"What happens......When you mix An Angel.....with The Void...?"
"You get a Fallen Angel...."
"What happens....When you mix the Power of Rage.....with a Fallen Angel....?" . . .  "You Get The Devil Incarnate."
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-Vegito on the topic of the form deemed ‘FLSS’, Fallen Legendary Super Saiyan.
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dehemetera · 3 months
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Omg I can’t believe I am actually posting her. Pls enjoy my precious oc and her wardrobe
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Below you can find all the head canons I wrote so far about her, the relationship she has with her squad and with the other significant captains/lieutenants of the Gotei 13
Mira Komamura
General head canons
‌originally from the 4th squad ( vet section) on her own request as she doesn't really like to throw hands.
was assigned to captain Komamura strict medical crew when almost no one knew about his real appearance; specifically, she was tasked with providing emotional support for Sajin's social anxiety.
‌”Captain!? How did you dare to hide that lovely snoot for such a long time?! "
yes, she was basically his emotional support puppy.
as it happens very often, Sajin grew fond for his emotional support puppy and decided to adopt her ( literally) as his brand new sister, then insisted to move her to the 7th.
western origins ( abuses this 🤌🏼 while talking ).
fav animal: humpback whale.
fav food: eats almost everything, watch your hands. Really, this girl is a few snacks away from being your best friend. But if she had to pick one, it'll probably be french fries, no dressing, just salt.
‌fav colour : cold hues in general, blue/green/ purple.
likes stars. Like a whole lot. You give her something with stars on, she's gonna love it. She hoards things with stars on it. She doodles them on everything at hand. When friends are sad, she scribbles a star on the palm of their hand.
‌" you're now under the sign of the good vibes star. You can now enjoy the rest of your day. You're welcome."
now imagine her doing this on Captain Zaraki's hand and Iba's cold sweats thinking how to tell the poor Sajin about his adopted sister's premature departure.
the good vibes star must work thou, cause Kenpachi just patted her head like she was a puppy and walked away. Iba thanked whatever god was listening at that moment.
sassy AF
sarcasm native speaker.
cracks 2.000.000 dirty jokes in between three regular words.
must focus not to drop inconvenient comments during each Captains/ lieutenant meetings.
looks like a black cat personality at the beginning.
turns into a weird dancing parrot when comfortable around someone.
has a ridiculous attention span.
world of the living connoisseur ( western side). Spent several decades studying it by living among living people.
terrible traditional swordsmanship skills.
got Jedi Lightsaber classes on Earth and actually developed a pretty efficient fighting style; ‌Iba is genuinely confused and slightly concerned about that but as long as it works...
likes to sing, not very good at that but still on the average ( usually makes silly dances while singing to underline the lyrics).
pretty skilled belly dancer ( which at some extent she uses in controlling her shikai) but definitely won't dance in public cause she's too shy for that .
very body positive about other people, excessively critic about her own body.
very good painter. She mostly paint with her hands (" advanced kindergarten art skills") but could also use sponges, pieces or paper or rags, leaves, basically everything but a brush;‌most of the times she just likes to make little silly doodles.
then she turns those doodles into stickers and spread them across the seireitei.
Byakuya Kuchiki knows the Shinigami women's association held a secret meeting in his mansion when he finds small stickers with sassy quotes around the house.
take her to the water park; She just loves it.
beach girl
just loves to hang out in the water
‌of course this is the perfect excuse for captain Hirako to make jokes about her liking to be wet
she never denied the statement. 👍🏼
excellent resistence to alcohol. Hard to get drunk.
when that does happen though, she just unleashes all the power or her sass/ sarcasm/ unhinged comments
this usually leads to pretty amusing express stand up comedy shows where she eventually ends up oversharing something she would've preferred to keep for herself
pretends not to remember anything if the topic is pointed out the day after
About the 7th squad
she was gladly welcomed as lieutenant by almost all the soldiers due to her sincere support towards former Captain Komamura
Those affectionate soldiers appreciate her chill attitude prone to jokes and fun as a good balance to Iba’s serious demeanour
She introduced music during workouts and trainings. Music from the west, of course
Now witness the fierce 7th brigade soldiers casually humming Bad Romance while doing their daily chores.
Since Mira’s office is the coziest and most decorated once, Iba started throwing Shinigami Men’s Association meetings inthere
For Iba’s birthday, Mira decided to gift him a new HQ for his meetings by renovating an old, unused warehouse in the barracks, asking Ikkaku some help to edible and renovate the old furniture
Sajin Komamura : regardless of his full on canine appearance he is still officially her brother by previous adoption. Mira still takes good care of him, she has the most luxurious dog bed in her office for him to stop by. She also got him one of those speaking buttons board humans give their dogs to communicate.
Tetsuzaemon Iba : is definitely like a dad. All of their interactions have the warm yet bickering feeling of a father/daughter dynamic, including: communication issues, dad being jealous and over protective of his precious daughter when men buzz around, not understanding slangs. Mira signed up for Iba’s fan club to show support to her dad.
Shunsui Kyoraku : calls her Mira-chan and likes to invite her to drink together. He pays great attention to her drunken monologues as they’re usually pretty straightforward and accurate analysis of the current state of the Seireitei. He definitely trusts her guts and intuition in picking up the overall morale of the squads. Mira also signed up for his fan club ‘cause he’s the big boss and deserves support. Nanao Ise firmly oppose this.
Rose Otoribashi: is the only one whom has ever seen Mira dance. They sometime shares music afternoons with Rose playing music and her using it to practice her dance. They have a very respectful and delicate bond revolving on mutual arts appreciation.
Izuru Kira: it took them some time to get along due to Kira being really private person. Now they’re kinda cool about each other and Mira often tries to cheer him up telling him the whole hole in the chest thing is metal AF.
Shinji Hirako: this man bribed Mira in joining his fan club by offering her a bag of weed infused gummy bears. It worked. They operate at the highest level of shenanigans and communicate almost exclusively by flirting. Bombastic side eyes darting across the captain’s council room during meetings when they know the other one would be just about dropping the sassiest sh*t that would cost them the career. Regularly hangs out together both in the Soul Society and on Earth. Part of their flirt jokes revolves around the fact they would gladly date each other (but never actually did that).
Momo Hinamori: was the first to show Mira support when she was promoted to lieutenant. Therefore, Mira loves this girl and brings her gifts, treats and loves spending time together for a tea time. They share a heavy betrayal trauma and do their best to support each other in their healing journey.
Renji & Rukia: if Iba is her dad, Renji is her bro and Rukia is the sister in law you actually like more than your own brother. The three of them have a weekly “world of the living pop culture” themed night to binge watch series and movie marathons. Burping competitions between Mira and Renji are mandatory and Rukia is the judge.
Matsumoto Ranjiku: these two can love and hate each other depending on the mood and the topic. Sometimes they look like besties laughing together and mutually complimenting , ten minutes later they’re fighting over something, usually Matsumoto habit of exploiting men using her beauty.
Kenpachi Zaraki: these two really get along for reasons. Mira actually feels safe around him cause who would ever dare to fuck around close to him? She also thinks he’s illegally hot but never dared to voice that, not she would ever try to approach him with intentions. She just likes to fantasize about that amazing mass of wonder. On Kenpachi’s side, he likes to have a new brat messing around him without being scared, it feels heartwarming and nostalgic, sometimes feeds her the same candies he used to buy for Yachiru. Since Mira’s birthday is right after Kenpachi’s, she usually shows up at the 11th barracks with a cake to share to celebrate both their birthdays.
