#also it was nice seeing a gay side couple and the sentiment that gender is an internal thing
libraryleopard · 6 months
just read unraveller by frances hardinge and it was soooooooo good. the exploration of justice vs. punishment and anger vs. hatred through the lens of fairytale curses! the purely platonic yet deeply complicated relationship between a teen girl and boy at the heart of the story! the creepy marshes! the flesh-eating horse!
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mirohlixie · 3 years
Never Enough (Hyunlix) Pt. 3
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Pairing: Felix x Hyunjin Word Count: 2.5K Genre: AU, love, dystopia
Synopsis: In a world where being different from the conventional gender and sexuality rules means death, the gay youngster Felix struggles to hide his true sexuality. He is doing well until he meets Hyunjin, an undercover hitman hired by the government to get rid of all the "different" people in hiding. The moment the two meet each other, both of their lives change forever, but will it be enough?
Content warnings: AU, homophobia, discrimination against LGBTQ+, explicit language.
The next few days were filled with texts exchanged between the two. Felix smiled every time his phone lit up with a new message. It was the only thing happening in his life right now and somehow he’d immediately felt comfortable texting Hyunjin. They didn’t talk about much, just simple things in life. It wasn’t a bad thing, though. They felt more comfortable keeping things light for now, and it worked.
Slowly but surely the weather outside had started to get better too and instead of the usual rain and wind, there was now sun. It improved Felix’s mood instantly and he felt much better than he had the days before. He wasn’t sure whether it was just the weather that had improved his mood so much, or if his new friendship with Hyunjin had played a big part as well. Either way, it had been a welcome change.
His phone made a beeping noise again and he lifted it, looking at the screen. It was another text from Hyunjin. He excitedly unlocked his screen and read what the boy with the soft facial features had sent him.
“The weather is so much better. My mood is so much better than before,” the text read. Felix smiled and immediately started typing. It was as if Hyunjin had read his mind earlier.
“It is! Makes me want to go outside again,” he replied. Somewhere deep inside his soul, he was hoping that Hyunjin would get the hint; he wanted to see him again. Maybe go on a walk again, or hang out. He’d gotten so much pleasure out of texting him that he couldn’t wait to actually talk to him again or to see him again for that matter.
“Do you maybe want to call?” Hyunjin suddenly sent him. “It’s easier and my thumbs are getting tired,” Felix quickly replied with an affirmative text and waited nervously for his phone to start ringing. Usually, he preferred calling over texting anyway, but he’d never been this nervous for a phone call before. Not much later it finally appeared: an incoming call from Hwang Hyunjin.
“Hello,” he said, his voice wavering a bit as he answered the call.
“Hi,” Hyunjin replied, his voice sounding a little unsteady as well. “How are you, Felix?”
“Still good,” Felix giggled quietly. “Just like when you asked me an hour ago,” he heard Hyunjin chuckle quietly, a lovely sound he hadn’t heard in a while.
“Fair enough,” he answered. “I wanted to hear your voice again,” Felix was taken back a bit by this, but he felt himself smile widely as a blush formed on his cheeks. He enjoyed the fact that Hyunjin had apparently been wanting to talk to him as much as he had wanted to talk to Hyunjin. “Not in a weird way or anything,” the boy quickly added.
“It’s okay,” Felix answered quickly. “I wanted to hear your voice again too,” he bit his lip. It was hideous that talking to this one person could make him feel so many things at the same time. He didn’t think he’d ever felt this way in his entire life, so it was new and a little bit scary. He wasn’t sure how to act upon these feelings, so he just tried to stay as calm as he possibly could be.
After a little bit of talking, there was a soft knock on the door. Felix looked up in shock and whispered to Hyunjin to stay put before answering with a “come in”. His mother opened the door slightly and stuck her head around the corner.
“Who are you talking to?” She asked her son, wonder clear in her eyes. Felix blushed slightly and cursed himself for having that reaction. “Nobody,” he squeaked. “Just a friend.”
“Do I know them?” His mother asked.
“No, mom. You don’t know him,” Felix wanted to hit himself for giving away that it had been a guy. He could’ve lied to prevent more questions so easily, but his mouth had moved before his thoughts had processed.
“It’s a boy?” Her eyes grew wide. “Remember to be careful, Felix. We don’t want anything to even suspect that you are interested in that way, whether you are or not. Just a hunch can already be enough to make them think you’re one of them,” the disgust in her voice made Felix’s mood drop. His mom was really that against the thought of him being a mole, huh? Wow.
“Yeah, mom,” he muttered. “We are just friends, don’t worry. I’m not one of them.”
“Good, I’ll leave you two to it then,” she said. “Maybe you can ask him over for a cup of tea, could be nice,” and with that she left, closing the door behind her. Felix looked at his feet for a bit before holding the phone against his ear again.
“How much of that did you hear?” He asked Hyunjin, who’d been quiet all this time. He wasn’t even sure if the boy would still be on the phone.
“All of it,” Hyunjin admitted. “I- um… I’m sorry Felix. I know you said you’re not one of them but still…” Felix wasn’t sure whether this sentiment was real or not, but he took it the way he’d appreciate the most.
“It’s okay,” he mumbled. “I’m not one of them anyway, so what does it matter?” It stayed quiet for a little bit. Both of them didn’t know what to say, so said nothing instead. After a while Felix spoke up again, deciding to make the best out of it.
“You wanna come over, though?” He hesitantly asked. “For tea, or to hang out?” He really wanted to see the boy on the other side of the call again, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted that too.
“Sure,” Hyunjin said after hesitating for a bit. “Yeah, I’d love to, Felix,” Felix smiled a little, finding that small bit of happiness again as they decided Hyunjin would come over for tea the next day.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It had been the best way to get to his house, Hyunjin had decided when Felix had asked him to come over. He hadn’t wanted to invite himself, but if he wanted enough grounds for this task of his, there was a chance he needed to see Felix’s house and bedroom.
He knew it was messed up, but he needed to stay focused. Even though he had thoroughly enjoyed his time texting and calling Felix, he couldn’t forget the reason why he was doing all this; he needed to save his mother.
He’d been so hesitant to say yes when Felix asked, but there were so many reasons he just couldn’t say no. Surprisingly, the first one had been that he didn’t want to let the cute boy down. He had been so sweet to him and had definitely formed a little light in his life right now. He needed that more than he would ever admit.
On the other hand, this was dumb. Why was he growing so attached to the boy, knowing he would have to end his life sooner or later? How would he ever be able to say goodbye after connecting more and more to the 5’7 blond boy who had captured his interest? He needed to push those thoughts away and stay focused on his plan, it was the only way he’d be able to go through with it.
