#also ive got two more normal-ish lengths for the hair
simandy · 3 months
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do you guys mind if i go crazy for a moment
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for the otp game gimme the og pairing, kate and Matt Murdock c'mon u kno u want to
Getting back to my ROOTS love it
1. What was their first impression of each other?
“WHOMST this garbage can?” with a side of “oh no he’s hot” for Kate like, okay, it was more of a “oh you’re a COMPETENT garbage can” but still, a garbage can. 
2. What is their ship name?
Mattkate? amongst my various playlists and document names they are also “feathers and horns” and “evil eyes and daring dodos” “
3. Describe their relationship dynamic.
garbage just kidding. in a lot of ways they are opposites attracting--Kate is good with big plans but has trouble with details while Matt is ALL about details. Kate is a contingency planner, while Matt is more impulsive--at least when fighting crime. Kate has a LOT more practical experience than Matt does. That’s flipped in their romantic relationship--Matt’s more likely to slow play something or be cautious while Kate has a “ah fuck it” mentality. Go for broke, fix the damage later
4. What was their relationship like before they got together?
pftpfpfpf antagonistic but in a dumb way, like, both of them constantly spiritually eyerolling at each other but also secretly impressed with the other’s skill. they were weirdly touchy-feely with each other early on in their friendship, due to checking on each other’s injuries, etc (weird for them, not weird touching)
5. How would they describe each other?
they both think the other is reckless which all of their friends would think was hilarious if they all also didn’t have a stash of bloodstained towels that are Matt and Kate’s fault
Matt thinks Kate is one of the strongest people he’s ever met, and she’s...not forgiving, exactly, but always willing to give people a chance. he also thinks she’s really funny.
Kate describes Matt as simultaneously the smartest person she’s ever met and the dumbest person she knows. He’s brave, selfless to a fault, and has a “look at all the fucks i give” mentality that she really admires
6. What do they love about each other?
Matt loves Kate’s determination and her steadfastness. In a lot of ways, she’s easily distractible, terrible with time, but if she says she’s there for you, she’s there, no matter what.  She’s also not afraid to tangle with powerful people, so the have that in common,
Kate loves Matt’s “Stick it to the man” attitude, how deeply he cares for his friends, and that he’s normal, mostly, but saw a problem and decided to do something about it.
7. What do they have in common?
also looking at people they have no business tangling with and fucking with them anyway. 
8. What are some differences between them?
Kate is very aware that she’s human. This is something she’s aware of in fights and forgets after, so she’s bad at taking care of herself.
Matt knows he’s human and ignores this fact during fights but is VERY aware of after. So he makes sure Kate takes care of herself.
Matt also angsts a lot more than Kate about the morality and legality of vigilantism, whereas Kate’s been doing this since before she could vote so she’s kind of over it. Matt also has a lot more doubt over being a superhero and Kate’s all in. 
9. What made them realize they were in love?
they’ve lowkey been in love for most of their relationship, honestly, so for both of them it was a lot of little things building up over time. One morning Kate was tying Matt’s tie for court and he had a split lip--he was going over his opening statement, drumming his fingers on her hips and she just went ah. that’s what this feeling is. it wasn’t like, a startling revelation, just something that settled back in her gut, something that was always there.
Matt realized he loved Kate, like, truly madly deeply, one day listening to her snoring in the vents between his office and hers. Looking back, though, he thinks he first started falling in love with her when she threatened to get into a physical altercation with Stick
10. What are their love languages?
cuddling. they’re SUPER physically affectionate. or not even affection, just touching to check in on each other. 
they also bandage each other’s wounds
11. Do they get married? Who proposes and how?
i know nobody will believe me but I DON’T KNOW!!!! Because Kate doesn’t see the point but Good Catholic Boy Matt MUST GET MARRIED. Matt probably resigns himself to them never getting married and then Kate proposes to him after some fancy event--basically her in a full length evening gown on one knee (that pops very loudly) and Foggy whooping in the background. 
That, or one of them is hospitalized and there’s some Shenanigans with letting the other in and Matt’s like “never again. we’re getting married,” and Kate’s like “fine but we’re using my insurance” (while she’s hooked up to an IV and oxygen)
it’s the least romantic thing ever but both of them think it’s PEAK romance and get very sappy and emotional about it. Sister Maggie is over the moon. Father Latte is stoked. They are completely unaware of the fact that Kate actually has to be convinced to have a Cathoic-ish wedding, and that Clint is very upset he’s not allowed to perform the ceremony
Kate’s dress is fabrics Matt likes to listen to against her skin. Matt wears a burgundy tux with an arrow tie bar. 
