#also i will say… i was not that taken with the haitani brothers THERE I CONFESSED like yeah theyre hot and psychotic but eehhh
katasstrophy · 1 year
river the world must know 🎤: who is your favorite tokrev character? or favs if you can’t pic one
*eats the mic* OMG HANNI THE WAY I HAD TO THINK SOOOOOO HARD ABOUT THIS… they’re all just 🥹🥹🥹 so precious !! to me like i did not expect this manga to alter my brain chemistry the way it did
if i had to pick an ultimate absolute favorite.. it would have to be mikey 🥺🥺🥺 (….does that make me basic LMAO IT’S JUST— he!! him!!!!! lovely self-centered funny little man my heart belongs to him<3) i’m so horrendously down bad for him i could write essays about him i probably will LOL HELP. he has me in the palm of his hand and he doesn’t even know it. he deserves everything :((((((
i am also absolutely in love with chifuyu 😍😍😍😍 HE’S SO STINKING CUTE I. WILL. DIE!!!! NNGGHHH also kokonoi what a bae (that kiss panel with inupi.. jaw dropped my skin cleared i was heaving lord have MERCY) and just so i can add another off their rockers insane man to my list sanzu!!!! he’s a freak<3
okay i will stop talking now bc then i’ll just end up listing most of them LOL
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hoejosatoru · 6 months
Off Limits
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Bonten!Ran Haitani
Summary: Your older brother, Mikey, forbids any of his subordinates from putting their hands on you. Naturally, Ran takes that as a challenge.
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Alcohol mentioned, drugging mentioned (reader not drugged), oral (fem! receiving), fingering, raw sex, cream pie, Mikey is an over protective brother, guns, pet names like angel, sugar, pretty girl, etc I think that's it? kind of an abrupt ending bc I'm silly like that
It was a boring day for Ran Haitani. Well, if you consider hunting rival gang members down and beating information out of them dull like Ran does. As much as he loves his job, the thrill of seeing another man's fear, feeling his fist connect with deadly precision, sometimes it was a bit monotonous. All work and no play makes Ran Haitani a dull boy and such.
He thought he'd fix this with a trip to Bonten's strip - no gentlemen's club. He could hear Koko yelling at him in his head for, 'lessening the value of their asset' by not using some euphemism. Ran didn't think it mattered much. Men just wanted to see women take their clothes off; they didn't care what it was called.
Usually going to the gentlemen's club made him feel better, but even this was feeling dull to him today. He's already fucked all the girls he had an interest in. Some of them multiple times. And they were great, sure, but he nothing that could spark his interest now. He needed fresh blood, so to speak.
Then you walked in. Ran had been idly drumming his fingers along the dark mahogany of the bar top, half listening to Rindou and Sanzu drone on about the days' events. His fingers halted the moment he saw you, straightening up and zeroing in. He'd never seen you before, he would have remember that face... that body. Were you a new hire? He wondered... No it couldn't be. The execs ran background checks on all the women in the club, which fell to Ran or his brother to do. No way you slipped through the cracks.
A prickle of anger flared through him as he wondered if you were dating one of the execs. He couldn't image one of the guys dating a woman like you and not bragging about it though. Maybe a patron's girl? You seemed to be looking for someone. Ran smiled. He could be a helpful guy, take you to your boyfriend... and then put a hit out on him. He didn't play fair, but he always played for keeps.
"Shit, who's that?" Rindou piped up behind him. Ran stifled a wave of possessiveness rushing through him. If he made it too obvious how bad he wanted you, this would become a contest he didn't want. At least Rindou's response to you confirmed that he didn't know you, so you couldn't be a dancer.
"Dunno," Ran shrugged, "But looks like she could use some help."
Sanzu rolled his eyes. "Since when do you care about helping random women."
Ran knocked back the rest of the whisky in his glass. "What can I say, I am a feminist." Sanzu and Rindou groaned at him, but his back was already to them making a beeline towards you. The closer he got, the more he was taken by you. You were so beautiful, but you also looked more nervous that he originally appraised. Maybe you were truly just lost. Wrong place, right time - for Ran at least.
"Hi," Ran said, mustering all the calmness in his voice he could manage. You looked him up and down, your pulse quickening - and not because you were nervous. The man standing before you was one of the finest you'd ever laid eyes on. But you couldn't let that distract you from your purpose here. "Haven't seen you around here before, are you lost?"
You shook your head. "No, I'm... looking for someone." You were vague, not sure of who this man was and not willing to trust anyone but who you were looking for.
"Oh? Well I'm one of the owners here," Ran replied casually, though he was dying to know who you were here for. "Maybe I could help you out?" His words sparked recognition in you, he could see it in how your eyes widened.
He's an owner? That mean he must know... "My brother, I'm looking for my brother." You felt the tiniest rush of relief that you bumped into someone who could truly help you.
Brother. Ran couldn't help but smile. This was the best case scenario; there was not issue of competition there. "And who's that, sweetheart?"
"Mikey?" But it wasn't his own voice that verbalized his surprised. He whipped around, irritated to find Sanzu and Rindou followed him. Sanzu was shocked by the mention of the boss's name. Ran couldn't deny he was surprised too; he had no idea Mikey had a sister.
"Since when did Mikey have a sister?" Rindou questioned.
Sanzu scowled. "I knew it," he snapped, "But I didn't know it was her." Of course Sanzu, Mikey's little dog, would be privy to that information. But even he had never laid eye on you before, he simply was just aware a sister existed. "You're not supposed to be here," his comment pointed right at you.
"I know, I know," you replied quickly. Mikey was very clear to you that you were supposed to stay far away from his... line of business. "But it's an emergency. These guys came to my job and I- they were looking for me." You shivered at the memory of your close call.
Sanzu's eyes widened. Ran could practically hear the gears turning in his head: how was he going to use this as an opportunity to further win Mikey's favor? Ran rolled his eyes, as if Sanzu needed to do any more ass kissing.
"Did anyone follow you here?" Sanzu demanded.
"No - I don't think so," you replied. "Please can't I just talk to Mikey?"
"C'mon Sanzu, you're scaring the poor girl," Ran interjected. If Sanzu could use the situation to his benefit, so could he. "Even if someone did follow her, we'll handle it. Let's just get her to Mikey." He gave you an assuring smile that caused a blush to rise in your cheeks. Ran didn't miss it, of course, savoring the soft little smile you returned to him.
Sanzu didn't argue, telling you to follow him instead. He led the way, weaving through the tables where patrons sat. Ran and Rindou took up the rear behind you, following to Mikey's private room at the club. Ran gave a particularly nasty look to one man who stared at you a beat too long.
"Did you know Mikey had a sister?" Rindou whispered to Ran.
Ran smiled, this was exactly the type of fun he needed. "Very."
Sanzu opened the door to Mikey's office. He was sitting alone at his desk, a whiskey in his hands as he looked through a pile of papers. His eye flicked up, annoyed at the intrusion until he saw you. He jumped out of his seat. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" he was half between anger and concern.
You rushed past Sanzu to your brother. Ran leaned against the closed door, eager to see how this played out. "I'm so sorry Mikey I- I know I'm not supposed to be here," the words tumbled out of you. "But there were men looking for me. I got scared."
Mikey's eyes darkened. "Tell me exactly what happened."
You sat down, realizing how badly you were shaking. You'd come here on pure adrenaline and now it was wearing off. You explained to Mikey how you had been in the back of the bakery where you work, when you heard a gruff voice asking for you. Well, it was really more like demanding. At first you had been afraid you fucked up someones order, but when you caught a peak at the 2 men looking for you you knew instantly they were not looking costumers.
Thankfully, they hadn't seen you and your coworker had the good sense to insist you were not working today. It took some convincing, but they finally left. You lied to your coworker and said you had a crazy ex. But really, you knew the symbol on their jackets was one your brother warned you of. A rival gang. And somehow, despite Mikey's best efforts to keep you far away from his lifestyle, they found you.
"You swear you weren't hurt?" Mikey questioned, softening now that he understood why you were here.
"I'm okay I promise, just a little shaken up," you replied, "I don't know what I'm gonna do about work."
"You're going to quit," Mikey state, shooting you a look when you balked. "I should have known something like this would happen. You got really fucking lucky today, y/n. If they had gotten to you... I don't even want to think about it. You have to stay close to me. Under my protection, there is no other way."
"But my coworkers could be in danger," you replied, sad at the thought of never getting talk shit about rude costumers while kneading dough again.
"I'll have my guys watch the shop for a few weeks to make sure it's safe. And tell me the name of the girl who had your back. I'll make sure she gets compensated," Mikey replied. Before you could protest, Mikey returned his attention to the men behind you. "Sanzu, get everyone to the meeting room. We need to discuss this immediately."
Sanzu slipped out obediently. Mikey eyed the two remaining men suspiciously, particularly the taller one. "And who do I have to thank for finding her?"
The taller one, Ran you believed his name was, smiled. "That would be me boss."
Mikey's jaw tightened. "Of course." He didn't express gratitude as you expected, but Mikey was not the most warm and fuzzy person. "You two can go wait in the meeting room. I'll be there shortly." They both nodded and slipped out wordlessly. You noticed, though, Ran eyes scan you one last time, which made your heart stutter in your chest.
Mikey instructed you to stay in his office while he went into the next room to have a meeting with his executives. "Don't worry, the club is guarded by my men, you're safe here. I'm gonna make sure everything works out, okay y/n?"
You nodded. You trusted your brother completely. Mikey squeezed your arm in attempt to be comforting before exiting the room. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the headache that was dealing with subordinates.
Despite the short amount of time lapsed, all his executives were there waiting. At least they knew their place, he thought. Dogs who come when called. The room was much more cramped than their board room back at HQ, but it worked for when they needed it. Mikey took his spot at the head of the table.
"Most of you don't know this, but I have a sister," Mikey began, his eye shifting around the room. All the men, besides those you had already met, looked surprised and confused. Sanzu was the only person who knew of your existence prior to this. Being he was Bonten's number 2, he had to ensure someone would look after you should anything happen to him.
"I've kept her secret from everyone because I didn't want her to be in danger. But somehow our rivals have found out about her," Mikey stopped, swallowing his anger as the weight of the situation hit him. "We are going to find the men looking for her and we are going to fucking kill them. All of them. Destroy their gang one member at a time if we have to."
The men nodded along, Sanzu particularly eagerly. He always excited at the thought of bloodshed.
"You're all to guard her with your life," Mikey continued, "I'll be working on a schedule for everyone to take turns keeping an eye on her while the rest of us continue work as usual."
"What if you bring her to work?" Koko asked. Mikey's brow furrowed, but he continued. "Our headquarters is secret and there always a bunch of us around. That's gotta be safer than just one of us at an apartment. And then you don't have to worry about shifts."
Leave it to Koko to find a way to be more efficient. Mikey debated it. On one hand he had a good point; it was probably safer to have you surrounded by more people. And then Mikey would alway be around at work and when you went home. Because he was definitely making you move in with him, at least until he was sure there weren't any active threats against you. But at HQ you'd in the middle of his business and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. Plus there were other concerns he had...
"I think that's a good idea," Ran piped up.
"I agree," Takeomi said, cigarette hanging from his mouth.
Of course they like the idea. Mikey wasn't an idiot, he knew you were a pretty girl. He's seen the way men look at you and being a man himself, he knows what those looks mean. It makes him sick to his stomach. It's not that he is some control freak that would say you're not allowed to date anyone, but he has high standards when it comes to who should be allowed to date you. And this lot of men don't even come close. They were great employees, cunning and devious, but he wouldn't want their hands on you. Having you around would be like throwing blood in shark infested waters.
Still, he couldn't deny it HQ would be the safest place for you to be. Mikey sighed. "Alright, you're right Koko," he replied, acknowledging only his white haired subordinate. Had it been anyone else who suggested it he may have said no, but Mikey trusted Koko not to have ulterior motives. He wasn't so obsessed with getting women in his bed like the others. "But there will be rules. Her safety is the number one priority. I'll expect you all to take a bullet for her if needed."
No one objected. Signing on to Bonten meant being willing to take a bullet for Mikey. What was one more person?
"And no one fucking touches her," Mikey stated, looking every single one of them in the eyes so they'd recognize the weight of his words. "If you do, I'll put a bullet in you."
Ran's lips twitched ever so slightly. He couldn't say he was surprised, but he was still amused. He was a man who loved a challenged and Mikey just made this all the more fun for him.
Moving in and working with Mikey was not as bad as you thought it would be. Mikey's "apartment" was more like a penthouse and did not make you miss your shabby little apartment at all. You had been worried about privacy, but you had your own room and bathroom down the hall and he gave you space when you needed it. You were actually liking the arrangement, getting to spend more time with your brother than you had in a while.
Even going to work with him wasn't so bad. At first he expected you to just sit around all day, but you insisted on doing something while you were there. He was very wary of it, not wanting you to get too involved in his way of life, but eventually allowed you to do some small stuff. You cleaned up a bit, made coffees, helped organize some old files. Simple stuff.
Then you discovered the HQ had a kitchen. It was little, but Mikey was more than happy to buy all the gadgets you needed to make it functional. Since then you spent your days baking, the thing you missed most. It worked out perfectly, it kept you busy with work Mikey deemed safe and the guys got fed delicious pastries. Everyone was happy.
In fact, you were surprised by how much you were enjoying this. There was still an element of fear knowing that the bad guys knew who you were and sure you got frustrated you couldn't go out with friends, but you did like going to work Mikey.
There was another reason you enjoyed going to Bonten HQ with Mikey so much. Ran Haitani. The attraction you felt towards him the first time you saw him has only grown. He charmed you with ease, like he wasn't even trying. Ran, of course, was trying. Specifically he was trying to make his flirtatiousness seem as casual as possible, as to not upset Mikey. He loved testing the limits, seeing what he could get away with.
"What're you making, sugar?" Ran asked as he entered the kitchen. He'd started calling you that nickname after you started supplying the execs with endless sweets. From anyone else you would think it was corny, but from Ran and it made your heart skip.
"Peanut butter brownies," you replied, taking in his appearance. He was always dressed well, but today he looked particularly good in an immaculate lavender pinstripe three piece suit. You reckoned no other man could pull it off.
He looked you up and down, a sly smile on his face. "Can't wait to get a taste." Your cheeks colored. You knew he was talking about the brownies, but the way he looked at you...
"You sure do have a sweet tooth, Ran."
"Well you're certainly hard to resist. Your baking, that is," he said with an innocent smile.
"Is there something specific you'd like to try?" you asked, returning his faux innocent banter.
Ran grinned, "I could think of something." It was then you realized the two of you had gravitated towards each other. Ran towered over you, his rich, warm scent filling your lungs.
Before you could speak, your brother's voice shattered the tension between the two of you. "Am I interrupting something?"
Ran turned, a calm smile on his face. "Nothing, boss. Y/n here was just telling me about the brownies she made. Was hoping she'd let me try 'em." He spoke so casually, nothing like the low simmer in his voice that had been pulling you in just seconds ago.
"Yeah, I bet," Mikey replied flatly. "A word alone, Ran." Mikey left without another word.
"Save a corner piece for me, they're my favorite," Ran smiled at you before slipping out of the room.
"I thought I made myself clear," Mikey stated when they were alone.
"I don't know what you're talking about, boss," Ran replied, that stupid smile still on his face. Mikey wanted to punch it off him.
"Do you think I'm stupid Haitani?" Mikey asked, his jaw tightening.
"Not at all, boss."
"Then you know that I know what you're up to," his eyes narrowed.
"I just wanted to try some bro-" Mikey cut him off by pounding the wall next to his head. Ran didn't even flinch.
"If you touch my sister you're a dead man," Mikey snapped.
Ran smiled again. "Wouldn't dream of it."
But dream he did. Hell he straight up fantasized about it. What you'd look like bent over those counters you constantly worked at, looking up at him with those pretty eyes while on your knees, how sweet you'd taste... He thought about it all. But more importantly, he planned.
Later that evening Mikey addressed the incident in the kitchen with you. "I don't like you talking to Ran."
"What? What's wrong with him?"
Mikey almost laughed. What wasn't wrong with him. "He's just..." he searched for the right word, not wanting to scare you. "An idiot."
You laughed. "All men are idiots." Mikey gave you a look, but couldn't help but smile.
"I'll ignore that comment," Mikey replied, "But he's just involved in bad shit. I don't want you getting close to people in my line of work, even the one's I trust. Plus, he only wants one thing."
You rolled your eyes. "Why do I feel like I'm about to get the birds and bees talk."
"I'm serious."
"Oh, I know you are," you half sighed, half laughed. "Like I said, all men are idiots. I know what men want, I've dealt with plenty of guys like that. I'm sure I can handle myself. Plus, he doesn't seem that bad."
"Well he is. So stay away from him," Mikey said with finality.
"What're you gonna do, kill him?" you asked, half joking.
"If I have to," Mikey replied so casually you couldn't tell if he was joking or not. You knew he would never hurt you, but you weren't blind to what your brother was capable of.
"You're way over thinking this," you replied, realizing that it would not be worth it to argue over this. "I don't see Ran like that. He's just another weirdo you work with. I'm not interested in him."
That seemed to appease Mikey. You were a better liar than you thought.
Since the day Mikey found you in the kitchen with Ran, the two of you were never alone together. Neither of you address what was going on between the two of you, but you knew he felt it. You could tell by the way he looked at you. You were certain it was not a one-sided crush. However, you were smart enough to know it could not be openly pursued.
Then, one day Ran appeared to you in the kitchen. Alone. "Mikey's out on errands."
For a half second you wondered why he was telling you this, but then it hit you. "Oh." Mikey was gone. That meant...
There was nothing more to be said. You were on each other in an instant, as if taken over by autopilot. Ran's hands felt so good on your body, already wrapping around your waist. You pulled him in by the back of his neck, desperate for more.
Ran wasn't patient in the best of times, but today? He couldn't wait another second to have you. He lifted you up on the counter with ease, pulling a half giggle half gasp from your lips. He moved skillfully, stripping your lower half without ever breaking away from the kiss until he dropped to his knees in front of you.
"Been dreaming about tasting you," he hummed against your thighs. He licked a stripe up your pussy and groaned. "So sweet. Knew you would be."
Ran buried his face between your legs. He knew he didn't have a ton of time and wasn't going to waste a second of it. His plush lips attached to your clit, making you gasp. You knotted your fingers through his lilac hair, needing something to steady yourself. His teased you, pressing against your aching entrance.
"Fuck Ran," you gasped, hooking your thighs over his shoulders and locking him against. Ran loved it, the feeling of your plush thighs pressed against him, how desperate you sounded. He needed to see you completely fall apart.
Ran slipped a finger into your throbbing hole and returned to sucking at your clit. You gripped his hair so tightly it made his scalp ache, but that only egged him on more. The feeling of his fingers curling inside you and his tongue lapping at your clit was too much for you. Your body shuddered as came, moaning his name. Ran savored every second, not pulling away until he was sure you were completely finished.
He stood up, about to kiss you again when his phone went off. He checked it, cursing when he saw Rindou's message. "Mikey's on his way back," He practically groaned. Ran almost laughed at how you pouted.
"I want you so bad."
"I know sugar, believe me," his eyes flicked down to the tent in his pants, making your eyes widen. "But if you're brother kills me before I get to fuck you then we're both shit outta luck." He gave a quick kiss. "Promise I won't make you wait too long." And with that he was gone.
It had only been two weeks, but it felt like an eternity. You thought there had been a lot of tension before you hooked up, but now it was down right unbearable. You both seemed to be avoiding each other, not because you didn't want to see each other, but because you couldn't trust yourselves not to pounce on each other. The few times you were in the same room together were a true test of endurance.
The way Ran looked at you drove you wild. His eyes would scan your body in a way that would seem casual to anyone else, but you could feel him undressing you, thinking of all the ways he would ravish you. It made your heart race and your knees buckle. Ran had one hell of a poker face, but the glint in his eyes told you that he too was dying to get his hands on you.
By the time a month passed, you were wondering if Ran was ever going to make a move. Then, on a Thursday night just as you were about to head to bed you got a text.
Ran: Come get the door. Quietly
Your heart raced, wondering if you were reading it right. The door? As in the front door where you lived with Mikey? He wouldn't dare come here, not with Mikey at home. But you had to check. Your crept out of your room, pausing to listen for any signs of Mikey being awake. His room was on the opposite side of the house from yours, but you didn't dare get to close and risk waking him.
When you finally opened the door, you were shocked to see Ran standing there with a calm smile on his face, despite his text.
"What're you-"
Ran held a finger up to his lip, silencing you. "Let's talk somewhere private, yeah?" The way his eyes flicked over you, smirking at the tiny shirts and tight little tank top you wore told you he wasn't looking to just talk. This was a bad idea, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
The next thing you knew, Ran was in your room. It was weird to see him there, in your private space. It made your stomach churn with anticipation.
"What're you doing here?" you tried again.
Ran sat on your bed, making himself comfortable. "I couldn't stay away from you any longer."
"But here? With Mikey at home?" you questioned.
"Mikey and Sanzu hang out and drink every Thursday night," Ran replied, "They always come in Friday with hangovers. I was feeling generous and bought them a few bottles of their favorite whisky for this evening. I imagine they'll both be sleeping well with how much they drank tonight." Your eyes widened as you processed his words. Ran didn't tell you that he slipped some sleeping pills in their drinks. You didn't need to know that; all you needed to know was that Mikey was very unlikely to disturb you two tonight."
"Are you saying-"
"I'm saying, if you can be quiet for me sugar, we can have some fun tonight," Ran smiled wickedly. "Whaddya say? Can you be a good girl and be quiet?"
"Yes." The words were barely past your lips when Ran pulled you on to his lap. Your straddled him, your bodies easily fitting together. You replayed Ran's kiss countless times since hooking up, but feeling it again blew your imagination away. His lips and tongue moved expertly, intoxicating you. Any concerns of getting caught fell to the wayside as your hips rolled against him, feeling hims harden under you.
