#also i mean he just seems very nice and down to earth and pompeiis a banger so he gets credit for that
what is it you love about dan? i always love hearing other people’s perspectives
i think im just a big fan of guys who are a little strange yknow
0 notes
discoscoob · 3 years
New Earth | Loki x Female Reader
Loki (Marvel) x Doctor Who
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Loki is officially a member of the TARDIS family and for his first trip the Doctor sets the TARDIS controls to random and she lands on a planet called New Earth and you know what they say ‘New Earth, new you!’ 
Part One | Part Three | Chapter Index
Words: 7.0k
Warnings: Dub con kissing: reader isn’t control of her own body and Loki isn’t aware
Read on AO3
You quickly learned that the TARDIS was infinitely bigger than you had originally thought. It turned out that the control room was just the tip of the iceberg. It had a swimming pool, a library, an art gallery filled with art the Doctor had collected from across the universe and more wardrobe space than you could ever dream of, full of clothes which the Doctor had granted you unlimited access to, you would definitely be taking advantage of that. It also had the usual like living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. The Doctor, had confessed that the TARDIS was such a size that there were rooms that even he still had yet to find, despite the fact he had been piloting this ship for over half a millennium.
 You recalled how just before all this begun, you had planned to be curled up in bed within the hour, almost 24 hours had passed since then and you had yet to sleep a wink, you also hadn’t eaten. Once all the adrenaline had finally worn off, you felt as though you could have fallen into a coma. You were grateful for the fact that the first thing the Doctor did when he returned to the TARDIS was show you all to the bedrooms, it was on the way that he had filled you with information about the TARDIS and it’s many rooms.
 Once you reached the quarters where which the bedrooms were, the Doctor stopped and reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and silently handed you, Donna and Loki each a plain plastic bottle filled with goodness knows what and all three of you stared at him speechless waiting for an explanation. 
 “Aren’t you hungry?” The Doctor asked upon realising you were all staring at him cluelessly. “This will sustain you until you wake up, then you can have a proper breakfast.” 
 “What is it?” You asked, closely inspecting the plastic bottle.
 “Blimey! How big are your pockets?” Donna commented, trying to work out how he managed to fit three bottles into his suit jacket.
 “They’re bigger on the inside,” the Doctor shrugged as if it were obvious.
 “Of course they are.” Donna muttered to herself in a ‘duh’ tone.
 “And it’s like a protein shake. Try it, it’s nice!” The Doctor answered you.
 You felt your stomach growl as it demanded nutrients and you were too tired to seek out something else to fill it with so you shrugged and twisted the cap off the bottle and took a quick sip to test how it tasted. You were pleasantly surprised to find it tasted just like a vanilla milkshake and hummed happily as you drank down some more. 
 After that, the Doctor bid the three of you goodnight and left you to pick your own bedrooms, he assured you they were all practically identical and included en suites so there was no concerns over you squabbling for the biggest room, even if the rooms were different sizes you highly doubted that you had the energy to fight over them, you had already picked the bedroom behind the door closest to you after bidding Donna and Loki goodnight. 
 Once your vanilla protein shake was all finished and you had changed into some comfortable nightwear which you had found in the wardrobe, you were ready to crawl into the bed for a well-deserved night sleep. Was it even night? You weren’t sure but you couldn’t find the energy to care as you pulled back the thick white duvet of the double bed but before you could climb in and let your tired body rest there was a knock at your door. 
 You sighed wondering who it was and left your bedside to go and answer it. 
 “Loki?” You couldn’t disguise the surprise in your tone, he was the last person you expected to see when you opened the door. You took in his appearance and noticed there was no longer any traces of ash or blood on his face, his hair was combed back and still damp meaning he had not long been out the shower, the smell of the products he used filled the air around him and you found yourself breathing deeper to take in the fresh woodsy scents along with hints of vanilla. His sweat and dirt covered clothes had been removed and replaced with a loose dark grey hoodie over a white t shirt and dark jeans, seeing the God in such a casual outfit was almost as startling as seeing him stood outside your door. Your eyes fell to his hands which were clasping the bottle of protein shake the Doctor had gave you all earlier.
 “I hope I’m not disturbing you.” Loki spoke, his voice soft, you could hardly believe he was the same man who had trapped you against a wall only seconds after meeting you barely 24 hours earlier.
 “No, not at all. I hadn’t got to bed yet.” You assured him and he nodded.
 “I just wanted to bring you this,” Loki slightly raised up the bottle in his hand, “you probably need it more than I do, I don’t require nourishments as regularly as mortals do.” He explained.
 When you hesitated to accept the drink, due to how stunned you were by the fact he was even concerning himself with thinking about your nutritional needs he continued.
 “I haven’t touched it,” he reassured you, allowing you to inspect the bottle by holding it closer to you. “The cap isn’t even broken.”
 You couldn’t help the way your heart swelled, endeared by the way he fretted over the idea that you may have worried about him tampering with the drink, when actually that hadn’t even crossed your mind you were just shocked by his kind gesture. You had to pull yourself back into the moment to save him from fretting any further and took the bottle from his hand, your fingers slightly brushed against his as you did allowing you to discover how soft his skin was.
 “Thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you.” You smiled sincerely at him and he once again diverted his eyes and clasped his now empty hands behind his back.
 “I’ll let you rest now. Goodnight,” he spoke your name and your sleep deprived mind decided that you liked the way it sounded when uttered in his gentle tone. He had already begun walking away when you replied your own goodnight and you noticed he was heading away from the bedrooms, as you softly shut your door you wondered where he was going.
