#also if formatting is weird it's bc i just posted this as a twitter thread lmao
meowsticmarvels · 1 year
hello mcsm community. this is a repost of a long ass twitter thread i made so i apologize in advance if its formatted weird (and sort of disorganized). but heres some of my Thoughts and analysis on radar. i have much more to say than just this of course but HERE WE GO! radar insaneposting tumblr edition. long post incoming (i worked very hard on this)
- he idolizes the new order and puts them on a pedestal above himself a bit. i mean from some dialogue it's clear he doesn't have the highest opinion of himself but he treats the new order smiliarly to how they felt about the old order in thw wither storm arc
- i have mentioned this several times but the "prison radar" thing definitely comes across to me as him trying to overcompensate (and mimic those he sees as "strong" like petra and jack) sort of. like if you contextualise it with how a lot of the characters called him weak an episode prior and it definitely seemed to have an impact on him its like. yeah. especially being thrown into a situation like w/ the sunshine institute and the whole iron breathtaker thing that has Got to fuck you up. idk i jusy see a lot of people take that at face value like "oh look he's being silly" when it comes across to me as more like insecurity ig?
- hes so autism its unreal
but yeah the whole thing kinda fucks him up
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ig the only thing thay kinda bothers me is that arc doesnt feel finished. and also jesse can ENCOURAGW him to act like someone hes not??? OH AND. id like to point out this thing also involves him trying to break his own strict patterns which is p interesting to me. by this i mean the "disregard my bedtime! break whatever rules I feel like! within reason!" he seems to feel that in order to become stronf he has to be like. less caring of the rules w/e but the "within reason" line and the fact that he dislikes things being disorganized still is like. he doesnt Want to act like this. he doesnt seem to like thag but he feels iys the only way he can be strong and adapt to such a lifethreatening situation (to act like someone he clearly isnt)
another point id like to make is his relationship with Stella. it isnt really explored past this one scene in episode 2 of s2 but god there's a lot to unpack here
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"you'll never change" - has stella... always been like this?  even when radar worked under her (which HAS to be at least a year before s2 bc apparently he's been working for jesse for about a year)
 also she calls him a "quitter" which. 1. has a negative connotation meaning that she Does Not Approve of him leaving 2. implies he quit of his own accord. this isn't normal former boss/former employee interaction though something definitely happened. like theyre both Weirdly Hostile and this is never brought up again....... ehat happened.
also "he doesn't even know how to use a sword" this part stuck out to me but Considering this thing i noticed a few months ago about how the mcsm world is very. survival oriented and people who can slay powerful monsters (i.e. old order) are looked at with high respect. so basically she's calling him weak here which is. Huh. also "you don't know anything" girl what happened.... why does radar feel he has to prove himself like that...
"id be careful about counting on him for anything" what did she mean by this. did radar fuck up in some way unintentionally and it pissed stella off or something??? because something clearly happened and im very sad this is never explored further bc this is a fucking interesting plot point.
also. the last image...... this is so fucking interesting regarding radar as a character because it does actually provide context for the whole prison radar thing. like holy shit this says a lot. the first line kinda shows his insecurity already. he's aware people don't believe in him and think he's weak and a coward, but he's going to try anyway. he feels he has to prove himself kinda.. like "you'll see! i can do it watch!" and considering his behavior in this episode it shows. he's overcompensating for that fear and trying to prove that he can be enough to make a difference. especially shown by how he reacts when "Vos" tells him he's not up for the task. he's trying, it isn't enough, so he decides to mimic his heroes and pretend to be someone he isn't (which... unfortunately half the cast doesn't take seriously)
the second line proves my points more. "im not the person she thinks i am anymore" raises a lot of questions on what happened ofc but there's also the "I can be different. Braver. If that's what the situation requires... I'll do it." and guess what! he *does* do that! a combination of pressure from people telling him that he can't do it and he'd just get hurt in the process and is too weak and cowardly to really do much + the stress of the situations he's thrust into seems to sort of catalyze his decision to put on the "prison radar" persona and pretend to mimic his heroes and act strong to not only make a difference and mean something but also to survive The Horrors . but he doesn't want to do this, that isn't who he is as a person, moreso what he feels he has to do. also thinking of pne line where he says something abojt the "incredible misery in the world crushing down on you". like this is a random throwaway line?? clearly the entire situation of s2 is Getting to him but he never really gets to Express that
now ofc like i mentioned this arc is in no way perfect. it's fucking interesting but it feels unresolved and forgotten by episode 5 along with the other characters completely ignoring the fact that that isn't who he is along with jesse even praising that in some dialogue options. like the writing of this kinda confuses me because everything radar says and feels up to that point implies that it's a façade built to be what others want him to be and as a stress response but some later things kinda treat the way he acts as a Good Thing and like ???? like i get it if they wanted to do the "being more courageous" arc sure. fine. but this doesn't seem like it was simply written as that. he does Not usually act like how he does during the "prison radar" thing and its just never addressed. which fucks me up bc this is personally one of my favorite character arcs of mcsm due to how complicated and insane it is + hes one of my favorite characters ever and i relate to his issues a lot but instead thw writings kinda ????? but yeah. its always bothered me really but to be Fair mcsm was hit by a lot of budget cuts that affected the plot like dont even get me started on the scrapped assistant to the warden who sesms to be meant to be the antithesis to radar kind of... and im p sure some episodes had different writers. so yeah this sucks but it isnt gonna piss me off that bad I just wish his arc was handled a bit differently. might potentially write something or w/e about this but anyways if you read this entire thread 1. you're insane 2. we do a little trolling. follow me mcsm truthers
original tweet thread here: https://twitter.com/rival_trevor/status/1659130820999753730?s=20
41 notes · View notes
tonyglowheart · 4 years
gggu hate realizing that being on twitter is like (1) making me more paranoid about like... idk what they’re called, “dogwhistles”? like, suspecting ppl’s intentions behind posts lmfao, bc of how twt format makes it almost impossible to have any kind of nuance, and also bc there IS a lot of ppl with policing-intentions and you! don’t always know! it’s similar to that post three--rings made about this one person they followed who would go off abt ppl and one day it was about them, and after that they couldn’t do it anymore bc they saw how easily ppl went along with it
it’s like... as bad as discourse is on tumblr at least you can make your statement in full, and if someone fighting with you isn’t reading it, at least they’re reblogging it in full
vs qrting just a tiny segment out of it, and like it could be sth that’s not even a central point it could be an antecedent point, but bc they’ve reacted to it as an individual unit by itself, and then any qrt’ing can make it just its own out-of-context bit, it just... spirals from there
it’s a weird environment to be in and it breeds a kind of paranoia to it when looking at other ppl’s twts. 
Actually. no I know what it is. Everyone seems to operate in such bad faith there. And it’s a mindset that’s gotten me paranoid lmao, esp after the last round twt thread and then seeing ppl taking indiv sections out of context and assume bad faith and then act on bad faith too, and absolutely derail issues with their own agenda while accusing you of all sorts of whatever, including of being the one with an agenda while apparently they don’t have one.
And yeah like the other thing, it’s just. so easy for ppl - esp followers of that person - to just go along with it too and it just. spirals 8)
it made me really paranoid the last time feeling like ppl were talking about me where I couldn’t see, bc in the course of looking for sth else, I found a qrt in the search that twt notifs hadn’t shown me 8)
it’s........ been a Lot I think. I need to like. literally pull myself back every time, force myself to take a deep breath and not get offended and act on that offense lmao
and it’s not always successful bc life is a lot too and there’s a lot of sht up in the air and to have one my mind 8)
also I’m using keyboard smashes so much more now lmao
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So this is the Bullshit
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I don’t believe in call out posts. I think they’re unnecessary and usually create a tidal wave of drama over a misunderstanding or an issue that might have been resolved with a simple click of ‘unfollow’ or block’.
