#also its in character for dan bc hes a fucking freak who was already making minors act out his kinks on kids shows
yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Ok after your whole “shintaro misogyny” “shinaya?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??????!,!,?,?,?,?,?,,,” rant (loved btw, Jin stop making ur female characters rely on male counterparts, stop making your male characters hate women or believe they are incapable challenge), how do you feel about Kanoshin. I know you have talked about it before but like, idk, talk about it again lol.
Kano “I can fix him” Shuuya? Or Kano “I can make him worse” Shuuya.
man. kanoshin. i dont think they're an i can fix him or i can make him worse duo. i dont think they are together FOR each other, they're together for their personal gratification if that makes sense??? at least that's how it starts. like they rly feed off of each other's worst coping mechanisms and validate themselves thru that. but through doing this obviously cant help to get to know each other and shintaro is pathetically laughing at kano's jokes and kano is pathetically kicking his feet and twirling his hair at shintaro groaning pathetically on the ground abt god knows what (NEVER forget this novel 7 moment)
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also its so funny how often in the novels shintaro just physically throws himself on the ground to start moaning and groaning whenever he gets embarrassed. he's such a fucking freak. like who the fuck does that
shintaro and kano in the seventh novel are so insanely gay it's SO fucking good. THE BIT WHERE SHINTARO SMILES AT KANO AND KANO'S LIKE HUH...THAT'S HOW HE USED TO SMILE AT AYANO... HE ALWAYS HAD THIS SPECIAL SMILE FOR HER, AND NOW HE'S SMILING JUST LIKE THAT TO ME... like GIRLLLL *EXPLODES THEM WITH MY MIND* there is seriously no heterosexual explanation for any of that. god the seventh novel is so so so good. all of them are so good i wonder why it's the least consumed kagepro media they're SUPERIOR. the novels my #1 forever i fucking love them.
anyways. im normal erm kanoshin hehehehehehehhehe i think they're both far too terrified and disgusted abt their feelings for each other to consider stuff like "i can fix him" or "i can make him worse" YOU GET WHAT IM SAYING??? on this subject specifically, shintaros self hatred comes from well everything bitch hates himself but if we're talking abt kanoshin. 1. its ayanos brother. even if we dont even look at shinaya ever being romantically involved in the first place, THIS IS WEIRD TO HIM. 2. internalized homophobia arc☝️☝️☝️🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍💯💯💯
the fic i drew fanart of a couple days ago is SO *EATS IT EATS IT EATS IT* or also a soulmate au that i havent read in aaaages and also never finished but in that one shintaro was already out as bi... sadly both are aus WHICH DOESNT make them bad, aus are awesome but the things I'd do for content like that set post str. please. *bite bite bite bite bite* srry i bring these fics up cuz hehehe internalized homophobia shintaro is so good
maybe kano would eventually set for i can make him worse but it's in an attempt of scaring shintaro away. he's like im gonna self sabotage so much to make sure he stays away from me but shintaro is STILL here looking pathetic and kano's like god DAMMIT. erm. yeah.
btw now for me being crazy (tw me using shintaro as a stress toy to make me laugh): i think post str shintaro is not AS BAD with being absolutely fucking insufferable abt his whole guys rule girls drool thing because my man's had a little time to grow (ignores shinaya chapter in the eighth novel so i don't go insane with anger). i think post str shintaro makes 1 sexist comment and the entire mekakushi dan just fucking freeze for a moment. and give him an intervention and force him to say im sorry women and ever since then is more mindful of his actions. sorry i have to be delusional and believe this or else I'd just fucking hate his ass. im sorry shinaya i love you but *burns novel 8 shinaya chapter*
shintaro's messy relationships post str is my favorite stress toy btw. relationship with ayano crumbles. starts WHATEVER THAT IS with kano. in the self hatred confusion and internalized homophobia and etc the situation causes him (situation being gf dumped me bc im selfish so i hate myself / i kissed a boy a couple times so i hate myself) he desperately turns to the next closest Female(?) Counterpart with the following thought process "Pfff well i am so straight and SO capable of holding a normal relationship and i can PROVE IT there is one person who is 1. girl enough 2. apparently okay with me being a selfish asshole and consuming all their energy with my bullshit". so the solution is obvious to shintaro. just date takane.
