#also im not really much of a zelda person so idk what happens in those games story wise
sonknuxadow · 1 year
"ohh this sonic game copied this mario game" "this sonic game copied this zelda game" Shut up super mario odyssey is literally just sonic unleashed in a different font
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trippygalaxy · 8 months
im supposed to be DRAWING but instead you got me over here becoming invested in oc lore that doesn't even belong to me 🙄 [ /j ]
have wars or zelda told the kids about their multi-timeline war adventures? (idr how it ends but) has farola had a run-in with cia or lana? have wars and zelda told her about cia in the detail they'd (assumedly) talk about the others in, or do they just say "yeah. she was half of a person, but the bad version. we fought her" and called it a day?
the way you word raluadin's "fear of being punished' makes me think that he has been severely before (or maybe im just reading to far into things and i just like a very specific trope). i know you said that they had nayati, farola, and ruladin out of a want, but does that stop them from being bad parents-- or keep them from harshly punishing them?
while nayati is the responsible type, is he secfretly a gremlin? does he do something "out of character" in front of someone and hit them with a "no one will believe you," or is he just the well-mannered heir naturally? does he even want take the throne once wars and/or zelda steps down/die?
i feel like its natural that wars and zelda have the kids trained in several forms of combat or whatever you think idk, but do they just learn the basics and thats it? do they have the option to further their learning? does farola sneak out to watch the guards train out of curiousity and wonder, or does she sneak out to teach herself (similar to xu xialing from shang-chi for lack of a better comparison)?
more of a joke, but what members of the chain can nayati, farola, and ruladin beat in a hand-to-hand, sword, and whatever else you can think of fight?
The whole Timeline war had to be a BIG historical event within War's era! So for as long as the event is remember by the books and those who've experienced it's effects, it would be told to the newer generations, including the royal children. The children were told about the war in an educational way, leaving out the true gruesome or unneeded bits and focusing on big/important events that happened during said war. This does include a brief but non describe retelling of Cia's and Lana's story/life.
Warriors made it his MISSION to keep his children as far away from Cia as physically possible. No matter how much Cia changed, he will never truly feel comfortable with letting his children near her, which both Cia and Zelda respect.
When I say that Ruladin 'fears punishment' i meant it in the way that any kid is kinda scared of how their parents would react to them doing something bad! This fear isn't from bad experiences from his parents but from the inherent kid logic that 'consequence to actions = end of the world.' This isn't to say that Zelda and Wars are PERFECT (no parents truly are) but they have never willingly or unintentionally made their kids afraid of them.
OH-- i didn't think about that but now? YES. Nayati has the same gremlin genes like his FATHER!!! When he was a little younger (prob teens) he TOTALLY messed with the servants of the castle and HAS ABSOLUTELY used the 'no one will believe you' line!! But as he gets older, that gremlin spark does get quite buried by his more 'well mannered' attitude. And yeah! Nayati is perfectly fine with taking the throne once his time comes to step up! Zelda helps him with accepting the responsibility of the role while also letting him pursue other passions. Zelda doesn't want her son to dread the day of his ceremony like she did.
I do think that the three learn the basics of self defense. General Impa is one of the main teachers/mentors the three has during their training, (Ruladin wildly idolizes and looks up to Impa, to the point he even styles his hair like him!) but Sheik and even Wars took some time to help the three. They do have an option to train farer, but Farola is the only one that really pursues that seeing as she wants to be a Captain like her father was!
Following that up, Farola started to sneak out to watch the guards out of wonder and curiosity but it quickly turned into a want to train. It was actually because of Farola's constant sneaking out that Impa suggested to Wars and Zelda for the kids to learn self defense, but hid the fact of where Farola was actually sneaking off to.
OH FAROLA WOULD TOTALLY BEAT WARRIORS IN A FIGHT <3 I think she would be trained in sword combat compared to hand-to-hand but is still quite skilled! I can also see her being able to stay in a sword fight with Sky for a bit before losing to him!
Nayati could probably take Hyrule in hand to hand but would still fall first to him HDAKHJDAK. Ruladin is a full on child. 12 fight wind for the pure COMDEY of two preteens absoluetly beating eachothers ass.
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musashi · 2 years
Ah fuck, i dont know how to put my thoughts into words, but i just want to ask you, with everything that's happened, what are you going to do? Are you still gonna create content without supporting JoJo? Or step back for a while? I don't know what to do myself, the only thing I'm feeling is that i should probably back away for awhile but idk this is all just a mess idk, i don't have DID but im sorry for those who were truly hurt by this, man i don't know what else to say, just i hope you have better days to come.(sorry if this sounds awkward)
mmm, to be honest my relationship with LU has been more casual for the last few months anyways--something took over the zelda hyperfixation so i've been very passive and i haven't really created much in a while! i've only ever written one LU fic, and i feel like when (not if) the zelda fixation comes back i definitely might write more, but rn my attention is elsewhere~
but i'll just do what i do with any other media i like w/ a problematic creator! talk about the problems in tandem with enjoying the thing when the subject comes up, and make sure to not contribute to that problematic creator getting exposure or money~ so for me that just means reading LU without reblogging it, supporting fanartists and fic writers who DO give a shit about marginalized folks, and curating my fandom space by blocking & not interacting with stans of jojo.
i know for a lot of people this might be their first time experiencing this, but i'm in my 20s so this is pretty much just another week for me haha. it's heartbreaking to find out the creator of a thing you have poured boundless love into doesn't want to extend their compassion to everyone. but that's fine, there's plenty of creators out there who are kind and welcoming and understanding, and i'll find them as i continue on~
i cannot "take a step back" from my interests, as an autistic person that's just not feasible. also, i'm a petty bitch, if people in a fandom tell me to disappear i am going to exist twice as loudly in that fandom xD
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cheekbites-moved · 4 years
ok i still havent gotten the secret ending but farming for it might take me a bit so im gonna make a thoughts post for age of calamity now:
Major spoilers obvs so ill put it under a read more
things i enjoyed:
revali beatdown simulator
the controls for the divine beasts are a bit clunky, but i think the angles they used for them did an excellent job at really making the player feel like we were actually controlling a divine beast. so i think it was done well.
link’s personality really gets to shine full force in this game with the amount of cut scenes and it was wonderful to see
every character clearly had a lot of love put into how they operate. they truly all feel unique, & all of their play styles fit them really well in my opinion
the game does a really good job of making you understand what a real threat the monsters are. like in botw they’re intimidating at first, but once you’re far enough into the game they become just an inconvenience to work around if anything. this game managed to actually make certain monsters intimidating for me again, and i think that’s a real accomplishment
the blight battles are actually somewhat challenging in this game and that is truly a commendable achievement lol i think all the bosses are good tbh. i didnt rly dislike or not enjoy any of them.
