#also ive had a cough cause of allergies
umbrellahat07 · 11 months
Just found out I have an iron deficiency from donating blood lol. Explains why I've felt like a sickly victorian lady dying of consumption for the past few days since starting my period.
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ednmame · 9 months
honestly kinda scared...i tested for covid friday 12.29 cause i was feeling sumn in my throat mind you all the week before i had a sore throat also tested that whole week w negative test outcomes, ending up goin to the ER that week cause i was on week 2 of a sore throat they put me on antibiotics. antibiotics didnt do shit the entire weekso i resorted to allergy pills and my sore throat cleared up in a day honey! so i had 2 days where i felt fine and had no symptoms after taking allergy meds then boom i get nose congestion and im like fuck..but also thinking it may just be allergies...anyways so i start taking dayquil all that week..i just ran out yesterday...and i knew i was going out new years eve so i tested again even though i had just got a negative outcome two days before...mind you i feel fine but im having *symptoms* anywho test is negative as of 2 days ago...then today ive been having all kinds of runny nose snd just general mucus and phlegm come up through my nose and throat and my throat is kinda sore (from coughing this time and not as a general symptom) and all day today im kinda like this food is bland...i fear im losing my taste and thats exactly the symptom i had when i had coco v like 2/3 years ago so im very shook now thinking i may have it and should have picked up a test when i just picked up dayquil and hot chips...but at least hoping this dayquil gets me to stop coughing every 5 seconds cause its not fun and i hope i don't sound like a 60 + year old smoker tomorrow when i eventually have to go into work cause i dont have enough pto to take off any more days...i rly hate the system
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jcrmhscasereports · 2 years
Emerging infectious agents: an unusual case of Metapneumovirus pneumonia in an adult patient by Greco GF in Journal of Clinical Case Reports Medical Images and Health Sciences
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Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV), a relatively new virus, is a common cause of acute respiratory infection, especially common in the pediatric population. Despite hMPV infection in adults is possible, this rarely results in serious clinical manifestation. Here, we describe a hypoxemic respiratory failure related to pneumonia in an adult patient in whom hMPV was detected in respiratory samples.
Human Metapneumovirus; SARS-CoV-2; Covid-19.
A 61-yr-old caucasian man presented to the Emergency Department (ASST Mantua Hospital, Mantua, Italy) with fever up to 39°C, poorly responsive to antipyretics, nocturnal dyspnea and productive cough with mucus-purulent sputum for three days. On physical examination he appeared in good general condition, collaborating and oriented. The following parameters were recorded: blood pressure 140/90mmHg, heart rate of 100 beats min-1; respiratory rate of 23 breaths min-1; and body temperature of 38.4°C. His arterial oxygen saturation on room air was 87%. Chest examination revealed abnormal breath sounds with rhonchi and fine crackles in the middle lobe and inferior lobes bilaterally, no wheezes were heard. Laboratory findings revealed lymphocytosis (81000 x 103/µl), low platelet count (113000 x 106/µl) and an increase in alanine transaminase value (59 U/L), total bilirubin value (1.13 mg/dL) and CPR value (112 mg/L). Room air arterial blood gas analysis showed a normocapnic hypoxemia: pH 7.43, carbon dioxide tension 40.5 mmHg, oxygen tension 60.4 mmHg, and HCO3 24 mmol L-1. The  SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection test on nasopharyngeal swab was negative. A chest radiograph showed multiple, small, patchy opacities in the right upper and middle lobe and  no pleural effusion was observed. Based on these findings he was admitted to the Respiratory Department.
His medical history included chronic lymphocytic leukemia in follow-up which did not require any specific treatment. He denied taking any medications or to be a smoker, he drinks a glass of wine once a day and has no known allergies. The patient was a farmer who cultivates wheat and maize but he had no animal exposure and no travel history in the last few years. There is no family history or childhood history of respiratory complaints. He was vaccinated with three dosesagainst the SARS-CoV-2 infection (Pfizer) but not against the influenza virus.
Based on the patient’s presentation and testing results, on suspicion of bacterial pneumonia he was empirically treated with IV Piperacillin/Tazobactam, the patient required oxygen support at 3L min-1 and an inhalation therapy with Beclomethasone/Formoterol was set up ex adiuvantibus. In the following days, several microbiological investigations were carried out to determine the etiology of pneumonia: blood culture, urinoculture, sputum culture, Legionella, Haemofilus and Pneumococcus serologic tests, Legionella pneumophila and Pneumococcal urinary antigen test, all of which were negative.
A  nasopharyngeal swab FilmArray Respiratory Panel Assay (NP FARP) was then requested: it was positive for human Metapneumovirus and the result was confirmed by repeating the test. For non responder fever and further increase of CPR (230 mg/l) and PCT (0.27 ng/ml), Levofloxacin and later Meropenem were added in the perspective of a resistant bacterial etiology.  On  the 6th hospitalization day a chest computed tomography (CT) scan was obtained (Figures 1 and 2) which demonstrated large opacities with gradient borders, distributed in the peribronchial area at the right upper lobe, middle lobe and both the lower lobes; they tended to the confluence configuring parenchymal consolidations with aerial bronchogram at the level of the cost-phrenic angle. Imaging also showed bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy (max diameter 3.4 x 2 cm), splenomegaly and absence of pleural effusion. Blood chemistry tests for HIV, Aspergillus antigen and galactomannan were also investigated but turned out negative. To rule out other infectious agents the patient underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) into the middle lobe. BAL provides material for various microbiological and cytological tests: Gram stain, culture, Koch’s bacillus DNA, Galactomannan, Cytomegalovirus and P. Jirovecii and immunological analysis were negative. From respiratory virus panel on BAL only human Metapneumovirus was isolated, this unique microbiological data was according to the NP FARP’s result,  thus supporting and confirming the new hypothesis of a viral pneumonia in an adult patient with probable secondary mild immunosuppression due to his hematological disease. About ten days after entering the ward, there was a gradual decrease of CPR and a progressive improvement in clinical conditions and respiratory function to allow the suspension of oxygen therapy. At the end of hospitalization, pulmonary function tests were performed and showed a restrictive syndrome (FEV1/FVC 76.2, TLC 68% and VC 79% of predicted) and mild reduction of diffusion capacity (DLCO 62% and KCO 99%), probably representing the residual functional impairment due to viral pneumonia. The patient finally suspended all therapies and at discharge was referred for a one-month follow-up visit.
Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV), a relatively new virus first discovered in 2001, has been detected in 4-16% of patients with acute respiratory infections [1] [2] [3]. In particular, a recent review of 48 previous articles, including 100,151 patients under the age of five hospitalized for CAP, identified this virus as a cause of pneumonia in 3.9% of patients [4]. A recent study of 1386 hospitalized adult patients identified hMPV pneumonia in only 1.64%, indicating that it was much less common than in the infant population [5]. Metapneumovirus causes disease primarily in infants, but rarely can infect immunosuppressed individuals and elderly as well. Seroprevalence studies have shown that 90-100% of 5-10 years old children have previous infection [6]. Reinfection can occur during adulthood because of defected immunity acquired during the first contact with hMPV and/or because of different viral genotypes. The incubation period varies widely but is typically 3-5 days. The disease severity depends on the patient's condition and it ranges from mild upper airway infection to life-threatening pneumonia or bronchiolitis [7]. Clinically, Metapneumovirus infection is often indistinguishable from RSV infection, particularly in the pediatric population, and common symptoms include hypoxemia, cough, fever, upper and lower airway infections and wheezing [8]. hMPV infant patients are often hospitalized  for bronchiolitis and pneumonia [9]. In young adults, a flu-like syndrome with fever may occur in a small number of instances, but infection in geriatric subjects may cause severe clinical manifestations such as pneumonia and, in rare cases, death [10].
As described in this case, it was not surprising that antibiotics and corticosteroids were administered in most patients infected with Metapneumovirus mainly for two reasons: in most cases the specific diagnostic tests for hMPV are not carried out at admission and/or physicians prefer to continue steroid and antibiotic treatment to control potential unidentified bacterial infections in patients in which no etiological agent had been identified associated with hMPV infection. The overuse of these drugs could therefore be reduced through the adoption at admission of specific diagnostic tests for such etiological agent, especially if specific risk factors are present (age, immunodepression, etc.). In addition, the adoption of such tests could reduce the nosocomial spread of this virus, allowing an early isolation of the infected patient [11].
Conflicts of interest: The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript. Funding: The authors report no involvement in the research by the sponsor that could have influenced the outcome of this work.
Authors’ contributions : All authors contributed equally to the manuscript and read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
For more information: https://jmedcasereportsimages.org/about-us/
For more submission of articles: https://jmedcasereportsimages.org/
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Jellyfish - JJ Maybank
Request: Hey! I was wondering or you could do an outer banks imagine where like in season one the pogues leave kie, Sarah and reader on a boat, and the reader is the one getting stung by a jellyfish. The night goes on and she starts having an allergic reaction the jellyfish sting and her breathing starts to go bad and all dizzy. The girls have to call a mayday. And the sherif/ambulance boat? Comes and gets her or the pogues come back the next morning and she is not well at all. Then hospital. The pogues feel really badx Maybe reader x jj?  
A/N: I just started a rewatch of s1 tonight so I can finally watch s2...also I googled allergic reactions to a jellyfish sting for this. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
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Sarah stood beside you, practically holding you up, as you emptied the contents of your stomach into the marsh for the fifth time in so many minutes. The boys plan to strand Sarah and Kiara on the boat hadn’t been a very clever one and when you had protested JJ had jokingly pushed you over the edge of the HMS, claiming that now you too were stranded with them. 
It wasn’t exactly how you’d planned to spend your night, especially with everyone on each other’s nerves as severely as they were, you’d been looking forward to taking advantage of that and spending the night back at your house with JJ. Instead, you were stranded on Heyward’s boat with Kiara and Sarah bitching at each other. Not to mention the angry red mark blossoming over your stomach from the jellyfish that had stung you as you’d tread water earlier.  
“I thought you said you could fix this stupid piece of shit!” Sarah shouted to Kiara as she rubbed her hand along your back. The juxaposition of her kindness to you and her edgyness with Kiara wasn’t lost on you...even as you felt your head swimming.  
“I gotta lay down,” you urged, hands gripping the edge of the boat as you rested your chin against the cool side, staring into the murky water. It was starting to get darker outside but you weren’t paying attention to that anymore. You felt like you were going to throw up again though this time it felt prompted by the dizzy feeling when you moved your head and not the pain shooting through your abdomen.  
“Okay, let’s lay down...do you want a blanket or something?” Sarah asked, eyes darting around the boat to check for any spare blankets or sweatshirts.
You shook your head, immediately regretting the action as your vision blurred. “No...no, it’s so hot.” When you struggled to get JJ’s shirt over your head without moving too much, Sarah grabbed the hem of the shirt and eased it up.  
“She doesn’t need your help!” Kiara yelled from the hatch, looking out at you with concern. You’d been fine earlier, before you’d boarded the boat with them, before the jellyfish stung you, but now you were doing worse and worse. She was trying to fix the boat but it was obvious that JJ and John B’s genius plan had included purposely sabotaging any chance they had of getting the boat back to shore.  
“Obviously, she does!” Sarah shouted back, “she’s puking over the side of the fucking boat! What was in that shit you rolled anyway?”
Kiara looked incredulous at the suggestion that it was the weed they’d smoked that made you like this, “oh cause I poisoned my best friend with weed? Is that it?”  
“Maybe!” Sarah shrugged, “how should I know.”
“Not helping,” you groaned, rolling to the side and pressing your hand against your stomach. “Kie...my stomach is killing me.”  
“What can I do?” She asked, coming back over to you and Sarah.  
“Call for the coast guard or something?” Sarah suggested, looking out over the marsh as if someone would just happen to be driving through. It was pitch black now, the night falling completely. It wasn’t too late yet, close to 9:30p Sarah supposed, but she wasn’t confident that this could last until morning. Who knew when the boys would come back?
“With what phone Sarah? The tower is down.”  
“Swim to shore or something then!” She snapped.
“Sure, no problem...why didn’t I think of that? I’ll jump in the fucking marsh in the pitch black and swim toward what I think might be land!” Kiara shouted.
“Guys,” you snapped, pulling yourself up to the edge of the ship again. You felt like you were going to throw up again but there wasn’t anything left in your stomach, “shut the fuck up! You aren’t helping...I know they messed with the boat, is the radio working?”
“Let me check.” Kiara stood up from your side and headed back to the controls, checking the radio. “I’ve got a signal!”  
You weren’t sure how long it took between Kiara signaling a mayday and the police boat actually coming out on the marsh because you passed out soon after she’d gotten the signal, slumped against Sarah, the pain in your side and abdomen too much for you to bear. Neither of the girls wanted to leave you overnight in the hospital, worried something would happen the second they left your side, so Kiara scribbled a note and left it taped to the window of the boat.  
Gone to the hospital – was all it said. Not very descriptive but extremely alarming, the boys had arrived at the emergency room frantic.  
“What the fuck kind of scare tactic was that Kie!” JJ had shouted down the hallway when he saw his friend outside one of the rooms. A nurse down the same hall shushed him as he passed her and he turned around to flip her off.  
“Excuse me but you three deserve it after the shit you pulled! Leaving us stranded out there with no communication? You’re lucky the radio worked.” Sarah hissed, shoving JJ when he tried to get passed her into the room.  
The second he’d seen her it had been clear the person who was missing, the one who was undoubtedly in the hospital bed in the room he was standing outside of. You’d gotten hurt, seriously if you were here, if they’d had to mayday a police boat.
“What happened?” Pope asked, quieter than his best friend had been able to muster.
“She’s allergic to jellyfish.” Sarah replied, turning a glare on JJ, “when this moron pushed her in the water she got stung and had a reaction.”  
“Is she okay?”
“She’ll be alright...she’s dehydrated though, so she’s on fluids for the rest of the – JJ!” Kiara snapped when he pushed passed her to get into the room. He moved the curtain aside to see you there, still a little out of it from the exhaustion of the night before but you smiled when you saw him.  