Ikkaku Madarame: for the better time they’ve been knowing each other, he just passively tolerated her, enjoying her little shows from time to time but never payed too much attention to the new lieutenant of the 7th squad. Then Mira came to ask his help in renovating the warehouse for Iba’s birthday gift and since the process took quite some time, they had the chance to spend time together, getting to know each other during those long crafty nights of recycling furniture. He is now heavily crushing on her and gets a little shaky and mildly flustered when she’s around, with Yumichika largest amusement. Mira has always appreciated her fellow colleague and was glad to have the chance to build up some kind of relationship with him but she’s genuinely confused by his friendly yet shifty and sometimes awkward behaviour towards her (she’s not good in getting the hint).
Yumichika Ayasegawa: oh the tea they spill. They don’t meet very often but when they do the amount of information they share can compete with the finest Seieitei’s intelligence. Sometimes they go shopping together. Yumichika tries his best to create opportunities for Ikkaku to be there when Mira comes over.
If you managed to read this far, thank you 💕
Some captains/ lieutenants are missing to the list but I already have them written, maybe I will add them in some future post.
Definitely expect more drawings about Mira’s adventures. I have more on the making (like about her zampakuto and other stuff.
I hope you enjoyed this little piece of my imagination,
✨comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated ✨
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osmus · 7 months
May I ask for a Northern Cross please?
I'd like Dottore. If you don't write for him Pantalone or Childe from genshin! (Whoever you're comfortable with the most and fits the most i guess)
A bit about myself....I enjoy laughing and is quite thirsty for knowledge of all kind (I'm very curious). I daydream a lot and like teasing people. I'm very sarcastic and a no bs type of person.
The dynamic: Someone who loves the chase (him) and someone who keeps teasing him if it makes sense
A prompt to help you out: Hm....how about a letter to ask why you haven't been responding or why did you endanger their last mission?
Thank you so much for the event!
+ hi hi hi! thank you very much for requesting! i hope you're doing well. + that dynamic is SO juicy, i adore it. i think dottore would definitely like the thrill of the tease and finds your teasing amusing, if not a bit aggravating.
+ here's your letter, dear!
(want a personalized letter? check out my milky way event!)
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[ scribbled in an elegant yet shaky scrawl on a ripped piece of paper. ]
What were you thinking? Your silly daydreaming needs to be contained while out doing Her Majesty's bidding. Not only did you jeopardize the mission, you also ended up jeopardizing the well-being of my most prized possession.
Do try to be careful next time. It wouldn't do any of us any good if you end up harmed.
— D.
[ written in a more cleaned up, elegant script on a full page of paper. ]
I see we're back to the "not replying" part of our relationship. And here I thought we've moved past that.
You do realize I so love the chase, right? The more you resist, the more I want to catch you and keep you near. Though, it would do you well to respond soon—you wouldn't want to make me mad. Well, wherever you're stationed, I hope you're keeping my prized possession safe. I abhor the thought of anything happening to them.
I do desperately miss the thrill of the chase being in person, though I do recognize the benefit of us being in separate regions for our missions, as much as I abhor it. I know you have much work to do, as do I. However, would it harm you to send replies? Or is teasing me, leaving me hanging as I get angrier, even more appealing to you now, my prize?
Maybe you're waiting to see if I unexpectedly appear.
Now, that's an intriguing thought. I'm sure someone will tell me where you are. Her Majesty surely wouldn't fault me for abandoning my station to come make sure you're doing your job. Who knows, maybe you're jeopardizing your mission by teasing other unsuspecting men. We can't have that, can we?
Do reply this time or you'll soon see why it wouldn't do you any good to ignore me.
— D.
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i hope you don't mind the letter mentioning you being part of the fatui. if you want a different version, do feel free to request again! i loved writing this. also, i hope i got dottore's voice well—it was a bit tough since i've never written him before, but he and his rambles definitely amused me. he talks like an unhinged victorian man to me. also, i don't know if it translated well, but dottore is calling you his prized possession.
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featherlumina · 6 months
What’s your favorite quirk/habit you give the cc cast when you write them?
(Glad you’re back in this mess :D, also yes everything behind gen SHOULD be on fire)
Thank you so much for the ask! :D I'm going to stick to who I've written so far, but that's still quite a few to think about! I hope you enjoy my silly/angsty/cute snippets. :3 Genesis He annotates the crap out of any book he owns. Don't get me wrong, he's got pristine copies of all editions of LOVELESS reserved for viewing only, but he's also got versions exclusively for scribbling notes and interpretations in the margins. In one particular copy, though, the notes start to get choppier, rougher, more...unhinged, as the degradation drags from months into years and his desperation for a cure deepens, particularly after the Nibelheim incident. Angeal This man can take a nap anywhere. Up a tree, in a rock crevice, in a military truck that's careening into every pothole by a careless driver... Angeal is the king of shuteye in unlikely places. It's very handy on rough missions. Sephiroth Likes to exercise his authority as a First to refuse any SOLDIER missions that even vaguely assist Hojo's research out of sheer spite. Genesis is incredibly proud of him. Zack This guy is a chaos cook, and by that I mean he just throws whatever crap he has available into a pan and just vibes. The 'throw anything together' habit he picked up from Angeal, yes, but he missed the 'think about sensible flavour combinations' part. Cloud He's a nervous fidgeter and has a lot of anxious energy that needs to escape. Drumming his fingers, leg bouncing, fiddling with his earring, picking skin, you name it. This behaviour is more prominent in his infantry days, too. Cissnei She's a collector, and by that I mean a collector of small keepsakes and trinkets found on missions around the world. Being raised in a orphanage meant that she barely had any possessions growing up, so she treasured anything that was hers and hers alone. Sometimes it's silly things from gift shops, or interesting rocks, feathers, scales, etc.
(She definitely kept a feather from that Genesis copy in Sector 8, for example.) Lazard You think this bloke only started embezzling money from ShinRa when Genesis defected? Not a chance. A lot of it gets funnelled to his non-ShinRa relatives, but also gets channelled into charitable projects around Midgar supporting people of the slums.
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giggly-bun · 11 months
Oh Archons {ChiLi}
A/N [WARNING THIS IS A TICKLE FIC] if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Sorry for any mistakes that i’ve made but i hope if you read this I hope you enjoy it. i was going to post this for tickletober but i decided to convert them into fics instead but i hope you enjoy it all the same :D - bunny 🔮
“My, my, Zhongli, I didn’t realise an archon could be so ticklish.” Childe hummed. Below him, Zhongli barely had the strength to form any words, coherent words that is, as Childe was currently drilling his thumbs into the former archon’s hips.
“CHIHIHIHILDE!” He cried, bucking his hips up and inevitably pushing himself further into the tickles. Childe just chuckled at the situation.
“Yes, my dear, what can I do for you?”
“STAHAHA- STAHAP! CHAHAHANGE PLACES!” Though his laugh was being broken up by low chuckles, Zhongli was borderline hysteric at this point. His face was flushed, head tossing this way and that to escape the sensations. The feeling was jarring, almost maddening- the harbinger’s dull nails would occasionally scratch at the thin bit of skin, thumbs pressing right in the divot of his hips, the feeling only intensifying because of the way Zhongli had been stretched taut. Childe did an exaggerated thinking face, fingers still toggling with the hypersensitive muscles exposed.
