#also judit. i like that one
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Thinking Like Normal People Do.
Painted the undercover outfits to go with the latest chapter of DUCKLINGS THAT DROWN
I don't like painting *people* because I'm a landscape/ abstract artist, but I had half a bottle of wine and realised I can landscape/ abstract paint PEOPLE if I put my mind to it. Love wins.
Kim has an inner child voice that constantly bullies him, he calls it his "inner juvie" because he's a loser. Love wins!
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chocochococoffee · 1 year
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you know what i want now
Kim admiring the Jamrock Shuffle Walk in other characters outside Harry, who is definitely the one who trailblazes like a bull (and bear) but i do also want to see Kim in a mission with Jean and Judit and seeing them run, breaking doors and grabbing clues from wherever
or even better Him learning to run like that for the years that passand he gets accustomed with the gang
(reposting because adding "weirdly horny" to a tag wasnt something tumblr liked and they hid the damn post)
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mikesoup · 2 years
HEAR ME OUT. disco elysium hotdaga au. goondis is hdb. maizey is kim.
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draconicace · 4 months
i'm pretty ambivalent about jean at this point (fandom either woobifies him into a new character or assigns him even more malice than he textually has which is. pretty impressive.) but i do like the idea of cuno being assigned to him. maybe cuno can yell at him to not steal mustard from the homeless
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mrtequilasunset · 1 year
Whenever I talk about Kim and Harry getting married I inevitably get people in my notes saying things like "they wouldn't get married because no one is married in Revachol anymore" which like sure but also that is definitely a doomer hyperbole. Judit is married, plaisance is married, and Billie and Tommy. Lilienne was married too, and so was Trant. Plenty of people get married in Revachol, and besides that, we know that Harry *wants* to be married. He wanted Dora to be his wife. He still refers to her as his ex-wife and is so incredibly disappointed when he finds out she wasn't. Jean said "no one is married anymore" and that's become like some irrefutable Canon people have adopted but you have to remember Jean is one of the most miserable cunts in the game, of course he's gonna be pessimistic about this *especially* since it was said to Harry, the guy he spends most of the game antagonizing.
I guess my point is that I refuse to believe Harry wouldn't want Kim to wife him up first chance they get just because of a grumpy ass comment made by a dude with the world record for largest stick up ass.
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One thing that really shocked me when I visited Madrid is that some people seemed genuinely offended when I said I only spoke Catalan. I'm from Germany and my boyfriend is Catalan. As he has a very strong Catalan identity and is very much an activist for the language it made sense for me to learn Catalan instead of Spanish. I don't speak it very well yet, but enough to make casual conversation. Trying to have a conversation with an acquaintance when visiting Madrid, I threw in some of my basic Catalan when English didn't fully work (not to piss her off, because I had no idea it would, but simply to make myself understood as English was failing us and I figured the Catalan might be easier and closer and sometimes even the same words as Spanish). This led to a lot of questions from the friendgroup, but this one person seemed personally hurt that I had chosen to learn Catalan and NOT Spanish. She argued that all Catalans spoke Spanish anyway and that my mindset was childish and "excluding the rest of Spain just to make a point". I thought this was such a strange way to look at it. I know this person is not representative for all of Spain, but I thought it was really worrying that some people think like that. She seemed convinced that there was no purpose of learning Catalan beyond "making a silly, political point" as if there wasn't an entire culture and history that came with it. As if Catalans speaking Catalan were like... being difficult on purpose and not.. you know... practicing their f*cking culture and living their damn lives. Good thing I actually am childish, and spoke exclusively in Catalan to her for the rest of the evening.
That's exactly how many Spanish people see it, it's a shame but your story doesn't surprise me. When I was a teenager I went for a few days to do a thing with other teenagers in Madrid and they reacted in a mix of disgust and offence when they heard me speak to my parents in Catalan on the phone. And I've heard quite a lot of other people explain very similar situations. It also reminds me of a video I shared a while ago (post here) where Judit Mascó explains that when she's working in Madrid and she answers the phone to her mother or friends calling, her co-workers told her it bothers them that she speaks in Catalan to other people, when she's not even talking to them.
Many Spanish people just can't understand that Catalan people would like to continue speaking our language, period. They are so convinced that Spanish is superior, that they believe that for our own good we should want to abandon our language and assimilate to theirs, and if we don't, well, then the only possible reason is that we're doing it for the sole purpose of excluding them, as if they were the centre of our lives.