12. What would happen if they never met? Matt’s life is the show, Kate probably winds up back in California. I hate to be like “Matt dies young” but that’s what happens, folks. 
13. Who dies first? How does the other one react? this isn’t real life. fuck death. also, considering Matt has been missing, assumed dead, i can say Kate reacts Not Well, takes down a drug smuggling ring, becomes invested in Frank Castle as a human person, (re)joins SHIELD, and teaches Karen self-defense (seriously, it’s like...a whole thing I started writing)
14. Are there any love rivals? Frank Castle, Elektra Natchios, and movie!Matt. Two of those have polyamory potential. one is just getting his ass kicked
15. Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
their UST cuddle sessions. where they’re like “we’re not cuddling” but they TOTALLY are
16. What do other characters think about this relationship?
mostly varying shades of “oh my god, they’re gonna die”. Most of their friends think it’s cute--Frank Castle doesn’t get it at all, Foggy sometimes wonders if Kate is a bad influence. Father Latte LOVES them together, can’t wait to marry them. Clint doesn’t think Matt’s good enough for Kate, but that’s pretty typical. 
17.Describe or write a really fluffy scene!
this is a post-midland scene where father latte yoinks Kate into the church
Sister Maggie glares and bitches—who knew nuns bitched?--but the other bed gets pushed up against Matt’s. Kate’s not entirely certain what Sister Maggie thinks is going to happen—Matt’s clearly not in any position to do much more than sleep and moan in misery—but the nun’s eyes soften a bit when she sees Matt’s hand still clasped between Kate’s.
“I’m not leaving him,” Kate repeats, aware that she’s starting to sound like a petulant child and not much caring.
It’s done, though, and Kate lays on her side, facing Matt and still holding his hand like it’s a lifeline. Exhaustion settles around her like a heavy blanket and Kate fights through it to wriggle just a little bit closer to Matt, close enough to press her forehead against his arm, remembering other times they’d slept like this that seem so long ago.
Matt doesn’t wake so much as he slowly drifts toward consciousness. There’s something different about it this time, something he can’t quite remember that makes him anxious and excited all at once.
Someone is holding his hand, something is warm all along his side, and even though his hearing is muffled, Matt can hear someone crying out.
He breaks the surface and gasps for air.
So much pain, his leg feels like it’s on fire and his skull feels two sizes too small and his ribs crackle with pain every time he breathes.
But something--
Someone is holding his hand, hugging his arm and he can’t smell or hear or taste but the calluses and the scars are familiar and Matt's heart leaps into his throat.
“Kate,” he croaks, squeezing at her hand while tugging at her arm. “Kate, it’s nightmare, wake up.”
Matt can’t even count on one hand the number of times that method of waking Kate up has worked, mostly because it never has, but this time, someone’s looking out for them because it does.
Kate jerks upright, her breath coming in sharp pants that echo in the silence, loud enough that even Matt can hear. Her hand tightens around his as she catches her breath, gulping in enough air to make a sad, heartbreaking little noise. “It’s real, you’re alive?”
Matt doesn’t respond because he’s using what little energy he has to reach for her with his free hand, his fingertips clumsily bumping against her cheek.
She makes that sad little noise again, one that Matt knows would rip right through him if he wasn’t already in excruciating pain.
She’s leaning over him, then, the tips of her hair brushing against his bare skin before she’s raining kisses on his face, light, gentle, sweet kisses.
This is familiar, Matt thinks, feeling like this might have happened a few hours earlier, before someone changed the room so she could lay down next to him.
He doesn’t know how to comfort her. Before—this, before everything, he would have listened to her heartbeat before deciding if he should ask her if she wanted pressure or space. And he would have either scooted to the far edge of the bed, or he would have rolled on top of her, setting his weight on her to keep her grounded and present.
18. Describe or write a really angsty scene!
sooo uhhh not strictly mattkate but from a wip where Matt doesn’t let Kate know he survived the explosion at midland and Kate stumbles into the punisher season 1 storyline uhhh i have nothing to say for myself
“He left me.”
“What?” Frank’s thunderous gaze is fixed on Kate now, and she falters under it.