turns out hitting on your best friend who also happens to be ur other best friend's gf is not good for either one of these relationships. so his friendship with not only takane but also haruka crumbles too in response and its so awkward. takane bc 1. i dont feel this way abt you and I'd treat the situation sensibly if i didnt know you well enough to know you dont actually like me that way and ur just taking me for granted like youve been doing all this time which WAS pissing me off and on its way to eventually explode but THIS....??? and haruka 2. YOU JUST HIT ON MY GIRLFRIEND?? (shintaro would be like maaan why did you tell haruka. and harutaka are like *slam door on his face*) situation drives shintaro to possibly end up kissing kano again. 🤨
its so hilarious. to me at least. ITS FINE he will get over it and makeup with everyone but i like making him suffer 👍 this is what you get shintaro. What do you have to say to the women in the world. apologize. say im sorry women. say it. say it and I'll leave you alone. sorry i went a little crazy in the end
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vaugarde · 2 years
rewatching quinton reviews icarly series and the people in the comments fucking deepthroating nickelodeon and being like “i’m sure the writers had no idea about jennette mccurdy’s abuse and eating disorder dont be mean to them over it!!” as if mccurdy hasn’t said that her mom not only openly abused her in front of the writers, but the studio itself participated in it by allowing it to happen and even refused to pay her for her work if im reading her wiki page correctly? not to mention dan schnieder is a known freak and the writers KNEW she had an eating disorder bc she was fucking hospitalized and they had to write around it and STILL had several episodes digging down on sam’s binge eating and abusive mother.
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A review of the book The Rook by Daniel O’Malley that nobody ever asked for...
Ok so @chemcat92 recommended me this book and I listened to it on audiobook and I just... have a lot of thoughts. I haven’t read the sequel and I’m torn if I will. Having watched some AMVs of the show, it’s a hard pass. My review is going to be in three parts:
1. The plot
2. Wasted Potential - In General
3. Wasted Potential - Gestalt the Most Wasted Character Potential I’ve Read since Drizzt Do’Urden 
Obviously spoilers under the cut. 
Part 1: The Plot - i.e. I think Daniel discovered books four days before he started writing 
Ok so... The plot of this book. It starts off STRONG I will give it that. Myfanwy Thomas wakes up in a rainy part surrounded by bodies wearing latex gloves and no memories. She soon discovers her previous self lost her memories but because she was organized and knew it was coming, she has eased new Myfanwy’s transition. She gets to choose to stay in her life through letters and then we get an easy way to give flashbacks. Anyway this part RULES. 
Honestly, the book starts strong as hell. Myfanwy discovers she has supernatural powers over people’s nervous systems and is a trained bureaucrat for a supernatural wing of the government. This all runs sort of like a combination of Heroes and Harry Potter in the best way possible. And here is where we find the strongest part of the book: the superpowers. 
We don’t have to look that far to find Heroes type shows or books where everyone has a special ability, so if you’re going to go that route, you’ve gotta bring it. And honestly, Daniel brings it. They powers are cool as hell, they’re inventive, they’re well bounded. I felt like I understood what people’s powers and limitations were. We were in a land with magic, but it never felt cheap. This is going to dovetail into my absolute RANT about Gestalt but give me a sec to get there. 
Ok. So honestly I don’t even have any complaints until the third act. Act one gives us the set up, act two introduced the big bad the Grafters and so far so good. We’ve got good but elitist supernatural guys vs. bad but more egalitarian supernatural guys. We also know that it was someone in the supernatural org (it has a name but the name is so stupid I can’t spell it) that betrayed our protag and stole her memories and they’re still around and teamed up with the evil Grafters. Intrigue?? Don’t know who to trust???? Love it. 
