#also id like to know why he thought it necessary to be shirtless in that live. answer quickly
jkpng · 1 month
day 152/547 of missing jungkook
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lokis-scepter-101 · 6 years
Loki’s darling chapter 6
Shopping with Loks
I sat on my bed, Looking around. I don't have anything to unpack then again, I didn't take anything with me. I heard a knocked on my door.
"Yes." Tony walked in.
"Hey, So Loki told me that you didn't have anything with you." He took place next to me.
"Yeah, I'm the broke version of the Stark." I joked.
"You should probably go shopping, You know get some necessary things." He search for something in his pocket.
"Looking for this?" I held his credit card between my fingers. I'm pretty good at pick pocketing.
"How'd you get that?" He took it out of my hand.
"I had to make my money somehow." I shrugged.
"I know this might be weird for you but I'm very happy to have a little sister. I hope we can work good together."He said avoiding eye contact  I smiled a little at his comment.
"I'm happy too and you're not the only tech genius, Maybe we can work together."I said cocky He smiled.
"I'd love that but for now I'll need you to go buy your things." He handed me the credit card I hesitated a little but he forced me to take it.
"If you want I can get Happy to take you." He offered.
"No thank you, I'll go with someone else or alone." He nodded and left the room. I walked up to the mirror.  This better not be a dream. I stared at my reflection.  I fixed my hair and exited my room. While walking towards the elevator this nice woman with ginger hair and blue eyes walked pass me and mouthed hello seen as she was on the phone. I waited for the elevator to open. I walked to Loki's room. I knocked on his door.
"Come in." I entered. I saw Loki laying against the headboard shirtless while reading a book. He looked up.
"Already missing me?" He put away his book. I couldn't stop staring at his abs.
"My eyes are up here, Darling." I snapped out of my unholy thoughts and walked to his bed before taking place next to him.
"But that's not what you want me to look at, Is it." I smirked. He returned a sheepish smile.  
"You didn't answer my question." I thought about what he asked.
"Oh yeah totally missing you Loki, I can't live with out you." I 'acted' He moved behind me. I was currently between his legs, my back a few inches away from his chest.
"Nobody can't, Darling." He whispered in my ears giving me goosebumps. I got a little nervous.
"What can I help you with?" Loki asked leaning forward resting his head on my shoulders. I turned my head. The way he looked at me with those emerald orbs could turn every women lady part into Nigeria fall. I looked at him, Our faces were not more than 2 inches apart from each others. I was lost in his eyes. Then I realized what I came for. I licked my lips before talking purely because my lips felt a bit dry.
"I have to go shopping and I can't really go alone. It's okay if you can't I'll ask Bucky or Steve if you can't." He jerked his head up.
"No! I'll go." He stood up and walked to his dresser and took a shirt. I watched him get ready.
"He first put on a black comic shirt. He put his wallet and phone in his pocket. He combed his hair back . He took his car key.
"Took you long enough, Diva." I muttered.
"What's that?"
"Nothing, Loki darling." I said quickly.
 "Come on let's go." He took his black cap before walking out the door. I took off his cap and wore it on backwards for him.  
"What on midgard are you doing?" He asked confused.
"Making you look good?" I regret my answer but Loki just shrugged it off.
In the mall. "What shop do you want to go first?" Loki crossed his arms. I looked around and saw an arcade, I know we're not here for that but we might as well make the most out of it.
"Let's go to the arcade first." I said happily.
"Darling, We're not here for games." Loki faced me.
"Loki, Please?" I held his hands and looked up at his eyes.
He sighed. "Fine."
Loki's pov
I asked Jaz what shop she wanted to go first.
"Let's go to the arcade first." She looked at me happily. I crossed my arms and looked at her. Her forehead reaches my lips, She was short.
"Darling, We're not here for games."I never played midgard games before. I felt her soft hands over mine I looked at her.
"Loki, Please?" She gave me a look I can't say no to. Sigh.
"Fine." She ran towards the arcade while still holding my hands. I have to admit I enjoyed my time in the arcade although I lost most of the matches. Jaz calls herself a pro, I think she's cheating. She laughed way more times here. Her smiles were bigger.
"Okay Loks, That's enough arcade for today."
Jazahra's pov
I decided that we spend enough time in the arcade and it was time to actually buy necessary things. I decided to get toiletries first. I walked towards bath and body work first with Loki right behind me. I couldn't choose between four perfumes and asked Loki which two of the four I should get.