 Loki had decided that there was no point in attempting to sleep when he wasn’t tired so instead he chose to head to the control room in search of the Doctor. If he was going to be staying under his roof for a while he thought it would be best to learn a bit about him, since they hadn’t really had the opportunity while in Pompeii. 
 Just as he suspected, he found the Doctor in the control room, his pinstripe suit jacket had been removed, along with his tie and they hung neatly over the railing which surrounded the circular control panel which the Doctor was leant over with his back to Loki. It appeared that the Doctor was unaware of Loki’s presence behind him as he made no effort to acknowledge him. 
 “Doesn’t this thing come with an auto pilot?” Loki casually initiated conversation as he sneaked up beside the Doctor, who looked over his shoulder at Loki when he heard his voice and straightened his back, letting out a soft chuckle.
 “Yeah, it does,” he answered as he distractedly scratched at some stubble along his jawline, while Loki continued to scroll around the console, looking at all the controls, he let his fingers dance over them but he never touched any. “But I like to stay up here and monitor it as much as I can, make sure everything’s in order, look out for any distress calls. That sort of thing.” 
 Loki nodded to demonstrate that he was listening until he stopped three quarters of the way around the console from where the Doctor stood and finally looked back up at him to find the Doctor was already watching him closely.
 “You know you don’t have to treat me like the humans.” Loki stated, as he shoved his hands into his jean pockets, the Doctor mirrored him as he put his hands in his own. “I’m much more like you than them.”
 “Force of habit, I guess.” The Doctor shrugged apologetically. “I’ve been travelling with humans for almost...” he squinted his eyes as he worked out the numbers in his head, “50 years now. This is my first time travelling with a God.”
 “I’m honoured to be your first.” Loki smiled proudly before he continued to silently wander around the control room while the Doctor returned to monitoring the console, every so often he glanced back up at Loki just to check he wasn’t up to no good, each time Loki would look right back at him and offer him an innocent smile. 
 “Forgive me if this sounds imprudent, but how old are you?” Loki asked, if he wanted to get to know the Doctor better he needed to start somewhere and this seem like a good place to start. 
 “I’m 904... I think? I don’t really keep count anymore.” The Doctor explained, as he leaned against the railing and crossed his legs and arms.
 “And how does someone who travels through all of time and space, getting themselves into situations like Pompeii and answers distress call, after distress call, make it to 904 years old? Are you immortal or just tremendously lucky?”
 “Ha, I’m neither of those things.” The Doctor chuckled ruefully to himself as he pushed himself off the railing to stroll around the console as he explained. “Instead of dying my body regenerates itself. All my cells burn up and I grow new ones. I’m still me but I become a complete different person. New face, new body, new personality. The only thing from my previous form which I do get to keep are my memories.”
 “Therefore that would make you a...?” He put his hand out with his palm facing up, offering the Doctor to finish the sentence.
 “Time lord.” 
 The Doctor hadn’t noticed the way Loki’s eyes slightly widened and how the curve of his lip fell into a straight line. A few moments passed and Loki had yet to respond, the Doctor looked up to check that he was even still in the room and found Loki staring at him with a pale, unmoving face. “Loki, are you alright?” 
 Loki remained still and silent and the Doctor straightened his back and drew his eyebrows together as he took a single step forward. “Loki?” This time his tone was cautious, it wasn’t too gentle but it wasn’t too abrupt, it danced on a line between the two.
 Noticing the Doctor come closer encouraged Loki to finally move, he took a step back and tilted his head forward to glare at the Doctor from under his brows, silently warning him to not step any closer. 
 The Doctor understood and increased the distance between them by taking a few steps backwards and raised his arms, with his palms facing towards Loki, to demonstrate that he meant him no harm.
 “I’m not going to hurt you. Just tell me what’s wrong and I can fix it.” The Doctor tried, his voice was assertive yet calm.
 “Time Lords maintained timelines within the universe and were in charge of the laws of time.” Loki recited, as he carefully watched the Doctor.
 “Yeah...” The Doctor slowly confirmed, though his pitch rose at the end of the word making it sound more like a question as his face grew with intriguing while he wondered where Loki was going with this and why he seemed so alarmed by it.
 “But they all died.” Loki continued, it was a statement not a question and the Doctor had to quickly disguise the pain that threatened to show on his face.
 “Yeah,” the Doctors voice slightly wavered and he cleared his throat. “I’m the only one left.” 
 “With the Lords of Time gone there was no one left to continue their work.” The Doctor remained silent and listened, as he wondered where Loki got all this knowledge from. “Until the TVA was founded. They honour and continue the work of the Time Lords. My question is, where does that leave you, Doctor?”
 Now it was the Doctors turn to fall speechless, he had followed everything Loki said up until he mentioned the TVA. There was an organisation who honoured Time Lords and continued their work, maintaining timelines and enforcing the laws of time? The Doctor wondered how he never knew about this, he believed he was the only person in the universe continuing the work of the Time Lords. 
 “The TVA?” The Doctor faintly questioned, his brows tense as he glanced at the ground.
 “The Time Variant Authority.” Loki clarified, closely reading the Doctors reaction to try and find any hint of dishonesty. 
 “Is that who you’re running from?” The Doctor asked Loki, but he remained silent, uncertain of how much he could trust the Time Lord. 
 “I’m not with them. I had no idea they even existed.” The Doctor told him honestly, looking him right in the eye with his palm resting between his two hearts. “Whatever trouble you’re in, I might be able to help. If the TVA honour my species–“
 “No.” Loki quickly rejected the Doctors offer before he could even form a proper plan. 
 “They might listen to me–“ The Doctor tried to persist.
 “No!” Loki repeated louder, “I got away from them, haven’t I? I am already free. It would be foolish to go back and try to reason with them.” 
