#also it would make sense he have a fighting type (aside from lucario) but i dislike all the fighting types 😔😔
wings-of-angels · 7 months
trying to plan out what pokèmon bruce wayne would have... much to think about
#i am envisioning batman to have: noivern (obviously he must have one bat pokèmon). lucario. and greninja#i chose the last 2 partly because i like those pokèmon but theyre also powerful and stealthy pokèmon#so fitting for batman#and noiverns more of a less-stealthy heavy hitter i guess for when hes gotten civillians out the way#batman would have to have some sort of earplugs or padding in his cowl to deal with the sound noivern creates though.. hmmmmm#im also thinking he should have some sort of electric or tech pokèmon but i cant decide which one..#i gotta balance strategy vs his asthetic#it would be good if he had a fire and/or grass type pokèmon too but none really fit his vibe#also it would make sense he have a fighting type (aside from lucario) but i dislike all the fighting types 😔😔#sorry pretty privellage is REAL and it is stopping me from giving him other fighting types#idk.. much to think about#i think lucario makes a lot of sense tbh like they both have the drive to do good and help people#i can envision bruce finding a riolu during his time training and instantly having that connection#ORRR bruce is so strung up on his anger and bitterness. it takes meeting riolu (who rejects him for not being as virtuous as b would think)#for bruce to kinda enforce his own principles#of becoming batman to HELP amd do GOOD and not just for vengence#meanwhile i chose greninja cos its one of my favs#brucie wayne would also need different pokèmon to batman. otherwise his secret identity is WAYY too obvious#it would depend on what kind of bruce wayne i want tho#the more ditsy playboy brucie would have different pokèmon to... e.g. ben afflecks batman whos more sleazy businessman#so many different options#SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE i am... thinking
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coarsely · 5 months
Build a pokemon team for your ocs
Jumping on from @thanataes, because I thought this was such a fun idea! I may have gotten a little carried away, but I really like pokemon :) it's really fun to look at what suits their aesthetic, their fighting style, their personality, etc, while trying to create a balanced and workable team.
Ucalegon, Nod's most beloved warrior.
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Ucalegon is someone fairly concerned with aesthetics, but also as a fighter for Nod has to have a fairly balanced team. She often uses eletricity to taze and shock people, but also lives in a fairly urbanised area, hence the eletric and steel types. There is a certain level of mystique to her, which Absol represents, while also being considered wild and uncivilised by the Bronze Eden populace, which Lycanroc shows. Tauros acts as a good balance for the rest of the team's speciality, while also showing how full-on she can sometimes be.
Hendrix, leader of the Undark.
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Hendrix's team are all visually related to water creatures, although only two are actual water types. While he is heavily involved in the pirate aesthetic, he is not actually one, so I thought it would be fun to show that by only visually looking like sea creatures, while not being one. I chose two poison types, because he is mildly radioactive. Most ground attacks are physical, which suits his physical and aggressive nature, hence my choosing of those. Barbaracle was chosen because Hendrix does have barnacles in different places on his body, so it just makes sense. Garchomp, I can't really explain, it just feels right to have at least on dragon type on there. There's a certain status symbol thing with dragon types, and he is a leader of sorts, so it fits in!
Vítor Cadogan, former Gladiator of Golden Glimpse.
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Vítor was quite fun to do. Aside from Mimikyu, I tried not to choose too many recent pokemon, to show he's a little older than maybe you'd first expect. Once being a superhero for Golden Glimpse, I tried to make his team more varied, to have more options in a fight. Lucario evolves with high friendship, so it's nice to have that sort of implication that Vítor treats his pokemon very well. Jolteon is honestly mostly chosen because Golden Glimpse is visually very yellow, and it's cute to imagine one curling up in his lap. Porygon2 is because it requires a lot of trading to evolve, and Vítor is someone very well connected. His protective instincts are symbolised via Aegislash, and his secretive nature while also being very socialble feel well represented by Mimikyu.
Dr Edgar Edwards, former heavyweight champion of Bronze Eden.
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As his title suggests, Ed was once a highly successful boxer in Bronze Eden, winning the heavyweight championship 3 times in his career. This is why Hariyama and Machamp are there! Steelix and Weezing I chose due to his rags to riches story, which both represent to me with the sleek steel form and the pollution tophats. Houndoom feels like they fit in very well as a guard dog, which in a way Ed is one himself. Venusaur just felt right to add there. Very large, poisonous, and Ed is a war criminal who is not far off 8 feet tall, so it just feels good!
Diomede, exiled leader of the Vagor.
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Diomede is a horse girl, so Mudsdale was an obvious choice. His actual steed though is an elk, which Sawsbuck sort of emulates, so I went with them too. Crobat was fun to add because of the whole "cannot evolve without high friendship", while also being scary-looking, which hints at how much he loved his people when he was part of them, but doesn't necessarily show it. Golurk, being inspired by a golem, also shows that latent protective instinct he had. Being a ghost type also feels like it shows those are just memories now, which i like. Bisharp was chosen as Diomede is a weaponsmith like most Vagor, and Bisharp looks like it would help out! Bouffalant works well as being a Vagor is also about working in tandem with the wilderness and with the untameable megafauna that roam Nod, which Bouffalant is clearly inspired by.
Saccade, Punisher of Neo-Babylon
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For Saccade, it was important almost every pokemon felt recognisable as an animal. Saccade is quite a down-to-earth, no nonsense person, so these choices sort of infer that with their recognisable designs. Two are normal type, further cementing that she isn't someone majorly into the flashy looks of other pokemon. The exception to this is Noivern, who I'd imagine she rarely deploys as a sort of "suprise tool that will help us later". Mabosstiff, some of you might have noticed, is a shiny! I imagine Mabosstiff as a gift from her spouse when they were still alive, who Saccade rarely brings out in a fight either, for fear of losing them. Durant was chosen frankly just because I really like durant! Gallade, because in between these two pokemon she's hesitant to bring out, I think she needs a more aggressive partner to compensate. This team was also very fun to put together!
This was so fun to do! I'm gonna tag @megarywrites, @solipseismic, @revenantlore, @noblebs, @dyrewrites and @cream-and-tea, and of course, absolutely anyone else who is as taken with this concept as I was! Here is a link to the team builder, enjoy yourselves!
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hydrachea · 3 years
I’ve known this blog for a few days but if I had a penny for every thought you gave me I’d be rich. The Posessed!Volo AU especially, HoLy shietttt!?¿!!?
I saw the ’Laventon experiments w/Volo’ asks and that made me think of all the abilities that Volo would remain with permanently. I LOVE the crack idea that he uncontrollably phases through things and the Mirror traveling? Glorious. I personally hc that he regains his ’typing’, particularly that Giratina’s presence kinda modified his body and now he’s a literal Ghost-type lmao. A Snorlax about to bodyslam his has absolutely no effect and Lucario’s Close Combat passes harmlessly. Dark Pulse would obliterate him tho.
Also I like to think all the ”Heavy ball throwing at Volo” -art comes from the fact ppl want to test if he can be captured (and thinking that Yes, he can be, is hilarious)
Then he lets Akari catch him so no one else can. Also now he is always with her (and has a convinient private place to sulk/plan).
It’s 3:30 AM. I have to sleep now sorry for the nightly ramble that has 50/50 chance of making any sense in the morning.
((Btw if I make possible art/content of this AU in the future, is there a specific tag you want me to add?))
Let me preface this by saying I woke up to your message and it gave me warm fuzzies all morning. I'm so happy you've been enjoying my thoughts and that it's inspired you! And please never apologize for incoherent rambles or any kind of rambles, I love them dearly!
If you ever want to make any sort of content for it, I use "possessed volo au" as a tag to compile the stuff relating to it on my blog - and feel more than free to @ me or DM me your stuff! I'd love to see it!!
Now! For thoughts! I hadn't thought of any long-term consequences aside from his ability to travel to the distortion world (first manifesting as "glitching"), but the typing is interesting! Especially considering that with his whole "phasing through things" deal, it can be justified - Normal and Fighting type moves just phase through him like he used to phase through things himself. Not all moves do, that would be unfair, but the types Giratina is immune to are fair game. It's a very surprising moment when it first happens, and neither he nor Akari are even sure what it was, but she convinces him to let Laventon do some tests and it confirms that he's somehow immune to both those types of moves from pokemon - Laventon speculating (correctly) that it's due to Giratina's influence on his body.
