#also if youre a tucute please get off my blog
starsixx · 4 years
for those who stop by and are worried, pls filter any of the following tags that are relevant to a trigger of yours. if you need me to tag something, please drop an ask in my box/dm me/comment and i’ll get on it as soon as I see it. also, apologies in advance for the mouthful at the end.
note: this is a mostly sfw blog, and the following tags are usually only applicable to discourse posts. i tend to keep my ships off of here.
#tw swearing
#tw incest
#tw paedophilia
#tw paedophilia mention
#tw caps
#tw kink mention
#tw kinks
#tw discourse
#tw transphobia (usually tacked on with tw terfs)
In addition, here’s a dni
Please do not interact with my blog or posts if you consider yourself to be a part of or share beliefs with the following groups: TERFs, SWERFs, radfems, fanpol/antis/frollos, racists, anti-blm, sexists, exclusionists, pro-MAP, anti-mogai, transmeds/truscum, anti-fujin or anti-kink folk.
This is a pro-kink, pro-shipping, pro-tucute, pro-choice, pro-sex worker, pro-trans, pro-feminism, pro-blm, pro-mogai blog run by an inclusionist. Don't like, don't interact. 🤟
Stay safe and wear your masks,
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We’re a traumagenic system run blog, mainly ran by Dragon. Our opinions aren’t set it in stone but we’re pretty heavy in them. Our body is 22 as of 2020. We’ll be 23 in 2021. We refuse to give out birthdays. Only two of us have mains. The three that run this blog are:
- Anti Transmed
- Anti-Anti or Neutral
- Anti-TERF
- Pro-Intersectional Feminism
- Queer Reclaimers
- Traumagenic
- Support Endogenics
We do not do:
- MA/P Discourse
- System Discourse
DNI/BYF (This doesn’t mean we won’t Discourse)
I don’t support transmeds. I hate them. I want no interactions, if I do it’ll be to tell them the screw off. (P.S. That was written by Dragon, I am happy to have a proper debate - Rune, I do not mind interactions, but you’re wrong - Ally)
If you’re anti-endogenic and violent about it
If you’re an anti shipper, you’re probably not going to like it here, but Dragon is Neutral. Xe’s not an anti-anti and xe is not fully pro ship either.
R/PF blogs Are Your Main. Dragon cannot stand them, Ally is uncomfortable with RPF. They’d like not to see blatant R/PF in the notes. You tuber Alter egos are on the edge.
TERF/SWERF/Radfems are encouraged to go fuck off and step on legos. I hope your spaghetti is never fully cooked.
Are under 18. Please. None of us want to expose anyone to content that’s inappropriate, like details of our traumas.
If you’re bringing up M/AP discourse, don’t bother, we don’t want to talk about it. Do not use us as a platform
Blacklist (We’re a system don’t try to be cheeky, Avoid these Topics Per Member)
Map Discourse
Being Called a P/dophile
Being told I deserved my R/pe
Being sent graphic anons about it
Being DM’d on the subject
Sunshine as a nickname
Tucute, Call me Anti-Transmed
Mentioning AGAB
The void
Brotherly Inc/st
Satan/The Devil
Improper Child Care
DDLG/Any Varients
Being treated as a Child
Any insinuation I am not Cis.
Personal Abouts
If a position is not listed it’s because the topic is uncomfortable
Hey, I’m Dragon. I’m a teen alter, about 16 permanently. I’m the second most active of the system. I’m also a demon fictive. Former Gatekeeper. I identify as a demiboy, autigender, bisexual asexual male. No I don’t accept criticism, <3 Xe/Xir/Xem/Xemself only
I know more about Christian/Catholics religion than they do most of the time. If you think I’m going to hell then at least I’ll see you there,
Tags: Untagged most of the time, Mod Dragon, Dragon Speaks
Positions: Pro-Spirituality, Anti-Christian Conversion Tactics, Shipping Neutral (Pro ship Leaning), Fiction Affects Reality in a Nuanced Way, Anti Terf/Swerf, Pro Feminist, Pro Prison Reform, Pro Justice System Reform, Pro Medical/Psychological Field Reform, Anti-Transmed, Pro-Endo
Ask for more positions. Will be updated
Hi!!! I’m Ally. I’m the most active of the System. I’m also the system host! I have no Age. I am a former resident of the void, and a fictive. Some of my trauma comes from my source. I used to have an unhealthy relationship with my siblings and my Dad was Satan. I don’t want to discuss my past and would rather keep reminders off the table. Even if we don’t see eye to eye, I don’t mind making friends. Oh yeah. My Gender is Demon. And I am only attracted to men! He/Him or They/Them please. He/Him preferred. Oh! I’m a non-practicing Christian! But in a good way! I won’t convert you or just send you prayers!