 “A life on the run is hardly freedom.” The Doctor argued.
 Loki disagreed. Even before the TVA, Loki had never truly known what freedom felt like. Growing up a Prince on Asgard his entire life had been planned out for him, all he had to do was perform the script that had already been written but Loki had no interest in the character which he had been given. All the rules and regulations he had to follow without question made him hungry to take control and live by his own rules but in doing so he fell under the control of Thanos and as a result he was forever confined to one role, one character: the villain. 
 In an effort to escape he merely moved from one cage to another. Then he was captured by the TVA and his figurative restraints turned literal but it felt no different, confirming that he had been right all along about feeling ensnared in the life which had been chosen for him. 
 What the Doctor failed to realise was that, the very first time Loki believed he felt what others described as freedom was when you had put your hand on his shoulder and reassured him he was safe and he realised that you truly had no idea who he was. You held no preconceived notions about him, there was no one you expected him to be. 
 For once Loki had the opportunity to discover who he truly was without the influence of other people’s ideas of him, which he had accepted would never change no matter how much he tried so he gave up trying and became what people saw him as but, you, you saw him as a stranger.
 The prospect of meeting someone who didn’t already know who he was was rare in Loki’s life, it seemed everyone had their own images of who he was, which made it hard for him decipher which parts actually belonged to him and which parts others had attached to him from their own imaginations. 
 Then you offered him the opportunity to stay and Loki felt as though he had finally managed to tear up the script which had been written for him and take the pen in his own hand and for the very first time in his life he had the power to decide who he wanted to be and if that’s what freedom felt like then Loki decided that he was going to cherish it for as long as possible.
 The sound of bird song and the feeling of sun light warming your face gently pulled you from your sleep. You squinted your eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight and once you could take in your surroundings you paused, forgetting where you were for a moment until the events of yesterday started playing back in your mind. 
 You were in your bedroom on the TARDIS, however you were certain that window hadn’t been there last night. You rose from the bed and walked towards it, the view showed you a clear blue sky and a vast meadow surrounded by healthy green trees while flocks of birds passed by above. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to, however that didn’t lessen your confusion over it. 
 Now freshly showered and changed into some new clothes which you found provided in the wardrobe, you were walking through the corridors of the TARDIS, letting your nose lead the way as it followed the scent of a hearty breakfast being cooked nearby. The two protein shakes had sustained you over night but now you were ready for that proper breakfast the Doctor had promised and from the smells that travelled down the corridors and lured you to the kitchen, it seemed like it wasn’t going to disappoint. 
 Once you turned through the archway which lead to the spacious kitchen which also included a dining area, you were greeted by the sight of Loki and the Doctor quietly bickering, they hadn’t yet noticed your presence so you quietly watched them as you leant against the archway.
 “You burnt the toast again.” The Doctor sighed, taking the toast and throwing it into the bin which you noticed already had a pile of burnt toast slices in it. 
 “I didn’t burn the toast, the toaster burnt the toast.” Loki argued. “I don’t know why you dragged me in here to help you cook for the humans anyway.”
 “Did you have anything better to do?” The Doctor asked as he popped some more bread slices into the toaster.
 “No.” Loki admitted honestly. 
 “Then you can pour the fresh orange juice into the serving jug. Everything’s almost ready, they’ll be here soon.” The Doctor instructed Loki, who sighed but still turned to go to the fridge but he paused halfway when he finally noticed you standing under the archway and he said your name with surprise.
 “Good morning, Loki.” You greeted him kindly as you moved into the kitchen. 
 “Oh,” the Doctor said your name after he heard you greet Loki. “Take a seat, it’s almost done.” 
 You sat yourself down on one of the chairs at the large oak wood dining table and observed Loki and the Doctor in the kitchen.
 You noticed Loki had changed out of the casual clothes he was wearing last night when he knocked on your door to offer you his protein shake. He was now smartly dressed in a dark fitted suit, with an olive green waist coat paired with a crocodile green tie which was secured to his white dress shirt with a gold clip. It was the finest you had seen him dress, he looked out of place as he stood in the kitchen pouring juice into a jug.
 The Doctor was dressed in pretty much the same outfit he wore yesterday, you wondered to yourself if it was the exact same suit or if he just owned multiple pairs.
 “Doctor.” You spoke the Time Lords name to get his attention.
 “Yeah?” He glanced up at you from where he was buttering some toast.
 “This morning I woke up to a window in my room that wasn’t there last night.” You told him, hoping he could offer you some insight.
 “It’s an artificial window,” he explained, “I turn on the feature when I’m travelling with humans, since the TARDIS has no windows some can find it quite claustrophobic but I can turn off the feature if you don’t like it.” 
 “No, no. I like it,” you quickly told him. “It’s nice, thank you.”
 The Doctor gave you a small smile to acknowledge your thanks.
 “No one talk to me. I need coffee.” The unmistakable sound of your auntie drew all three pairs of eyes in the room to Donna as she shuffled into the kitchen, she was dressed in a fluffy white dressing gown and slippers and her red hair was pulled up into a messy bun.
 “Coffee pot is there, help yourself.” The Doctor pointed to the counter where there stood a pot of black coffee.
 “Thanks.” Donna mumbled through a yawn.
 Your attention was drawn to Loki when he placed two full plates, filled with a variety of breakfast foods down onto the table.
 “You look nice today.” You told him and heat rose to your cheeks when Loki’s eyes met yours and his lips curled up at the edges.
 “I’m glad we agree.” Loki stood straight and tugged on his blazer where it hugged him snuggly around his waist. “It took me forever to find something decent in the Doctors closets.”