In a flash, Ran had you flipped over, your hands pinned above your head. He licked his lips as he looked down at you. "God the things I would do to you if we had time." He kissed at your neck, nipping it lightly. He was careful to not leave a mark, but couldn't resist the way it made you gasp. "Promise one day I'll be able to do everything I want to you. But for now I just gotta be inside you."
You nodded eagerly, wanting to feel him in you so badly it ached. Ran practically tore your clothes off as you pawed at his. His fingers slipped between your legs, grinning smugly as he felt how slick you were. He toyed with your clit before sliding two fingers inside your tight pussy. He watched as your wriggled and gasped at him pressing your g spot.
He drank in this sight, relished the rush of having you splayed out and needy for him in Mikey's own home. Fucking you like this was the ultimate fuck you to Mikey. He could practically get off on the power trip of it alone.
Ran continued to finger you as he sucked on your tits. Your fingers tangled in his hair, scraping his scalp. He hummed in pleasure as he took your nipple in his mouth. His tongue flicked over the sensitive bud as he played with your clit. The sensation grew too intense, pushing you over the edge.
You let out a moan and Ran's free hand clamped over your mouth. He secretly loved that you couldn't keep yourself quiet, but couldn't risk getting caught before he got to fuck you.
"Thought you were gonna be quiet for me?" Ran teased as you came down from your high.
"Fuck I'm sorry Ran, just felt so good," you replied breathlessly. He couldn't even pretend to be mad.
"That okay pretty girl," he replied, "But I'm gonna fuck you even better than that, so you better keep that pretty little mouth shut." You nodded eagerly, anything to get Ran inside you.
Ran stroked his long, hard cock as he spread your thighs apart more. He admiring how slick your pussy looked, his cock aching to feel you wrapped around him. He lined himself up to you, pushing in. His held fell back as his bit his lip, trying to stifle a groan.
"Fuck, angel, prepped you and you're still so fucking tight." He kept his voice low. He rolled his hips, feeling your pussy suck him. "Feels so fucking good."
You didn't trust yourself with a reply. The way Ran thrust into you made your entire body flutter with pleasure. You felt him so deep it left you breathless, his cock hitting spots in you you didn't know existed. You grabbed the back of his neck, burying your face into it. You sucked and nipped at his neck, trying to prevent yourself from crying out. The more Ran fucked you, the hotter it was to keep quiet. Your teeth sunk into the junction of his neck and shoulder and Ran relished in the sting of your bite.
"Fuck Ran," you whined against his skin as pleasure consumed your senses. Your pussy throbbed around him as you came, making his thrusts falter.
"Shit baby so good," Ran panted. His cocked twitch as he finally released, filling you with his cum. He slid out, a smug grin on his face as he watched his cum leak out of you and make a mess of your bed. He was debating if he should risk a picture when he heard the familiar metallic click of a gun cocking.
"Mikey what the fuck!" you gasped, covering yourself in your sheets, though he wasn't even looking at you. His dark, cold stare was solely on Ran as he point his gun at the lilac haired man's head.
"You're fucking dead Haitani."
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rinrinx2 · 3 months
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My Brothers Wife
Ran x (Y/N) x Rindou
Summary: A change of tides is on its way
Warnings: Mentions of S@, mentions of @bortion, language, mature content, kinda smut, angsty.
My brothers wife Masterlist
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You looked the young lady up and down, her skin pale, her eye bags dark as if she hadn’t slept in months. And worst of all was the physique as you caught small glimpses of it as her heavy brown coat would move around making it able for you to see the bloating of her abdomen and the swelling of her ankles.
“So, you’re the woman my husbands been fucking?” You asked rhetorically, without much care to how you spoke to her.
“Yes” she said with her head hung low.
“And why are you by my house door, begging to see me?” You questioned on.
“Well, this isn’t your house door this is Haitani Ran’s”
“Congratulation detective you’ve cracked the case. But I’m sure you know exactly how my house looks by now. Tell me how many times has Rindou brought you over there”
You watched as her faced turned in distaste as you spoke, you didn’t care if your words held venom to them.
You felt hurt and betrayed and when things finally started to feel hopefully you see the brunt of your husbands actions standing at your door step.
“I didn’t come here to argue with you” she spoke on looking you in the eyes.
“Then why are you here?”
The brunette took a deep breath, as if calming herself before she spoke on.
“I came here to ask for help” she said as she let go of all the oxygen in her lungs.
“Help with what?” You said now with a raised eyebrow.
“Help with the baby. This is Rindou’s” she said as she moved her coat open to display a semi round belly as a smile began crept onto her face.
The little restraint your held had snapped and Ran could sense it to all the way from his study, as he heard your chair scrape against the wooden floors.
“You asking me to help with your baby?!” You said now standing to your full height, as she remained seated at the opposite end of the table.
“Yes, you know we could work out something. Like help pay for medical bills and you know baby supplies. This whole secretary gig doesn’t pay the best”
“I mean that makes sense” you said with that fake laugh that lulled others into a false sense of security.
The young lady began to laugh with actually believing that you agreed with her.
“You’ve got some fucken nerve. You seek me out to ask for help because you got knocked up by my husband, so instead of trying to muster up an apology you go ahead and have the audacity to ask me to pay the bills of your kid”
You looked at the brunette starring daggers into her just as she did the same to you, now having a starring contest as anger shoot from each of your gazes.
“Get the fuck out of my house” you commanded.
“Like I said earlier this isn’t your house” she said now standing up herself, as she kept eye contact with you.
“Get the fuck out” you heard Ran say from behind you causing you to let go of your eyes on her.
“Make me. I’m not leaving here till use tell me where Rindou is” she said now changing the reason as to why she was invading your comfort of your home.
Without another breath wasted on her, you heard the clicking of Ran’s gun as he unholstered it from its casing. The loaded barrel pointing straight in her direction.
“You’d shoot a pregnant woman” she said in disbelief.
“I’ve done worst” Ran replied nonchalantly as he played with the trigger.
“Tell me where Rindou is” she continued on as she stamped her feet into the wooden floor, the wood letting out an aching noise.
“It’s not my fault my brother fucked you and discarded you. You should’ve taken his advice when it came to you getting pregnant.”
“Oh, and also scuff my floor again and you’ll end up laying dead on it” Ran added.
You watched as she turned around in defeat as she stormed to the door, her hand at the door knob as she turned it. So close to leaving until she tried to twist it and was unable to, and then suddenly the door flung open showing none other than Rindou.
“(Y/N) please talk to me about this” he said as he looked only at you not even noting the woman he’d been fucking or his brother aiming a gun at him.
“Perfect timing Rin, you can take your woman and both fuck off out of my house” Ran said with a smile as he moved to stand beside you.
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You don’t remember how long Rindou stood in the door way begging to get a word out of you or how long that young lady nagged on Rindou’s arm for him to spare her a glance, you could only recall Ran letting a bullet whizz pass the two of them missing them by a millimetre. A good enough warning to get the two of them to finally leave.
“You think you’re going to have a peaceful day then that shit happens” Ran said as he laid draped over your lower half just below your bump as you played with the tuffles of his hair.
You remained silent not commenting on Ran remark, rather keeping attention on anything other than the situation you were in.
And you let that silent build up until finally it snapped within and all your worries frame bubbling out like ocean foam on the shore.
“Ran, I feel like this is all my fault” you said as you stop playing with his hair.
Ran lifted his head from your lap as you tried to look you in your eyes as your head hung low.
“It’s not (Y/N)” he said softly as he tried to reach out for you, but you pulled away from his touch.
“I just feel like none of this would’ve happened if i just didn’t start sleeping with you, I’m like a slut I just can’t help myself when it comes to you” you said holding back tears.
“It’s just the effect I have on women” Ran said with a snicker trying to lighten the mood but it was when he heard your sniffles and saw the reflection of your tears in the light did he realise the severity of the situation.
“Come in don’t cry, it’s not your fault really. I played a part in this two and when we started seeing each other Rindou was already 3 months in deep with that secretary”
Ran said trying to comfort you but did little of the way of helping as you continued to sulk, now with your hands covering your eyes as you sobbed harder.
Your cries echoed throughout the room for what felt like forever and your mind plagued you with thoughts of guilt.
“You know I started seeing because I always loved you” Ran said quietly, more to himself than anyone as he now kept his gaze lowered.
“And I know you might think that I’m just saying that because of what’s happening but I mean it. I remember when Rindou and I went to that club and we saw you. I was going to go up to you but I saw the excitement in Rindou’s eyes and let him go after you. I thought nothing much would come of it and then I’d get to speak to you afterwards but I was wrong. You looked at him the way I wished someone would look at me and you laughed at all his horrible jokes and when things got serious between the two of you I would hope something horrible would happen so you’d call the wedding off, but nothing ever did. And on your wedding day when I saw you I nearly cried tears of joy because for a minute it almost felt like you were walking down the aisle to spend the rest of your life with me. So, when I heard about how Rindou was having an affair and how it was affecting your marriage and he was neglecting you it was like my luck had finally changed and I did my best to show that I cared even if I did it the wrong way….
…and I’m sorry it ended up like this, I should’ve just told you what he was doing instead of getting tangled up in this. So, if you’re going to blame someone blame me. I love you to much to have you feel the guilt of this all”
You eyes still wet from your freshly fallen tears as you heard Ran quietly speak as he remained unaware that you listened so attentively.
Ran finally looked up, seeing you sit puffy lips and red rimmed eyes that held so much admiration and love towards him.
For a moment neither of you said a word just the two of you slowly approaching each other until you felt your lips softly collide.
Taking in each other’s breath, feeling as his tongue swirled around yours.
His hands travelling along your sides, gently squeezing them as they moved venturing across your body.
His hands dipping in between your thighs as two fingers pressed against your clothed cunt as his other hand played with your ever hardening nipples.
His fingers finally moving your panties to the side as he began to play at the outside of your pussy, teasing your clit but never fully sinking in until you began to whine out in need.
“Ran please” you begged out.
But all Ran did was let out a chuckle as he bit you lip playfully as he pulled his fingers away.
“You’re gonna have to wait if you want more”
You looked over at Ran as you gave him a stare that could kill, while he licked at his fingers shooting you a smirk.
“You know we can just elope” Ran said licking the last of your remnants off of his fingers.
“Real funny Ran” you commented back at what you presumed was a snarky remark.
“I’m being serious. Rindou is on your case and I doubt that but job of a secretary is going to be any better. So, why not, just you, me and Ran junior over there”
“How about Hong Kong.Mikey has a sister headquarters up there, I could ask to supervise there I mean I heard they kinda doing shit so instead of Mikey being situated there for awhile I can” Ran said with all his attention on you now.
“What ya say, gorgeous?”
“If you make me cum then it’s a yes” you said teasingly.
“So, then it’s a yes” Ran said as he now moved back onto your body.
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Rindou walked into headquarters with full skin and new worry lines that a man of his age should not have dawned. He knew what he did was reckless and careless but he was trying his best to make amends.
And his thoughts of trying to fix things felt like porcelain falling onto the floor when he heard the voice of the woman who he dreaded.
“Rindou” she called out from the front desk trying to get his attention before he could make it to the elevator.
“Rin!” She called out louder this time.
The name calling finally irritating Rindou enough to get his attention, as he now stormed towards her.
“I told you not to call me that” he said through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry it’s just I haven’t seen you since that day at your brothers house”
“And you weren’t suppose to see me since 5 months ago when I paid you off enough for you to live a new life” Rindou said in an irritated tone.
“I’m pregnant Rindou, you can’t just neglect that fact” she said with the same venom back towards him.
“Well Suki, you weren’t suppose to be now because we had an agreement”
“Oh that would make your life so much easier just to get rid of that wouldn’t it” Suki said with a scowl.
“Yes it would. God, you fuck me when I’m shit blown out of my mind which sounds like a fucking criminal offence because it is and now you knocked up and won’t stop harassing me”
“Well would you look at that, the gangster caring about the law how ironic” Suki said with a grin
“And let’s not forget to mention the fact that you are the one who neglected your wife enough for her to go find comfort by your brother, so you really are the one at fault.”
“Fuck you” Rindou said as he turned on his heels.
“You wish you could” Suki said with a laugh.
She watched as Rindou walked towards the elevator not even sparring her a departing glance. She hated how he hated her, she hated the fact that she was regret and mistake in his eyes.
When Suki got this job as a secretary a year ago she didn’t know that’s when she would see the man of her dreams, with his lilac mullet and charming gaze.
And when the time came when he was tripping his was over to her desk, barely able to hold himself up she knew that she had to take the opportunity. She had to somehow get into his pants, and when she did she took full advantage of it never once letting up from his dick as she let him cum in her over and over.
She loved Rindou and when she found out he had a wife she knew she’d love him more than you ever could. She knew everything about him, how he liked his coffee to how he liked to get his dick wet. And when she heard from a passing by Ran who was talking to Kakucho how he’d been neglecting you for his duties at Bonten she knew it be a waiting game till she was the new Mrs. Haitani.
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Rindou let out a sigh as he sat at his desk. His hands combing through his hair as he thought of the mess he was in. He couldn’t stand the time he was away from you, the house felt so soulless without you in it, no warmth from your love to keep it vibrant and he knew the way the situation looked just made you hate him more.
He couldn’t change the way you saw the situation with him being the villain because you saw him as some guy who was fucking the secretary and that’s why you neglected him, he wish he could show you that it wasn’t like that. All Rindou wished was that he’d be able to tell you was that he didn’t fuck his secretary on purpose she would come onto him when he was high off of whatever drug in some stupor unable to comprehend anything when she’d come after him. He would never fuck another woman, but how could he tell you that because you’d be upset at the fact that he was doing activities you told him to stop as well as still telling him that it takes two to tango.
Every way he looked at the situation he always came out with him being the villain and he hated himself for it.
Rindou let out a sigh as he threw his head on the desk. So distraught he hadn’t heard Kakucho enter his office.
“What’s gotten you like that” the younger male asked.
“My life is in the shit” Rindou replied not even lifting his head up.
“Yeah guess that’s been the buzz of the office, but don’t let it defeat you. Takeomi was in a similar predicament but him and his wife are stronger than ever now”
“Takeomi got taken advantage of by one of our secretaries, who got herself knocked up on your semen. While simultaneously neglecting his wife because he was so stressed with work that his own brother noticed and started giving his wife attention that cause the two to fall in love and have an affair that now had his wife pregnant” Rindou said as he had raised his head from the desk.
“I mean something along those lines but probably not the same details” Kakucho said with a nervous smile as he scratched the back of his head.
“Thanks for the support Kakucho” Rindou said as he dropped his head back onto his desk.
“Don’t mention it” Kakucho replied with a gleeful smile unable to read the severity of Rindou’s situation.
“Well anyway, Mikey called you into his office”
Rindou heard as Kakucho left his office as he began to pick himself up from his desk.
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Rindou walked through the corridors till he reached Mikey’s office with its large glass windows that allowed you to look into his office.
Large enough to give him the full sight of his brother talking to Mikey.
Rindou walked into his office not caring that Mikey and Ran were still talking.
“You called” Rindou said sluggishly, as he looked at him and Ran who were still talking.
“So it’s settled you’ll be going to Hong Kong then” Mikey said finishing up talking to Ran.
Rindou sat down in a chair watching Ran left without sparing his older brother a glance.
“So Ran’s finally leaving” Rindou said with a snicker.
“Matter of fact he is” Mikey replied which caused Rindou’s attention to be fully on Mikey now.
Rindou’s heart began to beat faster at the idea of his brother finally leaving Tokyo, it was as if his prays were being answered and he’d finally be able to get you back with his brother’s absence.
“That’s why I called you in here today. I need you to take over Ran’s responsibilities in Roppongi as well as few other areas since he’ll be moving to Hong Kong”
A smile began to spread on Rindou’s face at the news of his brother leaving. For the first time in a long time things were finally looking up for him.
“Will do” Rindou said trying to hold his composure.
“Yeah and please don’t fuck the areas in giving you any further than they are, ever since Ran’s been busy with (Y/N) his been disregarding some of his work”
“Don’t worry I won’t” Rindou said with a smirk full of hope.
“Yeah let’s hope Ran doesn’t do the same with since she’s going with to Hong Kong”
And the minute Rindou heard Mikeys words his smile fell.
“What do you mean she’s going with” Rindou questioned, already knowing the answer.
“(Y/N) is going with Ran to Hong Kong”
All rights reserved
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dottores · 2 years
haitani ran x fem!reader x haitani rindou
summary: being part of a stepfamily was difficult, but not for the reasons you had initially thought. the issues rose not in your stepmother, but in your new brothers instead.
warnings: fem!reader, dom!ran, mean!ran, dom!rindou, sub!reader, inexperienced!reader, stepcest, face fucking, ran’s a bit creepy at first ngl, corruption/kind of predator vs prey, kind of manipulative!ran, accidental noncon voyeurism, mentioned/taken prescribed sleeping pills, age gap (21/22 -> 30/31), humiliation, degradation, edging/orgasm denial, fingering, ran has an absolutely filthy mouth, pet names (doll, good girl, princess but only mockingly), dumbification, ran calls rindou a “sister-fucker” mockingly also brings up the fact that they’re siblings several times to taunt reader and rindou
wordcount: ... 16k don't let it flop :') pls
Notes: for tee’s stepcest collab and eris and abby's corruption collab @hanmas @kxeyas @munsonsins
“Mom got a new husband,” Ran announced as he walked into the vast lounge on the top floor of Bonten’s headquarters, stuffing his phone into the back pocket of his slacks and circling his glass, watching as the amber liquid sloshed to the top before settling back down. His feet dragged against the wood as he made his way toward where Rindou was reclined back on one of the dark couches, one arm thrown over the back as he tilted his head toward Ran, clicking his tongue sharply.
“Again?” Rindou asked, lips turned down and brows furrowed, just as displeased as Ran expected he would be. Rindou rolled his eyes when Ran nodded, downing the rest of his glass of whiskey before leaning forward and pouring himself another. “This is her third this year. You’d think she’d get sick of having to find a new wedding dress every couple months.”
Ran snorted, leaning against the wall next to the couch, taking a sip of his own drink, “I think that’s her favorite part,” he noted, sparing one last glance toward his younger brother as he laid back against the couch again, feet propped on the ebony table in front of the couch as he scrolled through his phone, lighting up another joint, unbothered by the news. 
Ran drew his gaze from his brother toward the floor-to-ceiling windows looking over Roppongi. The sun was setting already, the building casting an eerie shadow over the streets, the cars were beginning to thin out on the busy roads as people returned to their homes after work for dinner. His thoughts ran amok as he considered his mother’s words, trying to figure out the best way of conveying them to Rindou before he finally decided to just come out with it.
“Mom wants us to meet him,” Ran said simply, ignoring how Rindou choked over the smoke he had inhaled, head snapping to the side to look at Ran. Ran only stared ahead, eyes following a plane headed west from the city.
“Meet him?” Rindou demanded, tone laced with disbelief, “She’s never made us meet any of them before. She’s run through like twelve different guys and never asked us to come meet them.”
Ran shrugged, head dropping to the side to meet Rindou’s wide-eyed gaze, “She says she really likes him, thinks we’ll get along.”
Rindou snorted loudly, “I doubt that,” he said but Ran could see from the way that Rindou’s jaw was tight and his nostrils were flared that he was unhappy with the sudden turn of events and Ran couldn’t say he blamed him. They did not have good experiences with the men that their mother brought into their lives--from their biological father right up until the last man that their mother had forced them to meet when they were in their early twenties.
Rindou let out a frustrated noise, inhaling another puff of smoke before tilting his head back and exhaling, letting his eyes slide shut, “When’s she want us to meet him?”
Ran bit down on his tongue for a moment, letting out a soft breath. “Now,” he said. Rindou’s eyes shot back open.
“You’re fuckin’ with me,” Rindou said unhappily but Ran only gave him a wry smile.
“I wish,” he said dryly, “She was insistent about it too. Says we haven’t even come to visit her in two months, the least we could do is come now.”
Rindou rolled his eyes so hard that Ran swore it must have hurt, “How mad will she be if we don’t show?” he muttered.
“On a scale of Fiji to Oslo?” Ran asked, tilting his head to rest against the wall. He noticed Rindou nod from the corner of his eye, “Definitely leaning Oslo. She already sounded pissed.”
“Fuckin’ bullshit,” Rindou put his glass back down onto the table, rising to his feet, looking back at Ran, “You’re driving.”
“And you’re changing,” Ran muttered, eyeing the bloodstained white button-up Rindou was wearing, “Go change out of that. I’ll go start up the car.”
There was a car in the driveway, your fingers twitched at your sides as you stood from your vanity, trying to get a better look out the window. You couldn’t tell who had shown up at the house--whoever it was must have come into the house while you were still getting dressed and drying your hair after your shower.
You took in a shaky breath, eyes darting down to your phone. There were no new messages from your father or your new step-mother telling you who had stopped by and you bit your bottom lip, glancing at the glass of water sat atop your nightstand. 
You had to go to the kitchen to get your sleeping pills, your father didn’t let you keep them in your room--they were in the kitchen cabinet, past the sitting room, and if there really were guests over, you had no doubt that that’s exactly where they’d all be.
Anxiety ate at your stomach, your gaze flicked to the clock. It was getting late already and you had to be up for classes the next morning. You wouldn’t be able to sleep through the night if you didn’t take your pills, and if you took your pills any later, you’d sleep through your alarms. 
You briefly shut your eyes, letting out a long exhale as you made your decision. 
You grimaced as you stepped into your slippers, tugging down your silk shorts as you left your bedroom, arms wrapped around your torso. The halls were long and decorated with old, expensive paintings and antiques, the lights above were dim and flickering as a storm rattled the windows.