Tags: Ally Talks, Discourse Time, Mod Ally
Positions: Pro Shipper, Tucute, Pro-Endogenic, Pro-Religion + Spirituality, Intersectional Feminist, Prison Reform, Not Pro-M/AP, Socialist Anarchist
Hello. My name is Rune. I am 9 years older than the body, so right now I am 31. I am the only one who ages, and I am the protector of the system. If you try to trigger or distress the other two members, and bring me out, I am not going to be pleasant. I am trying to sleep most of the time and am hardly active. My purpose is to protect, and honestly I could be considered highly aggressive. My form of speaking is the most comfortable to me and I am not going to change it for a stranger. The only accommodations I shall make will be to those with disabilities. In which I will break down my text for them so it is easier.
I am a cis man, and I was developed at around the point of our C/SA. My personality is designed after the media we consumed before our split and my physical appearance is close to our headspace design.
I am not below screaming and threatening someone to get away from us, as if you are a threat, I want you as far as possible. We also have a persecutor+prosecutor in our system that if I am not around would not hesitate to try and convince someone to k/ill themselves. The warning is here because if Dragon is too triggered, he cannot prevent her from fronting. None of us wish mental harm on those we interact with.
I will reciprocate kindness as well. Though my style of speech seems formal, I would like to think I am a pleasant guy.
Please only refer to me using He/Him. I am and always will be a man. Also a fallen Angel introject.
Tags: Mod Rune, Rune Converses, Rune Discourse
Positions: Pro-NoM/AP, Anti-Anti, Pro Feminism, Advocate for Men’s Rights but not an MRA, Anti-Incel, Anti-Terf, Pro-NonDysphoric, Pro-Endo, Atheist? I do not like the Christian God, Anarchist
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What is Transmedicalism?
● What is Transmedicalism?:
Here is a Transmedicalism flag made by @spill-the-gender-tea
■ Allow me to explain to the best of my ability. I have sources for everything I say. If you want to see them then, please send in an ask/anon.
○ Transmedicalism is the belief that you need some type of dysphoria, (social, gender, body, etc.), to be Transgender. This belief is backed up by studies, science, and statistics.
■ A Transmedicalist is someone who supports Transmedicalism. Transmed or Transmedic is short for Transmedicalist.
Tucutes' just call them "Truscum" or "Trumed"
:This is an explanation of Transmedicalism/Transmed beliefs below:
● What is Transgenderism/Dysphoria?:
○ Dysphoria is Neurological Mental Disorder/Illness that is defined as a disconnect, discomfort, or disstress with ones Assgined Gender At Birth, or AGAB. The severity of Dysphoria varies between person to person; It can range from very minor to very severe. Euphoria, (gender, social, body, etc.), is a side affect or result of Dysphoria. Dysphoria does not mean hating yourself or your body. You are required to be medically diagnosed with Dysphoria to be Transgender.
● Brain Sex/Gender?:
○ Brain sex/Gender is a neurological part of your brain, “brain sex”- sexual differences between men and women in the brain- definitely doesn’t extend to a length such as “lady brains like dresses and makeup, dude brains like sports and beer”, it’s more just a highly variable framework for how parts of the brain perceive itself and carry out certain tasks. Basically, gender roles are a social construct, but gender itself is neurological. When someone’s brain is disconnected from their assigned sex, that’s how we get gender dysphoria.
Gender isn't chromosomes, or genitalia. Brain Sex Studies have been known to prove this. There are only two brain sexes/genders and that is Male & Female.
● What is Gender Non-Conforming, or GNC?:
○ GNC, Is when someone, cis or trans, doesn't follow their socities "Gender Norms." Or Gender Roles. GNC is not a gender, but anyone can be GNC.
● Intersex people?:
○ Intersex people are not LGBT. Intersex is not a third sex, it is a sex disorder. If they are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender then, they are LGBT. If they are CisHet, then they aren't. Just like CisHet Ace/Aro people.
● LGBT?:
○ The full ancroym is LGBT. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender/Dysphoric. If you aren't at least one of these, then you are not LGBT.
● Cisgender & Heterosexual Asexual and/or Aromantic people, or CisHet Aces/Aros?:
○ CisHet Ace/Aro people are not inherently LGBT. Asexual isn't a sexuality. If you're Ace/Aro the only way you could be LGBT is if you're Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Dysphoric/Transgender.
● Non-Binary, or NB?:
○ Transmeds' beliefs or standings on the Non-Binary identity vary between person to person. Some are Anti-NB, Some are Pro-NB, and Some are just NB Skeptic/Neutral on the subject until more information or studies are found about it.