 The Doctor fetched over the rest of the plates and took a seat on the opposite side of the table to you, Donna sat beside him cradling her mug of coffee and Loki moved around the table to take a seat beside you, the same foresty and vanilla scent filled the air around him. 
 “I could get used to this.” Donna commented as she started scooping food from the buffet in the centre of the table onto her empty plate.
 “Don’t, I just haven’t eaten in a while, thought it was about time.” The Doctor warned her around a mouth full of bacon.
 “What’s the plan for today, Doctor?” You asked as you picked up a hash brown.
 “I was thinking I could set the controls to random and see where it takes us.” The Doctor offered. “A mystery tour! We could end up on any planet, anywhere, anywhen, in the whole, wide universe.” 
 “You mean, we could end up on an alien planet?!” Donna gasped, and it was hard to tell whether she was excited or terrified.
 “Time and space travel, consequently, yeah, I think our chances of landing on an alien planet are relatively high.” Loki sarcastically replied, while he picked at a croissant.
 “Can we leave him behind?” Donna directly asked the Doctor.
 “Hey, play nice you two.” The Doctor ordered them like a fed up father.
 “Earth?” Donna whined. “All that just to end up back on earth? And it’s pissing it down.” 
 You had all eagerly piled out the TARDIS to see what awaited you on the other side of the double doors, the last thing any of you expected was to end up in a rundown alleyway on earth during a rainstorm.
 “No, no.” The Doctor smiled, the only one out of all four of you who still looked enthusiastic while you, Loki and Donna all glared at him while the rain poured down on you. “This is New Earth!”
 “I don’t care if it’s brand, spanking New Earth, it’s cold and it’s wet and we’re surrounded by rubbish!” Donna complained, as she wrapped her arms around her torso to protect herself from the elements.
 “I think I just saw a rat.” Loki added.
Donna let out a ear piercing screech as she leaped into the air in fright.
 “Come on! Where’s your sense of adventure?” The Doctor tried to hype you all up.
 “Doctor, a cold and wet, rat infested alleyway isn’t exactly what I would call my idea of an adventure.” You told him, and his smile dropped when he looked at all three of you and saw your miserable faces.
 “Fine,” he begrudgingly caved in with a sigh. “Get back in the TARDIS, I’ll take us somewhere else.”
 You all simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief and began following the Doctor back into his ship one after another, with you following behind last but before you could step foot through the doors you felt an arm grab you around your waist and pull you backwards. You felt a sudden falling sensation, as if the arm had dragged you straight off a cliff edge. From what you could see it looked as though you were falling through a kaleidoscope. All this barely lasted two seconds, as all of a sudden you once again felt the solid ground beneath your feet. Your heart was hammering in your chest like a woodpeckers beak against a tree, as you patted down your body just to make sure everything arrived with you since you were pretty certain you had just teleported. 
 With wide eyes you looked around the dimly lit basement which had paint chipping off its walls and was filled with an unsettling  scent of chemicals. In the background you could hear the sound of a party coming through speakers, you discovered it was coming from a projection on one of the walls. The footage showed a beautiful blonde woman dressed in a stunning silver dress which was accessorised with expensive jewellery, all attention was on her as she elegantly glided around the room while handsome men dressed in tuxedos fawned over her.
 “Mistress! I brought you a pure-blood human.” You heard a timid voice, you immediately looked towards the direction it came from to find a small man with patterns on his pale face, hunched over like an elderly person and dressed in white scrubs.
 “Don’t be frightened, my child.” You jumped, startled by a second voice, this one feminine and aristocratic, it sounded almost identical to the one that belonged to the elegant woman in the projected footage. For a moment you didn’t realise where it came from but then you noticed the sheet of skin with a face attached to it. The skin was tethered to a metal frame like a trampoline and you gasped in horror at the sight.
 “Well done, Chip. You have delivered me a truly fine specimen.” The talking piece of skin praised the cowering man, who you assumed was her servant. 
 “Come closer, my child. Let me get a proper look at you.” She tried to tempt you towards her but you weren’t an idiot.
 “I think I’ll just stay right here, thanks.” You refused, going as far to take a few steps backwards.
 “Suit yourself.” The skin smiled to herself before her eyes shifted from you to the projection. “I remember that night, that was the last time anyone told me I was beautiful.” 
 You watched the footage as a man kissed the back of her hand and you heard him call her Cassandra.
 “After that, it all became such hard work.” Cassandra continued. “But I’ve not been idle. Tucked away down here I finally developed a solution to all my problems.” 
“And what’s that?” You were afraid to ask.
 “Chip, activate the psychograft!” Cassandra ordered her humble servant.
 Instantly your arms were immobile as an electric force bound them to a barrier which you hadn’t realised you had stepped into, no matter how hard you tried to pull free, your arms wouldn’t budge.
 “Cassandra, what are you doing?” You gasped mid-sentence as a circle of light surrounded you.
 “Moving on! New life, new body, new me!” Cassandra cheered and a gold essence evaporated from her skin and travelled through the air towards you. 
 Your chest tightened as you realised what was about to happen as the sparkling gold cloud reached you, it sank into your chest through your skin and flesh, once it was all inside you the force restraining you vanished and your limp body collapsed to the floor. Your head smacked against a loose pipe as gravity pulled you into it’s hard embrace.
 You had been right behind Loki when you were taken, which mean he had heard you yelp in shock when you felt the arm wrapped around your waist which made him turn to see what prompted such a reaction, only to watch you vanish into thin air right before his eyes.
 He called your name, in the tone of a question, into the now empty alleyway which was useless since you were already gone but it caught the attention of Donna.