So here he was, on his way to the house he’d seen once before, when he dropped Felix off when they’d met. He was nervous; he didn’t want to give his motives away, and he also didn’t really know what to expect of this afternoon. The text conversations and the phone call yesterday had been surprisingly pleasant, so it should be fine. Still, he felt a little uneasy. The kind of feeling that came with being in a new place for the first time which every shy kid must’ve had at some point in their lives.
As he walked up the porch he gathered all his courage and rang the bell, patiently waiting for someone to open the door for him. He hoped it was Felix and not one of his parents or siblings. That would be a little awkward.
As Hyunjin was pondering all the options, the door opened and a friendly face with freckles, glowing like the sun on a hot summer day, appeared in front of him. A small smile grew on his face when he saw his new friend smiling at him as if he was Santa Claus himself.
“Hi,” Felix greeted him. “It’s so nice to see you,” Hyunjin’s smile grew bigger as he took a deep breath.
“It’s nice to see you too, Felix,” he said. “Your house looks even better in the sun,” Felix quietly giggled to this and stepped inside, beckoning for Hyunjin to follow him. The latter obeyed and followed the fairy-like boy into the nice hallway of his childhood home.
When he walked in, he immediately felt the welcoming atmosphere that hung in the house, completely different from what his own home felt like with his sick mother. It was so strange to think that inside this home something illegal was happening.
“You should probably meet my parents first,” Felix said quietly, leading his friend into the living room. When they entered, Hyunjin saw two people sitting on the couch, both in their own little bubble. A woman, presumably Felix’s mother, looked up from her knitting and smiled.
“Hello,” she said. “You must be Felix’s new friend,” Hyunjin nodded and walked over to shake her outstretched hand. He smiled politely before answering her question.
“Yeah, my name is Hwang Hyunjin,” he said. “But you can call me Hyunjin miss,” the woman smiled back at him.
“Hi Hyunjin, I’m Felix’s mother, and that’s his father,” the man looked up from his newspaper and shook Hyunjin’s hand as well.
They talked for a little bit as Felix and Hyunjin sat down on the couch opposite the couple. The young boy was clearly nervous because Hyunjin knew something about him he’d never told his parents. He didn’t have to worry, though. He would never tell them a thing. Mostly because he didn’t want to ruin his mission, but also because he would never be able to do such a thing to the cheerful boy.
Felix’s mother seemed happy to finally see him bring someone home. He was probably not the kind to bring home friends every single day, much like Hyunjin himself. He’d always been quite the loner. Mostly because he’d always been focused on his family more than others, which could get really lonely. Luckily I found Felix, he thought to himself before realizing how dumb that thought was. It was messed up. He was sick in the head. How could he think that about his literal target? He was literally out to kill him and he was talking about being grateful for having him as a friend? Wow.
“Shall we go up? I wanna show you my room,” Felix said, hopping up form the couch. How was he always so cheerful? He resembled a child who’d just heard he was gonna cuddle some baby bunnies, but that all the time. It was adorable.
“Sure,” Hyunjin agreed, glancing at Felix’s parents who shot the two of them a suspicious look. He smiled innocently, not wanting them to think anything of it. Somehow he was very concerned with protecting Felix, which made it even more messed up. He was the threat. Hyunjin was, not his parents.
Felix led the two of them upstairs and opened the door to his room. It was very fitting, everything he’d expected; the room of a closeted gay boy who had a love for music, which he’d told him before.
He had a guitar in the corner with some notebooks next to it, probably filled with song lyrics. His bed stood against the wall and had a fluffy throw over it. The colours on the walls were all pastel shades, much like the rest of the furniture and accessories. Everything about the room screamed Felix and it made Hyunjin smile to himself. If his parents had known better, they’d known the real Felix. The one that hid in the oversized hoodies, behind his notebooks.
“Your room is really nice,” Hyunjin said, sitting down on the bed as Felix closed the door. The boy blushed a little.
“Thank you, I decorated it myself,” he said.
“Thought you did,” the older boy trailed his hand over the fluffy throw he was now sitting on. It was really soft, so his instinct told him to lie back on the bed, which he did. Kind of ironic if you think about it; the lady from the hitman service told him to follow his instincts and here he was lying on a fluffy blanket. Not what she meant, he reckoned.
“Wanna play something for me?” Hyunjin pointed at the guitar in the corner. He felt guilty because he wasn’t the most talkative person at times and he didn’t want it to become awkward.
Felix hesitantly looked at the instrument and then at his feet.
“I don’t know…”
“Please? For me?” Hyunjin showed Felix his puppy dog eyes and curled his lip into a pout. Felix giggled quietly.
“I’m not that good, though,” he warned.
“I’m sure you’re great,” Hyunjin promised him before looking up at the ceiling again. “I can’t imagine you not being amazing,” he didn’t look at Felix, but he could almost feel the boy’s blush right now. He heard some shuffling and not much later there was movement on the bed; Felix had sat down with the guitar in his lap.
He cleared his throat, biting his lip briefly before strumming the strings and producing some chords. Hyunjin closed his eyes, waiting for what was coming. He’d expected the boy to just play a song, but suddenly a low, but beautiful voice filled the room.
Hyunjin’s eyes shot open and he tilted his head towards Felix, watching admiringly as he sang a song he’d probably written himself. He’d never expected this voice out of this angelic boy and yet it was happening. It was low but smooth. He couldn’t get enough.
For a brief moment, Felix’s eyes darted towards him and met his gaze. Something sparked deep inside Hyunjin as he locked stares with the singing boy. The latter’s cheeks flushed pink immediately and he focused on his guitar again, hints of embarrassment hiding in his eyes. Hyunjin bit his tongue, averting his gaze as well. It was dumb how just one glance from those Bambi brown eyes could light a spark deep inside his soul. It was a sensation he’d never had before, and most certainly did not expect to be awakened by a boy like Felix. However, it happened and Hyunjin didn’t know how to deal with it, so he stayed quiet.
As Felix kept playing, his voice calming and soothing, Hyunjin closed his eyes again. For a moment, he forgot about everything. He forgot about his task, about the reason he was here in the first place. He forgot about his mother and her dire condition. He forgot about the world, about everything surrounding him. At that moment, there was only one thing, and that one thing was Felix.