This is one of those instances where it is necessary. Where the actions of one person are genuinely harmful and quite likely malicious and it’s actually impossible to know the extent of everything they have done.
Before I proceed, I want to make it clear that I do not condone sending this person hateful asks-or, indeed, any- asks about their behaviour. If you wish to unfollow or block them-or not- then that is your business. But I did not make this post to encourage spiteful behaviour.
I want to thank everyone who contributed to this post, whether it was sending me data, good vibes, proofing or just cheering up my cranky butt at varying points between now and April. Without further ado:-
This is a callout post for user Vallanoble, for actions spanning back to February of this year.
Before I start, I need to point out a couple of things, this is a long ass story. It might take at least one session to get through all of the receipts, of which there are many.
Also: tumblr took a shit on the formatting and none of the links work now. Everything is ugly but I have a back up I’ll post when whatever weird glitch this is fixes itself.
Secondly, for much of April, before this story crossed over to tumblr, Vallan went by a nickname that was an amalgamation their general location on my statcounter and the fact they had sent weird anons as opposed to their actual name. Now that the story is being publicly connected to a singular individual, I’ve edited out all references to physical locations from my data and switched out the actual place in the document with the word ‘dipshit’. Yes, this took hours. Yes. I had a LOT of help. This is in the interest of protecting user privacy, however and not dishonesty.
First things first, Dipshit anon is an overly passionate Zen fan. They don’t interact much, so tbh I never really noticed them ?? But for sure they were following me around the time of this post 
(which seems to be the first they reblogged from me) and I recall they had been for quite some time at the time of this one
which they later alluded to in a post of their own.
It’s important to actually note several things happening at this point:-
Random overly enthusiastic Zen anon exhibit A // http://fromthedeskofelizabeththird.tumblr.com/post/156228295970/you-know-theres-something-that-annoys-me-like
Not so rando enthusiastic Zen anon // http://fromthedeskofelizabeththird.tumblr.com/post/156308585305/i-have-a-question-how-did-you-interpret-zens-bad
Zen anon the third // http://fromthedeskofelizabeththird.tumblr.com/post/156206700610/what-are-your-thoughts-on-the-conflict-between-zen
Zen’s creepy childhood brought up with the beginnings of resentment towards a Jumin post made only shortly before
Tbh I’m a bit annoyed that tumblr removed their historical notes from posts so I can’t actually reference stuff properly >:[, but January was a very busy month in terms of Zen anons (a pretty recent thing, so I don’t think Dipshit had been following me for THAT long??) asking me about stuff while I posted Jumin fics and other Jumin meta, all while Dipshit anon liked the posts all of thirty seconds after I answered them, which basically led me to the conclusion they’d probably been the one asking in the first place.
In January, they talked to me about fanfiction
This is important. At the very least please take note of the tone
In January, they were also posting this, complaining about Jumin blogs shitting on their favourite character.
(I took screens in case of deletion)
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This post is fine on its own, but crucial context for what came later.
By this point, I had them tagged on Statcounter, though I didn’t know about these posts until February, when this debacle happened
Tl;dr, in a conversation about how Jumin fans felt uncomfortable about a particular phone call, an anon came out of the blue to change the thread of conversation to Zen. Why is that familiar?!?
Take note of this post and this one
Same day, take note of this
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plus this post from a short while earlier 
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(screenshot 1) 
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(screenshot 2)
Same behaviours as before. Both resenting discussion of Jumin where relevant and blaming me personally for gross fandom behaviours I was not guilty of. I had statcounter data too (no longer unfortunately, as I have the free version), but anyway, I blocked the user and went on my merry way.
Note:- In case it is not clear, I was able to work out the identity of Dipshit and block them based on their historical activity, previous asks they had passed onto me (which in turn led to their tag on stats), stat counter data at the time of the debacle (data I don’t have anymore, but they remained tagged in April) and a cross reference of posts on their own blog.
Side note:- Here is Dipshit admitting to sending the anons (paragraph 4)
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And again, (paragraph 2)
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And again (paragraph 2)
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And again
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A n d   a g a i n
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In any case. Check out these posts from March 
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, [x] 
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and this one from April
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(screenshot here)
Once again, crucial context for what comes later.
Prior to JuminV week, I received this ask
This question came off the back of this ask to Jun, which was liked by Dipshit anon.
There is currently no evidence to tie the ask itself to Dipshit however, in light of what happened later, I am including that detail nonetheless.
On the first day of JuminV, this was posted
 (screenshot here)
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followed succinctly by this ask
I made the connection to Dipshit Anon after replying. Juminzen week, as far as we know, was not in the works until after JuminV week had already started. Therefore, it’s unlikely that first message is connected to it and it was sent for a different reason.
Note:- Here is Dipshit directly admitting to sending the JuminV ask Part one, part two
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In any case, since I didn’t want to start ship drama, I dismissed them?? I blocked them by IP around this point.
After I responded two more responses came, citing a disability when reading and claiming to ship JuminV over Juminzen tl;dr because it was not fetishisation. I deleted both of these messages and blocked by ip. I would not have deleted them if I had already made the later connection.
I posted to twitter at this point, joking that it was the first day of JuminV and already I’d blocked the entirety of the University of Dipshit by IP.
I posted again a short while later after checking statcounter and making the connection.
Dipshit anon’s name or URL was not mentioned. The fact that they actually studied at the university was assumed, though not confirmed nor referenced by myself the tweets were later deleted and this is to the best of my recollection
Things went quiet, but then the mod of JuminZen week started liking my tweets about Dipshit anon (which in turn made me suspicious, as we did not know one another and did not talk until May). Strange asks started arriving to other bloggers in regards to JuminZen. My statcounter traffic started to spike with visits from the university of Dipshit.
In this period I made jokes about “Dipshit anon”, based on the fact that I had blocked them by ip more than once and they persisted in viewing my blog, leaving me to redirect their individual ip addresses to rick rolls, crash safari and more. In private I also complained about them, because their actions were making me uncomfortable.
They posted this on the 14th, which later made me suspicious
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(screenshot here)
This is what they posted on the 17th 
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(screenshot here)
This is definitely about me, considering everything I’ve covered so far and this paragraph
were the same person who talked about listening to survivors expressing discomfort yet you shut me down just for not liking your fave. even when i phrased things nicely and came just to discuss things you immediately responded aggressively and accused me of trying to start drama. well im sorry that i saw you discussing similar topics and thought i could come and express my feelings to you but obviously you only care about specific instances of homophobia or problematic things that occur in the fandom if they have to do with bashing ur gross fave, jumin the ultimate misogynist han
The thing I didn’t understand was why it was framed as if friends were laughing, but
#dragzenweek was established as a joke (and regardless of opinions on the matter, it was not actually tagged with Zen’s name), but Alyx reported receiving genuinely hateful comments from fans of Zen and people who hated Jumin over it. One of them was Dipshit anon, which I pointed out at the time on twitter. Alyx posted a screenshot of a post from their notifs with Dipshit Anon’s URL blanked out and I was able to identify it. I personally feel from the manner the screenshot was edited, it would not be possible to identify the user without prior knowledge. (Please don’t take my word for this, however. Here is a screenshot)
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I was in contact with other friends about Dipshit anon’s behaviour and the possibility they were connected to other current dramas (at that point, I was the only person to receive an anon in regards to JuminZen who knew where it came from) both in private and otherwise. I was concerned, but did not want to spread malicious, unwarranted gossip.
It’s important to reiterate that in any given public conversation about Dipshit Anon, they were only ever referenced as such and not as any individual tumblr user. Dipshit-originally- referred to the general location of their Ip and Anon referred to the fact they had sent an anonymous message.
