#beyond the spiderverse speculation
beyond the spiderverse speculation/unhinged babbling that i hope is true
okay fam just got out of the Across the Spiderverse theater and I have-- a few theories. Well-- more like hopeful speculation that gets more and more outlandish as we go out, so-- please bear with me for a couple paragraphs. Spoilers under the cut.
Okay this is heavily based on assumptions and logic and what I personally noticed from the movie and how I personally think the Spider-Verse runs on, so please bear the hell with me.
I think Miguel’s canon theory is incorrect and that the multiverse has ways of self balancing itself because of Miles’ self correction. He had canon events like the death of Uncle Aaron, IE his Uncle Ben moment. It’s also established that it’s possible for multiverses to exist without canon events/canon events can be tweaked, such as Gwen’s dad quitting, and Mayday existing. It's also implied that if there's a Spider-Vacuum, so to speak, that universe will seek to fill it. Like Miles getting bitten to cover for Peter Parker's death. Ik this theory also works in reverse, like if there's too many Spider-People from one universe, one of them is going to die. But it also assumes the existence of Spider-Vacuum, because of all the Spider-People get bitten at the right time/place. If a universe needs a Spider-Person/will need a Spider-Person, someone's getting bit.
So if it's established that the multiverse can self-regulate itself, then it follows that Earth 42 needs a Spider-Person and that the multiverse/his universe is currently acting to try to fill that Spider-Person vacuum. You can argue that The Prowler is technically this universe's Spider-Person, but if we're going by what seems to be the multiverse's logic AND NOT MIGUEL'S-- that being someone needs to get bit by a radioactive spider and become a "hero" so to speak-- and someone from Earth 42 is gonna have to get bit.
IE-- Prowler Miles.
This is speculation held together by duct tape, spit, and prayers, but I think that due to the timey wimey multiversality, etc etc, kinda bullshit shenanigans of the next movie, Earth 42 Miles is gonna get bit by a radioactive spider, maybe have his canon event of Uncle Aaron dying (big emphasis on maybe there because the death his dad can act as both canon events and its established they can be tweaked), and take up the mantle of Spider-Man. Albeit more of an antihero, and influenced by Uncle Aaron. Because his neighborhood is not friendly and they need a tougher Spider-Man.
Think abt it, if Miles WAS supposed to be Spider-Man in his universe AND in Earth 42, it makes sense that Prowler Miles would eventually get bit, even if it takes more time then usual. He ALSO HAS the canon events of Uncle Ben/the police captain (just consolidated into one person-- hey tweaked canon event!), and there's a Spider-Man vacuum in his home universe. It would also back up the idea that Miguel's idea is wrong, because the universe fixed its "mistake" and solved the "anomaly" by itself. It's proof that the multiverse doesn't need a Spider-Cop for the rest of the Spider-People, and he needs to take a goddamn chill pill and let the Miles Moraleses do their thing.
Hell, maybe these dimensional rifts in the first place are the multiverses' attempts to self-regulate and get a radioactive spider into Earth 42, but Miguel keeps fucking it up and that's why Spot was created. To FORCE Earth 42 Miles into the wider multiverse AND GET HIM BIT whether he wants to be bit or not. This last paragraph is probably not true at ALL-- but i wanted to throw it out there because I don't believe in consistency, like Hobie.
Plus an antihero Spider-Man that's taken some hits/had some bad influences in his life would reinforce the idea that "anyone can wear the mask". Sure, Miles G Morales was the Prowler, and he made some bad choices. His methods are unorthodox even by Spider-Person standards. But he's still Spider-Man, and that mask is his regardless of how it got there. Just like it belongs to OG Miles as well. So c'mon people, let's do this one last time--
TL;DR: Prowler Miles is a late bloomer Spider-Man and is gonna totally own Miguel with multiversal facts and logic.
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starryoak · 1 year
One thing I suspect will be a major theme of Beyond The Spiderverse is one that Across the Spiderverse lightly touches on in ways that I’ve only half seen pointed out; that society often forces people to become criminals by excluding them from ‘normal’ society.
Now, see, I’ve seen it pointed out with Aaron Davis and, of course, Earth 42 Miles, and that’s completely logical, because our Miles himself explicitly states that they’re good people underneath it all who had little choice but to become villains, but what I haven’t seen pointed out…
…Is that it also applies to our main villain, The Spot. After all, we hear it from the man himself when he tells it to the bodega guy when first robs that ATM machine*, he hasn’t been able to get a job, his family won’t look at him, he has nowhere to go! If you think about the fact that it’s been a year and a half since the incident that turned him into this thing, he didn’t go to crime as his first option! He can’t have, or he wouldn’t be this desperate and terrible at it! He’s doing this because he’s an unemployable freak of nature with a body like a skin-suit! He’s the definition of a person who had no choice but to turn to crime, because he’s visibly incapable of living a normal life!
What I especially find interesting about this is that Miles is easily able to recognize the situation when it applies to his uncle and his alternate self, instantly understanding that they have become criminals not out of malice, but necessity, and yet he absolutely does not seem to recognize this to the full extent he could when it comes to Spot.
But what’s even more interesting is how much that makes sense! Spot literally presents his situation to Miles in a way that is deliberately (at least attempting to) obsfucating his situation! He frames himself as Miles’s nemesis, even though he’s pathetic and miserable and has no plan whatsoever, Miles is fifteen. Of course he doesn’t have the life experience to recognize this man has clearly been abandoned by society and is lashing out in fear and desperation when the man is deliberately provoking him to perceive their situation the way he does!
But in the end, I think that it’s impossible to avoid that the parallels between Miles and Spot go beyond just their connection, but rather, I think the fact that Earth 42 Miles became a villain is intrinsically tied to The Spot and his situation; they’re both people who were given no other choices in life but to turn to crime, and have done terrible things because of it. I genuinely think this will be a theme of the final movie, that society sometimes forces people to become things they otherwise never would because it gives them no other choice.
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Opening for BTSV thought…
Ok so, we know how Gwen opened up ATSV, she had like the first 20 minutes that set up the movie. Now hear me out, what if Pavitr opens up BTSV (I may be biased but let me live lol), but imagine if you will…
Pavitr was left behind when the rest of the Spider Band left for Nueva York, so Pav is there wondering what’s going on. He swings down to the other Spider people where they are trying to contain the black hole that appeared. He starts asking them questions, but all of the answers aren’t very helpful. “We’re trying to contain the anomaly.” “The canon was broken.” This doesn’t really clear anything up, but he knows whatever is happening is not good.