“Hey,” he dropped his voice down to a whisper, a contrast to the sharp scrap of the chair that he dragged to your bedside, “I’m so sorry.”
“Guess I’m allergic to something after all.” You managed to tease, recalling the conversation you’d had a few weeks earlier when JJ had begrudgingly given up the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he was trying to make at John B’s when you reminded him that he was highly allergic to peanuts.
He’d claimed that “maybe it went away”, a possibility you both knew to be impossible while you told him that you weren’t stabbing him with an epi-pen if he had an allergic reaction. “I would stab you, if you were allergic to anything,” JJ had replied, settling for jelly on toast instead. 
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” JJ said now, eyeing the bag of fluids that was connected to you via IV. “I would’ve been fine thinking you didn’t have any allergies.” 
“It’s not your fault JJ, it was an accident...I could’ve been stung a million times before this, we literally live on the coast.” You tried to laugh and coughed; throat still sore. JJ grabbed for the pitcher of water at your bedside and poured you a glass, leaning over to help you swallow.  
“Yeah but you didn't get stung a million times before this...you got stung after I pushed you in!”
“We should let you get some rest,” Pope’s voice sounded over JJ’s shoulder and you both looked over to where he was standing at the curtain. He smiled at you, a silent ‘glad you’re okay’ and ‘sorry’ rolled into one.  
You nodded, more than aware that you were on the verge of falling asleep again. Still, you reached for your boyfriend’s hand, settling for his wrist instead as he was still holding the plastic cup. “Will you stay?” you asked, eyes meeting JJ’s.  
“Yeah, of course.” He promised, sitting back down, “I’m not going anywhere.” He didn’t mention the absolute panic that had racked through him when he saw Kiara’s note or realized you were the one that was injured and he definitely didn’t tell you how severely he blamed himself for you getting stung in the first place, instead he just sat there holding your hand and promising that he would stay there with you until you were discharged. “Everything’s okay, you’re okay.”  
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
Hello Joy! Long time follower and I really enjoy your blog. I just wanted to hope into your asks bc i've had a very frustrating day of doctors appointments and even if you don't have any advice, i was just hoping to rant to someone who'd been around the block with elusive medical illnesses (though please dont feel obligated to respond to this at all), and i apologize in advance for an almost certain lack of coherence.
I've been dealing with quite a lot of doctors appointments over the years, from treating insomnia, my adhd, and depression and anxiety, but long story short we have discovered 2 years ago that I have low b12. I have also been dealing with a chronic cough for 2.5 years. Unfortunately, oral supplements did not work for the b12 and i had to get monthly injections, which stopped when the pandemic hit and, despite doing for 4 months, didnt bring my levels up to normal anyway.
I recently restarted the injections, but my doctor will not approve my request to have more frequent injections, which i think i need, because its not fatally low (its at a 170 based on recent bloodwork). I finally saw a respirologist for my cough, and she has no idea what the cause of it is, even suggested that its psychsomatic, and put me on a different inhaler that i tried before (ive tried a million treatments for it, from post nasal drip meds to ppis for acid reflux to allergy meds, and the inhaler is the only thing that helped a little).
I've gained 20-25 pounds in the past 2 months, when ive been the same weight since i was a teenager (im 22), but my bloodwork continuously come back normal for everything but b12 and vitamin d, so my doctor also has no explanation for that (including normal tsh, and the last time i brought up testing other thyroid factors the doctor told me they dont do that and honestly made me feel silly for asking. Though, granted, my current doctor is a different one). I'm going insane because of how tired i am all the time, and the fact that I feel like a hypochondriac bc all my tests are always normal, and my doctor is only available for appointment once a month.
Sorry for the long block of text, i just feel, when looking at your blog, a sense of hope that eventually i'll have answers and you're just really great. ❤ i hope you had a really good day today ❤
Get a new doctor! Get a new doctor right now!
When you dip below 250 is when you can start to experience chronic fatigue, mood disorders and worsening cognitive function.
170 is when you're on the cusp of things getting seriously bad and depending on your homocysteine levels can start to cause pain and nerve damage. This is also when my hematologist estimates I started to sustain prolonged damage to my nervous system. This was also when I started experiencing the symptoms of early onset dementia.
140 is when my iron and folate levels tanked suddenly and I was so symptomatic my (then) new doctor was worried I had cancer and rushed me through seeing seven specialists in a week. The same day as seeing the hematologist it dipped below 110 and I started hemolyzing and went into medical crisis as my kidneys and heart started to struggle. I owe that hematologist and his team my life.
The good news is the shots you are getting right now are keeping you stable, but your doctor should NOT be waiting for your levels to hit crisis mode to resolve this issue. Please do not give up on this, you deserve better treatment.
Also, what kind of supplements are you taking?
I don't absorb Cyanocobalamin well through my gut, which is the most common type of oral supplement prescribed. What I do absorb through the gut is Methylcobalamin, so if you haven't tried that yet, it might be worth a shot to try and help you manage your levels on your own. Same with folic acid, I don't absorb it for shit, but when I switch to a methylfolate supplement, my numbers start to climb*. If you have tried this and it's been ineffective, then I'm going to emphasize that you need to push your doctor to increase your number of shots to get your levels up because what you are living with is not an acceptable quality of life, and I am so sorry :(
I hope you are able to rest and have better days in store soon. Take care, and if you want to talk about b12 or stuff, hit me up.
*Before anyone asks, yeah, I'm aware of the MTHFR gene mutation. I just can't test for it because the procedure is considered to be "investigational" and neither my geneticist nor my insurance wants to run it and I don't want to sell my data to a gene company lol.
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tightwadspoonies · 4 years
Emergency Department vs Urgent Care vs Primary Care vs DIY
Disclaimer: This post is meant to be informative and it’s wording often assumes that you have access to all of the above as choices. We do, however, understand that the US healthcare system sucks, rural areas exist, lack of insurance is a thing, unexpected things happen, and unfortunately sometimes we don’t get all that much of a choice in where we seek our healthcare. If you need healthcare, please seek the healthcare you can access, even if that means using the emergency department for things that are not emergencies.
Also, please get your healthcare advice someplace besides tumblr.
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If the above statement confused you, congratulations- you live in a place with reasonable healthcare. If you nodded right along with it, I’m very sorry to say you live in the United States of America, where pressures outside the severity of illness are often in play when deciding where and when to seek care for medical problems. Things like whether care will be available to you without insurance (or with any certain insurance plan) and, if you can actually get care with the coverage (or lack of coverage) you may have, whether the price for that care will be something you can afford.
Hopefully, not only will this post tell you a little about the options available to you and what problems they’re most designed to take care of, but also give you a few tips and tricks for getting the care you need in a way that works both for the system providing the care and does not literally bankrupt you.
When to go to the Emergency Department:
An emergency department is a part of the hospital. It is equipped and staffed to respond to the most emergent and life-threatening medical problems. It is designed to perform an initial evaluation of the patient, provide stabilizing care, and determine whether the patient should be admitted to the hospital for continuing care, or be referred to their primary care doctor for follow up. Patients are seen in order of severity, which can cause very long wait times for those who are otherwise stable.
Go to the Emergency Department for something that would either A, cause you to die without medical care, or B, requires a level of testing capabilities/care that is not possible outside of a hospital.
Things that could kill you or cause permanent disability without medical care:
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Uncontrollable bleeding
Seizures that last longer than 5 minutes, or stop and start without the patient going back to “baseline” in-between
Severe allergic reaction/anaphylaxis
Suicidal ideation with plan or inability to care for self due to mental health problem
Loss of consciousness
Spinal injury
Stroke symptoms
Severe trauma (car accident, gunshot wound, etc...)
Large burns
High fevers that don’t go down after taking over the counter medications
Things that require a higher level of testing capabilities and/or care than could be provided elsewhere:
First-time seizure or sudden onset of unexplained neurological symptoms like confusion
Abdominal pain
Broken bones (with obvious deformity or protruding from skin)
Coughing up blood
Head injury
Swallowing a foreign object
Severe dehydration
Active labor
Burns covering more than about a hand-size area
A US law called EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) makes it illegal for an emergency department to refuse care to someone who is experiencing a medical emergency, regardless of their ability to pay. This does not cover continuing care, however, just the initial stabilizing care, and the patient will still get billed.
If you go to the ED and get billed, and you are under 400% of the federal poverty level, call the hospital and ask to speak with a financial counselor. They will often be able to write off part or all of you bill and set up a payment plan if needed so your account does not go into collections.
When to go to Urgent Care:
Urgent care is a lower level of care than an emergency department, but an urgent care often has things like x-ray machines, EKG machines, and an on-site lab. They can also do minor procedures like casting, inserting a catheter, removing a small/minor foreign body, and giving IV fluids. Urgent care clinics can be expensive without insurance and may or may not have the same ability as a hospital to write off unaffordable bills. I would always recommend calling ahead to make sure they take your insurance.
Go to an urgent care if you need primary care services outside of normal primary care hours or if your primary care office cannot see you soon enough for your needs. They often do not require you to call ahead or make an appointment. You can go to an urgent care for things that require a slightly higher level of care than a primary care office, but are not immediately life threatening.
Things like:
Broken bones (without obvious deformity), dislocations, and sprains
Sinus, ear, and eye infections
Minor allergic reactions
Cuts, burns, large splinters
Bronchitis, pneumonia, mild-moderate COPD and asthma exacerbations
Sports or occupational physicals (if you don’t have a primary care physician)
Doctor’s notes for work or school (if required same day as call-off)
When to see your Primary Care Physician:
If at all possible, you should have a primary care physician (PCP). If you don’t have insurance, find one that offers a sliding scale, meaning you only pay what you can afford based on your income and household size. PCPs are especially important if you have any ongoing medical or mental health needs, but most younger, otherwise healthy folks will still need their PCP for routine/sports/job-related physicals, screenings, medical documentation, referrals if necessary, and vaccinations. It will greatly help in the long run to keep up on these things. Swearsies.
PCP offices require an appointment, but many have some same- or next-day openings for acute medical conditions that need prompter evaluation. Many offices now offer virtual visits as well, either over the phone or through a videoconferencing platform.
Primary care offices offer care for:
Physicals (sports, annual, job etc...)
Chronic disease (diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, COPD, asthma, etc...) monitoring and ongoing care (meds and med changes, referrals to specialists, etc...)
Screenings and tests (blood pressure, diabetes, TB, strep, basic bloodwork, urinalysis etc...)
Prescription refills
Sinus, ear, and eye infections
Minor allergic reactions
Mental healthcare (some offer counseling services, many are comfortable prescribing medications for things like anxiety, depression, insomnia, and ADHD)
Impacted earwax
Birth control, including implants and IUDs
Cuts, burns, large splinters
Bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, etc...
When to DIY:
Sometimes you have a problem you’re pretty sure you can deal with on your own. This is a different level of comfort for everybody, and I would always recommend you reach out for help if you’re having a problem you’ve never had before or if you’re uncomfortable. Do not DIY purely for financial reasons.
Many larger hospital systems and insurance companies have a nurse triage phone number, where you can speak with a nurse who can direct you in self care or recommend you go to one of the above options. These are often 24/7 and free to use.
If you have a PCP, you can also often call their office or ask a question through an online portal like MyChart. This is also generally a free service.
Common DIY medical situations:
Minor sprains/strains
Splinters/small cuts/scrapes/bruises
Minor allergies
Infrequent, mild headaches
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galleryfake · 4 years
answering every question from muse things - !
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❄ — all striked answers are things that do not apply to him, and even if they do, he has no opinion/doesn’t find it relevant. three of the sections have been omitted entirely due to their lack of relevance to his thought process.
how do they see themselves? — as a part of the spider, nothing more or less. without it, he’d be just another person living uselessly until death.
how do they want to be seen by others? — he hopes he can be useful & that he can bring even the most fleeting, temporary meaning to his loved ones’ existences. he also, secretly, wishes to be loved, and to have it expressed to him in any of its forms.
what is their life motto?
would they rather lead or follow? —follow.
what motivates them? — working as part of a group, & discovering hidden or sealed away knowledge.
are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? — his tongue, as he dislikes physical fighting as anything other than a means to an end. he only fights to kill and doesn’t like to spar. 
do they have any pet peeves? — acts of pure emotion that have no thought or planning put behind them, that end up deconstructing something that could’ve been handled more sensibly. so basically... most things done by enhancers, in general. looking at you, phinks & uvo.
what do they most regret? —not many things, in general. when things get screwed up despite him having thought he had made the best judgement at the time, it will keep him up for a few nights, but he’ll eventually forgive himself and move past it. paku’s death, for example.
what achievement are they most proud of? — being the troupe’s only #12, yet to have been killed and replaced. 
what would they like to improve on? —nen is a very versatile pool of energy to work with, he will always be tweaking with his abilities one way or the other. see: his ice transmutation.
do they have any scars? —several very tiny blips on the expanse of his skin that tell of countless IV insertions and things strapped to him when he was younger. a fair amount of battle scars, mostly centered around his hands and arms. #justconjurerthings 
do they have a disability? — anxiety disorder & ptsd, both which he quietly shoves down and rarely ever discusses their symptoms - as both are essentially a given, considering their line of work.
do they have any allergies or food intolerances? —mildly allergic to pollen, VERY allergic to latex. the latter is the reason he doesn’t ever wear disposable gloves even though he prefers to keep his hands clean.
do they have any long-term illnesses or injuries? —being a clearly very premature infant having inhaled the toxins of meteor city’s trash, he spent his infanthood all the way up to his early double digits extremely ill and practically on the verge of death. his body went into sepsis several times due to a weak immune system, and complications with his blood vessels left him with acrocyanosis well into adulthood after being on and off a (cheap) ventilator for years at a time. nowadays he’s mostly fine, though, just very small and very purple in the hands. 
describe their personality in one word. — cryptic. 
their predominant emotion? —contemplative. 
someone wrongs them. do they respond with revenge or forgiveness? — calculative neutrality, then, depending on which conclusion he draws, either forgiveness or cautious distrust, but never revenge. 
do they make snap judgments or take time to consider? — almost always takes time to consider, except in rare cases where his emotions run high and cloud his reason. 
are they a glass half-full or a glass half-empty kind of person? — depends on the situation, he will assess it accordingly.