“I don’t know, Zhongli, you’re laughing so much I must assume that you like this spot?” He said, switching to scribbling along with his blunt nails. Zhongli shook his head vehemently. This was meant to be a relaxing afternoon, the elder had prepared them some jasmine tea, intending to have a peaceful chat and spend some quality time together, something they hadn’t had in quite a while. Had he known that Childe would be in one of his more playful moods, perhaps he would’ve worn more layers of protection. Alas, the thin shirt he was clad in wasn’t offering him much help, not that any protection was guaranteed to make him feel any better. The man was just far too sensitive in that one spot.
“nohohoHOHOHO! ihihihit’s terrIHIHIble GAH-!” The ginger smirked at the answer. He would switch between poking, prodding and toggling at the spot. Zhongli arched his back before abruptly slamming it back down, only once he realised he was practically offering his tickle spots up to his devious boyfriend’s fingers. Childe couldn’t help but smirk.
“Oh, well if you don’t find it funny, I suppose I’ll stop when you stop laughing. That sound fair, love?” How unbelievably cruel!
“chihihihiHIHIHIHILDE! i-ihihihi HEHEHE! i-i cahahan’t!” Zhongli cried, his face bright red.
“You can’t? Well, why can’t you? Surely a man of your power and status can simply keep a straight face for a little longer, right, Mr Zhongli?” He teased. He punctuated his sentence by pinching Zhongli’s hips, causing the man to let out an involuntary snort. Childe snickered. “It can’t be that bad, can it? You aren’t that ticklish, are you, love?”
He was.
Terribly so.
Every other word he tried to speak came off with a squeal or giggle. He was deeply embarrassed by the noises he was making, trying to cover them up by turning his head to the side. Childe was absolutely infatuated with how his lover looked right now. Adorned in a deep blush that spread to his ears, and a grin that outshone the sun itself. He smiled fondly at his cackling boyfriend.
“Gods above, Zhongli, I could just eat you up right now. Oh, that’s not a bad idea actually.” He stated, a new glimmer in his eye. Maybe if the other wasn’t in hysterics, he would’ve seen the way Childe’s eyes lit up.
“w-whahahat dohohoho y-yohou me-EEEEEK CHIHIHIHIHILDE! S-STAHAHAHAP!” An unhinged shriek ripped from his throat, loud bouts of laughter following straight after. With speed that rivalled a top harbinger, the younger had dipped his head down, using his teeth to nibble at Zhongli’s hips with precision. It was enough to drive anyone mad.
He hummed against his skin. “Mmm, you taste so sweet, I could do this all day, Zhongli.” He mused. Zhongli drummed his feet against the arm of the chair, screeching with every bite.
“Already? But we’ve barely gotten started. I can’t just leave the other side lonely, that wouldn’t be fair now, would it?” Said the ginger. He quickly moved his head to nibble at the other side of his hips and Zhongli saw stars. It was like ticklish shocks were being sent through his nervous system and he went wild.
“C-CHIHIHIL- ohohohoho p-pleheheHEHEASE AJAX!” That got his attention. “AJAHAHAHAHAX NOHOHOHO MOHORE!” Childe lifted his head at the call of his name, moving his hands and mouth. Zhongli’s body went limp against the couch, catching up on his breathing but still letting laughter slip out. Ajax smiled and sat up, beginning to rub gently at his boyfriend’s sensitive skin.
“You don’t call me that very often, Zhongli.” He smiled.
“Yehehes w-wehehell, I needed a w-wahahay out.” He giggled out. After a few minutes, Zhongli sat up, shooting daggers at Childe, though the effect was lost as he still had that bright eyed smile etched on his face.
“You can glare at me all you want, I know you still love me.” Childe laughed. Zhongli glanced at him momentarily before humming.
“Perhaps that is true, but do you know one thing I love more than your childish antics?” He said.
“What’s that, Mr Zhongli?”
“wha- no no no NOHOHO!”
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hongtiddiez · 5 months
my stand in ep 2 thoughts, feelings, etc.
alright i wanted to write this up nicely but it took me... two hours to get through the episode bc i kept stopping to write notes, so i'll do my best i guess.
weird thing about me is when i watch shows and write notes for these posts i always write the notes on napkins? i have like 5 different notebooks in arms reach at all times but i really like scribbling on a napkin for the true unhinged effect.
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anyway blah blah reminder i'm just a silly dude on the internet, idk shit about dick, i just like to say shit, don't take me too seriously.
also please DO NOT leave novel spoilers in my reblogs, tags, or replies without some kind of warning label. please? it seems to happen with every show i write meta for and i LOVE that people get hyped but there's no way for me to avoid it when it's in my notifications like that.
some before the actual episode stuff; after learning last week that some of the kinnporsche people worked on this it really becomes apparent, especially in the style of the intro.
the music choices also seem a bit reminiscent of kinnporsche (and a little bit of not me) which i really enjoy. it feels kind of familiar and comforting.
immediately i loved how soft this episode started, the slight stubble on each of them, the way joe speaks so softly as if afraid to shatter their little bubble of peace, etc. i also love that the show doesn't skirt around the topic of sex and the fact that sometimes sex is awkward and clumsy, especially with a new partner and doubly so when it's your first queer partner.
and then the peace was shattered with ming kissing his back yet again. ouchies.
"will tong be at the set?" he's just not even trying to hide it. he basically said 'yeah ur great and all but tong????' but DAMN if poom isn't the absolute king of microexpressions.
at this point i can't really tell if tong is being a spoiled prince (derogatory) or if he's tired of acting in general? judgement withheld until a later date.
and then we jump into this actress being a parallel to ming and OOF OUCHIES MY ORGANS. she's a fan of tong but has to "settle" for joe - just like ming. and yet joe takes the time to be kind, to soothe her worries and put her at ease, because he has a heart of absolute gold. "it's her first movie but she was left to drown by the male lead." it's ming's first love and he has been left to drown in it.
mek's acting is really endearing. this is my first exposure to him (ive seen some of his social media and really like what he stands for as a person) and i'm instantly drawn to his performance. he also pulls off a great balance of adorable/sexy.
i personally find ming's jealously hilarious. what a little caricature of toxicity.
anyway, it seems to me that if ming could get over his feelings and enjoy what he has in front of him he could be part of and enjoy a very sweet family, as it does seem tong IS giving him love, just not the exact flavor he craves.
the cut to joe's training made me laugh. little oat lore dump but my bio dad was actually a stunt man for movies (which is another part of why i was so excited for this show) and i can promise you nothing like this was part of it. what do i know, though, maybe things have changed since the early 2000s lol.
(no, they're probably not any movies you know, aside from maybe wild wild west [1999]. he mostly did westerns, historical docudramas, and historical fiction.)
ANYWAY AGAIN. with this little glimpse into ming's home life we get to see that he's very accustomed to doing what he wants and getting what he wants, which makes a lot of sense when applied to his almost obsessive behavior regarding tong - and now joe. i did absolutely LOVE linin and her sassy independence (minus the 'i can buy anything i need'.)
but... girl... did you just spray perfume in your mouth?
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your actions are strange and unsettling. i like that in a woman.
ugh getting into ming venting his frustrations on joe's body. listen. liiiisten. while toxic without prior discussion... i'm into it. it may or may not be one of my favorite tropes in fanfic. toxic and unhealthy as fuck and i'm here for it.
