#also it would really piss off alden and i hate alden so
weaponizedducks · 6 months
shannon messenger has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever and make all the vacker siblings gay. alvar's already a flaming homosexual and fitz and biana are basically the two most comphet coded individuals ever she just has to go that extra step
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cecebookworm07 · 2 years
Edit: Rereading this now you can so tell that I’m half asleep. I type like I’m ten when I’m half asleep. I’ll just edit this in the morning when I can actually understand what I’m typing and thinking. :)
What I learned from my most recent rereading and annotations of the first KOLTC book in no particular order:
- Fitz and Sophie’s first encounter is so much funnier than I remember OH MY GOD
- Dex and Sophie are really adorable together in the “two silly best friends” kind of way in the beginning
- Dex pissed me off when there fight happens. Like bro, she’s losing the people who she was CONVINCED we’re going to be adopting her but noooooo focus on the fact that she might be adopted by the Vackers just cus you don’t like them. Believe me, after Flashback I haven’t been a fan and if I was an elf in that world I would hate them too, but STILL. You keep that to yourself in that instance.
- This whole book I just kept thinking about the fact that Sophie is midway through an adoption and Rayni has already been abandoned and forgotten. Yikes.
- The first time we’re introduced to Oralie I wrote, “First mother daughter meeting.” on the top of the page.
- I realized after being forced to basically highlight 75% of the pages that this book is 100% pure set up.
- Honestly underrated. I perfer the more recent books but MY GOD if Grady and Edaline didn’t have my heart in this book (there my next point)
- I skim read this book for fan fic reasons a lot and I tend to skip over the whole adoption debacle on one hand because it likely won’t play a part in the fan fic but also because I don’t have the emotional strength to read that. I literally started balling my eyes out midway through chapter 39 even though I knew everything would be okay in the end.
- Grady and Edaline. Just them being tragic and compelling af in this book. Like honestly there relationship and relation to Sophie in this book are SO well written. Criticize this series all you want, but some of these platonic relationships hit like truck.
- My dumb dumb brain never put together the significance behind the three original councilors to meet her. Brontë: Suspected dad for a book, later close mentor. Kenric: Honsstk idk, I thought he was a mystery after Unlocked but he just got more mysterious after Stellarlune I swear. Oralie: … Mom…
- Keefe isn’t that important in this and it kind of hurts.
- At this point in the series SoFitz was 100% Endgame.
- If I was at Foxfire, my favorite subject would 100% be history (thought it’d be 75% propaganda) and the universe.
- Telepathy is overrated
- This world is aristocratic and that’s just so funny to me.
- Biana is so bad in this book OMG. And honestly so is Alden. The twist at the ending. Horrible.
- Marcua and Stina are legit awful in this book too regardless of there later redemption.
- I can’t pick between any of the abilities I would want so oh well. There’s to many.
- Iggy is the real hero of this series
- The councils apology to Sophie at the end of the series is honestly both funny and horrible. Like they basically said, “Sorry that you were stalked, kidnapped, and tortured right under our noses but we’ll do better next time. Consider that your official punishment for saving the world! (Plus promise we’ll catch them!)”
- 8 books and one novella later and no one has been caught.
Anyway, book one was fun and all but mostly I was just thinking about how much of it was set up. Like seriously. Almost EVERYTHING was set up.
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Do you think Fitz and Sophie being cognates will last?
*scratches chin* uhhh
honestly, not really. She cannot ever tell anyone everything, because of her bio mom, and maybe eventually her bio dad as well, and then her feelings for him, her crush on Keefe at the same time she was dating him, her problems with Lord Cassius and Alden Vacker, everything she keeps away from the light, and because of that, her side of the cognate bond is never going to be very strong with him.
But, also. Fitz is most likely hiding quite a bit from Sophie. Why else would he be so worried about her sharing everything? There's clearly a reason he thinks their bond is going to be weak, and it doesn't have to do with her, it has to do with him. Especially if I'm right about Alden in general(i need to post about that sometime and why I think that man would be the best villain of all time), Fitz is probably hiding a lot of little things.
Or maybe he's not. She won't. And they'll be cognates forever.
The thing is, the whole thing is really emotionally unsafe for them. Like, think about it. They dated. Staying so emotionally and thoughtfully connected is not going to help either of them get over the fact that their relationship won't ever be going anywhere.