● Who can be a Transmedicalist?:
○ Anyone who believes in Transmedicalism. Cisgender and Transgender people. As long as you support Transmedicalism and Science, You can be one.
● Cisphobia? Transphobia?:
○ Transmedicalist don't support Transphobia or Cisphobia. Transmeds do not support the hate of all Cisgender and/or Transgender people. It's not Transphobic to be a Transmed. Most, if not all Transmeds hate Cisphobia and Transphobia. Transmeds defend and support all Cisgender and Real Transgender people.
● Sources?:
○ Most, if not all Transmedicalist have sources and citations for their beliefs. Most, if not all prove their beliefs. (If you want my sources just scroll through the blog or ask me for them.)
● MOGAI, or Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Intersex?:
○ Most, if not all, MOGAI people are Trans-Trenders. MOGAI is not LGBT. MOGAI is a separate community of people who use Tucute ideology to make up fake genders and sexualities. Most of these "genders and sexualities" are made, or "coined" based off of aesthetics, feelings, mental disorders/illnesses, kins, animals, objects, etc. The list goes on. These people should not be compared to, or considered the LGBT community because, the LGBT com. & the MOGAI com. are two completely separate communities. Don't confuse them.
● Trans-Trenders?:
○ A Trans-Trender, or Fake Transgender person is defined as a Cisgender person/Person without Dysphoria faking being Transgender because, they either;
1) Think it's cool, trendy, or will give them attention.
2) They were misinformed about what dysphoria/being Transgender, and GNC meant.
3) Or they took the MOGAI's fake "Genders and Sexualities" seriously and were misinformed by Tuctes/MOGAI.
■ These people are not Transgender, and shouldn't be put in the same catagory as real LGBT people. These people do not support the LGBT community nor are they a part of the LGBT community.
● Neo-Pronouns?:
○ Neo-Pronouns are not Real Pronouns. All Pronouns are gendered. There are only 3, singular use, pronouns; He, She, and They. He/Him Lesbian people & She/Her Gay people are not Valid or a Real thing; Males can not be Lesbians & Females can not be Gay, and the idea of He/Him Lesbians is Transphobic. It also erases the fact that real lesbians women used to have to say they were men to not be attacked or harassed. Gender Roles are a socail construct, But Gender is not; Gender is neurological.
● Tucutes?:
○ The polar opposite of a Transmedicalist.
○ Tucutes are people, mainly MOGAI (because most, if not all Tucutes hate Cisgender people), Who believe that you don't need some type or level of Dysphoria to be Transgender.
○ They believe that Euphoria isn't a part of Dysphoria.
○ They don't believe Trans-Trenders are not real, or a problem.
○ They think Dysphoria/being Transgender is a feeling.
○ Most make up their own "sexualities and genders" based off of feelings, objects, mental illnesses, stars, etc.
○ They view gender and gender roles as a socail construct.
○ They think pronouns aren't gendered.
○ Believe in, and use Neo-Pronouns.
○ Most, if not all are Trans-Trenders.
○ They believe GNC is a gender.
○ They support He/Him lesbians.
○ They keep expanding the LGBT community's acronym as if they can.
○ They think intersex people, and Cishet Aro/Ace are LGBT.
○ Most, if not all never have reliable sources, or citations to back their claims.
These people are not Transmedicalist.
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ceriseskies · 5 years
It’s 5am Let’s Fucking Do This
Dear Transgender Transmedicalists.
You’ve been on my mind recently. I made this very emotionally driven post to get some of my frustration out, and well, the response I got from one of you, was— well, I got roasted.
So. Feeling like I owed a debt or something, I’ve done a little research, I’ve gone through some of your blogs. I have read actual trans people’s takes on you.  And I think I’m going to to bring a new weapon to the ring: empathy. It’s not one I see a lot of use of on Tumblr.
Because there’s one thing you’re absolutely right about: Most, or at least a sizable amount of  “truscum” are transgender.
(For the uninitiated, that means they believe you need gender dysphoria to be trans—non-dysphorics are called “transtrenders” or “tucutes”. Usually, but not always, comes with nb-phobia.)
First of all, I want to say where I think you’re right, because it’s only fair, and I want to show I’m being sincere about this.
For starters, I know Tumblr has this “you’re perfect and valid just the way you are babey!!!! Don’t change a thing!!!! <3<3<3!!!” And I can see why someone who suffers from severe dysphoria and needs medical transition for their mental health is scared off by that. I’m not here to police your positivity. If hearing someone tell you “your hormones are coming, and your transition will be smooth, quick, and soon, and you’ll come out of it a beautiful girl/handsome man” is what keeps you alive, then surround yourself in it. I want you to be healthy and happy.