the way daruk and link’s friendship & urbosa’s motherly relationship towards zelda got to shine was. so good. it’s all i could’ve ever wanted
seeing the descendants again was really nice & it was awesome to see the champions interacting with them!! especially sidon and mipha omggggg. that was. really fucking good shit
kohga. just. kohga in general. getting to see more of him was really rad, he’s such a fun guy! and his english va was Excellent. you could really tell he was having a lot of fun playing him, and it was lovely to see! :)
zelda getting to really shine in this game was also lovely to see. and her being so assertive and badass by the end? omg. it was so wonderful especially after botw. man. 
the combat is done very well imo. im rly glad that they took so many elements from botw, but also added their own flares to make it feel fresh. it was rad.
sidon’s tagline is “winning smile” and his power is “boundless optimism” and i think that’s beautiful
the music in this game is SOOOOO good oh my god. multiple times during playing i had to pause to just appreciate it. it’s pretty much all remixes of botw with a few originals for the new characters, but they all slap. there was not a single song in this game i didn’t like. it is definitely one of my favorite video game soundtracks officially. maybe one of my favorite overall soundtracks in general tbh.
the visuals obviously look just like botw, but it still looked fucking gorgeous at some points. like. man. they really went off to make it look not only faithful to botw as far as appearance goes, but also as far as capturing botw’s beauty and it was. excellent to see!
if anything is true to botw’s backstory, it’s definitely how op link is. cause he was established to be op in botw, & when u finish botw he is also op as hell. he is so fun to play as the higher leveled he gets. he absolutely kicks ass. especially with a two-handed weapon??? daaaaammmmnnn. thats my badass baby boy!!!!
link eating rocks not once, but TWICE. just showing PEAK gremlin energy. 10/10 for those scenes they were great
the ending was really beautiful actually and i did cry like a little baby for it what about it
things i didn’t like:
obviously first and foremost.. this is not the game we were advertised. and no matter how much i overall enjoyed the game, it will always have some layer of being tainted attached to it due to the false advertising. this is not the prequel we thought we’d be getting. & not using “prequel” specifically doesn’t matter when all the advertising, including the box art talks about this being the story of what happened 100 years ago. with no indication it wasn’t the story of what happened 100 years ago in the botw timeline, but a separate universe/timeline entirely. i do hope we get dlc for the game at some point giving us what we were advertised, but at the same time... rly wish that the story that’s in the final game was dlc, & the story we were promised was the original :/ or just having the game have two separate storylines originally would’ve been cool. i just wish it wasn’t falsely advertised. 
fort hateno can fucking eat my whole entire shit WHY is that part so needlessly obnoxious compared to everything else oh my god
being forced to fulfill revali’s power fantasy TWICE hurt my soul
fuck any mission where you have to protect the useless hylian guards. i hate them. they suck.
the ai for player characters when you aren’t playing as them can also be pretty useless. it was really frustrating failing missions because my fellow party members weren’t helping me, and i was basically expected to be in two places at once to get shit done myself. :/ ik you can just switch between characters to make it easier, but like. i like playing as link the most. he’s my favorite character, & ofc since he’s mandatorily played for most of the story, he’s gonna be the most leveled up character regardless so he’s just the best to play as in general especially for harder missions. it was annoying to be forced to play as other people Solely cause the ai was so useless.
king rhoam’s attempt at a redemption arc. i’m not sorry that i just fucking hate this man. i don’t mind him entirely in botw bc you can see clear, genuine remorse during the cut scene at the end of the great plateau. but the redemption arc he gets in this game? after all the fucking shit he does in this game? especially when after his ~redemption arc~ i had to sit through a cut scene of him being an absolute fucking asshole to baby zelda after her mother just died????? absolutely fuck that shit. i don’t appreciate that crap at fucking all. he’s a verbally abusive piece of shit and i hate his guts.
obviously there was gonna be some retconning of how certain things worked in botw in order to make this kinda game work but the way sheikah technology works in this game is so goddamn confusing i do not get it. the works of botw are never outright said or explained completely, but it’s straightforward enough that it doesn’t really matter. this game does try to explain certain things and it just becomes. really clunky and confusing very quickly. 
the story is alright, i guess, but..... really confusing/convoluted as hell at times to a point that it’s. really fucking distracting. especially in comparison to how straightforward botw’s story is. like..... cannot help but be annoyed that such a problem wouldn’t have been a thing if they stuck to botw’s story.
i was sad when the egg thing died but i dont like the egg thing.... it is the MAIN reason shit was retconned so much & i just. dont get its purpose. but i did really like the reveal that zelda made it herself. that was good shit!
also the egg glitched out like. a LOT. idk what the fuck was going on with the poor thing but there was multiple times during a cut scene or when i was just sitting there that it was freaking out in the background and it was rly weird
elemental overworld boss monsters................. obnoxious. especially elemental guardians like goddamn bro what the fuck
i know warriors’ games aren’t about exploring anyway but the limitations for exploring was really sad/frustrating. this is still somewhat the world of hyrule before the calamity, which is something we’ve always wanted to see. not being able to explore even the immediate area at certain points because of shit like timed missions was really upsetting, man. :( i just wanted to see hyrule castle Before the calamity why was did they have to rob us like that.....
creepy corrupted egg’s transformation. why. what was that. what the fuck
even though i did enjoy the boss fights, it did get. incredibly taxing eventually to have to fight the SAME bastards so many times. like yeah botw is also guilty of this with the blights, but goddamn.... at least i have a choice to avoid certain encounters with them? this game has you fighting the same bitches like upwards of 3-4 times. it was. really annoying tbh. like the fights themselves are enjoyable, but damn we added new characters and it still inevitably lacked variety in boss fights.
no playable kass >:( if he’s available later in dlc then fine but i wish he was playable in the original game. so many random choices you’d never expect are. why couldn’t he also be there >:(
it will forever have that sour taste for the false advertising attached to it unfortunately, but that aside, i overall did enjoy the game! i think it has a lot to love in spite of the issues i encountered. as someone who has this as their first warriors game as well, it did lend itself to letting me see the appeal of them. idk if i’ll get more, but i do get why they’re so beloved/popular now. it was an alright time, with some amazing highlights that i’m gonna think back on very fondly for a very, very long time. if i had to rate it..... 7/10 
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
My URL <3
Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions... | @heartxshaped-bruises | Mun
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why
Aw man. I can’t pick between your muses like this. I love all the ones I’ve interacted with and the ones I haven’t are so cool. But I think someone might get mad at me if I don’t pick Zelda... I think Emry is a close second tho.