 “What’s wrong?” She turned to Loki after hearing the confusion in his tone when he spoke your name.
 That’s when the Doctor looked up from the ships console, his own brows furrowed with concern as he looked between Donna and Loki.
 The Doctor realised you were the only one who wasn’t present and asked where you were, though his question was more of a statement to bring attention to your lack of presence.
 “Someone grabbed her and then they vanished.” Loki explained. 
 “What... what do you mean ‘vanished?’” Donna looked at Loki in disbelief, not trusting the mischievous God, she rushed back towards the doors and stepped back out into the rain shouting your name into the alleyway, her voice reverberated off of the walls.
 “It must have been a short range teleport, like a vortex manipulator.” The Doctor concluded. “Nasty and cheap.” He added in a barely coherent mumble. 
 He was already rushing around the console tempering with all sorts of switches in a seemingly random order. “If I can hone in on its signal, maybe I can follow its last route.”
 “Got it!” He announced only a few moments later. 
 “Donna!” The Doctor yelled towards the double doors of the TARDIS.
 “What is it, do you know where they went?” Donna came running back into the TARDIS, freshly wet from the rain.
 “I found the signal which was left behind by the teleportation device they used, I set the TARDIS controls to follow its last route. Hold on.” With that the Doctor pulled down the leaver and everyone knew to hold on tight during this part as tremors shook the whole TARDIS. 
 Loki and the Doctor held onto opposite sides of the console while Donna clung to the railing beside the doors. It didn’t take long for the tremors to subside as a wheezing sound filled the control room signalling that the TARDIS was landing. Once the ship fell silent Donna rushed out the doors without hesitation, ignoring the Doctor as he called her name and ran after her.
 Donna cried your name as soon as she saw you collapsed on the floor, then she noticed the creature with patterns on his face crouched over you.
 “Get away!” Donna yelled at Chip as she rushed to your side, she fell to her knees beside you and harshly pushed the creature away and he fell on his back before he quickly scurried away to cower in a corner as the Doctor came running out the TARDIS, followed by Loki. 
 Donna made room for the Doctor as he knelt beside her and scanned his sonic screwdriver over your body, while Donna stroked your hair, her eyes began filling with tears.
 “She’s okay.” The Doctor reassured Donna as he studied his screwdriver, Donna let out a sob of relief and wrapped your limp hand between both of hers and held it against her heart. 
 “Loki, take her back into the TARDIS. I’m going to take a look around here.” The Doctor instructed, while he glanced around the dull basement. 
 The Doctor moved, allowing Loki to take his place, Donna moved slightly to give him enough room to scoop you into your arms.
 “Be careful.” Donna told him, Loki’s brows pulled together, ready to snap at the woman, he was already helping, when he didn’t have to, she didn’t have to make him sound incompetent while he did so but as he turned to Donna ready to unleash his pent up frustration, he saw her eyes weren’t focused critically on him but they were filled with concern over you as they were trained on you unconscious form and Loki realised that she wasn’t nagging him, she was only worried about you. The tension left his brows and his eyes softened as he gave Donna a small nod and secured his hold on you. 
 Donna held the TARDIS door open and Loki carried you through, once they were both in the control room Loki continued walking towards the corridors which lead deeper into the ship.
 “Where are you going?” Donna fret, expecting him to have put you down on the floor of the control room.
 “I’m taking her to her room, her bed will be more comfortable than the floor.” Loki explained without stopping, he recalled how uncomfortable it was when he awoke on the floor of the control room, despite the fact you tried to offer him some comfort by resting his head in your lap. 
 It had sent an unfamiliar feeling through his chest that you had concerned yourself over his comfort. He could count the amount of people on one hand who would ever willingly rest his head in their lap and those people were Thor and his mother, everyone else either simply wouldn’t care or would be far too afraid of him to ever allow themselves to get that close.
 Since you had concerned yourself with his comfort and he was aware of how uncomfortable the TARDIS floor was, he thought it was only fair that he, too, saw to it that you were comfortable. 
 He was never one for concerning himself over other people’s needs, likely due to the fact he always felt as though no one ever cared about his but as soon as he felt cared about by you, he found himself considering your needs, whether it was intentional or not. 
 When the Doctor had handed the three of you protein shakes he knew immediately that he had no use for it, so he took it back to his room and dumped it on the bed as he went to shower with the intention of leaving it untouched. As he showered, no matter how much he tried to think about anything else, he kept thinking about the way he heard your stomach growl when you were stood next to him in the corridor and how he had something which could diminish your hunger, that he had no use for, so the logical thing to do was to give it to you, since you clearly needed it. 
 Just because it was the logical thing to do didn’t mean Loki was going to do it, at least that’s what he told himself, but as he started to get dressed in some comfortable clothes he found in the wardrobe, his eyes kept glancing over at the discarded bottle on the bed. 
 In the end he concluded that since he was planning to talk to the Doctor, meaning he would inevitably pass by your room on the way, he would knock on your door and leave the bottle on the floor for you to find while he quickly made himself scarce. 
 Of course things didn’t go to plan and he found himself still stood at your door once you opened it.
 Once he made it to your bedroom he gently placed you on your bed, over the top of your duvet, making sure your pillow was under your head and then stepped away to let Donna sit beside you.
 Loki paused halfway between the bed and the door, wondering if he should stay or go, he nervously fidgeted with his fingers. You had stayed with him when he was unconscious but you already had Donna, she was your auntie, you didn’t need him he decided so he turned on his heel and stepped towards the door.
 “You don’t have to go.” Donna offered, when she heard his footsteps, he looked at her from over his shoulder. 