“Matt. He, um. When he. At Midland,” she stumbles through the thought and Frank softens. “he didn’t just—I don’t know what Karen told you—he didn’t just die—he--he stayed. Her name was Elektra.” Kate takes a deep breath and it’s like she’s rehearsed this, how she would say it and the words come too easy.
“She was he ex-girlfriend, former love, from college. She came back into his life about the same time we met you. And it was rough, you know? They still had feelings for each other, but he picked me—or maybe he didn’t, maybe it was because she died and that made the choice for him. There’s a lot of magic bullshit in this story,” Kate answers Frank’s unspoken question. “And it was magic bullshit that brought her back to life, only not quite right. Not quite human. She’s who they were fighting at Midland.” Her eyes prickle hot with tears as she says the worst part, the part her mind worries like a dog with a bone when she can’t sleep at night. “He chose. To, to not let Elektra die alone, he chose her over me. He decided that life with me was worse than death with her,” and there it is, the whole ugly, painful truth,  I wasn’t enough, it was Elektra all along, and it burns the back of her throat, it constricts her chest. The tears burn tracks down her cheeks, cooling along her jaw. “I hate him. He made me believe—I thought what we had was real. I thought he loved me--”
Her voice breaks on a sob she can no longer contain, and all at once Frank surrounds her, his arms crushing her to his chest, his gentle shushing ruffling her hair. “Hey there, sweetheart, hey, it’s all right. He loved you, anyone could see that. He could have gotten trapped, could have gotten hit in the head, we don’t know.” His hands drag up and down her spine. “I’m right here, sweetheart, it’s okay.”
19. Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before. so it’s not exactly MattKate but Kate was married to America, once, in space, and they just...forgot to get divorced after they broke up. So there’s a whole thing with the three of them that involves Matt and America becoming really good friends--I mean, they both like punching stuff, that’s a solid basis for a friendship, right? And they get lunch every few months and Kate’s just like “why is my ex-wife texting you” and, of course, the “Kate and Elektra dated” headcanon, which dovetails really nicely with Matt/Kate/Elektra ot3. Kate and Elektra just sprawled on Matt’s couch asking him to bring them food because they’re heiresses they’re too pretty to get things themselves
20. What does a typical date look like for them?
Kate trying to keep Matt from listening for crime. Kate grilling Matt about the kitchen, Kate guessing the relationships of the other diners and Matt telling her if she’s right or wrong. Stopping a mugging on the way home and making out in an alley.
21. What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
WHOOPS MISSED THIS, but it’s the first time they take Fisk down. it was them working as a team, recognizing their romantic feelings, just. all around a good day. it’s an anniversary they celebrate every year
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kyberled · 7 years
do not reblog, repost.
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FACE SHAPE: oval, going off this chart (click) and his real-life face claim CHEEKS: A bit pink, but not to the point where it looks like blushing; Many adults have deemed them pinchable. CHEEKBONES: High and defined, but not sunken; To quote Rodi, ‘I’m in love with [Braig’s] cheekbones.’ LIPS: Bow-shaped, lower lip is fuller than upper; Almost naturally pouty, very pink. Can be a bit dry and cracked after some missions, but doesn’t chew them often, so they’re not too frayed. SKIN COLOR: Olive, light medium; He’s a bit lighter when he’s younger, because he didn’t leave the Temple until he was eight, and that was to go to Ilum, of all places, but he gets more sun when he starts going on regular missions. (Somewhere between III and IV on THIS SCALE (Click); the exact place on the range changes slightly, but yeah. Closer to III) SKIN TYPE: ‘normal’, as far as skin types go. Not especially oily, not especially dry, just somewhere in a neutral ground. (Not combination, though.) Rough and calloused around his palms, fingers, knuckles, and the bottoms of his feet, from training and missions, but relatively soft and smooth everywhere else. Scars brown, would be subject to a bit of hyperpigmentation if the Jedi couldn’t apparently use the Force as sunscreen (the Jedi Path taught me a lot) EYE SHAPE: almond-shaped, hooded, upturned at the outer corners EYE COLOR: Calf brown EYEBROW SHAPE: Full, straight, barely arches, tapers off EYEBROW COLOR: Black EYELASHES: Thick, long, black NOSE SHAPE: According to this chart, it’s a ‘small hero’ nose (which I find hilarious); Slightly hooked; Rounded tip, little bit of a button; Again, adults have reported that it is very boop-able HAIR TEXTURE: Thick, smooth yet unruly, and has a gentle wave to it HAIR COLOR: Jet black HAIR LENGTH: Depending on how old he is, it’s either about to his chin (baby Braig), just over his shoulders (young teenager), just passing his shoulders (older teenager), roughly the middle of his back (adult), or, heck, even down to his hips (Elder/old Braiggos) EARS: Somewhere between rounded and oval, unattached lobe, average size
