#also my art is doing something today. anyway those guys sure are beloveds huh
re-alku · 1 year
You know if youre looking for more gays with long hair to draw I have just the book series for you
wow i sure wonder what that series could b SDFGDSFHG HDSFGB HDSFGB HDSF
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 169: Shut Up and Dance
Previously on BnHA: Aoyama creeped on Deku in the middle of the fucking night. A petrified Deku went to take a closer look only to find that Aoyama had left a weird “I KNOW~~” message spelled out on his balcony with fucking cheese. The next day in Cementoss’s class the kids resumed working on special moves. Deku got all brooding and thought about how he couldn’t beat Overhaul even with his absolute max of 20%. Then Aoyama got his attention and carved a possibly-suspicious-or-maybe-just-weird French message into a chunk of rock with his navel laser before collapsing in pain. Deku took Aoyama to rest for a bit and asked him what the cheese message meant. Aoyama said that Deku was like him -- someone who possessed a quirk that didn’t really suit his body. Aoyama himself is unable to control his navel laser without the aid of his support belt. He saw Deku as a kindred spirit and was trying to cheer him up since he knew he was starting to feel frustrated. And thus a new sparkly bond of friendship was born.
Today on BnHA: The kids randomly discuss how great Mina is at dancing and how great Jirou is at music stuff. Later that day, in a pure coincidence, Aizawa announces the upcoming cultural festival. Despite the recent string of villain attacks, the school has decided to go ahead with it as a way to hopefully help the stressed-out student body. 1-A gets to work determining what program their class will do, with people suggesting everything from petting zoos to cafes to “a banquet for students of darkness.” Momo and Iida narrow down everyone’s ridiculous suggestions, but they’re unable to settle on a final program, and Aizawa gives them one day to figure it out. That evening the kids gather in the fanfic dorms and Iida says they should come up with something that will help the other students de-stress. Todoroki of all people suggests that they host a dance party with live music. Jirou is a bit nervous about performing in front of everyone, but with her classmates’ support she agrees to do it. Let the Band AU arc begin.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 195 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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holy shit, I fucking love it. the colors! the (possibly unintentional) Wicked reference! MY LEADING LADY OCHAKO
and it looks like she’s wearing some of Mei’s gear. are we going to see any of these upgrades in her actual costume, or is this all just for the sake of a pretty cover? ah well, either way I love it
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lord I can’t even begin to imagine what a U.A. culture festival might be like. somehow I can’t quite picture them doing the typical cafe theme lol
oh my god you guys
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you guys. ever since she got a bunch of bullies to dance with her in the middle of Kirishima’s flashback I’ve been wanting more of this lol
Deku is analyzing her moves, and it���s only just now occurred to me that this might be part of a new technique of hers and not just her spontaneously breaking out into a dance battle in the middle of the locker room
(ETA: nope just dancing. Mina is the best you guys)
lol now Deku says he wants to try and Mina’s volunteering to show him!
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(ETA: this arc is a gift in so many ways)
oh hey Kaminari is casually hyping up Jirou’s hobby without any prompting!
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is he trying to embarrass her or does he genuinely think it’s cool? OR MAYBE BOTH. WHY NOT. I REALLY DO SHIP THE SHIT OUT OF THIS DAMN TRIO NOW, DON’T I
he’s saying that her bedroom looked like “a music store” that one time they all went to see it
and he looks genuinely impressed, so I think it’s not teasing at all and he does in fact really think it’s cool
he says she must be a music pro and he’s asking how often she practices
and she’s getting all blushy and threatening him with one of her earjacks lol
he seems confused d’aww
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(ETA: nice little bit with Kouda here which is followed up on later when he encourages her to perform and says it’s a skill well suited for a hero. I adore this sweet little friendship they have since taking that final exam together.)
she’s just shy, the way that some people are about the parts of themselves that are really personal. that means it’s really important to her and she’s maybe not fully ready to share it just yet
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the class is losing their minds
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take her to the festival. let her come visit. omg. I will die of joy if that happens
(ETA: I did, in fact, die of joy)
so now the class is trying to figure out what to do
Kirishima is asking if it’s really okay “for us to be so carefree” at this particular juncture
Kiri were you not listening to a word I just fucking said. YES. y’all need to fucking relax for once in your damn lives
Kaminari is SHOCKED and is all “Kirishima you’ve changed, huh?”
but Kiri says it’s a valid concern though with all the villains running amok right now
Aizawa says that’s a fair point, but U.A. doesn’t revolve solely around the department of heroics
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look at this Department of Management asshole acting like he’s going to get as big of a role in the series as Shinsou or Mei. haha you wish buddy
Aizawa says that this year’s festival will be made less public though, and will only occur within the school
well, good. honestly if y’all tried to pull more shit like the sports festival again at this juncture I would be raising some eyebrows, believe me
so they’re going to be deciding on their theme today! yaaaaay omgg
I’m going to take a wild guess here and predict that it will be something music related. since we had breakdancing Mina and music prodigy Jirou earlier. and also I’m really going to be needing that dancing Iida, you guys. I’m not kidding. we need to get on that stat
so finally Iida is taking charge, and tbh he was being remarkably restrained up till this point because I was expecting him to do this much earlier
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he’s telling everyone to raise their hands if they have a suggestion
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this class is full of passion
naturally the first suggestion is of course the classic
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maybe if this was EVERY ANIME EVER. but this is BnHA! we can do better guys, come on!!
