#also important inclusion: the mayor
girlboyburger · 3 months
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help my dogboyfriend won't stop stacking quarters on my tummy while i sleep
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By: Social Impurity
Published: May 11, 2024
The occupation of university campuses by terrorist supporters celebrating the October 7th massacre of Israeli citizens and visitors to the country by Hamas and calling for more Jewish blood makes abundantly clear the extent to which our academic institutions have been damaged by the ideology of diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI, sometimes also called EDI). Yet, against the backdrop of positive news (MIT dropping DEI statements, UNC System votes to repeal its DEI policy, UT Austin laying off multiple DEI employees, multiple universities re-instating standardized testing for admissions), there are continued calls to reform, rather than eliminate, DEI, claims that diversity, equality, and inclusion are “important values”, as well as paradoxical remarks that with proper definitions of the three terms, the ideology can be salvaged, returned to its original “good intentions”.
In my view, the problem here is that many Westerners misunderstand what DEI is, how it works, and why it is so destructive. They misunderstand it because they were born, grew up, and lived in democratic, capitalist societies that valued individual freedoms and responsibilities, while DEI at its core is a collectivist ideology. Therefore, its comprehension comes easier to those of us who experienced collectivist notions first-hand.
A good example of this misunderstanding is the term “DEI hire” that is being applied to individuals, most recently the disgraced former president of Harvard University Claudine Gay and the democratically elected Mayor of Baltimore Brandon M. Scott. The problem is that DEI does not operate at the level of individuals, but on the scale of the entire society, by modifying the selection criteria for admissions, hiring, and promotion. The term, therefore, is an oxymoron; everyone hired in academia in the past decade or so has been a DEI hire, and that is precisely why the ideology is so destructive. DEI works by replacing selection criteria that have previously been based on merit with those based on an allegiance to the ideology, propagating its destruction in the space of multitude of institutions, and in time—through generations of faculty and students. Whereas in the past, hiring and admission decisions were based on one’s ability to do the job, thirst for knowledge, and aptitude to pursue it, now they are based on one’s ability to perpetuate the ideology and its growing bureaucracies. The result is a communist dream, where those who were nothing, are becoming everything—with the associated destructive consequences.
A detour is needed here to address one of the most pervasive myths behind the need for DEI: that academia was never a meritocracy. This nonsense is being repeated ad nauseum in the hopes that repeating it will somehow make it true. One argument is that it could not possibly have been a meritocracy because the applicant pool was limited: e.g., women were not admitted to educational institutions, quotas were instituted limiting the admission of Jewish candidates, etc. Yes, imposing such limits on the applicant pool is a bad thing. Progressive societies have been doing away with these practices (unlike regressive societies, cue the Taliban). Yet, the principles that were used to select candidates from the limited pool – those principles were based on ability and aptitude and were, at their core, meritocratic, much like sex-segregated athletics or chess remain meritocratic in each sex category.
A more poignant criticism is not that academia wasn’t meritocratic, but that meritocracy itself is imperfect; that the failure of nominally meritocratic procedures resulted in the selection of the proverbial “wrong man for the job”. This, of course, is true: anyone who’s ever set foot on a university campus has no doubt encountered people of very questionable qualifications. Coupled with limited applicant pools, such failures of meritocratic selection evoke a deep sense of unfairness: why should someone incompetent be selected over someone who had no chance to compete in the first place? They shouldn’t, of course.
Meritocracy is imperfect. That is a fact. Arguing with facts is counterproductive. Admission, hiring, and promotion procedures must continuously be improved. Yet, it is imperfect in the same sense as democracy or capitalism are imperfect: there simply is no viable alternative—as long as we want things to work, that is; for the human race to continue to survive, peacefully prosper, and progress. After all, we know very well what happens to societies that exchange the imperfection of democracy and capitalism for the perfection of communism, socialism, or national socialism. Indeed, DEI has already led to some spectacularly unqualified individuals infiltrating academia—Claudine Gay is merely one example—and the storm of violent, antisemitic, pro-Hamas protests.
DEI grew out of authoritarian ideologies and is repeating their tried and tired destructive paradigms. It is based on the fallacy that a fair selection must reflect the composition of the population, on fighting “overrepresentation”—the same notions were used by the Nazis to justify their antisemitic policies in German and Austrian universities, and beyond, in 1930s; It is based on the notion that everyone must first and foremost be an activist, guarding ideological purity and promoting contemporary notions of morality and social justice—the notion adopted in the USSR, where every act and statement were imbued with political significance, one that was either in accordance the party line, or against it.
This brings me to my final point. According to Theodosius Dobzhansky, a Russian-American geneticist and evolutionary biologist who was fortunate to have escaped Lysenko’s purges by defecting to the West, “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” Neo-Marxists occupying Western universities, following in the anti-Darwinist footsteps of their forebears, criticize the “survival of the fittest” approach to admissions, hiring, and promotion. But a living system subject to a selection pressure will always evolve; the only question is, what will it be evolving towards? In other words, “survival of the fittest” is a universal law. What changes with the nature of the selection pressure is not whether the fittest survive—they always do—but what they are fit for. Those, who survive the selection based on DEI ideology, are fit for activism, cowardice of mobs, bigotry, antisemitism and other forms of racism, violence and destruction. This is exactly what we see in today’s campus protests, and this has always been the point: to produce generations of activists who not only lack knowledge, but who were robbed of the skills needed to develop it, of the curiosity to seek answers to their questions beyond the “party line”. There never were any good intentions.
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xianjaneway · 8 months
The Loss of Rev Mayor Bubba Copeland, Part 1
(Content note: we're going to address topics like suicide, child sex abuse, graphic descriptions of sex & abuse in fiction, fundamentalist & conservative hatred towards LGBTQIA people, & the Southern Baptist Convention's cover-up of child sexual assault within its leadership. This is a cry for justice, & it's not going to be pretty. If any of this is unhealthy for you to read about, please use the back button to save your sanity.)
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Rev. F.L. "Bubba" Copeland died by suicide on Friday, after a low-speed chase with local Sheriff's deputies. Rev. Copeland had been targeted with five articles in three days by the site, "1819 News Dot Com," when his alter-ego was discovered. No one but his wife was aware of his private online life before the 1819 site exposed it.
Privately, Rev. Copeland posted on sites like Instagram, Reddit, & Fictionmania, as Brittani Blair Summerlin. She'd post on topics like size-inclusivity, fashion & budoir photos, hormonal transition, transgender rights issues, & yes, sex.
She also wrote fiction.
Let me be the first to say, it seems like Brittani did some really stupid things.
She apparently used the pics of *real* minors to make memes about a fantasy of transition & casual sex. I may be wrong, but it looks like they were about specific stories she'd written, & acted as a thumbnail or cover art for them.
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I won't defend using real minors for that. It's wrong.
I will say, "Since the trash tabloid outed him, he took his accounts down, & there's no way to verify that Reb. Copeland actually made these memes."
I will say, "I wish she could have been in a healthy fanfic community, where someone could have pulled her aside & said, 'Don't do that. It's wrong. Here's some AI sites where you can generate whatever face fits your stories. Or, here's a fanfic artist, why don't you commission them to make you some original cover art for $25?'"
(Note, that's where my profile pic came from. If you'd like one, I'm happy to pass along the artist's contact info.)
I've only been a part of online fanfic communities for a couple of years, & I've seen writers do stupid things. I've seen the uproar of actors when they discover things like, "Real Person Fanfic (RPF)" exists. I've seen the discussions over when & how using real people in fanfiction is a problem--& this was about celebrities! It must be an entire other level of discomfort for private adult citizens to have their images & names put in fiction, & it's ABSOLUTELY WRONG to do it to children, who legally & morally cannot consent to public use of their photos.