He swings back up to the bridge, he makes sure everyone is clear of the damage. He heads home to Maya Auntie, he finds her asleep on the couch. She left the tv on, it was the news. They were reporting on the black hole that appeared in the middle of city. Pav feels weary, he finds a blanket and places it over Maya and turns the tv off. He goes to bed and tries to sleep, but he can’t.
Quietly, he puts his suit on and grabs his watch from Miguel and swings into the night. His plan was to travel to Nueva York to get answers from Miguel as to what was happening to his city. But as he swings, he ends up swinging by Gayatri’s home. He sees her on the balcony and lands on a near by rooftop. Normally, he wouldn’t interact with her as Spider-Man, but in this case, he felt it justified to check up on her since he did rescue her earlier.
He swings and lands on top of her rooftop. He attaches is web to their chimney and hangs upside down in front of her. She’s startled at first but recollects herself once she realizes who it is. He apologizes for scaring her and says he recognized her as the girl from the bus. He asks her if she’s alright, she giggles and says she’s fine and that she’s lucky that he was there to save her. He’s relieved and tells her he needs to go, but she tells him to wait. She asks him if there’s a way she can repay him for saving her life, perhaps a kiss.
Pav is taken a back, he’s stammering, he wants to say yes because of course he wants a kiss from her. But he’s not Pavitr right now, he’s Spider-Man, he can’t accept. But he still form a coherent sentence, finding it hard to say no. Gayatri laughs “What’s wrong, you don’t want a kiss from your girlfriend, Pav?”
He goes silent, trying hard to process what she just said. “W-what?” is all he could manage. “It’s okay Pavitr, I know it’s you.” At this point, he flipped himself right-side up, standing in front of her now. Slowly, he reaches up to his mask and pulls it off, he stares at the ground.
“How did you know?” He asks softly, he hasn’t lifted his head to look at her yet. “Well, the hug you gave today kind of sealed it for me. But your hair is very recognizable, Pav.” He laughed a little, finally meeting her gaze. He apologizes for not telling her, saying he wanted to keep her safe. She’s understanding and give him a small peck on the cheek, it’s hard for him to hide the blush on his face.
He tells her that he’s worried about the black hole that appeared in the city today and that he’s going to to find answers. All of a sudden, there’s a shaking in her room. A few things start to levitate slowly off the ground, they look at each other confused. A portal opens, suddenly Gwen appears. Pavitr is relieved, Gayatri is still confused but relaxes when she sees her boyfriend is calm, he tells her not to worry and that she’s a friend.
“Miles is in trouble, Pav. We need your help. Please.” Gwen says. Behind her appears Hobie and Peter B with Mayday. Pavitr nods and turns to Gayatri. “I have to go. I’ll be back soon, I promise,” he says. He leans down and gives her a tight hug. “Be safe,” she whispers in his ear. He pulls back and smiles, “I always am.” He plants a small kiss on her forehead and heads towards Gwen and the portal.
Hobie, Peter B., and Gwen all walk through the portal. Pavitr turns around one last time before stepping through. “I love you,” he says, and disappears along with the portal.
Listen, this isn’t the prettiest writing or set up, but I would love something like this as it feels like a parallel to ATSV and Gwen’s story and I wanted to self indulge 😭
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 5 months
You know what one thing, I’m kinda hoping for in BTSV? I’m we meet the Earth-8 crew, because in that universe, Miles and Gwen have their own team.
One of them is the son of Jessica Drew, Gerry Drew.
Gerry Drew vs Jessica Drew.
I would LOVE to have earth 8 involved, it definitely sounds like it would be lots of fun.
Now on the topic of Gerry Drew- oh that would be fascinating.
It isn't confirmed, but I believe by the end of ATSV, Jessica has already given birth, but of course that is just a little baby; imagine seeing a guy who looks a lot like you and your husband, and then- turns out is a version of your son from another dimension, who is fighting against you.
If she was already conflicted about the entire subject thanks to Gwen, this would really mess with her head. And ohh if I like that idea.
I don't doubt that a lot of what she does, is in order to give her son a future; keeping the multiverse safe means he has a world where he can grow up, so imagine what it would mean having a reflection on that son who is already an adult, telling her she is in the wrong.
If the movie doesn't do it, I may do it for a fic, because it sounds sooooo good.
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emmajh97-mumaji · 1 year
What if Miguel (2099) is an anomaly?
I've had this idea ever since seeing Across the Spider Verse and I felt like sharing it here. (Warning: I may be totally off and misremembering things, so sorry in advance ahdsfkdf.)
Remember that scene towards the beginning when Miguel and Jessica show up to help Gwen fight the Vulture? There was a joke where Gwen says "knock yourself out" at Miguel, who then proceeds to get hit from behind.
The reason Miguel doesn't dodge out of the way is because he actually doesn't have a Spider-Sense. His origin story is different from other Spider-Men (direct experimentation as opposed to a spider bite), so he has a different powerset. (Hence the fangs, and the climbing with claws instead of sticking.) Obviously these movies differ greatly from the original Spider-verse comics, straying away from the mystical angle more towards an MCU-style scifi angle. (Heck, the initial diagram Miguel shows of 'all of reality' looks like it was pulled straight from Loki.) But, hear me out, they might be taking more inspiration than we realize.
Just like how the Spider-Society guards the Canon and the Spider-Verse that surrounds the Multiverse, in the comics all Spider-people protect what was known as the Web of Life and Destiny. One prominent Spider-Verse character that has yet to appear in the movies, Madame Web, harnesses The Web's powers to see into the future of all realities.
Now if I remember correctly, (and please correct me if I'm wrong), there was a Spider-Man comic where the Spider Sense power was connected to the Web of Life and Destiny. Essentially what Spiders thought was just wider awareness was actually a mild form of precognition. Being a Spider connected you to reality in a more heightened way than anyone else.
So now that I've established all this, hear me out-- Remember when Miguel tried to take over the life of an alternate version of himself, and that caused all of that reality to collapse? WELL... Maybe the real reason that happened isn't just because Miguel defied a 'canon event'... maybe its because HE'S AN ANOMOLY HIMSELF. He doesn't have the Spider Sense, which means that, unlike the other Spiders, he's not as innately connected with the fabric of reality.
