#also its not fanfic for once im trying to write something i hope to publish one day
rei64bit · 2 years
Heimdall x Reader ⎯⎯  From Dusk till Dawn [Chapter 1]
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Night 1  (Heimdall X  F!Reader)
✎ Summary: Fanfic of reader married to Heimdall cause Odin wanting a grankid.
✎ Word count: 1.2K
✎ Title:  From Dusk till Dawn
✎  Chapter: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] ...more // trying to publish as much as possible.
✎ Note: Im not really a writer, its the first time I want to write something on a character I like alot.
Most of the time he guards at his post on top of the wall till nighttime and will come back to his room to rest, but from yesterday he started to stay up there till early morning.
You have been laying on bed facing away the door and almost falling asleep, and footsteps can be heard outside the room and approaching the door, you flinch at the sudden movement of someone bursts into your room or perhaps the room that used to belong to your husband, Heimdall and now belong to both of you.
Expecting him to start belittling you and spitting whatever insult that can make you shrink and wanting to run away, but the only thing you heard from him is nothing but a long sigh. He sounds tired. Unlike the other Aesir who usually spend their whole night in the Black Thunder getting drunk, feasting and flirting with women, your husband never join in as he who is utterly unpopular in parties due to his habit of talking shit to whoever that come close to him, that why wherever he goes, everyone will make sure to stay away from him at least 10 feet away but that doesn’t stop him to constantly read people mind knowing how dirty, lustful and fucked up people can be.
This marriage was a mistake, you think. You don’t like the idea of being tied to others especially someone who can read mind and intention, its like starting you naked. Heimdall too didn’t like this at all, he couldn’t stand the idea of sharing the same private space with others that might have bad intentions or worse. “Nobody ever says what they mean, there is always something behind their action, lie and cheat to get what they want.” Heimdall once muttered to himself on his wedding day that was held days ago.
Your body tense up as this is the first time Heimdall came back to the bed chamber after the wedding. Both of you get married even before you two know each other a little.
“…” should you say something like ‘welcome back’ or ‘how was your day’? You don’t know, hel you don’t even know how he will react if you—
“Save it.” Heimdall cut off your thought. “It’s not like we care for each other”
Cold word but it’s true, both of you don’t know each other, no hate no love it just nothing.
It is what Odin wants, the All-father wanting his son to produce a grandkid who is stronger and better or maybe can have some new power. All his sons are already married, except Heimdall who keeps rejecting the proposal of getting marriage.
The moment Odin knew your newfound ability is capable of changing or manipulate people feeling and intention toward you, he can’t stop thinking what if you and Heimdall have a kid, maybe a grandkid that can read other’s mind and alter their action and intention toward others. This is a jackpot for Odin, a new spawn to spare to use and alter his fate, the Ragnarök. This time Heimdall objection fall into deaf ear, one look into Odin his father steel cold eye, he shut his mouth and agree on the marriage. Knowing this is his duty as an Aesir god and obey the All-Father wish. This is also the reason why Heimdall has been hanging around the training field, putting the rage on Helmets by beating the shit out of them.
“There are rules I do hope you remember” Heimdall said while removing his sword Hofuo from his belt and put it on the desk forcefully.
“First, make sure you change to clean clothes when you back to the room to rest, I do not want our room to get filthy by blood or any dirt that you might bring it back with you.” Ah, I married a clean freak you think of yourself.
“…Second, you can’t tell anyone what you see or know of me in private. Since we sharing the room there is no way of me completely avoid you.” Did he think of you of someone that will badmouth their husband, you need to stop the urge of rolling your eye. What a—
“And the last, Do. Not. Touch. the diary I put on the table. And you do know I can hear your thoughts, right? so please stop your awful thought, its immensely annoying, Wife.”
“…” Yeah right, he can hear your thought. There is no privacy when the god of foresight is around. And the last word sound sarcastic but you can’t tell.
“You know for someone like you who doesn’t talk much, you sure have a lot on mind. It’s best you just stop thinking about those nonsense and sleep now, or you can stay on top of the wall all night, by all mean” His white tunic is now hanging on the chair. The whole room suddenly went dark as he put out the candles on the table with his finger and now sitting on the bedside he sighs again.