Mrs. Haitani was old money—your father was wealthy, yes, but the more you hung around with your new step-mother, the more you realized how vastly different her lifestyle was compared to the one you were used to. From spending habits right down to the way she talked and dressed, sometimes you genuinely believed Mrs. Haitani was from another world altogether despite technically being in similar class brackets.
And she was nice, you supposed, if not a bit pretentious. She doted on you like she would her own daughter, bringing you out to brunches, out shopping, gossiping with you over boys at your university. 
She had always wanted a daughter, she would tell you but her first husband passed away before they could try again, and by the time she finally started dating around again, she was too old to have any more kids no matter how hard she tried. 
She was older than your father—by a good twenty years, even if she didn’t look it—when he had first told you about her, you had been unhappy because it felt like he was trying to replace your mother. But you supposed that of all the women that your father could have remarried, Mrs. Haitani certainly wasn’t the worst pick.
You turned down another hallway. In the distance, you could hear voices talking—your father, Mrs. Haitani, and two unfamiliar male voices. You let out a shaky exhale, arms tightening around your torso. 
In and out, walk through the room to the kitchen, get your pills, and leave.
You stepped into the large sitting room and immediately four gazes were on you. You felt sick, you had never been good with people, especially new people.
Mrs. Haitani smiled bright when she saw you, leaning against your father, curled up at his side. She called your name happily, “C’mere,” she said, “I want you to meet my sons.”
Your mouth was dry as your gaze flickered over to the two men sitting in one of the sofas—sharp lavender eyes, dark button-ups and slacks, sleeves rolled up above the forearms revealing matching tattoos on opposite sides. 
The one with longer hair looked distinctly unimpressed, lounged back into the red cushions as he took one short look at you before returning to conversation with your father. The shorter-haired one, on the other hand, leaned forward, a sort of interest sparking in his eyes that had your hair on end.
“Haitani Ran,” he greeted smoothly, a warm smile tugging at his lips that would have lulled you into a sense of security had you not caught the calculating look in his eyes a second prior. He held his hand out to you and you hesitated before placing your hand in his, the cool metal of his rings sending a shiver down your spine. You prayed he didn’t notice how your fingers were trembling. From the way his smile widened and his grip on your hand tightened firmly, you knew your prayers went unanswered.
You swallowed thickly as you introduced yourself, pulling your hand away and letting it drop back at your side. Ran’s eyes glittered in amusement, teeth gleaming under the light of the room as he glanced at the longer-haired man, “Rindou, don’t be rude.”
Rindou rolled his eyes, tilting his head up and back to look at you again. You caught sight of the tattoo decorating his throat, a simple hanafuda design, “Rindou,” he introduced, eyeing you briefly from the corner of his eye as he turned back to your father.
Ran clicked his tongue in annoyance, eyes flashing cold for just a moment as looked down at Rindou before returning his attention to you. Your head tilted to the side in curiosity when you noticed that Ran had a matching tattoo on his throat.
“Why don’t you sit with us for a bit?” your father said, motioning to the armchair next to where he and Mrs. Haitani were sitting. “You guys should get to know each other, you’re family now, you know?”
The words didn’t not sit right with you. An uncomfortable feeling spreading throughout your chest at your father’s words, glancing back at Rindou and Ran once before shaking your head.
“No, dad,” you said quietly, “I only came down to get my pills. I have class in the morning.”
Your father opened his mouth to protest but before he could say anything, you turned your attention back toward Haitani Ran and Haitani Rindou. Rindou met your eyes for half a second before looking down at his phone while Ran kept his eyes on you. You shifted uncomfortably beneath his sharp gaze, “Nice meeting you,” you said half-heartedly, not entirely meaning it.
Rindou didn’t respond, Ran’s lips ticked up into a small, sly smile--one that you liked even less than the warm, artificial one. “Nice to meet you too,” he murmured.
You forced your gaze off him, a strange and unwelcome feeling stirring in you before you bid goodnight to your father and Mrs. Haitani, disappearing down into the kitchen, intent on grabbing your pills, returning to your room and going to sleep. You had a big day of presentations for your government class tomorrow, and the last thing you needed was for this to rattle you after you had been prepping all day.
It wasn’t like they’d be around often anyway, this was the first time you’d heard of them except for the pictures Mrs. Haitani had set up around the house from when they were younger. You were sure that they’d disappear again after tonight, so it was best to just push them from your mind.
“You’re a fuckin’ creep, y’know that?” 
Ran raised his eyebrows, not even bothering to turn toward Rindou as he heard his brother approach from behind, eyes trained on you instead, watching as you shifted beneath your sheets, dead to the world.  
“How you gonna explain this if she wakes up, hm?” Rindou continued, and Ran only rolled his eyes.
He turned his head over his shoulder from where he was leaning against the doorframe of your room, shooting his brother an annoyed, lazy look. With two fingers, he lifted the bottle of pills he had found in the kitchen cabinet prescribed to your name before flicking it over to Rindou. Rindou caught it easily, frowning as he read the prescription before scoffing, tossing it right back to Ran. 
“She won’t be up for a while,” Ran grinned at Rindou before turning his attention back toward you, eyes lidded as he considered your sleeping form.
“I don’t get it,” Rindou shook his head, standing half-behind Ran as he eyed you for a moment before turning his attention back to Ran, waiting for him to explain. Ran ignored him. “Hello?” Rindou demanded, “I’m talking to you.”
“Yes, I know,” Ran said dryly, “I am ignoring you.”
Rindou gaped, face twisting in annoyance but Ran tuned him out as he spit a volley of irritated curses at Ran. Though Ran supposed he wasn’t ignoring him to be annoying, he didn’t really know the answer to his implied question. He wasn’t sure what it was about you that was drawing him in. 
And it wasn’t like this happened often with Ran. If anything, it was always the opposite. Women were drawn to him and he took advantage of it--whether it was for trying to subtly gather information for Bonten or just for an easy fuck, Ran was never the one that was captivated by someone but… 
He let out a breath, tilting his head to the side as he watched you shift in bed again, soft puffs of air escaping your lips, covers half-thrown off, strewn across the bed haphazardly. He could see your chest rising and falling with every breath in and out, the way your button-up pajamas had come half-undone in your sleep. 
Sister, you were technically their sister now, weren’t you? he considered, unable to draw his eyes from you. Maybe that was why he couldn’t seem to get his mind off of you. Throughout all of their mother’s marriages, they never had a step-sibling before. It had always just been him and Rindou.
But even as the thought crossed through his mind, he knew it wasn’t that simple. It wasn’t just interest because of the fact your father had married his mother. It was something else--but what?
Maybe it was your innocence? he thought as his eyes searched your sleeping form for an answer. His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, eyes darkening. He supposed there was just something about the way you came down your hall in silk pajamas, arms wrapped nervously around your stomach, eyes darting around like a cornered animal, that had his blood running hot. 
You were younger than them--your father had mentioned that you were still in college, and his mother had implied that your father had kept you rather sheltered. Ran had not a single doubt about that, your eyes were still wide and bright, unlike most of the other women that Ran usually encountered around the clubs in Roppongi, who became jaded and empty-eyed over the years. It had been a long time since he’d come across someone who hasn’t been made dull and apathetic by the realities of the world and…
And Ran wanted to fucking ruin you.
“Don’t fuck this up for mom,” Rindou said sharply as if he could read Ran’s mind. Maybe he could, Ran considered as he forced his gaze from you back to him, frowning. “Don’t look at me like that, you saw her with the new guy. She really seems to like him. Don’t be fuckin’ gross and try to fuck with his daughter.”
“She always seems to like the new guys at first,” Ran dismissed and Rindou let out a frustrated breath at Ran’s blatant way of ignoring Rindou’s main point. “She’s pretty.”
It was an innocuous comment--a lot tamer than anything else Ran could have said watching your shirt ride up your stomach--but Rindou’s lips still twisted in disgust, “You’re disgusting,” he said, “Mom married her father, she’s technically our fuckin’ sister, Ran, c’mon.”
“Not by blood,” Ran grinned, winking at Rindou, who only looked even more disgusted at Ran’s words, “You’re gonna switch up,” Ran said firmly, ignoring how Rindou let out a ‘yeah, sure’, “and when you do, ‘m not gonna let you hear the end of it.”
“Fuck off,” Rindou said half-heartedly. “I’m going back to bed. Stop fucking staring at her, it’s creepy.”
“Whatever,” Ran said, waving his hand, sparing you one last look as you let out a soft hum in your sleep. His mouth went dry when he noticed that your blankets had slipped off your leg, revealing your skin all the way up to your thighs.
“Ran,” Rindou said sharply, and Ran rolled his eyes, finally ripping his eyes off of you to quietly shut the door behind him, “Don’t.”
Ran only smiled, “Relax,” he murmured, mind already whirring as plans bounced around his head, “I wouldn’t do anything she doesn’t want.”
You let out a frustrated breath as you looked down at the wires in your hand and then back up at the television, unable to figure out which cord you had plugged in wrong. You were exhausted, and your body was sore from working out, and you just wanted to lay down on the couch and binge the latest season of your favorite show. Why your father had decided to unplug the television before leaving for work was a mystery to you, you had heard him complaining about the picture being more static than usual and calling an electrician over to look at it after having fiddled with it for an hour and giving up.
He could have at least put it back the way it was before he fucked around with it, you thought to yourself. But knowing your father, he didn’t know how to put it back the way he had found it.
You grit your teeth as you looked between the wires and television again, going in for the fifth attempt. As you fiddled with the wires, you heard the shower water turn off in the distance. You frowned, instantly shooting a suspicious look in the direction of the bathroom.
The brothers had been around more often since the night they had shown up a few days ago—Ran, in particular. You didn’t know why—they had claimed to their mother that it was because they hadn’t seen her too often over the past year but you had a feeling that the excuse was not the real reason.
The number of times you had come home to Rindou smoking a joint by the pool or Ran wandering around shirtless after a shower, tattoos broad on display, was ridiculous, really. You hated how nervous the two of them made you, you hated how Rindou would barely spare you a glance even when you tried to say hi to him, and you hated how Ran was so touchy with you and you hated even more the part of you that couldn’t seem to get enough of it.
They had you on edge—both of them did, albeit for different reasons. 
“Need help?” your eyes widened as you turned your head to the side, eyes catching sight of Ran leaning up against the wall next to the fireplace, towel hanging low on his waist and another towel draped around his shoulders. Your mouth was dry as your gaze darted down, just as it always did whenever you caught him walking around shirtless, dipping down and tracing his tattoos right to his v-line before you went hot, realizing what you were doing and looking back up. He raised his eyebrows, the smirk on his face very telling of the fact he knew exactly what you were looking at.
Your face heated up in humiliation, you tried to remember what he had asked.
Help, he had asked if you needed help.
Your eyes darted between him and the television that you just couldn’t seem to hook up correctly--you wondered how long he had been standing there watching you struggle with it before he finally spoke up. You weren’t sure how long you had been lost in thought. Silently, you cursed your father yet again for unplugging it before he left for work.
You didn’t want to ask him for help, there was something about Mrs. Haitani’s older son that really, really rubbed you the wrong way. He was always nice to you, too nice, even, and it should be putting you at ease…
Your eyes met his lavender ones, they were sharp, calculating, and you had a strange, distinct feeling, one that you couldn’t quite place but you were sure it was reminiscent of how a deer might feel when it’s cornered by a predator with nowhere to run.
You swallowed thickly, “Yeah,” you said quietly, looking away from him. Ran peeled off the wall, walking closer to you and your fingers twitched at your sides when he finally stood in front of you. Silently, you held out the wires you were trying to hook up and your breath caught as Ran reached out to take them, fingers brushing yours.
You stood there for a moment, unmoving. Ran raised his eyebrows again and you frowned, unsure of what he wanted. His lips twitched up, a sort of mocking amusement dancing in his eyes, “Gotta get past you, doll,” he murmured.
Your face went hot again as you realized you were standing right in front of where he had to get to, and just as you were about to move out of the way, your eyes widened, Ran pressed his hand against the small of your back, sliding past you. And you felt dizzy, the scent of his body wash was overwhelming, the feeling of his body brushing against yours, you could feel his skin--you felt light-headed and you didn’t even know why. 
As if he could sense how the brief contact had flustered you, he tossed you a wink. You stood there, stiff and nervous as he shifted the television on the wall mount so he could access the plugs better.
“C’mere,” he said, nodding his head to you, “I’ll show you so you know how to do it next time.”
You swore your heart was in your throat. The area behind the television was small, too small, you would be pushed up against him if he wanted you to come watch him plug it in. Just as you were about to shake your head and take a step back, Ran reached forward, tugging you a little closer. 
Your breath caught as your back pressed against his chest. He let out a quiet apology, not having meant to pull you that hard--but a part of you didn’t believe him even as you told him it was okay. You took a step away so that your body wasn’t flush against his but it didn’t help.
You could barely focus on the way his long fingers fiddled with the wires, connecting them correctly. His voice was low in your ear, smooth like honey as he explained what you were fucking up with. It had your blood running hot and your hair standing up all at the same time. 
His words went in one ear, out the other—you were more absorbed in the way you could feel how his skin was still hot from the shower he had taken, in the way you could smell his body wash so intensely, in the way you could hear each and every subtle fluctuation in his tone.
You prayed to god that he didn’t ask you to hook the television up yourself after he was done explaining to prove you understood what he was saying. On one hand, you knew damn well he already knew just how affected you were by his proximity and you were sure the satisfaction of that would be enough for him but on the other, you had a distinct feeling that Haitani Ran was the sort of man that got off on humiliation.
He was dangerous, you realized to yourself thickly. Your father kept you sheltered, but you were not naive. You knew of the rumors circulating Tokyo surrounding the people that bore the tattoo marring your stepbrothers’ throats, and you knew that the rumors were more than just rumors. 
An unsteady feeling curled in your stomach as Ran finished explaining. You stepped away, still feeling hot and unwilling to look at him as you made your way to the couch, shooting him a quiet, stuttered thanks as your shaky hand lifted the remote.
He sat next to you.
Too close. You could feel his skin brushing yours, you could see the way his towel loosened from the corner of your eye.
“What’re you gonna watch?” Ran asked curiously.
“A show,” you responded tensely, trying to loosen the way your jaw had clenched tight at his proximity yet again. 
He was waiting for you to elaborate, you realized and you let out a soft breath as you told him the name of the show, stupidly mentioning that it was your favorite.
“Mmm, hit play,” he hummed, “I’ll watch a few episodes with you, don’t think I’ve got anything else to do today anyway.”
With a figure that trembled just a bit too much to be solely from the way the air conditioning was blasting in the house, you pressed play on the remote—desperately trying to relax yourself against the cushions and ignore the way Ran’s toned arm was draped on the couch behind your head, ignore the way that if you looked out of the corner of your eye, your gaze could dip down below his towel from the way he was sitting.
Haitani Ran was dangerous, you noted again, hoping he missed the way you had instinctively rubbed your thighs together, especially if he could throw you off kilter like this so badly, if he could fluster you so intensely with minimal actions.
He was dangerous in more ways than one, you glanced at the tattoo branding his throat again and then went hot when he flashed you another smile. Very dangerous and you had always hated danger, no matter how appealing the form it came in was. 
And that realization was all you needed to know to come to the conclusion that you would stay the fuck away from Haitani Ran and his charming smiles and captivating words no matter what the cost.
Haitani Rindou could not understand. It took a lot to boggle him like this but his older brother’s obsession with you was certainly more than enough to render him to such a state.
And it wasn’t like he didn’t try to understand. He did, he swore he did. Especially after Ran made that comment about how Rindou would switch up, and he only tried to understand because he wanted to avoid what might cause the switch up just so Ran couldn’t hold that ‘I told you so’ over his head.
But he could not understand. He did not know why Ran was so captivated by you, he did not know why Ran was so insistent that Rindou would switch up, and he certainly did not know why you kept trying to talk to him despite the fact he was cold and aloof with you. 
Or, well, maybe he did know. Rindou’s lips pulled up around his cigarette as he made his way through the house toward the back door. You could not stand Ran, that much was apparent from how you had begun to actively avoid him. Whenever he walked into the room, you were moving in the opposite direction almost instantly. Maybe it wasn’t that you couldn’t stand him, he considered, more than it was Ran having come on to you too strong. 
You were a lot like a deer, Rindou noted, inhaling a deep breath of smoke before tilting his head back and exhaling, letting it cloud around him. Hesitant, wary, ready to bolt at the first sign of danger, and evidently, you had deemed Ran as dangerous. Rindou would be insulted, really, that you didn’t seem to view him as dangerous but he found it way more amusing watching the frustration cross Ran’s face every time you drifted over toward Rindou or whenever you fled the room as soon as he showed up. 
Rindou pushed open the back door, making his way out toward the pool, pausing mid step when he caught sight of you floating in the pool on one of the pink inflatable pool mats. You lowered your sunglasses when you heard the door open, tilting your head up to look at whoever had come outside. Your lips had been twisted down in suspicion until you seemed to recognize Rindou. Your lips turned up and you lifted your hand to wave at him. 
Rindou ignored you, trying to hide the smile that nearly touched his lips when he realized you must have been suspicious over the fact that it might have been Ran that came outside. He debated on going back inside but decided against it--Ran was arguing on the phone with Kokonoi and Sanzu, and Rindou knew it was only a matter of time before the argument started getting loud and he did not particularly want to deal with that. 
Holding the cigarette between his lips, he took off his tank top, pulling out his phone as he sat down on the pool chair next to the water. He scrolled through the groupchat he had with Mochi and Kakucho, snorting when he realized that the two of them must be in the same room as Kokonoi and Sanzu, listening as the argument drew on between them and Ran.
16:33 Kakucho: Sanzu won’t shut the fuck up, think Ran might actually lose it this time?
16:34 Mochi: Oh yeah, there he goes 
As if on cue, a crash came from inside the house. Rindou snickered, shooting a message to them before a splash from the pool caught his attention. His gaze darted up above his phone right as he pressed send. He raised his eyebrows when he caught sight of you wading toward him, head bobbing above the water as you leaned up against the side of the pool.
“Hi,” you said, eyes happy as you looked up at him. He wondered what changed from the first night he had met you when you could barely look him in the eye. Or he supposed that he did know, you considered him the lesser of two evils now. 
“Hey,” Rindou responded, meeting your eyes for half a second before letting his gaze drift back toward the house. Ran was at the window, phone pressed to his ear, eyes dark when he noticed that you were initiating conversation with Rindou.
Rindou, who had been very much intent on ignoring you after you exchanged your greetings, abruptly had a much better idea. 
He sat up from where he was leaning back against the pool chair, putting his phone down, legs spread and feet pressed on the ground on either side of the chair, elbows resting on his thighs. Your eyes brightened over the fact that he wasn’t ignoring you, Rindou bit back a smirk when he noticed the vile, frustrated expression that crossed over Ran’s face when he noticed. 
Not as fun when you’re not the first choice, hm? Rindou jabbed silently toward his older brother, having been in that exact position for the majority of his life. He knew that the only reason Ran had been so arrogant with his, ‘you’ll switch up,’ was because he was certain that you would prefer him over Rindou anyway, as most women have. And now that it was becoming apparent that that was not, in fact, the case…
Rindou was suddenly a whole lot more interested in you, even if it were for all the wrong reasons. 
You propped your elbows up on the edge of the pool, resting your chin on one of your palms as you looked up at him. 
“Whatcha guys hanging around so often for now anyway?” you asked, eyes lidded in a way that had his thoughts taking a rather filthy turn. He scolded himself silently, hating the way his blood jumped as you looked up at him through your lashes, eyes wide and curious.
He supposed he could see the attraction. He calculated you as he gave you a half-assed answer as to why he and Ran were suddenly all over their mother’s place again. You were a pretty little thing, that was for sure, and Ran had always enjoyed pretty little things like you. Rindou too, of course, but he had never seen it grow to this much of an obsession.
He watched as you babbled on about one of your classes--he wasn’t even quite sure how the conversation changed to this, but in his defense he hadn’t really been paying attention, too focused on trying to piece together the mystery you had thrown on him. He was grateful for the sudden change in your demeanor--this way he could focus on trying to figure this out while you distracted yourself with your conversation. You had been quiet the night that they had met you--quiet and timid and nervous. You were still that way whenever Ran was around, but Rindou thought he might prefer this side of you--the bright smile and brighter eyes that decorated your expression as you chatted animatedly about your interests. Interests that he genuinely couldn’t care less about but he still found himself listening fairly intently to as you went on and on about world politics. 
You wanted to be a lawyer specializing in international law, he learned, eyes tracing your lips as you told him about a presentation you had on about the geopolitical risks of nuclear technology. 
He asked you a question about your presentation, he watched as your eyes lit up, as you pushed yourself out of the pool just a little more, his breath caught as your breasts bounced at the subtle movement. Momentarily, Rindou’s gaze dropped down, watching as water droplets dripped down your collarbone and between your breasts. 
He dragged his eyes back up to your face, gaze slowly tracing up the water droplets still dripping down your body up to your lips, spread wide across your face in a sort of smile that ignited something in him that he didn’t expect. His mouth felt dry, his eyes met yours again. You didn’t notice--he supposed he should be grateful for that. The last thing he needed was for you to start thinking he and Ran were the same. 
Realization hit him slowly--in a sort of way that had his skin crawling and heart stuttering in his chest. He spared one last glance to the window he had seen his brother in not ten minutes before, eyes wide and panic beginning to hit because…
… because Rindou had a distinct feeling that he just fucked himself.
Like his brother, Haitani Ran also could not understand. He was absolutely baffled as to how he had gone so horribly wrong with you. He had been nice, friendly, he went out of his way to try to help you and he made sure that he kept his temper in check whenever you were around even when Rindou was purposefully needling him. He had done all of that, and yet you still refused to talk to him--go near him, even.