The creators might be hinting at this with the ending, as well. When Miguel goes to hunt down the escaped Miles, he takes a small task force of two people he trusts-- Jessica Drew's Spider-Woman and Ben Riley's Scarlet Spider. What do 2099, Jessica, and Scarlet Spider have in common? None of them got their powers by being bitten by a radioactive spider. All of them have a 'canon' that differs wildly from the traditional Spidey origin story, and usually involves direct gene-splicing (or, in Ben's case, cloning). Perhaps Miguel knows something he's not letting on about how The Canon actually works, and that's why these two are in is his inner circle? Just a thought.
This whole idea is probably crazy, but it IS a way for the creators to justify why Miles is right. Why Miles will be able to change Fate while Miguel couldn't. Why Miles won't destroy the entire multiverse.
Thanks for reading!!
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skypalacearchitect · 1 year
I'm trying to figure out what Miles' stance with Gwen, Peter, etc, by the end of the third movie. I do think he'll end up forgiving them because of the connection they formed in Into the Spider-Verse, but as for trusting them…I seriously don't know. I mean if I was in his position, I would be grateful for the potential rescue and turning against the Spider-Society, but there would be some trust lost that will have to be earned back because I would still want them in my life. Or, maybe I'm completely wrong and just the fact they set out to find him and hopefully help him save his dad will be enough for Miles.
Idk but I do think after reuniting with each other and making he's okay there will be awkwardness after. Miles will be more cool with Hobie, Pavitr, and Margo though. I was gonna say maybe Margo will get questioned why she did what she did but I feel like they already understand why, or at least Miles did.
I think that actions (and maybe time) is what’s needed to gain back trust and forgiveness.
however I also think context is important. we the audience know gwen’s situation of not wanting to go back home because her dad tried to arrest her even after she revealed herself and begged him to listen (and he pointed a loaded gun at her!), and so when jessica and miguel offer her to come with them to the spider society, that’s kind of her only option and probably leaves her feeling indebted to them as well. but miles doesn’t know any of this.
also it’s easy to miss and I only noticed on a rewatch, but when the movie shows a world collapsing around miguel, peter b is also shown present. as in, peter b was also present with miguel to watch a whole world fall apart. miles doesn’t know that either.
my point is, of course this doesn’t erase how they let miles down, but it gives context for their actions and why they did what they did, why they would follow miguel the way they did. I think if miles learns even part of this in Beyond the Spider-Verse (alongside them helping him fight against the spider society as well), it would definitely help towards repairing things between them.
I agree Miles would be more cool with Pavitr, Hobie, and Margo. However I think that would also apply in a way for Spider-Ham and Spider-Noir. I definitely expect Miles being surprised but happy to see them again, and I also expect we’ll see some sort of explanation for why they were not shown as part of the Spider-Society in Across the Spider-Verse, whether it’s them not getting approached in the first place or rejecting the offer to join.
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All I want for Spiderverse 3 is a scene where the two Miles chat about comics and Spidey-Miles talks about that time Gwen ripped open a collector figurine out of its package without asking, just for the sole reaction of Comic-con goer Miles
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lastenline · 10 months
Spider-folk that I hope will be in Beyond the Spiderverse (some spoilers):
Rep Rak- a demon from Limbo that came to idolize Spider-Man and, due to a deal with an alchemist demon and a symbiote became a giant musclebound Spiderman look-alike with uncanny valley teeth. He gets all of Spidey’s usual quips wrong but is a genuine hero.
Bullet Points Spider-Man- In a What If scenario where Dr. Erskine was assassinated along with one of his bodyguards, Ben Parker. Some time later Bruce Banner was in the process of testing a new gamma bomb when a punk teen wanders onto the test site. Banner tries to get the kid to safety only for the kid to push Banner inside a nearby emergency bunker. Banner was saved but the kid, Peter Parker, was transformed into the Incredible Hulk. Banner began experimenting with radiation to cure the boy who saved his life only to be bitten by a radioactive spider and you know what happens from there. They could get Mark Ruffalo to voice him and everything. Also I think the red eye covers and the black and white costume is snazzy.
Nightcrawler Spiderman: Due to some recent story beats Nightcrawler has taken up superheroing in a Spider-Man costume. I’d think it would be fun to have him BAMFing around in the new movie.
90’s Spider-Man: I’m hoping he shows up. Bonus points if they make it so that the audience never sees him land a punch or kick like in the cartoon.
Japanese Spider-Man: The Emissary of Hell. A fusion of Marvel and Super Sentai. Killer OP. Owns a giant fighting robot. ‘Nuff said.
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aloevhello · 1 year
Spoilers for Spider-Man 2099 comic run
Considering that the Spiderverse trilogy acts as a meta commentary on Spider-Man comics, I find it interesting in how this commentary applies to Miguel in both his comics and the films.
(Note: Everything is speculation).
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At the end of Into the Spiderverse, we see Miguel in his Spiderman 2099 suit that’s based on the original 90’s run of his series. From that the audience can conclude that this particular Miguel is from the original 90’s run of Spiderman 2099. Also important to note that this 90’s run was cancelled, causing the series to end on a cliffhanger with many of Miguel’s interpersonal relationships being unresolved and him ending up alone. With Miguel in the post-credit scene of “Into” jumping into another dimension to form the Spider Society, the film is providing an in universe explanation on why the Spiderman 2099 90’s run ended on a cliffhanger, which is that Miguel essentially opted out of the narrative being written for him. Instead of dealing with the messiness of his relationships from his civilian life, Miguel prioritizes his duties as Spider-Man by going dimension hopping and starting the Spider Society to stop multiversal threats.
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Connecting to Across the Spiderverse, we see Miguel reminiscing on how he went to an alternate dimension and took on the identity of another version of himself that has a family (ie. his daughter Gabriella). This could be referencing the 2014-2015 comic run of Spiderman 2099 where Miguel has a family (ie. his son Gabriel). The flashback not only shows more depth for Miguel’s character, but also alludes to his lack of a stable family life from the 90’s comics and him trying to rectify that in this alternate dimension (ie. Miguel fixing his relationship with his brother Gabriel by having a child named after him). This could extend to Miguel resolving his romantic relationships, that’s always been a point of contention, by potentially ending up with Tempest Monroe (from the 2015 run), Dana D’Angelo (his Gwen Stacy from the 90’s run), or Xina Kwan (his MJ from the 90’s run).
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Despite Miguel’s insistence on “canon,” the fact that he exists is antithetical to this belief since his story should have ended due to the 90’s series’ cancellation. This could also explain why this Miguel dons a completely new physique and suit, along with having sketch lines in his design as he’s essentially writing a new narrative for himself.