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x-starling-x · 4 years
here is what i think of jikook - the ship between BTS Jimin and BTS Jungkook. i know i'll probably get alot of hate and disagreement on this matter, but i really wanted to share my thoughts with other people. please don't attack me over this, it is merely an opinion and even if yours is different to mine, it doesn't invalidate it. let me begin.
i think Jimin and Jungkook are real to some extent and i believe they are a couple. *cue the screaming of outraged taekookers across the globe*. now, just let me repeat myself, just as my opinion doesn't invalidate yours, yours doesn't invalidate mine. i really do believe that they are real.
why, i hear you say. here's why.
in korea, alot of times friendships between the same gender are just seen as skinship and for some that is true, but for Jimin and Jungkook, i don't think it is. when they first formed the band with the rest of the members, Jimin was a very zealous and flirtatious friend to Jungkook. he'd always comment on how much he liked and adored Jungkook. he also always asked for kisses and other forms of affection and he was practically glued to Jungkook's side, feeding him compliments and trailing him wherever he went. now this could've been seen as a thing that normal friends did, platonic love is very strong after all, but Jungkook didn't really respond well to the attention. he was naturally a very shy, guarded guy that valued his space and was quite awkward. then he was bombarded by this eager friend that always seemed to have an eye on him. he pushed Jimin away firmly and told him to back off. he always seemed tense whenever Jimin instigated these types of things. he even told Jimin to stop. this all implied that he didn't feel comfortable with Jimin's behaviour and that it wasn't a natural, flowing thing that happened between them. then there was the matters of him ranking Jimin last in looks, singing, style etc. also the harsh, cold things that he'd say to Jimin. from these events, it became clear, or so people thought, that Jungkook hated Jimin.
so when the situation completely changed; Jimin being more aloof and not so obsessed with Jungkook and Jungkook actually caring and coddling Jimin, it struck many as odd. but not me. it was clear to me from day one that Jungkook cared for Jimin far more than he'd ever admit or show. little gestures such as: looking at Jimin for encouragement, letting Jimin support him when he didn't know what to say, actually seeming more relaxed with Jimin than other members, heck him even saying that, "Jimin hyung is very nice and the person I find easiest to talk to. i'm just cold (shy)," all pointed to the obvious - JUNGKOOK LIKES JIMIN AS WELL. *the taekookers gasp*.
and slowly over time it became even more apparent. let's take for example: the gcf in Tokyo. now this itself is quite intimate for Jungkook. to take Jimin to another country, just the two of them, without cameras for a couple of days was something very sentimental and arguably unlike Jungkook to do. *cue taekookers pulling up youtube playlists of sentimental taekook moments*. no, i don't mean to say that Jungkook is an ice prince with an unbreakable heart of cold. nope. what i do mean to say is that he's quite reserved, especially back then, and i haven't seen him do something quite like that for anyone else aside from Jimin. even more strange, he made a video, hence the gcf in the title, starring Jimin (who didn't know at the time that it was going to be aired) and their travels and experiences through Tokyo. now here's the part where it gets interesting. Jungkook has already said that his editing of the gcf was based of an already existing youtube video where it tells you how to video your lover. yep you heard me. *cue squealing of taekookers saying that that doesn't mean anything*. pretty sure it does hun, but that's not the point. anyways, in the video it gives a list of instructions some being stuff like doing shots of your lover framed by an airplane window or of your lover eating or against a mirror. one of the last steps was to use music that meant alot to you and held an element of something that you related to yourself. and guess what music Jungkook used? a gay love song by Troye Sivan, who is one of the biggest gay icons out there. if that doesn't tell you anything, then i don't know what will. another thing that supports my earlier point of Jungkook's ever clearer admiration of Jimin is him getting Jimin and only Jimin a birthday present. now this may seem a tiny thing, but Jungkook is very bad at giving gifts and hasn't given a member a birthday gift before Jimin. and after him, he didn't do so again. this is very telling. it's clear proof that Jungkook does love and care about Jimin and even if people say he doesn't, it can't lessen what he feels or take away from the truth of these statements. and it is very clear, as i have earlier shown, that Jimin loves and cares for Jungkook too.
now i understand that all this can be written off as extremely intimate friendship, but there was something very eye-catching and unique about jikook to me, from the beginning. if i told you every little thing about why they are possibly real, we'd be here a while and i have got to get some beauty sleeo, it's already 12 am.
so if you wanna know the ins and outs of this explained as best as possible, please go on youtube and search for:
The Ultimate Jikook Video.
it tells you alot of what you need to know. heck that video coupled with my suspicions were the real things that got me into believing that jikook is real. please watch it. you will not regret it, i PROMISE.
this post is slowly coming to an end, but there's one more thing that i need to address. often times when i bring up jikook, I'm treated like I'm just a delulu 11 year old girl or something. people say this even though they don't know a single thing about jikook. they don't understand and aren't willing to see the receipts to why it might be real. not only with jikook, but with alot of gay ships, shippers are made to feel like crazy, obsessed sasaengs when we really have a valid and mature opinion just like everyone else in this world about EVERYTHING. what's really immature is dismissing a person's opinion about something that you know nothing about.
and just as a disclaimer, i know tons about taekook. i try to look into every ship before i make judgements. and really, jikook have been the only ship that I've ever thought might actually be real. that might not mean anything to you, but it does to me.
i've talked about alot of what i wanted to, so i'm gonna end the post here, but before i do i just want to say that i love you. despite what race, gender, sexuality or ship you ship or group you stan. in the end we all have one thing in common: we're all living, breathing humans that have a chance at life. and bullying someone and spoiling what is their only chance is wrong and such an awful thing to do. what seperates us shouldn't be whether our skin is brown or white or whether we like kissing a guy more than a girl. what seperates us is the things we do, for good and for bad. that's why my blog is safe to everyone, no matter who they are, if they're a good person. remember that if no one loves you, not even yourself, i will.
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Love Victor (series)
oooh new format for this post let’s get into itttt.
Below are my reaction per episode. I will be writing them as i finish each so its more clear and fresh and all that jazz.
Let’s see if tumblr posts has a word count limit.
lol wrong title earlier X_X
Note, the #glassthoughts tags is a reaction tag. Its never a review, or an intellectual essay about stuff I watch. I dont have the capacity to do all those.
Spoilers below so beware. Episode 1 is posted separately because I intend to make posts for the first and last epsiode only but that did not work out lol.
it took me a looong time to finish this episode. I kept on pausing it because something just feels so wrong about it. I didn’t know what it was when i was going through it, but when it finally ended it finally clicked.
The episode reminds me of the sentiment most homophobes use against gay people. “If you focus on the emotional part of the relationship, you will be happy with the opposite sex.” Growing up ive heard this phrase used against other people so much. Hearing it in my native language has always been a punch in the gut. 
And now this show who is supposed to be something happy and nice, is just having this kind of phrase of mentality just well up there.
I’m sure that its not Victor’s and that he is just exploring his sexuality. But the usual tinge of homophobia whenever he talks that he might be like Simon is honestly grating.
It’s definitely a me issue because other people seem to be enjoying the series immensely, but whenever Victor gets into that headspace, I just hear my child self crying myself to sleep because of internal homophobia.
Also i can see why people say  that for a show that is supposed be about Victor’s sexuality and growth, it does sure show a heck lot of heterosexuality of those who are around him.