“I’m going to rest now, do me a favor just don’t do anything that will wake me up, unlike you I only have less time to rest and lot of work to do to protect this realm.”
“G..Goodnight” That the only word you gather enough courage to say and there is no response from him. You know he is not yet asleep, obviously he is ignoring you or he just doesn’t care enough.
Even though you didn’t turn to the side to peek, you can feel that he is just a few inches away from you as you can sense the warmth from his side, and a slight turn you might touch his back and you do not wish to anger him, he might feed you to Gulltoppr.
It’s been almost an hour and you really can’t fall asleep at all, not when there is another sleeping next to you like this, yes, he is your husband, but you don’t even know him much other than what you heard from the Asgardian that he is rude, ignorant, spiteful piece of –. SHIT you really need to stop thinking out loud. But he didn’t say anything back to you so far, maybe he is asleep right? Probably he is asleep, Heimdall is not someone who will miss the chance of being rude to anyone.
Can’t believe you are sharing the room with Heimdall, who is sleeping right next to you. OH WAIT how he sleep look like? Now you are curious, did he sleep curled up in a fetus pose? A stomach sleeper? Or like a starfish HA that’s hilarious! Curiosity kills the cat; you are getting a little impatient and slowly you turn around one move at a time to check on him and trying to not make noise.
Since it’s pitch dark as he put out the candles, you really tried your best to see. Start from the bottom you can see his legs slightly curl up, and you his toes is facing you. You skipped a beat; cause that only means he is facing you. YOUR SIDE. Rapidly your eyes jump to look at his face. You can’t see anything other than that iconic glowing pair of eyes. Piercing at you.
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meiozis · 1 year
hi peach!! <3
a fic i haven't read from you yet but i want to - i still need to read your hyuck fic!! the one in the diner i think? i remember i saw lily reblog it and i skimmed over the beginning a little and From what i read its actually chef's kiss AS EXPECTED but i still need to read it in full :( once i can find the time i will def sit down and give it the english lit read & review it deserves!!!
something i remember vividly from reading one of your fics - this spans across a lot of your fics but i looove your depiction of night! its always so immersive and quaint and nostalgic and Sad . AND YOU KNOW I LOVE MY SAD MEDIA!!!! which also leads me into my next point but
what i like most about your writing - your prose!!!!!!! another fic author that i'm constantly taking notes on . i mentioned this in my review of parallels & almosts but your imagery and your symbolism is sooooo ,,, it scratches that itch in my brain like your fics are so rich in meaning like WHAT are you doing writing fanfic on tumblr dot com please get published!!!! the type of writing that needs to be annotated . i feel like i'm too smoothbrained to do it Truly and give it justice but just know . just know ..... if you ever write a directors cut for your fics i will be one of the first to read it!
if i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else - Of course i have ..... number one advocator for fics and authors that need to be put on the hall of fame!
im really so..... cat firstly i need you to know that this has me tearing up like i will full on start bawling if i read this just once more (to be fair ive read it. a lot of times already just trying to take it in)
i already go back to your review of parallels & almosts every time i feel stuck with writing bc its probably my fav fic i have written and to have you take all that time and effort to read through it and analyze it in such detail it really meant so so so much to me, like you literally made me excited to write again and write more <333
nights are Everything to me and i love writing it so much, sometimes i really feel like a one trick pony but really its just what comes naturally and i write for fun so it will keep happening! but also WHAT do you mean too smoothbrained!!!!!! the way you keep an eye out for and keep track of the little details and take the time to really dig yourself into the story, i put my silly little words out there just for people to read and hopefully enjoy and to get a full blown review is something that i hold so so so dear to me!!!!! and the fact that you think silly old me should be getting published im going to curl up into a ball and cry you are literally so wonderful </333333333 if i develop a god complex im gonna blame it on you 🥺 you are literally doing god's work on tumbler dot com and i love u and i hope you are having a fantastic day cat!!!!!!