and we’ll just ignore Mineta
Ochako is suggesting a mochi shop! oh! I’m remembering that new years illustration now and I would love that tbh. but I don’t think that’s what we’re gonna end up with
look at all of these other ideas though
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I love the idea of crepes and I’m already sad that they won’t end up going with that
Kouda’s idea is also amazing. and Kiri’s is super original
and Tokoyami’s I first read as “banquet of students” and I thought, that’s odd. I know he’s goth but I didn’t think he’d be out here suggesting cannibalism
but based on Kami’s stare, yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re gonna end up doing the music thing. CLASS 1-A DISCO. U.A. RAVE. AW YIHHH
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can you guys pick out which suggestion was Bakugou’s. it’s pretty easy tbh. study hall duhhhhhh
I actually love that the ideas we didn’t actually see can be so easily traced back to their originators. Deku’s hero quiz. Shouto’s soba house. Tsuyu’s “frog music chorus”, whatever that is. Ojiro’s martial arts performance. and so forth
Momo is now ruthlessly putting an end to the charade of diplomacy and erasing the ones that are “inappropriate or unrealistic” and “the ones that I don’t really understand” lmao
now the kids are getting back at the two reps by shooting down their own suggestions
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and she’s combining the food themes into one, over Satou and Shouto’s protests that soba and crepes would “clash”
now things are getting out of hand
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aaand the bell is ringing
Aizawa’s walking out and telling them all to make a decision by tomorrow morning
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oh damn
so now it’s nighttime in the fanfic dorms and 40-year-old Iida Tenya is in his relaxed business casual clothes watching youtube videos
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I guess the rest of the gang must be here even though we’re not seeing them yet, because there are speech bubbles talking
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I swear to god that boy really does go to bed at eight fucking pm every damn night. but why, though?? does he lie awake broodingly into the wee hours of the morning? does he go to bed early in order to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to work out? or does he just need the extra sleep because he’s a growing boy who runs at full steam shouting and blowing things up all day long and it’s just exhausting to be him? like, all three of these seem plausible to me lol
and then of course there’s the beloved fandom headcanon of him having PTSD and dealing with lots of nightmares too, and while we have really seen nothing in canon to hint at that, I’m obviously not going to dismiss any theory with that much Bakugou angst potential completely out of hand lol
but I think it’s probably the second and third one mostly tbh
as for the intern group, are they taking supplementary classes to make up for what they missed while they were out interning? that really is a lot of work, huh. no wonder the school decided to put an end to those for now
anyway, so Iida says that now that he’s had more time to think about it, he thinks they should come up with a theme that would assist the other departments in letting off some steam since they’re stressed out
that’s actually so thoughtful and pure
so Momo (at least I think it’s her?) is saying that in that case, they shouldn’t bother with a food theme since the U.A. kids are already accustomed to Lunch Rush’s food and it’s really hard to top that
so now they’ve narrowed it down to just a few options
they’re shooting down the petting zoo as “unsanitary”, wow. wow guys. so you don’t think that getting a bunch of cute baby animals for everyone to pet would help them to de-stress, huh. kay. I see how it is
oh my god
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of all the people to end up suggesting this idea, he’s honestly the last person I would have expected
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why is he the cutesttttt
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oh my god. I will take this thought bubble of Bakugou and Todo getting lit in the club and I will keep it in my heart forever
Sero is objecting that it’ll be stressful (for them), but Mina says she can teach them all how to dance
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yes look at him he has clearly mastered it
Mineta is now stepping in and saying that if they’re gonna turn class 1-A into New York’s Hottest Club then they’re gonna need some sick beats
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lol she’s going red again and is all “uh, what?”
Hagakure’s jumping in with the encouragement!
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but she’s getting all shy again and says it’s just a hobby
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and now Kaminari’s having a flash of insight!
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god I ship it. he’s just so genuinely nice and encouraging. class A’s dumbest, sweetest boy
and now Kouda is also running over and says that it’s a skill that can put a smile on people’s faces and for that reason he does think it’s heroic
god this chapter is MomoJirouKami heaven and I’m on cloud fucking nine
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not if you don’t want to, I guess? though ngl that would be amazing
so with that, class A’s program is decided!
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um. is this supposed to be important to the plot? who tf is this
(ETA: lol it both is and it isn’t. it’s relevant to the arc, but this arc is probably the least plot relevant in the series. though that doesn’t mean it’s not a complete and utter delight)
I have no idea which bonus page goes with this chapter lol. so I’m just gonna skip it for now
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First Encaunter <3 - a Junhoe scenario:
word count:1.2k
Ps: song: iKon - Only you
Ps²:If there’s any grammar mistake, I apologize!
Since a very young age I always loved books, any kind of books really and as I grew older I knew that whatever I did I should be connected to books somehow, maybe a teacher or Korean literature. However, life started showing me a reality I did not like at all, a reality where parents should shower their daughters with dolls and fashion magazines, rather than what they actually wanted, of course some girls could just really play with dolls and they’re free to do so because that’s what they like, but if they don’t then they don’t need to.
The stereotype embeved not only in Korean culture, but in all cultures, that girls have to grow up to fulfill this mother and wife role really bothered me to the point where I’d argue everyday with teachers and classmates.
One day at this random old library I used to go to, the old lady who owned it approached me after seeing the books I had been reading for the past weeks and I remember her saying loud and clear that  I should fight against the tide to stand my ground, she then gifted me a book called ‘The female Eunuch” by Germaine Greer and from that day on I always carry it with me, like a Lucky charm.
A year after this encounter my mom received a call from a friend in Italy saying that he got her a scholarship in this famous art course. I was fourteen then and because my dad had a ridiculous amount of working hours to do, my mom ended up taking me and my sister along with her and we lived there for two long and eye opening years.
Coming back to korea I felt like someone totally new, I learned so much about feminism and ways I could change little by little the society I’m a part of. I learned a lot about political and social Science and that brings me to where I am today.
My lectures for the day were all finished and I had to go to my mom’s gallery in order to help her with the new paintings that arrived. I took the subway since her shop was in Itaewon and Yonsei was about thirty minutes far away. As soon as I got there she greeted me with a big smile.
“Oh! You’re here” She said giving me a hug. My mom has always been a very loving person, but after living in Italy she was very much into skinship.
“Yes yes” I said smilling.
“Come here, you need to take a look at these amazing paintings that came in today” she said excitingly and grabbed me by my hand.
We reached the storage room and there were so much paintings spreaded out.
“Mom, I told you to wait for me” I shook my head upon the mess she made.
“Sorry honey, I was so excited” Sometimes she sounded like a little girl, but at least I know who I got my intense passion from.
The new paintings were beautiful and as the new season was approaching the shop would be crowed for the next few days, filled with very wealthy people who came to buy exclusives for their collections, that means we have to get everything ready by next week, however, dealing with paintings requires so much care and caution.
It was about nine p.m when I finished my part and my mom was still there finishing up some work. Don’t get me wrong, I would’ve stayed and helped her close but she pratically kicked me out. So, after taking a bus here I am at this convenience store getting ramen. As I waited in line to pay a tall person stood behind me, I knew she/he was tall because a shadow came over me, so I decided to peek to see who was it and once I did I swear my jaw dropped to the floor.
We both were staring at each other intensely not knowing what to say, I mean that guy standing right there was my childhood crush and oh God, I haven’t seen him in so long that now he feels like a stranger.
“Hi’ He said quietly while scratching his head.
“H-hi” I bowed.