They can see how they use their own language (Spanish) for their family, friends and the rest of their lives, but they can't give us the same amount of humanity and respect to imagine that we can want to speak our own language for the same purposes as they want to speak theirs. No, according to them, we must do it for bad faith proposes.
And let me say: you are doing very well in learning Catalan for your boyfriend. If your boyfriend speaks Catalan, I assume it's most likely that his family and friends speak in Catalan too, it's normal that you'd want to learn the language they use. This will bring you closer to his heart, because you can understand the words with which he has grown up and that are around him, it strengthens your bond. And it gives you the opportunity to communicate with other people around him and participate in conversation. Why would you not want to learn the language? Why would you, instead, want to learn a different language, and does that Spanish person expect you police what your boyfriend and his family/friends speak so not to exclude you (when you would have been the one to decide not to integrate)? It's just such a self-centered way of thinking from them.
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geeneelee · 1 year
Judit’s Backstory, or: Why She Supports Harry
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for a while, especially since it’s apparently not common knowledge in the fandom, but Judit has a developed backstory with Harry that can only be put together through reading one of the case files (so perhaps it’s not that surprising that people don’t know).
We start with Joseph Mills: an idiot and a terrible person.
No, he was awful. Awful sense of humour too. The worst jokes you've ever heard. Really rapey.
Harry can find out about him from reading MURDER IN THE HOOKAH PARLOR from his case files. Long story short, Mills mistook an accidental death for a murder and wasted months on it, only for Harry to identify it as a dumb accident in less than a minute.
What’s more relevant to the present-day is this:
Beaten to death by a throng of Villalobos gang-members when him and his partner J. M. (only initials mentioned) answered a call one night. It's a sad story and it isn't really represented in *your* case files. Stop stalling and get to the MURDER AT THE HOOKAH PARLOUR.
Judit’s partner was beaten to death by gangsters, presumably while she watched. Technically, J.M. could be anyone, but basic narrative rules + a few other hints make me certain that it’s Judit. Most importantly, what she says about Harry after his disastrous call to the Precinct.
"We must help him." Minot looks down at her neatly polished black shoes. There is a quiet firmness to her voice when she speaks. 
"I just know we can't give up on him when he's at his weakest. He wouldn't..." The crowd in the room has started fidgeting uncomfortably. Someone's trying to slip out unnoticed.
I’m presuming here that what she’s going to say is “He wouldn’t give up on one of us”. (Side note: judging by the reactions of everyone else, they agree. Pre-canon Harry had his good moments and his bad with the squad).
Judit might be speaking from experience - we know that she’s only been with C-Wing for two months, but why did she transfer? Given how C-wing has been hemorrhaging members, it seems odd. If she was speaking from experience, then the most likely answer is that Harry helped her out after Mills’ death (first on the scene? Provided support? who knows) and Judit, who was now without a partner, decided to follow him to C-wing.
Between her gratitude to Harry and (probably) low standards for coworkers, she’s willing to give him the benefit of the doubt more than anyone else who knows him, although depending on your actions you can burn through the good will - calling her the Horse-Faced Woman and asking if you’ve had sex will make her cold towards you.
She’s also aware of Harry’s drinking problem, but has more hope than Jean does - Jean will shoot down any hint that Harry’s changed, but if he’s stayed sober, Judit will hold onto hope that it’ll stick this time
You haven't been drinking, she thinks. So maybe this time...
(Perhaps it’s just because she’s known him for the least amount of time, but it’s still more hope than anyone else in his unit has for Harry).
It’s easy to miss Judit’s implied past with Harry, and assume her patience is naivety or because she’s a mom (which might be the case in a story written by lesser writers) but it’s something more complex than that, and a tiny hint at the better side of pre-canon Harry.
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stressfulsloth · 1 year
I really do think it's interesting that the way DE discusses ableism gets ignored by a lot of the fanbase. Because Harry is undeniably disabled and that's a core conflict of the game. He's living in an impossible situation that so many disabled people get caught in; he's physically disabled, even more so by the end of the game after being shot, but even at the beginning of the game he struggles with nerve damage, post-polio syndrome, partial paralysis in his jaw, withdrawals, and that's not even starting on the mental illness. He is sick and cannot ever properly heal under these circumstances because he cannot stop moving forward or he will start to sink. He's living in poverty. He has no safety net. No way out of the RCM. That night in Martinaise before the beginning of the game, he tries to quit- throw everything away. He tries to end his own life and drive his car into the sea because he cannot fathom a future where he's able to get out of this alive when he's so intrinsically bound to this abusive institution that he can't escape from.