But somehow you were perfectly comfortable with Rindou, and Ran just couldn’t understand why no matter how hard he tried. 
His thin temper was on the verge of snapping, and it would not be pretty for anybody if, or more likely when, it did. 
His jaw was tight as he stared down at his glass of wine, watching the red liquid slosh back and forth as he circled his hand. 
He didn’t even know why this was bothering him so much. Or he supposed he did, Ran was pretty sure this was the first time ever that a woman had not chased after him. And likewise, it was the first time ever that he had chased after a woman. 
And that was what had Ran so confused. 
Why the fuck was he chasing after you?
Why was it not working?
Why was he continuing to chase when it was apparent that it wasn’t working?
Well, the last question was easy to answer--Ran had always had trouble accepting defeat and this was turning into one of the most frustrating games of his life. 
His finger hovered above the call button on his cell phone.
Humiliating, this would be fucking humiliating. Mochi’s number was displayed bright on his screen, and he knew that calling his friend would result in a number of jokes at his expense but Ran wasn’t sure what else to do.
He could practically hear the comments already and it had his face heating up in anger and embarrassment. 
How the fuck was he supposed to explain that he was trying and failing to seduce his new step-sister without sounding like an absolute fucking loser?
There was no way, he realized mournfully, locking his phone and shoving it back in his pocket, downing the rest of his drink. He would have to figure it out by himself.
He glanced over to the clock on the wall. It was late, obscenely so, he hadn’t realized how quickly the time had passed, and Ran felt dread pooling in him when he remembered that he had a meeting first thing in the morning.
He let out a long sigh, tipping his head back and downing the rest of his glass. Placing the glass back down on the counter, head fuzzy from the alcohol, Ran began to make his way back toward his room.
A part of him hated you, truly. He felt it deep in his chest, flowing throughout his body. He never tried for anyone, ever, not until you--and you, the first person he genuinely tried for, only brushed him off, avoided him.
It was fucking embarrassing. Humiliating. He knew that Rindou was laughing at him whenever he got the chance, and he knew that if the others found out, they would be doing the same exact thing.
The fact that he had even been considering going to Mochi about this, to ask his advice concerning how the fuck to approach you, was a mystery in itself. Mochi would have never let him live it down and you should not matter to him this much.
Why the fuck did he care so much about what you thought of him? Why was he so desperate to make you see him, want him? He had never been that way with other women, why you?
Even if he had been right a few nights ago when he decided the reason he wanted you was because he wanted to taint that purity that seemed to cling to you like a second skin, it didn’t explain why he was trying so fucking hard when it was obvious you had no interest.
It was exhausting. And he was certain it was driving him half-mad, watching you hang around his brother like an elementary school girl with a crush all the while avoiding him like the plague.
He let out a heavy sigh, sparing your ajar bedroom door a hateful glare as he made his way toward it so he could pass it to get to his own room further down the hall. 
It was a waste of his time, he told himself, he was better off forgetting you and going back to women at the club. But even as the thought crossed his mind, the picture of your wide eyes and long lashes looking up at him as he helped you hook up the television flashed through his head, he recalled your soft voice and even softer skin as he sat just a bit too close to you and all he could think of was how your body would feel beneath his, how you would sound crying out his name, wide eyes glassy and tears spilling over your cheeks as you begged him for more and begged him to slow down all at the same time. 
Ran let out a low groan, shutting his eyes and tilting his head back against the wall next to your door. 
Fuck, he thought to himself, letting out a shaky, heavy breath as he tried to work himself up to continuing back to his room.
You were so close, he swallowed thickly. You were just behind the door and Ran could practically picture the way you were fast asleep in bed, blankets strewn all over, one bare leg visible, pajama shirt riding up your stomach. Your lips would be wet and parted, soft puffs of air escaping your lips as you slept soundly, unaware of his presence on the opposite side of the door and the vile, vile thoughts running through his head.
Another noise escaped his lips, his eyes screwed shut. What the fuck was wrong with him? he wanted to scream at himself, he wanted to pick his feet up to keep moving down the hall but he couldn’t.
Especially when he heard noise coming from inside your room. 
His head fell to the side, eyes trained on your door as he listened intently. You should be asleep, fast asleep, really, he had been in the kitchen with you when you took your sleeping pills earlier. Was he imagining it?
No, he definitely wasn’t. A quiet whimper resounded from your room, one that he would have missed had he not been listening for it.
There were no sounds of movement from behind the door, Ran was so still that he was certain if someone passed by they would’ve mistaken him for a statue.
He waited a moment—another, he recognized, swallowing thickly as he glanced at the door, a hot feeling pooling in his lower abdomen. Maybe you were having a nightmare? he considered, trying to figure out what to do.
His palm pressed flat against the ajar door, hesitating only for a moment before pushing it open. He winced at the creak, and cursed his mother for never replacing the hinges on the older doors in the house. And just as Ran was about to take a step into the room, he froze, because the next noise that escaped your lips was not a whimper.
His eyes ripped up to where you were laying, mouth going dry as his gaze landed on you, covers strewn on top of you, just like he expected, quick, heavy pants escaping swollen lips, chest rising and falling rapidly. You were wearing different pajamas tonight—a tank top that was half-falling off of you and a pair of shorts that barely covered anything—and Ran could not take his eyes off of you, and he wouldn’t have wanted to even if he could.
Your eyes were squeezed shut tight, sweat beaded at your skin, body shifting and squirming underneath the thin sheet—you had tossed your comforter off some time during the night. Another soft moan escaped your lips, unmistakable this time, and Ran’s cock twitched at the thought. 
Fuck, he thought, his feet were pressed hard against the ground. He tried to force himself to turn on his heel and walk away but he couldn’t.
It would be the right thing to do, Ran told himself but Haitani Ran had never been a good man, and a part of him wondered why the fuck he should start now.
But Rindou’s words circulated through his head—don’t ruin this for mom—and more selfishly, a part of him really was worried you would wake up, no matter how illogical the fear might be (he had seen you take the pills), and if you woke up and saw him, any chance he had would be thrown out the window.
With that thought in mind and a litany of curses running through his head, he took a step out of your room, closing the door behind him. Just as he was about to quietly shut it, another noise left your lips.
His name.
Ran stared ahead blankly, scared, if only for a second, that you had woken up and seen him. He glanced back over his shoulder, a million excuses on the tip of his tongue, but his lips only parted in shock when he realized you were still asleep.
Oh fuck.
God was testing him, he realized. His throat felt tight, his head felt dizzy. He took in a deep breath. Fuck.
And it took absolutely everything Ran had in him to step out of your room and close the door behind him. His eyes slid shut as he leaned back against the door, trying to control himself.
His hand twitched toward the buckle of his pants, cock straining against the tightness of his slacks, abdomen tense and breath shaky. The sight of you squirming in bed, the sound of your whimpers and moans playing on repeat through his head—his name. 
You wanted him.
The thought was almost enough to push him over the edge after having heard you moan his name in your sleep. For all of your avoidance and excuses, you wanted him, and it set a new sort of fire running through his blood, igniting the determination that had slowly faded after two weeks of rejection.
You and your father and his mother were going on vacation next week, Ran remembered, head half-dizzy and legs all but trembling as he made his way back to his room.
He would figure out a game plan while you were gone, and once you were back, he swore to fucking god, he would do this right.
Something had changed.
You weren’t sure how, or what exactly it was, but something had changed and it had you on edge. 
At first it was just Ran that had thrown you off kilter, unnerved by how familiar he acted with you and unhappy with the very unwelcome feelings he had brought upon you. But now it was Rindou too, and you hated it because he hadn’t been the one to change. He was still aloof with you, he was still distant, but now every time he accidentally (was it really accidentally?) brushed up against you, your head felt fuzzy and your body felt hot.
It had been easy to avoid Ran, because you would run to Rindou instead, but now Rindou wasn’t an option because he was making you feel those same, equally unwelcome feelings.
You shut your eyes. You hated it.
School. Studying. Clubs. 
That was your life.
You wanted to do well in university. You wanted to get into the best law school. You wanted to make a name for yourself.
And now you wanted them.
You wanted them, and you hated it. 
You wished you could go back to before you had met them, you wished you had stayed in your room and gotten a shitty night of sleep because now you couldn’t focus on anything but them.
Every time your professor droned on in class, your mind would wander to the way that Ran’s body had felt pressed up against yours that day he helped you with the television, your head would feel dizzy as you wondered how he would feel pressed up behind you in different scenarios—on his bed, over your desk, against the door to your parents’ bedroom. Your mind would wander to Rindou and his ever-apathetic expression, and you wondered what expression he would make if you were on your knees in front of him, if he was hovering above you with your legs hooked over his shoulders, and every time you realized just how far your mind had drifted, your face heated up and your eyes got teary.
You had never been like this before. You hadn’t. You weren’t totally inexperienced, you’d had a boyfriend before, but you had never been so dumb and obsessed over some guy’s cock before. You weren’t the type to just sit there and fantasize for hours on end but now you were and it was affecting your studies and it was their fault.
And it wasn’t just some guy, you wanted to cry, they were your brothers. Your brothers. Your father had married their mother. They were your brothers, maybe not by blood, but they were still your family, and all you could think about was them having their way with you in any and every possible position.
“You okay, hun?” you nearly flinched at the sound of Mrs. Haitani’s voice, and you wanted to cry even more when you noticed the genuine concern. She was worried about you as if you hadn’t just been having vile thoughts about her sons.
“Yeah,” your voice cracked, “I’m okay.”
She didn’t believe you, but for once she didn’t push and you were grateful. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” she sat on the couch next to you. Her suitcase was packed by the door next to your father’s, she was dressed fancy in a nice fur coat and hat. “It’ll only take a few minutes to pack, there should still be an extra seat in first class near us.”
“I’m sure,” you said softly, “I have an exam in two weeks, I really need to study.”
Mrs. Haitani sighed, but she nodded, rising to her feet. “If you say so,” she sounded disappointed, but you couldn’t really bring yourself to feel guilty.
With your father and Mrs. Haitani out of the house, and the brothers thinking you were with them, you would have plenty of time to study and get yourself under control, and you would be sure to take advantage of it.
He had fucked up. He had so awfully, terribly fucked up that he didn’t know if he would even be able to recover from it. Rindou gasped for breath as he frantically tried to turn his bike on, holding his wounded side and grimacing as he sat on the seat. As quick as possible, he pulled out of the warehouse. 
He had stumbled right into a fucking trap, and he had no one to blame but himself but he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone--not even his brother. He was the one who had pushed for accepting the deal from their rivals, Sanzu had been vehemently against it--claiming that they were just trying to set Bonten up--and Rindou had been stubborn, too stubborn, once he realized Sanzu was disagreeing with him. It had turned into a battle of egos because there was no way he would ever let Sanzu win because he knew damn well Sanzu would never shut up about it--Sanzu had it out for them ever since the Kanto Manji days, and it had only gotten worse over time.
He had wanted to prove the fucker wrong and all he had done was give him more ammunition against Rindou and his brother. Rindou was not prepared for the slew of insults and accusations that were going to be thrown his way at the next meeting.
Assuming he survived the night.
He couldn’t worry about that yet. 
First, he had to get out of enemy territory, and then he had to get his wound closed up before he fucking bled out. 
The speedometer ticked upwards as he sped down the streets, trying to lose the cars chasing behind him. Each little movement had pain shooting through his body so intense that it had his vision going spotty. 
He might die, he realized, a sick feeling in his stomach as he took a sharp turn down another street, gasping as the movement ripped the wound open more.
He turned down another street, and another, and another after that. His vision tunneled and blurred, once he was certain that he had at the very least lost the immediate tails on him, he fumbled to pull his phone from his pocket. 
It was night time, and it was drizzling, and he supposed he should be more careful but he also supposed that being reckless was really his only option right now--his chances of survival were already slim anyway. 
He pressed the first number that popped up on his screen--Ran. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Ran picked up instantly, voice panicked, and Rindou could practically picture the expression on his face. Guilt ate at his stomach. “Rindou, wh-”
“Was a fuckin’ trap,” the words were bitter to admit out loud. “I got shot, I lost the people chasing me. I’m gonna head to mom’s place, it’s closer than the apartment.”
Rindou could hear Ran choke, “You got shot?” he demanded, “What about all the backup-”
“Dead,” Rindou grunted, swerving dangerously as his vision started going out again, “We don’t have time for this right now. Mom and the new guy are on vacation, right? I don’t want her to see me like this.”
“They are,” he heard Ran say over the line, his voice tense, laced with worry, and Rindou hated that it was because of him, “I’ll be there in twenty. Slow the bleeding, okay?”
“Yeah, I know,” Rindou muttered, hanging up the phone and stuffing it back into his pocket as he came to a hasty stop at the front of the house. He let out a slew of curses as his feet hit the ground, pain shooting up his side again.
He stumbled into the house, eyes frantic and breath quick. It fucking hurt, he grit his teeth hard as he looked around. He couldn’t remember where his mother had kept the bandages or needle and thread to stitch the wound up.
Fuck, he thought to himself, side on fire as his gaze darted around. The bathroom? 
Just as he was about to make his way to the bathroom, a noise made him freeze. Inhaling sharply, he reached for the gun holstered at its side, flicking the safety off and holding it up, ignoring how his side screamed in pain at the movement.
The hallway was dark and it took all of Rindou’s self control not to get trigger-happy. No one should be here--his mom, your father, you, you guys were all on vacation. The house should have been empty. His finger twitched as a shadow appeared in the hallway, a hesitant figure making its way toward him.
The anxiety that had been building in his chest disappeared in an instant at the sight of you standing at the edge of the hallway, dressed in pale pink silk pajamas, similar to the ones you had been wearing that first night. He dropped the gun to his side, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “Y/n,” he breathed out, “the fuck are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with mom and your dad in Santorini?”
You shook your head, “No, I stayed home,” you said quietly, stepping into the sitting room. Your eyes darted around suspiciously before they finally focused on him, widening when you saw the blood staining his shirt and dripping down the side of his body. “You’re hurt.”
No shit, he nearly said but he bit the snippy words as soon as they reached the tip of his tongue when you rushed toward him, “Come, your mom keeps the medical stuff in her bedroom’s bathroom.”
You wrapped an arm around Rindou’s waist, careful to not put pressure on the wound and Rindou let out a shaky breath as he leaned into you a bit, not wanting to throw his whole weight on top of you and topple the two of you over. He let his eyes slide shut as you guided him through the halls. 
You were talking, but your voice was wavering and he could feel the way you were trembling against him. You were scared, and Rindou supposed a part of him felt guilty for it, but in his defense, you were not supposed to be here.
You turned on the light of the bathroom, ushering him to sit on the closed toilet seat. You didn’t say anything as you kneeled in front of the bathroom cabinet pulling out a bunch of different items before shuffling back over to him. Rindou’s eyes felt heavy as he looked down at you, watching as you knelt between his legs. 
“I’m going to take off your shirt,” you said after a moment, looking up at him, “To see the wound.”
Rindou only let out a grunt in response, grimacing as he forced himself to sit up straight. You fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, fingers shaky. Rindou liked to blame it on the blood loss-induced haze, really, because when he looked down at you, watching your fingers trace his skin as you wiped away the blood with an antiseptic wipe, he couldn’t help the way his mind wandered.
And a part of him wanted to punch himself in the face because here he was, bleeding out in his childhood home, his new step-sister helping patch him up, and the only thing he could think about was how fucking pretty you look on your knees in front of him. 
Get a hold of yourself, Rindou spat at himself, gritting his teeth and letting his head fall back as you pressed the needle into his skin. A hiss escaped his lips at the sting and you apologized softly under your breath.
Rindou’s eyes were lidded as looked down at you, kneeling between his legs, elbows propped on his side as you stitched up the wound in his lower abdomen.
“How do you know how to do this?” he asked, which was evidently a mistake because your gaze shifted up toward him, looking up at him through your lashes with wide eyes.
God was testing him, he decided, forcing his gaze away from you and looking back up at the ceiling.
“My ex got into fights a lot,” you finally said. He did not like the thought of you having an ‘ex’ but he couldn’t linger on it long as you continued, he could practically hear the amused smile twitching at your lips, “he didn’t often win.”
Rindou snorted, but the action made him wince. 
“The bullet went through, so i’ll stitch the other side and you should be fine,” you said after a few moments of silence, “… you’ll still probably wanna get this checked out by an actual doctor though.”
“Yeah, I will tomorrow or something,” not an actual doctor though, just one of the one’s on Bonten’s payroll. Going to a hospital was not exactly an option for him, and from the way you didn’t even question why he didn’t go to one, he had a feeling you knew that.
The bathroom door slammed open. Rindou jumped, fumbling for his gun, you let out a surprised shriek, just as he had a firm grasp on the grip of the gun, he realized who exactly had entered the bathroom with them.
“Ran, what the fuck?” Rindou demanded, heart racing as he relaxed back on the seat, “I thought you said twenty minutes.”
Ran shot him an irritated look, out of breath and still significantly frazzled, “You got shot,” was all he said in response, and Rindou wondered just how fast Ran had driven to get to the house so fast. “You don’t know how to patch up your own wounds you could have bled out.”
Rindou looked away. Ran was right, of course, but he wasn’t going to admit that.
“I thought you were on vacation,” Ran said, having finally noticed who exactly was kneeling in front of Rindou, stitching him up.
“I didn’t go,” you said quietly. Ran let out a hum, moving around you to sit down on the side of the tub next to Rindou, watching intently as you finished stitching the entrance wound. You tapped his thigh and Rindou took it as a cue to turn, straddling the toilet seat, facing the tank as you began to start on the exit wound.
Rindou made the mistake of looking at Ran, who was watching the two of you curiously. Rindou did not like the look on his face.
You stood up after a few minutes of tense silence, looking awkwardly between the two of them, “I’m gonna head to bed,” you said, “the stitching is pretty sloppy but it gets it done for now.”
“Thanks,” Rindou said, voice rough, and he felt a little bad because he should have been nicer—you just saved his ass, after all—but all he could focus on was how Ran was watching him with that stupid, knowing look on his face.
As soon as you left the bathroom, Ran was running his mouth, “You switched up,” he said so matter-of-factly that there was no arguing against it.
Rindou looked away, “Fuck you.”
“Bet you wish you were fucking her,” Ran countered in response and Rindou scoffed.
“Fuck you,” he said even louder, glaring at Ran heatedly. Ran only grinned, eyes bright. “Shouldn’t you still be sulky over the fact she won’t even look at you?” Rindou spit out, voice vile.
Ran looked unbothered and the thought had Rindou’s skin crawling because just a few days ago Ran had been furious and distressed over it.
What had changed?
“Why would I be?” Ran’s voice was teasing, too light to be of comfort.
“The fuck you mean why would you be? You’ve been shitty over the fact she likes me more for weeks,” Rindou snapped.
Ran’s smile had Rindou nervous.
“Oh, does she?” Ran cooed, “I don’t think it was your name she was moaning in her sleep, little brother.”
Rindou’s expression dropped, he stared at Ran, “You’re lying,” he hissed but Rindou knew that he wasn’t. 
“Mmm, it seems our new baby sister likes me a bit more than she lets on, Rindou.”
You’d been tossing and turning for two hours. You couldn’t get your mind off of the brothers.
You had never seen Ran like that before, so serious, so scared. He had been terrified when he first burst through the bathroom door, and you weren’t sure you could exactly blame him. When you had seen Rindou stumbling through the sitting room, blood soaked through his shirt and dripping onto the floor, you swore that your heart was in your throat. 
You sighed as you sat up in bed, hands pressed against the mattress behind you, head tilted back as you looked up at the ceiling. 
Your hands were still shaking, you noticed, swallowing thickly as you shifted to sit off the side of the bed, feet dangling for a moment before you forced yourself to stand up. You had classes again tomorrow, but you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. You were stressed over Rindou’s wound, you were stressed over whatever caused the wound, and you were stressed over the fact that no matter what you did, you could not take your mind off of either of them. 
This was not like you. A part of you was angry that they had showed up--this was supposed to be your week to relax, your week to finally get yourself under control, to focus back on school and studying and all of the upcoming exams you were going to have to suffer through.
Instead here they were, and here you were, once again up half of the night thinking about them. 
You should have taken your pills, you realized, but you were thrown off so badly by Rindou’s appearance that you had totally forgotten about them, and if you took them now, you wouldn’t be able to wake up for your 8 AM class tomorrow. 
You let out another irritated breath, rising to your feet. You might as well go make yourself some sort of tea to try to help you doze off. 
Just as you were about to make your way to the door, you paused when you heard a rather harsh knock at your door, two familiar voices behind it. 
“Rindou, c’mon,” you heard Ran mutter.
“Fuck off,” Rindou snapped right back.
You sighed, speak of the devils. Your feet dragged against the ground as you made your way to your door, pulling it open and looking up at Rindou and Ran. The question on your lips died when you saw just how furious Rindou looked as he pushed past you into your room.
“Um-” you began, turning to look at him but he cut you off. 
“You like stringin’ both of us along?” Rindou demanded, taking a step closer to you. 
Your jaw went slack, your face was on fire. You took a step back, stepping right into Ran’s chest. Ran shot you a smile unfitting for the situation, one hand on your hip as he made you take another step forward, back into the center of the room so he could follow Rindou into the room, shutting the door behind him. 
“I asked you a question,” Rindou said sharply, reaching forward to grab your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. Your eyes were wide as you stared at him, a dark look circulated behind his eyes but you couldn’t pinpoint whether or not it was anger or… something else. 
You bit your bottom lip, trying to look away, but his grip tightened. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stuttered over the words, you were sure Rindou could feel how hot your face was beneath his fingers. “I don’t know-”
“No?” Ran cooed, coming right up behind you again, just like that day where he was helping you with the television. Your breath shook as you felt his body press up against your back, fingers grazing your hips as he held you in place lightly. “Are you calling my brother a liar, doll?” 