“So long” He said trying to look unbothered but I still knew that expression and it meant ‘what the hell am I doing?’ It was hard to get him embaressed but apparently I did.
“Yes, you’re a singer now huh” I said casually, doing the same as him and paying for my food.
“Yes, what about you? You moved to Italy and I never heard of you again” He said putting his stuff in the counter.
“Well, I study at Yonsei now” I said. It was funny seeing us act unbothered and ignoring the tension.
“Wah, knowing you I thought you’d never come back” He said.
“I am here right?” Lots and lots of things might have changed but me and Jun Hoe would always be pulling each other strings. “Anyway, what’s with the clothes?” I asked after seeing his flannel shirt and adidas pants, he looked like a beggar.
“Oh, this? It’s style...You know it?” He asked with a dirty smirk and raised eyebrows.
“I do, but do you?” I said back and he just twirled around as an answer.
After that we just stared at each other a bit without saying a word, there was a lot to catch up but I’d rather just accept that we changed.
“I’ll get going now” I said breaking the silence.
“Ah sure, go safely” He said and I bowed.
I decided to just walk back home, I definitely had some thinking to do but I don’t know if I want to. It was crazy to think that my childhood crush is now an idol that still makes thirteen year old girls swoon, older ones as well. As expected from him.
This encounter got me feeling nostalgic and reminiscing the times where we would play together at school, we were a duo for sure, even though he was a year ahead of me. I quickly shook those thoughts away and entered home, I took off my shoes and my dad greeted me.
“You’re home! Where’s your mother?” he asked.
“She insisted in staying and finish up work” I answered while making my way to the kitchen.
“Oh, that woman, seriously” He said like he was mad at his little kid “Go put on warm clothes, it’s cold” He then scolded me, probably because he can’t scold mom for being sttuborn. In moments like these I miss my sister living here so we can share the burden.
I showered and put on comfortable warm clothes, I was in the bathroom brushing my hair when his image came to my mind.
“What the hell? Stop this now” I said to my reflection while pointing at it with my hairbrush.
I went to the kitchen and ate my ramen, after finishing I cleaned up everything and went to my room. I then read a chapter of my beloved book like it was a bible, and stopped when I heard the front door close signing my mom was home. Finally I could sleep.
A/N: So, first of all, I hope you enjoy this “scenario” and yes, there will be a continuation since it’s kind of a series/fic idk what to call it yet…
ALSO, very important, I try to be realistic when writing something, so, given that the characters are korean I wanted to showcase some sort of realness with the “wah” and other ‘slangs’ if you may. I am in no way trying to copy them, just give a more “real life” feel to it!!!
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rubiki5301 · 7 years
Pistachions Dream
Finally finished the story I’ve promised you. This story is inspired by this image by @sldlovescartoons, thanks for the art. Hope you enjoy it. P.S: This story is a bit angsty, I’ve warned you.
It’s been an extreme day today. Their fight with all the sentient pistachios today was intense. How come it isn’t? Milo almost lost all his beloved ones if he didn’t quick on his feet. But all of them has passed and he could finally rest tonight, or at least that’s what he thought. He still needs some therapies to get his passion on eating pistachios back.
Flashback “Hey Milo, I found a bag of pistachios. Want some?” ~ Zack “No, thanks Zack. I think I need some rest from the pistachios today.” ~ Milo refuses politely. “Huh, but I thought you like pistachios.” ~ Sara added. “I still think that it’s weird to eat something that almost killed your family and friends.” ~ Milo continued without looking at the bag of pistachios. While then Melissa, Zack, and Sara devour the whole nuts madly. “But this is what I called REVENGE. Take that pistachions!” ~ Melissa shouted madly. Milo just chuckled at his friend’s attitude. Flashback Off
Now he’s in his pajamas, get ready to sleep. He set up his backpack nearby his bed, he might need something in it later. As he passed his desk, he saw the alarm clock Dakota gave him earlier. Although Dakota is quite a calm and easy-going person, not like the characters that he thought a time-traveller agent would have, but at least he’s a quick-thinker and is capable to rescue his friends in a tight situation, just like him.
He finally laid down on his bed, he still thought that something might go wrong in his sleep, but he decided to brush it off so he’ll get a restful night sleep.
Milo’s Dream
Milo, Melissa, and Zack are just walking around the city, because it’s Saturday, and it’s just plain boring if you decided to just stay at home all day, staring at the TV and switching random channel, hoping that there would be something good to watch, accompanied by a complication of your favourite snacks.
Anyways, it is just a normal day, with the normal dose of Murphy’s Law (falling lamp posts, ducks swarm, and loose materials from the construction site). The gang would prefer on riding a bike, but the ducks swarm had successfully knocked the trio’s bikes down. Milo admires the new scar that he got on his right cheek. With all the dogdings they did today, they really need to get some rest and decide to go to the Murphy’s household.
On the way there, they passed by Jefferson County Middle School, and found somewhat particular sight by the courtyard. “Wait! I think I saw something.” ~ Zack stopped his friends. ~ “There!” ~ He said pointing to the thing. All of them rushed down to the courtyard to see that it was a small pistachio plant. Wait, no! That’s a small SENTIENT pistachio plant. “Wait a minute! Is this the same plant we just encounter a few days ago?” ~ Melissa asked. “Yeah.” ~ Milo “But how did it survived?” ~ Zack questioned. ~ “I thought Diogee already peed on it?” “Well I don’t about it, but it’s best if we get rid of it. We don’t want the future being ruled by the sentient pistachions.” ~ Milo suggested. He pulled out a hedge trimmer from his backpack and started to ‘cut down’ the tree. Melissa and Zack decided to see him from a ‘safer’ distance. Then suddenly, a portal opened nearby them. Milo almost cut the whole plant down when…
A time vehicle suddenly rushed down from the portal, and it heads straight to… MILO. “Milo, look out!” ~ Zack and Melissa warned. Milo turned around just to see that the time vehicle hit him hard. He was thrown to the wall. “Milo!” ~ Zack and Melissa rushed down to help their friend. Milo hit the wall really hard, making him losing half of his consciousness, but other than that, he’s okay. The driver of the time vehicle then get out of his transportation, revealing them no surprise. Both Melissa and Zack give the driver a really death glare. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Milo Murphy, the boy that suffers from the curse that he refers as ‘Murphy’s Law’.” ~ King Pistachion “Hey! It’s not a curse, nor it will be one!” ~ Melissa said as she and Zack stood up for their friend. “Pi… Pistachion?” ~ Milo asked as he finally regained back all his consciousness. “It’s King Pistachion for you! And yes, this is me.” ~ He said with a grin. ~ “Actually I was expecting that crash to be really hard, so hard until your life flew out of your precious little body.” ~ He continued as he smiled evilly which makes the trio really backed off. Plus that his army of pistachions had revealed from the time vehicle, make the kids even more backed off. “Yeah, you better be scared. That’s what you get when you tried to take the life out of a plant. Get them boys!” ~ King Pistachion said as he declared to his army.