 Loki considered this for a moment before he finally walked over to an armchair in your room and sat on it with his legs spread and his elbows resting on his knees. 
 “Moisturise me.” Donna and Loki sat up when they heard you mumble and you began to come around.
 “Moisturise? Moister... oh water? You want water?” Donna tried to work out what you meant.
 “Moisturise me.” You repeated, still half unconscious.
 “I’ll get you some water, don’t worry. I’ll be right back.” Donna promised you as she stood up and rushed out the room, leaving you alone with Loki.
 When your eyes finally pushed themselves open, they only saw a plain white ceiling which was far too clean to belong to the basement, which is the last place you remember being, so you came to the conclusion that someone had moved you. You wanted to sit up but when you tried to command your body to move, it wouldn’t, you begun to panic wondering if you had become paralysed but then you sat up without even trying, it was like an invisible force moved your body for you. Immediately you felt a pressure build in your skill, like your brain was being compressed. 
 You heard Loki’s voice say your name and the invisible force allowed you to see him as he stood from the armchair. You were in your bedroom, on the TARDIS, relief filled you as you looked at Loki’s familiar face and you wanted to smile and run over to him and tell him what happened but instead your body remained sat on the bed.
 “Yes... that’s who I am.” Cassandra replied to him, using your voice but you could hear yourself, you didn’t sound right you spoke with a upper-class accent that didn’t belong to you.
 “And you’re a tall, handsome stranger.” Cassandra dragged your eyes down Loki’s body with no concern about being subtle and if you were in control of your own body your cheeks would’ve been burning hot by now.
 “I’m not a stranger, you know who I am.” Loki responded with a confused tilt of his head.
 “Tell me again.” Cassandra prompted him, she made your voice low and breathy as she pressed your palms against your mattress and leaned your body towards the man who stood at the edge of your bed while she innocently looked up at him from under your lashes.
 “Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief.” Loki couldn’t resist answering, his own voice growing deeper as he believed his title appealed to you and that’s why you wanted to hear him say it.
 “A God?” Cassandra gasped as she made you move onto all fours and slowly begin crawling to the edge of the bed until you were knelt right before the God.
 “That’s right.” Loki answered breathily, his eyes never leaving you as Cassandra moved your hands to grasp Loki by the lapels of his jacket and pulled him closer, he moved without protest.
 “Does that make you immortal?” Cassandra whispered, your lips almost brushing his from how close your faces were and she continued to peer at him from under your lashes while he looked down at you with hooded eyes which kept glancing towards your lips, Cassandra lifted them into a smirk.
 “It does.” Loki answered, his voice so deep it was practically a growl and Cassandra made you moan as she suddenly forced you to tighten your fists around Loki’s lapels and pull him down until his lips smacked with yours. Cassandra moved your arms from Loki’s lapels to around his shoulders and made your fingers dig into his long, dark hair grasping a strong hold so his head wouldn’t move away from yours. 
 You heard Loki let out a deep moan and his hands grasped your hips and pulled them flush with his own. As Cassandra made you continue kissing him you felt the unbearable pressure in your head begin to disappear.
 You hadn’t noticed that the door to your bedroom had opened until you heard the sound of a glass smash.
 “What the hell?!” Donna cried, immediately Loki let go of your hips and without his strong hold supporting you, you felt your whole body go weak as you collapsed back onto the bed but you noticed as you fell back you moved your own arm to brace your fall. Experimentally you waved your other arm around in front of your face to confirm you were once again in control of your own movements.
 Then reality hit you as you realised what Donna had just walked in on but before you could even begin to try and explain you heard loud footsteps echoing through the corridor as they ran towards your bedroom.
 “Donna!” You could hear the Doctor shouting, before you saw him run through the open door of your bedroom.
 “Cassandra, get out–“ The Doctor yelled towards you his face full of fury but his foot slipped on the water from the glass Donna had dropped and he went flying to the floor.
 “Doctor?!” Donna gasped and rushed to help him up as he groaned in pain from the impact.
 “Donna, that’s not your niece!” The Doctor warned Donna. 
 “What do you mean? Of course, she is.” Donna argued with the Doctor, who was finally back on both feet.
 “She’s been possessed by Cassandra.” The Doctor explained, looking Donna straight in the eye as he held his hands on both her shoulders to convey how serious he was. “She’s the last surviving human and she refuses to die, she’s trying to use your nieces body as a vessel.”
 “I’m me again!” You tried to explain.
 “Get out of her now, Cassandra!” The Doctor ordered.
 “She already has,” you attempted to explain again. “She left me after she made me kiss Loki.”
 All eyes in the room fell on the God who was checking himself out in the floor length mirror beside your wardrobe. When he realised the room had fell silent and felt everyone’s attention on him, he turned and looked at you all with a smirk and then his eyes landed on the Doctor.
 “Hello, Doctor.” Cassandra greeted the Time Lord flirtatiously, through Loki. “Long time no see, and it looks like we both got new faces.” 
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Tag 11
I know I’ve already done this but some lovely people tagged me in it again and I want to do it with different set of question ;) ;) I will not tag anyone again :)
Tagged by the lovely @the-sassy-bookworm
1. If you could be a plant, what plant would it be?
Probably a bonsai tree ( it looks like plant).
2. Are you a cat or a dog person?
Dog person, ‘cause I’ve never had a cat but I like cats too.
3. What is your favourite month and why?
October - It’s my birth month, my favorite festival falls in that month and the weather is just amazing in October.
4.If you had a time machine what would you use it for?
I’d definitely go and save the Library of Alexandria and the Nalanda Library from burning down.