"This one is way too sweet and that one is too rosey." He quickly judged. I nodded and put the two other in the basket along with shampoo, soap bars and lotion. I walked to the cashier and pulled out my card. More like Tony's card.
"It's my fault that you have to get these things again." He said softly.
"It's no problem, We'll keep those for when we go back there." He handed the cashier his card ignoring me. I rolled my eyes. We walked out of the store, Loki took the bags being kind. Next stop is getting deodorant, Face wash, Hair products and lip balm.  
"You're quite polite for a villain, you know." I looked up at him.
"Ex villian." Loki corrected me.
"Still." I shrugged.
"Mother taught me manners." He commented.I spotted a pharmacy. We walked in. I got what I needed but I soon realized that  I also needed pads. Feeling a little awkward to get it in front of Loki only because he asks what almost everything here is for. I walked around trying to loose Loki. He stopped following me when he was distracted by something called 'Sword & Daggers polishing kit.' I took it as an opportunity to get some pads. While paying for the things my eyes fell on birth control pills. I decided to get those. What? You never know what can happen. I took the bag and turned around slamming into Loki's hard chest.
"What's next?" Loki asked before taking the bags out of my hand.
"Clothes and shoes." We went to Nordstrom, Missguided, h&m and forever 21. I almost got everything I needed. Loki was there to say if I should get it or not. After I got done buying my last pair of sneaker. We walked to outside.
"Where next?" Loki's hand was full of bags, Mine hand just a few things. We were currently in front of Victoria's secret. I needed underwear but I couldn't walk in there with Loki. I had to get rid of him. I looked around and ting!
"I think I'm done, Let's get frozen yogurt." I showed him the stand downstairs, The line was long.
"Darling, There are so many people in the line." He said awkwardly.
"It's okay, I'll get it." I smiled.
"You wait here, I'll go." He walked off. Damn it feels good to be a genius. I walked inside the shop. I didn't want to get too much because I wasn't planning on walking with a huge Victoria's secret bag. I walked outside once I finished getting all I needed. I looked down and saw Loki walking towards me.
"Here you go, I forgot to ask you what you wanted but I got Chocolate Fudge Brownie." I took the frozen yogurt out of his hand.
"You didn't get yourself any?" We started walking to the exit. "
No, I don't think I'll like it." I gasped at what bullshit he said.
We put the bags in the trunk and we finally sat down in the car. I could finally eat my frozen yogurt. I took a bite but I felt bad that Loki didn't have any.
"Taste it." I held the spoon in front of his mouth. He shook his head.
"Come on, For me." He rolled his eyes. and took the bite while looking me in the eyes. Shit, I shouldn't find this attractive. I raised my eyebrow waiting for his answer.
"It's good." I took a bite. He started the car. I gave him  bites taking turns. Once it was done we were sad. Loki's phone began to rang. I saw Tin can as caller id.
"No, she's with me." "No I didn't kidnap her, I took her to go buy her things." He said annoyance filling his voice.
"Why are we changing the plan?" He questioned.
"Fine, I'll be there." I just sat there awkwardly. Once we arrived at the avenger compound. Loki dropped me off at my room along with my bags.
"I'll see you later." He flashed a smile.
I started putting away some of my new clothes when I heard a knock.
"Yes?" The ginger haired woman walked in.
"Can I sit down?" I nodded.
"I'm Pepper by the way."I realized she was Tony's wife. She reached for my hand. I pulled her in for a hug.
"I'm Jazahra." I said happily Pepper sat down.
"Hope you don't mind me being here, I just wanted to meet Tony's little sister. He couldn't stop talking about you." I folded my jeans.
"No, I don't mind, I was getting lonely." She stood up. and took place besides me.
"Need help?" She asked while I put away the jeans.
"Yes, Please." She started to help fold my clothes.
"What did such a nice woman do to deserve someone like Tony Stark?" She laughed
"Love has a weird way of working I guess. And he's not thaaaaat bad." We both started laughing.
"You really are a Stark with all these brands." She got up and took some hangers.
"Uh nope I'm the broke versions, all this is paid by Tony would've been paid by Tony if Loki wasn't so ugh." She raised her eyebrow.
"You and Loki? I did see you two together a lot, Especially at the garage so cute the way you look at each other" My face turned red at her comment.