And then comes Jean, deliberately forbidding anyone from jogging Harry's memory out of spite and anger, refusing to allow anyone else to help, calling him a fucking idiot and a psychopath, asking if he can go to the toilet on his own, telling him that he doesn't deserve his disability pension because it should go to cops who gave a shit instead (nevermind that Harry has been working at burnout pace for years, he's an addict so his contributions are essentially worthless, right?). He has a conversation with Judit, right in front of Harry, on whether or not he has learning disabilities.
This guy is a very interesting character! And I'm not denying that he's likely dealt with consequences at work from Harry's illness. But he also fulfils the narrative role of being a mouthpiece for the suspicion and even outright aggression that addicts face even while trying to recover. He fulfils the role of a representative of the RCM, with the ability to approve or deny Harry’s return and in turn essentially sentence him to a slow death in the seaside village. He is not there to help; he is there to judge and observe, and then blame Harry when things go bad even though his inaction is at least in part responsible for the deaths during the tribunal. And this is all very deliberate! The RCM, and by extension the Coalition, as an organisation is failing both its officers and its citizens- Jean, by extension, is one of the officers being failed! They are underfunded, overstretched, overworked, and shouldn't even exist in the first place. The expectation on partnered officers to provide emotional support to each other is ridiculous. But instead of directing his anger upwards towards the Coalition airships or superiors at the RCM, he directs it outwards, towards 'the liberals' or towards Harry, who as a disabled addict is a pretty convenient punching bag.
His vitriol towards Harry is not supposed to be sympathetic! At least the way I read it, you're not meant to look at him and think 'oh wow Harry's struggle has been so hard for him.' You're meant to question his language, to think more deeply about how society treats addicts, how punitive measures are never going to help someone get sober, about the importance of safety nets.
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heavensickness · 4 months
Completely random things about Disco Elysium characters that I think about
Klaasje isn't Garte's type and he is probably the only one immune to her charm (she even manages to fool Kim)
Garte never takes a step back and even yells at the Hardie Boys and mercenaries. He doesn't give a shit if he dies.
Cunoesse sleeps outside at night
Cuno used to do his homework so he is not 100% illiterate
Cuno is locked out of his house by his father (his father keeps his key) so Harry breaking into their apartment might be the only way he could get in again
Smoker in the balcony says that Harry looks like he does belong in the Homosexual Underground. He even flirts a little
Egghead dresses like a boideiro
Measurehead can't get hard for his babe which he uses some of his racist bullshit to explain
You can touch the hanged man's penis for some reason and electrochemistry even urges you to
Kim intervenes when Harry is talking to Paledriver or Joyce only out of concern for him
When Harry sees Judit he immediately remembers her as the horse faced woman because that was probably what he used to call her before his amnesia, at least in his head
Similarly, Jean uses the words middle-class, bangable and fuckable while describing Dora in a deadpan tone even though he never met her because that was probably what Harry exactly said about Dora while he was drunk. The drunks in the fishing village also confirm that Harry said a "whore" fucked him over.
Endurance and physical instrument holds Harry's repressed toxic masculinity and possible misogyny, although you can become a feminist or grow out of those thoughts throughout the game. If you don't, they will repeat thoughts about how women are whores and they are all crazy.
Both in Harry's first dream and last dream, his subconscious focuses on Dora's sexual aspects: Warmth of her mouth, between her thighs, wearing a white gown that shows her figure etc.