do they express themselves through words or deeds? — a combination of both, most likely a deed followed by a bit of helpful explanation.
how often do they lie? — not often, unless it’s to conceal his own weakness or to deceive someone on orders from chrollo. 
do they listen to their head or their heart while making a decision? — his head, but sometimes his head and his heart war with eachother, and his heart wins in tense split-second decisions. 
how organized/disorganized are they? — quite organized. organizing is a small hobby of his, and he’ll often do it without even thinking as he busies himself in thought. 
do they have any routines? — his life is a bit too hectic for that, but he does have a specific way of washing + caring for his hair out of a shower and right before bed, to avoid tangles. 
talk about their mannerisms. — gesturing with his hands. making small noises to himself. flicking his head to either side to adjust his hair-to-vision ratio.
is there an item they take with them wherever they go? — his cellphone, for obvious reasons, and often a small weapon he can clone for traceless murders, such as a knife or a handgun.
good habits and bad habits. — good habits: cleanliness and organization. bad habits: repressing his feelings and keeping himself up at night with anxious scenarios and telling no one. 
their views on formal education vs self-education?
what are their thoughts on animals? — sees them as no different than humans, selfish survivalists staying alive by whims and instinct. this is not a good thing. he kills them as effortlessly as he kills humans, if needed. 
how much do they care what people think about them? — when it comes to the troupe: he cares a lot more than he lets on. anyone else? strictly 0. 
do they enjoy being the center of attention? why or why not? — he typically doesn’t, he gives himself performance anxiety by holding himself to a high standard, even though he typically accomplishes whatever he sets out to do with a high success rate. 
how do they feel about learning? — one of his favorite hobbies, and the easiest way to bond with him. 
which do they value more: creativity or practicality? — they go hand-in-hand, he’d say. they are both tools to be utilized at their proper times. 
thoughts on material possessions? — he doesn’t keep many himself, but somewhat understands the need to have them and assign them value. under no circumstances should anyone be deluded into thinking anything can be owned, though. even objects. 
would they rather win an argument or avoid conflict? — avoid conflict, though purely intellectual arguments thrill him and he actively seeks them out on occasion.
views on people in general? — food for the spider’s web. 
what qualities do they admire in other people? — confidence in one’s actions, clear sets of boundaries that they follow, and the sense that someone knows what they’re doing beyond a shadow of a doubt.
how do they feel about fun?
what do they want written on their tombstone? — nothing. he’d much prefer to have no trace of himself left behind.
what would an ideal day, in their mind, be like? — discovering something new to revel in for a while, and then ending his day in the warm presence of someone he loves. 
thoughts on privacy? (are they private or are they “tmi”?) — most people assume him to be very secretive and locked away, but he’s actually rather honest about things when asked directly - he just doesn’t divulge them on a whim. like with most things, he never speaks first, but this doesn’t mean he never speaks at all. 
thoughts on superstitions or the occult? (do they believe, not believe, etc.) 
what are their religious views? — none. as far as he’s concerned, everything is put into motion by someone’s individual will. if some god doesn’t exist, he’s not particularly concerned about it.
where did they grow up? — meteor city. 
how would they describe their family? — the spider. 
what was their childhood like? —plagued by illness. 
what did they want to be when they grew up? — alive to see it. 
as a child, what were they most likely to be found doing? — struggling to breathe in a medical cot somewhere in meteor city.
the worst thing that has ever happened to them. — first running away from the city by himself and experiencing withdrawal from being taken out of intensive care for his weak body.
the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to them. — whenever he’s called out for his emotional weakness for the troupe. he just loves them, okay. 
the best thing that has ever happened to them. — a little bit after being recruited, the first time he felt truly acclimated with them. like he had a family for the first time. 
which memory stands out most clearly? — meeting chrollo, and getting close to shal and fei. those memories still visit his pleasant dreams once in a while. 
do they have any phobias? — medical rooms or establishments such as hospitals. they make him instantly claustrophobic and if he absolutely HAS to be inside of one, he will make an effort to complete his task there as quickly as possible while still doing exactly what he needs to do.
do they get nightmares? — sometimes, but they’re never violent, mainly just sad and vaguely hollow and empty. from these, he wakes up feeling like he didn’t even sleep at all. 
what kind of person are they? — one you would likely be much worse off for meeting, if you’re not a spider. 
would they let someone take the blame for something they did? — sure. it was their choice to do so, after all. 
what are they insecure about? — his own emotional weaknesses. they’re a nuisance to his thoughts and strategies and no one should be bothered with them. 
what is one way to earn their trust? — simply make plans and follow through with them. display confidence and the skill with which to back it up. 
what is one way to lose their trust? — be an enhancer. *COUGH* i mean, be primarily emotionally driven and cause destruction as a result. such a bringer of chaos would no doubt be a headache to have around regularly. 
one thing they would hate anyone to know about them. — that he’s very soft and with simple desires. he’ll verbally deny being slightly clingy and affection-starved, but his actions will say otherwise. 
they have to pick one: to be loved, to be feared, or to be admired. — to be loved. no question.
have they ever been bullied or teased? — due to his size, typically, but he doesn’t really care. there’s no impact to his life if people think he looks weird due to his appearance, or his voice or his powers. they’ll simply have to live with it. 
what is their character archetype? — the quiet but deadly one. 
what are they confident about? — he is confident in his efficiency and ability to carry out tasks and speak truthfully. 
talk about their moral alignment.  — true neutral. pretty self-explanatory. 
describe them in three words. — helpful. devoted. curious. 
describe their aesthetic. — ancient libraries covered in dust. a snowstorm in the night. an iced-over lake reflecting an overcast sky. 
what will make them laugh? — seeing his loved ones happily goofing off and being relaxed, as well as any number of empathetic reactions shared by the happiness of ones close to him.
what makes them feel safe? — simply being near the others, or being somewhere very far-off and secluded from largely populated areas.
favorite color and the reason for it. — blue, simply because his hair and eyes all fall in line with its palettes and it looks good on him. 
favorite book genre? — informational textbooks of a certain field of expertise, or, in the case of fiction, mystery &/or crime solving. 
favorite movie genre? — psychological thriller. also may or may not have a thing for hallmark movies with cheesy happy endings. 
favorite type of muse?
if they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
do they have a role model? — definitely chrollo, and also, to a certain extent, feitan. 
what is their personal kryptonite? — choosing things/planning for things that involve the life or death of someone in the spider. in that moment, his emotions cloud his judgement and he can only find himself reaching the conclusion most likely to keep them alive. he can hardly bear to lose any of them. 
how do they entertain themselves? — organizing things, studying a particular topic, or playing a boardgame/doing puzzles.
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cloudphillips · 4 years
Interlude: Act IV
"Greetings, my humbled peasants! "
Their little tender moment was interrupted when Sooyoung barged into the infirmary with her chin held high and chest puffed proudly. Upon spotting Seungwan and Joohyun, she casually strutted towards them acting as if she owned the damn place. For some reason unbeknownst to everyone, her ego was overly inflated today. The tall Slytherin winked at an injured Gryffindor girl in passing and smirked arrogantly when the said student visibly swooned at her charms. Sooyoung knew the effect she had on people and she was great at using it to her advantage.
Seulgi mainly composed her little entourage and at least had the decency to look sheepish at the Slytherin's grand dramatic entrance. She held a small, nondescript pouch within her grasp and greeted Seungwan and Joohyun with an apology when they stopped by. "I told her not to make a scene." The Hufflepuff Prefect gestured towards the tall Slytherin and shook her head in embarrassment. She always had the rotten luck getting caught in her friend's shenanigans.
"At least you tried." Joohyun crossed her arms and casted her fellow Slytherin a rather judgmental look. She was quite annoyed at the sudden interruption. There were still things left unsaid, reassurances needed to be given and words dying to be declared.
"How's my favorite person in the world?" Sooyoung ignored their jabs and haphazardly sat on the bed before engulfing Seungwan into a tight hug. A teasing smirk was plastered on her lips when she noticed the scandalized expression the Slytherin Prefect adopted.
"Fine." The Ravenclaw clenched her fists when Sooyoung accidentally grazed her broken arm and gritted her teeth to keep a pained groan from escaping. Merlin's beard that hurts! Discomfort was written on her face and every cell in her body protested from the sudden contact. "Never better." Her gaze landed on the Slytherin Prefect and her distressed eyes screamed for help.
"That's enough!" Joohyun barely had control to push Sooyoung off the bed but thankfully, she managed to reign her impulses and pulled the tall Slytherin away from the blonde. She swatted away those invading arms and made sure to put a good distance between them by inserting herself in the middle, crossing her arms and glaring daggers at Sooyoung for even daring to touch Seungwan. "What are you doing here?" Her voice sounded accusatory, perfectly making it clear that she was unhappy with their arrival.
"We're here to celebrate Seungwan's victory on the first task!" Sooyoung rolled her eyes her friend's overprotectiveness. Seriously, Joohyun needed to chill. Seungwan was not a fragile glass that easily breaks. She was acting like Sooyoung committed the forbidden crime of touching the Ravenclaw.
"Okay but must you make such a ruckus about it?" The Slytherin Prefect was unimpressed.
"Joohyun." Sooyoung sighed in exasperation. "You're being a buzz kill right now and I don't appreciate it."
"Why?" The Ravenclaw decided to intervene in their little spat to keep things from escalating. "I only got second place."
"That's not what the whole school thinks. Thanks to my campaign efforts, you have become a hero in their eyes." The Slytherin was practically shaking in excitement. It didn't take much to convince people to support Seungwan. The Ravenclaw was already lovable to begin with and she was greatly admired not only for her looks but also for her intelligence and kindness. Sooyoung only capitalized on that fact and used it to her advantage.
"You are now known as Seungwan the dragon slayer." Seulgi beamed proudly at her friend and patted her back to congratulate her for a job well done, something she immediately regretted when the Slytherin directed that deadly gaze towards her, threatening the Hufflepuff with her eyes and warning her to keep her hands to herself. "A-Anyway..." Seulgi gulped nervously and slowly backed away from her demented friend. She was not, under any normal circumstances, planning to get murdered by Joohyun. "We come bearing gifts!"
With that, the Hufflepuff rummaged through the nondescript pouch she was carrying and pulled out a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers and several other gifts before placing them on the bedside table. "These are from your admirers. They were greatly concerned of your well-being and wished for your speedy recovery." Seulgi pulled out a neat stack of handwritten letters and gingerly placed them on Seungwan's lap.
The Ravenclaw was amazed at the sight of her friend pulling out random things from the small pouch. It greatly defied the laws of Physics. Though, she concluded, maybe the object was just enchanted so that it could store numerous items without changing its size. "Are these for me?" Seungwan gingerly traced the outlines of the letter on her lap. She sounded completely surprised, as if the fact that she had admirers was a complete twist of fate. How could someone love a dork like her?
"Of course! You're the Hogwarts hotshot now bitch!" Sooyoung subtly sent a smug smirk in the Slytherin Prefect's direction. A blatant message for Joohyun to know that the stakes have been raised, that she wasn't the only one vying for Seungwan's affections now.
There was a certain light shimmering in the Ravenclaw's eyes as her lips stretched out into a bright smile which caused Joohyun to frown in displeasure. Something unpleasant brewed in the pit of her stomach and it only grew as Seulgi pulled out more chocolates and flowers from the pouch. Stupid admirers and their stupid gifts! Heck, Joohyun could buy all those flowers and chocolate factories in the world and give them to Seungwan without even batting an eyelash.
Seulgi pulled out a seed from the pouch. It looked particularly insignificant but when it landed on the palm of Seungwan's hand, the seed blossomed into a beautiful and sparkling white rose. The Ravenclaw giggled delightedly and took a long whiff of the flower's scent. Stupid roses. Joohyun huffed in annoyance as she crossed her arms. Who in their right minds would give an injured person some flowers? Seungwan is gonna have a fucking pollen allergy at this point.
Back when the blonde was merely a normal student, they barely spared her a glance but now they proudly declare their undying love for her just because she's the dragon slayer? The audacity! Joohyun was the first. She had long been blinded by Seungwan even before she became the Hogwarts champion and earned everyone's adoration.
"This looks lovely." Seungwan commented happily and Joohyun rolled her eyes because of course she liked the gifts. It was not hard to please an innocent person like her. The Slytherin Prefect just wished that the Ravenclaw would raise her standards a little bit because come on! That looks like some cheap ass flower. Joohyun could certainly do better than that.
"It's unremarkable." Her tone sounded exceptionally harsh and even her friends glanced at her in surprise. The Prefect immediately schooled her expression into a neutral one and tried to hide the bitterness in her voice. "I mean, it's just an ordinary flower to me." She shrugged, acting as if it didn't bother in the slightest, before looking away.
"Bitter." Sooyoung hid her snide comment with a cough. She was amused at her friend's crude reaction. The plan was certainly working. It's amazing how a little jealousy could do wonders in a person's mind and cause them to act irrational.
"And for the final gift..." Seulgi rummaged dug deeper into the bag and revealed the familiar golden egg. The egg that Seungwan fought hard to obtain. The very same egg she risked her life for by battling a dragon and almost drowning into that lake. The Hufflepuff reverently held the egg within her grasp and handed it over to its rightful owner. "The clue to the second task."
Seungwan carefully received the gift and gingerly the outlines of the enchanted egg with her finger. The hardened shell was encrusted with pure gold and neatly polished to the point that her reflection could be seen from the surface while the hinges were inlaid with sapphire gems which shimmered under the sunlight. It called to her, urging her to finally reveal its secrets. "Wait." She blinked, completely escaping whatever trance she was in, and frowned in confusion as she glanced at her friends, or rather, what mostly composed her friends. Joohyun, Seulgi and Sooyoung were present which could only mean...
"Where's Yerim?"
As if on cue, the doors of the Hospital Wing opened to reveal a rather grouchy Yerim. The Gryffindor had a perpetual scowl plastered on her face when she mindlessly headed towards their direction. "Sup." She greeted the blonde with a dry nod before plumping down the bed and releasing a heavy sigh. Without asking for permission, she helped herself to some of the sweets gifted by Seungwan's admirers and just chewed on it half-heartedly. It looked like she was having a rather unpleasant time.