All the sentient pistachios then chased the trio. They tried to figure out a way to get to somewhere safer to think up of a plan to beat those pistachios, of course without being caught by the pistachions. “So Milo, do you have any plan?” ~ Melissa “Well technically, not in a moment.” ~ Milo “Uh… can we just try to figure out a hiding spot? Then, we could try to look for a plan.” ~ Zack said as he felt a bit exhausted from running. Milo looked around them, there’s not much place for them to hide. Then, he had an idea. “Okay, we need to enter the school. That’s the safest place for the moment.” ~ He said to them. “Are you sure it’ll work?” ~ Melissa asked as she was also panting from running. “Hope so, we just need to keep them busy, then we’ll sneak in to school.” ~ Milo “And how are we supposed to distract them?” ~ Zack asked. “Hmm… I got an idea!” ~ Milo said as he pulled out a tennis ball launcher from his backpack and instruct his friends to get into a nearby bush. They didn’t question how did that tennis ball launcher fit into his backpack, I mean the backpack can fit a huge-sized anchor, so no wonder.
Milo aimed the launcher to the small pistachio tree. Then Milo turned on the launcher to medium speed. After that, they then sneaked into their school. Lucky for them that the bush is nearby the entrance. “Okay we’re safe now.” ~ Zack declared with a bit anxious tone. While the pistachions tried to keep the small tree safe and hunt for the trio, they then tried to look for somewhere safer to hide. It was a bit dim in there as no one’s at school, and the school need to save money after they bought that yatch.
They then entered a room, and luckily it is a room that they’re familiar with. After they entered, Milo then shut the door and lock it, just in case. “Where do you think we are?” ~ Zack asked as they took another step into the room. “Hmm… it’s seems like our science classroom.” ~ Melissa Milo then looked at the sign on the table that says “Mrs. Murawski”, so it is definitely their science classroom. “Yep, it is.” ~ Milo “So are you sure we’ll be safe in here?” ~ Zack questioned as he took a seat, on his usual chair. “Based on my calculation…(calculating), we’ll be safe here for 15 minutes.” ~ Melissa said as she showed the proof in her calculator. “Okay, I think that’s enough.” ~ Milo All of them then each sit on a chair thinking for a few moments. Suddenly then, Zack felt something. “Oh no, guys. I think I need to go right now.” ~ Zack “Go where? Are you risking yourself to get caught?” ~ Melissa asked annoyed. “I just need to go.” ~ Zack then ran to the door, trying to unlock it while still holding his pants. ~ “Come on guys! I can’t hold it much longer.” Milo and Melissa finally got his hint, and unlock the door. The door got stuck for a moment, but it opened finally. Zack then sprinted out to the bathroom, with Milo and Melissa following up from behind. “Hey Zack, wait up!” ~ Melissa called from behind him. Luckily the pistachions still haven’t figured out their hidings, or else they’ll get caught because Zack didn’t examine his surroundings first before rushing to the bathroom. Zack entered the bathroom first, as he couldn’t hold his urge much longer. Melissa then instructs herself and Milo to enter the bathroom, but Milo hold her back. “Wait! This is the boy’s bathroom. You can’t enter here.” ~ Milo “Come on! You can’t be waiting for him out here. A pistachion may see us, or Zack could’ve been kidnapped by them.” ~ Melissa “Okay then! I got just the thing.” ~ Milo said as he pulled out a piece of cloth from his backpack and tie it around Melissa’s eyes like a blindfold. ~ “There! Now we can get in.” ~ Milo said as he guided Melissa to get in. Just as they entered, Zack already finished his “business”. He was shocked to see both of his friends in there. “What are you doing here? I thought you’re just going to wait for me outside. And Melissa, why do you wear a blindfold?” “Okay, number 1, we need to stick together as we’re not going to be safe here forever, and number 2, that’s none of your business.” ~ Melissa answed. ~ “Now can we just get out of here?” ~ She asked annoyed. “Okay, then.” ~ Zack finally answered.
As Zack opens the door, he examines his surroundings to make sure that it’s clear. When they stepped out, they heard a loud sound, and partically that’s a sound that they know and they wish they didn’t hear. “Oh no. It seems that they found us.” ~ Melissa said in a worried face. “Come on, guys. Into the library!” ~ Milo said as he headed the crew into the sacred “temple of books”. The library itself is quite messy, and dim. They manage to be as quiet as possible, partly because it’s a library where you have to be silent, and partly because they didn’t want the pistachions to locate their coordinate. “Hmm… I wonder is there any book that discuss about ‘sentient pistachios’ here? Because that’ll be very helpful right now.” ~ Zack As they wandered through the whole room, they heard something, and that is not good for their existence right now. “Quick! Hide under the table!” ~ Milo ordered whispering. All of them followed him and hid themselves under one of the tables. They really hope that the pistachions didn’t find them.
Slowly the door opened, revealing a plant that they wish they never saw. Milo basically tried to calm himself down, and keep thinking positively that the pistachio plant wouldn’t find them, but he was too mesmerized by how his two friends are frightened and embracing him, hoping the same thing as he did, so he embraced them, too. For a few moments, they keep embracing each other because the pistachion didn’t seem to leave. Then suddenly, they felt a loud stomp on the table, which make them even scarier. “The pistachion maybe has a very sensitive sense of smell.” ~ Melissa thought to herself, still trembling in fear. She just hope that the theory is not true. The pistachion then lift his hand from the table, and get out of the library. After a few seconds of the most scariest moment in their life, the trio raised themselves from the table, peeking a little to see that the pistachion had left the library. They sighed in relief. “Man, that was intense.” ~ Zack said as he felt his heart racing. “Yeah, we probably should think of a plan now. We couldn’t just stay here, hiding from the pistachions, until we become rotten and forced ourselves eating all the books.” ~ Melissa said over explaining what the worst case scenario will be, which makes Zack even more uncomfortable. “You know that’s not working at all.” ~ Zack said as he turned to Milo. ~ “So Milo do you have a plan, buddy?” “Well, not really, but let me check my backpack wheter there’s something that we can use.” ~ He said as he opened his trusty backpack to look for something useful there. ~ “Well there are not much things in here, hedge trimmers, wind chimes, some snacks, my 16 feet earphone, the anchor, just that.” “Wait! You have a 16 feet long earphone?” ~ Zack asked in disbelief. “Yeah, why?” ~ Milo “Nothing, just wondering.” ~ Zack “Come on guys, stay focus! Maybe we get some use of those items. Now let’s get out of here.” ~ Melissa said as they headed to the door. She checked if wheter they’re safe, but then a pistachion sees them and chased them down the hall. They ran as fast as they can, and luckily they made it to the door before the pistachion did.