Cognates in general piss me off, and it's one thing if it's two adults, but it's another thing if it's two emotionally challenged teenagers with crushes on each other. As a former teenager, I can tell you, there would have been nothing I'd have hated more than someone I liked a ton knowing everything about me.
So, yeah. I kind of think these two becoming cognates in general was a poor decision on everyone's part, but yeah.
They could make it, I suppose.
But it might not be healthy for them.
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makushiin · 3 years
Things I notice about our favorite perfect Wonderboy,
Fitz Vacker
(And yes Im gonna be dramatic abt this)
Call him rude names I dare u
But yes I do acknowledge he does have anger issues and that it is borderline concerning if he were to ever enter another relationship he may need to consider handling his emotions and anger better
I see comments on pinterest (cuz its all I ever use tbh) that he’s manipulative of Sophie’s feelings and I don’t know about this and there are times I think he has done that but I think it isn’t intentional and he would never mean to hurt Sophie in that kind of way
Alvar really pisses him off that’s for certain
I think in his early life (before Sophie) he has depended on Keefe for emotional support and so has Keefe so I definitely see the bromance
Most noticeably he’s more hung on about Cognates than anything really and Alvar
He actually does care what people think of him
And yes, before no he didn’t but that’s before he started blaming himself for permanently destroying his family’s reputation and respect
His family is a huge huge deal in the Lost Cities and to be tarnished due to Alden’s secret research, Alvar being part of the Neverseen, his two other children running away to join a rebellious group (as far as the public’s aware), being the only two Vacker children who ever attended Exillium, and the freaking Legacy; there was definitely a toll on him
Which is why he thought it was best he wouldn’t marry an Unmatchable in order to restore the family name
But Sophie going against Cognate stuff and not telling him who her mother was also had an effect in their relationship break
And that Sophie was really slowing the pace of their relationship
Which I don’t blame her for btw none of us really can
The Vacker Legacy
He loves his family but damn is their legacy a pain in the ass
Insult Sophie in front of him I dare u
Headcannon that he goes to his sister for love advice on how to help their relationship and she’s more involved than she’s comfortable with
Anger issues. Major major anger issues
Really really doesn’t watch what he says when he’s angry
His dad really spoiled him (I’m sorry but I dont think I like him very much)
Maybe a tad bit egotistical with him being the earliest to manifest (before) and being a very powerful Technopath at a very young age and ofc he’s a Vacker
He might as well have been the rich extroverted student council president of the school
And yes some of these aren’t very positive descriptions which is why I’ll end it with
He’s loyal. Incredibly loyal. His family, his friends, his Cognate, if they’re in trouble, expect he’ll be there for you when it counts; you might expect him to be really blunt and hurtful at times but he really doesn’t mean any harm and he does genuinely care about the people he loves and he makes it up to them even going as far as near-death which is most I can say for some people
Final Note: A perfect Wonderboy with a not-so-perfect soul is usually what I think of him. There are good qualities here and there and everyone has bad spirits in them and Fitz is no exception to that. Before I said pressure was Dex’s problem, Fitz doesn’t look so much affected by this because he’s been pressured all his life. Grades, appearance, his dad, everything really so he’s used to it.