“I-I didn’t say that,” you said, trying to shake your head and failing when Rindou didn’t let you move your face.”I did not say th-”
“So you’re saying there’s some truth behind it?” Ran interrupted you. He leaned down, you could feel his lips brush the shell of your ear, you hated how your body shivered directly in response to it, and you hated how you knew damn well that Ran noticed if the chuckle he let out was anything to say about it. He clicked his tongue mockingly. “How filthy, doll, have you been fantasizing about your big brothers?”
You blanched, fingers trembling, body hot--and you weren’t sure if it was from embarrassment or from the feeling of both of them so close. 
“Y-you’re not my brothers,” you cried out, trying to push away from them but you couldn’t get yourself free. “You are not my brothers, don’t say that, that’s so-”
“Oh?” Ran murmured, and you had a feeling that you had walked right into whatever trap he had laid out for you, “So you have been fantasizing about us?”
Your heart was in your throat, “No, no, I did not say that either-” you tried to shake your head again but couldn’t. Rindou scoffed, you felt tears spring to your eyes. “I didn’t-”
“You haven’t?” Rindou’s voice was harsh, mean, you took in a wet, shaky breath, “So then why the fuck were you moaning Ran’s name in your sleep, huh?” 
You swore your world went still, your ears were ringing, his words rang in your head over and over and over again. 
Moaning Ran’s name in your sleep-
“There’s no-there’s no way,” you couldn’t breathe, “You must’ve heard wrong, there’s no-”
You were lying through your teeth, you had woken up many times over the past few weeks from less than pure dreams about one, or both, of the brothers. But there was no way they had overheard you--you don’t sleep talk, there was no way. You had never sleep talked before as far as you knew. 
“Mm, but you did, princess,” Rindou’s tone was laced with malice, eyes heated as he stared down at you.
“I didn’t,” you tried again, “I didn’t, I don’t think of you guys that way, I don-”
“You haven’t?” Ran cooed, his lips were still close to your ear, you couldn’t help the way your eyes fluttered shut, “Well, if you don’t think of us that way, then I guess you don’t wanna hear all the dirty little fantasies I’ve had about you, do you?”
Your breath caught, your mouth went dry, “H-huh?” was all you could say, and you wished that Rindou’s grip on your face would loosen so you could look back at him but Rindou forced you to keep looking at him. 
“I’ve thought about you a lot,” he murmured, and you trembled when you felt his lips brush your ear before dipping lower, ghosting across the skin of your neck, breath hot and dizzying against your skin, “Thought about that pretty face of yours, havin’ those pretty lips wrapped around my cock. You think you could handle my cock, doll? … I don’t think so, but I think you’d look real good chokin’ all over me.”
You bit back a whimper, lips parting when the fingers on your waist trailed lower, tracing light patterns on your hip bone, sliding even lower, too low. Your breath was quick, you could feel your body reacting to his touches, and you could feel the way his lips were pulling up in amusement.
“Thought about that pretty pussy of yours too, thought about ruinin’ it,” he breathed out, teeth grazing your skin. This time you couldn’t hold back the whimper. “Stuffin’ you so full of my cum that it’s leakin’ from your cunt for days.”
You shifted, accidentally brushing against Ran’s cock. A gasp ripped from your lips when he let out a low groan against your skin, “Thought about bending you over that desk you’re always doin’ your work on, takin’ you over the hood of your dad’s fancy car, splitting you open while you try to focus during one of those dumb Zoom meetings for your club.”
“S’not right,” you gasped as one of Ran’s hands flattened against your lower stomach, pressing you harder against him, “We can-”
Your eyes snapped back open when a hand wrapped tight around your throat, pulling you right from Ran’s grasp and backing you up into the bed. You gasped as the back of your knees hit the mattress, falling back flat, Rindou hovering on top of you, eyes dark and lips twisted down.
“Rin,” you gasped, “We shouldn’t, your wound and-and our parents and-“
“Fuck the wound and fuck them,” Rindou spat out and a soft keen left your lips when he let go of your neck, lips attaching to the spot beneath your jaw instantly. His mouth sucked hard at your neck, and you knew it would leave marks come morning but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, while his tongue drew pretty patterns against your skin, as if he was trying to soothe the area his lips and teeth were violating.
He drew back momentarily, knees straddling your waist as he looked you over, shaking his head, “You’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he murmured, pressing his lips back to the junction of your neck, voice muffled against your skin, “Never seen anything like it.” 
One of his hands slipped beneath your silk pajama top, smoothing over your skin before sliding up your body, kneading one of your breasts firmly, thumb flicking over your nipple. You let out a shaky breath, eyes fluttering shut as your back arched up off the bed and into his touch instinctively.
You could feel him smile against your neck, “You’re so sensitive,” he breathed out, pulling back to look over you. You watched as curiosity sparked in his eyes. “Have you ever…”
You knew what he was asking without him having to finish it, and you could feel the way your face heated up in humiliation at the question, “Yes,” you interrupted before he could speak it out loud. “Yes,” you hesitated, “I have…”
You have, that was true, but your ex-boyfriend wasn’t exactly adept in making a girl feel good. He was always more focused on his own pleasure. This was foreign to you, and you were nervous. 
Not to mention the fact that a part of you still was hesitant. 
You wanted them, god, you fucking wanted them. You’d been thinking about it nonstop since you had met them--it was eating your brain away, consuming your every thought. You hoped that letting them have their way with you once, you would get it out of your system, you’d be able to go back to focusing on your studies and your future. 
But… you couldn’t shake the thought out of your head--they were your brothers. Maybe not by blood, but they were your brothers. They were. Your father had married their mother, and both of them wanted the three of you to get along as siblings would. Mrs. Haitani was very vocal about it and even your father had made comments about how nice it would be for you to have brothers to look out for you now.
This was wrong, you told yourself over and over and over again but instead of pushing Rindou off and telling him to stop, you tilted your head back, giving him better access.
“Atta girl,” you heard Ran say, feeling the bed dip next to you and Rindou let out a low grunt of agreement against your skin, “Flip her over, Rindou.”
“Wh-” you began but you were cut off as Rindou immediately did what his brother asked, grabbing you by the hips and flipping the two of you over so that you were straddling his hips. Ran shifted behind you and Rindou sat up, pressing his lips to yours. 
Whimpering softly against his lips, your hands rose to intertwine with his hair, holding him close. Ran chuckled as he pressed up against your back, lips pressed to the nape of your neck, trailing wet kisses down your neck toward your spine. His fingers worked at the buttons to your shirt as Rindou kept you distracted, tongue tracing along your bottom lip before pushing into your mouth, pressing down gently on your tongue as Ran slipped your top off of your shoulders.
They moved fast, and efficiently. You just couldn’t keep up. You swore you felt like their hands and lips were everywhere, and it had you dizzy and reeling, you couldn’t even hope to make full sense of what was happening, all you knew was that you felt good, so fucking good that it almost felt like an alcohol-induced hazed had swept over you.
Ran’s lips moved slowly down your spine, and your body trembled under his touch, his fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your silk shorts and you gasped into Rindou’s mouth, giving the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
“Shhh,” Ran hushed and your hips jerked as you felt his fingers ghost over your panties, drawing a light circle over your clothed clit, “You weren’t kidding, she is sensitive,” he chuckled.
You pulled away from Rindou for only a moment, “Ran,” you panted, trying to look back but Rindou’s hand returned to your jaw, grip rough. 
“Pay attention to me,” he said, voice low, dragging your face back toward him, to press his lips hard against yours again. 
Ran’s fingers dipped lower and he laughed, lips pressed to your shoulder, “You’re fuckin’ drenched, doll, how many times have you imagined this happening… have you tried to get yourself off thinking about us?”
You shook your head quick--too quick--tears springing to your eyes once again because you had. It was only once, and as soon as you realized what you were doing, you stopped yourself, reminding yourself who they were to you, and how you couldn’t be thinking of them that way.
“Oh you have, haven’t you?” Ran gasped in mock disbelief, “Dirty girl, aren’t you? How would your father react if he knew you were finger fucking yourself and pretending it was your big brothers’ cocks?” 
You forced yourself away from Rindou again, trying to ignore the way Ran’s long fingers dipped beneath your panties, body shuddering as his pointer finger glided between your folds, gathering up the slick before smearing it all over your clit. 
“Y-You’re not my brothers, stop saying that,” you stuttered, trying to convince no one but yourself, and from the way Ran snorted he knew that as well. 
“Hmm? Then why were you so worried about our parents before?” Ran questioned, biting down gently on your skin as he sunk a finger deep, deep into you. Your eyes half-rolled back at the feeling, hips jerking yet again in a desperate attempt for more. Ran groaned against your skin, “Fuck, doll, you’re so tight. How the fuck’re you supposed to fit us in there when you can barely fit a finger?”
His words went in one ear out the other, too lost in the feeling of their bodies already. Ran pumped his finger in and out of you steadily, thumb rubbing gentle circles on your clit while his free hand slid up your body to your neck, keeping a firm hold on it as he held you back against him. Rindou took the opportunity to trail his lips down your collarbone to your chest, hair brushing your skin as he captured one of your nipples into his mouth, tongue flicking over the bud as he sucked on it while his hand played with your other breast, pinching your nipple softly and massaging the soft flesh around it.
It was too much, they were too much. You couldn’t even think straight, much less pray to do anything. All you could do was lay between them and let them have their way with you, panting, gasping for air, body twitching and jerking with every touch. 
Ran slipped another finger inside of you, stretching your walls around him and your vision went spotty and your head felt fuzzy. Your body felt hot, too hot, and far too quick. 
“Oh god,” you whimpered, “Oh god, ‘s, ‘s so-“
You didn’t even really know what you were trying to say. Rindou’s teeth grazed your skin and the noise you let out was obscene, Ran picking up the pace of his fingers in time with Rindou’s increase of aggression.
It was overwhelming, so fucking overwhelming, you tried to hold yourself together. You tried so hard but it was just impossible with their hands and lips all over your body, and with the incessant filth spewing from Ran’s mouth.
“God, look at you,” Ran groaned, “Tried to play all fuckin’ coy and innocent avoiding me these past few weeks. If I’d known the only thing you wanted was to be stuffed with cock I would’ve given it to you, but you had to be difficult, didn’t you?”
No response left your lips other than another high pitch moan when his thumb pressed down hard on your clit at the same time as he tried to push another finger into you.
And that was all it took to send you spiraling, crying out their names so loud that you swore your neighbors would be able to hear as you came all over Ran’s fingers, body spasming between theirs and the grip Ran had on your throat tightened to hold you in place.
Your vision was blurry and your body was shaking but Rindou and Ran didn’t even give you a chance to recover. You were still fully out of it as they manhandled your body around positioning you on top of Rindou, straddling his waist.
“H-hold on,” you began, “I need a sec-“
Your jaw went slack when you felt the tip of Rindou’s cock nudge against your entrance before pushing in. 
And it hurt, even with Ran having loosened you up with his fingers before, it was no comparison to how bad Rindou’s cock was stretching you out. The tears in your eyes spilled over, streaming down your cheek. It burned and it stung, your fingers, Ran’s fingers, your ex’s cock, nothing could have prepared you for the sensation of being split open on Haitani Rindou’s cock.
“S’too big, s’too big,” you sobbed, “‘m gonna die.”
Ran only cooed, reaching from behind you to cup your cheek, wiping away the tears, “How cute,” he murmured, “How’s she feel, Rindou?”
Rindou was breathing heavy, “Fuckin’ tight, you weren’t kidding, fuck,” he moaned, hips jerking up, the tip of his cock nudging so deep inside you that you swore he was up in your guts somehow.
Your eyes rolled back and the pain slowly, slowly began to shift into pleasure, the burn of the stretch becoming bearable as Rindou rolled his hips up into you, waiting for you to adjust to his side.
And it was in no time, really, you had your hand braced against his abdomen, nails digging into his tattoos, careful to avoid the stitchs, arms trembling and your thighs tense as you tried to move your hips with him. You could feel every inch of his cock molding against your walls, the in-and-out drag had drool pooling at the corner of your mouth, heavy pants and high-pitched moans spilling from your lips.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Ran said quietly, and your eyes fluttered up, you turned your head to meet his eyes, unfocused and blurry, your hips still moving to fuck yourself on Rindou’s cock. “Feels good being split open by your big brother, doesn’t it?”
And his words were only partly registering as you nodded frantically, “F-feels s’good, feels s’good, Ran,” you cried, eyes sliding back shut, “Feels-“
Two hands fell heavy on your hips, bruising, stopping your own movements and Rindou’s in one fell swoop. You sobbed, Rindou let out a string of vile curses.
You forced your eyes back open to look at Ran again, and distantly, you recognized the cruel, playful look in his eyes as he watched you, “I want you to tell me every little filthy fantasy you had about me and my brother.”
You shook your head, opening your mouth to refuse but Ran’s smile only widened, “Then stay here, I’ll hold you here cockwarming him all night if I have to,” he told you, and the expression on his face let you know that he had every intention of following through. 
Your lips wobbled, your eyes blurred with tears again, one of Ran’s hands slid to rub soft circles on your clit while the other held you down on Rindou’s cock. He leaned in close over your shoulder, lips so close to yours they were nearly brushing. You could feel his breath mixing with yours, hot and dizzying.
“You feel how good he’s stretching you out,” Ran murmured, and between his words and the circles he was rubbing on your clit, your walls clenched down hard on Rindou’s cock, you could hear him let out a shameless moan behind you and you whimpered. “Imagine how much better it’ll feel when I let go and let him actually fuck you, doll.”
God, you could practically feel it. You could practically feel Rindou’s fingers digging into your hips as he brought you down hard on his cock over and over and over again, hips thrusting up to meet yours every time, cock so deep inside you that it had your mind going numb. You could practically hear the lewd sounds of skin on skin resounding through the room, the sloppy sound of his cock driving into your cunt.
You needed it.
And Ran knew it, if his smile had anything to say about it.
“Go on,” he urged, “tell us and I’ll let go.”
A humiliated sob bubbled at your lips, your body felt like it was on fire and you knew it wasn’t because of the way Rindou’s cock was lodged deep inside of you. You tried to move your hips despite Ran’s grip but he was stronger than you, and he only laughed when he noticed your attempt.
“S’not gonna work, doll,” he cooed, voice cruel and mocking. “Only way you’re getting what you want is if you give me what I want.”
The noise that escaped your lips was pathetic, your cheeks were wet from the tears that had spilled over, your body trembled violently beneath his grasp. Looking down, you noticed that Rindou’s eyes were screwed shut and his jaw was clenched, fingers wrapped tight around the bed sheets as he tried to control himself.
“I-I’ve thought about you,” you finally cried, and Ran hummed behind you, kissing your shoulder as he continued to trace light circles around your clit, “Th-the day you were helping with the TV-“
Ran tutted quietly and you stopped talking immediately.
“Tell me something new,” he said, “I could’ve guessed that one.”
Your lips wobbled again, taking in another ragged breath. He kissed back up to your ear, biting at the lobe gently. 
“I want you to tell me all the filthy thoughts you had while you were stuffin’ your pussy full ‘n pretending it was us,” Ran breathed out, the hand on your hip sliding up your body to palm one of your breasts, rolling your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger.
And distantly, you noticed your hips were free to move again but now any sense of coherence was gone as his tongue returned to tracing patterns on your skin, as one of his fingers continued to tease your clit while the other gave your breasts some much needed attention. 
“I-I thought about both of you,” you couldn’t even see straight. You were dizzy as Rindou’s cock twitched inside you, begging for the chance to finally fuck you right; and your eyes were blurry as the tears fell faster, your body hot as embarrassment spread through you. “I thought-I thought about suckin’ you off while Rindou fucks me. ‘n-n I thought about doin’ it while our parents are in the house n-n Rindou keepin me quiet while you go down on me. ‘n I thought about tryna take you both at the same time-“ another sob ripped from your lips, “please, please let him fuck me please-“
Ran laughed, a mean, spiteful laugh that had you crying even harder, “Hear that, Rindou? Our pretty lil step sister is nothin’ but a cock hungry whore, and here we were thinking she was all cute and innocent.” Rindou didn’t answer, his breath heavy and quick as he tried to hold himself still. “I don’t think you can fit us both this time but maybe next time, yeah?” 
Next time?
You didn’t get the chance to linger on the thought because at once your world spun and now instead of facing Rindou, you were facing Ran, Rindou’s cock still lodged deep inside of you, the slight switch in angle pushing him even further inside of you. You nearly fell forward, hands falling forward to brace yourself on Rindou’s thighs. 
You felt a hand intertwine with your hair and you winced as it yanked your head up and back rather harshly, your eyes met Ran’s amused ones.
“We can put that pretty mouth of yours to work though.”
Ran didn’t even give you a chance to process his words before he was pushing your head down hard, he tapped the tip of his cock against your lips twice impatiently, “Open up,” he said sharply and your body reacted on its own as your lips parted on instinct, “Good girl.” 
He was not kind as he pressed your head down even further, pushing his cock between your lips and into your mouth. He was big, longer and thicker than anything you had seen before and you had very little experience with giving head. You choked around him, struggling to take him in but he didn’t seem to care, only letting out a huff of amusement and then a groan as your throat spasmed around him.
You couldn’t breathe, and you couldn’t think straight to try to take in deeper breaths through your nose, although that wouldn’t have even mattered considering Ran held your face flush to his pelvis, cock stretching out your throat so much that you swore there was a bulge there.
“The fuck you waiting for, Rindou?” Ran asked his brother, and that was seemingly all Rindou needed because at once his hands found your hips, bringing you down hard as he thrusted up into you.
You choked on Ran’s cock, moan muffled and eyes half-knocked back at the feeling of him bullying his cock deep into you. Your mind felt absolutely blank and numb as Rindou began fucking up into you at a steady pace, the sloppy sound of his cock fucking into your cunt, the breathy moans spilling from his lips, the sound of you choking on Ran’s cock—it was all too much for you to handle.
“Don’t think I-fuck-forgot about you, Rindou,” Ran warned, “Actin’ all fuckin holier-than-thou that first night. Look at you now, fuckin’ your sister like a bitch in heat.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Rindou groaned, each snap of his hips getting just a bit rougher at his words—but you couldn’t even really register what they were saying, more focused on trying not to pass out because of the combined lack of air and intense pleasure.
“Hm?” Ran laughed, “That’s what you were tryna call me, wasn’t it? Who’s the sister-fucker now, Rindou?” 
The noise that Rindou let out was shameless, “Fuck you, Ran,” Rindou choked out as his grip on your hips tightened, as he brought you down so fast and so hard on his cock that it had your vision flashing white as your body shuddered and trembled, hips jerking and thighs tense as you came all over his cock.
“Fuck,” Rindou moaned loud as he felt you clench down on his cock, fingers bruising your skin as he fucked you through your high.
Neither he nor Ran give you a chance to recover. Rindou picked his pace back up almost immediately and Ran had never even faltered in his. 
He let out a low whistle before his grip on your hair tightened when you went half-limp trying to recover from your orgasm, continuing to rock his hips against your face at a steady pace, “That’s it, doll, relax your throat,” he said, but his words went in one ear out the other.
His pace shifted into a rougher, faster one, moving your head in time with your hips and you felt your vision start to go spotty. You couldn't breathe through your nose between each snap of his hips and even if you could, any air that might’ve made it to your lungs was torn right from them as Rindou drove his cock deep into you.
It was too much.
You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think except for a few garbled thoughts, you couldn’t move, you couldn’t do anything except lay there and take it—the overwhelming pleasure, the pain of your throat being stretched out, the sound of all of the filthy noises resounding through the room and god the taboo of it all. What would your father think if he walked in on you choking over step-brother’s cock while getting railed by your other? What would Mrs. Haitani think?
The tears streaming down your face fell faster but even as the shame began to hit you, you could feel the heat pooling in your stomach again—faster, more intense this time. The burn of your lungs, the burn of the stretch of your throat and cunt, it was pushing you right back over the edge again.
You gagged at one particularly harsh thrust of Ran’s hips, trying to pull off to get some air only for him to press your face right back down, nose flush to his pelvis, grinding his hips against you. Your vision went spotty again as you felt his cock drag roughly against your throat.
“Gunna fuckin’ cum,” Rindou gasped, and he was fucking you harder, faster, faster than you thought was possible. His hips snapping up at a pace that had you clawing at Ran’s thighs trying to keep yourself steady, moaning and choking as Rindou fucked you into your third high.
You should be embarrassed, you thought to yourself distantly as another muffled cry around Ran’s cock signaled you were cumming again. You could feel the sticky mixture of your drool and Ran’s precum dribbling down your chin, your tears staining your face, you were shaking and trembling and weak, you couldn’t even hold yourself up anymore, rendered to such a humiliating state and the worst part was you couldn’t even bring yourself to care, too caught up in how good they were making you feel.
You felt Rindou’s hips stutter against you, his grip tightening on your hips as he grinded you down on his cock, cumming deep inside you with a shameless moan of your name. You felt full, too full, and warm, you could feel Rindou’s cum leaking from around his cock, dripping down your thighs.
You were barely conscious, your third orgasm having knocked all thought and reason from your mind, the only sensations you could make sense of were the feelings of their hands sliding against your body and their cocks buried deep inside you.
Rindou hissed when Ran didn’t let him pull you off of his cock, the overstimulation evidently a bit too much as his hips jerked instinctively against yours, but Ran was more concentrated on keeping you in place so he could finish himself off.
You heard him let out a pretty moan, and that was the only warning you had before he was stuffing his cum right down your throat. You choked and spluttered, trying your best to swallow what you could but it was just too much.