Also, I believe that no one should have to date a trans person. That’s rapey. HOWEVER, I would question what makes someone uncomfortable about it. The genitalia? Okay, that’s valid. But a lot of other excuses are pretty thinly veiled transphobia, because no matter what kind of man/woman you like, a there’s a transgender person who fits those requirements. And don’t date someone transitioning away from the gender you’re attracted to. That’s sleazy.
And honestly, I think a lot of the “non-dysphoric” trans kids do experience some dysphoria, judging by their accounts. Just not an overwhelming, crippling level like I see most transmeds experience. There’s a lot of misinformation about it, and can see why they might not recognize it. And there’s a lot of dysphoric people would don’t even realize they have it until they become acquainted with their real gender. I would estimate that 90% of trans/nb people will experience some degree of it at some point in their life.
But even if 100% were dysphoric, I’d still be opposed to it being the defining characteristic. Why? Well, it makes being transgender sound like a medical disorder. And the idea of an LGBT (and continued, but that’s for another day, kids) identity being considered a disorder gives me major ick vibes—think conversion therapy, religious exorcisms, homosexuality being in the DSM…
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Let’s start by breaking down the philosophy, because I can’t start telling you what you believe is wrong until I assess what you believe.
The belief of your average “truscum” is that gender dysphoria is the core of ThE TRanS eXpErIeNcE, whereas “trenders” believe gender to be a less tangible and more fluid concept.
It’s essentially dysphoria cure-seekers versus the gender truth-seekers, which, are the terms I’m gonna use now, because as a non-trans individual all these words feel dirty in my mouth.
Dysphoria sucks. And a lot of the cure-seekers are very much displeased with their trans identity. To them, being cis is good—they want to be cis.  They encourage those comfortable with their assigned gender to be happy about it! Therefore, they’re completely at odds with the gender-is-a-social-construct, down-with-cis ideology of the gender “truth-seekers” who are encouraging kids to create new genders and just find what feels right. They can’t imagine having fun being trans—it hasn’t been for them.
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And because of that, well, I can never be too mad at them. 
There’s also an element of deep insecurity. Pretty much every dysphoria cure-seeker has latched on hard to the idea of brain sex, despite the science being shaky at best. It gives you the explanation you need for your dysphoria. You want a solid scientific ground, not just cheesy platitudes about it being ~how you feel inside~.
Just like every other trans person on Tumblr dot com, you’re seeking validation. That’s normal. Even you worry about being fakes sometimes.
But let’s not get too ahead ourselves here, it’s still mostly about people who aren’t “trans enough”.
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The problem here is that in seeking your own validity, you’re stomping on other trans people.
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I’ll let Casey, a lovely, 100% bona-fide trans woman, take it from here.
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Now, usually when I hear the word “transtrender”, I find it’s not usually used at someone who has professed a lack of dysphoria. It’s usually someone who is being trans “incorrectly”.
For example, Riley J Dennis gets called a trender a lot, despite her talking about her own dysphoria on several occasions.
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See, there’s a real fear that all these new gender experimenters are going to make the trans community look like a joke.
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There’s a belief that these cool-new-gender-flexible-trans-kids are reinforcing trans about trans being a trend, and thus, blocking “real trans” from getting the help they need.
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And you’ll notice that neither of these complaints has anything to with dysphoria. This is whining about people being annoying.
This is… very optics-focused. And hey, I think Tumblr downplays the importance of looking good to the average public. However, actual people matter more than outside impressions.
And also, who is the audience for this? Transphobes?
This tangential comment thread on Innuendo Studios’s “White Fascism” video gets it.
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A lot of you simply want to assimilate into society as your real gender. You want to pass, be given the right pronouns, and get the hormones and surgery you deserve. And you want cis people to acknowledge you the correct way.
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And so you try your best to be the “ideal trans person” for the cisgendered. You experience dysphoria, you want to pass, you’re actively seeking transition.
Sometimes you even join in the bullying.
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There’s a lot of sucking up here. All lot of trying to to prove yourself to someone who wants you to suck them off.
And I refuse to suck the cishets’ metaphorical dicks. However, their real dicks might still be on the table if they treat me right,
Look, there’s quite a few transphobes out there who are unwilling to admit they’re transphobes, are looking for a cop-out. And this rhetoric enables their transphobia, using this guise which even comes with free trans supporters!!!