He’ll have cause to reconsider his emotional issues eventually but to hate him so passionately I believe isn’t fair. But that does not mean I will not be defending his wrongdoings because he has made some mistakes but he’s also done just as much good. He stuck with Sophie when she had trouble fitting in, watching from a distance to make sure she wasn’t harmed and also allowing her to find her place in Foxfire (others believe he just up and abandoned her as a mission completed sorta thing when she arrived but I don’t think that’s the case), he was willing to risk his life to involve himself in dangerous missions and that was even before he realized Alvar was involved with the Neverseen
He WiLl RiSk His LifE For SoPhie And HiS Loved OneS So No HAtE ThAtS aCtuAllY ReAllY GooD—
I dunno any Fitz stans so yall can add stuff here if you think I missed smth but thats what I noticed thx for reading
Keefe’s next😌
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sparksnv · 4 years
Here are some of my notes from watching TWD S10. Spoilers ahead beware:
Negan’s redemption arc is really something. I really wonder how Sparks would react to him.  I really love the interactions of Negan and Lydia I really wanna interact with Magna, Connie, Yumiko and Kelly !!!!!! Judith is so precious You know what pisses me off???? IS THAT LYDIA IS A CHILD. and no one but Negan stepped up to defend her???? Like Daryl was out being busy taking Carol out on dates to notice his daughter is BULLIED SHAMEEEE I was so mad they killed Siddiq, I was really hoping he’d overcome his PTSD. I also was suspicious about Dante from the start. Way too cocky.  Eugene really do be a Nice Guys TM huh I wanna interact with a Rosita Alpha and Negan’s frick scene was TOO MUCH.  Beta really be annoying me, though his interactions with Negan are hilarious Im worried about Magna and Connie they are some of my faves Alden is such a hottie 10/10 sparks would have a thing for him Carol really be pissing me off this season. Mary had such a good story why they do her like that MAGNA IS BACK But where is CONNIE omg where is JUDITHHHHH also im so sad for Nabila she’s such a cutie OMG EARL HE BROKE MY HEART WHY YALL GOTTA DO SUCH GOOD CHARACTERS LIKE THIS AND MY POOR JUDITH HAVING to live through it ahhhhhhhhh DAMN A WHOLE ASS DARK MICHONNE SIDEPLOT FUCKIN AMAZINNNN I HOPE TO SEE SOME RPRS DOING THIS CUZ ITS AMAZING. wait no MAGNA/YUMIKO DID NOT BREAK UP NO WOW SO NEGAN JUST KILLS ALPHA WOW (kinda saw it coming tbh) also, Daryls annoyed ass face at Negan becoming the new alpha saves me I was hoping his ass would save daryl. I know why daryl hates him but the show makes me not want that ??? Princess was dope. I feel bad for Lydia. she must be feeling so confused. omg no not my bby alden ALSO what a cliffhanger ugh cant wait for next ep. whats beta gonna do.
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askjaaryl · 5 years
Episode 19: “Family Dinner”
S2E11 - The cleanup in Alexandria continues as Rick gets news about his injuries. A family dinner is held.
“Here, let me help you.”
Paul rolled his eyes as Aaron came up, helping him with a larger piece of wood. They were currently inside the ruins of the church, trying to pick out any salvageable parts; they both wore work gloves and only wore t-shirts...normal for Aaron, certainly not normal for Paul.
“Where’s Daryl?” Aaron asked, tossing another half-burnt board into the pile.
“Visiting Rick, before his doctor’s appointment” Paul said, tossing another piece into the pile, slightly more aggressive than before.
“Ah,” Aaron nodded, “I see.”
Paul just rolled his eyes, continuing to work in silence.
“You know I love and support you,” Aaron explained softly, “But what exactly do you want us to do while you go to the Kingdom?”
“Protect the Hilltop, take care of our family,” Paul said softly, “I’ll be okay. I’ve been alone before.”
“But you have us now,” Aaron told him, “You don’t have to be alone anymore.”
Paul pursed his lips, “And I appreciate that and it’s not going to be forever...just until this blows over. After that, I’ll come back to the Hilltop.”
Aaron stayed silent for a minute before clearing his throat, “Paul...are you happier at the Kingdom?”
“I’m happy at the Hilltop...and that’s not what this is about,” Paul explained, “It’s for the safety of everyone. It’s only a matter of time until they find out I live at the Hilltop.”
“But are you happier at the Kingdom?” Aaron asked quietly.
Paul tossed another board and looked at him, “Why are you asking?”
“I...don’t know,” Aaron said quietly, “I just wanted to know, I guess-”
“If you think I still have feelings for Ezekiel, I don’t,” Paul said bluntly, “Nor do I have feelings for Victor...it’s for you and Daryl-”
“No, I know,” Aaron shook his head, “I don’t think that. I just…” he trailed off and took a deep breath, “We haven’t been apart for this long since we’ve been together. It’s only ever been a few days,” he swallowed, “And I don’t like the idea of you going there alone.”
“I won’t be alone, I have tons of friends at the Kingdom,” Paul said, ducking his head and going back to work, “I’ll be okay. Gracie needs you more than I do, no offence.”
“None taken,” Aaron sighed, leaning on the wall, “This isn’t your fault, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“He’s doing this to get to me,” Paul growled, throwing another board more aggressively than before, causing a small bit of dust to come up, “I know it. I know how he is. I know how he works.”
“Then let’s meet with the council,” Aaron said quickly, “You can just say that...you knew each other before, that’s all they need to know. Knowing how he works, that could give us an upper hand.”