"No, We're just good friends." I said sheepishly.
"You don't seem to think that." She crossed her feet.
"Pepper!" I put my hands on my hips.
"Relax, Tony never sees those things plus I don't want him to stress too much. He's already over protective even though he knows you for less then 24 hours." She put away the last pile of clothing.
"Thank you." I breathed out.
"But you do  like him don't you?" I pushed her towards my door.
"I've known him for less than, Nevermind."
"That's enough of you now, Pepps. See you later." I closed the door directly she pouted. I went in the bathroom. I first admired how big and grant it was. You could probably fit in 10 hulks in the shower. I turned on knobs and cold water hit my naked chest. I closed my eyes and the first thing I saw was Loki. I opened my eyes directly. I stepped out of the shower. I dried my hair then I dried my body. After I was done taking care of my skin I put on some underwear and wore Loki's oversized jacket. Even though I have my own clothes his are comfy and made me fall asleep quicker. I walked to my room. I couldn't stop thinking about Loki and I. Loki was different with me then he was with the others, Huh maybe I am special to him.
I started pacing in my room.It was 1 am and I still couldn't stop thinking about him. I heard someone knock on my door softly. I opened and saw it was Loki.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Riverdale Season 5 Episode 1 Review – Chapter 77: Climax
This RIVERDALE review contains spoilers.
Riverdale Season 5 Episode 1
“Clearly our last two weeks of high school are going to be fraught…”
Friends, on this day we find this country starting a new chapter, one that is full of hope and excitement for the future.
I am of course referring to the airing of Riverdale‘s season premiere, a somewhat wheel-spinning, melodramatic affair that feels more like the closing pages of a book than the start of another story.
And that’s because it is precisely that. This episode was a leftover from last year, filmed but not completed production until the pandemic lockdown was over. As such it thrusts us into the start of the endgame of last season’s storylines — namely the fallout of the Betty and Archie kiss, Mr. Lodge’s illness and how he is using vigilantism to cope with it, the mysterious (and suitably anachronistic videotapes) arriving at the doorsteps of Riverdale residents, and the gang prepping for their imminent post-high school lives.
There’s a lot to be told here until the show finishes telling this specific story. Writers Ace Hasan and Greg Murray handle this arguably thankless task with aplomb, squeezing out the necessary exposition needed to push the plot points towards their approaching conclusion while shoehorning in a (now unfortunate) Katy Keene tie-in. To be fair, it’s a solid episode. Just one that, through no fault of its own, doesn’t really work as a season premiere.
That minor gripe aside, there’s a lot to enjoy here. First and foremost are Archie’s struggles. It was wise for the showrunners to make the character realize that he is a bit of a rudderless dolt. Addressing this most obvious of character flaws makes our oft-shirtless protagonist that much more of a likable guy. He’s discovered that while he has some options — running the gym is his best bet — he also needs to clear his head, and getting out of Riverdale would help with that greatly.
Now that the Navy isn’t an option, and he’s questioning his whole life. This results in his destroying his relationship with Veronica by telling her about his illicit kiss with Betty. One, it should be mentioned, that made Betty feel super uncomfortable…although that could’ve just been the terrible song Archie wrote for her.
The deception is enough to blow apart the pair’s “endgame” status…at least until after the upcoming time jump and their old flame is inevitably rekindled. (Even though we know that Veronica will be married to the jerky Chad Gekko, another Katy Keene character climbing aboard the Riverdale express). Much drama will ensue, but in the show’s now, they are done. What’s the over/under until we see Veronica performing “Bittersweet Symphony” at La Bonne Nuit?
Elsewhere, the Choni ship (I am in my forties and just wrote those words!) is threaten by the ghost of the greatest thing to ever happen on Riverdale: The Blossom family’s Maple Syrup Blood Feud. It’s not that Toni’s Nana has an issue with her granddaughter’s sexuality — although she kinda does — but more that Toni is dating a sworn enemy of the Lopez family. As much as I love me some Shakespeareian motifs, these characters regularly deal with serial killers and cult members. So the family drama here isn’t really very compelling, you know?
The most interesting thing happening on Riverdale right now is also its most frustrating, the saga of The Auteur. Betty didn’t tell Jughead about Archie’s shitty song or the kiss because in her mind, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Just a sort of awkward thing that happened in the moment that isn’t worth blowing up her life over. Adult decision making at its finest! Whether or not this choice impacts her relationship with Jughead, and I bet it does, will be revealed soon. Right now though they are doing what they love the most, investigating a mystery. One that really needs to ramp up the excitement and fast.
