#also not luke because i genuinely forgot about him (sorry bby </3) and i'm too lazy to add him
cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
alright lets go time for some of my aspec headcanons because, sorry to break the news to you, but they're all aspec. all of them. Also this is just my headcanons you hear me headcanons so like don't send hate or whatever. it's dumb and you'll look kinda pathetic tbh.
Also while writing this I was reminded on why i don't make headcanon lists anymore: they took too much time and I could be doing something better, like writing fics lol Anyways i really hope y'all enjoy this, once again just my hcs, but i couldn't get this idea out of my idea. (also tagging @ohheyitsyouagain for telling me to do this and also like helping me realize that boy all of them are like aspec lmao) Without further ado....
~~Aspec Headcanons for the OM! Boys~~
This demon could not care less about romance
For a while he just simply chalked it up to not having enough time: having work to do for Diavolo and taking care of his idiotic brothers really is a 24/7 job
But when his brothers (Asmo and Mammon) set him up on a blind date, he realized he just...didn't care for it
He felt very detached from the whole dating and romance scene, so he doesn't dabble in it. Simple as that
He doesn't really care for labels. He just knows that he doesn't want to have a romantic relationship, and that's all that matters
He once mentioned it off-handedly to Asmo, and the younger cried
Lucifer had no idea why--it wasn't that big of a deal--but he still comforted him
Asmo was quick to tell him that he was just so happy to feel seen
And Lucifer...wasn't sure how to respond to that
He simply comforted him and told him to go rest
But at least Asmo seemed happy about the little piece of information he gave
But whatever made his brother happy made him happy, so. yeah.
Romance is just a very weird concept for Lucifer in general
He realized that he doesn't know much about it and then from that realized he doesn't understand it
Something Lucifer doesn't understand? Impossible. So he just pretends that that's not the case and goes about his day
he doesn't think too hard about it
Similar to Lucifer, he too does not understand romance
Don't get it wrong! He wants to settle down and find someone nice to date and do all that romance-y stuff, he just...doesn't really know how
He tells himself he's just really picky with who he goes out with. And that's because he is
Yeah, he's pretty picky. And with the people he does like, he tends to accidentally come off on the wrong foot with his tsundere vibes he gives and actions he does
So it's rare for someone to like him, and even rarer for him to like them back in that way
Stemming from that, he just isn't too big with sex
He definitely probably tries to play off on how he of course has a big body count, he's slept with so many succu- and inncubi
In truth he doesn't like to sleep with someone he doesn't know. He needs to go on a few dates before doing something as intimate as that
And sometimes...it feels a bit too intimate. Sometimes he just freezes up, and he feels so bad about it too
Why is it that some days he's completely fine with the idea of sex, but on other days he would rather have to deal with Lucifer when he's pissed than have sex or even think about sex? Was he that messed up and weird?
It's something he takes a bit of time to come to terms with; he deals a bit with some internalized aphobia, but he soon learns to be happy with who he is
*self projects so hard*
This boy can fit so much internalized aphobia it's insane
He's always hated sex and the idea of sex. Which was weird already
Why was he so weird? Why couldn't he be like every other normie and just enjoy it? He watches....hentai...and has no problem with that and...getting off. But the idea of sex just put him off so much
When he thought about it for more than a second, he felt so uncomfortable with it. The idea of being so close to someone, the sweat, moaning, skin-to-skin contact, so much touching....
It grosses Levi out so hard
And don't get him started on romance
He's always hated watching the protagonist get the girl in the end. Main part of why he struggles to watch romance animes
He just assumed that it was his Sin acting up. Why did all the normies get the girl, but not him? Why couldn't he get someone like that?
But he also detests the idea of dating someone
Why can't he just be normal? Why does he have to be even weirder and make an even bigger gap between him and normies?