Maybe in the future i will rewatch the series again with a more patient mind, but for now, expect me to skip a lot of scenes X_X
Episode 3
Okay the audacity of Victor saying “he tries” to be a good friend. Like dang okay chill with the lies. You’re already lying about your sexuality lmao.
Sorry im being very critical and bitter about this show, but i must persevere for the fanfics and fanarts i will gorge myself into later.
anywho reaction time!
Mia and Victor would’ve been cute if only Victor doesn’t sound like he keeps on enforcing this compulsory heterosexuality he has in mind.  BUT hey he might be Bi people! 
I keep censoring myself because of how bitter and hateful i sound. My apologies for the phrases i forgot to delete above and beyond this line xD.
Anyways im over anything about Andrew. He can go fuck his egotistical self. If the series will show 
Hmm i wonder if the term “Comp Het” will even drop in this series.
Back to reaction,
Honestly Felix is just a lesbian in a man’s body at this point. Making his own shampoo? Like wow give me some of that kind of friend. 
The number of times I rolled my eyes at Andrew is ridiculous. 
Whilst typing this part it was more enforced in my mind that Love Victor is just a “supposedly gayer” Teen Wolf without the wolfing parts.
Lake is Lydia Felix is Stiles Andrew is a walmart Jackson Benji is basically a less grumpy Derek or Danny tbh Victor is Scott
I really hate this idea now.
The parents drama! Honestly, very unnecessary in my opinion. Victor is already dealing with a religious family, now he has to deal with a religious and broken family? Like dang they could’ve just chosen one struggle for him, now everyone will think his sexuality is a consequence for his parents’ sin or sth.
Maybe it’ll play into a bigger plot twist in the future?
Maybe Victor’s mom is cheating with Mia’s father? Seeing as how there was an unnecessary shot of her father with the back of a woman facing on the camera which is weird but okay. 
Im theorizing now X_X
Anyways have y’all seen how poor Felix was so nervous because his goddamn friend isn’t there to supposedly help him?
Sorry im hating on Victor too much but this scene reminds me of how awful Simon’s friends are and like bruuuh is Felix supposed to be the lead character?
He really is like Stiles who is supposed to be the lead for Teen Wolf in my opinion, he’s just a much better written character that Sc/tt
lmao sorry my issues with other series is bleeding into this one X_X
Episode 4
Not much to say without getting too salty so moving onnn.
Episode 5
This series is just showing all the fear and pain i went through and am going through back when I was a teenager and til now. Without getting into any personal stuff, that last bs Victor’s father spewed just hit me so much.
I guess one of the reasons why its hard for me to watch Love Victor is because it shows me the teenager side of me way back when. Minus the girlfriend one because i never really persevered that much to tamper any likes for men. Internal homophobia really hit me back then tho xD
Episode 6
This episode is a mess and I hate it.
We saw yet again Victor literally using Felix’s ignorance and naivety to get himself out of a situation he put himself into. 
AND Felix even got the wrong idea or got fed with the wrong idea that the reason why Victor brought him along is to act as a buffer because he wasn’t ready to give up being a virgin or have sex in general. Yep that is definitely the reason, no other reason at all that involves making latte art with a known barista.
Lake and Felix kissed so there was that. I still am shipping Victor and Felix together despite Victor’s continuous bs with him being a good friend, but that’s just me.
And totally knew Andrew and Mia got a thing. If this blew up and hurt Lake im suing.
Lake and Felix are literally the two people keeping this show intact. Not gonna drop some political statement here no sir.
Again Benji needs to grow a personality out of this whole barista thing. One thing i am grateful for this show is that there was no family drama at all!
I think.
Episode 7
Ive been making a conscious effort to stop saying that heterosexuality is normal. That shit is hard to unlearn because its what ive always heard in my asian household for yeaaaaaaars. And now this twink is just gonna throw the term around like he has no issues with it. TO SIMON EVEN.
Like brooooooh. Im over my 2010 internal homophobia, no need to dig it all up again. Every episode.
Aww the dancing in different clothes is cute but,
Homeboy be doing the most to keep his fucking sexuality from bursting out, with his foot both planted firmly inside the closer AND THEN THE NEXT SECOND would end up as if he is ready to risk it all just to see Benji naked.
I AM FUCKING livid, confused, and just intense emotion everywhere.
Ive seen a couple of dumbo scenes from other shows that got the “closeted” man be doing literally the most obvious shit that could make anyone catch them, BUT THIS, with how VEHEMENT Victor is against being “NOT NORMAL” AND THEN LIE JUST TO STAY IN A MOTEL WITH THE GLORIFIED HOT GUY, takes the goddamn cake.
The fucking hypocrisy man. Ive battled internal homophobia before, AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE ALL DEAL WITH IT DIFFERENTLY but holy fucksticks. I’m not this evil.
The thing is, there is so much a person could do that you could go “ah its because they are in the closet and is afraid to come out” before it goes to the territory of “fucking hell, this is not just about his sexuality, this is just him now doing stuff consciously to take advantage of his supposed fear”. The girlfriend thing is even waaay over the top, but we all went with it because he’s supposed to be figuring things out. BUT most of the time, he literally could not even imagine going beyond the line HE CREATED for their relationship. AND YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT HE WILL LIE JUST TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH A GUY? Now he wants to test the male side of his sexuality? BECAUSE PORN DOESN’T EXIST?  BECAUSE LOOKING AT MALE UNDERWEAR MODELS IN THE UNDERWEAR SECTION IS NOT ENOUGH? HE NEEDS IT TO BE ACTUALLY PHYSICAL TO CONFIRM SOMETHING?
Im ahead too much, real time the scene im in the episode is still them about to leave the shop but holy fucking hell. If this lie ended up becoming something more in this same episode, expect more capslock because jfc.
And people will still claim he’s somewhat attracted to the other gender. 
Also i was very very worried that Pilar and Felix will be a thing BUT THANK GOD THAT DIDN’T BECOME A THING. Still unsure whether i like Lake and Felix together, but i love them individually.
I cant really comment on any of the parents drama because to be honest i skip them whenever its just her and him.
Im tired.
But i hafta finish the show for fanarts and fanfics.
okay Benji has a legitimate reason for lying. I’ll take that.
See people you see me live writing this whole rant thing :D.
Huh I wonder back when I was his age, would I also just kiss the first gay guy i became comfortable with? Despite being so into the closet and battling internal homophobia via punching the walls?
Dang that monologue tho. We as non het doesn’t want our lives to be hard. But at this point, i stopped blaiming my own sexuality and just started blaming heterosexuals for making the world this fucking horrible for us. That’s when my internal homophobia SLOWLY lessen. It’s still there but hey at least every crosshair  is not on me.