SHOULDERS: A little narrow when he’s tiny, but puberty kicks him in the jaw and he broadens out by his late teens. ARMS: Toned - Muscular, though in the sense that it’s more ‘practical muscle’ and less ‘overly defined’; Buff for use, not for show, if that makes sense. Have you ever swung a sword around for a few hours? Great exercise. This kid uses two on a daily basis. A few noticeable veins, here and there; A couple small scars in various stages of fading.  STOMACH AREA: Toned. His life is 24/7 training. This kid is ridiculously in shape. Probably some scars here, too. LOVEHANDLES?: Friend, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was buff, he’d vanish when he turned sideways. He’s got barely any fat on him. (It’s actually probably a little bit of a health issue.) CHEST/BREASTS: Smooth, also muscular. Taut, but not swollen or ballooned out. He’s lean, I suppose, is the word I’m looking for. Probably still a few scars. NIPPLES: Average size, reddish-brown in colour. BACK: Same as before - lean muscle, little scars here and there. Straight posture, a mixture of confidence, formality, and training. HAND SIZE: A little on the small side, honestly? Broad palms, long, slender fingers. Very calloused, along the palms, pads of fingers, and the knuckles (first two especially). 
HIPS: They don’t lie, I’ll tell you that much. Again, muscular - a little wide, though whether this is due to muscle growth or just Braig being naturally a lil curvy, who knows.  BOTTOM: As I said, he doesn’t have a lot of fat on him, so it’s not big, but like the rest of him, pretty toned. Both of his romantic partners in their respective verses have given it five stars. (He’s unsure what to make of this.) THIGHS: Sturdy, muscular, lean. He’s flexible, with great balance, honed through training. He can’t outmatch physical giants in the Jedi Order like Hano, or, to pick a canon character, Krell, in terms of raw strength, so he focuses on agility. He’s got nice legs. Again, probably a few small scars, here and there. CALVES: Proportionate to his legs. Muscular, the calves of a martial artist and a trained warrior. Also, more scars. LEG LENGTH: I suppose long-ish? They’re a bit longer than his head+torso, but not by much, so pretty average. 
BODY HAIR: Doesn’t have much. It’s pretty much localised to his underarms, and the nether regions. His arms and legs are bare, and he couldn’t grow facial hair if he tried. (He did, in fact, try, just on a whim. It was disappointing, to say the least.) What he does have is a bit sparse, and very dark - black, like his head-hair.  SCENT: He smells a bit like leather, a bit like old stone, a bit like the air before a lightning strike (I, personally, imagine that lightsaber blades sort of give off that ozone-y energy smell), a bit like heated metal, like tea, and sweat, and battlefield dust, and the fake-not-pineapple scent of bacta and maybe a bit of medical disinfectant, a little like soap and shampoo and laundry detergent, and boot polish, and flowers, and weapons grease, maybe a bit like Obidad’s aftershave or cologne if he’s had a bad day and needs a tight hug. And a few people say he also smells a little like sweets, but that depends on the day. How much of each scent really depends on what he’s been doing recently. HAND NAILS: Very short, usually only a sliver of white over the pinks. Rounded and smooth, good for making a proper fist while also being well-manicured and clean. Sometimes, there’s a bit of dirt, or grit, or blood underneath, and other times there might be a bit of boot polish or weapons grease, but he washes his hands regularly enough that it’s never really a problem. He usually makes sure his hands are clean before leaving the Temple, if he can. TOENAILS: Short and neat, though he’s a bit less meticulous with his toes than with his hands - people don’t see his feet too often, and he doesn’t need his toenails short to make a fist. He keeps ‘em best as he can, but if they get a bit long, he won’t kick himself for it.  VOICE: I think, at least as a teenager, he would in fact sound like his FaceClaim, Boo.Boo Stew.art - A really good clip of him talking (to puppies) is here: (click), though when he’s older, it does deepen; I’ll have to look for a good voice claim for that. One important thing to note is that he does have a Coruscanti accent; ‘English’, in our Earthling terms, though it’s closer to Ewan’s Ob/i-W/an accent, since that’s what Braig grows up with. ACCENT: As I said, an English/Coruscanti accent. It’s not too thick, no more than Obidad’s is. He has it in every verse - his bio father, Eadric, has a very English accent, as well, so he grows up with it no matter who he was initially raised by.