He just stews in internalized aphobia while he distracts himself by playing games that aren't romance-orientated
And if they do have romance, he just. decides to ignore it
But he's just so sad and takes him so long to learn to be okay with who he is
*also if you wanna read more about this go read my fic about him being extremely aroace please and thank you :))))*
Oh how he hates unnecessary sex scenes with a passion
It's one of his biggest pet peeves, actually (well, he has many pet peeves, but this is definitely up there on the list)
But sex scenes in general he hates
Yes, he understands that sometimes they're important. They might not move the plot along, but it is something people do. They do it to show how much they love the other person they're with, and it's just something people do even if they aren't in love
Doesn't mean Satan has to like it though
He hates reading it. He often skips the parts too. Books that don't have sex scenes are by far his favorites
Even ones that allude to them make him feel very Icky and Gross. He hates it and gets very angry over it
He just. can't deal with it. He is very much repulsed by sex and hates it with a passion
But also realizing than he's asexual felt...freeing in a way
He immediately felt so much better that he had a label for what he felt
He finally felt happy about it, and felt a lot less frustrated and angry over the whole thing
He felt seen
Now, as the Avatar of Lust, of course he loves sex
Who would he be if he didn't? (...he didn't like thinking about that, too existential for his taste and stressing as horrible for your skin)
But romance?...that was a bit different
He just didn't care for it, simple as that. It didn't interest him
He couldn't get himself to get into it, no matter how hard he tried. And believe me, he tried
He just could never form that sort of romantic connection with people like others, though
He always thought he was so weird because of it. Why couldn't he just date like normal people? Why couldn't he just feel comfortable with kisses and dates and those loving touches from a significant other?
Being in a friendship just felt better. Or even doing those "romantic" things but in a qpr with someone made him feel a lot better and more at ease, too
But he just felt so weird about it. If he loved sex so much and was happy with that, then why couldn't he be the same with romance?
When Lucifer and Satan told them about themselves though, he immediately felt more confident and happier with who he is
Because he's not alone. Other's understand him, especially Lucifer and Barbatos
Barbatos is someone he frequents to vent to or ask questions about aromanticism. He's very kind and helpful, and Asmo cherishes him for it
He's proud of who he is, and wants others to be as well (once again plugging in my fic that features an aro Asmo okay thanks bye)
Beelzebub isn't really romance repulsed per say, he just doesn't really look for it
Like, he wouldn't mind being in a romantic relationship with someone
But he doesn't actively search for one, or really care about not being in one
Finding someone who enjoys his company and makes him feel good is something that sounds really nice, but he also doesn't really care if he doesn't find anyone either
He needs to really get to know the person before they start dating
Even more so before they could do any sexual activities
He needs to be close to them, it's such a thing he holds highly and is essential to him for his relationships
He is kinda ambivalent with both romance and sex though. Like, they were fine, but he also didn't care as much about them as others did
It was usually just a matter he shrugged at and figured he'll get around to it at some point in time
Like Lucifer, he doesn't really care about romance. It's not something that he spends too much thought on
Unlike Lucifer, he doesn't mind the idea of dating. He just doesn't care about putting the energy into it though
Belphie just doesn't see why he needs to. He's happy with where he is now, so why change it?
Like, if he found himself in a relationship, he wouldn't mind. But he also doesn't mind at all with not being in one
Similar to Beel though, he needs to know and be close with the person before developing feelings and being fine with dating them or being in a romantic relationship
But in the end Belphie really just couldn't care less. Like he really just doesn't care
He doesn't care about romance, so it's hard to see himself in one
Again, if there's a special person that comes by, then yeah he could see himself being in a romantic relationship
But like other than that. He just doesn't bring himself to care
Of course this 🙏 Pure Angel is asexual
In all seriousness though, Simeon mostly abstains from sex
Unless he finds someone he really connects with, someone he truly loves and who loves him, he doesn't do sexual activities
Even then, sometimes he just. doesn't feel it, y'know? (i hope you know because i literally don't know how to explain it)
Sometimes he just feels Icked out by sex
He loves other romantic gestures though, like cuddling (he loves cuddling so much, like he just wants to hold his significant other so badly all the time)
But he has such a strange and weird relationship with sex, he struggles with it a lot
Mostly if there is someone who is interested in it while he isn't
He feels bad about it, but after a while he learns to try and communicate his needs with his partner or future partners
This dude is so aroace
That's it that's the section
He's known since like forever and has accepted it a long time ago
He's very knowledgeable (as he is on any topic) so many of the brothers and those in Purgatory Hall often go to him for advice or to answer their questions
Mainly Levi and Asmo went to talk to him, and often went to him for advice
He is a demon of many talents as he both bakes and gives solid advice for them to just love themselves and, even if they won't believe it now, to know that the panic over everything would fade
He's accepted himself and who he is, and just wants his friends to do the same as well
(also ugh this is not related but levi and barb being in a qpr makes me feel things am i the only one? yeah? alright then)
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