Okay i get people saying that Simon is irresponsible for making Victor like put his family on the back burner for a bit etc etc. Also the reaction against Benji getting mad when Victor wanted them to stop being gay while in their house, is reasonable. Victor did calmly told Benji and his beau that his family is stretched thin etc etc. I get that. I get that sometimes hiding your sexuality for other people is what is necessary.
BUT  fucking please recognize how damaging that is to the person you are talking to. Even if you think Victor is in the 100% right about this, AT THE VERY LEAST acknowledge why Benji is mad. Sure he could’ve just left with his boyfriend instead of just staying there. And sure Victor pulled through in the end and put that dusty grandpa motherfucker to his place, but that’ll fucking sting okay.
Also i might be saying all this in a place where I’m not really that close to ANY of my relatives, so ya know, call me ignorant or ungrateful whatever.
Episode 8
Okay uhh Mia and Andrew is still a thing APPARENTLY.
Lol Simon’s “Yay boobs” like please Victor keep the heterosexual drama out of this chatroom lmao.
Also Felix group texting the others is hilarioussss.
If Victor touches or says one bad thing at Bram? its on sight.
Also Im not sure what to feel with Mia getting jealous at Andrew. Like girl you were the one who said he’s nothing, and now this? Issa bad look honey.
Victor is embarassing. Are all extroverts just this i dunno peppy? 
You know what makes me happy in this episode? Keiynan’s attitude bleeding out to Bram’s character. I love it!
Goddd Keiynan is so hot XD
hahahaha this episode is lighter thank god.
“why would they want to help a complete stranger” because they are good people and surprisingly they still exist! 
Ohhh So it seems like Nick Robinson filmed his scenes for this episode on a different day. Ive never seen him be with the main group. That’s weird.
Episode 9
Benji distancing himself because he wants to make his 1 year relationship work? Good guy! Him not saying to his boyfriend about the coworker of his kissing him? Bad move.
Sure we can all talk about how little stuff doesn’t need to be told to your lover if you’re sure its not gonna happen again. The thing is,  communication is key. Y’all will talk about communication being integral in a relationship but keep shit like this in the DL because yOU’RE JUST THAT SURE IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN? Fo real?
Also Benji is feeling guilty for a reason.
Vincent is very in the wrong for kissing a taken man just because said taken man is comfortable with him or showed vulnerability. Victor is in the wrong 100% and I’ll never forget that.
Felix and that hug with Victor is adorableeee. Love that coming out scene. Again raising my eyebrows at those who say Victor is Bi.
Felix showing what’s in his apartment is fucking great. No wonder we don’t see his mom or anything. They say that the saddest people are always the one who will do their best to keep everyone happy. Felix is being peppy, have these random phrases he use to just amuse people makes sense.
In this household, we protect Felix no matter what. HOPEFULLY next season we get to fucking know his surname or sth.
Again nothing new with the drama surrounding the parents. I hate them and honestly i am so annoyed by the father’s face and everything. (still have that hatred from One day at  time but we don’t talk about that here)
The letter is stupid and i wonder what Pilar will do about it. Are we gonna get a To All the boys i loved before thing?
OH Felix giving Lake an ultimatum. Wow what a move honestly. On one hand Felix has the right to protect himself. He wants to be free with who he loves, and keeping it a secret stopped being amusing because he knew what it feels like to hide a part of yourself.
Lake’s confidence has been obviously shot and damaged by her mother. Not saying that justifies what she is doing  BUT it came from somewhere. A night with Felix talking to her about his life IS NOT going to just uproot all those thoughts from her mind. As much as i love Felix, he is not a solution.
hmm what else. The father can go die for all i care. Lmao.
Episode 10
Also i cannot get over Andrew’s actor looking like Stromae. They have the same eyes, eyebrows and expressions X_X
YOU BET YOUR ass i skipped the whole confrontation scene. I’ll go back to it maybe or just look at gifs but nope. My cancer rising and moon can’t handle that shit.
Is ... is Mia going to see Victor and Benji together and then theorize? Because god freaking damnit im tired of that plot twist.
Oh Benji. Honey honey honey please don’t do whatever I think you’re about to do.
wait the way the ending was shot is weird. The cliffhanger is weird. Everything is weird.
ILL MAKE A HUNCH that it was actually just Victor in his dream land thinking that coming out is that easy and that you just blurt it out.
Bet you the next season will start with no body but Felix and Mia and Andrew know about his sexuality.
The shot was too much on Victor. There was no sound cue from the family etc etc.  I hate the ending so much. Love Victor could’ve been so much more. Could’ve pioneered a fresh way to show lgbt stories and how coming out is this and that. Even if the show is for Gen Z and this generation, coming out should reflect to how coming out is generally perceived nowadays. But i guess that was too much. Foolish me for having my expectations waay too high.
The End
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shoyoboops · 7 years
(I cannot provide media proof since that’ll take a lot of time, but if you observe Kim Taehyung, you’ll get what I’m saying. Also, my native tongue is not english so I’m gonna have to ask you to excuse my shortcomings lol)
Before anything, I’d like to say that I acknowledge that Kim Taehyung is definitely a beautifully unique person who has shown time and time again how a person can have so many different sides. I am aware that he is the embodiment of affection and appreciates physical contact BUT SOME THINGS BEYOND THIS ARE JUST HARD TO IGNORE.
1.      Muscle Kink
-This may be something the less observable fans may have overlooked. There have been several instances when our dear Taehyung had been a little bit too enthusiastic about feeling up other men’s biceps and abs. I have seen him many times, feeling up the other members, particularly Hoseok (in one of the latest Bon Voyage episodes), Seokjin (during their earlier days), Jimin (occasionally, I distinctly remember him feeling up Jimin’s abs) and Jungkook (on several different times, he even bit his biceps for fuck’s sake). Even Namjoon from time to time. And I’m certain that he had not only felt them up casually, if his lip bites were anything to go by. (BONUS: His whole reaction to that one shirtless crew member during one of the episodes in Bon Voyage S2?! He was definitely checking him out, look at the video I posted if you wanna know what I’m talking about)
-We all know he also has an affinity to being carried. I have never seen him show any negative reaction when being manhandled by his members. I expect that we all know his legendary moments when he purposely climbed onto other members’ backs for a piggy back ride or randomly clings onto them like a koala. I have seen videos from 2014 til today that can prove this. I remember that Seokjin tended to play around with him and carried him bridal style during their fansigns earlier back then. Also, he seemed very happy when Nate picked him up when they were saying goodbye during AHL. I’ve also seen him demand piggy back rides from Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook. Sure, he may have complained during a particular BTS Festa back then about Jungkook throwing him whenever he annoyed the maknae, but seriously? Why would he even bother Jungkook again and again if he knew the outcome was him being thrown around their dorm? The maknae even said that he’d repeat annoying him for about thirty times? Something doesn’t seem right there. (Also, while “complaining” I didn’t really see him be seriously troubled by it? I don’t know if it’s just me).