But eventually, they’ll turn on you. When you start challenging their perceptions, when you start stepping on their toes, when you become too inconvenient to be a shield against accusations of transphobia, they’ll toss you right in the garbage with all the “trenders” and “tucutes” you’ve been stomping on, and something tells me you’re not getting a warm welcome in that “garbage can”.
And they’re going to treat you like shit. And you’re going to be surprised when they teach you like shit. You’re going to have to learn the hard way that a conditional ally is not a real ally, and your beliefs are all about being conditionally accepting.
Transphobes don’t care about you or your struggles. If they did, they wouldn’t be transphobes.
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What’s all of this going to get you?
What’s the endgame? Like when you kick out all the transtrenders, what will you have earned?
Will you have taken back your “trans spaces”? Will you have gotten rid of those annoying kids at the expense of actual people who need those places?
Will you have more of the non-finite trans resources?
What will that earn you?
You do realize that if you achieved your goal, you’d probably just start attacking each other, right?
And then we’d be back at square one. Because if there’s one thing all humans, cis, trans, or nonbinary, it’s someone to feel better than, no matter how stupid or toxic the reason is. Look. I don’t know what’s going on in each of your individual heads, and I don’t know any of you personally. I can’t tell you what has personally driven you to transmedicalism, but I hope you leave it behind one day.
All I can say is that I know a lot of you have had your own struggles, and as a (maybe?) good cis ally and fellow LGBT person, I sympathize with you. I’ve done my best to try and dismantle your worldview.
And I want you to know: it gets better. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I know someone does, especially someone who’s ideology portrays their very being as inherently suffering.
Look, my PMs are open if you want to talk to me about this (or anything else). Please be polite, don’t come at me with callous accusatory questions you don’t actually want me to answer.
With love,
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midnight-fox-boy · 5 years
More About me/Views/Etc.
Hello everyone~! This post will explain more about me, my views, and anything I flnd important to add. This will be kinda long so please buckle up ;3 
General Information
Age: 19 
Gender: Demifluidflux trans guy 
Pronouns: He/him, they/them is cool too
Sexual orientations: Gay, Demisexual
Romantic orientations: Gay, Demiromantic
Alterous Orientation: Homoalterous
Other: Polyamorous
Relationship status: Taken
I love anime, video games, drawing, singing, and just browsing the web. I like to learn new topics, and explore new ideas and sciences. I want to be a therapist someday, but if it doesn’t happen, that’s chill too. I’m polyamorous currently in a monoamorous relationship. I don’t usually participate in discourse but I do have opinions/views on different topics. I am mentally ill and prefer not to be attacked. If I do something wrong or say something offensive, I don’t mean it, or I’m simply uneducated on the topic when I thought I was. I’m happy to take polite criticsm and never mean to do harm to others. So nothing I say is ill-intended. 
Views on certain discourse topics
Aspec Discourse: I believe that aromantics and asexuals are inherently LGBTQ+ and should be welcomed. However, it’s up to them if they choose to identify with LGBTQ+ or not. 
Nonbinary discourse. Yes there are more than two genders. And no it doesn’t mean “Neither male or female” Nonbinary means: “Not explicitly a single binary gender” Which can mean someone can be both binary genders, one binary gender and other nonbinary genders, no binary gender, etc etc. So yes. I CAN be a guy and nonbinary. 
Xenogenders: I may not be able to comprehend it 100% But I KNOW that gender is diverse and confusing and you can label your gender however you want. Just be you! You have my support.
Nonbinary Gays/Nonbinary lesbians: YES nonbinary people can be gay or lesbian. Many of them are nonbinary women or men. Meaning they identify with womanhood/manhood no matter how that is. Maybe they have a primarily woman or man gender, maybe they’re man/woman aligned. Whatever. You do not get to dictate who is gay enough or lesbian enough :) 
(NO)MAPS: Are scum. Do not interact, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.If you support them then get the f**k off my blog please! I am a CSA survivor and will NOT tolerate pedophilia.
Am I a transmed/truscum? Am a tucute?: Well, no. I’m none of those. I do not believe dysphoria is required to be trans. As many studies show gender incongruence is all you need, dysphoria manifests in some trans people as a result of incongruence. Gender euphoria also exists. This is not a topic I would like to debate. However, I do believe that dysphoria or incongruence should be medicalized in SOME form in order for trans people to be able to get gender affirming treatments. (Hormones, surgeries). I would love to live in a world where those things are free regardless, however :/ (P.S. I am dysphoric)
Kink/BDSM: Well. I participate in BDSM and kink, but I do not post about it or discuss on my blog. I have spaces for that and this isn’t one of them. So no worries about running into any kinky posts on my blog. That wont happen. If it ever does, it was an accident. 