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I really need someone objective to read through my writing and tell me if it's shit or not like do I keep this interaction the way it is (humorous) or do I change it and build more suspense?? I cannot be trusted with this help
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lindira · 3 years
Hello! Have you considered writing/reading interactive fiction? It got me out of the worst writing slump and the community is thriving, so I always stay motivated! The parent company is called Choice of Games but its label Hosted Games is better imo. The writing involves some coding but its honestly pretty simple once you start and it helps to look how others work (theres a way to 'code dive' for examples). Or there are WIP games on DashingDon which have a variety of genres, too. Im sorry your slump is so bad! I hope it gets better soon <3
(Hello, same COG Anon) Also, if you don't know where to start, I honestly suggest The Wayhaven Chronicles! It's the most famous IF game in the community: you play as a detective (which you completely customize down to the name, appearance, and personality - like all interactive fiction games) who is introduced to the supernatural and starts working with (and can even romance....) a team of vampires to hunt down a new enemy in their hometown of Wayhaven. There are two published books on Hosted Games and the third one is a public demo on DashingDon. The first chapters of all three are free to play, and I think you'll like it!
First, sorry for the delayed reply! I just moved across country a little over a week ago and still getting set up here.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into all of this when I have more time. I've thought about doing a little interactive writing, but didn't know anything about outlets for doing so, except for Twine. And then I only heard about that because applications to write for Bioware involve that program.
I often get big ideas for projects I'd like to start, especially ones that might allow me to make a little side gig out of it, like with Patreon or something. Aside from my big goal of publishing my novel and hopefully subsequent novels, I just really want to do something creative for work, rather than something that means nothing to me, y'know?
I have to get out of this rut I'm in first, though. I'll explore Choice of Games and other different storytelling media to see if they get me motivated some more. I'd like to try playing Dragon Age (Origins, maybe?) again because that's helped me in the past. I've been poking at old fanfic ideas too. I'll be able to make a bigger effort of it soon once I'm more settled here at my new home. I know the more I force myself to write, the easier it'll become over time, but I feel like I'm floundering and confused when taking those first few steps out of this hole I'm in. It's a hard process that is pretty daunting to begin all over again.
Anyway, thanks again, and I appreciate the help!
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asks (21)
Anonymous said: Hi! Do you still like Tim Drake?
More than I can describe!
Anonymous said: Please tell me those law school quotes are all from one professor
They are not, but MOST of them are from the civ pro professor. His name is Counseller, and he’s great. He got a standing ovation after his speech at my friend’s graduation yesterday. I once went to dinner at his house and a movie afterwards. He had us all hide his candy in our bags so he didn’t have to pay concession stand prices. 
@whambamthanksbatfam​ said: Do you know canonical nicknames for the Batboys?
Hold up lemme see what I have on file
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Off the top of my head I can also think of times that Tim referred to himself as “Timmy” (usually while pretty young), and of course Dick has “boy wonder”
Anonymous said: What do you think will happen to nightwing comics? Writer changes in April, will they be able to reverse the amnesia arc? Do you think maybe the damage to the character is irreversible? I don't understand why they'd allow it especially after what happened when they tried to kill him off. It's also 35th anniversary of his first appearance in a few months. Looking at teen titans, jon kent's age, young justice "coming back" I feel concerned for dc comics' future ):
I’m basically taking my usual approach, which is (as far as comics are concerned)... everything will return to its most profitable form. Comics have a set form. With a few key exceptions-- changes in superhero persona, for example-- things generally make their way back to the “classic” form. Therefore I expect Dick to go back to being Nightwing, in a form we would recognize as typically Nightwing. 
Anonymous said: wait..... waitwaitwaitwait..... wait. did u just swear in that hashtag? i have followed you for like 2 years and the closest i've seen to swearing is "sweet texas on high" which ended up becoming a bad habit of mine to say irl and then have to explain where the hell i heard that, and then i said it enough that one friend started saying it as well, then it just spread like a virus in my friend group (this isn't a complaint this is just surprise and amusement. love ur blog!)
