#also might have written a 1K version of this prompt too ssssh
bimoonphases · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 31 – prompt 31: Veritaserum – word count 383
Veritaserum - Forces the taker to tell the truth
It had been Peter’s idea to pinch a vial of Veritaserum from Slughorn’s supply room and use it to make the spin the bottle Sirius had requested for his birthday a bit more interesting. Even Remus had agreed to play, and they had been going around the circle of people Sirius had invited for quite some time now. So far, a lot of crushes from their first years at Hogwarts had been revealed, Peter had managed to make Evan Rosier blush, Mary had very candidly said she regretted never having gotten the chance to sleep with Remus, Regulus was learning way too much about his brother’s sex life and Barty had propositioned pretty much everyone at least twice. Still, James’s original plan, to somehow push Sirius and Remus to confess their undying love for each other and put everyone else who had to deal with their longing stares and complete lack of action on both parts out of their misery, wasn’t working as well as he had hoped. It was Lily’s turn again to spin and the bottle ended up pointing at Remus.
“I had a crush on you in first year and actually fantasised about our wedding,” she said really fast, blushing furiously.
This time, James knew Sirius had reached his breaking point a couple of seconds before he snapped.
“Are you all in love with Moony?” he exclaimed.
 James opened his mouth, but Regulus was faster.
“I don’t know,” he said, looking his brother in the eye. “Are you?”
“Of course I am, what stupid question is that?” Sirius blurted out.
A stunned silence followed, only broken by James and Peter high-fiving.
“You what?” Remus said in a strangled voice.
“I… Fuck,” Sirius groaned, hiding his face in his hands.
No one moved or spoke for some minutes, so James rolled his eyes. It seemed the job wasn’t quite done after all.
“I think he said he’s in love with you, Moony,” he paused then went for the kill. “Aren’t you too?”
“Of course I’m love with hi-”
Remus clamped a hand over his mouth as Sirius looked up from his hands.
“You are?”
Remus just nodded and Sirius shifted closer, delicately peeling his hand away from his mouth before leaning in and kissing him. The Common Room erupted in cheers.
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