-Did you also see how he held back his smile and tried to hide his excitement when he got a piggy back ride from one of is Hwarang members during a photoshoot? Our Gucci boy literally had sparkles in his eyes. (Also in Hwarang, when Hyunsik just did the ‘dip’ with him? Y’know that that step in salsa. During one of their photoshoots/interviews, when his hyung finally finished his shoot, he went and bulldozed Tae off his feet. I didn’t see him complaining though, he even had a huge smile).
-When Seokjin got pissed at them (him and Jimin) during ISAC 2017 and he carried Taehyung towards where he threw his shoes, our little Taetae was giggly the whole time and was completely flustered when it ended. (Also with Seokjin, when they were promoting the Wings album, he suddenly clung onto him and let himself be carried just like old times).
-The legendary Taekook moment during their concert in Japan. I forgot where it was (Nagoya?). It was around 2016, if i’m not mistaken, when he got on Jungkook’s back during their “Attack  on Bangtan” performance. He clung to him like a life line and he was truly enjoying himself. (Bonus: when he also asked for a shoulder ride).
-Let’s not forget the instances when he just praised other members’ bodies. Like, saying “Rapmon-hyung has the best body” and “Jungkook has a nice body”. I’m sure there are a lot more, but I can’t remember.
2.      Girls
-Before anything else, I’m not ruling out any possibility of him being interested in the opposite gender (because girls are fucking hot, trust me), but he has not shown any genuine interest in them? I know that some of the fans would mention the Star King thing? The one where this girl was teaching them exercises. I honestly get annoyed when they make inappropriate jokes about this because there was nothing really sexual about it at all? I mean, yeah, he glanced from time to time but wouldn’t it be awkward and disrespectful to not look at an instructor? (Others may say “but what about his facial expression?” Bitch, what facial expression? All I saw was him trying to do the exercise and being in slight pain while doing so because he doesn’t exercise regularly for shit). You can also see that he was seriously trying to get the position right so he observed well (he even did that cute little wall exercise for couples with the other male mc).
-I also notice that in award shows, he doesn’t look particularly enthusiastic about girl group performances. Sure, he dances along to the catchy ones but unlike other people, he doesn’t really give that much attention to it? (I understand that it is disrespectful for them to stare, but I don’t think he feels the urge to do so, he can give sneaky glances but I don’t see him doing that. Just pure enjoyment and appreciation of music).
-During YamanTV (?) I’m not sure if the title is correct. One male MC suddenly felt the need to voice out his opinion about Taehyung’s looks. Out of the blue, he praised Taehyung for being very handsome (which made him shy), and then added “you must be very popular with girls” which stopped him momentarily from talking (he laughed at the comment), but then just continued talking like nothing happened.
-His general non-chalance about how girls could perceive his actions. There are a loooooooooooooot of instances like this. When he was MC-ing with this other female idol, and he just acted naturally goofy the whole time; when he added sound effects to his comments when BTS and Twice were being interviewed about their songs (he got shy at first like how most people would react but he got over it instantly and went to do aegyo while imitating the girl group’s song); when he literally twerked over the speaker during New Year(?) while the other members of Red Velvet stared at him like he’s a madman during an award show; AND his shameless flirting with his members during award shows, while in the presence of female groups e.g. Taejin being playful at MAMA and TAEKOOK goofing off during Golden Disk Awards while girl group members were literally behind them).
 3.      Spontaneous moments
-I think he is generally a spontaneous person and gaddamit, he does some pretty questionable things when his bout of craziness comes around:
-When he kissed Jungkook’s ears during one of the Festas, I literally just stared for a few seconds because WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? (That’s how not you get voted as the favourite hyung).
-Seokjin’s graduation where he swiped some cake from Jin’s lips with his thumb and literally sucked it, then smirking immediately after. (JESUS CHRIST)    
-In their earlier days when he grabbed the back of Seokjin’s head and pulled him in until they were nose to nose (in an AIRPORT WTF).
-Randomly acknowledging another man’s attractiveness. He would praise Hoseok from time to time, saying he’s the most handsome; suddenly saying that Jungkook is sexy during bon voyage season 1 AND (this one took me by surprise) When they were in one interview with the Hwarang cast and they were watching some memorable scenes, Tae said “You’re so handsome” out of the blue when he saw Hyungsik’s character THEN he proceeded to be flustered and looked like he didn’t have the intention to say it out loud like that. He said it with a somewhat exasperated tone that fangirls have when they come to admire their male crushes. He was so shocked that he voiced it out and became silent afterwards.
-Playing with male idols’ ears. This has somewhat become an endearing move when it comes to Taekook since he does it to the maknae all the time, BUT we should also take note that he does it to male idols who catch his interest (?) Bogum and Sungjae eventually became his friends, right? AND SPEAKING OF BOGUM. No, I’m not gonna talk about their Jeju date since straight men can also have “platonic dates”. Admittedly, it was very cute though. I am, however, gonna point out about Tae’s fixation on him. I have seen Tae interact with several idols and, for me, none of them had caught Tae’s interest as much as Bogum did. When he first saw him MC-ing during an award show, he immediately played with his ears and sent several glances in his direction the whole time. (Not to mention he barely even looked at Irene, who was also MC-ing with Bogum even though she was the one talking). It was also said that he approached Bogum first backstage and asked for his contact. Then when he was asked during celebrity bromance, he said that he contacted Bogum every day. Also, out of all his friends idol friends outside Bangtan, he only ever bothered to set up pre-planned dates with Bogum. You know what? I’ll talk about the Jeju thing anyway. Why would he choose to spend the day immediately after a tiring concert, to immediately fly to Jeju with him during one of their rare rest days? (I’m not implying that they’re dating, what I’m saying is that there is definitely an attraction that comes with that much effort, BONUS: have you heard of the Korean reddit user who said Bogum bought him a drink when he was in PULSE (a gay bar) and stated that Bogum had a super famous person with him that night and they left together?). Having said that, he may find comfort in hanging out with people who…share his sentiments.  
-Finally, the randomest shit he’s ever done this month. Sit on Jeon Jeongguk’s lap. Come on, you’re lying of you say that that didn’t surprise you at least a little bit. (BONUS they were both so GENUINELY flustered when it happened, it kinda looked like it felt awkward for the other members).