"Rough day?" Sooyoung scooted over to make more room for her.
"Yeah. A bunch of idiots decided to Stupify me just because they think I manipulated the betting pool." The Gryffindor scowled when she tasted a rather nasty flavor from Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. "Freaking earwax." She spat the offensive treat away and downed the after taste with some sparkling water she conjured out of thin air. Addressing the Ravenclaw, Yerim spoke in the most monotonous voice possible, completely disregarding how her disinterest was blatantly showing. "Congrats on not dying or whatever."
"Uhh... thanks?" Seungwan replied.
"Who are these people?" The way Joohyun's eyes narrowed and her voice dropped to a deep timbre was enough indication that she now shifted in her Prefect mode and was dead set on making those idiots pay. What can she say? Her overprotectiveness for Yerim caused her to have zero tolerance for bullshit. "They broke school rules by using combat magic outside of class. I could reprimand them and--"
"Everything's fine. I can handle it" Yerim interrupted her friend with a dismissive wave of her hand just before Joohyun's harmless plans could fully escalate to outright murder. It was cute really, the way the Slytherin Prefect showed concern for her well-being, but the Gryffindor disliked having her friends fighting her own battles. She was fully capable of defending herself. Deciding to change the subject, she gestured towards the golden egg on Seungwan's grasp. "So, what does that thing do?"
"I don't know." The Ravenclaw shrugged as she stared at the enchanted object in curiosity. What wonders does it contain? What secrets lies within? Maybe it's time to know. "I guess we're about to find out."
With that, she twisted the lock and the egg burst open. A bloodcurdling shriek erupted from the device and its unholy sound permeated throughout the Infirmary. Seungwan accidentally dropped the object, which fell to the floor and rolled just a few distances away, and winced at the sudden barrage of noises. Joohyun yelped as she crouched to the ground and covered her ears to block out the disembodied voices. Sooyoung lost consciousness and promptly passed out on the bed. The injured students adopted pained expressions as they were rendered immobilized by the offensive resonance.
"Make it stop!" Yerim screamed at Seungwan despite the noise as she desperately used a pillow to prevent her eardrums from bursting. When it was obvious that the Ravenclaw still remained paralyzed from the noise, the Gryffindor took matters into her own hands and casted a spell. "Muffliato!"
But it was no use, the terrible screeching still echoed through the room.
Thankfully, Seulgi recovered from her stupor and jumped into action. She ran to grab the egg, recoiling from direct exposure to the inhumane sound, and with all her might, shut the hardened shell and firmly secured the lock in place. There was a tense silence that lingered in the atmosphere, most of the students were sending relieved glances at the Hufflepuff Prefect for stopping the commotion while shooting daggers at the Hogwarts champion for causing this ruckus in the first place.
Seulgi carefully wrapped the enchanted egg with her yellow scarf and gingerly handed it back to Seungwan as if she was handling a cursed object. Maybe it was, considering the amount of racket it caused. "That was..." She paused, trying to find the right word, before finally settling with. "Intense."
"Yeah, no shit." Yerim gestured at Sooyoung, who still remained unconscious at the foot of the bed. She nudged the Slytherin awake but to no avail. Their friend was out cold. The Gryffindor rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation. "And I was looking forward to auctioning the clues for the next task and selling the answers to the highest bidder." She addressed Seungwan tried to make her realize how much of a wasted opportunity this was. "You don't know how obsessed people are with the tournament. They'd literally sell their souls just to even catch a glimpse of that blasted golden egg."
"Girls..." Their little conversation was interrupted when Madame Pomfrey suddenly appeared and adopted the sternest expression ever known to wizardkind. She didn't look pleased at the racket they caused, her eyes particularly accusing Seungwan, and it took all of their guts not to squirm under her piercing gaze. Even Joohyun who was rarely intimidated, studied the floor and found very interesting. "Must I remind you the rules of the Hospital Wing? Causing unnecessary racket is forbidden." Her tone was icy as it was coated with poisonous venom. Was it just Seungwan or did the atmosphere suddenly become suffocating?
The three friends shared hesitant glances. Terror evident in their eyes.
Looks like they're in for a long lecture.
"Welcome, Rosé, to the Ministry of Magic."
Jennie beamed excitedly as she gestured towards the enormous place with a grand flourish of her hand. The Beauxbatons champion couldn't help but be awed at the magnificent sight. She'd never been to a place like this before, only seeing its wonders in those newspapers and gossip rags. Being in here now in this marvelous structure, it was enough to render her speechless.
The headquarters of the Ministry of Magic was located deep underground at the heart of London, although magical windows showed whatever weather Magical Maintenance had chosen for the day, from bright sunshine to hurricanes. Its enormous structure was decorated with fireplaces up and down both long walls. The left-hand side with gilded fireplaces were mainly intended for arrivals. Witches and wizards would use it to clock in at the Ministry. Meanwhile, the right-hand side contained gilded fireplaces as well and these were used for departures. The floor was polished dark wood and Rosé gawked at the blue ceiling with platinum symbols moving across it.
"Where are we?" The blonde allowed Jennie to grab her hand and lead her through the throngs of people. Her friend looked at ease, like she completely felt at home within this daunting place. Maybe she was. After all, her mother was the Junior Assistant to the Head Minister. Her steps were measured and confident like how one would expect a person who grew up exploring these halls.
"This is the Atrium. That means we're currently at Level 8." They pushed past the Fountain of Magical Brethren which had group of golden statues, depicting a wizard, a witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house-elf, spouting a steady stream into the surrounding pool of water. At the end of the Atrium was a set of golden gates, next to which was a security stand. Another smaller hall was beyond the gates, where there was a series of lifts which provided access to the other levels, except the tenth.
"You said that you wanted to meet Auror Park?" Jennie gave her friend a sideways glance when they got inside the lift. She was curious as to what Rosé's agenda was. Her friend got really secretive when she tried to bring up the topic. Heck, the short girl even considered slipping some Veritaserum into her friend's morning tea just to get her to spill the beans but decided against it. She reached out to press the Level 2 button and patiently waited until they arrived at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
"Uh yeah, I'm a big fan of hers." Rosé tried to hide her lie behind a beaming smile but upon noticing the subtle downturn of Jennie's lips and the silent judgement in her eyes, she could tell that her friend wasn't buying it. The lift momentarily stopped on Level 5 and other witches and wizards swarmed inside which forced the girls to huddle close. "I've been really into Auror stuff lately." Rosé absentmindedly traced that crumpled piece of parchment resting in her pocket. That little exam result she stumbled upon just a few days ago. Should she really do this? Coming here and seeking out her enemy's mother seems a little overkill. Maybe it wasn't too late to turn back now and forget all about this petty revenge.
"Really? Never pegged you for an Auror wannabe. Thought you wanted to become a singing sensation in the wizarding world?" Jennie raised a dubious brow, obviously detecting the little white lie, and when Rosé didn't reply, she shrugged, having lost interest in her friend's business, and casually checked her nails for dirt. The Beauxbatons champion clearly had no intentions of spilling her secret. "Whatever you're planning, just make sure it's worth it."
The lift stopped and the vibrant ring of the bell indicated that they finally arrived at Level 2. The rest of the passengers shuffled out and both girls waited for the traffic to pass before they too exited the compartment. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement was the largest division at the Ministry of Magic and it was situated in a corridor lined with doors on both sides. One could easily get lost within its vastness but Jennie had no problem navigating through its labyrinthine halls. She dragged Rosé around the corner towards a set of heavy oak doors leading into the Aurors Headquarters. They passed by a large open area divided into small cubicles which was buzzing with talk and laughter.
"Those cubicles are intended as work area for each Auror." The short girl was kind enough to provide an explanation to her ignorant friend. Rosé's amazement at everything was adorable. Her muggleness was clearly showing. Jennie couldn't help but smile.
They stopped by daunting entrance to the Aurors Headquarters and the other Aurors, who were busy working, stopped whatever it is they were doing to observe the two teenage girls who had the audacity seeking audience with the Head Auror. Jennie obnoxiously knocked on the door and Rosé didn't know if her friend noticed but everyone was staring at them, like literally staring. It was certainly unnerving.
"Come in."
Both girls briefly shared a look. This is it. Rosé mentally prepared herself for the worst-case scenario when Jennie opened the doors and they got inside. When she first laid eyes on the office, it took her breath away. It was a spacious and airy working area decorated with vibrant plants and large windows which allowed enough sunlight to bathe the room in a golden glow. Two large wooden shelves filled with books about Defensive magic and Combat arts were firmly fixed by the corner. Pictures of known Dark wizards, maps, and clippings from the Daily Prophet were pinned on a bulletin board hung on the wall. An elegant mahogany desk, with documents haphazardly stacked and an ancient-looking globe placed on the side, was positioned in the middle of the room. A woman was perched on a leather chair. Enchanted envelopes, probably containing posts and letters, levitated on the air. She was obviously preoccupied with filing reports and writing back to correspondents because her quill never stopping scribbling something on a parchment.
"Pleasant morning girls." The woman momentarily paused her business to greet them and Rosé was struck upon meeting an older version of Sooyoung. She was probably in her late 30's. Her raven black hair was neatly tied into a bun and her brown eyes seemed friendly enough. There was a certain kind of warmth in them and deep creases formed beneath, an obvious evidence of unburdened laughter and genuine smiles. She was certainly the type of woman a person could easily confide in just by judging her vibrant and cheerful nature.
"To what do I owe this pleasant visit?" She beamed brightly, showcasing a set of pearly white teeth, as she adjusted the lapels of her black blazer and wow. This was Sooyoung's mother? How completely different she was from her daughter. The Slytherin girl exuded sarcasm and mischief yet her mother was the exact opposite. Rosé shook her head in disbelief yet as her gaze landed on that small yellow and black crest with a badger in the middle, which was displayed proudly on the desk, she realized that maybe it wasn't so surprising. Soojin was a Hufflepuff. That explains all the sunshine and rainbows.
Looks like the apple really fell far from the tree.
"Head Auror Soojin, is this a bad time?" Jennie asked hesitantly upon noticing the mountains of paperwork the older woman was sorting.
"Oh no, not at all. You both came at a perfect time. I was taking a break anyway." With a subtle flourish of her wand, the scattered files and levitating envelopes landed on the desk and neatly arranged themselves in organized piles. Soojin stood from her seat and walked over to properly greet them. She wrapped Jennie into a warm hug before her gaze landed on the Beauxbatons champion. Rosé got a little self-conscious and started fidgeting with her fingers when the Auror studied her curiously. "And who is this lovely lady?" The older woman asked the second both of them pulled away from the embrace.
"Oh, this is Roseanne Park, my best friend, but you can call her Rosé or Chaeyoung." Jennie proudly introduced the tall girl with a beaming smile. Her enthusiasm was so infectious that Rosé couldn't help but grin herself. "Rosé, I'd like you to meet Park Soojin. The greatest Auror in the world. She's the one who taught me combat and defensive magic."
"You flatter me Jennie." The Head Auror laughed before engulfing the blonde in the same warm hug. Her scent smelled like earthy wood and fruity kiwi. Rosé took a liking to her immediately. "I was actually her pseudo-babysitter when she was a child." They eventually pulled away and Soojin casted an exasperated glance at the shorter girl. "You have no idea how much trouble Jennie usually gets herself into. I've lost count of the times I had to save her from attempted kidnapping and spelled curses."
Jennie tried to hide her embarrassment with a cough and Rosé smirked at her apparent attempt of appearing calm and unbothered. The brunette was usually dainty and poised at school. She never thought that her friend had a history causing mischief.
"It's such an honor to finally meet the Beauxbatons champion. Your reputation precedes you, Miss Park." Soojin turned to appraise the said girl. Her all-knowing eyes studying the rest of Rosé's form and she must've been satisfied with what she had seen because she suddenly all smiles and laughter, acting like the blonde was her long-lost daughter. "Single-handedly defeating a mighty dragon like that? Your parents must be so proud of you! I know I would."
Jennie smiled fondly. It was great that Rosé earned the older woman's stamp of approval. Unbeknownst to most, Soojin was a great judge of character. It was one of the main reasons why she was elected as the Head Auror of the Ministry.
Rosé was unable to hide her incredulity. "You know me?"
"Of course, I do." The older woman furrowed her brows in confusion as if Rosé asked a rather odd query. "News spreads fast in here. The Ministry of Magic keeps a close coordination with the schools involved in the Triwizard Tournament to ensure the safety and sanctity of the competition." Her frown deepened and there was darkness that flashed in her eyes. A certain kind of horror enough to traumatize a person.
"We wouldn't want another innocent life to be lost in that tournament." There was something about the Head Auror's statement that seemed foreboding, almost like a warning, but Rosé couldn't quite decipher the meaning behind it.
Suddenly, the gloomy aura disappeared and Soojin was back to her cheerful self as if nothing ever happened. "Would you girls like some tea? I have chamomile ones shipped here yesterday." She flicked her wand and transfigured a few books into teacups and a little china pot. Conjuring some scones and biscuits out of thin air, she conversed with the girls while preparing the tea. "The Headmistress of Castelobruxo was kind enough to send some gifts as thanks when I volunteered to teach her students some techniques in Defense Against the Dark Arts during my visit in Brazil for the Wizarding Convention."
"Uh there's no need for that Soojin. We're just here to stop by." Jennie waved off her efforts and Rosé hissed under her breath. They shared a look and a little argument has transpired within that momentary staring contest.
What? The short girl didn't bother hiding the yawn that escaped her mouth.
Don't be rude! She prepared tea! Rosé glared and sent daggers towards her friend with her eyes. No one, and I mean no one, is allowed to decline tea!
So? We've been here long enough. I still have matters to attend to. Jennie rolled her eyes in exasperation. Tell her your business and be done with it so we can leave.
In the end, Rosé lost the argument. It's no surprise really. Jennie always wins arguments, even petty ones. The Beauxbatons champion expressed her disapproval for her friend one last time before apologizing to the Head Auror. "Pardon our intrusion ma'am. We'll be out of your hair soon. I'd just like to give you something." With that, she took out the crumpled piece of parchment from her pocket and handed it over to Soojin, who studied it curiously.
