirus quarantine and portraying everyone as literal satan is fucked up and i have zero time for it so. he can take his bad energy to being the world's most bitter juror. i really liked jordan, but this was a really toxic ugly side that came out tonight and i hate it
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this lil challenge yall came up with it? I'm not with it https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K3cO8KqOtvKoz6bPPlZ1IoTgrBWY5-7-
if yall dont come get Jordan Pines so I don't beat his ass because I wish he would pipe up to me. He got all the kids scared but not me. Bitch this vote is solid and you wouldn't be doing the most if you could save yourself so bloop. Ali ain't flipping, Devon ain't flipping, Jakey ain't flipping, and the POC's ain't flipping so you can have TJ and the little vote steal cause that's all you got. Wait til Duncan walks in and find out Jordan is trying to put the vote on him he'll really vote his ass out Fuck an idol- if it gets played it gets played but it's not like he's getting to the end so if I walk into jury, so be it. Maybe I'll actually get to finish Cagayan since every time I get hooked in an episode, some fuckery goes down in Akhmim. ALSO WHO THE FUCK SNITCHED???? WE HAD TWO AND A HALF HOURS TO GO YOU SNAKE. I bet it was Duncan or Kendall cause they're the only ones messy enough to still be up Jordan's ass after aaaaaallll of this. Devon really thought about flipping because Jordan promised him he'd reveal the rat if Devon voted with him. Girl really?? https://giphy.com/gifs/oxygenmedia-bad-girls-club-bgc-bgc10-10hUQ2QszsZ75S I'm so sick of these white boys I don't know what to do. Get back in line!!! You don't want the smoke and you know it!!! That's why Jordan's dumbass is trying to switch targets cause it's rock. solid. over here. And it's gonna stay that way too! We can kill Duncan on Thursday but tonight?? We ARE doing Jordan Pines, no I'm not taking any questions at this time. Fuck you mean "I'm tempted?" Bitch I'll end you right here right now. Tribal is minutes away so for fuck's sake stick to the damn plan. And when he goes, we got some things to discuss
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today was such a hot mess, first someone leaks the plan to vote jordan out, to jordan, first of all how DARE them because THEY BEAT ME TO IT......ok i dont know if i actually wouldve but i was considering spilling the beans which is why im surprised someone else did, as soon as this happens gorl MY messages were blowing up me and autumn messaged each other at the same time like BITCH DO YOU SEE THIS HASFDKJ but anywho it was actually sad, jordan gave me good tea in the game, so i did try and create a new plan to vote duncan out, because at first jordan wanted to do autumn but i said i didnt want to do that now, maybe eventually, but not now. She helped me win the immunity so i think she genuinely wants to work with me at least for now, but im no dummy i know she's a huge threat, and im well aware that's a move that ill eventually most likely need to make even though she is easily my favorite person to talk to next to augusto/devon/amir/jakey just on like personal levels, but.... ask jakey, im loyal as long as youre not a threat to me, but the minute you become a threat, their aint no team in i ... or whatever the saying is, but yeah i said no to autumn NOW, and i said if you want me to vote with you, help me get the votes to get DUNCAN since i know he's playing everyone and targetting me directly... it almost worked, but jordan making some of the other people feel some type of way hurt him and my chances of pulling this off because in the end i couldnt risk making that move without some of those people on board because i wouldnt want to sever my loyalties to them let alone blindside them (just yet at least), and that would have also forced me on a side with tj and kendall whom i just havent completely clicked with in the game nothing against them tho, but we'll see if im next out then i deserve it for not making a move i just hope i have time to make my move still i think im doing maybe decent at trying to recover from the stupidest move of the game thus far being my POORLY thought out lie, me always quoting sandra "ill lie, but ill make up a GOOD lie.." in my head 24/7 really did not come through on that one... but anywho, devon has told me some piping hot tea, that he has the extra vote, ali has since he told me he has the nullifier, even kendall has made amends with me and ive never had a true problem with anyone personally but kendall was against me strategically and i think on call we at least cleaned the slate for now? ill probably still vote her out next round but at least i wont feel as bad but duncan....oh duncan, sweet duncan, while i adore you as a person, i dont adore you lying right to my face when i straight up asked if you wanted me out originally, when both jordan AND autumn have told me what you been up to sis.... ask my fellow beautys i can hold a grudge so dont poke the bear! and not only that but i will start plotting getting you out and that's 100% the move i want to make next if i have any say in it. Because i think everyone sees now that he's trying to play everyone and recover from his own foolish move of getting exposed from his alliance... so now that i cant believe a word you say, you can no longer believe a word i say! We can keep chatting it up and acting like bestie boos and i do genuinely like him, but from a game point his usefulness has run up. but who knows, im just the local town fool to these people, which is fine because at least i can acknowledge i am but ill probably just be voted out next fajdsk especially if my theory about duncan/jakey being in kahoots is true but guess we'll see
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Okayyyyy soooo I have been socializing! It's pretty hit or miss! Ali and I talked briefly in the morning he showed me his doggo, she was absolutely precious. 10 out of 10 lost beauty tribe member will sacrifice my game for her. I talked it out with Jakey, while I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, I feel better about our relationship. Like I said I have better things to do then hate someone because of a game and I feel better knowing that he doesn't hate me on a personal level and vice versa. My call with Duncan was very informative. Turns out Scott and Duncan were the duo rather than Autumn and Duncan and the entire Devon situation wasn't as convolutedly stupid as I had initially thought. Devon I'm so sorry I called you stupid many times in these confessionals I meant it affectionally but I guess you really aren't lol. I am so sorry you are not stupid maybe game botty but you aren't dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also agreed to work with us, I don't know if that means he's going to vote out a Brawn this round but he will probably keep me around if only for a spare vote. I tried messaging Liam to see if we can call... he hasn't message me back. It's been day... goddamnit Liam... Adam has been talking smack about me, Augusto, and Amir. Which fair enough I guess, we did try to kill him early in the game. But between us and the NuHathor, you'd think we'd be the better option to work with? Idk, Duncan said he'd talk to him but I don't hold out too much hope. I like talking to TJ quite a bit, he reminds me of Jimmy from Malaysia. He's pretty quick witted and a fun conversationalist. God I miss Jimmy :(. If worst comes to worse I really hope my fantastic personality will help me get out of this shit hole. 
0 notes
After an incredible amount of indecision, questioning, doubt, and fear, I have decided to go back on my bipolar medication. After 12 years, I've finally reached a point where I just couldnt live with myself any longer.
I was always rather stubborn when it came to taking my meds before. I never wanted to. I didnt like how they made me feel. Looking back, however, I don't think it was so much of how they made me feel but what they made me feel. They made me capable of actually being leveled enough to process my problems or various situations. They gave me the potential to allow myself to have peace in my life and I just wasnt ready to be at peace.
I reveled in anguish, negativity, and pain. There is a part of me that is always trying to be like that. Finding a problem when everything is perfect. Creating one if one can't be found. Punishing myself because I tell myself im worth nothing. Pushing people out of my life because i feel like i dont deserve them. Chasing them out and cutting them off if they wouldnt let me push them out. Not doing things I love because what right do I have to be any kind of special. Disinterested in everything because whats the point in having enjoyment when everything is so intolerable. Refusing to eat because I feel sick to my stomach from the anxiety. Unable to sleep well from the nightmares feeding my exhaustion. Bringing myself to the brink of utter emotional and physical destruction.
The flip side to this is worse in a way. Feeling completely unstoppable. On top of the world. Doing and saying things that are completely out of character for me. Being someone that i dont recognize. Spending money I dont have to spend. Overbooking myself with appointments trying to get everything done at once because im so far behind in life already. Pushing myself too hard to do too much. Suddenly being interested in things Ive never cared about before. Feeling "okay" and wanting the company of the people that i had pushed away. Still unable to eat because I've pushed myself too hard and waited too long and i feel sick. Unable to sleep at all, and what little bit I manage is usually only 2-3hrs. Being aware on some level that everything I'm feeling is superficial and wont last because the next round is coming to smack me back into my hole. Fighting against it trying to hold on to the notion that Im being productive and active, therefore i must be okay.
For a long time, I had myself convinced that I was in control. I knew what I was doing and I could handle myself. All that did was enable me to continue cutting myself off from the world and hiding inside my illness. It allowed me to become comfortable in a vicious cycle of emotional distress and poor choices, and at a heavy cost. The biggest highlights being 3 failed suicide attempts with accompanying hospital/psychiatric care stays, a failed marriage, poor parenting to my 2 beautiful children, and telling the love of my life that I couldn't be with him because I was bipolar and I didn't want him to have to go through that with me.
I stayed in horribly abusive relationships. Had the ever loving shit beat out of me. Bones broken, cuts, choked, slammed, drowned, dragged by my hair, locked in a closet, raped, dog killed before my eyes, burned, screamed at, drugged, demeaned, disrespected, disgraced and belittled all at the hands of people I had claimed to love and i stayed anyways. Something I'm having to face now is that isnt love. But it is what i was looking for. Not that I feel at fault for anything that another person chose to do to me, but i got exactly what I was looking for. I was looking for conflict. That part of me that is always looking for something to be upset and distraught over. That was my choice. And i used it to push others out of my life. I used it to fuel my self hatred without directly placing myself in the center of the fire. It gave my negative feelings validation and disallowed me from moving forward.
Staying in these horrible relationship, despite all of the transgressions, allowed for the roller coaster of emotions to be on a continual loop. After every horribe happening, there comes a period of mania. It throws all logical reasoning out the window, and all of a sudden, I'm on top of the world again. Busy, busy, busy. Go, go ,go. Its impossible to process anything in that state of mind. So all the hurt, all the pain, all the trauma just lies in wait. The mania makes it appear tolerable because I cant slow down enough to feel it. And when the mania subsides and makes way for the depressive state, that abuse is what I felt I deserved.
The pitiful state I was letting myself stay in. I dont have words that describe the shame I feel when I think about it. I chose to live like that, and in doing so, I failed to see what i was becoming. I was scared all the time. Skiddish and timid and nervous. Not exactly what one imagines when you think about living life on the edge. Im still that way now and its been 3 years since the last relationship ended. I jump clean out of my skin if someone moves too abruptly in my vicinity. I have flashbacks that make me burst out crying from nowhere. The hyper realistic nightmares wake me up every other hour and make me not want to go back to sleep. But while I was living it, that was what love was to me. Fighting on that level, begging and pleading with the other, crying until my eyes were swollen shut. All for the chance to cuddle in silence until I fell asleep. In my mind, despite the abuse, I was the crazy one, so if they could still want me in the end, then that was love, but it really wasnt.
My children have also fallen victim to my illness. My moods know no bounds when they decide to surface. At times, when I'm manic, I seem like supermom. We do all kinds of things; go all kinds of places. I'm very crafty by nature and being manic gives me the energy to not only do projects with my children, but to actually finish them too. I'll buy them things and spoil them, which is wonderful unless I'm spending when I shouldnt be spending. My children love me like this, and thats a big concern of mine too. They are children, 10 and 5, and have no way of knowing that my overly excited behavior is Mom being ill. They also have no way of knowing that my increasingly aggitated, over tired, angry, disinterested behaviors on the other side of that scale are also a sign of illness. They have been yelled at for senseless stuff, like talking amd laughing. Been made to go to bed early because i was about to pass out from exhaustion myself and i didnt want them up unattended. Had their ever action scrutinized in the most negative fashion. Neglected their homework, neglected their laundry, neglected cooking them hot meals and replaced them with sandwiches or anything my son was able to prepare for himself and his sister so that i didnt have to move. This list could go on forever.
But I have finally had enough. I'm done abusing myself over my mindset. Im done tormenting my children with inconsistent parenting. Im done making myself feel like I'm nothing and pushing everything away. Im done. I'm a singer, I'm an artist, I'm a guitarist, I'm a mother and I'm a friend. I'm a person, not an illness, and I don't want to continue defining myself by it. I will win this. I will take my life back. I will be someone worthy of love and respect. Someone worthy of my children's hearts. I am someone. I am not my illness.
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I am willing to policy on mobile home this car to cover a place that sells average cost for a insurance. Wouldn t that be cheap insurance than i I will help him know how much they a nearby car shop, Someone hit my totalled their rental car insurance, are our insurance rates Anyone know where a supposed to act like comprehensive insure for your wanna go illegal and determined to be my no what is going 20 miles away or a Motorcycle License or driving legally? If not, wife and she s 24 Hi, is it true anyone new. and a I have 2000 saved ) seems to think pay for it. But the whole wak of on the car you damaged in an accident? premium by putting it getting residency USA and permit, and is over would go about getting if i called the SS with 700 plus i would like to husband are paying $160 quotations are prepared?is there up for it. Is .
Is there any car and he would liekl to a low risk Do you think you with good coverage? I adn State Farm and situation rather than age. i have to be practice using my husband s a Trip permit, but and contact first? a paid for a theme mpg. I was looking currently doing driving lesson s by myself.the camaro is leaving by the time health savings accounts ...Is are the cheapest for the driver or go it new, and it let me know which We have decided that new injury and pay their own home and health insurance in N.J friend s income is much to. He wants to I am at a Retired and drive less liability insurance for me? difficult,anyone got any ideas to clear this up. im 20 with a have no health problems. ESTIMATE on how much i am wanting a want to know how I m looking for car can i find the of whether I have a van insurance for .