As they’re outside, a lot of them already waited for them. Lucky for them that the pistachions didn’t see them yet. After thinking a little, Milo then came up with an idea. He then hung the wind chime from his backpack on a nearby tree, hoping that it’ll attract the pistachions and then set up the stage 2 of the plan.
Milo then pulled out his earphone, unplugging it from his phone. He then handed the speaker part to his friends. “Here! Use this earphone like a rope. We’ll make a trap, so the pistachions that passed through will be stumbled.” ~ Milo said instructing his friend. They then each hold one end and pull it so it’ll create a rope trap. After a few moments, the wind chime rings, attracts the attention of the pistachios. “This way, everyone! Follow me!” ~ King Pistachion As the pistachions run into the direction they planned, they then pulled the earphone to knock down the nut trees, in which is succeed. “Yeah!” ~ The three cheered simotaneously. Sadly, their victory celebration didn’t last long, as the pistachions finally caught them with ease. They tried to struggle free, but the clutch of the pistachion is really tight. After a lot of struggling, they finally stopped, knowing that there’s no use of fighting.
Within seconds, they’re already face-to-face with King Pistachion. “It looks like our mighty little time traveller and his friends are finally on my clutch. Well what are you going to do now, Milo?!” ~ He asked as he grinned evilly. As he tried to figure out of an answer, he saw something particular that caught his eye. “Hey, Mr. Cavendish, Dakota. Over Here!” ~ Milo yelled as hard as he could.
While from the vehicle, Cavendish and Dakota turned around as they heard something. “Wait, did you hear that?” ~ Dakota asked. “Hmm… I think so.” ~ Cavendish answered as they turned around to see the source. “Hey is that… Milo?! Cavendish, quickly! He and his pals are in danger.” ~ Dakota ordered. “You’re right, Dakota. Hold on, young fellow.” ~ Cavendish Both the time travellers then rushed their vehicle to the group of the sentient pistachios. King Pistachion noticed their coming as he then lenghtening his root from the ground and shoved the vehicle away. “No…!” ~ Milo yelled as the car flew away from them. “Enough Of It!” ~ The King yelled. ~ “Take those two kids to the ‘Lowest Of The Low’ dungeon. I’ll take care of the Murphy.” ~ He said as the pistachions brought Zack and Melissa away.
Now Milo is on the clutch of King Pistachion. His heart raced as he trembled from fear being in the rough hand of his enemy, without any plan of escaping, while his friends being dragged forcefully by the pistachions with no mercy. He swore that he could see a cut formed in Melissa’s arm because of being dragged. He let his tears fall. He couldn’t let this happened, not to his beloved friends. “Now Milo… you don’t need to worry about them, you know?” ~ King Pistachion said which made Milo gulped. “Why is that so?” ~ Milo asked, still trembling. “Cause you’ll never see them again.” ~ He said terroring him. King Pistachion then open his mouth wide, then within seconds… he BIT Milo’s head, causing him to scream hard and blood flowing hard from his head. His friends saw in horror upon his death on the hand of the sentient pistachion. “No…!” ~ He internally screamed to himself.
Dream Ended
“Nooo…!” ~ Milo screamed as he woke up from his horrible dream. He surveyed through his room. ~ “Just a dream.” ~ He thought to himself. It was a very scary dream. He really think that he should consult this with his friends, because now he managed to sleep, but he just couldn’t. He really need to do it, but he didn’t want to disturb his friends. So he had no other choice rather than wait until morning. He just hoped that he’ll have a better night sleep this time. He finally laid back, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
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Nesting (1/?): New Additions
Summary:  Welcome to the sequel! For people who may be thinking 'well, I didn't read the original, but I will be okay to read this'....this is not one of those sequels. You need ALL the context. Now, let's go to the battlefield...
Read it on AO3
          The armies stood ready, flags flying in the wind. The only sounds were the faint babbling of the judges, sitting close together at a table.
           One side was short two members, but they weren’t afraid. They had the battle plan of the missing Sage, and the Lady, while well-beloved, hadn’t been able to fight for months.
           Besides, the judges were the children of their Handmaiden.
           The Handmaiden stood proud at the head of his troops, waiting for his Queen to give the word. His husband stood beside him, looking every so often towards the judges. There was always trouble when those two were bored.
           Finally, the Queen’s consort raised her hand. The Handmaiden stepped forward, ready to give one of the three speeches he knew (he’d already used the Braveheart speech that month)…
           Then his phone rang.
           “Oh come on, man!” someone yelled from the other side.
           “Shut up!” Queen Charlie said sharply. “We talked about this before, remember?”
           The heckler fell silent. They’d all heard about the possibility of a character break today.
           “Yeah, Sammy?” the Handmaiden was saying. He paled. “Yeah, we’ll be there in a minute.” He hung up. “Sorry, everyone. We’ve got to go. I’m about to be an uncle.”
           Both sides erupted into cheers.
           “Send Lady Sarah our love!”
           “We all want pictures!”
           Dean nodded distractedly as he dashed to the judge’s table and picked up his son.
           “Daddy, what’s going on?”
           Dean glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Cas had their daughter before heading to the Impala. “Aunty Sarah’s having her babies,” he explained. “We’re going to see them.”
           The little boy clapped his hands with delight.
           Sam held Sarah tight as another contraction ripped through her body. “You’re doing so well, honey,” he whispered soothingly.
           Sarah panted and tried to smile. “You have no idea how I’m doing, but I appreciate the trying.” She winced. “Adam, how much longer?”
           “Don’t look at me, I’m only pre-med!” Poor Adam had been home when Sarah went into labour, and once it was clear she wasn’t going to make it to the hospital, he’d been roped into helping. Sam had never appreciated his brother more.