I still don't think he can be captured, since in PLA pokeballs work through wild pokemon's ability to change their own size (which... hoo boy, I'm not working out the implications of that so I'm not giving Volo that ability). A nice alternative inspired by something @feroluce came up with is that in lieu of being captured, he can come into the distortion world from wherever he is as long as there's a reflective surface nearby, and come out wherever Akari is through a pocket mirror she always carries with her. Not quite sending him out to battle with a pokeball, but still a link he chooses to have with her and nobody else.
(That won't stop Rei and Akari from throwing balls at him to mess with him, or Laventon from studying him like he's another page of the pokedex. But it's ok.)
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mydreamsarejanked · 3 years
Had my mind on a Fire Force Pokemon AU and wanted to real quick type up some teams and misc. headcanons I was brainstorming, so here's Company 8 Pokemon teams, lol
Shinra; I considered giving Shinra the classic Charmander as a starter, but realized that was ridiculous when Scorbunny is right there. I mixed his team between Fire and Dark types to play on the aspect of his "devilish grin." I imagine he's a young, ambitious gym challenger, likely exploring with Arthur, Tamaki, Iris, and Maki! I also liked the idea of him having an Absol due to the aspect of it showing up after sensing danger to play on his origins with the fire.
His team;
- Cinderace
- Houndoom
- Absol
- Chandelure
- Ninetails
- Mightyena
Arthur; I wanted to play into the aspect of Arthur's love for fantasy by giving him a good mixture of Dragon and Fairy types, but him having an Aegislash as his primary partner was a must. Aside from doing the gym challenge, he has a lot of fantasies about meeting different legendaries. He had a chance encounter with Celebi as a child and has loved them ever since.
His team;
- Aegislash
- Grimmsnarl
- Togetic
- Salamence
- Turnator
- Tyrantum
Tamaki; I couldn't help myself but to make a cute cat themed team for Tamaki, it just makes sense. Tamaki doesn't care much for strategizing and creating a team with a balanced type theme, but she has an adoration for feline Pokemon. It doesn't stop her from wanting to pursue the gym challenge, either.
Her team;
- Incineroar
- Delcatty
- Persian
- Luxray
- Meowstick
- Liepard
Iris; I was very unsure about what theme I wanted to give Iris. I wanted to give her a theme of light to go with her being a Nun, but also involve her love for nature, so I settled on an Electric and Grass types! She isn't as interested in the gym challenge as her friends, and is considering becoming a breeder and caretaker when she grows up!
Her team;
- Lilligant
- Roserade
- Bellossom
- Flaaffy
- Vikavolt
- Joltik
Maki; I considered giving Maki a pure Fighting type team, but wanted to save that for Oubi. Instead, I added her witch theme by giving her a Fighting and Ghost type team. She's a very strong, passionate trainer who raises her Pokemon to have both good offense and defensive strength.
Her team;
- Mismagius
- Scrafty
- Pangoro
- Lucario
- Gourgeist
- Mimikyu
Vulcan; Admittedly, Vulcan was hard to choose for. I didn't particularly have a type theme I wanted to give him, so I settled for a lot of Pokemon with horns that're deer/bovine related to match with things like his welding mask. I imagine he works a lot in Pokemon tech, trying to find new wats to innovate things like the Flying Taxi in Galar, as well as being a huge advocate for Pokemon Preservations.
His team;
- Stantler
- Sawsbuck
- Dubwool
- Tauros
- Bouffalant
- Gogoat
Viktor; I like the idea of Viktor being an expert on whatever form of EV and IV training there are in-universe. I figured it'd be cute that he starts with an Eevee, but slowly learns how to raise a great purebred Eeveelution team he built up whilst researching evolutions. However, despite them being super strong, he's not great in battle, as he spaces out while strategizing and often gets lost in thoughts of research. As a kid, he took on the gym challenge with Joker, Leonard, and Benimaru.
His team;
- Espeon
- Umbreon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Vaporeon
- Sylveon
Hinawa; I can picture Hinawa as a very serious, no nonsense Steel gym leader for some reason. His Pokemon are all hardened to fight and aren't a very easy challenge, hence why he's a leader whom comes pretty late into the challenge. However, he softens when someone gets a win on him. They earned that badge, in his eyes.
His team;
- Aggron
- Steelix
- Skarmory
- Metagross
- Duraludon
- Bastiodon
Oubi; As stated earlier, I see Oubi as a purely Fighting type kind of guy, naturally. Like Hinawa, he's a gym leader, but he's much more relaxed. He doesn't take a lot of things seriously and would much rather think of Pokemon battles as a fun time to bond with your team than an all out competition. In his younger years, he and Hinawa used to compete together against the gym challenge.
His team;
- Machamp
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmonchan
- Sawk
- Mienshao
- Hariyama
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To everyone: what would your Pokemon teams be and why?
Oh good god.
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Well… this is going to get complicated. At least from me.
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Let’s start with assuming no legendary Pokemon. Makes life a bit easier. Of course only a bit.
So… first off a lot of this depends on generation and limit. If you’re asking for a full team that I would have with rotations and stuff, we’re looking at… probably close to 10 full teams of 6, maybe even more.
In my defense, I’m a major Pokemon fan and I really really like a lot of them.
Of course, if we’re going to cut down the team to a more manageable six which can be from any region/gen, but only one from each region/gen to keep things interesting and varied… well, it would depend on a lot of things, including mood and such, so if one were to ask me this question again it would likely change. But, here would be, as I feel right now, the team I would use if I was limited to only six, one per region/gen.
1: Lucario. I’ve been a fan of this guy for so so long, ever since it was first introduced. I loved Lucario and the mystery of Mew as a kid (still kinda do). The whole concept behind aura is amazing. One’s spiritual energy/life force/ soul being utilized in combat? Being able to sense others and see without seeing? So awesome. Lucario is just SO. FREAKING. COOL. It’s design is wonderful as well. Jackel/Anubis? Yes please. Plus, I’ve been maining Lucario in Smash Bros. ever since Brawl. You better believe it’s making my team.
2: Tyranitar. Is it probably the weakest pseudo legendary when it comes to typing? Yes. Do I care? No. Tyranitar is BA. First, it’s one of the only two pseudo’s to not be a dragon. Yes, 8 regions, 9 pseudo’s, and only 2 are not dragons. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some dragons. But… variety would be nice, you know? But yeah, not a dragon, still awesome. It’s Godzilla for crying out loud! Plus, its design is just so good. It’s simple but perfect. It’s a giant Lizard creature that could fell mountains. It doesn’t need to be complicated, and is perfectly awe-inspiring and terrifying without being complicated. I also used a Tyranitar in my Ultra Sun playthrough, a male one named Typhon, Man was he fun to use.
3: Golisopod. Listen, if a Pokemon is good enough for YOUR BOI GUZMA to use it on his team, you know it’s a good pokemon. It’s the Alola take on Gyarados and Milotic (weak pathetic first stage with few moves  and while those two do have a slightly higher BST, that ain’t enough to keep my boy Golisopod down. Golisopod’s design is just so good. An Isopod mixed with a Samurai? Sign me right up thank you. It mixes the creepy crawly aesthetic of the bug type with the strong proud samurai perfectly and I love it. And yeah, sure Emergency Exit can be kind of annoying, but it allows you a second usage of First Impression. That is worth it. Also, it’s shiny is dope.
4: Toxtricity. Part of building a team means keeping in mind type composition. I love Grimmsnarl dearly and equally, if not more so, but I already have one Dark-type on the team, so Toxtricity manages to bag this spot. At least, for now considering my current mood. Ask me again tomorrow, or even in an hour, my answer may very well change. Anyway, Toxtricity itself. When I fist saw the design, I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt. It was… interesting to say the least, but I couldn’t figure out what I was looking at, or what it was supposed to be. But after some more time with it, learning more about it and using one I can say that Toxtricity is easily one of my new favorites. Quite possibly my absolute fave from Gen 8. A punk lizard that plays music? Rock/Metal? HECK. YES. The form change is also pretty nice. The stats don’t change between the two, but I honestly like it that way. Just the idea that more energetic natures would have an ‘Amped Up’ form based on an electric guitar while the more mellow natures would have a ‘Lowkey’ one based on a bass is ingenious. Same with the movepool changes. It makes sense that the different forms with their different music preference would have different moves. (My personal fave is the Amped Up, especially with its shiny colors.) Plus, an electric posion type? SO. COOL. Who cares about 4x weak to earthquake, this thing is boss! And Punk Rock is an amazing ability.