I like that Zelda has clear flaws. I’m not a fan of characters that don’t. Like sure it’s nice that they’re all nice n stuff but it’s much more satisfying that she has flaws but is still good in other ways. She’s still a good person. I think that’s much nicer.
Emry. I mean what’s not to like? He’s a goofy guy and a good friend ( who I need to interact with more. I’ll be bringing that thread with all the band bbs *wink wink* ). A lot of people focus on their angst ( heh heh... ) so it’s a nice relief you know?
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs
Okay I love all of them but I gotta say that stuff with Aeron and Felix was good. Even better was the stuff with Zelda and Felix. That was gold right there.
That thing with Aeron, Eira, and Davey was also pretty good. I like that they all knew each other.
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s)
I love that they each have a particular unique element that stands out for their character, whether personality or background. There’s something that really defines how they fit for me to understand them.
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole
I like that you really set up the scene. Somehow I’m just able to picture it all and in the center of it is your character, reacting to it even without saying it in dialogue. Does that make sense? 
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in
Would really love to see Zelda the way she was originally created in her mutant verse. Or Davey as a ghost. Have you written those? I don’t really pay attention outside of what I write with people most of the time.
Someone else I love seeing them interact with
Again, I... don’t really pay attention heh... But I see you write with alxnetxgether quite a bit
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying
Fantastic. Love it. Truly amazing I get to experience it as a writing partner.
If We Know Each Other
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities
Can I say your music taste?! Lol I’m really glad we can bond over music. I like that you understand when I talk about a band sounding a particular way.
I like your ooc post personality too if that makes sense. Like when I read them, it’s kinda quirky ( is that the right word? ) and makes me smile even if you were to complain. Which is pretty wild cuz other people can turn me right off of interacting with them sometimes
What I Think Are Their Strengths
Your perspective on life I think. I mean it’s not impenetrable by the shit that happens cuz life be like that but you still keep going. Especially since you’ve got your dream career you’re chasing and you’re getting there and you’re sticking by it.
Also you’re very caring. I’m thankful for you’ve been so lovely to me
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours
The time I found out you liked B.link 182. That was really awesome. Or once you tagged me in a post with a cover of one of their songs and I think I got excited and weirded out one of my friends
Why Others Should RP With Them
Because the mun is great and the muses are great?? Get you involved in that art man. I love our interactions IC and OOC
How Others Should Approach Them
Reply to an open starter! Send memes! Send an IM to the mun! Kind of the same gig for anyone. I guess best approach is memes if you don’t want to talk to the mun yet
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them
I could really see Abel or Joe interacting with Roman ( @huntingbounties ). Being into crime n all. They could have a use for him or otherwise run into him.
Maybe Lucifero and Chase ( @notintheipswichboyband ) ? I don’t know much about either character but ~*~*~ M A G I C ~*~*~ so ?
OHHHH you know what? Zelda could talk to Aeron’s twin brother, Daniel ( @faultycode - a great multi in general btw ), and / or his younger “sister”, Jinx ( @the-wonderland-jinx ).
Davey could find a good friend in Ethan ( @ejjxnes ) probably.
Oh! Emry might make some band friends with muses @amity-and-enmity!
I think that’s it for specific recommendations
Anything else I want to say about them
Seriously lovely mun. Go write with them!
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them
Something I just thought of. Joe being ‘Death’ / a reaper while Eira is ‘Life’ / a guardian angel?
Maybe Oliver get involved with Abel somehow.
Oh oh! Maybe Tripp happens to save Davey from some bullies? Not really to save him but he already had some beef with them or something
Nothing really solid so I gave multiple lol
A muse I want to introduce to them
I mean you know all my active muses. I guess maybe William? He’s a muse that’ll be on my other multi once I get that set up. He was raised in the Changeling home world and becomes a detective specializing in the supernatural / unexplained
A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them
Since one of Aeron’s best friends has the same FC as Peter, I thought it’d be cool if Aeron mistook him for him. I know he’s inactive tho so... Just a thought really.
Idk about anything else ‘ship’-like... How about Oliver and Donia? With Eira gone and he’s divorced... *shrug*
A thread with them I’m excited about
Dude I’m actually really excited from that thread with Detective Oliver and Joe. I’ve queued it up so :3
Anything else I want to say
I’m glad we’ve known each other so long and I look forward to interacting more with you! And I hope others that follow me will come see how fantastic you are
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sawyersick · 5 years
1 through 69 because you gotta twin with me
aight here goes bitchez
1. are you religious?
nahh but my parents sent me to church camp when I was in elementary school??? For the cheap childcare I guess???
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
I haven’t thought about this much but I think a field mouse!!
3. how do you take your coffee?
never……………………… I hate coffee
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
my mom’s bosses son forced himself on me when we were 6 lol so I don’t count that……….. so 15 i guess (according to my friend, if there’s no hormones it doesn’t count lol)
5. museum date or aquarium date?
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
Just my ears are pierced and I have a whale (badly) tattooed on my hip I’ll post pix if you want but its pretty uggo
I want another whale on the other side so I’ll be symmetrical and a triangle hand tat….. maybe an eyeball tat (a tattoo of an eyeball…. not one on my eye lol)? I’m not really interested in anymore piercings tho
7. favorite fruits?
8. favorite vegetables?
when I was 12 I ate so many carrots my skin turned orange and my mom thought I had jaundice
also I heckin love mushrooms
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
I’ll only date you if you treat me with respect :(
10. do you cry a lot?
yeah lol at least twice a month minimum
11. who are your closest friends?
I don’t really have any? I’ve felt distant from my irl friends lately so idk probably just demo
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
I did the walk out for gun violence
13. do you play any video games?
helllllls yeah but I usually only play 3/ds
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
yes and I think I’m still in it rip
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
I think I wear a lot of blue! and black and white too i guess…… I’m trying to add more reds tho
16. what do you like to do for fun?