For some reason everyone is either old, or hot, or so inhuman it’s viscerally horrifying. Love this touch. Eleanor from the Good Place taught us that it’s totally free to imagine everyone in a story as super hot. And it is. So they’re all super hot. Love it. Good commitment, Daniel. 
But then we get to Act three. So, this was a big swing on ol Danny’s part because a lot of the effect of this had to do with carrying out mystery. We’d built a lot of tension on the suspense  Who Betrayed Myfanwy. So obviously it’s really important for me to be surprised or at least satisfied with who this is. (As an aside, I would have been ok with guessing correctly, I definitely don’t subscribe to surprise trumping cohesive plot). Ok. With that on paper... like... holy shit. What a stupid “reveal.” 
So in part 1, like the first scene we get of old Myfanwy’s letters giving us context, she says that her apartment at work was inherited from a dude Conrad something that got promoted. And then she says it’s super badly decorated, and later we see it and this shit is straight out of Austin Powers, mirror over a round bed, The Whole Shebang. But she also says that this guy who otherwise is supposed to be very smooth and charismatic like... asks her about the decor.... every time they interact. Every Time They Interact. The second this was mentioned (WHICH IS AFTER WE KNOW SHE WAS BETRAYED) I'm like “oh ok so this guy bugged her room he’s the villain” and I only wasn’t sure because it was WAY too obvious. 
But no. He’s the villain. He has a big reveal where he’s like “AND I BUGGED YOUR ROOM” and I'm like... well... yeah. Of course you did. But here’s the thing tho... Myfanwy’s like... WHOLE ASS JOB is planning covert ops. So... is she good at her job??? IS SHE???? 
But we also don’t actually show how characters are based on their actions, we are just told how they are. But we will circle back to that in the Gestalt part. That’s honestly the sum of my rant about the plot. It was nothing. It put all its eggs in the basket of the worst most boring reveal of all time. Daniel, I think you might just be boring. 
Part 2: Wasted Potential - Everything but Gestalt who gets a special part to themselves.
The big sin of this book might just be too many good ideas. There’s a lot of characters, they all do cool stuff, but we have like 200 pages, so there wasn’t enough time to do anything with all these guys. I got lost about who was who like 80 times because they’re basically all sneaky hot magic guys. One of them smokes and is a soldier and he seems chill. 
There’s a vampire and he gets a scene and a long intro that reads more like a wiki page. Like it was interesting but you would have lost NOTHING cutting him as a character except that he was cool. You never ever believe that he was the bad guy because it’s super well established in the Certified Back Story that he could give two shits about the politics of the humans. He’s there bc he’s an adorably young vampire who is very curious so his dad set him up as a powerful government agent as though it was enrolling him in a prep school. Love it, but again, we don’t.... need him around. 
There’s a lady who can walk through dreams and I thought she was going to be important based on the fanfare of her introduction but then we forget about her basically entirely. 
There’s a whole American wing that we also only see anything interesting about in side story. Basically the world building is really good. Like pretty superb to be honest. But it’s bracketing a story that is nothing so it makes even good characters seems really random. And that bring us to:
Part 3: My Darling, Gestalt. My Type. My Weakness. What a Sad Little Thing You Are (Also misogyny)
Alright... if the rest of this review wasn’t salty enough for you... let the salt begin. Gestalt. So named because of the word meaning larger than the sum of its parts. And so they were destined to be. And so they were most definitely not. So Gestalt’s whole thing is that they are one consciousness with four bodies. They can either control one body at a time and sort of shut the others down or they can control them all at once but that becomes harder if one of them requires more attention than another, like if one is in a fight. 
Two twins (men), one fraternal brother, and a sister. If anyone is thinking “uhoh, only one girl, hmm can Daniel handle that? Seems like maybe some Smurfette style misogyny-lite is coming,” you would be wrong. Super wrong. Because it is not misogyny-lite. It’s aggressive Fight-Me-In-A-Perkins-Parking-Lot misogyny. So go fuck yourself, Dan. 