“What do you want me to say?” Paul asked, “That’s he’s a manipulative asshole who gets off on being in control and making others miserable? That’s half the men alive today, trust me.”
“Can we just-” Aaron started.
“We should go check on Daryl,” Paul said, cutting him off, taking his gloves off and shoving them in his pocket, “He wanted us to be there when it was time for Rick’s doctor’s appointment. We should go.”
Aaron sighed and nodded, “Right. Let’s get going.”
Paul stood outside in the makeshift waiting room, his head back against the window the chairs were lined up against.
Getting out of a serious conversation with the excuse of the boyfriend’s brother having a very important doctor’s appointment was a good one. That doesn’t take into account the fact that he currently hated said boyfriend’s brother’s guts.
So now Aaron and Daryl were inside with Rick and he was sitting outside alone.
“Paul, come in here,” Aaron said quickly.
Paul rolled his eyes and got up, walking in. He grabbed Daryl’s hand, smiling up at him, “What’s the verdict?”
“Well, with enough physical therapy they’re thinkin’ I should be able to walk with a cane,” Rick explained, “Good news.”
“Oh, awesome,” Paul smiled, despite it obviously being fake, “Let’s go home.”
Aaron nudged Daryl.
Daryl took a deep breath, “Wasn’t right for me to tell you about Paul, but tellin’ Maggie? That was messed up. I-It makes me not wanna trust ya and makes me feel like ya don’t take Paul seriously,” he said quickly, gripping Paul’s hand.
Rick sighed, “It’s somethin’ she needed to know. I considered telling Ezekiel-”
“Ya shouldn’t of considered tellin’ no one!” Daryl snapped, “What the hell, man? You’re my brother. Ya gotta...respect Paul. He’s family too,” he swallowed, “Ya owe ‘im an apology.”
“That’s really...not necessary,” Paul sighed, “I’m going to just-”
“I am sorry,” Rick told him, “I thought it would help us figure these things out...and Daryl is right, I haven’t been fair to you.”
Paul gritted his teeth for a moment, “Thank you, Rick. I’m glad you’re okay. We should-”
“Why don’t you three come over for dinner tonight?” Rick asked, cutting him off, “Bring Lydia with you, Carl will be there. Hell, we’ll have a bonfire.”
Daryl nodded, smiling, “Sounds great. Mind if we stay overnight?”
“Yeah, your house is still open. The only person who was gonna stay there was Enid, so ya’ll should be okay,” Rick nodded, “I’ll let ‘Chonne know, we’ll get somethin’ started.”
“Great,” Paul forced a smile.
“We should talk,” Aaron suggested.
“Can I snag one of your shirts? I didn’t exactly bring clothes for a family barbeque,” Paul asked Daryl.
Daryl threw one of his plaid shirts with the sleeve cut off at him.
“Paul,” Aaron sighed, “We need to talk about you going to the Kingdom alone.”
“Later,” Paul mumbled, “I’m nervous about tonight and I want…” he trailed off, unbuttoning the first button of Daryl’s shirt as he straddled his lap.
Aaron took a deep breath, “Paul, we’re talking.”
Paul sighed, resting his forehead against Daryl’s and pecking him on the lips before pulling away, “There’s nothing wrong with me going to the Kingdom,” he said, standing up, “I can go alone. I’ve made my way there a ton of times.”
“That’s not the point,” Aaron said, “The point is there’s people out there who are after you specifically. I understand you think this is the safest option and I respect that, but you can’t go alone.”
“I’m more than capable,” Paul deadpanned, sitting down beside Daryl on the edge of the bed, narrowing his eyes.
“I know that,” Aaron explained, “But...Daryl, I think you should go to the Kingdom with Paul.”
“What?” Daryl demanded.
“Yeah,” Aaron said quickly, “I...I need to go back to the Hilltop to be with Gracie, but I think seeing Carol would be good for you. It’s the best option here,” he bit his lip, “I’d feel better knowing someone has Paul’s back-”
Paul went to say something.
“-not that he needs it,” Aaron continued.
Daryl sighed, “What about Lydia?”
“She can come back with me,” Aaron said, smiling weakly, “We should spend some time together anyways.”
Daryl stared at him.
“What?” Aaron sighed, “I’m trying to make the best out of a bad situation while keeping us all safe.”