           Kevin was also home. He’d locked himself in his room to pray for Gabriel to “please come quickly!” (poor kid couldn’t stand seeing people in pain). As Gabriel’s prophet, he had the best chance of getting through to the archangel in time. As Sarah screeched in his arms as another contraction hit, Sam worried for the first time that he wouldn’t make it in time.
           Women still die in childbirth.
           But no. It couldn’t be. Not after the last seven years, after their wedding and the art gallery just above the bookstore…
           Please Gabriel. Please hurry.
           Gabriel appeared out of nowhere, looking a bit frazzled. “Sorry, kiddos. Bit of trouble on Asgard.” He put a hand on Sarah’s forehead, and she sighed with relief. “I didn’t think you’d be this fast.”
           “Is something wrong?” Sam asked worriedly.
           “No, everything’s fine,” Gabriel said soothingly, his hand going to Sarah’s stomach. “Kiddos are just excited to be born. They should be, family like this.”
           Sam smiled, but his worry didn’t totally fade. Of course his twins would be lucky to have this family—they had an amazing mother, wonderful aunts and uncles, and two cousins (with another on the way, once Hannah was satisfied with her nest). But…would they want him? He’d had some practice with Mary and Adam, but that was being an uncle, not a dad.
           “Sam. Focus up.”
           Sam looked at Gabriel.
           “You’re going to be just fine,” Gabriel promised, his voice unusually gentle. “Now let’s get your babies born, okay?”  
           The last few moments of the birth were a complete blur. Sarah crying out from pressure, not pain, Adam searching for the blankets Benny and Anna had made, Gabriel chanting quietly in Enochian...
           Then—“Sam, hold your daughter while I get your son turned around.”
           Adam took hold of Sarah as Sam let go, holding his arms out for the baby wrapped in a blanket crocheted with suns. The tiny baby looked up at him, and Sam felt himself start to cry. “Hi baby,” he whispered. “I’m your Daddy. It’s so good to meet you…”
           He heard Sarah gasp and turned to see her reaching for a baby swaddled in stars. “Hi sweetheart,” she crooned. “Oh, you’re beautiful…” She brought their son to her breast and he latched on hungrily. Sam gently lay down beside her, holding their daughter so she could feed too. Sarah looked up at him, and Sam was struck by the love in her eyes, the love he never thought he would have.
           “Our babies,” she whispered. “I love you so much.”
           “I love you too,” Sam whispered back, throat tight. “I love you all…”
           It was awkward like this, but he managed to take her hand.
           “Do you need anything, Sarah?” Adam asked gently. Gabriel was cleaning up, laying a hand on Sarah’s stomach once more.
           “I could sit like this forever,” Sarah replied dreamily. Then she blinked. “Actually, I’d better get covered up a bit before everyone comes in. And…maybe some water?”          
           “Water coming up,” Adam promised. As he opened the door, Kevin poked his head in, his headphones dangling.
           “Is it…is it over? Omigosh, they’re adorable!”
           Sarah laughed. “The screaming’s over, Kevin. Come on in!”
           Kevin came in and cooed over the babies. Their son finished feeding first, and they switched babies. Sam studied his son’s face. He looks like Dean, he realized. And then, he looks like me too.
           Adam had returned with water and some fruit and the twins were both cuddled between them—
           Then a stampede began over their heads.
           Adam glared at the ceiling, and Sarah giggled. “I think our family’s home.”
           Sam could hear Jody and Donna’s voices among the clamor, trying to shush the mob.
           “They seem okay,” Sam noticed. His son actually looked sleepy.
           “They’ve had a while to get used to it,” Gabriel agreed. “Oh, Balthazar called—he and the Braedens are on their way.”
           The door swung wide and the family poured in, Dean leading the way with Adam Gabriel in his arms. Everyone was in Moondoor gear except for Jody and Donna. Charlie’s crown was askew and Benny’s quiver was upside down.
           “Did you guys get any fighting done?” Sam asked. He was smiling—he couldn’t stop smiling.
           “Nah, we got your call just before we started,” Dean said softly, tenderness in his eyes. “Look at you two, huh? As pretty as your mama, thank goodness.”
           For a moment everyone just looked at the babies, all crowded into the small Bunker room he and Sarah had shared for seven years. Seven years leading to two new lives.
           “So,” Meg asked in a would-be casual voice. “What are their names?”
           “We should tell them, shouldn’t we sweetheart?” Sam asked Sarah. “After all, they’re the newest members of our family.”
           “Yes,” Sarah agreed. “And they need to settle their bet that they don’t think we know about.”
           The humans in the room blushed. Benny just shrugged. “Thought I could make some easy money.”
           “Well, we’ll see,” Sarah said. She cradled their daughter closer as she fussed. “This is Abigail Ellen. We’re going to call her Abby, that’s what my—my mom went by.” She blinked hard, and Sam squeezed her hand.
           “And—where are Bobby and Rufus?” Sam asked, distracted. They’d gone out for groceries about two hours before.
           “Right here, son.” Bobby pushed his way to the front of the crowd. He beamed at the babies. “You both did good work.”
           “Sarah did most of the work,” Sam said immediately.
           “You did work too,” Sarah corrected him. Sam knew she wasn’t referring to the ecstatic moments of conceiving their children, or even the months where he hovered over her, making sure that she didn’t want for anything (until she told him to go away and let her breathe on her own). No, she was talking about the years before, when he shook in the nights and tried to believe that she could love him. That he could ever love her enough.
           It was the hardest work he’d ever done, but today, holding their children, surrounded by their family, Sam knew it was worth it.
           “Well,” Sam said, coming back to the present, “I wanted to name our first son—”
           “What do you mean first?” Sarah cut in.
           “Sorry,” Sam sputtered. “I thought you wanted more kids; if you changed your mind that’s okay.”
           “I haven’t changed my mind,” Sarah replied. “But why are you so sure our next kid is going to be a boy? Maybe it’s a girl.”
           “I think you might both be right,” Gabriel said casually.
           Sam didn’t press that. “Anyways…I wanted to name our first son after the two men who raised me. Who made me who I am.” He held his son up. “Say hello to Robert Dean, everyone.”
           Dean’s eyes filled with tears. Cas took Adam from him and Dean gently took the baby, cradling him between him and Bobby. “Hey little man,” he whispered. “Welcome to the family.”
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Guess who’s finally on their computer instead of shitty mobile??
Now I can FINALLY answer all these tags!! BTW, I freaking love being tagged in things you guys, and being sent asks, and messages and I JUST LOVE YOU ALL OKAY?