Alright, so to number Gestalt’s sins. 
1. Scrape off some of that intro mustard.
They’re introduced in the LONGEST fucking passage I’ve ever read telling me that this dude is hard to talk to and weird. Like, I’m in an urban fantasy book already, I'm all set. Also... bitch SHOW ME they’re weird. Like can I see some interactions that give me second hand embarrassment??? No. It is actually never uncomfortable to talk to Gestalt. I only know that because people are super fucking rude about them. But it is never earned. So I don’t feel sympathy when people are like “Oh noooo you have to spend a car ride with Gestalt? Ewwwww sorry.” I’m just like, “What’s your fucking problem? They seem fine.” 
2. They’re supposed to be Bad At Planning but when?? 
Alright so there ARE times they’re bad at planning and we will GET TO THAT. But it’s only post-reveal like... what we are told during a monologue that they were dumb as shit. And that wasn’t even like not being good w/ details like it’s implied they are, it’s literally like doing dumb ass stuff. And it felt more like my bud Dan didn’t have a good handle on why stuff was dumb as rain than Gestalt being silly. 
Also.... this is a stupid use of this sort of character. They’re dumb and bad at planning??? THEY’RE A JOINT CONSCIOUSNESS why would you waste that making them “Good at kicking ass.” ugh. Fine. 
3. They get sidelined IMMEDIATELY 
So a guy named Pumice Stone or Kettle or Lil boy Bad At This or something outs that Gestalt is working with the Grafters because he like.... wasn’t paying attention. It was boring. But anyway so they capture two of the bodies and then stop addressing Gestalt until the end. They have one weird scene where the protagonist like.... freaks them out but ok. Fine. Why is Gestalt so Yelly. Why are so many villains in this book yelly. Ew. 
I know this is a long ass review already. But my Feelings Must be Heard. So in the end when Conrad surprises no one but “smart” Myfanwy that he was the bad guy, we also get a reveal from the surviving Gestalt bodies that:
a. There’s an incest baby
b. They’re afraid of death
c. They’re so phenomenally stupid I have lost all interest in them
So... this is where the misogyny comes in. I’ll note here that the only time we interact w/ Eliza, the special girl body, is when she takes a carried to Hogwarts the super secret magic school with Myfanwy and she doesn’t do anything except we get the internal note that she’s like... gained weight. This is the misogyny-lite we expect. (And no, Dan, you don't get any points bc a female character is the only pleased she got pudgy bc YOU wrote the female character so we’re all set there.)
And then we discover that the weird blonde (lol oh yeah they’re all hot blondes) baby that Conrad “Evil Austin Powers” British-Last-Name has with his weird wife is actually a Gestalt body that Eliza had after she boned down with her other body who is genetically a brother and consciously herself. 
K. Ok. I have. Ok. Alright. Daniel. Ok. 
SUBPART A: My Feelings about Gestalt: Oh Eliza, my darling, my dear, would that I could bring you Justice
So after Eliza is shot dead one of the interchangeable boy bodies of Gestalt yells at Myfanwy about how terrible that is bc it was the only body who could bear children so now THE HORROR they’ll die. 
For god’s fucking sake Daniel O’Malley. What the fuck is your goddamn problem. You LITERALLY wrote a Smurfette Syndrome character who is only important because she can have babies. She is literally just there to be a baby-box. What the fuck. Get fucking wrecked. Thank GOD Starz cut your program and fuck the Aurealis Awards for giving you an award for this fucking book. But they’re a sci-fi award so this is probably super progressive for them. I was pleasantly annoyed by the basic nature of this book until this part. Now I am just done with your content. This was more overtly sexist that Supernatural. So... real swing and a miss. 
ANYWAY FORTUNATELY this opens a whole new can of worms that I get to ruthlessly mock certified Basic Bitch Daniel O’Malley for. 