5: Flygon. Man oh man was Flygon treated poorly. Added in Gen 3 as a solid pokemon, but with a better attack stat than a special attack one. True, not bad in it of itself but before the Special/Physical split, ALL Dragon-type moves were special. Meaning Dragon Claw, a solid dragon type move back in Gen 3, wasn’t yet a physical move. And Outrage wasn’t even something Flygon could learn yet (it wouldn’t be until Gen 7 that it became a TM). Then came gen 4. Now, I love gen 4. I truly do. It is by far my favorite Gen. And it did do something very good for Flygon. It gave the special/physical split, allowing some Dragon type moves to now be physical as well. But you know what else came along? Garchomp. Honestly, I like Garchomp, I do. But suddenly here we are with a new Dragon/Ground type that is a pseudo-legendary? My poor poor Flygon. And it didn’t get any better. I mean seriously, give Mewtwo and Charizard two megas but none to Flygon? WHILE GIVING ONE TO GARCHOMP WHO DIDN’T NEED IT AND WAS ITS BIGGEST COMPETITION?! Why Game Freak? Why?Anyway, mini-rant aside, I love Flygon. The design is incredible. The line is based on an antlion and is so cool. That sweet green design and the little lenses over the eyes? Perfect, just perfect. Plus, it has some sweet lore. Appearing in sandstorms with haunting music coming from its wings? Yes please. Beautiful pokemon that was done such disservices. It’s a shame really. With Megas gone, Flygon will likely never get that final boost it needs. Though considering it is in Galar while Garchomp isn’t… maybe Flygon will have a chance to shine again. (A shame though that it will never get to have a type change to Bug Dragon. Would be sick.) Regardless of the future though, Flygon will always have a place in my heart, and in my team. 
6: Zoroark. Yeah, I know what I said about team composition above with Toxtricity and Grimmsnarl. But  I also pointed out mood has a lot to do with it. Anyway, for Zoroark itself. Like Lucario, I’veb een a fan for so long, ever since it was first introduced. It’s kinda funny in a way. Zoroark acts as the perfect yin to Lucario’s yang. Lucario uses aura to sense things and to see, Zoroark is the maser of illusions. In it of itself, this illusion business is awesome, but add in how it counters Lucario and it works just so well. Typing as well, Lucario is a fighting steel, the type you’d think of for a chivalrous paladin of justice and truth, while Zoroark is dark (evil type in Japan), perfect for a sly illusion master. Of course, it’s not just dualism with Lucario. The line is just so amazing itself. Clearly drawing from Kitsune, Zoroark is a sly fox that is able to not just use illusions, but masters them to the point of being able to create solid constructs out of them (see the anime). It is just so cool, how can I not love it? Also, like Tyranitar before it, I used a female one named Vixen in my Ultra Sun playthrough and it was a delight. 
Anyway, that would be my team. You know, assuming all the limitations I put on myself and my mood at this moment. But if you guys enjoyed this and want to know more about my favorite pokemon, please let me know. I’m always happy and excited to talk about Pokemon.
Anyway, going to hand this over to the other mods. I’ve been monopolizing this ask for too long.
Ooo!! This’ll be fun to answer! Cause, well, I love Pokémon!!!
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But, forgive me for this; I haven’t played any of the games.
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So im just saying my favorite characters!!!
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1: Glacieon, I really, really like glacieons and have always loved ice type Pokémon. Mainly because I really like the cold. Like; really, really, like the cold. I also really like her attacks, their cool!!! (Pun intended)
2: Furret. Absolutely furret, I never knew why I liked furret, but. I’m just gonna blame it on me really liking Ferrets and cause I honestly have really liked normal types for some reason.
3: Vulpix (either one), I really like any fire type Pokémon mainly because I’ve always just had a very weird interest in fire and because vulpix can be either a fire or ice Pokémon I love that about them. And they remind me of a bunch of irl animals that I love!!
4: Smom , I LOVE THOSE LIL ICE BABEYS SO MUCH!?!? They are so cute-!? I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH???! They are all my children and I want to adopt them all, and I will. No one can stop me………except maybe the other mods-
5: Sylveon, absolutely. I always have such an attachment even with digital animals, so I absolutely would give my eevee enough attention and love for them to evolve into sylveon. Honestly, it’d end up be accidental, but, I still really love Sylveon, and wouldn’t care if I got more than one of them-
6: Flareon, listen- I just love eevees okay-? I love them all so so much, and would lay down my life for each and every one of them. Just 💞💞💕💖💓💖💝💞💖💕💝💓💕💞💖💞💖💝💘💖💕💕💞
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Ah, I bet you missed hearing from me! No worries, I’ll tell you my pokemon team, even if it’s not particularly exciting.
First off, a Pachirisu is a must for my team. I’ve always loved how hyper it can be and the mishaps it would cause. Plus, c’mon- who doesn’t like its color scheme?
I’d also incorporate Chimchar to my team. I’ve always had a soft spot for Chimchar, since it was my first ever starter and I leveled mine all the way up to 100 in my Pokemon Platinum playthrough.
Yamper definitely had my heart the moment I saw it! I have a really strong love for dogs, and its addition to the game got me so excited!! Kirigiri can vouch for me on that one.
Growlithe is also integral to me. When my dog was a puppy, I used to jokingly call her a growlithe. I don’t think I still have pictures, but I even got her a floof for halloween once so she could be in a costume with me. Also... Arcanine is seriously badass.
Wooloo is super cute too! I love that it rolls away from its problems, and I, too, wish to do that. Plus the braids immediately reminded me of Peko, so I was super soft for it the moment it was revealed.
Finally, I’ll add my favorite Eeveelution to the team: Glaceon! Something about its sleek design always made me happy, and the way its fur sharpens as defense is super interesting!
(If legendaries were allowed on the team, I would’ve added either Giratina or Shaymin. They’re my favorites.
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razieltwelve · 5 years
Company (FF XIII x Pokemon)
Lightning was not about to admit it, but she was lost. In retrospect, she probably should have purchased a map from one of the stores near the entrance, but they had been charging extortionate prices.
On the upside, I’m fairly sure we’ll die of thirst before starving to death in here. Lucario shooed away a number of Zubat that looked as though they wanted to attack.
“You’re not helping,” Lightning growled.
I wasn’t trying to. Lucario shrugged. And at least we’ve got light. It would be pretty bad if you had to wander around in the dark. I mean… I’d be fine. I’m awesome. But you? Heh. Humans are so awful at seeing in the dark.
“Yes, you’re wonderful,” Lightning drawled. “But at the moment, I think I like him more than you.” Lightning nodded at her Ampharos. The electric type was the one responsible for lightning their path through the cave. He gave her a jaunty salute and continued leading the way. “Not only does he provide light but he is also way less snarky than you.”
I prefer to think of myself as witty.
“I think the word you’re looking for is troublesome.” Lightning was about to say something else when Lucario and Ampharos both froze.
Wait. Lucario signalled for Ampharos to move closer to Lightning. The other pokemon wasn’t as fast as him, but he had a knack for fighting well off the back foot. If something got past Lucario, he was confident that Ampharos would be able to protect their trainer. There’s something up ahead.
“What is it?” Lightning asked as she reached for another pokeball. Lucario was her most reliable pokemon, for the most part, but she had others at her disposal. The last thing she wanted was for him to get injured in a place like this fighting a disadvantageous battle. “Is it a pokemon?”
I think so. Lucario crept forward and then leapt back as something burst out of the ground nearby. Show yourself!
As the dust cleared, a pokemon emerged. It took Lightning a moment to realise what she was looking at. With its large mouth, red belly, and dorsal fin, the Gible would have made for an intimidating sight if it wasn’t so small. The dragon eyed them warily, especially Lucario before growling and striking a more aggressive pose.
Leave him to me. Lucario moved smoothly to intercept Gible as the pokemon tried to lunge past him. A swift strike sent the smaller pokemon reeling away. He wasn’t using anything close to his full strength. Perhaps when he evolved, this pokemon might be a threat, but for the time being, he was a mere child, and Lucario did not believe in dealing too harshly with children. He seems to be hungry.
“Well, we could share some of our food with him,” Lightning replied. The Gible did look a little scrawny for his species, and there were some odd marks on his body too. If she didn’t know better, she’d say those were frost burns from ice attacks, but there shouldn’t be any ice pokemon in this cave. “Here.” She tossed some food toward the Gible. “Let him have that and ask him where he got those wounds from.”
The food calmed the Gible down, and Lucario was able to inquire about his injuries. It turned out that Lightning’s suspicions were partially correct. There had been ice pokemon in the cave recently. However, they weren’t native to the cave. Instead, they were being brought there by strange humans in weird outfits. Based on the description Gible was able to provide, Lightning thought it was probably one of several criminal organisation that frequented the area. 