I spoke to Alyx about this at the time expressing concerns that Dipshit anon thought I was perhaps connected, or at the very least somehow involved with dragzen week.
On the 19th/20th April, I made a private document, detailing everything I currently knew, with links, screenshots etc (the first draft of this document). I did not want to keep repeating the story and if I was actually going to suspect this person of behaving badly, I needed proof. This document could not be liked, reblogged etc and and was only circulated privately among friends who had been in conversation about Dipshit thus far. It was a presentation of the facts as I knew them and intended to inform, leaving everyone to come to their own judgement on the matter.
Remember that at this point, beyond sending asks to Alyx and their priors with me, we did not know for sure Dipshit was connected to other dramas and without statcounter data, there was no way to actually prove it.
On the 19th of April, Alyx posted this screenshot to twitter. 
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At the time we joked about how this remark was actually unfair of both characters, as while it’s certainly true that Jumin can be quite mean to Zen, Zen is hardly kind to Jumin either. Neither the screenshot nor the subsequent thread were tagged JuminZen or Juzen. You would have had to have gone directly onto Alyx’s page to find it.
This coincides with the following twitter based traffic to my tumblr page.
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Worth noting is that Alyx’s twitter is listed on their tumblr page, where they also received hateful messages about the week on the 20th of April,
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 which once again coincides with twitter based traffic from Dipshit Anon. 
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Considering Dipshit Anon complained on the 17th about me and my friends and then Alyx received a complaint about their hateful friends, I do not think it’s too much of a stretch to suggest a connection.
Also around the same point, off the back of sentiments from other people that someone was trying to perhaps stir bad feeling betweeen Juminzen and JuminV shippers, I commented that I knew of two potential problems in this regard, one of which was Dipshit anon who I knew for certain had sent me an ask that would have caused drama. I mentioned victim complex, by the way, as a comparison to the Juzen shippers sending asks badgering artists. I was rather suspicious that no matter how shady their behaviour, ultimately Dipshit anon would convince themselves they were doing the right thing and anyone who told them otherwise was being a bully or a homophobe, having seen such behaviour before- both from them and other fandom dramas.
Also worth noting is that my tweet was on my own personal twitter page, which is not listed anywhere and was written J*zen. It was not retweeted and no one commented on it. It would have been impossible to find without either going directly onto my page or searching Dipshit Anon.
Around the 20th, Vess confirms traffic from Dipshit anon coming through from Val’s blog. Vess continues to receive traffic from them over the next few days. This comes after a tweet expressing the belief that Dipshit anon is, in fact, more than one person. In response, I note that the messages I received (of which there were three) came from Dipshit anon, which I know for certain. I do not confirm or deny anyone else’s, however.
That same day, Gillian also questions if Dipshit Anon is making the rounds. However, I personally do not comment on that thread.
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On the 21st of April, Dipshit anon posted hate directly to the Jumin Han tag because “they wanted Jumin stans to see it”
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Note:- this gained a negative reaction on twitter as it broke established etiquette.
They later received an anon asking to stop sending messages.
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Note: I don’t know who sent this message. Up until this point, I had complained about them for stalking my blog, sending an ask that would have created a shit ton of drama and expressed my own concerns that they might have been doing the same to other people. None of us had mentioned sending asks about Jumin outside of that one post on the 19th, which related to askZen. This was not officially connected to Dipshit Anon at the time.
They later express righteous anger at the idea of “popular” Jumin and V stans blaming them for drama
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Note:- a quick search made it quite apparent that no ‘popular’ Jumin or V stans had referenced this blogger recently. However, this post comes shortly after dipshit anon was referenced as victim complex 101 on twitter (as dipshit anon). The connection was not made until later.
Dipshit anon claims to have been harassed, without mentioning names. 
Could be true, considering the Jumin post, though is not tied to that and no asks are published. Feels victimized for content they post on their own blog. Also claims not to have sent anons and only have lurked in the Zen tag, which is, frankly, untrue.
Note the phrasing:  honestly how narcissistic do u have to be to think that one person who you had a disagreement with once is going around over 2 months later harassing every person who like jumin??? like???  <- this is about me
Link to Post - https://vallanoble.tumblr.com/post/159836552898/leave-me-alone-i-honestly-dont-know-what-the
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Note:- This message also comes off the back of me saying on twitter (not 100% seriously)  that I’m almost tempted to do a call out. Also note that this mostly came from the fact that they accused us of stalking and bullying on tumblr based on out of context comments from twitter.
Dipshit anon claims that people are spreading misinformation. 
At this point the only information being passed around is a private document containing links to legit sources that cannot be reblogged to avoid this exact thing. References being mocked, which … this blogger has not been referenced on tumblr. Has only been mocked for their efforts as Dipshit anon. Based on things they have actually done.
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Dipshit anon refuses to give receipts on behaviour and references not wanting to start drama even though they spoke about boycotting an event only recently and tagged their hate that same day.
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Dipshit anon tells another person that they have only made posts on their own blog irt Jumin, which is not true. They also say that their behaviour comes as a result of wanting their experiences as an abuse survivor to be considered. (Deleted! Screenshot available) Remember, they are not the only survivor here and they know this enough to try and use it in a vaguepost
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this private post was only referenced on twitter. In replies to conversations, not all of which mentioned Dipshit anon. Usernames were not mentioned. It was not posted on tumblr. Enough said. It was at this point that everyone started to suspect they were actually watching people’s twitters.
Screenshot here
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Demands information from the people supposedly sending them hate Deleted, I took a Screenshot
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Posts this by way of a receipt (does not link actual users) Deleted, but I took a Screenshot
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Note: You cannot just stumble across tweets !!! Also, the topic of conversation WAS Jumin. Dipshit got defensive after I refused to change the topic.
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I would also speculate that this ask Alyx received on the 21st came from Dipshit anon, given these factors:
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The timeline -  having asked Alyx and knowing that ask arrived somewhere between 5am and 3pm cst on the 21st of April, which places it on the busiest period of Dipshit anon’s posts that day. Between the Jumin hate and many other of their corresponding posts
the knowledge that Dipshit anon was watching our twitters
the data that proves they were watching both Vess’ blog and mine for certain
They arrived at Vess’ blog via referral from Val’s. With this in mind and the facts above, it’s not unlikely that during this period they actually lurked everyone’s blogs.
This ask arrived during a very difficult climate when Dipshit felt particularly angry and in their own words, was stressed and emotional.
Not only that, but they themselves were on the receipt of criticism for posting hate in tags on the 21st.
I did a search of their blog for mentions of Yoosung and Unknown and they have explicitly stated a dislike for the Yooran ship  (screenshot)
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This is speculation, but considering the evidence, I believe it is fair.
On the 22nd April, Dipshit Anon sends a message to Alyx (part2)(part 3)
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They send a message to Serena shortly afterwards
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Here is how the conversation goes:
S:  “I’m a bit confused about what it is you want me to tell you, honestly. I never thought that we were engaged in drama nor were we fighting, considering I’ve never spoken to you before.”
DA:  “No, I didn’t think so either. But apparently you and some others had a post listing things I’ve done and I was really confused?? There was accusations of me sending people who liked Jumin mean asks which I didn’t do? I just wanted to clear everything up and figure out where that was coming from.”
S:  “I don’t recall anyone saying that people were sending Jumin fans mean asks. Can you be more specific?”
DA: “Um, wasn’t that the entire point of what was going on though? There were tweets saying that I was sending harassment to people who like Jumin?Someone sent me a message telling me to stop sending asks to people who like Jumin which I didn’t do? And it seemed like it was from one of you guys. I could be wrong, though.”
S:  “Well, I didn’t send that message, and to my knowledge none of my friends have sent you anything.”