It's wrong, but it's NOT A CRIME.
It's a crime to sexually abuse or exploit children, & take pictures, video, or audio of it. It's a crime to own or distribue that media. It's NOT a crime to take pictures that were already posted on the internet, & alter them for your own personal use.
Is it really weird? Absolutely.
Is it a crime? NO. It's not.
It's really important to understand the distinguishing factors here: Rev. Copeland did something wrong, but according to the pictures posted by 1819, it's easy to see that it was a mistake. It was not a crime, it was not sexually exploitative, & it was not illegal.
It's not a crime to write the kinds of stories Brittani wrote, even if they're disturbing. Yes, that includes if they use real people as characters. (It should be noted that the protagonist in the most disturbing of the stories was NOT real, & was neither Brittani nor Bubba.)
Even worse, if Bubba Copeland had been James Patterson, he would have been PAID for his work.
Just take a look at this excerpt from Patterson's bestseller, "Kiss The Girls."
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Yep, James Patterson wrote a graphic sex scene where a serial killer uses a snake to enlarge the anus of a victim. Patterson has sold over 425 MILLION books, & I assure you, this isn't the only graphic description of rape & murder in them. The victims in this story were often college age women, only a couple of years above being minors themselves. I don't know if Patterson himself wrote graphic descriptions of violence against minors, but I'm ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that plenty of famous thriller writers have.
Why does Patterson get to be a millionaire, but Rev. Copeland is viciously mocked, & driven to suicide?
What's worse, is that Southern Baptist leaders are typically quite willing to hide the sexual abuse of children, as we discovered yet again less than two weeks ago.
On October 25th, the twitter account @SBClitigation posted a link to an amicus brief, filed by the SBC lawyers this past spring, trying to limit legal liability for, "non-perpetrator third parties who were allegedly made aware of the abuse and violated common-law duties in responding to it."
In other words, the SBC leaders KNEW about sexual abuse happening to their members, by their members, or even by others in the leadership, & either did nothing, or actively discouraged the victims from pursuing justice. Yes, every link is an example.
You should read @SBClitigation's entire thread, to see how far SBC leadership is willing to go to cover their butts.
Why did those particular SBC leaders get protection, when Rev. Copeland did not?
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Brittani harmed no one, abused no one, & told no one, except her wife. Yet, Bubba Copeland died by his own hand, while people like Paul Pressler & CJ Mahaney still have thriving careers.
I apologize, I worked longer than I thought I would today, & I'm exhausted. I will have to do a more detailed part 2 of this commentary later on. Let me end with this:
If you write, read, or love fanfiction, you should speak out against the vicious & inhumane treatment that Rev. Copeland received. Using real people's faces is a mistake that should have been caught & fixed by a fanfic site moderator. It should not result in someone's death.
If you care about the victims of sexual abuse, you should speak out against the vicious & inhumane treatment that Rev. Copeland received. People who write the types of fiction he wrote often have a history of being victimized.
If you care about gender nonconforming people of any type, you should speak out against the vicious & inhumane treatment that Rev. Copeland received. The people who harassed Brittani literally to her death *do not care* about the victims of child sexual assault. They've proven this again & again by their actions towards victims & perpetrators.
Brittani was a scapegoat, used to deflect accountability from their own inaction, & focus people on a collective boogeyman: a transgender woman on the internet.
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promiseiwillwrite · 1 year
Whatever Comes Up - June
As this month draws to a close, I have had the most anticlimactic triumph of my life.
I figured out a part of the brokenness of me, and Knew what to do with and about it when I found it.
And I have been gasping at the edges of the power vacuum it left in my psyche.
The Anxiety isn't done with me, apparently, but the largest driver of it has properly Fucked Off.
Don't Believe your mind if it tells you that other people Don't want you to be yourself. EVEN IF THAT IS TRUE.
Because you can't really confirm this idea. And you should believe whatever makes your life suck less over something True and Awful.
Obviously, know, if that is in your power, when your relationships are very deeply one sided, and when you are bending over backward to keep them, and when you constantly self monitor. You might be better off stepping away.
And Yes, it is Lonely. But Loneliness is not a punishment. Loneliness can give you real space to Rest.
And I've done that a lot lately. I have been binge watching cartoons, and spending hours on my couch in the basement.
Maybe it looks like depression from the outside. Maybe it IS depression, of a sort. Maybe I am numbing out after a Lifetime of Pushing myself to be something I am not for EVERYONE in my life, Always.
And maybe I am trying to weigh what a best life looks like for me without that pressure. What does motivation look like? Who am I really without Constant effort to present at what people want me to be, or to be perfect and useful for others? Where do I go? What do I do?
My answer, on many days, has been "I Am Tired." And that has been an EXCELLENT expression of how I feel. And rather than being shit to myself, and pushing through, I have Allowed myself to do what tired people naturally do left to their own devices. I have laid around watching TV after work instead of the Millions of busy things I spent Years telling myself I needed to do.
I have been Resting, and not feeling even one piece of guilt. Except maybe for the plants... They are probably a little thirsty. I've not been as attentive as I maybe should for them.
My house is Trashed.
My Laundry hamper is Full.
My Floors are Dirty.
But Resting has been more important, because the Burnout has been so Deep.
Today, I came home again and finished Steven Universe.
I've watched it before, of course. But re-watching it now was a very different experience. I have matured. I have a better understanding of some of the more nuanced emotional and identity stuff in there.
I also didn't catch Jamie running off with the former mayor of Beach City after Garnet's Wedding last time.
I have, however, come to an archetypal understanding of some pop culture deities.
I think there is a Trickster. The Shyster, The Snake Oil Salesman, The Grifter the Wizard... the man behind the curtain.
And I think there is Belonging.
There are a hundred thousand messages in cartoons now... And one thing that comes through some shows, and some media, Clear and Strong, is the Importance of Belonging. Every God has a Netherface... And Tribalism is that for this entity. This is their TIME. This world as we know it will be Transformed by the dynamic interaction between these two facets.
Friendship is Magic, dears. Understanding one another and seeking to make a place for each other is priceless.
And fascism is Horrible, and growing in Power. They want to be bound together in common Hatred. But you get a cool uniform, and you get to be in a secret club.
Belonging speaks to me through my Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work. It isn't the same as communicating with some of the other entities I've known. But This entity connected with me the other day when I was making some copies of the material for an activity in August. I felt like I was Alive. I felt like I was Myself. I felt like this was part of what I was meant to do as a person. I believed that it could make a positive difference for people around me. It tasted of Hope. It didn't promise fame. It didn't promise Ease. It promised incremental, difficult changes. It promised Conviction. It promised a clear sense of what right and wrong are, that could help people find their Own understanding. And it was Inside me. It was For Me. Because this is what I have wanted as a person my Whole life... I have wanted it because I couldn't believe I already had it.
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annyankers · 2 years
what is nobody’s daughter?
JOAN: What I always wonder about: The one egg, one sperm, one zygote before it split, there might have been a consciousness. Where did it become two consciousnesses? That may be what identical twins experience: the oneness that used to be, before it became twoness. JEAN: Maybe that’s why we feel more whole together than when we’re separated. — Two of a Kind, Vogue
I marathoned the entire series in oct 2019 (hard to say if it was for the first time or not since i VIVIDLY remembered parts of hush from my childhood, but we can safely say “for the first time i remember”) while i was doing inktober and a thought that came to me was “what about twins? How does slayerness work there”, from there I had little thought experiment which did not stay little. obviously. basically the thought is that where the slayer line reads fraternal twins as 2 separate people, it fails to do this with identical twins. Which means that while everything else about them remains autonomous, the slayer spirit or whatever is stretched between the two, linking them on a deep metaphysical level that cannot be undone and has serious ramifications.
