#also i wrote a blurb inspired by a weird dream i had under the cut (left image)..then also made some notes to give context for this (right)
cluelesslesbian · 1 year
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sad sapphic hours ✌😔
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adoringsteverogers · 5 years
Treat Her Better
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Pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader (angst)
Word Count: 1.6K
Warning: toxic relationship, the total destruction of Steve’s character, cheating, my awful writing
Request: hii sweetie!!! this is pretty angsty but can i request an imagine/blurb/one-shot with steve x fem!reader where steve cheats on the reader?? based on it ain’t me or send my love? thx 💋  (loosely based on send my love by Adele)
A/N: heyy! so i finally got around to answer your requests and i really hope it didn’t become too awful, cringy and just all-over-the-place. i tried my absolute best but i basically just got inspired and wrote what came to my mind. i have to get it clear that i’m not praising toxic relationships and adultery, and i also know that Steve would never do such thing. enjoy reading!
If you have an opinion to share, please stop by my inbox on your way out here and leave their some feedback! Thank you!
He was late. Again. It was the fourth or fifth one in a row and you were actually getting suspicious and you were the one feeling guilty. A part of you still wanted to believe that Steve wasn’t just like the ones from before, that he would never break your heart like that. But at the same time, things weren’t really going smoothly between the two of you lately.
It had all started a few months before, after years into your relationship. In the beginning, everything was going so well, it felt like heaven to be with Steve and you felt like the luckiest girl in the whole galaxy. No day could pass by without Steve buying you flowers or showering you with compliments before going to battle and cuddling you up and holding you still in his muscly arms until you both fell asleep. You knew it was something else than the ones from before; it was certain, something you could always hold onto during your darkest times, something that made you feel loved and safe. Made you feel like you were worth something. You knew that Steve would always keep an eye on you, that he would never let anything bad ever happen to you. And you did the same. Always patching him up after rough battles when you would just stare into each others eyes and you would tell him you didn’t like seeing him this way. Steve would just kiss you and place his forehead against yours, making a promise about not getting too hurt because he doesn’t want her best girl to be in pain because of him.
And regardless of all those promises, he did cause you pain. Several little, invisible wounds on your back which you had been oblivious to until now. You just didn’t want to admit to yourself that your dream about living your whole life with Steve had been just crushed to million little pieces.
The first drop of tear rolled down your cheek and hit the untouched food on your plate. You planned everything out. You wanted it to be perfect. And he promised he would be there and spend the night with you. Only you. And now it was past 10 pm, Steve nowhere to be found, his phone probably on silent or just ignoring your calls and cold food on the table. You looked down on your simple red dress which was his favourite. At least that was what he had always told you. That he loved seeing you in that dress.
You started crying unstoppably as you remembered the time when you went to that old vintage bar and spent the whole night dancing and laughing. You didn’t even care about the staring eyes and the fact that you had nothing to do with dancing; you just let Steve lead you to the rythm of the music and make you laugh out loud every five minutes which turned your face as red as your dress. When the night ended and you danced your feet off, he took you home and tucked you into bed before lying down next to you and as you looked at each other you couldn’t help but laugh. Both your laughters reflected how exhausted but fully in love you were and as this memory creeped its way into your mind, you realised how long you hadn’t felt the same about Steve’s laughs. You barely even heard him laugh in the last few months. He has never been the type to wear his heart on his sleeves; he just kept bottling up his feelings and only let them show every now and then. But to you, he had always been an open book. You felt like Steve knew he could trust you and share all his feelings and thoughts with you. And that was one of the best gifts you’d ever been given. But lately, he had been closing up, starting rebuilding that thick wall he built around his heart without letting you in. There were only two places behind that wall: one for Steve and another for someone he truly trusted. And it wasn’t you anymore.
Steve started acting weird a few months before but you didn’t want to think anything into it, so you just let it go. You believed it was because of the missions and the Avengers, that was why he was irritable and quick to snap at you.
One of these occasions stayed and will probably stay in your memory forever. You were already home, doing some paperwork you had brought home when Steve entered the door and threw his bag on the floor while kicking his shoes off. You smiled at him and said hello, ready to get up from your seat and get your usual kiss but he didn’t even care to say hello back properly before marching into the bathroom, already stepping into the shower. After you didn’t hear the sound of flowing water filling your small appartement anymore, you decided to follow him and knocked gently on the door, asking him if everything was okay. He basically ripped the door open and looked down at you, all irritated before his reply.
“For heaven’s sake, Y/N, do I live with a puppy or an actual human being? Would you stop following me around?”, he asked with raised eyebrows and you couldn’t do anything but nod your head, gulping. You couldn’t believe this was your Steve and you couldn’t even reply to him. He stormed off to your bedroom, leaving you alone with your tears, standing by the open door of the bathroom, thinking about when your relationship had become so bad. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t remember a time.
You looked at the clock again. Almost 11 pm. You were done. You quickly wiped your tears away, not caring about your make-up anymore. You stood up and kicked your high heels to the corner before you started cleaning up the table. You packed the dinner and decided to give it to the kind homeless man near your appartement. It wasn’t worth throwing away if you could give it to someone else, not even if you were as angry and sad as at that moment. You blew one of the candles, the one on your side of the table and then you poured all the red wine in the sink. Maybe you’ll regret it later, but who cares anymore, right? You didn’t realise the angry tears leaving your eyes and flowing down your cheeks until you heard the front door opening and closing and saw blurry Steve approaching you. He was all smily until he took in everything he could see in the room. He looked at his watch and shut his eyes close while murmuring a short ‘fuck’ under his nose.
“Yeah, that’s right, Steve Rogers. Fuck. Fuck it all. After all, it only took me three hours to get ready for the date and I wasted another three waiting for you. I don’t even want to know where and with who you were but please, tell me one thing. Why?”
Your eyes were filled with angry and devastated tears, your lips were shaking and you could swear you could’ve choked him right at that moment. He knew how much you trusted and relied on him and he didn’t even give a single fuck about it.
Steve took a step closer to you, showing you his puppy dog eyes because he knew it was your weakness. But not anymore. They could never work on you anymore.
“Love, please...”, he started but you cut him off by raising your voice at him.
“Don’t you dare call me ‘love’ ever again. I’m done with you, Steve. Just answer my question and I’m gonna pack my stuff.”
And this one sentence made him realise how big of a mistake he had done by cheating on you with someone who could never reach your level. He needed to cope with all the stress inside and he thought it would be the easiest way to do it. He was dumb. So, so dumb. He threw away a perfect relationship for someone whom he didn’t even feel love for and he had never realised what a dumb choice that was. He didn’t care about you or anything else after he met that girl. Just because she helped him getting all the stress out.
And now you were standing there in front of him in your kitchen, telling him you’d leave him and he only now realised how much you had meant to him all along.
“I... I don’t know. I just felt... stressed and confused and I need someone... something to cope with it. So I could get it all out and feel better.”
You couldn’t believe your ears.
“And what about me, Steve? I was here all along and you had always known that! Why couldn’t you just tell me?”
You were shaking now and Steve instantly reached out for you to get you seated but you tossed his hands away. You couldn’t let him touch you ever again.
When he didn’t say anything but stared at his shoes and rubbed his face sighing, you straightened your back, wiped your tears away and said:
“You know what? It doesn’t even matter. I’m just going to pack my stuff and leave. Hope you two will be happy together.”
You headed towards your bedroom so you could start the moving out process but before you did that, you turned back once again.
“Also, send my love to her.”
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