Kim will still like your karaoke performance even if it was a disaster and he will even defend your performance against Jean
Jules Pideu will try to encourage you if you tell him you can't do this anymore
What Judit feels for Harry is just pity
If you make a "joke" to Cuno about Kim dressing in drag Kim will think something like "YOU are the one who looks like a hooker in those promiscuous clothes"
Jean will also tell you that you look like you have 20 STDs if you are wearing something "promiscuous"
Trant used to be a drug addict and so he understands why Harry can't just quit drinking
Ruby does not actually want to hurt Harry and Kim. She even decreases the intensity of pale emitter because she feels bad for them
Evrart will say "you are NOT an ultraliberal Harry, get the fuck out of here" if Harry says that he is an ultraliberal
Kim will yell "are you stupid??" so loud that Harry will lose a health point if he says that he is a fascist
Andre is "not twenty" and he is already balding
"Pigs" lady used to take care of the Hardie boys when they were kids
Titus says "some Hardie boys are queerer than others and that's okay", looking at Glen
Glen is probably gay but he is the one who reacts the most when Harry says that Ruby likes girls
You can give the working class woman a hug
Harry can ask Joyce if she wants to fuck but she will evade it immediately, saving both of them from embarrasment
If Harry goes on a date with Lilienne, one of his skills will say that this is as far as he could go in his current state & he should be sober for more than a year for something more. Which indicates that if Harry did not keep drinking/he has recovered, he could actually pursue Lilienne and they could be something more
Kim knows that wearing anal beads in public would not make a sound
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lifeless-discodancer · 2 months
You know how sometimes in DE fics when Kim transfers to precint 41 he and Harry don't get partnered together but instead Kim gets parnered with Judit and Harry stays with Jean?
Something i've never seen before is Judit becoming Harry's partner and Jean becoming Kim's wich like i get it, it sounds like the worst possible outcome but i think it would be so funny to read because on one hand we have Judit who has been working at C wing for only two months and who, based purely on the small amount of knowledge we have about her personality, is probably the epitome of the boring cop archetype, getting paired with Harry who will not leave her rest or leave her alone and will probably drag her into a bunch of weird shit and stereo investigations; and on the other, funnier hand we have Kim who above all appreciates a professional work relationship and who is also the number one champion of the holding grudges contest, and Jean who is honestly a huge asshole, incapable of forming any relationship that isn't codependent and who already left a weird (bad) impression on Kim by not doing his job for days and subjecting him and two other people to watch his public break up with Harry (also he came second in the holding grudges contest).
So this leaves us with:
Judit in the same position as the little girl who gets sat next to the loudest boy in class with the hope that she will be a good influence on him, except that she's not a little girl she's an adult cop with kids of her own that keeps getting asked to babysit other adult cops probably because she's the only woman in the unit. And i'm not saying this in a "Judit is the team mom" sense but in a "her workplace is so fucking misogynist" one. [Actually, now that i think about it this could be a good opportunity to explore the sexual harasment she experienced at the hands of her last partner, as well as her experience and the expectations her superiors and coworkers have of her, and the ones she has of herself, because she's the only woman in a male dominated workplace and (and a female cop on top of it (notice the emphasis on cop)) that she can't really fulfill because of the kind of person she is (a very normal, passive and tired kind of person). Also i think Harry would work nicely as parallel to her last partner. Where's the fic about it?]
Kim and Jean who already started on the wrong foot back in Martinaise even if none of them knew it at the moment. For them i can only imagine the most passive agresive partnership to ever exist but probably at the start of it they were doing their best to keep things civil. Jean was trying because, even if he thinks Kim is "bewitched by the shitkid", he's working with a decorated police lieutenant and, at least in his own mind, he's a very professional officer and he has to leave a good impression of himself and the C wing (he's definitely not doing that); Kim was trying because at first he didn't have much of an opinion on Jean (he swears) and, since he was complaining so much about Harry's work he thought Jean would at least have a good work ethic and be professional, also he too wanted to leave a good impression on his new coworkers. Of course the niceties went to shit the second one of them opened their mouth to say something that wasn't completely work related (it was like a game of chicken for days, weeks maybe, who will be the first to set fire to this perfectly normal, totally no filled with masked mutual annoyance, work partnership (it was Jean)). After that they argue like a couple of old ladies, and sometimes Kim thinks "maybe Jean is not that bad" but then Jean says something rude, or ableist, or homophobic or just something about Harry that Kim can't agree with, and then he dislikes him again, other times Jean thinks "maybe the lieutenant and i are finally understanding eachother" but then Kim will start lecturing him about something with the most condescending tone, or he'll drive his car like he's being followed by a missile, or give him a nasty side eye when he sees him taking drugs or even worst, he'll defend the shitkid when he's "rightfully" mad with him, and then he dislikes him again. This keeps for the entire duration of their partnership.