Ran pulled out of you after shooting half a load down your throat, seemingly pleased with having you gagging over his cum, attempting and failing to swallow it all. He held you in place by the hair as he stroked his cock a few more times, head tilted back and a low groan escaping his lips as he painted your face and chest white, releasing the rest of his cum onto your body.
He let go of your hair and you lost the only support you had, falling limp on Rindou’s thighs, unable to gather the strength to move. You whimpered as Rindou pulled out of you, shifting you off from where you were still limp on top of him onto the bed next to them.
You felt hazy and exhausted, your body already felt sore and you were trembling on the blankets as Rindou and Ran talked over you but you couldn’t even make out what they were saying. 
And while your mind wasn’t exactly functioning properly in the moment, you somehow had a distinct feeling that your “fuck them to get them out of your system” plan just wasn’t going to cut it. 
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bones4thecats · 4 months
When Their S/O Saves Their Life
Type of Writing: #2 - Poll Result Characters: Izana Kurokawa, Baji Keisuke, Shinichiro Sano, and Emma Sano Name: When Their S/O Saves Their Life Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: When I read their deaths for the first time I couldn't stop crying, so, in devotion to their characters, I have decided to have this piece written! Rest in peace to these amazing four! Also, Shinichiro and the Reader are married in his piece.
Spoilers for: Tenjiku Arc, Valhalla Arc, and Black Dragon Arc
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🎴 His obsessiveness was going to be his downfall, you would swear to Kakucho
🎴 Izana was obsessed with getting revenge on Manjiro, for what? Merely being around Shinichiro far more than the white-haired male was, and this was starting to scare you
🎴 You were watched as Tenjiku began their assault against Toman, and it was getting bloodier by the second
🎴 The Haitani brothers were taken down earlier by those two blue-haired boys from Toman, and you could hear the surprise erupting from your boyfriend's followers
🎴 You were standing up where your boyfriend's allies were, and when Mikey arrived and they began their assault on one another, your eyes glimpsed down to Kisaki, noticing how focused he was on Izana's words
🎴 Once he yelled shoot Kakucho, you looked at Kisaki and saw him pull out a gun and raise it too shoot, then you saw your boyfriend snap out of his daze and begin to go to shield his friend
🎴 In blind rage, you grabbed his arm and swung yourself above him, sending your leg down to his head, successfully kicking him into the ground as everyone around stared wide-eyed
" Nobody hurts the people I care for, nonetheless some psychopath in glasses. "
🎴 Izana's eyes were glued wide as Kisaki groaned before passing out from your final punch to his head
🎴 Yelling at everyone to flee, due to oncoming police forces, only Takemichi had any clue of what you just did, you just did something that could fix this whole issue he has been attempting this whole time
🎴 You may have just saved not just Izana... but Mikey too...
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⚖️ This was getting so far out-of-hand
⚖️ You knew what Baji's plan was from the get-go, since you disliked Kisaki just as much as him, the guy literally was a walking red-flag, but evidently, you guys were the only smart ones here
⚖️ Baji told you his plan, he was going to defect to Valhalla so he could get ride of Kisaki Tetta, the guy who both you and him hated more than anyone else
⚖️ Unfortunately, he jumped into action before you could warn him of what you heard Hanma say to Kazutora
⚖️ Hanma had been manipulating Kazutora, calling him and telling him that Baji had betrayed him, even though you knew that Baji was the one person to stand by Kazutora's side no matter what
⚖️ You watched as your boyfriend went against fifty members of Toman, you even watched as he hit Kisaki on the head with a metal pipe, knocking the glasses-wearing man down and got him to start bleeding from his head where he was hit
⚖️ Once you saw Kazutora pull out a knife and charge at Baji, and you lunged into the fight yourself, picking up a loose piston from a car, you threw it and hit Kazutora on the head, knocking him unconscious
⚖️ You heard Takemichi gasp and mumble something as you ran up and tackled Baji into tumbling down to the ground, and you could hear Chifuyu run towards you guys
" Are you guys okay?! Baji! Y/N! " " We're fine, Chifuyu. Now, get the others back, Baji, let's go now. " " But, Y/N- " " NOW. "
⚖️ Kisaki's yells for his divison men to grab you and Baji was loud, but you picked up a pipe as Baji took out his knife, and you could see what he was planning now
⚖️ Grabbing his arm before he could climb up the cars again, you swung him back and took the knife from his hands, throwing it onto the ground and smashing it, causing Takemichi to smile, why was he smiling?
⚖️ While this fight was far from over, you knew that you were going to keep Mikey from killing Kazutora, and you were keeping your boyfriend away from death, no matter what.
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🏍️ You both were sleeping, curled up into one another as the night began
🏍️ He had wanted to stay at the shop while you wanted to go home, and, because of your issue of deciding, you guys flipped a coin, and it landed on tails, meaning you both were staying at the shop for the night
🏍️ Unfortunately, once you guys settled for the night, the sound of stuff being moved around in the shop emerged through the hallway, making your husband sit up and motion for you to grab a bat for protection
🏍️ He strode down the hall with you in tow, you were obviously spooked, but, your husband was an amazing fighter, and your bat would surely knock the threat out easily
" The hell? We gettin' robbed? Whose shop you think you're breakin' into, huh? "
🏍️ You gripped the bat tighter as the figure of a guy stood out, he was staring at you both, but neither of you could identify him closely, due to distances
" You little bastards... you're not gonna get away! "
🏍️ Gripping your husband's arm, you recognized the small boy, it was Baji Keisuke, one of Mikey's closest friends, why was he here this late? And why was he trying to rob you of the CB250T you had for maintenance?
" Is that you, Keisuke? " " Shi- Shinichiro-kun? "
🏍️ The sound of footsteps behind you strung your attention as Keisuke yelled out a familiar name, Kazutora, was he here as well
🏍️ Hearing Kazutora's light cries, you turned around and grabbed the bolt-cutters that he was about to swing, if you weren't there to grab them, Shinichiro would've been seriously hurt
" Kazutora Hanemiya, Keisuke Baji, you have some serious explaining to do. "
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🥤 Why did Takemichi say that earlier?
" Kisaki, he's planning something big... I can feel it. Keep an eye out, Y/N. "
🥤 You shrugged your shoulders as Mikey, Izana, and Inui spoke, and you stood alongside Takemichi and Emma as they spoke
🥤 Due to your boredom, you stood there with your arms crossed, leaning against a stone pedestal, Emma just chuckled as Takemichi was trying to pull you away from the stone
🥤 You looked up at Emma as she laughed, and you just chuckled, pushing Takemichi back slightly as your girlfriend looked across the street and back at you
" You guys want something to drink? "
🥤 Takemichi and you turned around and you shook your head for no while your friend agreed
🥤 You watched as Emma grabbed the two drinks and began to walk back across the street, but, when the sound of a loud revving engine overlapped your thoughts, you looked up the street with them
🥤 A motorcycle with two men on it was driving really fast up the road, and the male in the back raised his bat whilst they drove
🥤 They were aiming for Emma...
🥤 Lunging up from the wall you leaned up against again, you yelled out for Emma as she froze in place, Takemichi wasn't moving for his life, why was he such an idiot?!
" Kisaki! " "Emma! "
🥤 Emma gasped and dropped the drinks as you tackled her into the ground, causing you both to roll on the street and hit the edge of the sidewalk, grunting as the adrenaline wore off
" Y/N! Emma! Are you guys alright?! "
🥤 You could hear the sound of approaching footsteps interupt your thoughts of Emma, was she alright?
" Yeah... we're fine, Takemichi. Where's Mikey? "
🥤 Oh thank God, she was alright... but whoever the hell dared to try harming your girlfriend was gonna pay...
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
i always imagine abt the tenjiku executives in a movie night at the haitani brothers' house lol I think it would be very chaotic!! how would you imagine it would be?
Yeah! That would be so chaotic, I think it would go something like this
Ran- Tries to be a good host but falls asleep during the movie, has his face drawn on because of this.
Rindou- Because of Ran falling asleep, is actually forced to play host. Makes sure things doesn't get too messed up (aka locks his room but leaves Ran's open). Enjoys the movie and has fun, definitely doesn't get flinch at any jumpscares. Is also the one to get the alcohol out and probably attempts to start a drinking game.
Izana- Picks the movie, no one else is allowed to pick but him. Sits and watches the film diligently while eating some of the snacks.
Kakucho- Will shhhh everyone else so Izana can enjoy the film quietly. Is also the one to bring the most snacks to share between everyone. Helps clean up after too.
Mucho- Gets comfy on the sofa under a blanket then watches, he just wants to relax. Sips a beer from Rindou.
Sanzu- Says nothing to no one, at one point he just straight up disappears for a whole hour (he was snooping about their stuff)
Koko- Doesn't. Want. To. Be. Here. Spends the whole time on his phone.
Shion- Arrives way too early, like uncomfortably early then just hangs out in their house. Doesn't pay attention then asks the others a bunch of questions throughout.
Mochi- Also brings some snacks for everyone, laughs loudly at any funny scenes. Is also unfortunately sat next to Shion and has to answer most of his questions.
Kisaki- Only half pays attention to the movie, he's also paying attention to the other members in the room and watching their reactions to things. 
Hanma- Gets bored and draws on Ran's face. He also laughs loudly but at scenes that are supposed to be taken seriously. Goes for a "smoke break" and while he's gone there's a 50% chance he's setting fire to something for fun.
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arxxq · 8 months
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"𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐲,"
Blue lock characters:
Itoshi Sae, Mikage Reo
Tokyo Revengers characters:
Izana Kurokawa, Haitani Rindou,
(I have exams tmrw and this is what I'm doing seriously?)
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(this headcanon is based on his birthday..yk 10/10)
He doesn't like it when you spend money on him
No it's more of he hates it when you spoil him
He loves you, but you spending money on him is a no
Like just cause he was eyeing on that suit doesn't mean you need to buy it
Literally today you kept buying him stuff he touches (that he actually wants but doesn't buy)
"Mi amor, I love you and all but isn't this a bit too much?" He asked. You looked at him and laughed. "cmon it's your birthday, loosen up a bit!" You gave him a little nudge on his shoulder.
"it's just I hate it when you spend money on me..." He mutters hoping you didn't hear him. "I heard that, and plus you spend money on me all the time at least now you know what I feel right?"
He was taken aback at what you said that he didn't know what to say next. You laughed at his stunned expression.
"Okay amour let's get your cake at the bakery now shall we?"
He loves you
He loves you so much he spoils you
He does that every time he takes you out
But today was different because you took him out today
It's more of you wanted to go shopping with him
When you were at the store, Izana was eyeing a pair of shoes...but the price wasn't really cheap
So he looked away, but when you two went out of the store he saw you bought the pair of shoes he eyed on
He thought it was merely coincidence until it was obvious you bought it for him
"Yes?" You asked. "Why do you keep buying things I'm eyeing?" He questioned with a brow rose. "I just decided to spoil you today why?"
Hearing that was something he did not like to hear. "Can I pay you back-"
"no, absolutely not!" You retort. "But Mahal those things you bought are so over my budget!"
"oh really? What happens to that budget when you buy things for me?" Now he was speechless. "U-uh well if it's for you I can-well uhm you know..."
"look who's having a hard time explaining?" You look at him from head to toe with a smirk. He was clearly embarrassed because of the pink tint on his cheeks. "I love you too now cmon let's go home kay?"
Reo's known to spend and spoil you with anything
Whether it's something you want or not
But today you were being awfully weird
As you were shopping with him today he noticed
That everything he touched you put it in the cart
At first it didn't occur to him but when you finished shopping you went to the register and paid with your credit card
"explain what Reo?"
"why did you buy those" he said using his finger to point at the bags you had. "I just wanted to buy you an appreciation gift, and you were touching the suit and well the candles and books and all sorts of stuff so I decided to buy them!"
"but..why spend them all on me?" He was confused. You then let out a short giggle. "Okay put it like this...why do you spoil me so much?" You asked him.
He looks at you perplexed because you should know exactly why. "Because I love you and I think you deserve the world..."
You smile at him. It didn't click to him but then it did. And that left him stunned and flustered. "I love you too Reo, now help me carry these bags would you?"
(also based on his birthday..<3)
It was his birthday.
He wanted to spend time with you
And ofc his brother but mostly you
But when he meant spending time with you
He didn't think you'd spoil him
If he's not wrong when he woke up he received a letter from Ran that you set up a scavenger hunt for him
And the whole day he was enjoying it
But he didn't expect to see gifts laid around at each destination
And that's when he arrived back home which confused him
When he entered it was dark until he was given a surprise
"Sorry I know that this is probably way too much and it was probably tiring for you to get here," you apologized. He smiled at you. "No no it's okay I found it quite fun actually,"
You laughed with him. "Although I didn't really like how you spent a lot of money just for me," you rolled your eyes. "Oh please, that's very hypocritical of you to say!"
Rindou looked at you offended. "What's that supposed to mean?" You looked at him with an "are you serious look"
"okay...maybe I do spoil you a lot as well," he admitted. "So I guess I can't really blame you for spoiling me today but I have to say the only gift I'd want is to spend time with you.."
"Izana was right, you make a pretty good boyfriend-hey ow you didn't have to punch my shoulder you know!"
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•Sincerely Arxx/Hasinah
-i do not support plagiarism-
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macsimagines · 8 months
Could I ask for Kisaki, Rindou, and Draken with partners that are insecure? Like they truly believe that their boyfriend/husband could do so much better than them
I've done this one already for Kisaki and Draken here but I can def do one for Rindou!! this is kind of like a part two to my EX! Ran Haitani headcanon set!! also idk why text colors are being weird i'll try to fix it later on
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Yandere!Rindou Haitani
He loves you, adores you even. You're so soft and kind compared to his hard and mean. Rindou has always taken pride in being who he is. He's a Haitani brother, feared allover Tokyo and a ruler in charge of Roppongi.
But for you? Just you- He's Rin. Your loving boyfriend that is never too busy to spend time with you and never lacking in affection. He'll hold your hand gladly or throw a reassuring arm over your shoulder.
All the love in the world can't stop the thoughts in your head though. He's so much more than you'll ever be. You've seen him in action and his strength and overwhelming capabilities compared to your...to your anything just made you feel so dull in comparison.
Rin is beautiful, he catches the eye of every woman you walk past on the street. Rin is strong, he can beat men without breaking a sweat. Rin is powerful, he has people that flock to him at his beck and call and you are nothing.
"I just... I just think I'm holding you back," you tell him, over the phone because you're too much of coward to say it to his face, "I want... I want what's best for you-!" "What the fuck are you talkin' about, you're what's best for me! Baby-please-!" "I can't! I'm not enough, I'm sorry Rin."
And you hang up the phone, block his number. Its better this way, you're sure by this time next week he'll have moved onto someone else, someone better that could keep up with someone as amazing as him.
But then something unexpected happens. His brother comes looking for you. Rin warned you about him once, said that after a bad breakup with his girlfriend he hadn't been the same.
"I thought they got back together though?" you had asked him confused after he had told you. He never answered you back, just got this weird look on his face before giving you a warning; "Try not to get too close. And try not to piss him off."
Yet here he was, at your doorstep staring you down like you were the scum of the earth. Apparently you hadn't heeded the warning.
"Havin' fun?" he asks, not even blinking while he towers over you, and your voice is caught in your throat, too scared to even make a sound at the older Haitani. "Cause I'm sure fuckin' not."
And suddenly he's grabbing you by the hair so tight you're scared he's going to rip it from your skull, but no, he's dragging you out the door and down the steps of your apartment ignoring your cries and screams for help.
Muttering something the whole way to his car. Something like "...You bitches and the games you like to play. Fuck with our heads, you and my girl always got make fuckin' problems for us-"
Then he's shoving you into the passenger seat making sure you can't get out. One moment you feel like you've found your voice again and then the next it leaves you because Ran has a gun pointed right at you only seconds later.
"Your gonna fix this you ungrateful bitch," he spits, eyes so full of hate it makes you want to curl in on yourself, "Put my baby brother back together and act like you like it. Like you fuckin' love it. Or I'll kill you my damn self and make you regret makin' a fool out of the Haitanis. Do you understand, Y/N?"
You're not sure if you say yes or if you even or in affirmation before he's pulling out of the parking lot and speeding dangeroulsy to some unknown destination.
And you are crying, silently shaking and sobbing because you're so scared of what he's going to do and he's still holding the gun right at your head, muttering to himself yet again.
"I'll make it right- I'll fix him and he'll be ok- fuckin' women making us loose our goddamn minds-,"
Finally you pull into a warehouse, abandoned by the looks of it and new found fear arises in you- Is this where Ran is going to kill you? But no.... This is where Rin is.
You see him first, his eyes are dark and he looks so tired from his usual self, and his expression is so empty, so emotionless that you're worried for a split second but then you see...the man. At least that's what he used to be.
His face is beaten in, and his body is contorted in such a mangled way you're sure his limbs had been broken, and Rin is on top of him. Pummeling away at the already red and mangled face.
You can't help the small gasp that leaves you and you probably would've ran out there screaming had Ran not been holding you by the neck.
But your scream was enough to alert the younger Haitani, and he turns to look at you with eyes wild like an animals. "Y-Y/N?" he whispers standing on shaking legs, "B-baby is that you?"
It didn't matter how hard you tried you couldn't make out a single sound, too shocked by the scenes unfolding around you. Thankfully, Ran wasn't short on words....
"Ya, I brought Y/N here 'cause she has somethin' to say," Ran shoves you forward, making sure that the gun at his side is always within your view. A silent reminder of what he made you promise...
Rin doesn't let you get any words our before he's embracing you with bloodied hands, smearing another persons bodily fluid all over you... "Oh baby, please tell me you're back, please? Its been hell, I can't do this without you, I'm loosin' my fuckin' mind."
Its like your brain suddenly catches up with you. You have to say yes or else... "I-I'm back," you nod, hugging him back with shaking hands, "I'm... I'm sorry Rin."
And suddenly he's sobbing, pulling you away only so he could hold your face in his bloody hands to look into your eyes, "How could you do this to me, I love you so much,"
Ran once again, speaks. "You need to keep her in line," he tells his younger brother, much to your dismay, "Like I keep my girl. Don't worry. I'll teach you."
You could never leave Rin Haitani. Shame on you for even trying.
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b0nten · 6 months
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 albeit rarely, rindou overthinks, and frequently, ran doesn’t think too much.
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 this is like the “backstory” for the ring. MAYBE i’ll turn it into a multiple part. i also put it in the timeline where everyone is happy because i really love everyone being friends. wrote it because rays’s version destroyed me !!!!!!!!!!!
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he spins the ring on his finger. he slides it off. he looks at it. he lets it hang from his neck, on the chain. he sighs.
“now what the hell is up with you?” barging in, ran asks. “who shat in your cereal every morning for the past two weeks?” he says, opening the kitchen cupboard to take — funny enough — some cereal out.
“i’m not in the mood, ran.” his younger brother spits back, head falling against the wooden table.
“hey now, there’s something really wrong with you if you’re acting like .. this.” pointing at him, he sits down, fat bowl of cereal clashing against the dark block, spilling some milk onto it. “now, spill.” with mouth full, he tries to choke out the words, spoon in his brothers face the moment he gulps down the first mouthful.
“you’re gross sometimes.” rindou just sighs, looking away.
“what’s with the ring?” ignoring the insult, the lanky haitani just continues his questioning. “by the way, the blue doesn’t look that bad on you.”
“it’s mine, and i got a matching one for y/n.” the other explains, “thanks, by the way. it was her idea to dye it like this.”
“you wanna propose to her?” his older brother asks, chewing loudly. “y’know we’re still just teenagers?”
“no shit, big head.” rolling his eyes, rindou feels the exasperation dig its roots deeper into his brain. “i’m not proposing. yet. but i don’t know if i should give it to her.” he finally says, letting ran in on his worries.
“and why not? what’s that? cartier, right?”
“no brand can escape your gaze, you’re really unbelievable.”
“thanks, bro, love you too.” as he swallows his last spoonful, ran winks.
“not in a good way.” the younger sibling announces, earning a displeased look from his brother.
“now you’re the annoying one. fuck’s going with you two?” ran finally snaps, trying not look worried. after all, he loves his brother, but they don’t do that kind of talking.
“she’s leaving next week” rindou finally manages to choke out.
“what? what do you mean?” his brother asks, taken aback by the sudden information.
“her student visa’s expired. she’s gotta go back home until gets it renewed.”
it pains him to even think about it. he hasn’t eaten in almost fourteen days, ever since he found out. but what pains him even more is how excited you are about going back home. about going away from him.
he thinks it’s selfish, because he knows how much you’ve missed your parents and how much you’ve waited for a holiday that’s long enough to return.
“if the flights take four days in total and i want to stay for two weeks, then i’d rather not go anymore.” you always said. “i want to spend as much time as possible, without having to rush anything, y’know?
but maybe sometimes love is all about being selfish, loving someone with your whole heart. maybe he wants to never let you leave without him. maybe he can’t let you leave without him because he can’t stand not being an 8 minute subway ride away from you.
“don’t tell me you got some of those control issues, the pretty tiktok girls say they’re not cute at all…” ran comments, dodging an uppercut by a mere second.
“can you take me seriously for once? i think she wants to break up with me, she called me over today saying we have to talk.” rin frowns, blond-blue bangs covering his tired eyes. “i shouldn’t have believed that tiktok reading that said good news are coming my way.”
“you’re so fucking dumb, lord have mercy.”
“excuse me, ran?”
“you’re excused. let’s get this straight: does it really matter to you wether she’s oceans away or in meguro? what do you think she’s gonna do, break up with you only to return in three months and see you everywhere? do you really think y/n’s that kind of girlfriend? throw away three years BECAUSE OF A VISA?! fuck outta here with that insecure crap, rin. i raised you better than that.”
on the inside, ran smiles. oh, how he loves knocking sense into his younger brother. truly the best activity.