"This belongs to Sooyoung." The Auror commented as she read the heading were the familiar penmanship of her daughter was printed. It was an Arithmancy test and a large D- was written on the topmost portion in bold red ink. Her eyes widened when she noticed the offensive mark and stuttered in response. "H-How?" She was in disbelief. How could Sooyoung fail? As far as she knew, her daughter was doing quite well in school.
"I'm friends with your daughter, you see." The lie tasted bitter in Rosé's mouth but she forged on. There was no stopping now. She'd come this far. Her revenge was finally at hand.
Jennie was momentarily shocked at her friend's claims but she recovered immediately, schooling her expression into neutrality. She'd swear on her soul that the two weren't friends, not even close. They were sworn rivals eager to slit each other's throats.
So why did Rosé lie?
The Beauxbatons champion took out a folder from her purse and gingerly held it in her grasp as if it were a top secret file. The document contained records of Sooyoung's misdeeds in school, including all the exams she failed and the numerous rules she'd broken. Rosé had a hard time gathering this evidence. She even had to persuade Filch, the Hogwarts Caretaker, to let her borrow the records. Thankfully, a box of muffins and pints of Butterbeer did its trick. "This file contains Sooyoung's performance in school."
She gingerly handed over the said folder to the Head Auror, who gingerly accepted it. She looked quite terrified at the revelations she might stumble upon. "I'm concerned with how Sooyoung has been conducting herself lately. It's unbefitting of a Hogwarts student." The last line was rather harsh but Rosé ignored the lingering guilt in her heart. Besides, Soojin had the right to know about her daughter's shenanigans.
The older woman blanched upon reading the lengthy list of school rules her daughter had broken. It was also indicated that the Slytherin failed Potions twice and was advised to take remedial classes. Oh dear god. What has her daughter gotten herself into? Soojin felt lightheaded. She thought that Sooyoung was doing completely fine. Her daughter never said anything about struggling in school. How come she never noticed? She failed as a mother. Where did she go wrong? In the end, she swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to accept the bitter reality. "Thank you for informing me." Her fingers trembled as she fought to keep her voice steady. "You're a great friend Rosé."
The Head Auror lost all her warmth as she lifelessly leaned against the mahogany desk for support. Her vacant eyes were staring in the distance, completely lost in thought. Rosé bit her lip and wondered if she did the right thing. If revealing everything to Sooyoung's mom was the right decision. But she didn't have enough time to contemplate because Jennie was already leading her out of the office while apologizing to Soojin and promising to come back in the future. They left the Aurors Headquarters and walked until no other person was in sight. The Beauxbatons champion was too late to realize that her friend already dragged her into a corner to interrogate her.
"That was a low blow Chaeyoung." Jennie used her birth name, a clear indication of her disappointment. Her dark eyes were harsh and unforgiving which caused Rosé remain firmly rooted in place. "Involving her mother in your petty squabbles. I thought you were better than that." Poisonous venom coated every inch of her merciless words.
Rosé, for her part, tried to defend her actions. Maybe it was a way for her to hide her guilt. "She deserved it Jen! She pranked me by sending that blasted plant and tried to destroy my reputation by launching that smear campaign. This payback is nothing compared to what she did to me!" She was desperate to make her friend see sense, to make Jennie take her side, but the shorter girl merely shook her head. Jennie was clearly having none of her excuses.
"You crossed the line. I'm very disappointed in you Park Chaeyoung." A small frown marred her face and for the first time since forever, Rosé became the recipient of Jennie's vicious words. In their long years of friendship, this never happened before. The short girl was usually considerate around her. The Beauxbatons champion that it was the last but apparently, Jennie wasn't done yet. "Have fun returning to Hogwarts on your own."
The said girl stiffened at the sound of a familiar voice calling out her name. She turned around only to find the Junior Assistant to the Head Minister staring at her in confusion. There was a slight crease on her formal maroon dress, which greatly contrasted with the neat persona she usually presented. "What are you doing here?"
A stern-looking woman, with silky black hair tied to a strict bun and donned a neatly-pressed black blazer, form-fitting black pencil skirt and ebony stiletto heels that could easily stab a person, stood beside the Junior Assistant and when the Beauxbatons girl got a closer look, she realized that the woman was in fact, the Head of the Ministry of Magic.
Oh crap!
Oh shit!
What rotten luck she had.
Jennie signalled Rosé to stay quiet and just let her do the talking. They approached the women and stopped just a few inches away, enough to maintain a respectful distance. "Hey mom--" Then she turned to address the higher ranking official within the vicinity. She fought hard not to squirm under that cold gaze. The Head Minister can be particularly intimidating. "--And Head Minister Bae Jihyo. Fancy seeing the both of you here." She spoke through false smiles and fake cheerfulness. Shit. Shit. Shit! Her mind quickly formulated different scenarios that will allow them to escape this confrontation unscathed.
"Is this your daughter Eunji?" Minister Bae questioned her friend and colleague. Eunji merely nodded in response, still confused as to what her daughter was doing in the Ministry. "She'd grown so much. The last time I saw her, she was only a foot shorter than my Joohyun." Then her inquisitive gaze landed on Rosé. "And who's your friend?"
Jennie silently cursed herself for forgetting to introduce her friend. Her manners were seriously lacking these days. "Oh yes, this is Rosé Park, my friend and the chosen Beauxbatons champion." She made sure to add the prestigious title so the women would regard Rosé with a little more appraisal. If they ever found out that her friend was a half-blood, well, it's safe to say that they'd regard her like an insignificant insect. Yes, they might've had their little disagreement but Jennie wouldn't wish Rosé to be treated that way.
"I've heard so much about you Miss Park." There was a hint of an approving smile gracing the Head Minister's lips. Jennie released a breath she didn't know that she'd been holding. So far so good. "That impressive defeat of the dragon by using only the Freezing charm was a nice touch. A feat that will surely go down the history of the Triwizard Tournament." A sudden thought occurred to Minister Bae and she frowned. "Though I heard rumors that a Muggleborn had been chosen to participate in the tournament." She uttered the word Muggleborn as if it left a bad taste in her mouth.
"You mean Son Seungwan? The Hogwarts champion from Ravenclaw?" Rosé joined in the conversation but quickly regretted it when Jennie sent her a dangerous glare. What did I tell you about keeping silent?! Her eyes screamed with unhindered malice.
"So that's her name." Minister Bae was unable to hide her disapproval. Son Seungwan huh? Even her name sounded vile. "Honestly, I don't know what Dumbledore is thinking these days, allowing a Muggleborn to join the tournament like that. Clearly Purebloods are the better contestants."
"True." Eunji agreed. "The educational quality is seriously lacking these days.
Jennie just wanted to leave and get the fuck out of here. She didn't have time to deal with this Pureblood Supremacy bullshit. "As much as we'd like to stay and chat, we need to go back. Rosé still has some training to do for the upcoming task."
"Okay. Be safe on your journey back."
With that, Jennie dragged Rosé away and left without saying goodbye. Once the Beauxbatons students were out of earshot, Eunji turned to address Minister Bae.
"We need to intervene Jihyo. This is is ridiculous! That upstart mudblood shouldn't even be allowed to compete in the first place!" She tried to make her colleague see sense. It was an insult to the wizarding community to have a Muggleborn participate in the Triwizard Tournament since it completely defies tradition. This was just not acceptable. "She needs to be eliminated."
"I'm well aware of that Eunji. We can't just waltz into Hogwarts and stop the tournament. Dumbledore would surely defy us." Minister Bae tapped her chin as she contemplated on the possible solutions to their current problem. So far, she came up with nothing.
"Well, there's this upcoming Yule Ball. Every prestigious wizarding family will surely attend it. Maybe we can convince them to join our cause and have that pesky muggleborn voted out of the competition." Eunji flawlessly laid out her plan and it was only a matter of time before--
"You're right." The Head of the Ministry nodded in agreement. This absurdity must be stopped. It has gone on long enough.
"It's time we pay Hogwarts a little visit."
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
sickly lovely cuddles
summary: peter visits you in the hospital! writing this for my fellow sick kids out there bc i'm in the hospital a lot and need this. to any of my chronically ill babes out there, i love u, keep fighting! and i love everyone!
warnings: hospitals, mentions of blood and needles, gtubes, ox tubes, overall fluff 1.2k+ words
peter was currently in the elevator headed to your floor in a NYC children's hospital. it was a bit far from his apartment in queens, but he would go miles to see you, especially when you were sicker than normal.
he carried a bouquet of fake flowers he got from a craft shop, because he knew real ones affected your allergies and ability to breathe. he wanted you to be happy and see that beautiful smile of yours, even if it was from fake flowers. and he even stopped in the cafeteria to get you and him cups of hot chocolate, a great replacement for your beloved coffee you oh so missed. (yes, us heart failure patients cannot even have decaf coffee! ever since my several heart disease diagnosis, i have left coffee behind and was given a hot chocolate replacement)
once he got off the elevator, he smiled, saying hi to the nurses at the nurse station and heading to your room. peter was obviously a frequented visitor and many nurses and a few doctors knew him by name.
upon reaching your door, he looked in the window to see you laying in bed watching tv. you had comfy pyjamas on and spider-man socks peter got you a few weeks ago. you had bags under your eyes and bruises on your arms from needle upon needle and IVs. you also had a grey beanie on, one that was peter's that he left here accidentally. it looked great on you.
he tapped the door with his foot to get your attention. you turned your head over slowly, expecting your nurse, but immediately peeled up when you saw peter. you smiled and waved for him to come in. he pushed the door open and set the flowers and hot cocoa on your tray table. (bruh i've run a tray table over my foot ONE TOO MANY TIMES)
"hi y/n/n," he said, calling you your favorite nickname.
"hi peter!" you said, reaching out to hug him.
he embraced you in a long and warm hug before smiling and motioned to your table, "i got you some goodies!"
"ooo what did ya get me?"
he picked up the fake flowers first, handing the neat bouquet to you.
"they are fake of course, because, ya know," he motioned to your nasal cannula, "your allergies make you breathe bad."
you laughed, adjusting the tube behind your ear, "yes, yes they do."
"andddd," he began before picking up the hot cocoa, "hot cocoa!"
"yay! gimme!"
he handed you a cup, brushing your fingers in the process.
"thank you peter," you said before taking a sip, "gosh this hospital hot chocolate hits different."
"of course, anything for you."
you smiled, both sipping your drinks.
"so, i'm gonna ask the dreaded question because that's who i am, how are you feeling today? physically? mentally? emotionally?"
you sighed, "well i had severe hypotension at 2 am and have been awake since, getting filled with meds while almost passing out isn't fun. oh and my iv is being annoying and keeps getting in the way as usual."
you pointed to the sticker and the long tube that was all over your room.
"geez i'm sorry," peter said sincerely.
"but hey," you lifted up your shirt a little bit to show your stomach, "g tube is removed!"
"yay!" peter literally screamed causing you to laugh. he knew how much you hated that darn g tube.
"but mentally and emotionally i'm doing...okay. better now that you're here."
"i'm glad," he smiled.
you took a big gulp of your steaming cocoa then started having a coughing attack because sometimes you forget to breathe when drinking.
peter stood up, rubbing your back, "you okay?"
you finished coughing and cleared your throat, giving him a thumbs up.
"yes now get in bed and cuddle with me," you demanded and adjusted the bed to yours and his liking.
peter crawled into bed with you after kicking off his sneakers.
"watch out for my oxygen, don't wanna sit on it and make me stop breathing."
"oh my gosh," peter said shocked, he was always careful, "dont say stuff like that! you're concerning me."
you laughed, "i'm joking i'm joking! it wasn't even near your butt anyways."
you cuddled up into peter's side and watched tv together for awhile. he eventually put his arm around you which caused your heart rate to soar, sending a loud sound from your monitor and in game your nurse.
"oh gosh," you groaned.
"you okay y/n-" your nurse asked before seeing you and peter, "ooo sorry kids, hi peter."
"hi meg."
"your heart rate went up, just checking in."
"i'm fine meg, thanks," you said blushing and gesturing over to peter cuddled up with you.
"ah, i see. call me if you need me."
you waved.
peter spent the rest of the day with you, migrating from your room to the craft area, to the outside lookout. he pushed you around in a wheelchair when you felt too tired or weak. he fixed your sweater when it got caught around a tube or two. he laughed with you. and he hugged you. a lot. it seemed like stuff someone who loved you did, not just a best friend. you wondered if he liked you back. but how could he like a sick kid? you were gonna be in the hospital for awhile. he couldn't get used to that.
but oh, how he could and would. because he loved you. sick kid or not.
time was ticking towards ten pm. the time they usually kicked peter out even though visiting hours ended at eight pm. he rubbed your arm and fixed your beanie before getting out of bed.
you grabbed onto his arm, "stay?"
peter sighed and smiled sadly, "you know i cant. they kick me out at ten."
"lemme just ask meg, she won't mind if-"
"y/n, it's okay. i'll be back first thing in the morning."
"you will?"
"of course i will," he smiled, causing you to grin.
you yawned sleepily. you only stayed up this late when peter was here. usually you'd be out like a light by 7:30 or 8. but you managed when he was around.
you were still holding his hand at this point, his thumb rubbing across yours.
"love you," you whispered.
"i love you too," he whispered back.
he hesitated, then kissed you softly on the cheek.
"see you in the morning y/n/n."
"see you, pete."
he let go of your hand walking to the door before using some hand sanitizer and smiling at you.
you smiled at him, blushing, while he left. he closed the door behind him. he peeked thru the little window on the door and blew you a kiss. you caught it and laughed. he laughed too. you waved again, and he walked away.
minutes later, you were out like a light, dreaming about that boy.
meanwhile, peter was on the phone with may, "yeah i'm on my way home...i'll be careful...ha yeah, yeah i do. i really love her."
hi guys hope u enjoyed! even my non sick ones. hope you're all healthy and happy. i love u all. know i'm here for u and don't hesitate to dm me if u need anything <3 love, your fave spoonie, juli
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lunanight2012 · 4 years
So my day hasnt been the greatest (this started at like 1030pm last night so yea)
At 1030pm (yea that was yesterday but that was what started this) i ended having a couple bad coughing fits (allergies are acting up badly
Which caused me to then stand over the toilet and have a coughing fit (felt like i was gunna throw up) didnt throw up tho
Then i got up this morning and my throat was bothering me (also have been tired since 630am and its now 345pm)
Got to work
Boss got mad at me again for not knowing when the 3rd quarter estimates are due
Then he was making me feel uncomfortable by saying inappropriate things
Did i mention im the youngest employee?