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I have not read the 2014-2015 volumes of the 2099 series, but from what I heard, these volumes completely deviated from the original 90’s run, with the majority of series being set in 2015 with Miguel having a happy ending with Tempest and their son by living on a remote island after his reality has been destroyed (an inverse on how ASTV Miguel inadvertently destroyed the alternate dimension). From a writing standpoint, it’s interesting to see a futuristic character adapt to modern times, but from a character standpoint (where the 90’s and 2014-2015 issues are in tandem with one another), Miguel seems like he’s going to the past to escape his past that takes place in the future. With ATSV Miguel choosing to live in an alternate dimension where he’s happy and has a stable family life, it parallels the way the 2015 run kinda ignores the 90’s run and just lets Miguel be happy. While it’s a nice sentiment, it prevents ATSV Miguel from fixing the interpersonal issues that plagued him in his home dimension and thus truly achieving a balance between responsibility and love that all Spiderpeople learn.
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Beyond the Spiderverse will likely end with Miguel joining Miles’s side or the two finding a healthy balance point regarding canon events. However, I figure that besides Miles (and Gwen!), out of anyone who should oppose the idea of canon events, it would be Miguel as his canon story that is likely based on his 90’s run and has already been set in stone due the comics’ real-life cancellation. This in turn causes his character to end up alone and his narrative to end on an unfulfilling note (kinda mirroring Peter B’s starting point in Into the Spiderverse). By lacking a resolution, combined with the guilt of destroying an entire universe for the sake of achieving such, ATSV Miguel is left jaded and gives into the fatalism of the Spider-Man narrative by living a life based on sacrifice. But just like how Miles inspired Peter B and Gwen to no longer be constrained by the narrative of isolation that entails from being Spiderman, maybe Miguel can learn from Miles that he can move beyond the constraints of his cancelled run and in live his own universe where he can write his own happy ending.
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
hi again, i’m the guy who requested hobie x trans vigilante reader and i LOVED IT. the details felt so true to his character and all in all it was an amazing read. you’re definitely one of, if not my favorite spiderverse writer. (btw, your spidersona sounds very interesting.) so, as expected, i have another request for you!
if you’d like, will you do a hobie x masc reader where they’re in bands? of course, hobie would be a part of a punk group, but maybe reader is in a metal one? they keep running into each other at shows and people think they might not get along, but they instantly get comfortable around each other. it’d be cute if they wore the other’s merch and showed up to some gigs. thank you :)
hobie’s punk, you’re metal (band edition)
hobie brown x masc!reader
had me gripping my knee, tucking hair behind my ear and kicking my feet fr ily tysm - if you’re planning to keep coming back (more than welcome <3) feel free to give me some kinda name to call you ! claim an emoji if you’d like or give me some kinda alias if you’d like, or remain anon, completely up to you !!
anyway such a slay idea thank you so much !
i’m gonna have to be a little brief w details cause i know hobie’s band is completely different in the comics and i have no fuckin clue what’s going on w this hobie’s band, no clue if gwen’s the drummer or what so mans being BRIEF but as far as i’m aware hobie does all of his gigs as “spider-punk” so secret identity still stands. i’m not gonna call him that cause he doesn’t like the name, but you know what i’m tryna insinuate
i’m a guy who can listen to all types of music so i enjoyed indulging in punk and metal music to get a better feel for this, so thank you !
i tried to do research into style, music and history so i hope this is half decent lmao
also wanna stress that i know there’s a shit ton of political stuff when it comes to punk and metal scenes, i ain’t touching it and i want none of you to ask me about it
warnings: none
pairing: hobie brown x masc!reader
requests: OPEN actually begging for them im stuck in a car tomorrow
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
AIGHT ! so you twos both belong to bands that are pretty prominent in london, and if someone doesn’t know one then they’ll eventually learn about the other
you both like to perform at these smaller gigs instead of going mainstream, and it results in you two bumping shoulders every now and again
now, it’s impossible to miss hobie since he’s dressed as a punk spider-man
the same can apply to you if you choose to also have a secret identity lmao
but it’s on sight
it’s a common thing for people to think that punk and metal fans are like cats and dogs (an expression, animals are lovely.) for some fuckin reason
so naturally, both of your fans had always speculated the day that you crossed paths
what would you do ? fist fight ? poke hobie’s eyes out w the 🤘 gesture ? dear god will hobie swing his guitar at you ?!?!
no lmao
it’s like two old friends meeting, you guys have definitely heard of each other before but not yet met, so you’re both pretty psyched to see each other in the flesh !
it’s more like a “Ayy! my guy!” kinda thing instead of typical london stabbing
friendly hug, accidentally get impaled on a spike, that kinda thing
if your fans are sane they’re just kinda like “oh dope lmao” instead of “NOOOOOOOO” because who tf would
instead, opens doors to unlimited possibilities
friendly rivalry ? i think so
depending on what you play/your role in the band, you can get competitive for funsies
if you’re both guitarists you’ve got this ongoing joke about who’s the better one, shows are dope whenever you two are competing cause you go above and beyond for the sake of bragging rights
you win, metal takes a lot more out of a man (from the research i’ve done metal takes more “skill” in a literal sense, way more going on w the cords, correct me if i’m wrong)
hobie insists there are no losers, of course (he doesn’t believe in losing)
hella friendly banter, nudges, cutely whiplashing each other w water at shows whenever you spot the other in a crowd while they’re performing
collaboration ? possibly, imagine that shit
speculation of you two dating ? no because hobie doesn’t like labels
i’m gonna let u decide if hobie is the typa guy to kiss whoever else is on stage w him
back to secret identities for a little- aight so we all know hobie’s identity is a secret because he’s this spider-lad saving london, a conversation starter fr
in the events that you bring it up, he’ll probably just brush it off and tell you to focus on your scene, not in a mean condescending way but because he’d rather talk about music together since it’s his passion
depending on where your guys’ relationship goes determined if he’d reveal his secret identity to you or not, same applies to you if you have a secret identity
but i’ll leave that up to you
back to the gigs ! if you two ever spot each other in the crowds, it’s on sight
wether you recognise each other as your alter egos or secret identities, you will be either drowned by the end of the gig or mercilessly stared at
don’t think hobie would bring people up on stage unless you’re both performing, it can be a super awkward thing, other people might be uncomfortable and also favouritism aint his thing
wear each others merch, see what happens
you don’t have a secret identity and you wear it casually ? will likely catch the eyes of the media and words will spread
i cant actually imagine hobie having official merch, i think he’d like it more if his fans just made things so there’s not that whole “poser” stuff i’ve been seeing (again if i’m wrong and band shirts have significance other than sentimental value let me know)
punk is about diy, so he’d love his fans all the more if the “merch” he had was super unique diy stuff all hand made by his fans :]
so hobie either makes you merch, or you make your own ! he’ll probably make his own merch of you band, too
absolutely wears it to gigs, why wouldn’t he ? how fuckin punk is that ammarite
trade guitar picks, do it
you’re both real comfortable around each other, it’s an honest treat to cross paths whenever you’re both at a gig and if you guys become friends outside of it, that’s all the better
slaps stickers on your instruments case while walking by you, they have accumulated overtime
a lot of friendly call outs at the start or throughout shows, shit like “this one goes out to y/n, he ate my fuckin sandwich” before playing or probably banter along the lines of “refund his show and come to mine instead, it just makes sense” if your shows aren’t free
i expect you to do the same
you are each others worse nightmare
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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eebie · 5 months
Miguel is right about the canon, just not in the way he thinks.