HEIGHT: 5’0” as a young padawan (eg from age 13), 5′7″ as an older padawan (eg from age 17), and 5′9″ is his full height.  WEIGHT: 155.55 lbs is his full weight as an adult, but of course it depends on his age/height.  PIERCINGS: None, though Rogue Braig and modern Braig have seriously considered getting a single earring in his left ear lobe. TATTOOS: None, though he has a few he’s considered. Again, Rogue and Modern Braig are more likely to have these. BRA SIZE: Doesn’t wear one. SHOE SIZE: Apparently it’s 8 in American men’s when he’s fully grown. I barely know my own shoe size, so I’m leaving this. PREFERRED CHOICE OF SHOES: Simple leather boots in canon; In modern, he has a battered pair of old hiking boots, and another set of old comfy sneakers, and those are the ones he loves most. CLOTHING STYLE: He dresses in pretty typical Jedi clothing. Brown tunic, trousers, boots and belt, often wears a red sash under his belt, and, of course, his scarf; He loses the scarf when he gets older, (around 16-17) and adopts more greys, as well as a brown tabbard and grey vambraces, as a Jedi knight, his shirt is grey with two brown stripes on the right sleeve (brown stripes on your sleeve, according to Legends canon, signify having been born in the Coruscant system; These things are completely optional, but he likes them). The brighter colours in his outfit shift away from red and towards purple. As a Sith/Sith apprentice? Black clothes, tunic, maybe a tabbard, red accents, typical stuff. As a Rogue, it’s a lot of thrown-together, whatever he can find type-stuff. He likes things with pockets, since he can hide things there, and he modifies most jackets he wears to have pockets hidden on the inside where he can stash his sabers. He likes leather jackets, and he’d absolutely be willing to shell out the necessary credits for armourweave clothes he can wear around. It’s a way less formal, refined look than he wore when he was younger. He’s still big on neutral/earth tones, but if he needs to buy more opulently coloured stuff to blend in, he will. He also wears a small, woven black ‘bracelet’ around his left wrist - this is his padawan braid that he cut off himself, and he melted the beads down to join the ends together. He fiddles with it when he’s stressed. Modern Verse Braig likes dark/neutral pants, jackets, shoes, etc, but bright and vividly coloured shirts, and accessories can fall on either end of the scale. He likes comfortable, durable clothes that he can move around in, and if he’s gonna get a design or graphic on his clothes, he prefers a simple picture. he’s not above wearing jewellery in this verse (or his Rogue verse, might I add) though, again, prefers a simple necklace or one of those camp-style friendship bracelets to anything else. GENERAL BODYSHAPE: I will say right now that finding accurate body-type name charts for men sucks (though one said Braig’s body-shape is called ‘Adonis’, and I think we’re both giggling). I guess it’s somewhere between inverted triangle and rectangle? Could even get off calling some younger shots hourglass, before he starts filling out and growing into himself. I dunno. He’s Braig-shaped.
TAGGED BY: i stole a meme on free meme day TAGGING: literally all of my mutuals who want to tackle this monster i have been staring at pictures of boostew for like thirty minutes to figure out what shape his EARS are do you think i have the presence of mind to tag people
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lesphantom · 6 years
FFXV: A Retelling...  ish.
Still feeling bold… or stupid depending on who you ask…  This story I’m posting now has been the plague of my existence for the past 3 months.  My computer decided to eat it and I had to retype 95 pages of typed text that I lost.  This is why I write with pen and paper first.  Anyway…  This is the first part.  
Final Fantasy XV: A Retelling… ish
Chapter 1: 
I groaned.  Pain shot through my stomach.  I opened an eye and I glanced around.  Yep.  No sign of Steve or Trisha.  'Fuck me…’ I thought.  I opened both eyes and I slowly looked around.  
There were about a dozen hornet looking creatures buzzing around my head and a giant cat like creature on the ground a few feet away from me. ‘Killer bees and a coeurl… Fuck a duck backwards…’ I tried to stand up.  I hissed in pain and I glanced at my oozing stomach wound. Unfortunately for me, the couerl and killer bees heard my painful cries and they were beginning to converge around my position.