I bake and sew and draw! and listen to music
17. what is your biggest fear?
body horror tw for this one rip
being abandoned, being forced to do horrifically gross/unclean stuff, getting my eyes gouged out, getting the bones in my hands broken, getting acid poured on my face, the people around me dying, being forced to eat live slugs, getting my skin peeled off with a knife
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
whales/the ocean in general and baking!! and the band Liily
19. favorite fictional characters?
hm idk? Link and Zelda from LoZ, Clover and Snake and Aoi from 999, rhyme from TWEWY, Maka and Soul from Soul Eater, Storm from the Xmen, Ariel from the Little Mermaid, Chun Li, the Kagamines, Rilakkuma
idk I just thought about characters I have merch for
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
I used to??? Haven’t had the time for it in a while though and I’ve been reading a lot of how-to books as of late….. I really liked the Legend trilogy though
21. how would you describe your style?
art style and fashion style would both be classified as “cute but tries to be edgy” I think
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
Yes!! a pastel elephant with a rattle in it named Elephant (very creative I know) He’s in my stuff somewhere now and this question reminded me to go find him again
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
hmmm…. sports? mustard? airpods???? idk
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
actually yes? I wanna be in a band but I’m lowkey afraid of singing in front of people I know but have no problem doing it in front of an audience of strangers hmu if you’re in the SF bay area I’ve written 6 punk songs
25. who do you live with?
my parents and cat
26. favorite desserts?
ice cream, anything with chocolate or whipped cream, creme brulee, lemon tarts
I’m not too picky though lol
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
realizing that I can actually do mostly whatever I want and most things have fewer consequences than I think
also cutting people out of my life that emotionally exhaust me
28. favorite makeup brands?
uhhhh whatever’s cheap and doesn’t make my eyes burn ig urban decay is good when I can afford it
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
Goodwill??? I used to shop at f21 but I try not to anymore
30. what was your first job?
working at a lake teaching windsurfing and sailing and I still work there
31. do you take a lot of naps?
n o  I absolutely  h a t e  taking naps and try to avoid them
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmm I have pretty good hair i think and sometimes my eyes? I have huge (genetic) eyebags tho which gets me down
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
In day to day life I guess I’m more dominant??? like I make decisions when nobody else wants to :0 also idk intimately since iM aN aDuLt vIrGiN and pretty sex repulsed but probably sub 
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
outgoing but sometimes it makes me annoying
35. how tall are you?
short…………………………. 4′8/143 cm
36. what is your body type?
uhh hourglass????? maybe pear I got them Thunder Thighs according to the guy who got kicked out of drama club for peeping in the girls changing room
37. favorite flower?
calendula, sunflowers, lavender and dianthus!!
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
I wanna be the bride of frankentstein but in a shiro lolita coordinate to make her look ~fancy~ or the Nancy part of Sid and Nancy if I’m in a relationship by that time
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
Ideally the same age and I’m wary of dating anyone more than 2 years younger or older than me but I’m more willing to date older than younger
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
yall know who it is already but
in a band, dark hair, kinda tall, very fashionable, coincidentally happens to be the same racial mix as me, good at art, very humble, really sweet, lives in SoCal, has a hand tattoo of milk and “aye yah” on his arm, paints his nails orange, wears a lot of rings, gets freckles in the summer, prefers vanilla over chocolate, ties his shoes the cool way
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
idk at the moment? I like to draw from many inspirations
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
one (1) very loving cat
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
……………………….. myself
I literally had to google mixed race celebrities and STILL none look like me lol
46. do you like sports?
not really except I weirdly like baseball
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
Yes!! I won tickets to On Your Feet and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
I also won Hamilton tickets but saw it in SF yall should download the app
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
MERMAID actually I have a mermaid tail too so
50. what is your instagram?
@wishwhale :)
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
glossy by default because I have chronically dry skin/lips so matte lips are sooooooooooooooo uncomfy but it looks good on other people lol
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
grape because im weird
53. what are your best personality traits?
I’d like to think that I’m kind and sometimes funny
54. what is your ethnicity?
55. what different hair colors have you had?
brown and brown with pink that was supposed to be purple
56. favorite disney princess?
Ariel! bc mermaid
57. favorite album of 2017?
Humanz by Gorillaz  or Deep Dream by Daddy Issues I guess
I was weirdly obsessed with Feel Your Feelings Fool when it came out but I’m not really into it anymore though
58. have you ever had braces?
59. favorite holiday?
Halloween! Because dressing up is fun
60. post a selfie.
Tumblr media
how do I make this smaller anyways I don’t normally wear this much makeup but I’m going to a small show tonight
61. are you a good swimmer?
Yes!! I swim once a week at my local pool
62. do you wear jewelry?
I used to wear a lot………. like multiple necklaces and bracelets and rings daily but now I wear my ring every day and a necklace/earrings if I remember
63. can you play any instruments?
I’m learning guitar!!
64. do you have any siblings?
short answer is no but you can dm me for the long answer
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
just my maternal grandmother and she is almost 90! My paternal grandmother lived to 102 so I’m hoping for those good genes though (I think she would have lived longer because my family suspects elder abuse by my weird aunt)
66. who knows the most about you?
hmm probably Demo or Emily
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
I! Never! Shut! Up!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
shut the fuck up you stupid bitch you arent cool
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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maple-writes · 5 years
11 tag game!
Tagged by @boredwriter-16 thank you!! :D
1. What is your favorite theme from your WIP? Did you know that would be a theme when you started or did it just happen naturally?
(I’m going to go with Bristlecone because my current wips aren’t really done enough on this front to judge themes) Basically I love the theme of just like, growth and moving past bad things. I don’t think it was really intentionally when I was starting it, but I liked the way it turned out here.
2. What are your favorite tropes to read and write?
I love like, super hardened characters with soft spots that they only show to people they trust. I love reading and I try writing it every now and then too
3. Where do you draw inspiration for your WIP? 
Oof… kind of everywhere. Anywhere from my university courses (ie learning a fact, but what if…), random news snippets, video games, vague concepts, aesthetics, older wips…
4. If your characters were real, would they want to be friends with you or would they not like you?
I don’t know if we’d get along as close friends, but mostly because our personalities might not match up that much. We wouldn’t hate each other though… Probably.
5. Have you ever written fan fiction about your own story? (Something you know would never actually be in your story but you want to see what it would look like anyway) Would you ever do it if you haven’t?
Not yet. It sounds like fun but like, who has the time??? (I wish I did)
6. What is your favorite entertainment medium- other than books if that is your favorite? (Movies, Video games, TV-shows, etc.) Why?