first of all i speculate that the reason miguel’s dimension collapsed was, at its core, bc of his watch. like, the way his dimension collapsed exactly mirrors the cellular decay of the people who end up in the wrong dimension go through. i think the way the watch protects its wearer from dying is to disperse the decay that its wearer would have experienced to its surroundings, and that slowly spaghettified that universe at a molecular level kind of like how radiation does to our dna.. harmless in small enough dosages, but miguel was spending upwards of what we could assume to be MONTHS in that dimension.
and rather than that universe just dying from that, i think it got Eaten. its glitching literally Thrashed it’s location and sent shockwaves across the spider-verse (heyoo) like a fly caught in a web, alerting itself to the master weaver (a diety-like entity in the comics that exists outside of the multiverse and is charged with dictating everyone’s stories) and getting eaten for its disruption. i think, if left to glitch, it’d eventually break the bonds. which i think is exactly what would’ve happened to miguel’s dimension had it not gotten eaten.
there’s a reason the next movie is titled “beyond the spiderverse”!!!!!
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cucumberteapot · 1 year
Across the Spiderverse - End Credits Analysis
Good afternoon, everyone. I am back again to discuss this amazing film we all love and I wanted to talk about the end credits. Typically the end credits signify the end of the film but in this rare case, I feel there is a lot to speculate about the visuals and what they could mean for the future film. Afterall, the next installment will be called '"Beyond" the Spider-verse' after all. Beyond canon. Beyond animation and live-action. Beyond narrative conventions in film and storytelling.
So let us begin... one last time.
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We are introduced to the end credits with the beautiful violin of Metro Boomin, Roisee and A$AP Rocky's 'Am I Dreaming', invoking Miles' dilemma of belonging to Spider society, hiding his identity from his family and the inevitable challenges he faces and will later face in the next movie. Personally, I'd like to interpret these visuals as Miles' actually dreaming in conjecture with the song's title, or an artistic representation of Miles' headspace. However you interpret it is up to you.
Regardless, this sequence takes place in a surrealist void and we see Miles' spiderman logo spray painted onto what we think is his suit but in actuality is one of Spot's spots. Miles is an artist and customises his costume accordingly, but when we learn it's on a spot, it conveys how Miles' personal and superhero lives are interconnecting and the dangers that pertains.
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Then we see Miles properly and he is clearly overwhelmed by this new reality he has to navigate thus hefalls through one of the spots. This sequences makes the effort of conflating Spot's spots with the dimension travel portals and as we see throughout, they represent the uncontrollability of Miles' situation and the moralities of the characters going through them.
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Thankfully, Miles is able to catch himself from falling any further. He slings his webs from what looks like buildings but are instead more spots.
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Gradually the spots disintegrate, forcing Miles to keep swinging. As Spot threatens in his dialogue and his vision in Mumbattan, he is disrupting Miles' home dimension and forcing him to see him as more than a "villain of the week". Even if Miles goes home, his home will not be the same after the Spot's interference.
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But even though Miles keeps moving, it's not enough and we see Spot's giant hands reaching through his holes to grab Miles and presumably pull him through them. I already talked a little bit about Spiderverse villains and their hands in a previous post so you can read more about that here. But here Spot is dehumanised and characterised by his hands, becoming a force of nature by the end of the film that Miles will need to reckon with.
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And Miles does by jumping through the black hole in Spot's equally giant head. No longer is he trying to catch Miles or bat him away, but waits for him to attack. Miles leaps through him but he doesn't harm the Spot. He is still powerless against him on his own and so he keeps running, this time avoiding white spots or spotlights instead of black one, perhaps reflecting the inversion of challenges he will face in the Earth-42 dimension.
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But then he is distracted. Miles is stopped in his tracks by another titan - the Earth-42 spider that bit him. On first watch I thought the spider was the Go-Home Machine but I feel the same imagery applies. Miles never choose to be bit. To be Spider-man. And he didn't choose to go to the Earth-42 dimension. All of these things were by the consequences of someone else's decisions or consequences. He quite literally can't fight against these components.
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Unable to fight back, the Earth-42 spider bites down on Miles like when he was bit and sends him crashing through the floor, creating more spots to fall through. Interesting though when Miles falls, he falls upwards, which if you're aware of the upside-down imagery of the Spiderverse films you'd know that when Miles takes his 'Leap of Faith', he is falling but the camera pans it upside-down to make it look like he is rising to the city - to his responsibilities as Spider-man.
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In this case, the inversion is happening. Miles is now Spider-man but he is falling upwards and backwards - he can't see where he is going on this new journey. Then we get one of my favourite transitions in this sequence and that is when Miles stops struggling and goes through one of the spots to become Prowler.
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Man, what a cool shot.
But yes, I think the way Spider-man and Prowler deal with the uncontrollability of their situation if interesting here. When we first meet Prowler in the film, he is 100% in control of the situation regarding Miles' capture. But here (and perhaps internally), this isn't so much the case. as Prowler ascends he lets his body go limp as he is engulfed in purple - the colour represented by Prowler and Aaron Davis. Meanwhile Miles' backdrop is blue which I believe represents his father (he wears a blue uniform and a blue shirt in ATSV) as well as half of the Spider-man colours - blue and red. Note: Rio wears a red shirt in this film as well so this would signify that, yes, Miles is strong and therefore Spider-man because of his parents. Furthermore Miles struggle in the blue (father) could represent his struggle to save him from Spot while Prowler's limpness is because his Jefferson is dead.