DA: “That was the bulk of my frustration. I saw some tweets assuming that I was sending anon asks to random people about Jumin which I didn’t do, and I was overwhelmed and upset at being told I was doing something that I didn’t.”
DA:  “Okay. Then what was all the hype about saying that I was harassing Jumin fans? And that there was a private post that apparently had a bunch of evidence that I did a bunch of things? I honestly was super confused on what everyone thought I did and that’s why I was upset.”
S: “Do you want to link me to a specific tweet claiming that you’re harassing Jumin fans, because I still do not recall anyone saying that.”
S:  Honestly, it’s really not my responsibility to entertain you, but I’m a bit tired of this and I have exams to study for so I’m going to anyway. First of all, my friends and I aren’t a hive mind. I don’t know what it is they’re saying about you at all times, and just because they say something it doesn’t mean that I personally agree with it.
Second of all, I was referencing this ask that you sent to Louise when I referred to sending asks trying to start shit:http://fromthedeskofelizabeththird.tumblr.com/post/159426686395/ … I’m not interested in debating whether or not that was actually your intention; it doesn’t really matter to me because that’s the effect it would’ve had when it landed in Louise’s inbox had she chosen to reply to you seriously. And I know that you were the one who sent that ask, because of this post that you made subsequently, so don’t bother:https://vallanoble.tumblr.com/post/159700504123/wow-im-feeling-like-shit-i-want-to-die … For some reason, you chose to pretend that her response was some sort of personal vendetta against you for disliking Jumin, even though her response has nothing to do with Jumin’s character at all and simply stated that she doesn’t want to partake in an argument that’ll cause friction with JuminZen fans. And then you did a whole lot of misconstruing by saying that she’s belittling you for your justified anger or not taking your experience as a survivor seriously, which is a very serious and untrue accusation to be making of a person who is also a survivor. Hence, my annoyance with you.
Thirdly, I posted my incredulity at the fact we’re the same age, because of your assertion that adults in the fandom are bullying you despite being an adult yourself, and despite the fact you aren’t being bullied. Getting blocked isn’t being bullied, it’s being ignored by someone who has no requirement to engage with you anyway. Fourth, it annoys me that you said you haven’t sent any asks about Jumin since months ago, when you just sent that JuminZen ask like two weeks ago, because that’s lying. This entire time you’ve remained anonymous in our discussions. We’ve literally been calling you “Dipshit anon”, and your url hasn’t been publicly revealed anywhere. None of this information is available to anyone except in our group of friends, since the post containing these and other links is private, and we’ve only been sending it through private messages to people we are friends with. The fact you decided to listen in on a conversation about things you really did and claim that having that conversation is bullying is your problem, not ours. Have a good night.
Screenshot of Dipshit Anon loading my blog one hour before I am referenced in this conversation
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Before Dipshit Anon’s response, I learn that Vergil received a strange JuminZen ask and receive clarification that, while he did receive traffic from Dipshit (the location), the one in his askbox was Italian. Around this point we discuss potentially eliminating Dipshit from this particular inquiry, but also to keep an eye on them in case of future problems. I too received traffic from Italy recently.
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Dipshit begins deleting posts off their blog around this point. (The final two on the list)
Vess confirms traffic from Dipshit anon
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Dipshit Anon’s response 1,
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Some notes:-
In regards to point 8, this person is blocked from my blog for reasons I have already explored and it is manipulative, to say the least, to complain about my reaction to them when they had no business being in my inbox in the first place.
The phrasing of point 8 actually is very manipulative in general “oh well, she doesn’t care”. My emotional labor is not for their profit, nor consumption.
Speaking of manipulative, consider the point about age. Dipshit anon repeatedly refers to themselves as a child when they are nineteen, repeatedly complains about adult bloggers and grownups being condescending and in points 8 and 9 complains about an inherently present power dynamic that I should be aware of when speaking to younger bloggers, all while sending asks on anon. I cannot feasibly guess the age of anonymous asks.
I don’t actually remember saying anything about Zen and Seven fans on my twitter or tumblr. I also cannot find anything on my twitter about this. So. Um. Receipt?  
I believe that point 11 is true to an extent. I believe they probably found DragZen on the 17th and, from there, found Alyx’s tumblr. I also believe that from there they found Alyx’s twitter, which would give us something of a timeline so far. It certainly brings us to their angry post on the 17th, in any case.
It’s true that I identified them as Dipshit anon, but only after concluding that their URL was blanked out satisfactorily and only because Dipshit anon was the name I had been using from the beginning to identify the person that sent me a questionable ask and continue to load my blog afterwards.
The next part in 15 is just. Where do I begin? Even Dipshit is not sure whose anons I identified as theirs. As a matter of fact, I only identified Alyx’s. When Vess got statcounter, we compared data in the interest of accuracy (as I later did with Vergil), but none of this happened on my public twitter.
When Dipshit refers to Gillian receiving asks, I believe they are talking about this, which I did not confirm
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Point 15/16 makes me really uncomfortable, for reasons I will come to at the end.
Here is them viewing my blog around about this time
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S:  Okay, re: everything else now.
1. All right, if you didn’t consider that ask as being about Jumin then I’m fine with setting aside the idea that you lied about it. It was personally frustrating to me because I really don’t care what asks you sent about Jumin months ago, I was annoyed by the response to Louise’s way of handling the JuminZen asks from a couple of weeks ago. It’s pretty clear by now that you probably didn’t even have that JuminZen ask in mind the entire time all of this was happening, but that’s what I was thinking of in terms of everything else I posted. I have my thoughts on how the situation could’ve been handled differently by both you and me, but at this point I don’t think it matters anymore and in the interest of resolving things let’s call it a misunderstanding and move on. I already said I don’t really want to debate whether or not that ask would actually have started drama so I’m not going to.
2. I wasn’t aware of the timing of your post was after the DragZenWeek incident and not after the ask you sent Louise, but upon re-reading it makes a lot more sense in that context and I’m sorry for making assumptions. To ease your worries, Louise wasn’t stalking your blog. She has an app called StatCounter that allows her to see where people are accessing her blog from—that’s how she put together who it was that had sent her other messages prior to the JuminZen ask, and that’s how she was able to block your IP address. By the way, she also knows you’ve been bypassing her IP block to visit her blog these last few days.
I can understand why you were stressed, honestly. I disagree with the way you do a lot of things, but I’ll readily admit that I personally made a lot of assumptions that I didn’t have a real basis for making, and I’m sorry. I stand by my statement that no one claimed you were going around and harassing Jumin fans with asks, though.
To explain my own point of view, most of what was annoying *me* was that you were conflating responses to you with disliking you for liking Jumin. I can’t speak for anyone else, obviously, but I personally could not care less if you hate Jumin. Speaking for myself here, I’ve said multiple times that although Jumin is my favourite character, I’m completely sympathetic with the reasons people would have for hating him, and I’ve also said that I would never engage in a debate over him with someone who says Jumin reminds them of past abuse because that isn’t my place to speak. Most if not all of my friends have said the same or similar, and honestly, I don’t want friends that don’t have that attitude and when I dislike someone I make it pretty damn easy to tell. But you were accusing Louise of that, which I think is especially insensitive because Louise is also a survivor, and now you’re saying that you meant for all of that to apply to Alyx too—not that you need to know this, but Alyx heavily criticizes Jumin’s route for the exact reasons that you probably would. Again, it’s a very serious thing to accuse people of being abuse apologists, especially when you don’t know the situation.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m sincerely sorry that you were hurt by my words yesterday, especially because some of the claims I was making were unfounded. Gossip is something I generally try to avoid, and I think this entire situation was a good reminder as to why I do that. I still don’t think this falls under the definition of bullying, but I do empathize with your perspective and I’m sorry for my involvement.