Dragon types were always in high demand, so raiding areas like this cave could be very lucrative. Of course, Lightning had a permit to catch a dragon type if she encountered one here, but she doubted the criminals did. They were probably swiping as many as they could.
If that was the case, she’d have to stop them.
X     X     X
Lightning had always believed in striking hard, fast, and decisively. Once she had her opponent off balance, she was ruthless in pushing her advantage and denying them the time they needed to recover and regroup. Her approach to dealing with criminals was the same.
Once she’d located the criminals, she took a few moments to observe them before unleashing her pokemon. As she’d suspected, they were relying heavily on ice types to overwhelm and capture the Gibble that lived in the cave, as well as many of the other ground pokemon too. 
Her plan of attack was simple: her Lucario and Houndoom would engage the ice types while she, Ampharos and her other pokemon went after the trainers. Both Lucario and Houndoom were battle-hardened pokemon. They’d been with her back when she’d won her first and second leagues, and they’d helped her win her third league only a month ago. They could handle a few ice types, and once she and the others disabled the trainers, the battle would be over.
She reached for her pokeballs. Time to get started.
X     X     X
Ah, this brings back memories. Remember that time we got caught in a blizzard and got overrun by ice pokemon? Lucario calmly punched a Mamoswine in the face before twisting to kick it in the side. The impact sent it hurtling into the wall of the cave, and the battered pokemon struggled to rise before fainting.
Yes. Except we were weaker back then. Houndoom roared, and flame billowed outward, driving back a trio of ice pokemon. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ampharos knocking several criminals unconscious with well-placed shocks before Gardevoir flung her hand to one side, tossing aside enemy trainers and pokemon alike. Lightning, their trainer, was not idle either. She was using a shock baton to deal with any criminals she could reach. These small fry might actually have troubled us before. Now, they can’t even buy their trainers time to escape.
Lucario would have called Houndoom arrogant if the statement weren’t completely true. The two of them had been with Lightning for years, and they had both already grown far too powerful for any run-of-the-mill pokemon. He blurred into motion and dropped another four ice pokemon with expert precision before backtracking to grab Gible.
The young pokemon had followed them and had decided to join the battle to free his kin. Alas, his typing, inexperience, and youth meant he was in serious danger of injuring himself.
Stay back. Lucario dropped the Gible off next to Gardevoir. The fairy type could protect him. This is not a battle for you.
X     X     X
Lightning eyed the downed criminals with disdain. In retrospect, knocking all of them unconscious was going to make transporting them difficult, but there were too many of them for her to handle otherwise. At least, she had their pokeballs. 
“Watch them,” she told the Gibles. The dragon-ground types snickered evilly as they surrounded their would-be captors. She turned to the Gible they’d met earlier. “Do you know which way is out? We need to find the authorities.”
It didn’t take long for Gible to lead them to the exit, and Lightning was able to contact the local authorities to come pick up the criminals. It was, she felt a good day’s work, all things considered. As she and her pokemon prepared to leave, Gible scrambled over and nudged her leg with his head.
He wants to come along. Lucario folded his hands across his chest. He has seen our strength and believes he could achieve great things as one of your pokemon. He chuckled. Plus, he liked the food you gave him earlier.
“Is that so?” Lightning took out a pokeball. “Welcome to the team, Gible.”
X     X     X
Years later…
“You’ve come a long way,” Lightning murmured to the teenager in front of her. Cynthia was a rising star, someone who many believed would become the champion of her region. Having watched Cynthia battle several times, Lightning agreed. “Are you here to battle me?”
“I was hoping to,” Cynthia replied. “They say your Garchomp is the strongest in the world. I’d like to see how mine measures up.”
Lightning regarding the pokemon standing beside Cynthia. The teenager’s Garchomp was an excellent pokemon. From what Lightning had observed in Cynthia’s battles, her Garchomp had outstanding speed, power, and technique. Indeed, she was an outstanding pokemon, so much so that Lightning strongly suspected her development had begun to slow due to not being able to face opponents on her own level consistently enough.
That simply wouldn’t do. Cynthia had tremendous potential, and Lightning wanted her to reach it. Her lips twitched. Cynthia and Averia were practically the same age too. It would do her oldest daughter good to have peers and rivals to push her along. 
“Garchomp!” Lightning shouted. Her pokemon arrived a moment later, still wearing the apron he’d donned while slicing and dicing vegetables for lunch. Cooking was something he’d developed an appreciation for, and he liked to practice his fine control by cutting vegetables. “You’ve got a challenger.”
Immediately, the happy-go-lucky air around Garchomp faded as he shrugged off the apron and turned to gaze at his challenger. The air grew thick and heavy as he exerted the full weight of his presence on the other Garchomp. Lightning could sense his satisfaction when the other pokemon remained standing. There were few pokemon who could meet Garchomp’s gaze without flinching.
“Come on,” Lightning said. “We can use the field over there to battle.”
Cynthia’s eyes gleamed. “Thank you.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Lightning did a lot of travelling in her younger days, and she got into a fair bit of trouble too. In fact, that’s how she met a lot of her pokemon.
The Gible in this story eventually becomes a Garchomp, and he plays a pivotal role in Lightning eventually becoming the undisputed and undefeated world champion. His success would inspire many young trainers to catch and train Gibles of their own. He is also not half bad as a cook although he is especially good when it comes to cutting things like vegetables. When Averia and Diana were little, they would only eat their vegetables if they got to see Garchomp slice them.
Note that in this AU, the timeline is set so that Averia is roughly the same age as Cynthia. When Averia eventually becomes the world champion (following in Lightning’s footsteps), Cynthia is the reigning Sinnoh champion. The two regularly spar, with Cynthia’s Garchomp often squaring off against Averia’s Hydreigon.
You can find me on fanfiction.net, AO3, and Amazon.
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mrauthor3ds · 6 years
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This is my SSBU tier list of the fighters’ canon power!
Just a quick note: just because some characters are in a lower tier doesn’t mean they can’t compete with the tier above. Well...except for the Normal Human and Penny-Sized tiers. But Peak-Human and up, they can still find a way to battle with the tier just above themselves.
-= GODLY =- - Dark Samus: The single most dangerous entity in the Metroidverse. Teleportation, intangibility, possession, power absorption, Phazon corruption, illusions, fast regeneration, and everything that the Power Suit can do...It took the death of the planet Phaaze to put her down, and even that required some strange circumstances! - Kirby: Already confirmed to hold infinite power. And regularly dukes it out with cosmic horrors, anyway. - Ganondorf: Holds the godly might of the Triforce of Power, and nigh limitless magic with it. Unless you have a divine weapon/power, you stand no chance of slaying him. - Mewtwo: Can conjure a global mega-storm, and that’s BEFORE Mega Evolution (which it can potentially do on its own). - Rosalina & Luma: Rosie can pilot the whole Comet Observatory swiftly throughout the cosmos, and the Lumas are capable of undoing a powerful black hole. - Palutena: Even if she’s not the strongest god in the Kid Icarus world, she’s still VERY powerful. She’s also the source of many of the Powers that Pit used, including the finishing shot to Hades. - Shulk: Even if his Monado III alone isn’t the True Monado, but rather a third of it (alongside Zanza’s and Meyneth’s Monados, which it combined with to remake the world), it still allows Shulk to be a godslayer. - Bayonetta: Again, a godslayer. And one that can bend time and space.