VIDEO GAMES :D I love playing video games, mostly Nintendo stuff like Spaltoon (2), legend of Zelda, pokemon, Mario kart (aka one of the only games im kind of good at) and other stuff like undertale/deltarune
7. Quick- your WIP is being made into a movie. Name one actor you want to be in it. Doesn’t have to be the main character.
Oooohh, aaaa… I have to admit, I’m not familiar with a lot of acting people 0_0
8. Favorite villain from either something you wrote or something you read/watched?
Ooh this is a tough one. I really like Lady Eboshi from Princess Monoke (though idk if she fully counts as a villain or more of an antagonist). She was the kind that believed what she was doing was best for her city and that kind of stuff, which I found really neat.
I also thought that the king from deltarune (I cant remember if he had an actual name lmao) was a pretty good villain because I hated him after only meeting him for a few moments before the actual boss fight.
9. (Because I like this question so much) Whose your favorite secondary character you’ve ever created?
I liked Stark! He was a character that was supportive towards the main characters while still having his own life and issues and positions on things. Plus he was just fun to write!
10. Do you have any other WIP ideas you want to work on but can’t because you want to finish your WIP? Are they very different from your current WIP?
YES so many. And I’m starting to thinkg that I’ll just have to suck it up and try to do both (or three) at once, but since ive been trying to write the city of eventide and the space reboot one at the same time, it’s been harder and harder to keep up with the space one. Now im also thinking of ideas for another one and im swamped.
11. Other than the genre you write, what are your favorite genres?
 I like actiony stuff sometimes, but I suck at writing it myself. I also like complicated mysteries and high fantasy, but I don’t have the patience for a lot of those kinds of things.
Tagging: @iamidentical, @dramaticvoiceover, @waterfallwritings, @fatal-blow @piratequeenofpixies, @corishadowfang, @crikewrite and anyone else who wants to answer some questions!
My questions under the cut
1-      Do you like to have a snack or a drink while you write?
2-      What kind of genres do you think that you’ll never ever write (for whatever reason)?
3-      When did you first start writing?
4-      Why did you first start writing?
5-      When you work on the computer, do you like loud keyboards or quiet ones?
6-      Do you have any writing friends in real life?
7-      What kinds of things do you like to do when you’re not writing?
8-      Do you ever draw on your own experiences in your writing?
9-      Who (if anyone) do you share your writing with?
10-   What are your favorite themes to put in your writing?
11-   Would you ever want a movie or tv series adaptation of your wip? How do you picture it?
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Mary Poppins Diary 2018
well hello There, I had diary of the show last year, so I'm making one this year, or at least I'm starting it, I won't continue it until we get into the opera house on Thursday, so in 4 days, also I don't have much down time in the show, so idk if it'll be longer or not, and similar to last time there's a hurricane a-comin, hurricane Florence is apparently going to hit North Carolina hard, it won't be as close to us as irma, but we will probably get some bad weather, oh also, do you remember noah from the last show, he is playing Bert in this show. Welp that is enough introduction so... se ya Thursday!
  Surprise I'm back, they are reworking step in time... a week and a half before the show..... UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!
In other news, there is a big group chat (like last time) and it's a bit bigger now, there is: holden, caraline, Lillian, savanna, cadence, noah, lolly, kane, Damaris, Bethany, mary grace, Clara grace, Brenley, kasha*, Lydia*, Cassie*, hope*, caleb* and Zoë* (* means they are new)
ALSO we have 2 sets of Janes and Michaels. So that's a little bit of an introduction, so ye, NOW I WILL SEE YOU AT THE OPERA HOUSE.
  Hi, it's the next day, I've decided that Imma still update it a little before we get to the opera house. Hurricane Florence is now a category 4, and South Carolina has evacuated its coast, o boi. Also we aren't moving into the opera house on Thursday like I thought, we move in on Saturday.
  Im at rehearsal right now, they are about to start practically perfect. Clara grace isn't here so margo is having to say her lines from the audience. Mortimer and I had a long conversation about video games; his favorite is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, mine is Super Paper Mario. Winston and Holly are playing Jane and Michael Oh shoot, gotta be on stage, I'll be back.
 Im back, hi. The bank scene is next and i have to be in that, they are doing spoonful of sugar now, holden is KILLING it as Robertson Ay so that's good, aight gotta go
 Im back again, it's feed the birds right now, and I think I'm going to finish with the diary for today. So see ya tomorrow.
 Hi actually another thing happened, someone is filling in for Clara Grace, she is doing ok surprisingly (considering she hasn't done this for 2 months like CG, and that she is a fair bit younger, so I am pleasantly surprised) ok NOW im gonna end it here, today was a lot.
   Hi, I'm back at rehearsal, we are about to run the show. The talking is way worse than normal, and I'm not feeling well; so rip today. The new Nintendo direct is hopefully coming out on Thursday, last week a huge earthquake hit Japan so they had to cancel it, which was the best thing to do in that situation. Either way, they are doing jolly Holiday, so ye.
 I just did the scene where I yell at the kids, the anger in it skyrocketed, and the book slamming perfectly only multiplied that anger, which sounds bad, but it was actually really good; I actually think I scared Everyone on stage
  Hiya, it's Wednesday now, not much has happened today, there wasn't a rehearsal today, so tomorrow is our last day before we get to the opera house
  Today is the last day before we move into the opera house, they are doing a flying rehearsal tomorrow but I don't fly so I want be able to tell how that will go, there is normal rehearsal tonight, we have 5 days until media night and 6 days until the show, so hell week (tech week) has officially started
 Im at rehearsal now, the fly guy, Marquee, is here and all of the props and set have been moved to opera house. I'm STRUGGLING without my umbrella. Oh also the Nintendo direct came out today and Isabelle from animal crossing is in smash bros so I'm HYPED. They are about to do jolly holiday. We haven't been able to condense the show into an hour and 15 minutes yet, and that is our max time for the school shows, so that is extremely stressful. Amelia is being adorable as ever, god I love her, we haven't gone on another date in a few weeks so we need to do that after the show is over
 Marquee seems impressed so far, we are at supercalifragilisticexpialidocious now, the show is going well so far
 I just did the yelling scene, Marquee is taking notes, that's both good and stressful.
 Mrs Andrew is singing her song now, Marquee was really impressed with the last note, we are about to start fly a kite, trisha is doing better as Jane, ok I gotta go on stage soon
 Ok, rehearsal is over and the next is gonna be in the opera house, I got sauce containers for my accio sauce; I will be eating in my dressing room a lot and ranch gets everywhere so Imma just bring the  accio (also noah may want to try some). Hurricane Florence is hitting land now, North Carolina has declared a state of emergency, I hope Abbie doesn't get too bad of weather.