David seems to be too obvious of a choice to be the identity of the Auteur. It also goes against the show’s habit of making the protagonist someone we already know. Episodes from last season have shown us Charles and Chip plotting together for a yet to be revealed reason. To a lesser degree, Evelyn Evernever is a possibility too. But this episode raises the most intriguing potential suspect yet.
Jellybean Jones.
Think about it. She is a cipher of a character, one who would have had access to Jughead’s stories and knows about almost every aspect of his life. Perhaps she is making these videos because she is scared about him going away to school. Maybe they are some sort of bizarre revenge plot cooked up by Jellybean and Gladys Jones against Jughead and FP? By making Jellybean the auteur this creates more drama for the ever-complicated Jughead and gives him a personal tragedy that mirrors what Betty experienced with her father. I truly feel that Jellybean being at David’s film fest/rave by herself (we never see her friends she is supposedly with) is much more than a red herring. Time will tell. But we need to see some clarity on what the motives behind these tapes are, ASAP.
And so Riverdale is back. While we are watching the blending of the programs fourth and fifth seasons unfold due to real-life production concerns, it remains the most welcome of escapes.
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Riverdale Rundown
• This episode was filmed before production on the series was shut down due to Covid-19. As such, the next few installments will cover the gang’s final weeks at Riverdale High before jumping ahead seven years — which will occur in what was originally intended to be last year’s season finale. And you thought Doctor Who was timey wimey.
• The above explanation also explains why a character from a cancelled CW series — K.O. Kelly from Katy Keene — plays such a crucial role in tonight’s proceedings.
• Speaking of Katy Keene, that show took place during the time period that Riverdale is about to jump ahead to — one in which Hiram Lodge has completely recovered from his mystery disease.
• Did anyone else find Archie’s constant referring to K.O. as bro endearing? And OF COURSE these two characters were given a shirtless workout montage/steam room scene. Besides, what’s an episode of Riverdale without plenty of gratuitous objectification?
• Archie really did himself no favors by neglecting to mention to Veronica how Betty shut him down after his attempt to woo her. Communication is the key to a solid, healthy relationship, fam!
• Ashleigh Murray’s Josie McCoy was a main character on Katy Keene, yet as of this writing it is unclear if she will return to Riverdale or not this season. (And for the record, Archieverse showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa hasn’t permanently shut the door on some sort of Katy Keene revival either).
• The cancelled fifth season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina would have been a major crossover with Riverdale. Although we were denied that magic, if the above official key art is to be believed, it does seem that we will be getting some major supernatural happenings is season. Afterlife with Archie anyone?
• Archie’s scars from his bear attack really come and go, don’t they?
• Kett Turton returns tonight as David, the owner of the Blue Velvet video store. His perfect recreation of David Lynch’s cadence and mannerisms combined with the costume department seemingly raiding the Twin Peaks mastermind’s wardrobe is a perfect illustration of how Riverdale commits to its goofiness 100%.
• I’m not sure, but I think the Black Hood movie being shown in room 317 is a very subtle reference to the Miss Saigon song that also takes place in that location.
• In a nice callback, some of the tickling videos like the ones Kevin and Fangs made are being shown at the film party/rave. (Along with snippets of exploitation/art flicks clearly inspired by the works of Kenneth Anger and Herschell Gordon Lewis).
• “You had me at snuff film.” Here’s hoping Kevin Keller never changes.
• Cheryl is at her most Cheryl tonight, melodramatically spewing lines like “perhaps your camera will capture the sublime tragedy of my life” with an effortlessness that would make Bette Davis proud.
• Putting Fizzle Rocks in the punchbowl, classic Reggie Mantle.
• Further evidence of how this show is, to quote The Tragically Hip, chronologically fucked up, the songs played at the prom were Sixpence None the Richer’s “Kiss Me,” BoDeans’ “Closer to Free” (itself the theme song to another popular teen show, Party of Five), Collective Soul’s “The World I Know,” Mazzy Star’s timeless “Fade Into You,” and Talking Heads’ “Psycho Killer.” Would any of these songs actually be played at a prom taking place in whatever year in the 2010’s this series is set in? Your guess is as good as mine.
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