Cue Brooke’s inclusion.
Nobody’s Daughter is a series rewrite that sets out to include Brooke, Buffy’s twin and several other ocs into the series and then you know, take their existence into account in the plot and stuff.
Brooke herself is more of the Slayer side of the Slayer and Girl conversation in macro that she and Buffy represent. Brooke is loud, physical, straightforward to the point of seeming rude at times, proud and bad at losing, an ex-soccer star who fell into drugs and Demon Crime™ when the watcher systems failed her when they were first called. Her style of fighting is more physical and violent. Slayers need a weapon? She has one. Herself. No stakes required. She’s also at what could easily be the lowest point of her life when we meet her in Miss World, having just got out of inpatient rehab after flirting with a drug problem and unable to really do much with herself after having always having a Plan. 
She and Buffy aren’t opposites, they’re complimentary. Symbiosis and all that shit. 
OTHER PROPOSED OCS: Kat Farwell — the heir of one of the oldest, most powerful and evil families in Sunnydale, her family was in league the Mayor and has ties to Wolfram & Hart. The family is part of a cult that worships one of the Old Ones, an Old One (of creation/life & death) and is generally involved in horrific things, very Silent Hill. Kat is part of a generations long plan/goal to bring their god forth into the world. Kat sees a lot of weird ass shit pm all the time. She’s a good person generally but forced into doing evil things to keep domino effects and such from happening. Even when she’s full blown Old One she’s not super evil more like iffy. The only other surviving art club member with Saoirse.
Saoirse  Moran — Girl from Ireland who’s family moved to Sunnydale because of work stuff or similar. Is psychic and precognitive in a less specific way than the PTB seer is, closer to the more classical concept. The only other surviving art club member with Kat. Foresees that she’ll be turned into a vampire by Angel at first meeting  and comes to terms with it over time and makes sure it goes through as it’s a critical point that will allow her to be there for a lot of very important things she’ll be needed for in the future. Is in active communication with her soul/ghost as a vampire and they team up on shit. Capable of a lot of weird ass and esoteric magic and shit because she’s just following w/ the voices in her head she’s channeling info from.
Sydeny — Australian Super Warlock.  Not his real name. About as ethical as a dark magics guy can be. Very punk, like dyed mohawk, tats and plaid punk. Takes Brooke under his wing. Has absolutely had sex with her. He and Brooke started up a demon parts chop shop to take care of the corpses she makes on patrols which he then sold for profit.
Beck — Fairly similar to comic!Beck. Used in a ritual to house a fire elemental at a very young age, was found in the ashes of the ritual and returned to her parents but is unable to control her new powers and burns down the house killing them. This is a pattern for years as she’s moved from home to home to institute to institute, burned out buildings and bodies until she lands in Mosiac Wellness Center at about 14 and has been making progress with her pyrokentics and mental illness since then. Eventually comes to live at the Hellhouse as part of her attempt to reintegrate into society. Spike may become her legal guardian since she’s judged not able to handle things herself even as an adult.
Dr. Inez Price — Brooke’s therapist. A no nonsense witch from the 1900s who might seem mean but dang it she gives a care. Possibly married to a Vampire and has magic made kids.
Charlotte Worth — faith’s new watcher that Gwendolyn impersonates, she’s just Emma frost but a watcher/necromancer
Mateo Torres — half demon that Brooke meets at either Mosiac or SDHS and becomes her best friend. Very stable and kind and not easily annoyed. He loves dance and music, wrangles Brooke into being his dance partner since half demon and slayer and forms a band with her and beck bc of her music therapy shit. Has a crush on Buffy from fairly early on but never pushes it, is fully in love with her by S4 but again doesn’t push things since he’s not interested in being a rebound or anything like that. Likely begins dating her tho at the end of S4 or in S5  tho bc Fuck Riley.
Maria / Myarazsta’shuatl — minor old one or insanity demon rank or two below that Dr. Nyth / Ny’thachamp —   minor old one or fear demon rank or two below that
Kozrar Torres — Mateo’s dad. A [Strang] demon. Huge as fuck, built like a brick house and has a pretty chill attitude. Owns a gym.
Francisca Torres — Mateo’s mom. A potential slayer who aged out and was annoyed that so much of her life had been dedicated to training for something that never came and in a rebellious move started to spend more time in demonic spaces in the same vein as Willy’s and Carnitas and looking for work that put any of that potential training to use. She met Mateo’s father a [strang] demon (might just use that name bc it’s from the comics so semi-canon and means I don’t have to think of 1 myself but also gives me TONS of room) who she danced with and was utterly charmed by him and they hit it off. A whirlwind romance led to a loving marriage. Decides to teach the scoobies and Joyce some combat stuff.
Heidi Williams — girl Brooke saves from a vampire at a party. Attaches herself to Brooke, basically becomes her Pike. They start dating but it’s all very Woof bc of the timing and drugs.
(yes all the titles are Hole songs and yes they’re VERY RELEVANT to the THEMES OF THE STORY)
(also Dawn is here from day 1)
Miss World: I'm miss world, watch me break and watch me burn / No one is listening my friends, yeah / I made my bed I lie in it / I made my bed I die in it
Buffy is working her ass off to stay in denial land. Brooke just wants to be allowed out of the house without a chaperone. Someone still ends up dead in a puddle.
Jennifer’s Body: He said, "I'm your lover, I'm your friend / I'm purity, hit me again" / With a bullet, number one, kill the family, save the son / Himself / Himself
Angelus time. Protecting Buffy from her psycho ex and his loser pals sends brooke back into bad habits and off the deep end in more ways than one. Kendra survives because I say so.
She Walks On Me: Hold you close like we both died / My ever-present suicide / My stupid fuck, my blushing bride / Oh tear my heart out, tear my heart out
Buffy’s back from her depression job in LA and Brooke’s out of Mosaic Wellness Center again. Things are weird and awkward and made only more so when Brooke and Faith start sucking face and Angel’s around being even more broody than before. Ends with stabbings and comas and snakes.
Good Sister / Bad Sister (subject to change bc of possible plot changes): Good sister, bad sister / Better burn that dress, sister /Scar tissue, blood blister /Suck up on the dregs, sister
Philosophical differences about demons get between the sisters. Also Adam and Walsh are there. Brooke is anti-establishment, Buffy hasn’t taken those 101 classes yet. Saorise has left the cast and is in Dissolved Girl at this point.
Burn Black: Now you complain and say you want the keys / Over my dead body, baby, that's where they'll be / Forget the knots around your neck / You say you remember, baby, you forget
People all seem to finally have their shit together. Naturally that means everything has to fall apart on a new and utterly spectacular level. Twins fuckin’ Die.
Violet: When they get what they want, they never want it again / When they get what they want, they never want it again / Go on, take everything, take everything, I want you to /Go on, take everything, take everything, I dare you to
The afterlife and post death experiences of the girls are very different. Brooke steps up to take care of Buffy while she struggles to get used to being back. Also everyone is falling apart.
Heaven Tonight: Here comes the sun in the form of a girl / She's the finest sweetest thing in the world / Take you to heaven tonight
Twin sisters and their pet vampire have to get their friends to be Actual Helpful while they run the biggest sleepover this side of the apocalypse. Spike might live. Saorise cameos.
What is Dissolved Girl?