Harry is probably just a bit bummed out because he and Kim won't be partners anymore but he will try his best to not say that to Judit (he's a feminist after all), still he has to recover quickly from the disappointment since he has some real shit to worry about now (Shit like: I have to pay rent to my landlord?!!? How do i get into my bank account? Do i even have a bank account? Wait, who's my landlord? And other questions you would probably have too if you ever got amnesia that severe). He complains to Judit about not having Kim as a partner and Judit is rightfully offended but doesn't say anything (poor woman give her a break). He spends the entire duration of that partnership dragging Judit around Jamrock in side quests while she tries, unsuccessfully, to get him back on their current cases (he does not listen to her because he's a shit feminist), still he comes around to finish the original cases eventually (Harry apologizes a lot for not listening to her, Judit tells him it's fine because she's honestly so tired and it's so awkward(if she goes home to find even more work she's going to implode)). I think that with some time they would figure out how to work together, more or less, and they would have a pretty stable partnership.
Idk how to end this. I just thought it would be a fun idea and suddenly i blacked out and woke up with a small esay in front of me. I hope you enjoyed this.
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egheitisafi · 3 months
Hi! My name is Judit, but I usually go by Safi or Anemone online. I’m 29 y.o. and I was diagnosed with audhd last year.
One of my special interests has always been learning foreign languages, so this is the main reason I made this side-blog. My native languages are Catalan and Spanish, and I can speak English and French fluently and Japanese (intermediate).
I’m currently studying Arabic (2nd year), Icelandic (2nd year) and Japanese at different language schools.
I studied a Translation and Interpretation degree at uni and passed JLPT N3 7 years ago, so during this past year I’ve been trying to refresh kanji and grammar to be able to prepare for N2 at some point.
Here’s what you will find in this side-blog:
Me trying to journal in Icelandic during this summer
Vocabulary and grammar notes (Icelandic, Arabic, Japanese)
My language learning journey
Stuff to motivate myself to keep learning and studying
I’d love to connect with other people who are learning the same languages or just fellow language learning lovers! I’d also be up to help anyone who’s learning Catalan or Spanish and needs a native friend.
Besides languages I also like:
videogames (honkai star rail, genshin impact, project sekai, sims 2…)
monster high
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 months
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Sapphic Disco Week Day One! -> Favorite Female Character(s)!!
joyce invited judit over for a cup of tea or coffee (spiked, even) on her yacht. judit's listening to joyce talk about her pale travels, and seeing how lucid she is for how much pale she's been exposed to, judit's got a nagging thought in the back of her mind: can her husband be saved? can she pull him out of his palefucked mindstate, or has she still lost him completely?
doodle-ish for sapphic disco week!!!! would love to do one for every day bc i need to draw more women and i have Thoughts and Ideas but as you can see i canNOT just draw images. there has to be some sort of accurately perspectivized bg ft the most complex decoration in the world bc the nature of revachol architecture is that its maximal 🙄 and the perspective on this is still kinda JANK. and dont forget to mention LIGHTING god forbid you put them in a place, they have to be LIT accurately
also just for information, my judit's husband drives lorries and his brain is not all that intact anymore. judit loves him!!! they were really good together. but the economy tanked. and they needed money. and daddy figured better his two boys have a house and no father than live on the streets
also also its hard choosing a fave 😭 i like joyce and judit but also elizabeth and ruby and klaasje and tbh theyre all so quality. all these women r incredible. love it when a story has women and theyre like. well written and actually like real people LOL
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🎵 Precinct 41 Major Crimes Unit
"*SIX* years?"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Yeah... Or seven? You're not doing too good there. It's an old-man thing. Two *old-years* equals one normal year. That -- and Dora Ingerlund really tore you a new one. A big one."
"Who was she?"
"*Now* I've heard enough."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Incredibly bangable?"
"Are you *seriously* using this moment to assert male privilege!?!"
"No, I meant -- what did she do?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "He is very passionate about this."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Okay, you're right. She was extremely fuckable, Harry. Gorgeous. A gorgeous bourgeois woman. Waifish. Like a *welkin* basically."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Snow Welkin. Blonde Welkin...
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Heartbreak Welkin.
PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Success] - Pain Welkin.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "I've only seen a picture -- but it's obvious you formed a real spiritual connection with how *pretty* she was. One you never recuperated from."
JUDIT MINOT - "Look..." She turns to face the sea. "The sun is going down. It's time to go home."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "I think she taught in the Académie des Arts, east of the river. Way east. Hard to say which came first -- the middle class chick or the drink? Egg and the chicken kinda thing..."
"My point is, you need to see a *psychiatrist* about this shit. Not a psychologist -- several degrees harder. Is there's something harder than a psychiatrist?" He pauses to think. "A forensic psychiatrist. Go talk to that."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - In other words -- he's heard *enough* about this.
3. "Okay. Am I a dirty cop working for La Puta Madre?"
"No? Because a suspect seemed to think..."
"Okay then."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "You're too unstable to work for a mob boss. You're suicidal, Harry. No mob boss would take you."
+5 XP
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "I assure you -- I wouldn't consult for a corrupt unit."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - He would immediately backpedal out of it.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - I told you it's not that bad.
4. "Precinct 41… what kind of station is it?"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Us? We're the *Bloody Murder Station*, haven't you heard? We're the bad guys. No one likes us."
KIM KITSURAGI - "That's not true. Jamrock is too big for one precinct. You're just understaffed. And everyone respects the 41st -- you have Captain Pryce."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Thank you, lieutenant. You're being kind. It *is* an understaffed station and the district *is* too big -- which is why we need to..." He tilts his head northward...
JUDIT MINOT - "... get back to it. We left Torson and McLaine to run the C-Wing. It's not good."
"Torson and McLaine?"
"And the C-Wing is…"
"And Pryce is..."
"Did we recently shoot up a church by any chance?" (Point to the church.)
"So I work in the Bloody Murder Station?" (Conclude.)
JUDIT MINOT - "Mack 'The Torso' Torson and Chester McLaine --" She arches an eyebrow. "They're not fit to run a wing. Believe me. Things are shaky as it is."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - They *are* damn iconic though -- Torson and McLaine!
"An iconic duo I take it?"
Not now.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Yeah -- not like *us*. Two clinically depressed old men. Where's the contrast here? We're garbage."
2. "And the C-Wing is…"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "God..." He sighs. "There are four wings, Harry: A, B, C, and D. We're in C. It's made of losers and clock-punchers. You and I *re-conceptualized* it as a task force. It was a mistake."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "There's also a lot of outside help involved. Not only me." He smiles. "Other losers too."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - He's anything but a loser. Although he would like to be seen as one. It's cooler that way.
3. "And Pryce is..."
JUDIT MINOT - "Ptolemy Pryce? He's the son of the old Pryce -- one of the founders of the RCM."
KIM KITSURAGI - "He's one of the most highly regarded men in the force. You're lucky."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - Somewhere under the curved roof of a former silk factory, shaped like a ladybird with two chimneys, Police Captain Ptolemy Pryce sits behind a heavy wooden desk. Resident medic Nix Gottlieb pours him coffee. It's silent in the captain's office...
They speak of change. The city. The tension on the streets. They speak of the events of April and the blood on the streets in May.
4. "Did we recently shoot up a church by any chance?" (Point to the church.)
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "So he remembers *that*... Yes, there may have been a raid on *some* churches. It wasn't good press."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Shooting up churches never is. I was out of town, to be clear...."
"What happened? Why did we need to go there?"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Our *enemies* were hiding in *a* church -- to the best of our information. That's it. I'm not talking about this anymore. Your security clearance is *shit-tier* right now. You have to wait for it to go up."
+5 XP
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - He means it. The RCM and its enemies will not be discussed on this coast.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Challenging: Success] - Your clearance will not go up while you're within earshot of the Union headquarters.
5. "So I work in the Bloody Murder Station?" (Conclude.)
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Okay -- it's not the Bloody Murder Station. It's an old converted silk mill with green desk lamps and a coffee corner. A lot of good people work there. Hard. Every day."
JUDIT MINOT - "Jamrock is the largest ghetto in Revachol. Faubourg, technically... but it's divided into *eleven* districts. Jamrock only has us."
KIM KITSURAGI - "The press will blow over," he says in a reassuring tone. "Jamrock is lucky to have you. And it's often considered to be the greatest of the districts -- you're lucky to have it."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Thank you again, lieutenant."