SubPart 2: Gestalt Raises Interesting Philosophical Questions Daniel Isn’t Smart Enough to Address
So, remember, I would have cut this dude more slack if he didn’t do that to Eliza. Gestalt, to be honest, this whole review is dedicated to what you Could Have Been. 
Interesting Questions or Comments We Could Have Asked:
Does having a baby being one of five of your bodies affect your consciousness? That thing doesn’t have object permanence? Is there like an intellectual cost to having another baby body? No, we don’t care. I think we just had there be a baby bc “Weird sister-sex” was as interesting as Daniel could get. Side Note: The obvious question of “lol haha lol is it incest or mAsTurBation is not going to be addressed here bc it is literally too boring to consider)
Does having a body who textually is said to have post-partum depression affect your joint consciousness? If not, why bring it up?? Bc she has “weird lady disease” is that why???
Are they....afraid of death????? Why didn’t you ever bring this up? Why have they showed only excitement at the prospect of very dangerous fights up to this point? Why are all four bodies in the field. 
WHY ARE ALL FOUR BODIES IN THE FIELD. Ok so here is one of those points that is definitely stupid but stupid in a dumb as dirt way. If you were afraid to lose your baby-box body, why would you send her into battle? 
Why didn’t they freeze a bunch of her eggs? In fact, why did she bear it at all? Why put your one female body that you only want for babies through that sort of danger? Canonically they all get paid an absurd amount and Gestalt is paid for each body, they can afford a surrogate.  
Why let a weird dude who is at best contemptuous of you raise your baby body? Why wouldn’t you want to do that? Doesn’t that give him a huge amount of leverage over you? 
Is the quality fo Gestalt’s form destined to decline if genetically they can only make more bodies by full genetic sibling offspring? Does that scare them? Again... does their physical brain affect their consciousness? 
If so... maybe that would be a good reason for them to want to join up with the Grafters who are way ahead in genetic research and engineering. 
ANYWAY Gestalt is sexist as shit and boring as hell and had SO MUCH WEIRD POTENTIAL. 
In summary: It was definitely fun but Fuck you, Daniel O’Malley 
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canemmylove · 4 years
One Tree Hill Thread - Part 3
i’m hoping it’s a great season and i get my mouth shut because i hate time jumps and this is A FOUR YEAR ONE so i’m guessing it has to be worth it. i thought we would get some of their college lives but ok, I'll wait.
well at least Lucas looks like he’s finally grown up, he seemed to be the only one that wouldn’t age with the seasons before lmao.
why james looks more like Lucas than like Nathan and why am i not surprised.
James best season is 4 (so far) because he looks insanely beautiful THE WHOLE SEASON.
they tricked us big time when it comes to revealing what happened to Nathan, this season is growing on me.
who allowed my parents to have those haircuts? 
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someone looks stunning tho... i wasn't sure about Payton's hair style but i was more like a shock, she looks beautiful.
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i can’t believe those bastards would bully Haley on her first day, I'm pissed.
omg i really want Nathan to be ok again but mainly i want him to get a haircut but idk if that was James (actor) haircut or if it was actually Nathan so idk if it will happen.
i’m not gonna be chill with Spenser’s sister (lmao i knew her from pll first) flirting with Nathan.
Haley driving a range rover is SUCH big dick energy.
Nathan was a pain in the ass for 2 EPS & THAT WAS IT. after Haley told him to grow a pair, he said fuck it & did it. now he’s asking about her day as she’d told him before to worry about people around & not himself only. NATHAN IS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AT ITS BEST.
Lucas lies to all of his girlfriends. he told Lindsay that his love for her is forever and we all know that’s bullshit.
I just realised that Sofia Bush & Chad Murray were married btw 2005-06 & that’s btw ss 3, now i’m watching ss 5 and haven’t realised any lost of chemistry or awkwardness btw them. i’m gonna say whether they loved each other or not (if not it’s easier, right?) GREAT acting skills
2020 me is wondering wtf was that comment in the ( )
finally! the cutie is back with THE hairstyle <3
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that's the team i want
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how about MINDING YOUR OWN FREAKING BUSINESS LUKE? your relationship was over long ago, no matter whose fault it was. it's not like you know the guy nor do it for Payton's best interest but because of your jealousy
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if nanny keeps flirting with nathan and supporting lindsay against payton i’m gonna be really mad.