Transtrenders: I DO believe that RARELY, some cis people will pretend to be trans, not necessarily as a “trend” but to gain something in return, usually online. They may use it as an excuse to chase other trans people, or to have more “power” in a trans based argument. However, when people are accused of being trenders, they are usually not, they are just not what YOU feel gender should be. And people who fear they’re trenders? Impossible. You would know if you were faking. 
Self Diagnosis: I’m divided on this. You shouldn’t self diagnose many things. Like a heart condition, or cancer, or other extremes. But if you know you’re depressed all the time and can’t see a therapist, you probably have depression. If you haven’t been diagnosed with PTSD but experienced something trauamtic and show symptoms of PTSD, You probably have PTSD. If you were confirmed to likely have a certain mental illness but perhaps didn’t fit the “age requirements” for said diagnosis, you can probably take that as an unofficial diagnosis. As long as aren’t flaunting it to seem “cool” (and most don’t) and are using those self dx’s to find help resources online and such, you’re probably good. 
Fujoshis: Touchy topic I know. I do not agree when this word is used in specific contexts.
1) when girls think MLM relationships are “hot/sinful/sexy/dirty” , especially IRL MLM relationships, I think that’s fetishization, much like how many cishet men view WLW relationships  2) when it’s directed as a hate word towards gay trans men. I’ve been called a fujoshi for being a gay trans guy, and many of you probably have to. It’s wrong y’all. Gay trans men are gay men. Gay nonbinary men are gay men. 
Pansexual vs. Bisexual: Both are valid labels. All multisexual labels are valid. Labels are for you to feel comfortable with, and as long as you aren’t choosing one over the other due to biphobia/internilized homophobia, you’re probably good. Bisexual attracted to all genders? Valid. Pansexual with preferences? valid. Bisexual attracted to many genders? Valid. Pansexual and feeling attraction regardless of gender? Valid. Bisexual and identify the same way? Valid! 
Genital preference: Another touchy topic! The sad truth is that genitals DO matter to many people. Maybe it’s from truama, or an actual repulsion to a genital set. However, it should never EVER be used to excuse transphobia. You can not want to date a trans person who is pre-op, that’s fine, your loss not theirs. However, you cannot use that genital preference to see them as lesser, or as not “real” men/women. I personally have a preference for penises, but it’s only a preference. I would still potentially date a trans guy who is pre-op or never-op, but I prefer penises. But as I’m also gay, I likely wouldn’t date a trans woman who is pre-op/no-op. Because well, she’s a woman. So to summarize, genital preferences are OK as long as you aren’t a dick about it, or transphobic. :) 
Trans people and gender conformity: Alrighty. This is a favorite topic of mine. Do trans people owe gender conformity? Do nonbinary people OWE people androgyny? Nope. Cisgender people are gender-nonconforming all the time without dysphoria. We see butch cis women and Fem cis dudes all the time. So I say, why do trans men and women owe something different? While it is true that early in transition being GNC CAN cause dysphoria, that isn’t always the case. Early in transition I usually avoided feminine things and interests unless I was in the comfort of my home, but now I’m open to, and embrace my feminine and androgynous side. I’m in no way a woman, I just happen to enjoy some stereotypical feminine things. Many trans men do. As for nonbinary people, they can present however they want. Androgynous, feminine, masculine, fluid presentation, mixing it up, genderf**k, whatever. Their body, their choice. Sometimes you may be able to “tell” someone is nonbinary by looking at them, and that’s totally okay. There is no “looking nonbinary”. All looks on a nonbinary person are nonbinary. 
Anti/Anti-Anti?: Honestly I’m still confused in all of that stuff. Fiction CAN and HAS affected reality. That’s not to say that you can’t enjoy certain thinsg seen as “taboo” but there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed. PEDOPHILIA. You should not write, nor consume, fiction that presents a CHILD with an ADULT. It’s true that some pedophiles will write these to bring minors in and harass them. Even then, it gives stories for those sick f**ks to read. Do you REALLY want a pedophile reading your story? I guess I’m anti-ish. You can enjoy things that are otherwise problematic as long as you don’t let it affect how you treat people in the real world. Maybe you liked reading that fictional story about kidnapping and got off to it or something weird like that, as long as you aren’t trying to kidnap anyone or shit like that, I guess you do you, keep it to yourself though.
“NB” - Nonbinary or Non-black?: I went with POC voices on this. I will no longer use “NB” to mean nonbinary on my blog. You will likely just see “nonbinary” or “enby” used by me. 