Like everyone else is like 40s and older
While im 26 almost 27
Ok anyways ive been feeling tired and out of it all day, and the flem drainage ive also had all day is horrendous
In other words
I hate this job and i just wanna go hope and snuggle with my Doc plush (its a minecraft creeper plush i named Doc) and work on my stories
And maybe eat
Oh yea and i need gas
But that requires money
Which i didnt get enough of last paycheck
So yea
Ok i guess ill get back to work for the last hour and 15 minutes of the work day
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mattysones · 5 years
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Account
This contains graphic discussion of bowel movements, bleeding/blood, medical discussion of intimate body parts, and post-surgery sexual activity.
[Pillowfort Post]
I attempted to use gender-neutral language, but call body parts by their names. This is intended to be helpful for people considering a hysterectomy, as I had a hard time finding first-person accounts of the surgery.
To start, here’s a few things about myself:
I’m 31, physically healthy, with diagnosed ADHD and Major Depression
I have a very low pain tolerance
I DON’T have known medical allergies
I DON’T have bleeding problems
I have not given birth
I had a very good doctor and medical team and am overall satisfied with the experience
I don’t remember the names of my anesthesia
I had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy, removing my uterus, Fallopian tubes, and cervix. My ovaries remain. This is still medically considered a total hysterectomy.
A laparoscopic hysterectomy involves 4 incisions in the belly, 1 for a camera, and the others so the surgeon may move their tools. The organs are cut out and then removed through the vagina. The vagina is then sewn shut with sutras. In my case, my belly incisions were so small (about 1 inch) they were glued shut.
A vaginal hysterectomy was possible, but because I’ve never given birth, this could be an issue for mobility because my vagina is tight.  My surgeon would have done it vaginally if I’d insisted, but suggested the surgery laparoscopically. It’s also supposed to have a shorter healing time.
Pre-Surgery Morning: I was received and asked to strip, including any body piercings. A blood test was taken to make sure I wasn’t pregnant. I was placed on an IV that contained anti-biotics. I was asked several times to explain what surgery I was receiving and if I still consented.
The anesthesiologist came and explained that while I would be put under - it wasn’t the kind that makes you loopy and giggly, it just knocks you out. He asked about family history of allergies. He said I would be put on a breathing tube with a number 7 gauge that would go down my trachea. He said he should be able to wake me up gently, although people’s reactions vary.
I asked him about the risk of waking during surgery, and he said this type of anesthesia had a very low likelihood of waking, near zero. He also said that because this was a major surgery (2.5 hours), he would be monitoring me the entire time, and would be able tell if the anesthesia was wearing off;  your body reacts to pain before you’re actually conscious and he can tell by changes in vitals.
This personally was reassuring to me.
After being wheeled into the operating room, they placed a mask over my face, and within 10 seconds I was unconscious.
Waking Up: I woke in what would be my room confused and in significant pain.  The anesthesiologist was beside me, and my mother wasn’t there yet.  I’m not sure how much time had passed, but the doctor later told me I handled the surgery fine, and they finished an hour early. I only lost about 2 tablespoons of blood.
My legs were extremely numb and I found this upsetting. The nurse said it was probably because of the position I was laying during surgery, and not to worry about it. The feeling came back after about an hour.
A nurse asked me what level of pain I was willing to tolerate; I said a ‘4’. She asked me what I was at currently, and I said about an ‘8’.
The anesthesiologist had to give me several doses of morphine to bring the pain down.
At this point there were many people in the room and the morphine was making me extremely tired. People were trying to talk to me, ask me questions, explain things because I was asking, but I kept falling asleep while sitting up and listening.
I was surprisingly clear-headed on the morphine, but my mouth and tongue were painfully dry and I felt like I was moving in slow motion, and also falling asleep. The nurses brought me a cup of ice to suck on so I could speak. I kept sticking my tongue out to form words because I literally had to stretch my mouth to move it, it was so dry.
The breathing tube in my trachea had been removed before waking, so my throat was also extremely sore, something that has lasted about a week. I also later developed sores on the corner of my mouth were the tube had rubbed. They faded after about 5 days.
My catheter was removed, which didn’t hurt itself, but I felt insistently like I had to pee. For the next several hours I would feel like I had to pee, although it was probably just the catheter irritating my urethra.
I attempted to stand on my own to get to the bathroom despite there likely not being anything in my bladder. This was a mistake, because the morphine made me extremely nauseous and I began dry-heaving. The nurses kept me on oxygen to help with the nausea for a few more hours. My mother said I was extremely pale and grey-lipped.
The hospital delivered lunch, but there was no way I would eat a full meal. I managed to drink my milk and an apple juice, and asked my mom to smash up some pears for me. I was able to graze on the pears over the course of 3 hours with little problem. I felt significantly better after the apple juice, but would spend the next several hours sleeping off and on until the nurses checked on me.
Hospital Stay I vaguely remember babbling to the nurse who primarily watched after me for the day-shift but I don’t remember much of our conversation or what she looked like.
Dinner was brought around 5 or 6, by then I was much more clear-headed and able to stay awake for longer periods. I was extremely hungry and craving meat. I ate about half my meal in 30 minutes before realizing I was probably eating too fast. I asked the nurse, now night shift, and she agreed I should slow down. It took me about 4 hours to eat a fairly small serving, but I was no-longer nauseated.
My mom was also encouraging me to walk circuits around the floor; I’d been able to move my legs fairly early, but walking was still exhausting.
Somewhere around 6pm I began having pain again and was given an Oxycontin.
By now I truly had to pee, and needed some help standing, but I was able to walk to the bathroom on my own.
I was having some trouble getting a stream but could push it out in spurts. There was no pain. Somewhere between 7 and 9pm I was able to pee in a single stream.
I would have to pee frequently afterwards; whenever my bladder got remotely full my stomach and pelvis began hurting, probably because of the stitches. I had to notify the nurses every time I peed because they had to chart how much came out.
My pain levels were still very low - I was now off the morphine and on a rotating IV infusion of Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Gabapentin.  They did not have to give me another Oxy for the night.
My IV had started to go bad though, meaning: It was burning when I received the infusion, especially when it was flushed with saline. At midnight they stopped giving me the IV infusions, and gave me pills of the same medication.
Home Stay Day 1 After being released the next day, I was given mostly Tylenol and Ibuprofen to manage pain every 3 hours. I had a few Oxy’s for emergencies, and some stuff for constipation and yeast infections (because of the rounds of anti-biotics) Just In Case.
I ended up needing the constipation medicine once or twice, but I personally didn’t have any issues.
I didn’t poop during the hospital stay, but by the time I returned home I was ready. I had some issues pushing because of the pain in my stomach, but was otherwise managing by the third day without medicine.
The first day home I needed help getting out of bed, and was still sleeping a lot.
We took a short walk down the sidewalk , but I wasn’t able to go more than a couple of minutes. Mom woke me every 3 hours for medication; otherwise I slept most of the time.
Coughing would hurt my belly for several days and I had to push on my stomach to ease the pain. My throat was raspy and sore for the next 5 days. I ate a lot of cough drops.
Day 2 Day 2 was basically the same. I could walk a little further. I required an Oxy for pain, and to be able to sleep, but part of that is I had skipped a dose of Tylenol and needed it to sleep. The next several days were fine as far as pain.
Day 3 I was no longer bleeding, and was able to stay awake longer. I attempted to stretch my legs in bed, and was often more comfortable standing for a few minutes. I used my mom’s recliner chair a lot.
I found I was also having a very hard time sitting upright for any length of time, I had to lay back to be comfortable.
Stretching also caused a strange popping sensation in my pelvis. My doctor told me this was likely healing muscles stretching.
A new pain developed over the week: Flairups felt a lot like period cramps, except they didn’t recede. Ibuprofen helped some with this, but some pain was inevitable.
Etc. The next week was basically a blur. I was mostly able to eat light foods, and kept track of my liquid intake. Hydrating was EXTREMELY important; on a day I was up for going out for errands, I nearly passed out in the store. Then I remembered I hadn’t really hydrated that day.
I am making a point to walk my dog for short periods. 2 minutes. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. Etc. Walking and moving is important because blood clots can develop. I also generally feel better for it. I’m 2.5 weeks out of surgery, and I’m still easily winded. I’ve got about 20 minutes of physical activity in me before I have to rest, and a 2-3 hours of being upright and alert before needing to nap.
More Pain Stuff After a week and a half, my big non-narcotic pain med was over, and I had a huge flair up. I took the Oxy for 2 days before calling the nurse. She adjusted my Ibuprofen and Tylenol and that helped significantly.
At 2.5 weeks, I’m needing the Ibuprofen less and less, but I still have flair ups that are exhausting. I can go a whole day without it, and the next day be miserable.
I didn’t bleed for 2 weeks, but the day after my 2 week checkup, it started. My dissolvable stitches began falling out, and with that, blood clots. The blood has been dark and not-soaking through anything, which is normal. I’m still keeping an eye on it.
With the blood clots coming out, is coming pain. It’s manageable, like muscle aches, so I’m just taking my Ibuprofen and riding it out.
I’ve had a lot of trouble sitting. My lower back hurts most of the time, and I actually had to buy a new desk chair; I work from home and sit for hours, and the pain quickly became intolerable. With a nice chair came instant relief, though. It was worth the purchase.
Sex Stuff Honestly, the spike in hormones has been the weirdest thing to deal with.  The surgery happened to fall on when I was due for my period; it never came. I’m not sure how much is normal hormones, relief from internal pain, or perhaps a sexual reaction to pain since sex and pain has been connected for me, for a long time.
About a week and a half after surgery my sex drive restarted, despite any pain. I was able to orgasm using clitoral stimulation, and this did not seem to bother the stitches or cause any pain. If anything, the LACK of nausea, cramping and bleeding was confusing.
I’m still banned from using anything internally (intercourse, toys, tampons, etc) until about a month and a half out. Frankly, everything is still too sore and sensitive to consider it.
Here’s the facts:
With my ovaries remaining, I SHOULDN’T have a hormonal reaction to my uterus being removed.
There is a low to moderate chance that removing the uterus will cause my ovaries to fail; i.e. menopause.
My tumors were large. I am 31, and these were fibroids seen in people in their 50s.  They had developed their own blood vessels and were taking  blood supply from other sources on my body. With increased bloodflow to Elsewhere, there’s a possibility it’s going to my genitals and well, making me horny. I don’t know. I just know it’s been a Thing.
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bullwrinkledmagnum · 5 years
*****there's more than one person.
One person sends the checks then another person puts them in my account.
I only saw the first check not any other
Because the check is made to me as I'm the only person on the account.
Then on the remote deposit or phone deposit on the back its written "for mobile deposit only" or something to that effect.
Instead of my signature
And that can be done at my actual bank where its written "for deposit only" in the signature line on the back.
So even if i had not given the remote deposit information, the log in to my banks, they could still done it locally.
The only difference is the cameras in the bank lobby and in the bank lanes in the drivd thru.
For looking into the phones and using that information, they need a judge's order -- in olden days anyway.
Although I'm pretty sure its much more lax now although we are to assume they still need a judge's order/permission to use the information in court.
But it's fairly different in my phone as well as several people i know, as we are witnesses and victims, our stuff is pretty protected although sometimes if someone continues to try to hack us, sometimes they're allowed in just to see what they want.
And a lot of times the protection people will reverse the hack. So if you want to steal my photos, they sill steal yours.
I dealt a lot more with hacking in the early 2000s. Now I'm just protected.
Except for certain FBI agents attempting to not pass tests they are given. Like remotely entering my phone to see what im doing. Often they will fuck with my shit. And so thats when evidence to fire them and kick their asses was accumulated
Thank God that stage is over. Cause it was really annoying and pissed me off every fucking time.
Anyways, so there's one person pretending to be two or there's two people.
Its not my job to know nor care.
I chill about life. I really don't care who is on the other end of a screen, especially when it's too hard to figure out, but it is annoying. I just try not to let it get to me
But ive been off toppamax for 3 plus weeks and that bipolar shit dealing with annoying ass fuckers and TRYING to ignore it is Too difficult
I also dropped muscle relaxers and tramadol.
Because i got a flat on the way to the doctor and I missed my appointment and unfortunately they don't believe in refilling unless im seen.
I'm not gonna be able to get an appointment for 6 weeks... So...
Pretty much I'm all about fuck it.
Im actually doing good. Although i have allergies and a cold.
I went online to do the online visit for urgent care type issues and got a steriod for my cold and its healing up just fine, no more green, just white snot and cough ups
Although today and last night i began blacking out when i cough.. And we aren't sure why.
And so...
Probably isn't the time to fuck with me.
I have no chill and be happy pills.
I habe Cymbalta that takes care of my pain and so i can be a bitch and,take care of everything else...
Not that it makes,me a bitch cause it doesn't, it jist doesn't lie to my brain and tell it shit is alright when it ain't.
So im just more of my natural angry self.
Which is very sad.
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Pcos, an ovarian mass and laparoscopic surgery Part 2, operation to 4 weeks after
Part 2
I wasn’t asked to do anything special pre-surgery to make the surgery any easier, except no eating/drinking after midnight.  I still went ahead and ate lightly the day before, tried to keep it to mostly liquids so that my bowels would be smaller and more out of the way, but again, it wasn’t necessary, just what I felt would be better.