I’ll go back and delete any posts about this that were made by me. Here are my recommendations for you:
1. I don’t know if you have the extension XKit, but it allows you to blacklist certain words so that posts containing them don’t show up when you’re browsing tumblr, and it allows you to block posts that you dislike/don’t want to see. It’s a good tool to help you stay safe while navigating the site, and I think you should probably put Jumin’s name into it since you’ve mentioned that you find him severely upsetting.
2. Use the “anti” tags when you want to discuss character hate/critique, or don’t tag at all. It’s totally within your rights to critique a character, and using the anti tag means that anyone who chooses to interact with your post is consenting to do so knowing what they’ll be getting into. When you tag a post, you’re basically giving people permission to engage if they want to, so if you want to have a critical discussion about a character with like-minded people or people who disagree but are interested in having a discussion, that’s your way to do it. If you only want to discuss with like-minded individuals, you can throw on an “#I’m not interested in debating this” tag so people who disagree know to stay away. There’s a reason none of the DragZenWeek posts were tagged with Zen’s name and this is that reason.
3. This goes for both of us, but if you’re seeing something happening out of context, don’t assume that you know what the context is. You didn’t know what it was I was talking about when I discussed asks you sent, I didn’t know what you were talking about when you made that post (and I also assumed it was you sending the other asks, double bad on me). I don’t think I’ve anything more to say on this subject. If you do, feel free. Thank you for taking the time to contact me in spite of your social anxiety—I understand that that was hard to do and I appreciate it.
Dipshit Anon:
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate you clearing things up. I usually tag my posts with anti-Jumin, but at that time I was still emotional and defensive about things I previously mentioned, so I thought that tagging it would send a one time message to people that like Jumin to not harass survivors that feel uncomfortable with him about it. That’s all I wanted. It was a bad move on my part and I’ve gone and fixed it and I’m sorry.
I forgot to clarify these things - I didn’t think Alyx was being insensitive towards me being an abuse survivor - I made an error when constructing that sentence and it made it seem like I was including them in that statement. I just was upset because I was under the impression that they thought I was pathetic and attention seeking for my deleted post on DragZenWeek.
I can’t remember what exactly happened that made me say that thing about Louise being insensitive to abuse survivors and not liking me because I didn’t like Jumin, but that wasn’t about the JuminZen ask I sent or the previous one for February. It was something to do with her statement about me being attention seeking and seeing some responses to other people’s asks who criticized Jumin or something. I honestly can’t remember, and looking back at the post I don’t know why I said that, and I’m sorry.
I feel like a lot of this was due to misunderstandings by me and a little on the others sides and I reacted defensively and angrily to situations when I didn’t know the entire story. That just led to more statements and miscommunication on both sides and it spiraled out of control. Nevertheless, I apologize wholeheartedly and I appreciate you giving me a polite and courteous reply. I’ve been dealing with some tough stuff in real life for the past few months, including a traumatic brain injury, that’s clouded my judgement and made me more volatile and sensitive to criticism or what I misunderstand as negativity directed at me. I know that doesn’t excuse anything, but I just wanted to clarify that I’m not usually like this, and I usually keep to myself. I’m digressing, but I sincerely do apologize. I appreciate your clarification and will definitely do the the things you recommended. If you could, it would be very much appreciated if you could pass along my apology sentiments to everyone else that was involved. You don’t have to, and I’m not expecting them to forgive or unblock me or anything, I just want them to know that I am sorry and I’m usually a reasonable and nice person when not under extenuating circumstances.
Thank you again and I wish you the best.
Also - clarification about why I didn’t have Jumin’s name blacklisted - I’m on mobile Tumblr a lot, because it’s just easier for me to use because of a lot of convoluted reasons related to my learning disabilities and mental illnesses. But I do have them blacklisted on my computer, and when I’m on mobile if I see a particularly terrible hate post about Zen or a post that is praising Jumin but uses examples of Zen and why he comes up short in comparison, I’ll block that person. I usually don’t really care and avoid that stuff, but I have encountered several blogs in particular (none of which belong to you or any of your friends) that express extreme animosity towards people who say Jumin makes them uncomfortable or reminds them of past abuse. That’s kind of where that ask response was coming from. I just wanted people not to bug others who don’t like him. But it was done in the wrong way and I’m sorry. Also, I was only checking Louise’s blog because I was paranoid that she was going to post things about me and I wouldn’t be able to see them. I’m not going to do that anymore and I’m sorry.
And those blogs I mentioned that attack abuse survivors make numerous posts saying stuff like “if you say jumin made you uncomfortable I don’t like you” or “people who are triggered by jumin are the worst” and etc. Again, it wasn’t you or any of your friends, but some of those people who do that were really insensitive. I’m sorry for tagging the post though and getting y'all dragged into it.
There is a difference between EXPLAINING your actions where relevant and EXCUSING them. And excusing them is very much what’s happening here, given this phrasing:  I’m usually a reasonable and nice person when not under extenuating circumstances.
Disability or stress or emotion is not an extenuating circumstance for accusations of abuse apologism and stalking, nor is it an extenuating circumstance for repeatedly insisting on engaging in conversation with someone who has blocked you. It’s not an extenuating circumstance for flat out lying in some cases and manipulating the facts in others. It’s not an extenuating circumstance for listening on a conversation you aren’t included in and choosing to accuse the people having the conversation of bullying instead of asking for context.
Secondly, Dipshit’s comment here:  I forgot to clarify these things - I didn’t think Alyx was being insensitive towards me being an abuse survivor - I made an error when constructing that sentence and it made it seem like I was including them in that statement. I just was upset because I was under the impression that they thought I was pathetic and attention seeking for my deleted post on DragZenWeek.
Given the timeline we have so far, their post on the 17th, Alyx’s asks around that period and the traffic on my blog, I think it’s more accurate to suggest that they WERE including them and are backtracking.
Also in regards to this:  I can’t remember what exactly happened that made me say that thing about Louise being insensitive to abuse survivors and not liking me because I didn’t like Jumin, but that wasn’t about the JuminZen ask I sent or the previous one for February. It was something to do with her statement about me being attention seeking and seeing some responses to other people’s asks who criticized Jumin or something. I honestly can’t remember, and looking back at the post I don’t know why I said that, and I’m sorry.
Once again, given our timeline, the fact that if I called them attention seeking at all it wasn’t until after the 19th in replies to other people and Alyx and I chatted about Jumin on twitter on the 19th, I feel it’s fair to conclude that this could be a legitimate memory blank, but it’s more likely to be backtracking.
It’s also very clearly backtracking irt:  but that wasn’t about the JuminZen ask I sent or the previous one for February, when both are explicitly referenced in the post itself.
I usually don’t really care and avoid that stuff, but I have encountered several blogs in particular (none of which belong to you or any of your friends) that express extreme animosity towards people who say Jumin makes them uncomfortable or reminds them of past abuse.
This is the second (?) time they’ve angrily drawn other people into a conversation about unrelated topics and they have made posts about boycotting events, they tagged their hate only recently etc. I think it is fair to conclude from all evidence so far that they do care and they don’t avoid that stuff.
I’m on mobile Tumblr a lot, because it’s just easier for me to use because of a lot of convoluted reasons related to my learning disabilities and mental illnesses
I went back to count and Dipshit anon mentions their illnesses, injuries and more on seven separate occasions and always in the context of gaining pity, thereby shifting the power dynamics of the conversation.
Dipshit Anon remains blocked as of April 2017
As of 22nd of April 2017, they continue to load pages of my blog, despite their own statement that they would not:
Also, I was only checking Louise’s blog because I was paranoid that she was going to post things about me and I wouldn’t be able to see them. I’m not going to do that anymore and I’m sorry.