Aspec, autistic spectrum or Asexual/aromantic spectrum?: I’ve seen very little evidence or claim on the side of “autistic spectrum” being the term. Many responses ive seen and sources claim it means asexual/aromantic spectrum, and has even been echoed by autistic people, a lot of them. If I see evidence suggetsing otherwise, I’m happy to change my language. I don’t want to be ableist. 
Butch/Femme, lesbian terms only?: I say no. I’ve seen a lot of articles, personal accounts, and history on the use of butch and femme. And none suggest they were terms only used by lesbians. From what I can tell, this idea seemed to be spread by “radical” lesbians and TERF’s. In history, many lesbians tried to distance themselves from all men, and encouraged non-lesbian women not to associate with men. This is obviously just a small tidbit of what they did in that time. However, I personally don’t use butch or femme, and don’t really plan to.
Specifically “weird” or crazy seeming kinks/BDSM styles: All I say is, you do you. If all parties are adults and consent to it, good on you. Just, keep it to yourself or in spaces dedicated to those things. As long as you don’t get off to ACTUAL CHILDREN, or try to bone or jerk it to an animal, you’re probably okay. Also don’t do incest, that stuff is bad. 
!!If there’s a discourse topic you’d like to see here, you can PM me or send me an ask. I’m happy to shed my opinions on stuff, but they will go here!!
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auspicixus · 6 years
A more formal commissions list
Since that other post is a bit... Yeah... I’m making a formal commissions list.
I will make:
Sigils for pride/identity as well as more standard ones. I have currently only made “simple” sigils (single word) but I will make a complex one upon request.
Homestuck talksprites (either a singular static one, some “frames” which make up a sprite deck and can be made into an animation by yourself or someone else, or a single-emotion animation loop in gif format)
Please be aware if you send an ask saying you want a commission, you need to be OFF ANON.
Things I will NOT do (sigils):
Any anti-anything words or phrases, such as: cisbian, gendercritical, TERF, tucute, truscum, anti-cis, DWC, or similar hatephrases aimed at ANY group of people, including “punch nazis” type ideology. I do not wish to be taken down for hatespeech so I support it in no capacity. This includes any kind of homo/trans/bi/etc-phobia, racist, cis/exor/etc-sexist terminology. Slurs are acceptable if used as reclamation.
Kink pride (including CGL*) - EXCEPT for those interconnected with LGBT pride history, like Leather pride.
Any joke suggestions, such as an anti-MOGAI blog requesting a MOGAI type identity, or a non-serious looking blog requesting something used as a meme (like “Gay Shrek pride please!”,  “Bi Barry B. Benson!”, etc.)
No “protect me from hate towards <thing listed above>”. That circumvents my entire reason for having them there.
Kin sigils without pride/identity or an affirmation. “Grey-sexual Panromantic Shulk please!” or “Please help me to remember my life as Dave Maryam!” is okay, whereas “I would like a sigil for Kenny from South Park” or “Could I get a Edward Buck sigil?” do not make sense.
Sigils require an affirmation. Pride sigils are made by creating a sigil which creates pride for <your identity here> in you and gives you protection related to your identity in your life. Having a sigil for any random thing isn’t possible and doesn’t make sense. There has to be a meaning behind it..
( * SFW age regression as a mental health coping strategy does not fall under CGL, but I am not doing coping methods anyway as they do not make sense, so if you request this, I will not do it. And no, “a sigil for protecting me against people who hate SFW age regression”, doesn��t count.)
Things I will NOT do (talksprites):
The canon characters without any edits whatsoever, mostly because my style isn’t very developed and looks very similar to the canon style. I also will not do Hiveswap talksprites unless they are non-canon types (eg: bloodswaps)
“<character> with a down with cis/punch nazis/gender critical/TERF(/TERF is a slur)/etc shirt!!!” for the same reason as the first point above.
Heavy gore or lots of animated blood (open wounds, dripping down face, etc) - only because I suck at drawing gore, not because I can’t handle it.
Fancharacters (eg: not swapped characters) or non-canon kinnies without at least one visual guide. You can provide one photo and lots of description, but I need at least one visual in regards to colour scheme OR physical design.
Walksprites, hivesprites or minisprites. I said talksprites for a reason! (Panel edits MAYBE if you ask nicely.)
If you have a complaint, talk to me. We could work something out if it is just a misunderstanding (i suck at writing words in the way i mean to).
Prices are £5 for simple sigils, £7 for complex sigils, and I’m yet to price talksprites (likely £5 for single static emotion, +£2 per extra frame, +£2 for each animation loop from a sprite deck, depends how long I take to make them - I’m going to trial myself and I’ll have a definite answer by the end of today... hopefully). There will be a +£1.50 charge if you do not want me to publish the final versions to my blog. I will place a watermark on these, however. Crop it out, and you will need to credit me somewhere else (bio, about page -- really it depends where you use it). Regardless of if you let me post it to my own blog, you will receive them through Tumblr DM or email - your choice.