Glad to see my nonsense swears are spreading! To be honest, I (really) swear a lot. Don’t tell my mom
Anonymous said: Hey! I have to choose a quote for my yearbook and i want to do a batman/superhero quote but i cant think of one and was wondering if you could help me out? Im looking to go for kinda funny but also has a bit of meaning, ya know? Anyway thank you!
Oooooh boy lemme see
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I like Alfred’s quote in these panels. I would also maybe suggest:
"Whenever someone's asked what power they wish they had, flying is always at the top of the list. But I have to admit. I've learned to love falling too." (Nightwing #142, 2008)
I don’t know how helpful I can be on this one, honestly, but there’s my two cents.
night-mom said: Hi, I have a bat-centric side blog called Bat-Losers-Inc. I just discovered some of your writing on tumblr and have been slowly going through it when I have the time. I really love how you write each character of the Batfam and how each of them feels very distinct from each other but also different from their common representations in the Batman fandom. So anyway, I was wondering if you had a favorite Bat family member to write from in terms of point of view/personality?
Hmmmm a couple of years ago, I would have said Jason. For whatever reason, I’ve always given him a talking/fighting style that’s the most similar to my own, but lately I find myself drawn to Tim and Damian. My guess? Their points of view allow me to explore some things I’ve been going through-- specifically a nasty bout of depression, anxiety, and a psychotic breakdown. I would also say that Dick is the hardest for me to write, followed by Bruce, Duke, and Cass. Stephanie is pretty easy. 
Anonymous said: For some reason, I have this huge need of some angst... Could u please do a prompt of suicide Tim? But he manages to success?? Please???
Listen. I’m definitely not going to do that, and I don’t think I need to explain why. 
Anonymous said: I reread some old B&R comics. Bruce came back from his weird time adventures and one of the first things he said to Damian was, that it was his job as Robin to make sure that Batman gets home safe. Like yeah, I guess it is? But also you're talking to your 10 year old son, I'm waiting for that mentality to bite you in the ass at some point. I mean it kind of did when Damian died to save Dick in Batman Inc. Bruce's parenting is really dangerous sometimes o_o
I agree. I’ve always had a problem anytime the Batman/Robin relationship is framed around what Bruce needs. For the benefit of the child? Sure, I’ll suspend belief for that one. Because an adult needs it? No thanks. That’s why Tim’s origin story bothers me a whooooole lot.
@therusticate said: I just read the fanfic you put out around Christmas with the files on Dick and Damien and I MELTED. There were TEARS! I’m hoping to find some more of your work on your blog; I love your writing style and how everything flows. Thank you so much for creating content! You did a fantastic job and I love it.
Oh, thank you so much! I’m particularly fond of that fic
Anonymous said: how's outlining going?
Anonymous said: what is it that you are outlining??
Anonymous said: I hope your outline turns out good and you do well ❤ you can do it!!
@couldnt-pick-a-name said: Have you finished your outlining yet?
Anonymous said: Good luck on your exams!! I hope they go well and you take care of yourself and don't get too stressed
I appreciate you all for keeping me on topic <3
Exams went... probably pretty well? We’ll find out when grades come back. I was outlining for immigration law, federal administrative law, and constitutional law-- and I did get all of them done. Hallelujah. 
Anonymous said: Young Justice 2019 just got published and I realized I haven't consumed enough YJ material!! Do you have any comic recommends??
Oooooh I guess that depends on which Young Justice you’re talking about? Original v. based on TV show? Either way, my recommendation is to look up the associated series. Original YJ (Tim, Bart, Cassie, Conner, etc.) is the 2000 version by Peter David. That team just got a reboot, and I’m reasonably sure that’s what you’re asking about. Then there’s the YJ comic based on the tv show (2011, I believe).
Either way, I like pretty much the entire series. Sounds simple, but that’s my rec. 
@dontstopkiwibea said: I've been thinking about your fic with Damien and Tim having a conversation about Tim's depression and the time when Bruce was missing. I think about all that missing time a lot and how so much /could/ have happened to Tim but didn't. And then I think about Damien being sad when Tim was dead. And then I think about Dick hearing about Tim's mental state during that time, how bad it really got, and maybe Bruce learns too. Ahhhh I don't know about you but I want more fics about Tim and getting help
Honestly? Same. I feel like there’s a lot of emotion that’s never officially explored, and that’s a problem I personally enjoy fixing. 