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Also worth noting is that this traffic came through a t.co reference, which is the shortened url format from twitter.
In response to this, I made my tweets private again and removed the link to my blog from my twitter bio.
As of May 8th 2017,  they continue to load pages of my blog.
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I believe this occurred because of a reblog of this post.
As of the 10th of May, I receive traffic on a singular VxMC-centric fic from Dipshit (the location). This traffic recurs over several days right up until the 14th.
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I do not usually receive traffic from Dipshit the location with this amount of frequency. I also knew that Dipshit the person had been browsing my blog. This put them on my radar.
On May 15th 2017, I learned of this ask on Void’s blog 
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At the time, I had my suspicions that Dipshit might be involved and a brief check on their posts that day reveals that Dipshit did intend to submit to the fanzine.
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At approximately 9am that morning, I receive traffic from them on statcounter.
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The interesting thing about this is that at first I was not entirely sure why this traffic happened. I do not reference anything about this incident on my blog until approximately midday, when I reblog Void’s answer to a second ask. 
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(Screenshot) (Here is the time stamp of when I actually reblogged it)
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From 8.30am onwards, Void and I were talking privately about the situation, at which point (a little before this conversation) 
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Void referenced typing out a long post, which likely became the one they later posted. (Having chatted to Void, they later confirmed that it was in fact, already posted by the time of that screen.) This creates something of a potential timeline of Dipshit seeing the post shortly after it was posted and following through to my blog shortly afterwards. (Note: I believe I was not the only one to receive this treatment, but I’ll get to that later)
In any case. I asked Void to check if they were blocked by Dipshit and it later transpired that they were. 
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I encouraged Void to get Statcounter, we compared notes and here is a full compilation of all traffic 
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Dipshit received within the first day of installation. (Pls note that the date is different because of time zones. I live in Britain and for me these times are in the evening of the 15th. US people would be even further back in the day)
Here is a screen of Dipshit later admitting to sending both asks covered so far to Void
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Note that I said I was not the only person whose blog potentially received attention from Dipshit as a result of Void’s posts. I believe that Dipshit actually went through the blogs of several people who either commented or expressed support for Void over the course of those few hours spanning from when they first received an ask to the 9am response.
This would not only fall in line with current evidence at hand, but also their actions in April.
Exhibit a
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, exhibit b
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, and exhibit c
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 (I’m coming back to this one later)
Also take note of this reblog by user setthestarsxonfire.
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They made a post a short time afterwards, further going into their feelings on the matter
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Afterwards, they received three asks (ask a,
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  ask b
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and c
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) (link to a,
  link to b
, link to c
When reviewing statcounter data, it’s clear that Dipshit reviews the #notes of posts and flits from one blog to another.
While this was happening, I was in conversation with user mariamagica, having seen them comment on Void’s post that they knew who was sending the anons. Considering that this was the same person who had liked my tweet about Dipshit Anon way back in April, I was curious to know what they knew and if we had any shared experiences.
It transpired that Dipshit was so well known to them and had caused them so much bother that they were able to reference them by name within a matter of seconds. They sent me this screenshot sent to the askbox of the Juminzen week blog.
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Mariamagica had them blocked, but I encouraged them to get statcounter and here is their Dipshit traffic from the 15th.
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A short time after this, Vess and Jun confirm that Dipshit followed them that same day.
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Dipshit continues to lurk my blog.
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Having gone over the events of the day, I made a post at 18:46 my time. This is a soft warning and a pre-emptive call out. Up until this point I had not said anything about Dipshit anon publicly on my tumblr, but I was running increasingly low on patience. I blocked them in February and kept the details to myself at the time, but they continued. In April, we resolved it peacefully but they continued. At this point they were on strike three.
In my post, I listed three examples of asks from Dipshit. 
These were all examples I could confidently attribute to Dipshit and as it gained so many reblogs, I gained 
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    lot of traffic  
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  from Dipshit 
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in that period.
This traffic extends to my personal blog
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I received an ask 
(screenshot, including timestamp of receipt)
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-Dipshit on my blog in that exact same time frame? Check
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-Not my ask but trying to pull the high ground with me about it anyway? Check
-“Please consider the abuse victims!!1″ To a survivor? Check.
-Sending a really questionable anon in general? Check.
After my response saying that if I received any more messages I would reply with their URL, Serena got a message from Dipshit, complaining that I should apologise to their friend 
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for blaming them for things Dipshit had done.
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This earns the biggest of sighs and rolliest of eyes from me and there are hundreds of things I could say about it, such as the sheer unlikeliness of a random mysme blogger I have never heard of before (and incidentally never blocked) showing up to send me an ask with the precise same objections as Dipshit while Dipshit is on my blog, all while having no involvement with what Dipshit is doing. Even Dipshit acknowledged they were friends and went so far as to link their Zen centric blog.
They later post the following screens to their blog, which confirm that they sent these 
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asks to Stars and encouraged another person to send more: 1
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Also. This is what a receipt for blocking looks like.
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However, if a chat is what’s going these days, here’s a chat
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between the mods of JuminZen week 
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discussing whether or not to block 
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Dipshit, drafting a response and discovering they were already blocked, 
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as forwarded to me by mariamagica <3
I’m especially interested by the use of the word “demonise”. Demonise only makes sense in terms of me addressing Dipshit and publishing their URL, neither of which have anything to do with their friend…who up until that message was anonymous in this conversation.
User setthestarxonfire also receives two
asks about this in much the same vein with identical phrasing. (screenshot one) (screenshot two)
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You may recall I referenced user capitolscum. That is the personal of mmscum, who I was also in touch with at this time. Through the reblogs of my Attn:-Mysme fandom post, I became aware that they too had received strange anons.
As it happened, Scum had received three anonymous asks. One
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, Two
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and Three
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(Links: One, Two and Three)
This prompted the following essay:- 1,
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Which corresponded with this review on AO3 (Please zoom)
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This coincides with this ask 
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and this response from Scum (part one and two)
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It also prompted this chat (part one)(part two)
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I’m including this chat for the sole reason that this is how Dipshit described it post call out
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It’s unclear what exact fic Dipshit is referring to, though Scum believes the comment they’re referring to is this one, on a fic exploring Zen’s recovery as a survivor of a traumatic incident prior to the first chapter.
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There’s also this post 
addressing negativity in fandom (screenshot here),
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 to which Dipshit anon responded twice (one, two) 
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I’m including this for the sheer ridiculousness of the fact that it happened two weeks ago and shows them discouraging their own behaviour.
Scum, post callout, received this review on the same fic
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Considering both the linguistical patterns and the complaints both matched Dipshit, we did a bit of investigating and if this is a coincidence it’s a very unfortunate one.  
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And now we arrive at the 16th of May.
Void gets notifications from Dipshit
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and their reaction 
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speaks for itself.
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Remember this?
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Void is 17. Younger than Dipshit and a minor.
I have 
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multiple visits 
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Dipshit that day (Is it worth me even saying it at this point? Whatever)
Here is Mariamagica’s traffic for that day (All of the ones from the university are Dipshit)
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17th of May, today!
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is active 
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on my blog and Void’s 
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(The one blacked out the most.)
Scum passes on their statcounter data to me and Dipshit is not only a visitor 
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but recently went through the notes of this post
which somewhat ironically was partially inspired by their actions.
Considering this fact and the fact that they visit my blog in the wake of this reblog
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their subsequent blog post becomes slightly more interesting.
(Screenshot one)
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 (Screenshot two)
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 (link to post)
It’s past midnight now and I’m about to go to bed. I have only one thing to say on this matter, however.