Dissolved Girl is the ATS companion series to Nobody’s Daughter that follows the lives of Saoirse, Angel and Faith, then later Kat when she joins their cast in s4. Naturally it’s all dark and moody and shit. Deals with things like fate, destiny, mirrors and cycles and the facets of identity. Very much just in development/notes world only atm for obvious reasons.
(yes again all song titles and yes all relevant to the season Vibes)
Season 1: Pull Out The Pin Season 2: Cover Me (Björk) Season 3: How Soon Is Now? Season 4: Space Oddity Season 5: Karma Police
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
An old adage about Finnish culture is that the only place a Finnish person will freely speak to you is in a sauna. However, a Tampere sauna is leaning into the stereotype of the reticent Finn by not allowing any conversation whatsoever.
Finland's oldest city newspaper, the freely distributed Tamperelainen (siirryt toiseen palveluun), carried a piece on Rauhaniemi hosting a so-called silent sauna, one in which speaking to other sauna-goers is highly frowned upon.
The sauna building itself is a Mongolian-style circular pastoral yurt, heated by two wood-burning stoves and is a joint initiative by promotional outfit Sauna Konkeli and the local Rauhaniemi Folk Spa.
"We want to create a peaceful space to enjoy a relaxing steam. In the yurt sauna, we encourage bathers not to engage in conversation and to contribute to the peace of the sauna. In this sauna you can relax and immerse yourself in the steam," said Juha Kumara from Sauna Konkeli.
The yurt sauna will be heated up for the first time this Friday and continue everyday for the next month from 4pm to 9pm.
As the facilities at the Rauhaniemi Folk Spa are right on the shore of Lake Näsijärvi, it will naturally be possible to take a dip in the waters between sauna sessions, however, it is unclear whether or not speaking will be allowed while swimming.
Classroom turmoil
Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) interviewed Helsinki's Deputy Mayor for Education Nazima Razymar (SDP), who spoke freely on the issues facing certain classrooms in Helsinki.
"I hate to say this, but we have children who have held more knives than pens. Some of these children are also a distraction for the rest of the group if they cannot be given adequate support in the classroom," Razymar told HS.
HS wrote that the elephant in Razymar's office this past year has been school policies of inclusion. These school policies, in principle, are designed to offer all students equal access to education, however, it has resulted in unintended consequences, according to Razymar.
Whereas in the past, students who required more support would have studied in separate classes or schools, but as a result of inclusion policies, these methods have been eliminated.
Over the past year, Razmyar has constructed a picture of chaotic classrooms where teachers find it, at worst, impossible to do their jobs.
Razymar stated that the main areas of concern in the city are those marked by low income, low employment rate and low education levels, but she refrained from naming specific neighbourhoods.
In Razymar's opinion, there is too little public discussion on segregation affecting these areas of Helsinki, due to a fear of populism.
"Sure, we could use more resources from the state, but reversing segregation is the responsibility of the city," she told HS.
While Razymar did not offer any solutions to the current situation, she said that this was a necessary discussion to have, otherwise the quality of education will decline and teachers will leave the field.
The Wolf Pack makes history
The Finnish national men's basketball team takes on Spain in the quarterfinals of EuroBasket on Tuesday. This marks the first time Finland has made the quarterfinals since 1967, when EuroBasket was hosted in Finland.
Coming off a 94-86 victory against Croatia, the Finnish team, nicknamed The Wolf Pack, was led by National Basketball Association (NBA) player Lauri Markkanen'scareer-high of 43 points.
Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun), citing Spanish paper Marca (siirryt toiseen palveluun), wrote that Markkanen, who was recently traded from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Utah Jazz in the NBA, caught the attention of the Spanish team's coach Sergio Scariolo.
"Preparing for this match has been particularly difficult. The opponent is a team that plays an atypical but very effective game. Excellent shooters and a world-class star [Markkanen]. He must be defended very wisely and precisely so that gaps do not appear elsewhere." Scariolo said.
The Spanish team is a juggernaut in international basketball having won three gold medals in the tournament since 2009. The last time the Spanish team walked away from the tournament without a medal was 2005.
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Surprises at the Inauguration of the New Social Shelter in Rosewood!
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Yesterday, the small town of Rosewood became the epicenter of solidarity and hope with the inauguration of a new social shelter. Her Royal Highness Princess Francesca led the opening ceremony alongside local mayor John Bennet and his wife Marga. The event took an emotional and unexpected turn with the appearance of Her Majesty the Queen Mother, marking her first public appearance since the coronation of her eldest daughter, Queen Isabella III.
The new shelter located in the heart of Rosewood promises to be a vital refuge for vulnerable people. Designed to offer accommodation, health services and social reintegration programmes, the hostel stands as a symbol of the commitment of the royal family and the local community to the well-being of the most disadvantaged.
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Princess Francesca, known for her philanthropic work, arrived at the event with a warm smile and a message of hope. “This shelter is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together as a community.” The princess declared during her inaugural speech. “I hope this place provides not only shelter, but also a new opportunity for all those who need it. Mayor Joe Bennett and his wife Marga highlighted the importance of the project. “We are proud to be able to offer this essential resource to our citizens. This shelter is a step towards a more inclusive and supportive future,” said the mayor. The ceremony took a special turn when the Queen Mother made an unexpected appearance. She arrived in a wheelchair, a consequence of the tragic car accident in which her husband, King Edmund II, died. This was her first public appearance since the coronation of her eldest daughter, for which she only attended the ceremony without participating in the pre- and post-celebrations. The presence of the Queen Mother deeply moved those in attendance. Her strength and determination were evident as she addressed the audience with words of gratitude and support. “Seeing this shelter inaugurated fills me with hope and gratitude. “I know my husband would be proud to see his legacy of service and love for our people continue.” she expressed, her voice breaking with emotion.
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The inauguration culminated with a tour of the facilities where Princess Francesca and Mayor Bennet showed the guests the modern and welcoming rooms. The Queen Mother, visibly moved, thanked the staff and volunteers for their dedication and effort in making this project a reality.
Comments section:
SophieMayer: The presence of Queen Edwina, now our beloved Queen Mother, was very emotional. She is an incredibly strong woman. God bless her!
ManSnow1: Rosewood needed a place like this. Congratulations to everyone involved in the project and to the Royal Family for their unconditional support.
JustMimie: Princess Francesca looks as stunning as usual and it's so lovely to see Queen Edwina again, she is an example of perseverance.
MichaelSy: The Queen Mother attending the event shows her incredible resilience. Queen Isabella and Princess Francesca have a great example of women in their mother.
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lachidayy · 17 days
Digital Citizenship and the #LoveWins Movement: Creating a Safe, Educated, and Politically Engaged Community
The #LoveWins movement, sparked by the 2015 US Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, showcased the transformative power of digital activism (Shorty Awards 2023). It became a powerful symbol of social progress, celebrated across the world. This movement harnessed the potential of digital platforms, fostering a safe online space for education, solidarity, and community building. By leveraging the power of social media, the #LoveWins movement demonstrated the potential for the digital public sphere– a concept that went far beyond its beginning.
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Using Digital Platforms for Social Change
This movement was not just about celebrating a legal victory, but also leveraging digital tools to raise marginalized voices and advocate for further social progress. The term ‘platform’ can mean computational: something to build upon and innovate from; political: a place to speak and be heard (Gillespie 2010). Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram became crucial tools for disseminating information, fostering dialogue, and mobilizing communities.