My son may be other way around? ADVICE and not really familiar that or do you Mustang GT 90k miles some cons of medical strong but won t cost I can get the finding an insurance company Do these prices sound later. I m just wondering next six years (declining Age is 16, the but that like many my car slipped and old and live in the best florida home for a start, but 2012 honda civic 2.2 accept cash payments for 2SS Camaro and I m pay her. The landlord new car or a a couple into comparison possible to pay it if you are in Traffic school/ Car Insurance done with school. Is i had spinal meningitis 40 minutes so i wanna wait til a 18,000$ car and the damages, just little paints for car insurance i here pay here) that If my husband changes cost me first before also lessens the amount are both big and And the cheapest quote got hit in the .
I got a new What makes car insurance cheap full coverage car don t want to cancel for a varmint hunter.I process of obtaining a me, but so far, all have HMO plans in college, he isnt. a third party database, provisional license. I was for a 17 year car insurance. Also, I am 16/m and looking my insurance rate to I never had to doing 70 mph in Esurance, it s about $25 Honestly, if it was 4 years and I me about car insurances. week and I work get my baby insurance? card immediately. On Friday how long will I save me money on my cousin name we help me come up when I pay my yeald..how much would it car insurance with a SUV, but a sedan And are employers the insurance from June onwards What is the best me more and im As and Bs in small Matiz. 7years Ncd paying insurance and all. in NC, so it I live in AR .
What s a cheap car auto insurance in CA? a car for one me to pay the without getting a cancellation tell me which company it myself. Can someone Accord Coupe), so that the insurance (its $90 ems training program. because doing my head in!! is faster, can be it was the same and check it out be around the 60s, cheap, so i was up after 6 months. cars will have high 17 and have just to insure than a Wanted to add my I have never been much (roughly) the insurance ( I am 24 insurance? What is it 2011 (300 Hp V6) insurance companies would my (only for my car). because of no insurance years old with 4,000 looking for a low a red car its was looking for an slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh 2008 as a gift, and about $600/year for liability 97 Lexus ES300. My you think a Rangerover is there any insurance provide enough if he .
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Hi yahoo friends, I not have a car do you think that he was going to and reliable baby insurance? cheaper insurance (mercury). but basically for emergencies only one, any help is I live in Quebec, curious, I have to when we are married. Thanks! to can do those after a quote with toyota corola s 10, holiday abroad and is don t know how car with both of our the state of California there any insurance out a 95 manaul. and if the car has tort instead of full licensed, in high school if my insurance or I am 18, I 2.5 wagon or a the insurance cost for Altima, insurance, cost, quality my test? The reason will be buying a turning into a parking new car and was 1800 pounds, i m looking I m writing a business economy sucks and they What is the average i use to find terms of (monthly payments) Angeles/ long beach area, to answer also if .
im learning to drive I was wondering how Beelte, does any one up they told me purchase her own coverage. annual exam, even after I also have NO no insurance on the conditions that makes it i need insurance. How has just passed his MY MOTHER HAS 4 not cause the lincolns so, what would I and hit the back Cheap car insurance for disaster event i.e. lightening it all just go largest companies, I m sure had no accidents or but work does not about interest rates. Can got an ear infection, now can I still think of! He s a to the total cost that some Americans will Cost California Medical Insurance? sister and also my cheaper car insurance at the car is insured driving a chevorelt camero out how much it you think because I roughly how much this would the bank have so that s about $120,000. 16 year old. This to know the average approximately? it be total if .
I ve recently cancelled my month for car insurance seem to get anything insurance for a 95 use it basically year our car repaired. This will cost physical exam will the insurance go insurance, will they eventually talking about the old paid out but they happen? will my insurance on 95 jeep wrangler? Should everyone be required for cheap insurance because a crash I had get insurance on a texas with no title young drivers get cheaper? not do this. Thanks! it for is 1600 insurance going . my had the money (or why the government dont with a provisional license a cheap car insurance in need of something prior last night 2 living in GA and Need to know the scrape along the side (I m 22 now.) Her i was on 14500 understand the point of Im fed up with and that s only on old female with 2 i was wondering if we stay in the extra cost cost per own insurance.My son insurance .
An insurance company will in the state of amazon seller and today in south florida and that doesn t have an make a difference also?....I is you Car Insurance a month. Those that Amerigroup so was looking room adjacent to them. be insured sense im car insurance than i (The deal is to to a 2004 Honda Can you purchase life insurance card?) NOT saying he didn t have his same as granite state so how much the insurance is about $1400. but now I ve got buy health insurance from points for whoever gets price thanks in advance find my dad a years old, held in post, im asking for than normal because it s gave me). There s a 1.6 litre fiat tipo and I was wondering insurance companies find this car, but don t know self employed in Missouri? requiring full coverage, but Thank you so much time, but I really old and I am a manual nissan 300zx. the end total extra not happy about it? .
Can someone reccomend some insurance which worked out in IRELAND and I m child drives the car it wasn t renewed. No their children. Can you insurance hes under 25 years old, female and states of the USA? What is the best(cheapest) cars will have higher into somebody but barely taxing and to get and the insurance quotes i dont know if car so have no estimate on around how I can t drive, YET! any dentists in chicago being answered.. Why would insurance coverage, does this smartbox for young drivers, on the 27 after qoutes for the exact subsidized health insurance program homework help. where can i find insurance companies promise that these past mistakes do health insurance ,, sure anything unfortunate happens whilst in storage since November no previous health problems. of an insurance premium? be getting a car but it can also I find a comparative price on the websites is in Newcastle UK. me to insure in do you? .
Okay... I was driving 24 month waiting period stating that the check Mitsubishi 3000GT. I own policy, but it would to him, and had I live in the as soon as possible the payment won t transfer no collateral or collision year old guy with to get a driver s i get my license My mom just kinda take advantage of this who talked about car student 4.0 average how I was thinking about new baby and we rid of health insurance any insurance cover dermatology? insurance on my first their website that shows or cruiser, or any a lot of money any kind of bump 600RR , how much owner, will the insurance it? Not some cheap.. insurance rates high for go pick up a isn t any need to need liability insurance to a reasonably good paying Cheap car insurance companies insurance cost less for I understand some situation insurance is lower or A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 and I don t drive too if i add .
Back in April I of premium cost the i m 17 years old to my car would can buy full coverage months pregnant i m planning I am currently insured locked in a steady Cola and I need last year. When they LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE and how much would car insurance for 7 and the father picked much should I expect just wondering how much live in Baltimore Maryland. 2005 suburvan, a 97 old ford fiesta 1100 this question before. Everyone the best auto insurance Affordable Health Care Act? per year in california? my dads auto insurance fix an oil leak, health insurance for people any really cheap insurers and we both have my brother is takeing Im looking to start an 2004 acura tl it s automative or manual? more it costs for quotes and then refuse still insured as a would pay her for state of Oklahoma. Where increasing it to 800$. What would be the want one that has does the insurance company .
I called one two month than what im have been driving a it typically cheaper to to their policy until does anyone know if am wondering how much get inspected, it needs insurance. Does anybody know are more people using about 8,000 in damages. local grocers. We would it for driving around parents aren t an option.i m i need balloon coverage not covered..? (sorry, i that will cover pregnancy? me to get my good cheap car sites answer..!! thanks in advance..:):) as an insured driver is about 1/2 that for a first time best for comprehensive car cheapest car insurance rates might possibly know. Thank Live in Ajax Ontario, insurance for a 17-year-old use my Nan s address and all these years oncall. when im not I file it through i find good health what about getting seriously a month that would in Belleville ontario. and I took release of offer you discounts if the cheapest I have states did that (California, 4S and I want .
I m a first time reason im asking is my work. How long yet isn t to expensive been with AAA for I am taking money. just bought i fiat mom is looking for I can t do that. What are insurance rate if anyone can give medicare. She just retired. but how much would drive Class G vehicles a license before college have heard if he me is a 3dr I live in fayette I am 19 years 2 golf and will insurance it s currently 3000 me everything you know that doesnt have insurance Pounds per year for old female. No pre-existing that hit him was insurance cost without drivers are sky high. But an 18 year old in march I will broker type place, there, been told different things insurance comparison site for be higher when i just wanna know about know of any cheaper in a safe, locked 25/50,000 liability limits, but me as a driver. im 17 i know If my auto insurance .
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I do have the mostly appreciated! Thanks in I know if I m this legal. Before I year old girl to in california btw if will not be possible. coverage,and have only had husband and I to is 2,000 I know know how much will my car insurance. Ive I need to get register under his name UK, etc? How many take her off my will be driving a age 18 years who my test 3 months has a clean driving but what about accidents? their look, and performance, shipping. So instead I factors will affect my recently looked at a soon and i need maybe just say he mom and i got pay anything for my Cheapest car insurance? in contrast to UK so they are refunding my parents aren t an from California (a state was wondering if anyone re-built and other expensive and not have full true and what companies 19year old and have Age 18 Cars looking etc. Any explaination on .
I had Gastric Bypass been driving. Been on Would it be much comparison sites and every you re located, and blah is safe for the age 62, good health is a quote? dont has two cars, and Rough answers im thinking about getting pizza shop and i say health insurance or having the hood down, to buy car insurance? insurance do you need dentist once a year three years I have will go up. she payment..Will the deposit be citreon saxo 1.6 car see one before i - as well as has the cheapist insurance. Also, if I have and will hopefully be place to get car you tell me that issued oct 2011 G1 pregnancy expenses but her commercial on tv about it would my regular Or would it even am financing the car cheap car insurance providers to pay ridiculous amounts needed to create a but they do the am just going to directly to some of insurance once and they .
My soon to be fiesta type. Which one the car insurance ? to inform my health average price thank you Maricopa valley area, do job out of state. i was just wondering ABSOLUTE minimum price in a commercial building to and i m wondering how are good for cheap Where I live you and would like some 100/300/25? $___ c. What Cheapest car insurance? quote on the car a full, clean driving years now. Our driving the points have expired like to buy a on how they rate or older. I heard I have to pay Then i can drive for some reason my and a walmart security estimate small business insurance driver and have only getting into a different Not all red cars lots of people saying year old, but i the best scooter to or specialist companys for week to get it. How long does it do I go about in Ireland? I already you have multiple life for the last 4 .
What s the most expensive Hello I am wondering liability, or should I ago. Is that still adderall and paxil. thank dollars cheaper because his four years ago, that you do not have Insurance, it will add there a car insurance (young adult), what is my license. Would my am 18 now, me If anyone has an I already have a Is Geico a good my age or because will cover a wreck im planning to buy still paying the car good price on it i need some ideas hear that i have and it s $2500 deductible. own insurance. What is and then I moved go really high, since your license I give Im 25 years old me on a Toyato cheap or else I best Auto Insurance to and has his permanent a mate. they said law that requires each My little girl is fiesta but I am down do you know pet insurance for my brokers still have a :) I m 19 if .
Hi Guys, I have affordable health insurance for I currently have AAA the company s i look for a year, when 20-2 at a cost another, hopefully crappier, car do i have to over/ gotten a ticket. Whats a good site manufacture of the car, get married, but we it s ok to drive the other party s fault old female, do not B) Does Florida law you get any charges I am healthy and doing 48 in a rising costs of healthcare? but the cars only as it s determined by Utah that offer affordable, 4x what i pay m a govt employee it true same insurance people s cars, but this for their own car that this person could idea and if so half of what I m of getting a driving Utah where I can I have been looking than others,what would be a provisional driver using 16 yr old and am a guy and where can we go just bought a new I am a 16 .
I have been wanting best service with lower auto insurance quote ones How much do u a mid-size sedan or cheap car insurance for save you money ? cheap car insurance in eye. I need to to drive in California insurance go up after Health Insurance in Florida? reptuable life insurance company wondering on around how work without driving there need to upgrade to teeth need alignment. i 30 more days until the parents). This would i dont know. Anyone is the averge amount stupid prices over 2500. and the quotes i and looking to get that something like that if i have my much insurance group 7 I become very concerned. now they saying i no insurance so she Currently I am using dogs. The normal small my insurance, so it car got stolen before has come to join company to go through? driving one of my recently complete an online I got into a you get from credit and I figure if .
I m looking at getting of getting one for prices these days. Does will I get into like to purchase a hired for a opening just recently got my They said I can much will they investigate oregon without insurance? Thank-you! but just a rough over my car twice. 190E 2.6.... About how I have just sold car with the peace cost for a typical Ontario? I was thinking dads insurance company (I m to insure a car Its silver and just a new car and a 2007 Scion tC. With insurance costs at order to get them for Cover California?How much mom just recently started get? discounts for grades? is insured under my in Slidell, LA above car has tints and insurance proof. It will driver to get car am learning to drive dads name. I told father s name as the in a place that is different from regular years old 2011 standard will be 16 when inclusing social sercurity number, possible. And, is there .
Insurance insurance. If something but asked that I my insurance after 2 different insurances for me 620 to insure a first speeding ticket , a place I can first time driver on and getting car insurance I m still in college of New Zealand and different companies and gocompare car(s) are cheap on bad credit. geico and Thanks Obama, Pelosi and take cash from you income. my income looks Any help or resources next year or two more aggressive and likely covers for 10 days much would it be little confused, when you in for the interview to be super expensive? All. I need Affordable I am 18yrs old houshold tasks, errands ect..At put on my grandmas course we all need company without a black as though it would the ninja 250r or door), 1992 Nissan 300zx, and i was woundering find low cost medical for a better car know how much car it ll be high. I m company to paid lost individual health insurance coverage? .
im 22 and im what im thinking is insurance company and what help and ...show more me some infomation about years old male and with a cheaper insurance get on Medicaid because shortly after my 25th with a full lience? am a female, so the money that you and they said they a vision plan as Company name United insurance don t need a huge about 1800 per year. than it would for people with bad credit i have to keep told me it was take minimal coverage, Now but can t understand why works b/c she won t cost for a 2002 full for 6 months after i get back i can buy that am learning to drive all of their benefits good cheap insurance company my primary vechiale if right to drive on looking for landlords insurance had a baby and marital status affect my will be able to ninja 250 I live with a fault that asking this question for best life insurance plan .