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However, while hued in Prowler purple, we see Rio's large head watches anxiously as a small Spider-man adapts to his situation and reaches upwards while multiple Prowlers in the background don't move at all. I don't think it's too difficult to interpret what Rio is reacting to. Rio is likely reacting to learning who Spider-man and Prowler are, but her expression is not so much as fear but concern for her son/s. Likewise with Spot and the Earth-42 spider, Rio is magnified in Miles' mind. By the end of the film, he summons the courage to tell Rio he is Spider-man, but it wasn't enough. Now Miles needs to reconcile with this alternative identity as the Prowler. An identity that was a villain in his dimension and who might not be willing to reveal that information to his Rio.
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As Miles ascends, he sees his father basked in a red background (danger, blood) and likewise, he is giant. Once again all these people in Miles' life are overwhelming for him and are constantly just out of reach. When I watch this scene, I am reminded of the Andrew Garfield's Spider-man trying and failing to save Gwen Stacy. Similarly, Miles reaches for his father but it's not enough, and it doesn't help that the very person trying to prevent him from saving him is waiting through one of the spots.
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Much like throughout the movie, Miguel assumes a predatory role as he watches for Miles before fully jumping through the hole. He then swings along to catch up with Miles before appearing as another giant force to contend with.
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Interestingly, Miguel stops swinging and instead claws at Miles to catch him. Like the Spot, Miguel serves a similar role in threatening Miles' existence as Spider-man by trying to control him and fit him into some kind of dichotomy. With Spot, it's becoming Miles' nemesis even though Miles doesn't really care. With Miguel, it's making him experience a trauma based on self-projection and as Miles says, "an algorithm". Because that's the way it has to be. It has to be this big tragic origin story with nemesises and trauma.
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But then Miles turns around with a response. No. We don't see him turn to face Miguel (we have to think this because Miguel just disappears) but after watching the movie, we know Miles doesn't view the Spider society with the same rose-tinted classes anymore - and this includes Gwen.
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Speaking of, we see Gwen swing from portal to portal, presumably in search of Miles but is unable to find him. They swing in opposite directions, implicating their own separate journeys throughout the film but unlike the other characters beside Prowler, Gwen is scaled the same size as Miles. Pink is often used to signify romance and I believe this speaks to their reconciliation in the next film, but interestingly Miles does not seek out Gwen is return. Even if they do become a couple in the next film I feel like Miles' perception of Gwen has definitely changed and he no longer has this sketchbook-drawing idea of her anymore.
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But instead of seeking out Gwen, Miles comes face to face with his reflection in a spot. He's confused for a moment before taking a step back and seeing it's Earth-42 Aaron. In the first film, Aaron was a source of comfort for Miles when his father didn't understand him. Now his living-ghost serves as another obstacle in his path and a reflection of who he could've been if not for the spider bite. This is further emphasised by how Aaron is framed exactly like the Earth-42 Spider, and in the next movie I feel like no matter how much Aaron and Miles loved each other, Aaron's influence would've led Miles on a very dark path if not for the morals instilled by his father.
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Then Miles runs through another spot and is being chased again by giant versions of Miguel and Spider society. Specifically, they run after him, reminding us how Miguel is "not like the others," and his influence of the other Spider-people is detrimental to the Spider-man identity.
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But then Miles swings away from them and we see the Spider-people again but scaled to his size, showing us that in the end how Miles embodies the Spider-man identity better than any other character in the film - "You're the best of all of us, Miles."
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But even though Miles is swinging along with the rest of his Spider counterparts, he dimension travels through one of the spots or portal and this time it's a choice. He's not struggling anymore, he's letting the portal take him to where he needs to be and that is into the eye of a young Miles Morales from the first movie who doesn't have his fade yet. Miles remembers Rio's words about looking after his inner "little boy" and before we can pull out to see that little boy's full face...
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The camera turns in another cool transition around the back of Miles' head to reveal Prowler standing face-to-face with Spider-man, both masked but not assuming any threatening body language. While Spider-man and Prowler were on unequal footing by the end of ATSV, here there is a sense of self-reconciliation and understanding. That no matter how giant Miles' problems are with the Spot, Miguel, Rio, Jefferson, Aaron or Spider-society, he will always have himself.
Roisee sings the bridge of 'Am I Dreaming' during this part and it completely encapusates Spider-man and Prowler's dynamic. Especially the lines, 'I choose me now, What's wrong with that?' - Straight chills. There's just so many layers.
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Coming to an end now, the camera pans around Spider-man and Prowler disappears, presumably letting him return to his dimension, and Miles runs through his hoodie from the first film when he took that first 'Leap of Faith'.
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This right here is the defining moment of Miles' Spider-man identity. It wasn't getting bite, it wasn't Uncle Aaron dying, it wasn't the training from Peter and Gwen and it certainly wasn't Miguel denying his identity.
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It was right here on that rooftop when he decided to take the 'Leap of Faith' and chose to become Spider-man.
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firekitten830 · 1 year
Some thoughts about Miguel, the comics, and what it could mean for Beyond the Spiderverse
This post has spoilers in it! It also contains mentions of suicide. And it's also VERY long. Consider yourself warned.
Comic vs Movie Comparison
Going to be starting this off with comparing movie Miguel and comic Miguel. And to clarify before we get into it, I don’t think deviation from the comics is a bad thing, and I love both versions. Also worth mentioning that at the time of writing this I've only read the original series from 1992, Dark Genesis, and a couple of the temporal crossover stories (which I'm considering non-canon for the sake of this discussion). I might make another post like this once I've finished all of them.
Starting off with story deviation there's... not a lot for me to really say here, since we don’t know much about movie Miguel’s backstory aside from the part where he accidentally caused a universe to collapse, so there’s not a lot to point out in terms of story deviation yet. However his personality and behavior is a little bit different. He’s more serious in the movie. Now Miguel has always been more serious than most other versions of Spiderman, but in the comics he’s still humorous. His humor just tends to be more sarcastic and cynical (think a bit like Deadpool) rather than the quips and wisecracks you usually get with Spiderman. He’s pessimistic and actually pretty mean, especially when not in his Spiderman alter ego. I'll admit I do miss his sarcasm in retrospect, but at the same time it wouldn't really suit the role the movie has set him up to play. Plus his characterization in the movie is still super good, and I like it a lot.