ALSO, because I’ve been tagged in multiple of those question things I will just answer them all in one go. And because I’m pretty sure most people don’t want to see a post a mile long where I drone on and on about my little life, I will put it under the cut.
FYI, I guess I won’t tag people because I feel like I am WAAAYYY too late on this train and that everyone’s already been tagged multiple times and are probably “done” with this tag meme lol
Firstly, I was tagged by @court-of-wildfire AKA the most adorable little sunflower that’s ever existed.
1. What ancient God / Goddess is your favorite, and why?
You know, I don’t remember enough to pick. Which really, I should. In my ancient African history course we talked at length about Egyptian gods, and then in pt 1 of my world history course we talked about Egyptian and Roman gods. If I think real hard on it I remember being the most interested in the ones that rule/ had association with the underworld. Like, Osiris, Anubis, Hades, etc. Huh.  
2. What are five things (tv shows, candy, shoes, etc,) that was popular in your youth that you wish you can bring back today?
Lol I was just talking to my sister about how we wish Goucho pants didn’t go out of style. I wish kids shows were as good today as they were back then. Angry Beavers, Hey, Arnold, AHH Real Monsters. Sigh.
3. Name your top five meme’s.
I don’t really hold onto them long lol I’ll just throw some out there: The willy wonka one, The Boromir one, The little girl unimpressed with going to disney one, back when Leo never won an oscar, etc
4. If you could choose your own 7 wonders of the world what would they be?
Hmmm... I don’t know I think the one’s we’ve got are alright. lol oh god im lame
5. If you could have a mythical animal as a pet what would it be?
I’m sorry, who doesn’t want a pegasus??
6. Pick three artist / bands to compose a score for the story of your life.
M83, Thomas Newman, Flo + the machine
7. If you could only keep two of your five senses which ones would you pick?
sight and touch
8. What is your irrational fear?
Is it irrational? I am terrified of going off a bridge and into water in a car. Like I brace myself for it every time I cross a bridge and I have a tool to break the window in my door lol
9. What rule did you have to follow as a kid that you didn’t agree with?  
My mom was QUEEN of saying I couldn’t go to a friend’s house just “because”. It always just meant she didn’t want to deal with taking me.
10. What are some weird quirks / rituals you do everyday?
lol the only thing I can think of is that I HAVE to pee right before I get into bed. It doesn’t matter if I just went and I only have a drop left, it must happen.
11. What was the weirdest / craziest thing that’s happened to you at work and/or school?
hmm... the only thing I can think of right now is from 3rd grade when I was playing soccer and the kid with the strongest foot punted the ball and it went smack into my face and I flew backward and blacked out. I totally had that playground moment of waking up with the whole student body looking over me and them going “UUUGGHH” when I sat up and bled from both nostrils.
These questions are from the beautiful, the flawless, the perfect, @vukica10. You complete me.
1. If you could go back at any time in history what would it be? (Ancient Egypt, Victorian era…)
By that do you mean, if I could go back and be a man in any time period because let’s face it... I’ve always been really interested in Rome... but I also really like Victorian stuff too.. idk IT’S TOO HARD
2. Fictional world you’d like to be a part of (except for SJM worlds)
Harry Potter duh
3. If you could visit only one country in your life, which one would it be?
France I guess? I’ve been there and I want to go back and stay for like 2 months.
4. Describe your perfect boy/girl
lol well... If we are talking about like the UNATTAINABLE PERFECT then:
Once I get my BSN I will be doing international nursing so I want some badass buff guy who like.. works for the UN, or some nonprofit, or like does security and is mr tough guy. Anyway you probably meant personality. I for sure have a Type, and that Type is confident cocky asshole on the surface with a warm gooey middle. Who knows the times that I just need a big shoulder to lean on and when I need someone to like, call be on my bullshit and be able to read me super well and just pokes and prods all my buttons instead of just sitting there oblivious to everything going on in my head. Those guys that are able to read you immediately and call you on it are super fucking hot.
5. If you could change one thing in history, what would it be
LOL JUST ONE??? I’d say eliminating the Cold War would rid the world of many ills. The US and Russia wouldn’t straight up fuck every other country over in their stupid propaganda war. Can you imagine how different things would be if we had somehow remained allies after WW2??
6. Tell me one embarrassing story
Well the most embarrassed I’ve ever felt was at a friends house when I was in the bathroom for a while and there was no TP, I yelled and yelled and yelled for my friend to bring me some and no one heard, so I walked out and her whole family was out there??? and her mom goes “... wasn’t there no toilet paper in there?... do you need to go upstairs and clean up?” And I was like hey thanks cunt yes I do, excuse me while I go die.
7. What language would you like to know?
I’ll go practical and say Spanish. Just because I keep thinking about how it would help me A TON as a nurse. But I also wish I actually got proficient in French
8. What was the happiest day of your life
I honestly have such a terrible memory for stuff like this. I can’t pick a single day!
9. If you have a chance to meet any celebrity and ask them one question, who would it be and what would you ask?
Pssshhh idk. Maybe Michael Fassbender or Jason Momoa and ask him to marry me??
10. Have you ever done something illegal/dangerous?
Nothing more than some pot and underage drinking. Now dangerous... Idk that’s a flexible term lol
11. What was on the latest photo you took?
My sister and I at a burgers and booze fest
These questions are from @starofvelaris
First of all. OMG I LOVE YOU. YOU’RE ART IS AMAZEBALLS. like how even do you do what you do??? I bought a tablet and i haven’t used it because photoshop is terrifying THANKS FOR THE TAG!!
1. An evil witch casts a spell on you, turning you into a plant. What kind of plant would you want to be?
Hmm... I’d like to be one of those really tall trees in the Amazon or something
2. If you could step into any fantasy world from any book series, which would you visit?
Harry Potter duuuuhhhhhh
3. Would you rather live in the Autumn Court or the Spring Court?
Well, are we talking about with the current people there... or like, if they were gone? Because I would totally choose Autumn
4. What toppings do you order on your pizza?
Pepperoni and Sausage!
5. Describe your ideal Friday night.
Well, if I’m not being a homebody and actually being social for once, then dinner, drinks, piano bar
6. Worst book you’ve ever read?
Frankenstein. I did a Classics binge and I could NOT make it through that one. I tried multiple times. Sorry guys I just DON’T get how that is a Classic other than the “never been done” aspect. Then again, there’s several beloved classics that I hate. Like the Great Gatsby. Ugh. Kill me with a spoon.