AND THEN DAMN POOM THOSE NOISES. ACTING FOR YOUR LIFE BBY -- and the SNEEZE AT ORGASM LMAAAO oh i hope that's a running bit for some comedic relief.
because we then make a SHARP pivot into "then stop me" and there's so much potential for pain and self loathing there, for joe to think "i can't blame ming, i didn't stop any of it." i'm sat.
a little side bar, but i'm enjoying the fact that while there is discussion of topping and bottoming as a narrative device there really aren't any stereotypes here. i think on a surface level people would think "oh joe is the top" (pit babe style) and the show said no actually he isn't. love that for us.
"you can even move in haha jk" but the thing is, not jk, because joe would do that for ming - for anyone - bc that's the type of person he is.
[i had to stop and have a lil snack here]
hold up is this wut out drinking with them? OH SHIT IT IS. OKAY. it didn't give us much but at least it's a little connection to him finally. we knew joe knew him from his first life, just didn't really know how.
"i missed you" and when was the last time someone missed joe? not who he's replacing or the space he's filling, but HIM?
love ming's goofy ass locking the door and going inside just so he can make a dramatic ass appearance like he's 'the other woman' or some shit LMAO.
"what's in you to make me jealous?" quite possibly the worst dialogue tree choice ming could've picked.
[joe's emotional well being -45]
[everyone hated that]
"don't be so full of yourself" something joe has never been a day in his life. "you're just a stand-in." he knows. it's not something he ever forgets.
but after all that toxicity we have ming back home, seeking out joe's food for comfort, and we finally get to see him interact with his sister. i LOVE that she knows the importance of being a little silly as a treat, one of my biggest life mottos. we also get to see more of how ming is surrounded by love that he misses out on bc of his own wallowing and self sabotage.
oh, the homoeroticism of sparring with your bestie.
[everyone liked that]
oop- joe is wearing the shirt ming borrowed while sol is wearing a shirt with the word 'fantasy.' i'm good, i'm fine, gwenchana, gwenchana.
ough. sol with too many eyes on him and none of them sincere and joe with nothing but sincerity to offer but remains invisible. oof ouch.
enter ming with more religious imagery to match last week's cross scene. something something the sin of greed? confessing your sins? coveting - idk man, i don't have any religious trauma, my family let me just do my own thing.
but with ming knowing joe's true feeling every toxic thing he does is going to be 1000x more painful and i'm here for it. bring it you fucked up little guy.
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"we can't mess with each other's privacy" don't mess with MY privacy. "you can't mess around with anyone else" emphasis on YOU, not we.
and then it's driven home what a romantic joe is, both with his workout heartbreak poetry and this little lady and the tramp noodle moment. this man, again much like pit babe, wants to be domesticated so bad.
and i know we all have hated on ming, that's the point, he's been a caricature of a toxic relationship spelled out in neon letters --
but when was the last time ming laughed with someone like this?
ok im exhausted, i'm falling into bed to read fanfic, but i'm absolutely in love with everything this is doing so far. i haven't written anything as in depth as this since last twilight (pre-betrayal) so it's really nice to feel insane again.
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
Hopelessly Devoted to You
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one-shot inspired by this prompt. enjoy!
cw: n/a :)
wc: 1.9k
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Nancy asked.
“Yeah, why not?” Steve shrugged as he finished scribbling in the rest of his sign.
“He’s not even gonna see you.”
“Nance, just let him do what he wants,” Robin sighed.
“Yeah, Nance. Okay, you two dimwits ready to go?”
“Yes, dingus, we’ve been ready.”
It was Corroded Coffin’s annual Halloween gig at the Hoosier Dome—the lead singer, Eddie Munson, always insisted on playing his home state during the most sacred time of year. It sold out in minutes. Fans were hunched over their phones and laptops, waiting in the endless queue, hoping they were able to score tickets.
Given that Steve has been a die-hard fan since their first album (mainly because he found Eddie cute), he was a verified-fan on Ticketmaster, scoring him first dibs to all their big events. As much as he’d wanted floor tickets, him, Robin, and Nancy didn’t have enough money pooled, so they all settled for the lodge.
Steve insisted that the girls make signs too, as Eddie always set time aside to read through everyone’s insane, unhinged messages, but they refused. They kept insisting that Eddie wouldn’t be able to see, but that didn’t stop Steve. He figured Eddie wouldn’t be able to see a whole message, so instead he settled for a single word: DADDY?
Robin and Nancy called him crazy, but Steve’s rationale was that if he can’t see it anyway, what’s the harm?
The entire group dressed up as Teen Titans—Robin was Raven, Nancy was Starfire, and Steve was Robin (confusing? Yes. None of them thought that far ahead? Also, yes). They waited in line, got a few beers to sip while the openers performed, and before they knew it, it was showtime.
Corroded Coffin were dressed up as townspeople from The Nightmare Before Christmas, but Eddie was nowhere in sight. All of a sudden, the soft plucking of an acoustic guitar picked up and fog covered the floor of the stage. Eddie’s voice rang throughout the arena, soft and soothing—unlike anyone had ever heard him before.
“I sense there’s something in the wind, that feels like tragedy’s at hand,” he started.
A small trapdoor slowly opened as he sang, letting all the fog sink into it. The guitar plucked on, Eddie’s voice continued blessing everyone’s ears—then, he began to emerge as not Jack, but as Sally, dress and all.
“The worst is just around the bend. And does he notice my feelings for him? And will he see… how much he means to me?”
He stopped singing and the guitar paused—the arena went pitchy black. Confused chittered filled the air, but was quickly stopped when all lights were on Eddie wailing on his guitar, breaking into a quick solo. The crowd erupted with cheers as he showed off his skills to his devoted fans. He carried on with singing, ditching the somber tune.
“I think it’s not to be,” he continued. The rest of the band joined in, turning the sad ballad into a newfound rock anthem. “Try as I may, it doesn’t last. And will we ever, end up together? No, I think not, it’s never to become…” The lights flickered before going out again, all instruments and singing coming to a halt. The spotlight shone on Eddie, who returned to his somber tune. “For I am not the one…”
The entire arena was filled with people who were screaming, cheering, and chanting. The lights came up enough to show the rest of the band. Eddie chuckled to himself before taking a sip of his complimentary beer.
“How’re we feeling tonight?” he asked—everyone screamed. “Good, good. Happy Halloween, whores. Thanks for making it out, tonight.”
“We love you, Eddie!” Someone yelled.
“And I have no idea who you are. Alright, let’s kick this bitch.”
The concert continued on with a bang. They sang their usual line-up with a few Halloween-esc songs sprinkled in between. That was the real draw to this concert—it was nearly an entire hour longer because of all the covers he did.
As Eddie finished singing I Put a Spell on You by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, he took a few more sips of his beer before drawing his attention to the several signs people created for him.
“Eddie, adopt me! No!” he chuckled. “I missed my aunt’s wedding for this! Good, fuck your aunt. Um, alright…” He scanned the crowd for the next sign. “Eddie (or all of CC) do my BeReal? Yeah, fuck it. Throw me your phone.”
As the audience member tossed him the phone and he snapped the pictures, the camera crew focused in on one sign in particular—Steve’s. Robin and Nancy nudged him as he stood there, beet red in the face. The crowd was going crazy.