Lindsay being jealous and the nanny flirting with nathan is gonna make me loose it.
i’m worried about the whole nanny storyline because it’s gonna show many things that have to do with trust, respect, real feelings, some little chauvinism and it’s like a whole deal omg.
QUENTIN SNAPPED when he punched the dickhead that touched haley’s butt & i’m gonna say that even tho hales said that he wasn’t worth it and i didn’t want nathan to get in a fight again and the fact that violence doesn’t fix anything... QUENTIN SNAPPED AND IMMA SAY YES BOY FINALLY.
something i love that is hilarious is that even tho it’s been 4 years since they’ve finished high school, they have the same troubled relationships and struggles that they had in high school with the only difference that they have jobs now but that’s it.
why is Brooke/Sophia aphonic in some episodes? like it’s pretty noticeable in episode 7 and 8.
COULD THEY STOP BLAMING PAYTON FOR NOT WANTING TO MARRY LUKE BACK THEN? they’d fallen apart & she was super busy & he asked out of the blue. now is P a bitch bc she wants to get back together now when he’s dating Lindsay? mmno? he can say no & we all know he still loves P too.
Payton needs to step aside now because he has already asked Lindsay. now we (and they) all know he loves Payton and he’s lying to himself. it’s perfect if he’s mad at P because she rejected his proposal, like he wanted something that she didn’t but i won’t take all of them blaming Payton for not being ready to get married back then when she was super busy and super disconnected with Luke. she didn’t even say no, she said that she wanted to wait and her job was all over the place. SO COULD THEY STOP FUCKING BLAMING HER?
let Mouth be happy with someone he’s in love with for 2 episodes at least challenge.
what Carrie looks like VS what i think when they mention Carrie, tho the first one is the only real evil.
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i need Nathan to show the person he is and tell Carrie to get the fuck out. he hasn’t said anything about her kissing him yet so i hope it doesn’t go further.
WELL I LITERALLY CHOKE WHEN HALEY SAID THAT SHE WANTED A DIVORCE. I CAN’T WATCH THIS, NO WAY. 1) i choke because i was shocked but also 2) it was the most random and inappropriate moment to ask him for a divorce! poor kid just made it alive and she was thinking about that!?
and what was that “stay away from us!” when she just realised that Jamie was barely alive? Nathan jumped into the pool and grabbed him!
and NONE OF THIS justifies Nathan’s lamest attitude with Carrie. he should’ve stopped her since the fucking first moment and that’s inexcusable at all. IT’S ALL HIS FAULT.
tw // cancelled since day 0 but bitch what the fucking fuck actually.
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well now how am i supposed to keep hating Lindsay when she takes care of Nathan and is doing something to make Nathan and Haley talk? that’s not fair i can’t like her!
poor kid Jamie has to chose whether to trust in Dan or Carrie the nanny, the kid be like.
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he was so right here, uncle Skills spilling the tea
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this kid Jamie is so smart it's scary
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
okay SO. i just finished catching up on season 2 of lucifer and hilARY. HILARY I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS OKAY?? AND SINCE UR THE RESIDENT LUCIFER TRASH ON MY DASH, I AM COMING TO YOU. alright. dude. so. initially in season 1, i actually didn't really like deckerstar because it felt like so rushed to me? its like they knew each other instantly and i like watching a friendship develop from something to nothign yknow. bUT. BUT THEN SEASON 2 HAPPENED OKAY. LET ME TELL YOU. its like at a point (1/?)