However, these digital platforms also pose some challenges. While the #LoveWins movement created a largely positive and supportive online community, online harassment and misinformation did emerge (Tengco 2015). For example, Listiorini, Asteria, and Sarwono (2019) revealed that while many people are aware of the term "LGBT," their understanding often remains superficial, leading to fear and prejudice. This lack of deeper understanding translated into fear and prejudice, with 40% of respondents perceiving the LGBT community as a "serious threat." Furthermore, the survey exposed a significant degree of social exclusion, with 79.1% of respondents expressing discomfort with having an LGBT neighbor and 89% objecting to LGBT individuals becoming public officials such as Regent/Mayor, Governor, and President. Therefore, these promote the importance of digital literacy, critical thinking, and online safety practices within social activism.
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Empowering Political Engagement
Platformed interactions offer an effective channel for voter activation, discussions with constituents, sharing of information, and political views. Social media platforms can provide fund-raising opportunities and thereby increase campaigning’s efficiency, an effect that can be directly reflected in election results (Nelimarkka et al, 2020). Political leaders like President Obama and Hillary Clinton publicly supported the #LoveWins movement on social media, highlighting the political power of digital platforms (Tengco 2015). Their engagement had key impacts, including voter activation by encouraging participation in the democratic process. Besides, social media provided a direct channel for political leaders to discuss issues with constituents, fostering dialogue and understanding. Leaders shared information and political views, helping to inform and educate the public about LGBTQ+ rights and marriage equality. Moreover, these digital platforms also facilitated fundraising, increasing campaign efficiency and potentially influencing election outcomes. The massive online engagement, with the hashtag #LoveWins, used over 1.4 million times on Instagram and 7 million tweets, reflects the significant political impact and the role of social media in the election process in 2015 (Shorty Awards 2023).
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In Vietnam, with its growing internet penetration and social media usage (Statista 2023), the young are utilizing social media for communication, entertainment, and even activism. However, progress on LGBTQ+ rights is still not updated. Traditional social norms and limited public discourse create an environment where many LGBTQ+ individuals face discrimination and exclusion. The #LoveWins movement, with its global reach and message of inclusivity, holds the potential to spark vital conversations and empower Vietnamese citizens to advocate for positive change. This movement becomes a driving force for a future where everyone feels safe and empowered to contribute to Vietnam's development.
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Gillespie, T 2010, ‘The politics of “platforms”’, New Media & Society, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 347–364.
Listiorini, D, Asteria, D & Sarwono, B 2019, ‘Moral panics on lgbt issues: evidence from indonesian tv programme’, Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies), vol. 3, no. 3, p. 355.
Nelimarkka, M, Laaksonen, S-M, Tuokko, M & Valkonen, T 2020, ‘Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning’, Social Media + Society, vol. 6, no. 2, p. 205630512090385.
Pampapura Madali, N, Alsaid, M & Hawamdeh, S 2022, ‘The impact of social noise on social media and the original intended message: BLM as a case study’, Journal of Information Science, vol. 50, no. 1, p. 016555152210773.
Shorty Awards 2023, HRC’s #LoveWins Hashtag Goes Viral; Celebrates Marriage Equality Victory - The Shorty Awards, shortyawards.com, viewed 3 June 2024, <https://shortyawards.com/8th/hrcs-lovewins-hashtag-goes-viral-celebrates-marriage-equality-victory>.
Statista 2023, Topic: Social media in Vietnam, Statista, viewed 4 June 2024, <https://www.statista.com/topics/8182/social-media-in-vietnam/>.
Tengco, J 2015, #LoveWins: A Historic Moment for LGBT Rights, whitehouse.gov.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 17 days
PrideVis initiative to improve security for Oxford Street
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/pridevis-initiative-to-improve-security-for-oxford-street/
PrideVis initiative to improve security for Oxford Street
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A new street security initiative aimed at improving inclusivity and safety has been introduced in the heart of Sydney’s Rainbow Precinct just in time for Sydney Pride Month.   Bars and pubs along Oxford Street have come together in a united front against homophobia and transphobia by encouraging security staff across the precinct to wear “PrideVis” security vests.    The PrideVis vests are a safety initiative by the Surry Hills Liquor Accord supported by the City of Sydney, NSW Police, the Oxford Street Pride Business Charter and the Rainbow Precinct.   Featuring Progress Pride rainbow flag emblems, the vests are a symbol for safe spaces, and security guards wearing them can be approached with safety issues or concerns.   The vests also signal to the wider community that Oxford Street is an inclusive neighbourhood, where venues stand firmly against homophobia, transphobia and antisocial behaviour.
The PrideVis initiative is part of a broader campaign to ensure Oxford Street remains a haven for people of diverse sexualities and genders with a variety of safe, visible and celebrated venues.
The City of Sydney has also refurbished its rainbow walks and crossings with the Pride Progress flag.   Participating venues and security staff have access to extensive training resources jointly developed by the City of Sydney and the Oxford Street Pride Business Charter.   Online diversity and inclusion training is offered free of charge to charter members to help with staff awareness of LGBTQIA+ communities and how to be an inclusive business. Diversity and inclusion training is also offered to security guards at Oxford Street venues.   “It’s important we protect the identity and culture of Oxford Street, while ensuring that locals and visitors always feel safe and welcome,” City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.   “For this initiative to work effectively, we encourage security in all Oxford Street businesses to participate. Wearing the PrideVis vests will demonstrate that they are committed to the safety and support of our communities, with zero tolerance for homophobic and transphobic behaviour.
“Oxford Street is unique to Sydney and we want to build on its reputation as an iconic precinct hosting activities both day and night, with thriving businesses, creative industries and culture. The charter is a grassroots, community-led approach to keeping the precinct safe and inclusive.   “Membership is open to all businesses – property owners, arts and community organisations, and educational institutions operating in and servicing the area – and it signals the expectations of our communities, to current and future operators, that Oxford Street should remain lively, diverse and inclusive.”
“Thanks to the City of Sydney’s funding, we’ve been able to make this safety initiative a reality,” Richie Haines, chair of the Surry Hills Liquor Accord, added,   “There is a great community of bars and pubs in the Oxford Street precinct that come in all shapes, sizes and colours. It is great to see this community rally together with a common goal – that members of LGBTIQA+ communities feel safe, included and supported everywhere, especially in the Oxford Street precinct.”    The City of Sydney is also working closely with the eSafety Commissioner’s office to provide social media defence training for LGBTQIA+ communities. The training seeks to address violence, discrimination, vilification, harassment and abuse in real life and online.   Since its launch twelve months ago, more than 60 businesses have become members of the Oxford Street Pride Business Charter.
The charter was established to ensure the area’s rich history and queer character is maintained and celebrated into the future.
-For the full lineup of Sydney Pride Month festival events go to www.sydneypride.com
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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worldbicycleday · 1 month
My Bike, My City.
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New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez today announced My Bike, My City, a new public campaign for Bike Month geared toward promoting biking among women, girls, transgender, and gender-nonconforming New Yorkers. The campaign comes amidst record bike ridership and an all-time high number of protected bike lane miles built in New York City under the Adams administration. To promote cycling as a healthful, environmentally-friendly, and accessible form of transportation, NYC DOT will launch an advertising campaign and provide resources such as cycling tips, educational events, and suggested bike routes detailed on a new My Bike, My City webpage. The campaign includes digital advertisements on LinkNYC kiosks citywide as well as print advertisements on 100 bus shelters across the five boroughs. Each advertisement will include a QR code linking to NYC DOT's campaign website. The launch coincides with NYC DOT's publication of the 2024 New York City Bike Map, which features My Bike, My City campaign photos on the cover.
"Cycling has never been safer and more accessible in New York City, and the My Bike, My City campaign is about encouraging all New Yorkers to feel confident and inspired to enjoy New York City on a bicycle," said NYC DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez. "We are thrilled to launch a campaign focused on expanding the cycling community. Inspiring more New Yorkers to bike promotes a healthful, environmentally friendly, and efficient travel option— not to mention that it's often the fastest way to get around our city."