-= HIGH SUPERHUMAN =- - Mario: As one of the seven Star Children, it makes sense. He’s also incredibly strong, tough, quick, and can adapt to just about anything. - Donkey Kong: Another Star Child, and one that can punch his world’s moon down to the surface! - Link: Not just for his Master Sword, but his high adaptability to different powers in each incarnation. The Champion here even harnesses the powerful magic of his four comrades! - Samus: Even if she alone isn’t planet-busting, her Power Suit still makes her a one-woman army against all sorts of biological and mechanical horrors that overshadow the whole Federation. - Yoshi: Another Star Child. While all Yoshis pretty much have the same capabilities, they’re still generally strong, fast, and tough enough to handle all sorts of things - even getting kicked to the moon and hurling gigantic Eggdozers! - Luigi: Another Star Child. Being similar enough to Mario means his strength is practically on-par with him - moreso, if you consider his great potential. - Ness: By the end of EarthBound, Ness harnesses the power of the Earth itself, allowing him and his friends to withstand even Giygas’s powers. - Peach: Another Star Child. She may not look it, but she’s quite powerful when she must be - likely due to her great magic, which can even overpower and shatter the reality-bending Dream Stone! - Bowser: Another Star Child. And a darn stubborn one at that. Besides his super-strength, his greatest claim to fame is a grand combination of tenacity and durability. Still mortal, but it takes a lot (or just circumstances) to end him. - Zelda: While she doesn’t have Link’s physical prowess, she still wields great divine magic. Only thing keeping her in this tier is that she’s as mortal as Link. - Meta Knight: Clearly not on the same ground as Kirby, but he’s able to keep up by repeatedly defeating the planetary threat, Galacta Knight. - Wario: Another Star Child. His strength, defense, and speed are practically on-par with the other Star Children. - Charizard: Being a high-stage Pokemon, this is a fitting place to put Charizard. Mega Evolution aside, it’s quite fast and can melt stone with its fire breath (which is better than how it performs in the main games’ battle system, but official lore counts in canon power). - Lucas: He holds a PSI that resonates with the Dark Dragon that practically holds the remaining world together - something that even the powerful Magypsies can’t harness. - Sonic: There are limitations to the Super/Hyper Transformations (mainly Ring Energy), but it’s enough to let him duke it out with immense threats time and time again. That or the power of teamwork after Unleashed. Eh, still a high tier. - King Dedede: Again, not on the same level as Kirby, but close enough. The Dedede Clones’ flavor text did say they were cloned from “one of the strongest life-forms on the planet“. And he’s still capable of standing up to cosmic threats. - Lucario: High-stage Pokemon. Also has a versatile skillset, Aura senses, and Mega Evolution. - Greninja: High-stage Pokemon. Besides ninjutsu and high power, it can potentially Battle Bond and turn into Ash-Greninja, which is even faster and stronger than before. - Robin: He’s a step above the divine sword wielders because he holds the power of Grima. And in gameplay, he’s one of the strongest units in terms of max stats and Skill variety, AND confirmed that he can size up other units at a glance. - Ryu: It’s not just the power of Ansatsuken that puts him here, but also the Power of Nothingness (Mu no Ken), which gives him much, MUCH more influence over his ki and his surroundings. It’s also practically confirmed to be stronger than the Satsui no Hado alone. - Corrin: Like Robin, Corrin has greater power than most humans in his world, being half-dragon, holding power over Dragon Veins, and access to a wide variety of Skills. And that’s before accounting Omega Yato, a sword with enough power to destroy the world! - Ridley: Not as dangerous as Dark Samus, but still a massive threat (no pun intended). Swift, strong, and able to heal himself quickly through metabolism alone...not to mention his smarts and HUGE sadism (again, no pun intended)! - Incineroar: High-stage Pokemon. Besides its high durability and strength, it can resonate with its own unique Z-Power.
-= SUPERHUMAN =- - Pikachu: Put here as a mid-stage Pokemon. General Pikachu are fast and have lightning-grade electric power, but are otherwise physically vulnerable. - Daisy: Nothing hints that Daisy has magical power on par with Peach, but she’s still capable enough to keep up with the others in all the (really dangerous) sports they play. - Sheik: This is pretty much Zelda, but keep in mind that she used this persona to hide from Ganondorf’s notice. That means her magical power is purposefully handicapped in this form. - Marth: Having a dragon-slaying sword isn’t enough to make Marth demi-godly, but it is just enough for him to stand up to such foes. Being able to heal is definitely a nice touch. - Lucina: Same as Marth. Wields the same dragon-slaying sword, but she went through comparatively more dangerous situations than Marth did (essentially being close to an apocalypse). - Young Link: Not quite as powerful as an adult Link, but still much stronger than most adult warriors in his world. Not sure just how high the Fierce Deity Mask would take him...but then again, it can only be used when fighting bosses. - Roy: Same deal as Marth and Lucina. Though the Binding Blade is the source of most of his incredible might, his keen mind is nothing to sneeze at. - Chrom: While he didn’t go through Lucina’s harrowing experiences, he still managed to complete his Falchion’s Awakening. - Pit: Yes, Pit can battle with gods, but let’s be honest - most of his strength was lent by Palutena and Viridi, especially in the final battle against Hades. - Dark Pit: Same as Pit. - Ike: I will admit that Ike was capable of standing up to a more literal goddess (since other gods were just really strong dragons)...but he DID have the direct blessing of that goddess’s counterpart, so... - Ivysaur: Mid-stage Pokemon. Being able to cut through trees and induce sleep, paralysis, and poison alone is pretty scary. It’s like a Poison Ivy in the making... - Diddy Kong: Not quite as powerful as DK, but able to keep up with his gadgets. Which he made himself. From LOGS and BARRELS. How does he do it?? - R.O.B.: ...Really not sure where to put this. Really, I’m gauging R.O.B. by his World of Trophies incarnation (the Ancient Minister). Yeah, he has rocket thrusters and eye lasers, but not much indicating him to directly match the High Superhumans. - Toon Link: Same deal as Young Link, though this one has wielded both the Master Sword (which Young Link himself couldn’t) and the Phantom Sword (which holds the power of the Phantom Hourglass). - Mega Man: I probably should put Mega Man in High Superhuman, but I did consider that the Reploids made 100 years later were all made to be stronger than this one (somehow)...Still! With the right weapons, he can handle just about anything! - Mii Fighters: Again, not sure where to put these, since Miis’ power varies based on the game they’re in. Their strongest instance I can think of is Miitopia, but that’s still general RPG adventurers. - PAC-MAN: Might be higher, might be lower...He’s so underused, it’s hard to tell. - Bowser Jr.: Only here because he’s not yet on Bowser’s level, but still capable of giving Mario and friends a hard time. Same with the Koopalings, also being bosses. - Ken: Only thing keeping Ken a tier below Ryu is that he hasn’t harnessed the Power of Nothingness. But being an Ansatsuken practitioner, he’s still far above the average fighter. - Cloud: ...Could be higher, but it REALLY feels like Aerith played the biggest part in the team’s victory against Sephiroth (especially when you consider the mind-boggling Super Nova). Still, he’s far stronger and tougher than even actual SOLDIERs. - Inkling: Certainly not city-busting types, but their bizarre ink powers make them really hard to take out. And the fact that Inklings are brave fighters by nature makes it hard to make them surrender. - Simon: He’s capable of using weapons that are strong against demons and vampires and the like. Doesn’t make HIM godly, but it’s still something. - Richter: Same deal as Simon. (Though he did get brainwashed at one point...) - King K. Rool: I’m not sure how K. Rool compares to Donkey Kong, since he’s been absent before DK was shown in his prime. Still, his crazy gear and trickery does at least let him keep up with the ape.
-= PEAK-HUMAN =- - Fox: He may be a threat in Smash, but in the Star Fox games, he’s mostly just a pilot. Still, it did take a lot of training to be capable of flying fast interstellar spaceships. Not enough to directly compete with supernatural powers himself, but it makes him quite strong. - Captain Falcon: Similar deal with F-Zero racers like Captain Falcon. And before you try to bring up the anime scene, it wasn’t his Falcon Punch that blew up Black Shadow’s base. That was thanks to the Dark Reactor malfunctioning (thanks to the full Boost on Rick Wheeler’s vehicle). Falcon was just keeping Black Shadow from getting away from the Reactor before it exploded. - Jigglypuff: Lower-stage Pokemon. Well, its natural skillset wouldn’t quite compare to Pikachu’s in realistic power, but it’s still much stronger than most normal people. Quite a lot of low-stage Pokemon are. - Ice Climbers: They may be small and cute, but they’re still trained to scale tall icy mountains and battle with hot pants-clad polar bears. - Pichu: Low-stage Pokemon. While it’s a GOD in Smash, it’s very weak in the Pokemon world. It IS one of the “baby Pokemon”, after all. - Falco: Just like with Fox. - Zero Suit Samus: Without her Power Suit, she doesn’t have much besides a Paralyzer. Still, she is more fit than other humans, thanks to her Chozo training (and splicing). - Snake: Being a super-clone makes him very strong by human standards. How much higher he goes from there depends on what weapons he salvages, since he begins all his missions with the bare essentials. - Pokemon Trainer: Yeah, I know. These Trainers are all children, ages 11-15. But they’re still capable of trekking across regions, going through dangerous climates and areas, and can fall quite far without a scratch. Heck, being able to hang onto a fast-flying Pokemon doesn’t sound like something an ordinary kid can do! - Squirtle: Low-stage Pokemon. While its water attacks ARE high-pressure and capable of sending foes flying, they still pale in comparison to its higher stages. - Wolf: Just like with Fox. - Little Mac: Just a boxer, sure. But a very resilient boxer able to easily take down opponents far higher than his own weight class - even when they use their stranger skills (like Great Tiger and Soda Popinski). - Piranha Plant: Yes, these man-eating plants are a threat to most people, but to the lead characters like Mario, these are just common enemies.