Daryl huffed, “Ya stress yourself out too much, but if it’ll make ya feel better, I’ll go,” he smirked slightly, “Gotta keep an eye on the king around ‘im anyways. Paul’s cheeks still get red around ‘im.”
Paul tackled him to the bed, hitting him with a pillow.
Aaron sighed, watching them with a fond roll of his eyes.
And he tried to ignore the sinking feeling of dread in his stomach at the idea of being away from them, even if it was what was best for Paul.
Paul sighed, following after Daryl and Aaron as they got to Rick and Michonne’s house. Carl was sitting outside on the porch with Enid and the two looked to be deep in conversation. Aaron walked right inside, but Daryl stopped to talk to the two of them and Paul sighed, waiting with him.
“What’s goin’ on?” Daryl asked Carl, crossing his arms, “Ya’ll been actin’ weird.”
“Let them talk, Daryl, no need to play protective uncle right now,” Paul said, smiling softly and taking Daryl’s hand, “Let’s go inside, give them a little privacy,” he said, giving Enid a wink.
Daryl grumbled to himself, “Whatever,” he said, pulling Paul inside.
Enid mouthed Paul a thank you, watching them go in, before turning back to Carl.
“Did you tell them?” she asked.
Carl nodded, taking deep breath, “Yeah. Dad got back from the med trailer today, Michonne was cooking dinner for tonight...so I just...told them, right there in the kitchen.”
“Were they mad?” Enid winced.
“Yeah,” Carl swallowed, “They said I should have been careful...th-they’re worried about Lydia. But...they’re happy for us, I guess. They’re going to be grandparents, I mean, of course they’re happy. They also want us to stay here, but...I told them Maggie would never let that happen, so they settled.”
“Yeah, they don’t exactly want to piss her off more than she already is at them,” Enid said simply, staring out at Alexandria, “Besides, I prefer Hilltop. It’s where my family is...where Alden is.”
Carl pursed his lips and nodded, looking out at the town as well, ignoring the unknown emotion that was bubbling up in his throat.
Paul sat at the table, between Aaron and Daryl. Lydia was on Daryl’s other side, quiet as they ate in silence, the only sound in the room were forks on plates.
Paul put his free hand on Aaron’s leg, not saying anything.
“When they think you gonna be walkin’?” Daryl asked, breaking the silence.
“Couple months, give or take,” Rick said simply. His face was red, something was going on.
“This is really good,” Enid added awkwardly, holding up a forkful of spaghetti.
“Thanks,” Michonne said stiffly.
More silence.
“Not the only thing that was good, apparently,” Lydia deadpanned, “This is stupid, let’s just say the problem. Put it out there.”
“Lydia,” Daryl grumbled.
“What’s the problem?” Judith asked innocently.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” Carl said quickly.
“Yeah, my boyfriend just knocked someone else up,” Lydia snapped, “Makes me feel great.”
“Yeah, because I’m feeling just great about it,” Enid snorted.
“Probably was at the time,”  Lydia snapped, “You were my friend, you bitch-”
“Lydia!” Daryl snapped.
“Maybe we should just go-” Paul started.
“No, shut up, let’s talk,” Lydia snapped, standing up.
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Daryl told her, putting a hand on her arm gently, “Let’s just take  walk.”
“My boyfriend, the only one I’ve ever had or trusted gets someone else pregnant -his ex- and I’m wrong?” Lydia demanded, “Yeah, of course, because I’m just the psycho Whisperer girl!” she yelled before running out.
“Lydia!” Carl stood up.
“You stay here!” Daryl yelled at him before hurrying out of the room.
“I love family dinners,” Paul snorted, mumbling under his breath, “Makes me glad I didn’t have a family.”
“Paul,” Aaron mumbled, sending him a look.
Paul just rolled his eyes before looking up at Rick, “This went well,” he said sarcastically, sending him another fake polite smile, getting a glare in return.
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dave-meowstaine · 7 years
All of the asks
Knew this was coming!
1. What is you middle name? - Alistair, after my dad
2. How old are you? - I am currently 19 
3. What is your birthday? - 27th of September
4. What is your zodiac sign? - Libra!
5. What is your favorite color? - My favourite colour is red. I would say black, but people get picky about black not being a colour so…
6. What’s your lucky number? - 7. Very generic, but I like it
7. Do you have any pets? - I have a dog named Jesse, and two cats called Mossy and Jasmine
8. Where are you from? - I was born in London
9. How tall are you? - I haven’t measured myself in a while, but last time I was around 6ft
10. What shoe size are you? - Size 6 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? - Two: pair of black Dr. Martens, and a pair of black Converses. The converses are pretty beat up and have a hole in the side where I’ve been skateboarding.