ALL THE SHIT. ALL OF IT. and AND MAMA CHARLOTTE. i actually kinda really loved her?? like yea she was manipulative as hell but she was doing it out of both love for her son and desperation?? like lucifer hit the nail on the head with his last convo with her and like fuck man. i kinda want her to stay?? and like actually TRY to be a mom to him and Amenediel yknow? which like AMENEDIEL. ON THAT NOTE. IS LIKE. SO GOOD. FALLEN ANGEL PART 2. HE'S SO SELFISH IN SOME WAYS (LIKE SOMEONE ELSE (3/?)             
WE KNOW??) BUT LIKE DAMN IF HE WASN'T THERE FOR HIS BROTHER WHEN PUSH CAME TO SHOVE. and to be fair to him, Lucifer could've totally been there for him when he first found out he had fallen yknow? but he wasn't and so Amenediel was basically forced to do it on his own and then mama bear comes along so like OFC HE'S STICKING WITH HER. i JUST WANT THE TWO BROTHERS TO LIKE. BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER. LIKE MAZE IS FOR LUCIFER. and speaking of her - i am SO SO glad she's made friends?? and that  (4/?)             
the writers are treating her like a multidimensional character. especially considering she's a POC. like as a POC myself that makes me soo hopeful?? because its not all about how she's this "sexy demon". but she's been written as human too! she has a sense of self and a life outside Lucifer finally and thAT SEEN WITH TRIXIE. LIKE FUCK YES. however. HOW. EVER. i think at the moment my all time fav right now. like my beautiful cinnamon roll is linda. WONDERFUL THERAPIST LINDA. WHO IS NOW IN (5?)            
THE MIDDLE OF COSMIC DRAMA AND IS LIKE TOTALLY BAFFLED AND IN A GIGGLEFEST AT THE SAME TIME. I FREAKING LOVE IT MAN. like that scene where they're all talking about Lucifer going to hell to get the poison formula and then he just looks over and is like WHAT U THINK MY HUMAN FRIEND? *pans to Linda* ugh. GOLD. GOLDDDDD. like i know that she's supposed to be us, the audience. but fuck. like. A+++ writers. and her and Maze's friendship?? i AM LIVING O KAY. LIVVVINGGGGG (6/7)     
alright i think im done. im sry if that was alot. i have the honour of being your obedient servant, tifidotpants *sings in a hamilton-y way* // crawls back into my hole (7/7)             
okay I have been pretty much totally offline for the last few days, so I am just getting home and catching up now aND YES
Honestly, one of the things I loved the best about Deckerstar in season 1 is that they seemed to have always known each other, despite snark and sass and Chloe trying to get rid of him. They just clicked, they fit into each other’s lives perfectly because (soulmates destined by god holla) and made each other better, even if they didn’t understand how and neither of them were ready for things to turn romantic. But I absolutely feel you on season 2 being the season where things just started to fall into place and click on a deeper and richer and more satisfying level. That was where the surface appearances/apparent cliches of s1 got deconstructed and explored and broadened, and you just sit there like oOOOOHHHHH I GET IT NOW. BRAVO. BRAVO SIRS AND MA’AMS MAY I HAVE SOME MORE.
Because as you point out, the character development all around is phenomenal. Maze gets an entire arc/motives/feelings/life/friends of her own. Linda goes from essentially comic relief to the wisest and in some ways, bravest character on the show (and everyone’s mom friend). Dan and Lucifer of all people have a brotp. Mama Charlotte is cray cray and a wrecking ball, but we still kinda want her to figure things out and be a real mother to her scared idiot (but so so pretty) sons. We want to bang Chloe and Lucifer’s heads together (especially Lucifer’s) and get them to figure out the depths of their feelings for each other and to YOUR FATHER DAMMIT LUCIFER, MAKE GOOD CHOICES. COME ON JUST TRYYYYY. I LOVE YOU BUT WHYYYYYY.
(I am also weeeeeeeakkkkkk for the fallen angel brothers and my need to see them having each other’s backs and Amenadiel being there for Lucifer and maybe Lucifer could try being there for him, this entire relationship hurts my soul a lot. A LOT.)
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