The adage that the internet is not your safe space is not a suggestion that it should not be safe. It means that the internet is not the safe place of any individual person. It belongs to all of us and there is going to be opinions, ships, characters etc you do not like personally. But it is NO ONE’s job to keep you safe but your own. It’s nobody else’s responsibility to write characters as you see them. It’s no one else’s job to keep the content you don’t like off your radar or create the content that you do. There’s no justification for treating real people badly over fictional things.
A few other notes post call out:-
Dipshit remains blocked. Here is a screenshot of a message they sent to me the day after I posted the call out (part one)
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(part two)
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from a new blog designed to collect receipts (this is not hyperbole: screen shot one
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and two
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). This blog has since been deleted.  
I am not a shipper of Juzen and so bad behaviour within the community is not something I would know of immediately or in much depth, however:
Dipshit considers an anti Juzen week to educate the homophobic women who ship it.
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This is an interesting one, as it coincides with the appearance of the blog juzenisgross, which specifically posted excerpts from Why does he do that (a book about abusive relationships and domestic violence) in the juzen tags on the first day of juzen week.
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This is a loose thread on its own. However. This is the time stamp of the first post on the blog.
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This is Dipshit on my blog.
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Once again, possibly coincidence, but incredibly unfortunate if so.
Here is Dipshit continuing to send lengthy messages to content creators 1,
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along with her refusal to blacklist tags
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354 notes · View notes
So. I guess I hit 200 today.
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“A hero is only as great as the men who stand behind him.”
Wow. 200 followers already. Who would’ve thought? I’ve had this blog maybe a little over a month, and it’s definitely been the most loving and accepting community I’ve ever been apart of. 
You’ll have to forgive the terrible graphic. Edits definitely aren’t my thing. (Also, the fond was called ‘Making a Hero’. I had to.) 
There are so many wonderful people I’ve had the chance to talk to, so this is going to be long as shit and really, really gay. Strap in folks. 
ALSO. I tried to be cool and do this whole thing in smalltext and bigtext but I fucked it up and after spending an hour on fixing the formatting to be readable again I decided to give up and post it as-is. So sorry about this thing being such a disaster. It’s just like me. Edit: Tumblr was dumb and didn’t tag half the people in here probably. Tried to fix that. If you get a double notification, I’m sorry!!
The Big Three™
@captaindrautos (Also infernalian and oldfrxend): It’s like Tumblr knew. You’re the first person to come up when I type the ‘@’ symbol. Anyway. Cera. Sharky. Where do I even begin? You’re the actual best. The first person who really played with Nyx (even though it’s been over a month since I replied to that thread, oops) the one who listened and didn’t judge me too harshly as I built Nyx’s Traitor!AU. The day after we met I almost got hit by a car because I was too excited to talk to you. I’m terrified of cars. 
My Nyx wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Hell, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Somehow, you’ve evolved into one of my favourite people over this past month or so, and despite it not being long, it’s hard to think that I ever didn’t have such a wonderful person in my life. My darling. Moon of my life. I owe you lots more than one lousy Domino’s pizza. 
@pxlsatiio (Also reaprise, securiis, regaliities, arraaxis, xghiranze, pkhara, and lxzarus) : Jess. My twin. My sunshine. You have been my best friend during this weird, emotional month of ours. To think we were once both so insecure about our characters interacting (You opened up to me once, but I always felt weird saying it in return. So I’m saying it.) 
When we first started talking, I was terrified. You were like... this big-name roleplayer. Everyone who seemed like they stood out in the FFXV community interacted with you and your muses and I was a lone new blog in this sea of sharks. (No offense, Cera.) But after a few awkward times of me embarrassing myself (and I still do, I seem to be king of Saying the Wrong Thing™), I somehow managed to be part of this wonderful group of people and I don’t want to think about having to go through anything without you by my side, and likewise. I’m glad I can be here for you, too, even if I’m absolutely shit with words. 
Also. Please forgive me if I forgot a blog. I’m an old man, and I’m trying my best.
@hardcormarshal​ (Also kingsglaivefuriaroad): Cait. C A I T. Cait. I love you, girl. Even though we talk a bit less, (Which is entirely my fault, and I will fall to my knees and apologise until my dying day,) you’re the one that’s helped me develop Nyx the most. You’re far more critical to my ideas, asking questions and even debating with me in mutual confusion over what the heck was wrong with the FFXV timeline. I’m still not sure if we ever figured it out.  We started rp’ing together because of Big Daddy Junior and Little Kitten Boy (a thread that I owe on too. Gods, I suck,) and it’s evolved to probably the most loving and healthy relationship my Nyx has. (Which is saying something, because I haven’t forgotten that time Nyx freaked and tried and tried to kill Cor.) I can’t wait for their happy ending in Galahd. If I ever reply. We need to start talking more OOC too, my dude. You’re awesome, and I just don’t appreciate you nearly as much as I’d like to. 
The Babes:
@oracleofthegods​: Liz. My Lady. My beautiful, lovely lady. I adore you. I still don’t know how you put up with me curled up on your thigh for half of Anime Oasis but you did with a smile on your face and I owe you the world. We need Luna and Nyx to interact much, much more. You have my Discord now, so abuse it as much as you’d like ;)
@arachnette​: We haven’t talked with our muses because someone has been ass-deep in P5 hell (I forgive you though, because I am too.) But since you’re my rl Prom, 9S, Akira... and probably several others I can’t think of off the top of my head, I would feel wrong if I didn’t mention how much I love you in this too.
@regalchocobo​: You goddamned sweetheart. You know exactly how much I adore you and I blame you for at least half of the Prompto hell I am in. (And boy, am I in deep.) Between Nyx and Loqi, you sure take care of my boys. I hope I take care of you just as well.
@thekingsshield​ We haven’t talked near as much, but every time we do, it makes my day. Nyx sexting is still a great reason to laugh whenever I’m feeling down, and I can’t wait to play in our new Vigilante!AU~ We definitely need to talk more!!
@lioncuboflucis​ A total sweetheart who helps me keep this blog on track. You sure help keep me inspired to update regularly, and our conversations about Nyx and Noctis are too sweet I can’t help but fall even more in love with what’s already my OTP. Außerdem bist du ein Schatz? Und entzückend? Ich gebe mein Bestes.
@narcolepticprince​ & @versesdelinquent​ You two make my day. Our chat is legitimately nothing but dicking around, but I love it. And I’m pretty sure Nyx needs some fun smutty times with the both of you >:3c
@massadamnata​ (also beeeans and heterochromiairiidum)You were the first person to reblog my promo when I made my blog and actually helped me get this thing rolling. I didn’t forget. We really need to interact more because from the amount I’ve stalked you by now I love your damn muses too much to not.