-= NORMAL HUMAN =- - Dr. Mario: This Mario comes from a reality where he only battles diseases with vitamin pills. Not much to prove himself on par with the usual Mario, but I could be wrong here. - Mr. Game & Watch: Let’s face it - the usual lead roles of the Game & Watch games are ordinary people. - Villager: Probably one of the most pacifistic characters to ever join Smash. The worst he ever had to deal with in Animal Crossing were tiny scorpions and spiders. - Wii Fit Trainer: Certainly a fit individual, but not one that engages in combat frequently in Wii Fit. Pretty sure she can’t even conjure solar power there... - Duck Hunt: They’re just a normal hunting dog and a normal duck. Yup. - Isabelle: Same deal as Villager, really.
-= PENNY-SIZED =- - Olimar: I made this tier. SPECIFICALLY. For Olimar and the Pikmin. Also applies to Alph, because same size.
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hundredsunny · 7 years
op oc #3: APRIL
im baaaaaaack
u are about to read about my prime DAUGHTER april. the rogue princess. a real pokemon! hahahhahaha she nabbed herself the AURA AURA FRUIT yo this is wild so get ready to learn about ol’ blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!
NAME: april (i dont have a surname for her i cant think of anything and ive had her for 8 years im sorry) EPITHET: “aura shooter” ooOOoOOoOoo AGE: 18 (pre) 20 (post) BIRTHDAY: april (incredible would u have ever guessed) 5th!!!  BIRTHPLACE: nimbasa island in the south blue SEX: female HEIGHT: 5′6″ WEIGHT: 122lbs HAIR COLOR: sandy brown EYE COLOR: blue APPEARANCE: before she escaped her home, she wore an icy blue dress underneath a navy blue cloak and her hair down with a CROWN of course but she hated wearing it a lot. her hair when worn down reaches the middle of her biceps. after she escaped she ONLY wore her hair in a ponytail and she always wore a red bandanna with a white arch atop her head at all times!! it was a gift from her mamma the QUEEN herself. she also wore a white t-shirt with red triangles bordering the collar and the ends of her sleeves. does that make sense? i sure hope. she wore a red sash around her waist and then she popped on some black pants and boots. real piratey. also some of her hair kinda pops out in the front so theres a good chunk that sometimes covers her left side. look at u go princess. AFTER the timeskip she cut her hair so it reaches just above her shoulders, and instead of wearing her hair up and with the bandanna, she wears it down but with a black headband. her bandanna is tied around her left bicep (fashion inspo: zoro). she wears a green sleeveless crop top, and theres a scar that reaches from the back of her shoulder to the end of her collarbone. she earned that shit from her wild timeskip training. oof. shes ok. she wears light-washed pants and some addidas-lookin shoes lmao she also wears a rly loose belt too. also she has gold earrings and thas about it. her eyes are round and just v pretty and blue. her nose turns up at the end just a tad bit and it’s so cute she’s so cute. she has a dimple on the right side of her mouth. her mommas face :’) shes fairly skinny but after the timeskip she gained some muscles made 4 punching douchecanoes  REPRESENTATIVE SMELL: vanilla FAVE FOOD: pasta FAVE DRINK: lemonade  FAVE SEASON: fall REPRESENTATIVE NATIONALITY: australian BOUNTY: initial bounty was 60,000,000 (for being runaway royalty) but after dressrosa she SKRTED up to 155,000,000 DEVIL FRUIT: aura aura fruit a paramecia type. the fruit allows the user to manipulate their energy. with the aura aura fruit, users are able to detect the aura of others, repel the aura of others, and project their own. the power of aura is mood-sensitive and can change a lot. can u believe april is lucario 6 forms of aura: red is physical nature, orange is intelligence, yellow is sheer willpower, green is healing, blue is emotion, vioilet(i THINK) is mental communication. i forgot what i wrote down for the aura types lmaoooo the biggest drawback of this fruit is that the user can only use a limited amount at one time. another drawback is that they cant manipulate other people’s aura??? it’s rly hard to explain this but trust me it makes sense when it’s put into action i promise SKILLS SET: most of her attacks are used with red aura since it relates to physical nature. wild. “aura bullet” is just shootin aura goodbye. i love pokemon. lmao. uh “aura detect” is when she can see what someone else’s aura looks like, so basically she can determine if someone is a bastard or not before they even open their mouth. “aura clone” clones herself with aura and that takes a LOT of effort to pull this one off especially when she wants to use multiple clones. “aura bomb” yo this one is wild she uses it for diversions and escaping since it kinda acts as a smoke bomb but when she uses this thing in battle OOOOH BOY. “starstorm” ok this is like the “im going to die after i do this move” kinda thing. it combines all the damn types of aura and it just RAINS down on ppl. goodbye april. anyways there are more basic moves but i dont rly wanna get too into that rn im sorry PROFESSION: runaway princess lol CREW: straw hat pirates  PERSONALITY: an easygoing girl. v mellow for the most part but there are times where she can get pretty goofy (thanks jack). if the wrong buttons are pushed, she becomes a HURRICANE. she does have confidence issues but since she met luffy, she’s really started to overcome them. shes got a horrible habit of being sarcastic and also she asks a LOT of questions holy SHIT honey. she is TERRIFIED of heights so when franky lays down a good ol coup de burst, her soul leaves her body. g o o d b y e. she was very cold when she first met luffy and the gang bc she lived with the person who killed her mom AND jack left sooooo she was a little bitter. eventually she learned to rly live with the mugiwaras. when she first joined the crew, she was very shy and timid and tried hard to fit in. she was SO intimidated by zoro like he genuinely scared the fuck out of her so she always tried hard to not be a Fool around him but once she got comfortable with everyone she just had a good ol time. “hey grassy ass!! :))” “can u fucking not call me that”. she has the CUTEST laugh oh me oh my. honestly just a rly passionate gal, she just wants to be strong and be able to protect her pals. refuses outside help. bros out with luffy and usopp and chopper sometimes but also judges them from afar like nami does. it all just depends on the day. truly. i once wrote a series of one-shots where each one was an adventure that april had with one other straw hat. luffy was the first one, and THAT was wild. zoro’s was fucking baller. so on and so forth. rly shows off her dynamic with each member. april? shes honestly just a good person and im proud of her bc she works so hard  LIKES: training, traveling, every single animal ever, reading DISLIKES: heights, the marines, the heat, people who walk horrifically slow in crowded places WEAPON(S): aside from her devil fruit shes got a dagger she sometimes uses. jack gave one to her right before he left HISTORY: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO king jed and queen serena had a baby girl. APRIL. that made her the princess. anyways she grew up as any princess would--spoiled. however the spoiling never got to her head bc serena was so good about teaching her things like that. serena was a goddess i love her pls come back. serena was wildly popular with the citizens of the kingdom bc of her caring and friendly personality. she would always take april into the kingdom every day and pay visits to the citizens. out of all the citizens they paid visits to, the most common faces she saw were those of the solo family. cain was jed’s most talented and trusted knight. he and his wife celeste had 2 kids: jack and sho YO. jack was 7 yrs older than sho and 3 yrs older than april. april and jack became fast friends and often explored the kingdom together. regular kid stuff u know. jack’s mom was always like “jack NO u CANNOT take the PRINCESS to the farms thats FILTY” hahahah but they went anyway.  jed? a dark man. idk who hurt him or what made him so murderous. but. he was tired of serena treating the citizens like equals. he believed that royalty should be viewed as gods.  when april was 8 jed killed serena oh god there it is theres the tragic anime mom death. as soon as serena died, the dynamic of the kingdom instantly changed. soon after jed took total control, people began leaving the island. eventually, the island became so empty that only a handful of families remained. jed did not allow april to leave the castle at all, and with that rule, it damaged the friendship that she and jack had. ofc around that time jack’s dad ran off as well so he stopped tryin to visit her for a bit. but then once he got back into his groove hed sneak all about, avoiding the night patrols, and hed just sit outside of april’s window and talk to her.  when april was 11 she discovered a devil fruit hidden away in the trashed artifacts that belonged to her mother. she ate the devil fruit and was like “now im strong, fight me JED” but lol she got her ass whooped poor bby when april was 16 jack left the island, leaving her completely and utterly alone. the exposure to such loneliness began to change april into a more reserved, bitter person.  2 yrs later the STRAW HATS stumbled upon the island. at that time april had started a habit of sneaking out of the castle to roam the empty streets of nimbasa, but during one of her strolls, she encountered robin, franky, and brook. she ended up knocking them unconscious bc she felt threatened. the second group she met consisted of zoro, chopper, and sanji. they had been captured by guards and were brought into the throne room to be interrogated by jed. april was required to be there as well so she kinda sat in her throne and looked mad the entire time. sanji was like “NO WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO MAD SHE NEEDS TO BE HAPPY” and zoro was like “ive never seen someone so happy to see my face” and chopper was just having a crisis bc they were abt to be tossed into the shadow realm at the hands of the king. zoro got mouthy and jed didnt have none of that shit so he told april to kill zoro but she just knocked him out instead. that pissed jed off. THE NEXT person she met was luffy. she only met luffy bc he infiltrated a banquet thing by sitting underneath a cart. classic luffy. she didnt meet nami and usopp until WAAAAY later. yadda yadda yadda shit goes down (i wrote a whole arc for this. it’s called the princess and the pirates lmao original but yes i wrote an entire arc for her recruitment and it’s A Lot) ANYWAYS luffy asked her to join the crew but she declined at first bc she thought pirates were just like her father: power-hungry and murderous. however that obv changed when she was exposed to the straw hats more when luffy defeated jed who ate the ___ ___ fruit (tbh i forgot what fruit he ate im sorry) she KNEW she belonged with the straw hats. :’) she still be sailin with the legends. shes had some wild times obv. her arc comes a bit after thriller bark. woopie!!!!!!! like always, lemme know if u wanna know more about her!!!