12. What was your last dream about? - I was in America with Lizzie and we were chilling watching movies and stuff and for some reason my dad was there in her apartment as well. It was weird lol. Reality felt really distorted for some reason but then I woke up
13. What talents do you have? - Guitar, bass, and video games
14. Are you psychic in any way? - I can always tell how Lizzie is feeling, even if we aren’t talking or anything. I can always just tell
15. Favorite song? - This changes all the time. At the moment, probably STFU by Pink Guy lol
16. Favorite movie? - John Carpenter’s The Thing. Lizzie bought me a print of the original film poster signed by John Carpenter himself for Christmas and if that doesn’t show you how fucking perfect she is and how well she knows me, I dunno what will
17. Who would be your ideal partner? - Lizzie 
18. Do you want children? - I didn’t use to for the longest time but then I met Lizzie and… yeah
19. Do you want a church wedding? - Nope, Lizzie and I are planning a castle wedding!
20. Are you religious? - Nope
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? - I mean, for injections and stuff when I was a kid, but never for anything serious
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? - No. I’ve been threatened to have the cops called on me and shit, but nothing serious
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? - I’ve met a lot of famous band members but never any like “celebrities” that I can remember
24. Baths or showers? - Definitely showers, although a nice bath is very relaxing
25. What color socks are you wearing? - Black with the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil monkey emojis on. They’re cute af
26. Have you ever been famous? - I mean, literally everyone knew who I was in my old school because of my hair and stuff. I did a performance in our school’s battle of the bands sort of thing and I headbanged my ass off and I was known as jellyfish boy for months after because of the way my hair bobbed up and down. It was great
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? - I don’t think so. I would like to be well known for the right reasons, but I wouldn’t want to be a big celebrity
28. What type of music do you like? - I honestly like a bit of everything. I’m very diverse, although my blog doesn’t show that at all
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? - Not that I can remember
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? - I have a double bed so four, two on either side
31. What position do you usually sleep in? - On my right side but sometimes on my left side
32. How big is your house? - It’s average size. It used to be a lot smaller but we had an extension done about 10 years ago
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? - Either just toast, or a full cooked breakfast
34. Have you ever fired a gun? - Not a real gun but air rifles and stuff
35. Have you ever tried archery? - I did once when I was a lot younger and didn’t know what I was doing
36. Favorite clean word? - Don’t have one. Does Lizzie’s name count?
37. Favorite swear word? - Definitely cunt. It’s just so satisfying and fun to say
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? - Like over 48 hours but not over 72 hours. Somewhere between there
39. Do you have any scars? - Yeah, I have a shit ton of self harm scars to be honest
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? - I’ve had many
41. Are you a good liar? - I wouldn’t like to think so, but I’m sure I could lie and get away with it if I really needed to
42. Are you a good judge of character? - For the most part, I would say so
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? - Eh not really. Not seriously, anyway
44. Do you have a strong accent? - Lizzie says she would say so but I’m not so sure
45. What is your favorite accent? - Don’t have one. I do really like Irish, though
46. What is your personality type? - INFP
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? - I really don’t know. Probably my Dr. Martens