“Wow, I didn’t think you guys would have liked watching me take a picture that much,” he laughed to himself.
The people in the pit started yelling in protest, pointing to the arena’s central screen. Eddie cocked a brow and ran to where he could see it.
“Is that what you were screaming for?” The crowd erupted as the camera was still displaying Steve, holding his DADDY? sign up loud and proud. “Sorry… How’re you, sir?” Eddie smiled.
Steve gave him a thumbs up and beamed. Eddie ran over to the edge of the stage, getting as close to Steve’s section as he could. He extended an arm and smirked at the boy.
“Yes?” Everyone cheered as Steve nearly fainted. “Yes?” Steve started dying laughing as the surrounding fans continued yelling. “I fear there may be a communication barrier from this distance.”
“It’s okay, I love you!” Steve yelled, despite Eddie not being able to hear.
“But just know… yes?”
Steve flashed a Cheshire smile at the rockstar as he blushed up to his ears. Steve lowered the signs and blocked out the world around him. He fell back in his seat in awe, dropping his sign to his feet. Robin and Nancy were desperately trying to get his attention, but he couldn’t be bothered to listen. He’d rather stay in a state of bliss.
Eddie finished up reading through his posters before moving on to his next song. He smirked up the Steve as he went back to his set list.
“This next one goes out to my new baby, apparently,” Eddie teased, winking at Steve. “I was feeling done in, couldn’t win. I’d only ever kissed before…”
Steve’s eyes bulged out of his head as Eddie started singing a rocked out version of Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me (apparently dedicated to him). Steve sat in shock as Eddie pranced around the stage, like the sex symbol he was, singing a song about losing your virginity.
This had to be a dream.
Steve tried to muster his way through the rest of the concert as butterflies did backflips in his stomach.
His long-time crush, Eddie Munson, noticed him and called him his baby!? There was no way is was all real.
A few days later, after Steve managed to compose himself (which was hard to do, considering his social media pages were flooded with different views of his interaction with Eddie), he posted a video of himself hanging and framing the poster.
Thinking nothing of it, he hit upload, only expecting Robin, Nancy, and maybe Dustin go like it. But to his surprise, it went viral. Nearly a million likes and over six million views.
Shit. No way Eddie hasn’t seen this.
I’m awe, Steve posted to his Instagram story, blabbering on about how much attention it was getting. He turned off his notifications and left his phone alone for a while, trying to relieve himself of some of the stress.
That evening, when he did a final scroll through of his socials, he came back to over fifty messages of people who swiped up on his story. But one in particular stuck out.
eddiemunson: yes, baby?
“Oh my god… oh my god!”
His fingers were trembling beneath his touch as he typed out an equally cheeky reply.
kingsteve: oh, daddy, and to think, i never thought you’d answer
eddiemunson: baby teases back i see
kingsteve: only for you, munson
eddiemunson: oh, i like the sound of that
kingsteve: so, when are you taking me out?
eddiemunson: when’re you free ;)
Several months passed and the boys began seeing each other and becoming romantically involved. They slowly started teasing each other on their socials, never showing their faces or displaying any incriminating details.
It wasn’t until nearly a year in, right as the following annual Halloween concert was rolling around, when the hints became less subtle. Steve was attending concerts regularly (in blocked off sections with other friends/family of the band), and Eddie was slowly showing off more features of his pretty boyfriend.
This year, Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin were people from Scooby-Doo—Eddie was Shaggy, and other members were different monsters. But where was the rest of the crew? Well, standing with Steve on the sidelines was Robin dressed as Velma, Nancy as Daphne, and Steve as Fred.
Similar to years prior, they opened with a Halloween themed song, then continue with their normal set list with a few covers here and there. Right around the midpoint in the show, Eddie started going around reading posters. Thinking he was funny, Steve resurrected the DADDY? poster.
Eddie made his way over to Steve’s area, knelt down at the edge of the stage, cocked his head to the side and smirked at Steve.
“Yes, baby?” he beamed.
The crowd burst into cheers, but they had no clue what was coming.
Steve smiled as he bit the insides of his cheeks, flipping the sign over to reveal another message.
Eddie dropped his mic as he blushed up to his ears, and walked away, smiling like an idiot. Steve proudly stood there, waiting for an answer.
The crowd was chanting at him, some things were good, some were bad. Meanwhile, the boys were having an entire silent conversation through their looks. Eddie eventually picked his mic up again, kneeling back into his previous position.
“I hope you know, you’re becoming a Munson,” he said.
“That’s okay!” Steve laughed. “So is that a yes?”
“Of course, stupid.” He winked as he strutted over to the other side of the stage, starting his next song.
Steve fell back into Robin and Nancy’s arms, gasping in relief. He was so caught in his own head, he didn’t even realize what Eddie was singing until he reached the chorus.
“But now, there’s nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside, I’m out of my head. Hopelessly devoted, to you…”
The song carried on and Steve was swaying back and forth, listening to his fiancé’s lovely voice. Then came the final bridge.
“But now, there’s nowhere to hide, since you pushed my love aside, I’m out of my head. Hopelessly devoted, to you…” Eddie walked to the edge of the stage and tossed Steve a velvet black box. Steve (barely) caught it, as Eddie caught him off guard. Eddie winked before finishing out the song. “Hopelessly devoted to you…”
Steve snapped open the box, revealing a diamond incrusted band—he looked up with tears in his eyes. He ditched Robin and Nancy and charged the stage (in the walking path for the band). He shimmied his way past some amps, much to the security’s dismay, and met eye-to-eye with Eddie.
“Hopelessly devoted… to—” Steve yanked him down by his chain and forced him into a kiss. Eddie smiled uncontrollably before breaking away and running his thumb across Steve’s bottom lip. “You…”
taglist: @steviesbicrisis
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orion-lacroix · 1 month
Thank you @cb-writes-stuff for the tag sorry it took me so long to do the tag game this is going to be colorful because I wanted to tell the question apart from the answer
Writeblr questionaire:
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I don't know, I created it this year, but before that I had a random Tumblr account but I'm not really a social media kind of person so I generally forget to interact (sorry!!!!!)
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
If I don't interact much or talk much it's not on purpose, I just kinda forget I need to answer or get to anxious to talk and start a discussion.
What’s your favorite thing about the writeblr community?
How it's kinda expanding my social circle. Not sure if it make sense but like mutuals of mutuals will become mutuals woth me and I'll start interacting with more people and I like that!
Which wips or writing projects have you been noodling about lately?
Honestly there are many. First there is Avalon's Child, set in the same universe as The Dead sea and a third project still unamed and not planned more that the general idea, then there is the hare and the fox shall dance, and finally there are the ones that I've put on hold a little until I get more inspiration and idead and motivation. (The protectors, Can I save you? And Forgive me)
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Well for some it's spite (I want to write queer stories that do not end with the death of the queer character, writing queer character in spite of what some will say) for other the story just kind of popped up in my head and has me in a choke hold until I write it ahah.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
More short stories or projects! I like learning more about what other people write about!
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your rear; whomever you’d like
I would say, in the original abomination category it would be Rain, a faune (made up species) which come from the project the protectors, they are just basically Gen z on drugs, from a species that has no gender, all the faune are agender. They are well... lets say very stubborn in protecting nature, even if they have to fight a giant dragon with nothing but their teeth (they did, and lived).