"As the founder and executive director of Get Women Cycling, I am thrilled to see NYC DOT's commitment to promoting cycling among femme identifying and non-binary New Yorkers. This campaign sends a powerful message of inclusivity and accessibility, recognizing the diverse community of cyclists in our city," said Angela Azzolino, founder and executive director of Get Women Cycling. "By providing resources, educational events, and bike routes tailored to our needs, the city is making biking a safer and more inviting option for all. Together, we pedal towards a more equitable and vibrant cityscape, where every rider feels empowered to say, my bike, my city."
New York City has experienced a remarkable growth in cycling as NYC DOT has dramatically expanded the citywide bike lane network over the past decade. Last year alone, a record 32 miles of protected bike lane miles were built – more than every other major city in America combined. This has helped fuel the all-time high 610,000 daily cycling trips taken in the city. That ridership represents a 154 percent increase since 2009, when 240,000 daily cycling trips were recorded. While growth among female cyclists is outpacing growth among male cyclists, women still make up a minority of overall cycling trips.
My Bike, My City will run for the entire month of May and is part of Mayor Eric Adams' Women Forward NYC: An Action Plan for Gender Equity. The campaign is just one example of the efforts the agency is taking to increase cycling across the city. Studies have shown that women are more likely to cycle if there is safe, dedicated infrastructure. NYC DOT is committed to expanding the city's bike lane network with high-quality, protected bike lane designs—including utilizing sturdier barriers to better protect cyclists—that will likely inspire trips among women. Through a data-driven approach under Vision Zero, NYC DOT is also prioritizing equity to install new bike lanes in underserved and overlooked areas in need of safe cycling infrastructure.
CYCLING TIPS Throughout the campaign, NYC DOT will release a series of educational materials that share important information about cycling in the city. Subjects include tips for safe riding; biking myths vs. facts; bike law education; and guidance to look out for others on the road.
EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Bike the Block – Open-street events focused on bicycle programming and education in areas that have historically seen under-investment in transportation infrastructure. Bike the Block improves and expands community engagement in support of street improvement projects, empowers communities to reimagine their streets, and creates a platform for local cycling advocacy. These events include free learn-to-ride and bike handling skill classes with Bike New York.
Helmet Fittings and Gear Giveaways – NYC DOT has provided over 300,000 free bicycle helmets to New Yorkers since 2006. In partnership with organizations and councilmembers, NYC DOT will host over 40 free helmet fittings and bike light giveaway events across the city in 2024. This season, many of these events will offer 'Get Pumped' free bike maintenance and there will be special outreach events for delivery workers who can receive safety vests and helmets.
NYC DOT will also organize guided group rides throughout the season as well as during Summer Streets and Open Street events with local partners.
SAFE BIKING ROUTES In addition to updating the NYC Bike Map every year, NYC DOT has developed a list of self-guided bike rides in various neighborhoods across the city, with varying distance and difficulty levels. New rides will be added throughout the campaign and posted on the campaign website, with May's Guided Ride to Shirley Chisholm State Park in Brooklyn honoring the park's namesake, the first Black woman to be elected to the United States Congress.
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For Immediate Release
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CHICAGO IL, MAY 15, 2024 - WHAT: Upon Honorable Mayor Brandon Johnson's proclamation on the planning action of this year's 40th Anniversary of House Music's yearlong projects, details will be announced this Tuesday. Some of Chicagoland's House Music Heroes will be honored in a major way for helping to undergird this worldwide music genre's success, along with Farley Jackmaster Funk's initiatives on crafting job creation for DJs and more.
WHEN & WHERE: Daley Plaza (50 West Washington). The one-hour presentation takes place from 12 to 1:00pm.
WHY: These 40th year Anniversary projects were started in September of 2023, upon Farley's sit down with Mayor Johnson and former DCASE's Erin Harkey to discuss Chicago's support on inclusion in celebrating the genre's 40th year milestone, and for the first-time in House Music History, the genre's milestone is now headlining the city's Millennium Park Chicago House Music Festival and more. 
Farley, co-founder of the genre, who revolutionized House Music in the early 80's and is the longest running House DJ in the world on Chicago Radio, deems it important to not overlook the many key persons who are partly responsible for the music's inception and growth of this musical movement and thus created projects for everyone to be included in this year's celebrations, and they are as follows;
*Special DJ sessions to be played at O'Hare & Midways Airports welcoming DNC guest and tourist to Chicago,
*Honorary Street Sign Unveilings for the late Darryl Pandy, Ron Hardy, Pink House and Paul Johnson.
*The Honorable Commissioner Stanley Moore's Resolution Reading declaring the month of August to be named HOUSE MUSIC MONTH which will include honoring many other DJs in the resolution.
*The 40th Year Anniversary Inaugural House Music Parade taking place on August 31st.
*The BMX Car Fest Taking Place September 21st.
*Lastly, the Announcement of the making of the State of Illinois House Music License Plates.
WHO: This auspicious event is hosted by Pioneer and International Female DJ First Lady from the Khris & Hugo H's Love Team at Jam 98 radio. Invited guest: the honorable Mayor Brandon Johnson, Cook County Commissioner Stanley Moore and V103's Program Director Derrick Brown (Vice-President of Programming at IHeart Media),
About the Organizers
This event is also brought to you by the House Music Museum and Hall of Fame Foundation. Further details regarding the House Music Museum's undertaking will be released on August 31st, during the 40th Anniversary Inaugural House Music Parade and Fest in partnership with Dcase.
Media Contact:
Name: Delece Williams
Phone: 773-957-6422
Email address: [email protected]
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ledenews · 2 months
Wheeling Candidate Forum on Child and Family Issues April 10
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The Ohio County Partners in Prevention Team is set to host a Candidate Forum with those running for Wheeling Mayor and Wheeling City Council.  The focus is on child and family issues and will be held April 10th, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at West Virginia Northern Community College.  The Forum aims to spotlight policies that uplift and support children and families, while also emphasizing proactive measures to prevent child abuse within our community. Youth and community members play a crucial role in shaping the future. Wheeling Park Senior and first time voter Lily Osborne stated, “It is incredibly important that my generation become involved in the political process so we don’t vote blindly for candidates who don’t represent our best interest.  We should take the time to learn about the candidates running for local offices so we understand their vision for the future of Wheeling.  This forum is a great way for young, first time voters to participate and help them in determining who to vote for in May.” The Forum will offer a unique platform for attendees to engage in small group discussions with a diverse cross-section of participants, including: Service Providers Young, first-time voters Candidates for Wheeling City Council Candidates for Wheeling Mayor Claudia Raymer, Ohio County Partners in Prevention Team Leader and Executive Director for the Ohio County Family Resource Network explained, “This inclusive setting is designed to foster meaningful conversations, enabling community members, candidates, and youth to collaboratively explore ideas, share perspectives, and learn from professionals with decades of experience working with families. Candidates and elected officials can and should connect with members of the community in person and share ideas to tackle our problems together.” Community members are not just spectators but active contributors in shaping the policies and initiatives that impact them directly. Their insights, experiences, and voices are invaluable in driving meaningful change and fostering a community that prioritizes the welfare and future of all its members.  “The Sisters of St. Joseph have a guiding principal to give our resources to work for systemic change in collaboration with others. Through the partnership with TEAM for WV’s Children, the Sisters of St. Joseph Health and Wellness Foundation is able to see those values realized through the grassroots advocacy efforts of statewide Partners in Prevention teams to educate and raise the awareness of local and state leaders to bring about a shift in policies and practices to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. We are grateful for the opportunity to work closely with the Ohio County Partners in Prevention Team on the April 10th Candidate Forum and are eager to share the stories of advocacy from PIP teams across WV,” stated Beth Collins, Executive Director for the Sisters of St. Joseph Health and Wellness Foundation. To encourage participation, dinner and childcare services will be provided to attendees. Those requiring childcare services are kindly requested to RSVP by April 2nd to ensure availability. Event Details: Date: April 10th Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Location: West Virginia Northern Community College Sponsors: Ohio County Partners in Prevention Team Funded by: Sisters of St. Joseph Health and Wellness Foundation and TEAM for West Virginia Children Candidates planning to attend the Forum who have not yet RSVP'd are urged to contact Raymer at 304-232-5600 or via email at [email protected]. We wholeheartedly invite all community members, especially youth, stakeholders, and candidates to join us in this critical dialogue. Together, we can amplify the voices of our youth, strengthen community engagement, and prioritize child and family issues to shape a brighter and future for the City of Wheeling. Read the full article
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abhaydare · 4 months
The stadium will be modernized with Rs 55 crores and solar panels will be installed
Our officers and architects will have to come on the ground to make Katra market and other areas of the city smart and to beautify and improve the traffic system. If they inspect the sites at the ground level, then the plan will be correct on the actual ground. It is not advisable to make drawing meetings in closed rooms. Abhay Dare gave this advice in the Smart City Advisory Forum meeting on Wednesday. In the meeting, members gave many suggestions for city development. The most important thing was that a plan worth Rs 55 crore for the stadium was placed before the members. The suggestion of Silver Plaza in Bada Bazaar also came up.