My vision was fading in and out and I could feel the coeurl’s hot breath on my neck.  'This is how I die…  RIP Mina…  Well, might as well go out with a bang…’ I thought.  With the last of my strength I reached for my splintered spear on the ground next to me.  I brought it up through what I hoped was the coeurl’s neck.  My eyes fluttered shut and I lost consciousness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THIRD PERSON POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The princely retinue was barreling back through Eos.  They were heading toward Hammerhead after taking on a quest for Takka.  Ignis sipped his ebony as he drove, his gloved left hand never leaving the wheel. Prompto captured pictures of the desert like scenery with his camera. Noctis was snoozing in the backseat, his head lolling to the side. Gladio was reading.  Gladio looked up from his book and he glanced out of the window.  He did a double take when he spotted an unusual group of daemons.
“Oh shit… Look over there, guys.” Gladio called.
“A coeurl and killer bees working together?”  said Prompto, snapping a quick picture.
“That’s unusual…” said Ignis, glancing over in concern.
“They’re not attacking each other…” said Gladio.  “That concerns me.   Someone could be hurt over there…”
“Let’s go check it out.” said Noctis, with a yawn.
“Excellent idea.” said Ignis.  “That combination of daemons is not normal.”
Ignis pulled the car over to the side of the road.  The crew drew their weapons  and they approached the daemons.  Something eerie was in the air as they approached.  Without thinking, Noctis charged in against the coeurl.
“NOCT!” Ignis shouted.
“Oh shit… There’s someone over by the group of killer bees.” Gladio said, swinging his sword at them.
“I’m on it!” Noctis said.
“Wait! We should have some semblance of a plan…” said Ignis
“Iggy, there’s no time.  It’s already getting dark and whoever is over there could be hurt…”said Prompto.
“So, plan; attack.” said Ignis, quickly slicing into the coeurl as it came closer to him.
“Right.” said Gladio.
The boys fought the coeurl and the killer bees swiftly.  Ignis immediately hurried over to the wounded person.  He saw her chest rise and fall but yet he still felt for a pulse.  The others were close behind.
“Miss…? Miss, can you hear me?” said Ignis.  “Damn… she’s unconscious…”
“That wound looks really nasty.” said Gladio.
“And painful…” said Prompto.
Ignis looked down at the woman’s wound.  It was a deep red in color and Prompto was correct; it looked painful.  Ignis sighed and he pulled a small first aid kit from his pocket.  He fished out a pair of tweezers.  He very gently pulled back the white shirt the girl wore.
Ignis nonchalantly took the girl in as he worked.  She was beautiful, even with the dirt and grime caked on her face.  She had shoulder-length auburn hair and olive colored skin.  She was thin, but she was built. The shaft of a splintered spear was tightly gripped in her right hand.  Ignis frowned.
“Is she alright?” came Prompto’s innocent voice.
“I’m not sure.  She is severely hurt.  Knowing what the killer bees can do, that wound is probably full of poison.” Ignis explained. “It… doesn’t look good.”
“D'you think that a potion would help until we can get her the medical care she needs?”
“It wouldn’t hurt…” said Ignis.
Prompto handed Ignis a hi-potion and he backed up out of the way.  Ignis sighed and he broke the hi-potion over her wound. He frowned as he looked at the wound more closely.  It was slowly knitting itself back together, but Ignis remained concerned.
“We can’t just leave her here.  Especially in the condition she is in.” Gladio said. “Ignis, can we take her to Hammerhead?”
“That is do-able.  It is the closest place…  I’m growing more and more concerned the longer I look at it…”  Ignis said.
“I’ll find a medic on our way back.”  said Prompto.
“Great idea, Prom.” said Noctis
“I’ll carry her.” said Gladio.
Gladio bent down and he gently picked the woman up off the ground.  A whimper escaped her lips.  The gang looked at each other and they nodded.  Ignis stood up, grabbing both the spear and the girl’s blue backpack.  He jogged ahead of the group, reaching the Regalia first. He held the door open for Gladio as he adjusted himself in the backseat with the woman on his lap.  Noctis gently climbed in as well, slightly moving her feet.  Ignis and Prompto hopped back into the front seat and Ignis drove off.
Ignis drove to Hammerhead as quickly and carefully as he could.  As soon as they arrived, Prompto exited the Regalia, talking animatedly on the phone while running in to grab Cindy.  Gladio gently picked up the girl and he carried her into the garage.  Cindy came running down the way towards the group.