“now go and talk to her.”
rindou hesitates.
“i won’t say it nicely the second time around.” the older one threatens, and rindou jolts up from his chair and bolts through the door, house slippers still on, door wide open. before ran can say anything else, rindou’s voice echoes from the staircase into the kitchen:
“i’ll buy a new pair when i get back, don’t start bitching, please! i’ve got a girl i have to convince not to break up with me!”
his older brother laughs as he pulls out his phone.
sister in law
(16:22) he’s on his way.
then, a ping fills the empty space.
sister in law
(16:23) already talked to mikey. everything’s going great.
(16:23) love you, big head
maybe ran’s not gonna tell you the reason rindou is running like a maniac through minato ward right now.
ugh, is his head really that big?
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tagging: @h4nman BECAUSE YOU MADE ME CRY😡😡😡 ; @sirachano0dles <3 i might start a taglist if i make this into a multiple part fic?!?
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sovya · 6 months
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like magic
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ran haitani x f!reader (with hints of rindou haitani x f!reader)
minors n ageless blogs dni
cw: inc-st, dddne, use of honorifics ("nii-chan/san"), slight manipulation (on ran's part), pet names ("princess" "little girl" "sweetheart" "sweet girl"), D/s dynamics (including having rules), infantilization, slight humiliation, praise, degradation, teasing, hand as a gag (to keep you quiet), piv (mating press), size kink, free use (if you squint)
synopsis: ran, after a long day of work, wants nothing more than to decompress with his favourite girl—but he doesn't want to share. ♡
an: if i forgot any cws, pls let me know ! also srry this is so disgusting lol
wc: 2.5k
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"you make it sound so easy..." a loud huff departs from his lips, pink and slick with your saliva and his own.
your whines cut through the heavy atmosphere of your sizeable bedroom, a sound that echoes off the finely decorated walls before seeking purchase in the recesses of ran's mind.
"but i need you... don't you need me?" long eyelashes give shade to your gaze as you look up at him longingly. you can almost see him question if you're asking in good faith or if you're simply trying to rile him up. 
either way, it's working. 
"aw, c'mon princess, you know that i do... nii-chan just hates to hurt his favourite little girl, that's all."
"but 'm tough... i can take it! i've taken you before."
"no, i know... i’m only worried that if you hurt too much, you'll scream and cry and then rindou will wake up. an' if rindou wakes up, he'll want a turn with you… and we both know rindou will be much meaner to you than i am."
your eyes leave his face as you look around the darkened room, just barely visible thanks to the lights of the city. he makes a good point, even though you wish he didn't. as much as you love how rin fucks you, your sleeplacking body might break under his strength alone. your gaze returns to your eldest brother's face, giving him a dejected nod. 
"hey, don't look so sad, little girl... 'm still gonna fuck you." his form hovers over yours rather menacingly, his hands on either side of your head holding himself up.
he looks like a God like this, you think to yourself. his normally perfectly styled hair now falling around his face after his nightly shower, the dark purple strands contrasting against his rather pale skin. the tattoo along the length of his neck bobs as his Adam's apple does, as if intentionally drawing attention to itself—though maybe that was the point of getting it on his neck in the first place. your sights trail further down his body, his work shirt having been discarded hours ago, hung up for dry cleaning the next time the maids come by. despite the strain on visibility, you can make out the distinct markings of his half body tattoo, eyes following the intricate patterns the ink has weaved into his skin. he's too good to be true but he's here and he's real and he's looking at you like he wants to eat you—not whole, but to savour you instead.
"so how are you going to..." your voice trails off, words fleeing into the sound of the fan running on the other side of your room.
"fuck you?" he smirks at your hesitation to use a curse word, something him and rin have agreed is strictly unallowed—only for you though, of course. "'s okay, honey, you can say it just this once. i won't tell rin."
"how are you going to f-fuck me if you don't want me to make loud noises?"
his smirk spreads wider, like a burning wildfire across his face, one he couldn't contain even if he tried.
"i’ll be gentle, sweet. take good care of ya." he shifts his weight to his left hand, using his right to caress your cheek, his thumb smoothing out the plush skin there.
“but… what if it hurts? like you said…”
“hm…” ran starts to look around the bed before reaching for your stuffed rabbit, placing it onto your chest, “hold your bunny, okay? cry into her if you need to cry.”
an involuntary whine escapes you, your arms wrapping around the stuffed animal your brothers bought you many years prior—prior to this moment, prior to them fucking you stupid nearly every night.
reaching his hand down to the waistband of his sweats, he haphazardly pulls them down until the band rests around his muscular thighs, his cock finally springing free.
“see, baby, there you go. just hold onto your bunny an’ nii-chan will be right here, okay?”
“okay…” the utterance comes out much less confident than ran was hoping for, but he’s too hard and his day has been too long to give a fuck.
he gathers the skirt of your nightgown and pushes it further up your hips, his large hands finding their way to your bum as he lifts you slightly, allowing the garment to collect around your body, just below your belly button. he leaves your bottom half completely exposed, your cunt now in full view.
“just as pretty as the first time i saw her…” ran sighs, speaking mostly to himself.
while his left hand remains on your body, touching your side with a gentleness not unfamiliar to you, his right hand pulls back, finding its way to his aching cock. he begins to touch himself, teasingly slow, as his gaze drags up and down your body.
“nii-chan…” whining, you give him a pout and ran can’t help but laugh.
“want touches…” your eyes begin to well up as you watch him masturbate above you, knowing that the brothers gave you a rule against touching yourself without their express permission.
“what do you say, then?”
taking in a shaky breath, your brows furrow a little more, “please?”
“please what?”
you can’t totally see his face given the darkness of the room, but you can just tell he’s got a smirk plastered across his face.
“p-please… ran-nii, will you please touch me?”
“touch you where?”
goodness, you feel like sobbing. you feel a painful lump in your throat beginning to form and you swear it’s going to weigh you down into the mattress and leave you there, crying, for an eternity.
“r-ran… please? i need you. need you t-to touch me on my… in my… my…” you struggle desperately to get the words out, wrestling with your mind to just let you say the words—those incredibly humiliating words—you need to say.
“your… what?” his hands go back to your bum, lifting you up as he goes to line himself up with your entrance. afterall, you both know he can’t have you sobbing.
“there! touch me there! please!”
ran places a hand over your mouth, trying to keep you from nearly shouting at him again. the sheer size of it engulfs your face, causing you to clench against him, and he can feel it.
he hisses out a “fuck” when he feels your pulsating cunt against the tip of his cock, the way your arousal is dripping down your slit.
ran simply cannot wait any longer. he needs to feel you wrapped around his cock. his sanity depends on it.
the hand on your face presses harder against your skin, the bones of his digits digging in as he starts to sink himself inside of you. his jaw falls slack, letting a strained groan make its way past his lips. it may be dark in your bedroom, but he can see how your eyes dart around his face in a panic, never having taken him with this little prep before. you’re scared and incredibly pliant, just how he likes you.
you draw in a shaky breath, intense and fraught, like with every inch he presses inside of you, he threatens to knock more air out of your lungs. gripping onto your plushie tighter, you feel tears beginning to pool at your lash line, his cock stretching you with a harsh sting.
“there you go sweet girl… look so pretty like this…” ran whispers as he finally bottoms out, his gaze nothing short of absolutely adoring.
you blink and a tear falls down the side of your face and onto the pillow, “i do?”
ran lets out a breathy laugh, nodding while his hips start with a relaxed pace, “yeah, princess, so fuckin’ pretty.”
smiling up at him, you manage a small giggle, “thank you, ran”
he begins to speed up, the sound of his skin slapping against yours getting louder and more frequent, “that’s not what you call me… you know that…”
starting to sob, you partially hide your face with the head of your bunny plush, “sorry nii-chan… ‘m sorry…”
clenching his jaw, ran groans through his teeth, low and needy—like a man possessed.
“there we go, good girl… that’s what i like to hear.”
his cock stretches you open, keeps you open, as it drags along the gummy walls of your cunt. the feeling is almost agonizing, despite the arousal dripping down and forming a little puddle below you. you feel an intense ache in your core, like he’s threatening to tear you open. and through all of this, you feel so ardent, so eager, so good.
feeling you tighten around him, ran draws in a sharp breath, his fingers gripping at your pillows even harder, “fuck, sweetheart… love when you do that. w-what’s it you’re thinkin’ about in that pretty little head of yours?”
you give him a drawn-out whine, all of a sudden feeling overwhelmingly shy. looking up at him, your brows furrow as you shake your head.
“no? you don’t wanna tell me?”
you can feel yourself tighten around him again, but you repeat your headshake.
“alright, that’s fine.” suddenly, ran stops his movement, causing you to gasp—and you’ve got that precious panic face back on—how cute.
“wait… no. please keep going, ran-nii. i-i’ll tell you, promise,” you do your best to talk quietly, but the possibility of ran stopping is just too much for you to bear.
“you promise?” 
his cock is still buried inside of you, and he’s just as desperate as you are to keep going, but he’s gotta tease you. what else are big brothers for?
sniffling, you nod, opening your mouth to speak, “was just thinking about how you feel…”
ran starts to roll his hips into yours again, a smug look creeping across his face anew, “how i feel?”
“yeah… h-how you’re stretching me out and…”
moving faster, bringing himself back to his previous pace, ran raises an eyebrow at you, “and what?”
“just… how big you are…”
he licks his lips and his eyes grow heavily lidded, the classic haitani stare piercing through your soul, sending the most primal feelings surging through you—feelings you can almost guarantee are rushing through him too.
“how big i am, huh?” his large frame shifts above you, ran’s hands moving off the pillows and to the undersides of your thighs, pinning your legs to your chest.
you let out a squeal and ran’s hand finds its way to your mouth once again, attempting to keep you quiet as the weight of his body keeps your thighs pressed to your torso. a muffled “mhm” leaves your lips but is cut off by your big brother’s palm, causing him to laugh. the low rumble comes from deep in his chest and you can feel his abdominal muscles tensing against the backs of your legs as he chuckles.
he’s so strong, the feel of his muscles like absolute torment to you, causing your cunt to clench around him another time.
“you’re such a naughty girl… getting off on your big brother folding you in half and fucking you like a toy.” ran growls, throwing his head back and moaning. his head comes back down just as quickly so he can look at you while he speaks again, “but that’s okay, you know that… nii-san loves his dirty little girl.”
ran moves his hand from your mouth, pressing his sweaty forehead against your own, gazing into your eyes with so much love.
i love when he does this, you think to yourself. ran can play all the mind games he wants, can be conniving and tease you until you forget where he starts and you end, but the way he looks at you when he’s close gives all of his secrets away.
“i love you s’much, ran-nii.”
before you can register what’s happening, ran’s lips meet your own, capturing you in a kiss. it’s passionate and incredibly comforting all at once, making you dizzy and sending your heart pounding. his soft lips move against yours languidly, a wide contrast to how harshly his cock slams into you.
“nii-chan wants to make you cum, baby… ‘s that okay?” ran practically moans into your mouth, but you know his question is rhetorical. you know it doesn’t matter what you want, not really. that you finishing is all a part of his fun, too.
you nod anyway, lips parted and wet with both of your saliva.
ran snakes a hand down between the two of you, the pads of his middle and ring fingers touching your clit as he begins rubbing fast, tight circles against it.
you can’t help but squeeze your plushie tighter, tears starting to well up and fall, the crystalline droplets catching what little available light peers into your room.
“you’re so beautiful…” ran still speaks against your lips, as if he’s trying to convince you to let go right there underneath him. “the best little sister a guy could ask for.”
whimpering, you dig the back of your head further into your pillow, ran’s lips having no issue following.
“p-please?” although you’re unsure of exactly what you’re begging for, ran takes the cue to keep going. his long fingers continue swiping at your clit as his cock drags against the sweet spot inside of you, your entire body shivering and your eyelashes fluttering as you struggle to maintain eye contact.
your eldest brother ruts into you like an animal, breath catching in his chest with each thrust inside of you. his lips meet yours once more as he feels you starting to spasm and clench around him, desperate to swallow your moans, keeping them all to himself.
a high-pitched mewl escapes from your throat as you finally cum around his cock, your arms and legs trembling as sobs begin to wrack through your body.
ran’s orgasm isn’t far behind yours, his movements stuttering as he wraps his arms around your back, desiring nothing more than to hold you close as he finishes deep inside of you. he looks blissed out and incredibly vulnerable, so unlike the untouchable God you’re used to viewing him as. still, you can’t see him as anything short of perfect.
as the two of you lay there, you do your best to catch your breaths, hearing the sound of ran’s heavy exhaling right next to your ear.
“you okay, princess?” ran’s the first to speak, as always. you guys could have gone for hours and he could be mere moments away from passing out, and he would still check in on you, still do all the aftercare you needed. he’s attentive and sweet like that.
“yeah, ‘m okay… are you?” your voice comes out as a whisper, moving your hands from the plushie you were holding to return ran’s embrace.
he chuckles, maneuvering his head so he’s looking at you again, the warmest smile on his face, “just peachy.”
suddenly, the tender moment is interrupted by the sound of the doorknob to your bedroom jiggling, followed by the harsh light of the hallway as it creeps open.
"aniki... i believe it's my turn now."
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hanmasghost · 2 years
Hi~ would it be alright to request a part 2 of the eldest haitani where he meets mikey again please? It's an interesting concept which I haven't seen before and you've got me hooked
“Eldest Haitani” PT.2
Pt. 1
Authors Note:
Ofc! It’s probably one of my favorite fics I’ve written yet tbh. Also, I’d like to say I’m sorry it’s taken forever for this, summer was not only my break from school, but my break from doing things and thinking all together so I apologize for that. Anywayssss I hope you enjoy! :D
Pronouns: He/Him
Warning(s): none✨
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{Reader} shifted awkwardly in his seat as he avoided eye contact with the strongest man in Japan.
Said man not making a sound. The [h/c]ed male, normally unperturbed, felt awkward under the heavy stare of the white haired male. He hasn’t said a single thing since {Reader} had arrived, his brother leaving him at the door to wait outside.
Deciding to just get down to business and avoid making this anymore awkward, {Reader} opened his mouth to speak. But before he could say a word, the male had beat him to it.
“I’d like you to paint me something. About the size, I’d like it to fill the space on the wall behind me, and I don’t have a particular day when I want it to be done.” {Reader} mentally took note of everything the male had said and nodded.
“Okay… well…” {Reader} looked at the wall behind the male again. “That’d be a lot of paint, and I’ll need quite a bit of time. So it’d be pretty pricey.” The male hummed, acknowledging that he indeed knew it would be pretty pricey.
“Alright then. Though first things first, I’d there anything particular you’d like to be included? Or perhaps something you’d want me to avoid adding?” {Reader} asked as he looked the white haired man in the eyes for the first time.
He nodded. The male reached out to the table in between the two, flipping a photo of a man over and sliding it to {Reader}. “I’d like him to be included.” The male said as he watched {Reader} take the photo in hand and observe it, seemingly shocked.
{Reader}’s hands shook ever so slightly. He recognized the man as an old friend. “Shinichiro.” He mumbled, causing the male infront of him to tense. “You know my brother?” {Reader} looked up, making eye contact, and nodded. “He was an old friend of mine.”
The two men sat in silence for what felt like hours. “Mikey yes?” Mikey nodded. {Reader} hummed. “I’ll do it for free.” {Reader} closed his eyes and nodded to himself as he stood up from the lavishly furnished couch.
Mikey didn’t say anything as the male left. He only wished that next time they met it’d be longer.
{Reader} silently waited in Rindou’s car, sending his younger brother a message that he was done with the meeting and waiting on him.
Rindou showed up around 30 minutes later, he had a bit of paperwork to do while the meeting occurred. Of course he could’ve just done it the next day, but he assumed the meeting would take longer.
So it really surprised him when he got the message from his older brother telling him he was done and waiting on him. It didn’t surprise him that his brother was resting his head on his palm looking out the car door’s window bouncing his foot up and down. After all, he just had a face to face meeting with the strongest man in Japan.
He decided to not say anything and just started driving {Reader} to his back to his flat. Along the drive Rindou grew worried for his brother as the elder just continued to bounce his leg and look out the window. The look in his brother’s eyes was unrecognizable. His brother looked distanced, distanced away from the world in search of something. Like he was longing for something.
It was a something Rindou had never seen his brother do. And it’s scared him a bit. That being said, Rindou just had to ask, “did something happen? You keep doing that thing.” He pointed to {Reader}’s bouncing leg that hasn’t stopped since he’d gotten in the car.
Without looking away from the window {Reader}, with no hesitation, responded. “He’s Shinichiro’s brother.” Rindou turned his head, wide eyed as he looked at his brother. He had completely forgotten {Reader} had known Shinichiro.
“I see.” Rindou sighed.
“Clearly not, the light says you can go now.” Reader pointed to the stop light infront of them.
Rindou shouted a soft “hey!” towards his brother and focused his eyes back on the road, smiling as he now knows his brother isn’t scared of Mikey or for his life. He just misses someone close to him. Rindou could get that.
“Anywayssss whats he paying you for the painting? It’s gotta be pricey as hell right? I mean that wall is huge!” Rindou randomly asked his brother, changing the topic to something more happy.
“I said I’d do it for free.” {Reader} said nonchalantly, throwing his brother a side glance to watch his reaction.
“Cool, cool- WAIT WHAT?! FOR FREE?! YOU DO REALIZE HOW RICE HE IS RIGHT?! YOU COULD MAKE IT AS EXPENSIVE AS YOU WANT!!” Rindou threw one of his hands in the air, not letting go of the steering wheel as he started to pull up to {Reader}’s flat.
{Reader} shrugged and smiled as he looked away from his brother. Enjoying his little brothers confused shouts.
Rindou continued to loudly question his brothers sanity, even once he parked. Once he was done all he received was a shrug from his older brother has he stepped out of the car.
Rindou rolled down his window and shouted one last thing to his brother. “YOU’RE CRAZY!”
The younger didn’t even receive as much as a flinch, {Reader} just continued on his way to his flat. Not even waving to him. What Rindou didn’t know how ever was he had gotten a small smile from him. One filled with fondness and zero regret.
He truly loved his family.
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seijorhi · 6 months
Hey! I was wondering, in your bonten fic, is there any non-sexual physical intimacy that exists between them and the reader? More than just sitting on their laps or such. I was especially curious about Sanzu and the Haitanis, they don’t see much for cuddling or even throwing an arm around you as you sleep.
Also, do they ever…talk to her? I know they basically use her as a sex toy that they have an obsession with, but would any of them ever try and talk to her? Like do they know (or rather, care to know) anything about her and her past, for example? Or just have any meaningful conversations (beyond telling her what to do)?
Thank you and take care!! I’ve missed seeing you on my dash so I’ve taken to rereading some of your older fics :)
mikey, kaku and koko are a different story, but you asked about the haitanis and sanzu so i'll focus on them and say.... sort of.
all three of them are, in a word, psychotic. they've been shaped that way and there isn't a lot of room left for soft intimacy, much less for the girl mikey's decided to let them keep in the penthouse.
she exists, particularly in the early stages, in this weird sort of limbo where she's slightly above the other girls they keep around for entertainment and stress relief, but still y'know, a captive who very clearly does not want to be there. her life before them is irrelevant, her wants, dreams, desires – irrelevant.
but they don't exist in a vacuum, either. it's not sex and violence and killing people every second that they're not asleep. so as far as talking goes, yeah. is it going to be deep and meaningfuls? probably not (at least with those three) but they stop talking at you and start talking to you.
and i think that whilst it was mostly about breaking her, there is something to be said about the three of them letting them see her brother's confession and execution, and sanzu dragging her along with takeomi to get rid of the body. might not be how normal people show affection but... it's something??? fhdjksdjhvgfdjs
but tbh it's more in the little moments, when the twins are done fucking her and she hesitates on the edge of the bed, clearly torn between running back to the safety of her room and getting in trouble for leaving before she's told she can, and one of them just grabs her by the arm and drags her back in between them, groaning at her to shut up and go to sleep. or when sanzu's coming down hard and, again in an effort not to make things worse or draw the wrong kind of attention, she starts to run her fingers through his hair, nails lightly scratching at his scalp and fuck if he doesn't like it.
they're never going to be soft and cuddly. they're demanding, selfish and mean at the best of times, but there's moments
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usernamerenn · 2 years
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pairing. haitani ran x f!reader
summary. ran is no stranger to getting love letters from adoring fans and admirers, only this time, the letter is addressed to you, his girlfriend
note. likes and reblogs are always appreciated
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Haitani Ran was known as a heartbreaker to those who were acquainted with him or knew of his reputation. This was unsurprising, considering his attractive looks, charisma, and popularity and influence within Roppongi. And yet, despite his rather polite and unassuming smiles, it was apparent that Ran was a dangerous and terrifying man, which was why so many people were understandably shocked when it became known that the two of you were dating.
You were an ordinary university student, though one that had unknowingly managed to charm the infamous Haitani Ran like no other woman had before. You weren’t some feared female gang leader, and you also weren’t a famous model or idol. You were simply a beautiful and intelligent woman that had unexpectedly caught Ran’s attention after expertly shutting down his men’s awful attempts at flirting with you on that fateful summer afternoon. He could still remember your cute sundress and the heat that he had felt as you glared at him and his associates, and it was at that moment that Ran had fallen in love with you.
Rindou, meanwhile, didn’t think that Ran had a chance or that your relationship would even last, knowing his brother’s personality and lack of commitment when it came to women and relationships. However, as time went on, it became clear that Ran was being serious for once in his life, and it didn’t take long before the two of you were a couple. It was obvious to anyone that your boyfriend was completely infatuated with you, which was why he was so confused in regard to his current dilemma. Everyone knew that he was happily taken, as he often annoyingly made this fact known, yet here he was, placed into a scene so very reminiscent of a shoujo manga.