The surgery: Jan 28th
I had read so many accounts I was horrified that the laparoscopic removal would fail and I would need to be cut open hip to hip. Of course they had to have someone there to drive you home, so I brought my mother and step-father.  The pre-surgery was the same for anything else, height and weight asked/checked.  They did an ekg to check my heart was ok for surgery, ran through the 100 odd questions of allergies, a urine test to make sure I wasn’t pregnant, pertinent medical info, yada, yada, placed an iv.  Asked me if I had stomach upset/acid reflux (I do/did) so they gave me some iv pepto (their words not mine lol). Surgeon came in to “pep talk” us through the procedure. Then the interminable wait to be wheeled in to surgery.  On the way, I was stopped at a nursing station for the anesthesiologist to give me a shot (he told me what it was for, I’m sorry, it’s a blur now). In the surgical suite they literally wrapped my upper torso up like a burrito.  They told me it was to keep me warm, but I can almost guarantee it was to keep me from twitching and messing with the machinery while they were messing around in my abdomen.  Anesthetic and a few deep breaths later I was being wheeled back into my room post-surgery.
Here things get SUPER foggy.  I don’t remember much but feeling rushed out of the hospital.  It probably took a LOT longer than I feel like it did, but I was literally falling asleep on myself the whole time, so big chunks of time are missing during this period.  I barely remember getting dressed, except I had to have my mother help me, because I couldn’t bend over to put my pants and shoes on. This is one of the first times I have EVER been super happy they had a wheelchair for me, because I never would have made it out otherwise.  They warned me I may bleed, because whenever you mess with the reproductive system, it tends to kick up a fuss.  There may also be pain in your upper arms and back if any gas is not removed.  I had none.  My obgyn said if this happens, try to lay on an incline with your feet elevated, head down, to move the gas away from the diaphragm, which causes the pain.  But again, I got lucky, I had none.  And yes, they did shave my abdomen, sorry guys whoever did it, blame the pcos for the hair!
What they do during this surgery is make a few small incisions in your abdomen (for me it was three), one in the upper end of my belly button, one on each side of my abdomen, several inches above the hip.  They blow air into your abdomen to expand it so they have room to move around and then use a machine with small arms and rods with cameras and surgical tools to operate inside of you so they don’t have to cut you open too far.  It’s much less invasive and patients heal faster.  In my case they also took samples of the fluid filling the mass before removal and tissue samples of the mass, ovary, etc to check for cancer (came back negative).  They also took a look at the left ovary, it’s pretty bad, I have the pics to prove it.
For the rest of the day after surgery I was in very little pain.  My stomach was extremely shrunken in from the compression caused by the air.  I’ve never been that skinny and probably won’t again lol.  The incisions were covered in surgical glue.  I slept off and on most of the day, trying to get over the anesthetic.  The next day is when the pain kicked in.  Woah buddy.  I was heavily bruising, the swelling began, I was incapable of bending, pulling/pushing, taking a deep breath, laughing, coughing, sneezing.  You’d be surprised how much you use your abdominal muscles, whew!  I did not have any bleeding until I was using the bathroom, twisted to get the toilet paper (bad mistake!) heard/felt a tiny pop internally and then woosh, it started.  It was scary/bad enough I almost called the obgyn, but the paperwork assured me bleeding was normal, and I wasn’t bleeding enough according to the paperwork to call, so I gave it a day, and it did get lighter and lighter over the next few days and stopped.
In addition to the pain from the actual surgery site(s) my uterus decided to go into panic mode and cramp like hell for about a week.  I have NEVER been more glad for narcotics.  I took those for about 2 weeks before going back to the motrin I had been on for kidney stone pain.
What I was NOT prepared for was the sudden smack-down by my emotions.  I swear my hormones were in crazy flux. By week 2 I was crying over stupid things, moody, angry, it took about a week for all of that to clear up, ugh.  Still don’t know if that was because of the ovary removal, or because of pcos. I went through everything from crying they wouldn’t take my left ovary, to crying that it was necessary to have the right removed (which logically I know is ridiculous, because I don’t want kids (re: hereditary fun stuff I’d rather not pass on, also being ace plays into that, but that’s another story for another time).  Also, having to sit and sleep in awkward positions was horrible.  Made my back ache.  Sitting up is murder after having an ovary removed because it causes groin pain.  Laying flat all the time causes your back to ache.  I found a semi-reclined position that I sat in for over two weeks that worked for me, but my best advice is: use pillows, get creative.
Also, constipation is a thing. Your bowels will need some time to decompress, laxatives help.
Expect weird random twinges of pain. It's caused supposedly by your nerves healing. It's a thing. It's ridiculous.
I was so expecting to jump up and get gong a few days after surgery.  The first week I mostly slept.  It took me at least 2 weeks to start feeling better.  3 weeks to feel almost normal.  Over 4 weeks now and I still have pain in my groin if I sit too long.  Turning/twisting still pulls in my right side and groin and surgery sites.  Bending is STILL hard, bending to pick something up: PLEASE be careful.  Still not attempting to pick up heavy stuff.  Squatting is a little easier, but not ideal.  I still find engaging my core (abdominal muscles) to push/pull/pick up heavy items is still a challenge, and will cause squeals of pain from my surgery sites.  My abdomen swelled quite large, especially around the incisions.  Conversely, where they removed the mass sunk in.  My stomach is only now starting to “deflate”, so slowly.  For a week after surgery, I didn’t eat much, then I was ravenously hungry for about 2 weeks.  Externally the glue started to fall off almost a week after surgery.  The incisions weren’t even healed yet, caused me to get quite worried, but at the post op visit with the obgyn, she assured me this was normal, and they’d close over time.  The did leak, and were filled with white granulomas (white blood cells) which looks like pus, but isn’t.  The middle one’s glue popped and bled, filling my belly button with blood, but the glue still hasn’t entirely broken loose on that one, though by week 2 the other surgical glue had fallen off.  Check with your surgeon if you’re worried, but again, this all seems normal at this point.   At 4 weeks , the incisions are still not entirely closed up.  I have been covering them with bandages to help keep out bacteria and minimize rubbing from clothing.
PAJAMA BOTTOMS ARE YOUR FRIEND.  Also elastic waistbands.  It took me over 3 weeks to even try on a pair of jeans, and they still have the tendency to rub right across those incisions and the button to poke the incision in my belly button: not fun.  Today was the first day I didn’t feel discomfort wearing jeans while standing, sitting on the other hand...
I was also not prepared for the general weakness.  Without engaging your core, your limb strength just does’t cut it, lol.
Walking helps.  Seriously.  Don’t do like I did and try the whole 30 mins thing 2 weeks out of surgery.  Try 10 mins at a stretch after a couple weeks.  Then, walk 2 10 minute stretches during the course of the day.  Then 3 10 minute stretches or increase the time in the other split portions. If you feel pain, stop, don’t push yourself because you want to get better all at once.  I’m still not 100% back to normal activity, and I read it can take up to 12 weeks to be to that stage.
Tips/tricks to prepare:
If you have pets/children: if you can afford it, make sure you have a supply on hand for at least 3-4 weeks of food, litter, whatever.  Anything heavy you may need to lift is going to be impossible, especially if you don’t have help.
Try to see if you can get someone to help you if possible.  Trying to walk your dog or clean litter boxes, or care for small children is going to be very difficult for a while.
Be prepared to not be able to lift very heavy things, push/pull open heavy doors.  My discharge paperwork said not to even lift a full gallon of milk/water, and trust me, for the first week or two, it just ain’t happenin’
Listen to your body.  It will tell you when to stop.
Buy some laxatives for post-surgery constipation.
Buy some pads/panty liners for post-surgery bleeding.
Get your laundry done before surgery, you’re not going to want to do it for a while.  Wash small loads after surgery, laundry is heavy, don’t strain yourself.
Buy some meals you don’t have to cook (think something you can slap in the microwave or oven for a few minutes and be done, or sandwich material, cereals, etc.) Standing up and cooking is going to be difficult for a while.
Be prepared to have family members (especially the males), act like you should be over it in no time. Especially with “3 tiny cuts”.  They don’t understand that there’s a lot of complicated healing going on below the surface that can’t be seen, not that that’s any excuse for being an unsupportive douche.
Just don’t push yourself to be better all at once, even if family/friends insist you should be “over it by now”.  There’s a mini tornado of healing happening inside you, let it do what it needs to.
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sciencesideanswers · 6 years
so ive had a cough that has been coming back since like November last year. Ive been 2 the doctor bout 3 times & 1st time they said it was the early stage of bronchitis 2nd time they said it was allergies 3rd time they said it was pneumonia. The coughs have all been the same(coughing,wheezing,&flem).They gave me medicine and they’ve only worked for a short amount of time before the cough comes back. Do you know what it might be? Or what could be causing it? I’m only allergic to pollen & im 14y/o
Sorry about that! I don’t think I’d have enough information to take any guess, but it seems that your doctor is still trying out hypothesis. I think you should take the results of whatever tests your doctor did to you to another doctor and see what they tell you.
Allergies can be pretty bad but they usually don’t involve flem, at least not heavy ones.
Also, it’s September so say happy birthday to your cough for me. (My bad for answering late.)
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Analysis of Acceptance of Cow Milk-Free Food by Allergic Children | Juniperpublishers
Objective: To analyze foods free from cow's milk protein by allergic children. Methods: The research for the development of the project, regarding the objectives, was exploratory, as to the nature, applied and the procedures, a case study. It was held at the Integrated Medical Care Center (NAMI), from February to April 2017, in the population of children from two to five years old with cow's milk protein allergy. We used forms with hedonic facial expression scale with five categories to be selected according to the children's acceptability. The research was designed according to what governs Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council (BRASIL, 2012).
Results: In the study we obtained 14 children and 14 participating mothers. We found that children aimed only at the taste of the products, with product A (salty barbecue flavored product) being the most acceptable with 79% acceptance, unlike mothers who generally exploited the product from the ingredients mentioned in label up to its nutritional value, always comparing with conventional products. The most acceptable product among mothers was product C (Sweet product, similar to conventional cornstarch cookies), with 71% acceptance. Conclusion: The research result provided information that contributed to the quality of life of children with APLV, considering that they can have a balanced, varied and enjoyable diet.
Keywords: Food Allergy; Food; Food hypersensitivity; Food analysis; Cow milk
Among food allergies, the most common is milk protein allergy, affecting mainly children from 0 to 24 months. The allergic cycle is developed when milk protein is identified as a foreign agent in the body [1].
The actual prevalence of aplv in the general population is still unknown. In children, cow's milk protein allergy is manifested in about 2% to 7.5% in the first years of life [2].
Aplv symptoms may be immediate (ige-mediated) or late (non-ige-mediated), depending on the type of reaction triggered, and are divided into four groups: ige-mediated or type i hypersensitivity; cytotoxicity or type ii; by immunocomplexes or type iii and cellular or type iv [3].
The main clinical manifestations of aplv are: irritability, crying and difficulty in weight gain. It usually involves the following systems: cutaneous, gastrointestinal, respiratory and cardiovascular. In cutaneous manifestations, urticaria (lesions lasting up to 6 weeks) and angioedema are the most common. Gastrointestinal symptoms usually occur shortly after eating or within two hours of eating, namely: abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and melena. Respiratory system symptoms are associated with skin and gastrointestinal symptoms, causing a sore throat, irritating dry cough, intense nasal congestion, sneezing, asthma, and rhinitis secondary to cow's milk intake or inhalation [4].
For a reliable diagnosis of APLV, a detailed history and physical examination is essential. In the anamnesis, it is important to investigate the food history, in order to collect information about the diet from the first months of life to the present age, record when the allergy began, the frequency of symptoms, the factors and individual characteristics of the patient, what is the amount and shape of the potential food that causes the allergy. Physical examination, besides providing anthropometric data, is fundamental to evaluate signs that may be related to APLV [5].
The treatment of APLV is based on a diet excluding cow's milk and dairy products, which aims to prevent possible symptoms and improve the child's quality of life, growth and proper development. In cases of acute allergic crisis or chronic signs, treatment becomes drug [6].
Currently, it is observed that the number of people who are allergic to cow's milk protein has been increasing, because of this, the search for products that favor the health and well-being of this public has been increasing. New products have been launched in the market for the public with food allergies. Amaranth grain is one of them, being characterized by a high protein, fat and mineral content compared to conventional cereals. Amaranth leaves can be used in salad production, and can be substituted for soups, fillings, instant and infant products. The flour form is used in pancakes, bread, tortillas and porridge, including beverages that are similar to cow's milk [7]. The treatment of APLV is based on the total exclusion of cow's milk protein from the allergic diet. For this, a balanced and sensorially pleasing diet should be developed that meets the nutritional needs, especially when it comes to children, so that they may develop normally
Traditionally, various products, such as cakes, cookies and breads, are made with cow's milk. In the food market there are similar products that are free from cow's milk protein. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the acceptability of products free of cow's milk by allergic children.
This is a cross-sectional and analytical study with a quantitative approach.
The study was performed at the Integrated Medical Care Center (NAMI), located in the city of Fortaleza in the Edson Queiroz neighborhood.
The Center for Integrated Medical Care of the University of Fortaleza has integral care with the human being, as well as offering health services also has as its main objective to promote quality of life. For this, they bring together professionals and students in a modern and multidisciplinary structure, focused on humanization and the evolution of care, always in line with the academic research developed at the University.
Created in 1978, NAMI is proud to be a reference in the North and Northeast for the quality and differential of medical care provided, which includes services of a secondary nature and, in some cases, even of high complexity. More than 300,000 procedures are performed per year, benefiting about 25,000 patients. NAMI care ranges from medical appointments, laboratory testing, and immunization to specialized imaging, nursing, nutrition, psychology, physiotherapy, and speech therapy, social work, and occupational therapy services. Besides, of course, several groups that deal with topics such as mental health, climacteric, stretching, monitoring pregnant women, among others. The Integrated Medical Care Center (NAMI) has been conducting a Cow Milk Protein Allergy (APLV) program since 2014, and childcare is provided to the following health professionals: Gastropediatrician, Allergologist and Nutritionist.
The population chosen was the universe of 180 children participating in the NAMI APLV group. The inclusion criteria were children who had a protein allergy to cow's milk and were between two and five years old, and as an exclusion criterion. , children who had lactose intolerance and were older than 5 years. The invitation to participate in the research was made when the groups were meeting at NAMI, where the researchers personally explained the benefits of the study and invited them to participate.