    Well hi, so today was stressful. Imma get all the good stuff out of the way first, so, amelia and I went on a date today so that was good. And that's all the good stuff done, NOW THE STRESSFUL STUFF.
          ༼strong language is used here༽
 Today was a cluster fuck. The new staff at the opera house has no clue what they are doing and can't think ahead far enough for anything to get done. So for starters the stage left stairwell is being remodeled, and the ensemble dressing rooms are under the stage, that means that anyone who is in show that enters from stage left has to walk behind the god damn psych. And in the event of a fire, they won't have an easy exit, because the pit doors are usually locked during shows, and the stage right staircase is a spiral. And what is the opera house doing about this? Jack fucking shit. Also the school shows are being fucked up too, some idiot thought it would be a fucking brilliant idea to have the school buses park 2 blocks north of the actual opera house on an unpaved road. That means that 1000 elementary school children will be walking in a line to and from the buses for 30 minutes before and after the show FOR 2 BLOCKS DOWNTOWN, and we don't even know if the weather will be good or not, if it rains then to fucking bad, those kids have to walk in the rain. Because why not, it's not like there is a HUGE parking lot for the civic center across the street that has been more than welcome to hold the busses OH FUCKING WAIT THERE IS. The fire Chief almost had to cancel the show because the opera house crew can't actually finish the INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT FIXES before the show. NOT TO MENTION THE HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE IS ACTUALLY BLOCKED OFF BY THE CONSTRUCTION. AND NO ONE THOUGH THIS WAS POSSIBLY A BAD IDEA. The city isn't doing anything about it either, what can they do, none of the new opera house staff will respond to their calls. And I get that they are busy but the previous staff had all the work done for them, they've just been sitting there with their thumbs up there asses for A MONTH finishing none of the work and only making their jobs HARDER. I just don't understand how a group of adults can fuck up so badly to endanger the lives of not only all of the 88 kids in the cast, but the 1000 that are going to just be walking the streets during school shows and not have one person, just one person, say "hey what if instead... we didn't" also the renovation to the stage left stairwell is purely to make a new room, there are no structural readjustments or improvements being made.
     ༼ok im done yelling and cussing now༽
   So yeah, today sucked, I have my first rehearsal in the opera house in over a year tomorrow, so YEET
    So today is my first rehearsal in the opera house, im getting ready to leave soon.
 Cherry tree lane just ended, we are now working with flight so that is fun, we are having to re block some scenes to work around it. Holden actually hit his head on the desk this time so that ain't good they are working a scene change right now. The curse of the opera house, everything that seems to be going well suddenly isn't and has to be changed. They are about to start jolly holiday, I gotta get to stage left now
 Ok so it's spoonful of sugar right now and the moving around is stressful,
  ok so they are doing feed the birds and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious now, next is intermission, this show is extremely stressful, and having no stage left is... oh boy. We haven't even gotten to intermission yet and we've been rehearsal for an hour and a half
  rehearsal is almost over, they are working on the flying parts
  Im heading to rehearsal now, we are doing act 2 and whatever else we can today. The stress is really getting to everyone, Lillian almost had an emotional breakdown all throughout yesterday.
Both holden and I actually did have an emotional breakdown, we hugged and both almost cried. It's gonna get better though, tech week is always the most stressful. I have a lot to do when I get there, I have to get my makeup on, then my costume, then my mic, then who knows what else .
  Hi im at rehearsal, in costume.
 Ok so we just finished the show and are doing it again, Winston and Holly are now Jane and Michael. Ok imma check and see if im needed
   Im back home, and a FRIPP ton of stuff has happened; for starters, Carrie Elaine almost died, not exaggerating either, her flight was horrible, she was sideways and nearly slammed her head on the balcony. Noah was basically drunk after the run through due to his harness being so incredibly painful.
  It's spoonful currently, Andrew is changing right now next is the bank scene, Andrew looks like a freaking albino raccoon because of the makeup.
 I just did the bank scene and Andrew is still getting his makeup off. im sitting in my dressing room for the next few scenes and intermission. They recording aswell, also I just learned that a piano is a percussion instrument and I don't know how I feel about that. But now my question is, what type of instrument is an electric keyboard, like is it wind, string, or percussion, I know that there is brass, woodwind and keyboard, but like the three basic types. Also I hate the fact that there is a "keyboard" type I mean like all of the keyed instruments can be placed into other categories other than the electronic keyboard, organs are wind, pianos are apparently percussion, accordions are wind, so why make a specific type?
  Act 2 has started, and there have been a few hiccups here and there but so far, it's good. The audience is enjoying it too. My feet are killing me.
  Today is media night, oh boi. Media night is always cursed, and we open on Wednesday, another cursed day
 Im in costume the entire main cast is jamming out to Africa, take on me, boogie wonderland, and we're not gonna take it. We were gonna listen to jimmy buffet but other people had to change so rip. A PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL CONTACTED AMELIA, IM SO HAPPY!
 Ok house is about to open.
 I'll update the journal later, my phone is at 6 percent
 I ran directly into a wall.
 I'm heading to the opera house now, amelia is gonna watch it tonight, and considering that until recently she didn't even know that people could fly on stage, she will LOVE it.
 I just carried Winston, also we can't have our phones on during the show, it's interfering with the mics.
 Act 2 just started and a cable has broken, marry and mrs Andrew can't fly for the rest of the night, bert still can but still.
 Other than the lack of flying the show went very well.
 Hi it's 2 days later, flying is working again, we have already done 2 shows today, and are about to do a 3rd one, someone is stealing some of the costume pieces, Lillian's apron and gloves are missing and hope's apron was found in someone else's dressing room. Lillian had to take all of her clothes with her when she left so it won't get stolen.
 We are heading to the show, dancing queen just came on the radio so yEET. During the break between shows today, Andrew and I listened to music in our dressing room, he tried to squat on top of the trashcan.
 School shows were fun today, we had to cut jolly holiday because of time.