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
All day, every day. I'm at work sometime and I will use an old receipt to scribble notes that I thought about so I don't forget.
Who's the most unhinged?
I would say either Rain from the protectors or Atlas from Avalon's child. One fought a dragon woth nothing the other fought two gods and killed them.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
I would say either Ry (Atlas friend) or Gideon. Both are young, just turned adult or nearly adult but I can relate to the way they think, unlike Atlas who's in their twenties which is harder for me to write.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Not really.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree?
I lost control the moment I started to think too much about their personality. They write themselves entirely even if I'm not writing.
Are some less cooperative than others?
Well I would say Atlas is somehow the worst one because I spent so lonng thinking about their personality that they just sort of do their thing and i just gotta chamge the story accordingly.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Depends on who? If I like the person I might explain a lot, if not I'll just say like fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, whatever genre it is and say the general idea like 《young adult thrown in a world of magic and they fight to belong》
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Yesss please do!
and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Anything, if you have a question go ahead! Ask are fine, tags are fine and comments and reblogs are fine as well. It might sometime take me time to answer but I will try to answer!
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
Vibes ahaha, if I see something interesting I'll follow! I don't often check out blogs before following if the post I saw was cool
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Yes and no, depends on the day, my dash and many things but I try to interact with as many people as I can!
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yes a lot!
I'll tag @halfbakedspuds @thylocalbard @stew-magnetos-version @agirlandherquill but no pressure
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HiIII II min, what are you reading/watching/listening to at the moment, i need recs
QUITE A LOT. i am reading and watching and playing and listening to. A LOT. I'm kind of astounded that I'm actually doing all this at once, but here we go -
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - y'all already know what this one is about. I'm here to tell you that it's brilliantly done with a genuinely engaging writing voice and style, and a terrifyingly good unreliable narrator. If you're up to stomaching the obvious pedophilia, I fully recommend it.
Moby Dick by Herman Melville - slightly racist biologically inaccurate whale hunting. For people who know nothing about whales. I've been on a classics kick recently, I'm trying to get my way through a lot of the big 'classic' books and this is what feels like the final boss. It's good, but it's dense as all fuck, and I'm struggling despite being very close to the end with it. I don't recommend this one quite as much, but it's good enough for me to stick with it.
Sacred and Terrible Air by Robert Kurvitz - this is the Disco Elysium novel, translated from Estonian by a variety of lovely people. It's good, but it's also pretty dense - maybe not as much as Moby Dick, but it makes it hard to read in large chunks. I'm reading it alongside my beloved @lifewithoutrainydays, and i really need to put more time into it.
S. by Doug Dorst - fucking fascinating book. It's presented as a book called 'Ship of Theseus' by an author that doesn't exist, and it looks and feels like an actual old library book, complete with scribblings in the margins (that form a whole other meta story on top of the book itself), postcards and printouts jammed in between the pages, and an old library label on the spine. Still trying to figure out how to read it, but plucking away at it in-between all my other endeavors.
Our Bloody Pearl by D.N. Bryn - a.k.a., me trying to step out of my comfort zone and read some recommendations, and not quite clicking with it. Found family pirate-siren trauma-recovery story. I like the things being done with communication difficulties, but on the whole it feels a bit too fanfiction-y, which is not something I tend to like in my original fiction. I'd recommend it if you're a fan of that sort of thing, though!
Awful Hospital: Seriously the Worst Ever by Bogleech - the author says they've never read Homestuck. I don't know if I believe them. A glorious gruesome surreal hellish trip through a very very bad hospital, seriously the worst ever, and beyond! I'm pretty early on but enjoying the fuck out of it. I don't know where it's going and I'm scared to find out.
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise by Tradd Moore - I read this ages ago, but finally have it in printed edition, and that rules because everything about this FUCKS SEVERELY. the art style is unhinged and brilliant, the writing is weird and beautiful, and the plot is........ the weirdest thing Doctor Strange comics have ever done since Into Shamballa, actually. i'm taking it slow this time because i want to savor every panel.
The Apothecary Diaries (manga edition) - this has been on pause for a bit, because everything else I was reading distracted me, but it's good and it's open in another tab right now, so I'll include it. Murder mysteries in an ancient Chinese court, starring the weirdest poison-obsessed apothecary girl who has ever existed. She poisons herself for fun and gets excited over particularly deadly toxins, I love her to death.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - I loved the books and the show, so I figured it was about time to actually play the games. I'm a tiny bit addicted to it at this point. It's a good fucking game. I like killing monsters and I like playing Fantasy Magic The Gathering and i really really like the battle music. I'm 100%ing this one or I'm dying in the process.
Lobotomy Corporation - has fallen a bit by the wayside because of the Witcher, whoops, but I do fully intend to get back to it at some point. I know there's some less-than-great stuff going on vis-a-vis the creators, but I'm not really engaging on that level. I'm just enjoying it as an SCP-like creature-management simulator. There's some very fun anomalies with very fun writeups in this one, and I enjoy the mental challenge of figuring out what makes them all tick.
Listening to:
Critical Role, Campaign Three - I'm not utterly obsessed with it, but it's a nice long chunk of listening for me to get my evening routine done to the sound of.
And on my podcast 'I'm all caught up, but I regularly listen when new episodes come out' list are: The Magnus Protocol, Dungeons and Daddies, The Adventure Zone, and Apocrypals.
The X-Files - all of it, start-to-finish, because I have somehow managed to avoid all spoilers of a sci-fi cultural touchstone all this time, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. I love some fucked-up monster-of-the-week sci-fi.
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Writer Questionnaire
Thank you for the tag @phoenixradiant and @mk-writes-stuff!
About how long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr?
I created this blog at the end of 2022 but went inactive for a big portion of 2023.
What led you to create it?
I was already working on my WIP, which I want to publish one day. I was worried that people wouldn't be interested in what I was making, so my partner (@persnickety-peahen) suggested that I should make a tumblr to see how people would react to my ideas.
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
I enjoy seeing how people are able to bring their characters and their settings to life. I really enjoy reading the snippets of other people's work.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I'm always willing to talk, whether about writing or something else entirely. Just a warning though, I have a tendency to ramble
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Worldbuilding! I know I'm a bit of a lore fanatic, but I want to see some huge exposition posts from my mutuals too!
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
I really only have the one WIP, The Testaments, but I have bits and pieces from all over the planned series bouncing around in my head. I just finished a big paper and so I'm hoping to get back to writing Book 1 soon!
How long have you been working on them?
I suppose that depends? Working on it as in actually sitting down and plotting things out, or just scribbling in my notebooks? I'd say probably about 5 years now.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
It was a few things, just random ideas that sort of conglomerated into Narul. Then I started making a world for him to live in.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Very often, can't really say how much, I have a tendency to imagine scenes in my head. Basically whenever I'm listening to music, I'm likely thinking about Testaments.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
It depends on who I'm talking to. I say its fantasy but based on the ancient near-east/Mediterranean rather than Europe. If its someone that is familiar with that region/period I usually go into a bit more of a spiel about how Narul is in part inspired by characters like Gilgamesh but with the opposite of Hubris.
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, your first original abomination; whomever you’d like!
I'll go with Bop. Bop was a once terrifying wind spirit that now resides inside of a hammer. They are at once incredibly wise and ancient and very naïve. I created them as an immortal friend for Narul. What if the One Ring was a just a chill non-binary pal?