Thus, the sample selected all children between two and five years old who had cow's milk protein allergy and their guardians who attended the waiting room for the nutritional care of the group with APLV. Children allergic to cow's milk protein who were lactose intolerant and older than 8 years were excluded from the study. The database currently has 28 participants, but research is still ongoing. Prior to the data collection process, cow's milk protein-free products were evaluated as follows: Analysis of label ingredients, similarity analysis with conventional products and taste. The brands chosen were: ‘Liane’, ‘Xilitoca’ and ‘Mother Earth’.
All products were carefully chosen, seeking to maintain nutrients and other important characteristics such as fresh foods, for the proper functioning of the body.
Data collection was carried out from February to April 2017. Each participant signed the informed consent form and then filled out the form and were interviewed. The form contained identification questions for the participating child and his / her guardian.
The data of the child and guardian were collected in Part I of the form, which contained information such as: Socioeconomic; Blood type; If you had another type of allergy; Sex; Age; Family data and school data. To perform the sensory analysis, Part II of the same form was used, which has a hedonic scale of facial expression, which was assigned the following values: 1- I hated it, 2 - I didn't like it, 3 - both makes, 4 - liked and 5 - loved it. Form III asked five questions about the daily food intake of family members. In the test, the child and his guardian received samples of the products, followed blindly. The hedonic scale was marked by the children and their guardian with the help of two trained analysts, so as not to induce and / or interfere with the study participants' responses. For the presentation of the products was made available, in a container, one unit of each selected product.
The samples were used in the same order for all participants. After ingestion, each child and responsible participant marked on the hedonic scale the facial expression that best represented their opinion regarding the tasted food. Between the tasting of the samples, the children ingested at least 50ml of water. Rinsing the mouth between samples is important so that the residual flavor is restricted and does not interfere with the evaluation of the next sample.
The products tested were selected by the company "Zero% cow's milk", which provided the food products used in the research, with the supervision of the researchers. Sweet and salty cookies were selected, among them: Product A - Salted Cracker Biscuit (Barbecue Flavor); Product B - Tapioca Biscuit (Salty Flavor); Product C - Sweet Cookie (Similar to conventional cornstarch) and Product D - Red Fruit Cookies (Sweet flavor).
Fourteen children participated in the study in question, 36% (5) female and 64% (9) male. The average age of participants ranged from 2 to 5 years, with 57% being children from 2 to 3 years old and 43% from 4 to 5 years old. As for blood type 36% (5) have O + blood and 64% (9) did not report. As for other allergies, 64% of children had other allergies and only 36% did not. Regarding socioeconomic status, 36% (5) of the families had an income of one to five minimum wages (Table 1).
The results of this study showed that of the 14 children evaluated, most were between 2 and 3 years old and were males with 9.64%, while females were 5.57%. The sample is mostly composed of middle- or lower-class people. From the study, we also observed that food allergy in one family member directly influences changes in eating habits of other family members (Table 1).
All the children tasted all the products, having varied acceptance, according to their individuality, so that some showed to like the sweet products more and the salty ones.
Sweet-flavored products had better acceptance than salty-flavored products, as these products are more similar to conventional products (Table 2).
The foods that made up the sensory analysis were chosen to take into account the newest products similar to those already on the market. Only product B (Tapioca cookie) was rated as loathed, with a percentage of 7%. Product A (Salted Cracker Cracker - Barbecue Flavor) and Product D (Red Fruit Cookies - Sweet Flavor) were rated as 'whatever', both with a percentage of 7%, not providing significant information for product evaluation. Adding the percentage obtained in all available products, 64% of the evaluated did not like them. Of the four products evaluated, 79% of children liked product A (Cracker Salted Cracker - Barbecue Flavor), 36% liked product B (Tapioca Cracker), 50% liked product C (Sweet Cracker - Similar to conventional cornstarch) and 71% enjoyed the product D (Red Fruit Cookies - Sweet Flavor). Taking into account the taste, these products are very similar to conventional products, thus justifying their good acceptance (Table 3).
The products that were rated “Loved” were as follows: 7% of product A (Cracker Salted Cracker - Barbecue Flavor); 7% of product B (Tapioca cookie); 43% of product C (Sweet cookie - Similar to conventional cornstarch) and 29% of product D (Red fruit cookies - Sweet flavor). Ratifying the greater acceptance of sweet tasting products.
In the mothers' forms, the products that were evaluated as I loved them were: Product A (Salted Cracker Cracker - Barbecue Flavor) with 14%; Both products C (Sweet cookie - Similar to conventional cornstarch) and D (Red Fruit Cookies - Sweet flavor) resulted in 29%.
The products evaluated as “Likes” were as follows: 64% of product A (Cracker Salted Cracker - Barbecue Flavor); 50% of product B (Tapioca cookie); 71% of product C (Sweet cookie - Similar to conventional cornstarch) and 64% of product D (Red fruit cookies - Sweet flavor).
Products rated “Disliked” yielded the following results: Both A (Cracker Salted Cracker - Barbecue Flavor) and D (Red Fruit Cookies - Sweet Flavor) products achieved 7%. Already the products evaluated as “detested” had as results: 14% of product A (Cracker Salted Cracker - Barbecue Flavor) and 50% of product B (Tapioca Cracker).
In the analysis of the evaluation of the mothers, it was observed that the products have a good acceptance by most of them, because in the hedonic scale classification were found higher rates of "liked" and "loved". This may be justified because unlike children, who are only aware of tasty foods, mothers also realize the benefits that food brings to health. There were reports of mothers who liked the products because, besides being tasty, having enough nutrients, in order to help the growth and development of the child aligned with a similar diet to other family members (Table 4).
Statistical tests were performed using the Turkey, Chi-Square programs, but their results were not considered relevant to the research because the N that participated was small to obtain relevant results.
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In recent decades, there have been several studies showing that allergic diseases are significantly influencing the quality of life not only of allergic patients, but also of their families and close friends [8]. In the study analyzed, it was observed that changes in the eating habits of allergic people influenced the other family members, since there is greater care in food to avoid exposure to foods that aggravate the allergic condition.
There are several factors that affect allergic people, the most common being anxiety and stress, which can impair their cognitive ability and their social environments, resulting in behavioral problems and school development. Dining out is still a factor avoided by parents of children. Activities such as: Going to birthday parties; Playing at friends' houses are examples of some activities that are generally restricted in the daily lives of allergic children, leading to a social withdrawal from them [9]. We identified through the reports on the forms that mothers prepare their children's meals to eat outside the home, in environments ranging from school to festive and travel, being a positive habit in the lives of children, because their social environment is preserved.
Parents of allergic children carry concerns in their daily lives regarding the proper nutrition of their children. The entire process of purchasing, preparation, ingredient checking of products, high cost prices, require planning to meet all the nutritional needs of the child. In most cases, the mother's quality of life is most affected because she is responsible for performing all these tasks [10]. In our research, the report of mothers is similar to what was said by the author, since since the discovery of allergy in their children, their lives are moved primarily to fulfill all these functions with the main goal of the welfare of their children, ie , the quality of life of mothers becomes irrelevant to them, because what they really put first is their children. However, through all this food planning of the allergic child, mothers are positively influenced in relation to their eating habits, because through the knowledge they acquire in all planning they make healthier choices in their meals.
Cow's milk is the food that is often consumed on a daily basis, as it can make up every meal, for this reason, cow's milk allergy is evident today, about 270 billion liters of milk. It is consumed worldwide [11]. In the study carried out, the chosen audience was with children who had been allergic to cow's milk protein since birth, so frequent consumption of cow's milk was not the reason why the children in this study had the onset of allergy.
About 170 foods have been listed as causing food allergy. However, eight main ingredients that cause the most food allergies stand out: milk, fish, eggs, nuts, wheat, crustaceans, peanuts and soy [12].
As a result of food reactions, it generates restrictions and, as a result, allergic individuals need greater care in choosing the foods to replace [13]. In the study we evaluated through reports that the behavior of parents facing the greatest restriction on food to their children who are allergic to cow's milk protein, corresponds to what the author says, because careful choice of these foods has become a priority in life. from parents.
In the food market there are substitutes for dairy drinks that are vegetable drinks, made with: oilseeds, legumes, cereals and pseudo cereal, besides being industrially ready, can be prepared by hand, although they may have limits in relation to the characteristics. Sensory [14]. There is also an option to replace cow's milk, the almond-based drink. It is a drink rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals, and can be found in an industrialized way, but it is not accessible to low-income individuals, as it is a high cost product [15]. There is also rice-based drink, it has low cost, however, it is noteworthy that the glycemic index of rice-based drink is high when compared to cow's milk. Thus, it is essential that its consumption is balanced, because in excess can cause the emergence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity. Its consumption is not recommended for children under one year16. We identified from the reports of mothers that the products used in sensory analysis and the others that are available in the market for the public with APLV are aware of them, but report that there are few stores that sell these products, becoming less accessible to any of them.
One of the most commonly found foods in the market as a replacement for cow's milk is soybeans, but studies report that 60% of people who have allergies to cow's milk also have coincidental reactions to soybeans. It is even more difficult to find substitute foods [17]. In the study population there were some children who, besides being diagnosed with a cow's milk protein allergy, also had soy allergy, so finding foods that can replace cow's milk for this public may be less accessible.
Based on what was discussed, it can be concluded that the products used in the sensory analysis had a good acceptability of the participants. It was observed that the children analyzed positively by the question of the taste of the products, as the mothers the acceptability was also positive, because they reported that the products were sensorial similar to the conventional products in the market. Parents of children with a cow's milk protein allergy become hypervigilant and careful about feeding them to avoid any contact with foods containing cow's milk protein. In view of this, the demand for foods aimed at this public grows more and more, however, accessibility is still a problem, since there are few stores that sell these products. Given the results, the study was important because it was sensorially analyzed alternative products, which are free of cow's milk, noting the acceptability by the public and the financial conditions of the families of the research participants to purchase them.
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Before you order Soma online and before we discuss about the prescribed dosage of Soma, let us first talk about what is Soma and for which purpose it is taken. Basically, Soma is the name by which Carisoprodol is popularly known and it generaly works as a muscle relaxer. This means that the drug blocks the sensation of pain a person is receiving between the nerves of the body and the brain. Now coming to the dosage of the drug, the prescribed dosage falls in the range of 250mg to 350mg which is supposed to be taken thrice by mouth in a day and at bedtime. The maximum duration for which the drug can be taken is up to two to three weeks because there is no guarantee that the drug will work if taken for a long time and because the disease for which it is prescribed to be taken for, musculoskeletal conditions is generally of shorter duration.
Soma indications We already discussed about Soma being the name by which the drug Carisoprodol is popularly known and it is mainly prescribed as a muscle relaxer. But what might surprise you the most about the drug it is categorized as a Schedule IV controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. This means that the drug is less prone to drug abuse and misuse because if you order Soma online, you are indicated that the drug is taken to relieve a person from the pain of musculoskeletal conditions along with a good amount of rest and physical exercise. However, the drug is only prescribed for the short-term treatment of the pain received from musculoskeletal conditions and is not supposed to be taken for a long-term treatment.
Soma interactions If you’re thinking that if you order Soma online and start taking it with any medication you want, I guess you’re wrong because interaction of the drug with any other medicatio increases the risk of the occurrence of serious side effects. Some of the drug interactions that can be harmful for the person taking the drug are:- • Alcohol • Diphenhydramine • Alprazolam • Codeine • Medication that treats allergy or cold and cough In short, before you buy the drug or even before you start its intake, make sure you consult a health expert about the interactions that have been listed so that you can know whether the drug will prove to be helpful if taken with the medications mentioned above.
Adverse effects Usually when you buy a drug, you are told beforehand that what the drug is being prescribed for and how it could be harmful if started to be taken beyond the prescribed limit. However, some people choose to do the latter, mainly to get the effects of the drug over and over again. This way they not only get addicted to the drug but also start feeling that they cannot live without the drug for too long. Same is the case when people order Soma online to treat musculoskeletal conditions and start taking the drug endlessly. This way they not only increase the risk of the occurrence of adverse effects, but also make themselves highly prone to the effects of the drug. Some of the adverse effects that can harm the person taking the drug are:- • Drowsiness • Dizziness • Blurry vision • Headache • Loss of coordination • Depression • Weakness • Tremors • Vomiting • Seizures The occurrence of these adverse effects can be prevented if the drug is taken within the prescribed limit or by following the instructions mentioned in the prescription given along with the prescribed drug.
How Soma affects your system People order Soma online because it generally acts as a muscle relaxant and also helps in controlling pain. Therefore, the drug is available in tablets and is also available in combination products that include aspirin or codeine and aspirin. It is prescribed to be taken several times in a day. The drug works by affecting the communication between nerves in the central nervous system (CNS) and it produces muscle relaxation and pain relief. The drug is usually excreted in the urine and can be detected for several days after intake.
Precautions with Soma Before you order Soma online in the U.S., you should know almost everything you can know about the drug. To prevent side effects and interactions, be sure to discuss all kinds of medications you are taking or planning to take with your health expert. Your metabolism of Soma can be affected if you ever had liver or kidney disease. If you are pregnant, indulging in breastfeeding your child, or planning to become a mother, discuss with your health expert about the implications of taking the drug in the aforementioned conditions. The drug can make you drowsy, so it’s important to take precautions for driving or operating a machinery. Side effects of the drug include headache, fast heartbeat, drowsiness, confusion, slowed thinking, upset stomach, skin rash, and sluggish movements.
Avoid severe side effects with Soma When you order Soma online, you should take it exactly as prescribed. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, do not take it more than prescribed  or more often than given in the prescription provided to you. Some of the severe side effects of the drug include:- • Finding it difficult to breathe • Fever • Weakness • Burning sensation in the eyes
How long Soma stays in your system If you order Soma online and abruptly discontinue the intake of Soma after taking it for a long time, you may experience mild withdrawal symptoms, and these symptoms can last for another 12 to 48 hours. However, if you are taking a combination product that includes codeine, then the drug will be detected. Be sure to discuss the medications you’re taking to the lab where you are getting tested for the presence of the drug in your system, so they are able to better interpret the test results.
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