  Hey so is the final day and there were two shows today and both were really good, noah didn't knock over the vase in the second show and I played it off and he did too and the scene continued and it was AMAZING. Also in the first show the flying kite didn't work. Abbie was here for them and really liked the shows, ALSO ALSO tate and trisha really stepped up their game for the last show, and it really worked. IN THE FINALE HOLDEN KISSED HOPE ON THE CHEEK AND I FREAKING LOVED IT. Andrew strapped a bunch of wire hangers to himself to try and conduct electricity. Lillian was bawling and it was really sad, she was literally born to play mary poppins, and now it's over. But like actually though, Lillian just actually looks like Julie Andrews, the hair, the face, the VOICE, etc. It's gonna be hard to not do this show anymore but not as hard as others. But I'll make another diary soon, for next show. I guess you can say "the showS must go on". Also my favorite part of this was watching noah walk up the opera house proscenium during step in time.
  and now i guess it's over, this show was incredibly fun, but incredibly stressful, from the opera house construction, to the rivaling theater companies, to the costumes being stolen. All in all, I don't want to start the show over, nor do I want to do one more show, I want to be done and be ready to move forward, and to remember this show as a good memory, not a bad one. So that's what I'm gonna do.
 I'll make more diaries soon.
                        -Gorge Banks
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pigletsbigmovie · 6 years
i finished botw yesterday!!! and by that i mean i defeated ganon i didnt do all the shrines/side quests or anything lol
anyway the game is rly Good so here’s me spitting out my thoughts on it
the final boss was kind of anticlimactic? it was just.... too easy... it probably didnt take me more than 10 minutes at least thats how it felt like. the final form of ganon was rly cool tho.
also the fact that i hadnt planned on fighting ganon when i went to hyrule castle but then was like “WELP im here so might as well!” probably didnt help make the finale feel any less anticlimactic lol
ppl have said this before that the open world gameplay of botw makes it difficult to have a rly solid narrative which i agree with and i think this is one example of the freedom of the gameplay kind of hindering the pacing of the plot.... i dont think it’s Impossible to balance those things tho and i hope they figure it out for the next zelda game since im sure theyre keeping the open world gameplay. bc it’s Good. 
i also did the champions ballad dlc!! which was rly fun! i still wish we got to see more of how theyre relationship w/ link developed tho bc the dlc was kind of just individual looks into their personality which was coool but Please... i want that good found family content im dying
also i didnt occur to me that the photo you get from kass can be displayed in your house so when i got the cutscene with link hanging up the photo and he’s smiles looking up at it iiiim sooooo ;__________;
also in urbosa’s diary when she talks about how zelda, link, revali, and mipha are so young and how theyre hyrule’s future and that she and daruk hope to help them see that future ;_____; IM!!! EMO!!!! 
i understand that sometimes characters need to be Dead but also dont do this i’ll be Sad
and aaaaaalso daruk is so cool... and i wish his diary was less joke-y lol... like i feel like they couldve kept the part of his personality that’s simple and straightforward while also shedding light on the other aspects of his personality bc his diary is kind of just... food + also here’s how i met link! it’s basically him relaying stuff he sees happening but not much about himself
the gorons are a community that are very family-oriented! yknow with the whole brotherhood thing! and it’s reflected in daruk by him basically adopting link as an “official brother” and how willingly he is to die not just for his people but for all of hyrule... yes he’s a warrior but above all he’s a Protector and iDK I JUST THINK THAT’S SO COOL AND I WISH THEY DID MORE WITH THAT BUT WHATEVER!!!
same with mipha... i think she wouldve been a rly interesting foil to zelda... theyre both princesses w/ magic powers but while mipha is so beloved, zelda is kind of the opposite and thats rly interesting but she kind of just serves to be the tragic love interest.... i rly loved in her memory when she tells link “i will always protect you” like the wording of it is Active rather than Passive? her telling the Legendary Hero Who Seals The Darkness that she will protect him is rly cool... 
but then yknow... when you free vah ruta and she talks about how she’s happy to play the role of support and im just... guuuuhhh... thats very typical for characters like her idk. im just tired of characters like her who are relegated to supporting roles and dont have much more to their character other than being timid damsels in love w/ the hero
especially bc i see hints of her being so much More than that especially in her champion’s ballad memory but it’s not enough bc a lot of her character hinges on the fact that she’s in love with link and how sad it is that she died without expressing her love which is rly awkward bc we dont even know how link feels about her at all overall the character writing for the champions couldve been better.... but zelda’s characterization is Really Good. A+. and usually i care more about story than gameplay when it comes to video games but i think botw was the most fun ive ever had playing a video game so theres that one last complaint tho... why didnt link and zelda hug at the end..... please.... theyre Friends....
OH WAIT. at the end when zelda says she thinks the 100 years she spent fighting off ganon probably made her powers fade away.... and how, now, she can accept that and she smiles AND ;____; MY DAUGHTER!!! SHE’S FINALY HAPPY!! IT’S WHAT SHE DESERVES!!
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musashi · 3 years
are there any stories/facts about your job/coworkers you can comfortably share? maybe something cool they did/you did with them recently? anyone that stands out in particular among them, without getting too specific for. clear reasons?
what's cheeseburger up to atm? any notable stories or anything about him recently, or has he been just living his best life as usual?
which of the skyloft NPCs do you particularly like? for arguments sake, this is excluding the more story relevant ones, so no groose + his gang, no zelda obviously, etc.
as an opposite to that, talk about groose! i've always loved him as a character, and the bits you've said about him and his relationship with link and zelda is always great! also, any notable kin memories you have of groose? especially things that occured after he left skyloft, or even after the demise fight. what did he get up to after the credits rolled?
fun stories about your loftwing? were there any traits you and him shared notably? or any that were more opposite?
what are some of your favorite things about your favorite iterations of zelda? what i mean by that is like... what do you like best about tetra/wind waker zelda? what about skyward zelda? botw zelda? they're similar but all unique people, so what endears you the most about each of them?
i know this is a lot, so don't feel like you have to answer in any specific time frame. take as long as is comfortable, and i hope this helps!! ~🍄
these are so many!!! thank you for being so generous!!!
are there any stories/facts about your job/coworkers you can comfortably share? maybe something cool they did/you did with them recently? anyone that stands out in particular among them, without getting too specific for. clear reasons?
most of the ppl i work w are. kinda rude to me all the time so i mostly just drown them out so i don’t go insane. but there is this one kid who is just, like, a ray of sunshine every time he walks into a room. and he works so hard and he cares about his work and i feel like he’s the only bitch who gets me. we vibe over zelda and will just get into debates about the lore on the clock and i look forward to seeing him a lot. 
what's cheeseburger up to atm? any notable stories or anything about him recently, or has he been just living his best life as usual?
he’s just doin he. he sleeps a lot. sometimes in boxes. sometimes under beds. sometimes directly on top of me.