5. What are your top 5 songs?
As of now my top 5 songs are
Shape of You- Ed Sheeran
Gin Soaked Boy - The Divine Comedy
Pompeii - Bastille
Angel with a Shotgun - The Cab
Someone New - Hozier
6. What are your top 10 books?
That’s a tough one -
1. Harry Potter
2. Percy Jackson Universe
3. Shadowhunter Chronicles
4. The Meluha Trilogy
5. Maximum Ride books
6. Tuesdays with Morrie
7. All of Ravinder Singh’s books
8. Me before you
9. The Kite Runner
10. The Promise - Nikita Singh
7. Do you want kids?
Maybe yeah :)
8. If a movie was made about your life what would the title be?
The Hatke Indian Girl. (Hatke means a bit different, a bit unique in Hindi).
9. If you were invisible what would you do?
Spend time in Libraries and bookshops and Comic-cons and travel the world freely.
10. Favorite way to spend a weekend?
Wake up late, have some brunch, and read a book or paint or spend the day watching videos on Youtube and Tumblr.
11. Favorite fictional character?        
At the moment definitely Max from Maximum Ride.
Tagged by  the amazing @raffit123
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Maybe London :)
2. What is your favorite season?
I love winters, spend the whole day snuggling in the covers with a good book and hot chocolate and brownies.
3. What traits do you appreciate the most from your favourite character?
Ability to be human, make mistakes and accept them, take charge and lead and be sassy af :)
4. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?
Better people with different views but not disrespecting each other and belittling other.
5. What is your favourite colour?
I love shades of Blue, Black and Silver.
6. If you could meet any person in the world, who would you choose to meet?
I really want to meet @sassyshoulderangel319 and give her a huge hug.. And then probably Dan and Phil or Thomas Sanders.
7. If you could have any super power, what would it be ?
Power of flight would be nice, ‘cause I kind of wanna get over my fear of heights :)
8. What would you do with 10million dollars?
Donate 3/4 of them to charity and then build a library-cum-bookshop-cum home for me to live in :) :)
9. What was your childhood TV show?
I really loved a show about a Detective and his pet monkey. It was called Raja and Rancho.
10. What is something that makes you happy? :)
Making and seeing people happy by something I said or did :) :)
11. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what food would it be?   
My Mom’s handmade Gajar-ka-Halwa. ( A kind of carrot cake). It’s absolutely delicious and I look forward to winter when I get to eat it. That or maybe Gol-Gappas :D :D
  Tagged by the sweet and pure @sonador-reveur
1. You’re about to die but you have enough time to call one person and tell them anything you’d like to say. Who is it and what do you say?
I’d call my brother and tell him how much I love him and how much of a nuisance he is in my life. :P :P :P
2. You’re about to become a parent of twins. Who do you prefer: two girls, two boys or a girl and a boy? What would you name them?
A Boy and a girl. Their names as gonna be Misha and Sparsh :)
3. You can have any one person by your side till you’re on this earth. Who is it?
My brother. He’s witty and a goddamn genius and being a certified asshole is a big plus in tricky situations :P :P
4. You go to the cake shop to buy a cake for your kid’s birthday and you the money you have isn’t sufficient to buy any cake. Also, you’re getting late for the party and it’s a shop you’ve never been to before and all other cake shops are too far. How would you persuade the baker to let you buy that cake at a very cheap price?
Maybe give him my phone number or something so that I can pay the rest of the money or idk I am not good at bargaining :)
5. You can wear just one kind of outfit all your life. What would it be?
A dungaree and a comfy shirt :)
6. You can either have one best friend or many good friends? Who would you want?
One crazy best friend is enough for me ! ! :) :)
7. You can go back in time, live a month as the person of any age you’ve already been. Which age would you choose and why?
This is tough ! ! I really can’t think of anyone right now ! !
8. You’re getting late for something really really urgent and if you get late you might loose everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve and while you’re on your way you find a drowning dog. Would you save the dog?
Hell yaa ! ! I love animals and if I achieved something once maybe I can achieve it again but that dog may  or may not get a second chance.
9. You’re getting late for something really really urgent and if you get late you might loose everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve and while you’re on your way you find a drowning ant. Would you save the ant?
Maybe, this might make me seem like a bad person but I really don’t know if I’d save a ant or not.
10. You can make any 5 people happy and healthy for the rest of their lives including you. Who are they?
This is really tough and I am not answering that, I can’t choose five people ! ! !
11. How would you like to be remembered after you die?
She tried to make a difference and changed some lives for good. She was full of life and her words made up for her short height ( hahaha ) :D :D
Tagged by the wonderful @dem-gabriel-tho
1. What is you’re zodiac sign?
Scorpio :)
2. Do you believe in fate?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I deny it’s existence.
3. If you could change anything in history (anything at all) what would you change? FYI it would have no effect on the current world. 
Already answered :)
4. If you could change anything in your life what would you change?
My height, just a few inches more would be good :P :P
5. If you could reread a book (or series) and it would be just like the first time you read it what book would you read?
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson or The Shadowhunter Chronicles. ( sorry couldn’t choose one :P)
6. Night or day? 
Night - My nickname is Nishachar aka creature of the night ! ! :D
7. Do you like tea?
No, I don’t drink tea.
8. Do you have a good relationship with your family?
Yeah I love my family no matter how crazy we are :) :)
9. Favorite time of year? 
Like I said above October :)
10. Favorite animal? 
Why do you want me to choose? There are soo many amazing animals I like !!
11. Who would you like to meet? Fictional or not?
Already Answered :)
Whew that was a lot of questions ! ! ! Thanks or tagging me guys :) :) Hope I did good :)
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 years
Doctor Who: Thin Ice (10x03)
Definitely a solid episode. I really enjoyed the story, and there were a lot of great lines. We even got another piece of the puzzle filled in concerning the vault. Let's take a closer look.