The meeting of the Smart City Advisory Forum was held on Wednesday at the Smart City Company Office. In the presence of Mayor Abhay Dare, Municipal Commissioner Smart City ED RP Ahirwar, Smart City CEO Rahul Singh, and advisory committee members, information on the topics of city development and beautification was presented and suggestions were also given during the discussion. The agenda mainly included 7 topics.  Abhay Dare said that in the meeting mainly issues related to drainage of waterlogging during rains in the city, old Dufferin Hospital, and the heritage project were discussed.
He said that the Municipal Corporation's stadium will be beautified with an amount of Rs 55 crore, in which there will be seating for 7 thousands people, along with this, solar panels will be installed for the electricity system, the stadium will have cricket, hockey, basketball, table tennis, Turf track will be built for football and running, proper parking arrangements will be made in the stadium. 
Apart from this, suggestions came forward from  Abhay Dare that if Tapra Market from Jaistambh to the Municipal Corporation Market in front of Katra Masjid should be made a concrete market through Smart City, then parking below and shops should be built above, then Katra Market will be beautified and the shopkeepers there will get a good market. Besides, the traffic system of the city will be improved on a large scale.
Abhay Dare, while talking about the inclusion of the Bada Bazaar area in the Smart City Project, said that Sagar is known as the biggest market for silver jewelry in the state, hence the biggest traffic problem is in the bullion market located in Bada Bazaar. it occurs. For this, under the Smart City, a Silver Plaza Market should be constructed from Bada Bazar Sarafa Bazar to Paras Talkies to Shriram Chowk, in which parking arrangements should be made below and permanent shops should be constructed above. The shopkeepers and residents there should be given space in the market. Apart from this, various topics were discussed in the meeting. Advisory members Eng Prakash Choubey, Makhanlal Soni, Neha Jain, and smart city officials and employees were present in the meeting.
The modernization of the stadium, funded with Rs 55 crores, includes the installation of solar panels for sustainability. However, Mayor Abhay Dare stresses the importance of on-site assessments for effective execution. Proposals to revitalize the Katra market and improve traffic indicate a holistic approach to city development. With collaborative efforts, the city aims to achieve transformative changes for enhanced livability and economic growth.
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ausetkmt · 6 months
JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri lawmakers will soon consider one Republican’s plan to block taxpayer-funded reparation initiatives, potentially setting up a showdown with the city of St. Louis as local officials debate monetary payments for past slavery and racism.
Rep. Justin Sparks, a Republican from Wildwood, filed a proposal ahead of the new legislative session banning taxpayer-paid reparations “on the basis of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or economic class.”
Sparks said his measure is partially a reaction to discussion of possible monetary reparations in St. Louis. He added he was also responding to “the attempt by those in power to use an issue like race to further their own agenda by dividing one group of people against another. It’s wrong.”
Sparks’ measure could gain more attention as a commission Mayor Tishaura O. Jones created last year to study reparations for slavery and anti-Black discrimination prepares to make recommendations in the new year.
Throughout public meetings, residents have encouraged the commission to call for cash payments to make amends for past actions.
St. Louis Alderman Rasheen Aldridge, a former state representative elected to the Board of Aldermen this year, said a good conversation was happening in the city about why reparations are important and how funds can be used in historically disinvested communities.
“When you uplift one community, it’s going to ultimately benefit all of us,” Aldridge said.
But it’s unclear whether the commission will call for, and whether Jones would support, monetary payments for reparations.
“We will revisit the discussion once they provide their study and recommendations,” said Nick Dunne, spokesman for Jones.
Asked about Sparks’ proposal, Dunne said the mayor’s office doesn’t comment on proposals filed ahead of the upcoming legislative session, which begins Jan. 4.
Discussions of reparations for historical injustices have gained steam in recent years, with left-leaning cities and states such as California and New York taking the lead on the issue.
But in Missouri, the conservative state Legislature has been active in pushing back against liberal cities. Sparks’ bill is the latest continuation of that theme.
Not every attention-grabbing measure that restricts cities ultimately becomes law.
More recently, Republican lawmakers backed away from moves to appoint a special prosecutor for St. Louis, and to place the police department under state control.
Accusations of racism factored into debate this year on the special prosecutor, as Republicans prevented Black Democrats from speaking on the measure to partially dislodge the city’s first Black circuit attorney.
Republicans last session also retreated from efforts to bar state spending on diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives, and to restrict history lessons on race, amid deep resistance from Democrats.
The terms “reparations” and “taxpayer dollars” are not defined in Sparks’ two-sentence proposal, which is likely to be amended if House GOP leadership decides to advance it.
Rep. Jim Murphy, a south St. Louis County Republican, said he would have to examine Sparks’ bill before deciding whether to support it.
“I’d have to look at the details,” Murphy said. “Generally speaking, I’m in favor of taxpayer money staying for the purpose that it’s collected, which is to give services to all the taxpayers involved.”
Rep. Brad Christ, R-south St. Louis County, in a statement criticized the St. Louis reparations commission and said he had not read Sparks’ bill.
“Instead of wasting their time and taxpayer resources on this, the mayor and her political allies should be focused on modernizing the city’s outdated tax code and combatting crime,” Christ said.
Even though St. Louis leaders are now considering reparations, officials took a “first step” in that direction in 2022 when Jones signed legislation creating a voluntary reparations fund.
City residents are able to donate to the reparations fund by adding to their annual property tax bills or quarterly refuse and water bills.
The balance as of Tuesday stood at $1,399 and no disbursements had been made, according to the city comptroller’s office.
The legislation is House Bill 1697.
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thxnews · 7 months
APEC Economic Leaders: Forging Global Collaborations
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  Prelude to Global Engagement: APEC Economic Leaders’ Week in San Francisco
Stepping into the spotlight, the upcoming APEC Economic Leaders’ Week in San Francisco was prominently featured in a press conference led by Senior Official for APEC Ambassador Matt Murray. In expressing gratitude for the collaborative efforts with San Francisco Mayor London Breed, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and other esteemed leaders, Murray shared insightful details about the program. This event serves as the pinnacle, marking the culmination of the U.S. host year in APEC.  