7. Night or day? Dawn or twilight?
Day, I can’t go all night I like sleep. Twilight- well it’s funny because I actually really do like nighttime but it’s like... the hours between 4 and 10 are my best hours LOL
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Ed. Note: Wesley is back with another roundup of Memphis live music and fresh commentary for December’s concerts – everything from beloved rockers Lucero to pop superstar Ariana Grande to songstress D’Monet. Got a show to suggest for a future “Listen Up” guide to live music in Memphis? Just email me at [email protected] with the subject line “Listen Up”.  If you’re looking for holiday performances and live concerts, check out the Holiday Events Guide. If you’re wanting some Christmas music, check out the “Holidays In Memphis” Spotify playlist here. Here are some shows that you may get excited about, and a few that I’m excited about, happening in December. DECEMBER 2 We the Kings at Growlers 7:30 p.m., all ages, $25 My partner Erin volunteers to help me write these lists by sending me links to shows by bands that I’d normally ignore. Not out of malice, usually, but ignorance. This is one of them. We the Kings is an emo/pop punk band from Florida who’ve been consistently releasing music since 2007. They had a Billboard Hot 100 song with Demi Lovato a decade ago.They’ll be at Growlers supported by Florida brethren Northbound and local bands Fear. The Sparrow, and Brother Levee. If you’re excited about the MCR reunion, maybe check this one out.  DECEMBER 5 Tobe Nwigwe at Minglewood Hall 7 p.m., all ages, $25+ “I grew up with gangstas that had more lean on ‘em than Mike Jack in Smooth Criminal,” Tobe Nwigwe raps on his song “BOUNTIFUL.” The flow doesn’t quite hit right, but it’s still a pretty funny line. There are plenty of those on Nwigwe’s tracks, which slap. You can also buy tickets for a “Private Dining Experience” with him and his cohort for anywhere from $500-$800. I love this guy.  DECEMBER 7 Ariana Grande at FedExForum 8 p.m., all ages probably, $42+ Ariana Grande likes to wear makeup to appear racially ambiguous, but you know what’s not made up or ambiguous? The critical and commercial success of her latest album Sweetener and its world tour. FedExForum is one of the tour’s last stops, so this is one of your last chances to hear some perfectly precision-crafted pop hits. (Ed. Note: This show is the same day at the St. Jude Memphis Marathon, so expect downtown to be nuts.) DECEMBER 8 The Get Up Kids at Growlers 7 p.m., all ages, $20 via Facebook To be honest, I could copy & paste the blurb about We the Kings and replace some band names for this one, but that’d be unfair. The Get Up Kids is a more-famous emo/pop punk band that I also had never listened to before Erin suggested listing them. Once again, if you’re excited about the MCR reunion, maybe check this one out.  DECEMBER 10 Rob Jungklas at The Green Room 7:30 p.m., all ages, $10 7 Sisters by Rob Jungklas Memphian Rob Jungklas is a hard-working man. Not just because he’s been recording and releasing music since the early 80s (including the 1986 track “Make it Mean Something” which broke into the Billboard Hot 100), but also because he taught school for a decade. I got nothing but love for the educators. He also makes some very solid music! Just during casual listens of various songs on his Bandcamp I thought “Huh, he kinda reminds me of Michael Stipe”, but then I’d hear a song and think, “Huh, he kinda sounds like Son House.” Then I looked at his portrait and thought, “Huh, he kinda looks like Jeremy Irons.” That’s pretty cool.  DECEMBER 13 Lucero at Minglewood Hall 7 p.m., all ages, $21+ Lucero via All Eyes Media We seen ‘em, we love ‘em, somebody over at AMC really loves ‘em. It’s Lucero. You can’t even call them a local band anymore,  they’re just a Band. Did you know there’s a Mexican singer and actress also named Lucero? And if you search “Lucero” on YouTube, this is the first result? And YouTube lists our Lucero’s tour dates underneath her video? Do I smell a collab? (Ed. Note: The Nashville newspaper once published an article about a Memphis Lucero show accompanied by a photo of the Mexican Lucero and it was incredible.) DECEMBER 15 Folk All Y’all: Cory Branan’s Birthday Show at The Green Room 7:30 p.m., all ages, $20 Last year, Wide Open Country called Cory Branan an “alt-country troubadour”, which is both true and untrue. His music can definitely be called “alt-country”, but I listened to a bit of his 2017 album ADIOS and was surprised at how much genre mingling there is going on there. I was ready for heartland good ol’ boy dreck but instead I got some punchy, punky tunes about racist cops and death and going to Hell. Good for you, Cory.  DECEMBER 17 Annabelle PLAYE at the Hi-Tone Cafe 7:30 p.m., all ages, $10 Annabelle Playe – WeSA Festival 2018 from wesa on Vimeo. Music concrète is an experimental music movement originating in France in the early 20th century which you can read a bit more about here. I’m not an expert on the subject, but from what I do know, I believe Annabelle PLAYE fits the bill. Robert Trexler, who is also performing that night and is the founder of the Memphis Concrète Music Festival, seems to agree. She’s also French, so there you go. Solid walls of electronic bleeps, bloops, buzzes, and gurgles are expected, as are some trippy visuals to heighten the experience.  DECEMBER 21 D’Monet at The Green Room 7:30 p.m., all ages, $10 Ayyyy must be D’Monet! I’m sorry. Anyway, D’Monet is a soul singer with a malleable, refined voice, holds a BA in Vocal Music Performance from our very own LeMoyne Owen College, and has travelled the world training and performing with all kinds of folks. She’s got the skills to back up her resume, and I’m not sure there’s ever been a more perfect artist to perform in The Green Room. Check the video above to see her performing at Crosstown Arts. DECEMBER 27 Scarface at the 1884 Lounge in Minglewood Hall 8:00 p.m., 18+, $25+ Scarface, one-third of the classic Geto Boys roster (R.I.P. Bushwick Bill) and one of the best rappers of all time is playing with a full band at Minglewood. The show poster shows him tuning a Telecaster and I’m losing my mind. A lil’ twangy-ass Tele! I didn’t even know he played guitar. Some of the best shows I’ve ever been to or watched were rappers with full backing bands. “On My Block” with a band would probably be great. About The Author Wesley Morgan Paraham is a Memphis native, a University of Memphis graduate, freelance writer and PR professional who spends most of his free time in his Midtown apartment playing video games with his partner. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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