I am not complaining that Doctor Who is choosing to tackle issues of racism, but I do have to be the person who raises her eyebrows at a few of the implications here. First of all, we have Bill sitting by and being quietly hurt when a man spews racist vitriol at her, while the Doctor gallantly - and quite out of character for a pacifist - punches the racist white guy in the face. Maybe it would have been nice to see Bill stand up for herself in this matter? Also, it was slightly eye-roll-y that the one racist person we saw was an evil caricature. The implication seemed to be "look how bad people were in the past. I'm so glad things are all fixed now." I would have liked to see Bill encounter some more subtle forms of racism in this world, so that she could remark on how things both have and haven't changed in the intervening centuries. It's just... if you're going to go there, maybe try and paint a more accurate picture of the struggles people of color are facing.
That being said, for the most part I really liked the fact that this episode took the time to show us a London of the past with lots of black people running around. Bill remarks that it's a lot more black than in the movies, and the Doctor says "so was Jesus. History's a whitewash." That was a great moment. I think my favorite commentary moment, though, was when they first exited the TARDIS into the past. The Doctor was ready to rush in, while Bill was anxious, because in the 1800's slavery still exists, and things could be really dangerous for her. The Doctor gets this look on his face, because the unique danger to Bill hadn't occurred to him. I like that Bill was aware of her own circumstance, and that the Doctor had to be reminded. Racism isn't a thing he has to worry about on earth, being a white man. It was nice to see the Doctor tripped up by his own privilege.
The story in this episode dovetails nicely off of the end of last week. The Doctor and Bill had emerged into a winter-y frozen landscape with an elephant walking through, and the Doctor says that this is London. In last week's episode, the implication was that we were in some alternate timeline, or way in the future or past or something, but the camera pans out this week, and we see that this is actually just part of a crazy festival going on in 19th century London. That was a great little twist.
I'll admit that the actual story of a giant fish monster thing living under the ice and feeding on innocents wasn't the most interesting thing in the world, but at the same time, I liked how it all resolved. The big bad mean human was taking advantage of the power produced by this creature, and was luring poor orphaned children to their deaths. The creature is trapped and hurting, and in the end of course we find out a way to stop the bad guy, free the fish monster, and save London from being eaten by it. This story is very reminiscent of Amy Pond's first off-world venture, where she helps the Doctor to save the giant Sky Whale thing that's carrying a whole colony of humans. In the choice between humans and a majestic creature, possibly the only one of its kind, the Doctor chooses both.
Or, rather, Bill chooses both. The best moment of the episode comes when the Doctor asks Bill to "give him an order." She's his representative for humanity at the moment. He's just there to serve what humanity would want. Bill is scared of freeing the giant sea creature, because she knows that it could kill countless humans. But she trusts that keeping something enslaved is wrong, full stop. She tells the Doctor to free the creature, and it all works out. This was a powerful moment, executed much better than other Moffat-era examples of forcing a companion to "make the hard choice." ("Kill the Moon", anybody?)
Also, we get a feel-good ending where the Doctor forges some documents making one of the orphan kids the long-lost heir to the evil dead bad guy, so now all of the orphans have food and money and stuff. Very Oliver Twist of you, Doctor.
Finally, in the end we see that Nardole is very unhappy with the Doctor for going "off-world" when he's supposed to be guarding the vault, despite the fact that he did come back in time for his tea, so he really wasn't gone for any time at all. Nardole goes down to the vault, and we hear somebody knocking from inside. Dun, dun, dunnnn. Whatever is in there, it's alive! I'm reserving judgment until we get the big reveal, but so far I'm really digging it.
A few more small things: this episode, more so than last week's, represented the traditional "companion's first journey" episode. I liked the comedy as Bill is asking all of these questions about the implications of time travel. She talks about the butterfly effect, and the Doctor quips about "Pete," Bill's friend who was standing right next to her. He stepped on a butterfly, and now Bill can't even remember him! That was hilarious.
On a more serious note, we see Bill dealing with the reality of death, as she sees a small boy pulled under the ice and to his death. The disturbing part of all of this is that the Doctor saves his sonic screwdriver, but doesn't even seem to attempt to save the young boy. Bill wonders how many people the Doctor has seen die, and he says he doesn't know. He also refuses to answer when asked how many people he's killed. The Doctor has a great line where he says "I'm 2,000 years old, and I've never had the time for the luxury of outrage." This is of course total crap, as evidenced by the outrage the Doctor feels just moments later when confronted with the villain's racism. But it was a powerful line in a powerful scene, perhaps made even more impacting because we know it's not quite true. This element of the episode reminded me of Donna's first off-world trip, the Pompeii episode. Her horror at the inevitability of death, her desperation to make the Doctor do something to help, all felt very similar to what Bill went through in this episode.
I should also mention that this episode managed to be full of funny and quippy moments without coming across like a comedy act. The comedic timing between the Doctor and Bill is really excellent. Their interactions are far more interesting to me than this Doctor's relationship with Clara. Some highlights are Bill asking the Doctor if he has weird alien powers, and then upon seeing his look, asking "What, was that an impolite question?" At one point, the Doctor is trying to get information from a shady dude, and the guy makes a weird face when the Doctor asks about tattoos. The Doctor says: "Are you against tattoos? I'm against tattoos too! I think that we are bonding." Great line.
That's all I've got for this one. If these first few episodes are any indication, I'm in for a special treat with Bill. She's a great character, and she's one I hope will cross out of the Moffat-veil and in to a new and brighter era of Doctor Who.
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