Miguel in the comics does tend to be a lot less bouncy and acrobatic than most other spidermen, and that definitely shows in the movie too. But the movie did something I personally love, and pushed that aspect further, and made him almost animalistic rather than just a Spiderman that fights a bit more close quarters. He’s intimidating, he’s brutal, every move has weight and power that you can feel through the animation. They kept the inertia of his movements in mind, something they do for all of the characters but is especially noticeable and fun with characters like Miguel who have a lot of force behind their movements (This is also why I love how The Prowler is animated so much). One of my highest praises for these movies is that every character has their own unique style, and Miguel’s fits him very well and stays true to the comics.
And the last point I'm going to talk about before jumping in to speculation is the powers. There's not a lot for me to say here either in regards to comparison, since we've not really gotten a chance to see how movie Miguel's powers work, but I still do want to address it because if it's the same as in the comics, then he's actually pretty unique! Makes sense, considering he didn't get them from the standard radioactive spider-bite (more on that later). I am sorry to say but he is (probably) not a vampire (I say probably because it's entirely possible he is in the movie. But assuming it's the same as the comics, he isn't actually a vampire, just looks like one, since judging by the fact that Blade is... around... vampires are real in his world). Do keep drawing him as a vampire tho its hot.
Anyway. He does have those fangs in the comics! He also has venom! As in the paralytic toxin spiders use to catch prey, not the character. Another thing that sets him apart is that he... doesn't seem to have a spider-sense? At all? He has super enhanced normal senses, but not that sort of extra sense that pretty much every other spiderman seems to have. I don't know if this is true in the movie but it would be sort of neat. He also isn't sticky! Instead he has those talons to hook onto surfaces, those are a part of him, not the suit. Unless they changed it in the movie which is the one and only change i think would be super lame. But since they gave him the fangs I doubt it. There is one noteworthy difference between his powers in the comic and the movie, and it's that in the movie his webs seem to be technology based, maybe some form of energy or hard light technology, while in the comics he has spinnerets in his arms. It could also be a mix of both, or that could just be how his natural webs look. Either way I'm curious why that change was made, even if it was as simple as just to fit the futuristic aesthetic.
Miguel's Backstory
Onto the next section! I'm going to do my best to give a brief recap of Miguel's backstory, for anyone who doesn't know it. For the sake of simplicity I'm going to assume that his backstory in the movie is more or less the same as in the original comics, up to the part where he goes to another universe.
In the year 2099, most major cities are controlled by the interests of oppressive mega-corporations. Nueva York, controlled by Alchemax and their corporate police, is literally divided between the Uptown and the Downtown, the uptown being the shining, sparkling futuristic city where all of the rich and important people live, while the downtown is the crumbling remains of New York that have been built over, where all of those deemed worthless by Alchemax are confined to.
Miguel O'Hara is the head of the genetics project in Alchemax's R&D branch, leading their efforts regarding gene splicing and genetic manipulation. Miguel is a snarky, standoffish man, who’s just generally a jerk to pretty much everyone. He has a soft spot for Dana, his fiance, Lyla, his apartment's AI companion, and Gabriel, his younger brother, and... that's about it. Despite his rather high position in the company, Miguel has a strong distaste for Alchemax and its unethical scientific practices, and is determined to delay human genetics testing until he's sure it's 100% safe. After his reservations are ignored by the higher ups, and hasty human testing leads to the death of a man under Miguel's unwilling hand, he decides to quit working for the company. However, he's a valuable asset. Tyler Stone, the head of Alchemax, laces a drink for Miguel with Rapture, a hallucinogenic drug that alters genetic structure to cause almost guaranteed addiction and withdrawal so severe it can be deadly. Coincidentally, Rapture is only legally produced and distributed by Alchemax.
Rather than let himself be manipulated, Miguel decided to use his own genetic modification equipment to attempt to reverse the alterations made by Rapture. During the procedure, Miguel's supervisor, resentful of Miguel's fast rise through the ranks and his constant disrespect for his superiors, sabotaged the process in an attempt to kill him. Instead he ended up activating the gene splicing program, and spliced Miguel and a spider together. Why was a spider present at all, you may ask? The final result of this genetic manipulation project was super-soldiers, and Miguel had decided to take inspiration from a certain hero back in the Heroic Age. Spider based enhancements seemed to work pretty well back then, why not give it another go?
After emerging from the process very much not dead, but no longer human, Miguel has to navigate new powers, and the new dangers that come with the mantle he's accidentally taken. It's around this point when Miguel starts to have thoughts of taking his own life, and pretty consistently continues to throughout the story.
I'm not giving a full recap, this story is already long and I don't remember specifics for most things. Miguel faces a myriad of villains, future versions of classic spiderman villains and new foes as well. He also takes over Alchemax after usurping Tyler Stone, which I'll touch on again later. But throughout all of it a consistent theme for him is loss. Over the course of the original comics, he loses almost everyone he has any kind of connection with, in one way or another.
He has a falling out with his fiance, Dana, and before he can try to reconnect, she gets caught in the crossfire during a fight with Venom and dies in his arms. He finally starts to repair his broken relationship with his mother, only for her to be shot during a raid on Alchemax after she started working as a secretary. Gabriel eventually becomes so overcome with resentment for Miguel that he takes up the mantle of Green Goblin, and attempts to ruin his life and also kill him. Xina, an old flame he was rekindling his relationship with, left him again without so much as a goodbye. The only one he has left to turn to for any sort of familiarity or comfort is Lyla, and even she tried to kill him once. He cuts himself off from everyone who tries to make a connection with him again, because he's convinced that being close to him leads to people hating him, dying, or both. Assuming Miguel's backstory is the same up to this point, he's already at the lowest he's ever been. And probably stays there until he and Lyla develop the technology to travel between universes. Here's where the speculation kicks in.
Miguel finds another universe like his own. Another universe with another Miguel O'hara, except this one never became Spider-man. And this one never lost all of the same people that the other did. He and Dana got married, they have a daughter. They're happy. Not only does he have proof that it isn't just being close to him that gets people hurt, he has an opportunity. Because this other Miguel is dead, and this other Miguel isn't Spider-man. He could take his place and be free of his own unhappiness, his own burdens, and save the inhabitants of this parallel world the pain of losing him. And for a brief time he's happy, he doesn't have to be Spider-man, he has a family and a life that isn't full of danger and loss. And then he loses it all again, and is left once again with nothing but the feeling that it is his fault.
Further speculation, I think that's probably why he's so caught up with "canon"; it means that the losses he faced were inevitable. It makes him feel just a little bit better, a little less guilty. Yes, he's trying to protect other universes from possibly meeting the same fate as the one he caused to collapse, but he's also trying to make himself feel better in the process, even if he doesn't realize it.