“A-are you Haitani Ran-san?”
It was the weekend, and the streets of Roppongi were busy with crowds of people socializing and walking about. The noisiness and bright neon lights of the many restaurants, nightclubs, and bars gave Roppongi its distinctive nightlife-feel, and Ran was once again looking forward to spending time with you in the place that he lovingly called home. He had hoped to take you to dinner at one of his favourite restaurants before heading to the movie theater and watching a movie with you for the rest of the night, though his plans would have to wait as he blankly stared at the young woman standing across from him.
“Depends. Who’s asking?” Ran replied as he absentmindedly twirled his braid. She was an unfamiliar face, timidly avoiding his eyes with a letter in hand, and Ran couldn’t help but lightly scoff in response to this, already knowing what she was about to say. After all, he and his brother were practically celebrities in Roppongi, so he was familiar with receiving frequent love letters from fans and admirers. Even after the two of you had started dating, the letter would not stop, much to your boyfriend’s total exasperation.
“H-Haitani-san,” the young woman began nervously as she lifted her eyes to shyly meet his gaze. “I-I know this is rather unexpected, but I was wondering if you could accept this letter and-”
“Not interested,” Ran cruelly dismissed with a wave of his hand. “I’m already taken.”
“I’m already taken,” he repeated with an unimpressed raise of his eyebrow. “I have a girlfriend.”
And it would take less than a second before the young woman quickly realized what Ran was trying to tell her, immediate disdain painting her face as she proceeded to clarify what she had meant by her earlier request. “What? No, I don’t like you or anything. I just wanted to ask if you could give this letter to your girlfriend for me.”
It was now Ran’s turn to be absolutely confused. “You want to confess to my girlfriend?”
“N-no! It’s a letter thanking her for saving me the other day!” the young woman corrected with a flustered snap, soon answering Ran’s curious look with the following story of what happened. “I-I was on my way home from work yesterday when this group of guys approached me and refused to leave me alone. Your girlfriend showed up and saved me, so I wanted to properly thank her with this letter. Those guys had said something about her being Haitani Ran’s girl before running away, s-so I asked around and found you.”
“Oh,” was Ran’s sophisticated response before trying to process everything. However, he soon found himself only able to silently compliment this woman for rightly recognizing your charm and brilliance, so with an eventual nod of his head, Ran wordlessly agreed to her prior request of giving you the letter.
“Thanks,” she said with a sigh of relief, passing over the letter with a low chuckle. “I still can’t believe that you thought I was confessing to you for a second there, Haitani-san.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ran immediately asked, suddenly taken aback by her comment. Was she trying to imply something?
“No offence, but you’re kind of,” she said nothing more as her eyes quickly scanned over Ran with subtle judgement and contempt. “Anyway, thanks again for doing this for me!”
“I-I’ll have you know that she asked me out!” Ran hastily argued as he watched her walk away, but they both knew that he was obviously lying. And so, throwing one last, defeated glare in her direction, Ran turned his attention to the letter in his hand with a sigh. Less than a minute, and he was already regretting his decision of being nice to someone other than you and his brother.
“Ran, is everything okay?” your lovely voice interrupted, surprising your boyfriend as you appeared next to him looking as beautiful as always. Seeing your pretty face, Ran had almost forgotten why he was even annoyed to begin with. Almost.
“I’m fine,” he replied before handing over a meticulously decorated letter. “Here. For you.”
“Who’s this from?” you asked in confusion.
“Your secret admirer,” he said with an indignant huff. “Made me give it to you.”
“I see,” you plainly remarked before opening the letter to read it.
Your lack of an immediate reaction had Ran instantly feeling anxious, not knowing how to respond as he watched you carefully read over the letter in contemplative silence. It was only after he had noticed the subtle smile on your face did he really begin to panic, wanting nothing more in that moment than to know what was written on that piece of paper to make you, his girlfriend, smile so beautifully.
“So, what does it say?” Ran asked casually as he wrapped an arm around your waist in an attempt to glance over your shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it,” you said with a placating kiss to his cheek, closing the letter and securely placing it into your bag before your jealous boyfriend could discern anything that was written. “It was very sweet, though. I wish I could’ve seen her again in person to thank her for the letter. Ran, if you ever see her, tell her that I said thank you.”
Your boyfriend was most certainly not going to be telling that woman any of this, yet he still smiled and nodded in fake agreement and cheerfulness as he began to guide you toward the direction of the restaurant where he had made reservations for dinner. Appreciating your cute, thankful smile, the memories of tonight’s earlier events were soon forgotten as Ran directed his focus and attention toward you and this date. That was until a scary realization made itself known to him. Did he just make a new rival? And for a quick instance, all Ran could think about was how he truly and sincerely hated these damn love letters.
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tokyo revengers taglist. @crown5​ @blacksun-judar​ @chloee0x0​ @zuuki​ @chiaki3nanami​
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How the tr character's would set up an Easter egg hunt aka how Takeomi had a very bad day part 2
Takemichi- Tries so hard to make a good egg hunt for everyone, cries from the stress of setting it up at least 5 times but in the end manages to pull it off.
Mikey- Egg hunt? What egg hunt? You mean those chocolate eggs he's already eaten?
Baji- Puts his hair into a ponytail so you know he's taking it seriously, gets bored half way through though and decides to just throw the eggs and keep wherever they land as their "hiding place"
Kazutora- Tries his best but accidentally ends up smashing some of the eggs, Baji let's him share the hunt he made though.
Shion- Claims to be the best at hiding eggs (all his eggs are found instantly).
Haitani brother's- Their eggs are only hidden in a small area since they refused to split up to hide them.
Kisaki- Just copies Takemichi's egg hunt plans, manages to hide them more effectively too but it's just not as fun.
Mitsuya- Hides all the eggs in very easy places so Luna and Mana can find them.
Emma- Puts her all into hiding those eggs! (She wants to impress Draken.....and she had to or Mikey would've eaten them all).
Pah and Peh- Team up to hide eggs, they don't do the best job but hey at least they had fun doing it.
Naoto- Does an eggcellent (you see what I did there) at hiding those eggs, so much so that many end up never being found again.
Wakasa and Benkei- Wasn't going to join in but after Shinichiro's and Senju's excitement they also hide those eggs.
Hina- Skips planning her own egg hunt to assist Takemichi's with his instead (she's just nice like that).
Draken- Goes to hide his eggs but finds they're all missing, spends the rest of the day cursing Mikey.
Koko- Why hide the eggs when you can sell them?
Izana- You seriously expect the king to give his eggs away? (Hides one for Kakucho)
Hakkai- Said fuck them eggs part 2, once again decides to follow Taka Chan around. Helps Luna and Mana find their eggs too, lifts them up into his shoulders so they can get an aerial view and reach higher places.
Mizo middle- Gets distracted on some stupid debate and forgets to hide the eggs.
Shinichiro- After many years of living with Mikey he knows to be very careful with his eggs so he can even get to the hiding stage. Will put on bunny ears to hide the eggs and goes above and beyond for his siblings to have a fun day.
Inui- Just let's Koko have his eggs
Smiley- Tries to start a fight by throwing his eggs instead, it's way more fun then just hiding them.
Sanzu- Gets on his knees and presents Mikey with a suspiciously large amount of eggs.
Yuzuha- 100% effort club over here, decorates the eggs and places them very carefully. Only the best for her brother.
Chifuyu- Spends all his time trying to make a chocolate cat instead (cats are better then eggs) forgets to hide any so ends up tagging along with Baji and Kazutora.
Taiju- Too busy doing Christian things (sorry I wasn't paying attention in school when we learnt what this was exactly)
Kakucho- Designs an extravagant hunt for Izana and the other S62, can't stop smiling while he watches them all searching.
Senju- Another one who keeps eating the eggs instead of hiding them, steals a bunch of Takeomi's eggs to eat those too.
Mochi- He's tall enough to hide them in places the others will never hide them
Angry- Very diligent with his egg hiding
Takeomi- Went to hide the eggs even though he didn't want to but found Senju had taken half while Sanzu had taken the other half. Then gets hit in the head with a random egg, gives up after that.
Hanma- Says he's hidden the eggs but hasn't, has a lot of fun watching everyone look for eggs which don't exist.
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ranaiki · 1 year
The Sun, The Moon, And The Stars
rindou haitani x gn!reader
wc: 2k
warnings: hurt to comfort/fluff, lowkey cringe lmfaoo. No warnings really, pretty mild. It’s unrevised and not beta read so like you know.
a/n: hehe self indulgent. Also guess who just finished finals? That’s right it’s me. Unfortunately I’m still on high stress until I get my chemistry results back, but I’ve gotten everything for my other classes and am passing all of them so that’s awesome. Chem is the scariest one though so lets hope I did well. 
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I want to be loved like the sun.
You pulled your knees close to your chest, staring down at your phone that rested upon the tops of your feet. You had your arms wrapped around your calves, body tucked in tight and curled.
The little text bubble mocked you, those three rippling dots leaving you guessing and waiting, desperate for a reply.
You glanced again at the message you had sent just moments before, the one that asked him what was wrong after he’d brushed you off.
Your heart wrapped into knots, tying into itself over and over with each second that passed with your message left unanswered.
Rindou was a man of few words, you knew that much. His actions spoke volumes, his words whispered. You knew this, you’d grown used to this. It no longer made your gut pool with worry or your mind spin around everything that could possibly go wrong.
But he’d never done this before.
Bubbles of blue popped up in your recent messages one after the other, disrupted every once in a while by nothing more than a short, single grey one. You tried not to let it bother you, when he’d responded with a clipped “yes” “no” “idk” every time you tried to talk to him, but it was beginning to gnaw at your insides.
I want to be loved like I’m the warmth you seek after the cold, like I’m that radiant glow that brings a smile to your cheeks.
When had this all begun? Why did he suddenly pull away, leaving you with questions piling like forgotten corpses, one after the other?
What had you done wrong?
The bubbles disappeared, for the fourth time in a row. Your toes were freezing, your fingers unsteady each time they reached out to tap the screen, keeping your phone awake and open so that you wouldn’t miss it once his text came through.
What could he possibly be trying to say?
The last time you remembered having an actual conversation was last Tuesday, exactly a week past. You’d been over at his apartment, the one he shared with his brother. You’d sat on the couch in front of his tv as the sun dipped below the horizon, shrouding the room in golden warmth, casting him in that perfect, glowing light.
The tv had played, a movie you can’t seem to recall anymore flashing over the screen. And you’d laid huddled against his side, basking in his comfort and his familiarity, in the smell of him that seemed to wrap around and cocoon you, completely intoxicating.
You remembered the way your heart had pattered and lulled, jumping with excitement each time the arm he’d had wrapped around your shoulders pulled a little tighter, each time you felt his fingers trace against your skin ever so slightly.
You remembered the way your head had filled with fuzz, the way your body had been perfectly relaxed and your eyes were just ever so slightly droopy.
Had you smelled bad and was he afraid to tell you?
Had you accidentally hurt him?
Had he taken the way you were drifting off as an insult?
I want to be loved like the moon.
The bubbles reappeared, and you stared at them with the intensity of a thousand suns, fearing that the moment you glanced away or blinked, they would disappear again, and leave you to look at the little check mark beneath your message that mocked and tormented you.
You remembered now. You were so tired, so comfortable wrapped into his arms, in the safety of his home, in the protection of his presence. You’d said something then, as evening morphed to night and the sleepiness took over.
What had it been?
It must have been something big, something you would never normally say. Why else would his behavior be as it was?
Your heart dropped down to your stomach as the dots once again took their leave. Your throat was scratchy with the threat of closing, the backs of your eyes beginning to burn uncomfortably.
“Please just say something.” You begged, words whispered to the empty air, whisked away as quickly as they came.
This game was the worst of all, as you sat waiting to know whether or not he ever wanted to see you again, if you would ever be able to feel the warm shivers and tingles you only got when he was near, if you would be able to cure your aching heart of the distance between you.
I want to be loved like I’m the peace in the middle of darkness, a light shining your way, the comfort of home.
‘are you busy right now?’
It was short and simple, a foreboding message that held the key to determine your ails and felicity.
Your heart lurched to your throat, sticking where you couldn’t dislodge it, forcing it tighter and tighter, your lungs screaming at you.
Your reply came quick, a little ‘yes’, and he was outside your front door, the engine of his motorcycle rumbling in the otherwise silent street.
What were you supposed to say to him?
Your mouth was pressed tight, lips sealed for fear of making everything worse. He too didn’t say anything, helmet and visor concealing every feature you might have studied for some hint as to what he was thinking.
The air was tense as he passed you his spare, the little flower sticker you had pasted on the side glimmering beneath the street lamps. Your finger ran over it, feeling the tiny ridges it made along the smooth, matte surface.
You pulled it on gingerly, clambering onto the back in your usual place, wrapping your arms around his waist in the usual way, but it no longer felt the same. The vibrations on the seats, the feel of his back, broad and firm, pressed close to your chest, the wind that snuck through the gaps in the helmet to bite you in the face - all of it.
There was a gap between you, unseen and invisible, but you could feel the way it had wedged itself into the smallest of spaces, making its presence known. 
So tell me, why am I not your sun nor your moon?
The engine puttered to a rest, falling silent.
Your eyes fluttered open, though you don’t know when they had shut. Perhaps it was when you were fighting back the bile rising in your throat, combating the anxiety that manifested in the urge to spill your dinner over his back.
Rindou had stepped off the motorcycle, leaving your hands to slip from his waist and fall at your side - cold and empty. He removed the helmet, and for the first time that night, you could see his thoughts and his emotions clearly upon his face. 
Rindou was good at a lot of things, but hiding the truth was not one of them.
His eyes drooped further than normal, blueish rings beneath them that indicated sleepless nights, just as you had been experiencing. His hair tangled in places, his lips pulled downwards, his cheeks sunk.
He was still quiet as he made his way to a fence, one that blocked off a steep drop down the other side. It was then you noticed where he had taken you.
The city sprawled before you, the lights of a nighttime in Roppongi glittering and winking from afar, her sheer size derisive.
Slowly, you too removed the helmet, setting it on the seat in front of you as you stared at your boyfriend, and the way his hair blew in the winds.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” You asked carefully, forcing the words past your constricted throat, your voice small and fearful. For the first time in years, you felt like a child - helpless to whatever awaited you, out of control of your own future.
Rindou sighed, letting his head drop between his shoulders. You were doe-eyed, stuck in the headlights with no route for escape.
You didn’t want to run, anyways. You wanted to learn. You wanted to know.
“Do you really love me?” His words were even more fearful than your own, cowering away from exposure.
Your response was frozen on your tongue, hanging right where you could speak them, but something held them back for one beat. Two.
“Do you not love me?”
You caught the way he glanced at you from his peripherals, though he remained silent. Your fears were beginning to manifest, the shadows of anxiety, worry, stress and fear that had been clinging to you swirling and growing before your very eyes, unrestrained. 
Your hands lay in your lap, limp and unmoving as you turned your gaze down towards them, the idea of looking at him unbearable as your heart began to crack along the surface.
“I’m not the sun to you, am I? I’m not your moon.”
Your fingers played together aimlessly, a weak distraction.
“How could I be? I’m not the sun or the moon, I’m not warmth or comfort.
“All I ever wanted was to be something.” You fought back the hot tears threatening to stream down your face. “I thought I could be something with you.”
Rindou made a noise like he was about to say something, but he fell silent again. You didn’t dare look up, didn’t dare risk facing him when your tears inevitably fell.
“I want more than anything to be the ray of light in someone else’s life, or to be the calming silver of familiarity and comfort. But that’s just not me. I’m not the sun, nor am I the moon. Instead, I am a star - one of millions, hard to pick out amongst the crowd and unique only when close enough to see. Even still, I can’t help but hope that one day, somebody will look into the night sky and say ‘hey, that star is really neat’, and it’ll be me.”
There they were. Warm droplets rolled down your cheeks, blazing trails along your skin and leaving behind a path of ice and snow. You heard it when one dropped from the tip of your nose to the seat below, pattering against the leather, carrying with it the weight of your heart.
“That star is really neat.” His voice was so quiet, you almost missed it.
Your eyes widened, chin lifting to face him, tears still glistening along your waterline, clinging to your lower lashes. He was staring at you, a seriousness to his expression you’d never quite seen before.
“What?” You asked, wondering if maybe you heard him wrong.
“I said,” Rindou pushed off of the wooden fence to stand up straight, never breaking eye contact. “That star is really neat.”
You floundered, frozen in place, finding it impossible to look away from him and his eyes that captivated and drew you in, holding within the secrets of his heart and soul.
“If you are a star,” Rindou continued. “Then you are the brightest in the sky. You are a landmark, you shine and twinkle with the strength of the sun, you glow with the light of the moon.
“You are North. You are the one I will follow when I am lost, the one I will look to for guidance, and you are the only star in the sky that matters to me.”
“What?” You asked again, trying and failing to come up with anything else.
Rindou sighed again, though it was distinctly less impatient, less burdened. He approached the motorcycle, hands landing on the seat and supporting his weight as he leaned forward, as close as he could without your faces touching.
“I’m saying I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to react when you said ‘i love you’. I’ve never loved anything before now. I’ve never been loved before now. And I didn’t know how to react. And then I didn’t know how to tell you. But I’m apologizing now.”
He leaned back again, and you chased the warmth of his breath, the peppermint that lingered in the still air between you.
“You don’t need to be the moon, you don’t need to be the sun. I love you just the way you are, Star, and I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”
“I love you.”
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ryus3i · 1 year
Hiii may you write aplatonic Ran with reader that see him as a big brother (2008 timeline) ? the reader is REALLY energatic yet they almost never ever talks and follows Ran around alot to listen untill it may bother him
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Ran x platonic gn reader
A/n; hi! Thx for sending in a request! I hope you like it!, lmk what you think :)
Cw; a curse word once, I think, (shitty writing)
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You’ve known the Haitani’s since you were a kid, you had grown up in the same neighborhood they had spent their days in as teens so naturally you stuck around them, following them to the park or even engaging in some fights. The Haitanis were like brothers to you, specifically Ran, you had always seen the way he had treated Rindou as a younger brother, always taking care of him and being there for him. eventually you began to feel as though ran was also your big brother the more time you spent with him. He was always there for you no matter what, comforting you and supporting you through everything like the big brother he was. 
Now, you weren’t much of a talker, you were more of a listener. You would listen to the world around you for hours, taking in every moment of nature and life and solely focusing on it. You did have a favorite thing to listen to, Ran. Others would have their favorite artists who they would listen to, artists who would tell stories through music and rhythms. Ran wasn’t an artist who spent hours of time and work into songs, he was a storyteller. A storyteller who would tell tales of fights and foes, tales that brought you back to him every day. It wasn’t  just the stories that kept you around Ran, it was everything Ran said or did. Not in a creepy way of course, it wasn’t like all you ever did was lurk in the shadows and listen to Ran all day, Ran enjoys your company as much as you do his so he didn’t mind having you around all the time just listening. 
If Ran were  to describe you he wouldn’t necessarily say you were quiet or just a listener you were quite energetic, whenever you greeted Ran you would rush up to Ran and blurt out all sorts of questions and urge him to tell him about his day or anything about his past. That was where most of your words for the day went. Ran never minds you listening to him, it was nice to have someone enjoy your company as much as you did and someone who looked up to him who wasn’t just his blood brother.
“Aniki, how was your day, what did you do today” this was your usual greeting. You would run up to and immediately hug and tug him to sit down next to you.
“Today was okay, not really in the mood to talk”, Ran replies looking towards  the other direction trying to avoid your questioning gaze. 
“Why, what happened, tell me Aniki”.
“Nothing, I said I didn’t wanna talk”. 
“But Aniki what's wro-“
“I told you I didn’t wanna talk. What part of that do you not understand, you don’t say shit but you expect me talk all fucking day”. That was the first time Ran had ever raised his voice at you, it was unlike him to raise his voice at all.
Taken aback by Ran’s unexpected outburst, you take a step back, not wanting to anger Ran more. If Ran didn’t want you around then you wouldn’t be around anymore, you didn’t need to listen to his stupid stories anyways.
You don’t know where your feet are taking you but anywhere away from Ran was better than staying where you weren’t wanted. 
Before you know it your legs have taken you to the top of  Roppongi's many buildings. There wasn’t much to listen to from the top of the buildings where no one but you where but you could make do with the wind and echoing sounds of the traffic from the busy streets below you.
Just as the sun touches the horizon you hear a sound behind you, a faint sound that almost sounds like a footstep. Assuming someone was here to disrupt your silence you begin to pick up your things and make your way towards the stairs. 
“Wait, y/n” 
What did he want, he made it known that he didn’t want you around so why what’s here now. Holding your things closer you continue towards the stairs ignoring the older Haitani’s gaze.
Just before you make your way down the stairs you feel a tug on your wrist, raising your head up and your eyes meet with Ran’s but only for a second. 
You’re quick to pull your wrist back but Ran’s quicker than you. He steps in front of the stairs blocking your only exit and forcing you to stay. 
“You know I’ve been looking for you all over, me and Rin searched everywhere for you” Ran starts.
“Why do you care, you don’t even want me around”.
“Look I’m sorry, I didn’t mean -“
“Yeah you did, I know you did” you argue back.
“Y/n, i didn’t mean to burst out on you like that, I had a rough day is all, I didn’t mean to take it out on you”.
“So you didn’t hate me” you question, not really sure if Ran was still mad at you. 
“No, I don’t hate you, and I never will”.
“I’m really sorry kid” Ran apologizes.
“It’s okay Aniki” you respond.
“Here let me tell you about what actually happened today” Ran says, leading you to sit in your previous spot. It didn’t matter if you didn’t have much to say as long as you had someone like Ran to listen to.
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