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Drabble: Unovian Multi League Championship Finals
This wasn’t how he expected the finals would go. The finals were a Hexabattle, a full 12 pokemon on the field to start, now dwindled down to just a three on one.  The Kalosian Mega Stars were the predicted ones to win, a team of six powerhouse users who showed impeccable synergy. Normally, Nate would be fine with just six pokemon, but these weren’t just any pokemon. They were all Mega Evolved pokemon. Mega Blaziken: their main brawler and Ace; Mega Alakazam: a support, psychic, and teleport user; Mega Gardevior: agile multi attacker and teleport user; Mega Garchomp: a brawler and multi attacker; Mega Gallade: their main Wide Guard user; Mega Audino: their main support.
Yes, he had taken this into account; his goal was to use their synergy against them. He knew for a fact that his pokemon worked together better. Espeon and Lucario oversaw helping Nate with commands and battle strategy, and Zoroark could use their illusions to confuse the opponents, and while also whittling down and taking out opponents from the shadows. Golisopod was their Wide Guard user, and many of his pokemon had moves that could hit multiple opponents. Espeon focused on status cures as well, using heal bell in combination with her natural sensing abilities to ensure she stayed alive. Overall, the team was extremely balanced. Despite this, Nate only had one pokemon who could mega evolve: Lucario. All his team members had fought well, but they were overpowered. Zoroark and Lucario had made a good final stand, but unfortunately, not even Zoroark could last.
He fainted while sacrificing himself, using Night Daze to take down their Mega Alakazam, damaging their Mega Gardevior as well.
It was only Nate and Lucario left now, and the crowd was going wild. Although Nate was gaining a growing fanbase during this tournament (aside from the fangirls who managed to join in), he was still the underdog. The Kalosian Mega Stars have been on a winning streak all season, and with the biggest championship in their grasp again, almost everyone was expecting them to win. It seemed that Nate’s opponents were taking that in too, he could sense emotions of confidence and even some cockiness as the opponents decided to slow down a bit and revel in their victory… or let Nate revel in his possible defeat. Assholes.
“Any last words?” shouted one of them, as if they were about to sentence someone to death for a crime, to which a myriad of cheers and boos resounded through the entire arena. Honestly, Nate still was ready to fight, but the back of his mind he was already starting to accept the loss. That was, until his partner’s voice cut through the noise and echoed through his head.
You shouldn’t count us out. I can still fight, and we can still win. The adamant voice in his head didn’t back down. Unfortunately, Nate didn’t fully know what was going on in Lucario’s mind.
Win? We’re outnumbered.
We’re not outnumbered here. Not in this crowd.
They clearly were… but unlike Nate, who was experienced with aura, he was not indulged in Aura like his partner. The power of Mega Evolution enhanced Mega Lucario’s ability to sense aura, so much so that he would be overwhelmed if Nate wasn’t there. Clearly, Lucario was implying something different here, something they could use to their advantage.
Something they had practiced, but was entirely too risky.
Wait… are you implying th-
Yes. The flow of aura is strong here, and emotions are intense. If we use Aura Synchronization, we might have a chance. It was… a good but extremely risky idea. Aura Synchronization occurred when the Trainer and Pokemon synced their auras to the point where they were practically one and the same, something that normally required a special aura or even an ability to get right. Their heartbeat, breathing, movement, vision… everything was shared, and it was something extremely risky. They had seen it once with Ash and Ash Greninja, something so powerful that it required not only both their special auras, but the ability Battle Bond and a friendship that practically matched the one seen with Ash and Pikachu. It was a special case, but Nate and Lucario were determined to replicate something similar with only Aura.
The last time they both tried it, they wound up getting knocked out cold, and Nate was in bed for a week.
You know it’s dangerous… for both of us. It’s why we haven’t even tried it-
Do you want to win? Lucario interrupted Nate again in conversation, enough to force him to look inside himself. He turned to Lucario, then to the booth up where all his friends were. They all were rooting for him, they all wanted him to win. He turned to the crowd, seeing the many faces around him. Many of them wanted him to win, and the ones who didn’t… well, he had something to show them.
He then turned to his opponents. Their smug faces, irritated him just by looking at them. Their auras were giving off that kind of feeling too, the kind that gave him those hunches and make him want to punch their faces in. He had something to prove, and Lucario too.
Smirking, Nate let out a telepathic Thanks to his partner, before both simultaneously looking towards their opponents. With determined looks, they both pointed at their opponents, Lucario’s voice echoing through Nate’s mind as they both shouted:
“We’re not done fighting yet.” With powerful motions the two of them clenched their fists and beat their chest. Adrenaline began pumping, breathing and motions were in sync. If you looked carefully, you might swear that their eyes began to glow. Neither of them even heard what the opposing leader said, as the two of them began to focus with closed eyes, look deep inside themselves, feeling each other’s presence through the crowd. Through that focus, they felt how both their auras began to react to the flow of aura around them. The intensity of the crowd grew as excitement had grown, their fighting words began to excite the crowd. If it was a battle they wanted, then a battle they would get.
Riding the torrent of aura, the two of them placed their right hands forward, palm outstretching as aura began to flow through them, the two of them connecting and binding their auras together. This feeling of connectedness was something that could not be explained, a oneness that grew as the two grew closer and closer in harmony with each other, until-
Opening their eyes, an intensity filled the air as the power of aura affected the air in the stadium. A gust of wind emanated from the two of them, so strong that it deflected a Fire Blast heading directly towards them. Everything was connected, everything was there. Thousands of auras were making their mark on the flow, creating a torrent that now flowed through the duo. This was something that made them feel utterly alive.
All they had to do was focus on each other now. Be in sync, no distractions.
With synchronized motion, the duo moved together, ducking out of the way of a Blaze Kick. Nate barely remembered to keep his feet planted in the motion; Lucario was producing the attacks, but the both of them were battling. Palm outstretched, a large “AURA SPHERE” blasted forth towards Gallade and Gardevior, forcing the latter to teleport while the Gallade nearly dodged the sphere but was hit with the blast. The two of them could sense the fairy’s new location immediately, and with a quick shift they jumped forward, throwing a “BULLET PUNCH” towards the Gardevior with augmented momentum. Caught off guard, the Gardevior took the full force of their power, this time a critical hit which sent her flying.
With a flash of light, the psychic fairy type was mega no more, fainted from a final priority blow. Turning to the Blaziken and Gallade, the two of them and their trainers realized that whatever happened with Nate and Lucario was serious.
This was the power of Synchronization. This was the power that Nate had seen tapped into between Ash and Greninja. Bonds so strong that they were beyond bonds.
Mega Lucario: Aura Sphere, Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Bone Rush.