Here’s that giant list of people I’ve interacted with at one point and love, (meaning yes you need to bug me more ooc and ic bc I love you):
@lightwithinthenightsky @littlestreetrxt @glaivegirl @treddlightly @kidsofthekelvinhero @insomniasprince @iustitaex @hyperionknight​ @violentremnant​ @noctiisms​ @irisiae​ @floweringeclipse​ @croweoftheglaive​ @heartxandxhome​ @son-of-regis​ @sumsatis​ @badassbarmaid​ @waywardregalis​ @rexcrystallis​
Here’s the list of people that I haven’t talked to (Or have and don’t remember because again, I’m old,) and WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING:
@luxarcum​ @trashkingizunia​ @leorugiet​ @sxrtis​ @shieldoftheprince​ @littlexsisterxulric​ @oraclechosen​ @pelnaxkhara​ @meldaciomartyr​ @theplagueofstars​ @croweisms​ @outofmychair​ @pridevowed​ @croawe​ @technochocobro​ @kxngsshield​ @enviousking​ @vigilanc​ @adventurouswind​ @chocobowa​ @lunaeoraculum​ @ebonyforthestrategist​ @clipeumregia​
I’m sure I’ve forgotten several blogs and if I left you out, I am SO sorry. It’s also midnight and I have to be up at 6 am tomorrow. I love each and every one of you who follows me and would love to both play with you more, and get to know you OOC. You can find me here:
Discord: Loqito Taquito#5943 (subject to change, ask me if it doesn’t work
Skype: Damonwho221b
Twitter: @ transprincenoct
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I know this is probably super unnecessary but I feel weird posting abt that particular twitter bullshit without providing ppl with my reasoning for supporting it just bc a lot of the people who responded negatively to the initial blowback from that emotional capacity tweet are neurodivergent and probably felt like the criticism of the format was targeting them in some respect and like...I dunno. I feel obligated to at least explain my reasoning behind criticizing/supporting other people’s criticism of the initial tweet and thread bc I know from personal experience that being able to understand why people react a certain way really helps with my rsd. It’s not so much the concept of a script itself that I disagree with as much as the language used?? And people say that’s just bc it’s supposed to be a template that can be tweaked but I don’t think it’s a really good template either because not only is the language smth very cold (and well...professional?? For lack of a better term?) in a way that would seem intimidating and unfriendly to the (already emotionally distressed) people you intend to help by letting them down easy but also like...that’s not something the people who use these kinds of templates will easily be able to recognize. Hence why they’re using the templates. Like. I think the op kinda set people up to fail, at the very least by choosing the words that she did but also like. Not really giving people a protocol to follow to ensure that the way they set up their individual responses is tonally appropriate. I mean something for people who struggle with social cues to keep in mind: sometimes for neurotypical people who are particularly sensitive, even the smallest change in your natural cadence can make them think something is wrong, and that can diminish the effectiveness of a template if you don’t know how to restate it in a way that naturally blends into the way you tend to word things. And figuring out how to do that can be hard! And it’s important to know that the reason why people are responding negatively to this template is because it’s similar to something you’d receive from a boss or corporate hq, and capitalism causes people to associate that with not only a lack of empathy, but a lack of empathy due to blatant self-interest. It really does give off the vibe of “i honestly don’t give a shit if you live or die and this response has been carefully constructed under the consultation of our legal department to make sure absolutely nothing in it holds us personally responsible for the distress it causes you” and that’s a vibe that you should try to avoid at any and all costs unless you’re literally warren buffet!! Ok rant over 🥴
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ramialkarmi · 6 years
The viral #PlaneBae story is raising some serious questions about how creepy social media can be (TWTR, FB, AMZN, GOOG, GOOGL)
On Tuesday, the #PlaneBae saga went viral on social media, as a Twitter user broadcast what seemed to be a love connection between two strangers sitting in front of her on an airplane.
Most of the world loved the story, and the #PlaneBae himself even went on the Today Show to talk about it. 
However, the whole #PlaneBae incident raises some worrying questions: Should you expect someone to be broadcasting your life all the time, even when you're just talking to your seatmate on an airplane? 
There are no easy answers.
On Tuesday, two young, attractive strangers met on a plane and seemed to hit it of in conversation. 
This isn't an especially remarkable occurrence. But thanks to another passenger, who decided to document their interactions on social media — including sneaky photos — these strangers have become viral sensations, as social media users became convinced that they got to see the beginnings of a whirlwind romance by proxy. 
From another point of view, though, this meet-cute wasn't actually all that cute. And it raises worrying questions for what privacy really means in the era of social media and ubiqituous connectivity. 
"The thread is a gross invasion of privacy," said Taylor Lorenz, an internet culture reporter for The Atlantic, in an interview with Business Insider. "We don’t really know much about these people, and its delusional to project this weird, made-up romance onto them."
The #PlaneBae saga
Just to catch you up, here's the so-called #PlaneBae saga in a nutshell. 
In the series of Instagram stories and tweets posted early Tuesday morning, Texan actress Rosey Blair recorded what many believed to be the formation of a budding romance. Blair took to her Twitter account to explain that by switching seats with another passenger, she might have accidentally made a love connection between two strangers. 
You can read that thread here:
Last night on a flight home, my boyfriend and I asked a woman to switch seats with me so we could sit together. We made a joke that maybe her new seat partner would be the love of her life and well, now I present you with this thread.
— Rosey Blair (@roseybeeme) July 3, 2018
Over the course of the flight, the couple apparently got to know one another, exchanged contact info, and occasionally touched arms — all while Blair live-tweeted their every move and thousands eagerly awaited updates. When the plane landed, Blair got a final shot — taking care not to capture the pair's faces — that looked like a happy ending.
Within 48 hours, the story was being covered on cable news all over the country. Alaska Airlines and T-Mobile CEO John Legere both joined in, offering free flights for the subjects of the Twitter thread, and in-flight WiFi for Blair herself, respectively. 
Blair gained more than 60,000 Twitter followers. The #PlaneBae himself, former pro soccer player Euan Holden, fully embraced his newfound celebrity by engaging with his newfound social media following, and even appearing on the Today Show.
And while most coverage and comments were celebrating #PlaneBae and Blair this week, the woman involved in the saga has quietly gone dark by deleting both her Twitter account and Instagram, and declining to appear on TV. Business Insider has not published her name to respect her apparent desire for privacy. 
Riley, Holden, and the woman from the plane did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 
Troublesome questions
The aftermath of this saga raises some troubling questions, whether or not you followed the #PlaneBae saga as it unfolded. 
Most of those issues boil down to a simple question: Was this thread cute? Or was it an invasion of the couple's privacy?
Taylor Lorenz, an internet culture reporter for the Atlantic, believes it's the latter.
"That's one of the biggest problems with social media: It allows you to exploit the world and people around you to get attention for your own benefit," Lorenz told Business Insider. "Everyone is just using each other for content. It encourages you to look at the world that way."
And she's not alone in feeling that way. Critics on Twitter and elsewhere said that Riley had no right to post a minute-by-minute accounting of a conversation between strangers without permission. 
Not to rain on everyone’s parade, but if a stranger spied on me for an entire flight, took photos, and posted them on social media, I’d be pretty devastated. The whole planebae thing kinda horrified me??
— Carina Adly MacKenzie (@cadlymack) July 6, 2018
that whole planebae bs raises so many red flags for me bc in what world do you think its acceptable to record two strangers hitting it off, taking hidden pics of them and telling to the whole world what theyre doing like this is legit creeper territory but for some reason yall-
— mim🇧🇷 (@diarmood) July 5, 2018
guys i don't think ya'll understand just how much i hate this plane bae bullshit story like HOW are SO many people completely okay with this? everyone freaks out about lack of privacy until it's framed by some jackass as "OOOH SO ROMANTIC" and then it's hashtag goals??
— Dawnya (it's like ‘Tonya’ but with a D) (@pinkishdawnya) July 5, 2018
There are no easy answers here. Holden, the soccer player, seems to be enjoying his sudden fame, just as plenty of social media users enjoyed watching the story unfold with live updates. However, the fact that his conversational partner deleted her social media presence in the aftermath suggests that she was less comfortable. 
At the same time, this kind of thing is only going to become more and more common: Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, even live broadcast tools like Amazon's Twitch and YouTube make the lines between reality and social media blurrier. Should everyone expect to be recorded and documented, all of the time? It's a question that's increasingly relevant.
Ultimately, Lorenz says that it's up to people to use these technological tools responsibily. 
"People want to believe in this delusional romantic fantasy, where people meet on planes and fall in love and go on vacations together for ever and ever, and that’s just not reality. People who perpetuate this content should think twice about it, because it's not real. It's two people on a plane just minding their own business," said Lorenz.
SEE ALSO: This 26-year-old Fortnite streamer says she paid off her mom's debt with her Twitch earnings
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