Who’s the most unhinged?
Zatar, though Batricca is a close second (Great Grandson and Great Grandma, crazy violence runs in the family).
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Narul is pretty easy to write, because in a lot of ways he's representative of my own anxiety. But I also find that writing spirits and scenery comes really naturally to me.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Not really. Istek's flirtation is probably the most cringey thing that a character does and even then its more funny than anything. Ninma can be an annoying little brat, but is not cringe inducing,
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
I'm not really sure. I'd say I'm pretty in control of my characters, if only because I have most of the serious plotted out. But sometimes new characters appear or characters just do something because it feels right in the moment, I suppose you could say in those instances that they write themselves.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
I love answering questions about my characters and world. I have a couple questions I need to get to (I just need to finish my conlang post). Send asks, tags, replies, reblogs, anything!
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
I tend to look for writeblr intros and read them over. If the story seems compelling, I'll follow. Pretty simple. Alternatively if someone follows me I tend to follow them back.
What makes you decide against following?
No content on their blogs, certain political/social ideas (no terfs), I don't tend to read a lot of fanfic (not to say that it isn't totally valid) so I don't tend to follow blogs that are solely based around fanfic rather than original content.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Not really? I wouldn't mind interacting more though!
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
A few will occasionally seep into my thoughts. I will admit though, I am terrible at remembering the names of my mutuals characters, especially when I take long breaks. Djek and Izjik from @illarian-rambling appear in my head every once in a while. To tell you the truth though, I tend to think more about the worlds and settings of my mutuals rather than their characters.
Tagging @willtheweaver, @elsie-writes, @elizaellwrites, @roach-pizza, and leaving it open!
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
here’s how the choir draws their smiley faces: enjoy!!
ocean: it’s basic, classic, and easy to draw. perfectly ocean! she’s Gotta have the circle too. she’s weird abt that. she’s the only one Ever who draws them like this. it has teacher vibes.
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noel: he doesn’t care, so he does them normally. believe it or not, he’s ok being Basic for once. he has better things to do than worry abt what his smileys look like (unlike ocean lol)
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mischa: scribble eyes!!! still chaotic, but just enough to still be cute!! it’s surprisingly nice, just like him! :)
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ricky: ok fun story with this one. this is how i Actually draw my smileys!! taken originally from This-> :). but that’s just. what i started doing eventually,, and i feel ricky would do the same. he likes emoticons like this :) :/ :( >:) :o etc yknow. also i think he’d be used to typing them,, so (like me) he just started Drawing them too :)
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jane: she does not know what a smiley face is! it never came up, so the choir never told her and she just. never knew. (based on “what’s a savannah?”)
penny: chaotic. menacing. unhinged. What. her smileys are for SURE hiding/plotting something or Both. just Look at it. her smileys have the same vibes she does.
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finally, constance: big ol eyes. she Always colors the eyes in. small and cute smiley!! but it’s still cute and simple,, just like she is :)!! she didn’t want to just do the default one (rip to noel lol) but still wanted it to be quick and easy, so she has this!
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Intro & Navigation
Hi I'm Venus! Any pronouns are fine, 21+, adhd & autistic, indigenous. (About me below the cut)
This blog is a SELF SHIP blog run by a 21+ user. I post 18+ nsfw content at random. You should not be following if you’re under 18.
My SFW content is very welcome to all, just be mindful of being on my blog page due to the warnings above, thank you.
Writing and Drawing requests are CLOSED!! Thank you so much I will catch up on these and publish them soon!! After this requests are limited to mutuals only!!! Sorry I realize I really enjoy creating for my friends the most 💕
You can check the rules before requesting here and check my ship list here if you don't see it listed below. I do not write or draw non con and/or dead dove esque type stuff. Please do not request these types of content from me, thank you.
Spicy tag for original content is Bartos Burlesque Hours
Art Tag will be Unhinged Scribbles, Writing Tag will be Unhinged Writing - I will make a master list next week (Feb 18)
Non anon requests will be honored first bc I wanna make friends with other people here in the op fandom!
Commissions are OPEN: kofi is here - commission sheet here - if you get scammed trying to buy fanart pls dm me I will do it for free any fandom
About Venus! Some of my favorite characters I love drawing/writing for include: SHACHI & PENGUIN 💕 Jinbe, Bepo, Law, Corazon, Bartolomeo, Buggy, Franky, Sanji + every animal ever in the series! I just love goofy lil guys ya know? Multishipper, also love OC and Reader ships/inserts.
Fave canon x canon ships include: Penguin/Shachi, Luffy/Zoro, Usopp/Nami, Buggy/Shanks and many more you can view on the ship list linked above I don’t take shipping too seriously I don’t care what ships you tag my posts as or enjoy as long as you’re not a minor interacting w my 18+ posts thank you!
I have not seen the live action or plan to anytime soon just due to lack of access to netflx and other life stuff asks and DMs are always open to chat!!
Link to OP birthday list post so I can find it easily
Side blogs:
Reblogs/anything not one piece: @bartos-reblogs
Fairytail sideblog (mostly rb at the moment): @lucyandthecelestiallovers
Art ref/inspo/ things in general don’t want to lose or I want to come back to for art/writing purposes: @buggys-secret-stash
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brendaonao3 · 1 year
Hi! I'm NegativNein on AO3! I'm enjoying your Top Gun fics a lot!
I have a prompt for HangMav: Penny dumps Mav, so he has to find another bar, while some a-hole hookup treats Hangman poorly (bad, but nothing majorly triggering), so he's not keen on pulling every night: misery loves company, friends to lovers Hangmav where they go pub crawling looking for the perfect watering hole and turn down all other randoms hitting on them.
No pressure, of course. I enjoy reading your works as they are! :)
Aww, thank you, I'm glad my unhinged scribblings about our favorite pilots has entertained you! <3
And, ngl, that sounds hilarious. Hangman and Maverick get stuck going to so many wine bars and mezcal bars, and fall in love along the way :D (I'll put on the Possibles list and see if it sparks joy <3)
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ticklystuff · 2 years
hallooo i hope your doing well! (and i hope your tumblr and drafts are safe from your coworker 😭😭)
i would like to submit my genshin team for the ask game:
xiao, wanderer, kazuha, albedo
no longer accepting teams, thanks!
hewwo anon thank you and same to you <3 i left her unattended with my laptop for four hours that day lmao i would keep going back to my cube with the excuse that i needed some water but really it was just to check to make sure she wasn't snooping asdkjf anyway hope you enjoy!
also your team was similar to someone else's (there are a lot of anemo bois this time) so i'm sorry if some of these end up samey as my last ones
who’s the most ticklish character
It's Kazuha! He has one of the prettiest laughs and Scara and Albedo can't help but sneak in a few pokes whenever they see him walk by. He's pretty chill about it too and isn't phased when people ask him, so someone can just walk up to him and give his sides a few scribbles and it's cool with him
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
I'm gonna go with Xiao because of how serious he always looks, but Albedo and Scara being artificial humans would raise some questions regarding this!