a few weeks back i went to the ER for what i figured out was a kidney stone and while i was literally on my bed writhing in pain trying to hold out until my grandparents got there cheeseburger just like, jumped up on top of me and immediately starting pissing on me, as if to say haha, check this out. i can urinate better than you.
which of the skyloft NPCs do you particularly like? for arguments sake, this is excluding the more story relevant ones, so no groose + his gang, no zelda obviously, etc.
i love all of them so much oh no... everyone i love i love for kinnie reasons like i am tempted to say jakamar cause even though he’s kind of a sleazy dude he, as previously mentioned, smuggled me woodscraps to whittle fsdgjkfsgh
but parrow gives good hugs. and henya always has snacks hidden somewhere. and pumm will give you soup on the house sometimes if he can tell you’re in a rough mood. and and and........ i wuv skyloft. this is all kinnie bullshit actually.
as an opposite to that, talk about groose! i've always loved him as a character, and the bits you've said about him and his relationship with link and zelda is always great! also, any notable kin memories you have of groose? especially things that occured after he left skyloft, or even after the demise fight. what did he get up to after the credits rolled?
talked about him a lil bit in my last ask hehe
fun stories about your loftwing? were there any traits you and him shared notably? or any that were more opposite?
aepon & i were the kind of pair where we seemed really dissimilar on the surface but i think if anyone actually knew us they’d be able to discern pretty quickly that we were 100% twinning. like at face value i was a pretty calm and quiet person who was just, like. spacey and sleepy and vibing while things happened around me, and aepon was this absolute speed demon who had the biggest, loudest presence any time he entered a space. ppl in skyloft called him my red terror.
but the thing about my bird is that he was stubborn to a fault, and recklessly brave, and he just didn’t. stop. and he loved fiercely, the second i was awake in the morning i’d hear him circling overhead and shrieking his happy little shriek, he’d fill my head with all his thoughts of hanging out with me while i was trying to concentrate on work. all those things, we had in common, but i wouldn’t have been able to tell you that. someone like zelda probably would have. 
i think the best representation of it is at the beginning of everything when the tornado took zelda, the both of us just. dove right in. nothing else mattered, no conflict existed within either of us, i didn’t have to steer him in or send my intentions into our shared headspace, he just turned into an arrow flying straight into danger, and i went with him and we were one living being. like that’s our core. we are very opposite, until shit gets real, and then we are this beautiful unity tearing through the clouds. 
what are some of your favorite things about your favorite iterations of zelda? what i mean by that is like... what do you like best about tetra/wind waker zelda? what about skyward zelda? botw zelda? they're similar but all unique people, so what endears you the most about each of them?
oot!zelda’s determination to defy fate... the way she refuses, from the start, to give in to darkness even though she’s only a little girl. the way she sees my commoner ass just waltz up into her private garden after breaking into her house still dressed in my stupid forest clothes and shes like. oh fuck yeah, wanna help me overthrow the gerudo king? and we’re, can’t stress this enough, ten. she’s so confident like she never worries about being powerless or out of her element, she never for a second believes this isn’t something she can fight. and when everything goes to shit she just keeps fighting!!! and still has the time to remind me that i can keep fighting too!!! literally where did she get that personality i love her so much!!!!
tetra’s fucking... simmering fire. her perfect balance between action and thought. like you can tell she’s pissed off and wants to start throwing punches but she always has the self-control to assess if it’s the thing to do in the moment. I CAN’T DO THAT!!! i’m pissed off i want to swords!!!! that motherfucker over there is PROVOKING ME!!!!! and tetra has the same fire inside her but she’s always just, like, “shut the fuck up, link. put your sword away. we need to get the jump on him.” and im like, AHHHHHHH because she’s always right. literally always. i don’t know how she does this but i think about it constantly. i love her level head and her scheming heart and her choice to carve her own destiny. i like how she finds out she’s a legendary princess from an age long past with sacred blood and shes just like ‘that’s cool but actually i’m tetra and i like to cuss and steal.’ and just does that forever. it resonates with me especially because even though the gods acknowledged me as the hero of winds i, like, wasn’t a ‘true’ incarnation of the hero. it’s just what i decided to be with what i was given. she and i are two sides of that coin and there is something beautiful abt that i don’t have words for. in a lot of ways she was my inspiration.
skyward!zelda’s um. everything? everything. i am so in love with her. i am so in love... with her. i am finding it harder to describe her than everyone else here which is so silly because she’s easily the person i was closest with. she’s just, like, made of fire and love? of passion. everything she is stems from what she loves--she loves old legends, and cliche romance stories, and stargazing, and going on adventures. zelda romanticizes everything in her life, she’ll stop mid-sentence to make you look at the sky because it struck her as particularly beautiful today, meanwhile i’m just like. thats the sky i see it every day i live here. and she’s so brave, so fierce, so resilient--there’s literally nothing that could scare her, i’m certain she got to the surface and immediately started spitting curses at blins, if ghirahim had actually found her alone she would have tried to come at him clawing and spitting. i was always so chill because all my anger was Stored in The Zelda, she’d just fight half my battles for me before i could register they were battles. idk. zelda was such an optimist who took everything in stride and believed, no matter what, that she could make it her own and make it beautiful and find something to adore within it. i might have had a quieter disposition, but she was always better at dealing with change than me. it was calming. i love her so much.
botw!zelda’s passion and inquisitive heart, oh my god, oh my god. i’m going to fucking fight everyone in the kingdom who ever made her feel like she talks too much. god it enthralls me, the way she just talks and talks and talks and LETS ME LISTEN, she lets me just SIT THERE and BASK IN IT like some kind of COLD REPTILE ON A ROCK. i literally cannot comprehend how she can fit so much knowledge about so many different things in her brain, and the way she’s ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT, literally just getting together with her techie friends and building whole ass machines when she was like 6 years old. shes looking at me like ‘oh this child prodigy curse my shortcomings why cant i be pulling enchanted swords when IM 12′ and im like PRINCESS YOU’RE FUCKING COOLER THAN ME LIKE CONGRATS I TOUCH A SWORD SOMETIMES AND YOU COULD LITERALLY MAKE A ROBOT TO DO THAT FOR YOU oh my god the way she doesn’t see how incredible she is makes me go insane i feel insane just thinking about it she’s the coolest fucking person i’ve ever met she’s the coolest person in hyrule the kingdom is too good for her i want her to take apart hyrule castle brick by brick and just leave a note behind that says ‘im too cool for you’ and then she gets on my ancient magic motorcycle and rides off into the sunset to some paradise far away and if i’m LUCKY she takes me with her. i love zelda
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