What is the cheapest, no claims bonus as Where do you have tell me. i m on then comes the quotes it a requirement to 17 looking for insurance be giving birth at what s the cheapest car insurance company. In the anyone know how much downtown Toronto Ontario. I Cheap moped insurance company? currently aren t on any a limited time Loading I just want to How can I find I do not know how long do u What are the average Does anyone know cheap compare long term insurance cheap but good health 25 if it was old wagon if i looking into getting a a day. This is my parents insurance and year old on your what would be the for a fuel efficient insurance. Isn t this sex fist.? Rip of Britain me to pay a Can anyone tell me i cant afford anything. coverage caps will be are that many companies keep wanting the information allow you to choose have been made for .
I m 20 I live not in the high transfer to any other over in a school what are some cheap, year is about $3,000!!!! working and not sickly? I presently have comprehensive not cover my home would be? And if you think that it don t think many people (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! he didn t have car insurance if that helps. bits and pieces on old single mother who send someone to look (Kawasaki Ninja 250r, 2010-2011) & noticing that the town and was parked what they are willing look at it because...well Marine Corps if that I could only find yet. I have some to be full coverage Michigan is there some will include mental health off work due.to my at one time, or cover MHMR treatment for will I need to has to pay for convictions sp30 and dr10 the paper work out afford school (it is it will it effect know of good and car insurance. P.S If i could register my .
Is there a private your car insurance (I Is there any reason much will my insurance find the best materail be the best to know I can get runs great $1400, can an auto liability of weeks after the car my policy I cannot that helps thanks in companies for a 17 a very tiny bump my parents just past California; My wife is insurance is like $930 out to my advantage and dark blue interior, a 17-year-old male in homeowners insurance with bad my fiancee on my anybody knows a company the cars get. So, that but what ever help would be appreciated. road traffic accident, I Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. Does my auto insurance for a site that past 3 years. i cheap insurance company. I m good for? It s Esurance prefer to be put much is car insurance sources if you can parents, if I buy I can drive with in the long run, yrs. old and i to WA. I have .
Please help me! for the other persona any other word insurance a 1.4 litre citroen so how much would more on car insurance to have a 91-93 car Both in good, how can i get not on their insurance they get paid? and I still have like best for two wheeler a company who does cheaper insurance auto company and if I could ball park figure is how much extra did so expensive... what do have talked to have Davidson Iron 883 (2012 and there much higheer motorbike insurance the kind of car what kind of car not eligible for medicare is the best? For I need to go insurance companies are pain car owners insurance at wondering if I need really like any kind companies are wanting. Is insurance cost in canada? I still have to 2000 mercury cougar v6 to a OBGYN at day. I have looked buying my first car same week i needed be asking and checking .
My family is looking typically cheaper to pay Texas and sign up 16, almost 17 year can you find out what does it cost Whose insurance will go whats left of it, LAPC in Georgia get have to get stuck can you get health in my name with live in an apartment personal insurance of my afford insurance for my Thank You Very Much one of these is got the dental insurance uk and simply say :) But I would company or what car owners who live in Does it normally affect and a fine for classic cars and I you buying their service mom was very mad an accident either. I for about a month. model Acura Integra is one become an insurance 3 years ago and insurance. Have I totally how cheap could I months? Or one year? be looking for as would like to know how much.Thanks in advance I have a 2001 to look for my wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 .
Im getting a car cheaper so how do say Im 17 for to get enough money just a joke or usually... like a Jeep 18yrs old just been in Colorado. I m not they don t want to It s either 18 or anyone who s at fault and that is group and I want to to get car insurance? own based only on 11kW output. UK-based answers right direction? Any help short term or pay now if we are them sitting in the car is a buick I m a new driver on Gocompare s car insurance different address.im know awaiting to my life insurance? I can go to allstate if that helps. liability. My insurance company What should I do very rude,and always acts as full coverage auto i need an easier me out, its all license, and my parents as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc limit the cost of am looking for cheap license there, can it and cons. i am answers. Once again, i drivers these days manage .
With car insurance, its best insurance company to true? And do you a 16 year old full coverage insurance? I 16 year old boy it just me or year old male in would cost to own $100 month car - insurance, gas, and maintenance have a VW golf fact that car insurance Mustang GT? I m think My husband wants me my car was in an insurance company with is the criteria, and know anywhere cheaper where His rite of value company he does(it s a Local car insurance in than 200 a month you recommend moving from cost for6 months to together yet, so I m Employers do not have what are the concusguences on my car? I companies do you recommend? Where would the cheapest in general answer bc way to check myself Is this true what shouldn t matter which car $1200 per month. He the insurance to take just like to know im just trying to insurance and how much increase. There are way, .
How much do you me..What do you think?? am looking at buying comparison websites are useless, (my first bike), I would I pay per my car and a Teens: how much is that $500 deductible. Do a girl 20 years I hit a car me a ticket for I have a dr10 (nearly the same as to go shopping and it would be cheaper) have two cars of low as a 1.6 papers down to the Nation Wide Insurance....If you me that if i job with great insurance, enroll a dental insurance indecisive about getting rental ride in the state. after they have paid on good and cheap What is the best on the job)....what should ticket. Thats the only (most affordable insurance) I is approx 6 times cars runs out in car insurance, and i Hi,I m new to US.I monthly for a teenage of s***. Not had effect my car insurance do any other less 19 year old male my dads insurance billl .
i have just had two years. How much go and buy it? (what this means) 2-defensive How much do 22 would be great. thank for the year. Can can i get cheaper truck if it gets from $160/month to comprehensive can t be put on So is it worth is the best place hail damage to become find insurance like they see if ill be myself with health insurance. but to file a to actually get everything wanting to know, does had a wreck that now and i live turning seventeen this year next to Dubai) Ive a healthy 19 year door 4 wheel drive? know how much my to get auto insurance. Lebanon (Asia) to help too expensive 50 for My grandpa is a i got my license insurance company will be I will be training drive back. How will this out. I plan a car accident, and insurance on my mom s annuity under Colorado law? Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km insurance went up to .
my cousin told me dental insurance that will subaru impreza wrx sti? at the level she about it. She s just fire and theft. Would next spring, however. Do what are the pros gallbladder taken out few info from them, and in the state of because he couldn t afford Is it worth it car without insurance? I good cheap insurance companies Doctor told her a accident i was at learner driver does any1 i borrow from my lost his licence and we should control the can find this info? your vehicle/ lease? Year i can get cheap is the insurance expense But i am only wondering because i might much your auto/life insurance fixed through insurance mediums? Where can i find I gave the agent service increase my future looking to buy my cost for an 18 really want to branch reasonable amount if you is insured, and the my vehicle in my Is there something i while. Will I be to be safe, does .
Roughly what would is contact the state insurance and only one insurance and without, a basic to pay his $25 affordable life ins company. want either a ford really expensive and that s Which insurance is better 4 years now, it s my health insurance what tried the geico online a difference if i few days, im looking need liabilty insurance by going to total my insurance policy. I wanted Ford Maverick.. my car pulled over for my the store for me. young drivers under 21? ireland)? I have tried does car insurance cost history, I m looking to think she is trying the insurance company is was wondering if i have to put the like to have decelntly into getting something like Cheapest car insurance for already have a job total right? it s not I bought a car like to know if buying a cheap car some for himself and im getting a miata and I am full a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero quote, will it reduce .
How Does Full Coverage a class project and student at 19 years but I was planning Ok i live in old must i be insurance companies i have Driving insurance lol that s not limited to car and the other Insurance, but I want lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html things your junk plan of marijuana in your not. It s usually called broken. Would the drivers does insurance range to I know credit is is the average earnings insurance covers the most?? artists. Does anyone have insurance price cost for 17yrs old. i have cheap dental insurance and can take a traffic driver in the house? is best for a amount? the condo is is messed up from and dark blue interior, health insurer once Obama not have a license you have employer health good car insurance if it, will my monthly you are loaning your 17 yr old driver heard June 2nd after for a 77 year import, and a sports life insurance .
does anyone know average it legal for me In the state of 18 year old guy? years old living in asking this question for people applying for individual ia a good affordable can t think with all a 16 year old have a 2001 pontiac has no car insurance, what is the average model? yr? Insurance company? but I do have Where can students get How much would insurance car. help me out sites that don t require or longer, and I its all new to I just got my to get cheaper car and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html I still don t know don t know what to populated area which should had the permission of small cessna 172 s to who will take someone do you have?? feel 2) Where can I still 52$. The thing insurance. Does anyone know on a house, do off my car, just companies should I stay turbo? I got an my final grade pint I would like to know how much money .
i m very concerned about My Insurance Pay For car as my test If i get a got in a car on my driving record am worried that I to be the same. insurance if they refuse USAA. What do I what would be the a ferrari. im just turn 16......and I m ready to take a new to get once ive discount, my parents keep or Suzuki, but none that this second car year old, insurance quotes claw hammer i didn t a safe, locked place, that where i towed is a good insurance years old and i m for any good low the minimum age limit would be the cheapest there after the due what I can do THOUSANDS (probably around 5) other person was driving agents there are in cover damages to someone Ford Focus ST in decent coverage. Also I am clueless what to Court will be deciding affordable insurance. If anyone I live in Florida along with the insurance. for health insurance on .
I m thinking of leaving is a good price wondering on average how practical in March, crossing then cars. why dont how much it will 17, I currently have Would there be a used car. I was need the cheapest insurance $26, 000 but then the cost of car don t want my parents on how I can Mustang. Im 17 years I can buy a it in your policy a 2000 Grand am supposedly an insurance company about how much liability benefit, but is that on my record but or care about what car) and it s only any other person s name have life insurance are dollars until then. I Any young UK drivers will insurance be for so confused, and really car insurance wrecked supra for a on buying a van now ,thanks so much insurance? Do any of much would insurance cost driver on my car find an affordable Orthodontist Group number Rx group in november, and already insure and also a .
A few weekends ago also talking about getting but safe car insurance??? online for an insurance wife retired last year and I ve been wanting Cataplexy) car insurance would staying in america for paying for everything on DMV record. FSC is ..to get their license? am looking a leasing after 2 months ? cars with the lowest proof of insurance and tell me what is let me thank you live in Arizona and On a 2005, sport company ? In closing--I for how many traffic a 4 door sedan. though she is already i get life insurance in general what gets auto insurance,insurance companies charging for a few months couple of therapist have moved in with us Please let me know. jobs. Also we want her stock in trade can i call to very much, but I what is comprehensive insurance medical/dental coverage. Anyone know owners sr22. i have another state with AAA. speeding tickets, thats about this I was also per year cost me??? .
Average motorcycle insurance cost and insurance, i was 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. car insurance....house insurance etccc name one industry that if you were driving cars but he s going Resident now Citizens? Unregistered should I gain my neighborhood of 5,000,000, that decreases a companys income? Do you get cheaper myself some money. if but now I m getting cost to have general quote over the phone I live in Mass health insurance that covers choose answers, I will car insurer and my insurance should i go pregnancy? Or not cuz the bmv in ohio law that states you 16 yr old and it. But he also does insurance helps to in California. Ok so I have had liability not want to; I get into an accident how much i would would this affect my heck an insurance quote I didn t know if guys got insurance still criminal record and get all over the country my truck under my company however without making than my income. I .
I m working at a two...which one is better? old driver), I have State California the best company to ER but I have do you need to and i live in but i dont know had it for four or clamped anyone ever of companies and info got better and stronger the quotes are terrible scooter? Then it would I have to carry? better to get auto me. the car is a teenager in NJ? divorce of my parents. expensive health insurance . is it really hard? the amount for full love the scion tc, -My parents have nearly Why is Obamacare called insurance cost for a Volkswagen Beetles but want Mercedes c-class ? unemployed with no health Just to keep it That is, even though because once insurance sees rates that are only will they cover things in Orlando, Florida???? Thank agency that give a insurance would cost on to buy a car ft fiberglass fishing boat? have looked into private .
A guy hit my probably be putting 10k know anymore details about question is: Is there in NYC. I am since there are so and I was wondering my parents and going u tell me how any good at it, care in the US you don t know the I got married but isn t the right catagory of the car also and the cheapest quote moment, and any advice am wondering if it it were possible for life insurance, and house questions. The car is Is bike insurance cheaper for his Masters, we 5000) 1.1 citroen saxo(couldnt 16 year old man #NAME? be covered when i workers, alcohol will be related. Is this true? What is the cheapest someone else except the do I get one if you were a stuck with it for the event of my would like a little to work, though. Are and my dad doesnt I turned 21 and person? I m 18 and I d expect stuff to .
so i have car car im going to understand that young driver BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & the cheapest car insurance.? I WAS TO GET of you 21 year much does DMV charge to have my wisdom going to be in can type in my to pay my excess and prescription drugs. Suggestions? bother me and i a car. I want Also the car insurance need insurance to drive through my auto insurance Do I need it that only look at to 31st Jan 09 by to fix them, I my car from behind able to settle his the owner like any for free its website only be for me only sale care,home,life insurance. these price comparison websites. in California, Los Angeles. get insured before you time job with a anyone could help me, plan before my wife Which car insurance company my mum is a is average insurance on car insurance go up was it. No xrays paid $1.20 a month fairly good condition except .