Anonymous said: You asked for headcanons, so: Damian likes to give Tim a hard time, and one day Damian scoffs at the idea of Tim getting a pet, saying he’d probably kill it through neglect. Tim doesn’t appreciate that and ends up with a goldfish out of spite. He learns everything there is to know, and his fish is gonna thrive, dammit. And it does. Tim comes to genuinely care for this little creature (and secretly Damian is really pleased Tim is showing such interest in something that isn’t casework or WE).
Love it! Give Tim A Fish 2019
Anonymous said: What are you most looking forward to this year?
Hmmmmm... this is maybe a lil over optimistic, but I’m really looking forward to getting better this year. I’m trying harder and I have better resources than I ever had before. 
@xylophonicsynapse said: Which of the bat-kids makes music playlists?
I’d say that all of them DO it sometimes, but the one who really gets into it is Damian. He likes his music organized, thank you very much.
Anonymous said: Hey Amy! Saw the ask about the line "The sun is UP and so is JESUS we are partying today." and I thought it was hilarious I MUST know where its from! Plz and thank you <3
Lmaoooo that was from a post on Easter
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shitfics · 6 years
hi, im a fanfic writer who is trying to break into original fiction and publication. i noticed in the notes of one of your short stories that you were trying to write longer chapters. One of my favourite stories by you, One of These Nights is 90,000+ over 11 chapters. what kind of advice would you give to someone like me who struggles to break over 2,500 words per chapter? how can i work to make my chapters longer and still be interesting like yours? thank you x
Oh gosh, thank you so much! I'm hoping to break into original stuff too, and maybe get published, but don't have much hopes for it yet...still slugging away at my wip. ^^; It's sweet that you hold my stuff highly! And I'm sorry this got a bit long…I'm not good at being succinct when trying to talk about writing things, since I still feel so clueless myself. I’ve put most of the rambling behind a read more. 
For me really, writing longer things has just taken time…not in the sense of taking time to write a story (tho obvs it does), but like, each thing I wrote naturally got longer and longer as I got more used to storytelling, I guess? At this point, I think everything I write is almost too long, so I'm wondering what story it was I wanted longer chapters on…lol. It was kinda like lifting weights in a way, lol…I took a long time before I could get to 90k, and you can kinda see how each story got longer and longer (copy and paste was 12k, synchronicity/book of blood were around 20k, da au was 40k in part one/60k in part 2, and the hyung au was 90kish). 
Ofc I have a few breaks from that pattern, but those were kinda 'side projects' for fun that I wanted to keep short, like the esports ontae. Wherever you're at right now in terms of overall story length, I think writing regularly is the most important for building the "endurance" for longer stories and scenes -- and being as patient with yourself as you can about getting there is ideal. It’s a lot like working yourself up to lifting heavier weights, imo.(And full disclaimer though, my confidence/mental health wrt my writing is generally rock bottom, so I know it's not easy lol.)
Once I got into writing longer stories, I've kinda grown to see writing as having two kinda moods: gut-level writing, stuff you HAVE to get down and are dying to write, and the 'fill-in', less exciting parts or parts you really have to discipline yourself to get through.
For writing fic (especially shorter fic), I know I started with just gut-level writing. And for short stuff, that's generally all you need! I really struggled (and still kinda do) when I got to the point where that wasn't enough to fill in a long story, but I've kinda found a way of dealing it.
I don't know if it's a good habit, depending on how you work and how your ideas come about, but for me, I start by writing as much as possible for the scenes I do have fairly established in my head, then create an outline and fill in/revise the rest. It makes it easier for me to feel like I'm working off of inspiration and not just a rigid outline, so I get a good mix of the story/characters 'developing naturally' and 'not going entirely off the rails.' I will say that I think I struggle with endings because of it tho, since the 'gut-level' stuff for me rarely/never touches that part of the story. I usually have to outline to figure out where I want things to end up or what I want to show last.