Mega Blaziken: Blaze Kick, Fire Blast, High Jump Kick, Aerial Ace
Mega Gallade: Wide Guard, Psycho Cut, Ice Punch, Close Combat
Turning towards their opponents, the duo stood strong, a small gust of wind circulating through the stadium as Lucario’s aura feelers flowed outward. Only an aura sensitive person would realize that they were moving in tune with the flow of Aura, rather than the wind that was produced by the Aura’s powers. The cape on Gallade’s back and the flames of Blaziken could not help but flow in the wind, however.
“I don’t know what fancy trick you just did, but isn’t going to help!” shouted the leader, who the duo could tell that he rather pissed that their little celebration was over, similar to how the Blaziken reacted. “Let’s actually end this loser! Blaziken, High Jump Kick!” Jumping up high, the Blazkien moved with immense speed, quickly converging towards his target. At these speeds, it was rare for a Blaziken to miss.
“Gallade! Psycho Cut!” The psychic type also moved forward, although at a much slower pace than Blaziken, reading a purple blade of psychic energy in their blade-like arms to strike at a critical point.
However, the duo was not gonna fall for a simple trick. Bullet Punch still readied, Lucario moved quickly, barely dodging the torpedo that was Blaziken and meeting Gallade head on, psychic sword against steel fist. The clash against two moves felt invigorating, as Nate could feel the resistance Lucario was facing. Yet the two of them could already sense a shift, as the now damage Blaziken came forward with a Blaze Kick. Force to make a move, Lucario pushed himself off Gallade, and Nate felt his hands move together to form a staff out of Bone Rush, which then broke into two smaller bone clubs. Ready for the next onslaught, the duo dropped to a defensive pose, just in time as the Gallade came in with a Close Combat, while Blaziken came in with Aerial Ace. Powerful kicks and devastating slashes converged on the Lucario, who used the aura to block and weave through the attacks, searching for an opening.
No such opening came, however, as Blaziken threw a roundhouse Blaze Kick to Lucario with lightning speed, forcing Lucario to instinctively block but be immediately pushed back. Nate could feel the pain of the super effective move, his arms burning with intensity; of course he had to experience the pain of the move as well, but that only drove in their fighting instinct, powered by adrenaline and the intensity of the Aura around them. Smiling, the duo summoned two massive Aura Spheres and hurled them towards their opponents, forcing them both to react with their own counters, a pair of massive explosions forcing everyone to brace for the blowback.
Yet in the smoke, Gallade and the duo sensed each other, the two of them converging with a clash of bone and blade, psychic and ground. Blaziken was out of the equation for now, which was an opportunity for the Duo to eliminate Gallade in the smoke.  
Blades and bones clashed together once again, this time with Close Combat versus the combination of Bone Rush and Close Combat, the two of them meeting each blow with a block, and each block with a follow-up blow. Small flashes of blue light were the only things that cut through the smoke, as Lucario summoned aura shields to block Gallade’s strikes and slashes, the arm blades, fists, and kicks sparking off the shields as Lucario continuously set up counters. Nate and Lucario knew that they were running on adrenaline. Yet with this newfound power, the duo could meet each blow with a more powerful one, their body, hearts, and minds now synchronized with each other and the aura around them.  Heightened sensitivity allowed for them to counter back with newfound strength, landing strikes where Gallade could not.
However, the smoke and dust began to clear, and Blaziken had a moment to rest. They could already sense she was rearing to get back in the fight.
They had to act fast.
Ceding the brawl, Lucario summoned a stronger aura shield, holding back the relentless strikes of the psychic fighter as they charged an Aura Sphere. A surge of flow channeled into Lucario’s right paw, knowing that Blazikien had already readied an attack:
The fiery aura flew high above the duo, as the tension began to build. Lucario was in a trap: Gallade was barely at bay with the Aura Shield, while Blaziken’s powerful speedboost hurdled it’s flying knee towards Lucario. Aura surged and flew, spiraling into a vortex that soon coalesced into a sphere of pure aura energy, waiting for the right timing of Gallade. Blow after relentless blow as Blaziken was nearing Lucario with deadly force. All they needed was an opening. All they needed wa-
Acting on pure sense, Lucario thrust the massive Aura Sphere towards Gallade, another shockwave emanating from the collision as dust and smoke flew up, sending the Blade pokemon backwards with tremendous force. Instinctively, the duo turned and braced themselves, moving the aura shield just in time to take the brunt of the freight train that hit them. Nate could feel an entire shock pulse through his body as Lucario was pushed backwards, surviving the attack.
With no time to waste, they took advantage of the situation, closing in again with a combination “BULLET RUSH,” Bone Rush and Bullet Punch combined as Lucario moved in with a bone staff, powered up with the momentum of the steel type move. Clashing with Blaziken’s Blaze Kick, the force of the attack blew the smoke away in an instant, the fire type leaving claw marks on the dirt battlefield, Blaziken just barely holding the posture. The crowd cheered as they caught up with all the action, Gallade now knocked out. Finally, the duo could focus their attention on the main threat: Blaziken.
The duo knew that it hurt; they felt Blaziken wince at the pain, yet what they didn’t expect was the quick followup.
“Blaziken! Aerial Ace!” The fighting bird gripped the bone staff with the same foot, throwing Lucario up in the air. Unable to gain aerial balance quickly enough, Lucario was kicked higher in the air with a flying type move, as both trainer and pokemon felt the wind kicked out of them with the powerful kick. A second kick slammed them on their back, forcing the duo to hurdle back down to earth with the pain of the flying type move. With a powerful, earth shattering slam, Nate could sense the pain that surged through Lucario’s body as his own, with only a small amount of instinctive aura shielding to limit the damage.  Despite this pain, they sensed a final follow-up, a finishing Blaze Kick that was hurdling down their way to drive them into the dirt.
They weren’t about to have any of that.
Realizing that, the two of them called upon the aura around them, concentrating enough power into Lucario’s hands and feet. Lucario pushed himself off the ground, flipping backwards in the nick of time as Blaziken landed with a burst of flame, fiery tendrils spewing out in every direction. The duo felt the singe as the heat grazed Lucario’s steely fur, thankful that they didn’t have the brunt of the attack.
However, that was not the only thing they felt. Blaziken’s pain surged again; it seems that she had made an error, using her damage foot to drive in the finishing blow. This was the chance that Nate and Lucario needed.
“LETS FINISH THIS! AURA SPHERE!” Nate thrust his arms backwards in the same motion that Lucario did, only Lucario summoned two aura spheres from his paws, the flow of aura surging immensely as the excitement in the crowd reached fever pitch. They sensed excitement and anticipation from the crowd, and desperation from the Blaziken and her trainer.
A fiery symbol blast forth from the Mega Blaziken’s mouth, with extra intense heat as it hurled forward, the super effective move nearing towards the Aura Pokemon. Mega Lucario responded in kind, fueling the aura spheres with everything their own aura and the flow of aura could muster and sending two aura spheres hurdling towards Blaziken. The two attacks collided head on, causing a pair of massive explosions to kick up dust once again in the battlefield.
The crowd fell silent, as no one could see within the dust. Well, almost no one. Smirking, Nate and Lucario looked at each other, closing their eyes to see each other with their aura. Then, the two of them looked towards the booth where their friends were at, knowing that Riley was there and knew the outcomes as well.
They survived this entire ordeal, thanks to their pokemon partners, their friends, Mega Evolution, and their connection with Aura.
Turning towards where Blaziken stood, Nate smirked even harder, knowing that they had won by the time they charged those Aura Spheres. One Aura sphere hit the Fire Blast, enough to stop the attack altogether. The second one, however, took a different path.
Finally, the smoke cleared, showing a Blaziken laying on the ground, knocked out from the second aura sphere, which the duo purposely threw to avoid the Fire Blast and hit Blaziken directly.
Victorious, the crowd began to cheer as Nate proved that he could pull off a massive upset, defeating six mega evolved pokemon in a single battle. Rushing towards Lucario, Nate grabbed the steel type and held him tight, them both spinning around as Lucario returned to his original form. However, exhaustion suddenly hit the two of them just as Nate stopped spinning. Their entire body ached from the intensity, and the duo could feel themselves getting dizzy, forcing them to sit down in the middle of the field and collect themselves.
Welp, we did it. Nate smiled as he telepathically stated to his friend, both of them connecting their fists in a well-deserved fist bump. Thanks.
No, thank you. Together, we found a way to become one, to surpass even Mega Evolution.
Nate let out a chuckle, turning back towards the scoreboard. Lucario was the only pokemon left that wasn’t darkened out, and WINNER was proudly displayed across the screen.
“Yea, I guess we did…”
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