Themes and Commitments: Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future
APEC's Impact on Global Prosperity Murray emphasized the APEC theme, "Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All," and the interconnected, innovative, and inclusive policy priorities that guided the agenda. Highlighting the significance of APEC economies, representing 40 percent of the world's population and over 60 percent of the global economy, he underscored their vital role in ensuring global prosperity despite challenges from conflicts and natural disasters. Economic Impact on the Home Front Delving into the economic ramifications of APEC engagement in the United States, Murray presented compelling statistics. APEC members' staggering $1.7 trillion investment in the U.S. has been instrumental in creating employment opportunities for 2.3 million Americans. Furthermore, U.S. exports to APEC economies surpassed an impressive $1.3 trillion in 2022, providing support for nearly 7 million jobs across the nation. These figures eloquently underscore the intricate and interconnected nature of the global economy.  
Focused Endeavors: Year-long Priorities
From Energy Transition to Empowering Communities Throughout the year, APEC focused on key areas such as the just energy transition, food security, disaster risk reduction, and the digital economy. Efforts were also directed toward empowering micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, women, indigenous peoples, and underrepresented communities across the United States. The commitment to economic resilience manifested in the promotion of good regulatory practices, structural reforms, and the fight against corruption.  
Ministerial Meetings: Finance, Foreign Affairs, and Trade
Cabinet Secretaries to Lead Discussions As the Leaders' Week approaches its climax, Murray outlined the final ministerial meetings. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen will chair the finance ministers meeting, while Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Katherine Tai will jointly convene their foreign and trade counterparts for the APEC ministerial meeting. The week will conclude with President Biden leading the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, setting the stage for strategic collaboration in the coming year.   APEC Business Advisory Council and Multistakeholder Forums In addition to ministerial meetings, Leaders' Week will host events like the APEC Business Advisory Council dialogue, the APEC CEO Summit, the inaugural APEC Multistakeholder Forum, and the Sustainable Future Forum. Murray expressed pride in the progress made through APEC and reiterated the commitment to enhancing partnerships and engaging stakeholders across the region.  
U.S. Engagement in the Asia Pacific Region
A Robust Diplomatic Ballet Murray underscored the consistent engagement of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. Recent diplomatic activities, including Secretary Blinken's meetings in Tokyo and Seoul and Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield's leadership in the Pacific Islands Forum, showcased the unwavering commitment to addressing regional priorities. President Biden and Vice President Harris's involvement in diplomatic efforts further highlighted the importance of regional alliances.   APEC as a Platform for Regional Economic Discussions Murray underscored the wider significance of APEC Leaders' Week, acting as a pivotal platform for fostering regional economic discussions. The ongoing Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) negotiations, spearheaded by the Department of Commerce and the U.S. Trade Representative's office, seamlessly align with the core priorities of APEC. This week presents an opportune moment for counterparts hailing from both APEC and IPEF member nations to engage in collaborative efforts addressing critical issues such as trade, supply chains, decarbonization, anti-corruption, and tax.  
Striving for Consensus: Navigating Global Frictions
Addressing Challenges and Building Consensus In addressing challenges faced by APEC, particularly the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Murray acknowledged the difficulty in managing the impact on APEC economies. Despite friction in recent years, he expressed the U.S. commitment to achieving a consensus statement during Leaders' Week. San Francisco's remarkable preparations for the event, the largest gathering of international leaders since 1945, were lauded.   APEC's Global Harmony in the City by the Bay Reflecting on San Francisco's pivotal role as the backdrop for APEC, Murray commendably highlighted the city's dedication to sustainability, inclusivity, the digital economy, and resiliency – all of which are key policy priorities of APEC. As the APEC team anticipates a week filled with collaboration and in-depth policy discussions, their primary objective is to forge a robust consensus statement. This statement will aptly mirror not only the economic ties but also the challenges confronted by the diverse economies across the Asia Pacific region. In conclusion, Murray extended a warm invitation to representatives of the 20 APEC economies and the media, urging active participation in press conferences and briefings. APEC Leaders' Week, a testament to diplomatic harmony, is poised to resonate not only within the international community but also as a critical platform for addressing global challenges and fostering economic collaboration.   Sources: THX News & US Department of State. Read the full article
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pashterlengkap · 10 months
Pride murals in Orlando defaced with Nazi and Christian hate speech
Murals at the Orlando, Florida LGBTQ Center were defaced on Friday night with Nazi and Christian Nationalist hate speech including, a swastika, “Gay is not okay,” and the infamous Bible verse about homosexuality being an “abominiation” punishable by death. A police investigation is underway. The LGBTQ+ youth organization Zebra Youth created the colorful artworks celebrating gay Pride and transgender joy. --- Related Stories Marjorie Taylor Greene calls trans people a “cult” that’s “corrupting our children” She has devoted a big part of her time in Congress to attacking LGBTQ+ people. --- “The Center’s beautiful murals were vandalized with hateful homophobic and transphobic messages and n*zi symbols,” the group said in a statement. “We appreciate all of the community support and are doing everything to ensure the safety of our youth and staff. We will not allow hate to win.” Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. Volunteers worked Saturday morning to clean up the damage. State Rep. Anna V. Eskamani (D-Orlando) shared pictures of the defaced murals on Twitter along with her resolve to track down the vandals: “These were shared by the ED (executive director) of our LGBTQ+ Center — absolutely disgusting. Will do what we can to identify who did this and hold them accountable.” These were shared by the ED of our LGBTQ+ Center — absolutely disgusting. Will do what we can to identify who did this and hold them accountable. pic.twitter.com/BNWOJkxfK6— Rep. Anna V. Eskamani (@AnnaForFlorida) August 26, 2023 The Center has been targeted with hate speech before. In 2009, vandals spray-painted “Die F**s” and “Go to Hell” on the building’s walls. In 2020, a mural tribute to the victims of the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting was vandalized with white supremacist stickers and graffiti. The new attack is consistent with messaging from the far-right targeting trans identity and a rise in hate speech rooted in Christian Nationalist rhetoric. “One male, one female, no more no less,” read one message sprayed across a heart painted in trans colors. Vandals spraypainted a crucifix and the crosshairs of a gun scope target nearby. “Protect lives, saves kids’ eyes from trans lies,” read another bit of graffiti painted on a wall next to a heart in rainbow colors. Nearby was a spraypainted Nazi swastika and another gun scope target. “Lev 20:13” was painted over another rainbow heart, referencing the Old Testament admonition from the Book of Leviticus: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” A third gun scope target accompanied the Bible verse reference. A statement from Equality Florida read, “Governor (Ron) DeSantis (R) has unleashed and emboldened a scourge of hate in Florida. He has fanned the flames of anti-LGBTQ bigotry and his agenda sends a clear message that his administration not only tolerates hate, it welcomes it. These vile messages have no place in our state. We stand with The Center, Zebra Youth, and all those working to make Florida better.” Democratic Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer also expressed his support and outrage as well. “Here in Orlando, we embrace each other, no matter our differences and we condemn actions like this that go against everything we stand for,” Dyer said.  “Hate like this has no place in our city.” Hate has no place in our city. Zebra Youth and The Center are important parts of our community, providing services to LGBTQ+ residents. Here in Orlando, we will continue to support these organizations and continue our work to create an inclusive city.https://t.co/iIaUMisDnT— Mayor Buddy Dyer (@orlandomayor) August 26, 2023 http://dlvr.it/SvJ3Nl
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