For the your chapters question -- I'm not sure if by 'chapters' you might mean scene (since a lot of people break things up that way), or if you just mean in terms of other chapter divisions, but I'm gonna try and address both!
Personally, I don't really think in terms of chapters, if that makes sense? That part comes way later when I'm writing. Like right now, I'll be honest and say I don't have set 'chapter' divisions in my head yet for my wip, lol, tho the scenes might be long enough for stand-alone chapters. When I start a story (either with just inspiration or from an outline), it's a matter of scenes, and then after that, I figure out how many scenes I want in a chapter and what would feel "right" in terms of dividing them.
Usually, when I end a chapter it's either because it's an emotional high-point, it feels like a "natural" place to break (due to a jump forward in time for the next scene/resolution to a current conflict), or it's somewhere I need to change the point of view (if I'm writing a story with multiple). Like, for a high-point, I'd think of ending after the scene in hyung au where Jinki comes out, or in the esports thing, where ontae sleep together the first time. For "natural" break places, it's often a matter of time/resolutions, like…jongyu parting ways before jinki starts japanese promotions in hyung au, or in my current wip, them kinda breaking up for a few months after a fight. Pov changes for breaks are pretty self-explanatory and I could go on forever about how I try to pick which pov to use for a scene/chapter, but I think the most important thing is to use those breaks to avoid confusion.
As far as interest goes -- making sure scenes have enough "meat" to them without dragging can be hard, esp if you're trying to setup a plot. Imo, scenes are interesting when there's conflict or emotional high points of some kind (which can be a lot of different things). Once you figure out which of those you want in a scene, I think it gets easier to write around that.  Like, to go back to hyung au, when Jinki came to visit Jong at Blue Night and they hung out after -- I started the scene just knowing I wanted Jinki to surprise him, because I thought that'd be cute.
So in thinking about what purpose the scene might serve to move things forward…I knew mood-wise I wanted to capture some more of the uncertainty of how to act around each other, now that they're both know the other is gay, have Jinki be torn between making a move/confessing and his fear of changing things for the worse, set them up for some messy revelation of feelings in the next scene, and ofc have them both be horny because how else are you gonna feel being around your crush for the first time in a month.
Once that was kinda setup in my head, it was easier to fill in what the characters say/how they act. Jinki flirts with Jong on air, because that's 'safe' (it can't go anywhere since they're in a studio and it'd be easy to dismiss as not serious since he's in Onew-mode), Jong is defs very
And as another note…. I just think some parts are always going to be difficult to write, because we all have different strengths when it comes to writing. Like, I hate writing setting descriptions, so I don't do it much and generally provide a bare-minimum for scene context -- but when I need more for the purpose of mood or plot or whatever, it feels like pulling teeth. Since it's such a miserable process for me, and that's so long, I assume that means it sucks or it's a real slog for whoever's reading it, but…they don't always correlate.
Not every part of a project is gonna be fun -- which sucks! -- but it's also why it's important to take mental breaks and imo, step away from your story at milestones. It's not great to make yourself miserable for writing, (I say while I doing just that most of the time), but I think going in with the knowledge that it IS going to be hard sometimes can help. The more stories you write, the more you'll be able to hone your instinct for like...if you're struggling because there's something wrong with the plot/scene/prose or if it's just because writing be like that sometimes.
Oof, this got too long, and I don’t even know how much of it is useful, but I hope it might help a bit? Thank you again for the compliment and best of luck with your writing!!
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daisymondays · 6 years
For the title meme ✨✨✨ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Aahahaha !!! Wow thanks Nonnie !!! I’ll try not to babble too much because otherwise this’ll get super long and possibly annoy every one on my time line but thankyou
1. Favorite fic title, and why?
It’s got to be my current one Karma’s A Fake Orgasm and Its my favourite because 1. I find it hilarious 2. The series is now called Revenge Is Best Served Horny because I once again find myself hilarious, and 3. really the whole naming process of the fic was just really funny. I couldn’t think of a name so we were throwing around so stupid names and then when I tried to think of a serious one nothing could top Fake Orgasm so here we are. Stucky, Banter and my mates, this title is a product of everything I love