NOTE: This is part 1 and I basically put all the light stuff here. The heavy stuff is for the part 2. So, I’m sorry if you think this was a waste of time, but I think part 2 is where the serious stuff is at. I’ll be mentioning there his relationship with members, some BigHit stuff (Stigma and the like) and a little about his background
AGAIN: I AM NOT STATING THAT HE IS GAY. He may be perfectly straight and is actually just a very VERY touchy person BUT please respect my opinion and I will respect yours. I WILL LOVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT HE IS AND NO MATTER WHO HE LOVES SOOOO…UNTIL THEN :)
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prideguynews · 6 years
The ‘gay small movie Oscars’, the Iris Prize, is occurring in Cardiff, Wales as I article this. The 6-working day celebration of LGBT+ movie is centred about its justly prestigious Iris Global Prize. This is the most valuable LGBT small movie prize in the planet, worth £30,000, which lets the recipient to make another small. The initial of the 35 films in opposition have now screened, and after additional it is an eclectic and interesting bunch, covering a variety of themes about sexuality, gender and additional.
This 12 months the screenings of the shorts have been brought together into thematic groups, so choose a glimpse below to see our feelings on the Iris Prize Global Shorts from Day 1 of the fest.
Wild Beasts (Villdyr)
With Close friends Like These
The initial screening brought together a selection of films centring on strategies of friendship, having in the two the positive and the adverse.
Wild Beasts (Villdyr) Director: Sverre Kamme In the snowy isolation of rural Scandinavia, a group of young teens are hanging out, figuring out their lives and making an attempt to find anything to do. However, one particular of the boys may well have sensation for his male good friend that he does not very totally recognize and is not guaranteed how to convey. Wild Beasts is an intriguing and properly shot movie that manages to capture the uncertainties and damaging impulses of adolescence, wherever young people today usually glimpse for a sensation of management in the improper areas. However, when properly observed, the movie could have carried out with digging a small deeper into what is genuinely likely on amongst these people today. That stated, it certainly does not outstay its welcome and has a couple of emotionally resonant times. 3.five out of five
Pink Tablet Director: Xiaoshan Xie China has a odd and challenging to get the job done out mind-set to gay content. In latest several years some Chinese films have been banned or cut prior to release in their homeland to get rid of LGBT-themed scenes, when other people have been authorized out unscathed. Equally, there have been gay-themed films that Chinese authorities have permitted to be screened at worldwide festivals but not at household, when conversely some films (and filmmakers) have been pulled from overseas competition line-ups. I say this not for the reason that it took place to Pink Tablet, but for the reason that I believe it claims anything about the context of how anything like this movie can get designed and the planet it comes from.
In it, a teenage girl’s lifestyle is upended when a homophobic classmate publicly reveals a website page from her diary, which demonstrates she has sensation for another female. Just one of her male classmates still demonstrates curiosity in her, and he may well be inclined to go to serious lengths to make her ‘normal’. Inspired by accurate occasions, Pink Tablet is a provocative and complex movie, wherever its doable to examine items in various methods that give a distinct spin to occasions. For illustration, you could see the primary boy in the movie as wrestling with his individual sexuality, or just as a peaceful but decidedly straight young gentleman. In truth, distinct viewers at the Iris screening took it distinct methods. It guarantees that even when it goes to some darkish areas it hardly ever feels gratuitous. 4 out of five
Three Centimetres Director: Lara Zaeidan Final 12 months a one particular-shot movie won the primary Iris Prize. Three Centimetre is also just a one shot but usually takes on distinct issue make a difference and a distinct, possibly unforeseen, venue. The entire thing usually takes position in the gondola of a ferris wheel in a decaying enjoyment park in Beirut. Four young feminine pals go for a experience, with one particular specifically loud, mouthy female dominating the conversation with discuss about how you do not shed your virginity if its only in three centimetres. When the conversation turns to acquiring about an ex by wondering of them being gay, it results in one particular of the women, Marwan, to appear out. This revelation will get an array of reactions, from worry to anger to dismissal.
Smartly designed, the one particular-shot mother nature of the small movie could have appear throughout as an affectation, but immediately turns into integral to the small and significantly less distracting than it could have been. The Lebanese placing also provides to the movie, so that as a western viewer it troubles perceptions of the middle-east and also make you mirror on the similarities and variation amongst reactions to somebody coming out in distinct nations. 3.five out of five
Don’t Connect with Me Bro (Nenn Mich Nicht Bruder) Director: Gina Wenzel A feminine soccer workforce is baffled when a boy demonstrates up for exercise, right until Cheyenne discovers that new boy Dany is actually transgender. Dany commences to befriend some of the male soccer players, including Cheyenne’s boyfriend, Josh, and he hopes that Cheyenne will maintain his key. Though he immediately starts to find acceptance in this ragtag, chaotic and relatively violent crew, a sense of threat hangs in the air due to what the other boys do not know, and the electric power Cheyenne has about that. This German small productively results in a sense of menace that grows as it goes on.
Some may well choose problem with regardless of whether it is rather stereotyping young ‘chavs’, or certainly regardless of whether its stunning and relatively disturbing times border on exploitative, but it certainly has an impact. It also does a very good work of looking at the reckless and damaging impulses of youth, and the threat of electric power imbalances among all those who do not recognize duty. 3.five out of five
Gender & Relatives
The next screening focussed on gender difficulties and films featuring transgender characters, and additional specifically their connection with loved ones.
There You Are Director: Lisa Donato Jessica requires to go household to see her dying grandmother. However, when she is now residing as a trans female, her loved ones have generally acknowledged her as Jason. In buy to check out to mix in in the course of this challenging situation, Jessica attempts to determine out how to go for a boy once more. When she will get household her mother is as challenging as generally, but other people may well have unforeseen reactions. Penned by and starring trans actress Jen Richards, I observed There You Are most interesting for causes that genuinely should not be interesting at all. In the movie the way the emotional character beats and shifts get the job done is carried out in a rather mainstream design, to the issue wherever the most cynical viewer could see it as a small sentimental. However, it is still very rare to see this carried out with trans stories, which tend to be dominated by arthouse outlooks and a focus on the adverse sides of the trans encounter. There You Are demonstrates that possibly just as important are the stories that show a small additional hope, not the very least that in contexts like this it will help underline that trans people today are part of ‘us’ and not just a ‘them’. 4 out of five
Profane Cow (Vaca Profana) Director: Rene Guerra This is one particular of all those films that I can imagine leading to massive arguments amongst viewers who could glimpse at it in radically distinct methods. Nadia is a trans female who’s been mainly acknowledged by her neighborhood in a weak part of Brazil. Just one of her pals has a modest baby she wants to adopt out, so Nadia agrees to choose the baby, satisfying her prolonged held dream of motherhood. However, items get sophisticated when the birth mother has next feelings. It’s certainly an intriguing and at instances provocative movie, when delves into the concept that the longing for motherhood significantly transcends the actual physical means to have a baby, as nicely as the point that the actual physical means by itself does not make you a very good mother. However, the way it does it is perhaps problematic.