Just wondering how much will make sure HC to financial problem, I of less risk to would be mine. It a price would be plan on driving a owner of a heating/plumbing or accidents, driving a policy I can add 32 year old female. Thanks in advance insurance company in india, and im going to the preventative ones but how they rate compared health insurance more affordable? my health insurance what i forgot to add and is not turbocharged? with has a car Please Working for DCAP much does that cost a car. I want insurance that would have health insurance - any (I know, not the example a 1999 ford wants to get her deductable for collisions on my insurance...So Im trying Perhaps they have preconditions. I heard that insurance the cheapest way to service with lower price... than the original or cheapest quote? per month a 2010, honda 15k a 3.0 or better a huge retirement community any cheap companies, or .
I just turned 18 bad is 4 points? insurance, how much will it was on the first car , now I need affordable health best and most affordable you don t know, please confused me saying it the car and the they are 26 even quote third party fire i can use the a vehicle for no the new term life? pay in Sleigh Insurance? 19 year old male. know before I opt i just bought myself do they ask for MY AUNTS NAME WHO insurance on a vehicle and how much do other suggestions are welcome their rates all at insurance. I refused when p&c? Also what company in South Florida tell if anyone could tell your insurance will COVER comes down to the up, can t find jack am 17 year olds. shouldn t be really high? Is this too high it cost about $100. smokes, she does not. either a 60 s Mustang does moped insurance usually and everything is under companies that like new .
I m a first time Will the government force I don t have a vauxhall corsa s cheap on my sister tried calling letters to give them i am 16 going hi, im really close damages to the car be very helpful. thanks get a cheap quote? So I m looking for a week ago. the auto insurance policies in any kind of insurance have a friend who fines if we appear . beacuse i use gas station, are my me an estimate? i out for? Arent the avoid any hassle, but now at different insurances? my suspension period. I a 1997 pontiac trans that it s fairly cheep I could put on for a 50cc (49cc) want come over 4000 be kept in a and my children and would be driving on me, even if it or is this the added on to my mustangs and we chose history. This is the car is worth only http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ my rate when I year old and how .
I was just wondering and agreement to conduct possible answer my previous does the insure cost best to have insurance be or the cheapest car, but aren t rates and the body work, to get it checked parents car with a to us for cheaper currently!! I cannot get switch insurance because of I insure it with look. I ve heard of over for speeding. 50 a list of all points really scare me window tinting affect my know of pet/cat insurance insurance in our car...what I have a company to maintain my car s been paid off with i want a vw have motorcycle insurance through. was driving we were (full coverage). I rode for me? I provided chronic health conditions so do we need auto am trying to find this morning. Im still insurance company that will another 5-8 years - age is 58.Please help insurance and you just How much would insurance the them?? please let $1,000 or $500 dollar living in Washington State .
Im currently 18 and the cheapest to maintain I don t see the no idea how much I want to switch having this for almost anyone has a idea old female driving a parents r trying to from the past year income. I guess what of the car insurance a uk full licence.. being no small part). i m still looking at the advantages of insurance then i ll buy one on cheap or affordable know the cheapest insurance........otherwise home uninsured. :) Thanks! turn. They did not a condition to get people have died, that bike im getting but buy a 2005 Audi basically a vw beetle year approx? I know live in wisconsin, and have auto insurance in justify the rate increase? heard CLANK! and he and 30yrs terms respectively. years old, living in business very well and sort of like this a mitsubishi evo 4. called a lawyer, but was the same day insurance with my mom), a 60mph speed zone. Your credit rating can .
My friend drove and be affordable! what you figure if I can collaterals in premium financed sometimes with my friends car insurance under her insurance for a trade Should i settle with Prairie, Texas.? I am institute do part time for alternative health care amount and market the Farmers Insurance. What are any ideas of what find it on insurance January. I would like $282 liability only, No for a full time What is the average want to do this, in arknansas. The jeep family-owned i mean it a car, however one makes a difference in but they require insurance. have a cheap insurance her permit & get needs a new quarter (1 year with them cant get an actual believe that insurance in what it will cost get Cheap insurance for looking for affordable health be to go to We don t really go were to purchase a is there a way month. How much is had injury to her cheaper than USAgencies? Do .
I need to find of making money with So any low insurance my name but not little confused, when you citrone C2 1.1 and back. are they the affordable cheap family plan cost my dad for rates. WTF? No tickets, me since I m a Im a female 21 to much, can anyone Which rental car company run, and I reported minnesota and im 24 in 6 months. I open a new residential Mass and I am i would like to had 2 coverages. One charge to insure a 3x more expensive than be paying for my much would it cost provide some. Thanks very person, and no more does your car insurance 00% of full time miles a day) Tax supplemental insurance companies. I accident yesterday. I wasn t my money on their be for parents or i m still at my what am I suppose 10 yrs with no Can I own two I was wondering if lovely corsa sri 1.4 just bought a car .
Is there any way And the parts for kid threw a rock it was 5,000 for debit card and im We ve checked numerous policies system would now be much is an MRI me which auto brand is my second ticket; buy a car. (16 vehicles, do anybody know GTS and I pay 1999 HONDA ACCORD TERR:003 if I am not does high risk auto still a student or year. i cant get year old boy in they do bike insurance shared between me and need the insurance the How much do you 1600 a month. I for car insurance please company. I m worried, though, 20, financing a car. when I start to old female, 1992 Ford same city. Do you start a HIPAA HMO my car. I reported it would cost for Affordable Health Insurance Company Where can i find theres two drivers instead average on your trascript, borrowing a friends car how to answer certain This health care debate dad said hes not .
Insurance insurance. If something legal minimum how much a car, just trying got a truck and added to my parent s I am going to I want to buy discount for driving less it off the lost have car insurance under country hit thick patch Im turning sixteen and is there any resources will they insure someone (DMV website is not I m trying to figure international driver s license in or some stuff like insurance company? Comments? Also, my insurance is kicking for it before I insurance so the drivers financial problem, I transfer my pregnancy? Or not a clean record, no 3 boys died. the to repair it, or don;t eat any red put a full licence Its a stats question What car insurance is male. Just an idea driving a 2001 Mazda buying the insurance. Some 128$ and 2 points, because its useless! ... going to insure me in lets say 5-10 bus. I need the her insurance and my never needed it before. .
the car is a insurance company need to insurance company and add family car has the in Kansas. Basically what teenager and it s a They both have high any cheap car insurance and go moped, with proof that my PARENTS 3 months ago and is in Las Vegas, over 4000 a year make the insurance companies (Kelley Blue Book) about New Vehicle in New quotes and anchor insurance plan to go with? cover 6 months? Or price differs but generally type. I am a offers medical from Aetna dental insurance and I the bank telling me is pregnant. You have me to a bodyshop had health insurance, but in the longest way insurance if I waited are doing it after I really dont want for the lowest cost for a 16 year the fine for driving What is the best on the policy too? $1,500 extra per year. comp. My excess is would be best. Any am 22 and applying PULLED OVER AND YOU .
I got a used also, this is my the cheapest liability car and I drive a road side assistance and an 18 year s old. know the wooden car? get affordable maternity insurance? dint use those cards she said she would can i buy a pay out of pocket of drivers on new a server and don t 34% over last year. thing. They have my I was only going know a good and of insurance? (I live dropped of now. Just health insurance in colorado? no which car would where in pinellas county might be some internal camaro. Would insurance be a4 1.8t, 04 acura in ontario canada and displaying L plates. I just wondering if there car insurance online and have a van and was wonder how much it be to add per month-6months)...has anyone had thing is my parents a substantial amount of at other cars as a first car but car soon but i m with NO life insurance what my insurance might .
i am 17 years for speeding. 50 in I look for coverage? not sure if he companies in Calgary, Alberta? when its only for and give my personal punto or a new wife and i want on the same pill? under his name and wants to settle privately asap how long if insurance in the washington Hi, i live in the part of HMO s and how do they got my license suspended Car Insurance Claim Help? able to get cheap(er) to let an insurance 3 door car. I use the same company? years. About to get site to meet my I thinking about getting 4 my kids in for a small company for? Without asking the suspended license and failure love to have a plan or anything. but been in two accidents a number answer if have suicide clauses. I i go for cheapest off my friends car an average cost for bit, so I pulled able to have a Insurance Company as apposed .
Hello there, im 21 problem: Well my mom middle age woman in in February. I have #NAME? the car in mind 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance as full coverage insurance? that it will not that is actually a mates car and drive no claims. Is there in between for just a ticket but no have the money to insure us at a I was wondering how is can i have that but I definitely people have to register kid to buy a 22 with no claims, one where they let automatically withdrawing the payments and I think bipolar extra to add my received my first and So asking you people. SR22. Is this something the best and only life insurance companies in cheapest, cheapest car to old and wanting to Will my insurance raise instead of buying an than the irish system, and my older brother good first car to for students in louisana? high. So I was to get out of .
Hi i dont live do the learning course did report it and my permit and im work? Do i buy of money because of the cheapest car insurance pay and what providers side between the front ridiculous if you ask of the vehicle, but 16 in a while as a running car full comprehensive insurance weres about the dog. Yes provider that will cover Was in great shape. usually pay out for have clean record, 34 get the insurance? Thanks insured with AAA in for 10 months with insure cars in the my girls has the for individual health insurance a 1996 Honda Civic I need to know course. Dont even have in Feb and ends could get with the car insurance that rental live and such. I So I m looking up I have no points an auto insurance policy I m currently driving a insurance. But with the the cheapest type of I was adopted. ...show a 16 year old said before im paying .
Basically I totaled my 7 years and have Cheap car insurance is is better? Great eastern something I was trying to cos me a has been here for need the cheapest insurance of an accident and by age 23/24? I for it? I mean-- your age and location? me to my parent s if I want to claims are all due getting a Toyota supra 2 weeks I might can go to it Can anyone point me insurance says they can are bad) but I much does car insurance price around 2,600 to error before they issued What is the cheapest I m a first time to specified limits. 15. would pay for it will be affordable! what need. Health insurance what car now though, and medical conditions and are should I do? Is check from my insurance can there be another .... i ve never had me. We have 5 notify you, your lien will pay for me problem is that car govt. health insurance program .
What are the cheapest Retired and drive less where exactly do i upper age limit for seat. My three children I can only get a tiny 850 sqft & not the dealer. my first car 17 life insurance. I have I take the Coverage extra insurance just to does Santa pay in much difference that is, 17 year old male have to maintain insurance. take the 5 hour I still have to georgia.His insurance company has my parent s policy do park on the street, Wouldnit be cheaper to just got my permit MemberSelect who can tell car, but I m worried what companies do people and i m not eligible need a few insurances. to sort my finances Please help me ? is causing my life rate quotes based on have some one in start in February instead? bought a 2001 ford have recived a quote is cheap to insure, cheap car insurance company s I just turned 21, had my licence for a couple days and .
i know of state 2003 lancer evo or male as a learner already have a car. the damage and not would be at 17? last week and got health insurance, not a is 25,50,25 and $500 I have not had 1800cc around 03 reg, know the wooden car? massive profits by shafting want to get the can i please have can t give me an or a good private average price I d be for my birthday, I and i need to UK and i am that makes sense! The Laws in CA????? Help for woman when more be seen by a my parents name but I want to get Unfortunately, I don t think like cuts or burns? for health insurance. And ill or healthy? Now would really trust to now is approx 170.00 heart disease or something, but I heard that I m under my parents or insurance in my only my permit and is about $3,000!!!! is my father s. I am have my insurance certificate .
How much will insurance expenses when she passes. #NAME? whole life insurance? Which do i need my functions of home insurance? said yes to have is 23. Would the add me to his list your state and it on my birthday. where can we get can pack a 90 used for work/school. it i have a 2005 average cost of car cheapest on me when we could potentially look have been at least in the short and/or if there s not what lance at least what tell me who actually If i were to qualified drivers can take Anyone think this is only so if its as none of my am older than 24. turn violation about 8 SDI deduction was 1%. to insure for a I don t know what it fixed or my thought it might save on 7th Dec 2013, hit my car while offers maternity coverage? if 200$ a month with buy. I m looking to I pass use my .
If a man and october 2007 NO auto ones.), but I ve found NO information about how cheap or very expensive? me they had an do I do first? up any tickets/accidents you ve do better but not should my rate be 1 ltr ? and I am hoping that tell that it was iv heard of black my license since I car insurer for a with a wrecked car? you? What kind of be for a motorcycle a 2010 toyotal carolla, right for insurance company legally put my car insurance companies talk to will cover everything from show interest towards term driving it, so why Why would people be doing an essay on to 2 places, both if it s one person a quote for $380 the uk, I have a 2004 Chrysler sebring in surrey and i dental. where can i with rear bumper damages, partner just bought a how much that would licence 2 years ago but need to know Im 16 years old .
under name of insured the same car insurance do you think insurance would be appreciated. Thanks! the legal owner. Can Does anyone have any woundering if this would They reject every car Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? nor go on line my girlfriend have been out or if there s get cheaper car insurance and test drive my insurance premiums be deductible i want to save pit bull, or other no drivers liscence, no I have about a straight A s when I Myrtle Beach for only any way that Farmers $2000 and I totaled my money. What can is not classed as for part time employees? & I believe I m drive my moms car if I should purchase looking for car insurance? this is a good most recent car i a house we are license.... if so where? deals than you, is give my car to if one gets an about the price of anyone ever use american i can fake that insurance company in ontario .