“Y'all know I’m a mechanic, not a medic right?” Cindy said.
“I’m calling a medic now.” said Prompto.
“See if he can get here as soon as possible,” said Ignis, checking on the girl.  “I don’t think she has very long….”
Prompto exited the garage still talking on his phone.  Cindy cleared off an area of counter space.  She motioned for Gladio to bring the girl over, which he did.   Cindy couldn’t tear her eyes away from the girl’s wound.
“Oh My…” Cindy said,  “Do you reckon she’s got anyone lookin’ for her?”
“Seems doubtful.”  Ignis said.  “All that was out there was her backpack and her spear.  Both of which are in the trunk of the Regalia.”
“We could get an ID on her if we went through that backpack…” said Noctis.
“Yeah… maybe.  But that would be an invasion of her privacy.” said Gladio.
“Right.” said Ignis.
Prompto ran back in, a grin plastered on his face. “I got a hold of a medic.  He’s about ten minutes out..”
“Awesome!” said Noctis.
“Yes… Let’s hope she holds on that long…” said Ignis.
Gladio frowned.  “I hope she does.”
Moments later a car zoomed into the small service station.  Almost as soon as it had stopped moving, a medic popped up out of it.  He rushed over to the small crowd and the guys let him pass.  The medic said nothing as he went to work.  He swiftly treated the young woman’s wounds.  He broke a few curatives that Ignis didn’t recognize over the young woman’s wound.  He let out a tired sigh as he stepped away from the girl.
“You’re lucky you got her here when you did…” The medic said.
“That bad, huh?” said Noctis.
“That wound was riddled with poison.  She has also lost a considerable amount of blood.  I recommend a blood transfusion..” said the medic.
“Do what you can, sir.” said Gladio.
“Another hour and she wouldn’t have made it…” the medic said, hooking up the IV with the bag of blood.
The medic sighed and he pulled out a few remedies, antidotes and other curatives out of his bag.  He handed them to Ignis.  Ignis took them gratefully.  He began packing up his things.
“I’ll be back for the IV pole in a few days.  It’s on the house since I happened to be in the area.  Just take care of her.”
“Thanks…” said Prompto.
“We’ll take care of her.” said Ignis.
The medic sent the crew a wave before hopping back in his car and driving off.  Gladio sighed and he looked back at the woman, who was resting comfortably.  Ignis approached the unconscious woman and he examined her closely.  He sighed.
“We don’t know anything about this girl…” Noctis commented.  “What if she’s an ungrateful bitch about this whole scenario?”
“Then we’ll deal with that when we come to it.” said Gladio.  “For now… we’ll just wait.”
“Yeah… I guess… Poor girl.” said Prompto.
“Yes… She’s been dealt a pretty atrocious hand.” said Ignis.
Cindy entered the garage once more.  “Is she gonna be OK?”
“I hope so…” said Ignis.
“Are y'all worried?” said Cindy.
The boys nodded.  Cindy smiled slightly.  She pointed to the R.V.  
“Y'all can stay for free.  Just this once though.” said Cindy
“Really?!? Thanks Cindy!” said Prompto
“Don’t thank me!” Cindy said, “Thank paw paw…”
Gladio, Prompto, Noctis and Cindy started walking toward the R.V.  Ignis on the other hand, continued checking on the young woman, worry furrowing the young adviser’s brow.  He could feel the stress beginning to build in his neck and back.  He pulled a nearby chair close to the woman and he sat down. He let out a long sigh.
“I don’t even know you, miss, but I am worried for you.  No one should have to endure trauma as you have alone.” Ignis said.  “I don’t even know if you can hear me right now…”
“Ignis?” came Cindy’s voice.
“Yes?” Ignis said.
“The garage ain’t much but… it’ll be warm and keep out the daemons tonight.  You’re welcome to stay in here tonight…”
Ignis gave Cindy a warm smile.  “Thank you, Cindy.”
Cindy gave Ignis a grin.  She crossed the room and she dug out two warm looking blankets.  She gave them both to Ignis and she headed out of the garage.  Ignis gently covered the young woman with the blanket and she made a contented noise.  He smiled gently.  Ignis went to the Regalia and grabbed a few cans of ebony.  He headed back into the garage settling back down in the chair.  He watched carefully as the girl’s chest rose and fell.  He opened a can of ebony and he took a long swig of it.  It was going to be a long night.
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