48. Can you curl your tongue? - I can
49. Are you an innie or an outie? - Innie
50. Left or right handed? - Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? - Nope, I love spiders! 
52. Favorite food? - I love loads of different food, but probably pizza tbh
53. Favorite foreign food? - I have no idea
54. Are you a clean or messy person? - Messy and my OCD fucking hates it
55. Most used phrased? - I say “lol rip” a lot when something goes bad haha
56. Most used word? - Legit when I agree with stuff
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? - If I take a shower and then get ready, probably around 30 minutes. If I just need to get ready to head out, then around 10
58. Do you have much of an ego? - The biggest in the building lol
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? - Suck then bite towards the end
60. Do you talk to yourself? - All the time
61. Do you sing to yourself? - All the time
62. Are you a good singer? - People say I am but I dunno
63. Biggest Fear? - Being truly alone. Never being loved
64. Are you a gossip? - Not actively, but I won’t pass up the opportunity to hear some good shit lol
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? - I have no idea
66. Do you like long or short hair? - I like both, but for a partner then long hair
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? - If I sat down and really thought about it, then probably
68. Favorite school subject? - I’m taking a level 3 IT BTEC but music was my shit back in the day. I miss it a lot
69. Extrovert or Introvert? - Ambivert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? - I haven’t but would love to, especially with sharks
71. What makes you nervous? - When people are like “we need to talk”. NOPENOPENOPE
72. Are you scared of the dark? - It unsettles me, but I’m not scared of it
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? - If I think it needs correcting or they could learn from it. I’m not an asshole who corrects everyone for the sake of being right
74. Are you ticklish? - Yeah but not as much as I used to be
75. Have you ever started a rumor? - Not that I cam remember but honestly I probably have
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? - I used to be a school counsellor at my old school
77. Have you ever drank underage? - Yep
78. Have you ever done drugs? - Yeah but nothing hardcore
79. Who was your first real crush? - Can’t remember
80. How many piercings do you have? - I have three in my left earlobe and my septum
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ - I can. Lizzie loves it
82. How fast can you type? - Pretty damn fast. People get pissed at me in class because all they can hear is a high speed “CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK”
83. How fast can you run? - Again, pretty damn fast. I haven’t ran in a long time but I used to compete and shit
84. What color is your hair? - Dirty blonde
85. What color is your eyes? - Dark blue
86. What are you allergic to? - Nothing that I know of
87. Do you keep a journal? - Nope. I used to record my thoughts on memos on my phone but not anymore
88. What do your parents do? - My mum is a teacher and my dad is a border security dude at the airport
89. Do you like your age? - I mean, it’s my age. Not sure what to like or dislike about it
90. What makes you angry? - Ignorance and hypocrisy 
91. Do you like your own name? - Yeah, it’s rather unique. Don’t know too many Tylers
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? - Nova Lynn, Lara Mileena, Anri Sophia, Raiden Alden, and Furion Axel
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? - I want both
94. What are your strengths? - Hard working, good at multitasking, intelligent, compassionate, loving, kind, caring, and I’m sure plenty more (Lizzie agreed with these so I’m allowed to say them)
95. What are your weaknesses? - None I’m perfect (Lizzie also agreed with this lol)
96. How did you get your name? - I’m sure there is a story behind it but I can’t remember it
97. Were your ancestors royalty? - Not that I know of
98. Do you have any scars? - This question was already on here lol
99. Color of your bedspread? - Grey and blue
100. Color of your room? - Mostly white with one light blue wall
Thank you for all of the asks! Sorry for any mistakes, it’s currently 2am 
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A love/hate review of the movie Solo: A Star Wars Story. As a movie, it felt pretty formulaic which can be a good and bad thing for some movies. I love the Marvel Movies which are formulaic as fuck but they still make me feel good after the credits so I let it slide. No, with Solo it was formulaic and also let way too many opportunities slip thru their fingers instead of exploring them more fully. I will get to those opportunities below. This movie was ‘good’ but didn’t leave me with that tingling feeling that I get after a good movie that makes we want to go out become a scoundrel smuggler.
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The Blaster (Love)
Seems kinda of small (which it is) but not every detail about Solo movie needed to be its own in-depth scene of how it became part of who he (Solo) is. The scene around the campfire where Beckett removed the stock and barrel from his rifle making it a simple blaster was all I really needed. For that matter, the ammo belt that Chewbacca received becoming the same over the shoulder strap that he wears for decades pretty much gave me the same effect the blaster did which was a good warm fuzzy feeling.
Mimban Campaign (Hate)
Just to be clear I didn't hate this scene because it was in the movie, I hate this scene because it was so damn short. One thing that Rogue One did right was showing a prolonged battle between the Rebels and the Imperials on the beach planet. It was gritty and fun to watch like Band of Brothers with Stormtroopers. In regards to Solo, we only get a small glimpse of Hans military career for the Empire and the battle itself was little more than lasers into the fog and a couple dead Stormtroopers. Tagging on 5 to 10 minutes of action might have drawn out the movie some but we don't want witty banter the whole movie, sometimes we just want to watch the Empire at war.
Marketing (Love)
I am not grasping at straws here people, I will get deeper into what I liked about the movies and characters further down but I have to give a nod to the marketing work for this movie. The painted posters were nothing short of awesome and the kind of movie posters you frame and hang up in your hall if you were the story to have a hall leading to a private theater in your house which I don't have but a man can dream.