5. "The phasmid -- I need to tell Lena about this ASAP."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Who is Lena?"
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] - She lives at 1113 Tabernacle Road, in Jamrock. Remember?
"A cryptozoologist. She lives in Jamrock, on Tabernacle road. She told me about this phasmid."
"No one. Forget it."
JUDIT MINOT - "Tabernacle? It's on the way over. Near where you live, on Perdition..." She looks at Vicquemare.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Fine. If we're gonna drop you off anyway."
KIM KITSURAGI - "She and her husband were conducting the search for the phasmid. It's their discovery -- in part."
"They should know as soon as possible. It would do you good to deliver some positive news for a change."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - She is going to be over the moon.
ENDURANCE [Medium: Success] - Watch out or she'll faint.
6. "Lieutenant Kitsuragi -- what will you do now?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Well -- first I will go back to my station and write the most detailed report anyone has ever seen. It will have to be good to cover all this. Then I will have a serious talk with my captain."
"About what?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Detective, we just stopped a small-scale war. Something is happening to Revachol." He takes a look around -- into the deepening shadows of the streets -- then pulls up his collar.
"I don't know what, yet -- but it's going to be a hard spring for the RCM. We need to get ready. Infiltrate. Investigate."
SHIVERS [Challenging: Success] - Distant traffic. A scrap of newspaper drifts by, carried by the wind.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Legendary: Success] - It says: "Tensions rise in Terminal YC In light of the Débardeurs' strike in Terminal B, among representatives of heavy industry in Coal City..." you read.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Le Retour...
"Wait, you mean The Return?"
"Want to do that at Station 41?"
"Good luck with your report."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Perhaps..." He watches the scrap of newspaper hit the ground. "There are people who say the Zone of Control will not hold up long. They're not on the radio -- yet. But there are parties out there..."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Yes." His face darkens. "I hear worries -- from systems analysts in Vesper and Messina. International risks departments in banks. People like that."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "We've been hearing whispers in Jamrock too. Ever since fall. I agree that something is happening. People are tense. I hear a fan spinning. Fast. Something is about to hit it."
2. "Want to do that at Station 41?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Talk to Captain Pryce? I'd rather not ruffle the feathers of *two* captains with my doom-mongering."
"No, I meant *investigate*. Come work in Precinct 41."
"Yeah. Sure."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Work *with* Pryce?" A crooked smile quivers on his lips. "I'm flattered, but I don't know if I..."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - Would fit in? Am crazy enough? Can take the stress? He doesn't know how to finish the sentence.
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - This truly came as a surprise to him. Not a bad one. But he's at a loss.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Flattered? You're Lieutenant Kitsuragi. *We* would be flattered if you even considered..."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I would have to tie things up in GRIH first. But... I mean, whatever is coming -- Jamrock *will* be more central to it than the harbour." The lieutenant turns very serious all of a sudden.
+5 XP
JUDIT MINOT - "And we also have a huge case load, lieutenant," she says with a smile. "Piles that we need to get back to. Mountains, even."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I do like the sound of that..." He returns her smile.
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - He's *really* considering it.
7. "I'm ready." (End.)
JUDIT MINOT - "Good." She looks at you, then Vicquemare...
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Fuck it, let's go." The man points down the street. "Trant brought his motor carriage. It's a 20 minute drive to Jamrock."
SHIVERS [Medium: Success] - Under the night sky the great district sleeps: A black chessboard of old wooden houses, 80,000 living souls inside. Firetraps as far as the eye can see -- from Main Street to Precinct 41 atop the motorway, to Boogie Street forking into the darkened horizon...
You close your eyes and hear the dogs bark. A lone woman sits by a factory window, dreaming of meteorite strikes. On Rue Saint-Gérôme a square bullet slides into a square-shaped chamber. In Old South a man without eyelids smiles. Spring has come. It's time.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - "Torson?" "Yes." "McLaine?" "Yes." "Heidelstam?" "No." "Vicquemare?" "Yes." "Du Bois?" "Of course."
"Really?" Nix Gottlieb looks up from the list. "I hear he's unstable." "You say that like it's a *bad* thing," Captain Ptolemy Pryce gestures with a ball point pen. It's dim in the office and the curtains are drawn. "Harry's our man, he'll pull through. When he does, he'll side with the people." "Understood." Gottlieb returns to the list. "Minot?" "Of course."
