#also let me know if i libked the last post correctly??
kilasmess · 1 year
Ok continuing from this post; (I had to reread what I had previously because I had already forgotten lol, moving on)
Continuing, clockwork decides to fuck around, gets Danny a pass into Gotham, and somehow convinced Danny that it's for the best; maybe he says there's some issues Danny has to solve as ghost king(maybe the pits) or maybe he argued that he needs a place to nourish his human side, and hey, there's Gotham, it's a good place, no hunters, plenty of ambient ectoplasm, and he can even go to school, try for living a normal human life, either as cover or to regain balance between both forms. Point is, he explains himself (maybe kinda, dudes usually pretty cryptic), opens a portal and throws Danny through. Maybe he had a place ready for when Danny gets there, it'd have to be in crime alley, our Lady wants her baby to get along with the new king after all.... But it takes a while for the two to actually meet.
Depending on why Danny ends up in Gotham, maybe he's too busy trying to figure out what the hell is up with the pits, and between that and keeping up with school (and really clockwork?? Like he didn't struggle enough the first time, managing school and heroing) and maybe a job for appearances sake, he's yet to actually meet the cute ghost adjecent (is that a word?) That maybe(?) lives on the same building; they keep different schedules after all, and whatever Danny's doing to figure out the pits hasn't registered on the bats radar, maybe he's getting help from technus, idk. Alternatively, he's sent there to nurture his human half and is not coping well, poor dude is depressed as all hell now that he doesn't have as much to distract himself with, after all, college and a part-time jobs have nothing on being kind of the infinite realms, so he goes to class, maybe takes a job at the University library, where is quiet so he had an excuse to not talk with anyone, and overall isolates himself as much as possible.
Either way, it takes a while for him to meet Gotham's very own zombie boy, and when he finally does, whether this happens during a rogue attack, a meet cute at his workplace or when he's spending time on top of high buildings in the middle of the night and worries Jason (who's thinking this dude's about to jump), Danny wants nothing to do with z-boy. Listen, Casper over here lost his whole family plus friends before, he's not eager to make more connections only to lose them as well. Except, once Jason's sure Danny-boys safe (I guess I'm leaning more towards a rooftop meeting), and maybe after Danno ran the fuck or of dodge, he realizes this dude calmed the pits??? And now he really had to figure out who the hell he is and can he please hang out for forever please? He hasn't had a chance to think clearly like this since he clawed his way out of his own grave.
I did say I wanted angst though, I just haven't decided if there's external circumstances or if it's more towards healing from grief and overcoming the suicidal ideation at least Danny must be dealing with. Of course the story develops as they begin to heal and grow past the things that hurt them, with the added that they slowly fall for each other (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
So far that's all I have, but I guess I'll add as more ideas come to me n.n
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