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
This question is always dedicated to poor Xiao lmao it doesn't help that the other three are all really good lers and Xiao absolutely cannot handle teasing, something that both Albedo and Kazuha excel in
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
Albedo is really good at guessing tickle spots, but I don't think he'd hand them out so easily Kazuha, on the other hand, has a really good memory and will observe every tickle fight to record tickle spots in his memory. He doesn't tell people, unless he's really hammered. Also, sometimes he'll spill his own tickle spots when under the influence lmao oops
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
Imagine Albedo asking Scara if he could potentially study him, from one artificial human to the other. It's nothing painful and Scara isn't bothered by it, except for when Albedo happens to brush past certain spots that Scara has to constantly remind him to be careful of and he's 90% sure Albedo is doing this stuff on purpose just going off of the subtle smirk on his face. Anyway, Albedo is bound to find undiscovered tickle spots, like Scara's ticklish hands. Also, Scara asks if Albedo is the same way and Albedo doesn't mind telling him of his own usual tickle spots too
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
Scara because sir is unhinged when it comes to winning these things because he refuses to lose to something as silly as tickling, but he's also really ticklish himself, so it's he's not too far ahead of someone like Albedo when it comes to tickle fights
which character has a kink for tickling
Albedo! Also, what if I said Kazuha..? I know I said in the last few that he doesn't, but this very thought is appealing to me right now, hmmmm so what if....?
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
I don't think this would apply to any of them! Scara got tickled by Childe plenty of times, Xiao was bullied by his Yaksha friends, Kazuha gets tickled by Beidou all the time, and Albedo has been tickled by Klee and Kaeya as well
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
Okay, so even though Kazuha is this really cute lee to me, I also think he'd be a really teasy ler in his own way. Not in the typical teasy way that lers tend to be, but y'know how the dentist will have a conversation with you while half their arm is in your mouth? As a ler, Kazuha is kinda like that, except replace dental work with tickling. He'll ask his lee about their day while tickling them and enjoys watching them struggle to formulate proper sentences and he makes sure to emphasize certain words with more assertive tickles. Whenever he's more in a ler mood, he'll do this with all the guys, but this especially works really well on Albedo because Albedo is super susceptible to teasing and gets flustered easily and Kazuha will try to ask questions about Albedo's latest experiment and Albedo can hardly answer and it's so embarrassing because it's like he doesn't know his own experiment anymore and he just says "I don't know!" a lot. Also, Albedo is a good ler, but Kazuha is his greatest enemy because Albedo isn't an aggressive ler and heavily relies on teasing, but Kazuha isn't really affected by teases as much, so it's really easy for him to flip the tables on him
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hidden-poet · 7 months
Okay just read chapter 3 on Snow Lands on Top and HOLY SHIT LETS UNPACK THIS MASTERPIECE!!!!
I just love love how throughout the story these two "lovebirds" keep going back and forth with each other 😂
Okay Mabel calling Grandma'am a crazy old bat had me DEAD on the floor 😂 and Coryo telling Mable he had every right to do what he wants to her… okay daddy okay... 🥵
Not him grabbing her wrist to make sure she sits next to him 😫🥵
MABLE STANDING UP to GRANDMA’AM with spelling out his name!!!!! This girl is truly fearless and loves testing this family and her captor 😂
Not her singing the Panem national anthem then adding her own Coryo twist to it… i love her pissing him off so much 😂 (also not me singing Lana Del Rey’s - National Anthem in my head after reading this 😂)
NOW the way he just joins her in the shower had me like… 😫 the way he just looks down at her body... him WASHING her hair roughly 😫 and tilting her head to wash it out 😫 while he presses her back against him 😫 GOOD GODDDDD HELP ME 🥵 He probably really enjoyed her getting shampoo in her eyes 😂 but then again, I mean... he did warn us... 👀 AND when he says “Are you worried I’ll touch you?” BOY YOU ALREADY DID!!!
And he's so fucking cocky I love it!!
Grandma’am ordering her to get her coat and put it on her then shooed her away 😂😂
This man really be keeping her locked up in a tower like Rapunzel?! I love a toxic man obsessed with power and control against his prisoner and treating her like his own little doll he can play with at any time and any way 😫
Dr. Gaul… the fact that she knows what's going on and calling her a 'pet' and how both her and Coryo want Mable under control like a submissive dog to him... SO DARK I LOVE IT 😈 And Mable meeting Dr. Gaul… DUN DUN DUN - I can't wait to see how that shit goes DOWN
Okay Mable sitting next to Grandma’am and sharing her chocolate almonds with her 🥹🥹 and not Coryo getting butthurt that she was nice to Grandma’am but bit him 😂 and her COMEBACK comment at that was just PERFECT 😂😂
I love how he locks her in with himself in the bedroom and is just training her... command me all day daddyyy 😈🥵 Her scribbling 'no' on the paper 😂 AND NOT THIS MAN HOLDING HER OFF FROM DINNER FOR NOT FINISHING IN TIME!!! Rude boy...
"The stronger party got to tell the weaker what to do." - YES 100% HE IS ABOVE ME AND I AM BELOW HIM AND HE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO 😫😫
Now the ending of this chapter...
Him getting so frustrated at her for still being her "old district self" and wanting her to be an educated Capitol girl so bad 😫
"He slaps her across the cheek, but she turns her head right back to him, ready for more." - DO IT AGAIN 😈
Okay so this man is getting kinky now with punishing her by slapping her ass 100 times 😂 the way he is LITERALLY teaching her a lesson on math... slap after slap after slap when she gets it wrong and making her start from the top until she gets it 100% right 😫🥵 SO FREAKIN' HOTTT 🥵🥵 kinky son of a bitch...
Okay but in all honesty the poor girl probably can't walk now 😂 her ass is PURPLE!!!
He is becoming more and more unhinged and violent with her to get her into submission to him and he is beyond TERRIFYING here because he would not stop until she got it right. He's way more scary in this than in Commander Snow 1000%
I love love how scary he is in this one, makes the story soooo fun and exciting, especially with Mable's sass mouth; which will lead her to more harsh punishments from Coryo 🥵
I always wonder if she's ever going to develop Stockholm syndrome... I definitely would 😂 oh wait... I already have 😂
And can't wait for chapter 5 for Commander Snow 🩷
I LOVE comments like this so much ❤️❤️ ❤️
I could read them all day long.
Begging you to keep them coming so I know what’s a hit and what’s a miss.
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wyntereyez · 2 years
I almost forgot to post about last weekend's Streamily signings! I know they're of no interest to anyone here, but I like having little write-ups for my own personal use.
Anyway, this was a Christmas signing, and included two Heisenberg Christmas prints that I NEEDED.
This particular signing was, well, wild. Neil had major jetlag (he'd just flown from Los Angeles to London), and this took him from 'unhinged' to 'deranged'.
For my first print, my request was a simple Heisy doodle in a Santa hat, which he obliged.
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He also drew the doodle standing on a plinth so I'd see him better.
Then he thought about the logic behind that and realized there was no actual logic.
It's okay, sweetie. You tried.
And then there was my second one... I'd suggested Heisy wearing reindeer antlers or Christmas lights. Simple, right?
And then, as Neil is happily scribbling away for much longer than necessary for a simple prompt, he mentioned his reindeer looks like a velociraptor.
That's not a sentence I'd ever heard before.
The end result was this epic picture of Heisenberg basically stealing Christmas.
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He was absolutely delighted by this masterpiece and couldn't stop laughing.
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Anyway, these are what the unsigned prints look like if anyone wants a closer look.
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I also got a print the next day, when he'd upgraded to semi-jetlagged.
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This print is cool, because it has his various Resident Evil characters on it, and he did something for each of them.
Anyway, I enjoy his signings.
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