Although I do not believe it is making an attempt to propose that trans people today are in essence doing the role of somebody who’s a distinct gender than the one particular they ended up assigned at birth or that they are ‘weirdoes’, but the movie does perform into all those stereotypes at instances, not the very least when Nadia decides to wear a pretend baby stomach. This and a couple of other difficulties signify that when the film’s surface area is trans-positive, beneath it could be viewed as significantly additional problematic. 2.five out of five
Calamity Administrators: Severine be Streyker, Maxime Feyers Middle-aged couple France and Lucien return from a crack to unexpectedly find their son Romain and his new girlfriend Cleo in their household. France insists they stay for evening meal, as she wants to fulfill her son’s new appreciate curiosity. What none of Romain’s loved ones know while, and what he hadn’t wished to convey to them nonetheless, is that Cleo is a trans female in the early times of her ‘treatment’. When they realise this the loved ones does not know what to do, as it is a situation none of them has at any time even contemplated.
Calamity is a small which is shut to outstanding. The decision to focus on the mother and to flesh her character out so that we know she is not happy and stuck in an unfulfilling standing quo guarantees the movie avoids the melodramatic. Equally, the short’s humour will help to carry the viewer into the characters’ encounter. It also properly contrasts the appreciate and contentment of the young lovers with the emotional desert of the moms and dads, so that France’s desire for items to go back again to ordinary is not just about transphobia but also about validating the staid selections she’s designed in her lifestyle. However, there are a few far too many times wherever Calamity can’t very stability its loved ones tale with its self-consciously filmic times and an unevenness in its technique to a heightened fact. Although its still a very good movie, I did experience that it could have been additional. 3.five out of five
Michael Joseph Jason Scott
The closing screening of Iris Prize Shorts on Day 1 of the competition focused on difficulties surrounding masculinity.
Crashing Waves Director: Emma Gilbertson A extremely small small, Crashing Waves right away stands out for the reason that most of it is expressed via dance. Two young gentlemen (who, for want of a superior term would be classed by some as ‘chavs’) fulfill just outdoors some substantial-increase tower blocks on an internal-city housing estate. The tensions and doable connections amongst them appear out via dance, which in the beginning looks like it may well explode into violence or as a substitute could erupt into enthusiasm. But even when dancing the gentlemen simply cannot escape the planet they stay in. The movie is only four-minutes prolonged, but it lingers in your thoughts partly for the reason that it is so unforeseen and partly for the reason that it is extremely nicely carried out. Dance is usually filmed terribly on display, but Crashing Waves realises that the digicam is also a dancer and not just a window/lens. As a final result, it pulls the viewer into this sensual pas de deux. 3.five out of five
The War Place Director: Ben Hantkant Each 12 months at Iris there is at the very least one particular movie that absolutely flummoxes me and I experience like almost everything about it has flown about my head. The War Place is one particular of all those videos. I’m not even one hundred% guaranteed I can properly explain what it is about, but it sees a young gentleman dealing with lifestyle in the Israeli Army and the pressures and strategies of masculinity and bravado it areas on conscripts, especially if that form of machismo does not mirror who they are inside of. However, the entire thing usually takes areas in a form of darkish, dreamlike fantasy of projections and online video installations, as nicely as toy army gentlemen and efficiency art.
It’s the form of movie that will speak to some and get their brains performing, when other people will be still left absolutely cold. However for me it is the latter. I also speculate regardless of whether Israeli navy company is one particular of all those items which is challenging for outsiders to properly recognize with no having lived in the region and being familiar with the cultural and societal context of nationwide company. As this is a movie about it that is so open up and experimental, it leaves few openings to let outsider to properly get inside of. Although possibly I just want to enjoy it a few additional instances. 1.five out of five
Michael Joseph Jason Scott A gentleman hooks up with a guy on the web and invitations him round to his New York condominium. The visitor looks keen to maintain items nameless and get to the bedroom ideal absent. However, every single gentleman may well have distinct strategies about what they want to get from the fulfill, with one particular wondering about their long term and another considering anything significantly darker. Michael Joseph Jason Scott (titled immediately after the names one particular of the gentlemen guesses could be the other’s) is a additional clear-cut and easier enjoy than many of the other Iris Prize shorts.
That is not to say it is straightforward while, just that it is additional very easily accessible. Quite a few viewers customers will be capable to relate to problems about who you are inviting into your household, as nicely as the hope and feeling of prospects when you believe you have designed a connection with somebody. Although there are a couple of times, specifically in direction of the end, that could have benefitted from a small additional subtlety, it is still an pleasing enjoy. 3 out of five
Wren Boys I’ve viewed Wren Boys a couple of instances now and each individual time I genuinely want to like it. This is, immediately after all, a movie that acquired a Greatest Brief Film BAFTA nomination and a British Independent Film Awards Greatest British Brief nomination, as nicely as screening at the likes of Sundance, the BFI London Film Pageant and SXSX. However, every single time I’ve viewed it, it is felt to me unfinished and a small far too delighted with alone, and which is not for the reason that of its open up ending. I can recognize why many do like it while, as the concept at the rear of it and how it attempts to unpack that are attention-grabbing. The basic set up is that it is Boxing Day, and an Irish priest in County Cork is driving his nephew to jail to see one particular of the inmates. I won’t say a lot additional as part of the way the movie works is a gradual unravelling of the assumptions the viewer can make about who these people today are, as nicely what other characters are wondering and assuming about them. It also attempts to offer with a region trapped amongst an previous, rigid, Catholic, dogmatic way of being, and a new, enlightened region that has gay marriage (and certainly now has a gay chief). Even so, for me it works superior in concept than exercise, especially as a couple of its ‘twists’ experience like relatively hassle-free sleight of hand. 2 out of five
Something About Alex (Anders) Director: Reinout Hellenthal Something About Alex is a challenging one particular to discuss about just for the reason that the primary thing any viewer is likely to want to talk about about it is also a main spoiler. Alex has developed up on a farm but is upset when he discovers his sister and her boyfriend are transferring absent to the city. Realising that almost everything will improve, Alex finds it increasingly challenging to cover his accurate feelings. The movie works nicely just as what in the beginning seems like it could be a coming out tale, but in direction of the end it turns items on its head with a main twist, so that when we’ve been viewing the ‘truth’ it may well not be as other people perspective it.
Something About Alex is based about what is actually a rather straightforward concept, but it is a challenging one particular to pull off. It is while a extremely intelligent way to appear at the difficulties it is dealing with from a distinct angle, in methods that may well be easier for the viewers to empathise with than additional normal methods of accomplishing it. Even superior is that it is carried out in an very easily accessible and nicely put together way, assisted by a very good efficiency from the young direct. For me it was the greatest movie of Day 1 of Iris. 4.five out of five
Reviewer: Tim Isaac
The post Iris Prize Festival LGBT+ International Short Films 2018 – Part 1 (Short Film Reviews) appeared first on PrideGuy - Gay News, LGBT News, Politics & Entertainment.
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