This bit is going to be mostly unstructured, since I don't have any huge theories, just certain smaller points or plot elements I think are going to happen.
Miguel’s ties to Alchemax are going to come up, and they’re going to be important.
Alchemax is a company that originated in the 2099 comics. There has to be a reason they chose it for the company in Into the Spiderverse, because there’s dozens of other evil companies they could’ve chosen. But they chose Alchemax, the company Miguel has ties to, and then they set him up as an antagonist. It's going to be brought up, and it's going to be important.
Miguel and Miles will relate to each other
I say this because they're both very much outliers. They aren't their world's original Spider-man, they both have different powers and backstories than the other Spider-men. I feel like this is going to be called out, both as a way to call out Miguel's hypocrisy, and as a way for Miles to relate to him and find common ground.
Miguel was injecting himself with a gene stabilizer, or with something Rapture related
I know I'm not the first person to suggest the first part of this point. It makes sense--we know that the mutations from the spider DNA didn't all happen immediately. I also can't imagine that having your genome that dramatically altered is very good for you. I haven't seen anyone suggest the second part, but I think that's probably because it's not seeming very likely at this point. I don't want to rule out the possibility, though.
Peter B is going to be important to resolving the storyline with Miguel/Have a heart to heart with him
During the movie I got the sense that Peter B is trying to befriend Miguel, or at least to get him to open up a bit more. I think this is because he sees himself in Miguel. Yes, they're very different, but they're similar in ways that matter. Peter B looks at Miguel and he sees someone who's given up; on his principles, on his role, on his own life. Peter B has never been openly suicidal like Miguel, but before he met Miles he was still very much in the same spot. He had still given up on his ideals, on being Spider-man, and he made the choice to stay and destroy the collider not for a noble reason, but because he didn't care if he died. I think that Peter has recognized that same mentality in Miguel, and is trying to reach out to pull him back from that edge, like Miles did for him. I think the two of them have a lot of potential for some heartfelt interaction, and I hope I'm picking up on something that's actually there and intentional.
So that's pretty much it! This post is a lot more ramble-y and unstructured than I wanted it to be, but it was really just a way for me to get my thoughts out.
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meggannn · 1 year
(spiderverse spoilers)
spiderverse fans have forgotten what it's like to have sympathy for more than one character
effectively became homeless the second her dad tried to arrest her, making her stay with the society one of out necessity, not choice
(which means) her entire tenure was dependent on her following miguel's rules to the letter, including the big one: don't go to earth-1610 or speak to miles morales
likely didn't want to ruin the trip with terrible news when she finally, finally did get to see her friend and crush again (should she have told him when they finally had a moment alone, like in the evening? imo, yes, but i understand why she didn't)
peter b:
has spent the past year getting his life together
moved back in with his ex
became a father
is, again, beholden to the same strict rules that gwen is, above
it wasn't not a question of just popping over to miles's dimension for a chat. miguel thought they would be risking multiverse stability and he clearly keeps a strict log on travel in and out of 1610. gwen is only allowed after she convinces jess she's there for the mission, cross-my-heart-hope-to-die she will not speak to or look at miles morales.
what happens if gwen slips up? well, if miguel thinks she's a threat to the multiverse, including siding with or being even slightly sympathetic to miles, then he takes her watch and sends her back home. y'know, back to the cop dad that fired his gun at her.
peter and gwen have both been busy, and they've both been stressed. gwen's own safety was on the line and she still spent her last words before being sent home telling miguel off and finally standing up to him. i put more blame on peter, personally, because i think of the two, miles should've heard the bad news from the guy who thinks he's his mentor. he certainly should've heard it in a neutral setting from his friends, not shouted at him by a maladjusted vampire who blames a teenager for the death of his au!daughter while he chokeslams his glitching body into a speeding train.
it's obviously heartbreaking for miles, who did nothing wrong and deserved to be there with his friends and people who'd understand him. he should be angry and fed up with not being treated like an equal. but it wasn't like they sharpened their knives and stabbed him 23 times in the senate. their inaction between movies was out of fear, and their actions in Across were out of sympathy.
it was just the wrong kind of sympathy, and not what miles needed. it doesn't make them right, or miles's anger less valid. but this isn't some irredeemable betrayal and i don't think we need to see miles cutting them off forever in Beyond like i've seen some people hoping for. the tension deserves to be addressed but these are still people he loves, and who love him, and they are coming to save him. miles understood and quickly got over them leaving him behind in Into; i think he'll understand this too with time, patience, and sincere remorse eventually. but it is, of course, his own story, not theirs, so how that reconciliation will happen, i can just speculate for now.
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saintlyguy · 1 year
Beyond the Spiderverse Plot Speculation due to my cats waking me up early and me immediately drinking cold brew. (Across the Spiderverse SPOILERS ahead)
What if we find out Miguel is wrong about the whole Spiderverse and canon events because Lyla fabricated everything? What if Lyla went crazy when Miguel went to the other universe to be a dad because he didn’t need her as much anymore. Imagine a scene where Lyla was hoping Miguel had a new Spider-man 2099 adventure for them only for him to only ask her to help him plan his daughter’s birthday party. So to get Miguel back all to herself, Lyla destroyed that universe and made Miguel believe it was his fault and instilled a sense of guilt in him to form the Spider Society and protect the mutliverse on top of making up canon events and anomalies, for the sole reason that he would need her now more than ever. And when Miles, Prowler Miles, and Spider-Punk find out they turn Miguel to their side which makes Lyla go ballistic and become a sci-fi horror version of Madame Web. Also hoping the new Spider Squad will recruit Supaidaman and his giant robot. Other fun allies I thought could join are a hero version of Spot called Spotted Spider, Spider-ma’am Aunt May & Uncle Ben Spider-man, and Bully Maguire.
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skypalacearchitect · 1 year
I'm kinda hoping that Beyond the Spiderverse will be the last film. Not to say that I don't what to see these characters again. I would be down for it if they made an anthology series that focused on each spiderperson or made shorts like what they already did with Spider-Ham and Miles. I just want the trilogy to actually be a trilogy and complete the story y'know.
The creators confirmed it will be the last of the trilogy. However sources have said specifically the last of the “Miles Morales trilogy” and there were talks earlier about an all-female spinoff.
So they are clearly envisioning it as a trilogy with completion of the story, specifically for Miles’s journey, but it’s not out of the cards for other forms of content. I don’t see Sony not milking the success frankly so I’m sure they’ll make spin-offs, more shorts, stuff like that.
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