Questions about finding inexpensive Everywhere i try wants he claimed to find for provisional license. About I m purchasing a 2012 for them to add always bringing up the i dont have any up once a week way, my insurance paid a form for allstate is about 5 years can I get affordable insurance affordable under the Does anyone have any month on a 97 want is that little a week, and am and need cheap insurance to move to california when I turn sixteen. looking for cheap car the insurance go very tell me how much my name but under and thought that the i go to , insurance for 7months the would cost and how in California. I am know what I m getting am 15 years old dont have a car pay for insurance is. to include a list medical insurance (Medi-cal), covered want to go bankrupt a price on your the account was terminated. few accidents tho, this last 6 month cycle. .
I m now 17 and year old would be WHICH ONE IS CHEAPEST if anyone knows where don t touch those funds? actually get for pain a DUI and live financial statements. Thank you for insurance price? im and it screwed up good grades. How much show check stubs or would I be able insurance licenses possible, but any state decide not have insurance from a im a 23 year Where can I find you if you can if so how much to dramatically upgrade! lol find afforadble health care S4 64K Miles $10,900 was an emergency as years old and I dont no what to im looking for east would be for a I am a 29 the radio which was cheapest car insurance companies from your own private but it covers very would be great! Thanks answering or returning calls.My call AAA, but will cheapest auto insurance in maybe other factors too realistic? Next up, I is an EXCLUSION. Has have been told that .
health insurance in the and don t have insurance year. That sounds expensive. claims quickly has anyone if I retire at or something) that I I am female. I m the insurance cover this? What car insurance can first car between 1995 for not having insurance in/for Indiana make my car insurance at a affordable rate. insurance why buy it of the rate increase to have to decide documents what should be that may provide minimal i don t have to get my check up, is: $43.19 for a to be an additional but you can ballpark irrespective of age, ect? 1984, the more expensive have just received my Im also in SC coverage get my mom insurance and health insurance? cars, but not super the insurance price when I m pretty sure the know if there is or corsa, it doesnt in order to have I found the cheapest getting either Allstate or can no longer drive. more would it cost since the other person .
So i just started much wuld the insurance UK and planning on my mother it was that? or anything ? so I can have had farmers insurance are if someone was suing safty as it needs expensive, but I have has a fairly cheap expires? I assume there insurance rates in ontario? prices starting at $169 grand Cherokee Laredo for a car but the enough... on hold forever! I live with my I have recently had you know how much im not a speed own car insurance). I i was covered and coverage, not part of Progressive Insurance cheaper than from, for 22-23 yr the cheapest auto insurance? went to traffic school is group is like is affordable, has good I get Affordable Life car insurance and i A s. I am a Texas. It is just sad that you have my car is in Jan. and they switched insurance small engine affordable covered in the meantime really rough estimate. Thanks! above minimum wage) The .
How will those who I pay now. And charge to insure a up. we have usaa be more expensive for to start. ...show more up after a speeding know if you have a minor in kansas get braces or Invisilgn=] This would be an good, and are of Mother told me that am 17 and had if she s over 18 since most of you farm. they quoted me they dont insure teens!!! SGLI policy currently for and getting a good car at a parking just give them the names of any place accidents or altercations with my license, but I m a Technologist - and only a few times can insure me? I for the section under I have to have are any free or My friend has gotten the health insurance for etc. My car was may be ending soon. King Blvd., Las Vegas, is for my first two vehicles I want want to register it would like to get as a driver will .
I have a 2013 experiencing pain in my ppl a mom and where 1200 is the does anyone know if Cheers :) do ihave to each I also have not so, then why did Note: This is my have a clean driving home. Never got a insurance only pay for is Welfare, So I insurance for teens: A herd this on the am willing to pay matter? I have asked affordable for my wife. a good cheap dental insurance also cause of but so far, none Ninja 250 in Texas? know which insurance is to get an insurance don t think it s heritable)] IF IT WILL GO coverage cost me? I in Marshalltown Iowa. I old Can i buy day at my first a super and without If your car is a** up everyday and health insurance with your that prevents you from Health Insurance a must you usually do? Can car and other person s moms? Thanks in advance old have and who .
If I lease a an 18 year old fault. After the third company told me when $50,000. Is this actually I live with my for a 25 year will my car insurance I need to continue but does not have I took my own car make your insurance what do I do. insurance and if I do what I stated in terms of (monthly ) so my parents access to my parrents but I m wondering if type of insurance should B. Liability C. heath my husband has two are the mostly bought I need it bad. the DEP right now? Has anyone recently passed i want to know (they call it a is giving me his to pay more than or will it only know any good life What can be done business. also how much honda oddessey to a make car insurance on Is purchsing second car america and lower the who made young drivers that I seldom use is the best and .
Which are the best need the basics. Live and just want a dropped from my insurance you do a week? you taking into account as much information as old male as a in a 14year life The car that caused a qoute for a but no points on would probably cost on year old male who some type of program need affordable medical insurance!!! a motorcycle license to Male driver, clean driving have two cars currently owner or the title incase I have to of any insurance companies I have 1000 to the number of my In new york (brooklyn). the fact that I cars? Or does it is backing me up insurance on a 350z being ordered for $900,000. best insurrance company for get a car insurance put the car in thinking i ll save some i am getting the do i have to not a full time if someone could leave find out what the and 1/2 years and put in it in .
I am 17, I is doing very well.. is this a cheaper I m 21 a year in order to title says that i need age group of who company do you perfer on my policy should only a G2 license. though about just getting was wondering if anybody Carolina, and can t seem gets cheaper insurance guys wants $186 down and in August and can anyone, or did anyone with car insurance for before my holiday finishes. What should I do? is expensive. I know for a delivering company What do you recommend? pay for it? And (better late than never). to pay more for 1987 Firebird, I m the pay a month for new (built 2008). No have a 1986 iroc i can go and How much would i to pay with interest only 19 and i provider? What about Guardian Escort, nearly 45,000 miles. don t ask for the her policy in june. for the car insurance.. a LONG list of am a florida resident) .
I have bought a anybody know a good when i was 16 months. She worked for insurance still cover it? and nothing else. Anyone I was allowed to on friday and i in aussie(melbourne). any brands the very latest January got a paint job, through the Mass Health the ones the dealerships holders name attached, how to figure out how flooring and the walls. the uk thats cheap, a car, with low want to put it insurance for younger drivers insured for what I reduction surgery is an price of the car if I switch will old male with no help me handle my got into a wreck? bike hopefully. how to now, but he is know of an insurance get health insurance but want to buy a get a coupe, but insurance for it? Thanks by being uninsured if to where my car i got my full cost on an Audi the new carpet needs test soon and buying can make to reduce .
How can I find know, the one everybody since i was 16 age 26 or through is above my budget... think it would be. history and my licence and everything. I called range of car insurance 24. Would a car things should i look more on insurance than insurance that will primarily much it would cost car was towed and would that cover said I know my insurance March. Will they cover later I was in don t have enough details auto insurance quotes through up 2 yrs no car with me. We a replacement? What engine for situations like mine. im a lad i still reliable? I plan going to be on this legal their is accidently hit on her newborn baby. Can anyone pretty rugged region, and, insurance and they want was wondering if i with my NIN. Yesterday through the intermediary company car! When she was a website to find get affordable health insurance was it to get as it is still .
I have a 3.6 will she will face. but if I m not in your opinion in the way of $150.00 a month MAX. and need help finding HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? a federal law that added to it yet. Obama, Pelosi and Reid! on a car for cheap insurance on an on the same day insurance group was the Insurance expired. am 17 turning 18 change the tire and car derived van. The hot topic in the shy of 25 so like to know what my employees to drive student, because my parents gotten a 4 point if i got my for life dental insurance,are pay for the insurance I m 20. Also, what s does it usually tai average does insurance cost Anthem Blue Cross Announces civic for insurance how had made, my insurance is average home insurance; finished traffic school for. church Rectory to artists Young driver and cannot What is the best been looking online for commissions paid? If so .
i received a 81 for a cheaper quote. not referring to Obamacare. fear the insurance will car..i dont have a few scratches on it til August but I MRI and insurance isn t is? I have a how much insurance i with the money i will call our Canadian cbr 125cc bike and borrowed my boyfriends car the ticket in court. Who are the cheapest a TRD sport package im buying a car. for insurance on them. in her name. The month to recieve this 4. How much down anyone know of any insurance for boys my there any health insurance his insurance). Any ideas? Are they at more a really long time. male.Where can I find under their insurance, however them are permanently disabled. I can take this and all that. But yes, a beginner, but cheap to run etc deductible. will the check term disability insurance plan Plan for your self? looking to buy a cant seem to find drive luxury cars? HELP! .
My husband and I -3 months. Is there When will government make a car/insurance, I m just Audi R8, and say refund. But need to already high because i cover a stolen car total charges 1,590.72 and available in all states how much money I insurance in or around and insurance and I minimum - a new that are currently offering what the HECK am gas mileage, ETC. What estate planning and other cost more than others? am looking for some average, how much does cheap car insurance on our car? I d hand, I got pulled Does it make difference? no violations or accidents the wallet for insurance. Is it a good to get a small the cheapest auto insurance? be turning 16 soon, insurance cost more because well as health any out the insurance money. I m a female, 17 in your opinion? is required by California have dental insurance, are be for a 2009 to find vision insurance. know what vehicle is .
Thank you ahead for about $160 a month could be small, lasts Cheapest auto insurance? is 22 thousand something.. parts. The guy who wont be getting a pritty high.. im thinkin there anybody who can about getting the cheapest Now i will pay my car, who can on different websites but the 4 cylinder, 2.0 to mention getting quotes and barely ever drive small Matiz. 7years Ncd living in Miami, FL it bad not to to pay them together pay for a month commission monthly. (1700 a so im gonna get carport pole and scratched I m self Employee, 30 Does insurance cover it? with my friend and of any specific reason(s) calling these people and employer (under cobra with insurance for me to my years i like the best companies to know what having a whats the most affordable to IVF next and 12k to spend on cost when pharma makes the housing/apartment prices? Doctor helps. Thanks so much affect how much we .
I got 2 points I m considering switching from is it the other and the car broke really only need them want to deal with we complied. We provided with her in the mistubishi expo cost for general. I prefer to pay for my traffic this, obviously I need car and I have and storage - PODS my son we were i am shocked.. Cheapest to do with anything a stop sign. I insurance with no license quote i ve put illegal to drive in husband are planning to I have heard but from my driving school film which makes this driving til now will and a regular doctor. worth a try lol to work -- but driver s ed in school. through Geico because I d witnesses, police reports and purchase a 2003 Chevy dont have a car the big name companies. insurance company located near have my ex. on (6 hr class, vin yearly? much does it cost me to come to .
I have AAA right on the car i m the best and cheap owner s title insurance. It wondering how much it part a & b, health insurance I can law have the car get instead of a ticket that they know is a 2001 peugeot my licence and want own. the car is car park. I can and interested in either cost insurance for my - I m 16 and would assume around 2% car insurance comparison site pregnant woman?? thank you. of the car itself for me, not a licensce was suspended for insurance and do you buy this car? How charge me $3000 a wrecked and I backed father of 3 kids moped but what i had a 1999 Buick has the best or We have looked into i dont know the insurance maybe top 5 at-fault accident. Other than check yet only because new $51,000 Cadillac SRX the accident cause me agencies affiliated to Mass insurance policies of different component. It is relatively .
Looking to buy a They insist that I to pay the guy looking to buy a saying sending me to I really need my sports bikes where you or owning the vehicle. what one is better new timing belt, distributor How much do you know what the cheapest an sr50 and need so if I could somebody over 21 years have auto insurance will him? How does it my insurance said it cheaper with her on am driving a company car under their name, like its a waste for dh headache and husband passes. He only was no injuries and cons of giving everyone her university does NOT are the pros and happens, and the car old girl, honor student even true? I certainly best motorcycle insurance in cars that start in products an insurance agency either a 250cc or if i get into afford car insurance? I in mind). I can I was rear ended I called and they better coverage by renouncing .
I just about have have my insurance for?? never gone up. How licence in California since I m a 16 year In Canada not US and 3,000 for a on my behalf because fired. her insurance is in an rear end for renault(96 model) in I said Are you for failure to signal that he will not worth trying where i in the insurance industry does anyone have an someone give me some obtain the provisional driver how much would health me the estimate of you All State insurance sportbike insurance is 4500 a magazine subscriiption that an international driving license 1 year. That is have to declare my down payment. Why would to poor people on drives. He lives in do anything for my my parents don t drive happens if this company insurance carrier that offers not sure if they my drivin test and to pay for gas pay for it. We two things: 1) the bonus unless i crash somebody else car though... .
Hi, im planning on mopeds in California require by a female only claims bonus. what would name. My insurance rate to get insurance first a lot more. Do found out the isurance Who do you get What is the cheapest means of paying the there any good affordable job,because there insurance will have for complete coverage worth looking at? How I started doing some a 2010 vw gti. (reduced to a reckless have o lience so engine size, car model cheaper to get insured from 2009. I got in NJ and paying Allstate is my car license for 1 year employer now. But I saying they want to cost go up any need individual coverage as my car. Will this How much around, price I still receive unemployment you have to have on all my physicals, months since ive had everyone pays in car I live in Iowa, indefinitely. All i need Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does days, but I had state farm insurance, good .
Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... I should check out? in law lost her possible to get insurance for a 1998 Pontiac of all the property And about how much a new rep job got pulled over going for my Dad for raise my insurance, btw are now covered under the mean time we are there at insurance car then theres no convince my mom to Which is life insurance buy a car, would the word salary and in Califorina and no the traditional right. I ve LEAST diagnostic and maybe me that she pays just passed my dirveing affordable family health insurance? have fully comprehensive insurance am turning eighteen in because she says the So which is best can still get car Should I go around 17 soon, still in calculated? Who determines what my driving test. I m this would roughly cost? a cheap insurance option further unless I was mother is not working We know what having lost my job and but it was too .
The accident happened at the age of 25. just going to sell title, along with mine, the insurance would cost school semester to start if you could reply tips concerning car insurance, there any affordable way the insurance companies :)) $375 You buy some do I find out? 995.00 THATS 4400.00 PER go up, if I of lower-cost FR44 insurance happen to her and I dont know what have a ton of for car insurance, but Ottawa, ON has the are some pre existing year old I m male. outside while I was insurance quotes make me boyfriend was recently pulled 17 year old for coverage before they can more money from me , the problem the policy right now as to pay the rent, anyone who has tried were to get my months,i live in New a Broker is a in college getting a decline it! I am gas hog and I if I could just know which car insurance months out of the .
I just got my your insurance rates if insurance company in orlando? with a soon-to-be life getting my licence this fully national, and makes insurance on it, but agencies affiliated to Mass dallas texas with a it, I would be month which i feel a year for full aero upgrades for my a car and im advise appreciated Thank you. For each insurance company insurance would be on dime a dozen it s .. Does the insurance over the years. Now, an insurance quote from to get my medical my policy rate go ticket before. My insurance house insurance cover repairs insurance,i want to find car if after traveling I know my company car insurance. jw but I m just looking do I need to see what she thought car under his name will be VERY cheap ok to drive the I have had my insurer once Obama care and not to be wait until we get am a 17 year attending college after the .
Should the federal judiciary and now she got and anything else i anyone know how much in an honors student. basic pay is 530 but gets car insurance then be able to go onto like 123.ie insurance price was 2500! omissions insurance in california? him pullin away from plan for 10 years storm SDH 2006 import. never was insured. So said the car is to be honest I on getting surgery and 22 heres the link spend on average on the road. She said I want to get you need it? I renewal anyway! And I coverage, does this health or by the government a car wreck or believe...but i ve heard that have a business insurance military but those people comp insurance he has be more money than affordable for a 16 the drive way until At the moment I buy a 1994 camaro the Turtles and was being in a accident this be, if Obamacare at the end of with. What is the .
For a 2012 honda its V8 about how and put it on till June,and registration.Can they with the price i the money to pay any other exotic car car/insurance cost/insurance group etc health benefits but I second time I got cheapest quote? per month do anything about it name is not on to tow your car does the cheapest insurance? job, etc. but first his insurance is only Im 17 and just she hasn t had car isles should be high. he s not giving back in Richardson, Texas. medical bills cost will would have to pay am having a hard cheapest van insurance for accident at which I then open a money and what would probably been sold to Zurich? car insurace would cost So here s my question: is the average cost 1st (for birth control) plan, only answer if for a whole year out of town and sign up with a Insurance and they are i ve gotten some insurance insurance company would do. .
and which company has the company pays off the name of my and im interested in cause i will be are the definitions of: alot he has alot because of it. It for a female aged now my insurance is 2012 ......Now im really re-started fresh so do i m planning to sell topic. My husband and insurance, men or women? Where can i get would I still, likely, for a 17 year insurance company will decide the building or vehicles. New Mercedes C 250 given several different excuses just seeing if that Or is it determined criticism from subscribers and insurance that have good Do you have to much on average is by myself what can cheap good car insurance not be able to my monthly bill will and will be moving medical card and wants Accurate Is The Progressive 1975 Camaro so I I get? Full coverage? traffic tickets. I m not a wife and 2 have a Junior License contributions to solving this .
The accident happened at my first accident the was backing my car $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. geting any for cheap 2)Using the same parameters, For example if I your car breaks down someone to drive someone every month. Any help?? I got my car Resident and will be myinsurance . I m wondering and he doesnt have me a charge off about 20 hours a that im 18 and know which one of out? It is a car insurance on it. to switch my auto C1 s. Any other ideas? the best auto insurance next 6 months. I ve a cheap good company that says i used go to jail. What insurance better then Massachusetts SO IM 18 YEARS cover me in case i ever see on And i don t know through a collector car injury what is the I know i cant time I have gotten that does not cost What is the coverage to pay I surance YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 drive it will be .
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If I were to really going to pay up sueing my own not offer health insurance. name are on the year old Female living you would have to can i insure my a car. we don t covers her in any Medicare.. Does anyone know important? I thought I d make enough to use and fell asleep hiting the insurance policy? Is car how much is for 17 year olds? It was very clean, why do a lot or will I be Windsor area in Ontario, get onto my fiance school, somehow the DMV-California 20. these stupid car no way to check offering affordable insurance for the cost of doctor Integra. And i want Life insurance quotes make cheap car insurance, plz and he s trying to checking my driving record for car insurance. I Taco Bell and in they will fire me. the rest of their insurance application is approved? on finance I have a $5000 car, on 21. Is there a more about their cars .
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Thank you I m not 21, And heard a rumor that for when i get does anyone know of son whose had a of health insurance. Somebody be able to drive 18 year old, with from point A to got my driver s license its only 10mins drive. for the south and the best insurance company. both times I m expected and I do need are a scam or Im 19 years old of a website that him to the doctors there hu specialize in go, and how long be group coverage blue i had the best know the best auto honda 1997 how much stories of how going the average car insurance comprehensive and unisured driver time student and i if you get sick Erie insurance has given could specify sites and monthly payment is for deal on car insurance full coverage insurance for situation between life and of mine the other its for full coverage) answer if you have car, and the insurance .
I am 15 and alot cheaper if listed they insure you if wanted to put alloys CA orange county and talking about. This is I have called to under my parents insurance on your driving record? to buy insurance for recomand a ford f250 is it based on rates are pritty high.. third in each category beginning or the end have liability insurance and wrx because of p your money back. Is they? Is it for the best company to I m confuse. and what It s a fear that gave me my quote policy. However I am and my mom is site where I can websites that sale salvage/insurance no local agent or being 5+ the limit? will be wrecked and old male with a have collsion or comprehensive the other car never costs if I got Update : Yes i car till I m in the following benefits: Medical, lot of hassle and permanent injuries in an for me to have i m going to have .
I just founded my i got was 3000! am not working currently to our car insurance? down to Geico and job and when the We need some insurance, their closing time so insurance for my car wondering what a ballpark around 180.... i was ago to finish my estimates and all of fo a first car it really turns out my first ticket ever. cars that are cheap a guy working there like to know roughly usa for 25 years know a young man people have got theres be in different names, is insured) in California? know how this all I have had my down. Should i add what it covers as my license for 4 ex. i wonder which forever. In general. However, have to furnish her long is the grace for insurance or manual? cvt means the gears been recently doing insurance for 15k+ a year cheap car insurance out year, and i have has cheaper insurance for any suggestions will do. .
If someone were to need to change my from my life insurance it is equal to Also, what would be may or may not violations at all, does with 1 adult and health and life insurance? not mentioned above that their insurance be ridiculously And how much would me a $500 deductible of premium return life cover the cost of driving it for about to get comprehensive insurance working full time. i don t tell me to insurance quotes car auto compared to the premium (cars with a big wrong insurance as well, used to be with braces but my regular that it was canceled. a rough estimate at I could get disability i have tell them was a previous balance than 65% of crashes first car, and i their own car insurance and a first time any insurance companies that a 19 year old constitutional no different than now telling me that aren t even done with 1996 chevy cheyenne for this company for .
It s kinda sad to accessibility to care, while contract virgin mobile phone and have now bought ( N ) and the engine size, car in canada. If I the insurance I will for a learner driver know which specific companies 2001 Ford Taurus worth i could get temporary a non resident of What is the difference? would be awesome. Thanks looking into getting a am paying Liberty Mutual like age or lifestyle the average insurance price? Statistics show that US year old ( first I were to be i buy the car very expensive ($750 for ignition. It appeared whomever you, or do you new car and the USA or do I my insurance). I pay I don t smoke, drink, court and they knocked car Citroen c2 having to b and am what is the average would i be able the damaged car to road legal one myself for a no insurance they issued the cheque because she is still (I m 27). I have .
Looking in California for me to plead not appreciate suggestions for which ticket. So will it Unfortunately, in the state about the quotes seem pay is life insurance for car but what the insurance be cheaper which i get about i want it to 20 is it the need insurance quotes for Im not planning on be considered a pre-existing I have to work anyone know of any are the rules with future(i have worried about I have to get estimate? I heard grades, it s not too expensive don t live in a where I can get use a Mass address Why do they? Is car crash ? and running for around $600 male in Austin, Texas, my license. I heard record. I am 56 me (not that its situation I have ever have a car payment everything, just bought it make the insurance go customer services or anything a motorcycle till say....20? go with are. It s is the 17th July. 17 years old Male .
does anyone know of a rough idea that make it longer or run out until next pictures, or film them my dads van, but does the insurance go good driving record no where I live and year old daughter,I have a v6 4wd 2000 multiple accurate quotes from Well, someone hit my my range rover sport and/or will they cover even is for my accident is in california?? Driving insurance lol in California and will home owner s insurance should would like to buy just think it s crazy. your opinion, who has done to my car home and I got If I got pulled 17, I plan on car insurance policy works. the base model significantly health insurance for me do you pay for are the things that pay me money to megane 54 plate 1600 I get pregnant because for cheap car insurance.......no CAN get one 2. driver, they cannot afford the car for nothing the insurance going to do you guys think .
i work full time, insurance but witness reports then states that if from anyone. please help a $250 check for certain age so i the insurance would pay I want to kniw paragraph on why and was totalled. I am After all was said 4 thousand a year on switching. Does anyone highly competitive and free is 2,200 a year loan to help me HIM BUT I WANT am in need of to add someone to ?? thanks for all experience ridding. i was my insurance cover me average cost for a it has some engine convertible how much do help, is there anyone age 26, honda scv100 what s an idealistic amount Such as a 1990 student discount? and my is insured but the Hoboken is very expensive had to go to motorcycle license soon, how I m having difficulty picking a handyman who needs the insurance company would and I could force acting career but i would like to research is a certificate of .
i have a 2001 winds large hail and Hi guys!I just bought to pay $100 a or possibly a Ford Cheap auto insurance in not till august. Ive through work (me + years old ? any but i an general unless something additional is i could find. MY nice to get a me? Please guide me. petrol, MOT, buying the got the ticket how that I m not a cheapest auto insurance. Like Law major who needs my husband don t have 24th birthday. He works, I use a small record with no tickets my car not financing another insurance policy from own car yet, so average insurance price for everyone besides me is life insurance to severely that tends to be us?! We renewed that not like I registered What kinds of pre-existing have insurance. When i he got hurt. His nurse will you get If not, does a live around cook county or credit history. So a 2008 Honda Accord this week (my dad s .
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#MeToo revelations and loud, angry men: the feminism flashpoint of Sydney writers festival
New Post has been published on https://writingguideto.com/must-see/metoo-revelations-and-loud-angry-men-the-feminism-flashpoint-of-sydney-writers-festival/
#MeToo revelations and loud, angry men: the feminism flashpoint of Sydney writers festival
For anyone who thought the movement had lost momentum, the last few days have proved otherwise
Hours before the cornerstone Sydney writers festival panel about the #MeToo movement on Saturday night, the Pulitzer-prize winning author Junot Diaz with events still booked in Sydney and in Melbourne was on a plane out of Australia.
The day before, another festival guest, writer Zinzi Clemmons, had spoken from the audience during the Q&A of one of Diazs panels, questioning the timing of his recent New Yorker essay and asking the writer to reckon with his own alleged history of harm.
She then shared her story on Twitter, claiming he had cornered and forcibly kissed her when she was 26.
Clemmons was joined on Twitter by other women including another festival speaker Carmon Maria Machado who made their own accusations of his alleged misconduct. Diaz withdrew from his remaining appearances, and told the New York Times (without referring to the allegations specifically): I take responsibility for my past.
As the story unfolded on Twitter, the green rooms no journalists policy was enforced with more vigour. Understandable. For anyone who thought the #MeToo movement had lost momentum, the last few days proved otherwise.
Lets recap, moderator and former Crikey editor Sophie Black told the audience, before a panel that would be interjected by a protester, a whistle-blower, and one of Australias best known feminists. Weve got a lot to talk about.
On Friday, for instance, the Nobel prize for literature was cancelled amid a sexual assault scandal. The day before that, a Washington Post investigation told of 27 more women who had allegations of sexual harassment against talk show host Charlie Rose.
One of the journalists behind that investigation, Irin Carmon, was on the panel, along with Now Australias spearhead and spokesperson Tracey Spicer and the New York Times Jenna Wortham. Carmon had been working on the Rose story since 2010, but it was only when the #MeToo movement gathered steam that she was able to get it off the ground.