The Crew (Hate)
Another thing in the movie that I actually loved but they just seemingly let it all slip thru the cracks. Comparing Solo to Rogue One again we were introduced to characters, got to see them in action thru out the movie and then lost them one by one in final scenes which pulled on our soul. Solo had that opportunity but ended up killing Val and Rio which basically felt like empty deaths for two characters we hardly knew. It was a shame because they both felt endlessly interesting and about the only meaningful death besides Beckett was L3-37 being the sassy British android she was.
I understand Val (Thandie) needing to leave the set to get back to shooting Westword but they could have at the very lest kept Rio in the movie to perhaps be betrayed by Beckett who wants the easy payday and is embracing his own dark side after losing Val. Just a thought but damn I wish they explored the heist crew more then they did.
Dryden Vos (Loved)
I am biased here as I think Paul Bettany has been one of the best voices (and actors) to come thru Hollywood in the past 20 years. He, of course, appeared on my radar in The Knights Tale and being the voice of Jarvis and eventually, the voice/body of Vision made him one of my favorite actors. Besides my appreciation for his acting chops, I thought he made a great villain who was not outright wicked but rather an understanding criminal lord who expects loyalty and for the job to be done. I love a villain with some moral ambiguity to them and he seemed to provide that very well in his character willing to provide Beckett and Han a chance to make things right for the Crimson Dawn syndicate. If it was any other Star Wars Villain you likely get choked out, shot or cut in half. I suppose what I am trying to say is his reasonability makes him an interesting bad guy.
Enfys Nest (Hate)
Once again not a character I hated at all. I actually hope they do more with her as a character in the series if they ever do a squeal (which they totally should). What bothered me about her was the whole big helmet reveal scene on the sand. It felt like it was supposed to have some gravity to the plot and for a moment I thought it did being Val and Beckett's daughter who has been competing with her parents for resources to give to the rebellion. I was clearly wrong because that was NOT her backstory and we were all supposed to be surprised that she was a ginger girl with freckles on her face. Honestly, I like my idea better than the studios ‘surprise it's a girl’ attempt that honestly didn't really surprise anyone. *sighs* Another missed opportunity making her have a connected backstory.
The Cast (Loved)
Pretty much EVERYONE in the movie was a brilliant casting option, I sit here now trying to think back to anyone that didn't work in the film and struggle to do that much. Alden as Han? Pretty good choice, a little gullible but still a great option. Woody as Beckett? Pretty hard not to see Woody Harrelson as Woody Harrelson but he plays the rogue well. Donald as Lando? Fucking amazing pick for the role. Thandie as Val? Short-lived but still a great pick who I would love to see more of. Phobe as L3-37? Spunky like most robots now in the SWU which is something I always love to see. Emilia as Qi’ra? How can I resist Khaleesi? Everyone fits into the movie well which makes it so much sadder that all those missed opportunities in the movie amounted to it losing its heart.
Side Note: Lando, Qi’ra, and L3-37 all deserve their own little note on this review but I didn't want to take TOO long writing this.
Writing (Love/Hate)
It should be pretty clear I liked the movie but also didn't like it. There was so much potential here but in the end, they wasted way too many great chances to explore this chapter in the Star Wars Universe. The train heist should have been longer, the battle on the swamp planet should have shown more conflict, Enfys should have been Val and Beckett’s kid, and they should have kept the heist crew together so we could become more invested before losing them. 
In the end, I just didn't feel as connected as I should have. Perhaps I was/am still coming down from Disney scaling back the Star Wars Universe to the movies (and the cartoon). Maybe I am still feeling a little pissed off with the Last Jedi having such a great lead-in before the new director changed the direction of the second movie. Maybe I had expectations for the movie subconsciously. I really don't know why but something was missing and I didn't feel too impressed by the end. I know they tried to put that shocking hologram of Darth Maul but honestly, I was just kinda meh by that point.
Go see this movie. Its far from the best Star Wars has to offer but consider it an investment for a sequel which it deserves (at least that much). They laid some fine foundation for the story and characters which could lead to a great second movie before Star Wars Episode 4. Most of my ‘hates’ above are only half hates where I enjoyed most of the things presented it was their execution that was off in the movie. So maybe I did like the movie but I simply wanted it to be so much more. As always thanks for the read.
Regards Michael California
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