#also im trying to analyze the way an entire multiverse functions based on one movie's shown logic cut me some slackkkkkkk
beyond the spiderverse speculation/unhinged babbling that i hope is true
okay fam just got out of the Across the Spiderverse theater and I have-- a few theories. Well-- more like hopeful speculation that gets more and more outlandish as we go out, so-- please bear with me for a couple paragraphs. Spoilers under the cut.
Okay this is heavily based on assumptions and logic and what I personally noticed from the movie and how I personally think the Spider-Verse runs on, so please bear the hell with me.
I think Miguel’s canon theory is incorrect and that the multiverse has ways of self balancing itself because of Miles’ self correction. He had canon events like the death of Uncle Aaron, IE his Uncle Ben moment. It’s also established that it’s possible for multiverses to exist without canon events/canon events can be tweaked, such as Gwen’s dad quitting, and Mayday existing. It's also implied that if there's a Spider-Vacuum, so to speak, that universe will seek to fill it. Like Miles getting bitten to cover for Peter Parker's death. Ik this theory also works in reverse, like if there's too many Spider-People from one universe, one of them is going to die. But it also assumes the existence of Spider-Vacuum, because of all the Spider-People get bitten at the right time/place. If a universe needs a Spider-Person/will need a Spider-Person, someone's getting bit.
So if it's established that the multiverse can self-regulate itself, then it follows that Earth 42 needs a Spider-Person and that the multiverse/his universe is currently acting to try to fill that Spider-Person vacuum. You can argue that The Prowler is technically this universe's Spider-Person, but if we're going by what seems to be the multiverse's logic AND NOT MIGUEL'S-- that being someone needs to get bit by a radioactive spider and become a "hero" so to speak-- and someone from Earth 42 is gonna have to get bit.
IE-- Prowler Miles.
This is speculation held together by duct tape, spit, and prayers, but I think that due to the timey wimey multiversality, etc etc, kinda bullshit shenanigans of the next movie, Earth 42 Miles is gonna get bit by a radioactive spider, maybe have his canon event of Uncle Aaron dying (big emphasis on maybe there because the death his dad can act as both canon events and its established they can be tweaked), and take up the mantle of Spider-Man. Albeit more of an antihero, and influenced by Uncle Aaron. Because his neighborhood is not friendly and they need a tougher Spider-Man.
Think abt it, if Miles WAS supposed to be Spider-Man in his universe AND in Earth 42, it makes sense that Prowler Miles would eventually get bit, even if it takes more time then usual. He ALSO HAS the canon events of Uncle Ben/the police captain (just consolidated into one person-- hey tweaked canon event!), and there's a Spider-Man vacuum in his home universe. It would also back up the idea that Miguel's idea is wrong, because the universe fixed its "mistake" and solved the "anomaly" by itself. It's proof that the multiverse doesn't need a Spider-Cop for the rest of the Spider-People, and he needs to take a goddamn chill pill and let the Miles Moraleses do their thing.
Hell, maybe these dimensional rifts in the first place are the multiverses' attempts to self-regulate and get a radioactive spider into Earth 42, but Miguel keeps fucking it up and that's why Spot was created. To FORCE Earth 42 Miles into the wider multiverse AND GET HIM BIT whether he wants to be bit or not. This last paragraph is probably not true at ALL-- but i wanted to throw it out there because I don't believe in consistency, like Hobie.
Plus an antihero Spider-Man that's taken some hits/had some bad influences in his life would reinforce the idea that "anyone can wear the mask". Sure, Miles G Morales was the Prowler, and he made some bad choices. His methods are unorthodox even by Spider-Person standards. But he's still Spider-Man, and that mask is his regardless of how it got there. Just like it belongs to OG Miles as well. So c'mon people, let's do this one last time--
TL;DR: Prowler Miles is a late bloomer Spider-Man and is gonna totally own Miguel with multiversal facts and logic.
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