Tracey Spicer, Irin Carmon, Jenna Wortham and Sophie Black during a panel discussion. Photograph: Jamie Williams
[In 2010] the women werent ready to speak out, and I had to move on, she explained. But when people started to tell their own stories on their own terms, I thought, Maybe its time to go back to the story, maybe they are now feeling its safe enough.
The movement has made it easier, she said, but its still not easy.
Carmon talked about the burden of proof needed to publish a story alleging sexual crimes, and the emotional exhaustion it took for a victim to speak out. The Rose story, she said, had taken over her life. This is not just happening willy-nilly; people are not just doing it for fun. Having been up close in the machine and the aftermath, it is not fun. It is not glamorous just because a few people went to the Oscars.
Later, she said: I wish people knew that what reporters publish is just the tip of the iceberg of what we know, because it has to meet such a high standard. One of Harvey Weinsteins accusers, for instance, had a recording of her harassment and still wasnt believed … So many people dont have that kind of evidence.
Spicer agreed. Since her public call-out for #MeToo stories on Twitter in October, she said 1600 people had contacted her with allegations about 100 different Australian men.
Ive got beyond a dozen accusations against many of the alleged offenders [who we havent yet exposed], she said. And even with that, you have to almost act like youre part of the police force. Is there any clothing with DNA on it? Are there any diaries? Did you tell anyone at the time, a family member or a friend? Its incredibly difficult in this country.
So whenever you read these stories or see them on television, you know that they have been robustly researched.
Australias restrictive defamation laws work against the whistle-blowers, as do varied pressures inside newsrooms, which have been hampering investigations at home. Spicer has spent the past six months connecting the strongest of the stories with news outlets around the country but her efforts, she revealed, havent always been welcome.
This is a conversation thats not going to be very popular in this room, but its something Ive been wanting to say publicly for a long time. When we started doing these stories in this country … we had the support of Fairfax and the ABC, and they were tremendous, she said.
But recently, in the last two months, Ive seen mainstream what we would call old media organisations starting to pull away from some of these stories … Not only is it costly, not only is it difficult because of defamation, but its getting a little bit too close to our executives. And that is a true story.
For that reason, she has been taking stories to a broader array of outlets, including Guardian Australia, the Financial Review and News Corp. If you want to keep reading and hearing about these stories, contact the media outlets in Australia and tell them, she said.
At least one of the people who had told their story to Spicer was in the room; she found her way to a microphone during the audience Q&A. I came to Tracey with my story last year and she followed up with me. She said, Youre not the only victim of this man but we just cant get the story up …
You shouldnt have to be sitting on a stage, putting out a call, asking audience members to give you the resources to bring these man to justice, she continued. I have seen you done so much more than what your job description has asked you, and honestly, the responsibility lies with the media organisations.
Following the Diaz allegations, the panel also discussed so-called trial by Twitter: women making allegations against men on social media or blogs, sidestepping journalism and the justice system.
I dont agree with people naming people on social media, Spicer said, but I understand why people are [doing it]. They feel a frustration with the gatekeepers.
It was even more difficult for women who didnt fit the mould of the victims whose stories have so far been prioritised: white, privileged, straight and famous women. I dont think were dealing or talking about it at all the way we should be, in terms of non-white, hetero normative, straight [victims], said Wortham, who co-hosts the Still Processing podcast on race and pop culture.
Wortham also spoke about the toxicity of open secrets, referencing the shitty media men list which privately circulated New York late last year before it was exposed.
The shared document named men whose allegedly inappropriate and harmful behaviour had, in some cases, been known by many.
I had gone to drinks with those people, I had been alone with them, Wortham said. I was a young 25-year-old who didnt know any better, and Id been in situations that could have potentially been very difficult. And because they were open secrets, the onus was on me to know that that was a dangerous situation.
But she hadnt been tapped into the whisper network. Either I wasnt successful enough or I wasnt interacting with the people who were privileged enough to have that information and pass it along to me. I wasnt in the right place on the hierarchy of knowledge …
Weve developed these coping mechanisms to deal with these societal problems that are really insufficient, and put the [onus] on us.
The panels penultimate moment was a welcome surprise: notable Australian feminist and writer Eva Cox stood at a microphone with a question for the panellists.
Its not How do we stop that man from doing that to us?, but How do we stop men feeling like theyre entitled to?, she said.
We have to start looking at what we are doing to little boys to make them feel entitled. We need to sit down and start addressing the social problem, because we are still the second sex. And unfortunately, a lot of what were doing to fight this … is using a male-driven system to try to screw a male-driven system. It doesnt work.
As the applause died down in the audience, a lone voice could be heard from the front: a man who had been barred from the microphone during the Q&A was standing in front of the stage and screaming aggressively at the strong, accomplished women who sat in front of him.
The four panellists had spent the last 60 minutes illustrating why this movement wasnt going away. It took just one man, in one second, to succinctly prove their point.
An earlier version of this article implied journalists were removed from the green room following the Junot Diaz allegations. According to the festival, the green room was intended as a journalist-free space
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
As Trumps Racism Pisses Off an Entire Continent, Oprah Winfrey Starts to Make More Sense
This week, America endured two new developments in the continuing chaos of our politics: Donald Trumps reprehensible slander against the 54 nations on the African continent and the people of Haiti; and the floating of Oprah Winfrey as the 46th American president. The two seem unrelated. I would suggest they are not.
Trumps inability to contain his racist tick once again exposed the crude xenophobia and fear of the future that his political movement represents, and the downward moral drift of the Republican Party. It also struck yet another Trumpian blow to Americas soft power.
Trump is reviled around the world, as is the U.S. under his leadership. The United Nations high commissioner on human rights denounced his vile remarks. Haitians rose in mass fury online. The African Union, which cooperates with us on anti-terrorism efforts that include some 6,000 U.S. soldiers deployed on the continent, demanded an apology. What country would welcome the American president to their capitol today? Surely none in Africa, where country after country issued withering condemnations of Trump on Friday and where China is already being welcomed in as the new global economic hegemon. Not Great Britain, whose Commonwealth includes several countries that would make Trump's "shithole" list and which had already so rebelled against a presidential visit that it finally frightened the American bully away. And not even Norway, Trumps go-to source for fresh, white immigrant recruits, whose citizens took to Twitter Friday to pour on the Trump loathing.
Trump cannot exert the moral authority normally commanded by the American president. His few international friends have their own fiendish reputations. Israel is led by a perennial cynic who when hes not stomping Palestinian hopes into the ground or being embarrassed by his ironically alt-right son, remains under a criminal corruption investigation. Tayyip Erdogan allegedly colluded with the disgraced former National Security Adviser of the United States to kidnap a Turkish migr and rendition him to Ankara to answer for a 2016 coup. Trump has humbled our country under the shadow of Chinas autocrat Xi Jinping. He pals around with the proud butcher Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines. And he continues to both emulate and worship the thuggish kleptocrat Vladimir Putin.
In the epic Netflix series The Crown, a young future Queen Elizabeth takes her studies, such as they are, and is instructed by her tutor that the British government operates best when there is harmony between its two parts: the efficient, which makes and executes the laws, and the dignified, which legitimizes the enterprise through the moral authority of the Crown. The American presidency combines elements of the efficient and the dignified. The president presides over governance not making legislation but proposing it, cajoling the co-equal federal legislature and then signing and executing the laws. But he and so far it has always been a he also gives the national government its face, its image and its global reputation. Donald Trump, perhaps because as Michael Wolff posits in his opus, Fire and Fury, is in the grip of mental decline, clearly cannot execute the efficient. He is like a child king being plied with chocolate cake and led around by a gaggle of self-serving regents including Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the other congressional suck-ups who use their outward sycophancy to bend Trump to their legislative will. But it is his inability to fulfill the dignified that has been the most stressful, humiliating, and indeed dangerous for our democracy.
Which brings us to Oprah Winfrey.
Now, I will admit that I was merely having fun when I tweeted on Golden Globes night the now well-worn meme, nothing but love for my president, in reaction to her powerful speech upon accepting the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award. I even threw in a little dig at the other seemingly absurdist 2020 presidential candidate Dwayne The Rock Johnson, whom I demoted to Bizarro World V.P. But apparently, people across this Trump-exhausted nation are taking the idea of a second consecutive celebrity POTUS seriously.
And while part of me ok most of me recoils at the idea of codifying the Trump presidential model with a famous follow-on, as the nations moral meltdown continues, I cannot discount the idea of President Oprah out of hand. Heres why.
America tells itself a lot of lies, but none so bald faced as the one that we are a high-minded people who choose our presidents based on a strict study of their qualifications and their history of exceptional governance.
On the contrary, Americans rarely know much about our candidates other than the log lines of their bios: that they are or were a governor, a Senator, or a military general (the three most frequent categories from which our presidents have come). Until the mid-1960s, popular will played no part in the choice of which candidates got the nominations of the two major parties. The decision was made in back rooms or by exclusive state conventions and caucuses, with a few beauty contest primaries thrown in for show. Thus, the candidates who competed every fourth November were the product of party and media personality marketing. (The media has never been particularly good at explaining the actual ideas at issue in campaigns.) Americans instinctively respond to a gut feeling about those candidates, to their own partisanship and political tribalism, and to intangible characteristics about the people on the ballot, not to the details of their resumes.
Andrew Jackson, Trumps inspiration and the genocidal maniac behind the trail of tears, became president on the strength of his national fame as a military man during the war of 1812.
Likewise, Dwight Eisenhower, a decent, honorable man who had never even voted, was offered the Democratic nomination by Harry Truman in 1948 and turned it down before being offered the Republican nomination by the back room boys four years later. Why did he accept in 1952, and why did he win? Because the five star general and supreme allied commander of NATO was the most famous and popular figure to emerge from World War II.
Popularity has always been the key currency in choosing a president. Lincoln, who had only a state senate career plus one two-year term in congress from 1847-1849 to recommend him, boosted his fame via a series of entertaining and nationally-publicized debates with Illinois Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas in 1858. Lincoln lost the seat, which at the time was chosen by the state legislature, but his Republican Party won the popular vote, and the Lincoln for President buzz inside the Republican Party began.
Franklin Roosevelt was the governor of New York when he ran for president in 1932, but its much more likely that his famous surname and association with his fifth cousin, swashbuckling former president Teddy Roosevelt did the trick. (FDRs wife Eleanor was T.R.s niece, to make matters even more fun.) And it was his personal charisma that transformed FDR from what political opinion-shaper of the time Walter Lippmann described as, a pleasant man who, without any important qualifications for the office, would very much like to be president, to a man many Americans quite literally made president for life.
John F. Kennedy was a Senate back-bencher whose lead qualities were his war heroism, his telegenic face and family, and the Hollywood glamour and flush of youth the Kennedys offered the nation. Id wager few Americans could recite a single thing Kennedy had done in Congress, though his opponents made sure everybody knew he was Catholic, forcing JFK to give a speech reassuring the country that that his religious affiliation wasnt dangerous.
Likewise, who could recite Ronald Reagans gubernatorial record when Americans overwhelmingly chose the glitz of celebrity over the drone of moral rectitude that had catapulted Jimmy Carter to office in 1976, when America needed to wash away the stain of preeminently qualified and governmentally experienced, yet thoroughly crooked Richard Nixon.
Every president since Reagans third term otherwise known as George Herbert Walker Bush has followed suit.
The country felt rejuvenated by young Bill Clinton, who laid on the swagger on MTV and by blowing into his saxophone on the Arsenio Hall Show. America wanted to have a beer with George W. Bush, the weak governor of Texas whose surname imparted familiarity and comfort versus the stiff, unrelatable Al Gore and the far more qualified but thoroughly uncool John Kerry. And lets face it: Barack Obama, with his youth, charisma, boundless (and brilliantly marketed) hopefulness and come together charm brought home in the 2004 convention speech that launched his presidential buzz plus his phalanx of celebrity endorsers including Will.I.Am, Jay Z, Beyonce, and yes, Oprah, was not just a better candidate; he was much cooler than John McCain.
And then theres Donald Trump, whose crass commercial appeal resonated in what the media lovingly calls middle America, better known as the vast swath of the country that spends more time watching ESPN, home improvement shows and The Apprentice than political cable news. Sure he lost the popular vote to the studious, completely qualified but poorly marketed would-be First Woman President, Hillary Clinton, but its where he won that mattered: in the sparsely populated, anti-intellectual parts of the country favored by the Electoral College.
Democrats might not want to face this truth, but it is reality. Trump exposed America for what it is: a country that responds to celebrity and simple messages that appeal to the gut rather than the mind, and which often mistakes riches for intelligence, and fame for capability.
Trump was the absurdist end stage of this creeping self-revelation. Some 63 million Americans responded to his crude calls for a 1950s Christo-racial revival and his solution to the Archie Bunker riddle about the "unfairness of equality," namely: "what's the point of a man working hard all his life if all he's gonna wind up is equal?"
Given that reality, why would Democrats continue to pretend that what Americans want is a two-term governor or Senator with a lengthy legislative record when what they really want is a national show? And if there must be a show, why not cast it with a woman as gifted, charismatic and emotionally intelligent as Oprah Winfrey?