Payments can be done through Paypal, or I can set up a private Etsy listing, which will be an additional £0.20 + 4% of the total cost to cover Etsy fees..
I’m willing to try other kinds of drawings, as well as OC frameworking, but you must contact me for details on this as it will be case-by-case.
I reserve to refuse to complete a commission for any reason.
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faq-oops · 5 years
Hello lovelies!
Hey there!! My name is Jem and I use they/them pronouns and I identify as queer:)
Not that anyone cares, but some of my hobbies are volleyball (I’m actually pretty good at it I think, if anyone plays club and wants to talk about it message me!), drawing, writing, and thinking I’m hilarious (which I’m not oopsies).
Where are you from?
I was born in Georgia (yee yee) but moved to Colorado (United States) when I was five!
i’m jamaican/romanian :)
Face my guy?
Don’t be afraid to message me off anon and I’d be happy to show you! I’m just too shy right now for anyone to see me on my blog.
What’s your schooling?
I’m a babey of tumblr, actually! I’m a freshman (first year high school for my non USA folks)(that means i’m 15)
How many languages can you speak?
I’m barely even fluent in English and that’s my first language, but I can hold a slow and simple conversation in Spanish if I try really hard!
What are your blog/interaction policies?
ABSOLUTELY NO TERFS, HOMOPHOBES, TRUMP SUPPORTERS, NAZIS, APHOBES, MAPS/NOMAPS, ANTI ANTIS, ANYTHING UNDER THOSE UMBRELLAS! I personally am not a transmedicalist (I don’t like the term truscum, it sounds really mean) but if you are, you are certainly welcome on my blog just as long as you don’t purposely misgender anyone (if you agree with them or not, you still need to respect them), use MOGAI as an insulting term or generalization, and refer to “Tucutes” as transphobes. i firmly believe that everyone should be respected that deserves respect. if they aren’t causing you direct harm (i.e. making mean posts about you, hate anons, threats, etc.) and i’m really trying to advocate for that on my blog. also, since i identify as QUEER i’m not going to tag the “slur” and such, because it’s my sexuality. i feel comfortable with it. Bottom line, just be nice please!
Do you have a spotify?
Yup! I’ll link it here! I also have song recs that are not on spotify: Mercenary, Oh Glory, Kaleidoscope Eyes, Stall me, Bittersweet, Turn Off the Lights, I Wanna be Free, Can’t Fight Against the Youth, All the Boys all are by Panic! At the Disco.
Will you tag potential triggers?
Absolutely! If you see a post of mine not tagged right for you, please send an ask on or off of anon and I will be happy to start tagging posts <3 again unless it’s q slur, i understand it could be harmful for others but i’m not going to stifle my sexuality.
Are you into other fandoms/other Youtubers?
I’m very versatile! I used to loveeeee Voltron, but that’s been… ruined. Thankfully, She ra is great, and I have a blog for it here! I love Panic!, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, Ryan Yerrow and Ryan Trahan, Cody Ko and Noel Miller, BuzzFeed Unsolved, the Try Guys, Kelsey Impicciche (is that how you spell it?), and recently I’ve been appreciating Lil Peep, GirlinRed, and ive gotten back into TØP.
Links to art or writing?
Maybe when I feel more comfortable I will provide a link, but message me if you’re reallllllllly curious! *update* i posted pride month art that i doodled of myself, and if you scroll far enough you’ll find it... but if you want more i can still provide.
If you made it this far, thank you! Hope you have a beautiful life! Feel free to message me if times ever get tough!
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mossrayne · 6 years
how does it feel to be an ugly peice of shit? also i have to laugh at you putting "but im nonbinary inclusive!" as if that makes you any better. anyways all truscum/transmeds can rot, im trans wether you like it or not and you dont get to tell anyone what gender they are, bitch
Hey! How does it feel being so annoying you have to send anon hate, but congrats actually! Youre my first anon hate msg! Awww! And uhhh, if you dont like me, stay off my blog please and thanks. Also, I am nonbinary inclusive because I believe someone could experience both male and female dysphoria, aka, the thing that makes you trans. If you dont have dysphoria, I would kill to trade with you. If you wanna be trans so bad, go ahead and swap me, you wouldnt like experiencing what being trans and not just a trender/tucute is actually like. Or actually, if you transition without dysphoria and ruin your body then... I would say I dont care and to go ahead because you dont seem pleasent, but I dont like trans resources being used like that. Take care and get the stick out of your ass uwu
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