JUDIT MINOT - "Wonderful," the woman looks north. "Then can we please just go back to Jamrock now?"
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reddy-for-more · 4 months
JV and HDB
I was exploring paths not taken (tooling around on FAYDE to look at dialogue options)
I learned that Harry, in "cop school" studied building safety regulations. One of his unsolved cases is that he sees what he believes is a sign of imminent collapse of an apartment building... then... look at this
Bad, bad thoughts go through your head. So what you do is -- you call your partner. JV (only initials available) is up. He comes immediately. He didn't take building safety, but he believes you. He brings five more officers. Together you knock on *every door* and explain the situation. [...] It takes 20 hours to evacuate the whole building.
I just. that's the bond Harry and Jean used to have. The ledger indicates that this incident took place 52 days ago. Less than two months ago, Harry and Jean's relationship was that strong. Jean trusted Harry's word, his training, his judgement that much. When Harry got into a situation that he was having trouble handling, he called Jean. It's 12:30 am, Jean is awake, and he comes to help immediately. That's what their partnership looked like. (It's implied that Harry is on-shift but Jean is off, but idk how shifts in the RCM work.) He ropes in other officers. They all work together. Their captain manages to throw together shitty accommodations for the 200 people living in the building. That is how well enmeshed Harry was in his department.
And then... less than two months later, their task force implodes; Harry tells Jean to fuck off so much he actually does; he loses his badge, gun, and memory; and when Jean shows up Harry doesn't even recognize him. Ouch.
god. i need to lie down. I dunno why but the Tenement Building Thing just highlights the tragedy of Jean and Harry's thing
[PS here's the link to the dialogue i was reading]
(Also. I want to know what other things officers can get trained in...
That's right. They trained you for this in cop school. Everyone has to pick a civil specialization so they can keep the city running: fire safety, first aid training, and so on. You took building safety regulation. And it tells you that this one -- is coming down.
What did Jean study? Kim? Judit? I must know.)
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draconicace · 5 months
*kicking jean away and placing a spotlight so it shines directly on judit* talk more about her i'm dying here
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selfchiller · 2 months
The wig: is it diegetic?
I've gone back and forth on this a couple of times. And I've seen people get really heated over it, so honestly I've avoided the subject, but I'm off work and my ears are full of crystals and I'm dizzy as fuck and dgaf.
How long are Jean and Judit at the Whirling?
This obviously depends on how you play your game. Anywhere from 4 - 7+ days. Less if you're rushing to solve the case, more if you're being leisurely about it and completing all side quests prior to the Tribunal.
There are 2 main angles here.
You can read this as extradiegetic. Diegetically, Jean and Judit are there for a couple of days, even if the extradiegetic length of time becomes longer, because Jean and Judit are programmed to remain interactable up to the point of specific event triggers on the coast. You aren't meant to read the the length of their presence as informative of their characters (although you can certainly read their behaviors as such).
Or, you can read this as diegetic. They sit in that cafeteria for straight up three days, five, even more. The literal in-game length of time is also the in-story timespan. This obviously implies things, especially about Jean, because while the previous angle still contains some pretty strange behaviors, this angle brings it into Absolutely Unhinged Territory.
I leaned toward the former for a while. I've played a few video games and I'm fairly familiar with the narrative shortcuts they employ. I generally have a pretty decent grasp of the diegetic/extradiegetic line.
Pretty sure I was wrong, though. Because DE is guiding the player to question their assumptions about that line and read things in a way that defies their typical assumptions.
I didn't think the running was diegetic, but Kim called me out on it night 1. I didn't think the clothes were diegetic until Kim mentioned that it was weird that I kept picking them up. It's a very fun and playful way to keep the player off balance and constantly aware of the absurdity of the story and the game world.
Y'all, I think that motherfucker wore a wig and sunglasses for a goddamn calendar week.
And I don't want to awaken the Jeancourse. You can look in my tags and see exactly what and who I am normal about (nothing and no one). I don't think this is like a for or against thing. This is just what I see in the text.
And I think it's fucking hilarious and I think we should embrace it.
In this game, you can stick your thumb up your ass for honour and die from slurs and a guy wears a wig and sunglasses for a week to make a point that literally no one but him understands.
And I think that's beautiful.
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