Unlike Trump, Oprahs story is true Americana. She rose from dire poverty and abuse to become a real billionaire, not a theoretical one who inherited his racist daddys money like Trump (before he started grubbing for emoluments via the presidency). Unlike Trump, who boasts he is, like, a very smart person, Oprah has clear intellectual gifts, plus the ability to leaven those gifts with mass appeal and empathy. Unlike Trump, she is a phenomenal businesswoman, not someone who played one on TV. Presumably, unlike Trump, Oprah, who counts among her friends Barack and Michelle Obama, would likely surround herself with the keenest political, economic and scientific minds as president. She would study, unlike Trump. She would care about policy, unlike Trump. And she would perform the efficient functions of government with the alacrity of a woman who built herself into a one-word empire, while pulling off the dignified with the aplomb of a professional communicator.
And because Oprah is as famous as she is, she could campaign in a way no other candidate for president could: without the grimy mud-slinging and desperation to please donors and become known.
None of this is to say that Oprah should do it. By running for president she would risk opening herself up to the kind of shredding, partisan attacks that destroy lives. She has already attracted scrutiny of her background and businesses choices, just by being mentioned. (Remember The Secret? Her critics do, although Id wager most average Americans would shrug off the criticism and probably still buy the book today.) Winning the presidency has become a miserable gauntlet that few people can withstand. And having gotten a taste of the maelstrom, from white women who were outraged that she chose Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008 and fans who thought her insufficiently outraged by Trumps victory to those on the left who are already tagging her as an evil, rich neoliberal, she might not want to bother. After all, havent black women been asked to clean up enough messes we didnt create?
In the end, quite frankly, the White House might be too small for a woman of Oprahs queenly stature. Its a constricting glass box that Winfrey, who one of my work colleagues calls the freest black woman in America might not want to shrink herself into. Unlike in the GOP, where brute charisma is everything (see: Palin, Sarah and Trump, Donald), to win over the determined sophisticates in the Democratic donor and media class, Oprah would need to show the kind of detailed policy acumen that Obama and Bill Clinton brought with them to the table. Though again, I dont think any of that matters to the general electorate.
But whether or not she should run for president, or would even want to, lets not kid ourselves. If she ran, Oprah could win. She could win because despite being black and a woman, who would likely still lose a majority of white womens votes to whatever Republican ran against her, including Donald Trump, those very qualities would help her turn out the 200,000 additional votes in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia that cost Hillary Clinton the Electoral College. And she could win because Oprah is more than the sum of her demographic parts. She is a rich celebrity with universal name recognition who is generally beloved among a cross-section of Americans across the political divide at least, until the attack ads begin.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/as-trumps-racism-pisses-off-an-entire-continent-oprah-winfrey-starts-to-make-more-sense
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2GJxBZF via Viral News HQ
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
As Trumps Racism Pisses Off an Entire Continent, Oprah Winfrey Starts to Make More Sense
This week, America endured two new developments in the continuing chaos of our politics: Donald Trumps reprehensible slander against the 54 nations on the African continent and the people of Haiti; and the floating of Oprah Winfrey as the 46th American president. The two seem unrelated. I would suggest they are not.
Trumps inability to contain his racist tick once again exposed the crude xenophobia and fear of the future that his political movement represents, and the downward moral drift of the Republican Party. It also struck yet another Trumpian blow to Americas soft power.
Trump is reviled around the world, as is the U.S. under his leadership. The United Nations high commissioner on human rights denounced his vile remarks. Haitians rose in mass fury online. The African Union, which cooperates with us on anti-terrorism efforts that include some 6,000 U.S. soldiers deployed on the continent, demanded an apology. What country would welcome the American president to their capitol today? Surely none in Africa, where country after country issued withering condemnations of Trump on Friday and where China is already being welcomed in as the new global economic hegemon. Not Great Britain, whose Commonwealth includes several countries that would make Trump's "shithole" list and which had already so rebelled against a presidential visit that it finally frightened the American bully away. And not even Norway, Trumps go-to source for fresh, white immigrant recruits, whose citizens took to Twitter Friday to pour on the Trump loathing.
Trump cannot exert the moral authority normally commanded by the American president. His few international friends have their own fiendish reputations. Israel is led by a perennial cynic who when hes not stomping Palestinian hopes into the ground or being embarrassed by his ironically alt-right son, remains under a criminal corruption investigation. Tayyip Erdogan allegedly colluded with the disgraced former National Security Adviser of the United States to kidnap a Turkish migr and rendition him to Ankara to answer for a 2016 coup. Trump has humbled our country under the shadow of Chinas autocrat Xi Jinping. He pals around with the proud butcher Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines. And he continues to both emulate and worship the thuggish kleptocrat Vladimir Putin.
In the epic Netflix series The Crown, a young future Queen Elizabeth takes her studies, such as they are, and is instructed by her tutor that the British government operates best when there is harmony between its two parts: the efficient, which makes and executes the laws, and the dignified, which legitimizes the enterprise through the moral authority of the Crown. The American presidency combines elements of the efficient and the dignified. The president presides over governance not making legislation but proposing it, cajoling the co-equal federal legislature and then signing and executing the laws. But he and so far it has always been a he also gives the national government its face, its image and its global reputation. Donald Trump, perhaps because as Michael Wolff posits in his opus, Fire and Fury, is in the grip of mental decline, clearly cannot execute the efficient. He is like a child king being plied with chocolate cake and led around by a gaggle of self-serving regents including Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the other congressional suck-ups who use their outward sycophancy to bend Trump to their legislative will. But it is his inability to fulfill the dignified that has been the most stressful, humiliating, and indeed dangerous for our democracy.
Which brings us to Oprah Winfrey.
Now, I will admit that I was merely having fun when I tweeted on Golden Globes night the now well-worn meme, nothing but love for my president, in reaction to her powerful speech upon accepting the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award. I even threw in a little dig at the other seemingly absurdist 2020 presidential candidate Dwayne The Rock Johnson, whom I demoted to Bizarro World V.P. But apparently, people across this Trump-exhausted nation are taking the idea of a second consecutive celebrity POTUS seriously.
And while part of me ok most of me recoils at the idea of codifying the Trump presidential model with a famous follow-on, as the nations moral meltdown continues, I cannot discount the idea of President Oprah out of hand. Heres why.
America tells itself a lot of lies, but none so bald faced as the one that we are a high-minded people who choose our presidents based on a strict study of their qualifications and their history of exceptional governance.
On the contrary, Americans rarely know much about our candidates other than the log lines of their bios: that they are or were a governor, a Senator, or a military general (the three most frequent categories from which our presidents have come). Until the mid-1960s, popular will played no part in the choice of which candidates got the nominations of the two major parties. The decision was made in back rooms or by exclusive state conventions and caucuses, with a few beauty contest primaries thrown in for show. Thus, the candidates who competed every fourth November were the product of party and media personality marketing. (The media has never been particularly good at explaining the actual ideas at issue in campaigns.) Americans instinctively respond to a gut feeling about those candidates, to their own partisanship and political tribalism, and to intangible characteristics about the people on the ballot, not to the details of their resumes.
Andrew Jackson, Trumps inspiration and the genocidal maniac behind the trail of tears, became president on the strength of his national fame as a military man during the war of 1812.
Likewise, Dwight Eisenhower, a decent, honorable man who had never even voted, was offered the Democratic nomination by Harry Truman in 1948 and turned it down before being offered the Republican nomination by the back room boys four years later. Why did he accept in 1952, and why did he win? Because the five star general and supreme allied commander of NATO was the most famous and popular figure to emerge from World War II.
Popularity has always been the key currency in choosing a president. Lincoln, who had only a state senate career plus one two-year term in congress from 1847-1849 to recommend him, boosted his fame via a series of entertaining and nationally-publicized debates with Illinois Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas in 1858. Lincoln lost the seat, which at the time was chosen by the state legislature, but his Republican Party won the popular vote, and the Lincoln for President buzz inside the Republican Party began.
Franklin Roosevelt was the governor of New York when he ran for president in 1932, but its much more likely that his famous surname and association with his fifth cousin, swashbuckling former president Teddy Roosevelt did the trick. (FDRs wife Eleanor was T.R.s niece, to make matters even more fun.) And it was his personal charisma that transformed FDR from what political opinion-shaper of the time Walter Lippmann described as, a pleasant man who, without any important qualifications for the office, would very much like to be president, to a man many Americans quite literally made president for life.
John F. Kennedy was a Senate back-bencher whose lead qualities were his war heroism, his telegenic face and family, and the Hollywood glamour and flush of youth the Kennedys offered the nation. Id wager few Americans could recite a single thing Kennedy had done in Congress, though his opponents made sure everybody knew he was Catholic, forcing JFK to give a speech reassuring the country that that his religious affiliation wasnt dangerous.
Likewise, who could recite Ronald Reagans gubernatorial record when Americans overwhelmingly chose the glitz of celebrity over the drone of moral rectitude that had catapulted Jimmy Carter to office in 1976, when America needed to wash away the stain of preeminently qualified and governmentally experienced, yet thoroughly crooked Richard Nixon.
Every president since Reagans third term otherwise known as George Herbert Walker Bush has followed suit.
The country felt rejuvenated by young Bill Clinton, who laid on the swagger on MTV and by blowing into his saxophone on the Arsenio Hall Show. America wanted to have a beer with George W. Bush, the weak governor of Texas whose surname imparted familiarity and comfort versus the stiff, unrelatable Al Gore and the far more qualified but thoroughly uncool John Kerry. And lets face it: Barack Obama, with his youth, charisma, boundless (and brilliantly marketed) hopefulness and come together charm brought home in the 2004 convention speech that launched his presidential buzz plus his phalanx of celebrity endorsers including Will.I.Am, Jay Z, Beyonce, and yes, Oprah, was not just a better candidate; he was much cooler than John McCain.
And then theres Donald Trump, whose crass commercial appeal resonated in what the media lovingly calls middle America, better known as the vast swath of the country that spends more time watching ESPN, home improvement shows and The Apprentice than political cable news. Sure he lost the popular vote to the studious, completely qualified but poorly marketed would-be First Woman President, Hillary Clinton, but its where he won that mattered: in the sparsely populated, anti-intellectual parts of the country favored by the Electoral College.
Democrats might not want to face this truth, but it is reality. Trump exposed America for what it is: a country that responds to celebrity and simple messages that appeal to the gut rather than the mind, and which often mistakes riches for intelligence, and fame for capability.
Trump was the absurdist end stage of this creeping self-revelation. Some 63 million Americans responded to his crude calls for a 1950s Christo-racial revival and his solution to the Archie Bunker riddle about the "unfairness of equality," namely: "what's the point of a man working hard all his life if all he's gonna wind up is equal?"
Given that reality, why would Democrats continue to pretend that what Americans want is a two-term governor or Senator with a lengthy legislative record when what they really want is a national show? And if there must be a show, why not cast it with a woman as gifted, charismatic and emotionally intelligent as Oprah Winfrey?
Unlike Trump, Oprahs story is true Americana. She rose from dire poverty and abuse to become a real billionaire, not a theoretical one who inherited his racist daddys money like Trump (before he started grubbing for emoluments via the presidency). Unlike Trump, who boasts he is, like, a very smart person, Oprah has clear intellectual gifts, plus the ability to leaven those gifts with mass appeal and empathy. Unlike Trump, she is a phenomenal businesswoman, not someone who played one on TV. Presumably, unlike Trump, Oprah, who counts among her friends Barack and Michelle Obama, would likely surround herself with the keenest political, economic and scientific minds as president. She would study, unlike Trump. She would care about policy, unlike Trump. And she would perform the efficient functions of government with the alacrity of a woman who built herself into a one-word empire, while pulling off the dignified with the aplomb of a professional communicator.
And because Oprah is as famous as she is, she could campaign in a way no other candidate for president could: without the grimy mud-slinging and desperation to please donors and become known.
None of this is to say that Oprah should do it. By running for president she would risk opening herself up to the kind of shredding, partisan attacks that destroy lives. She has already attracted scrutiny of her background and businesses choices, just by being mentioned. (Remember The Secret? Her critics do, although Id wager most average Americans would shrug off the criticism and probably still buy the book today.) Winning the presidency has become a miserable gauntlet that few people can withstand. And having gotten a taste of the maelstrom, from white women who were outraged that she chose Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008 and fans who thought her insufficiently outraged by Trumps victory to those on the left who are already tagging her as an evil, rich neoliberal, she might not want to bother. After all, havent black women been asked to clean up enough messes we didnt create?
In the end, quite frankly, the White House might be too small for a woman of Oprahs queenly stature. Its a constricting glass box that Winfrey, who one of my work colleagues calls the freest black woman in America might not want to shrink herself into. Unlike in the GOP, where brute charisma is everything (see: Palin, Sarah and Trump, Donald), to win over the determined sophisticates in the Democratic donor and media class, Oprah would need to show the kind of detailed policy acumen that Obama and Bill Clinton brought with them to the table. Though again, I dont think any of that matters to the general electorate.
But whether or not she should run for president, or would even want to, lets not kid ourselves. If she ran, Oprah could win. She could win because despite being black and a woman, who would likely still lose a majority of white womens votes to whatever Republican ran against her, including Donald Trump, those very qualities would help her turn out the 200,000 additional votes in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia that cost Hillary Clinton the Electoral College. And she could win because Oprah is more than the sum of her demographic parts. She is a rich celebrity with universal name recognition who is generally beloved among a cross-section of Americans across the political divide at least, until the attack ads begin.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/as-trumps-racism-pisses-off-an-entire-continent-oprah-winfrey-starts-to-make-more-sense
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2GJxBZF via Viral News HQ
0 notes