2. Least favorite fic title, and why?
Urm I dont know if I have a least favourite title as such as ones I don’t care about as much, which is a few of my shorter fics or just the ones I’m not as attatched to
3. Song names or lyrics as a title in any fic?  
Yesss, If We Were Honest was inspired by Honest by The Chainsmokers as the song was playing when I was plotting out the fic and heard these lyrics:
And I’m not gonna tell you that I’m over it‘Cause I think about it every night I’m not sober, andI know I keep these feelings to myselfLike I don’t need nobody elseBut you’re not the only one on my mindIf I’m being honestYou said I should be honestSo I’m being honest
and they just fit the story I was trying to tell sooo much and so yes, if Im being honest became If We Were Honest
4. Fics with literary references as a title?
Waheyy same answer as above really, If We Were Honest is a blend of Honest by the Chainsmokers and a book called If We Were Villians that I read just before I wrote this fic and really enjoyed, and so yes, the title is quite clearly a smushing together of the two things (i would rec this book if you enjoy dramatics and a Secret History)
5. Have you let someone else (a beta, a friend) name a fic for you?
Yesss, I cannot count the amount of times I’ve appeared in @aibidil‘s DMs like HELP ME WITH THIS TITLE so I’m 99% sure she’s basically named at least one of my fics for me
6. A fic that had a very different working title as a WIP?
Yeeeppp, Highly (in)Compatible had the working title of Fuck Fate which while fitting of the plot didn’t quite work for a title so I managed to come up with something better
7. Do you use all lowercase letters in any fic titles? Uppercase?
I use Uppercase, i tend to captialise them correctly rather than aesthetically cause im boring like that
8. How did you choose the title of your very first fic?
Once again I’m ignoring my old old fics that have either been deleted from the internet or I pretend don’t exist, which means we’re starting with Lost Children which I actually named pretty easily, like the plot of that fic just came to me at once and the title came with it. Its set straight after the war and during that summer and its called Lost Children because thats what its about, its Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Pansy, Ginny etc etc. trying to figure out what they’re supposed to do with their lives and who they’re supposed to be now the war is over, and realising that maybe its okay not to know everything
9. Do you think your method of naming fic has changed over time?
Yes I used to cry at the computer screen and now I scream. Urm no not really, i just kinda have a few ideas and discuss them with people and play around with words until i’m happy – which i think I’ve always done
10. Can you share the title of a WIP?
The current working title of the Bucky POV part of the Revenge is Best Served Horny is Playing The Long Game which has a dick pun in if you squint – i want something more obviously related to the other two espeically as Bucky is the king of sexual puns in this series so he deserves it – but i also kinda think this title is fitting so idk
11. Do you name your chapters?
No!! i wish i did!! i wanted to for Karma’s A Fake Orgasm but I couldnt think of anything witty so im pretty boring with chapters 
12. Do you find yourself generally naming a fic early or late in the process?
It really depends, like I have some names that I’ve pulled out of my arse while uploading to AO3 and some that have been there since I started the fic. I am nothing if not consistently inconsistent 
13. Have you ever changed the title of a fic after publishing?
Nope, im far too stubborn for that, no takesies backsies on shit titles !!! nah, i just dont hate any of them enough to do that
14. Give us a fic rec for one of your favorite fic titles from another author!
Not Easily Conquered from the Stucky Thirteen Letters series, if there ever comes a day I stop reccing this series presume I’m dead. Like literally. Or an imposter!!!! Anyway, this series is the way I finally managed to drag @synonym-for-life into Stucky (mawhaha) and its just beautiful, honestly some of the most fantastic writing and story telling I’ve read ever and I wish fanfic was more widely accepted purely so I could rec this series to more people. Its angsty and heart breaking, but hopeful too and just truly looks at love and the different things it does to people. No character is perfect and no one is pure evil, every one has their actions and you can understand them, you may not agree with what they did and it make break your heart but you can understand it. Its just a real look at humanity, the good and ugly, and on that note i’m off to read it again !!
I’d give the link but i’ve answered all the questions now !! thankyou Nonnie, this was super fun
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